YriLMOfOTON. 'N. C : FSrjAT JULY 24, 1874. For S :p?rintendent Instruction cf Public STEtnEN'. D. POOL, OF CRAVEN. Congress. Third Congres sional District: TIT A IM VTJT OF XKW HANOVER. For Judge. Fourth District : Judicial A. V. McKOY. OFSAiirSOX. For Solicitor: ""UTtf S. XORMENT, OF ROBESON. V H&C7CP Ccniity Nominations. For Houso of Representatives: Mc CLAMMY- For County Treasurer OWE? . FENNELLj : Jr- Fcr County Commissioners : WILLIAM A- WRIGHT, JOHN DAWSON, THOMAS jyiLLIAMS- D'nincrit:C'C'uuervative IVotui 11:1- -- tious. , --, - f At a meeting of tLe ;J)eniocratac CoiiHorvativa Executive Comuiiltee of New Hanover county, held yesterday, tho following nominations were, made:. House of RepkesestativEs: 1 Maj. C. Vv. McCIamrny. County Tkeasueeii: On-oa Fennell, Jr. -County Commissioners '-. y Win. A. Wright, John Dawson, The?. Williams, i Of Hie seventeen members cf the Committee, fourteen were present in person and two were represented proxy. narbfcno at Wliileville. A grand Conservative barbecue will be given at Whiteviile on the 1st of August. A band of lnnsic froni this city will be in attendance- and n nnm berofj distinguished speakers have been invited and will address the people on that occasion. A correspondent says : "All good Conservatives are invited, and we hope to sea as many of the Jottiinatj men present as can leave their posts. - Everything here is work ing well, and on ''the' 6th" day of An gust Columbus will roll np a Conser vative majority that will astonish the natives. No Russell Conservatives in this county. We hear a report that he will get some Conservative votes here, but we can't find one that will vote for him." tSiirl;ir- a.ml C hloroform A little after 4 o'clock yesterday morning, a burglar effected an en trance into the residence of Mrs. G. C McDougakl, coiner of Chestnut and Ninth streets, by passing through a window, which 1-nd been left un secured. The house is of one story only and the only occupants at the tiruo were Mrs. McDougakl, her mother-in-law and two children. Mr. McDougakl was absent at the time at Rosmdale, at which place he is en gaged in the distilling business. It ssoch that the burglar first en tered :i room occupied by Mrs. Mc Dongald, when lie administed chloro form to that lady, stupefying her to Mich a degree that he was enabled to overhaul trunks and drawers, in the search for plunder, with perfect im punity. He ai o broke open the pan try, probably iu the search for silver ware. Ho thsn proceeded to the room of the younger iady with the evident intt niion of chloroforming li.tr also, in which attempt he failed. Mrs. McDougakl heard snnw one stir ring in the room and at just about tle FauiH second of time, a hand was laid on her knee.the man evidently feeling, iii the dark, for her head. As soon as Mie eonui nccomo aware oi the tion of affairs, the lady epran si tna -; from ti e bed md seised the burglar; whom she is certain w a black man, and at tempted, to hold him, while she called loudly for help, but the man broke from her and ran to " a window, through which ho disappeared. The cdes of Mrs. Mc.Dongald brought of ticer E. F. Martin and a number'of iho neighbors to the scene, but the scoundrel had escaped. A search of the house evidenced that nothing was missing, although the rooms of both ladies had been ransacked. Fortun ately, Mrs. McDougald's valuables were locked up in a drawer which the burglar failed to open. The elder Mrs. MeDougald wad yes terday quite ill from the effects of the chloroform which was ail ministered to her, having been attacked witli several violent spasms during the day. Up to this wiiting there is no clue that will load to the detection of the burglar. There are over 14,500,000 children of the school age in this country. We ppeiid annually for schools over 93, W,000, which is epial to one-third of une 2'er cent, of the property, real and personal, of tho whole country, as re turned by the last census, and we em-1-1. -y 21,000 teachers. The national government has already set asida for educational purposes 140,000,000 acres e! the public lands. F ihteen thousand women attached their signatures' to the memorial for wdrkiu suffrage presented to Mr. Dis raoli. The list was headed by Flor ei ee Nightingale followed by Harriet Mirtineau. Marv Carpenter. Ladv Aim (t ro Lancrton' Miss Frances wer C'obbe. ZMissTiiaclfrrv and Miss Ani.a .Svauwick. The premier, in his ii ply, expressed himself as much hon oivd by such an offering. The trees all along the Thames em ba lksiu nt are beginning to grow handsomely. Five years from now the roadway will he one of the finest in all Europe. A happy people has been found by a b-itish man-of-war on one of the is lands of the New Hanover '. Group in Ui-3 Honth Pacitie Ocean. They live as d;d ;iir tir.st nurf-nU in f:,inln ot I'deU. and Sllch H tln'no-na on orfiila filing was not frmn,l l,o to?nn.i Knowing tlie evils that follow in the w.ike i f civilization, it seemed a great 1'ity that this people mu3tsoon be sac r ! v-d. The fact that Patagonia abounds in rich gold mining districts has been ii'i .wu tor years; but it has been too hazardous uu undertaking for miners to go and get it. Information has ne.-u received from the party sent out "'.v the Argentine government to ex piore Patagonia. They went up the fitiinas river about fifteen miles and then followed up the Santa Cruz three hundred miles to its source a lake twenty seven miles long and one hun dred in circumference. The river is navigable its entire length, and at low water has not less than nine feet in depth. The lake has another outlet that empties into the Pacific Ocean, which is but thirty-two miles distant. Ihey brought back with them rich samples of gold dust and coal, and at last accounts had started off to explore the Gallegos river. TVootea, Richardson &MfeSffe!(H COM MIS Gl ON 2a Aiti - NOUTII WATER STRKKT. I OF THE mm i ngtoh a markets; FOR TEE US. - COM MERCI A L EPlTt)ME Eti.siTi ncsa still feels the eftVct from tlieiV- j.irD-ivo wrntuer uuu lilts marK f, gen erally remains in-i.idii31;and, KjjiitWtio conaiDon. Ihe state ot trade the past week cannot be ca'Ied vry satisfactory.. The Xyhitio , ftrd and tne failures here, and the uisfisjtera elsewhere have exerted an unfavontUk influence by excitincr apprehensions of various orts and irnpainh confidence in jnerchantile circles, there need bo no surprise therefore that business has been dull.-. - The geperal bytsiriefis ei look, however, continues satisfactory end encouraging. The crops, which are the basis of all business activity, promise to oo aouuuanc- -ami ' wit'nui easy money inarket,wbic! unreasonable- to expect and the necessities it the couirj mbc suppneu winch are ex ceptipitatlyflare, in view of the en-' forced economy which has been prair ticed for the past . year, au activL- fll trade may be yery.'cocftent- tajitfj'-;-patdd! Oifr'northe.r.n nd' wes'teiin-ex changes speak in most i5hcoiirbging terms of the pntl6ok iincl the oljowiug article is taken f rojn'tl'ie i'A7t ijfpjjivy teml Commercial JAst': "' ' '' ; ; 7 The iateiseheat oftLe Jastwseiek. 'or. two havinjg given pi ae toa ftiore en joyable temperature" j tlierl ik a itrifle more animation' in some briinciias of, business, though, as a general tjiiTig, tflo. malka$gre&cnt the usual kiujefc. miiFsunimer aspect, and no supstajv tial revival of trade is looked for ' till about the latter part of next nion!th-n-By that time a Kniltitude of business men now absens from, the citt will again be at their posts," 'and tho bear ings of the Fall trade will be so clearly defined,, that there will be little) dffif? cuity in setting the ponderous niilenin ery of trade in -motion. Heanwhile, amile arrangements will be '-made -for. conducting whatjnow promises to be one of the most jprosperona business campaigns we have had in several years. The country probably nevef stood in a more" Unviable position, 'si regards ita capacity f(jrfnraishing tho consumers of .. the WuxhJ, with th neces arlea of life, and h chaqees asro that tho favorable condition of " qra foreign exchanges, thjottgfi (he t-npa;alleled- exports the last two yearat of some of our.great staples' wil : be Jdaiatained. It is possible that the foreigil harvests will bo bo .ample as tf materially lessen the European deendenc.uoa the United "States for IfoslajiJea, but even that case .wo' shall: hae cheap bread and meat for. our forty 'millions of home consumers, and cheap bread and meat are almost always insepera ble from a high degree of prosperity. Our advices from the principal busi ness centres indicate au equally hope ful condition of affairs, and if the ele- ment of confidence La's a3 much to do with success as is ii3uallyadniiAted, its rapid return- ih tho' present instance must be received as among the hap piest of omens concerning the future. The extreme case of the money market remains undisturbed. - The - supply of currency continues in excess of tho de mand, and there is no difficulty in bor rowing, on any able ollateral, at rates which ordinarily ' wonld ' Justify the mercantile and mrnnfacturiDg classes in using more capital in their business. Indeed, as soon as the wheels of trade begin to revolve actively : wo may ex pect to see a distribution 'of vast amounts of currency how idle and a gradurl improvement in rates, though, from present indications,, it is not probable that the stock and gold gam blers will have it in their power to con trol the market and divert funds from the legitimate channels of" trade, as they have done in the past, during the ac'ive business season. ; j. In our local home market tradb has suffered many disturbances. Several failures have been mentioned 'and for two or three days "of the week the mar kets havo been disturbed by . these in Jln.euces.. jGe&ernl trade, howevet, has been healthy. - The wheels of com merce nre rolling for-ard rapidly aud as the Kujgtmeg, aesott gcadiaSJy dJf1 away w6ejtai BfhieicoT fitivi t'y)' and tn 9priajpnor the fall trade is going on. In naval stores -the market has evinced a stronger tone." Therevas' ha", rapid increase of prices but most of the leading sta ples present a more, healthy aspect than when we last wrote. Oar export movement for the .week, as compared with last week, shows fully up in the exports. Our shipments, both coast wise and foreign, for the week ending were 5; 475 casks spirits turpentine, 13,187 bbls. rosin, T25 bb!s. crude; tur pentine and 100 bales cotton, against 1,042 casks spirits turpentine, 12,177 bbls. rosin and 18h bales cotton for last week. The following synopsis is written of tho market: Iiosix A general firmer tone has been witnessed in rosins during the week and an advance of 10 cents on strained is recorded. There has ieen more activity than usual in futures and some sales have .transpired for the forward months. Spirits Turpentine What is written above of rosin might well bo adapted to this article witho further comment from us," but we must add, that 4 shade . more firmness, has been displayed. CRUUiiTuRPENTiyE-' The receipts have not IJeeff Arnple tp the demand. The ,m.arket( , has, .been firmer with' better .irutafeifif a Sosi-ating upon it aid. sligh't? advancM. svere; ob tained. Tar The market has slight ly shown a better feeling but there was no decided advance of qnotatipns. Cottcx continues entirely nominal.and onotations are unchanged. GiMtN . The crain market has micd vtiuiuttl i change of prices, but there were sales of cargoes at flight advance of quo tations but at the close this firmness is not observable. . OAift-Aro quiet iand dull. No; large his are offered j for sale and the demand" is confined to'the order trade, which, dealers Are. supply ing at 80 to 821 cents per bushel,J in cluding sacks." Peas Cow Peas! are wanted and the retail , price Jbas ; ad vanced to $2 'pfer bushel. Dry Goons There is no animation in trade in this line here, the demand being onfihed to orders from the country, which :are neither large nor numerous, and con sists chiefly of staple articles. The unexpectedly favorable reports from the growing cotton crop has depressed the cotton market, and that has its in fluence upon the tone of the market for manufactured goods, so that there is not that confidence felt which exist ed a few weeks ago, that prices of col ton fabrics would rule higher for the Fall season. Of course dark prints will be higher than the light colors for Summer, for it costs 1 cent per yard more to print them, and it i3 pretty well settled that theiraling figure for standard brands will be 9 cents, with fancies about 1011 cents. In woolen goods there is a firm feeling, and a fair distribution of jeans is in progress. Money The banks have continued to gain in means, while the demand for money has not been larger than usual. The market is sluggish and rates of interest are unchanged. . : i - The chief features of the market and the changes of prices of produce and j mercnanuise ior tne weeK enainjgf were as follows: . .. - : - COTTON There were some ocean sional sales of Cotton to exporters; t supply immediate wants, but beyond joeiporid.i Witb iftvoraoie .drRfftjET? WJ. tva4e.ipJby w iqoreas- i Alf.'jurlrti por j orey xt -mftV5rt has ! Mftfeftf, by in ficti v4; , here ; nutl ,ikm ,Clfctorj mar it -bWir tome.R!4" tmS "feVrtnJand a VvvWS OliHiXwpvMWvowe .meas ure was displavcf .i 'itH- official quo 1 tafcions h'a fj!ia4Ci du ring hQ:W.eek uuirw.is,vven:t that tweffee ite:.46iSr ttTtf-'vrferT heepp.- i-lF 1" -.15t! ":l i i- T Jw Pins'u'iA'f (ih.Twnicle'cf ' laNt faat- XtiyrrtHiH v3!:tii'Xfi$)tf&Tft the - V kuKi'..i-i jcw;)jy!.i-agini To night r w tt fiiMti tiritt'rciNvi sat s ?xe$8rf;j tf are loca.1 showei.ajjl htiwta'; une-ef great y io 1 e uce a t t a; a u p a h H t ; lpf , oi 1 mi l ted edcuX"',u,' fknw ;Bctiot)s i tuia rain whu grefitlr nedk1 Art- tterefbBe,waBt oo serious uamtige naayec ueeT ione, wrthootrtloirpt more. Sret'lreAtlier is . t t1 - .1 i I . i A 1 . "bhttia' Hha GeorglTAKooi, .tt'&j d is- ... - f - wre s foUw8:!-: i i - '"'' i FmayvS. ! Y-j : J??. fJfJM bales. aturuay . w..iuu i .n u.a a si lo ..... ... . ,. . . . , . . . 82 i Wednesday-. .-Dm i-vfl. pi'l "Potftl -XK . i i?A ! .:1 J.i. ... 107 bales. against 342 baieft fdr last week, j ,a The -Reneral Cotton ttbvenient for the w tkvwas. as' 'folloWs'io li anpeaa-a i tuai tne total; receiptsfortheseven days JbAVe- I'rCficJiea 9,155;' baJe,: i'against ths previons. week' yti)A 12389 bales three ;Ve'lC xSce,'.' maJkShgfhe ! total receipts aiiiea the ; fist ofSepteinber, bares.;' for", the' iiii:,'.)p Urn, i j 1872 73y showig an nor0BeifteeSitotember i; -1873, -of 06,32 f! bafes .-, TJh4 exports for the weekendiugy-rfeach'ai total of 1021T balesj of ! whlefli l.!Frwere' t& 0li&ilrWimtkQtiKM)& and none to tni rest-" of---the, Cominenti wl ijje; tive'stotfs-aS' tk '3 ! $'1.4 TV 2CG,0S;,bales..!:; v .;,...4i-f.. i The-followiB g--arthe trfiTeiali ouo- qhot atfon's'td-day:' '' . rf ? " j Law Ordinary il sents. Ordinary 12 ' ' " : " - 1 rf-v. -!- t uooa.vruiiiary . . . .o,,'ji4 ' Low Middling. .15 I " Strict Eow Middling 15i HOSIN The market has been ichar- acterizea during the wceK uy mueiri the same featars-as hare prevailed for L so:ne. tinjo put;,...TIio market, 4hongl p not spetiaily whve, indicates-- a much more sritniiacxory. ipne jtaau nas, uoen appaierit for some tune, -Chaoges are faW ?nnd ilnitnTjortant. There was a decline established about tho time-omi paper went to "press last week, but it was recovered on Saturday and isince then the market, for itbelow grades has been firm, with1 saie daily at un changed quotations. i Futures have commanded some at- tenticu during the week. No sales were reported forward of. the present month, but for sales', prices on all transactions fully maintained the spot quotations, therfby givirg evidence that there is confidence felt in tho near future. The supply of tonnage has barely been equal to the requirements, but tne'exports ' were" larger "than last week, and the stock shows a slight reduction.'- The following synopsis is written of the weeks sales: Friday the market "opened" as it closed on Thursday at SI 05 for strained.-- The-sale were however light and only 500 bbls changed hands at $1 05. Saturday a firmer feeling was evinced and the market advanced 10 cents. The sales, however, were light and only 100-bbls strained were reported sold at 1 75 ; al so, 100 ; bbls good .strained and No. .2 at $1 80 per bbl. Monday the market continued firm and strained was' further advanced 5 cei3t3 with. sales of 500 bbls at 1 80. and 500 bbls good strained at $1 85 per bbL .Tuesday-there was a slight reaction of feeling and a , decline of strained to 1 75. At the decline there was no disposition on the part of: hol derff tose?f,an1 n1y 200 bbls stjrain ed were reported' at $1 75 peri bbi. ..There was jpomeu-dwiwdferfaitnres HU ddSyaa C80 fcbW sfraiweald at buyers option July ,at glVv.pex bbl. Wednesday the market continue! quiet and 400 bbls strained . changed hands at . l,,.757 per .bbl."..' Torday, Thursday, at the close of onr report, w'e repea t the market firm at $1 7a bid. K6. 2r .Ko. .1 and Pales All of quota ay em 'Pfce oivif5rdV fhe'cek, 13,871 bbls, against 9,961 bbls for last week, show an increase of 3,910 bbls. ; The experts' for' the :weck,' 14,187 bbls, against 12,177 bbls for last week, ihow alsoan increaseof l,O10bbls. The stock in yard is 39,204" bbls, 'and afloht 8,052 bbls, against 38,477 bbls in yard ; and 8,155 bbls afloat for last week. . The . fallowing were - the quotations to-day: " ' ' ' ' : Strained, . . Good Strained . . No. 2 -. . : . . . Extra-No. 2. . Low No. 1. . ... . No, i.-.'J.. Extra No. 1 Low Pale . ale?. Wlnd6w XHass.-l 75 80 85 SO 90 00 50 . . SI ..i 1 1 1 3 IK 505 00 00 00&6 CRUDE TURPENTINE. An ac tive. Lpca njaijdj Jha, prevailed; du ring tne Week, as Well as some enqbiry from exporters. Thejarket Miider lfhihl&ence?dllSarices3 Spir its turpentine and rosin, has revived a stronger feeling, and we note an ad vance of 25. cents pwajl grades. The kreeerms,s'ha?ve berrigh1f this weeK and were not equal to the consumptive enquiry. Manufacturers have there fore been curtailed in their operations, which has caused the effect to 'pay more for the article f than the prices which "were tfieh prevailing. At the close to-day, the .market is -steady at 1 2S for hard." $2 25 for elloif jdip, aiid 2 25 for virgin. -; "The ; teceipts' for "tlie weelt 1191 bbls, :agaih&t 2,169 .bbls -for last week, nhow a decrease of 978 .bbls. The exports f ojv the week . weie 525 bbjs and the stock in yard and afloat is 1,660 bbls, against. 2,181 bbls j for last week. The sales for the -meek were as follows: .Virgin. ' HID' PI fMI " 2 .Saturday Monday. . Tuesday. . Wed'y.... 200 221 175 125 26, 25 25 25 25 5 '.75 2 25 2 25 2 15 2 15 2175 i 2 175 -2175 2 ,75 Thurs y TAR r-There is iio improventeut in pri.AB lmt there has been an increase of demand during the week, and tb&i market has been firm m tone. which could ' easily have been developed ijn to. i au advance of loU of proper , iize have been offered to induce buyers to operate, but the reeeipta have been exceeding light, hence the ; qnietnesa with which the articles has ruled. To day at the close the market is pfcrl ed steady at ; $1 85 . . bbl The. re ceipts for the week were 239 . bbls against 612 bbls for last week, whach shows a decrease of 373 , bbls.'. The oruirti fnr the week were small, and the stock in the yard and afloat 5a 1 ooi hVilo oo-ainst 1.463 bbls. for last 1 The sales for the week Trere j as fblloWS?- iPSSATi Friday 129 bbls at $1 85 per bbl. Saturday.., 69 " s L85,rt "i flionaay a& Tuesday 104 " '85 85 J 1 f( " snow we nr receiving uiarvoious ac, ontf tlw grwrh'rjf;lheJatht. " 1 ;The ciptft ii QMt'.'lkH:ioc'-M wck- these grades have barely maintained a fpfsVf o m hf b$fit ;& f!e .past week and nuotations to-day are in m flfflzaxrai Jill SITRITS TTJIiP sw tluB "li4ofilpfteS&lC the lGtb Stitft, there has been quite a revolution in the market' for thla week. At: thai date wa-quoted, Jlip market quiet and nnsettlea at A'Z cents JLhe hrpt; $wq daya of. th e profit,,' Wq the market was quiet and lacked energy, and the sa-aio OfiiotimoiM) 'rated. Oa Monday, however, a better demand sprang tip, which was" encouraged by strong 3r U legrams irom JN e w. Qvk .-and abroad, "bd 'mmefifatery ili ere wda au advance to 34.cta; Uia imarket however receded before the close of the day to 334 cents. TTiesdaV hToViliing,''hdwever, it reached aud.jad.ran?d.-. again- ta.3' cents, at which ligures it ruled firm dttring this, remainder of ihe week and to-day tlie -niri4i'oki4 kmrte hi 'xjents. j S-'' , The.- receivts .( tur . .the week I were 4,012 casks, against 3,026 casks.' iasp wee,; w nicu tirjews an - increase of 9S7 caskR The' "ex'ports for the! week fwere ,47o casks,, agaiast . L042 casks for last week, which also shows an in crease of 3,833 casks. The stock ia yiid and afloat is 9.108 casks, asainst Jill sales lor fTie week were as lollows : FridavC. 200iasJ?8'at 32 cts. gal Saturday.. 20.. 33, - " ' iTonday . . &0J " ' ' 33 " ' Do Do... ..100 . : 150" " 34 fell "0 Do ...200 ' "34 Wed'sd'aV. M'1" 4V 34 i.M. ,c ..!' t . I " . t -M .!!? (.. t. , - . Do . ..u2m Thnrs dftyvaOO " 34'' ' GRAIN The market for jgraia coji lin ti!i.efyA ii iJ ih'i tbi week. af fords very few; itenxs of interest to write d'f, tfle "''-rnarket ' as a whoje re maininfr,quiet jnd .etdy Gaiv- There were three arrivals during tne week;" "Via :-Fohaners' Fairfield ; Keu7. lah Benton-and Mary JI, Hand, s The twtJMriMdrirrK gained 4120 bushels, aoid, at bushel, but the schooner nauu, wnicn coniainea.,: y,- 5007bshel, jame dirctly!to a dealer and went into store;, , The market "for cargoes to-dav" is hot so, furm, and i th e ouotatiou in U74 cents for prime i lotsl; ifaBT53trB iitt(TSiaihBiliichapged The receipts tor the weeK oi.iiu Duaueie I l JTOfT i-l. A t -i r 1 i- mUUO againsii larou uusueia iuc ia.au vc, wliich. shows ..an , increase cf 16,120 tiushetsl ' .nuLlrom. aU sources were as follows : From Philadelphia, ,3J?9o bushels; - ' from - Ualtimore,' ;2,500 llflji.l. from r.t Phillelnhia. D.50I bushels; per schooner John from New 5T6rti;-2;550 rmsh'OTd" by "the I Wil- vmyMM$L pis are as followa ;,.Xellow, 1 Oo; mixerl, 1 10, and wdiite middling $1 15 per L bnahs tlie- highest dignee, incl adi.hg sacks. Oats. There is a good ptock of ' 'bat"'itfrhjrrkce, ' niid ' theje' is esent. t 82i cents iJK by.shJ. including packs. Peas. Tlie stock is small and the demand a present light; cow and; clay sell at $2 10S2 15 bushel.! wiil !S2f 15S2"5Q? 16? whfte""' ft ' biishel.. RiCE.p-jThlfUf fair with an ad equate'sHft'Ty; 'Ttfelin Carolina is! held at 8f .cents' by the cask; RomWiif is in small supply, and sells at $1 20 to gi 40, according to quality. CORN Meaij. -The mills are filling orders at $1 15 to $1 20 per bushel, including Backs, .r , f ": ' FERTILISERS The bhsines done in fertilizers has been vei y small dur ing the present spring months and very few of our merchants have dealt in them to a large extent. The stock in market is .sufficiently large to meet the demands and the following are the ratcaijked t0-dayi:.;. ; Peruvian Guano, (Chincha Island) 875, S77S80;"db." do. Guanope, $70 : Carolina Fertilizer $G5.tinio; 50 cash; Ruth's Cliallenge Sol. Phos phate, $00S05 W111010 Guano, $70; Tataisco, do.' $63 ; "Navassa Gnano, $55, cash, and $05, time ; Cape Fear Guam, 636i cMhJ yod ii 1 time ; E. F. Coe sSuperpJiosphate ot Ajime,4tou; Baugh's' Raw; Bone Phosphate.S 00 ; Lister Bros. Superphosphate of Lime, $05 ; Whann's Raw Bone Superphos phate,' $52 '; Lodi Manufacturing Com pany's Pure Bone, $4S ; do. . do. dou ble refined Poudrette, $:i0; do. do. Nit. Phosphate Lime, $00; 2ells Phosphate,. $54. 5Q$64 50; Bergeife Butt's Superphosphate, $00 ; Wilson's Superpliosphate of Lime, $G0 ; B. D Sea Fowl, $o0 cash, and $3o time, PRO VTSlONSi-We report the mar ket for Provisions still strong and ad vancing with the -order trade, which ha? been fair also the consump tive demand. At the West and Ncr h ihehvXirrport eJk3tfaffcet contin ues strong and indicate almost daily an advance. "Out market has natural ly responded to. these influences: and prices for all bulk me ts have advanced about one cent. North Carolina Ba con is scarce riiid "wanted and. lots of size would meet with ready sale at the quotations appended below. The. Gin cumrtt Priea eOm-rent: says of tha Western market : Under the continu ance of a good consumptive demand for. all articles-JU this line, a.-fnther advance in prices of J to J cent has been established dftring the week, and a further liberal reduction stocks is giving substantial support to the strnetbthetTiflWof Jiholders. The fact tiiat St. Louis has commenced to draw upon this market is significant, and there is a conviction, that the sup ply in the country is not greatly in ex cess of what the domestic trade will require, so that the foreign exports forii igtfl Wfto f considera bly less than lor the corresponding week last year, made no apparent im pression on the market.. The stoek.qtf mess p'oik. lard and sugar-cured hams here is now reduced to so low a point that holders are indifferent about sell ing. Mid buyers have little., to do wiQi,; nxingSHcesth-e'y'tn'5 take them or' not at the views of -sellers. we: no tice an effort in the New York market to Write down'.lard-. tiu.d- . exaggerated estimates of the stock in tho country are put into print, but to our view-this is futile, for the advance to its present position has been through obedience to thW atuArf fcfW trade, and in spite of strong -efforts . to prevent it rather than bv any speculative bull rdovement; "therefore the position of the.. market to-day as, jmpngnaW.. The comparatively high prices currant for lard and meats may check the-: ex port demand, but not enough to pre. vMt Voftfg 'm'arVm frbrh!'!aking four surplus-rit indeed .we really hnvesany surplus stcck in this country. . jj -j " The " following are the ruling mentations in the provision mar ket : North Carolina Bacon sells at 910cent for alioulders, 1212 J cents for sides, 12I2i cents for hog j round an415 10 jtte for uyis. We Tmioieffektetni Smoked at 9J10 cents for shoulders,. 1212 cents for sides, and 1618 cents for hams. Dry Salted sells at -crnt tot. shouldr Rnd 11 J to llf cents clear for rib sides. IiARD North Carolina is scarce end wanted. Sells at (&VZ cents id. Northern steam refined, in buckets and tubs, sells at 1314 cents f(lb. PEiNUTS--Sincethe dte of onr issue of the 16th inst; at which time we gave an article on the present con dition of the crop and the future pros pects of trade, we have learned of no irnrwtant.featBves to raaka wwe put oTonrlg the Vcek. The arrivals have continued to come in slowly, and the fnvket b pcrataiteA a.very qniet ap- I pearance, .wituoin . giviug pumwi vj make a -irrtrete ,l prices ruling very steady and closing to-day at the fol-InvinorVii'iotations- i Ordinary". . . ...$1 702 80 ...2 10(er 15 ; 2 252 35 . . 2 402 60 Prime, . . ,. Extra. Prime. Fancy. ...... Cotton i.. Ifew. York quiet at 17 to ll -.cents. ... bushels: from New York, :2:il.T bushels; per schooler Beulah Bejnfie R 2,120 bushels; 'per schooner MaryiS 422SS.feSt S ftalesafePiisgjCiirrent Subject -to Change fa thtf-Jbai0tJ Ijttmber, (M til J Wr Kds.iSOtf all jaiirMeH, per ll., rtll6wj..'.-..-.13 ' Atamaiitinejx Sperm 60 a Jva..4.,..-.3o a -tayra.v:45 a tonihrK0.2i a is -in 55 ttiliii-, (from More) KOCScport-B 00 154 KocklandO 00 k 1 60 2rt i rto UbK...'i6( liE 5- t4astrTtiOBSrf.-.33: at K 7us l uu Kins do n aaim vrup, bbi. .45, Aim ' rljUtre-jVTici a 1G Ro:k3 iwr Ibj fa.- 10 iV. l.,nl - Out,,.,, 4 7 5 fr.Mi; i cr g-iiion,i -tliti-iuiitryi (- t auu . !vcoro;ne. 'JO u' 21 ' otaduoal . I 4 - v arn, i;r a m, wis U3 Kweeb.... 80 a 1 00 1 fia.1,1 ?aMA n&Qicii . . . . Irish, bM. 2 f.5 a 3 z5 . MorfiAns, "per ft;, , i,.: i i JitO.sBioo'a Vo.2.... 00 alTCO, i No. 3. iii'.IiJ fft if. VberO 6 12' ! T -' WleBterh io urron. ..I 00 u tt.Mi-. Hams. 16 j a IT llr v (Jul.. 7 a - J v MUtHinea laka TV Shoulders..... 91 -flj - (Drv SaHed-i atamiir.-i .sn airm -Nortb Carolina) -Ctiibilf . Mo 0 a 10 89 8ueriiue.7 75 a 8 2.1 lile,iK;rlb 16 a 22 HhtmMtjrsV:.'.- a' 9V' Crd,' S. C.'.WU '122 ' i4V nuiui'Uiinn j Butter; N.4J.'.to : a 20 do North.em.25 S5 a 4C y jj&gsw. .a 24. rfgyte Jg rlli rn, per bbl Tdlty 23 OJ a .20 60 rtouT.OKOO a70 00 Orniv. nr tviwdlil . ' Tfiiu " 00 80 at 16,90 ' Rump.'. .':16 W a: 17 CQ ". Suit, Alum, jieri " bat 'Waaii.i So a 2 oo 1 Laverpool.'Back-, jgrouud cargo. . ; ; :.0 80 f. 0 0 Frcnlfrtore.608 a 1 25 Ameriesn..O 00 a 1 2j . AJoru 00 a 118-t-.:.-..f; a -9X Orollnaj;" -a-'- 9V -6reen.i.. .'.C a ' -7 ' t)l-r.T..:;.V'.;l4 ia 13' Vntt RtMV - IPO i Kutern...000 alfid- O.-i.-4;.V.i.-..i-.-0 I Northern. I 45 a 1 60 B.... 10 li.i.J.r..:.-;.'ro kttfWt7Vl o i. wortnern.. . . . ok a- r her rtrtCf-BlilliglM, fefil I 4S wader j. i.ixw. uomcaots. iloo t a noo Common.. -3 .36 2 ty Staves,-per M., W. J. bbl.OO 00 a 00 00 . per ton.-,. 1 20 a lfft UiffTiorS, iier gnl , (dout) VV lilKKSy..l to 4 oo , Uourbon.2 00 a. 3 CO . N.;E. Jtc...:8 00 a 3 00 . . O. Uhd.ua 00 a 00 00 f liuber, pec M..i t ililiinit; .00 0000 00 ' Mtn,p uex.iaO0al5Q Mill, fair ..a 00 a 12 00 Gin...... .4 00 ja.7.0ft. Bj-iMdy .4 oo a.s oo doADulel a a. 00 . Tai4ut toori435a6 05 lp "eacli-a 25 . 3 50, , .Xailuw per lt, 1 a. 11 KATEN OF FKEIGirr.. AKTIOLBSi" rcrtJteHmef Per. Sailing .. , Y ousel. 'Xo New VOnic, ido Turj vt bbl. . 65 .65 0 55 ro 5 15 10 8 00 a IN ;oo eunuts ' " . 3 10 oa To Vuii.Ataef.TnuU I'.n.la i.r. ...... i .... W. I. . 1'V 1 11.1 per bbl.... 0 00 a 0 00 a. 0 in a 0 IK) a 0 Ml. 0 GO a lit a 0 00 a CO . ou ' 50 50 1 00 50 2 Q 0 75 12 8 t Tar .iff bbl 1 Oft so; l aj . is .10 8 00 . oo a CO a . o a 0 no a to a Kosiii....'. ...ir bll Cit.Uj!U...in.-r Ijile Cottuu CUhko liU luijcr ............. To Haltimokk. Guide . Tu.riijL'iitUMJ, per.bba.: . Tar jier bbl. Spirits Turpentine, per bbl....... . Kofin. ...... per bbl. vottou.:. . .': r bale.' Peanuts., vper bnsh.: hum ber. ............! TJ Bostoit. 0 SON 0 oo a 08 a 00 a 0 00 a 00 a 0 oo a o 4f..eo oo s 0 45 0 46 o IP o oo a f0 45 0 00 00 ' 01) 00 6 50 78 45 0 00 7 50 2 00 8 00' Crude Turpentine,! per bbl 0 00 a 0 00 ?vt.VUriia!3 ift 00 a.- 0. o 0 00 a&. 0 00 o oo IK) 00 0 00 fl 70 0 70 1 i 70 2 10 00 12 ro SpinUi Tiirpenliuc, wr bbl. 4VVm a 0 00 0 00 00 Oil Oi- ItoMn ijr 's ..' a Cotton le.i a Peanuts. ..ptm "0,a -o a. L.umter.. wiljii VBTOJV naUETmx u u ft . jHsf v OORKEOTKU: BT RANK Of WW HAKOVIB Gold.. ....w. HO 112 Silver ......4 1)3 : 109 excuange bspu&un Northern - l OitCS. . .jf . .i, . . ...... sr. Exchange 3 d.jvott jtocUi-h --t'laljr.' N. C. BoarfftMld K 4oipon. ..i iH) Io. . 1S68..C.. 20 r lo. r.er , 19.r lo. Special Tax TMk.. ..-71 N. C. bonds iss'd U N l! Knd 50 W. & W. It. Ii. bondd 71nold Itlt.) ) W. O. & R. 11. K. bond 8vc 55 " Wilmington City bond98 lc.'.i.'.;.. 74 . - "' 7c M ' ' old tiVo.... 65 " - . new ejc ... 65 Gold In ' -" 8VC.. 80 , New "Hanover County bonds (10 vearg) itc (iioia int.).. 70 rew Hanover County bonds, (5 yearn) ec (Gold Int.)... 92 W. & V. Kailroad Stock, (Par. 1"0) 60 NorthCarolinalt.lt." t " 100K43 . WC. A U. K. H. V 'H ( 50) r Ifast National JfcutK - 3o. It ' Wilmington Bn'dg Ajwo'ii " 45 70 Mecliauii" " " 43 65-. KavM Otiiino?i:o . -" r - ,u Ho - XtU'KE W1LU.BK AN KI.KCTIOX HELD a, the ufurl ptollfng pl'aees ih New'Itatiover counfy en the first Thursday in AnguH; l-74, fqr the election of : 1st. Superintendent of Public Instruction 2d. Member of Congress; 3d. Members pt'th State Senate and House, of Rcpreteutalits 4th. County Officers, vii:- Fiva County Com missionary, Sheriff, County Treasurer, Kegis ter of Iet-ds, Ccunty Survejor, Coroner and CU-rk of tlie Superior Court ; 5th, Judge of the Superior Court and oolicltcr for the Fourth ludicial District. A K. BLACK, Shcr-ll". Wilmington, N. C, Julv3,1S74 july4 . . KVd&wltw4wFrid8 Molasses ! Molasses ! ISO Hhds. aud Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 125 1 5.- '" Sugar Eouse Molasses, 'po'diari'f'leeoe Syrnp, 4 For sale low by KIKCHfiEUA CUMK BEOS. July 19 j. f .171 Q0rijifry and Flour. ' Firxlejbv- f"'' ,v Ta- ; ?ji)fy $S-5 Si X ;!17 I J i5 : ! m S H 9r SIS 5 on in;:i 5 ttiti 50 Boxes Siipokejl Sides, , . itHhtls Smoked Sidea,- j 3,ftVBnMhe'i' Prime White Corn. ' 7.00ft y-.V U. ' " -Mixf d Corn, i 100 Bblsi; C. ML Pork, . ! 1,000 Bbla. Floiir (all grades), .',. ISO BbW Stigur,"- ; ; - " ' 150 Sacks Prime Rio CoflVe, 50 Tubs Leaf Lard, 504) Pales Prime Hay, 100 Dozen Water Backets, 75 Boxes Tobacco, 75 Cases (1 oz.) R. R. Mills Snuff, 25 Bbls. Lemon and Soda Crackers, 75 Boxes Candy, 250 " Candles, 300 Kegs Nails, : 20 Tons Hoop Iron, 750 Spirit Casks (2d hand), C v7&Bbk. Glne, For sale low by . . .'. ' : ' WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. jnly 19 171 Corn! Corn ! Coral 5 000 BtJSHEL,s white cRKt 2QQQ " YISLX.OW COBS, ' Fr sale by . j - KEKCHNKB i C ALDK BRB. July 23 ;. lj a 9 . ka Iff $a 10 W a 11 . SO 60 a 70 it 00 ) Li K mi General MarSBeportsi. K p n jbT: tSP 22 lln Stocks aun unsi waic Aioney f ; per: ceni. Gold liif 0ttline Exchsmge-lonff, l$187l; fdk:t' t' 99.. Government Se- st9xmv msimrcK msx .oaies; I --cv- -.-p... -. . T ourities eduKf Se'Bpaids quiet. iT: X-0" &Jt2BW&rJ&2mmM wtli f cents. -.piJiinu urmei. wru quiei ana uncnangeu. 1'ork urm mess $21 TPnrWrlrntsl ; sS ntm at.53U0 to - 82 25 for atraiaed. Freights heavy.- - -"r ..- ....... . . : .tetrfBftqaenejd pAeady-at the follow ing quotations:.. July, nominal ; Au gust; 16 3-16 to 16i cents ; Septem- mXfWG..,. v i t . ; tl ;. ' 'FinHriiiat.:' ;.. -i ; 1 - H'NewftTYbToq'i Julv : 22 j M. Money at 2 to "2 per cent. Ster ling - Exchange doll and steady r. 887 to Sl8?i. Gold 109 to! 109J. 'Government fcJecuTities active and Steady-; State Bonda quiet and : nom iaL: -vm, ..;.-. i ...... j v- Commercial.:: S J t; . .Cotloc, quiet j , sales, of 531 bales at 17 to 173 cents. Southern flour ; quiet and Unchftnged; . Wheat, light supply at SI SO to i SI 35 for. winter red and am ber wesfero .Ckirri 1 . ceilt better at 78 to" 79V cents' for western mixed. 1 Cofl leeJOctiteChad finrteV-irio 19 to 23 cents; an advance of 1 cent ia better grades,"- Sugar - quiet and " steady at 71'. to 9ents fpx fair to good refining; 8j cents forprime; 7 to 8 cents for com mon to good Muscovado; 9J cents for centrifugal ; . refined , dull , and rather heavy. Molasses quiet and steady. Kice f diflU aud urrctianged. Tallow dull at- 8 to 8 8-16 ?elit8. - llosin firm at 2 25. Spirits Turpentine firm at 37 to 371 cents. Pork firmer new mess $21 to 21 50. Beef quiet at S12 12 J to $12 50. Whiskey firmer at 99 cents. ; Cotton net receipts 1 27 bales : gross receipts 753 bales. Futures close 1 firm with sales of 9,700 bales, as fol lows: July, nominal; August, 16 9-32 cents bid; September, 16 21-32 cents; October, lb iy-rf2 cents; November, 16 15-32 to 164 cents; December, 13 15-32 to 16J cents. . JJaltihore, July 226 1 M. Cotton dull middling 16J cents; gross receipts. 4 bales; exports coastwise, 40 bales; sales 55 bales; stock . on hand 4,540 bales. Flour dull and steady ; Howard street and Western superfine at $4 25 to S5; do extra $G 25 to $6 75 ; city mills superfine- $-4 to $5; do extra $5 25 to $6;old brands $7 to $7 50; do family 7 to 9 50. Wheat steady and more active but unchanged. Corn firmer ; white Southern 90 to 92 cents; yellow Southern 83 cents; mixed Western 78 cents. Oats firm; South ern 70 to 73 cents; Western mixed 63 to ' (!5 cents; do white 67 to 70 cents! Rye- quiet. Provisions strong and higher. Mess Pork $22 to 022 50. Bulk meats shoulders 8 to 8i cents; clear rib sides 10J to 10f cents. ; Ba con shoulders 9 cents; clear rib sides 11 j cents. Sugar cured hams 16 to 17i cents. Lard 13 cents. Western buv.ter is a sbadeeasier but unchanged. Co:Tee nominal and dull. . Whisky qniet at 99 cents to $1. Sugar un changed. Louisville. July 226 P. M. Flour firm with fair demand; super fine 4 to $4 50. Corn qniet and un changed; white 82 to 84 cents; mixed 74 to 75 cents. Pork active and high er" at' $22 50. - Bacon nrm; shoulders 81 cents; clear rib sides 11 cents; clear sides 112- cents. Hams sugar-cured 15 to -15 eentsi plain 141 cents. Lard at 13 to 14 cents for tierce; 14J for keg. Whisky 95 cents. Cincinnati, July 226 P M-Flour dull and drooping. Corn dull; mixed 65 to 66 cents. Pork strong sales at 821 25 to 22 spot and buyers' option till middle of August. Lard firm; summer at llj to 11? cents; kettle 13J to 13 i cents. Bacon firm; shoulders; 8 1 cents; clear rib 10 cents; clear 11 cents. Whisky firm at 95 cents. ; New Orleans, July 226 P. M. j Cotton quiet and unchanged; mid dling JGl cents; net receipts 701 bales; gross receipts 2P7 bales; exports to Great Britain 2,452 bales; sales of 250 bales; stock on hand" 27,003 bales. j Phtt.adelphia, July 226 P. M. Cotton dull; middling 17J cents; low j middling, 16J cents; strict good prdi- j nary 15s cents; good ordinary; 15J cents; ordinary 13 cents; net receipts 56 bales; gross receipts 701 bales. ' Chaleston, July 2u -6 P. M. Cot ton quiet middling luj cents; net receipts 75 bales; export to France, 1,693 baleSf -exports rooastwise, 58 bales; sales 150 bales;-gtock on hand 7,149 bales. ' v ; - ; ; SAVANNAjBJr2-6PM. Cotton steady; middling -16 cents; net re ceipts 52 bales; gross receipts 52 bles; exports coastwise 302 bnles; sales of 122 bales; stock on hand 9,709 bales. ; Augusta, July 226 P. M. Cotton, demand . . good, offerings very light; middling 15J cents; receipts 25 bales; sales 65 bales. FORIiKiN JIAKKLTS Hy Cable. Liverpool, July 22 Noon Cotton qniet and unchanged; sales of 12,000 bales, including 3,000 bales for specn latiotf and export". Sales of uplands, nothiug below. good ordinary, deliv erable July 8 l-16d. Sales of ship ments of new crop, middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, 8id. Breadstuff quiet. Corn 37s. Cheese 59s. 6d. Lard 54s. 3d. Liter Cotton Oi the sales to-day, 6.300 bales were American. 'Liverpool, July 22 Evening Cotton Sales of uplands nothing be low low middliugs.deliverable in July, Sd. Do. do. deliverable August and September, 8 3-1 Od. Sales of ship ments of iiew. cronjou a basis of-- mid inng upsancif, )rdiuairyt ".Sgd, uuthicg ijielpw good The grasshopper plague commenced iu 1873, and it wus from the millions of eggs then left that tlie clouds of grasshoppers now come. . Ten eggs may be deposited now for the one de posited in 1873. The. settlers will -or-lailiJy Tiiake a calcelatiou of thwt 'kind. If the entomologists are not able to find a way to destroy the eggs of the grasshopper in the ground without the exienditnre of much money, both Iowa and Minnesota will lo&e large inrrsf-the.-pe)pte. i Mclittbold'tfBnchnta tn great family (ii.-.iieint- tor obieares ot the kidneya and Kiitrt red org.tns. Full direr.tloni' accomnariy faeli lii-ttle. Ixv-k out f'.r counturl'i-iia. .TJ e (rf uo- hs the prrrite proprletvy ""it' W H . T H'-into .l It is ii-t tutir. l. l. - ... :4h r Nom? rtit th- f.-fnine gi - - ' . tlifi F H.-niv. Yolk, sole A NEW ARRIVALS This Week. WACCAMAW ANDOIP FR.1R FRESH l!E5TKI KIOK, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS. (Dry Salted aud Smoked). English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Rn'nced . Prk-ei, FISH, CASK GOOIS ol ali kinds, TOII.F.T SOA P -, Kbie Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty different hinds of TONIC BITTEKS Clears, Tobacco, Kerosene Oil, " '.--' M&F, Com auad Oata With Hundtcdaei other Articles of Groceries at Wholesale. . CASH or c'ose buying customer can b raited always, with Oeod UoooU at Lowest Mar ket Prices. . . . , ATRIAH A TOIXER8 . Biay S -. ids 7J; .! i-n.- 1":.!7!-ARRIVED. abo I 1.2 ,.f -' Schr Equators - Ranger,' Nassau,1 ' (6 days) E Kidder & Sons,- wit 83 tons iron, pine apples; Ume8'-antrirtles ' Steamship Pioneer; Wakely, Phila delphia, Worth & Worth." f J u f Steamships D j Foley, Pripej ' Bal timore, "A D Cazatrxi i Schr Fairfield, Roberts,' s Fairfield, DeRocset & Co. -.- . - ; . Schr Beulah Benton, Weeks, Hyde County, DeBosset & Co, .- ... .. ; Schr. Katie Edwards, Moorf,1 Ta Landing, Edwards & Hall.' , -r Schr: Adele,; Moore, Sloop Point.Ed wards & Hall, , t h,t., " 1 Schr Minnie Ward. Bloodcood J Tar janaing, jca waras & 4iau. . , . - - Schr John, Gabriel,, Hew. York, Wil liams & Murchison. . j . T- -t - -n . . . ' ... ... Sphr Mary QarVi.'Harilliiltidel- pnia, iiarriss & Howell. , , i Ger Brig C Newmann . Galdebehn. Dethloff, New Bedford, . 23days, E xescuau a; esiermann.: .. - Steamshi'n Benefactor. Jona. Xaw t-lu r.J r :'- ' CLEARED. . July 18 Bx Briar Maud. Mefeaac jjiverpooi, jjeitosset ; & uo. : . bchr Mary A Holt. Hirrric. Arrnvo i . iv. j kj t i'arsiev v- t;o Br Brier Little Harrv Itnnrh "Ffam. burg, .Williams. & Murehiaori: " German Bng Leo. i Kroff6r. Liver- pooi, jjejttossec & uo.; .,. Norwegian Briir Ara. Isaiohsen. Ant werp, Williams & Murchisoni :.. Steamshm Reerulator. Freeman New York. BarrvBrnn- ; i Schr L T KniehtL Ne-wlinVynnrt Mass., J H Chadbourn & Cb. Schr Hattie, Turner, ! Boston j J H Chadbourn & Co. ' - Steamship D . J Foley, Price, Bal- lmore, A D Uazaux. ' 1 - Steamship Pioneer. 1 Wakelv. Phila delphia, Worth & Worth.' i: ' German Barque Charlotte, WaHis, Rotterdam WiUiams & Murchison. . Thomas Van Gilder, Van Gilder, Perth AmbeyyN"J,f Harris & Howell. . ., EXPOUTS. , v. , COASTWISE. . - New York Steamshi n Regulator 3,160 bbls rosin, 631 cask? spirits tur- v.nAr "t 1 1- . A . . m r -m ptsMfciue, io oois rar, zo ao cruae tur pentine, 68 bales sheeting, 10 do yarn, 5 bbls wine, 22 pkgs mdse. Newburyporfc Schr L T Knight iuj,4-i ieac lumber, ? Boston Schr Hattie 245,539 feet lumoer. i : . . ; . Baltimore Steamship D J Foley avb ddis icin,lWdo tar, 100 do pitch, 67 casks spirits turptntine, 84 bushels peanuts, 1 pkg mdse. Philadelphia Steamship Pioneer o.i bales cane fibre, 38 tlo yarn, 122 do cotton, 84 casks spirits turpentine, 8 pkgs mdse 138,875 shingles, 150! bbls tar, 100 do' crude turpentine, 732 do rosin, 36 ale kegs, 10 hhds molasses, 8,760 feet . lumber, 255 bushels pea nuts, 2 bales herbs.- Perth Amboy, N J Schr Thos Van Gilder 176,857 feet lumber. 'FOREIGN. Liverpool Br Brig Maud 754 casks spirits turpentine, 500 bbl3 crude turpentine, 838 do rosin. Antwerp Nor Brig Ara 2,500 bbls rosin. Liverpool German Brig Leo 1, 540 casks spirits turpentine. " Hamburg Br Brig Little Harry 3,508 bids rosin. Arroyo, P. R. Schr Mary A Holt 142,271 feet lumber, 74,900 shingles.10 bbls tar, 5 do pitch. Rotterdam German Baraue Char lotte 3,716 bbls rosin. List of Vessels Iu tbe Port or Wll mUlKtoii, IV. C, July Remarks. We respectfully ask Con signees, Consuls, Captains and owners, to notify us of any change of vessel while in port. STEAMSHIPS. Lucille, Bennett, AD Cazaux BRIGS. C Newmann Galdebehn, Dethloff, dis, iu Peschau rfe Westermann Maria Lamb, Jenkins, dis, V lck & Mebane Bertha, Kester, dis, E Peschau & Westermann Susannah Knapp, Edwards, dis, ; Master Flamingo, Nesfield, dis, RE Heide BARQUES. German Charlotte, Wallace, dis, - K Peschau sr Westermann SCHOONERS Equ&tor.Ranger, dis, E Kidder ASons Anna Edith, Lyons, dis, . J) WV Iverchner & (JalderBros Tarry Not, Timmons, dis, ilarriss & Howell M F Br&dsbaw, Bradshaw, dis, B F-Mitchell & Son Schr Ruth A Price, Price, dis Master Isabella, Fischer, dis, . : Williams & Murchison. Only Son, Meader dis, CCBWCo John, Gabnci, dis, Williams & Murchison Mrry H Hard, Hard, dis, Williams & Murchison l,it of VenMlv Sailed for tbis Port BREMEN! Ger Barque Sebastian, Bach, sld May 17 ANTWERP. Emanuel, Tobiassen, sld April 19 NEW. YORK. Barque Dover, Stephens, eld May 2 GRAVESEND. Lady Douglass, Goddard.- ld Feb 21 BERMUDA. Br Brig Coronella, sld Dec 11 LIVERPOOL; Charia, Kinch, eld April 24 Maria Lamb, Laurensen, " " ' "ent outTJarch 24 t -BRAKE. Brig Primus. Peters, sld March 1 New York & Wilming ton S. S. Co. WEEKLY STEAMSHIP LIXE. $PV':- (oiHlWCil Of tlie StchnuJ:!;.!" BF.NEFAC TOR, Capt. JoSes. REG ULATOTV - - - . - 4 Wood. Oilier t-i-'ninf if to be'iidded" wiildn a 't w weeks for a regnin rsenii-weeKly iine. K.tr the ineM-iit will sail from NEW YOIiY EVERY SATURDAY, . . AT 3 I M. i WILMINGTON EVERY FIsIDAY. 'I bese .i.wanier f(Hiii"Ct at Wilmipptosi with the Wi iiiinr' on '. lua-til t .V Aiii'imr'-i and W'i iuitiin A wrl Ion "i KohiU hIi-o with the ti.roU'- C.-ltri khiIwhy. i 0:. F-ur Kivi r SIM--r (jiit'S lhr uh H-! ol i. ding to il p i.iis i" N- rlli ai.d Sou t.C'aJO m.i.tor gi an A I tiini , pit I'rriihi ei!ti; ment - i'v A I '.AZlTX. . gfti.t. Wiinjligion. N. O. S'M. P. CI.YPK , Cer.eial Rei.ts. 6 B'w ina O een, New Voik. or Pier 3 1', E iht b inr." jul7 2 .,' ,KI ; jst-. : , Bungs, Glue, Matches, &c. 3S BbUanga,' utl tfzs;t ' - .v : 125 i Sert DiUU'Giu. i '7 Cross Matches, i . 125 Kegs Nil, For sal by KKUCIIER&CALDKRBKOS. july IJ ll Glue, Hoop Iron and -' - Rivets. " Otfi BBL,3,GMJE, . f -'-- 20 TONS HOOP IRON, PAPERS RIVETS, ' For sale by - - i KEKCHKEE & C ALDER BROS. ' jaly 23 - MABINK pMtCM--Spirit Casks. 50ft STAKDARD CASKS, T !: Vbr Riieby'- '" f'! 1 KEEC'trNBIt & CALDER BROS, July 23 . --i:- . 174- PURE GERMAN ! White Wine Vinegar, ' ..; ! . . !':.: . ' - " (Jit RETAIL ' ; Or in Family- Packages of Five Gal- . ' Ions Each I The Purest and Best Vinegar imported and as low in price aordinary Cidei Vinegar.' " : y Can be shipped to any part of the conn- try. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. and 7 North Front St. 13 July 13 Just Received a Lot of HUTCHINSON'S CIDER AND WINE dSlLLS, Both Single and. Double, of bxtka quality, At jaly 21 GILES & MURCITISON'S. 172 couons, sort Tlil'.OAT.ISFLl' T SZA, V.' II CO P. i n a c o u ii, Ctoi-p, r.r.vi-niT-rn. Asthma, evry a!!oc;i":i ti tho viiuoat, i.rscs fin.l oiESr, n:-o rjicpclily and nor-liianc-iitjy ct;r.Hl ty tho nsooi Da. 'Wis tae's Ualra op W T ' ., ,. .. vrtieh do- not dry np a congi nnd loavo the 'enusu oraina. cm loosens It, clesnsos the. lunjrs and aliavS irritation, thus remav ing the cans of the coiapUuct. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CCPvED by a timely resort to this standard rcmnlr, as is proved by hundreds of testimonials it ha", recc-ired. 2i??f'lfj2liinetl "7- on tho wrapper, BLTH W. FOWLK A 80X, PnoprjErots, lio? row. iLLm. Sold, by dealers ccntraihr. GREATEST REDUCTION GF THE SEASON ! TTTE WILL OFFER FOR THE KEXT TillRTV DAYS our entire stock of -SUMMER DRESS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, TO WHICH WTT.E TE ADDID A LAROE STOCK OF BLACK SILKS, ALPACCAS AND IRISH LINENS, At Less than New York Wholes a 1 Prices. We also offer a large stock of gooJs for Men'i and Boy j' wear, at lower prices than ever before known ih Wil- minpion. Ladies and Gentlemen desiro:ts of purchasing may feel nasnred cf receiv ing Extraordinary Barga ins.. The above sale will commence to morrow, and be conducted exclusively for CASH. All are inviled. Tho smallest buyer will receive the Eame attention as the largest. B. WEILL. A. WEILL, Agent. At tlie New Store, Cornel of Front and Princess Streets. Jnr.eV'l 118 JUST RECEIVED ANOTlIRi: AKSOl.lMKST OT" Embroidered Edgings and 1,000 YARfH JIOHK ? THOSK CENT . SATIN S7RIFED ! VICT0IUA AT : M.M.KATZ5S, 36 MARKET STREET4 jn IH le Graham & Hash, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, '.. CH ARIrOTTE, N. C : j . . PRACTICE IN THE STATE AKI) Ft eTal Courts, and make collections any where in North Carolina. Also negotiate sale? efHeal Estate. AgrioaUoral,-Mineral and Lumber tracts, and desiraole City Lota con stantly en band. -Jaly v - " 1584X v ill j - - - f - Stephen.. "W.. Koblo, Admiuistiator of Job. a i'iiiia( urwftscui i wui4 mill rBHUOMT, : j airr 4amles.SlilIs,li(r;Bryant Mills, and P&eAs, to. !r? taU AtuU. ' To the ShcriJ of 04lsi7w County, Greeting: '" You Ara. hereby oiteaded'rfo summons pauses i Mills,- Sr., Mcrta'LJor her nut band Jsckson lyr dktiSfflhESmhM uuraaiiu a uopiiD-xieiiueuM., lAns Mills. Brr- &ut UB,XarEiIiUa,HoUiidjA3saw and ber husband JLmds AsSew,' Ann Koonoa, James L. rilis,-Ann M. k)bIV Wlreof plaintiff and na- . . ; M .. tj- i ..... a , . - uuu5), auiii juaugw- wf er nosDana Lemuel W: Hodtfet?, Mournltig King and her husband Jts Kin Bfltsy 4l.laebhrti, W. H. defendant, Lizza M11U-, Cl-li Torner and her hnsband; Lewi&'-TPnriier, vid' Ttrislded in the S tato of JTUineiB when: fn heaod eitt i William, John. James, Iizza, Lott .and E4jrard Mills, and the other issue of "vmiim ?lf:I!, deceased, (son of aTiatlier'V, iliiansi l-iris,lo8sed, which last named William w3 a bxoUiec ct-plaintiffs Jnfesta.te, John'Msn?,-"al!6f wUorh;hen last heard of, Wro'rL'illii fijnflrfri Cool or Cold Spring pot oaic!f, ,foU Ciiunty-i'exas),-defendants, if they be found vithln your county, toaf.pear at tbe-iiica of tbo CHwrK bfthe Supe rior Court lor tho cuuois Onsiolr. within twenty-two days after tho service pf this sum mons on them, excludivef fUc t of such ser vice, and io:swer tho cvmpUirit Hod petition, copips or which will be Jepotited 3ii the office of the Clerk of U.e iSnperrorO ittt'-for Onslow county witOiin ton Uys from, thai dAe or this buisiruoi.f ; and let tli.-m take notice that if they fs-I to answer the rsi.f vrtnf.lalrit 'and petition within that time, tin- p'.asnif aiiit-' -petitioner wi',1 apply to the (Viirt for the rtjief demand ed in The coir.pla'mt and petition. Hereof iail lie-,i ai d of U-l-s sncxniocs nut duo rt turn. , flireli t!ittr rrtv f arid tlrtd"BO sPal of said -Court, tUfrf :i:h duy of July; A; t., 1M4. 11U44G1NS, e'. of S nrir:or CV-as t uf .Onflow Count v. jnly 2t ' !" - ' w6t. St. Gary's School, ; ..I I- -! i THE aiTY FIFTH .'XJEi'M.-iOi1 THIS h'chool will ciaiaiciire oii 'ijinrdfl,y, Sep. tumberSd,. 1S74, p.nd ooutinue - twenty weeks. The loilo.wuin term , wiH cfimroencei January 21ft, 1875, and ei;t June 10th. la beaaty,-it.'ccssiility, andhflafthfulnessof situation, social, literaryi,;monl and treligious adTdiitaccs; iiud moderation in rlmrp. t.hi school is not pirris5scd by' Any 'rimilar inslltu- uon iu mo co'iiHr.r. .. . .,..,-.. For a circular. conti.iug , full particulars, apply to the Xt't-trr, lluv, AIjIIKIIT RI KUI73V . D., . , . ; i.ilialeigb. N. C. rf-y 22 , , ,r nad&wit ESTlJniHEI) 1844. iljmitoa : Journal (WEEKLY) THE LARGEST, BEST. ANi) CHEAP EST PAPER PUBLtSUED IN NOilTU CARbljNA;1! Ti.o 'V;.!:i1i5gtciu',?oirRni."( Weekly) on cn-t-'i-in' ttpt'!i irs t went y-ninm ritnii.il volume, hua been grpatly euittTcud anl 1111 proved, it is tho only tiiirt v-.-x coiuuiu iiai-i ui Ua State. AS r.? i i;!i KV JOI KY4I,, IT Es braced in rt? -i 4trurts ip a more Complete, corupierj vc-t coaapreheysivo ihiatery of tho worui s .ioinf;p,.f.-ri:i week t.j.wssk, than can powibiy be tOiind Ui any othtr journal. If is just th'j pper for the horno RTrd nre?ide, full 01 'good rsadi:ig ; aii tho bet Editorials r the dH.;y ; all the Coin-etgional, Legislative and Political nsws of the day. Its Market Heports ara ni v7fir full and aeerirate. Tha" Review of ta a Matketif is accepfud by. tbe mercantile com Enmity as the true index of tho commerce cf the city, while Us reoor other markets are foil and reliable. ; ; ' t INTERESTING- - Stories, TaSes, &c. are piTtiT? every tveski niriiing-i'; the best fan ily paper pulLit a in His country. i . its eixjcjujioiv- is very largo karonKho-at. the Stato . and whole Sci:tu. ITi New IX.ir- iver. Edsecombe 111 New liar- iver. Onp'osv, 5cplir!, Hsmpson-, I'mnawtcV, Bladen and t:i.i:;roliu it , J- etpee'.aUy.. large while in J!alita.T, Vib-on, "vVavne, ;.-trJerot, Robeson, Richniond . : 'Anson , '"nrab: rlsnrt' ' and Moore, and in lver! ooonties ot" t'nat Camjina, its ciruiC.-it'ou is ery good. . .-. ., ,it ..i It is x-ublihoii i very Filuzj on tha follow ing - '" - 'g es b-s mm i One copy, for onq year.'. . . r ,t,. .,.$2 00 Ono copy, for six moutIi3... , . 1 00 Three copies, for one year. .'. . . 5 50 Four copies, for one year. .. .1'.. 7 00 Five copies for one year. ... . 8 50 Ten copies, for one year .' . 1 . . .15 00 Twenty copies, for cue year. . . . .25 00 l&r Toerry gettfr-ittiofu OI.UB OF TEN; one copy -s ili boetiit i'me lor ono year. QLU L!Vl.i AJii L' IlEAI: Tl"stii:!y fr the Kitttlc Fields. lTii.l. r liies uhu.e tit'fj A 1-rei.oi-.' tu j.ullii-h ti r in ji:v-;-sai.er, h 1 6i:t.t,'y tly. ia book form, a ivi v of ftrtleii-i'ji'fvit.g't tic war record of or:h (!jiru!i)..i lic.'a Uje lie-tion mf Lincoln in N"v. 1 i ., to tL -ic?o t ..lie war. between the Stnes in Slay. VfTf. My j rfen embraces three -iiv..--lur : . . i . . l.-t, Ar.ucuiit c.l i-r.th u:n-..!fi. utyi (titttle on the -..:',(.- i:t-!:i tii- v.aUr.-'. f .Si.rt'h Carolina 2d Af.-otii tof ?Ti-r iKii'..- f-uj;ht' diirinj; the vtat on ti. st ;J u; :mj ;-a'e in ivhi h any ol't!;e ir. oiiKof Ni rth C ..r Ii-. a t.ok i.art e-.e-:;1 care beine r-i!-:t; rtn' T. ?;,-Jt thoiietrooj s ;id an i snli'ci C'l n -ath f thce battlt-), nnd hat t;l-": v ai d or.r twicers and men f iir'T won. ail." "A 8i'iirn C :rt for -rvll rime." An ezilanatlo". i U;e third djvisi.m of Uie jro ;i..sed plan li-til b-.! .-aibmi: t at t later day. Tint' ma .-riirc; s.-fcl'v iif'.-o'inidMt' thin r iluiu.. but ;ilHsiriir Ktvf.in)p"ed werk.T invoke ilie hid of - i j jro her !.iir.-..,;.iid Hhk them o riirnih r. .iti rj;t)whi.-h eit be arranged !il .i-s:e; ..-' tmoria-s la-ii-i !cty recorder Ihe , t'oii . ii.s .f t'tt: M.:? ' X'crtU Carolina utHi! t atti; iii i.i .- of I.'..- Ci-::lV(!iTiii-y ; and eti.-ria .'r o 1 ask aii whi. raii vrit to furnfc-li ni otat ;"t i-very l a- tn'-1:??ft'tTiey partici i at.-d. an i li;e I art I .: -i - by t. uir immediate eommnndK. . Ihe t.n.- inij t-o hav come to v. rilo this por tion .f Korta -OTrdl.-iVi I'hlo'v; hot, it has itoic M uolUx't W!t:tr ajid f.r; ii;;e-it lor the use of the f'.turo i,i.-:orI.m. The living actois wi'i so-.i.i ::v.-a.-, .;:1 taatio:i, i:&U"-:i yuli.t r-ii ever. Ili-m-f. a'ter v-ui i iat!c)i v;iualle trior -., mltliH lotit fnr- iii loi t-a-.c-raj yfarsfor nw ..ho i..i.re orjr-.-i;t.-it nn-iwlake tho fjt-(H. I !iiv-d"tT,!.:iM .iiViM 1 fe rcRiain inp cra of .a iii'.ito ti-h l i-t.r of love lor iuy uaii w- S!'e, or ; ;.d;-i.i: Z't-Q '. '? tlse (tallant Bi-ti -.vi o ?: ivo I,.-'. : r.rtisi iMe f;lwry ojku ! i r.,:.-. X'j !ve ji.crf sccoijliiN iirit ii news ipef i . -it .";.- 'u- nt-.i)i a:id irorp, it' ;iiiv r.-f...- h' -it, mil rcr. ri-. l i i cto; e The i: skai p:ms. into thp rooro i;.ii.j to: b ji.tu it. xiit aM'tinc Mnti it r-nv I' I l til-- r tt- ire to n vr-r rf-' i-r. fi '?0 -r-i.: cf- p ;.kj-t:j ".:e if. a v.iluxlj.e ac- J t iTtlteUetitii. -.ti t ; vj?rs H,e war iv:r tprrlion and tir rrv- t i h-FM-n my work : ;ra..1eto. and "I : ..if-al.i.? iM-lil)orer 'NVa'rli 'if5ii i!ict I?" ti'i:a- -toM-tSiu1-." :i ti; V M'l:.'- E.IJ I ;o J '..I I !!"!!-! . !::--. .-r w in ! lijbt U: b: tier, rs.' ( Mi )rt ir-.u-. OtlK- 5iHftft1 who eoin- p.-in U d "-" irf'i ( ' ; - 'XT-, tt --i i ttUi'y l-r if i.-ifc-sM-iTr Iiithcir rn ss . i?. re I li !' t!. s.- tr t -.-!. If. ' 'J ''' v! rii oivnativ" i;iv c to.'.r ..e-iS C'it btirinjj . " :. I -:..'" fV fi.'cl hlir-rfOf 'ijmtriJv Jmi.-te!Tefrjllv Hhfi.i,.i i;.)M uui nij.j'.ic' iu:ft.itoMi anv .!h-;. Mt bfl-ri, r,t' v jl E!5 tl: M ; i--.-; as a- c .- o- -lt:l'rHi-,'rti'liV f ti; rrr- ttif a" favor f . r -?acjb 1 of.'thU : 5-rw-('.c r. T:?' ft, uo- or more Jfi.iini;,; tVf.- ' . i I.t:.-.-' iviBi.- j.jiJ tb!'lejid," New- TJ (if-t " ;! ei- ;. l-abo'-t'te 10th ',!". !.- "i"-i-r'-ij r-flrf-y-? f f tear In ad-rb-. . ; . ,. ..'.TEt'liRN j; i ! l?:i.f- '.-: K. 5 ft V a i mur. ct)?Au?xr.tisi:r kkkktofore JL riftir.g rmw the nain am! tile di IUW. m'S. i l.h IHXiNLNO, H WsdTdis- f.,!v.-.l by n.utt:a e-;nent. Al.o.Si; i n.-.i,isrixel ip. (tle up tltfbsines ok" thie firin and rr'ipli f-ir'-theVaimv - " -' .ibri.vliAwsori, . . - OKr'rtotSTlEl! T,, , ; : .- UOlfcKIilljlKNNINO. Wilmiugipn.duTic -22,-lli. j , j i'J.,,-'tl'. tice? TH E SlitSCOUBRlt-SHjl, -COifTrSUKS .tho . ... a . t . -r : Hardwaroj Busi:ie3s-iJtr alt aOHSpAWaON . Kl-n.tmd& w. jtrnc 25 ; PRIMTIHG oSSA

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