THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL. C .FKDKXeATX StfATI8 OF AMUUICA. WiLPUSGTOS, S. C. 6A1UBDAY. EOV. 35, 1S4. Klcctlon far 5nor. The followirg is the rote cast here yesterday at the special election for Senator from thia county, to fill the vacancy ccceiioncd by tte resignation of E!i W. HaD, vacancy Esq. B. D. n&n B. J- Faiscn..?.. A. Empie...: T. 0. Miller ...235 3 8 3 310 Only the two first named gentlemen cca!d be consid ered candidates. Mr. Miller had come out with a card expressly declining, and Mr. Empie occupied the. same position, aiiheugh te did rot publish any cera. Daily Journal, 25lh iiri. We ta7Q the fol'owing additional returns ilzm the special election in this Ooumy : HOLLV SnLTE3 Hull G. . Sakdy Res. Ha" 6 ; 8lrn;;;e 2. Middle Sousd. Hall 4. Pix'ey Woods. Ila'I I ; Fsisoa 11. Uppeb Blacx, Rivxit. Baiscn 3i ; IIsL 1. ETOCiinOL.JEIl' KKRTIS).. The Eteckhcldere in tte W. & W. B. R. Company met at 4 o'c Cck, p. ra., on Wednesday, pureusnt to adjournment. The committee cs Eelarlea reported, rfcomnrcadirg the proposed increase ol 33 per cent, on the Ea'arics cf the President and Treasurer, and rtfrrritg tbe mat ter in reference to tfc- salaries of other effloers ar.d em ployees to tbe President end Directors. S. D. Wallace wts unanimously re elected Prcsi dent,.with tie old Bcurd of Dirrctorp, wiih the single exception of Wu. S. Battle, of E Igeccmbe, In tl e p!a?e of R R. Br.inQFn.1, of tbe same county. PATHiCKmy;uii?i3T, Jo: C. Latta, and Johh D. Love v ore Fppoit.Ud Auditing (."omnlStU for the en suing jctT; r.r.d ti e I'rvKU'ent snd Directors rero au tfcoriz.d to 11 any V; cancy ot-cnnir.g in tleir Board between this jind-U e next arnual meelirg. t Tho mxt annual mtetirg was appointed to be J. eld in Wilraiiigwon, en tbe Wixr.rtdy after the third Mon day in November, 16C5. The thanks ol the. meeting lavirg been returned to be Chairman and becreUrl F.tfce meeting adjourned. We Ie3rn that the receipts asd expenditures of th's road for tie fLcal ycur endirg Heptcrnber 3(Kb, 18G-L were as follows : Toti! Receipt?, 2 .91 5 ,391 Expenditures, . 1 911 84C Go 53 Nett Y.&fLxzy. Total Receipts previous jcv.,. ...81,003 545 07 ...81.128 5G5 30 .... 521, SG3 53 " Expenditure pr - Nett EamivgB, 606;C01 77 Increase Grnss R-ceipia. 87SG826 35 Xett Eircirga, 395,942 30 The r.nmWr of tn;ccgh paere; gtra carried daihiif tbe year w9 103 321, l.;ra icrcise cf 2.313 ore: the nnaiber carried t'v prcvii'a? year, 'i'tm iacraiio h way passenp re vr.a3 22,370. 1 he rod bee bren willed at about C5J per cent, cf (be .frrcss .eclp'8. I1Jb large per entire cf tr.c- coat of scoikiag is dna to iba great-incrcus3 ia the exp-xte of all a-ttmlR atid labor. The receipts ot the road i avs been considerably reon- ceu in cocsvqarcce of the oceap.tioi cf t!-e TTe'dot' & Petereburg Rj.!rosd l j Lb" fcc?ray, thru caUg n- cfl.ficra coasnaauicatioa with Richmond. Ji hja af fected the travel very considerably. GovRKoa YasCi'.s MisiAQs, Thu d-jcament rri bo foucd well vcriLy cl p:rn:rJ. Oa nrul pc!nt8 we agree with its n. commendations, acd c.i iltUo to "object to in it gtulral tone. "We cnr.not K-y tat we fiidorte all iia rcccKiiit .rdtttico?" until ro fcball hive n.o-e faily txsniiced tier: n-. iiher Cin Re fa!Iy b vein cf qac-ru'ecsncri? towards the Confederate aa- thoiitks, which a er: r to ru i tbronh acsc par's cf the mi esago. We are not EuSbiently pested in rg-ard to sJi mat ters cenr ech' i with by the Sia'e to erahle cs to jach-e of the mai?3 cf th-3 iem-r-nct now raised br tie fist time. between tbo Gcverucr ftidthe Oonf derate antfceritiea. We may eay here. however, what Edid. onc3 hefcro la mtrence to this matter, that size? tie Stf.te parted vrith a portion of her iiitere?t i.i i e A!-Vance there .has tevn no ves eel exc'asie!y oced hy the Sta-e, nrd in the cpfnlon of the Richmond su horit:e3, no versel entitled to c!aim the imnnrit:t3 cue to a Stat? veik;- rha State has, 'rtatu j-ri- BJ3i?e that th-j ', e: !y b;i n a vate ves.Is. explanation arl argument uo:i !h'3 roit, ybith Cvri; s-en-.s to have s.'.ine fortu. Eutvo, arc not sufuoierrtly well po&icl to j'idw.c c a'.I tbo merits o ths !s:Uf made ; but we may e:;y tha Uf-'VrnorV argument docs not corclada th qi-.-?-:oi, nor leave th Conederate an- thcrities with. ut v;:y strcrg grounds io stocd upon. The Governor csYc:ghs bitterly enicstthe poliey cf sending out aa crui-iera v;epc!3 hke tfce TuI!ahi.S32t', ot trihutiig the brs cf the Advacce to the eeizire oi her coal to te given to that v-rs.l. We heve expressed our views upon this euvj c before Wish all due rx-Fpcct to oar Navy, vre have been f:rcrd to tie coneiuicD fiat th:i policy cf s nding oat cruisers cf t-jecksjef the TnlluhasHe i? vro;s3 thr.n qucetior ah!s. TteGovercrr d'r.s to have the ITcms Gnard acd Militia orgai.iz-.iicn 3 reTjn'z d scJ consolidated by the aboitin of Vrc Home Gar.rd crgauiE ttion. and the combination cf th3 s!i;-!eton c.mosnieg cf thn IMiii! into Lew rcgirncats havicg the Lunbvrs neees3iry io take the C?Id at cace. The Governor opposes tie ermine: cf negrof.", c? their emancipation by tie gaheral government. He gcea fcr pattirg ureieg cr unnecef3iiy xlScera Into service, and appciniing none cs rai'in'a cflixrs whop re ntft prcducer3 cr mcchan'ca. Yesterday morning Acdirsot, the ta,ge ms, brought to cur tLxte n pucpliin wefghirg cue hund. tea end tix pounds. e are not acquainted with the eps cific gravity of the pcn:kir, but allowing 53 poenda to the bushel, taav s&v that ws have pumpkin ad la cce Eirglc nndivided vegetable' produc tion . So far we co not ktow to shcm we are i&dtbv ed for thia gigantic specimen. P . 8. We have received a letter informing na that the pumpkin rame lVem ilr. Wm. Wiihirs, of Duplin county, on whose farm, about four miles from Magno lia, uid pumpkin was raised. Sir. Wilkin3 says in bis letter that he believes he ccald have gathered twenty cn Lis place that would have averaged oae hundred pounds each. We are obliged to Mr. Wiiklcs for tils ueighty tcke of his remembrance. - m - ' KJt incite ajkely It 13 reported that the stflEDEhrp Ad-VaccQ, captured after Ieayirg thia port with a cargo of cotton, has madj her appearance cn the coast In tie cherecter of Tankee blocktder. This is onI what we looked fcr. Sho.will be a dangerous TeEseL Thb Yankees bay that Butler's canal through Dutch Gap will bg finished before December, and then prob r tt ably a cotnbiaed demonsirtloa will be mad stfatasl Richmond. A Tfvst somber cf gunboats. Iron clads, eto., we collected in the lower James. The? e appcAra to b lfttlfl or nothing; new from any prt of VI: g lata Tam BtTUA7ION 13 QI50UGIA. We copy the following from th Augtuta Constitu tionalist of Wedody, tha 233 Initant : THS filTCATIOH. x Gn. Wsyoe, having been pressed back by a euprrV or forca from Gordon, retired to Oocn Station. At tbia point he was receiving reinforcements from tbe proper qusrter. His posiiion ia an exceedingly atrocg ODe.beicg flanked on fitter side by Impenetrable BKaraps and on'y approachable by the narrow defile ot tix? rail read This pass is well prdtected by leg, for Is and etcekadea, and will bafih Ihe ssihult ol heavy columns. It ia reported that the en&my had crossed the Oconee in force, near Milkdevilie. This lumo however, Is Btrecueusly contradicted by other parties Miiletg vilie ia reported as burned. Tbh column opeiatiug oq the GeorgU R ad kept tbe western side and strack off in the direction of Alacon, as though contempiating a jaactisn with the fere J.a that vicinity. Prisoners captured from the enemy on th? Georgia Road state that the intention of Sherman was to avoid Acgusta end strike Macon probably Savannah cer ift;t !y. Atlanta is now in our possession. A strong t?ce of cavalry is following Bherman and and it i3 not Impossible that tbe icviacible Poriest Shermau'a Evil Gi niaa may ere long hang like a wolf on his rear and flaidia. Of one lirinz, at least, our people may rest assured, and tl at is, that AuguBta will be defended to the last extremitv. The forces to make that defence stubborn and successful will be at hand and are now gathering like tbe clans of Dhu. Gen. Fry is progressing with GH6t' commendable energy, and Gen. Wrigbt's prompt action is above ah praise. Let Georgians rally to the support of thtir authorities and all will be well. Oar ciiiz2ca were gratified last evening by sc-dug, among the troops arriving in our city, a portion of Hampton's ep'eodid cavalry from Virginia. YAiMCKlC UBVfB. With rtference to tbe " closing up" cf Wilmiogkm, a Washington telegram says : I he rematk of Mr. Sewurd, in his speech bet Thurs day eveure, that if Secretary Welles wcuM u clCBe up the port tf Wilmington, be should have a good dfal loa trouble with his foreign relations," has excited some rrmark. It should be known, in justice to th-3 Navy D pinment, that It has been ready 8nd anxious or two ys-ars past to aUack and close up tbat great en trepot ol biockude-t unncrs ; but tha. War Department has nevirr been prepared to eo-operate. Tbe navy is nady nuw to c"o its part towards accomplishing what Mr. Seward ai,d the people have so long desired, and il it could be doue without the assistance of the raiitary it would not long remain a vexation and reprcaob, ard a source ol s.iengto to the enemy. THE CHASE OF TEK f ALLAnASS HKB ESOAJPa. A very lively account ia published of the chase of ire Tallahassee, cn the 8th instant, by n swarm of Yankee gunboats, cfl the Carol'ma coast- The Mont gomery,, it appears, ctma nearest to her. Tbe account c:ll R - Ytsferday morofog, while erulsing eff the North Oardina coaet, she discovjred a bbek Emoke on tbe hor z n, and soppotdng it to proceed from some ' block- i aue-i uuner, ehe tteeied in its direction. After the chase had continued lor some time, tbe hall cf the strarryerj was plaii'ly een ; but she suddenly changed her course, ; ard for t.?or three hours her movements were very strange. l?ut tbe Montgomery pursued her with the utmost vigor wherever phe went, and, after a long tims hi d s ) iraiucd on her aa to have her in full view. She ?s a lorg wbi'.e tc:ew Bkamer, echoccer rigged, with two sinole-staets, and answered tbe description of the pirate Tallahassee ; and no sooner was thia known than the Montgcmuy's crew wtre wild with Shortly af'erwards the rebel flag wes visible, and a war pendant was fly in from Icr mainmasf. E"ry thing w&s prepared for action, and at the first dawn of hepe that the guns cf the Montgomery might refcch her, "hang !" they went, one after another but (he c'isiar.ce wt.s to great and they fell far short. The pirate cheplajed grea; cowardice, and did bet ntmosi to escape. Ihe Montgomery continued to fire from hrr forecastle gun, and the flyii g Toliahessee for eomo time avrered shot for shot. Hid the Montgomery attempt fJ to use her broadaide gun?, in bringing thttn to bear she would have last ground io the cbasfi, and thu3 all hopes of capture or destruction would hava been lost. Daring thia time three gunboats were In eight and docg tt cir utmost to get up with the chase ; but be fore daik ov.e of them was lost to eight, one was tco far avi ay to be mude ou while tbe Lilian, a very fast, h&d nearly come up with the Montgomery i h3 t.lso fired at tbe rebel, but to euch disadvantage tbat tbe sbo's fell short. During tha afternoon the pi rate was in ehore of the Montgomery, and her only chance of eecai. e to eea wos to cross the Montgomery's bow3 ; out tbia she contvoded was too dangerous an uudertLikicg, at;d she wisely decided to continus her course until night should give her an opportuul fy to eschpe. Daring the latter part of the chase the Talla hes ee was far ahead ; yet she was so pushed that sbe ecu!! not turn to the right nor to tbe left without run nirg oeror-a the bows of either the Lilian or the Moat gctaery, lb she wts between them. ihe two Union s-esmers were so well managed aa to compel ihe pirate to keep a direct course, and the coast ran id encb a direction tbat she would soon be cut eff by the land, and sbe was thus completely caged In. H:id not night con e on k cannot be dcubttd that her d.s"-!.uctioa would have been certain. But the pun went down, ar.d at almost tbe very mo men', whea victory would have crowned our" arow the black wings cf night- were spread over the pirate and shielded htr from harm. She wa completely ios: to view, and wheie she went no one knows. Did the Yankees expect the little Tallahassee to fiad tbe whole Nor!h Atlantic blockading squadron? Why th::L? gunboa's, eloops oF war, and all other eorta of armed cralt wcro after h-.r like a pack of hounds Ths Montgomery sirply joined la the cbase, but tbe little sciew was too fast for any of her pursuers, and her only darg.r li es ia being headed eff by fresh acc;gaiona to the pack. Talk of displaying cowardioe indeed I What else could she do than try to escape ? Watf she to wait until surrounded by the whole Yankee fleet, who could then perform the gallant feat of capturing one scull s.eernpr with ten or twenty big war vessels. A Christmas Dinnkh fob oca ScIiDteks. The Richmond Whig notices the preposition or the Yankees in the Northern cities to furnish a dinner to their sol ditis ia the field, and proposes to onr farnrers to imi tate their eximpie, one of the few Yankee examples that can be imitated with propriety. We second the tugesticn, except tbat tbe idea need not be confined to tha larmers almost everybody can contribute some thir cr towards it. Fay Observer. Ihe Whig says to tbe larmers Send every turkey, cnicken or pig they can possibly spare. L,3t the Con federate ovens and mess pans upon tbat blessed festival day oe richly " redolent " with the odor of stuffed tur key, roast pig and " chicken fixings." Don't wait for your neigh nor to commence the good work, but right away, constitutional or unconstitutional, conscribe cer tain fit gobblers of yoar fleck, and give them a furlough uctil the 20. h cf December. Let the mothers, daugh ters, and si-:ters, too, ol our soldiers remember that there are ttosf also fighting lor them who are cat efi horn hotce aed loved ones who deserve and would bo grateful for a bountiful Christmas dinner. Don't for mercy sake, let yankecdom cutdo us in wihingncss to provide lor the cemfort ol the soldiers. We can't, it ia true, do us much, bat our means will permit us to do a great ileal.'' The idea la a good one, and It ialn perfect accordance fcith the constitution of the Confederate soldiers. Drowsed. The body of A. K. Fillmore,. an old elt&ea of this place, wos found in St. Augustine Creek, in the suburbs 0f town, ye-terday morning.. He ttl beeii raitsirg Elnce the morning previons. A Coroner's jury, we learn, decided, that he came to his death by accidental drowning. The deceased was a wagon mas ter in the employment of the government. He leaves a wil3 aisd child in very needy circumstances. Tallahassee Flartdiim. & "Western North' Caroliba Kirk Rajj. We have good authority for stating that tie L'otpriou9 villhn Kirk is on an extensive laid in West-" em .North Carolina. Oar information Is, that on Moc day last at the head of from 800 to 120a thieves and rcbtors and murderers, he entered the town of Buther fordtcirt, Rutherford county, and robbed and destroyed everything before bim. At last aocounte he was re -ported moving ia the diiectlon of South Carolina. Stat JournzL . p&oca-a.uac;io! B gov. nafJWK. iov. Tosq)t E.Brown, of Georgia baa 4ssu$d the ollowiog procln.tldc : STATE OF GEORGIA, E2CCTrV2 DlPAETHMT, Mtliedi!Tii!ef Nov. 19, 18G4 The wia' p& pis urdi stand how imminent la the dagger that threaVens tbe Stets. Oar Cities we beitg buraed, our. fields ld wae, and our wives and chil dren nerctttwely drivta :r m their homes by' a powsrfil enemy. We mast zZr'ikz UJia wsn for frdom or we must submit to sur.jufuloa. D?ath is to be ixfer. loss of jiberty. All mu9t rally to th n!d f.v prtcot emrgr.j;cy or the. Htts Is ovefrun. I therfhrt by virion of tha athor!ty yestM in me by the statute cf lhi3 8 tats hereby orler a le-yy en matte of lbs wb?l white male population filing or doraldLW in ti?i l-ltoce between sixteen (16) and fifiy-five years of e-e. fxccjrt sacb at are physically un able to bear etuis. ;fcJob physical defqet tcust e plain and tndirput?,b' or th-y nu.t t-e sect V) camp fiir ex aminatioc, and ( xc.n inoGC engaged in the LisUture or Judicial Depnfr.ts of thgoternment, which are by the .'tosr.i aci ,of e Ij-gl?latu?e dfy;jarcd exempt flora corapuLiory sctrio?.. AH others are e-hsol a ie!y rvq aired, rrd members of the Lefltialatorfl .-jnd Judges ara tnvite-d to report Imme diately "to hlufcT Oece7l G. A. Smith, at Macon, or wherever else in Gr?c?ji hU camp may be, for forty (0) days Eervice atrdir urn, enkss the emergency is Svoner ptsed. Tte starute declares ibatj 1! persons hereby oslled out shall pa euhjofi .fcr this call to all tha tales and atjclee of w?ir ot the Copfbdfcr&v? Stak'fi, acd on foyuro to report, shall he fiubjwi to th pa!n and penalties of IV. crime c' decfcrMou. Volunteer Oi-gr-n'zi-t!o.;S formed Into cfimpanies, bat talions, reiients. bn'gnes of divisions will b3 accept ed for (4)) foity dys. if they even epproxtmate to the numbers ia ef.h or'r.oizitlao bid i3 reqaired by thn Militia Isvm of (hla Btoie whioh were in force prior to tbe late aot Ail police coruparJea fanned in counties for horae de dofence vili report, having at home for th time, only those over 55 yee-s cf age"; and all persona huving Oonftderatc delailo cr exomptians, who, by the Into de cision of tha Supr;my Cour of this State, ore held to be liable to State MUitus g.jvic3and bcusd to oley the call of the Governor. All STicli rcfu??o K rtpo?t will b arrostod by tha police force or by e-ny sd-oe camp, or other efneer of this State, and corned Itomedlately to tbo frmi?. Tbe neccsoary empioyecri of Riilrodfl nor ftcvivsly argogoj, and thr"nce?ay rgicts of tha Express Company, and telegraph cporaws s-ie from tha ufeoasity for thefr ser vices in their presf nS prjsJUonexcused. Aii ordained rr.fGiaisrs (J reiigton In ch-rg9 of a Church o? ByGSgogea s-re ilso ex used, All Rilirofd cornj.'anioa in this Srah3 ?riH tratport ali pcreoLa applying Tcr tricsportation to tha Front, anu io c&w any oijq rc-iQeca, its President, Superinten dent, aglets', find employees will be iamedLite.y eent . to the front. All Aid c'e-Oamp and other Bttc officers an? requir ed to be active ard vigtirio the execution of the or ders contained la this proclamation, and all Confeder ate cflic.'irs on r:?potfu,ly invited to aid Stafe" officers in their viciaity ?u sending f or v.' ard all persons hereby ordered to the. front. Tha CLOny has ee?rated almost to the centre of your SloJc. If every (krlan &'le to bear arms wcu?d rally uyou'vl him. bo conkl never escape Binned , JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor. A Yfenkc; p-pcr s jR'cc'fvtea a follow atcu BEAt"?.GASp'S OcTTIOW. In the mcfifjtljii'j where to Beauregard, Hood ord Ta?lor ? Ti e btcGt cflicUi rurws which we f-.?ve from tlie combined fwces of tbe er.Ptny is from Nrtsbvilie, e amy v?Q3 as tna? time in th?. vicirdtv of FSpr?nc Alabama, w he;e fh.-y had a pr.ntcoci britlg ftcrrs the TeaDresc-e rtvw. 4 Bat," fcajs Ifce t4' gmm, " tby test ta to to cresj Dc8..rter?. report thftt'tbe t-ta boeily cngvjred da re pairing tic r-:viiroao b:twt-eo lihair-bia e.nJ Corinth." Hood qs-.Vj hie first JJjrt to cksss the Tenncssi-e at Biuewater creek, un November 3d, -od, on bedng oe feated by R3U3cau's iroops, moved to-Fioroc wbe.e, beirg rntt by the intelligpniyj of SbprciAo's dtrirg movement from Athm'ia, be hilts 'irresolute a?d bea itaie? 'o of ops." Ia his froat are Rsussexm and Wood, each with fi-ii c"trs, equal io tbe aggregate to Baaurc gf.ri9 army. Forrest, cn the rebel left, fis met with B0G16 1-ttly roocsya in blcckadirg Vhs Ttuutisoe river below J.obrsonvi;.r3 and in destroying several transports near tbat place, but Is apparently untvilhog to cross the stream aDd pho3 himself 'n tbe narrow peninsula be tween the Cura berl ard and Tenccfsee rivers. I a his frcBt,aDd doubtlaw briiig down upon him by thfa timo, Is the corps cf Gen. A. J. Smith, vibicb, re!levod of the pursuit cf Pries, has Ixiea scot tq Pudacvih. On Ihi extreme rebel ,-ight f rocker ridgg Is driven frocn BaJfs Gap by Giiham ar.d failed io his attempt to reach Kt'cxville. Tbaa we now have iu tbe immediate front of tbo eno?r.y at every threatening point a force fqaal to his own can! abie to Osfe?t him, wbile two hundred miles in oie re-sr is a great army vi fi'ty thou sand men, agairst whom 'the rebola can muster no force ad'-qai4c to op-icsc- i?. The strategy of Jeff. Dvis ai.'d Beanras;anl haa rin?ply rrulted in furnishing us witb ot:2 ct'jro a.n:ay than- they have, azd forced us to ocnneiitrat.-! wbile be soaiters his armies in fraitic8 in vasions cf Brtlssi.'Ui i and T4-jint.-8C9. The result of this great mists he will very saoa bo sliown un by the t- rrur it will strike in4o tbo harte of the rbe s at Rich mond. ' The " Herald " of tbe 1.5th tus tbe following : Tbat Ger eral Shrrr.?n, afSer chasing Hood well on towards the Tennessee rim, abandoned the pursuit aud returced to Atl'-uta, kicvlng a sulBcient fjrK in Tet neswe acd f(rihtra Georgia to taka care of tbe prcjoctca gr:a rv?i:ern usv38V.n ny ucauregara aoc Hoed, we Kr-ow, i witn tbe f.X't tbit, efver r'turr;- inc to Alyota, taki;;;x with him fivo corps of his ragrdfioenfc anay cf veuirans ho cut loo-e ffdj that phce, and commenced -a march Into tbo heart of the enemy's euutrp, we ate also felly conversant. Ex- actly where';il Sher:nsn cov is, though, even the authorities at Washington cannot Ibil; fir be has ca-t hi'nseii cfl from communication with Northern telegraphs, aou, like a giant! is sta'king unopposed through tbe Stages of tte South, destined- either for tbe At'arjtfo os' or the Gulf of Mexico. That he will be ruoriifcl in th'a grand and tovel campaign no one can doubt, and re shall probably scoa hair from him somewhere on the seaooara. Cjaermanj oc fere starting . n hia present expedition, sa;d : "G3org?a and South Carolina are at mv mercy, and I shall strike. Do do? ba anxiotu about mo. I am ait right 1" In an article t.vljwlng the campateD ia GCv.gia, the " Herald " eajs: In tbe fall of 1862 the rebel General Beanregan! pNnced the campaign of the invasion of Tennessee and Kentucky, which General Brcgg attempted to execute. Two years later, iu the present fall, 1864, he has plan ed a second invasion of the s&me States, and has oeen intrusted with the ex-, cution o' it. It was under very different circumstances, however, and we are now likely to have a reversion cf the movements of the campaign cf 1862. Then the rebel army under Bragg out-numbered that of Gen. Baell. To-day Sherman bs twice tha cumber that Beauregard commands. Then Gen. Brag flanked Gen. Bueil and forced him back upon his base of eupplles. Beauregard has fbnked Sherman, but bes not yet forced him to retire. Bragg and Baell were well matched. They were alike in disposition cooh calculating and sagacious.- Beauregard and Sbcrman, the opposing strategists in the present cam paign, are not unlike ia character. Both are quick, nervoa-?, energetic and original. As the counterparts of Buell snd Bragg In their nature, these two warriors are now illustrating a campaign the very opposite of that of 1862. They ac about to give us a CAmpaigu without a parallel. Shennn ia going to indulge hint self in hia favorite " hobby," and furnish " aa example for luture strategists." XAITWABD ATLAKTA. From Atlanta to A oguata, by railroad, Is 171 miles. From Augusta to Charleston, 137 miles. Fcom At lanta to Macon 103, miles. From Moooa to Savannah, 190 mites. From Augusta to Savannah, 132 miles. Tbe country from Atlanta, towards Augusta ?a quite rolling, and, In places, rocky, with plenty of Email streams and springs and abundance of wood and forage for an army. It is really a wed settled farming coun try. There are but few swamps, and tbe roods gener ally are good. The only serious. obtructions th;at the inhabitants could place in the way of an army would be in the destruction bf the bridges over the Savannah at I tion first epos Savannah instead of Charleston, or it could re-bridge the river without any serious delay. Tbe (country between Augusta & Charleston Is cot as good as wwuu Auwiba; x net w u h uiukimku uy puv; canu hillers," and part of U is very sparsely inhabited. From Branchville --be point where tha railroads from Augusta and Columbia ucite to Oharlefon,'62 miles, the country is very flat, with a good deal of swamp, arid in, summer time la so miasmatic tbat settlements are sparse, though there are some large plantations, and when cotton was king, there were a great many slaves ke;1 at work upon a.1 the dry spots of this swampy re gion. Ii is no bd one to mtrch throueb in cool weaker. Ii wob'd be deadly In eummer. rmmodjate ly around ('haikston the -a id is very flat, sandy or swampy. . The road from Augusta to Columbas, the capital of South Carolina, la "Across tbe ridges," which aw peti trally low, sand bills, and over small sircauri, tho bord ers, of wh?ch are cultivated by HnsU cotton planters and farmer, Trho keep a good dol of svck, crid havo plen ty of cralh and rfweet p3tatoes. The Congtree river, at Oc-laxbis, Is (, nsepectable sized mil! stream, DOthlng wore, oud so la tbo WV-eree, eastward pf It, and so are the two Pedse, and if an army ever hs to march frm Augusta to Wiluringtcn it will Qud no oerioar obstruc tions in the way, except in a time cf high water, when every email stream overflows Its low baEks and covers a bread Fw&rap. The whole way is a good country lor an army to march cd subsist In. Ihe distanoe from Aujosta !o Columbia Is about eighty mlks, and from Columbia to Wilmington, N. C, abot tvro hundred miles. Soma cf the behest cotton planters of South Carolina are found stong tha rivers, wh'ch such a rairob would cross. . C. LKQUU?tBB. The foilowlng Standing Ocmmittee3 were anncunced In the Senate on the 22 J Nov., 1864 : Propcaitlor and OricTacceft Keera. Bra'Ah, Aycock, Wi.afeitfd, 8peht, Odom, Blount,. JloOorfcle. seJ Jones. PriTtlffr'es and B!eet!ow lleacrs. Wrlxh, Eilta, Eagtcj, dtier. HortcB, Kii'oy, ftad Baader. Jnifotarj Hess. Warrs-n, Wrtgfet, Lottch, Bogla, Brj son, Wiiistd, kcd Oiotr. Ia!tcal inipro'i'smeatc Messrs. Leltcb, Eorka, Kai thfrwn, Eido, Str9.ngta, Joaea, aud I.wsUr. Oiaiaia Uensri. cfpeight, Powell, Taylor- Adams, Snsad, SJarth aaa Wrd. Edooation aad Lticrarj Fuud Scaei-s. Dies, Ltesftsr, Lladsar , lic2ohern, Bagley, Loski wTkitford. Banks and Correcoy e-,rs. Bgly, Wjnstd, Long.. Miller, Piitoa, Cocrts, a?d Sryion. Oorpoftiona Mebsra. Arendcll, B:i:iti, yflae, UAtrte, Bsrry, BlcuDt, and Ayooek. igdcoltqjre Morars. Potroil, KcEachem, KoOovkle, JotiR, L!cd-v, Adacw, acd Oiora The Jolat Stacding Coatml'tees wete rtea sniwuaced on tha cftrt of th tiSBite. as folio srs : Finaaco Meears. Wisrufaa. Pool. Coa2ts, r,3r8on, Ber ry, Lonf, Harris, and IasK-jr, leaf, tte?b, aad Blind .aalatn MeMra. A?eadellv Od?t, ded Crump. Swamp Lnd Keprs. Lihlry, VCv-nne, and Har.3 Publio BaGdiOf: ad OrcuaJs Heturs. Pony ai-d Pow U. r Pupiio LiLrary Jfcesre. Elite, fiptibt, and Lasilter. t.herokee Land 9nd weitera TarEuri Mcasra. B".y son, Hortot?, nd .Patron. Itaaue Asylnai t-efsr. Pcol, MIlr, ar-d Areadtll. Military AQalrn Mewi-e. B;cbba, Putton, and Piichord- Un xuo'ion, coamittes srere p p-ilntud, oi tho purt of tho Benatts, t torso joint C9.uvn;teei. f-.-r tho )orp3P of waiting oh tho GoTerrsor atd o frB& rtile? fo: the g-evsrn acat of Joist ao.loe. Tfce oumxnittee t; "wait oa the Gov? r or rej-evted that his mewce w- aid soon ba laid ba ore the oua'e. 6Ir. Wright, of cjQr.ibTiard, injgestd th eaJion for bj Pabllo Prtatbr ba held, taU Lelcg tbe day frppolated las' fcr tOJit JrOrpo. Mr. Wlgn!DJ of Elif-ix Eotiilri&e.d J. B. Natbry for the office, awa a iriefa?.iri navt to vbe tloaao to swie Ih 3 ucmlraJoa and ?ek oo-icur.ence i- an election "iho tfoud 1evVyh)B ench ooncurrence, th'? eicotioo FXi pro- c-9did wib. Musm. Aiaxs and Wirgias supsii ivalag Pf-ndJ5 tbe dcUr..1oa cf the vota Itj the j-jfet ooramli teethe ises.;? 'rem tie ?-iytixo w&a taken uy &od red. fter tbs reader of the acige eonitjoted, tha committee to sopi?rinter.d t'. t'eouotT ououBe4 ta. N&iifiery as e!ecd. TLe Soijh'e oonj'JJrr.i Ja Lb?- ITocs resolution to 1 ptlaied dt? cepjos of th-j iaps;;e &rd tho aoevcrtayasj-tag docuusc-TJl. tor sach meci&ir. ictennt f m Krall Pap Prora the Ji.ural de Bhi. Oct. S To-day we have ;o reccrd another outragn done to i eovereigrity: a-d another Blight to cur means of d&fjuce. The public kcov?g IX... f&ct which took p'ace iu oar port, between tbe United Siates .steamer Waobueett. and tho OoL-ffdsrate Stak-H 3tearr-er Florida, but s il may be viewed incorrectly, we wil', for onr own honor, refer to ii cs it took place. The Florida cent'.5 io ou the f;.h, from Santa Cruz de Torcrlfi, in cdef W repair h?r f-Lgine and take in wa ter, &o., fos- h t crew were not web, from eating ratir.ns or slt moat and drinking elt watlr filtered. Tee United State 8 Consul (ked the President cf our pfo vioco not fo let the .vissei into our port and to impesc sonie peuaHy for bc'r not resx:c.iQg Br lian watrrs, in buriiicg an. American vessel rar the Waod cf Fer nnio do Noronr.?-. The President replied that he h-.d granted her two day 3 to make the repairs ihat her en-; gino needed. There waj in port tbo united fetates steamer y a- chui?ett, which, since the coming in of the Florida, Iwd put itrolf in motloa in the interior. I earing some figbt, rinoe & challenge had been given, the Presid-nit of tGe Province obtained from the Consul hia word and honor tbat pc.ce wou'd be kept, and that -co action would take place io the port, or within tbe line of neu trality. Tbo Florida., lor better security, was ple.ced ucder the batteries of ihs flag -ship. On the 6.h, the crew being in need of some n erec tion, rczi, half of H s-aa put on liberty umi went on shore, cornug back in tbe evenic,?. lauy ol the men beitg dmnk nd considering hiraeelf guarantied io s nentr4l port, the Captain of the Florida let thirty of hia erew and some cf hia officers eleep on bhore oi the nighta of tbe 6th and 7th. At 3:10 on the break of day, the effice'r of the deck, Hunter Junior, was sur prised to hear the cabl je IcosTi on board of the Wa chasatt, and htr crew coJic-d to quarters,, watca was vetv diflieult for it to do. Nearlr at tha eamo time some boat?. Eliecl with m:n, boarded the Florida, reeeiv in Irom her i volley of musketry, end they Were sccon ded by the WaeLusett, which not bt ing trxu, owicg to the srnckQ cf tbe funr.e s and the night being very dark bud iefi her nositloa and rapialy ran toward ! tee r lor i(Ta, pairing oy the Eiern cf tho corvette Donna Janua- ria, which at once ordered it to Leave to, cut tne Cap tain cf tha Wachusett did not heed tho order, running rapidly uprn tbo etern of the Flor-ida, which lay to the north. Hurdiy haJ sn-2 struca mo niter wnea ene nrecJ a shot from a bow gun. At once a mast cf the Florida fell over, and sbe iosi acme men : bnt?be crew returned a feeble lire. It is asserted that theve was ?rcat loaa of life at el points in the struggle that took pbca with revolvers ati-i cold fried, and that it did not l-vat loug, for the corny lement of the h lcrida was reduced by nearly hfey men. Amcnc the dead is said to be the officer of tbe deck, wbc rrce5vrd a bail io the bieast ; and it is sahi that an officer n"nud Stone was also aiilrd from a shot in the moavb. Anothar ofheer, leaping ou beard the WMcbusett, struok about bim, and fell dead under the m if ti lira. i- "! 3-. ior? ci ., e n r-u wno leaped ;uto tte ae ea- capv-u, these were picked up by vessels lying near. The other eleven were shot in the water by the enemy. After thia nrie' contest there came an interval of si lence, which wes broken by prolonged cheers from the W aehuaett. The chief of Division, Gervasio Mancabo, sent a barge, under the command of Lieut. Yaiella, on board the Wachusett, to tell its Captain to anchor at once, or he wcnld Eink him if be tried to continue hia provo cation. To this the latter replied that on hia word of honor he would do no mere, and that he would go back to bis anchorage. This answer wsa given to the cm:er, tbe commander of the steamer not allowing him to coma on board. Bat tho steamer Wachnsett had smartly nude fast a Gable to tha Florida, and then feigned to return to put itself out of range of our gucs, which would hive been delivered with good effect, being manned by the beat gunners. At this moment; the crews of all the vessels or war being at quarters, the chiet determined that the steam er Paraeuae, which had put up steam from the outset ot the Incidents, should take the corvette in tow ae soon as it bad enough steam up, ruiil at tho same time being set on the corvette, so tbat the vessels might rapidly over- tafie tne priza. in this order tne Glvision set out. The Paratuae, corveete Da Januaria and tender Rio De Oonta330u8. Owing to the tow of the Florida, it was thought tbat the corvette could gitn upon the Uni ted States steamer. Oa passing tbe light house, the chief of the divisions ealied together his officers in bis cabin, aad told them of the insult thai had been received, declaring that he was goiog to sink the Bteamer, take the prizo and carry! it into this port, if it ,was possible. He added that it f was tneir duty io show tbat tne Honor of a nation could not with impunity be wounded. These worda were received with nthudasni by ali the officers, who called out for action with great ardor. Ch3e was given to tne steamers: wbicn were aoout five miles ahead, making all sail and steam to effect the!? escape. , . At nine A. M. the Paraeuse, casting off her tow rope from the corvette, gained greatly upon the Ameri can; vessels. An action appeared certain to every onsj but the wind began to All. , -The steamer Florida, wbicn up to that time was be ing towed, began to steam also, and with full force, ' ' , . . I A V VtT i X. t . . gaming, wim me rvecuuaeif, rery iasi oa cur ves aeU. . The latter continued the chase, and the steamers run, until they finally went out cf ehrht. Being in thoal water, and losing sight of the fugitive, th!y gave up the chase at 11.15. It baa been told us thai theiconrag0. and ardor of the chief In (minand of the corvette, and of all the ofijer officers, as well as of the arews were above all praise. At tha rfgnal to prepare Tor action, it teemed as if a supernatursJ power tnpved those men of the sea. Not bsisg able to do anything more, the chief, with bis staff, went oa board tbe steamer Paraeuss, leaving the corvette and the tender Rio de Ocutesaout acd en tered the port at 3.S0 in the afternoon. The Fiorioa was having one of ita boilers repaired, the rubes oi which were in ths marine arsenal. It Je unfortunate that not one of the forts discharged a tho at the Gf.mboa, by which point the fugitives pcs'Dd at a third cun-fhot. T-fce peaport oniy fired three b'nk shots, as a signal to thoee on land. Though badiy manned, they could have done much damage to tbe fugitive, but it seems, that all were aaloeo iu 'b-e ractmnt when the honor of the country was ia ingar. It i nnderHble tbat the Americana practiced in our waters and wUhin our pott an act of barbarity, an act cf real piracy. It wss treachery to their cdversarlea, an undeserved in suit io na, and a shameful want of pro per spirit tor a nation which prides itself upon its na val forces. Frcm- the Savannah K epablioft.n. 0jt U?tuvnd Prisoners. Up io Sunday night about 2,000 of our returned prisoners bad been transferred and brought to the city. On Sandiy ?he bests came up about noon, and an im mense'tbroag wss on the bluff to meet and welcome thfm. The reception acd disposition of the men da volvrd unon Col. Fiser, who discharged the duty with skill ard'd B7aob, having rbe sick taken to tha Home and Hosp:t&l8 find Vhs weil end convalescisg to the eamp in tne rear of the Park. The prisoners, for the moa par arj looking far better than we expected to find thvra after the hardships of their long confinement and, ia many instances, brutal treatment. Many say tbey wish no furlough, but desire to be sent immediate ly to the front, wfcere they will have an opportunity of " getting evtc " wi'h their captors. Thus far we have found it impo.:?ible to obtain a liet ol their nanae, but hor": fo do so at an early day. - Savannah never does things by halves. This fact ia illustrated in the hberal contribution of her msn, and the ccaec-le? dsvoiion of jVr womea'to the cemfort and welfare of thesmJor'uuate meo. Day a night tho latrr r f-eem n3V3r to tke in the good work. The Home and hoqji'alg ieing IcsuffLieni, the Fireman's Hall has 1 bwea fit:ed up wiLh beds and ether cor, venif noes, and a number of sick are there qiartered. To day, and per haps ex end;ng iuvj tmorrow, tho hospital ships, At lantic ccd Bl!.io -will discharge their cargoes to be brought ap to th cify, and w shall have a large ac cpfeloa to cur s'ck list. Active preparations are mak ing to receive them. Tbe prismeM were brought out ou six steamers, to wit : the Atlantic, Baltic, Livingston, Northern Light, Crescent and Illinois. "Th-y all embarked at Point Lookout Md., on the 30'.h October, reached Fortress Xloaroeoo the 31dt, aad there remained until the 8'h. About 100 died oa tee passage, and thrte aftfr their Irsnar to our vteseis. it would do ont'e. htrt good to-st-e tbe new life imparted to these men aa tbey step b'om Yankee hands on board their own country's ships. Some buzz aud s'out, whi.'at cripples throw" away their cra'cbcsaad walk under fcba budden icepiration of the change. On c n icint the prisoners all agree at ail tbe Yah kce prisons tboee who had means or friends at the North fared comfortably ; those who had neither and w4i'daaod to tha fare furnished by tbe Government, h-id a ham find cru:l time ol it. 'J he protection against 0-.ld ia wholly ir.edequate, and thousands muat perish Lheeomiirg winter, Witbcut a change. Col.- Mulford, who hag charge ol the exchange on the part of tha eoeffiy, is favorably spoken of, and will al ways be remetnbsred by the prisont-rs, for his uniform sympathy acd kindness. Tbey -all describo him 03 a Chiiauan gentic-mon, h-) id worthy of a better coun try and caue. '1'oSargcoa W. A. Smith, cf the 47th New York, who hsd cbiirge ot them on board tbe "Geo. Lcary" (hicb, wilb the New Yo;k, ia used as aligh-t-.r between our v-.seis, end tha heavy draft Yankee tianspos, two cf vrLi-ch ara aground opposite Fort Pulaski) we ara rtq tested b? mny to nuke a public achat! w.'edgoioat of their thatika and gratitude. No one could bav3 done more ior tho tick, or treated the well r.itk greater rejp'ci and k'-uancscs. The ursxt two diys will probably close tho delivery on the tisi-t of the e.erny, when their owu nriscaers will te Sbut down to thna, to tho nambcr of about 10,000, the exceas to be provided for oa their part at other porte. ' A iJj'p-vr'! "rRk.-i A tacit A filod, 1 ITulonist." One Henry C. Wrigb, ot Boston, a Lincoln lecturer, WPS rnther t-iten absck a Stoughton, Mssachcsetty, recently, lie caused to b3 iesued a notice on slips, through tho pbc?, ihai'he would ieotar-3 at tbo Cbe raung'llll, oa the evening of the 9:b instant, on "The Northern wing of the rebellion and its war of ballots 8gaio3i the Uuion " The tabject of tie lecture stirred up an old citizen, wf;o hid a copy of the Boston Libe rator cf 1851, which cjntuiced a epe-.cb made- by tbe sime Henry C. Wright. He censed the following ex tract from tho Fpe?ch to be struck ell oa shpa printed on lare Tair type : "Extract frcm a Fpech naoe by Henry O. Wright aa publ.ebed ia ih B;,on j Liberator. 1 have spoken : of tbe approadujeg downfall cf the American RepubJo. Under the inspiiatioa of truth, I say, tbe American Union shad be disbniv.d. Io my mind, tbat event, so essenial to tbeestTbiiabmout cf justice, the security of liberty, tha prorrntion td ths general welfare, is a pre sent rtahiy, as truly as ia tlit present cxistc of the republic. I thitfk and epe&k o it a3 a fact, and not as a c-on'ji'gency'. The Ftdcial Government shall pe blot - ted out. The American R.-pub'rc shall be subverted. Of this tiati'.nal fabric, which from its foundation to ita topsous is cd together by tbe blood and tears of the fclavca, not one stone ahail be left upon another. I have thesarae amhoii.y f .r saying that Jtsus had for saying it, of the nlocd stained temple of. oppression, the den of thievis in Jerualfin. Tnis republic is a den of thieves, a mere ap-jbgy and protection for robbers and murderers, it is a lair for pirjtea,. where they crouch down end rest in peaee aad security. 'Ihe den of thieves shall bci brok'.-n up. Ti;e I.ii;-of pirates shall te destroy ed. N-'t only is the great and icn&ed far event vividly present io my micd.but also ita results." J ues3 wtro distributed in nurnbsitvin evey seat In he Hall, ur. ? v -, l w?ro placrni i.-; the bctato pfand. Wii.i. -. ' u IjJ.x - ?. nr.; --t.. picted uo r:x of the slips and ic-ud it. It so cjblo.iLd.d him tbat be could put no spirit icto his lectme. The performance was a misera ble flit " affair. He f;lt, looked and spoke a9 if he imagined evsry tongue before bim was silently spying : " You hypocrite I" Yet VVrigl t is simply a specimen of the class now most Distant fc: th3 Union. Chicago limes i rhtUiag of Petersburg loUrntlug Hetlmate. The Petersburg Christian San eays in Ita last issue : Oar cruel and barbarous foes eeern to have tired in their effort to destroy the lives of helpless women and children in Petersburg. For three or fosr weeks past scarcely a shell has bten tnrown directly into the city. The number cf shells thrown ioto tbe city during the time ot the shelling was truly astonishing. Home ap proximation to the number may be arrived at, when we state that six hundred thousand pounds of Yankee shell have been collected by parties in the city and vicinity and sold to the Ordnance Department. The department has already paid oat forty-eight thocsiod dollars for these shells. - Many of the sheila burred themselves in the ground too deep to be resurrected, and have not bten found. We may eafely put down twenty thousand sheila as tbe number poured upon tbe helpless noncombatant of Pe tersburg, and yet, strange to say, only four white per- eous have ben killed, and net more than ten or twelve colored persons and twice as many of each race TOand- ed. We look back upon th scenes of the past, end weigh ing ail tbe facts aad circumstances in our mind, can on ly ascribe tbe small number of casualties to the special Providence of Gal.. We have been saved in answer to prayer, earnest and fervent. if ever a people had cause for gratitude u ever a people should unst in tbe Lord confidently and unwa veringly,' it should be tbe people of the city of Peters burg. Every heart should overflow with gratitude to God for his goodaess and mercy. Tbe Federal Government continues ita official rela tions with the old government of Mexico, and Lincoln has recently recognized Jose Sanera Prieto as consul of that Republic at the port cf San Francisco. TELEGRAPHIC RporU f the Prui AMtatlon. Entered according loth lot of CongreM, In thu jar IMS, ty J. B. Thsashii, In the Clerk's Office bf tae District Court of th Confederal States for ths STcithern District of Georl. ATTEMPT TO H3CAPJ3 FBfi PBISOaT. m ' Baubbubt, N. Cm Sov. 35th, 1834. The Federal prisoner ooaflned here, tiade aa attempt to'eacapn bcn 3 o'clock to-day, occasioning sons exolto maat. Tbay attempted to telss the arret of the guvd on duty WKhtn the walls, d ia wveral otats noceedcd UiTlna diiarae-J a man, taey thrust Win through with tho bayoaet. Tvo of our gawd were killed aad lateral wounded. The parapet guard witnessing those demonstra tions, opened flra on the prisoners with musketry ard two field pieces charge with cardater, aPJing and woiudinit soma forty or fifty.. Order was restored and the guilty onei have been frr.etted oat. AH afet now. LATKU EUROPEAN EiCHJlOFD, Sov. 15th, 1SG4. aropeau advlcftto the 10th hata baaa reo9lvd. Under the !flaence of the detatta of the ctptura of tas Florida, the English Jonroals tndlsnaotly doo&aoe tha at fair. Tae Times saya the aot was moat u4rml '.awlcan. It presramea the Amcrloin government and Its cUlias win hastes to rapadlate and the. Heif York Chamber of Com merce -will Fompla to forflt Ita charaoer by lenaxdlay or jastlfjbEg the crime ocrmmlttod. Tbe Mem bag Post thinks the FederM govenmMit will disavow the act, but has misgivings about it. That parcr thbtka the cut: age can cot be permitted to paFa unnoticed by other poWera, and that a'l maritlroe power shontd en tar their protest af anut it. The Herald bedevca eventa euch aa thes viU spedllj force the European rations to interfere la tho America dlfaonltlei, for thtlr own Becurity. The Dally News aad 8ur, Yankee errata, &T9 sil?at ?-i regard to the subject. The latest Cngllab Joamals publish tfce c5!al BraaHiaa correBpordcnce ralative to the capture.' The Mcralrg Si& denoucceg tbe aelrntaund hpos the Amerloan ?ovemmett ill repudiate It. FROM TUB UJHTED 8TAT53. Jlicnito.ND, cv. 25b, 184. Hew York papers of the 23d, and tte evening edition of the Baltimora Aiaoricvu of th aam-D dtte hava been ro celved. A t6lcgTra Iroia WoEbragtrn of tha 224, eaja that near ly two weefc bave paaedfJnce direct information h?. oa recited from Shenaau. At least a month ago he fully la formed the authorities at W&ubl:ttOQ o' tls plana. Rew Crleana pepers of tbo 15th eey th8t Canby Is re covering A WaehiPgton trlegfam of the ?3d fest. Pars therj U in formation from City Point that but a short tuna will elaj to before tbe Dutch Gap casul is opunvd. Burbridge haa tafeeu scmirary action Iu the ca?e r.f Lif ut. Ooterror Jacobs, of Keotneky, and has decreed hia taa bbaent btond the Federal lines, Gold 222J. "Just Hover In tta Uafrlcn." Two cewly imported Knglishmen, just of the steam er, strolled in the restaurant attached to the Tremcnt Hons, tbe other dayand, ofier a wondering etare at the leng row of individuals, etch boaily and eikntly en gaged in bolting la tneir allowance or looJ m tno ehort st possible time, climbed up on two Etools and hesita tingly ordered : "A chop and some hale." While the agile William was-orderir,; their meal, tbe attention of one of tbe Bulls was attracted by a dish un known to him, bat Of which his neighbors were par taking with great gusta Carefully waiting until the man next to him grunted, "N other ear o' corn," be cudjred hia brother Bail with : ".'Eary, there's an 1 U'amer;cin wegtablo that we don't 'ave at 'one. Let's 'uvc bodc," and pco. dinjly he ordered : "Haw I waiter, b'ear o' corn." Tha corn (a dish unknown in England) was brought catching hot, and Bullpassjd it to bis cjuntrjmaa, who observing the manner of hia neighbors, allitd it down with bis knife and ta 'ted it with an appioving wink. "Good ?" said Bull No. 1. "Wcry 1" said No. 2, adding, with tree British ec onomy, "there's no uso in bordering another ; 'ere.s enough for both of us ;" passed the cob to hia compan ion, vfho gravely slictd it after tbe manner ol a cucum ber, and after seasoning it, commeccad ratipg tho sliced cob. He got Jbrough two or three elicea with isome difficulty, to tbe huge delight of a sma!l boy with a crop ped head behind the bar, and then turning to hia com pany ejaculated : "My hyes, 'tnry, hlf thia ii a scmpla hot H'nmcrican wegtables, their etumachs must be iron plated like their bloody 6hips I" An unctions grin slid over'lho faces of tbe witnesr.CH, and William tuoitd fiercely on the small boy and or dered bim to "rnakj change at thu other end of tbe counter." Commercial liullc'.in. laraovEp in ripinrr. Oar Ulysses, we regretted to learn, for many days before the Yankee Preeideuti-jl election wa3 eilent, uncommunicative, and sometimes even morose. Hisimmediute attendants hinted that to bad beocme a convert to asceticism, tnd would eoun enroll himself among the mtmbers'-ip ol the Order of "Doleiul, Disappointed and Disconsolate." But to sooner did ihe Presidential Mcrns, showing conclusive ly the re tlrction of his espcciul patrou, Abraham Lin cola, reach him, than he rtsumed his wonted good hu mor, and bocamo even more facetious and hilarious than be had been before his attack of Lw spirits. A sit gle in cident will Buffke to illustrate his present high strung peasantry. A distinguished civilisn-a visi'.r r io tro ar my of therotomac & the James remarked to hiai.when it wes definitely ascertained tbat tbe Young Napo leon " had found his Waterloo "General, now thut Butler baa gone to New York, where will you find a right bDd mm V Pointing to a bottle label ed Dexter, whiskey, Omcionali, 1859" You b?c I am not with out a faittfal eab3tilur.e." The Yaukce civihan, not to be outdone, remarked : "1 now perc ive the fptnt which animates you in all your Dextesou muvim -nbi against Geo Lee." Oar Uiyeses Cutne back ia passa ble style : " Perhaps, then, Mr. . , jou can tet its merits without a 'rye face." We Lesd not add tnnt both imbibed, and that a big lauh (oliowet. From East TBMHK;ssaat--ihQ Bristol E?gister, of the 15' h Bays : ' ' ' Papfenera on the train from Tejincsaee yestcrlay evening, broncrht a rtunor, that Slsjjr Toole, ot Gen. Vaughn's tomoiand, jd got belusd the enemy at Mor ristown, and captured a train of cars loaded with com mits.ry etores, which he destroyed. He also cpturtd " rragoi train, consiatiog of cine wagons, killing thir teen ..od capiuricor a pnrty ol tho enemy. Ia the ro'r.tPr of tne exchange of prisoners an COmbatHrjrs hell as prisoners by the respective p-irtiea in Ewt Tennessee, we are glad to announce, that the Con'ederate authorities at Bchmond have responded favorably, and that General Vaubn is authcr.zxl to complete the negotiations to that end. Augusta Constitutionalist, 22d intt. They talk in Paris o'i establishing a Biblical theatre, where will be palyed only pieces dramatized from the incidents of the Old Testament. A French paper thinks tbat Solomon and his three huudrtd wives would lur nish excellent subjects for light .vaudevilis. The Board of Internal Improvements n ett in the Executive office oa Saturday last. Prcsen Gov. Vance and Henry Nutr, Esq. The following ments were made : Messrs. W. A. Wright, of New Hanover, Col. G. W. Collier, cf Wayne, and W. W. Brickell, of n.!i fax, Directors on the part of the State, for the Wil mington and Welion Badrood, and O. G. Parsley, Esq, of New Hauover, State Proxy. Col. W. L. Smith, of New Hanover, Slate Proxy on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Raleigh Conservative. - The Russian Minister at Washington has been or dered by the Czr to go to Mexico to congratulate Maximiiiian upon bis quiet accession to tho throne. Tbe Yankee papers do not like this. Lieut Glascock, of Mosby'a command, a few dajs since, with thirteen men, attacked eighteen Yankees near Harper's Ferry, killed two and captured eleven with eix horses, ten males and two wagons. Tbo pris oners and property wtre brought eff easly. - The Empress Josephine was very fond of perfumes, and, above all, ot mustt. iter dressing room with it, in SDite of Napoleon's frtquent remonstrances. Forty years have elapsed since hex death, and the pre sent owner of Malmaison has had the walls of that dries ing room repeatedly washed and painted, but neither scrubbing, aquafortis or paint, baa been able to remove the smell of the good Empress' musk, whioh continues aa strong aa if the bottle which contained it had been but yesterday removed.