AVrLMTNGTON. N. C : PBIDAyTmAY 29, 1874. STATE HEWS. A new post-office is to be opened at Kelvyn Grove, Wake county. The rust has made its appearance in some of the wheat crops near Leesville, in Wake count y. Hon. Morrison Waite, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, will arrive in Raleigh about the 29th inst. The Raleigh News says: J. E. Nash. Esq., of Newbern, has been appointed an additional Representative of the Cotton States Congress, by the North Carolina Master of Granges. The cotton crop seems to be coming up well throughout Edgecombe coun ty, and some of the farmers are chop ping out. Hopes are entertained for a large crop in the county. The Radicals of Craven have ap pointed negro Trustees over the Aca demy of Newbern a school for white children. Another evidence of the ap proaching revolution. At a Convention of the Eighth J udi cial District, held at Winstcu, on Tuesday last, Thos. J. Wilson, of For syth, was nominated for Judge and Joseph Dobson, of Surry, for Solicit or. The nominations were made unanimous. Charlotte, on the 20th, May-ed to its heart's content. The fire companies paraded and spouted water on negro boys in the streets, the military school of Maj. Thomas paraded and drilled, and bankers, newspaper men and busi ness men excurted to the eountry and pic-nicked. The Goldsboro Messenger says: Un der a decree of the Superior Court, the Goldsboro Fair Ground property was Bold at public sale on Monday last. The only bid was that of $2,000, made by the mortgagees to whom the pro perty was conveyed by the Comniis aioner. Here ends this great eye-sore. The Raleigh News says : The Jobn ston county murderersj! Blalock and Collins, now in Wake county jail under sentence to be executed to-morrow were yesterday respited by Gov. Cald well until the 19th of June, at the urgent request of spiritual counsel, Rev. A. W. Mangum and Father Gross. TheD. N. Ramsay has recently or ganized lodges of Good Templars at Princeton, Johnston county, Peremu sat, Wayne county, Battleboro', Nash county, and Whitakers, Edgecombe county. He leaves this week for Bos ton to attend the session of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World, which convenes on the 2Cth inst. The Raleigh Crescent says: The stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad have moved in the consolid ation matter and have attempted to arrest the consummation of Col. Hum phrey's scheme by an injunction. Thos. Branch of Richmond has filed a complaint for himself and other stock holders of the North Carolina Railroad Company, against the Company and the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, McAden and others, claim ing that their proposed action will render his Block v. 'ueless and that he is unwilling to einL- k in the new en terprise: wherefore he prays for an injunction. Judge Watu granted the injunction until next teiui of our JSnperior Court. Some one has resurrected the i'low iug from the Charlotte Democrat of August Gth, 1SG1 : Some time ago wo had occasion to notice the fact that sounds similar to the discharge of heavy artillery were heard in various jiarts of this section, especially along the Catawba river. Similar sounds were heard at Morganton and Concord week before last. The days on which these noises were heard were clear and bright, and it is well known that no cannon were fired within fifty miles of the places. An old naval officer who lieard the sounds at Morganton, in forms us that it was very much like the successive reports of cannon. What was it, and who can explain the mys tery ? The Newbernian says : We learn from Sheriff Hubbs that the Commis sioners of Craven county have brought suit against the Commissioners of Pamlico, to recover the sum of $35,000 alleged to be due. Our readers will remember that this is the amount of the debt of the old county of Craven, which it was agreed by the Commis sioners appointed by the two counties, that Pamlico should assume, and that county agreed to do so; but our Com missioners, or rather the Radical Commissioners, knowing so much more than the business men whom they had appointed to attend to the matter, held the settlement in abeyance until the last meeting of the General Assembly, thinking then they could get a bill through, more to their liking, in which they failed, and Pamlico, taking ad vantage of the law, claims to be freed from any portion of the debt . The matter has now been ralerred to the courts. From the Savannah News IVoinau'N Itigbts in Florida.. OcAiiA, Fla., May 15, 1874. Editor Morning News : You seldom get anything from this part of the moral vineyard, notwith standing your paper is more generally read here than any other. You have very frequently alluded to the condi tion of our judiciary, their character and (in) capacity. The Hillyer's have also been the subjects of editorials on several occasions. Qjte of them is County J udge of this county and cx orfficio Judge of Probate. Tho en closed is an exact copy of an order. judgment or decree emanating from him. I have seen the original. The trouble was between an old black man and his wife. Yours truly, SUBSCRIBER. COPY. Oca la, Fla., May 12th, 1874. Be it known t.hrTnyrirmr. nil nliric- tendom that the husband is head of tlie wife, and whatever is his'n is his'n, and whatever is hers is his'n, and, come weal or woe, peace or war, the rights of all property is vested in the husband, and the wife must not take anything away. The ox belongs to uncle Ben, and he must keep it, and the other things, and if the old woman quits, she must go empty-handed. Know all that this is so by order of the Judge of Probate. Signed Wk. R. Hillteh. Dar n b . his tii . n gorilla ivi. A small pai ---a practical supporter of n.e .shape of the first mcd and now in London. j dined with him not loner ago, and we are tola that JVlonsieur Gorilla behaved like anv courteous diner-out. excent that ln" was not brilliant, and that at one point in the meal he calmly extended his paw and removed from his neighbor's plate to his own some pretty tiny iickshaws, which particularly pleased him. He drank claret with his steak, iounged in his chair between the -courses and cracked his walnuts and took his after-dinner glass of port with the most graceful ease. He is very particular in his food, and always takes hot rum and water, sweetened with honey, before retiring. Darwin ought o be a happy man. Helwbold's BucUnia the great family medicine for diseases of the kidneys and kind. rea organs, jran airecuons accompany each Jxttl8. Look oat for counterfeits. The mnn ine has the private proprietary stamp of II. T Helmbold. It is not safe to take any othr None but the genuine gtuvaefc&d. John F. tenry, Wew York, Sola Agent. For the Journal. How to FnrnUb a Parlor. Give them the money, and to most people this would appear a very sim ple affair. So much Brussels and bro catelle, and rosewood, so many knick knacki and so much French plate: These would represent their ideas to most. A few, more ambitious, would require the walls to be decorated with pictures, and perhaps, some superbly bound albums and "poets" on the what-not or center table. M. Taine deduces many of the characteristics of the Eoglish nation from the fnrniture of an average English, bed room. If we take the average Amarican parlor to be a orresponding index of Ameri can character, I am afraid the impres sion made would not be altogether flattering to our national vanity. Too many sofas and easy chairs, too much crowding of articles of vertu and con veniences for luxurious ease of body, too much addressed merely to the eye and the senses, and too little to waken thought and appeal to our inner selves and our higher life. There can be no objection to Brussels and rosewood from any point of view where they are in corres pondence with the owner's means. The point is, that they are not all they are net half of the proper furnishing of a room. It may be furnished well and artistically, and say more for the taste and culture of the inhabitants without either of those adjuncts. I have in my mind's eye now a parlor without any carpet whatever, which has never yet known a carpet, but which outshines in the best purposes of a parlor many a luxurious and gild ed salon. The house is a new one, built on to the old one, and made a part of it, as I think it is good for new houses to be where the old one is at all worthy and has associations. In that case it gives dignity and interest to the new out growth. The new part is completed, well planed and well built, painted and plastered andwaitingnow fortheyoung girls for whose pleasure and convenience the fond father and mother have made some additions, to show their hand in in the furnishing and other decora tions. Just at this crisis there comes a pinch in the money matters, for our friends are not millionaires. Prudent papa shuts up the purse for a season. We cannot go into heavy outlay this year nor maybe next. Meanwhile the girls are yet at school. There needs no hurry. What money I have to spare this year for their benefit I shall put neither in carpets nor curtains. I can do better for them than that. So the new part of the house remains yet awhile unfurnished, so to speak, but every time I go there I see creeping in little bits that are very indicative of what we shall see by and by, when cotton is again at 18 cents, or by'r lady 20 cents. The bare floors are of beautiful native pine. The walls are delicately tinted. The windows, guilt less of curtains or even shades, are only protected by the outside blinds. The parlor is never used except in warm weather. Mama's old parlor is t!:e nla-efc comfort a3 Tit. Meanwhile there are the accumulations that are coins' ou. One capi. inor that tones you down and coniforts you every time your eye falls on it. On the mantelpiece two graceful vases that are never without flowers, half a dozen light cane chairs and rockers, and a very pretty lightly carved, well filled booLcs;ae. I believe the new parlor has nothing more in it. Yes, I forgot, there is an old fashioned claw footed mahogany table whkh grand papa brought from Massachusetts ever so roouy years ago, warranted not to have coin over in the Mayflower. Ou this repose some periodicals an al bum otd a portfolio of enffrviuS. It is usual for the family friends to speak of this parlor as Unfurnished " They say when the girls leave scuool it shall be furnished. But I declare tLiu; it ir, now a perfectly tasteful, and per fectly pleasant room in .glimmer. The booL'-aic docs the furnishing. The minj'te I go into that room the book case fcttpa forward and gives the whole apartment an air of high breeding and luxury, I find myseU in the best company, and the crowd i ac tually increasing. There is Knight's Shakespeare, and there, too, is Verphuick's edition, with the mothers' maiden name written ii it is the hand writing of Paterfamilias, iet us tUter fully wager it was a love-token, Anno Domino, 1854. Here are all De Onin cey's brown volumes asissued by Tick nor. All the British essayists and most of the elder British poets. There is the Library Edition pi Daniel Webster. And here are Jjongfeljtpw and Bryant and Elizabeth Browning aad Tenny son. Here are the "World Essay's" ("Among my Books") by Judge Reed, much thumbed, I am glad to see, and opens of itself at the essays on the Prayer Book, for mater-familias is a good Church woman and declares that esssay goes to her hearts' pore, and near by are Prof. Reed's d,eligLtf;jl Essays on English Literature and En glish History booka to be read and re-read. With a few exceptions the books date before the war, but this sort of furnishing is never at" an end. The father means his daughters shall enjoy the same sort of pleasure that h s brightened the lives of their pa rents they slisil have books before they have carpets and aofes, if. both cannot be had at once. East week, stepping in to see what further progress had been made in the furnishipje, a gleam of fresh green and gold caught ray eye and I found that a rather well worn copy o "Half Hours with the best authors" jiad been ban ished to make room for the four first volumes of the iiew edition of Scott by Messrs. Hale, of Mew York.. And this brings me to what 1 set out iq cay, that I thiuk no parlor completely fur nished that does not hold a selection of the best editions of some of the best books hi. vhj English language the selection showing moya of the mind of the owner than any thing elsp jn his house. And next, that no f;olieiion of books made up these days, especial ly when we are buying to guide the taste of cur children, can be called complete tuatdoea not comprise Hale's "Thistle Edition'' of the Wayerly nov els. It is just the thing for the family. The volumes are of handy size, the type is eapital the paper good, and the binding most dainty, withont be ing t.x good or costly for daily use. There could be no prettier present from a Romeo to hia Juliet; or "To my wife" or "To my daughter." I think I can see the delight with which a gift so appropriate and so elegant would be received. Our children are growing up amid the wreck pf many principles, tastes and ideas whi$h we once thought immutably fixed and permanent. It is to be feared they will have but hybrid notions in many casea of right and wrong, hybrid no tions of taet3 and refinement. It is more than even a matter of the highest importance that we should guard their companionship, social and mental. Let us banish all the prurient tribe of novelists and poets, male and female, that have blossomed ojit in unhealthy profusion in the last eight or tea years, aa strictly as we banish the new lights of church and state. "The old is bet ter." If we can afford but ore book let us furnish our house with the oldest and best of all. If we can afford but few, let those few b carefully select ed, and let the rising generation have its tastes formed from the best models only. There is nothing better of their kind than Scott's novels and poems. The Messrs. Hale have done a good thing in bringing out this edition of Waverly. I should be glad to know they had Bold two thousand copies in this State. I should consider it as so much done to instil a high sense of honor, love of truth, patriot ism and all the best traits that mark the character of a gentleman among our young people. The boy who loves Tvanhoe" and "Guy Mannering" will hardly be found with a dime novel. He I n; uch, ccrs lifeelj to owe to them his taste for Macauley, and Froissart, and Fronde. I have written this for the Jocbnai, hoping to call the attention of its large and "intelligent constituency to Hale & Son's elegant "Thistle Edi tion" of Scott. C. P. S. From the Lynch burj N wj. Spare the Trees. The Committee on Public Lands in the House of Representatives, acting upon a memorial laid before them by the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, have prepared a bill and presented a report in which forest culture is fully discussed, and the appointment of a Commissioner of Foresty under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior recommend ed. Not to go fully into the statis tics of the report, we may present a few tables which may be of interest. A careful estimate of the percentage of woodlands in the following coun tries is: Per Cent. Norway G6 Sweden 60 Russia, in Europe, 40 Germany 26 Sardinia 12 Holland 7 Spain u United States 25 Belgium 18 France 17 Switzerland 1J Denmark 5 Great Britain 5 Portugal 4 In the United States and Territories, the Southern States come first, with amounts ranging from 40 to CO per cent. The Eastern, Middle, and Northwestern States from 20 to 40 per cent., and the Western and Prairie Stetes from 5 to 20 per cent. Illinois is placed at 19, Wisconsin at 29, and Iowa at 16 per cent. ; while Nevada, Arizona, Dakota, Colorada, Utah, New Mexico.and Wyoming are comparative ly treeless. This table is necessarily an approximation, as much land is owned by non-resident , and large tracks of unimproved laud afford but uncer tain data. Of pine, the estimate is as follows : Feet. Maine 1,500,000,000 New York 900,000,000 Pennsylvania 7,000,(!00,000 Michigan 50,000,000,000 Minnesota 18,000,000,000 Wisconsin . , , West Virginia Virginia,(yellow pine; . South Carolina North Carolina 16,000,000,000 7,000,000,000 150,000,000 90,000,000 1,600,000,000 1,700,000,000 Florida . . Georgia 1,500,000,000 Total in States east of Rocky Mountains 105,440,000,000 Dominion forests 73,000,000,000 Total east of RocjiyMts. 178,140,000,000 Went of Rocky Mts. . . 70,000,000,000 Total United States and Canada 248,440,000,000 As is well known, statements have been made, of late years, from time to time, of the raid destruction of our Eine forests, and predictions have been awarded that the time is not far dis tant when the pine tree will become extinct, and lumbering become a lost art. But, with regard to thp establish ment and care of plantations of woods, little has been done. In foreign coun tries for many years in some for cen turies the preservation of the forests and the planting of trees upon the waste lnds. the mountain sides, the sources of tre;.n;3s nd other broken and worthless lands unfitted .'or culti vation, has been a matter of -careful study and governmental control. It is to the results so reached and the inter niUlzc ft, - l,-. laced at our disposal that turn as the necessity of the measure becomes more apparent to us. The report referred to, shows the ill effects ot the destruction of timber to prepare the soil for soine special culti vation, and the benefits derived from planting trees, whereby tracts formerly deemed valueless and often unhealthy have been rendered valuable and availa bly for the use of man. For the careful examiiihCo,: of these subjects and the devising of tlifl piope;- means to regu late them, patient aud careful investi gations are necessary. For the pres ent, perhaps, the establishment of pluiiQTiftp Bf'hools of forestry, as in other coij'iirie;), w.cuhl be unnecessary; although it may be 'uepticned if ac curate and thorough knowledge of this kind can be too widely spread? But it will be wise for the people of this country to take up the subject in time. A tree is not the growth of a day, ac!d, 7,en though it be growing while we are sleeping; "ho hand that plants the acorn will never cut the foil -grown oak that springs from its germ. A house that is burned down can be re built in a few months. A whole city, destroyed by fire, like Chicago, can rise from the ashes in a year. But tree-growing is a slow process. The forests that are planted to-day may not reach their maturity tll another generation. How the people in "Vir ginia ealje he value and the gloiy of our forest growth. How naked would be the most beautiful landscape, and even the most sublime mountain, with out the trees! Even an ordinary dwelling, destitute of architectural gi-ase end adornments, is rendered more attractive b a grove around it, than a beautiful mansion without trees. We would rather have the pr&snt forest growth of Virginia than the most classic lands of the Old World, p rowded with palaces and castles, but desti,tuf e of forests. Works of art, if destroyed, can be roatT-rdj but the grand living works 61 nature are slow of growth, anil it "sometimes takes moi.e theij a generation to ieplace them. Mis Nellie's Wedding. The bride wore a white satin dress elaborately trimmed with point lace, with 4 tulfc y.ajh T'ie 1ur was adorn ed with orange blo4soi4. There was nothing particularly jio ticeable in the dress of the groom, which was in the latest style, of course, with the conventional white necktie. The brjdpsmaids were Misses Barnes, Fish, Dreel, "pj;t, Porter, Conkling, Sherman and Frelinghuyse;;. They were severally dressed in white corded silk, covered with white illusion, with soft puffs and pleatings caught up with flowers. Their sashes were of the same rxaterial as their dresses. Four of these ladies were distinguish ed by pink roses, and t':e other four by blue flowers. AH things being in reaamess I4ev. ur. iinany proceeded with the ceremony according "to the form of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Kvery cue, as jjsnal on such occasions, preserved a marked silence, and listened attentively to every word, while closely watching the manner and countenances of the bridal pair. The ceremony over the minister was the first lo kisaihs bride. She immediately turned to her "father, 5?hp ppbraced and kissed her. Then the mother ap proached and kissed her, as did also the brothers of the bride and numer ous relatives and female friends. The new-made husband enjoyed his share of the handshaking, and or&lly ex pressed congratulations. The band played the Wedding March at 'the con clusion pf the ceremony. Seventy carriages ponyeyed the guests to the Executive Mansion. Less than two hundred yersons were pres ent, including Justices of the Supreme Court, members of the Cabinet, Sena tors Frelmghnysen, Carpenter, Cam eron," (Conkling and Logan; Vice Pres ident Wilson, Speaker Blaine, General Sherman, Admiral j?orter, CJopanaander j Alman, George W. Childs, A. J. ; Drezel, Judge Fierrepont, Genera Arthur, and Generals Porter and Bafc cock; Sir Edward and Lady Thornton. The officers of the army and navy ap peared in uniform. The persons above named were accompanied by the ladies ! of their respective families After the congratulations were over tho compa ny, to the sound of music, proceed d to i ha library in the second story the mansion, where, on a s ri of tables, were dif-played the . lrgaut presents to the bride, the imuies of the donors being attached to ail the articles. Among the most costly gifts were a dessert set of eighty-four silver pieces by Geo. W. Childs, and a complete silver din ner service by A. J. Drexel, of Phila delphia, the combined vahitj of (hem being probably &4.50Q; Secretary Fifth, a large silver tankard ; General and Mrs. Sharpe, of New York, ariug with a stone camoo set with diamonds ; Postmaster General Creswell, a very handsome silver ice cream service; ex Senator Cattell, a diamond ring, five stones; L. P. Morton, of New York, an emerald and diamond ring ; these two rings are probably worth a thousand dollars each ; Secretary Robeson, a toilet set and side pieces, brass, elabor ately finished of the style of Louis XIV ; A. T. Stewart, of New York, the largest size lace pocket handkerchief, such as sell for $500 ; General Bab cock, an elegant Valenciennes lace fan, with a smoked pearl frame, with the monogram of the bride in gold. Mr. Sartoris presented to his wife a large and choice collection of flowers. The present of the father of the bride is ten thousand dollars ; also all the immediate members and relatives of the President's family, five hand some presents. At 12 o'clock the company partook of a wedding breakfast, elegantly pre pared. The bill of fare was printed on white satin, and stated that the breakfast was from the President and Mrs. Grant in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Sartoris. All the bridesmaids were presented with handsome bo quets. Little boxes tied with white silk, containing wedding cake, were brought away by the guests. At 1:40 this afternoon the bride and groom left Washington in a special train for New York. Their Pullman palace car was handsomely decorated with flow ers and evergreens and American and Brittish flags. They were accompani ed by General Porter and Messrs. Childs and Drexel and their families. On Friday the Prsident and Mrs. Grant will go to New York to take leave of their daughter ou her embark ation for England. Tunes were played this afternoon on the Metropolitan Church bells in honor of the marriage. 'IAilvKItSl.i:V, Interesting Sketch ot a llenejrade. Virgin in. A dispatch from Little Rock says : "Speaker Trfhkersley's report that Governor Coke, of Texas, furnished the battery of artillery recently re oeived here, is false. I purchased the guns on the guarantee of private indi viduals. I applied to Governor Coke, at Austin, for a battery, but he posi tively refused to let me have it. Tan ker&ley 'served, jn and deserted tl e Confederate army, and was tasjiierd from the Federal army for defrauding the government. He wears an alias name. In Virginia his nanis is Cas well. W. E. Woodruff. Jr., Editor Gazette. "Since the beginning of the Brooke Baxter war in Arkansas the name of 'Tankersley, Speaker of the House.' has been prominently mentioned, and his opinions and views ou tho situation quoted by correspondentsof the press in their efforts to get at the bottom of the political tanglein Arkansas. A word as to who 'iankersley' is may not be amiss. lis was born in Stafford Co., Va., and resided near Frederioksburg up to the outbreak of tlie' ciyil war, when he joined, we think, a battery fiom that city, and afterwards deserted fron it. He then came to Richmond, and was mustered into the Crenshaw Battery as a substitute, and remained with that compiuy until after the bat tles around Richmond. Here the notion took him that he was eminently qualified as a financier, and he accord ingly 'left' the company and went into business as a signer of fictitious pay rolls, and succeeded in getting quite a sum of money on them. He was found out by the Confederate authorities, eourt-martialed and sentenced to be sent bacJi to Ids company and to be 'ridden on a gun' for thirty davs and confined in the guard-house at night during that time. While the army was around Fredericksburg con fronting Meade, ' he deserted and went to Washington, and ih'ere got ah appointmeut by seme means a3 a lieu tenant in the Federal quartermaster's department, and was afterwards cash iered for fraud. A great many sol diers who were in the Confederate army from Richmond will remember tar, "He afterwards veni, iq Arkansas, entered the political arena, and soon became a prominent actor in the re construction rascalities. He was made superintendant of the penitentiary, and was chief operator in the enormous stealing perpetrated by the Radical thieves who had the management of that institution, : and now turna up ac Tankersley, Speaker of the1 Ho'uso.' ' '"Torifcersley1 js' wejl edu6aieij, of fine presence, winning luamters, '' and is as sharp a rascal as ever undertook to help reconstruct a State, or steal the people's money." Attorney General Williams, it is said, Iade a clear breast of it before the Committee oh feipehtjitres jn the Department of Justice. Ho admitted that a recent examination disclosed great extravagance in the contingent expenditures of his department. He prQpo3e5 to do better in the future. The famous lanaul6twhLih he admit ted had been used-both for the official and social uses of himself and family has been sold and the proceeds cover ed into the Treasury. It is under stood in Washington that Judge Wright bought the landulet for $1,G00. with a view to exhibit it in the fall campaign of Ohio, Indiana and other Sle-. The revision of the Bible" is pro gressing rapidly in England, yet it will occupy about six years longer. The translators are adopting, as near ly as possible, the same arrangements as tkosp pp'orced by James I. during the making ' of hia tv&nlatj-n, Dr. Guisburg, a Church of England cler gyman, is one of the most indefatiga ble of the workers on tho revision. The preliminary work is discharged by him, and then submitted to the other members of the company. The Lynchburg Jfeivs puts it thusly, forgetting.in its righteous indignation; that Canby was one of the victims in this war: The Modoc tribe numbers 154. To hang Cs.jjfc.in Jack and three of hi3 companions and' put the remain der on a reservation cost the mere trifle of six millions of dollars! 11 this is not the best government the world ever saw, it is certainly the cheapest. The Atlanta Qcrjeponl.eni of the Augusta Chronicle writes: ' "It ia said with a great deal of probability, that several failures will occur in this city before a great while among young merchants. Money is very scarce, and it is belived that he bsinpss commu nity is more critically situatetj than it was during the financial criais last fall. 'fhe stringency in tho money market is sai4 to l?e occasioned by the sudden advance in cotton. Parties are with holding their cotton with the expecta tion of realizing an enormous profit, and thereby stagnating the money maiket One bank in this city, it is eaid, has invested one hundred thous and dollars jn cpfton, jpd is patiently waiting for it to advance to a hisrher figure. Another pause i'or the "scarcity of money is said tp be the constant de mand of the State on the banks for money to pay the interest on maturing bonds." A Maine clergyman recently remark ed thnt. if 'jill me boiiesof I he victims of intemperance could be gathered and nude into a pyramid, no plain could be found hog.,- i-imtiyli for lis base to rest upon, nuil the p.uii-ts would ave to be swepr. uside to make ro..iu for its ap-x." A Madison (Wi.s.) dispatch states thnt Senator Carpenter has addressed a letter to the State Journal of that phjee, in nhich he fully MiMta.iM the right of the Htate L gislaturu lo alter, amend, or repeal tho charter of any railway corporation. He says that Messrs. Curtis aud Evartshave evaded the real question at issue in their lately published opinions. The civil service clerks still live. In fact they live much more than ever. The Supreme Court haa jast decided that all clerks, civil or uncivil, now serving at the Nt.onal Capital are en titled to twenty per cent, additional compensation voted at the tail end of the last session of Congress, but which the Treasury Department insisted was due only to a certain portion of them. Instead, therefore, of the clerks being forced to work longer hours at smaller salaries, they are about to be rewarded as their long suffering merits deserve. Several thousand young Parisian girls, members of the Society of En fants de Marie, went on a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Norte Dame re cently. The line of carriages bring ing them stretched over a mile. Each pilgrim was robed in white, and held a torch in her hand; every rank of soci ety was represented, from the grand dame to the poorest of the poor. At Bordeaux a similar demonstration took place, and over 5000 women walked in the procession, and at Orleans, Mgr. Dupanloup presided over another like ceremony. The next proposition of the crema tionist's will be to utilize the ashes of the dead for the use of tho living : Ii" Citis-ir'-t 1y, "JeaU uii.l tm ne. 1 to 'lay, ny foj a u t to keep the wiuil awny, Why may not Krothinliaui. combined with .!hsu r, Be iimhI tj iake our garden timtk zrow the U-ter. r Bi-ikh rrdm-'tl to HUe tin ami l y. Be licx'd iii.t l:;lel'(.l "oou ontraUd c!' Some Vankeo fi-niny, on invention bent. May tixi in Itei-elier's urn H tK.nl ceiunni. Ami liutlei ' e-troa'a. by Uiu ft nit's r'li eil, I'otihb tne silver s oonn lie leaves bbiml. To am., par- ienl irlv lnvlMs, !- r i k is a trj -ing h h.-oii. Indications of pi.-hue- MiouUl itt oiu-e be at't-nded to. Fatal diseased m y be Ciuned by allowing the bowels to become coe Rtiputed. and tLe nysttnt to reiutm in a disor dei ed condition, until the disorder baa time to develop itself. An ounce of reentiou in wotth a pound ot cu-e, is an old and truthful saying Therefore, e advise all ho are troubled witn the complaints now very prevalent headache, I- digestion, dif ordered liver, want or apetite, nausea, or feveru-lt skin, to take, ni.lioutd lay, Schenck's Mandrake Fills. We know of no remedy so ha-iu lews and decisive in its action. It at once strikes at the root of the du-case and produces ahealthv tone to the sytt;m. People never- need sutler fro in anv disr-ase arising from a disordered condition of t he liver if thev would take this excellent medcine when they feel the tirst indication of ti e ma'ady. Faniilie leav ing home for the summer month fhould take tl.ree or four boxes of these pills with them They have almost an instantanf ous effect. They will relieve the patient of headaci.o in one or two hours, and will ry i.ilv cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, anwwill effectu ally prevent a billions attack. They sre sold by luragnw-i. may 15 1m Victims ot (-rt Disease, seeking g-iiety ami re.-tored health, should use Dr. Heliubold's Extract Kuchu. This article id officinal and standard. It is, moreover, the only p eparntlnn that develops the full value of Fiu-liu e-. a iliuretic. It i a i-err'ert specili - I r a"l d:s. ks-'s d" the uiinry urga;.; in m ile 01 leni::!. lit ware of counterfeits a:id imita tions u!i,eh -inscMipiilou men ar endeavor i it o .a)m off nprm Dr. He'rulioM'. reputa tion. l.ook for the Poctor's t-igt-ature on the wrapr. 'I lie ;iit(rr or Wliile Xrclli-'.. an- t tied lv Fragrant Sozi itoM, behind a d irk niiistiielif), maks smt havoc with the ladi-p, a: d eeth thus im pear led. in the mouth of a vrttty girl, aie latal to the peace of bactit Ur t'OI., VADDE!,I.'N CANVASS, II n. A.M. Wad 1 11. candiJate f.r Cuiirc?.", 1 ill a t dress bi-i f j!li citizens at 1 113 f j'K w'ng time ai.d pi vk .1 une in -.. , Wedn r3 lty Port.-ui u C:re- rijt count-. 4ane V b, Fr :.Uy S 111 li r St -re, Carteret C Jtiiity- Juu; i-U, li iliird ij Newport. Carteret Co. J line J."5ili, Mun i iv Kichlands, On-low Co June Ijjth, Tiicsd.ty Jacksonville, Ons'.ow G n!:t. lunw i -tt'i, Thu-sl i '.Va if.-i Mii, Onslo count y. .lime 21 1, Mou-lty Ke:iansvil.e, Piip ia Co June 'i d, Tueiid.iy Warsaw, I'uplm Co. .lime i'4 h. Wedni-sJay -Kai.-'oii's Pujhn Co. .1 une L'tb, '1 hursd.iy -Clinton, Sampson Co dune 2:tti, rri.'ay -McPanlad's X Heads, Satu on co;;nty, JuueiTtli, Satmd.iy --Taj lot's Undo, Kauip- sjji county. .lu'je th. M011 lay F.iyettevill , Cumber laud tounty June :5ith. 'J'u sd.-y Manchester, Cnu.hcr land eonnt July '.!.t, Tbiiisday donesboro, Mooro Co, July 3 1, Friday Carttage, Moore Co. July 1th, Saturday Cartei'.-i Mills, Moore county. July eth, Mokday Ilirrington P. ()., Har nett county. Ju'.yTth, Tuesiay I.illington, Haructt Co July Sth, Wedi" sj ty Ayersboro, Ilaruett county. July lttb, Saturday "The H.tllow," 21 den county. Julyl3lh, Monday -iLlizabcthtown, iJludcn count;. July 14lh, Tuesday Dal ton, Uladen county July 15th, Wedueiaj-I5rinkleyV, Brunswick county. .Tuly jOtf., Ttatralay Vaiievhle, Columbus tplit). July nth, f ridaj- Wlihani', Columbus Co. July 20th, Monday Iron Hilt, Columbus Co July 22d, Wednesday- Shailotte, Brunswick count-. Othtr appointments, as desired, will be here after made. D&Wtf. "HGjse-Mcj: " nnd ot'-ers who pretend ta know, say that the following direuuuna had better be observed in uaing tilifruuin'i Cavalry iimaimin jototi.- ciive a norse a aoiospoon ful every night for a week; the same every other night for 4 or 6 nights; the same for a milch cow, and twice as much for an ox. The addi tion of a little line salt will be an advantage. No Other ITJcd jotnw ever atu'ne4 eur-li an-unprecdnid sale as Helraboid's Iiuch'u. Its name aud fame are known every where; and it deserves its great reputation, for 'it has un doubted merit. It is warranted to cure all ilis- taaes 01 ine muiiet s aut itie urinary organs. new are 01 counierieirs. ucimine uas proprte tary stamp of H. T. Helmbold ou each bottle.- SPECIAL. frf'1?! yi-Uv?Si ItiQthers. Don't fait to'procufe MttS. '"WtNSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for all diseases incideu to the period of teething In children. It re lieved th child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to tho mother. Be fare and call for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRUP." Jfur sle ell druggist. June as f 1 Si-San-W-St. in Sweet as a Rose," OUR NEW MAY BUTTER. CIIAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 r;nd 7 North Front Street. QiTKIuri.y pure OU GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. 25 SMALL POCKETS. 25 AT ItEDUCED PRICES. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., 5 & 7 North Front St. Wax, Patent Spernj AND TARAFINE CANDLES Fours ai?d Six to the Pound. CHAS. D. MYERS & 5 & North Pront St. may 4 Mr Corn and Spirit Casks 1 j QQQ B" ue,s Wui,c aul Mixed Corn. QQ Spirit cayki". i Frt-sale by KKKCHNER & CALDER BROS 124 may 2 KliKKS KCJt PRiN'jTlliO W ' ' ' rr-T"UenUonattaO JOURNAL OFFICK THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivaUed Me licice is warranted not to rontain a single particle of M IBCURT, or hit ini irious miueral hubstanre, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, r-oittnifiing those Son'l i-rn Roots and HetbP, which an all-wise ir v .leuc has placed io eou n trt'' where le v-- in iw must prevail. It will cure all liicne cauaetl by lleiangeinent f the Liver and towels Simmons' Liver Hegnlator or Medicine Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will Barn many an hoar of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over Kerty Years' trial it ia still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its vir tues from persons of the bignest cba.'actea and responsibility. Kminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL, SPECIFIC For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and teod may be faced with out fear. As a Remedy in MALARIOUS KK VKRS, BlIWKl, COM P Li A I NTS, RK8T LKSSNKSS, JAUNDICE. NAUSEA, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Pure.-t and Best Family Medicine in the World. Is manufactured only by J. H. ZKILEN & CO.. Macon, Ua., nud Philadelphia. Price. S1.00. Sold bv all Druggists. Jan 3 1 d&w-2T Iron in the Blood THE PEEUTIAN SYRUP Vitalizes and Enriches the Blood, Tones up the pysiem,BaiKU up tea I Broken-down, Cures 1 Female Complaints, I Dropsy, Debility.Hu- I mors. Dyspepsia, Ac Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering crcatnrea. ta rtronfr, healthy, and nappy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. Caution. Be sure you get the right article. Sea that "Peruvian Syrup" ia blown in the glass. Pamphlets free. 8endirone, SETU W.FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, Boston, Maaa. For sale by ruggi3U generally. GENUINE " PERUVIAN GUANO. Farvkus, AoatcirLTCRisTS and Dsalirb in Fertilizers have now an opportunity of Ob tainihgthi.s val-iable manure in small or large lots, at importers' prices, by appw ing to the Special Agency just establish ed for the purposo of delivering Oenuine Pe ruvian J uauo lo consumers at any accessible port or railway ststion in the country. Full par. icitlar given in circular, mailed fieeon application to R. BALCAZAR, No. 53 Beaver St., New York. KEF. KENCES BY PERMISSION. Messrs Hubiiih, Hrmna&Uo., Financial Agents of the Prrmian Government, 52 Wall Street, New York. Mcmks Taylor, preni.rt S's;ior-sl City Bank, 51 VCail street. Kw YorK. .1. O. ' EAi(, Ks... Peruvian Contul, '26 Broadway, New Yoik. may 12 113 d&wlOm Agents! If you want to make money, sell 1 wi.yg3 Thr li;;rsl thing yet. HrrrR, wit, PATHOS, LIPK, KUN ABfi Ul'liBTEB, 350 CO 111 Ic C U I S. The people yea 11 for it. It mil sell i dull .iii'j .' .' Show it to a man and be surrenders It is flBK fvery tive. Jfon't Uithfr wiih heavy tf-iKsti tit nubntly u-ants. Humor is tho thing tuattak.s Ai.tNit wanted KWRyiyuriiic. S.i'il for circulars and t raA litmus to 'TO DAY Publihniit:impaiiy, Philadelphia, New ork, Hiif-tt.ii. or t hica;. 4w AUKNTS'PKOrirS Pan WRKK. Will prove it or forfeit Sao -. New articltsjust piteiited. Sampks scut free to i.l I. A. Itt rest V.'. K. CHID.USTEB. 1'.? 2t Broadway, New York. 3 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED1".. each mi'fv tor lli priiisr utl Summer. sISU per iiioiiIIi. tic rut tor circular, whifb j;ives full ji u-ti-Jlar.i. ! ..; tt .V M.OUKIiY , 4 Philade'ihU, Pa SONGS of GRACE AND GLORY. THE V K IS. Y KEST Sunday School Song Hook. Kv V. K. Sli.-rwiii un.1 M .1. Vail, lei Pxget S:lendid llvmiH. lio.ce Mii-i- Tinted Pajier, ftiiTiur binding. Price In Board. 25 rents ; .:;1 kt H i; a yeeiinr n copy in iii.it rover rntiud (ns'jkoon . iwueil,) mi reei-iji- .r Twenty live Ccntr. Wf Oidcrt-tili-din turn iteady May 1-t- iioka:e waters? t sov, 1 ' -11 Uroldway, ?y york. The ltiqi-t IMeUical HlUurlliea of lUirspe way rhe etro'iijjejit Totiici I'uriOer and IleobNirueiit known to th medical world is -I U JTC U 13 52 IB jX. It arrest u decay oT viial forces, exhaustion ot the r.ei vohs system, re-tores vigor u- the debili tated, cleanses vitiated blood, renuves vesicle obstructions and actsdirectii on t'.ie Iiver aud Spleeu. Price Jl a bott)r. .ICdN U. KKIj I.OOU. 18 Piatt St.. Saw York. 4V FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE LB! CApOLIO TABLET. PUT UP N BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by all Druggists. PSVCIIOMASCV, or SOI I, CliAItiTI X. I. How either sex may fascinate aud gain tho love and affection of any jterson they choose Instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c, together with a marriage guide, Kgyptian Oracle, lroa.3, ijiuia to l.aiiits, We.iUini;- mum. isuiib, nw. xv tjuuer ouoa. AUurtB x nitiiiAM at uu., rnhs. fliila. 4 ooooocoooouooooooooooocooooo 00000000000.000 o oGB FLORENCE. 2B o The Long t-OLVrti-fcl Suit of tt o FLOHKNCK bKWINIi MACfilKE CO., nainst'the Singjer, Wheeler Tilsori and u rover V tiaker (Jompanles, involving over o Jh finally Ui'Cidtil lv the o Supreme Court or the Unitett Stat sin o favor of the FLOHKNCK. which alone has o broken the monopoly of high pi ices. o THKNF.W If LORENCK o is the ONLY machine that sews backward o sjnd forwar-i, or to the rijht and left, o Simplest t'heapest Bet-t. o Sold for Cash only.- Special Terms to o o ui,UB3s (ll)KAl.EKS. o April, 1S74. Floience.Mas. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo l)r. Sharo s Soeciiic enres Dvsnensia. T.ivet Complaint, Constipation, Vomiting of Fool, sour aioniacn. water Brash. Heartburn. Low Spirits, &e. In thirtv-five -rears never failing to cure the most obstinate cases. Sold by drug gists generally. J. K. MclLHENNY, Agent Il'l "HUlIUKUill, H. J J.fepOL, 149 tlgHUl Bt K.y. Circulars mailed n applies. .ion. 4W cures all XTnmors from the worst Serof Tila to a common Blotcta or Pimple. Froin WO nix bottles are wprraniou to eare Salt Iljieum or Tetter, Pimwlea (in Tate, Ilolith Erysipelas and Liver Complaint. Six to twelve bot tles, warranted to cure Scrofulous Swellings and Sores and all Skin and Illood Diseases. By its wonderful Pectoral properties it will enre tbvs most severe recent or lingering Cough in ball i'-.e im rfTM?-.-,'l fv nti'- oij-rr rricdlclne s rlitltf r !?..-;' -V. i'.Wl..'.4h ing lrMtation, amV rclf mir sfrrfhess.' 'Sold br all Irtifr!rl3ts. It. V. PlERtT. Mr. IVorld's Dlspensarr iiuHaio, K. SEND FOR THJ NEW CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. UAILEPJREE. 1 100-Rece French ' China liner Set FOI $22. FRENCH CHINA AND STONE WARE GIVEN AWAY (almost). Tea, Toilet Sets and everything else same way. Ca)l or send for Catalogues. WASHINGTON HADLET'S, 4w 6th Avenue and 12th St,, New York. Missouri Stale Lotteries. Legalized by State Authority and Drawn in Public in SU Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. OF ftO.OOO HTJMBEM. . DRAWS THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH. CAPITAL PRIZE, $50,000 ! 10,380 Prizes, amounting to $300,000. Whole Tick eta, lo; Halves, t9; Quarters, 92 CO. Tli Great C .mbination Scheme, with a Capital ri or f3?,S0O, and 32,396 Prices, amounting tf 578,177. Draws every Saturday during the year. Whole Tickets, 10; Halvre, t5; Quarters, 82 SO. Address, lor Tickets and Cirsulars, MURRAY, MILLER A CO., Managers. Post Office Box 2446 St. LiOUiw, Mo. april9 86-dly-eod CiFfmlRpmsE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country I ,000 00 IN VALUABLE CIFTS! IO RI niSTRIBOTKD IN D. SINE'S ltli th REGVLAR MONTHLY L GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, .lane 8th, 1874. Two Crand Capitals of S5.QOOeach inCreenbacks! Two PrlseMgl.UOO CO Greenbacks Five Prises Ten Prises AlOO" " 1 Horse and Bugy, with Silver-Mounted Har ness, worth SG0O. One Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth 550 ! Ten Family Sewma Machines, worth Sluu each five Gold Wacthes & Chains, worth 3U0 each! Five Gold American Hunting Watches, worth 25 each! Ten Ladles' Uold Hunting Watches, worth S100 eacn i S0O Gold and 'Silver Lever Hunting Watckrt (t's au,) woriAjrom zu io sjuj each Gold Chain', Silver-ware, Jewelry, &c, Ac. M umber of Gifts, 6,500! Tickets limited to 61.00 SWEATS WAJSTKli IXiSKL.L. TICK El 8, to whom' Liberal Premiums will bt paid. Single Tickets f 1; Six Ticket 5; Twelvt i icaetssio; Twenty Hie t i. keU 30. Circulars containing a lull lUt ol prizes, a de scription or the manner or drawing, and othei information in retereuee to the i- istri button will be sent to any one ordering thetn A il let ters must be addtet-sej to main oyiicu, I.. I. KI.M-, tlttx Stt. Ol W. mil. SI !lN'lNATI.II aplll2H llll-rlAw. The Favorite Home Remedy, PAIN-KILLER, naa oeen i.eiore ine puauc over i hirty vkabs, and probably has a wider aud better reputation theu anv other proprietary medicine ot the present: day. At this period there a. e but few unaruuainttd w.th the merits of he Pain. Killer; bat, while so mi extol It as a ment. they Injw hut little of its power in easing pain when t-rken internally; while others una it in ternaliy w.th great succer, but are equally ig norant 1 a healing virtues whenappliet ex ternally. We therefore wish to say 1 1 a 1, that it is equally successful, whether usod internally or exiernaiiy. it is sumcient evidence or its virtues as a standard medicine to know that It is no usei in all parts of te w rid, and Uiat its sale is comiautly increasing. No curative agent has had fui h a wide spread sale or given such universal tati.-i action. l'avis' f aiw Killkr l a purely vegetable compound, prepared from the beet and purest materials, and wi;h a care that iusurts the niQst pei t'ect uuifurmity in the medicine; and while it is a most elf active remedy for paiu, i is a penecuy sate medicine, even in the most unskilful bat.ds It is eminently a Family Micimuinb : and by oemg kept rtauy ior Immediate lenort, will save uiaiiy an hour of sutteiiiig, ar.d many a d-jlUr in time and doctor's bills. After over thirty years trial, it is Hill recir ng me moa ',in(juali4ed tistimonials to its virtues, from iersons of the highest character and rsjonsibility. Kminent Physicians com mend it as a nijr? t etlectual pre iteration for the eitincticu of pain. It is not only the bet j remedy ever kjiwn lor liruises. Cuts, Burns, t,t" ui irjseuiery, c. cnoiera, or any sort ot bowel complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for ftieiencv, and rapidity of action. Jn the great cities of India, and other hot climaus, it has become the standard medicine for all such complaints, as welt as ior Dypsepsia, Liver oiupiajins, ana an otner aiikired disorders. ror t,ougb8 and Colds, t'ankrr. Asthma and Itheumatic difiiculues, it has been piovej by the moht abnn'tant and convincing testimouy to uo ait tuTuuftitii) mtstiif'-iiii;. W would aautiri'i It public against all imi t it Ions of our pr v. n, either in name or si vie oi putting up. may 2a 123 1m Corn Corn-Conr 1200 B USHKLS PK I VI K 'tjTK yiORS. for sale iow by WILLIAMS & MLKUHSON. Bacon Pork. 100 Bones H. S. Side) 1 1 j HLds. Smoked Sliouluera, M Bairels C. M. Pork. For sale low by WILLIAMS IrJDRCHlspil. Flour-Sugar-Coffee. 1,100 Bbls. Flour all gra tes. l.MJ Bbls RiCiicij frugtr. 123 sacks Kio CoU'ee. For sale low by 'WILLIAMS A &1UKCHISON Spirit pi , fc, Hp Mi Hails. I,0J New X"W York Spirit Casks. lil Bb's. Distillers' ulue. l.iou Bund ei Ho p I run. 4ou Kegs Na.la. For sale low by WILLiAMS MLRCillSON may ? fit- Mm aiii Alap Cotton Sweep, GRAIN CRADLES. GRASS BLADES and Snarthes, Hay Cutr-rs Weeding Hoes, Manure Furks, 1) and led 'Hoea for Ground Veaa. lariieuline Hackers. Dinner and Pullers in great variety and every anie'e needed cn a Cotton, Corn or Turpentine Plan tation, at " Gil KS S. MUKCHISON, Hardware Store, 3s North Front Street, may 24 124 Glue-Glue-Glet 20Q BlS' 8"per'0r 9In0JUjt tece'ved. ror saie cy KEEGHNEk & CiLHtK BKOS. may 84 121 Bacpftan for. FyQ Boxes Smoked Sidea and Shoulder-, K Boxes D.S. Sides and Sbou'.deis. 100 Bbls. City Mess Pork, For a&e by KKRCHNER JtCALDKK BKO.M. in may 24 Sugar House Holajgeg For sale by KERCH NEB & CALDER BROS, may 24 m ; $60 J. A. BYRNE, MWE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. OFFICE- Coimnercial Exchange Building, ISTORTId WATER STREET MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE, NEWARK, N. J., Cash Assets, IMPERIAL FIRE, LONDON, Assets, Gold FIREMAN'S FUND, CALIFORNIA, ts. Gold OLD DOMINION FIRE, VIRGINIA, Cash Assets, $286,147 FARMVILLE FIRE, VIRGINIA, CaPital $500,000 MANHATTAN. FIKu,, jshs ORK, Assets $580,450 50 CLAY, FIRE, KENTUCKY, Assets $500,000 00 Total $39,089,638"lo feb6 3Se ann-wly. A WORD TO THE INVALID. If yon want a healthy Idver and pure Blood take SIMMONS' HEPATTP COMPOUND or LIVR CURE, if will give you au apxdprt a blessing to the suffering. E. L. KINO & SON, Proprietors and Manufac turers, Columbia, S. C. For sale at wholesale and retail at manufacturers prices at JAMES C. MUNDS' Drug Store, Third street, oppos te Citv Hall Wilmington, N. C. ian 16-14-d3iQ&wl2m ' PARENTS REDUCE YOUR SHOE BILLS TWO THIRDS BY BUYING SILVER TIPPED SHOES. march 6 w6m North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. Henry K. Kornegav. Administrator William Bostick. Plaintiff, va. Kcbecra Iloane, hicliard Boslick and others, Ieteudams. Petition to sell Heal Estate fur Assets. It appearing lo the Ocuit that .lohn Boatirk. one oi the defendants in thin c use. is a non- reahlent ol" this State, on motion, it. ia ordered that publication be made in the Weekly Wil mington .Iourmal, a newspaer pulilfohed in the cif7 of Wilmington. N. lor piv Furcrn aive weekp, notifying the i-aid .lulin Bostick to r.iear at t)-e office of the Sifri..r 4'ouit Cli r of said c iintr, at fhe Court Hons-, in K i.auf- ville, oi. the 9) h aay of June u xt. to a.iswei II10 said petition or the a im will te heard parte a to him. .1. I Si.r rHKKI.ANI. C. S. Court, Ltuplin county, N. C april 16 w6w JAMES LEFFKl7 IMPROVED DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL. POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore, MANUFACTURERS FOR THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Nearly 7,000 now iu use, working un der heads varying from 2 to 210 feet! 24 sizes, from 5 to 90 inches. The mot rowerful Wheel in the Market, and moet economical 111 use ol water. Large illustratkd Pamphlet sent post free MANUFACTURERS, AXSO, OF Portable and Stationary Steam Fneine and Boilers, Bibcock Si Wilcox Patent Tnbuloua Boiler, Ebaugh's Crnober for Mineral. Saw and Grist Mills. Klourintr Mill Machinerv. Machinery lor White Uad Works ai.d Oil Mills, Shafting Pulleys and Hangers. SEKU FOir CIRCM.AKS. feb 20 wm R C. JOHNSON, INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, WILMINGTON, X. C, RETURNS HIS THANKS to the public generally for pat lavora and hopes by sriict attention to buaincaa to met it a continu ance of the tame. march 27 7 4 3m CRESCENT SPECTACLES. Improve your sight. THK Crescent offered to the auteed superior the market. For Spectacles now Public are guar to all others in clearness and vision they are total absence of bles render desirable. Be- distinctness of unrivalled, the prismatic Feb- them especially Trade Mark ing ground with, ereat care, they are iree iroro a 1 imperfections and impurities. 'I hey are mounted in Gold, Silver, Shell, Rubber and Steel frames and wi 1 last manv vears without change. r or sa'e only by our Agents. J. H. ALLKN. Jeweler and Opticians ia sole Agents ior Wilmington, N C e-jNoue genuine without, tus traue mart Stamped on every pair. Manufactured by reLLUWs. HOLME'S & OLA PP. New York. Look for Trade Mark. No peddleis employed. march 27 13-wly JThe True Southron, THE PAPER FOR. THE TIMES. All udeendeiit and earlet Jour. nai, uevuieo 10 me interestM 01 the (iood and True People of ' Country. TTTE enter upon our eighth ytor with a re- W newed determination to stand lirmly aud squarely upon our (rinciples, maintain our in dependence, and to battle fur riht atid truth against official corruption, penality and fraud not swerving from the rieht throneb motives ot crooked policy or fatUieious and ahurt-tighted exevlleney'. We receive do Government pap, to help us along; but look to the men whoce rights and in terests we wa'ch and defend, by day and by nighi.to sustain us, by a cordial aud liberal support. We call upon tem to come forward w, and give us a i.ti, anf put ui bejond the reach oi contingencies stand by the uncom promising champion of their rights, liberties and interests, and show to Radical corruption ists end scalawag traitors that thev are da. termioed, henceforth, to sustain a tearless ex ponent or their views and principles. Wa aak ALL. FRIENDS OP HONESTY AND tiOOiS GOVERjyMEKT to Interest tbemaelves in extending oor clrenla. tion, and thereby aid na ua in our battle against the corruption and villainy or the party In power, which is fast destroying the liberties oor people and the resources of the country. aiujra cupwi ki wi two eopiet (s.uu. Aaarea DARK A OHTEEN, huniter, s, q. 145-tr W. G. KENNKDY, Editor June 18 THE DAILY NEWS. RALEIOH.N. O Stone A resell, State Printers, ProurWori . T t7 .11... r 1 . . r r 1 W. H. ajaluun, Editor av4 Proprietor, Published daily at seven dol'ara a year. The Weekly News is published ou Wed nee days at two dollars a year. MIITQN CHOKICIE MILTON, N. O. Evans A Smith, Proprietors. Published Saturdays at two dors ad fcitv ceuta per annum. WESTERN EXPQSI1QR, ASHEVILLE, N. O. Pu'juabad ThrMayi at two dMri yr. 1 W. B. KENAN. KEHAEJ 28,541,473. - t8,000,000 -$675,000 For Register of Deeds- "YYK HIlRKBV ANNOUNCE JAMES THOMPSON ah a candidate for the office o. Reg'ster of Ieedi for New Hanore r county. MANY april 2i STONEWALL FERTILIZER! Highly Concentrated. Han ALWAYS hea luanulaa-tnred on the basiaoi'a guaranteed u alyais Will NOW be aold r-ubject lo all las in regard to Fertilizers, wiLh THK NAMK guaranteed analyyia B. C. K I. ANN AO AN A SON, ., . Charlotuarille, Va. april 81 wlm NOTICE. VlhTUK OF THK FOWER iFKai ir Bvo on ua ccnfrrreJ. in a mart on i.u1. t. nl uy n.,. nocawer, 10 .secure the paymentof money, including, among other property a Store House and lt 111 Whitevhle now occu pi. d bv -The Whiteville Wine Company," w will aell aaid Store Houae and Lot at the Court Houne door in Whiteville ou MONDAY, tha hist day of .lone next, at Public Auction Terms f Sale-One Hundred Dollar cash, the balance ot the purchase money payable the first da) ol January, A. 1815. WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. Bt I W. ELLIS, Attorney. Mor,K'8e. may U 4 I. B. FONVILIiE. I H. K. WATSON. FONVILLE & WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in qhoui.dk HS, POBK. BACON. LA Kit 1; K our Meal. Molassea. JaflMs. Nmrun. Winee, Liquora. 'i'obaccoa. Cancfd ilirla C'juutry Produce, Ac including a general s-eortment of Family supplies. New and Freh Gooda arriving daily aad sold at a small ad ranee on New York coat rash. Uidere Irom the country especially so. licited. KONYILLE A WATSON. may 8 GEORGE A. NEWELL, DEALER IN ALL KINDS Sewing Machines, AND GENERAL KEPA1BS OF SAME. JVIACilVOMA, 1H. r. 1 keep on hand a full supply of needles fur all the le ,diug machines in use Oil, Tucker Rottiers. Corders, Ac, Ac. H. C. Goodrich's Patent Hemmera and lree Braiders to uit all machiues, eonisla ot 4 Hemmeia and a Itrtss Braider tor cue dollar. Machines improved and attachments added to make Ibem do all variettes itf work. In sending mat liinea for repairs or Improve ments send ony the machine (aland not re quired) at J advise me of its shipment In orders for needles or attachment sand the amount yon wb-h ta invest, ana they wU be promptly sent ou return mail. march 6 w-Sha, BUATCHLKY'S Improved ('UCUHBtK . Woul) PUMP. Tasteliti c Dm able, Efficient and Cheap. l be best Pump for ta teaaC 5 money Attention ia espeeu f atent Imi roved Bracket auu New Drop Check Valtev ahicb can le withdrawn without removing the Pumu. or disturbing the joints. A lau the Copper Chamber, whlefc never cracks or scabs, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealer! aad U Trade gen t ally. Inquire ia Blatchley'a Purfip, and if not for sale in your town, send direct to (3 HAS. q. BLATCH LEY, Manufacture 50G Commerce St , Philadelphia, P. narch 30 w-sat ESTABLISHED 1844. TiiB Wiliflotou Journal (WEEKLY) THE LARGEST, REST AND CHEAP EST PAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Wilaiifcgivti Juviii (Weekly) ua ca terUlC fcu iu twenty-ninth annual vuiume, ka baes irreatly enlarced an 1 improved, it itba only thirty--U column paper in the State. AS A IIHST.n,ASK IXi.' an I.i rr.RAKV JQi'HNALt IT m,lracd iu its columna t a awre rosiplel. compact, yet comprehtsit history ot lb world's doings, from wec tu week, tkau '""a ossibly be louud iu aay other joarual. It is just tha paper tor the home and ('. full eg rod reading ; ail the heat KdiiuriaUal the daily ; a. I ike Cvugressioual, igi!" and Politic! iewa ot the day. Its Market Reports are always full and aecurate. The Kerieaa the Market U accepted by the mercantile com rj) unity as the true iUex of the commerce ut the city, while its reyor other watketu full and reliable. INTERESTING Stories, Tales, Ac. r Bft every week, making it the beat ram pper published In the couutry. ITS CIKCUIwVTlON la very large thrwaghoat the Slate au4 whole $auh. n New kianover, KlgecianA Onalow. Duplin, Sampson, Branawick. iaiiea and Columbus it is especially large, while m Halifax, Wilson, Wayne, CarUrrt, Koheawu ! Richmond. Anson, Cumberland and Moore, 1 and in reveral counties of South Carolina, iU clrculatiou la very guisd. It is published t very Friday on the fiiw Ing TERMS : One copy, for one yea $2 One copy, for W looBths 10 Tliree paplea, fox one year - 5 5 Fuur copies, for one year 1 W Ipive copies, for one year 8 60 Ten copied, for one yea? 15 0 Twenty copies, for one year r TOevefyge'tter-upofa c'LDBOFTKN. one copy will be sent free for one fear. Addietf JOURNAL Wilmimftmm J 2 m 1