TELEGRAPHIC U iKrla of tUe Pitai AMwlaUon. FnTrrd according to the Act of Cortgrees. in the year 166 I'r j s 'j iiRA?f'Ku, in the Ckrks Office of the restrict C art of the Cor.kder&te Etatee lor the Northern District .l (jfriif"- , - - FP. "vl CHARLESTON. Charleston, Jan. 2. 1S"4. AOU'S arc fib nt a ua". The memy are at work to d repairing da;- caused by the storm. W"t of the v.hs w, r.t round to ?soao. The frcrw-les and f-nrMcn r-..i. tho rale. The enemy nrtu iwo m.u-.h wver ii ijvr y.-f rd.iy evening ' fivjnrft having oore that he rpfc'tuTy lowered '''a flight me ipn i o-unc. ,.V!-airJg riu. Thir ';abeea i-o farther f-b lling of the ckv. a LT! r; rutiM C'tIA.UTON. .Wren--' bred l'' 'kiln at ths city bet fen 3 and 4 o'e -k t M af-eruoon. i'ur ba'tema roplkd. The firing i,.s, for .boot a-r hon-. i-onie firs sca'tering hhou hive V. (; li ed I c-i h r ba tetkrs. Tne Yankees appear t b rrittU: - -.rv-va.n.'-fci'-te?, .u ;.-9v'd wkh the view of , i?,,jt:rir .uct-thcr i.tnu.'tc. A lrg mm'ier of tent ate ,... cb. ; vib it Bell's iskind. F.vry thing, indie .es ac t v k .vtiaerrw in ibis quarter. U'r-IFFI'KRATF. .ON"'KE.ti-. kicnuosn, Jan. 2, 1SC4. I :. . cij.i'e rub p't a res-oi it I- n of that ka to Gen,, Lec rvi iNe i fij :o:s ard ri"Ili--r a!:-'cr his concmaud k r thtir c .-.ccsi-i- ai "d iieit &nd tig.! vietoties, over th v-a h. a.c, ci iha !. my, daring the last two tears. A hi" ! t . ircrf i..- the psy-of the Government cksrka oce i vi d cd pi cent., ar;2 the fiitcipal effiens of the dep&rt ri :.H fi,':y er '.cc:., -ls thVcn up 2i d di.-cu.s. d i'd the n . o v.- r . hsti Fx; etkive f esske. o:t?r which i. td j n-. 1. ilc Wo i''.i:..-od a u ill t ic'i: v posu. fis cra whose u i :s to n cciv. rror.ry iron cth.;r r-ostCi'iEtcrs froji thj ii-:.-:!' i- r huviK received t ..ui'rrfftit Co-federate iiO'.t- ; a bi.i to au'horlze the tp:'cir,fjienS of an As Bi u trvctet try ct thj Tteaiurj , to rfi:e west of the tf s'Mi. wi'h u B)tuy ft three U.-.-usir.d dollars. 'j'i.c ''i '' try Ooa;a3it ee r i U-1 a lid inttrded to pat i. j th.'.-rniy all icfotrf ?5 fota ifrjlaud feed o'.her Stitee of tbs Uiiited i-.tatos. it i.rovid-i that all males between 18 au S 4 ; j ; n:i ciiru'rr; to Lo citizens o! r.tiy Ltate cr lerri t ry hi the l':.itc d Kiatea, v, Lu ;eij bo in tho Confederate ; i.. -i ..ft r t c h-'--t oi L!ay, to li ible to ailitiry ?er v.cs Ait- r a k-: ;: lii;u tl- n. a tub.-ti'Lti1 whsoflsred that a I u: t i'- oi.ero i f va', wha coa'iaao to re s 1) Vi 'a': Cos'c Jciiits btatc ) -It: r the fi-t.; of Febrn ar; i x 1 i.-' ! t- m l-t'.ry service ia the ar.i.y, .?ithout r. Ci ; . cc--t.-! y. .-iT, 'i '.- c': k. ti ; ;; re?'d:-i.ce . r ebeoi'go. iovidcd :ra'':of;- o( ju-t:te or public ne- y f ii r u-h : o '..!! ! tl.!:.. e'afiS a- he tbtLks , 1 ti .it the h;'i -. r: t 10 la cwsir. , J to reptal ' tu. rd ptt l Jk.i i i t; e . o 1 1 trl.ty f jur to t..n-ty threv. :o."-:it:ittec . i I v. . J- r hr :"t k -i . f passage or li. i. ; adj .uin'.l. I icm m jt-D, 4-h, lrtG t. 1 1 a;v--cd Die biM to ti . v':o fa'LLh-. d t-ubt;tatca. -in s v r:h,!ir.d w;t.M-i-:ats3 be m;c'i ia tc i:i cou'.d b-) a'rend.d I i j tl t' i" i i ,'1 . ; .i ii";; i ..- t!i-.- d '; cm t j i ;i v I hid L. i.,;.r; :.i.;:p t) . r ii.v.or to .lav re- in ; Le cuuld to: r -r.'y t . I; -if the 'ettrr received, ;n.e!i -.a altcn.l t- th i:it'-rs t v, i h tiny reUte ; that H'f:ce it c w.e '..rot- .'r.'fi ta - Cr n.-.rorti woa d jat an end o ex- tup'.iott b i u'.ti' n' io. , iL-i i:arrr.w dwa the es tn..:i ''.h Irr tt'iCr cauj .'.a i:a ii 'Lhi number or cersons ,: .; : a c- j.lkcte 1 th :e '', Lai a. -jii.d io Liai to get of- j L -.s ;or ta- ia v.i k'.' -.vou d tx-.a.jt thtia from service, and ti..; it w.:i i d-i'.ea'e ia Kotu'cs to r?i fr tppciotroents, ::t:.t th. ; e't ir. j i ' ;c,t to coi 11 ia tb.- ir uor.-foa'i a. v j 1 c.::nit.a!. cf tk confederate ; XA TE-b. R:v;t:iD Jaauiiry 4'h, IS '4. 'II.; hti a'o (. c'. u'.Ti: u the ta n:i,:.ili n or. ratnrday of . r. Ct j. I)..vV. of N. C , e Attorney General of the .'Ml-1;'.".' Mil t'F. I altjn, Doc, lt, 18C4. ' hj r.alii-ad fi om Cha'.iaacoRA westward fcr a distance o one buad.ed n;i!e:' lita been Tendered unfit for service at pr.-sc-ut by reason .l the -cceat freshets do:tr;jir.g i lr-:m ChallvOs. ;..!: ve pt di di-;"tche3 coa'.ain ta-' foliowitg : New W.iu - ihe st:o;ae;s Oiyrrpa-i and Maryclor New York, i.: d t'ae Ani ita": ; for ra'm.u'.h, vrne captured hy ihi Ala banvt cu the lit1: of Neve nib?-, tLr Java Head. A j rivata i .TcsM,.a' : ja was prti-ir;sir.f a' Qaec-n-stown ino tbe iccc .1 CTwiiu.euts thereby v; Federal btc&mer Ti e ;ii..-p : u a', of the koa ion Tiaej iatiaifite3 that th:? Li-'ic'va Je ! . ; . :, SjT the ii.-et tinn, raid a access to tiio' rtbti po:t4 ty tUtgiroas, A aothcr crrcpon lent w.l'i the i- - i :.ay ia I er.ui-c, ad jiits that the ctibia is a; -pro. e.. tie iioa h. Vic jtx i o L'iiuys lea ec at a cc-i".rDui.;catioa to the French dkua.tie .tLts, rcUtive to the Congress, sratkg Keg laaa's Kfa u'.Jj uj-te ta ;.r. uaJciiUtdlsg with that Gov e LUn.nt, bat k wiliiag to debate pac die ally the great q ict tioLa lial le to kid to war. An e'.tcko ; baa been held in Paris, wLi. h has ia lae eacecs of the opposition c:ndiiite-3 by a largo j jri!y. A bi", far a three Lun dred will:. n ioit',' has l-tea la:d t.cfcre t..-o Frc-ca Ch:in-t-erj. LiviKro.n, rc;ber 17h. 'Jo.ta.i lu3 a do inward 1 1 Ne1- Yjili gvl ii uuole d at IZ2. I'ao Herald' a Waslt ijioa disp.itch eys that tae reorganization of the army has bevn ci mintn Ccn Tyler has beso assigned to the ceuai iu i of thelrkh legions. Fib.:.; CHARLESTON. CcaelEoTCN, Jan. 4, 1SG3. i Le lirn No a Carcika jIo- itai 7, as desticyed by fire tiiij woini;::. 'aLe ; At lent s were all removed safely, and a'l the ttarea, lii.-ciciites, furniture, Ac., sivcd. No o'-tr i t wo oi :ra;cr!anee. 'J here has bef n n-o firing tc-d.y. li e Yanhoea aie b'..I! v. orkiitg on luttcrks. lie::. bf:::itEST AlTOiiiriD I-IAJOR GENERAL. Richmond, Jan. 4Lh, ISii. k;t r..l .'Hi.'', laa k.a i:.r:ir:?ted by the President ,-.d oo;.a;nd !v the ic.te-. ; j .r J'crerab cc'Ai'ik 1 '. '': j: C; !hini -.. EiciiM'D, Jaa 4 b, HQ'S. In tie Senate a leerr.'kn was t -de i) i-i ca'Iiag en the Fi.cretary of the Treasury L r iuioira .ti onccraiag the amccnt ci propftty ctquestrated,ai.d th amount of money rcaiiifd frora the eakp, aid evcr.i pok-t ? ctnncctsd with thi-s ful j ?t. Most cf the day was- spent n secret session a he rgietd to the Seratc icaob tka of thanks to Ge:.t:--.l L e and atnty. The raka wtre sapttdtMi to allow the Committee onaiil ttry iftai;-s t..- rtpoit a bill on the sal-jeet cf esamptions, of vlko. ti.e f. L ij a coj : A li'.i to Lc rr.:tU-a f.a Ajt jep ealirg existic. and rtga kt'ig future, tximptions l'reta military eervke The Con 'jn us t ' the Ccrifld.rcle states do enact, 1 hat frora and af-t- 0 the passage of thia uc:, 11 aetc asd par s ct acts ex cia.i.i; g p:i'o:;a lie:.'! iLi..ti:y hc.vlce be. aud the same are he... by ievtatd, tx:3Lt ia 0 far as they r.Tata to oaS eers i tV.o C - Jc '.crate aad i ate GuVornaients : a? dhere ait.-r no ct: er pirat.---? saiil he exempt from saeli service thin the fokowir?, to vit: Ail who shall b held natit ior mil.tiuv h.:; vice, tnder rul?j to be prescribed by the Secre tary ot war, aid m:h o.Lcr persona as the sail S.-.erc-tary, vrith the aM-rcal of 1: 0 Presidar-t, may deem ir esp.lkiit t5 cxeirpt, ia v.ewot tl e uc ., wak'a ntuit be satiifacrcrilj e? ab'jshsd, in at s" :.:. caa. by their "kill. labor, oc- c lpa'ion o. t w -: -vt er sabs.v lac vi a! interests of t' .- c uat j, asJ e..utTi-..uM laore bubstaatii Iy to its ce feree t.u'side cf the a: my 'has -3 tho raaks : pjooiitd, that even in sach cas, absolute ex.-mp-Juna from military service rhaU z&. be rraa.ed, if, iu the oi.?:,i3a of the ec re'ry of War, he saate esd can be obtaiued by regu'arlj enrobing atid detailing for speeiSe tiQP.a aaa Etared pur pes. e, thrse whose ehi!!, labor, cccapilic-n or err.p'oyn-e'nt, my mak5 their services more vala-ibie cut of than ia the Ec'sal ran'as cf the army. Tie House went into secret -si n oa the tu.reney and tax bill? reported by the Sptcia" '-"iraace ('ommittee on Thurdy, attO couticned tlree h urs atter whioil it ad jocraed. A petition frotn a nainber of dc--tkta ia thi ct'y was pre ion;ed to both Eoaaes, aaking exemption, li is endorsed hj th Surgeon Ueacral- CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. , -Richmokd, Jan. 5th, 1864. The House new meets every day at eleven o'clock. This morniDg the milit sry conmittee reported an act to increase the cClciency of the arrny by the employnient of free ne groes and s'aves in certain capacities, which provides that a'l male free negroes, between IS and 50, be held liable to perform aDy duties in connection with the military defences Of the country , inch as woTk on the lortificaMons.governmen works for the production or preparation of tiateiia's of war, or in the military hospitals, an the :creta!y of War tnxy from time to time prescribe, and while perforra'i g mjh duties they shall receive raM.n, c'othirg and eloven dol.'sra per month. It authorize the Secretary also tt em ploy a micy male slaves as the wants of iheBrvics may reqiire, furnifchiogthtm rations acd clo'hittfr, and payfrigthc ownr e'-t van dollars per month. Incase oflieir by account of the enemy, or e?cipo to the enenay, or di:fai.e ncured in the dkchatge of the ee;vice required, the owner is entitled to receive their value. The Secretary tf War is aathor'z:d to employ asminy slaves p s is requ'red from time to time, whta needed ; placed on tie calendar and ordered to I printed. The bill to place in tervice cit zns ofanybtat.j or Teiritery of the Unit-' d States, and Bl ens, was tken up. A motion to refer it b-ick to the committee, with ir.stroct.io3 s to rei ort the Virkus am ndiufn was ditscaased ti l the hour for the spicul order arrived, when they went into lecret cession on the t;x aid currency bids. Great anxiety i manifest d to know the proTirir,s of the bills, bat 'he IL-nsc eee:i;s disposed to ccrsider the rae'-.e-ures entire! v i i secret fe?s'oa. The feena'e paastd a bill to declare the intent and mefii n of the eleventh section of tb Tax act that f-irm-rsalall not be required to pay c-r,e-tfcn;h of their bt;aw, or w! et, rye, outs, bailey, shucksand cortstaikp, acd went into s. cret'Eearion at an early hour. H501I KXBMOND. Richmond, Jan. o h, 1SC4. Gecc-ral Morgan, who was expected here this afternoon from Danville, wi!l not arrive u'ttil Tfcar diy. No s:gns yet of the flig of tiuee boat. Our latest Northern dates are to the 25th nil. l'riees cf provisions continue to advanc-3 in thia Market. Tsvo extensive auction sales of btocha are adverfztd to take place this week. Confederate eight er cent, bonds, long date, .add yester day at 1 1 7. FROM NORTHERN VIRGINIA. C kakq 3 C ii., Jan 4th, 1SC4. " ea-y anow atorra has prevailed alld'y, which will Llockude military operations for thj present- Perjotjs writing to soldiers, or sending them papers, are earncs'ly reqnested to pie-pay the postage. Ovr hftaen haadred lettera .'or Holdi;r3, besides a large number of pa pers, on which the postpga is not prepaid, remaiLedin to army peat eCice on the lirst of January. . FRJal NORTHERN VKiGIMA. OEAhOi C. H., Va., Jan. o.h, 104. A few piisor,era, captured by the Black Hor3e cavalry cear Vv'nrrcuton, have been received here. The enar.iy hae maJied,darirg the past wee. a fmill force of irfntry iathe direction of Madison C- H., froaa Cnlpapr O. II., to a point abcat six miles beyond the termer points. FRU-CHARLESTON. Cn AKLTisroK, Jan. 5, 1S61. The rnem oi enedfiro on the city iastn'gbt at 10 o'clock, acd fired one shell every half hour u to half-pat 5 o'clock this morning. Slx'een eheili iu ail were thrown, nobody hcrt. The Y.nkee3 opensd two more embrasuie .i to-day, oae bearing oa the city, and the other on James' Island. No Grieg between the bi-tteriea, and all iu quijt at Sumter. The number of fefceiife throwa into tie o?ty vp ta kjis tin.e, tiece the ccn iiurjcement. ia about 40. iiuiltr tin: UauBi Aimuiiig our Vilioiitu ni .o!:t liOvkoul, The Cvc bundled paroled Confederate prisoners who arrived in this city oa Monday nigbt art moitly from Lcuieiaaa anl Alarjland. J y vfcrc tsuerted ro the paroled camp at Cauip Lte.exetpta few, who obtain ed larloua.lj3 to remain in the city. The prisoners relate Hi incid-iit that occurred cji the iuatant at Point Lookout, Maryland, upon the occasion of the virit ol JJutkr, the 'b-rosa-ejed tyrant," to the prisoners' canjp. lie came with his sifcfl BurrouadiDg his mailed carcass, and u couple ol buDdrtd UiOUDttd guard lormicg s. solid phalanx about bita, or dashing hither and thither, l he Beast, for the first time in hia military txpeiiecce, wus in the midst of eight cr un thcusaco of the men he had the ra03t reason to k-ar, even without arc;3, aad his guilty, cowa.d soul mast have trembled as the;r vtl.3, jeers and hissing volley of hatred, cenfempt aad der3ioa Einoie upon hiaa like a ptlting storm, 'ifae Lou:sia'aiaL8 were particularly exaspera'cd, and seemed bent oa personal harm to tha wretch, whj dared, while conscious cf Eecurity, to insult them by hia presence; like the jickaii that dances in the presence of the snared lioa. Hut better couMel prevailed. A wall sixteen feet high enclosed theia with cannon mounted atd painti.ig from the block hcusts, ready to sweep them with grape. 1 he Beast, less coble in appearance than the animal he rede, signified that he wished to speak to soma cf the pridontrj, acd struck up a conversation vvith a quad concerning the lations lurniBhed. Learning the quanti ty, Le said they were entitled to more, and should re- Cieve it. This was evidently a compromise dodge ol the old blear eyed blasphemer, and was intended to cocci-iatc-tthe j;ers, tauntd and curse3 that belaboured him on evtry side ; such as " What will you take Lr ycur Lead ?" "You d n I-absler-eyed eon of a b h '-Pay mo the money you robbed me ol in Xew Orleans V "W by don't jou light mea and not womea ?" " When dl ycu fight your last battle ?" "IIow much are you worth, ycu Ourglar?" " YY by didn't ycu come to see us oa the battle field," etc., etc. These expressions were delivered all lhe vhile Butler was speaking, and at the close ol hia remarks he rede tff with his sttS and bedyeguard, as he came, the butt ct a thousand jokes and jeeis. From the Biohmond Dispatch. The Straggli. A gentleman who has traveled of late extensively in the Conltderacy informs us that he has met everywhere a vast number of soldiers as large a nunrber, he thinks, as there are ia camp who are now absent from their duty. This agrees with the reports we receive from every quarter, and which arc confirmed by the declara tion ol ihe Secretary of War, that the larger part of lhe army are absent from their posts. A iriend of ours met lateiy with fifteen able-bodied gentlemen iu one ruup who Lad managed to obtaia trifliog coatractB, or be de tailed, or obtain some other pretext lor escaping th;ir duties in the field. In some of the counties ol Yirgin'i we hear that service in the ranki is locked upon as dis reputable, ani that the man is considered gieen wlo cannot keep his sons or pels out of the army, la other quarters we hear of the enrolling efficer permitting everybody to pass. These absentees, be it rems mb.-red, are ail within the ages prescribed by the conscript haw, ar.d. il biouTht b&CK to their duties, would 'make me forces U the Confederacy more than fufiioient to cope wkh the enemy. Under these circumstances, ia it not the height ol lolly to extend the conscript age, and com pel schoolboys and grayheaded men to take the places of stalwart deserters ? buca a course is a measure ol des-pet.-.jn, a cor Session of weakness wbk a ia not war ranted by the facts, a proclamation that the Coniederacy ia on its last Ir-gs and is compelled to play its last card. 1: Congress is not given over io that niadue3d which goes belore destruction it will re.uae to tae the " seed corn of the country, as President Davis has aptly characterized the boys of sixteen, and the intern old men of the country, tor purposes which are not d-m-isded by the good tf the country, all whose miiitary necessi ties can be suppl ed if, insteud of making new iawf, the rr !- r:s it iia is eniorceu. WHO JS Ilii I Wp iirilirt.? " iroiscr the rouudd of fine ;ouftde papers," an r fT rnv: psnondence b3tween the Confederate btates -' - o - agent for th3 exchange of prisoners, and one Major (j&ieral.B. F. Bat'er, relative to a package of vaccine matter, which the latter requests shall be received by the farmer and applied, under proper medical cffi;ers, to th3 vaccination of the Yankee prijonera at Belie Ish a..d at Lynchburg. Oar object in noticing this corres pondence, is to itqaire who this Mejjr -General B. F. Bulk rts? Certainly it cannot be " Beast tiutUr" of New Cleans notoriety. He has been solemnly pro claimed an outlaw by President Davis, end we bave yet to learn, that even upoa the fcore of hutnani y, any official cf our government is authorized to treat his communications with the respectful consideration Mr. Oaid does, in the correspondence to whic'a we have re ferred. Perhapa there is soma oilier Butler than ibe outlawed " Beast," in the Yankee army bearing the" same name and title. If so, iril right; but it not, what has becem3 ot the edict that declared the "Beast" anoul-.w? liow long will it bo before Mr. Ou'd i-I receive a note from some " Buck Trigger," Yankee Major-General, asking some Bimilar favor ? 1 Atlanta lnteUiganccr, Foslnng'tr Oeii'rxl's Ittnjit. I Abstract oof tho Postmaster General's Report f-r the fiscal ye?,r, from the lt of July, 18C2, to the 30-.b of June,J863: Revenues free? postage fiSajM 01 Expenditures l depurtroei t , v,C Excess of receipt? ver expeodi'U'-e". $fi75 C48 44 Numbe of mail eon'racur in Vi gii ia No. Ca.... So. Cr, teorai i. Ftorida. . . Tftri ets e . Alabanm. . Misis-itjpi i.oria ana. . Askansa. . Texas . .210 ..1ST . . I ' 2 . .4) .. Itl .. 61 .131 . . . .. Mi l0. Do Do. Io. D. lo Do. Do. Do Do -lo. do. d . do. d . !o. do. 60. d do d.. do do d.. do. d . dr. do. da. a: EBin'w-r. , Tot 1 cen-'ract3 upon b da for a Cf thia camber 14" obtained comieal rase of ccrrpei.u&ti'-n. Number of Vst OSces ia tie Cotifederate 5-taUs Alabama Arkansas ." FiOrida , 'korjra Louisiana. . . fc'kaissir.pi Norih Caro'ina , !?e-uth Caroiioa : . . Tenne-seo . T x t Viririaia Total '. . 76S . 619 . :7 . f15 . T67 . 5'iet ,.1,00 57'"i . 955 . 7'0 .1,732 '.8 i7 umber of cf2:efc filled Vy Pre"! leot'g appoiiitiaeDt. 6. Number of dead letters ope ed, c n'aintLg $13,7'u0 93, :n moriey, regrstere.i acd reitt tut; irom July I, 18 )2. to Jutie bO. ISo ! Somber of dead letters open-.d and fiied, con taining $15,357 i3, in money not ecat out. Number of dead letters, coc'aiokg fraftg, checks. bilU of :.iciiaiig. Ac., smunting to $i-91,5'ji 75, registtrcd, a.-d eeut out for de livery, Total ncmtier f dead lettera Tontainicg m ney end a uabks, Number vi uupaict letters heid tor pootag-;, and returned to the deud k-tter chice Number of crop letters held for p s age, and re turned to th dead letter oftke, Number of deal JetterSj Total nrtmber of dead letters opened iroui July 1st, 18.2, to Jane 3?tb, Nurxhe.- of quaiterlj returns received, find pans el to tho auditor, r m July 1, l&2. to Juno 30,;3, :. 1,C18 7f4 1.213 8,7:a ll,Plo 470.11; 5l327 ?0,9'J8 Fro to the Richmond .Moaticcl.l Lew ib X. E&ndciJ", ' t KcnUick, late ot Forrest's e v?.l ry, wri;n from k udou (wlere hb io engaged wita hisla'h er, Mr. Geo. -a'icSei?) a t-hort couimu'iu-ation oti-th utile u! pohiie piidoa ia fcrg!ii:d reijuve to the Confederacy. a triced of tho y oui-g-oovi man ivoa tii; lollowii. inci dents : Lewis, then. & j-nir frish ficw co)2te, was in May' cha-ge at toe i&Hkg of the balte ri s at Fo.t Donelsoti, ani dtciiaguiMhod biaise.f &)bo at hacramcuto., our first aavaliy li.Lt, aud at oLho!i. Luring a part ot the uattie at Dot o: tofi, Forrest's cavalry we.e diia.rtu to rhciter tiitrncelvcs ia a iaviue nctd called o. Chlikd and starvitig. the tabs tlj ing over ana around thorn, th.-y lay on tk enoxr, lioaet: the fit-ezing nleet, watting ordsta. Leww drew tut a boob and quetiy bttoi'S himself to rercing uvV hat are you do ing, si!"' Capt. il ay called out, on observing his l.teiary occupation. Theie is nothing to do, sir,'' replied boy, "uotnicg to ea , nothing to cook, 1 thought I might as eil rond.'' Oy-the habits of wearfnots and be-l-i.'.-i,.seieii ao quired under Ft r ebt'n dinoipiiue, i.ewi? Wat-er-uk. able t1 nisbater in Lis n w vrel! known paatiago ihrouch i'ao er.e uij 'a country iu 18 2. lie psteu oil as a young ;en.i:; r, vhicii a i ear of bis. boyhood -a :t..g:aL'd lit r. do qui.fe es, wl iie nu t .tt.i-r ab cikgaistd in th. t ea-so gaio -f a mi ner. One incident of their j .arii-y bus, wa he:ke. ..ot betn tn print: On arriving "at FntUt'c'ptsiK, ob ig.i to stay over Su.,djy, thty scu vl.t uu obseuiu tavera w ii-.'i t X'i.ty woJd be uniUOivu to ho t., H:u vtin's or gu-jstB. iu.uyg th liifct persons th-y met eit- aa o d waiter ii.d eh uiibt.r Uia.d of a hotti where t.;u-y had ou-n put u. i r. G.sorge Sander a went ill to bd l.tiint d ateiy, ana rttiiai-c'i; :h ro. Lewis Hid cutgtown rteoAcotej'i, a-td as a young cooam-y escaped dfttc.ioi;. ::e made I the amntmeiits. paid bills, got tickets, - -ey left very early oa ioada. . 'li e fo!ijvk.g ij the letter abore re'eireci to : kOiD)S, Dept. ol, lSii". To Uie Jiiclunowi t'c!-.i'rei : 1 thirk it. .wotld bo gree'' : to y ur readers ro know In Liga eniitna ioa ta-a jcop:o 01 kng mud in:o.t uujve e-aily p tee upon the t.ou:nc;n ehiraviei, people, tt ,ldiers .nd he cat-se, notwithstanding Ui-.t ;fle alij.wa to thtw o stavcty to otnedtgrte .-pre a da u ve.l over vur bravo na iu. Kngiatd a, ui h beginnieg tf tbe v;ai, ia a : or id atato ; aad tie pal Sy t tho tj .vori.meau iia .oedvo to keen cdwu a.l :he nobler leoaigaof 'h; utopie, 1-ut, dca pitc an erCeaos tl tha liuuis.ry , ihe i.L..;nsh hive ,;;?.du a:li bwaseucd to a btnje 1 me nuaitt da ot m-e a a. bari iks o: eijiia tud the i-ac mitiii g ioi i uJo ol the is.,a'n. jjo to tiio bt.l:Vo at.y itpons ht m ine i ):..Los uaitffs con tinned by ths iaouth-viu a-, c .uiit. iha cowing elections are iooKcu Lo with much interest, aa toiobhaoo vvn g the poi'-oy to be loiyeu upo.. the pr. tent Mu..stry, or adopted by a cw one, ia reaa to t; e Jmeii can question. 'iha booth, by th'.ir dvo.ien, have taked ihe estivos above ah cowpariooit. And tho way Northvin'snniaa nve melted away bcioro bouiheiu toldiois auu genera;s. o that no oliioiai leprts can bce.Uut lor them has excited tho wi nder of ah. 1 do not mean to say ti.ut England io f ji ua pntely from Bympaihy; ber pabiiun-i iiiil butjiccts all roia-.d iitr to j oin ia our views at.a hopo 01 bucoeid. lhe meddling, i&saiti;:g iankeee have, by tbeir seizures ana ti airicticns, driven to ce-par the west, pi .old tr re li aric mei chant of ia gland 'ihe cotton speculators, at tho begiueib g of tie war, ran the price ot cottou ui i.e-youu an 1 oaoa, ana it is not i.n now that tho real pitsu.c has bt,uu to it ltd'. Tbe ntoci ol co. ton gooas on liana wiien too war brc out was ao largo .hat a craaa would sowii coae, hbe. peuoo ooen unoioken. lhe iico m the ra n matcriui VbS not loi'owcel by a tise ia th jnanaiacturcd goods iu aaything t:ke an equdi degi'ce, owiaj;, bice, to the o'.eli on ban ?, a U, next, to tae &uu:ix ure or inferior kinds Jrotu li dia. '11!. tttck ot LuiailcC uiee gooes Laa t-eeti exaa ;i.U aou uow luo leal pieatuic vriu show knelt, ih-.-se tv... to no rue now bi from icai want ot tho uriiciv, ; ud the cemw-g wiu er will ace more dialtcss ia itlr g.and thua the :as., two ioo c Besiaes the wa . t ol oot oo, iho paiiaiihi;:py of (bo nob was it-rgfeiy uiiwu upon last wiuici . u-ir : a.kuoti baa fcXhaui'.td itself a they eo how vaia wtrt ait nt pea ot Fctie-el boeeeaa and a rpeeuy teiaka.:oa oi the a . inglana ia tnapostd to ioe-it wnh lavor upon the i'- neh move iu Alti'oo, ll-r tho rtaau thtttht noi: k w i.i u uorne wa, leruinato tue war, and cekat tiio 1 Ai.Ht.C3. oet tue teo'ithsru peoplo giru ineniaei-iCri wi.a i .c: bonda ol tfxupaihy exteuueQ trout kuropc, and v. 1 i.out l.oaiu boniuU, iauei not iu tueir grcai. puipvce, au i ..h:;u ihe ieabt expect it, help will Cvu.e iu touie way u. a oowu to aay ot ua. 1 00 not kae to ho;d tu- 1 lie itj.u ta irtigo iu eiloience; lor, even ete r. ptbco.e to iw whau n would CjIU:, il ia Wc&keaing ua lo aaticii a e it. jui blioU d u.o win 01 ill; x-l gab ; eoj.oo be oooe, ie w,.i i.ave auip-e lor our a iot as tney oau i,ivc it. Vju v i.-j ix oi je:H ). fcOCTU l AaeniNA A!U TlUS L MO.N .- -Iho .VtW Y ir Id saj a eai.oii.ti yi : Xberc enier ! no , rov;.-u.n niue ju tuts i iti::.c a re- consti notion p. oJ 'ainaiia li ixauuiitung ccaiu euiOitua, or a very easy out. btates aie to bo le.ogu.zoei, uaoci the pre c .aioatioi;, wbtu tiiey bba.l oc- rc-tsiaoiiottei oj peiooi-b eyaai jm number to oi.v,-iti' 1X1 01 ti.o votj;- oati t. tne 1'rebidc.nlii.i el ctloll ia ISoO. . ae.i .ii uiii hu- uo popular i'i ta deatiil titct:o. .1.- il.-r, rs . 1 I'lijt-t, ana ice i'ltcioout ben g elicit a to ti.e Livju atn-., wa.ob pcrhans, contain IWw i.:ia. u i... u.o 1. i'te v- .- ;.. .aft ana they are me- ay i-1 -o..a ji; vot e trieidantial cioeti.n Mcia.ij "--a.c, ... .a - tctui; : t procUrtiAUou, " the nutnoer ti votta caet tasju o:. at the I'tiaiueuiiai eiecion. " A. ii-, 1-00. ho mat bauth Caroiioa, m tuts I'leaiddat's recoiiotruo aen rcb:iua can be readily tut -going, Ouiy treaty persons arc itqjae J. ineij oau b oaiio piaied ap ai. iicauiort, and toa h caroiiu inaj, ot 4.11 itf-ea;abiiah a btatc ijovernaieat waitji stiaU 00 leuouCiU, " utd-c rh-- i'rejtJtat'a plaa. t.a. it .1 oe me teutb oi tne p' paiai vttC whiCa i-1', mta u. e tn . riiin oer 01 peaoUp ' qa brie, t-ou.ii Uaroiiub has noue tu.-u, anu Whl itqairtJ Spceial ltcve lo eU.l her caae. Who Bitot-GriT on Discmun ? i he New York Tri bune advises the Soutn, "in view ti ihe iccent fl'-Cticps and "its deepetate coudinuo, ' to ask k-r rt-uuiou w speedily as poesibie. I'his brnogd oui k-0:n the n o;ld some remarks en disunion, in tub course of which u says : - It his oi ten struck us with surprise that men woo protlaimed "an irrepressible cotfl.ct" shou; i coiuplAlu ci the -ge of battle which they threw down bei:g taken up ;thatm2n who iaststed tiiat "the Umoa could not exist part siive and part free," s'uou.d q iiirrel wnt people who satd : "We tgi:c with you, we don't want to make vcur States slave, we are ueitrmined ytu shall not'make our Statts free." We never, at school, when a boy, put a cliip oa hb chowders, and dared any boy to knock it off, looked upon ;he ore who luvxktd it c3 aa the niy, qaarrelaome t-uslonar. The Tri'ouac & ks of a lasting peac Tvila the Sou h. We had peace onfe-- e had more, ;ve had in tercourse, common pride and cmtooa inicrea 3 ihit mttrcoatsc, that! p.ide, and lho-e inte;ttc, tt.u i rroji.e and i'S class of tuibkcis hu-ve for the iasi twtn'.ji ytarj done their besi 10 destroy, end no,v nor eimpiy attack tbe reason but the. motive ol who questions their wisdom. Not un'.ii the Nor.h hurls inlau-y fchttil we have a iasiing peace i;h tbe Soutn. ; '- The Marquis of West minis .er's income is So COO a v, and' that ol th' four lea-kng llotbch ids 1,000. da an n. ur. Pre-'At us roars those Greeley, in a speech at Cooper Institute las: week, said that he was not sure that another President would b3 elected. Fmni the Fayette1 ills Observer. II A BfA tOHPIS I have r!.e jro' respect' for what is known among uis t,-c t -iv law. Amd tut tiyor and bard- s'- jf- t nibcnr v mh , it i r f)t saing, g to know that- w.- l.tivt- s;td he itr-. but im jenet ra bis ' shield of th; civil Htttf..trif, v. prt ttc? our iiocrtie.', our lives end ou prot-"cn ! 1 v. 1 tra!o th Ancient Ctuimon Law. Admin s t-red u. i ? puii?, it furu sites fh - (uMiStimmu nities i;od a; s p.j.o? gur.ju' e.t To l;iyr y whic1! a natioQ tun pesibiv et toy. lu uh-nt to he vast bat hmni nion-i ii.nftiueiv of ibe ''iji:ii'.!M L-w is tht (jre.ii Wnt ot I! jbeis Co pa cum causa, which gives w v.-ry (i;z ;ii rtsrraintd of hi.-. Jiburiy the rigbt to bave the 4.aa?e ot bis ciptioa aid derention cu'y pa Fed upo-: by ss;H3 t ffijer of uo iatle, indent, and, as we ijv.;ce to bta..vtj v.e h vt 10 ISorth Caiouna, an 10-. upiiblt J u kciat y. Before the pa-saye gf the Co , script Liws -his Writ was trid m used among us, ard f e nature and incidents bu . it !e I n owu to the puhiie, ai d iudee J, I may eay, but imperfeji'y a. d.rsiood by the prof son. Sinct lhe p-aiftBge ur -hrt laws, however, it tins b-xn much rtrkM'ul to for thtt pu'-'Oi?'- of decitla g doubtful qaes 11 j.s (.( iiarSiliiy to the m'li'aiy service, aod v.ho'st its vl-- in th s re-p-eet La? dtmorsuaUd its pric lea virtue atd triunii-hautly vindicated its claim? !o the magiiifi to;ii trie of 'i 1 .ur Bjiw.rk tf Liberty," itiasalso net n attended with many treuds acd i npoiitions, and uiUvh icjislic:- to the Government. I wcuid not bs u;iders'ooii as attachiag any 3om pllciiy cr ck;.'oioa"'tty to oor Judges. Farfre mit. I teei a l.n'ty ride in the conscious belie! that they are honest, 'impartial, loyal and patriotic. But owing to the fact Ihat their c.:s.3 are frequently beard upon ex pnte allegations and prcof, with no one specially in ttrt&ied to ero?s-exsmiae wittt83ts, disprove untrue etaeuif-nt3, or d-scloee material facts designedly with held, it cou'd r ot be o '.her wise than that injustice should be done, despite the honeit tLT rts of the Judges to do the most impartial justice to all concerned. To prevent such frauds and injustice, Judge Battle has ndoptul ibe Wise expedient, upoa granting the Writs, of ntnicg the cus-.s back to the county whence they came for evidence to be t&kea before the Cierk of a Court vi li cord, with die notice to the county enroll ing c-fJiCv-r totiiknd, that he my cross ex&mine the wiin'.; s'js, add it original Usiiui any tor the 'orovern meut, A;e. 'i'be ..udooi t l this course ia shown by the lact that ia dIlc cises oul of Leo, the efficer to whom the writ is directed is a xmiiiia tlEeer, the friend ef the par.y ur?ested (the arrtot being made at the solicitation. if the petitioner,) and not oofrtcpj-rntiy, it is said, ptti'J to aid in procuring h'3 discharge. A more perfect con trivance lor cheating and imposing upon a Judge could not tll he conceived of, and yet he, ia the utmost in notency, may eup.pos ds it is but natural he-should, that the ofiieer, rtgaiust whom the grave charge of having irmde tie iilt gul ar'iest 13 aliegtd, wcuid bo' interested iu j'utilyingra'hcf thin cond'aitnirjg his own official eotauci, Bui so kr tror.i this being so, in very many of thecaots which 1 have seen, theefficcr's return con tained a tr liuiiuou , unqualified and swra ebdorse mehi. ot tut allegations of the petition. As one of the h ading i-ptci -s of frauds practiced at Icatt in one coun ty m the State, srMies from the anny who have been ul service, maiy cf litem for tuo years or more, aje ste'lvig vff cpou wins cf Habeas ( oipus, by scores. Ai d ytj, 11 was 'he op'.riiou ct our Supreme Court, and so far as I aci informal ail cur Judges coacui in the opinion, ti.ut a BolJkr wl; has oeeu in the army and received pay, b:uuiy, Are, is not entitled to be dis charged upoa Jl ahead Corpus, even where they have furmsht-d su! sli'uks. Atai it is the opinion 01 at least one of he Ju-igca of the Suprfms Court, (upon the an alogy', as 1 suppttse, tf the priociple decided ia the ma-ter ot il. O. Grah'ini," as re-ported in the appendix to Jones' Law, v. i. VIII, So. 2, Juae Term, 1861,) thai it soloicr who -s ubee-ht iroui hi-i command without 1 ave, beiuj; subject to irial and punishment by a Court Martial lor said oil- nee, cannot, wbiie so abdent be heard upon an .api Jicniioc fcr his dwebarge from ser vice. How tnvn do ik-erters from the army aud sol dicis ubscbt without leave who have received pey, bounty, Are , get off oa writs of Habeas Corpus ? fcj im ply by tiliigirig .'acts whleh, it tiue, and they had never bteu in th? aruty, would have entitled them to exercp :k;n uu-Jtr tht tela of Congress, and, by the aid of thcic lfiet dj the tluocrs who have them in iie-mtuul cua loiy, withholdiog or denying the otter tuaierial facts. Mcniitieui as this may appear in the eyes of those who regard ' justice &3 the true limit ot professional ef fort," i?peeij.i!y tvhere the iudepcradence of the country ia the issue, jet I beiieve I do not hz ird th truth wheal ns.tittt.ut ptihapd half, at least one-third, of the fcolJieid who have returned wilhia the l ist lew uionibd to a c-.rtuin locality, with or v it bout leave, have b'.cu diictarged by the use of similar unworthy niea, s. iS'ow lhe fact ih it the bounty (Staie bounty to con scripts aa well as voluntsers tub iortiitr not being en titled lo Confetierale bounty,) is due acd payable to the soloicr eo instant i that he ij mustered into etrvice, and the fact that Le has a right to draw ciothing at' the commencement cf his term of service, and .the farther fact thai Jkiusur and Pay Roils are regularly made out every two months and payment made aa seou thereafter us ptaeucu'cie, cuht certainly to raise a reasonable prttuorption ibai any soldier who ha3 been in service ior however short a time,-has received either pay, bounty, or clothing ; and the satest way of repell- 1 iug this prtouuiption would be to require the cfliiavit or ccrtmeate ot the cammmdi 'llb;erot hi3 company And here 8iaia ia been the wi Jbl the opinion held by at least one of cur Judges, as above sta'ed, that a soldier wno biiogs to ui organized command ought not to be heaid upoa un application lor discharge through a writ ol Habeas Corpus, unles3 the writ is Served upon hia commandibg officer. Forthough he may bavtj furnishtU a substitute ior the war, be may have. ub3t ttoxiiily voiuatarily enlisted, received pay, bounty, &c , ar.l uo ona may know these facts except an efficer or Mini-ber of his comjiany. ' Le sot formula lor the return of militia efficers to ivriia ct Haters Corpus is of such an equivocal nature that it deca not snow, even in well knoa casea, that the applicant had ever beta in the army, being about as follows : " La obedience to the writ, Arc , I have nere the body, &d ,:and for causes, Arc, do say that I arns cd him uader ordef, requiring militia r farcers to arit-st all consciipls and deserters," it not appearing whether tLa peatiouo-r was tbe oae or the o'her ; or "I aneited him uadec the ordLrs of my superior officers," wti'ch 13 equaiiy uai-a-isfactoty. Acd tvea ia cases waere ibu .uCD ii a L.t applicant ba3 beeu in the army ;y accident icaki out, the ouiy avai.uble means under ilw circumsiauccs, ol adecrtaiuing whethtr pay, &c, .ave been rtcciwu, a by interrogating the petitioner h.imeii, whico, to ay tho lejat of it, is of doubtful pra ptiery. But more anou. CIVIC. For the Journal. esr3 Editors: No.hiug is so well calculated to rove the- undoes aadiug and Caktrge the stores of till. nsc'iii knowledge, as bringing to one's assistance the t-xp-.rience of others. In rcad-ng sacred history itcan aot fail to furnish a soared of practical wisdom to our legislators and ruler.-, and will alao be profitable for rtdtction to private persons, as we become ncqaainted with human nature. Picture man when in power in the past nges-r-whea bigotry and prejudice ruled su premely, and compare those characters ivita the present tyrant u- d traitors now living. We see man is not coan?-d'in his d:spo3ition ; is the same deceitful, k'K d n an, that the divine wiker described four t: o is ind years ag. lie is just or u- j ist, honest or d:-3honcsl. He acta according to his owa iroe will, whether uprightly or wiciedly, whether seiSia or be nevolent, j tst a1? conscience dictates, (if ha has any dur ing war.)' Unhappy must be the ma a that lives in this revoia iou (or ht'trion,) not to lit mankind in the ieaL. Men of wea'ttb, gaz ng upon their treasures that they h ive en! rg -d siccc the war by oppressing the po; r and aiki; g the highest rates fo; everything necessary ior ti e comlori ol hft;. Hew wid such persons die, wneri they remember that they hivtj an immense trea-' sure m t fi cf f rphans' o-rief and widows' tears of sol 'd.ers' bio d and h n s, that ukd u have their country free from tic tyrants tf th Nor; fa? Can euch men die tt peace with (ioJ, and good will toward man kind they only lived :o oppress aod never to benefit 1 Mi.'eiabe must be the man that neither fears God nor regai di the coicfor s of tbe patriot soldiers of the I nd -,vn tave thetnseivc up us breastwoiks for free dom S 'ilis'ints 13 the bine of bappine3. . Why brtvc c n e men bea so ind.flcrent to the cries Si the p or soU iers? It is wrong for men to becoixe so inso ki;? and iocon-is tut .ts-to ue and opprus ths land, not do ng good wi h time os tal?nt. Oae such in pow er rn.k acuity rvhi-rs fodov bis fjo'sups by his bad ex9tn?!e; men who h tve t'.:e;r hear s of sioi,eahd fore nea.'sot inns, to live to oppress. the land. v Would it not 0;, weii to exp .bc gaca corrupt, designing men who that- d gtroy t he tspocent of toe peoplea liberty to do g'o-i ? L t th- pre.s a d in oorreciicg the public mor- a 3 ! if- b5f ctrrfA-'o: of iff :tt3, be t iey mjtal, poiit-c-l 0-rarnerciu', Qancia! r-r social, ia the noble presi whtfi it do.s no: uccumb 'to the will of a few de signing men, thus aiding tbe wrong doer by remaining silent or indifl;rent. Let the press bd the sentinel or V picket guard for the people, and watch well the actions of th.03e whose patriotism consist in the love of money. Let trie press speak out against wrong in future. Let no man in future bs tolerated by tree Southern people that is willing to open a comtnerc al "and financial re cons'.ru .tion with the Yankees.' We have had all that wise people wish to convince sensible people that we have no ir ends North, only for., oar gold. If we open a commercial intercourse, it will cause a pt- uticaj reconstruction perhap?. There is & gulf ot hre between the North and aoutb. lhe despoilers of liberty, the desecratora of the Bunny soil tne murderers of the gallant braves fa defence of libelr-J ty. To import. Yankee goods ir future, to take Yan kee - newspapers, or in short to have anything to do with a fanatical,, negro loving race, would be degrading to ourVelves as a nation. Some stupid peop'e who havr not aided in our cause of freedom, whose God is money aud w&3 ia the Yaokee-loving days, say already that after peace they expect to patron zs the North. - Will not the law restrain them. Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks and the pen writes, and I must return to my heart and speak of its contents. The small sweet charities ol life, extended by (he beneficent band of principle and honor, are consoling to even the lowest classes ot mankind ; it elevates, enobh s and embodies in the. being something above tbe se.fijhnees of the miser, or the man who cat culates the nationality of his country by the M almighty dollar.", Such men are full of patriotism, but their pa triotism consists in speculation speculation on the very Dreaa 01 me. m. a. k. ths Fohtoks of tub Joubnal 6?erUiem3a ..WiU lor the ' 2,000 J.OCO 1,000 too Wo 500 300 10J 00 25 j 250 100 SCO 600 1,100 6,000 600 cu pease publish tbe lo .lowing contribuu-na oor and Indigent of Whmisgtoa and its vicinity : , T. H. Andrea, - Henry Hart, .... L. 8. Hayman & Bro., - A. J. Crews k Co., - - fcgan, .... fcl. Ho onion, .... P. F. K., .... Jno. Mahony, Jr., .... Nemo', Wilkes Morris, .. .. M. CrOnly, .... Will. Wren, Gash, .... SaraT Boyd, cf N. O., W. C. Beu & Co., " Boaio Friends," .... Marshiil, Banah & Co., - - - $15,600 Those funds bave been distributed aa follows : ' Totha Belief Committee, through Walker tdeares, 7 603 do Poor, through P. W. Fanning. Esq., 6 600 do Poor of Brunswick, through T. C. Mcllhenny, 2,500 $15,6C0 The gentleman sending U9 the above statament does not wish his name mentioned or alluded to. The very liberal contributors desire no rematk and will, we know, be best pleased by our forbearance in that particular. Offal, Trices. The heads, chinB, spare ribs, feet, fat, and brains ofl37hog8, (bought for distribution;) in Petersburg, were put up for sale Tuesday morning. The Expre$ says : The Board ot Supplies held a meeting on Monday, and very liberally and humanely resolved to sell this offal, without regard to the condition of purchasers- rich aad poor being alike priveleged to buy. The fol lowing moderate tariff of prices was also agreed upon ; Fat, $2.75 per lb., spare-ribs, $1.75; chine alias ver tabrac or backbone, $1.-75; brains, $2 rper lb , etc The prices were not advertised, and when announced to the hungry crowd who gathered around yesterday morning, produced sundry ejaculations of surprise some of which were too shocking for ears polite. Oae brawny fellow, without the fear of God or man belcre him,, declared boldly that he would see the city in a pi.oe where ice nor oold water were never heard cf, be fore he would pay the extortionate prices demanded; and another, said in terms equally as loud and emphatic that the city must think he was a d d fool to pay $1 75 for sixteen ounces of back or any other kind of hog bone, when he could get the very choicest fowl of the barn-yard (turkeys) lor nine shillings per pound, Some few purchased, but the majority clenched their Confederates with a tighter grasp, and countermarched for their homes or the First Market. The general 11a preesiou seemed to prevail that, as all these fat epeci mens ot tbe porcine species were purchased for the bene ht ol the poor, the poor ought to have enjoyed the privi lege of purhasing every portion even the chine, leaf fat, Bkulls, spare-ribs, feet, and narratives but not at the prices fixed upon. Tne hams, middlings, acd shoulders are to be emoth ered in salt, and furnished to the poor, bat at what figures has not yet transpired. As the beef was sold' at 60 cents, we suppose 100 per cent, advance say $1 20 will be enough for the bog meat. From tht London Punch. Tlio Rc-vcrtiid Mister Trecle. Mr. Beecher, Yackee preacher, Is, just now, a London Feature, Hect, we're thinking, By Abe Lincoln, To become Br iu aula's teacher. Execrations ; Undulations; Yankee yelling; Pat' b creations ; Menace frantic, O'er the Atlantic, Stir not this most bland of cations. Try new order, - Use sott Sawder, Praise Brittania, hymn her, laud hr, Beverend brother, Call her mother, Soothe her, pet her, and applaud her. From his master, Comes the pastor, Cast ftsido the pepper cantor, ' Acd ttand kcooing, Suing, wooing, Blister, bless yD Poor Man's Flaster. Wheedle, Beacher, Gentle preacher, All your wiles won't over-reach her, Oive fusil notion, ' In egg Suction, Gramiy knows all you can teach her. , Black squirrels are swarming the CanadL-n woods to a greater extent than for many years past, and the wfcatherwise predict a severe winier in consequence. WILMISGTON MARKET. Jan. d, 18S4. Beef Cattcb Are brought to market sparingly, acd are ia demand for butchering purposes. We qaoie on the hoot at 70 to 80 cents per lb. lor net meat, as in quality. BkkswiX $2 60 to t2 75 per lb. . Bacn ocaree and iu demand. We quote at $2 25 to $2 50 per lb. burTEB-$5 to $5 50 per lb. Cokn ra scare: aud iu demand. We quote at $3 to $U p?r bushel- Cokn ftiKAn The s ipply is very light, and not equal to the demand. We qa'oto small Balosfaom the granaries at $10 per rushei. CoPPisaAS R itails at $2 53 to ti CO per lb. Coiton sales daring the wees at prices ranging from $1 50 to $175 per lt., according toqutiity. Flour is iu moderat- demand and stock li 0 ht. V7e quote sales from a; ore darirg- ihe week at $i)o to $100 per obi. for eupeifiue and laari y. FoDDia to $15 per tuO lbs. v Hay $16 to $17 per 100 lbs. 1JJD23 -reeu $ '. 75 10 $J i5 and, dry $4 to $4 50 per lb. L&ath&u 00 le tlo 50 10 $11, acd opper $ A 60 to $13 per lb. - L akd-11 25 per lb. klonAsnS iietai a at $ 5 to $1C per giiioa. Nails - $1 eO to $1 C5 per lb. by !h- Jteg. PocnTKt Live Iou $'2 25 to $'2 50 eacn, acd Turxey $10. Uresseu ii to $1 lb per ib. Peas Cow, $10 per t u-byl. Potat es -sweet $i0, and Irish $is to $10 pr Lmhtk PpaK MeaU se-lia Iroui carts at $1 26 wo $l 60 per lb., as inqiahty. Pka &urs $ 0to $i2 per bjshel.' Lies fe-an, 50 cuta per lo. Halt safea 01 Sound mtds daring the week at $13 to $15 per buahel. t voia aj tho bbl $2 95 to $3, acd by the hbd. $2 85 per lb. for brown. bnisKTiKG Fayettevil e factory, $3 35 to $3 50 per yard. bPiaiiS xCapaNTiNK t-tomiaat at $4 60 to $2 75 per gal ion. TALnow $2 5) 10 $2 75 per lb. Yajw By tho rrate, $10 to $i2 per baucli. WOtD-Is scarce u l iu deuuud cells by the boat load at Hi to u ior pros, j 10 -a tor aah, anu $Id tq $C3 pel coiu ior oast. i-L. W. PlILbABD'S SCHOOL. flHE NEXr 85S-IO of my Echool will epen on Monday, JL Jaauiry 18, 1( 4 Tuition, from $l to $2 per week. Board, tor ten week, $15 per week. ! ghes, towels, &c. must be fUiSibhed. Locatiou, Ouplin Co., N. C, thret miles rom II ouat tMWf, T. & W. U. H. Oce-balf of tht expense in advance. January 5 99-615-" THE Iff A GIRT HATES OP BilUNoWICK. COJ-'IY ae re-pectfu Iy t qwtc iu BUiiu tt oariiuvra'3 ob Joouaay it: X', toe liiu in-"'., to take lorlher steps to secure tee tithe of Corn and Pro visions in this cou-t for tbe nldiera' famtllM. OAN'L L. HUsSELL, Ch'fl, Januarj Cth, leC4 10J-21 16 li CIRO, Of Diptheria, on Taeoday tit;kt, tbe 29 b of December 1861, PENELOPE MAlWftLL, daughUr the lata John ae4 Mary Maxwell. Of CHunmptioa, at the residence of her brother. Mr. James C. W)fiiam, in Kampaon Couotyfon tbe 6th inst., Mrs. tfaBT ii-, rbc of the late Edward Hill of UarUret County, aged about 40 years. Mr. Hiil'a Illness waa very protracted and hsr snfferings great, but with christian fortitude, .be bort them patlenty and cheerfully. Ccn-cioua to the laat moment of her exis tence, the met death fearlessly ard joybutly. Bhe was a Kind atd affectionate sister and mother, faithful in all bar duties, and highly, esteemed by all who knew her. Bat in obedience to as frre-iatible la of Datura, she has ended ber earthly eareer. Neither aorrow nor tears can call t er back again to those who loved her with an idolizing atf c tion. It is a consoling reflection, at d one that cad as-n'ge the bosom's silent, bnt keenest grkf, that she han ex charged a cap of bitterness for andytn? Joy and hippbtss reserved for the floa'.ly faithfnl." But to tie food broth er and lone daughter, may the reat toother aod Kuttainer of bereaved hear s, poor iBto their aoals, the balm of con solation, and teach them that although their sister and mother's visible form is mr uldeiinir beneath the sod, yet her spirit hovors around them with lu holy bat unseen presence. May a kind and alxighty Saviour watch tenderly over them. B. Nov. 10, 18(53. By a letter dated Dec. 30!h, bnt received this nomiog, we are informed that a copy of the above obituary wan sent to as for publics1 ion, ou the 10th of the previous month. It mnBt hive miscarried in some way, for we now e it for the first time The delay is purely accidental. ED9. Jb DUDLEY WATSON, Co. O, .list Reg. U.C. T., died on the 2d December, 1863. H. L. Lafar, Hospital Steward, Moan Pleasant Hotpital, Charleston 8 C ,bas in hand sorre money and other valuables belonging to the deceased. His representatives will please t ke net ce. f STRAY BO. FROM MY BOUND PLACE, last week, aClaybank or Light Yellow Coloured Mare Male, with fUx mate aid tail. A reasonable reward will be paid for her delivery to Mr. Howard's Btables, in Wilmiogton, or to my Sound Place, or for information so that I can get her. SAM'L. N. CANXON. January 2. 9MtA15-li ADSl-KI3TRATOR'8 SALE. TTJII L be sold at pnbiio anctioD, at the lafe residence Tf of C. J. Byrd, in New Hanover county, on the lith inst., acd in Bmnswick ccuuty on the 19th lest., the per-i-hable pro)arty belonging to said eaate consisting of Horses, Carta, Buggy, Oxen, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Peas, and other srtio'es. Will be hired out at same time, one negro man, tho plan tation, Ac. W. A. LAMB, Adm'r. Jan- 7th 15 It Ml-lCtC. rpHE BUBacldlBER havirg qaahfled at December Teim, X lfeGl, of the Court of l'kaa and Quarter bci-ns for the County of New Hanover, as Administrator upon the etate of J. D. Malpasu, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons indebted to said estate to mske payment; and alt prrEons having claims against tbe same will prese nt them within tbe time prescribed by law, otberwiati this notice will be pleadatl in bar of their recovery. W. A. LAMB, Adm'r. Jan. 6!h, 1861. 15 It . NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER havirg qnalified at December Terra, 1863, of the iourt of Plena aad Quarter Besaiene for tbo viuuutjr ji new xmuuvor, b Aumiuiairator upon tbeettata 01 w. . nyra, ueceasea, aeieoy noiaues ail inbebt ed to said estate to make pajment ; acd all persons havirir claims against the tame will present theia wnhia the time prescribed bylaw, otherwise thia notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. W. A. LAMB, Adm'r. Jan. tth, 1864. , IHCULAK. Qo'AKTEEM A?l Ea GFSrKAL'S OfFICB I Kicamend, Nov. 1, 18t3. ' ( I. in order to give mere immediate effect aad operation to he aotcf Ftbiuary 15, 1S62, intended to provide for disabled soldiers " (ay conferring on iherc apooiu nt nt which they may be competent 4to fid, it fa hereby announ ced that any ''disabiea soldier" who may desire a position in the Quartermaster's department, should, in order to ob tain the same, report to tbe Ch ef Qaaitei master of the titate cf winch he is a reainent, or in which he may be in boepitai or on duty at the lime of h:s app.ka'ion, hts Name, I Company, Age, j Regiueut, Pioies-ion, or trade, 1 brigade, and Place cf abode ot stalk n, j Namro of d sability. Ho will bta'vc in hia application the nature of tbe position deei ed, such as clerk, wagon or forage master, &c, Ao. II. Applicants for creikinip will bi required to possess a fair knowledge ot aninjaotic, to write good English, aad in a legible hand. For auooi djuate pobiuonu, Joss will he required. Hi. All applications mud he supported by vouchers of unimpeachable character, and ihe suniciency of wituetses thereunto, ii ia civil ibe, muit ho certified by some jaitioe of the peace, or other coanty or municipal cflicer. W here teatimonia:s are from tic commanding ilhcera of the appii caut, no such cer'.ihcata il be ceotsiaiy. IV. it thaii he tbe duty ol the Chiet Qaartermaster of eaih Etate to keep a ru ercfi uth applicant, and to place their paptia on fire lor rererence ; auo he will it port at the ixpirasiou' of each quarter tbe cumber ihtreui, ho a the cumber of appoinimeiita, to the Quariermasier Ooneral, V. Local Quarrermaaters wih lia cae they have made no authurkod arraugemeut lor clerae or other employee) be expected to suppiy themselves, as far as practicable, Iron tne class ot uiaabled soldiers " thaa enrolled, wao may be lound competent to discharge the autiea ot the de panment. VI. Applications shuuid be accompanied in each case by a copy cf the certificate which bbuws the soldier to be disabled, and snouid be addrea. edto the Chiet Quarter master of the fauto iu whicn he may to obtain a position, that : " To the Chiet Quartermastec of North Carolina, Raleigh." VII. Posts of Chief Quartermasters are as follows : Virginia, , Itichtnoud. oitb Caroliua, haloiga. Uouih Carolina, Cbai.eaton. Georgia auuata. a la bum a, Montgomery Miaarsaippi, bnlerpilae. Horiaa, aae city. Louisiana, Aiexaudria. iexas, ban Antonio. Arkanaaa aud ilJaauun, Li. tie ttock. Xtuneaaee and iientuckj, Ruoxvnle. Vill. Wneu a plaue ns beeu found lor any applicant, the Chiel Qia.i terujdtcr in wnoae oiatnot the post iuty be, will p-Ooecd at ouca to ooiaiu, tnrougu the than, ceii, the uetaii aud abe gumdui lociuty ot ihi uiaabled sol dier" inui provided ior. JX. ins earnest co-operation of all tllkcra of the Quar teruia,tei'a departmeut iu uariying ia o tilact this syiem, wbeu 11 can be applied without mauiteat injury to the pub lic aervioe, is couuaeutly txpecied. a. b. law ion, Q latter maaur-tieneral. Dec. 29th, lfiOT. ' 9i-2t 14 lit. rvoricfi. ON THURSDAY EVENING Afc'XT, the 7th inaf., the Coinmirsioner ot tne i'owu of wbm ngton will pro ceed to erect a uiera aud ireoaurer, Phoo OUI jr, Ciiief aiid AfcSiBiaat fcogiueer of tae Fire IJepartmeul, li.BjjocLor ol Wood, lown curvejor, Lamp iignter, e.akainat town Guard, and peitons to .-er vo aa lowu Guard, aud all oicer ofhoars aud employ eea 01 said Town, appnoauouto be handed V the Majr or uadersigued on or beioie that day ' H. A. liAUG, Towu clerk. Jan. 5th i9 31 PLANTATION TiJ HKftT UN fcllAltiwtf. 1WILL LEA&E MY Hotly bhelter Plantation on shaies ior tne cojikg Beaton. inere is about 35 j acres Open Land, the larger portion of which is exoeeui. giy lerinc; tbe oweox-g hnse, negro nouses, barn, alao. to, &c, aro amp.e atd ru g rod couui UoC. i'veniy fire or ta rty hatids oau oe pioli ao.y e.u ptofed. L l. liahh. January 6 10d-3i,-15 dt ANOTHER LARUE ARRIVAL. . yif PaIK WuilKOiit. a CuTi'iiN CAKJt. f J 275 PAlU L:(ie.irjd do do 315 PAIR Vt'. otn, CAUDa, N . 8. hlFL:i.O lU.iP.'VvOt.R. 400 Horso a. d ilu a ool.ars, a30,0UO Una ar.d Pistol Caps, 2,00 papers oi iaeki, 60 j pacas of Pius, 1,0 ;0, Hoop Iron by the too, Uppr Leather, Ac, Ac, at WlLauN'd Oil, leather, badd ery acd Hameaa bstabiiikmsnt, Witairugton, x. c Jaa 4 h, 1834. tM-a: t;5-rt Fayeticviue Gbiervnr, aerai Weekly aud Veetiy, and Uolambta (4. O lGairaua wul cooy t tiaiaa arlaial bill to t hi 4 o nice. iTitlii: NR1 KiV.a rf th.. . -farn of CdarlHi II. : rv -a ill h. JL hired a. Point oadwed oa tun H L Jaguar, utx. upon . . .rr ....,Lr . . iie uaun urns. tr. auai ui, Attn Hoc. 31, lrrJ. 90 6 -15 It LAW OFilClU O' M. H. tiMi rH, on tbe corner between Market and rifoond feireeU, opposite the Carolina licte! Jan. 4, 1863. uet-wG. AUMIrTKATOfH R.LB Of Turpentiri Lands in Columbia (Jjiry, 3 ifcs from WUtnvigtun. TTILL be s-dd on ike prem s n, on the I4'-h da? ot Jn II ua't nexc a ceu.n irac ot land, lying oa th) wt s'de of Rjgue bwarnp, and ou ooiU l idea of ViO Wi mng ton and Maucnester Kai.road, between Fl'-iaicgtuu ant m . ... . . ; r c i . , and WbiUBVlIlc, con'ain-C'g ao .t 'ouy ac.cs. .i.'rc er us. Said tract adja-ms tho Imds of Powe t, Farr-or, iljst'.cr, Creech and -ile'racst n ; na abou'. fivo ': L,r!J:e8, with tome rinared ,ana : a roort dt. "a ir l 'tis. srr rw .v , w.u v - I - r- - - - ' -, v. , ir.tir iN. tumentine s'iil and hJ, nfifr.- wit i:n'il.n - t ha boxer arc nearly fit e t. and a gooa Itce oa ;h uct-i. There in a tiic stand tbr duruess and a Pc9i,-cfiice n tab premises. ' This offers a rare epportumtv tor ttjvaomut, aud pos aessioa wilt be giteu Kuured ate.. Terms cast ;,ore'X u.oathsciidltituprot-.dstCQtity. For 1 ureter parucurk af.ply ai Hd'.avilie, to llhU.. II LL ' AuJiiiiatia'.jr of J. fci. H tit. O'rx'tl Leo. 15, r863 62A12 tHtU"' v

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