BT PDLTOS A VBICW. PttOPIlISlTOR. g j scTmhw an tellers on business wmat be addressed. FULTON, Editor.. L. PRICE, Associate Editor Trm of Subscription. avckly, three m?nth3, invariably in advance,. $10 00 D j. 1 month (.to siLliars Bly,) 00 No BubcWptl: t-fcer paper take for any time under Se raoS. TL only deviation frcm this nils Is to thre th8 C-'"f ooWiera aboTft stated. WILMINGTON, N. C, FEB. 4, 1865. KE3U1.T OF TUB TfAR. Pc-atni-tcr Regan's post-cffiae atrangementa Tender tho prcsa ecbjcct to the same difficulty under which the War Department labors, namely a scarcity of maifa Toe newspaper mails are vary much giTen to strag- !irg," e"d re very often " absent without Ieare," but we are unable io bring them to Court Martial, About .this timof diy (it h now 10 a..ra.,) wa begin to ask c-uiaMvss the question ahall ws or shall we not hate a mail to-day ? We would toes up a quarter far lu'ek, but qu iritis are not t'o be bed for the tossing up. So tb of tbe mail, like that of psace, nmgfcre main an open ques-tion until the time cornea. We may no: huve a trail to day, but we will have it sometime. Wc nny not have psaee just now, but that too ia bwUD3 corre eventual y, and at no distant day. Let ui'kcfp np our conrtge. Tbirgs will yet come right h at pui a Eton'- heart to a sleep hill and we wiil taia the iop. 12 o'cl ct ook. We hare a mail to day. Per Lfcps wo may accept this as a good omen. We BnJ lii-.isr v way of .ewa. Ihera ia no. mail from the sou to. Tic P ebaioriu Sentinel, euppcBad to be in the confl uence of the Administration, to a greater degree at k .ei ' -n L-i-j ctiifcr paper in Richmond, questions the sccursey f the Enquirer's Bfateae:it of tha terms npon vrhieii ths- oiivo branch has been extendsd by Blair. After quoting this stattment (published in yesterday's Joutunl,) ih j Sentinel says that it is at a loas to know how the reaches these conclaslona aa fo-the diapo-itu) f the e.wcay. It further eayn : " W e CHitDft tor. s-.rox-.gly caution" the. public to beware of ac cvt i: , ev.ry klif;racior as aa eatablubvd truth con ceit g ibis so-calkd 'BU;ir minion," what it look3 toor wx.ut it ra.v:a It Hivbe asmmcd that, at a proper t m, &h thi frtts re!atiiig to it "wiirbe made known, if, fed, li oa ebould ba ac;thics werth knowtrg. The great busir fcE3 o! the country now is wau, ntd to that basinrss ?.t bh..nll &'id cs curaelvi-a with renewed pur pose and r.Acimatcd rvsolw to acLieva our iodepen fauct." Dail y Jownil, 2d inst. Out cf tub Frtikq Pas ikto tub Firs. 1! there te a -;y Uu-.b in the rumar that Licc'cln, beicg on the iw of a fox-L-n war, wishes to patch ap an accomcno datioii with tf.e Ovnftdeiacy upon the baaia of an alli a e- tff.-i sh-e r.:.d defensive, or indeed in any way, we it ?: k oir, ufe v;cll as our rnlera, Lad better pause :.,. .i iiUle before jumping at the thitg too aud- j-r83ttre, the almobt inevitable ccr- Earopttn war, could alone have icdated tui. ly Lirc.b muda thtsa propositions, if indeed be l.r.nd' tlera, aid whethe we re-wonstruct or enter iat au ai'iace with L'ncoln, we toe, will be made pru t-?rr-i iu '.!.ut ? cr ; acd & war with England and France v;ya!d K-a -jo child'a play; We hardly thiuk that we .,- iU) hi icnc-h tetefittet' y m aking peace with Lin-i-imply to engage in war with other8 not ncw.our c cuiir'tlilioah, indeed, thry are far from beicg oar lliCLf.'S. 1 h i woaU i ideed be simply pledging ouraelvea for ' the next," and thatwa think, ia far from beiDg popular. Ar,d we may reat asaared that in tBat "next wuV," our allies or cur liethxen of the Lincoln Statea mvi'A t'u-ow aa much of the burden aa poE8ible upon tbe Scati and sicrifice her as much as possible in tha fkutleKent. Mero putch'Lg up a peace wuh Lincoln may not re euit in ptnee tor ua. There are ulterior considerations which caunot.ejtfe'y ncr wisely be overlooked. What we rxt i? pe-.-ce, security not entaoglement, complica tion, fresh wars into which we might at any time be dragged behind tbs car of our Northern tsampeers axxd real ra!era and injater3. it is (:vi'int to ua as it mu3t be to moat people, that tveii it Jhe repsrta we bar about peace are true and dcabt tLcra very much ven if we take them in tUir cv-tct favorable atpect, the preaent ia an exaeairg'y ciiticol pctiod in the history of the coan .trv. If Lincoln has "raade any prepositions admissable by tha S;-utbtrn peopl?, or if he la prepared- to rective ai.y sjcb, it is u'der the pTctsare cf an approaching European difficulty, lie expects a big war. Hewanta to ii vulv us with him in that war. At war with the vor;d, we must depend upon tradss with Lincolndom an 1 beocaii evea mere than ever the commercial and o!li'.c;iI V3?sals of u power and a people from whoss traiunjfc we have tried to free curselvei. liat iu good truth, there is no reason to place aay ii'i f..:diT.ce upon the disposition of Lincoln or anybody e;r cuihority at the Norih, to make peace with us c?ti .y dmbsable basis. If Seward UEcd the laa gaaS'e be is s.iiu to have ns;d be last Sunday night, doc a i ct lok ranch like it,-, and Seward ia tha moving s?rii;g of tl e whole Northera government. Djii't lei ui cca:p:ora:.s2 ecraelvca cr lose control of oa; helii 5;a in our eager desire fcr pac2, or we may lose ali Lr we have been contending and at the s;.ni- time f ai to secure that peace for which we have ba?Q ?o ;-;cr. ' he London limes may be right in c-.i -sir :. u' i o . e cfthe Kurcpcan powers would guar aiitte u.i h. impendence cf the Confederacy, aa proposed, tven fti'i the proposition to abolian aiavery. As pro t ojid by wh-.-m? Nobody. We don't expect Esg hsd to d J much any.;ay or uader any circumstances, 'or do vte expect France or aujbody else to guarantee the iG.U petdence of the Conlederacy. We simply think t''.st natioca have provided for themselves and for li'Ecolo Euch complications as will pretty eurely Tesnlt ia roanpeliing the recognition of the independence of the Confederacy by both cl tbem, and few thanks to eHb.r. I he Monroe doctrine is iudo doably violated hea Loaia Napoleon not only Bets up Maximillian on tie imperial tbron3 of Mexico, and on" the ruina of the Iiipublic, but actually attaches sundry tf tha provinces of that country ia colonial dependence upon France. it ia ahnost iaipcssible that a collision can be avoided. Could Lincoln frighten or cajole the South into submis sion, tcccnatruction or what not, he would let little time ebp;e before going into the new war. Oar plan is to on as we have been doing, only toore so. Gather iog up, concentrating, energising our resources and our action ; not allowing.tbe sweet but ceptive socg of peace to lull -us into apathy or give u3 a scns2 of false security. If we yield to this aedne hve iDfijenee wa will wake up to find ourselves lost. VS"e have warned our people againat this thing. We repeat our warning : Hope aa much aa you please tat place no dependence spon theaa peaca rumors which are now afloat. We dread thcae rumorg even more than we do the arma of the enemy. We do itdeed fitr the Greeks, Yankees even wfciri bearing gifts, or proffering peace. We have tried to do oar dQty ia endeavoring to pat our readers oa their guard e do no; believe Li&cola- is prfpared to recogniz? the Confederacy, even wi.h an alliance offensive anH deen If he should, it would simply be with the view ofplncging us into another war aa tia allies his - VOL. 21. CONFEDERATE We ash no foreign guarantee. We " trust not "for freedom to the Franca' but we trust to" the inevitable -logic of events, which, if we are trae to onrselve?, ia working out.tLe d(sired.consnmmaion, though hardly, we think, through tbese ptaca commissi nera now prob ably arrived at Washington City. ; Vjr"ilucli Llli A VVijul.. . While we here are talkii g about peace comasission ere, and allowing ourselves to dreum cf an early settle ment, Seward is preaching to tby Christian eoiunrs eion8 of the North tho overthrow, defi-at? submission cf tte rebels, and Sherman is nd:anciog with fire and sword into thtj heart of our abater Slate. Ard this ia peace I .' We have tried to tell cur people that they mun re Veive the idea of peacs coiuitgfrcm Lkcolci ut this time with great ciution, Lay, with absolute eap.cion, otherwise they would bj f-cicd tu their dcuiruoa.n. We thu k it low hardly tecKeaay to rep at thai cau tion. Things epak lor sb.uisdVvS. Oa Wtdat8-fay the tnm? vcre at Broxioa's B;i3ge iu GolletOj Didtrict. within ksa than 25 milci of Branchvi!!:. Where are they now PaEscnfera re port that' oa je3ttfdy t!-ey- wo with n 15 niilca cf Branchvi'h. What impedim-nt there rniy be to 'heir seizure of this nua ir)ip Tt:int pouit we do not knosr. We rj not surprised at this nsare-r.ent. We r-re only fcurprisedl'ait it wa3 net made to'nir. : Wa here iu Wiiminjjtoa ai-t now a v..ry quiet p-.o--pie aince the fall of Furs Fisher. 1 hat cut eff the blockude-runucg, and with that evt nt a rrairkah'e ciiarge his befeu produced in ear population. fctrnge f?C2s of m- n in fo eigq gi'b, wi'h foriigo iicceat, so longer h I the cy;i r.t ovt-ry mm, or meet it at every comer. Tl at dream is p un, a':d Vr-ry little of it now rtmeiiis. Sundry uccurcro'-d fa 23 tv.-o are gone, end the p ta thct kuw U vm k-.o v tbs?m do rnor, though not we trn st forevt-r. Oa the other bund, peop'rt have comG back to occupy their own honsi-a-thinking the town e?fer thon the country ia the cae of raids. Upon tho wcile it ia Lot a vry jolJy time for busi uioe. Thioga crt Lardiy ' worhirg," and if -;cybody will pay us well he can make a compromise! c.i car pro s' s B'.nce. the fall ci Fisher. It he 'pays a high price he wi.l lose nwcy. There v.i!i be betr daje we tiost. The appreciation of our mouty ia ddghtfal to these who have euoagh cf ic to appreciate. It hardly con ceres us", pTSCQiiij, a iil lik i it ia a public poh.t of viaw. Pton! living -wasca or sahrivs taay p-r- hapa be able to l ve. What h Tii;va3 Api.-k?- ft h bij1 that troopa from Thorn 8 army are c.raing over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Vh:it is the obj-ct of this movement ? Are tbey to co directly vvith Gr&ut in Lis ope rations ag.inr-t L-:e, cr are they to set upon s rn? fhnk or other portion of Le.:'6 coramnnieatioxs 1 Arelkey o b3 ent by ?A .oiSp rip6'a)e wi:h Sheiman iu cv.;r rntnitg the Corditas, or wh it ie their dcBinaticrr ? Uime tloce can ehow, but no very long tirsa be needed. Not rau h can now bi done in Virginia. Whatever troops are brought from tho Wk3t wili prob ably be intended to; operate farthjr Soaib than Virgin ia. Bat we cannot thick that any important part ot Thomas' army is coming East. Tha situation of things in the We3t will hardly permit that. SHEBJiAiTs F0SC23 are at last in Sou;h Carolin They have too cf!cn' threatened vt-ngeance upon that State, and boasted of whai they would do upon ila soil to allow this atLOUiicniijr.t to be rrssde wilheut a mournfal feeljng of its sigaificanee. It is trus it would be difficult for them to exceed the brutality already ex hibited by Hunter, Sheridan, Butler, and, indeed, by Sherman himself ir other fuld. still their disposition mu3t indeed be ffrcciou3 when even Sherman trembles for Ks sfl.a's, acd ?ar3 that he cannot restrain its mani festation. May t':e Lord turn v?uy or restrain or d; fat this scoorga. Diily Journal , 2d. We hcer cot even a rumor from beiorv. All seems quiet enough, for thff present. The commanders bc-Iow. probably await orde.s before undertaking any new movement, r perhaps they asvait ihe mov. meats of Starman ia South Carolina. A few daya will rev?a! the programme, and perhaps exhibit Euadry changes in the " situation." Wa have had erqiiirias for this ciicer,'hat celtlrattd or der, which moat readers appear either nevar to have ssen, or having eceu, to htvc forgotten. We append, it. It is published ia Erg flab, French and German : i.EJ'T Si ISST'B Gtt EBAli'S OFF'CS. . .r.ichitcad, Ya., Aug. 15, J GSKBBIL ObDEBS, J No. 65. J I. It havioR bea reprea. nted to tha War Department, that there aro turnbers of fcreitfters, ec'iuj-jitd i artifice aad fraud, into tht- military and uaTal Bcrvics cf tho Uni ted Statea, who wcn:d gi'd y wKLdraw frcm farther par ticipation in the inhuman warfare waRtd agaict a people who have never given ibem a pretext f:-r hu&tiUty, t.n i that there ate nanny iahab-.tautB of the Ucited States, i:ow retained in that tervice, siaitst ibeir will, who art averse to aidlag in h war kotv bcicg proseented aa-n-t th Confederate fates : And it b- ia a'8c hnowa ti at thta? msa are preveuud from atanCoiirg each cojd;i! aory service, by the difficulty ihy tspi-a,c(i iu eeoai-ii therefrom, it is ordtred that all Bach pcra:ne c rGius ih in the llaea of the Confederate arraiH, shit be received, protected and tappiied with uitaLS of Buhsiatence, caui snot ot them as Ctsira it, caa be forwarded to the moat convenient points or the border, vhea all faoilitija wili he afforded them to rctaru to thlrhouj3t5. By ord?rf S. COOPER, A. &. 1. General. The Treasurer of the "Wiliciagton Eelief A psooiatioa ac knowledge the receipt of the iohofciag contributions : Col. C. E, Thorbura,..! .$1 000 00 Dr. T. B. Carr, 500 00 8. D. Wal;aces 600 00 . A CiVi", '00 0 J. fcaldhelrnvr, . 100 00 K. Cronaa, 1 000 00 Power, L w & Co 500 00 8. Bear & Bro., 450 00 J. Yanickla, 250 00 J. A.. Bradlej, " lQf-.CO A. K. Gtbbs .". 100 00 YanAmringe & Co 600 CO Jseb Ljoa " 50 00 A. McHae, Jr., 60 00 A Fiiend, .v. 10 00 Ton, bj hUHouor Jno; Dawson,. ,600 00 .. $11,110 00 A. S. 11 ALL, Sea. & Trpaa. Wl!m!ngtOB, N. C, Feb. 2fi, iC5. Ham's Plaks awd God's PcEPaga.-Tbe fa lswi'g il lustration of hamau folly and Divme power is worthy of public attention : Tmue U one cironmatance connects whh the Napoleon family which historians hare not as et observed, bat wfiioh Is well worth mention. Napoleon the Great st aside his own best friend and ooanselor to obtain au heir to the throne of France. He rcarri-d a princeecf Austria, and ey her had a son. Trwt b:rh wai the culmiuaiir g point of tia power asd dignity. -From thence he did nothing but de.eetd. Ha diei aa exile, and his son also Who succeeded ia hi name, hit fam?, hii powtr ? The ehlid o! Horteise, who wse tee child of J gphine. In tbe person or tie npercr wA not ihe utlpr:nic of Sapo le;H the Great, but the oflfpring of his d.seftided wife. Whst an ii:nstratio cf the truth oi the adag, that it i an who proposer, bat God who dispesss ' J ord Bsoon bsantifa ly : " If man be gracoae to t.ran7r. it shows that he is a citizen ot the world, and that his heart ia no island, cut off from Other lands, but STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON Z"cItHURSDAT. MORNING. FEB. 9. lSrfi. TELEGRAPHIC Rptifla of (h fre Aaaotlnttob. Watered aceordio? to the Act of Congree, im the jear 166S, .t 7 J. S. Thxashxs, la the Clerk 'a Office oft ha District Court of the Coafdratc States for the Northern Ihatrki of Georgia. FFO B10H80MD. Sichxoks, Feb. lst, 168S. ica. Lee 'a nomlLaiion as General la-shief was cocfirir ed jfaterday by the Senate , Reports from the Yailey reproaeat trt'ops freai jThoai aa' army paesiLg over ti Baltimore aud Ohio raiiroid A Jd.attioa f. oiu the niih Caioiica LgiUturs arri-. voi haia yesterday, aud bad an interview last Bight with the ('onressiocal d 1. gallon from that hia'.e. . Sea. Los has issued an appeal for tha sarre&Uer of u cavairv fttms &iid tquipiiienla in pri.a e hauJs. ixe ajs tbat a peoapt ocmplianca wi;o ihia oill.wil: Kr!y Pro iLe cavalry. A. liii jo pabiia feceikiM was huid iact blab - ia tho hall Oi 'he Sous o' DJe-rfties It vaa addressed by Hoc. Xuci. ri. F.ouraej aud eevocl membora cf Cou guas from Yir gioia. au GaOigU. G eai oarhnijUs-i priTAlled, at-d tha raafciltg bioka up at a late hoar. All tho epeakiis dV ciarou in favor -ot tie prruiecaUon of the war anti! en? in depEde to ? was achieved. QUAftTEltilASTfcSi ANL? COnHLSSABI. Sichuohb, Feb. 1st, 18S. Tha Si,atti pa eed the I-ena'-e bid to abolish tke ofSse f ail qi&rtrsiastsrs and cojam usaries ca doty at posts H-.d dep. its, un:i to proviis :or tha appo:nttcet.t of bondad :tx"i' s in their place. Te act also repe ds all authority to d'ail persons bet ween 13 and 45 ia said dspannie jta. The J'eiiUe tU3ti rft3ol?ed lata seciet Bsstiioii. 'Jo Yankee pprs received io day. C N PEDES AT 3 CONG it ESS. BlCHMOKB, Feb. lst, 1865. Ia tie IToa.a, Mr. (ihalsa sabaii:ted the following : Mrs'Aoed, That the people "cf t'to Confedera e Btates h7 evt-r botn and ar now read to m&ka peace on terms aoao-iib'o to bvtii partidf, et il ia the jaigenaeet of thiB H jasa that wh'la we Buoald m unmeet a wdiicgoesa to treat for teica, e should n-jt otai? igoronsly to prepare for wir. liesolcei further, Tha,t ia tht- jadgeiaeut of this House this prsp&raiion can bes. be msds by using every effort to place at once la the army every man liable under our laws to ieiidr military service, by cdusinx the commis sary, quart and oth r departmocs to be admioisc terd wjth renswed euergy, a'sd aiuc Levhas been made U3Ue. itl-i i-ohiet to ausiga htm our best and most accepta ble generals to comttiaud cur sepura'c armies, and e&s in to agitate the policy uf emplojing eegro troops, ii maaiure srhi h has a4ready divided public sentiment ana prodoaed muon aeBpoudenoy. Mr. Gaolsou ?poke at considerable Usgth ia suppoit A Lis raoianoija. lie i: Cidja:a:ly aid a tribute to the t Ji cincy Xt ths press, which he thoogut had toccm ti lied m jra ia aid o: our struggle this o'e hundred fold bf its i UDibir of emulojeei) ootid have dona if arced sni plteed ii th fild. 'Jr. Giolsoa occupied tss mrn!ng hoar, at the tpiri ;!uu uf which t&e carreac bid w&s refcrroJ to a commit iea cf ouseiexice. J he House tttn reselvfed lute r .oiet VaO- FJ.OK1DA. ' Mason, Ga-, Feb. lst, UU. . A aecki'. dispatch to the Colasbos Eaqairsr, dated Mv :ja!aba, Fla., Jan. 30 Ji, saja Ihii the enemy, one handled ',roug, esme to Bioas Blnsf. on the Apa'nohioslft river, 4ijpta;ig a lieuteni. f and iotty negroes on ths 25th, aed Ltica iit. On the 29th the enemy were ajcam reported al aiicijfs on Keias Blu3, aamber unknowa. FB0l4 CBARLEdTON.. Chaklbsjcm, Feb lst, 1S65. Theie hs been no move of iaiportatce to-daj?. Prisc eis tik?n vary in their statement of ths enemy's des;i tijn. The enemy is reported to be burnieg all good hcaice. FEOJI TQS U5I1ED ETATEil.-WE-iTESN N33. KesiLB, Jan. 31st, 18C3. A apecal dispatch to the Bagiater, dated BsnatobU, hii-t , J. a. 30tb, says that the Memphis Argus of the 29th has been received. It itys that Urisrson's cavalry, about two tkonaad Etrorg, embaiked at Memphis last Friday, bound up the river. . . - Eohofisla'a division has goao to reinforce Bhermaa, The Canadian difficnlty, growing oat of the release of the St. Aiban raiders, has been adjuited, and the objso tioBS.b;e portions of;Gen. Dix'sotder have besnevoked. Judge Bonsai's e induct is denounced. The EraaCian government has deaisd ea'raaoe to U. & Steamers at the port of Babia. A general eschiDga of prisoners Is expected soon Lincoln's administration intecdi puranlcg a more liberal prlicy with the rsbal States. Ho thitkf that ths Coafede rscy hss reached a point in its downward career when the tiuepolicry of bis government ia to tempor jsstice with mercy. Li&coln has written a letter to Gsneral Canby showing the necessity of briDgfcg oct ad the cotton possible, as being absolutely essjttial. in a flaancial point of view, even if contraband goods should be ' .rriSued in rat urn. The Steamer Atlantic, fr m Me1,i. J) with one thousand bales o cotton for the benefit of the Confederate prisoners has arrived at Kew York. Ex-President Pierce wai hourly 6specUd at Washing ton, lie is said to be one of tho psaoe Commissioners. The Smithsonian IasUtute was bafned oa the 24th. Gold in New York, on the 24:h, was quoted at 219. Cot ton was quiet at 85 cents. Cotton, in. Memphis, aftrr deducting the govert5innt charges, was S5 to 95 cents. A large amount of cotton is going to Memphis, and much whiskey coming back. C0KFED22AT3 CONfJUESd. Bichmokd, Eeb. 2d, 1IS6. The House pas3ad the Senate bills increasing the coa pcEsation and emoluments of the President, and increas ing the s&l&iies of tha ofSeers and employees of tha gov ernment at Richmond. Also adopted resolutions expros eing the gratification of Congress at. the additional evidence of patriotism of the variona commands which have declared their purpose to maintain the war for independence.! The Senate was chiefly' occupied to-day in tha disoussioa of the House amendments to the bill to provide for the empl'jjment of free negroes tnd Blaves'to work npon for tifications pending which the fie Bate resolved into secret session. FROM RICHMOND- Richmond, Feb. 2d, 186S. .The w ather has greatly mcdsrated, but the navigation of the river is it ill obstructed by iee. Tb flag of trnce comwunication at Varina will be resu me 1 in a few daya, wh et several hundred Yankeo prisoners will be sent eft. The question of a general exchange of prisoners will soon bj deeided. EUROPJSAW WBWB. Bichkokd, Feb. 2d, 18SJ. ilursors prevailed in Paris, confirmatory of the report heretofore published that MaximililftB had ceded te Louis Napoleon fivo Mexican States. A Paris report states, that - Marshal Basedlnee had received orders from the Freneh Bmperor to aeiie and hold Honora as an iaJemnitv for the expenses incurred by the French government in placing Maximilliaa oa the throne. The London Times says that none of the European pow ers would guarantee the independence of the Confederacy, as proposed, even with the agreement te abolish a'avery. Tie blockade running eteasaer Leila Lalia ?J sanded at the moth of the M srsey on the 16tb. Unly eight aut of fl.'ty parsons on beard were saved. Too Theatre Royal, at Bdin'-arg, was destroyed by Are on tie 13th. A tumber of persons were killed and injur ed. Tho Liverpool Ceticri markst was flail, with a daoliBisg F. OM THS OSITED STATES. .. . . &ICHMOWS, Feb. 2d, 1565. I he New York Herald, of 30th olt., has been received. H has eat a word about the appointment of peace com ioi!3:om;rs .by Liccativ, but dvr a coioma about Blur's neco5d visit to Richmor-d, ia the sbape of Washb-gkn cor respondence. The writer "ae tg t!:at Blair's siKlou whs sot a failure,. but prediots that ci mmissiorers from Ric moad will sn0ii:be en route to WdBhingtcn. Great ssnsatfon wi prcdDCcd ia ?ew York oai u di by reports of tLe fall of Charleston, and sn w argemtt butweea LfccoU and Datis for the iOAKedfata Bttaii,meut tf peace The Herald's St Louis correspenden gmraly aoncuacea that Kirby Bmifh ia negotiating with 'Jaxfaiiliau for the txhmMUrnihu forces to Kt-xioo. ' ,a!f,! bl0fkad.9.rnnner Blenheiia, from Nassaawas ie- mieu in t ape fesr river. l5utkr hdd a rfcnd recutL at ii a-.-, &:8 speech hi eaii that it wa1 idle to ta!k oi ieac until the rebel army in Northern Yirgu-ja had ben de'eated aad captnred. Seward mac a', pace, b&fore tha phris-' ctmmusioa in Wtsbifl(t. a on Faoday riht, in which li said we wait only. at tfce hands of the icbch for BubmifBio'i, wh:ch. h - v vcr delajed, mast inrceE&aiily iillo tbii' military defe?. and overthrow. Several destrootive fires 1n 6'SirZnl States are record ed in too Herald Jildin N w York advanced as h;gli as 220 oaSatcriay bat closed at 212J. FHFRVIAN'S ADVANCE. CiiiULKoTON, Feb. 2d, 185. A disp-itcli from B; oxtja's 3rUg- dted 7.40 last night, says the enemy ndvancsd to-day across Whippy Byratnm driving ia our cavauy on oar iefc, six milos towards thi: place. TJy are supposed to ba iu heavy foi cs. - Thero is a column oi cavalry on thi August Road, mov big rapidly fcr some uaknowa point, A lt1-r dispaicJi s-iya thit at I u. in. yesriay, th3 en emy had poseeasica ot Mc3: ido's B id?j a- d Ekirin thing was going on iu f.-oct vt B.-oxoo's Bridge." Tao ene mj is ce:Uiay movto on Branehvilie. A dispatch irjm Adams' hay, 8ay- thi'i ih- ere my caine up iutwa birg.s to Y.rtDg' Island jeatcrdiy 'nijout ton and drove m our pfcke'e. Tbej- fired bu'ldrjga aad pkn ta i'JHS and retired Ihla mora'og three steamers are tfi rthite Point. A landing Is threatened. CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. Richmond, Feb. 33, 1SG5'. The Senate iopted the jaint rt sidutins of th.k to Johu Larcater, ol EtgUkd, tor aau sia,rcts rendcied aemmes. Ti e negro bin wrs farther diBcubted. tviessrs. Orr and Maxwell ftr-g-ly opposed tbe emqlt.yncent of ne gro soidiets. Sir- Enrnett ec).ttd that he preferred ia d peadeuce to nfgro biavry, i,d if the t:m ever arrived when it v;s neessary to una nfgroea to aid in accomplish ins that end be wlu d employ them. Tha subject was laid over 'ill to morrow. In tha House to-day Mr. Ghdson's resclutir ns were taken up aa ufcfinifcbcd baaiucse. Kt. Atkins sabmiitod the fol lowing as a eubtitate JJeofd. TbAt tha arming of the slaves in our cause, upon the proniiso of emancipation, is in cot-fTct wi'h well established principles, therefor P, should not be done. Resolved, That the character of the war which the ene my is new waging agaiet uj, and the iffmciise rnourc6s he is now bringing to bear for cur eut jrsgan'on, jaatifies and requires that we shcuid exhaust ail the resources withia our reaoh rather than submit to so terrible a fse. Iiesolved, therefore, That betwf ea anbjegation and using oar slaves in our dafsEce, ovjry pricciple of nature and se f-preservation requires th latter ; therefore we she ad at ose put one hundred thousand d'aves, between the sges of 17 and 45, in the field j and in order to render them ef fective, aed ImtreJIa-eiy interest ali our sojdiera in the in stitution, it is expedient th&t fhn government should pur ehase all the slaves thai pat ia the ara ,"ard give to each white aoldier in the army a slave to be his absolute right of property, 4c. Mr. Bjyce moved ije 'go into recrst s-?s?l;;n. Mr. Conrad having tho ttor spek- iu opposition ta the resolctbBs until tho expiatieu of tte morning hour. A commanicajioa from the Secretary of the Treasury was presented, stating that fsrty-four millions cf elx per cant, nn-taxuble bonds had been sold. - On motion of Mr. Lyoa tha House then went into secret session. FROM THE UNITED STATES. Eicnuotn, Feb. 3d, 1S65. e? or hern papers of J.he 3Tst n't. have been received. Mr. Foote arrived in Sheridan's lines on the 29'.h. De- elinirg to take the oith of albgian'oc he will ba sent-to Washington under arrest. The Philadelphia Inquirer eays that Src&tor Wade, in k's denunciations of the Blair mission, is endorsed by' near ly the entire delegation In both houses Geo. Geary has been relieved of the military governor ship of Savannah, anl has been succeeded by Grovcr. Three steamers with supplies had atrived at Eavanaah. In the House of Representatives a rtsmioa thanking the Prnsidont for the n mjval of Batler wast Iiid on tha ta ble by 97 to 43. ' The 3Tew York Tribune, in double leaded type, iaenfions .the report that a secret league of ths Roman Catholic pow ers of France, Bpain and Austria, uodar the guidance and with the express concurrence of the Pope, has -been form ed, pledged to recognize the Southern Confederacy on or Immediately after the fourth of March, under the pretext that the Union will thereafter consist of those Btates only which participated ia the late Presidential election. Gold .211. FKOil THE WEST. Mobil, Feb. 2d, 1865. A f p;c;al dispatch to ihe Advertiser from S'enatobia, says that the Memphis argas, of the 31st ait., ir filh d with predictions of an early peaca, cn the basis of reconstrue tion. tt a&ys that CJair's m ssion was crowned with com plete erects. Blair sajs that Lee is in favor of laying djwn his arms and returoing to the Union, and that L'avia also made a simiiar statement. Arkansas advioes of the 17th state that Shelby is blocka ding the river fifteea mi cs above Little Rock, to prevent supplies irom goiHg to Fort Smith.' A sharp fight had oc aarred, in which the Yankees were wonted. Gold in New York, oa tie 2Sth, opened heavy, owing to adverse news irom Western Hexioo end the unfavorable news irom Wilmiagtcn, asd closed at '209. The steamer Shenandoah has arrived on ths Brazilian j coast, andh4P! destroyed four Yankee shis. ihe is re-j ported as beicg a formiiable cruiser. Ihe time for which Lincoln was appointed to repre- i sent tha North American States ends on the fourth day of March, 1865. On the 5tb day of March, 1865, the Statea of tha Confederacy -shall hive ceased to be ao repreaeated by him, as they bad nothing to do with bis re appointment in any way whatsoever and had so publicly given notice to all nations, and their only rep resentative abroad will be in tha bead of the Confede rate Government, Jefierson Davis. Here then the neu trality of England will cease. Oa the day stated the independent national itiea, acknowledged heretofore to be each by her in solemn Convention which has never been abrograted, will haveonly such ogenta abroad to represent their interests as shall prooeed from them. England will recognize their claims and the Confedera cy which they have . formed to represent them. She will gracefally, and with reason for not eooner yield ing, retire from her neutrality, and acknowledge our separate independence end Confederate association. We look confidently for this resnlt, says the "Consti tntionaiiat," and feel satisfied jtbat Mr. Seward bus long apprehended aueji a conjuncture, and has en deavored, in ail ways, to defeat its realization. I apite oi hia cunning and daplicity, it will Barely come Military Discharsfb In thsHonse of Representatives last week, Mr. Bmitb, oi Georgia, reported Irom t e ati.i tary Committee the following bi:l. which was pissed i 'The CoLgres ot the Cosfede ate bUtes do enact, That tha non-commissioned officer, masioinn or private who has lost, cigaaiy herta!ter lose, ia the line of hi duty ia the mihtary service, an am, leg, band or ton, shall be disosarged irom said rertisupoa bis application there tor, a&d, a'-er such discharge, shall be exempt from military strvicof any kind whauyar." I clasped har tlay ha d ia mine, I clasped her be aut e oh forsa : I vowed to stie;d her from ths wind, and from the world's cold storm.. Sue set her beauteous ejea on ma, tha tears did wUdly flaw, and with her little lips aha NO. 20. Forhe JouriiA'. . -iiMixaTOH, N. C, Feb. 2d, 1S(?5. Messrs. Editobs: As the writer of this c mraucicatioo Las baj am'jle op- popiiuy, Doin rrom otoserva'irn and exptri.;&ce, fur jjdg ingof the present wcikinga cf the Home Guird s;stem, especially ia th 7eh regiment, he taks the liberty of sug gesting that thereare certain matters which ca'l f:,r cor- rectwn, ana m which all thculd feel anjntereft. fw1Bk, m cuiasan;cs ia m regiment Tj-iouid be consoli- bu in uruer iw gec ria or so miBf nseks cfflcirs. If aworas were mote nsefa! instruments of warfare than rous kets, then the Home Qnard wculd indeed be a formhTable .. s.jjuuuu, UQ 1S vcnia te lerreshiEa: to find rack a. number cf ooa-nisaiynd d:Blaries so tenacion ot their implements. Bat the iact is th reverse ; muske's coant In a battle, rot swords; besidis, tho duties of the private aiudier are recdered doubly arduous by keeoint ruch a swarm of ofiicors on hand e 'oar of daty. Jutce tho pertormasce or their datis. VYby then tfoc it not take place ? A law for that purpese baa bnea psted. cer tainty hbtrul enongh towards the officers, but wih an odious diBarimiatioB against th privatoa. Another inischleveua efiect of havie? so many cflb&rs Is den? it whj may that e&cb.har his favorites whom "he will screen in cases of delinquency. This evil pah ablj xists, and is greatly complained of by tloe who have oeen prompt m obayiug cidors Kow, if the number oJ officers were rtduced the miscbitf oomplaiccd of worn also, ba greatly dimia!slit-d. cvpn Amirtinc that tht r i, ci1,,of .BmfcV oowaption would sttll exiBt with the few left. pe iijD ymijvuv eua oritie picture, and although manv are peimttted to shiik out, others, utterly snfit for an eer vica, are disged here, and held in dirance for several days before taey can have the benefit of a.vilt from a ear eon. When application w&s d ade by some of these sick men to their oaptain to call in a tmrateon and have their cas examined, he .replied, "O, yes ! he would see to vhat matter immediately." Thiawisoa Saturday, and on Mon day followiog one of these sick men was told by the sur geoa that thoir cases had never been reported Suoh ne glect ia unpardonable. All this flammery of keeping en rolled tke halt, and the lame, and the blind, and as it were, haviEg a sort ot resurrection trom the dead every time the Horce Guard ia called to Wiimiiito.n, i sop posed to be to keep trp a big showing on the rol s and thut discourage the idea a conbolid n ion. Aud lst, but no'jieast , co many use-lei-s tffl ;era aie a g;eat and nni;ecu6sary expeuae tj.tiie Btite, iiic; easing car taxes annually thousands, for worse than Dothicg. ,kl et justice take pce if tha skies fals." lhere is one moro subjeco thit ueedi comment, atd thrt is the military patrol, ait was Cj-l'eJ, rf cettiy gotten up and ot ail u.eni aaia to tcreea men from duty and from drtcgtr, us its Eubstqicnt histcr fhows, it was t&e moat ii if ai. V tie-o )9 th taw for mch a proceeding ? Dj Home Gaard atd Kilitia of2;eia poa ess the power to excuse men 'torn a fric which the law ds they shall perform ? We grant ihtt iw ws liht and proper to eeod out detach ir.eiita to u rest deserters, kep tha ngraei in check, ai d d'J other neceary iKing-, ami rapoit at stated times ; bu to eeiid out men lesyouaiblo to no achority, not reqaiiea to repe t, niid whene tat it Beemi to hvo been, it it it j jlairijed that tbey did i:, to fetick ctust) at humcaud see to I tt eir own private aifarrs, and ao. oa a sort ot paaspon c. m iiittec iur dt-berters and Birpglera traveling througl the). Utikhborhouds. it is cfc:icv&d & aaitia Colonel ia the Regiment is mail, If eutith-d tu the credit ot dircermg ihisdooge tor some . am iets. Oa the aa nib'iug ui . ih ii. me ema d; he &( paied aa every good ti izeu should; and it wu6 sj, poatti . o shouiaer h s uiuo et i.ud maruU to tue iront tu mei-t tti oomtucn ciiimy. Well, i' waa not loug be ore it kfci c wiis cs txaC'.Jy whdt he want d ; nd it i now be ievd - tiiat Le ouly wnntd to fish cut a lew & voriteu to he placed ou,li.s rather tis iy patrol. We siui pij, a-k mifihz L.t a macb more dEcienc patrol Lav? been uppoiuted cut of th old mej r,ct iu the Homi Gaird thaii tiJis ii&s proveu to be if JSiiil aui )her o d iu conila"ion. Vi hy havj rot the men betn puti til a ia mott of the o'lier couai.;s tha) fcfav beea 1 nlaoy oi tu -m are in heed ol tai pay, smAil as it tuny appear. Again, why U this o'-nnty always Called cut enniaise, ai d not by thirds SB is tLe oahd in the othe ouuntits ? 1. vl?d reason exists the :e shouid ba zjO complaint, Lut tc many a suciei.t reaeocdocs not appear. crraAZ. For the Journal. Messrs. Editors : ' Pleave annonncs for the beeeSt of friends, that ttf fol lowing men of Signal Corps were captured at Fort Fisher : Wm. S Elmore, il. tl. Stison, J. R. Paduison, E. A. Pati, R. A. Blackmorc. GEO. C. BAIJT, Chief Signal Officer, . ' Department Cape Fear. "WANTED A TKA1TOK. Cur coU-mporarics cf the pres have drawn numerous and very striking parallels between the bitter struggle we, are now enduring, and tua famous war Cf independence which our fatheVs fought so heroically and saeeesufully. in m&uy poi&ts the t wo contests bear a marvellous resem blance there ia running through ths history of each revo lution an a&i-lcg; triads forcibly impressed upon ever j ob server. We of tue tMuth are cottendintor Jhe same great pna siples that our atccstors did e arc "gating at the sam6 time sgaib&t similar odds. In each case the foe is arrogant, sapereillioua. brutal and tyracnizing. The de f(n;elesa women and childrea suflered then as now. fiaj.ine, devastation, plunder, clime ot every hue marked the track of British legions as it daes ,t Yankee cohorts. Wou'd that ti e Biru'.litude Cuuld he extended, and that through the lower icg clouds that now surrouud us, we could see the rainbow.of peace which bent over the freed (Colonies thic aeroes the storm tossed sea we could dsscry the ha ven cf safety and independence tLo reruiutionary patriots found after theii s&vea years bufl'3ti-;-H. Hut in one matter we are at a loss f&r a parallel. Here tho ataloy uf tho two cases fail, as yet we have no trait or In cur midst to betrayer of a. great trust no tratEIck e.r in the freedom ot his country no hawker of honor aad reputation ia tha Yanked market places. Renegades and recreants we have frcm the btyle of thkt miner ible fellow, Brig. Gen. Gaunt, of Arkansas, down to that little whitlet of a pill vender, Dr. Arnold, Mayor of (savannah. Bat such men are the mere rifl-rafl of society the scum thrown up on the turfaoe oi a boiling public tnej are the vapors,' frothy fcfftji'veeceaes, who eilect nj hitg, and will scarce ly leave behind them a memory cf their treason. What this revolution is yet to produce ia a traitor some bright niurnijg ;ar iike Lucifer some man of position, whohaabetna trusted leader, anl who;e fall will echo along the corridors of time through generations yet un born. This ia whathiJtory dtmads lor the drama ol the revolution would laek iu unity and completeness with out sume suvh character black fio.n contrast with his former brightnuka hideous by reason of his fomar beaa ty hhoald siJidelhrcuxh the rapMly shifting ecenej ol war. The Country demands it. We want to ueo the backbone of tha tut ion tested yet a little more. We want to see the c justancy of tha. people still farther tiiei. We are anxious that their faith shorn id be put to this increased prepare. Such en event aa the desertion of our caue by a prominent leader iu this crisis weald be a sore trial to maLy ; bat after a while the whole nation would b:eathe freer. They would feel as if ' the deadly incntuB had beea removed the tfljndiag Jonah tossed overboard. By ali mear,s let this traitor come forth. Now is the pro fiiicus tiaae. He can never again find as oportuna a sea son for the damnable work. Tnese hoars of gloom aad danger comport well with h;a icHii"a. Romi had a Cati line the Euugglia American c l jnks a tteoed'ct Arnold the avacmbiy ct Cfiriit's Dkciples a Jada4 IsoaiKt, and why not the Uoiiiederate tes some daaturd sous? We pray God that tt;e oiip a ay iias ixviv u ia Georgia and that no bou oi hecsmay attan Lhrt bid pre eminence, but we must cyaiea that vs fear ths revelatioa of tte im meGiate fu.ute. Avjutta Con. ei iuiA1 oirf' xiif Auas. Hkadq as 53o Ya. Rs3imekt, j January 24th, lt&i. At a meetiutr of the Fiity-hird Virgiaia regiment, Stew art's bi.gadi, Pickett's divifai n, tte lohowicg rfcsoiauons were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted : JZesoIeed, Tha", trustitg in ie Justice of our cau'.o and the help of a ja?t Goi, we mean to fiht tor liberty and the right of self-gova. nhicct aa long as ths Southern Confede racy can iurci&h a Cartridge r-r owls an acre. Mteo red. Tf-at we wi.i be free ; and t tvery ba?e aid dishonorable ofi'u cf. peace aad submission made by tht enemy e wil; rny'.j with ihe crack ol'tur riflss atd the shout of d,lia.;ce. ' Ussoived. ihat th9 f t-emy need not exu.t, nor cat two peopie be depretsed at ttnip'.rary re vers.- or iho ioes cf eeap-.trt tawts or (Jet-uc3 ; car Revo u'ijniry forefathers ioit all th-e and more, vd jet ihy were tree stall we do or snfiei 1-si lor lib rty tbaQ th.- ? hesolotd. That ie'i vob'le, Chirh)a.oa. Wilmington, ard eveb K;cliio;.d ehaiihavo falkn. our d&ttsttd ion wil learn bis jbot eubjdgattoa Las jat fairl , commenced aad wiil pe Lap tueu tie prepared to believe that G d h fc not decreed, either dura'g the nineteenth or acy otner cen tury, that 'hs sun should tver set upou us as a people Cuu querel. disgraced and eaalavsd. Resolved, 'inai these are car Aentirncn. and we Ciii uu on iUi- ir low soldiers, uou iar i ep e a: h ice, audnpoo cur aiitnori ie o sannrt aad ral y 1 us, au !, wib ou s aiu shu tiesei;g, we w.u Dear it e a ouktrii ctos" thnugb fire aud olj.a till e :ch star upsa H nhalt glow auo t&iLe iorever in the n icie'it ot nations William P. fcaAr-EHaw, Acting Aojut aut. A Hiaa BrAhDABP or .ronrosT. The mare numroa the coBi'or a, view.d as r.ecoski;b by m- gftt nj3j of Sbe people, and the farther these .comforts are nmovec! from grcts etssaility. ths higher the moral c nditi t of t int people is a principle in pontics without an exception The war:, t: e ndt furniture, to c jaf Ttab.s tneal tha dteefct eiothisg, tte weii-ecded ard flwe i3co atd iftiden the favorite s-agiag bird aud syan el, nd the small but wHl chosen ctliecuou of bocks, are esjjyments be yoad tbe means of the idle, and tt the choice of tb tavern haaatcr. .. ' - ' in i n, Jernie Jane says that in almost every instance) where a man marries a sensible woman, it Is after he hss met wl'h TERMS OF AIJVKrtTISIJrO. 1 eqaare, of 10' lines or less, for escb and every liter too, $5. , Spoci! Notice wiU be cbirgd 17 80 per qair tor each Btid every furiioa. . All Obfloarlis3 aa4 riTAte pnbl'caUoca of every charac ter, are charged aa advvmenli. -Nf edvrrtisjweDt, reflect UK upon ptlTatA character cid, uader ant ciKcrvsTAVcsa, be fatt.ittd. I - - ' PiiOCLAJttATIOrV PROC LA!iATK)N BY THS PRR IDrNT, APPQljiT. ISG A DAY OF FAvTISG CUMILlATION Aan PLAYER, WITH THANKWIVIVO H . The Cogrrtts oftho Confederate Htates hav: by a Joiat si-r !Ao; irT'ied 019 f 0 PPol,)t dxy of public fasting, God. A 1,r37er'' WKh tb.M"lTlDg to Almighty 7 Itisour?D?fmndufy ,atallt;rfls, and mere especially ia a SfcasH of public trial ai d adveri;y, to aokBowlsdaa our dependence on r.w m.-rcy, ard to bow in humble sub. misaien before HU fortts'ool. confesirg oar manifold lint. snpplicaiiPg Ui. grsciona pardon, Imploring His Divine help, atd d?voutl; rndarirtg thanks for the maay anl great blessings whch Ha has vsuohsifed to ns. Let the hearts of onr people turn convxite'y and tnntfcl. iy onto God ; let u recognise in His chssteniog luusd the correotioa of a Father, and submissively pray that tha trials t.nd suffjrkg? which have so long b:irue heavily np. co ob may be turr-edaway by hia marciful love ; that His FustaiLing Rrace be riven to oar people, and His divine Hr r.?!fi'a.l0t vA,-Vft nemles'i iUinhat Ha willfiracH us'T tiki.cur cause Into His own naed and meroifu 'i cstab i.h tor us a la!tmg,ut anl hon orable pvace and iadepyi deneo. And let ns cot forrret fo render nsto Ills holy name the tb&BkJ and f.-ftiso ivhich ro no iaatlw dn t. ni. . - t j J w .W W. MIB m i .A fccodirees, ocd for the m'.cy mercies which Ho has ex- lecaea to cs .mtd the tnais aud Eufleriacs of protracted and bioody war. Nw, trrerefrxe, I, Jeff r8-n Dvis, Presldant of tbe Con federate State ot America ti.- in ,n tha mv nVnino ali('iall;fir FrutlV. the tenth Anv r.f Mih . . Jt.l of inblic fasting, hmtl iatiun and prayer (with thanksgiv ing,) for ;ihvoki6g the favcr and guidance ol Almighty (od ai d 1 do earneirtlv tnvira a!i an'ior. tti. ... obeetvo Le same in a spirit of reveretoe, peuitonce and nrsyor. r 1 Given under my hand aud the Beal of the Confed- L. a. y erato BlMt, m fctichmunri thij Hil, ,( T. - ( -v J nry, ia the year of cur Lorfl, out thousand eiaht hard cd atd sixty fi?t. t ,, JkFHHocif Davis. Bv the PfJiIdat : J. P. BSKJAMIN, Secretary of State. 32onslur Dutnaa Comltrg to Ainci lcaWhnt , Prop ta t no -ritcu lr. he intends visiting this country shortly, aul also beaming the historiographer cf Mr. Liuc-oln'B adinluistrauoa. I'he lollowig iclters are acldredstd to E. Vou Nord nausen, Eiq , of this city, in answer tu an invitation to visit the United Suuh : " EouiA- lis Balvs, Oct. 4,1864. " Dear Sir I have oltea c-ntemplated a trip to Nev York, and jour proposition pleases an veiy much. I he ccly objtciiou would he the greittxpeoae to going 0 year ciiy. Going to. New York, kaviug my nuvda -itid my dramas without a ceriuiuiy, isqjuo impotBi ble. . " Will yffu have a pob'.tsber lo my book, ot eoma oiher means of pu licutiou by sabatTipiiou ? " My sympatb'ed ure eacd tourd the North that I d net i'tik to make it u m iUc-r ot busiuesj, I oLly wish uot to bu the loser. If uiuney can bej ma bj much he betur. I will t-ng-ige- myself to wnte a work in luur volumes of tigb t.n hm.dr d tb.uauud leutra for i'uatauce. You will fiud ma a puo.isber who would ad vance bai cf the prtlimmary txpuiiRis ; 1 Ball add my aalf as soon as my "ri'j Fame "any two dramas r-hall be completed, -viz,: in two months I will start. If the wuik cuu.d be publhcd by subacription nt twenty Irancs, I would leave five francs ou e tcb copy tor the sick and wounded of tbe army, take five francs ior myself, and leave the balance (teu franca) for the oct. 41 You will understand me, sir, cd 1 need not sug gest anything more to your mind and your obliging in krposium. " Atswer me as socn aa poeeib'e. Winter is coming fast, and you know it is the season fcr putting piece on the stage, and 1 conld bring out two piesta this winter if I should not go to New Xork. " Wiil you accept, dear sir, theosiurance of my moat diatizguiEhsd sentiments. To B.'Ton Norduausek, Esq., N. Y,: " P. S. -At the requsit of Ptesidcnt Lincoln and the committee of the Fhitburg fair, I have contributed One hundred of my autographs toward that object. 1 he Gevernment itself would be interested on accosint of the popularity of the causa lS'ortb to patroniae a work wriwen by me favorable to its policy. Yoa may render my letter as public aa pooaible, csl amin tbe habit of doing everything openly. A. D." Fauis, Nov. 29, 186 1. "My Dear Sir You are really very kind in taking much trouble, and I thank you much for it. This so we will do. I eb i go to jew xors: 'en lounste,' ana at my own expense. My firat visit after seeing you ahaii be to the Messrs. Harper, whom I thank very much for this offer. I fhaii bring with ibq a aOY8l entitled Lei memoirer .d'une favorite.' I wrote it for Bently, in London, at about the satne.tetms proposed by Meaars. llarper, but as the role Nelson played in is lather odion3 (I mean the course he took in naving tha Neapolitan patriota bung in 1799,) Bently, lor l':ar of displeasing hia' coun trymen, asked me to cancel the treaty. " Wben in New York with sufDcieut means, we will have time to look around. My work will detain mo here till the close cf January, aud. I shall . probtbly leave here by the Washington. I shall bring with me a seorettry speaking English, and as I translate myself easih in the language, I will doubtlesj succeed in . .... ..1. - ..!.!. T A.ll L. :iL speaking it a utile, iu a caiamiy a tnau 03 wuu you before tnroe montne. Would it not be pist aa well to wiite Bimpfj tho istory of the first lour years of Mr. Lincoln's Ad- minisiraUon I Yv e sprax 01 uu .ima iu uug ime. An cfTvjr wan nwdi to me eome time einca to da- r Wntlnni nn m s f i mn lifrn nf 1 Rf.fl arith iVr .CCtnrea i" j r--o- -v f Jt ihtil'JJ . ICrj CalXiP'" wuicu itaaiau iu u uunuiau of ihz Kiig oi japa. a rutuseu , uat as urariDaiai has lived iu New l orli, atid nas remained popular in North America, eoni3 lectures on him would perhaps prove of interest to a certain clab3 of your people. 'Wewills2e. Offer mv kindest regards to tbe Messrs. Harper, and 1-ehall be most happy, alter bavin saaken your hand, to shake hand3 wun tnem. Tboudund and inou sand friendly greetings, whichthough irom afar, are not the Ie8 sinctre.- ALE-VANDta DCMAS. SUKHMAM'tt ADVAJICE, From tho indications we gst'there ia little doubt lhat Sherman is striking fur SJmj point oa the iinu of ths South Carolina Railroad between Branchville and Au- pusta. His attack may be directed agaiLSi either of tbe two places nameu ; out me mure gcneiai impression is that te will endeavor to cat tbe roa J somewhere in the neighborhood of Midway, wet ot Branchville. Oar bcouis report the xankces Co be encamped in heavy force, including inldntry, cavalry anl ar.i.Iery, nelr the jutc.ion of the tia kuha'.chie and O.d Union Boada. Ihe force of th'i en.-my oe ievca to cOuSist . . r A x ot tne Filceeutb and ritvnt-.-eum .ruiy L.orps. On Monday mo'-ninK a considerable oody of thu en- ems advanced .iron VV nite 1 oint aud drove in our akiimiah iincj. Jba.e. m me uay mey werbunveu dack, aud OUi ouipcaia re edtaOhahei. I ntrtd y alierno'iu a weole deuioaatration was made aga ndt our poauioj n-ar tne p ntojn .bnJge aorosa Ihe Salkabalcnte, but the airSiiiluiis soon retired1! It ia report-d tOat the intaiy pureed Mcfh.rdOuville on Monday night ( has. Alevcvty, $t iw-t. THK At COlrVi'S tfton siiiuk M.vrf. A dispatch from Lawtonvillc, dated Juauary 31st, siys : " 1 he I w ntitth Ariny Corp- id uo near Bb ertville. Oni' diviatun ma cted up on tl-e Georgia aide aLd cruoafd ih'"iiverao 8ia es' Feiry. I'a Foar e'i:h Arwy Corpi is s ill in Georgia, near Sisiera' Ftrry. " 4 butre of the piisV-era tay tl ey aie a arc )i"g to Au- U8:B, and Othrl8 IO l3.':;t)jtlVllle, Rod . tiurKstoti. I'r'BGLers tik u ihia evtLit.g mik ntvucliville the point .ini.dat." . t "lh?, Yankees are ail good kma. tnerjiy bri't; iil ' h rt lotuge u:-J ottuT 8upplie3 toHiatera Ftny 'n U-ala'1 A dispatch irom Adauiy ita l, date I February lst, .-'ay:'- Ail qidei here to-ouy. Two boats are lying 03 Wbiw Point." Meuuty, 2tk intt. ' . Live one homn being purely and waitnly, and yoa wili love all. I he htntt in th a heaven, like the wan dering suo, aeea nothing, from tha dew drop to the cc-ian, 'lha following Ltiers were written by M. Dumas, the recowcod FrtLch novJiut, fo Mr. K. Voa (Nordhaaseu, of this city. From them it appears that' Mr Dumaa C0