Tin: WILMINGTON JOURNAL. ((XKiCDKIlATK STATES OK ANEI1ICA. V.P.MIViTOtf, N. C , SATOKDAY, AUG. 22, 1SC.1. fi kait in 032 hl probably commence on ."Io-.: dv and ft3 lDe auctioneer woiIJ aay, continue iK a jay to day u tii all is said. It will be an embarrass-in,- operation, tut if will bo carried oat, CTen if it docs take L-.r.-y dctn-hrnea-a from Meade's, Grant's and otber armies tu net- .rrpl si -t, ftr it U q iite asr qai&ite for the Yankee a jiiiir.ii'r.',ion to establish acd miintam its power at home and its pre-uige abr&a-l as it is far it to carry on war snc cln, y ag :usi tha South. It is trae tbe draft willnot jiv j qi:i f'ie ru-ibor that Lad been proposed to ra'?e by ir, bin it '. I rai-e n.em and a large number of wen too, Hn-h ns tl.ey in.tj be certainly nun t' at can ard will, as a Hi'c. i u tr.e at rfde better th.u our soldiers; and they v.IIl cuke 'heoi J i it at Charleston and e'aewhere. Their m i hsj el m, j i.iLCtt re at least e'j'.al to those of any peo-rl-- I i wtrU ai.d -srith tbo?, with tk?ir navy and thei; u.":!.- vf i-erij. ted Cgra they rnust always be formida b, c fx j !y in the i.t;aek or J. fnce cf fortified places. :a tY.- t'.wave given the adciir.istrRti-an cfPrtsi. Ji rd heaity support, but we have not b L a ! -;, c; . r.- !v. s to -;ivc it vv :-t ct c-are th.cgbt.esf i.ii ULreasouing support. We y cpon our generals in re - j jt.pI in t!.e fcue aiid cry ngvli-B. them which ii-rs :rcm th utthiiikir.c wlin. although tf ev max? ' ' ha 'i.'.-od m:cl.':e?, thsy hive failed to secure it. Th s tew (.;;: j 'r.'.ioa v.'o think we feel juatiSed in saying that bee'! r-rir -vou? mistakes made, which, persever r; to eriLb truis. Amorg these mistakes at tiii-r i jvo ed ir:, vu vi i.r' vrhi !i i. ted i'i tire: afterwards, was the PreM- . .-Li r M.-cdv ri d u. changing cppcs.tion to a navy, so far f. l I'.T 't up r f .- ;. j.' r th : neglect of the br-t m: aus of securing a navy i- vi.V.cd as iadicativa of opposition to the baiidirg '.i bra-.h of thr public a&rviee. We now see how - .t&!o;t'iji.;e !::?! ct LcarM upon ca. b-jt i: its we i.11 Cm- ih adTiiuii! ration urder-esti-... 'wv-i-si ui f the wir. it ur dertook to obtain 1 a,;:i cis-ia! ppcc&Utloa, blockade raaners, of division of gymboliams of s'rif. Wh:tt do w bere in fi tiuiJxibuij wuu waf aujr uay ijvvt; ii7 bhvio i-uing m otir streets, care for the diapp'ntment8 of politicians who may choose to get restive, and awa3' in their quiet or ncqniet, bnt seenre ean'tmns iD Raleigh or eltrewhere, may think it right for them to ' ick np a fus with the Con federate goverDject, create dissatisfaction amorg the peo ple, raie part ;ivi.sirs ia Noith Carobni, complain about little petty apj oitmetits an nil but national ioBuiia cry woe end havi c, ard do harm geiierally. Whtr -Jo we Care afocut fuch thirds, or tech -e"pl, except o depre cate the one and deuonLce tho other iNo'hintr at noth ing at all. I'oes tie soldier who toils in thetienches, or maichen qcdor the fun. or bres hid re-t to the tt; rm f batile res ect ihp jelpiig of fnch or des he dtsp eetheiii? Would ihet le e u'd aflord t desp se t?ir, bnt whi'e te is e.ving h; country in the f;or.t, i e find., that they are feindli-g a lire in his rear. Ic may be nnfornnate that me'tiegs should be heid iacarp rofetir.es of a pcliiical ct.aTecttr thuih Eot pftrtiziti. Put np .n whom doe the j blitn e pro. erly reht ? Ipm t'. eo:dira who thus viudt- cate ttemselves or npon those wt o bsve ftced theci tn the coaise thpy have adopted by rend-ritg anch vindication necessary ! Jf we cja'd bp taught wiodcra bv tolerably fc-tter expe rience, we think ought to have acquired son.e by thi time. Eu' ( s;euil;a-dto tetea SurJy it i time tie teopletf No;ti C rjiiua had k-urredto icck with enspi c on n;on tho-!o dem-gos.ueH who wnu'd be'rav their hoDor loraiijisi o! potge , aLd eat all th-potarje thtmselees Daxty Journal, 'ilth iusL Cf tbe thousAud and one reports irutu i;iiariet.n, we cn as jet mahe bu-t little coLrectel sens;. Ore th ng s certain, Humfer is a thing id the past, aad brick wails as opposed to r:'f.?d cannot., urc I ttie better than so many scieeiis of paper, hile on the ot' er hand sand forts teem to be virtually it. vulnerable, fcura'er, ft ihcogh occii;'jing the Ecst consmacdirg posr on, aLd beii g the btroiigest for ollenbive purposes, was really the roost, easily reduced of all the deecces of Charleston. The oficr woik. utill ntand, and although the eien y can throw Be lf iuto the city, ai d have already doiic so, they have cot yst been abla toti.tow themselves there; nor are they likely to do so, for s ire t me BY TELEGRAPH. MH THE ASSUCIAtKU PKRSS. Ktio'U of tle Hrss A ociio. " Ftitert-d according 'o the Act of ''cnirss, in tbe year by J. H Thhashkh, iu ti e Clark's Office of the District Court ot tbe Oor.le iera' StateB for the Northern Dis'rict of Ge' tgi y obtiicia;; or otvaio? vessel o&J!cr ' a least, if at all. o-.vii fnjfcri. and brincin i.i poods on rVheoce the fehe "a cm me th.t Jell iato the city cn Fr day . 1 h s it ha. 1 to p irtially abandon j cr Saturday, stviui to be a ni Ftr. It is a d that they (i-u.-) of grest-int failu e ar:sirg J were thrown from booj gun? hk h mut have bec olant- cxtftit fciid duration of the . tif t! 'i-ii-?y cf thT p.oj iCtiUs with which ite --"re kju; ted. Vi'o hive often, lor or azo. t3 :gir? th? necessity of having heavy the u-;h we ehoa'd hava but few of .!:;u. llocet f-eica have pretty . , Vr a c jcL: d hut the id ja that short o. vduuh; iia can cc, ileal fencers fully with .: r-u itist.u lUzna latter could not : . ! ji I.i. j 1 v, fh any chances of sue - '"'y : our:?, wherj no c iTpcrtaLt ? v."-i:or, tiicy w;i bo, und wo iiiiit xpecj t : fa.il ia cur d -fonco cf these places. 1 . 1 a:ni',:iit!i. a U vow alive to heso 1 . ; i . ;u; iiow M'ant 'iht to have been .o, nal ecu 1 havo been better h c.-iiv. We o:-ly tru-.t thii the efl'jrt may :-j-ivj our tic,- reraaiuing eeaports. Ii .i ... v.c Ltytstt it dowa to tLeer diggiag -vc b:tu erro-3 on th part of the Admia toJ by th- iruk; thut wou'd neither ac- rc; r'r thvtu. Although a ttrorg friend cf )n wo cjur.ut z.A em -it either to conceal t:::c d tdjutatt Fkaj-'e J. Ikklaxo, of the , v.vv V Li. II i H iU liidl L :' Ia Or rcth:ir battles cf (lettrrhnro- :n. j . n, C ;l.-53 Ct JU'Y. Ap. li.iwpi'.-r. vs V.ttv i ;Vj ii it as well as the list cf casuaUies ::.iite, 7o etc I cot, of c-juiso, republish zys.r thr; kss obliged io Arjjtant Ikeland. ;:x ca 'rs of thh kind the sooner reports ' - rcattr is their value to in and to the r t v, v-Lich Ist hi, a!ter ah, the main i : v.y , observed here cstf- fay with i fc.l i- -::'ty vLlcii.ifc these daja, t.t least, does v'v F:,.1:-yit. elf. The services at the ditter 1 :. . cr rii tv:d jr-jcrilly well attended. A - . '; tUa Mas of the wharves to ob- rticr, pictentcd tbout tho only or Coxmhsiry wagons a omidsioii which they e t:tett : uji.iy. i'crh:ip3 they cannot.al o iit.rt we, a.3 a people anl aa individuals, bowed ourEolvM down in hrnib'e ackuowl- v. t-r a I'd lai-jsst.v of that directing provi vr u-: all, and ivhica deeidea t.Il things lor 'nj s.enic.i to pevaie a'l classes and !' It acocuntcd for the total absence cf cd in a f pot of r a: try iiand iwtt-ii I'onip Island ai.d Jan:t8 It las d Ihs ecrxs amcst ia p' nt,ibie, or at least if i-otbihle, it i mo t txtraordinar, biuoe s; me of ti e shells are repcrted io have fi-lieu far u; iu the city, i.way sbjveiho Chariestou H. 'el, ujd e.eu aa high up aa the Plank Ik ad General i iLi.it )aa h.is a 1 i'i eomioaDd unlimited means i both b sea ar.d i-ad, ai-.d will ue thciii aabparing ly. 'iha o'a city L;y Lave u.:;, cnta''n'y v-ii h ivo mucl to huHir. But t-he tti.l Jives, and may jet i:ve long, evu al though heavy cacaoa have succeeded iu knocking to piects a mcro briok shell i kn bviruter. uui, n il- litk ai uie tii.ng in an i s asi-ecw. Vte arefar'iom givi r-; vp Char.VsVL,. but t;.tlJ it Wc.uld b. i f j'Jy io us t pretend t j pay that t har eston iay net fall aui gnppore Chariisto'j i&ll.u, what n- xt? Already, for al1 practical pn.-p , Charleston Habor :a ccmajaoded, and the :ii iuii:g cf th. bi- ckaJo at th2t point is no niur,.- possi blc. The great dc-put fcr cbtals:ng supplies ia now through the put ot Wilinii-ttcn, N. C. 'li tha enemy kaows just as well ai we do. lie o-3ld naturally, having disposed of Charlcstoa, lork i. Wimjxgton, arj if he tucceeds ai CharlcBton.he will iooJc to Wilminqton with a vengeance, witL a view of clcsdag thai hole at least. Anl he ill make a combined attack by laud aud sea. JS'ow it is full time to losk tLii thing fairly in tli3 lace. If there are defences yet to be constructed, it i time they were constructed at once, and for this purpose General Whiting ought to have all the 'abor he demands, if there are arrargemeu a to be made it is lime they weie made at once. The penutabiii. vf the comiEg contest approaches. Its actual shadow n ay soon be upon us. The thin be comes palpable. We can fee it we can hear it we can feel it we can touch it, almost. We camot rtccd to aciviBe .the comrneuiliDg General. Te do that, wou'd, in onr cupe, be Lke ulkiDg of war ia the ptestLce o! Kai mdai. but we can inform all our peo ple that tow is rotate to stand upon trifles. It labor is wanted if enpjdiss are wanted lor ih for a if Kuythhtg is wanted which the people cin furchdi, ui God's namo let it be promptly :-nd ch'.erfuliy done or lurLished. As we have alte: dy n maiked, the foolhjM which the entrry has already obtained wiihia the harbor ot harles- ton elhctualiy juLa a dtop to tie runuitg of the blockade at that point. That fcusicesa therefore concentrates here. Where the carets- is there will the vultures te also. Where the hloo hade miners seek to get in, there v,i I tha block ed :T3 be to capture them. We may expect the blockade oS thid port to be hereafur ir uch more rigid, for the double reason of more attention being attracted to the port aid of a larger blockading force being left available by ilu seal- iig up of Charleston. Now :'s the tana for the Ccntederata eovernm.rit tn nci. FRO Vt H A'i l,FsT( -. DEM AND FOR THE r UUN DER OF S'- 'i k AJfi ilOUHlS ISLAND i?IRING OJ 'll--: Vi l Y. Chahlkston, Aug. 22d, 16i. From & A. v u'-mi 7 P. tf. overlay, the enemy's oa 8umttr wa- vy fe .vy ; V2 ) shots wee fired, of which 7G4 s'rnek Fo-t Sumter ontide or inside. Ihe Enetern face wa birl battirt-d. Soma guaa on the East end aid North e hi face .'?ra disabled, 'the flag was shot down four tin.?. F-v priyat- s aod two negroes v ei- wounded iaHnmtcr. Tun etemyV ti a on Wagner cauatd & c-ftsual-ti'is iw udiug Cf-pt. fo t P.ir.g'e, killed Our sharp sh o'-i e a snoyisg ths Yankees considerably. I' is supposed tht the etemy bursted ( ce of their Par rott go' s yesterday afternoon. At ' 1 o'c ock i sc n'ght, a communication froai the ene my, utxigtifd. pett to Beburegard. deuiHcditig He tut render tf ? uinii:r and th- Morris Tsland l-atteri-s, with a not.flo if i i that the Cty would be fhebe 1 in four hours ii not c-:i, i with. Beauregard was on a reconnoi? ance, and J idan ittumed it for 'e s'gnata e of the writer. About 2 o'clock this mornia h.' enemy began throwing sheiiM iuto the Ci'y from the batteries ontte Majh btwe-n Morri s a;:-J Jam;;- fslnd, and distant five miles frotii the City. 1' wive eigat ioch Parrott s'leii fell in the City. No cauil tos. i tie tra :s.icii a i.i rgarda J as an ouf?ace on civiliz -J .'a.-Ure. The t-helliuij had a good etf .ct in hasten ing the ei jdus o? the nou-combattirt-?. At daj'uht i5 moruiug the euemv ooened tire igor ously oa .Sumter. Th-j Iron.iides f peued aid Furater re plying. Wdgaer ir ririog bri-k!y on th; eneaiy's advance works, four buudred tnl fi'iy yr-'sfrora ur battery FlK-:Ht-.U FhOM CHAKLESTON. ('HAKIK:TON, i 11?. 21, lo.l rihe ii oi iLe u-myV-! v.;d ba-t rits hi sheen kept up on MiMter arj m-.-e ga; 8 d siuouuted. uvn cn:Xy nccnr rd. i rule has been a heavy lire on Wtgntr torn the th-et aad hnv.i, M!)d ulso oi bttfry .iiegg- Th- casualties at. Wagutr a; it '."to olli:er ar.-d,four privates. Gi'moro'.s demand for the uurreuder oi Fuan?r and ifor ris s'a .d. with th- threat to shell Charleston ia lour -nrs fr.-tu t delivers of th pax-er at Wagner, wa Um-j ard return: ,; .-. 7 o cl-Tk, tbt-i moruirg Gen. Be .t. au'-ep.aru, in .tred hi ui ith i .rui'uani'v nd th-. i itatinn v. oi iv.u , h',o ":lh"rro!?that it ti:e i flense be repra'ed, r p! , the 1 no w,f n;:-;y s nagent ai.-i;-sur?s of reta'iation. Up to tals tiui.-; tiitf t.'ooat to kIipII tlie cirj his rot been r-x.v-aied FURTN -l.i -R-'V r,!',' ViN-SLf MTEH 'N K'JIN-? ilti UAi.'RllsON 'S'i ' !ivL TO Rgi,V IV QIT?.T. TE.i -ij'i iIJLS -TJjj To Uil SilKLLSD TO DAY. ClI AULKSTON, Aug. 23d, lSoh Cn ;--atard.iy 6-i i-hois e;e fired at Sumter, of wb ch 419 struck in-,i.o u-.d outside. The somti wall is much better ed, ;i.;d i. paits uudermincd. The north west wall, arebe. acd pnrapet have taL'ea in, aud the guns ixri db mouutci ; wounded one i:ri?;te to day which gives the corstrrjction of the 4ith section of the Assessment Act, when the hpldsr of a credit is nnwill ing to receive" paymer t to tho amount it represents in Con federate notes, and values it at a higher rate, tbe assessors ing a general mischief, and, In tba condition of tho coun try, indicates remits still more mischievous than are as yet apparent. We deem the eflorts alluded to highly unpatii " No man is ef importance enoush to be made in such fhafl value it accordhsgly. All credits worth a premium in titns as theie the subject of support or oppouition, in place Confederate cotes, rr so valued by 1 be holder, thocli be valued ai d taxed at the pr minm it bore on the first of July. Another cirolar allows f aimers to reserve, in addi tion to the articles specified in article forty three, instruc tions 15th May, only one i undred tuFbe's of corn, or fifty bushels of wheat, or any proportiorsl quantity of each, in aecordauce with tbe firBt section of the Tax Act. of the great questions which involve our right of self nov- emment ani the security of onr people iu their persons and property. I trust and I btlieve, that, duly impressed as yon are with the immense magnitude of the blessings and the dire sufferings of our country, as she may ro?per or fail in this grea. struggle for liberty and lite, you will not be drawn into a quarrel with any mn by any provocation, but will maintain the canse for its own pake end without, rancor towaids any but the g'gaDtic and great tee with hom we hvve to contend and fcuch do nresttc f' ts a make clear, beyond ail doubt, their treache ry to 'heir cou'.tr ard their trulls. I deire-at?, if possi ble to avoid thf m, all carccs importirg otlensively party dea:gLati. lb They only serve to bea1. and t dtvide to rusks heat tcilkout light. We are all secessioriats rlolt : at least he who i not is not with us ; and why reproach one another for hivirg become so at one period or another. For my part, I own I was not a secessionist originally, nor at any time ; because we adepttd a ocerritncn in the con stitution of the UriTed Btates. which bound cs to its pr ser vation Under the term- of that instrument, we could not retiie at will from it obligations But by the law i f uatu-e a d tt e righ'8 of civi ized men. we had right ami power to ovei throw Government, as far as it was oca Goverrunent, when it became into erably oppressive, u: der ihe rule of a secticnal majority over the weaker section, by a system cf bounties ana coarsen iil regulations, levying tribute trcm the weaker for the stronger, and by incifenr acti and graver threats plainly impaiiicg con'stitut'o tal liglits of property in a subj'Xt consti'uticg the greater .parrot the fubt-tatce Oi the weaker pople. The plundered po:tion ot a itop'.o DiUt feel the wrot done them ; at-d. it tl;ey do, they mu t recent, or be deemed unworthy to ho! I pro perty ertia'm any f anchi&e. Therefo.-e I thinu we a.e ergtged in a Great aud Righteous lievolution ; in which, frosv thrj begit.ni.jg, I felt that we put eve.y?h;n;r to stake, and for which stake lie 1, that I and every oua el e h ceseives the tarn of Freeman, cu; to fiht to the bit tere'd especially againaf an enemy who his orosi cated the war upon priociples, canied out iuto av.s. whi. h plain ly prove, that, if they shou'd regain their control over i s. we shall belong to a couutrj', in which cot only the law will not be supreme, but there will be no law for us hut tbe a bitrary will of the i-ttpoveiifched, embittered ar-d fanati cal toe, wi-hr u-, one feel ng of brotherhood i r us, but cherishing towards us the butest hatred. How ran tee ofl-jr to on ask toai sue") a ps p'e peace ? Thfy refuse even 1o coulor on the application cf ctvilizod u-tg s to the ex jhui:ge cf priscneri-! Then, how cd one of the States propoc terTS of peace? Los Gov. Vance's reply to Htaiity be coLs&lted for an answer. What can we do in tuehstiaita but with cue accord aud with revived miDds right and. tight ou until tlje enemy feels our sabjoga tiou impose iol?. I-'' n t pick furlvpM to pieces !" rrJeetlnrr of the 14th N. C. Troops. Cami 14th N. 0. Tftori'i, ) August 11th, 1S63. j At a meeting of Van 14lh N. C Kegirnent, held this 6v.y in its camp, to xpreFS their Eentimr-nls respecting the reeonatrtiction.a:jd r-oaorabie peace ptccuvitics eKdutior; wii1 !io muie i..r the VaDkeeHthan sny army ' u portion of the press of Xortb Carolina, on mo- 45ortl CoJln Folfths.'' Under this heading we fi d a lergthy Koilo'ia! iu the Fay rtteville Clserver cf tbe 17th iLft., Irom wh'ch we make the fol'owii-g extensive f xtrac, wh ch ve thii k is well conceived. Bud worthy tbe attention of onrrpsders We omit b 11 ,T e fist por' t.f the ai tide, in wh?ch the Editor elves a haFty sketch of thirg at the commencement of hcstilitire, with tie exception tf h sir pie quotation, in or der that the position rf the Olsei oer rray be ihe-t'etter ua derBtocd from the first iesuirg of I ij-coln's prcclanjation. The Observer eays : - ' The real act! urs of the mhth'ef are thoae who re'ased to Teczcize the s!oab!e fact ti n, afrer i irico'n's Prcc'a mati n of April, I8til, North ( eroli-a wes thoroughly uri ted in the determir.nt4on t rrsistthe sebjngati c of the - ru h under the policy foreshadowed by tl at Ptodmation. We say thrrcugh;y ncitf d ard know . hat wc B:iy. Witl more borrow than wo ever did ary ynbiic act, tMs paper t)rornpt'y and nnhesrat rg'y resolved to rraist subjogation Whhout waiting to see what the rnrmbers of tbe great party wi'h which had been iaettili d y ou'd do. and truing indeed that maiy of them v culd adhere to then Irvs ot the Union and come to a dlfleie it coucsior. frcm that at which we hi j-arrived, we feit that tbe ex stence ol the South as a pc pie and the Fecnrity of their liberty End propery, demanded instant and effective resistance. With in six hour3 after the receipt of that Proclaawtion, wi'bon conmhirg wi'h a human beiug, for there was no net d of coLfUltaticn abont so t-f If svid nt a propositi n", we united in th d 'terraination unanimously made by a frrest meeting in his town, to ' take a" proper steps to nmctin, secure ar d defend ihe r-f hf of iSottb Carrhna as one of the South etn StateR.' snd t support the authorities of the State in aser'ntg our rights and defending our soil. V had thf inex refisible a rati Goat ion to tiud that this action met with icojohl and u?iau.T:ona teponse (roni fit parts of the sta e. and from none more coi utal or onammoua than froiir o r o'd p i iiical fritcd " ' 'I h- t,ar.d i d h:j- very recently d -nied vi;h err:phasi. that it fa o;se re-cor.fit-ri cior of tie Uaioti. Of course it d;.es not Wint it aid, ' u th .Ch of May, 1R61, it httll w's?ly 'o'd? to. viz: th-it .North Crolira then 11 acted FP-Ai t.v," anl Wisely." Gut eor-ieof iin"pnds, not so di-crett as the vt.indaid, hao roue tevord it on this q e'on. Wiict-s-' the tieasonable i eaolutioo that dis cr.ced trie actio' of thf n retlnr in Surry county, which w " vr,- re m-'tt melt tc h:.rt in 'hs cvandurd t.t 'he 11th icsr. Th-:' '. ( i .i iif ti.:r hivp nan ftrpc.r. Rnt. nr.t th.ir. mivtinir iu will I tiAn .1 VV 'IVur-r pu pi tit ho 'hoir otJ 'I' - - ' . . " ' " ' - . T , ' , 11U1I. 1 . ... aiK.T IV' V i . VJ V li U 1 t UUU A. . J . I . ... . L encourage tQui a i-e r-srj.jno: aooor. T esce, end y m y an(j (j Jyakica appoiut&i Secretaries. own worthle . ' y.o.Wios.., i -gu..u.f , a.c uaony ins M Tll ciiiect of the rmetinj? was explained, nr.-d on rgatodji !h4.t th.v mitv hem t. fln.l f.-5fcr.fl in Knrth (tirnM- a Ti-h I ClOCUin Ct CflLit. J. M. GadgCf. a tommittffi of frtnr VOl.BiJ tO a.i'rl hf (hit tjnr1i..-.l unt n'lioM ni.li noit r,f ,na ' l! :i f w 1 rrnl r A.fr w,'.r,ltini,i, On- .1 ; ,1 C I ChaiBS Of Bi-rVi t ,-V.. capl I i :. V.i-e 1 u c i ou! cbsence cf despondency. I '" ,ho h'zJa k. (i. d. and he will Co j its operations in getting cut us much cottoa as it can, and In getting in as many absolutely necaesary things as possi ble, tor veiily the circle is being drawn very tight along our peacoast, and no time should be lest in doicg what has to be done Daily Journal: 2itk. th"? army and cur people at wi. cr to d.iy than they were yes- o,n prov,'osa msre trustful On Sunday tn.j laud ba'teriei opened from south to north, aad the tf i:to;s ir-.m ea". to west, comiuqr close up ; tbe lira wis very daniagniv. T;;e east wail is cracked and bt cached, and thots sweeo through the tort. A shell bu'st ed, woiudiag Licit. Boylesto, serijas'y; aad Col. Khett. Capt- Fi-jaaiag, Li,-Ui. S. Sculja nnl Fio'liag, slightly The Fort U now a ruin. Col. It.'ntt is p dered, wh his brive garrisou, to iul 1 thii outposS a-i a forlorn hope, u:t ttl relieved or taken On Ka n d.y, at. Wa.a-3r, a lieutenant aud four men of the ies train, woie wouaded. On Sundar tha bravn l.t Col. Gi iliiard lost his Jie. It in Baid to-day that there are 23 Vt-a-a!', melaliug llouit r--, .to., th rtfea of them out side the bar. Gen Uikru ie seat a co-tu -innio itiou at 11 o'clock on Suu- diy, givi!g noti.e that at eleveu o'clock to-morrow, hi would ooll tiro ou Caarios'on, mid th it iu the intatie the not,-. ;:. :b.;' t i':ts can r out. FHOi KlefJMOM). I ioumoki, Aug. 22, 18-J.1. AnoU.or dig ot trues boat is expected at Cit. Puiut ou Moud:y at no m. An iaterview will then aka place by ap pointiuoiit bot teQ the two Comniissioiiers tor tne purpose of adius.iog the itBiculties iu'.he way oi a regular t xchanre of piisoLer.-. Twe.cy-thrf e cletks of the t.'ity Fcst Oflics reaigned last night rfprcuut ol i; sulheieiit pay. They were only re ceiving sever, i undred dollars per .-amum. two hundred 'esti than the coer c t boa-d. The cfiioe has con equuutly been c-iobe.i lo-uay. 3a i no; i j.as oeen made to h ct an ar ringt-iui t by which the cleika wiil b :nductd to re.-uiu their work HLd keep the Feat Cliicc iu operation uu il Con gress rs i'fflbK Sevci u ,o the eljrks have join, d the army, and the n st propose to do &o ualeos the halary is increased. hat the" can be no peace without, pre-inuna y nesotia- tu n . Kui, it ia ro-tfctly m.nf eft that Jy.n coin's crovero- appoint and expressive cf the feelings of this regiment. The u.eit snow ut erh, uniilirg to neyoti.ite upon any terms fcllowl1' caed geatkmiU canafltuted the commit-h"t"- Qtscondi ioual f-ub miss ton. The Ftar dard s natn- tee: ni!y and pr' prly i po-iu to that, and no meetirg tutthis ore r: therefore onr &-Bllnt s !di." grest vtctciy, rr i;er:ea rr victories, or if our nationality n.Ki l et ti rt'foBiz-T. aon aa, or me xacnees had gottsn iia-3 -iiiu'eu ar Bucn UMfeTFoeim ierius. wrjv Ktotihoci- :tur-'ce th-3 en rev nd disc ours cs our own rf.. ail for iscthing ? If we h -d gained tome . oufttKie, V Lieut. W. J. Pugh, Serg t M. II. Cross, Scrg't G. Lieut. 1). JIannar, Lirut. J. L. Mitchell, M. Oudger, Serg t J. W. K.iirj'ev, Strg't C. apt. i. ifeall atcl Serg't F. W.Bodeker. The Unnpr Dsn TMvpr Valine ir, .i . . rr - "i j' ,u "uicu toe iirOvc n 18 looted, hag been known tor some yearg'to cm&!,' coal bJflin of considerable extent, and it wat -v,v,i'?' ' 1 that an thracite coal waa the predominant Stuuid I'll. lmpreeaion prove to be as ccrtr-d in ,,'t openings as it hag in the mine of Wade's ftr-1 th.. , field ol this region will be of very great vah.' ... , Confederacy. Meeting; or ll.e 51,n . vTv'r'.w. Camp or thk 54Tn Ko. Ca. If,,,,),,, t U) IJKf 10 l'i l the Mld N. Iteg-ment. for the purple c,f ' their disapprobation of the course of ceroa n p ,,', North C.irolina, who are advocating peace r-H"u'lu.s i , mental to the intertht of the South, ou Hoti n of Ci, , ! J. B. De Berry, Captain I 11. Martin wm 4! tit' Chair. Captain Martin, on taking the Clodr. nudo , very appfopriate and well t mea nrrarks, s, ti i g f r t " object of the meetirg. (n moiiou ol Lt (J. h i ' " Onpt Sam'l. J. Parfeam acd Lieut. W. W. Cd w, r j poisted secretariat. A committee of ten mea (o ,e t"' each company), and three commissioned ofilceis wc'r'ti""' appointed by ti.e Chairman to draft suitable re-olu j,.-.,' 1 the cccasdan. The committee, after hav.ng r-i- p ' few minutes, reported through their Chat-tu 'ii ' tt ' " lowirg preamble and resolutions, wh eh wti "i.u'lo., ,'" adopted : . 1 '"' nujjBKAs, netuB tiuicera .ioa men of tho .rhVo whidi, iu our opiuk n, is calculated to work d : - ...... , cause, and stimulate our brutal foe to g.-t .u- t ',' ,"' onr subjugation aud ruin, ' A ' Resolved lit. That cotiLletit of our ah; ;(- . .. idet.ee) to cor.qucr a peace and t alnUf thiLJe-.i ' .'i ' of theee States, upon a toli.l acd tqirub'e l I--' , . jact wi h sera and indignation, ar.d regard m bip.flry proposition from us to the Fede-al au 1 ' V looking to j. eacft or a ceisatien of hi stihtics. ' ' 1 ' JicKulced. 2d, That while wj do earoe-t'y r,,..il(. ,. termination cf this true', bloody and unniturU.ir v wi:l never content to it upon anv Other oeiiJ'tics t: '. . complete and eternal seperatioii of thesA rib.'.es ti.'u' 'i ! United Stato. Resolved, 3d, That we have ev. r mar-I'ps'td -i v r, , desire for au i;tnicahie adjustment ot t 1 o ii -1 j , ' exi8tiosr between us, and for the d's.-o-jtiuua.-'t o"-U '' tchen let alone. ' Resolved, ith, That while we 5 re r.-il!i:, - it. fSt 0..h. propoaiiond from tbe enemy for arrarging utii.s o a '' ment, we do denounce as disnon irable aud t i g,-,..,, 4 ' sric-h ptoposa's Irom us to the enemy, aud dec M t t 'f.t ,', opiuioa, aay, Fcheme lor thG rcconst'iif"' n , '; f '. Union upon any bas s whatsoever, det- rics tu i- 1 the halter with oar own hacd3. A'e.-.o.'Ded, 5t7i, That we are for an ui?,,.;o!i:u (- . tian of the war until peace stall be t.t.ibh -h-.d t'i u n. ., honorable to the South, and our indt'penjjucu j" (i , ' edged among tho great family ot n.t i r... Resolved 6lh. 'in it wo unite our voices with i-i t. .. noble Psesideot aud (iovernor, ia calling -upo;! jr triots and our fair Cuuatry woir.cn to rx.-n the;, i: :i 1', '.. m driving back to thujr duty all v ho havo si rts !y ted it, together with tht-so w.:o o.vt their scrvic. .1 i j ;.,'.'. cc-u.-itry, but are now tamely ard subiii!HMiv.M k: ,;. : : .. hour ol her pent, for tho eaku of i-hleld;: -::. , 89 oarcas.-t8 trora Xankce ball: t-. an 1 1 , . , erved iafainy those who r.re shui!jiL ' ,,. fatten the stia of dtth ;nor and to n.,i t, tude upou them acd their tvihtoiiiv. llfsnlnp.A 1th.. That ttift nlmtn n.i.rliii' r o t,,. ..",. 1: 1 . all tjortii Carolina papers lavoria;; tha cbjeci of tac 1 1 V ing. coiiMin EE : l.t. G. II. Lindsay, Chairman; Cnpt. J). (t . Capt. G. F. Smith, Private John 11. J'.vi- e "', ( ." Sergt. JariK-s tl. Moc r, Co. B. htrgt. a. G:i;t ( ,' Sergt. W. W. Fd wards, Co. I Privato U'm. h, . ....... ( ,' uzutwz amo? c themfC-Ives over tfletr cocs.riuticin.thp.rft I n0t- T t iinA,.am ia- u , . . " . K 7 . I LU(.U LJ W v 1 1 VaUl', All.. J UULLI IU1 it DUCltU n ui. r mc scuts j.i ioolobiuj io i.eoiJisa. AliU II o:-j r . i i " , . . !W.u,'ai o. f, s. .,.iQ ,,,-;! t .u P"tu iu u icw upui upnaic auu uuppv rernaiK3. toucn- IV- - ut A - A a: a -in J.A nail Lltl DVUlC U HlfHt I I . . . ' During the absence of tbe committee, a call was Corpl. l). V. Davis. Co. 1J, Scrgt. VVm. ii, MckJ;;,'1 lie re- ' Frivate v m. J. Harris, Co. K. oajn u. 0. ocKernam, i.uut. u. II. Ll:i ,v ,.r. 1 ! t, . . . . , 1 ' . , . 1 . . things occur. ar.d we don't V ink they will nel to wait i&g tbe obj-ct lor which Ihe meetm? asaemblejL acd addressed the audience, urging ujoa t'cmt'i-' -t ' 'o f-, we v. ib j.-.in them iu the hope that the Confederate letting the whole world know where he stands iu this of united aud determined eflbri at thi pau cJ' l'r'i r c' al' Ans.in'gt-.-(ti- u. (tee only power that can l.rwfoliy or pro- contest for freedom of the Scutb. Capt. B. Lilly and for securing cur independence. '" ' pony d s-. ) again propose teims -f peac a-ul nde- Dr j y Trac-y aNo entertained the repimPnt with u motion of Capt. J. B. UeBerry, to onpoiat i le- 10 nent'eco. or u.-gotut;ons, or an armistice to lead to them. ur o- irae yai.o tnicriainea tne regiment with Q represent this meetinir at a mectir - r t Koith ( ' , ?,v nth.-ndir.g the letnsal even to listen to tho formal 80me noble seutiments ihe chairman of the com- Soldiers, to be held at trVge JJSrt lloae Vlu i.ropr snio- carru-d to them by a cenmiis: i-.ner no lees emi mi t tee repcrted the following preamble and resalu- the Chairman appointed Capt. J. 11 D-i' iry n i' ' l ' tifn than Vice Pres d?nt StephaEf, a they had previouslv tiona. which were unanitnouahj adhnfprl sPir.rr.tplo Hamilton. ' ' ' " re'us 0 o ii e to the p;on jsition of Prcnident lhivis T he Srnmbud may n t possibly be aware cf srme of the irfl e-. 1 ti a w; led to and contiolled so r e of these me -i. ii h We h. ve r iison to I elieve tuat;in at. least one cine a meetj-.'g was in p. eat part composed of the immedi "te i lit f.-.B f iit r, iends of a number of deserters who are pcriiUi? hoot the w-xd.1- ia that netgbboihood. rnd that ' t. a:n ot j-'cr -e to c nnttnance tho dastardv c -ndoct ; ! t' (oc- uc-r ex-Wr?.. Again we have heard that the prime in v . t o sr.me oi te met tings a-e men between 40 acd :;", who arr-thus mnddiiog the waters for the purpose oi tieyi: lag erae mode of ecrec'dtg thtmseivr-s i'iom obedi tii e io t: eir country's call. Thev h -dd no vcsio.o mpf tirri . . , - . . . ..... I-t. Ogburn tha if'o'iig aj ui!i,o,l President Uav.satid Governor Vuiu.-e. On motion of three cheers lor Cant. A. Ii. AlAlM IV. ( i.i, ,, Capt. Sam'i. J. I'AiinAM, . . Lt W. W. Cc L3, 2crctari3j. V. !! isfu adopted separately collectively : Whekeas, We have learned frrm indisputable sources that aneeimg is iiian-testing iteeit among th? people in portions of N. C, which if not checked will disgrace its fair name; and, whereas, nflsction upon redaction ha9 been showered noon the Executive of the ConfA.terAiA ktctnu rt o r.nrtinn Af t ft nrncu rr tn Ut.trt rP!.. I I a r TV K T V r. .wrr,n ... -. v. . .... . i . ' - x---- - " - . ...... AUvltlUll,, I " " ' -" - Ml.U U 1 V. ZLiitnUlL)ll IJ(. I' we. the u'drsieroed members of the 14th N. C. Trnnna. mm Mnnimil tn - ' . n. ". snhmit thefnllowiro-- r J , "V""" faj vxuvLH.un ji One-;eis!i: ( I ..'... I ccrl'iin f:irm rrnmimo re Resolved IsL That we have confidence in the administra- . . r- . iu iiuiiwr, nut ,i tiona of Governor Vance and President Davis, in the ceneral ! lue 1 aDifees gec possesion Cl our count? y they wiil id olncer ers of onr aimy and the unequivocal determina ijn of low the producer Only One-tenth, cn tLoy are doii wh-u iheir yon ,er neighbors e;e carried odt, the armi: Pu, , V' , m. srjme Stftions ia their possession. We r.ci:,',a li.r- bat are suddenly great peace men now that they themseives . . ? nave icarn?d wun unfeigned re- mera i3 Mississippi and I'canes-ee wlo are P'-i.,., 1 , are caded to the ne'd. And mill again, a .rienS has M.ted V?l tVly Carolina enter- VAf. v M 5 t , ' : S a. rument or one of theso-cled peace men. which reoousiru ;uon, ano wnai they I . 7 -i , , 1 ,0i ' 'M,ri!'i;i thii effect : That peace aud reconstruction would df s,eDate V E a? honorable peaci," unqueMioaably eqaiv- aod Wheal aLd to the Coi.kd.rate Goverhit:t-.il to oit.ju iu rumuiMjuii, . r.prmiriffi rn ot nv top rpiMmmn i.-.i .-, .1 Resolced3d. That we are utterly at,d ineorr.Hhlr V,.. : 7 h . 0 V u" nr.Hed to these senfmenUs of reconHtnint:mn nr. ...... titt-iriicua uuu unuw n,e prcli, ,-r -. .. . - . ' . . LCilU- I . . I 1 . I 1, ... . - to na the ww 10 uii3 tnect : inau peace aud reconstruction would only rtFult in the abolition of slavery, and u& he and many , . , .- v. . - y , c, 11 ueru mu vu.ru- luir property would be s i. . To &ay n thicg of the biftecCoS of such a ujoi.ve ( f actio'!, it ;a t;;he ;-i iact. Th yankfco cenrisra-ti- a ii'W tmbi-acts t-vi-ry kii.d of proj er v. -negroes, lands, furri.rre, goods. . v -r- thi: r There is no exceution what- ever t.Ed he is sicDply a fo?;i who imagines that the law will ed honorable peace. Away with all grumbling aid i,n.- be varit-o to uif own case. The Court in Washington ( it i,,:s r.;.aaj fspienbly decided other wi-c, ia twenty cu-e rr.at can e Ociore it, aud ai- the property, tone cf I.oi7.y7 Ath H1..1 .1,. f V1..J ,1 . . , I .t.. U ..... L . j'm"'i y-' m iittu', ui uii.ua i-uai nave u wd, "'"'g tuuac vuu nave cuuugii to ffijp.'ly i.M'j.'f ov'n ' 1 mti who embarras- 51 ::' rh ! j i i i . . " ...... keea ard Northern citizens. aaa Joerai eupport, uoea not ueaerve to be lae. Resolved, oik. That while we disclaim any intention of 1 "ose v,h0. La.ve tte nieans must not e:op i.oy ;,r , . J'v- U t fW U, I O - -w frt'in houtEero vsms to mumed mnnnmpr.tfl thuf 1, hf of Q nf ti.;- 1 . , . . . tuwv vvuiv I vuw vruu vo v . A-iv i L VJI J V tl U'iH ill, oay attest oy taeir pre h nca in society the desperation of 8ffa the Government bv refusin t. nt t our coLflict-oreclu-ie the doss ibiiitv of Affiiintion vh va. . ... UJ ri-iuiing to g.e it i- t " : t'N. !.: j id : re 'IN tl . tr. X , i i ( ildeu' e f l Wiil c-ot2 ' j'.l.l'IM. C. Or.:. 1 M t .'. v -Ji too v !I v. ; v; u.,u ' i irinofs f. ' , . . . . i .; n:t-.i i-, as:b. Kagtucer Jason, and !. r Jh.'".-d Sttra onboat Niphon were . 1 h re near .Vii rile Grove Sound, on -. -. l:-:or.t ci e-.vnlry a- d iifar-try, from a.a . i. '! L.y h d como to plunder the l::jh L i 1 been oh.is. d ashore. Several cn.wijc-u in attfinpting to escape i;:e Wi-bw orth dotachmeat under Lieut. cn.r.;.--::ri:ru with the gnuboats Ni- '" : !"cc :-.ttc aptcJ to drjVe the soldiers , it.e s.-oi-:hc! did r.ct retire utitil ehe i y-h l.s in Lcr hull. Corpl Uai.l, of Bkao- e-y ir. th arm by a fragmtnt i 1.IHT. t.EKtKiL Uolms. V e weiepaiusl to Icaru on Saturday, though not directly from any member of the family, that letters had been received, stating the &!armii illness of Genera'- Hoiiiga, which seemed to give color to some iiidistinct rumours of hi death, v.hi:h lai-t, we sin cerely trust may not be true. i:iVi! -. a o ':..!! .. - r ard Whetl ioiothcr i I 0 13 I l is n'i'i- i :i w i;:i re n V.'ie i.ii.:?-. x-t t! COltf.'P 11 I-;" to rarit . I r.-L-e : v. o.i cur sivirt. ' '- s?.y any thicg that might tend to '' .v t yic, or even weakening the coa 'rt"::'" i'i 'heir ccciaiasding cfdjers. This r .vr f.ii'in.5 to publish any of tlis very many - ;e.ive;l by rs ia reference to Br'gidicr ; . . tin? in cofjirrhsn 1 of our forces at Kins ' : : : 'ly conceal ihe fiCt, however, which .va ; r corcealiiient, that these letters echo '1 v.'". eu they cha-ge upon General Martin . illv li ; when they say that hs cannot ; i cr.: f. oa Ms camp and see for himself. . 1. - L it ihcy sivo expression to an almost , :..-..y atd ouiof it, when they desire t:i; -.J;:r coremandirg at that impoitant v thii. tr.d so Joed every soUi.?r, cfS- '' t ; fin v. e have t.ilkcd. :?rt! .M.irtr! 1- iucompeteut, aa charged, is ; -.Ur--::: v, wlicl. "Ac are utabla to decide. I i.jvv-.s to le so by the parties cccupjiag . eitber r oitizoas or soldier., or eke -c cu.ii? in con: act or from whom we hear, -i r; ... dii!.-.rc'-tly from what they think "re loo ia w ishieg a charge is one j o'o v :Li; is r.aotlicr. aad. wa beJieve. c ,-.u! tl.isv.-:.'h is sostroncr and all-pervading .1 i.;.s; r .;:,e ul!ttioa. Unfortunately the t C -i'i-'-n the- raids of the enemy has not i ut ics. .tiose wuo hud lau'.t with Gene- Fikk An alarm ot fire was reised yefiterday ariou- jjood, which wo leam proceeded from the burning of sou e rosin or light sheds, ne t far from the Gas Woik. Jt waa very soon extinguished, and4 we preauaa?, with but trifling loss. Daily Journal, 24','i. v. ; i ; ,i tl .T t." - t : i At.7iv. ecru CO ,:::-s tj v j.. . ; t. kn-i"1.; i .a. n inavb c&nlidence to his ..:ry. Vv'e do not cake that the state cf exists, aad w, rer re: it : 3 ' ;-r i: better to htaie its existence -f: ' -r.s-s oe deemed well-found iiite, u not that they be distr. s :-. ol crera oi' Levr6raper discus' :.v -C"e tii!iir s. We kr A? We V'i m.3 iiiiS t: low the Lor.: his c; tc . e c .a a :juM'. t . ; . i - . i. .i j 3 the clock strikes eleven, and we -v.-;;cb tls abolition fcrce. stated ce ;ua biiubardruent of the city of Imo-st hear the shriek of tha ritlt exp.cs:oacr ded nlunre. To S cf Charleto-j, ihu UhnT nf yr - ; ; ' - " - 1 1 '-'-' expression be allow hx. ahu titjy ara eJ a-J directed by a clear, cool head atiJ coi 1 L-?t:--d saita&cr and artlilorist, who has ci .ou-d the i .-res of h a means an d appliances, ui.rjia tati!!y irrespective of which dam- J hj occasions in the pur- '..inc'Li lO ;i . d rt h J V.'.i . 4-e lc i..i.icts .r ui: s:i -ui: ci L1.-5 i uiikiis cuds. It is paiuiiii 1 yei striate, to see car ntriv tn:;s ttc .riong to blarre ia to c-ut: as foolia r.i was th people . with the ttiustt.i'y epproaehmg, raieia- uP party issues tuea-.s-lvtslrir tve are wrorg the T.e.nr.i ,a g these who do raise such is&ues. It conduct cf the inhabitants of Jp.m. ,ia wh'o '1 iifs was thundering at tho tjateii cf their city the fame of e l thii ia honest accng men. what ErwiNa the first fevea months of the present year there were 49 arrivals of Bteamers with cargoes from fore en porta at Wilmington and 43 at Charleston. I sppcul niiPitca to the Ji)CRNAr..l FROM THE COAST. Foht FiugH, C; u. 2ith, lietl. Jesxrs. Fulton L' Price Yepterday morning about 7 o'clock, the large steam fri gate Minnesota and fcix gunboits, sten-me! suddenly from their usual anchorage ta the wreck of the ilebe, some nine miles north of Fort Fisher, end commenced a terrific bom bardment of the sutrcunding shore, throwing at 'one time thirty shells a miLute. There were two small guas and a detachment of about fifty men under Capt. Jfiann, guarding the wreck npen who a all work had ceased, it being Sen day. These guns were on the crest of a till with no para prt in t'rent, save a few feet of earth. Tbe detachments at the guns res-ponded bravely and rired with ccolcees and courage, until the Whitworth was dismounted by a shot anrithe otter hjid piece was bune-u in the Sled. After the lirst terrifle lire from the seven 6h;ps, tbe enemy attempted a lanciug, but were repulsed, one of their rumber being killed outright by a r Hi bl!. .after this fail ure, tne ships ore-iea a h.vcer bombardment of shell, 1 shct, graje ttd canister, the ilinnesota dis- chargirg broadside att. r bi-oad'iide, acd effected a landing tbove our mtn. Capt. Jlunn seeing this, and his men having emptied the'r caitridgo boxes upon the enemy, retire t. The Whitworth could not bs brought off, bat its breech was taken cfFaitd buried,. Cur casualties were private Holland, of Munn's company, killed irstantly with parrott theii ; private Sicgletary, f Kamo company, wund cd ; I.ietit. Benton and Corporal Ilockidiy, of Whitworth detaet-Biert, wounocd. The enecy after landing guarded the wreck with their this whilo. carrjirg off some articlas found on the ehore. They get fr'gb'eLed in their work, however, ard set fire to the Hebe's boaf, and to most of tha clcth and blankets oa the she re, tho gun carriage, &c. and retired to. their vessel, but keeping close in until dark1 Keinfcrcfments were sent immenliately from the Fort, but as they bad no artillery they could not diitnrb the vessels, and coa'd only keep the enemy "oiider their guns. The hcuses, and fences, and woods in the neighberhco were riddled with shot atdsheiL Four shot passed through Mr. James Burris' hou3e. The hills arcund the wreck were furrowed like a ploughed lielu. Our forcsa had quiet pos session of the wreck lost evening1, and all is quiet to day THE RKMIMOND IV-ST OFFICE NOltT&EKN Ac. i(icnjioM, -Aug. 23, iHVJ. The dilli ju:ty with tho eleiks in tho post office has te.n satisfactorily adj isted, through t..e mediation of two ot three cit zona. Tie majority of the clerk have returned to duty, rel ?i'g ou Congress to increase their pay next ses sion, 'ihe pest odice will be reopened to morrow, aud the transmission of tho miils resumed. Tho lialiiuiore American of the 22ud ictt., says thy.t the Rochester caucus adopted resolutions providing for u Na tional Convention of Conservatives to nomioute candidates for Prasideut and Vice Presidiut. of thu United St es ; de nouncing setie-feiio, abolitionism aad niivsism, aad advo cating a vigorous proscatoa of the war, etc. After au interview with cx-liov. Huut, with closed dears, the cau cus adjourned s.ne die. A telegram from Leaven worth, Aug. 21st, Eays that Quan- trell with a force of eight, huudred Confederates from Mis souri, weut into Kansas and proceeded to Lawrence. Tbiy fired the town, after pilimg the stores and ahootiDg citi zens. Jaiu 3 H. Laue, was in the city and has probably fa.Ien into the hindjof tha guerillas. The Kicg of the Be'g:aus lecantiy gave audience to Jew ett, (Americiiu) a fnond cf mediation. The King believes that the decision of a jnst tribunal cflers the only mcauB for the restoration of peace, and that other governments should not be unwilling to join France in working in the interests of peace, riow that the South favors su.-h a policy and that humanity and the iEterett the world bas :na gen eral peace, invite friendly action. The draft in the 15th ward, New York, wa-j com.idetsd without the le-st siga of dHmititluctiou. Several promi nent citizens were drafted. The Southern bank cf Kentucky, at Carolton, was robbed on Thursday by sixteeu men, claiming to belong to Call's rebel cavalry. They removed all the money from the bank, amounting to one hundred aad tnirty thousand dol lars. Jthu A. Gurley, Governor of Arizona, recently died near Ciucicitati. The union majority ia Kentucky ii fifty thousand, and nine coun-iei to hear from. wunt; l.hs; ted ot slaves, w- cotdcu.ru d Brides the , . J wuu ' l" fuieives tne pnvi- yuc luu coubiuu.iuouhiv ci pay in'' txes It won esprcKS premise to ih X:rthv mi !()i3rs h i? been that they ,ee cf cictatmg terms to the people of Sorth Carolina, be far better to give One-half of all our vrov r'v .hull l,av the piantaiion, -a the Hcuiherw people sfoer con- w C0DJ"e yellow cit z-ns to co operate with ua iu the tain tbe Govcrcnnt thvi e 2 I rjuei ir g them. And, while the jonkee officers took the attempted f adicatioo of that mi..ehivous spirit now mani- l,n e UOVcrcm.nt, ttian be vtnun by b!..od-lt;ir.- targe possessions of tho wealthy i.hii.ter the jm.it ..i..., 'efcting itself, and tending to dtsconsole the gallant men cf anU brutal enemies, atcl lose all. MijiKvi-nin,;. tat o: s ot the non-slaveholders woulfir be thu Vcrv thing to aiii-t. to the biu at yapkee sohiietf, ho have been guilty o every sort o: 'itrae, thin ster.ling to to uu d:r. 1 etno man delude hiin: e!f vilh cn idea, which tha fctandaid s too i-eosiWa to m'p;t iu U r tn, moment, that the non-slavtrhold-ers would bo exempted U '.hey should be bo uuwiae as to make any peace shod vt ir.dep Kdetice. , fi,it upp' se they bhouid be so favored as to escape con fiscation, we sf-k theiu how they would manage to live in tu-jh a 8 Ate of eonety as would be forced ns.r.n ti.m t., which thry wfluld be the inferior race, kept down by Yan kee bayoi eh ? But prrlaps thrym:ght pnrchase a temoorarv cmn. tioo by dciDg what Kei'.inckv and Missouri and M are duirg, it al i-i, by adowi.,g themselvci to be ccnfcribed tu tho inside Rimy. That is the fate of those thru? Kt..t.a 'IM l..,.,o. . t . ... "v u l"or. ic naiiu i.eu'r.;i, a: u i tie coos on nc-s is j 4ju.c uiuusui uu ui uiiwuiin soidira in the yankee aroi" tut iat advantage wi ulj that be to our peace uiec r ji ooog a to rent at an, is it not iar better to fhiht ou ice Bioo i iireir ui-igpoors and triends, the r section acd ir-eir couuiry, ineir nonor ar.d their property, than on the nutiop AtkloHiiiN App'jiiitmtnl-i. me ortn oaroiina regiments, reminding oir ecuatrvmoo that thev would be guilty of ba-e ircratitude ware thpv to den v those who stan i between the bnlleta aliving wall of steel" thesapportao cal'antlv ChrlKt Cliwcb, Rowan couuty, UCBCI YCUi I - wioa y iivutU)a iifesolred. ei. That w exhort the ncnnlA nf ti. 5to. btat?sv;l!e,. give the necessary support to public servants such as they J1?11133' Chapel, Wilkes couoty,,. deserve, and to at uttheir ears to the fivrenaono' rf ih ,t t.- Wilkesbot o', tion of the press that advises reconstruction over thr r-nm. Grpvo Chapel, Caldwell county ses of their ktnsmeu. St. John Baptisi,, Watauga county, Jieaoicta tin. l at we hereby aopoiut Col K. T Bennett ocoir, l oiawfii couaty, and Capf Joseph Jones delegates to represent th:s regi- I arPailton, ment in the Convention of North Carolina rerimenis at i 'fl?:o,3vi Je Mitchell county, J 1 lftt 1 A onr. trill a wrii'igf' oil iciR i4iu proAituo Resolved, Mli. Th vt a co j of these rtsMutions be for warded to. and pnhhshed in the S;6te Journal ar,d Ra'eigh Progress with a request that all of the North Carolina pa pers copy. On motion, the msetiu'; acj urned. .'. W. 'iiUCY, Chairman. 1. C. 1,KMA, I q N. E. Jenkins, f .Augnt . do. jretaries. THE YANKEES Sb ELLIN G CHATTANOOGA. Cha.ttanoo(;a, Tenn., Aug. 22nd, 1863 noon. A Yankee force of some strength appeared on tha oppo site side of the river jesterdjy about 10 o'clock, and com menced shelling this place without warning. Our batte ries rep:ied promptly, and an artillery duel continued uatil five o'clock, P. M. A bttla girl, daughter of F. G. Roche of Nftshviile, wa3 mortally wounded: a'so ona ladv. Th ferryman at the river was bidly wounded. The enemy hairs reiirea. a.u ia qaiei io-oay. side of the r.'ean and base aDd malignant and thievish van k. Lditok : It will be nothing amiss for me to state ketn? Thy n;n-,t fight on one site or tie ot! er which 1 e '"c101'8 were not adopted nor the meeting at- sfiali it be ( Can any sensible man, to nay nnhi ji? about tended by a small portion of the regbi ect, but that nearly natrioiism, hesitate to take hh ttaod agairst the nfernal every man Preent was tnere to let u? know by their hear- yaultecs? ' ' ty yeas th their whole appobitioa wa given to the sen- huch are wrie of the views which w.i take of th present ndnio!i of thi--:gM. Theie ive others of more delicacv to con .rU..,.i v-c ,tt,u iu anuue itev are presented, not iu the usual stjle of denunciation now t o common, but calmly appeauogly, oven beseechingly. Some may think it b' neath their dignity to appeal to the -tanuar. We do not yv.- vi .ur, .,-i.a.c uuu tnu hi ii pen Gene 6 oi cur coun timents set forth in these resolutions God crar.t. that, wo may nwer have caTse to again say aught against the course purtued by any of the people or preps of the good old State. The soldiers are as much determined to be free as they ever were, but we would hail with deh!t an honorable acd a perma; ent peace. What we concci rt to be an honnmhi. peace is the untrarnmeled liberty aud freedom of these Con-H J 4 O 4. . A , 1 . tl .' .... try are oljcts of incalcoIaNle value. Thev would hav- .'ederate states, end nothmg short of th"s will begin to eat- it we had Vsa cf deuun- i8IJ m-.a Vpnuou joes and cdse-seekera may cry out been far mot e likely to be secure T. S. LE5JAY. ciation aad m -re of reaROu aud p&rsuasion. The onlv hone for 8DytDinff eise thy please, but the soldiers are firm in we havo of their preservation is in the restoration of that the.ir ' 8olve t be free or die. Three cheers fcr Jcfl. DaviH feelii e in which the whole PtatP. a ro-.r, anu onert n.. jjee. this great contest of resistance to subiacation. That unity can never be restored by violence. Jtis possible that it may oe ny reason, remonstrance, 'orbearance. and insHe.p. Appeal from Mlti Bute Soldier's t,vi,ri we make a-i appeal, the most earufst that we know how The edirors of the Journal for two days past hive in to trame, to tne good sense and patriotism of the Standard, formed the citizens here that the sad condition o' the sol to discountenance thoe meetir-r to foreco thA rrratifi. r:ira in l!narlfltnn r'aimu oiinrrm r " , . - . , . . .u vt. I . ....... :tvu iiJU. X li.lVR I , I t , V f 1 1 Vt ,V T alto, msi toy prove orverrti tciicip ou'iog uie iasi w?es rrcm our re moter tnat lt id iu the Inchest srrBi v.-rit... . , i .c.j , , , "-'i.M-rf, praise; in discountenance mon Administration, aad t peace, which the Htnntiard fc,,w. thw ..... ; . ZZ"ll ;.7i;r"u" U1 lua J of cbtB 6 nr liv snoh 1 piit mjta inr.,ni . -h I , , ' . . ""cum- Thao rl t?i .."I "; a.ue meug ,ra,.rJ)) yu auu provisions, and nrgiug us to 1 a. vl ir.Tt.CUfc UUOI .UOH,IOU3 XIllV lUUCU HUH Kli 111 .IT. tl r hinh their assaults upon our com- est position in society from South Carolina, all well qnal heir Worse than i.llA t-llr r. ififiri tn illGHtrnti hv lhA nen iha oa r .u. BOl A8bevt!le Wa.nesville. Haywood county, Henderflonville, Henderson county, ......... St. John's ia the Wi!derrra, Ueaderson co f-t. Paul'? in the Valley, Transylvanii co, Calvary Cturch, Heuciersor. county, Fuherrordton, Shelby, Cleaveland county Line jlatou. ....... Charlotte; Concord . . . . . . Salisbury Lexington, Uairston' Chapel, Davi'i county, . M. Andrews', L'OrVan county Mocksville, Jountsvjlie, Yadkin countv Richmond II ill, Yadkin county, Salsm, , Geimanfoa, Stokes sunty ...".".'..... Mountain Chapel, Kockingham coauVy",!i . ' '. ',' Leaksville, Rocki ghamcouurj. Milton, ? ....!!!". Yanceville Greensboro', . .". .". ...... . TO T1IK VOTEKSOP THK 4tliCONGilK EI STRICT. AS Tllfi TIME ia approachicg when it will Lo ; to take some action in regaid to the eleeuon of Bentative to the next Congress, it has ber.u r.s.-r;;', -.: -i I shculd in Bome pr.b:c t-amer mslis hrtow;. to my friends. I have long eince been convinced that j j ta r.t; c-if required that I should not be a candidate f-r re-tiftk.a. d'J. V.t!i. do. '-f.-i. do. U.:l. Sept. d . ;:r.!. do. do. ;; i. Hi,, do. l;'i. do. 1T;i;. d . ! do. . : do. do. v;m. do. 27: ?l. do. h. . '. ls do. -5'h. do. L".'. do. I do. tit-i. t :;(!. do. .."., .'o. r '-. .i . lvh. Ij. m 1. dj. d . ,. do. d. 1 '',. do. .lie' co. IhL Tfcese peetipgi are powerlcs for good, and only produ aly tJie wanVm t l uring my residence a Bichmoad I have n.flreJ v uve orniDiocdat borne, ard of eucoureeement to r.nr has mer in Charleston, and that in tho. tt"Vu" Eucn "cqaent and severe attacks, thit I fear anoihcr tern common enemv. So lr ttio nnnf..ot 1 .v. 1. j , , , 0 .'""i; . . . ia JrnZ i 7Ai:,iA 7vZ. il" a "m '"'airnuon 7 . " , Bua, "ve.r miros ot the men in the 'S"1- prove miai io me. 1 naa iuny determiced to rer'.j;!!. V.UV..HUU. uuuts w ca .icm - ui lji ijurn jr.a wi I bavn I ii v ii L v no () mi ntvpn 9R mnnn an h im a vmn j ii . . , n . no fuithrr re.sBr.n to r-nrr-TintKo "T;." " " auu patnoi- i uui, upon persuasion oi lfieuds will endiavor to serve ou' between Gov. Vance and the President lert tn ih-mo-t si r-v.oo the war poa ZullrcY: a?7 ,occ.ft." the term for which I was elected. ... . .. - . vow wi , . ...... ..uu........ i ui ii.-r l tin T. v. ,i. a 1 1 artsvn I i Qiai gOOU leellCg, nrodacmff results verfprlT? iti.ron.A. Hn rnnr nnrt IfTnnnA.... i.Jl . U1U 1 pinnnt umt mn xnnnl .;il, -....,... r . IO UOV. Vance. I ia thn Ipcanw that hf-ron ttar w.ll j rr,. . . ...... . . . Th Rianov.i WfA,,....... . , :7 - Iirr jitru. ineeeare Bemauve, wnuou; reiaraiDg my Biucere acKnowiedprr.enti Jcn"FM ncuieu inn uoserver nuies tuar. try soldier s souls. Are the streama nf foclin.!, ... ... .... , with uniform and marked courtesv. The ohservpr noaiQ dried nn ? Tf not a trr-7 ,Lile&Tr of feeling for the unanimity with which I was chosen, aa well at the u . . -w ' vtviw i rr - - f 01 w bin cirrs . i ii anriAnin i . . .o it, impiores it, not to pass unheedmgly by this opportu- tll tike ra-ln drops on the rocks withrmt im3 cordial support with which I hav been sustained in tho ftoUitt7 11 lh!tta" LmanA yet remaiS stupid discharge of my duties. If my ccur.e ha., met your , anarchy or civd war, and therebvl to rkT Prova1' ambitioQ ia 7 ratifisd. him a reputation Rbov9 the value of ten thousand resold- been the means of doing much good. Will the watc hTnl VI9: it" P",.iy? BQ a COQ will show even to eye and ready hand of the ministering devotees th nS 1. 1 v. h lLo cuat ng men, what have we aLoat DpatrnPt.Voo vii v va ac7 otisr each ixmea TnS AMERICAN ILIAD IS A NUTSHELL, The following is the entire article of Mr. Thomas Car- lyle "The American Iliad in in a Nutshell" as it ap pears in tha August camber ot Macmillan's (LOEdon) Magazine: llias (Americana) in Alice. Peter of the North (to Paul cf the South) "Paul, you unaccountable scoundrel, I find yoa hire your servants for life, not by the month or year, as I do ! You ar e croiDsr straight to hell, you 1" Paul. "Good words, Peter ! The risk is ray own ; I tita willing to take the risk. Hire your servants by the month or d ay, and get straight to Heaves; leave me to my own met! lod." Peter. "No, I won't. I will beat your brains out first !" (And u trying dreadfully ever since, but can not manage it!) T. 0. CAVALRY FIGHT AT SPARTA, TENN. Atlanta, Geo., Aug. 22cd, HG3. A jet. cr to the Confederacy, from Forrest's command, says th.it Col. DeBnll had another fight with seven regi men's of Yankee cavalry on the Nth instant, at Sparta, Tennsasee. He repulsed them with a losa of forty to fifty killed and wounded. DeBrili'a force was six hundred r his losa wa3 two killed, sevea woundsd and twelve missing. It is reported by passengers that th9 Yaakees were shell ing Chatttnjoga on jesterday. ALABAMA SENAT0K8. MoKTeeMSEV, Ala., August 22, 1863. Hon. Robt. Jemiaon, Jr., was elected to-day to fill the unexpired teim of Mr. Yancey ia the Confederate Senate. Mr. Cuiry ws not a candidate, and the position was yield ed to Jemison as an act of party magnanimity. It is be lievad by mapy of Curry's friends that he could have beea elected. Jemison was originally a nulliler, and though subsequently a co-operationist, has beea a firm and uncom promising supporter of the war. Jemfcon was a member of the secession Convention, and has beea for many years a leading member of the otate for Taacaloosa consty. THE ASSESSMENT ACT. Eicemokd, August 24, 1863. A circular from the Commissioner of Taxes waa issued itet ZLth h? the" paVty pses" iTorth itotelerait patriot to d"m SrwIntS S2 Very Iitspectfully, THOS. D. LTcLOo'KLI.. aa .i.Vi, 17. ciruac ut i ttc oiaa- Buavn.iuiiTgi uu tw cue uouie soldiers 01 iorth Carolina in aia- da d, that they be better employed. But even if it should ter States, whose daring bravery and heroic f w tiona de w uu tAuv ma kJidiriui 11. ii 11 TiTirC'.i a cn i nervH i ri unpra snirir At noti iAtin n;n j. Aug. 20, 1BC3. 2-a tf sensible end patriotic a cou.se, may weU afferd to trVaT w carVer oi ? tte" AtV wheSfiJed them with tcora and contempt. the voice M their onnntrv ti, w. ?Dee? MAUIilU. contempt thn voice Af their nnnntrv utan o. n I In Dunlin ccuutv. on Sunday, the &Lh inst.. bv JV- H. redress was made? Remember readers (that if ' Von rivS Whi1fleld' Esq-. Mr- JOHN f. WHITFIKLP, rt, Miaa yourselves up to indifference and selfishneS in this trfw CHAULOTTE E. OUTLAW, daughter Mr. Win. Outlaw.. DIEfJ. Alter the above was written, we received a letter from yQrseives up to indifference and selfishness in this trvinc nn nirpii a T : ,1 An-.inonf , . r., . T, . I. . , . ji ... . I hnnr. that, ftwaet lihrtn ic. l r . . ... IS -Bv- " v...i,tu, nuu udo mi-a wiiu great 1 " , " ""v,v ,o tututti iter iooi steps wita Bor- honor end usefulness fome of the most important offices roWiDS look from your hearts, for liberty is ready to iu the State, from which we are temi ted to make some ex- make any sacrifice to preserve the only boon worth livin-' tracts, omitting the complimentary passages, which, how- for,.tTle em that millions die for, lo be free, is a lecacv ever graxemi irom sucn a source, are of no public imcor- r-D au T.ce . De,8 wauh m the world. Cannot some In Smith viltp w r. on the l?th Inst.. AKNIB DO WEN, Ttl?Jl? orrt, r.rB. daughter of Richard ard Amanda Foley, aged 1! Yl cill V . " , Dciti.9 tor laoee i -j - atu4 txuy wmoani on a momen t3 1 weeks and 5 dava Who feel a deep concern in tho success of our present n&Vce- 1 am informed Peveral have money to Eubscril.fi ( 1 , ,a 2 litt'i Ancie .' Our cherished flower. CPllUO r XI 1 n a OBflin 1Qhrnar,t of no I ATn Q ffl tstq lfirirf trr J x . . " I w . . , JX J . "-r "'-' iuuepeuaence, ana nave ""'" uc waticu upon, it is imnoBBible to rav of utinbo-ht seemed sac in our pathway, and but ail to uo oinr interest; in osseins events than that ri.n I wait on evervnerBon. : . r arth ninr,ri v..i . c ,' i the welfare of our country : deDendent. it. SMn-0 n I Patriotism Will win the reward r,t onWQtro! t.. rcn hanAa th hh i tn n,..ion,cnntfri .,uu,5'ft,!, u k.i. i ' kwwu wueu ea are tne iiiu --- .v. mo.u" , - wuiiic.jr ucuu lue existence ot harmony I , uio eemm na Deon consumed and the an- closed forever tne Bweet nine eyes. Ao sorrow fhall our vj jtumg ana co operation tn action among our people, oi f pi4U5e or weaita naff been forgotten forever. I receivep Annie kaowl la the bright and " sbicing courts " above ing ns from yankee legislf.iion and domination. God knows ected has been faithtclly eent and more than what I col- we deplored the war trom the beginning, and, still more, lecte- The last sent has been used np -asthe want i, 1- J, Bec.af for I oa oar part ; and no event ia so reat' J? ldier you save yourself and all you earnestly wished for and so devnnttu on.i T,r.iar-n have. The Editors of th Jnnrmi k... i P fl ?ni' ho all r.nn1 mAn.att. .. .1 , .. J " I lha;, I,Ka.aI,I I . .. I A 1 . . - J . . tj J Tt e""1.""1" epceay nonoraoie and last- " ,u'uj 1U1 taijiw euuitciipiions ana rroe printing. ;ng reace." Bat is peace to be Paired hu ittriainne euiselves? Far from it. That is tha v mthnA Benung to tbe uninformed and uarefleeting the daneefons - au"uialx coaiaiscoverea on tne iarrn wa1' ue, and uncon8titatioEal measure of "stat" an, (nnnni.. in Kockineham countv. Xorth Carolina. The ccal interposition with the fos with a view to local pacifica- appears to be very good, and has been so proven, wa ment! ffiy. understand, by the test. The vein no worked is only that end, to lflime the miads of tirpeoTle by a buccVs- E1X leet Under POnnd. and js mree leet micK. UOI IS . aion of public meetings to register resolntions agaicst the 0ne8 is engaged in the operation of mining this government and administratton. That course ot a portion coal the work is progressing under the Buperinten- w the press and in some of the counties is obviously wk dence of Mr. Ambrose Barrett, a practical ainer.-- A Al . we hope to meei iaee : l-ikb a sweet ana genue nower, Bloomed our Annie day by day, But one night the angels found her, And took our little pet away ! Then mother, weep not wildly e'er her, Father clear thine anxious brow, Turn away from grief and sadness, Our Annie's sooth the angels now. In this tewn, on Sunday night, 2nd inst., Krc. JULIA MACLEAN, wife of Mr. Samuel B. Maclean. In this town, on the 22d inst., ol cholera infantum, JO SEPHINE DAVIS, daughter of Wm. H. and Julia A. Kid die, aged 10 months. , On stone's Bay. Onslow county, of bi!inu3 fover, on tho 16th Aug., 1863, WM. ALBEBT PARKED, son of the late O. W. and Mary M. Parker, of Wilmington, N. C. ed - years, i moathand 6 dja.

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