nr,n-Fr-T.T,mvKiiTr. At a regular meeting of ArniclPTihnrflr Declaration Lodere, No. 9, I- O. of O. F. held July 3rd, 1866, the following members were installed as oflicers lor the ensuing term : R. 31. Robinson, N. G.; J. H. Smith, V. G.; S. P. Houa srMarv : D. C. Barnharett. Treasurer : J. N. Hon ter'R. S. of N. G.; D. W. Sikes, L. 8. of N. G.; It. Shaw, r s. of V. G.; C. E. Terns, L. S. of v. u.; w. n. Bolton, C.: L. W. Osborn, W.; R. W. Beck with, I. S.; H. Holton, O. G. Charlotte Times. Masoxic Celebration' in Yacthtytlle. The Masonic procession formed in full regalia and marched, under the direction of Colonel E. Ben- ton Withers, to tno liapust unurcn, wnere, in a beautiful shady grove, seats were prepared to re ceive the various lodges and the numerous visi tors. The lodges represented were the Danville, Graham, Leasburg, Milton, Iloxboro' and Greens boro', in all turning out quite a goodly number. A crowd of sweet, bright and beautiful female faces added a more charming brilliancy to the scene and greeted the Masonic fraternity with happy, sunlit smiles. A few eloquent introductory remarks were delivered by the Hon. John Kerr, of Caswell, when the Rev. Mr. Mays, of South Carolina, took the stand and delivered an address to the assembled multitade. His subject was mostly argumentative in favor of Masonic beau ties and contra the prejudices of the ignorant un initiated. He said, " Many men, outside the pale of Masonry, condemned its principles without un derstanding one iota of its object ; that the rock of Masonry, though basked by ten thousand sum mer f.uus, and washed by the waves of ten thou sand stormy seas, remained Gibraltar still. Nor would lie place the grand and sublime Order of Masonry above and beyond that Holy Order whose foundation is laid upon the Rock of Ages, but hand in hand let them work on together, healing the sick, clothing the poor and needy, assisting and feeding the lone defenceless widows and or phans whose husbands and fathers have fallen in the ' world's great field of battle,' and that no class, or body oi men, aided Christianity so much as the Masons." Curres. JiicJonond Whig. Nokth Carolina Politics. Washington, July '. Ex-Governor Vance is here for the purpose of securing ways and means for an active canvass in North Carolina in behalf of Governor Worth, can didate for re-election. The election will be held next August. Both Johnson Clubs here have been called upon to con tribute. The loysl Union men of North Carolina will hold a convention in Raleigh about the first of August, to nominate a candidate for Governor. Thomas Settle, of Wentworth, it is supposed, will be the nominee. Concekt at Salisbury. Last Wednesday and Thursday nights, the Episcopal ladies gave a very line and diversified musical entertainment, sup per, Ac, to benefit their Sunday school. They without hesitation, mat it was me most tasteiul, brilliant and pleasing affair of its kind I ever saw in any town of the size of Salisbury. The chief musical feature of the occasion was Mr. L. Wheat, son of Dr. Wheat, formerly a professor at Chapel Hill, and a brother to the famous Major Wheat, of C. S. A., now on a visit to his sister, Mrs. F. E. Shober, of this place. He has very recently returned from Europe, where he has been study ing music at Leipsic and the conservatoire of Paris, during the past seven years. He is one of the most accomplished and gifted artists I ever listened to ; and I have heard many of the great est celebrities of this and all other countries, not i'urgftting the African " what is it " blind Tom. Cor. Rid. Progress. Confederate Dead. The following note ex plains itself : E'llt'ir Petcrshnrq Index : Sir There lie buried in my grove, in the rear of my residence, the remains of two Confederate soldiers who nobly fell in our lost cause. They were killed while storming the enemies works at Sycamore Church, during Gen. Hampton's cattle raid. Their names are: Lieut. John P. Kendale, of Anson co., N. C, Co. A, 4th N. C. cavalry, and Private Ellison C. Dorler, Union co., N. C.,Co. A, 4th X. C. cavalry. I make the request, Mr. Editor, that you pub lish this uotice, in order that the friends and rel- ntives of the deceased may know where their bodies lie, and to give them the assurance that they are cared for. B. W. Belsciies My address is Hawkinsville, Sussex co., Va. Important Decision of the Sctreme Court. We learn from a responsible source that this tribunal has decided at the present term, that a note given during the war for money simply, with out expressing any particular currency has the same force and is as valid to all intents and pur Doses as if made in 1S0O. The effect of the deci sion is to abrogate to a very considerable extent the law imposing a scale of dejjreciation. The only remedy, we presume, in such cases is to ap ply to a Court of Equity on the ground of fraud r mistake in the factum of the note. e have had the above in type tor several days, but have refrained from publishing it, hoping that we would be enlightened on the subject by our Raleigh exchanges, but thus far we have been dis appointed. We hope that if any such decision has been made, our co temporary of the Sentinel w ill give us the information, and also publish the pinion at an early period. If such decision has been made, we will take occasion at an early day to express our opinion as to the course which our people should pursue, in order to avert as far as possible the calamities which we fear will befall our jieople in consequence. In saying this, we do not mean the slightest reflection upon the judg es who made the decision if such decision has really been made. We have no doubt they have decided according to law, and no reflection should be cast upon them for simply discharging their duty as expounders of the law. Salisbury Old JSrorti State. Superior Courts. The Fall Term of the Supe rior Conrts will be held as follows : 1st Circuit, Judge Merrimon, 2nd Barnes, .'nl 4th f'.th 7th bth Warren, Fowle, Gilliam,, Buxton, Mitchell, Shipp. Special Tjekm. We learn that the Governor has appointed a special term of tho Superior Court nr the county of Alamance, to be held on the 4th .Monday in the present month. His Honor, Judge j i owle, has been designated to liold the Court. Important Decision of the Supreme Court. Messrs. Editors : The case of Lackey, admr. vs. Vilter, Arc, decided at the recent term of the Su i reme Court, has a sjecitic interest about it in these times, and therefore I beg to submit a note 'f it for your readers. The plaintiff, as administrator, on the lit-d of arch, 18G5, exposed to public salo a cow ; and the defendant, Miller, purchased it, and, in ac y oi danee with the terms of sale, gave a sealed liote for it as follows : " 71 00. Six months after date we or (jither of "s promise to pay James Lackey, admr. of Wm. vray, dee'd., Seventy One Dollars in current bank rnonev, for value received of hico, March "d,lsi." On the trial before a magistrate in Cleaveland county, judgment was given against the defen dants for the full amount, and upon .in appeal to the Superior Court, this judgment wis affirmed. In the Supreme Court, however, Judgment was Vi ven for twenty dollars (20,) with interest from the- time that the note became due, upon the ground that 20 00 in specie was the value (it be ing ' to the Court to say this) ot the note at the TIlllC. Iho Court (Chief Justice Fe arson giving the r 'pinion) say that the note in piestion is not for jlme dollars, but for bank money dollars ; that the proper action upon it is c ovenant for the dam- its ;'.:ai,k bil1 called for, in ' Jnited States coin. Sen hrrERioR Court Crk. Jndge Buxton (who win ruie this Circuit next Fall) has appointed Col. J- A. Osborne ClerJ 0f the Superior Court of this uuty, m place ot M. D. Johnston, deceased. Charlotte Times j- sustained by a failure, to comply with , uiai, ii 1S uoC negotiaoie ; ana mat me 'measure of damaw.' iss th n vain thp. amount nf I'lliTilian 41.4- ii :.. a . . t t ii a i LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Senator Lane. T .T A UlfUUTAPTP Trtlv.1111. The Surgeons after full consultation, have decided that Senator Lane will die, but possibly will live for a few Disaster at Annapolis. A - .... ANNAPOLIS, JUD., jury 11. lather Gerdemann Clausse and two students were drowned to-day by the capsizing of a boat. Two other priests ciung to tne boat, which finally drifted ashore. Congress Nothing Official from Cuba. WASNivriTnv Tl n TviW 11 The Senate D&ssed a hill in w Kixi is? j cat o tug benefits of the law granting lands to Sonthern States for coiauiiouiiieiii oi Agricultural colleges, also a bill reg- "'"" aim maimer oi noioing elections ror U. o. Senators. Among other provisions it requires that the ouou utJ CIC'.l cove. The Senate, liv re-annexation of Alfrenmlr.A rst The Hoimfi nfmoprl q . . 1 u. jU1Ul IVO'UUIIUU J iuiii ui a orgamzation of the militia nf tliA States and Tfrn'lYria iu a umiorm manner, and for the distribution among luirji! ui iwo-mirus oi tne oranance ana ordnance Btores, except in the NtntM latflv in innrrA-ifr The House also passed a bill granting the right of way auj i i.yrajii vumpiiuy over tne puonc nomain. The State Denartrnf-nt. haa ropoivod nn m"o 1 ; n rr-m . tion whatever, coneerninfrtlm rnnrfnil in ' O 1 vv iimiuivvuuu AU imj D atl of Senator Lane. Leavenworth. Kansas. Jnlv 11. Senator Lane, of Kansas, died to-dav of a self-inflicted wound. Markets. New York, July 1112 M. Cotton quiet with sales of three hundred bales at 35 37. Gold iOl. Sterling Exchange 94 for sixty day bills. New Ohleans, July 10. Cotton has declined 1 cent. sales of 900 bals ; low mid. dling 3132 cents. Gold 1481. Sterling Exchange 165, exchange on Isew lork ij y ct. premium. Mobile, July 10. The sales of cotton to-day reached 200 bales; middlings 29 cents, and demand limite'd. The market is easy and no uesiraoie iota oitering. I'ew York, July 116 P. M. Coupon Sixes of 1880. 109;!. Five-twenties of 18C2, 106. Do. of 1HU, l()i. Do. of 1865, 100J. Treasury notes, 1031. North Carolina new bonds, 63jj. Gold 149j. Cotton dull sales of 270 bales middling at 36 cents. Flour dull and unchanged ; Southern lower sales of 390 barrels at $10 $16 50. Wheat dull; No. 1 Chicago Spring $2 05; New Milwaukee $2 29. Pork heaw; Mess $31 75. Lard heavy at 18l21 cenrs. Whiskey dull ; State $2 20. Sugar quiet. Coffee dull. Naval Stores declined ; Spirits Turpentine 75 76 cents per gallon ; Itosin $2 62Jf8 50. New Orleans, July 11. Cotton irregular and easier ; Low Middling 3032 cent?. Sterling Exchange 1G3. New York Exchange 4 per cent, premium. The TriiffBotl tne East uni West Repudiate the Bill Prospect of Adjournment of Congress. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.J Washington, July 8. This tariff is not called for by the people of the West and East, but it is the result of an intrigue in which members from those sections, with some exceptions, are concern ed. Senator Wilson declares that he will not vote for it, and hopes, he says, that no member from Massachusetts will. It is not to be assumed, said Senator Sherman, that the Senate will pass a measure that is injurious to the public interests why not, as well as the House ? If the measure be made a party issue, party men will support it, however injurious it may be, even in their own estimation. Besides, it is very easy to make the allegation that the duties are prohibitive, and des tructive of commerce and of the revenue. Mr. Stevens has settled that question for the party. He declared that the bill was really a free-trade measure. Congress is becoming restive under the inflic tion of late sittings and hot weather. A stam pede is menaced. The project of a recess for a longer or shorter interval is again talked of. If an adjournment takes place, a joint committee will be left here to manage political matters. DIED. On Tuesday, July 10th, JOSEPH, youngest child of Henry and Adelaine Von Dcr Kamnier, after an illness of 24 hours, aged 3 months and 4 days. In Ilaleign, on the morning of the Gth, at 8 o'clock, A. M., of Gatitro-Duodenitis, DELIA, eldest daughter of Col. George and Margaret C. Little. In this city, at 9 P. M., on - Tuesday, 10th July, Mrs. MAKY ANN METTS, relict of James E. Metts, decaaed, aged 51 year.s, f months and 2 days. Stale of North Carolina, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1866. Maria J. Hewlett, r. Viola D. Hewlett, Petition fur Dower. W. S. Hewlett, Henry C. Hewlett. J ON MOTION, it is ordered, ly the Ccurt, that publica tion be made in the " Wilmington Journal," a news paper published in the City of Wilmington, for Bix weeke, requiring Henry C. Hewlett, non-resident, to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held on the second Mon day of September next, and plead or demur to this peti tion, and show cause, if anv he has, why the prayer oi the petition shall not be granted, or the same will be taken pro cj.tfessOy and heard ex parte as to him. Teste, 110IJEBT 13. WOOD, Jr., Clerk New Hanover County Court. July 12 23 w6t. PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE OP NORTH CAROLINA. I:N OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDINANCE OF THE STATE Convention, ratified the 25th day of June, 1866, enti tled "An Ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the State the ratification or rejection of the Constitution adopted by the Convention," I, JONATHAN WORTH, Governor of North Carolina, hereby give notice that on Thursday, the second dav of August next, polls will be opened by the Sheriffs ot the respective Counties, and kept open for three successive days, at the several elec tion precincts in each and every County in the State, under the same rules and regulations as now exist for the elec tion of members of the General Assembly ; at which elec tion all persons qualified to vote for members of the Gen--rl Assembly, may vote for or against the ratification of the same ; those who wish a ratification of the Constitu tion voting, with a written or printed ticket, " Ratifica tion," those, of a contrary opinion, voting, with a writ ten or printed ticket, " Rejection." Sheriffs will observe the provisions of the Ordinance as to the duties thereby imposed. I in witness wnereot ins excellency, Jonathan L.S. - Worth, Governor of said State, has hereunto set ) his hand and caused the great seal of the State to Jje affixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, this the 1st day of JrJy, A D., 1866. JONATHAN WORTH. By the Governor : Wm. H. Bagley, Private Secretary. July 8 240 td Bingham School, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. ANEW TERM will begin on the 25th of July next. Fo the accommodation of young men who cannot take a classical course, an ENGLISH and COMMERCIAL. DEPARTMENT has been organized. For terms, address Col. WM. BINGHAM, Mebaneville, N. C. Juno 16 222 d&wlm. Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING QUALIFIED AS EX ECUTOR to the last will and testament of Jno. Black, deceased, at June Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of New Hanover, hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against sid es tate to present them within the time prescribed by ltw, or this will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. J. B. SEAVY, Executor. July 12 23 vr4t Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER hereby notifies the public that no has this day withdrawn from the firm of FLOWETiS & PEARSALL, a Duplin Roads, and is no longer respon sible for any contracts made in the name of said firm af ter this date, July 10th, 18C6. R. B. FLOWERS. July 11 242-Ct 23-lt State of North Carolina, SAMPSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, May Term, 1866. John F. Robinson, Adm'r, xs. Wm. D. Robinson and others : WHEREAS, JOHN F. ROBINSON, Adm'r, has filed a petition, in the Court aforesaid, against Wm. D. Eobinson and others, to make real estate assets in his hands for the payment of debts ; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wm. D. Robinson is a non resident, and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him, this is, therefore, to notify said Wm. D. Robin sou to appear at the next Court of Ple&s and Quarter Ses sion, to be held for the County of Sarapson, at the Court House in Clinton, on the 3rd Monday of August next, and Slead, answer or demur, or judgment will be taken against im pro confesso. W, A. MATTHIS, Clerk County Court. July 12 23 w6t. En,EE5AI..EEyENrEt Tbe Tax on Raw Cotton Wo Change in Amount Exempted from Income Tax Article on tne tree lAt An Index of Taxation Alpnabetiealljr Ar ranged. Special dispatch to the New York World. ' Washington, July 6. The Internal Revenue bill has finally passed both Houses and been sent to the President for his approval. As this is an amendatory act, the chan ges herewith noticed except the administrative sections will show the difference between the old and new law. In any other respects the old law remains unchanged, as is the case, for instance, with the stamp tax and the duty on distilled spirits. It is estimated that the bill reduces the internal revenue seventv-flve millions ner vear. Th fol lowing are the new rates of taxation : Architects, license $10 Auctioneers, license 10 and 20 Apothecaries, license 10 Billiard tables kept for use 10 Provided, That billiard tables kept for hire, and upon which a special tax has been imposed, shall not be re quired to pay the tax on billiard tables kept for use, as aioresaia. Bone, manufacturers of, not otherwise provided for 5 per cent. Bowling alleys, for each alley $10 Bootmakers, making articles to order, as custom work, ana not for sale generally, shall, to tbe amount of $1000, be exempt from duty, and for any excess beyond the amount of $1000 shall pay a duty (material not included) of 2 per cent. Brass, manufacturers of, when not otherwise spe- cinea 5 per cent. Brass nails 5 per cent. Beer, of thirty-five gallons per barrel . $1 Brewers, under which term is included every per son who manufactures fermented liquors of any name or description, for sale, from malt or any substitute therefor, wholly or in part, for license 100 Brewers, who manufacture less than five hundred barrels per year, license 50 Bristles, manufacture of, not otherwise provided ior 5 per cent. Bank deposits, per month 1-2 of 1 per ct. uanks, chartered or organized under a general law, with a capital not exceeding $50,000. license $100 Banks exceeding capital of $50,000, for every addi tional thousand iu excess 2 Banks, savings, deposits are exempt from tax. Brooms .- 3 per ct. Brokers, stock, etc.. license $50 Brokers, land warrant, license 25 Brokers, cattle, license 10 Brokers, produce, license 10 JtsroKers, commercial, license 20 Brokers, custom-house, license 10 Brokers, sales of merchanse, produce, or other goods 4 of 1 per ct. Bo. for every $100 5 cts. Brokers, sales and contracts for the sale of stocks. Donas, loreign exchange, gold and silver bul lion and coin, nncurrent money, promisory notes, or other securities 1-20 to 1-10 of 1 per ct. Do. for every $100 2 cfcs. Brokers, sales and contracts for sale negotiated and made by any person, firm, or company not taxed as a broker or banker, of any gold or sil ver bullion, coin, uncurrent money, promissory notes, stocks, bonds, or other securities not his or her property, liability of 50 per centum in ad dition. Do. for every $100 5 cts. Builders and contractors ' $10 Building stone of all kinds, including slate, mar- Die, freestone and soapstone 36-10 p;r ct. Bullion, in lump, ingot, bar or otherwise, to be paid by tne assayer of 1 par ct. Bulchers' license $10 Cigars and cigarettes valued at not over eight dollars per thousand tax per 1.000 $2 Cigars, cigarettes, and cheroots, valued at over eight dollars per thousand and not over twelve dollars per thousand tax per 1,000 $4 Cigars and cheroots valued at over twelve dollars per thousand 20 per cent, ad valorem in value above twelve dollars and per 1,000 $4 Clock movements, not cased 5 per ct. Cloth, and all textile or knitted or felted fabrics of cotton, wool, or other materials, before the same has been dyed, printed, or bleached, and on all cloth painted, enamelled, shirred, tarred, varnished, or oiled .Sperct. Cloth, or fabrics made of thread, yarn, or warps, upon which a duty shall have been assessed and paid, shall be assessed and paid a duty on the increased value only. Clothing, manufactured by weaving, knitting, or felting, and on hats, bonnets, and hoop skirts, and on articles sold as constituent parts of cloth ing, and articles of wearing apparel manufac tured from India rubber, gutta percha, paper, or fur 5perct. Clothing, manufactured, $1,000 per annum of work exempted, exclusive of material 2 per ct. Cocoa, prepared, per pound 1J cents. Claim agents, license $10 Conveyancers, license $10 Confectioners, license $10 Candles, of whatever material made 5 per ct. Cards, playing, per pack of fifty-two cards 5 cents. Carriage, phtston, carryall, rockaway, or other like carriage, and any coach, hackney coach, omnibus, or four-wheeled carriage, the body of which rests upon springs of any description, which may be Kept for use, for hire, or for pas sengers, and which shall not be used exclusive ly in husbandry or for the transportation of merchandise, valued at exceeding $300 and not above $500 each, including harness used there with $G Carriages of hike description, valued above $500 each Chemical productions, uncompounded, not other wise provided for o per ct. Chocolate, prepared, per pound J cent. Circui-es under which term is included every building, tent, space, or area where feats of horsemanship are exhibited ; provided that no special tax paid in one State snail exempt ex hibitors from tax in another State, and but one special tax shall be imposed in any one State license $100 Clocks and time-pieces 5 per ct. Coffee All preparations of which coffee forms a part, and all ground or unground substitutes for coffee, per pound 1 cent. Coffee All packages exceeding one pound in weight, each pound in excess of one pound 1 cent. Copper tubes, brass nails, and sheet lead 5 per ct. Copper nails 5 per ct. Copper, manufacturers of, not otherwise provided lor, aa valorem o perct. Cotton, raw, per pound 3 cents. Cotton, manufactures of, wholly or in part, not otherwise provided for o percc. Diamonds 3 cents. Distillers, under which term is included every per son, hrm, or corporation who distils or manu factures spirits license $100 Distillers of apples, grapes, and peaches, distilling less than nity barrels Distillers of coal oil license t50 Eating-houses license ln Emeralds 6 per ct. Express agents, including every person, firm, or company, engaged in tne carrying or aeuveryoi money, valuable papers, or any articles for pay, or doing an express business, whose gross re ceipts therefrom exceeds the sum of six hun dred dollars per annum license $10 Do. cn gross amounts of all receipts exceeding ono thousand dollars 5 per ct. Flax, manufacturer of, not otherwise provided for.5 per ct. Furniture, made of wood, sold unfinished 5 per ct. Fences, gates, railings of iron o per ci. Furniture on which a duty has been paid when sold finished, on increased value 5 per cf. Gas, illuminating, made of coaL when the product shall be not above 200,000 cubic feet per month, per 1,000 cubic feet 10 cts. Do. do. when the product shall be above 200,000 and not exceeding 500,000 cubic feet per month, per 1,000 cubic feet 15 cts. Do. do. when the product shall be above 500,000 and not exceeding 5,000,000 of cubio feet per per month, per 1,000 cubic feet 20 cts. Do. do. when the product shall be above 5,000,000, per 1,000 cubic feet 25 eta. Gas, all illuminating; same as coal gas. Gas companies can charge consumers the tax tilJl April 20, 1867. Glass, manufactures of, not otherwise specified. .5 per ct. Glue and gelatioe of all descriptions, in a solid state, per pound 1 cent. Glue and cement, made wholly or in part of glue, in a liquid form, per gallon 40 cts. Gold, manufactures of, other than jewelry, when not otherwise specified 5 per ct. Gift enterprises, license $150 Grinders of coffee and spices, license $100 Gun cotton 5 perct. Gunpowder ;-5 perct. Guttapercha, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for 5 per ct. Hemp, manufactures of, when not otherwise spe cified 5 per ct. Horn, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for a.. 5 per ct. Hotels, inns, or taverns, when the receipts are less than $1,000 Exempt. Horse dealers, license. , Hotel-keepers, lincense v: -$10 and $25 Income, annual, of every person, whether citizens residing in or out of the United States, when ex ceeding $600 and not exceeding $5,000 on the ex cess over $600 5 per cent. 5 per cent, on all over $600. Income over $5,000 10 per ct- All duties on incomes to cease after the year 1870. India rubber, manufa :tures of, not otherwise spe cified 5 per ct. Insurance agents, embracing every person who shall act as agent of any fire, marine, life, mutu al, or other insurance companies, whose re ceipts shall not exceed $100, shall pay $5 Insurance agents of foreign companies, license. . $50 iron, manufactures or, no oinerwise proviueu ior o pv j Do., railroad, per ton. $3 Do., advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or loops, and not advanced beyond bars, per ton Do., band, hoop, and sheet not thinner than No. 18 wire-guage, per ton Do., nlate, not less than one-eighth of an inch in thickness, per ton Do., band, hoop, or sheet thinner than No. 18 wire gauge, per ton Do., plate, less than one-eighth of an inch in thick ness, per ton Do., nails, cut and spikes (not including nans, tacks, brads, or finishing nails, unusually put up $3 $3 $3 $5 $5 and sold in papers, whether in papers or other- r 'Wise, lbhorse-shoe nails wrought by .machin-. ' ery.) ner ton ; Do., steam engines, including locomotive and raa- rine engines 5 per ct. Iron, tubes of wrought iron, per ton.... - $5 Ivory, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for 5 per ct. Jugglers, license $20 Jute, manufactures of, not otherwise proviued for 5 perct. Lawyers, license $10 Lead, manufactures of, if not otherwise specified. 5 perct Ajomtx yiyva & per Ct. vainer, manuiaciurers or, wnen not otherwise specified. 5 per ct. Livery Btable keepers, license $10 Lottery ticket dealers, license $100 Manufacturers, license $10 Aimers, ncense $10 uoiasses produced from sugar-cane and not from sorghum or imphee, per gallon 3 cts moiasses oyrup or, or sugar-cane juice, when re moved from the plantation ; concentrated mo lasses or melado, or cistern bottoms of sugar produced from the sugar-cane, and not made from sorghum or imphee ..c,perfc, Nails, of brass, copper, and zinc, 5 per ct Oils, essential .fi ner ct OiL illuminating, lubricating or other Itnineral oils, manang not more man nrty-nine degrees, the exclusive product of the refining or crude oil produced by a single distillation of coal, shale, asphaltum, peat, or other bituminious sub stances, per gallon Owners jacks and stallions, license, $10 iTimps , 5 per ct Photographers, license tlO Photographs, ambrotypes, etc., no stamp, r 5 per ct Patent-right dealers, licease $25 reaiars, ncense $10, $15, t25, and $50 Physicians and sureeons. license $10 Pawnbrokers, license $50 Plummers and gas-dtters. license $10 Paper, manufacturer!) of, .iot othewise provided for 5 per ct Pepper, ground, and ail imitations of, per pound. 2 cents, Pepper, all packages not exceeding in weight one- hair pound, 1 cent, and one cent fr each half pound in excess. Pins, solid head or other 5 per ct, jripes, 01 sneet lead and lead 5 per ct, Potteryware not otherwise provided for 5 per ct. iTOductions or stereotypers, lithographers, and engravers 5 per ct. Precious stones and all imitations 5 per ct. xtauroaas, steamooats, snip uarge, canai uoat en gaged in transporting passongers for hire, shall . pav on eross receipts 2i perct. Railroads (horse and steam) may add tax to fares until April 30. 1867 Real estate agents, under which term is included every person whoso business it is to sell or oner for sale real estate for others, or to rent houses, stores, or other buildings or real estate, or to collect rent for others, for license $10 Retail dealers, all kinds, ncense $10 Retail liquor dealers, license $25 Rectifiers, license $25 8alt, per hundred pounds 3 cents. Scales 3 per ct. Screws, called wood screws 10 per ct. Shoe-strings 2 per ct. bilk, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for.5 per ct. Silver, manufactures of, other than jewelry, when not otherwise specified 5 per ct. Skins, calf, tanned 5 per ct. Skins, calf, patent 5 perct. Skins, goat, tanned or dressed in the rough 5 per ct. Skins, kid, tanned or dressed in tho rough 5 perct. Skins, goat, curried, manufactured or finished. . .5 perct. Skins, kid, curried, manufactured or finished 5 perct. OKins, sneep, tanneu or aressea in tne rougn o per ct. Skins, dog, tanned or dressed in the rough 5 per ct. Skins, sheep, tanned, curried or finished 5 per ct. Skins, deer, dressed and smoked 5 perct. Skins, hog, tanned and dressed .5 perct. Skins all goat, calf, kid, sheep, horse, dog, and hog skins, previously assessed in the rough, and upon which duties have been actually paid, shall be assessed the increased value only when curried or finished Skins, upon which a duty has been previously as sessed and paid, when manufactured into gloves, mittens, or moccasins, the duty shall only be assessed upon the increased value there of when manufactured Skins of all descriptions 5 per ct. Soaps valued at not above three cents per pound.2 mills. Soaps all soaps valued above three cents per pound, not perfumed, including salt-water soap made of cocoanut oil it per ct. All other perfumed soaps 3 perct. Steel, manufactures of, when not otherwise speci fied 5 perct. Sugar refiners, under which term is included every person whose business it is to advance tbe quality and value of sugar upon which a du ty has been assessed and paid, by melting and crystallization, or by liquoring, claying, or any other washing process, or by any other chemi cal or mechauical means, or who shall advance the quality or value of molasses and concentra ted molasses, melado or concentrated melado, by boiling or other process, on the gross amount of the sales of J1 the products of their manufactories - 2J per ct. Sugar, not above No. 12, D. S., in color, produced directly from the sugar-cane, and not from sor ghum or imphee, other than that produced by the refiner, per pound 1 cent. Sugar, above No. 12, and not above No. 18, D. S., froduced directly from the sugar-cane and not rom sorghum or imphee, per pound cents. Sugar, above No. 18, per pound 2 cents. Sugar candy, made wholly or in part of sugar valued at twenty cents per pound or less, per pound (including the tax) 2 cents. Sugar candy, valued at exceeding twenty cents, and not exceeding forty cents per pound (in cluding the tax) 4 cents. Sugar candy, valued at exceeding forty cents per pound, or when sold otherwise than by the pound, ad valorem 10 per ct. Sugar made from other articles than the sugar cane is not considered a manufacture. Telegraph companies, on gross receipts 3 per ct. Thread and twine 5 perct. Theatres, museums, etc., license $100 Tin, manufactures of, when not otherwise speci fied 5 per ct. Tinware, of all descriptions, not otherwise pro vided for .5 per ct. Tobacco, smoking, of all kinds, and imitations thereof, not otherwise provided for, per pound . 15 cts. Tobacco, fine-cut chewing, whether manufactured with stems in or not, or however sold, whether loose, in bulk, or in rolls, packages, boxes, etc., per pound 40 cts. Tobacco, smoking, sweetened, stemmed, or but ted, per pound, 40 cts. Tobacconists, license $10 Tubers, wrought iron, per ton $10 Turpentine, spirits of, per gallon! 10 cts. Umbrellas ana parasols, and umbrella sticks Exempt. Varnish or Japan, made wholly or in part of gum copal or other gums of substances 5 per ct. Wholesaleldealers, license $50 Wholesale dealers, for every additional thousand over fifty thousand dollars Wholesale liquor dealers, license Wine made of grapes, per gallon 5 $1 $100 cents. Wines, or liquors denominated as wines, not made from currants, rhubarb, or berries, produced by being rectified or mixed with other spirits, or with which any matter whatever maybe infused, to be sold as wine, or by any other name, and not otherwise provided for, per gallon 50 cts. Wood, manufactures of, if not otherwise provided for 5 per ct. Wool, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for , .5 per ct. Worsteds, manufactures of, not otherwise speci fied. 5 per ct. Yarn and warp for wearing purposes exclusively . Exempt. Zinc, manufactures of, when not otherwise speci fied 5 per ct. Zinc nails 5 per ct. The Free List. The followins articles heretofore subject to internal tax ation are hereby declared by the new law (just passed) to be exempt from such internal duty,proided that the ex emptions suau, in au cases, u uuuuueuviviuaiTcij vu com articles in tne biauj ami cuuuiuuu upeomeu iu uw enu meration, and shall not extend to articles in any other form, nor to manufactures from said articles : Alum; aluminum; aluminous cake, patent alum, sul phate of alumina, and cobalt ; Aniline and aniline colors ; Animal charcoal, or carbon ; Anvils Articles manufactured in institutions for the blind, and in institutions for the deaf and dumb, which are sold to aid in their support, or the support of the pupils ; Uarreis and casks otner than tnose usea ror tne recep- titvn nf flnids ' boxes made of wood ; and boxes of wood or paper for friction matches, cigar lights, and wax tapers ; Beeswax, crude or unrefined ; Bi-chromate and prussiaie of potash ; Bleaching powders ; Blue vitriol; Borax, and boracic acid ; Hiiia not. mnre l vanf! than rndu or nhefita ' "Rriolr flrft.hridr. dralninc-tiles, cement, drains and wmr nines. a.nd aarthftn fitnna water-nines, retorts and tiles made of clay. Bristles ; Brooms made from corn, brush, or palmleaf ; Tlni'ldinc slnna nf all kinds, including- slate, marble, freestone, and soaDstone. and rock, crround and calcined crvnsTim Rnntincr and flaps of the United States, and banners made of buntting of domestic manufacture: Ttiirrtnnn TnillfnnPH jid Grindstones. rOUKh Or wrought ; Candle wicking ' (jomns anu Dunai cases ; Copperas ; TV-'rvrk' ckn an1 rin Zr lrrr4 a nirra fT" VlHTSl Copper and yellow sheathing metal, not more advanced than rods or sheets, a-a siampea copper uoumiut; Crates, and grain or farm baskets made of splints ; Crucibles of all kinds; Crutches and artificial limbs, eyes, and teeth; TVwr aVins amnlrful1 ni it nil drtBMtUttl! Feather beds, mattresses, pallasses, twisters, and pil lows ; Fertilizers of all kinds ; Flasks and patterns used by founders; Flavoring extracts, solely for conking purposes; German silver in bars and sheets; Gold leaf and gold foil; Hemp or jute prepared for texile or felting purposes; TTnlla nf ahina a.nr1 nthftr VAJUwIh? Tllnmin atari C eras manufactured bv educational inflti tutiona for their own use excfcwiyely; India rubber springs used exclusively for railroad cars; Iron bridges and castings for the same; Iron dram and sever pipes: Keys, actions and strings for musical instruments; Litharge and orange mineral ; Machines driven by horse-power and used exclusively for c Hting fire-wood, staves, and shingle-bolts, and hand-saw-; ; Magnesium, calcined magnesia, and carbonate of mag nesia ; Malleable iron castings, unfinished ; Manganese : Masts, spars, ship and vessel blocks, and tree-nail wedges and deck-plugs, cordage, ropes, and cables made of vegeiaoie jwre ; Medicinal and mineral waters, of all kinds, sold in bot tles or from fountains, and mead ; Mineral coal of all kinds, and peat ; Monuments of stone of all kinds, not exceeding in value the sum of one hundred dollars : Provided, That monu ments exceeding the value aforesaid, erected by public or Erivate contributions to commemorate the services of hion soldiers who have fallen in battle, shall be exempt from taxation ; Mouldings for looking-glasses and picture frames ; Muriatic, nitric, and acetic acids ; Nickel, quicksilver, and sodium ; Nitrate of lead ; Oakum ; Original paintings, statues, and groups of statuary and casts made thereof by the artist from the original de signs ; Oxide of zinc ; Paints, painters', and paper etainers' colors ; Printing paper of all descriptions, and tarred paper for roofing and outer purposes ; books, maps, charts, and all printed matter, and bookbinding ; paraftine ; parafline oil, not exceeding in specific gravity thirty-six degrees Baumr's hydrometer, a residuum of distillation or the products thereof ; lubricating oil made from crude petroleum, coal or shale, not exceeding in specific gravity thirty-six. de grees Banme's hydrometer; Provided, T'-at such-"oil shall be subject to the same inspection as tflumlnqtinq oil ; crude petroleum and crude il, the product of the first and single distillation of coal, suale, asphaltum, peat, or other bituminous substances ; Photographs or any other sua picture, being copies .;f engravings or works of art, when the same are sold by the producer at wholesale at a price not exceeding fifteen cents each, or used for the illustration of books ; Pickles when sold by the gallon, and not contained in glass packages ; Pig-iron ; muck bar ; blooms, slabs, and loops ; Ploughs, cultivator, harrows, straw and hay cutters ; planters, seed-drills, horse-rakes, hand-rakes, cotton gins, grain cradles, and winnowing mills ; Pot and pearl ashes ; Productions of stereotypers, lithographers, engravers, and electrotypers ; Putty ; Quinine, morphine, and other vegetable alkaloids, and phosphorus ; Railroad iron, and railroad iron re-rolled : Railroad chairs waAfish plates ; railroad, boat, and ship spikes; axe polls; iron axels; shoes for horses, mules, and oxen; rivets, horse-shoe nails, nuts, washers, and bolts; vises, iron chains and anchors; when such articles are made of wrought iron which has previously paid the tax or duty assessed thereon ; Reapers, mowers, threshing machines, and separators, corn-shellers, and wooden ware ; Repairs of articles of all kinds ; Roman and water cements, and lime ; Roofing slate, slabs, and tiles ; Saleratus, sal-soda, caustic soda, crude soda, alumino silicate of soda; alumniate of soda; bi-carbonate of soda; and siliciate of soda ; Sails, tents, awnings, and bags made by sewing from fabrics or other articles upon which a duty or tax has been paid ; and bags made of paper ; . Saltpetre ; Salts of tin ; Silex used in the manufacture of glass ; Soap, valued at not above three cents per pound ; Spelter ; Spindles and castings of all descriptions made specially for locks, safes, looms, spinning machines, pumps, steam engines, hot-air and hot-water furnnaces, and sewing ma chines, and not sold or used for any other purposes, and upon which a tax is assessed and paid on the article of which the casting is a part ; Spokes, hubs, bows, and felloes ; poles, shafts, and arms for carriages or wagons ; wooden handles for ploughs, and for other agricultural, household, and mechanical tools and implements ; and pail and tub ears and handles ; and wooden tanks, and cisterns for crude mineral oil ; Starch ; Steel, in ingots, bars, rail, made and Jilted for railroads, sheet, plate, coil, or wire, hoop skirt, wire, covered or un covered, car wheels, thimble skeins, and pipe boxes, and springs, tire and axles made of steel, used exclusively for vehicles, cars, or locomotives ; and clock spriDgs, faces, and hands ; Stoves, composed in part of cast iron and in part of sheet iron, or soapstone or freestone, with or without cast iron or sheet iron : Provided, That the cast and sheet iron shall have paid the tax or duty previously assessed there on ; Sugar, molasses, or syrup made from beets corn, sugar maple, or from sorghum or imphee ; Sulphur ; flours ofsulpher and sulpher flour ; Tar and crude turpentine ; Tin cans used for preserved meats, fish, shell-fish, fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies; paints, oils, and spices ; Umbrellas and parasols, and sticks and frames for the same ; Value of bullion used in the manufacture of wares, watches, and watch-cases, and bullion prepared for the use of platers and watchmakers; Vegetable, animal, and fish oils of all descriptions, not otherwise provided for, including red oil, oleic acid, and admixtures of the same with paraffine oil, not exceeding in specific gravity thirty-six degrees Baume's hydromet er; Verdigris; Vinegar; White and red lead; Whiting; Paris white; Window glass of all kinds; Wine made of grapes, currants or other fruUs, and rhu barb. Wire made from wire less than number twenty wire gauge, upon which a tax has been assessed and paid as wire; Yarn and warp for weaving, braiding, or manufacturing purposes exclusively; Yeast powders; Zinc in ingots or sheets. The administration of this act which changes the xe isting law relating to distilled spirits' and fermented liquors is to take eflect from and after the first day of Sep tember, eighteen hundred and sixty-six Wilmington Wholesale Prices Current. j3 It should be understood that our quotations gen erally represent the wholesale price. In filling small orders, higher rates have to be paid. Beeswax, f lb.. 30 32 Beef Cattle, VloLASSES, 3$ gallon, Cuba 50 60 Sugar house.. .00 50 Syrup 65 1 00 Naval Stores, Turpentine 3j 3a 100 lbs... 8 00 (glO uu Bbicks, 1Q M.12 00 20 00 Barrels, Sp'ts Turp., each, 2nd band 2 7o New 3 50 & 00 280 lbs., 50 25 28 55 it 08 28 28 S3 33 00 31 30 21 New Virgin Yellow dip. Hard .0 00 .0 00 0 00 .1 65 20 20 60 75 00 50 2.5 00 50 00 Candles, 3j? lb., Xanow w Adamantine ... 25 Sperm 50 Gh Tar, 3j bbl. ..1 Tar, in order. 0 Pitch, City. .0 Rosin, pale. .0 00 00 00 Coffee, 3$ lb., Java 4U (& Laguayra 35 Rio 25 St. Domingo.. .2G do ho. 1..5 do No. 2.. 2 do No. 3. . 1 00 25 ao Cotton, 3 E., Spirits Turpentine, ( Mid'g. .3U (g) Strict Mid'g. . .00 Good Mid'g.... 00 tf $gal .U0 43 8 00 3 00 1 50 2 50 Nails, 3ji lb., Cut lilQ Wrought 00 Cotton Bagging. Gunny, 3ji yard 30 Dundee 28 Rope, 39 B 20 Oils, 3 gallon, Sperm 0 00 Linseed 1 25 Machinery... 2 00 JORN MEAL, y bushel 1 ou cg 1 65 20 0 00 50 Pea Nuts, Domestics, 3y bushel 2 00 2 tU Sheeting, 3 yd. 18 Yarn, 3j? 5 ft. 2 50 'EATHERS,$lb..00 Potatoes. 39 bush.. Sweet 1 50 1 Irish, 3 bbl. .3 00 3 Pbovtsions, 3$ lb., N. C. Bacon, Hams 21 Middlings.... 00 Shoulders.... 18 Hog round. .19 Western Bacon, 75 25 ish, 3J? bbL, Mullets .... 0 00 00 00 Mac'LNo.1.00 00 20 00 Mac'l,No.2.18 00 19 00 Mac'l,No.3.15 00 17 00 Her'gs, East.5 00 8 50 22 20 19 20 19 17$ 24 50 24 FioTTit. 39 bbl.. Middlings . ..19 Shoulders.. .17 Lard 22 Butter 45 Cheese 23 Family 12 w ia Superfine... 9 50 10 Fine 8 50 Qt) 9 00 50 00 20 40 Glue, lb 18 Gunny Bags 35 Pork, Northern, 3 bbl., Guano, Peruvian, City Mess. .35 00 3U uu Thin " . .00 00 34 00 Prime " . .00 00 33 00 Perton...iiu ou 112 ou Land Plaster, U ton 18 uu Prime, 29 00 30 Rump 28 00 29 00 Gbatn, 3j? bushel, 00 80 Corn 1 2U Oats 70 Peas, Cow. ..1 25 Rice, rough. 0 00 Rice, E. I., $ttl0 Carolina, 13 40 75 30 00 11 15 5 15 Salt, Aium,39bush.O 75 Liverpool, 3$ sack, ground, cargo 2 00 2 25 from store.2 75 3 00 Sugar, 3j? B., Hides, 3 lb., Cuba 14 w Porto Rico 15 16 C 16 16J B 17 Oi A. 18 00 Crushed 19 20 Green 4j(0 Dry 10 Hat, 3 100 lbs., Eastern 1 2U (& North River. 0 95 1 25 1L05 laoN, 3jJ lb., Soap, 3lb 10 15 Shtnglk, 3J? M., English ass d. 9 -w American, ref. . .0 American,sheer.0 Swede 11 11 10 00 12 0 00 2 25 Contract 4 50 5 au Common 2 2 3 00 3TATX, f M., Lime, 3$ bbl.... 0 00 vy.u. bbL.. so 00 35 uu R. O.hhL..40 00 50 00 from store. ..2 uu raj Lumber, 3M., (River,) Timber, y M., Fl'r Boards. 2U uu oza w Wide do .16 00 20 00 fV-antlintr. . .12 00 15 00 Shipping... 16 00 is uu Mill, prime. 12 00 li 00 2KU Fair... 10 00 11 00 Mill, inferior to Liquors, 3ji gaL, (domestic,) Whiskey, Bourbon . .2 50 5 00 N. E. Bum. .3 00 4 00 Gin , 4 00 7 00 Brandy 4 00 9 00 ordinary . & uu 7 00 12 r ALLOW, 3$ ft.. . .10 rOBACCO, 3 lb., Navy 25 Medium....... SO 35 40 REVIEW OF THE WILMINGTON MARKETS ror the week ending Thursday, July 13. 1866 TuRPEHTnrE. There has been rather more firmness in the market for this article during the week just ended, and a will be seen from our table of sales below, prices have advanced 12ll5 cents on all grades the sales since Mon day haying been at H 20 for virgin, and. $3 20 for yellow dip, 3$ 280 lbs. hard bringing half price of yellow dip, when of good quality. The arrivals have been quite small owing"' to the low stage of the water courses, and from present appearances must continue so for some time, aa little or none can now come in by river from abovo tide way. We quote sales for the week of 892 bbls., as fol lows : . Bbls. Virgin. Friday 140 $4 05.. Saturday 181 4 05. . Monday 315 4 20.. Tuesday 155 4 20.. Wednesday C8 4 20. . Thursday 33 4 20 . Yellow Dip. ...13 10 ... 3 10 .. 3 20 .. 3 20 .. 3 20 . . 3 20 Hard. tl 55 55 CO CO CO CO Spouts Turpentine. Durincr tho week iust ended tho market has continued, in a depressed condition, and prices have declined each day throughout tho entire week clos ing 3 cents lower than quoted in our last report. The ad vices from New York represent a declining tendency in that market, and at the time of closing our review (Thurs day evening) there is little or no demand ; there is, how ever, only a very small stock hero at present. We quote sales for the week as follows : Friday 130 bbls. at 45 cts $ gallon for white. Saturday.... 114 " 45 " Do 40 " " 44 " " " Monday 117 " " 45 " " " Do 254 " " 44 " " " " Tuesday.... 44 " " 45 " " " " Do 127 " " 43 " " " " " Wednesday.. 125 " 43 " " " " " Kosrx. Since our last review there has been a firmer feeling in the market for the finer grades, buyers having shown more disposition to Durchase than noted in our last, and for tho better qualities a shade advance has been obtained on previous quotations. '1 here is sonic enquiry for Pale, but none coming in, and vi ry httle if any on market, ror the lower grades tho market rules nuite dull, and prices are rather lower. We ouote sales for tho week ot 1580 bbls. at $1, to, $0 5( f,r So. 1. according to quality and $6 50 for lVle, v 210 lb.; 172 bbls. low No. 2 at 2 12f2 50 ; 2i5 do. strained Common at f 2 25 ; 86 do. Common at $2 : and 154 do block- at tl C5H 75 33 bbl. the niarket closing inactive for ih lower grades. Tar Is in "very fair demand, ami id no has been brought to market for some weeks past. We quote nominally at il 75 39 bbl. Beef, Cattle and .sheep. Th market is better kud- plietl with beeves, two or ikreo loU h .ving been brought in, and pres tend downward. At present there is very httle demand from butchers, and we quote ou the hoof at 810 cents 3j lb. net, for grass fatted latter price for Srime quality. Sheep aro in moderate supply, and rather ull of sale. One or two small droves brought iu and sold at $2 50$3 3jJ head, aa to quality. Barrels. The market is moderately supplied with empty spirit barrels, and thero is omy a limned enquiry. We continue former quotations, and quote small eales du ring the week as follows : Second hand $ 2 75$3 75 ; and new ones $3 75$4 50 each, according to quantity and quality. Beeswax. Is in demand, and sells at 3032 cents 3W lb. Cotton. We have no change of importance to report in this article for the weak just ended. There has been some enquiry from buyers, but owii.g maimy to tho small quantity coming in and now on market, but little has been done in the way of sales. We have to report sales of ouly two small parcels (on Friday and Wednesday) at 33 cents for middling, tax paid the market closing quiet with few or no buyers at this figure. Corn Meal Is in moderate enquiry, and only a light supply on market. We quote in small lots at f 1 60$1 65 $ bushel. Eggs Sell from carts at 2530 cents 3ji dzen. Flour We have to report only limited receipts during the past week, but notice a fair supply in the hands of dealers. We quote sales of Northern brands from store at $8 50 to $9 for fine, $9 50 to f 10 50 for superfine, and $12 to $17 for family, (Wilmington inspection,) latter figure being for extra brands. A small lot fioui new wheat was received on Wednesday from Fayettevillo and sold at $17 $ bbl. Fertilizers There is a moderate supply of nearly all descriptions on market, and but littlo demand at present. We quote from store as follows : Peruvian Guano per ton of 2,000 lbs., $112 50 00 00 Pacific 85 90 Eettlewell's Manipulated Guano, Jii. X . coe s ouperpnosphate of Lime " " 05 00 Ober'a Cotton and Corn Com pound " " C8 00 Baugh's Raw Bone Phosphate, " " C8 (JO Grain The arrivals of Corn since our last report amount to only about 10,000 bushels from Baltimore and New York, nearly all of which came to dealers and has gone into store! The market is at present moderately supplied with yellow, for which there is only a limited de mand, and it is rather dull of sale at a shade decline. Tho stock of prime white is quite small, and there is a moder ate enquiry. We quote sales during the week from wharf and store, in lots to suit purchasers, at $1 20$ 1 25 for yellow, and $1 40$1 45 y bushel for white, as in quanti ty. A few cargoes of prime whito would sell very readily at a fair quotation. Oats The stock in dealers hands has become materially reduced in tho absence of receipts worthy of note, and is at present quite small. We note the sale, a few days since, of a lot of 500 bushels at 65 cents i bushel. Peas Aro in active request, and tho market continues bare of all descriptions. No receipts or sales for some weeks past, consequently we are unable to give a correct quotation, but high figures could easily bo obtained for a few lots. Rice For clean Carolina there is merely a retail demand, and we quote at 13H cents in casks, and 1415 cents 39 lb. in bbls. Hay The stock of Morthern has become somewhat re duced owing to the meagre arrivals for a few weeks, but is fully ample to supply present wants. Unly about lou bales received for the week, which sold from wharf at 95 cents$l 05 3$ 100 lbs. Lime Is in fair stock, and but littlo demand. Wo quote from store at $2f 2 25 'W cask. Molasses Nothing doing except 111 tho retail way, and we refer to table for store quotations. Potatoes Irish sell from carts at H 50 fl 7j -m bushel. Pea Nuts Are m some enquiry, and none coming in. Nominal at $1 75$2 50 i bushel, as in quality. Poultry Tho market is rather better supplied, but prices continue to rule high. Wo quote live chickens at 25 to 50 cents, aud grown fowls at 50 to C5 cents each, as to size. Provisions. Tho market for N. C. cured Bacon has ruled quite firm during the past week, and prices aro a shade higher at the close than quoted in our report. There has been a brisk demand for jobbing lot, and a prime article has found ready sale. The receipts have been quite small during tho past week or two, aud in con sequence the supply in first Lands has become materially reduced. We quote sales for the week at 1920 cents for hog round, and 2022 cents 3j It., for hams, as in quality the market closing firm at highest figures, l'or Wes tern, thero continues to bo scarcely any demand, although there is very li'-tle on market, and we quote from store by the package at 17J18 cents for shoulders, and l'J19i cts. y lb. for sides. Laud. The market is very poorly supplied, and we notice an active enquiry during the week. One or two lots of North Car lina have been re ceived and sold readily at 22 cents in bbls., and 23 c(;iits 3? lb. in kegs. Pouk. We have no change of conse quence to report 111 Northern brands. J lie stock nt ia here is small, though sufficient to supply tho demand which exists at present, and we refer to our talde for atoro quotations. Salt There has been considerable activity in the mar- et for this article during the past wee k, caused pririci- allv by a speculative, movement, and price s have matcri- liy advanced ou all descriptions, and h.ive a further up ward tendency. No receipts of Liverpool ground, but wo er of the sale of a lot of 1200 mucks (former arrivalM) at S3 39 sank. A careo of 1500 bushels Alum was received from Turks' Island on Tuesday ami sold at 00 cents t bushel, ee table for istore quotations. n ingles -Continue dull of sale in the absence of any shipping demand, and we quote only small wales at $2 2. $ t 00 for Common, and $1 to f 3 i V.I. for Contract, as in quality. Timber Owing to the low stage of tho water courses th? arrivais have been meagre for some weeks, and sinco last report little or none has come to market, consequent ly iio sales have taken place. Millers, however, have a stock on hand suffi-ient for present wants. We refer to our table for quotations, which, in the absence 01 Males, must be looked upon as meiely nominal. WnfnTo lirniiulif in tnartpr. lnwlv. and meets with ready sale by the boat load at $2 50$3 25 for nine, $2 75 $3 00 for ash, and $3 25$3 50 3J4 cord for oak. Pine Steam Sauced Lumber Carqo ri.teaper 1,000 feet. Ordinary assortment Cuba fcHayti cargoes, f20 00 2S 00 " Porto Rico cargoes,.. 27 00 30 00 Full cargoes wide Boarde 30 00 00 00 " nooring noarus, rougn .w 00 w ou 00 Ship Stuff, as per specifications, 35 00 38 00 Deals, 3 by 9 28 00 00 00 EXPORTS From the Tort of WilrtSngton, X. C.,for the Weekending July 12th, 18CC. COASTWISE. To New York. 1,92G bbls. spirits turpentine ; 914 do. crude turpentine ; 7,139 do. rosin; 141 bales cotton; 20 do yarn ; 6 do. sheeting ; 25 bbls. flour ; 2H do. ale ; 21 empty bbls.: 2 bdls. bags ; 81 coils rope ; 25 bushels flax seed ; 2 packages wax ; 17 bbls. liquor ; 19 do. oil ; 33 do. old metal; 293 packages mdze. To Boston.--31 puis, spirits turpentine ; loyi no. rosin ; 300 do. tar ; 71 do. pitch ; 32,000 feet lumber. To Philadelphia 23D bbls. spirits turpentine ; 1400 do. rosin; 9 bales cotton ; 65 do. yarn : 110 tons old iron ; 137 emptv bbls.; 37 bbls. rosin on ; iees lumuer ; zo packages mdze. TO UALTmORE. 43 DDIS, spiriis mrpcmiue sir, do. rosin; l bale cotton; u uo. yarn; o uu. euet,ung , i, . .a . i . , i..... u nun feet lumber. To New Lonbon, Ct. 180,000 feet lumber. To Portlaud, Me. 50.000 feet lumber. To Newburyport, Mass. 120,000 feet lumber. FOREIGN. To Port au ParKCE. 101,500 feet lumber. A Card. TUTR. JAMES McOORMICK TAKES THIS METOOD to the people of VI nt r-tnrnine ma sincere tnanas North Carolina, and especially of this city, for their libe ral natronage and great kindness to him extemieu through many years ot business. He will be pleased to wait upon them or fill their orders for any articles required of Merchant Tailor, with more dispatch and enlarged faculties, at No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, bouth Caro- hna" james Mccormick, I Tailor. No. 35 Broad btreet, July 4-237-lw03tw Charleston, S. C.

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