II FUITOJf At PIWCK, PROPRIETORS, T- tchom all letters on business must be addressed. J A3. FULTON. Editor.... A. L. PRICE8aociatej:jitor. Terms of Subscription. Vttkly, one year, invariablyin advance, $4 00 No s-ubseriptkm to Weekly paper received for leas than 12 months. Drifly paper, one year, invariably ia advance,. . .$10 00 6 months " 5 50 3 " 3 CO Tb'? paper will," Vn all cases, be discontinued at JJie end of th aabfli ription year, nnlesa renewed. SOIlEDiriVK OP TRICKS FOR KORT1I CAROLINA. W. the undersigned, Corataissimer.? of Appraren eat for ;he H.te of North Carolina, do hereby dec are I ha fol lowing p-ics s to be those whicV. ill be ja3t rompensati on to tbe (infri of property impressed for the nse of the 'Joverr.metit far the next sixty days, subjsct to aiteratir-a stonM circumstmcea meanwhile oc3ur to make it advisa ble. We divide tbe State into 4 District, aa"h;retofore : MYTHIC r SO. 1, is to consist of all the counties Bust of Warren, FranUia. Johnston. Sampson, Bladen en 1 Col umbus, inclusive, and in Bail District tha prices shall be as loiiowa : 4 VOL. 20. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15. 1863. Yko. 3. TERMS OP ADVKRTI8IHO. Ptr "quart pi u, t,e- or UM .p,h ndvauct. Ose square, 1 insertion, j oq Do. do. 2 do 'm 5 oo Do. do. 3 do . ... . ,' 00 .Do. d:.. ? raonthBxvithoutchang'!, .".!". H 00 Do. do. 6 . do. ...do do "."...25 00 Do. do. li do.. ..do..... do 40 00 3Ad7eriii;oH!ejt3 ordered to be continued on tbe Inside charged $i per square for eachinsertion after the first. 2-No advertisement, reflecting npoo private character, car, iT1r akt r.jnr.vyr krvn. he admitted. Corn, Meal, H.icoa, Pork, nett- 44 grc3, L-rd. Wheat, FIou , Wheat CraD, Sh.-Hs .Ship H'r.-:', Oafs bhei ed, Jive, chared, i'Ci'.E, Potatoes, sweet, I'H. Dried PeivLc "eeled, 44 uD eeled, Dried Apples, peeled, Unions, i:ay. titan Tirrothy, 0:l.er Uay it:d Fodder, I- La ;k , b'rsw, Wheat nJ Rye, traw, Wee, t'tstcruKQ 1st ql. e? town, " corn;; 44 " 1h q'. in country, common 44 HciKvB, extra iiae, 4' l3t q'ial. artillery, (. -jj t, ti 3.1 Links, txtra fire 4- Is, qi'hy, .. 2d oo', jair. wasfit-a, 44 44 unvaried, y- t'.t., dry anl clean, hoipi hard itiii dry, Cntidlcn, tallow, VMi' ir-ir, c:d. r, ::!t'.nt.factnrcd, v. !.;: 'r ;y ! Brandy, iyj'p.KT, cv.nl.-d, lair brown, 41 c jarso (1 uiop brown. : y;np f.-oia CLi;ieso t ine, i;:ee, l.'dL'jC, Tia, Rreeo., 4- b:;i- n, hoc, gocd o'd Ka'lroid, " l-'t qusliiy, 1.1 .. 21 44 " 41 ":d " 4i bliom, sit.i'.h'ri round bar anl plate, L-jathor, harness, sole upper t, 'a'l led LTi-n-i lei liC'tp, 'air, $ 15 00 per bbl. cf 5 tnsri SOlba to tha bush 3 15 per bmh cf 48 lbs. 1 00 per lb. 60 00 p5r 100 lbs. 50 CO 44 44 1 CO per lb. C CO per bueh. of (0 !ba for choice white 30 CO per bbl. If 6 lb3. 1st quality, b't psrfin? .0 per befdi. ol 17 !ls 75 per bash, of 2s Ibn. 1 45 per bnh. o!27 lb3. 2 50 per 1C0 Ibn. 2 00 per bn3h. cf 32 Ib 4 CO pr bueh. cf 56 lb? 3 50 per bnsh., mes'd. '3 0 per tush., neas'd. 2 0 por bHsh , meas'd. :i 5') per bush . meas'd. 8 51 per br.sh. of :j.8 Ir s 4 50 per bush o'. 38 lbs. 4 00 por fcuh. cf 2S ,ks. 6 03 per bushel. 3 00 per 1C0 lba. 2 00 per 100 Ibg. 1 50 per 100 lbs. 1 00 per 1C0 Ibi. 1 CO per 100 lbs. 7 00 per head per mouth. 5 00 44 44 4 OO 4 4 44 3 00 44 600 00 p-r head. 4 0 00 per head. 300 00 per head. 500 00 per bead. 403 00 p-r head. 4 O J per lb. 3 00 per lb. 15 CO per bn-h. of oO.lba. 40 00 per 103 lbs. 1 00 pe- lb. 90 per gall. . 43 per gall. f 0j per gall. 1 L0 per K. 1 CO per In. 50 per Ih. 8 00 per.gall. 5 00 per p&ll. 20 per lb. 3 50 per lb. 10 00 per lb. 7 03 per lb. 1C0 00 per ton. 125 00 per iou. HO 00 per tou. 100 00 per tou. It0 00 per ta 3S0 CO per ton. 3 50 per lb. 3 00 per lb. 3 50 per lb. 40 ptr lb. ?5 per lb. 25 0J per Lead. il STRICT NO. 2, is to consist of all the cooniies West of the aforcsvd counties to Rockingham, Gudford, Ran dolph, Montgomery and Uichmotd inclusive, and ia said Di strict tLe prices shall be aB follows : Con l'tr: htii, e:TCi3, Laid, WLcitt, 1 iOii", Wheat lirat, Short-, H';ip stuff, troa u uil, Oats, huc.i'. (? io, aeiltd, iij-e, 1' ;i- l'o: utOvfc- DiicJ IV 20 CO per bbl. of 5 bntheh 50 ibs. to the buh 4 15 per ou&h. of 4S Ins. to the bush. 1 00 per lb. CO 03 per 100 lbs. 50 00 44 44 J 0 per lb. C 00 per bnr.h. cf CO lbs. or choice white. 30 00 per bbl. of 19ti lbs. 1st qual superfine - 50perbuih of 7 ibs. 75 per bush, of 22 lba. ' 1 45 per ba h. ot 3 7 lb . 9 per bu,h. of IS lbs.j 2 CO per 100 1 s. 2 10 per bush, cf .r2 IbJ. 4 00 pet bueh. of 5- lbs. 3 50 par btnh. rneaturf d. 3 50 ier hu-h measu.ed. 2 50 per busb. measured. 3 50 per tuh. ire mured. 5 50 per tush. 3s lbs. 4 50 per tush. 3 lbs. 1 00 per buh 2ilh u 9 CO per bush, measured. 3 00 per 100 lbs. 2 50 per 1C0 ibs. 1 60 per 103 lba. 1 00 per 400 lbs. 7 00 per head month. 5 CO per head mcn'h. 5 00 per head month. 3 00 per head month. 500 00 per head. 400 00 per head. 300 00 per h;ad. 500 00 per head. 430 00 per heed. 4 00 per lb. 3 CO per lb. 18 00 per bush. 50 Its. 40 00 per 100 lbs. I CO per lb. 01 per g,U. 45 per gal. 5 CO per gal. 1 50 per lb. 1 00 per lb. 60 per lb. 8 00 per gar. 5 0C per gal. 23 per lb. 3 60 per lb. 10 00 per lb. 7 00 per lb. 160 CO per ton. 125 00 per too. 110 00 per ton. 100 00 per ton. ISO 00 per ten. 3S0 P0 per ton. 3 50 pr lb. 3 00 per lb, 3 50 per lb.. 35 per lb. 30 per lb. 25 00 per head. STRICT P.O. 3, is to consist of all the Counties vest as 1 intladiug said counties to Alleghany. Watauga, McDow ell and liutheriord, exclusive, and in said counties, tha pri ces thall be as follows : - sweet I: i .h ciiiia peeled, unpceleJ, Dried .'.p;.l;a pttied Onions. IIy t-!iu Timothy, Other tiay at J Fodder, fc'iui.-t:a, btiaw, Vi cRt f.nt1 Eye, l'aurace ietnl. i:r. town, 2d ' 44 Pastcraso ie ql- country, ccn.nion 44 H-K3C? extra line, 1st ql. artillery, 2 1 44 31 44 I'l-Ics extra Cze lot q iality, 21 44 V.'crd- fair cashed, 44 ua.vashed, Salt, dry and clean, iiuap. hard and dry, CiinJifcii tallow, ViLcgtf r cider, mar.Efdciured, Whi&key and Uran jy, Fiijar clarified, 'air brovn, coarse damp brown, Mol -seej Syrap lroci Chinese cane Uic: Tea green Lla:k Iron, rood old Bailroad l ij;, 1st qiality . . t. 44 3d -4 blooai btiiitii s round bar, and j.i te Leather harutss s,de v per T.cci titiy, fc:a!l fed grs.-:sfed Sheep, fair Corn, Meal Bacon Tork nett 44 gross l.ard Wheat i'icttr Wheat Bran 9 hurU Ship S'..u2', Brown Btuil Oats t Leaf shelled Pye c'.ean 1'e.is Beans Potatoes sweet Irmh Dried Peacbee, peeled unpee.ed AppleB, peeled Onions nay clean Timothy Other hay and fodder b bucks Straw Wheat and Eye Pas:uraRe 1-t quality, near towD, per month 1'u.stnrfige, common, near town, pe month Pastur, 1st quai. ia the cckc- try , ptr month Pa&tarae, corn'n, in the country, permjnth Ilore3 ex'ra fine 1st quality, artillery 2d Sd Mules ex'ra fiae 1st f iality 2d Wool, fair, washed unwashed Salt dry p.d eleaa boapLard and dry t'andles I allow Vinegar Cider fiUaalactured 18 CO per bbl. of 5 bash. 60 lbs. to tuh. 3 75 per bush. 41 lb3. to bushel. 1 CO per lb. CO 00 per 1C0 lbs. 60 00 44 44 44 1 00 per lb. 6 50 per bushel cf CO ibs. lor choice white. 27 60 per bbl of 1S6 lbs. first quality tuper. 60 per Dush. of 17 lbs. 75 per bush, of 22 ibs. 45 per bush, of 37 lbs. 1 95 per bush, of 2d lbs. 2 50 per 100 lbs 3 00 per bush, of 32 Ibs. 4 00 per bush, of 56 lbs. 3 60 per bush, measured 3 50 per bush, measured 3 50 per bush, measured 3 50 per bush, measured 50 per bush, of 38 lbs. 4 50 per bush, of 88 lba. 4 00 per buBh. of 2 lbs 6 00 per bunh. measured 3 00 per 100 ibs. 3 00 per 100 lbs. 1 50 per 100 lbs. 1 00 per 1C0 lba. 7 00 per head. 5 00 per heud. 5 03 per head. 3 CO per 1 e&d 500 CO per head. 400 00 per head. 300 00 per head. 503 00 per 1 cad. 4C0 00 per head. 4 00 per lb. 3 CO per lb 20 CO per bush, of 60 bs 40 00 per 103 lba. 1 00 per lb. 80 per gal. 10 per gal. Whiskey and Brandy ' Eugir, clar fisJ f:r brown, coafie damp brown SrTolataea Byiup from Chinese cane R'ca CcRio . , Tea green black Iron, good old Railroad pig, lit quality .. 2j it 44 3 i 44 bloom Edith's rouad, bar acd plate LeatLer hirness sole upper Ceo! ( &;.t e, stall fed gras3 fid hrep, fair 8 00 per gal. 1 60 per ib 1 CO per ib. 50 per b. 8 00 per g il. 5 09 per gal. 95 p r ib. 3 50per ib. 10 00 per lb. 7 00 p?r lb. 1C0 00 per ton. 125 00 per too. 1!0 00 per ton. 100 00 per ton. 180 CO per ton. 30 00 per ten. 3 50 per ib. 3 CO per lb. 3 fO perib. 30 per ib. 25 per lb. 25 00 per hsd. DISTI.ICT of RO. 4, is to cors:Et rf &Vt Counties ?c d ir.c.'udins- said Counties, acd in eaid District the prices a 1 be ea fellows : a Ena Corn, Meal, Bicon. Pork, net trees, I-prd, Wh.ut, Flour, Wheat Drtu, Sn orta, ship btufr, B:o"ffa tteff, Oats, eh'.-af, Oatp, ehrl ed, Rye, clean, Pe is, Beacs, Ptatcca, F-f et, 4 RiRb, Dried I'c&ch.e, calel, 44 44 -anpeeled, 14 Arpltsi, peeled, 0:ij!S, Hay, dean Timothy, Other hay and todder, Shuck. Htraw. Whact aLd V.ye, 17 50 per bb! of 5 bush. 51 lb ti bush. 3 C5 pr bush. 48 lbs. 1 00 per lb. 60 00 per 100 lbs 50 00 - 44 1 00 pr r lb. 5 50 per bnsh. ' CO lbs lor choice wnite. 27 00 por bblcf 1D6 lbs lstqual fiiiperfiiie". 50 per bnsh of 17 !oS. 75 44 44 44 22 lba. 1 45 " 44 41 37 1b3. C5 41 44 41 23 lbs. 2 25 44 100 lbs. " bu-h of 32 lbs. 44 44 60 44 44 measured. t t. tt ii ' 44 of 38 lbs tt .t 44 2'3 lbs. 4 rrff jarrpfl 100 lbs. 1 75 3 50 3 50 3 60 4 00 2 53 8 50 4 60 4 CO 6 00 3 CO ' 2 00 4 1 50 ' 1 00 ' tt V Pasturage, lat quality near t wn, per month, 4 OJ Pasturage, common, tear town, pjr moLth, 0 CO Pas'-urnge, 1st qual. in the coun try, ier month, o CO Pustumge, commoD, ia the coon head month. try, per month. 3 CO e. 44 1st qual. arti'ierv, 6C0 CO per head. - tt 'd 44 44 400 0C 44 44 44 3 1 4 1 " 3C0 CO 44 44 Mules, extra Use, 44 l' t qiality, SCO 00 44 44 4 4 2d 44 4CO CO 44 44 Woo1, f i-ir, wnshod. 4 00 44 lb. 4 4 44 unwashed, 3 CO 44 44 Rat, dry aid e'eaa, 22 CO 44 lush, cf 60 lba. Soap, hard nud dry, 40,00 44 100 lbs. Canaies, T&I'ojv, 1 00 44 lb. Vitcgar, Cidr, tO 44 gal. Manutactared . 40- 44 44 Wh.i3lti.-y and Br&miy, b 0J 44 44 Bagar, clar tied, 1 75 44 lb. 4- fair brown, 1 26 44 . 44 ' 44 coaibO damp brown fr'O 44 4 4 IMolaFSs, 8 5 3 44 gal. Rvrup, item CLiucES caue, 5 00 44 44 Bice, 40 44 lb. Ccflae, 3 50 44 44 Tea green. JO 00 44 41 44 black, 7 CO 44 44 Iron, good old Railroad, ICO CO 44 ten. 44 pip, 1st quf.lity, i25 00 44 44 t 21 44 HO 00 41 44 44 44 3d 4i 1C0 00 44 44 44 bloom. 180 00 4 1 " 44 fc.m'th'a rcund, bar and p'ate, 350 00 44 44 Leather, harness, 3 50 44 lb. 4- sole, 3 60 41 41 41 uoper, . 3 50 44 44 Beef Cattle, stall fiJ, 30 44 44 4 4 4 4 grassed, 25 44 44 SLjc-p, lair, 25 00 44 head. A BARGAIN. rvi ui peing aoie. to work the pr. prLy to advantage. I cirer lor sale my 311LL. and some 1500 acres or LAND auacnea. ine Mill is located a fw mila trr-m oa mnn'h ior ine uocswoods irony river, -mi ia apyroachable bv va sets iar? epough to runtothfe West Indite tnd to other pans assuea A and lirt iiil ia up and has been in operation pome three years. Tin poad and power u one Uli very seat m tne ;awer part of the s tate, be ing easily controlled, and Eff';rdig ample power for anv ueairea amount ot machinery and lnexhanatibie. A nfTi ciei cy of timber uay be got oa the lands ad obtained on me oracchf s of Lccsiooda Fodv river to kef pa Saw or Saws running for the next forty cr fifty yrars. The grits will yieid quite un amount of corn and must coctituo to increase, botovr the Mill is a good kody of rich marsh land, easi'y puMn a state of cultivation, lha pend flows some three to four luaclred acrea of good rice land, the larger portion Demg ricn mart-h land, the balance formerly a large cypress swamp and very rich. The pond live macn more iana, out ir.e aDove namsa quat;t:ty may ell be brcujjht into a level larm, with reserves to .low the land ! for riot, beverai hundred acres cf the up land is timbered with pine, oak, hickory, &c, and pretty wil adapted to corn, pea, potatoes and pea nuts. The balance or the hLh land ia prt ttj well timbered with pice. At the lower corner cf the lnd ia jas set and neatly flttedajp a get of eight good Halt Pans, with many thoasaiid cords of woot; sis convenient as could ba wished for or expected. Any person desirous of buyioj? such property, Lad best come scoa and examine for themselves. If ny health was as ty-rmerly, tte property oea'd not be bought f jr about double wLai 1 would tak for it. JSO. MKBCER. Aug. 13'h, 1631 47 tf STATjfi OPSOHTII CiROUSA, X COUNTY, Cowl of I-teas an-i G:tarier Xt'snona, Augtmi Term, 1SC3. Maui ha Simmons ) and others, 1 vs. 'r Petition fcr division of JFecrro a. Jouu B. fcfiuraoK, anl wifd and others, j IN THI3 CASK, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John 3. Simpson and wife Penelone, and the children of Wiley ilcDaniel, dee'd, are non-residents of this Btate. "It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Weekly Journal, publish ed in tTie Town of Wilmington, notifying the defendants, John B Simpson and wile Penelope, and tn j children of ,iiey Mcuamei, dec d to appear at trie next term of th:s Court, to bo held at tic Court House in KLzahethtowa, on tho first Monday in November next, aid plead, answer or demur, or the Petition .ill be taken pro cinftsso, &ud heard ex parte ai to thfm. Witness, Dut. aid Blue, Clerk of our said Coirt, -at office in Klizabeth'own, the first Monday in Anast, a. D. 1m63. DUtiALD BL.VB, O'erk. ."ept. ;5, 1863. 5 l-t STATES OK NORTH CAROL.IVA, Sampson County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1863. Mariah O. Hoc-re, Curtis Thomson and wife Jane, Wil 1 am E. Biidej sad wife Harriet O., James &Jooracd Hen ry W. Moore. vs. Thomas O. Moor, Berjimin Brothers and w;f Sarah W. aiid the Ueira at Law of Walter Moore, diceaasd. JreUU on for division of slaves. WILMINGTON, N. U, O R 10 1863. B TELKOitAril; A Gb',tlem.ah (r m Lincoln's domiEi Li, an-tx'le be- cease of h i :pp vi'ion to ih d,r;art? now ia power iu the Northern .Siate?, iLforma uh thit the 4- fAvidaQ " comsiu nievlju f-oui !he Raleigh Standard has been reprinted by millions, and thrown broadcast e ver the whole North as aa evidence ti it' North Carelina U opposed to tha Confedera cy atd aixious to re-Uuite her destiiias i'h tlnae cf tha Northern States. Thit ccmteauiciUlon, together with the position cf the Rtleigh Stat.dard and ib proceeding! of me6t bs he d or said to be held ia ccr'aio localities, has do:.e ni'ie than a'mo-t anything else to encourage the North to persevere iu her crusade agar&t the Southern BUtes Tko hai-ds of tbe ,'ar &ea have beeu streuithen ed those cf the peace raen weakeaed. The former quote the jStar.cfarcitLd repiserntit asafrierd to reconstruction, and aot only thr, but they fti 1 farther dwell pon the grett i flat 11 :e i f the Editor of that paper, who, so they say, carried the State la his breech is poke, aad only wa to the favourab'e niomcat for irasding It over to the Washington goveiamart. Now, .this view cf the.cas3 may do icjaitlee to the Stan dard as well aa to otiers, but we have t o doubt that it is the view taken, and that it does produce the retults attriba ted to it. It mihl have beea said &t an earlier day that for each re alts nono of the parties were responsible, but feuch cannot be said a; th s late day, when the sisie course is perseveiei ia wi ha full knowledge and experience cf its eflectd. By the cx'.ract we give l.om ths London Indtx it will be een that tMs Ejected clefccticn or ixorta cerciiiianas found pcrsors to give it currency ia Europe, and wivh the view of trying to tfflct the same object, namely, encoarag ng the friends of the Ncr.h and discouragin these of tbe Foath. Also, to doubt, for the purpose cf depressing Cot- federate Becuritiea. R putts of the Prtts Akvcttxi toi.. atered according to the Act of Congress ia the 3"ar 1 v3, by J. S. '1H8A3EKK, in the Clerk's Office of the Dis trict Court of the Confederate t'tates for the Northern District of Georgia. FBOM ViTGINIA. ElCHHOKD, Oct. th, 18: 3. Commissioner Ouid had another interview yesterday at City Pole t with Commissioner Meredith on tie subject of the exchange of officers. No conclusion was arrived at, bat it 13 believed that the Yankee government will uHi mately agree to seme equitable arrangement. Sogn's ?J will probably be exchanged at an early day. The Yankees hold seven Generals aad nineteen bundled other Confeder ate efflcers as prisoners, . The report of bb impeadirg battle near the Eaf idan has beea revived, and it ia aow be!icVed an ergagement will take place this week. Tho following shall be uniform throughout the State Army woo.en cioin, 4 ja, 10 cz. to the yafd, Arroy woolen c:ctb, 1J yd, 20 tz. to the vaid, Fiaisnel, 3 yd. 6 02. to yd. Cotton bbsrting, 1 yd, 4$ yards to the ponnd, Cotton shsxtirg I jd, S jj yards to tha pound, Coiton sheeting 4 4 yd, 3 yards to the pcund, C'.tton osnabcrg, 4 jd, 6 cz. to the yard, Cotton onaburg, yd, 8 oz. toth3 5Krd, Cotton drills, yd, 3 yds. to the pound, Cotton spiriting, etripes, 3 jards to the pound, Cottca tent cloth3, 10 cz. to the yard, Cotton yarn, Cotton, rav, Army shoes, 8hoe thread, Wool eocfcs, Hire of labor, teams, wag ors and drivers, Bailing long forage, Shelling and bagging corn, eacks furni-ihed byUov't, Hire of f horae teams, wag on ard driver, lationa by ownrr, Hire of 2 horse teams, wag on and driver, latiocs by Government, Hire ot 4 horse team, wag on and driver, ratiora by owner, Hire of 4 horee teama, wag en and driver, rations by Government, Hire of 6 torso teama, waj? cn and driver, rations by owner, Hire ol 0 horse teama, wag en and driver, rations by Government, Hire cf laboier. rations fur nibbed by owner, Hire of laborer, rations fur nished by Government, Hiro of laborer, ation3 fur nished by owLer, Hire cf laborer, rations fur eifhed by Government, Lua.ber, Timber, WgoI Hats, (jairitne, 4 50 per yard. 9 00 14 44 3 00 44 44 50 44 44 63' 4 4 4 4 70 44 44 75 44 41 CO 44 44 SO 44 so 41 44 1 00 44 44 1 60 44 lb. 53 44 44 10 00 44 pair. 6 03 44 lb. 1 03- 44 pair. 50 44 icon 05 44 bush 1 12 00 44 day. 6 03 44 ,; 15 C O " 7 50 44 44 ' 18 00 44 44 9 00 44 44 2 25 44 44 1 25 44 4 4 IT APPEARING to the satisfaction cf th Court, that tne deterdante in t h 9 'cause reside beyond the limits of this State, it is thereloro ordered that publication ba made for six weeks sueces-ive'y in the Wilmington Journal, noti fying the eaid defendants cf the filing of tbia petition, and that udi?b they appnar at the next term of thia Court to be held for tha County of Sampson, at the Court House ia the town ot Clinton, cn the third Monday o' November a -xt, and answer cr demur thereto, the same will b talien pro cenfeszo and heat 1 ex parte as to them. Wftnes, Wi.'liam C. DranrVa, Clark of said Court at of fice in Ciijtot, ea the 3d Mt '.y of August. A. D. 1863. iVM. C. DHaUGHON, Clerk. Bept. CO, 1363, 1-yt TEACHER WASTED, f N Common School Dhitrict No. 20, New Hanover ooui: i ty, (ou t o: via's Creek.) A person qualified to teach the classical branches vi ouid b2 preferred. Applicants duly qu;.!;fhd will apply to JOEL L. MOORE,) E. A. UAWES, y ComalUee. WM. K. HENRY, J Spt. 24tb IB It I lm L.OS'1. IBSSRaaa A FEW DAYS AtlSi. h1mern row hnnu nnd ifj Woodtugtoa Church, oa the Wilmington road mmm4:,?.r Kmston, my POBTMON1E, coatainlng about We notice that President Davis baa armed out at the htfad quarters of oar forces ia Tennessee acd Georgia. Ee pasied through Wilmington thi3 week ca hfs way out, look ing much better than we had expected to eee fcim, from the acccunta w had received, whi;h represented him as feeble lockir g ia the extremo. The Pi e&idcut .made uoma remaika at diflerect points oa his rcute, ia i eeponse to the C&II4 made upon him. His tone was buoyant, cheerful, confident. He regarded our pros pects as bright aad brightening. Bo we have been informed. Hnlclgt XUgtster. Tjie Leisler, having been icmcvcd from Raleigh to Petersbnrg. made its appearance on Tues day last as a daily paper. Tnere seems to be a good opening in Petersbarg and we trust that Mr. Etna, oa his return to LU native towj will realize his mcst sangui ae expecta'ions. ETtG2Ita and Ncn KEtJiDENTi -1'articalar.aitetition is called to the cffltlal nctificatioa issued by Mayor Parsley, aad published in to-day's paper. That every precaution, as well as the utmost vigiUnce, will be rtqaird to guard against the attempts of Uwiees characters does cot appear to admit of a doubt. a. v iu confederate notes, and the followloflr notes ol hand. mado payable to ma-aa Administrator to James Nunn, de ceased. Ona nte on John A. Parrott for $ 50, sureties iorgottoa, data Jan. 30th, 1861, and (Jua July SOth, lf?l Out noTe oiDurant Alphia prlaclpal, and Wra Nunn ftEd M. O. C. Lawsou saretiea, for $111, dsted Jan. 30h, 1861, due Dt-c. SOth. 1881. One note oa W. F. Loftjn principal, Wm. Fields and Joha Bryant, deceased, sureties; for $61, snbjact t-i a credit by return ot boy cf J38, nofe dated Dee. 30ta, 1861, dne Dec. SOth, 1862. One note oa Walter Dunn, made payable to W. Nunc, and endoreed by him to me, for $700, datea acd due March, l&GC. One note oa John r land, trade pa jalle to L. Friend, for $25, dated and due Jan. W , i860 One receipt on Wm. Fielia, f?her;fl, for $54 50. One receipt on R. E. Davis, ated 2r.d Sept., 1863, lor $1,200. The makers of said notes are warned sga'nst paying thsm to a iy one except mjsel', and all peraots ate warned ngab'.Bt traclicg ior the abc-vd cotes. A rewrrl of $50 will be paid for the delivery of Eaid Pertmonie ai 1 contents to myissif, or leaving it with any one so thai I can set ir. J. H. NUNN, Sergeant Co. E, h Bttal!oT N. C. P. Rangers, K:.' ,ton, N. C. Oct. let, 1863 l-4t NOT rcK. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, abcit two wceka sinte, ray negro boy OWEN. Ho is very black, about five feet, six inches high, twe ;y-two ears old, a-u has a slight impediment in his speech. I will give a reward of Twenty-five Dollars for his arrest, so that 1 cjd get him. CHARLES WHITE. Sept. 26tb, 1303. 1-41 47 CO 44 monili. 22 00 44 44 45 00 per 1000 feet 30 00 44 44 44 5 00 each. 45 00 per cz. We. the Ccmmisdorcrs of the iitate, do acaia earnestly caT upen all who would support the government of their on choice in this ita iife struggle for liberty, to come for ward at oace, with all they caa tpare, to the support ot their brave sous and brothers now ia the field, and with ail their aid and sj mpathj for the government of their own making, and Fhich is now Le3et with many difflsn'.ties aad dangers, and to cease this war cf extortion against their own coua try, whi;h is disgraceful to ita citizens, 'and threatening to cur success. K. V. BLAt KSTOCK, H. K BJRGWYNfc Commissioners cf Appraisement for KTC. New corn fhall b'e 15 per cent lets than the above pilots nntd tho 15th of November nex-. Oct. 7th, 18t3. , 2-2t SI AliO UKMOK'i'll CiVIlOLLMA, UJSsL.OW COLATY. Court of Plea aad Quarter Sessions, S.pt. Term, 1863. Catharine Pobmsoa, ccceased, vs Tho Hcira r t Law of eiid deceased. Uia NUNCUPATIVE WILL, OF CATHARINE HOS;N- fcON, decsased, having been ottered for mabate. on motion, it u Oedebed by the Court, that tno clerk issue notice to the next of kin, to appear at tbe text term of .his Court, to contest the eaid will, if they desire ; and thit advertisement be madfi in the Wilmington Journal, notifjicg the baid heirs of the filing of this notice, and that unless they eppear at the nest term of this Court, and an e ret- this notice, or the same Will, will be avowed to pro bate. TeA: A. J. JOHNSTON. Clerk. Sept. 2i. 52 61 Ti Petition to make Rcnl Estate Asset?. tj.Ailii UI1 UUXM CAUUiilNA, UASbO W COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Si ?3 ions, September Terra 1-63. E. F. pKLLSTiiB, Adm'r : Jacob Uokton, dec d 1 vs. I The Leir3 at law of 1 Jacob Moktom. J - IT APPEARING to the satiafaction of theCeurt that John Scott ard wile Lyrlia, Win; Morton and Jacob Morton, tho defendants in this cause reside beyond tbe km ts of tt is State, it is therefore oa motion, Ordered by this Court, that uuverticement be made for six weeks successively, at the Ccuit House door in JacksonvLle, fc'ad three other pub lic places in Onslow county, and . also in the Wilmington Journal, notifying the said defendants of the filirg ot this Petition, aud that unless they appear at the next Term ol this Court and answer the Petition, the same wlli be taken pro confeeso and heard ixparte aa to them. Test. A. J. JOHNTJN, Ci'k. Eept,2i, 18C3. 52 6t Tb'RPKNTKtlK, THE SDB3CRIBEU will be in ths market for Yellow Dip Turpentine, first of October next. A. H. -ViN30KK?LE. Sept. 22, IP63. H52 li A Letter from Cupt. Dluftiit. Cspt. iMaffiti, of the Florida, at Brest, writes a let ter to ha Pat lie, (Paria,) explainiog the position of his ship according to international law. He says : Frist, Sept. 12th, 1863. Sie : Yccr number cf the 10th inst. , contains two er ro:s, which I beg perraieBion to secti.y. It ttstes : 44Two incidents have jasttakea p ace iu Fratceant krg'and which interest the Americaa qaastioa. 'J Le first is tbe seizure at Bret-t, by a Fret eh hip-owr;er, of the Coateder ate privateer Florida, who claims from her an icds-mi ir cf 100,000 francs for the loss of a vessel belonging to him, and which was surk by the eaid privatf er." Ou this first point I have the honor to assure you that, in Rpite ol the threats of critaia persocs who preend to hwe olairoa a';net th3 corvette Florida, she has not ben yet seized. 1 protest in the moat formal and norg..tio manner against the seccLd allegation ; tiie Florida haa mver had any iea son for sinking a French vessel : the assertion is falsa, and f refer you on that point to the letter published by M. Pec quet da Belief, in the Ocean, of Urest, hich contiMc a laithful relation of the itcideat of the encounter vrhich took piace bttweea the Flcrida and the French vessei, the Brertrtniier. As to the qualification of privateer wh;ch you give to the corvette I have the honor to comnand. it araes no doubt from the fact of your having been iil-in-iormed as to the armament of the Florida. A privateer, according to the definition given by Noel aad ChareL is 4a vessol armed by a private individual with the auihoriza tica ct the Government." That definition has been, 1 be lieve, adopted by all writers who have treated oa interaa tionl law, but ii zeeorda but little with the real situation of the Florida. That corvette ba--, ia fact, been built and armed by the Government of the Confederate Etates ol America, and her oSeera held their commission from that Government. She carries the national flig ai.d the peaaant carried by vessels cf war, and receives her irjstructioaa directly from the Mitiater of Halite of tEe Confederate fctatea. The European Powers" having recognized the possesio by the Government cf Richmond of the rights of belligerents, amcng which are these ot forming armies and fitting oat vested of war, I am at a loss to understand that the fact of my Government cot being yet tffieiaily acknowledged, can take frtm it the rgats inherent to every de facto uov ernment, and placed in the category of a private individ ual fitting out a privateer, and thus change the nature and true character of its national navy, bush an in erpreta tion cf national Jaw appears to me to be untenable. Re lying oa ycur issparu'dlivy, i beg yon to insert this letter in the tariitgt uumbor of ytur estimable journal. Accept, tit the assurance of my perfect consideration. r J. N. MAFFITT. Dash into Port Hudson. It is reported at Merid iaii, Mississippi, that oar cavalry made a dash into Po: t Hudbcn cot long ego, captnricg some fi.teen hun dred " Irte Americana cf Airican descent," left there to garrison tied de'e&d the post, spiked the guna, laid violent- hands npoa divers and 6undry good thiigs iu the provision line, did all the dam3g they could, and returned whence tbey came without molestation. Deaths of Coxfedssate Pblsoness. The Surgeon in charge cf the Johnson's - Island pris5n, in lake Erie, ba3 cotumuoicaletl to the Richmond Seatinel alistot the Confederate prisoner who haw died there since he has been ia charge- be does not S3y how lcmg. Among them we find tbe lollowing North Carolinians : Lieut. VV. J. lladsoo, 2 J N. C. UAttallion, died Aug. 5 h of enteritis,- N. Lyon, private, 65th Reg't, J niy 30ib, ty phoid feverj Capt. U. GilleBpie, Sept. 3th, typhoid fever. Tns Pstbubceg Daiit Ezctutkb of yesterday, tie 8th iastant, Is glad to .'.earn that the publication ot the Ualefgh .State Journal will probably be resumed at the closs of the next week. We are pleased to learn that Mr. E film an ill be enabled to resume so soon, as we had been- under the impression that an early resumption would he lmposuible. ilr. BPSI.MAN certainly displays great energy sader the cir cumstances, and deserves to - be wtll sustained ia his bold and independent course. Fixe Wkathkb ia a great blessing, and whit adds to its bkased character h Out it is beyond the reach of the spec ulators. It cannot be bought up, nor hoarded, ncr sold by ths pennd, nor measured cat by the bushel. It la aa free as air aid as plenty. There is fine weather ia town and country fine weather for the rlcn aad lor the poor, for the sick and for the well. There ia cot a finer day ia the Con. federacy aor cut cf it, thaa-Ve have here la latitude 34 North, longitude 78 West. It is enough to chber the heart of the most despondent aud bring hope to the mot depress ed. The only drawback ia the duat. Wa have received by the Steamship F-ora, copies of the London Index, ot last month. We make the following ex tract from the papor of September 3d : From the Lonctoa Index, fept. Id, 1W3. AMERICA, It has beea our almost invariable mle to treat with silent contempt the melacioua assertions ol the'Fedt-ral Govern ment and iu lured advocates and spleB ia this country. At the request ot some friends we consent to make an excep tion in reierenco to the reported defection of North taroli n from the Confederate btates. bufSce it to say that the genias of Yankeedom never forged a more unmitigated lalaehood. It ia pretended that Governor Vance, despair ing of the apecesa of the South, is desirous of reunion. We have before us a letter from Governor Vanca to the agent ot North Carolina ia His country, dated "Raleigh, July 10th, 1863," and frtm which we are permitted to uiaie the fo.lowing extracts : The resources cf our Btate and the Confederacy have de veloped ia Bach a degree that we have every assurance of being able to clothe cur troops with cur own goods, and our vast amount of captures has given us tta abuadaace cf arms. The fall of Vicksbarg, though creating 6ome desponden cy, Las not discoumgej us. On ihe'whoie oar prospects are better thaa they were this time last year. Our people are adapting theuKeivet CONFEDERATE BONDS LATER NORTHERN AND EUROPEAN NEWS. , . , , Richmond, Oet. 8th, 16C3. At A action to-day Confederate bonds, of the one LuiiJred millicn loan, lorg dates, brought $112 j ; tho fifty million loan brcught $187J ; Sterling bilis, 1410 tu 1500". Baltimore papers, cf the ih; coatains a telegram from Lr.uiawlie which r?ajs that Burr side has drivea the enemy, before him Southward to Hiawatee River, and Eastward as far as Gieeaville. The rigit wing of Burnsiflfe's army is thus pat In communication Vith the army of the Camber land. Hooker is to command a part of the reinforcements sent to Roeecranz. Reinforcements are litleraliy pouring down from Lculsvlilo. Eight hundred C01 federate prisoners, captured ia the battle cf Chickamauga, have beea sent to Camp Douglius, Chicago. Advices from Charleston harbor, oa the 3rd, state thit it is curreatly reported that Cilimore's H&fldquarters have been removed from Morris to Folly Ia.aad, and tat the mass of the troops and war material would soon follow. The blockade runners Diamond, Alabama, aad Lizzie Davis, have been captured by Yankee crrffSers, Dispatches from the army of the Potcmac say that noth ing hag occurred to indicate immediate active operations. Conscripts ia large numbers are arriving daily. Changes have been made ia the location of some of the corps. Two cltizeas of Alexaadria have beea heavily fined for falling to re c agnize the roorgaa'zsd Government of Va , by taking out licenses for the transaction of buane.83. Advices from r.latemoras, 12th ult., make no mention of the occupation cf that place by the French forces. The Russian fleet will probably stay in American waters uatil spring;. The Admiral and officers will visit Washing ton and the great West on private invitation. A new arrangement for the exchange of riioaers has been agreed upon. The details are still under considcra--tioH. Hejnfz'eman will fce relieved of the command of the de fences of Washington. Gold fa New Yok oa Tuesday at th9 sscond board, was 147J, and on Wednesday, 146. The steamship Persia from Liverpool vith dates l the 26th ult., has arrived at New York. Tho Liverpool Cottca Market closed firmer.. Mfson's letter to Ru3ell on withdrawing from London, is published. He quotea his instructions from Richmond, which states that President Davis beiievea the Ergli&h go; vernment is determined to decline his overtures for friend--ly relations, and will not receive a minister, there fora it is up longer conducive to the interest, nor ccaiiitet vith 'the d gnity of the Confederate Government, for Masau to con tinue hia residence ia London. The Iadex sajs that it iu contemp'.ated to iviihdiav Mr. Slidell. The proBpecta of the fall of Charleston is much debited ia England The Editor of the Army aad Navy Gazjf.e. (tiusaell) says that he cannot perceive what gre.i2 military advantage would accrue from i s capture. Tha Rhine has oveifljwa its banks, and the country ap oa tne river is submerged. The Seine hna also iiaGa to a considerable height. The Alabama, Georgia aad Conrad have cap'ared the .Ameiioan ships Spa Bride, Bala, Priaue of Wales and Baa- tee, acd bonded them. The Yanderbilt left St. Helena oa the 20th of August iu pursuit of rebel pirates. The fiigate Liverpool has .lesn left in the Mwbjj, as is reported to watch the suspected Iron rams. The map arrested as N ena Bahit, proved not to be him, FROM NORTHERN VIRGINIA. GOBDONSVILLE, Oct. 9ih, 185S. The news to-day is mostly contraband. A line of wagons abcut eight miles long, was Been yesterday going frcm Cul peper towards the Rappahannock, bix prisoners arrived here to-day. Five from Hazel river, and one from Leea- burg. . FROM NEW ORLEANS. Mceile, Out. Stb, 163. The Tribune has dates from New Orleans lo the 1st, but there is no news of importance. The Era ays that tha p'fd during the war. Her trocpi have done their doty oa brv field, ard frcm her State Government b,? had leceiv ed earntit .nd rr mpt co-operation. He was particularly prat'Sed, wbrn ct tho roc? at nil on Gov. Brown for eight thousand troop3, the Governor ha promptly tendered him fifteen thousetid. Tse depar'n-e rf tbe trala closed his re marks. By inTitatioa from th3 President, Gov. Brown ac companied him to Car'eisvilie. whence hs reurc?J here. Gercril Co'cb prrcefufd v. itbtLc r;ca:d.'n. The e'eelior. retarna coiso ia slovIy and scattering. Sufficient have been rtcoived t j indicate that Gov. Brown h.s been re-elected by a pcpu'ar majority. For Congress it is ascertained that Lester is elected. iTESIDEST DAVIS IN 0 CORGI A. "aeietta, Ga , Oct. Oth, If C3. Piefaiut tit Djvis pasred r.p tLi morning. A large crowd collected at the f ta'ija to p.ci a glimpao of the distinguish ed visitor. Ir. Davis was introduced by Gov. brown, of Cscrgii, who appeared on the platform of the car and was greeted wi:h cheers.. Ho a Jdic:sed tbe crowd briefly, com plimenting the ladies of Georgia in their exertions ia be half of ths wcutided in tho ha battle : also the citizeca of the Enipie State oa tha alacrity iUU wnicb tbey responded to, the call for troops, and th) read need manifested by the people t rally to the dsfeuci of their borders. He eulogi zed the patriot'sra cf all of the Georgia State troops, and the distinguished service of the war worn veterans is the field, who Lava been in tirce the beginning of the war. He was g'al to meet Gecrgiaaa so dead to tbe the enemy, and from the uniforms be Baw ia the crowd, he rejoiced to knew th3 btate was well represented ia the Confederate armies. The Preeidant was accompanied by Generals Long street, Pcmbcrtcn, aad Go. Rrown of Georgia, and his own personal staff. Rebels are evaluating Richmond, aad thit the whole 01 to a Btate of war, our resources are developing wonderlui- virgmia w:u pe aoanaonea. Iv. our amy is becomins? veteraa and iuviuclole, and our Gold ia New Orleaus is 50 cents preadana ; low mid:ng crop prcsptcts, with the harvest aheady ia, iMmost exceed Cotton 631 cents. belief. That the Raleigh Standard ciu -pabhsh he articles as cribed to it must coavmue the most sceptical that tbe Con federate press is completely tree, and that tbe confederate Government must l?e tstrong and popular to permit vhi pub lication cf what the North .venid cad treasonable articles if Air. Linco a grunted his sabjeots'eqaal Lbtrty, his ieae ot office would not be worth many weeks' purer a;e. RUlnaotul siuprilur Court, Letter to tLe Editors of the Fayetteville Observer, dated : Rockixgham, 2T. C, Sept. 26, 1863 The Superior Court has just cloaed us Fall Term, Judge Osborne presiding, there was not a very large Docket and the business was nearly fell disped of. On Thursday, Dan iel Norton was put upon cia trial for the murder of An gus Campbell, on the 23d of January, 1862. The kill ing took place in the county ol Richmond some 17 miles south ot ilcckingharu. 'lhe parties were intoxicated. The prosecution was coi dacttd on the part otthe State, with great Zeal and abiii'y by Solicitor Buxton and Colonel Robert Strange, and on the part of the defence by Colonel J. W. Cameron, wto fully sustained the high reputation he haB acquired in this par,t ot the Stat&J lor being a goo-a criminal lawyer. 111s tiocor sum med up the testimony and in a very clear end learaej charge delivered the esse to the Juryrwho, alter an ab sence of an-hour returned a verdict of 44 guilty cf the Felony and murder whereof be was charged." On yesterday the prisoner was brought in to court to receive the sentence of the law. J ust as the Court was about to pass eentence the prisoner's Counsel moved for a raie 00 the Slate to show cause why the verdict of the Jury could not be set aside and a new trial grant ed. Llis Honor refusid the motion- and proceeded to pass eentence afttr first -urgipg on the prisoner in a very eloquent and impress! pe exhortation the greft. necessity ot ppendieg the ehort time allowed him to piepare for the awful doom that awaits bira. De was sentenced to be Lung oa the 30 th October, proximo, wbereupon the pria3ntr's counsel craved and obtained an appeal to the Supreme Court. I need not tell 50a that Judge Oj'oorne, in and out ol Coart, wiua tbe esteem and respect of ail who make bis acquaintance, for his mbanity and kinduesj of man ner. Ho is emphatically a good Jadge &ud a good man. , Noa i, a slave, the property oi a Mr. Davis, of Moore county, 13 under eentence of death to be Lung on Fri day next at Carthage. He was tried and condemned at the recent Term of tbe Superior Court, bcid for that county by Judge French. His crime -was "rape com mittesl cn a white woman. GshsKAL HcsriTAL No. 4, f Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 0th, 1863 J Messrs Fulion & Price': Allow me ttrough your paper to acknowledge ths receipt Of One Hundred Doilaia a donation frcm Mr. Philip Thomas, Chief Officer of Steamer Cornubii, for the use of the sick and wounded fr this Hospital. lean safely aay that tbe motive aa well as the gift In vuj highly appre ciated. Ycu-s tru y, - THCS. B, MICKS, 8urgeon in charge. The Era thinks the defeat of Rosecra.nz ia not as bad as reported. FROM THE SOUTH W.EST. Mobixjv Oct. 9ih, 1863. A latd arrival from Sbreveport states that Price is fall ing back towards Shreveport, and Taylor falling back from Alexandria, aad Ban'is pursuing F?:'jka crossed, from New Orleans ia three columns ; one at Lake Charles, an other at Brashiel City, and the third at; the mouth of Red River. His orce is estimated at thirty-five thousand, aad Steele and Blunt at thir.y thousand. The gxaboat Rattler destroyed all &3 boats up to St. Joseph, except one belonging to negroes. All the gun boats and traepporta are conataui-ly fired oa by our pickets. Thirty-five thousand French troopa are teported at Mat amoras. The report is everywhere credited. Gen. Forrest is here, ander leave tt recruit his heaHh, and ia not under arrest. He has tendered his resignation, acd if accepted, he wi l raise aa iuddpeudeat force. The weather Is delightful. Tie Register has a lat Memphis Bulletin- A New Or leans letter says that the Sabiae Expedition. v&3 a uiach grander affair than jepreseated. Tioopa wre sent to Brathier City to engage tha Confederates ttare, while Franklia went with his flotilla to Jaad twenty -five thousand at -the Pass. All the other movements ia that direction have been stopped, &Ed the Texas expediti n is cortaitl abandoned for the present. The letter complins tLut tt.e opening of the Mississippi haa not benefitted Ut-w Orleans. Provi&lcun are higher thaa ever. The Yankees wiL not send troops to Browns t'&t , bect-ae they are afraid of a complication wi'.h France. MISSISSIPPI SLJTION. M2HIDIA3, Miss., CVt. Pta, I83L Gen. Clarke haa been elected Ocf oraor by a large THjrjty. He has carried every county in the State 1 far as heard from. Messrs. Welsh and Baikj dale have bt tn re elected toi CoDgreas. MISSISSIPPI els ;Tio;j. HKBtDIAV, K133., Oct. O'.b, fSSJ. A specitl dispatch to the Clarion, saja that C rr tlect d in the first district and Ho'der in the. second. VVeleh ia elected over Ly.'es ia the tkird dieti ;ct. Barsdale ' i thought to be elected in the 6th, and kcRae is thought to 0 beaten by Lumpkin ia the 7th district, dirks Is certainly '. elected r . A;Ifii'd first Sb4ilt la PuradUe. Slowly did the hand of tbe Invisible roll back the curtains of darkness that enveloped the earth 1 Oao by oce did the breath cf tho angels extiu&cish the star lampe of Heaven ! And as'lbe 6uo fluug back the gor geous cloud that had veiled hia rising bro-v, acdepraDg up on hia fiery course, "a a steed spriDgeth to the bat tle," while tho light of his countenance, like the eye of a focd mother beamed tenderly upon the infant earth h-3 ' cherished the "hosts thereof" veiled and bowed themselves at the near epproach of their Creator and their Ccd.' Standing beneath the branches of a spreading pome grauite tree, whose flower and fruit tLe marniog breeza scattered promiscuously at his feet, was the Father of the human race. His refulgent brow, unsullied by the touch of care or years, flashed bick the first beams of the rising eun as from a polished mirror. His joyous eye glanced for a moment ou the palm tree's stem, rug ged acd dark then rested on" its crown of bright green leaves, that in the morning ray flisbed like an orient gem then over f tigradt sbrub and beauteous flower, until it settled down upon the form of the light serpent nestlirg at bis fret, i heir glances .met acd Adam siooped acd laid bis baud gently upon itspriucdy crest, smoothed down its scales ol crimson, green and gold; folded its brilliant wings and closed its eyes then like an infant weari'd with its toy, he turned to playing with th lion's mane and sleeping h-opard's ppots. 11 is eyes beheld the beautiful earth I His eurs drank in tho harmony ol naturv, till Lis heart ouid hold no longer, his moving lips poured lorth a gush cf j yous melody, wild, deep, and ihnlhng as a h. rp-stneg'a chord swept by an angel's hand. Lured by the wirjn'ng music of his voice, a fair hand parted tbe twining boughs of the myrtle, und a bright lorin sprang timid :o hia side. He Btopped arid gazed on this strange visitor. It was no angel, for it was too fair nor an arch angel, fur it had no wings nor cher ub, lor it wore no sparkling crown nor a Biraphim, lor tbey are ever veiled, and this wad nor, save by vb puri ty. The form was human, yet divinely so upon its brow there dwelt., as uri his own, the radience of Hea ven. It had aa eye, whot-e glance dissolved bis soul ' within its liquid depths a lp, whos eiu;h was dearer than tne br.-ata that lans the 1 hrone a voice, whose words were richer than t..e incense-laden wind, und like ho tones he heard at eventide, he would riot, could not, d-rd cot disobt-y. He led Ltr fcith bencaih the liraa-tree'a shade and through tbe citron grcves. He twined the myrtle and the orange bouh, aud wreathed Uitoa with luo thorn ier rest; that grew only in Paraditc, 10 deck her brow; be plucktd the r c est clusursof ths grape and laid thera at ter feet ; he wiped "he down from the fair cheek of toe nectarine, released ti e golden plantain fron its tind, and brought the iucicu3 ti that she might cat. iVo wine cup pp-rir!ed there ; but a clear spring Bup p'itd than with water, L.ud a bunch of tall, white lillies, a aweet drinking cup". n Suddenly the place was !bl with niilody ! A thou sand gcldi:n harps rang soft yet eiear ; a thousand voi cez joined in raising hi:b tue gathering socg of Hta veu ! Arjibrsial airs swept through the garden, ncd tbe swayicfe- buh gave back a deep response ! The joyfnl gusa of fountains, as they leaped up in their play, chirm xi gevly in with the wood-robin's song cf welcome and of Peace 1 It was tbe ;joorn of Earta's primeval Sabbath ; and the " Hosts " of the threat uncreai'd gathered here to consecrate ILs Ja3t and noblest work, to AJ's own holy use. .Between toe "Tree of Koowlede" and or "Life," the "Great Wbilu Throne" was fixed. A buz ng cloud, that none could ever look upon and live seived as a veil to hide His awful brow. From its midst, 8 some bright orb iu tho far depths of Heaven, beamed, with a lustre withering r.nJ intense, 41 The' great All Seeing Kjc," which fccanued the rack3 nuc cessive cstbe inch. Th- Seiapb!m3, who bow forever round lhe eternal Throne, veiled with their sparkhog wings tUlc pryir g cy.a and done low reverence. Cueru- hie legions, too, had left the " goldeo battlements of Heaven " to worh;p Lcrc on earth. Archangel bands no more mad? bare their glittering swords iu distant wf-rld?, ' but sped ia peaceful garb to join tho ret t. And angels, tec, left for an hour their embospies of peace, to worship, hero before Mac, ' pure and j 1st," 44 princes," and mighty 44 powers ;" birds, beasts, and creeping things ; ail that the hand of God hud nudi m eaitn, or sea, or fcky, were eummoned lura to witneee man 3 nrsi. act 01 leaity in keerjiurr dod a hrst law. Hour afttr iiuci- roiled on, and still the voice of praise ascended, aod the gubh of ton;? br Ae fiom tho innu merable host that ktidt in l.umole worbhip there, till, e the sun retted his chauot ou the wediern hills, the still, small voice" of tt.e E?emal King bade the two ast creature a he had made " stacd forth :" ()j ! it would c.-ed an angel's pen to puint Low grundy awful and sublime the Ecene that rnide our parents oiie ; 1 Itj j 11J not clown their eflspring otj an altar buiit by ieki, but on tLi foots ol of the ffcrone itsili . temphj fccun.d Us sculptured roof abve the m, but tbe dtap areii d Iltave'u's blue dome was their gorgeous ceiling ! No Lurnuu Iriendj stood round u wadding rob s, but tun wid -t 1). s a o' ti e Omuipotent, clad in the royal livery of Heavt-n ! No feeble worm pr.n uncid tutm man and wi e, ut the ;ice of. Him, whose gtn'lest wbi?p-r shakts the L nivtrse, declarea the Uno 44 One llevh " aud all Lis armies aaawered, 44 Yea, Amen 1" Gorgeously did the sin drew the crin sou curtajns of his couco, as lie flaag Ums.'ll to rest tbeieon. Tender ly did the ar-gels sing their evening purging byruu, aa tney bide aeneti to the bright emii. irucquilly did tbe first star of ivning pour its incho-v beam ujiou tho violet bed of two tair bei.igs, as they lay foidul iu each other's arras. Another eveniog came. There was thorns in the piiiow of Adjra, a.id the fltming sword of the Cheru bim nasned u tween ms s eepH.si yt3una 01s once loved Eleu. The Serpent Jv; h td cj-eay.d had s'uo him ; and sin, iugrati.uJe and deatu were man's yoie heri tage ! North Governor. PBKSIDENT DAVIS IIS ATLANTA. ATLAfff a4 Geo., Oct. 9lh, t 1SQ3. President Daris arrived here ..n a ep-cial trai 1 from ADgusta last even-rg, and p-rtrtef ded thia n erumg- s to tee Head Quartern of Gen. Brrg at. Matietta. He was toet by Governor Brown, a-.d alter a ek art ph'e inteiv iw tbe Governor introduced him to tiu; neoole. He made ' hem Bhort add ess from te plitform, complimenting Ge orgia and expressing gratification at the stand he has 'PCCQ' i.ie i.a.ie of Chicka- macga by the .;9 h 5 ih u OJ b leti.ncnts. a mem ber of the 5'th . n' u ih i i.''.;rlotte buiiit'n eay : 44 Gn W ' Prest -a 'omfuatio... . nr Oiv-i ju. to show Lis Appreciation f vHr . vi. ts ba psc r,ted to t-e bricade for the rfg mentiil col r g . . di, eu t Cj. . '! Colt'a Ite vovipglillei. G;n Pe-siu. vmauteiui. 4iri4 le com maaoersijs: ' 1 seud thce u.. '"' i" 1 h pe that be; tp h y o m emirate hereidt -r, i ' r'.iu , tbe ieat batilo in wh eh they wne lii-t ein tui ko tved uch biiiliant d s', nctiua l w j have .j. -taiiw-l to tbe fitaeutuchy, mo tv ti e03 1 viigiaiaaud ;tu- to th- 5 ;ii North Carolina " ,. The same t'oneaponlent givesalwtof tb- casuilt.ea .a the 68th regiment, whicn iiio .vs 3S to h-vc bCJU kuitd and 123 wounded aauong the former Lt. Col. Kirby. - i