S" ,0 KATES OF ADVERTISING. One Squsrs ono week $1 J U U uv uno fcq:iare tfro weets 1 50 Ota Sumrtj or tenth 3 60 ..o Siju e ti re: months ... 6 00 Ouorq.i-kre s'.s mouth? 10 CO l H i:,:I;r :'! i'r..;.iit'H'f. 'l iitionsl S-iauica it i-r.pottioaa ra'.es. A Sq:nr- is equal to ten bodid links Of ad- .... .it 1 kTTEi:' !" T-" a' ;i - 1 A !- ro ' v.rttsins tyro. C?.-h, i:n.-r: i', y in mivonc.' s j:;: VOL. 31. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1875. NO. 45 LOOK I'OIi TilE tit IM JUH I i X. L oi cl. Of! as a iV .M- s: : j t.-v- s. -v --- ve.x '.res- j S ! A 'I S3 . ' ! ; ri .-: ;:, t i-c. i r .-r!i .- ;! d ;.iir ! fr-.'. i.(o t!:r-.at-, Cti1 i 11 o".. P : , fi r ycM - ijrovri. t,.!, r' n' tier mis- ry. A '"u ti e n ?;.- v.?--- ' a - bf f n de- ri lo-) 'i oi -: :; ty, or v: '''' I'"-' crt- i t-!f 7; rs 11.1; i'.r.i i v.-,.v.:-s tu- r.-- i i.-snr... tiie j . . . 1 n f -.1 i ill i ! . n :. ..,!,- V r ni.r. ; 1 ;;. I'M !()'' to be ji- ! C-.r!b:-... j ila: p KiA, tL j ..... j y ..... . ! 1 ; i ! . -1 more; . ..I V,.l-..-.r (iiiont'd !!S t'ie pi''I,- j f tl e Demcrsttin .A?-y I ..-e"p'Hble to th- jMt-tv i f ?' 'iTie';-.'.. i-, i :e!,s ,, ; ' l' .' '- T -n, r ni ''li '-y hn ; de i '. i of : ,o'-H :c in- "-fd to H-ld C ! I'lI'Mil)- I ; p -'iojet, w::! le.-elv:- the i n-iUfber of S jutiiern I . out r .oiiiia a'ul jj.;n- i . : i be J (i 1. j i '". -;Ut. nti.-;l i :t etion it! u'i'ii'.. (I a';.- -h;h ' v-iii'ir ! '. i. it a D- ni-cr.:t in 1 -e. (.)' th: ( one hii'i- i it- at !rT '. be i ntlierii State. In .: S'!i;!t (ir:!v de- o) i-o ' d to :j pivf y, its : - ( f ..e U. is'.l pood .ft proiii- i.-i:i ;:t ff:f .-.jouth ; S'.einoiuies ol ti e p oives tl y: rp. :. aud n;-t -ri iv. jol beiy ;...;!. : U - e n uptio.: ,'n t!..- ci vi! '. ; its ! u"iT.ioti.-i, iisincees-iiry ind j-:. i'.i t : i-i' ;;; its Pi'mrr-Vj', U!i.. TV.i.S-cl'ilh:- in Xl.f; iicllillln- ?! r.i the p. v( l i.m: ; and its at.d ! o. -.vi-. us di-re.,- id (.1 all re- u--r;i ! Ciii-tituiioi:. Lit tie J); lu riif of ti North b.- ih:!t th.-y ni-ike wt Jl-advised n . for horn.- support. ;Uid ad ,-id : ! pr ktittf ! 1 .1 ; Jl 1SS-K. hincrtoii I1 ,;? t! i 1 !S to b( oiii-; !u';.b"i, for ; lil-'te a fit-' htate. Wilat- I low or joy the Visuon- results ! i-o !-.t t 't-cl ;oi:S Uis.y e.riy to ! (it d 7 -o 1 1 e, th"" fluid . matici- i Aiis-is;-if pi fom the mle -h bh ;er m-'iy be regarded sir-g. jo . i -. L,::in ar x i,t::i'r ni.in th:: con Ei'V j i j I I j ft -Y le it J:-ib;l:t '.tiou of '.'liu th13 Constitution in ii -'he olivo lr;!rc!i in 'he on i ')th r S'jI- :. he ' - - t .11' iuVv , his . fro:; nio -' gi gr. sir; ill . -;1 . - :Lc i. iil:: i ti -'at - tu -At : . Rulicds of the ii;s of the North; i oi d ve nl eximj t: ncnt i-. i ti.e lesson cf pat-ence frdi'.-r'i g; he has labored -..i;sc: r.tiorsiy and .vaeue-s.-- a trie iie?y nafuresof! tu- l.t-, and h.;s kept them d- .f vioh r.ee under the .iiv'h? tv-"iTu-.e ;it, whose oc- .i.i'iii 'on i;a. heretofore r ii' inii-s -ome colon-.ble for ill. a ri, ,n that Mi--s:.- t-.-t ):iw-- (;d:l g Jj'aie in TLi'-Ahit." Ciciiof Miosis- j d to ei'.t. riijto c'.nibiaa- j i r the cfirp'-t-b '7ger or fu-Ia,-.. Th.-y bided their j ir- u "vi ( ngs at he h-iinl r s'.ivi -i and men who Noith with no othc ' a i . ; 1 . hir t!l-' ' mv.n their Eii'i i on! muiigu hem. , -. 'f r 'ft to :-ome iiiiai-ju: 'he n:ore ei - p ! i; ic l! lot I L it ivh-.se infen s's wt re id.. : r own, an gK-at ribtto 'iotil'. r iidiig I si-.-i ;; i the c:se Sf.-uth (-' .ii iii ians -t i w for ti i ov i. g I tf oiu r, :. nd th.) Tjord . i i .1 Kadi r. There (' i j tst a- a' otic as Mr. T am f. thv' front. II t an i e"- Mf r" ot i!;p -ii-n j aliy KtruUgO f-Celi 4. ur.Ui.d about uio!g is sore of tuiiig v as ii'- 1. : wl.o were eiip- ! y for the. purpo.--. A i m d.iike 1;"a v i-c : i oltd ? ana o bo,.- t . -.n.itii' von to vote the ' S. io't ; ' ;'e f i'r ,:d to vote it are vou? ; M.t bit. .'" X,' ' t'-,'irs you a'-e afraid to -5' t:" ,t: u,a vole the Democratic lr No sa!.; d;s mpgi r ain't -Le,-rv For; he ant t dollars you are i ! " U-. if. Hp VMir r, 1 1 . i . i- -ii '" Uv Tr-5 i. ;i-v is : i .1 l.lKe UUt ski ( ty vifer. -iM,:( (i lo a third p ;r- ! es ti-Vr i. .i : . ., . .i sees that it is voted -a- 1; .'O i-etures, aud is paid - ! as won t V.-r-, tL: t-rZ T"-' Vu xl fco bJ voteg. r.nd at W. tfcCil,e tLe Penalty of 3 .?: HMtlAI, NOTE. Capl KrucKz owaa up to h&vipg wrif ren Ppctchea for ia in hers of Con- frivss TvlJU cou'du't -write tLem for tlieni'.elves. is -s.iir.afcni -tLt in 420 yearn mciv Amrri.-a will be witLout fuel. A g-oii of in will be dead by thrtt tiioc, jmd -vviil have n.j cause to conin'aii) of lack of heit Detroit free 7're.s. J he '.v;i:stitutiun;l Convention of North Carolina only cost g3 1,000, and H " 'Her Constitution for the money VH' - i tii'f. r .Ir-.fe. .1 f....l ., T,...t - 1M I' I v ..f l ,i-rn .i .-.. e . .. .. - ;.v,-.,.-etir;g around Atlanta, Oa , for tiie purpose of Inciting a largo colony -f tlr-lr couulrrnviu in that noichbor- ho',J. Heiid niij.-.rity for Oov- iwi -r of Maryland is 12.S21. Iude jj i i iii'MS will l.jsriliy venture Hgain ti itt-iat to defeat the regular nom i i:i-"-. ! Ou'citnati Enquirer pays: j O tait is as nmeh r-f a hnrd mcney ; i-m: now i any of m. He wouldn't j r,-;;; r!':lt m-PKage of pPt to Con- frje--s D cer.iber, 1S7:3, if you'd pay ! him ten doll at s, oi.d Grant is exceed ingly f ud of money. Thh majority for the new conatitu- ti. i, i. .Missouri i now estimated at fr.-m fr.i.O' -O to 7.,000 The people tf t!,:lt Ht!l"' -vi.lont.ly ktow a good coa- UZ rV. 1 d'-rPOrflfirt mniovitv in S; its.- of v, a- Yoik, at thulato e!ec fvr U 'i-w, wa 15,239. Thar is v.' - u iiiy enough to insure a much - f.f. r democratic majoriiy fuv Prefci- - it in 187l. .dA;uiE Davis, -laughter of the ex-Pre-idtnt of th- Con fedei ate States, s r;-p.rted, about to marry A. J. r., cashier of the National I'ar.k of Meuitdiis. Tin: r.- e. tit Ambassador of the Sul r ti nt Yienea ha" betea called home to ('onstrt-tinopie to h-. corns) Minister r.i ,Fore:jn A flairs. Tins is a change iis h interest f reform, as the Am b:i.ef:ulor has faith in the propositions made by Knssia and An.stria. TI. Miciiaeli is aid to have received sixty-eight phiy on (he subject of the Aru'.i;-isu Kevciutiou for ex.-aninatioo as competitors for the prizes. Tlie awards w ill not be made until Decem ber. The c-ib'e says that several of 1 the do.mn. possess "remarkable ; merit. But nh.fd will poor Michuelis j Vie expected o read them all? CitAivFORD county, Pa., has ia oper- atio.. "8 factories, producing 5,310,000 ; j i.U 'd- of c"!--ee; Erie county 22 fac i pro-.neii:$r 2.10.000 ltoumls of eheese- -, . i re r an..! ananrro counties 11. ?uo- uuehig 047,700 pontids of cheese; the aggregate ia tin: four northwest coun ties ot LVnn.-vivauia is 101 factories. in -i: Tu;-. New York Ihtlletin, ordinarily I.i;p;mi 1, jirotefets against the heavy " i.nitL -ns of taxation' Fedeiul, Sf.,if: . , e ran iy nnd inur.ieipal imposed t.he. N itional baiik. but says iiothinf? about the prohibitory tax of ten p- r cent oa the taxation of ail oth er bai'.ks. Tin-: :o--s of the steam-hip Pacific, wiih n. ar'y aU on board, is one of .-ea-t-raedies which curdles the olood. Among the officers supposed to have gone down with the ill-fated erai't is Mr. Ho '.veil, a brother-in-law of Jc lien on Davis. We trust that the f - t '.dd by the only iiionu survivor is s.-i-e ptihio of modification, aud th"t, proscntiy, we sh-dl hear of other per. - fins having been rescued, Tlx (ioviti.xoK Yavce, of North Car- l,il"-Ml;K xnasiivtue hist ednesday, cailed upon ?drs. Po'k. During the conversation she asked 'he ex-Governor where he at pie-sent resided ii Korth Carolina. "C-iiail itte," was the response. "Were you l.-rn in Mecklenburg county?" "No madam, in a county which you have doubtless seldom heard mention ed the county of Buncombe." "Ah, sir, th-it then probably nceounts for your bunc iube speeches," she laugh ingly responded. The law known as the Plimsoll act, which was passed in the last session of the I;, gash Parliament, went into eff et on the 1st of October. it will be inter's ing to shippers of produce to T'urepe to know that this law pro vided tio't no carg'" of which more than ohft-ihiiu eoi.id.-'s of aiiy kind of gra'n 1 1 1,,. -. i l o(ij, i iee, i:Mii . jiiiisL-, -js. mum ui nut - kc-trie's j-hall be carried on board ai;y British ship unless it is coutained i.i l)?gs. sacks or barrels, or secured from hiitiug by bonrds, bulkheads or otherwise. ('Apt eus who permit the vio'atiou of tiie law are liable to a fine of .C200. i Okx! hTj IcCtKnnAV, in an inter I v'ew vitli a B-iltimore Gazette reporter upon the poilti al situation, declared that he va:i not, in the field and was seeking no c futie. but expressed him self in favor of hai d money through a gradual return to a specie basis, and frnvi ri-monr. In cooc'usion, he an- noma - - a ;nu.-e!t as tnorongtny menn- ied with 'he Democratic partv, look- i'ig to v: s-.ieeess "as the ultimate m'-.-n j of -.-t; oi :g haiiaony to the na tion.'' G ii- tfd M'-Clcdlan thinks cf nnik'ig Jli:t;moreh:s permanent home. ConoiiEu Cadet Baker, of Miesip- sinoi, iias oeen 0 1 emisse u irom tne u. Naval Academy by the ret i nest of the superintendent. His presence at tiie academy has been the occasion of continued trouble, several of hi3 class mates having been dismissed for mo lestir him. B.it a recent board of inquiry has demolished the theory that Baker was a victim to caste and the color line. The latest case in which he was involved developed the fact that oa 1., uiwlflomijnl Kol. of decency, together with an accu- mula ion of minor offences, demanded his dismissal. Baltimore Sun, 9th. Tins Chatt'inooga limes tells of a wonderful yield of corn on lands of Tom Crntchfield, late Congressman from Tennessee. The land ia Tennes see river bottom, and the xiver over- flowed it in March, leaying a deep de posit of sediment. The corn was plan ted from the 20th of April to the 1.1th of May rather late. An acre was measured off and the corn gathered on the 2d of October yield ll'JJ bushels. Another acre was gathered on the 21st October, and the yield was 114 J bush els. An average acre of hia upland, gethered on the 22d of Oatober, yield ed 5oi bushels, and another 58J bushels. Pu of. Beckbk, of the University of California, recently made an announce ment which has made the bonanza kings feeU a little nervonn. These ientlemen have long boasted that the supply of silver ore Lu the bonai z mines at Virginia City ia inexhausti ble. Professor Becker states that the great Comstock vein has passtd from j inclosing walls of porphyry aud syeuite into solid syenite, which indie iter,, the scientists say, that the vein will soon cease to yield altogether. Db. Hunter MoGuire sends to the Richmond Dispatch a long account of "Stonewall'' Jackson's laht words : "About half-past 1 he was told that he had but two hours to live, and answer ed again feebly bnt firmly, 'Yery good, it is all right.' A few moments before he died he cried ont in his delirium, 'Order A. P. Hill to prepare for ac tion ! Pass the infantry to the front rapidly! Tell Maj. Hawks' theu stoppd, leaving the sentence unfinish ed. Presently a smile of ineffable hw eetue.as spreiMl itself over his pale ?;tee aud then he said quietly, and with an expression aa if of relief. Iet us cioss oer tbe river and ro.t under the shade of the trees,' and then with out pain or the least struggle, his spir it passed" It vf organised on the 7th of Sep tember.aud adjourned sine din on the 11th of October, remaining in sasssion just 35 days. Now what was the cost ? One h'iiidrert and nineteen members at 4 per day, wpoaker and two Secretaries, $ each. Four KnwTOFsing and .Enrolling 'lerk!. two Doorkeeoprs, $5 each. Two Paes, $1 each, Total cost per dar, Tliiny-w'x days, at "$,12 per day U Avpraire mileage, member, U Printing otlier contiyeuciea, 476 IS an 2 $1S.9H6 2,4H) 2 WJO Total coot of ConTention, $-3,S3 If the worJt of the Convention is ratified, more than seven ttmes this amount will be saved every year. The people can now see what was promised and what has been accom plishad. Every Radical paper and speaker proclaimed that the cost of the Convention would be five hundred thousand dollars, and that it would ever remain a burden upon the people. The Democrats, on the other hand, ptomised that the expense could not exceed thirty thousand dollars, and the amount would be saved in one year. The result i that the cost is less than thirty thousand dollars, and the saving will be.oae hundred and seventy thou sand'dollara every year. Let the peo ple decide between the promises and performances of the two part'es. Hon. John Mauning and Dr. W. F Stroud, delegates to the Convention from Chatham county, have publish ed at address to their constituents, from which we extract the following: The difference in expense under our present constitution and the constitu tion as proposed to be amended, it is thought will bo as follows, viz : t'nder Fr s- nt onstition. Gin Assrn'ypr an'm. .$45,000 01 xupreiue ourt -'udfres, 12,.V'0.nO S merior ("ourt Judges, 3-i,00'l.ro IViiitentiarv 109.00 00 T'nder Amended. M2'2 320 no 7,S" 0 J22,!50n 00 5 ',0'JO.Oo Co. tijv't, Co. Treasurer, 75,0()O.00 Total $271,600.t0 fl -2.32ri.0O The saviog in money will be 8109,180 per annnm in favor of the amend ments. The Fair Ball. The City Hall was a gorgeou3 seen of youth and beauty, and maiiy dan cers crowded the spacious floors and tripped the light fantastic until the "wee sma' hours." Never did maiden look fairer or more winning, or youth never more gallant and attentive. Fai ry forms and smiling faces thronged the halls and corridors, and drifted away softly and smoothly in the intoxi cating mazes of the waltz, with tread as light and airy as Foot ta'ls .f sjrarihim 1'hat tinkled cn tli turtt 1 floor." The Hall was beautifully festooned with banners, and these together with the flowing lights aud musically mov ing figures formed a scene at once at tractive aud enchanting. An (legaut supper was served at about one o'clock and the weary dan cers did ample justice to tbe array of viands that covered the tables. This very interesting portion of the even ing's entertainment was furnished at about one o'clock, when all again took then-selves to the dancing-hall when the tripping of the light fantastic was krpt up until the Day God began throwing aside the curtains of night. An Item. We watched him as he staggered around the corner of the street and defied the lamp posts to strike h;m aud tb'nhe lowered his voice to a soothing stutter and began to sing "Aii i e from ti-'ree, tplrjit-- dazzle in vain." Then he continued his walk until he stumbled and fell, and raising himself on his hands he softly said: "It was evr thus since childhood's hour, 1 hf ve sren rov fondest hopstake flight, 1 bife never drnnk a whiskey sour, But what it mde me tight. 'f he Hear Fight. Small hand bills distributed through the streets yesterday morning, an nounced that a "Bear Fight" would take place in the Court House yard at 3 o'clock, and in which bruin was expected to eat fifty bull dogs. Wish ing to see such a performance we hap pened at the Court House in time to get in through the crowd assembled to witness seven huge bull dogs be longing to Mr. Geo. F. Tilley, attack bruin. The fight was terriffic and defies description, the dogs were badly bitten up, and bruins ears were gnawed off. Bat the former were declared the victors. l" 'itilutoii and the West By the invitation of Mayor CaDady, himself ons of the Commissioners, quite a number of our citizens met Major W. W. Rollins aud Col. W. S. Pearson, the other Commissioners of the "Western North Carolina Railrord, and the otner Western gentleman, in the rt-adingroom of thePnrcell House. A bountiful repast in Colonel D:vis' uhu1 style was sef ved. After some time spent in social converse, Mr. Wiib'aia Caider, of Iverchner & Colder Bros., ia behalf of the citizens of Wil- miugtou, we corned the Commissioners and their friends. He said, M(jor Rollins and Gentlemen from W estern Aortft Carolina : It gives us pleasure as bnsiness men and citizens of Wi'mington to greet you in our midi-t, and extend a cordinl welcome to you for yourselves, and as representatives of that insure of our Sta'e with wlncu we Lave long desired closer and more intimate relations. both business and social. Poets have had much to say about "the mountains kinsiug the sea, ' and there are doubt leas those amocg us more competent than myseii to ep ak ia eloquent terms of the greerirgs sent from "shores of ,1,. 1, u 0lu " Knl ie l'. r.j ii i.v i i.tii i t. ii s i v v , ii i u . . . uja'.as with us, prtotical bnsiueas men to crystalize into facts these dreamings of poets and orators, and unite iu a practical way, and by the indissoluble bonds of common interest, ttie two secttons of our Htate. We feel the citizen. of Eastern and Westtrn North Carolina have never known each oth er, and we think it should be so no longer. It has loug been a cuerished dream of Wilmington and her people to push her railroads across your mountains. By uutiriug efforts, by the exp-nditure of much mon-y, and by the aid, pecuniary aud otherwise, of gun denies from other sections who hitva lent their time, and their money aud their talents to this work, we have completed our Carolina Central Rail way to its present terminus, and by connection with the Western North Carolina R.ulroad have r 'ached the foot of the mountains. To you. gen tleman. Commissioners of that Rail road, we say that the people of the East are as determined as those of the West that that road niall be completed; but we want it completed in the inter ests of North Carolina and of North Carolina's port. We are determined that you shall find in this metropolis a market for your products as good as any the Atlantic seaboard can offer ysu, and we are satisfied that we can lay at your doors as cheaply as can any others, the commodities of any market to which the boundless waters of th ocean give access. In this spirit, and learning that there are about three miles of your railroad which you and your people are especially anxious io completo, as they will tak-3 you over and beyond the Dark Hollow Pull, the most of the wagon road from Old Fort to Ashe ville. I allude to that portion of the road from O'd Fort to Malone's stor -, which we learn is all graded and reidy for the iron and learning also that your Commission are embarrassed for means to purchase the iron necessary, owing to the restrictions placed upon you by Legislative enactment; in this spirit, I say, and with an earnest de sire to convince the peopie of your sec tion of our hearty goodwill and co operation iu their cherished scheme, the merchants, bankers aud business men of Wbrnington hp.ve come togeth er, and by a united effort have raised sufficient money to purchase iron for three miles of railway immediately, and have deputed me, through the committee, to tender you the loan of this iron until such time as your re- ! plenished coffers enabh s'you to pay for j it, or until the meetiug of the Legis- i lature, w len such legislation can b had whicu will put it iu your power to repay us, and push your roadoer and beyond the Blue Ridge. We trust you will accept this ofier as frankly as it is j made, and we assure you that we have been spurred up to the endeavors we have made jot only because of the ftd vautages of trade we expect to derive from yocr section; not only because we desire to reach a portion of our coun try famed the work! over for its beauty aud grandeur, but because that coun try is North Carolina, and we are North Carolinians. Iu reply Msjor Rollins assured our citizens of the great interest which the people of Western North Carolina felt in Wilmington as a home poit. Assen tially, North Carolinians in all their sympathies and feelings if was their wish as it was their interest to build tip a city of their own. They only a-k-to be m-t half way, and the commer cial re atious between the sections would be as close and as lasting as their kindly feelings. He spoke of the prosp cts of the Western Railroad anel the Ci mp'etioa of that, portion now ready for the iron, which he was ghid to know would be secured by the aid of the business m"n of Wilmi g ton, would give that .oal the entire busiuess of one of the very finest sec tions of the State. Colonel Pt arson rose to a teas' to Western North Carolina, in which the kindly sentiments of Mjor Rollins were ricterated. lie proposed "Our City by the Sea," trusting it would do as much for itself as the Government aud its Represen tativ s in Congress had done for it. This cal ed Hon. A. M. Waddeli to his feet, who in his happy style, res ponded. Colonel Waddeli proposed the for eign trade of Wilmington, to which Mr. Alexander Sprunt, the English Yice Consul responding, giving some valu able nud interesting feis in regard to our foieign trKue nnd its prospects. "Our Grocery Merchants," brought Mr. Keichner to his feet, who is rendy for any a- d every duty which devolves upon him. Captain C. D. Myers was called upon to respond to the Ocean Turnpike, and did it well. Dr. Roberts was called out in res ponse to the Carolina Central Railway. Captain I. B. Grainger responded to a toast to the Financial interest of North Carolina. The Press of the State was proposed by Colonel Pearson, and responded to by Majov Engelhard. Colonel S. L Fremont in reply to a toast to the Practical Railroad Man, gave a glowing account of the resources of the country, which had been opened up to Wilmington by the com pletion of the Carolina Cential Rail way and its connections with Western North Carolsna. Colonel Pearson also spoke of some of the resources of his section, which were new and would be profitable to oar trade. Mr. Williams, of Asheville, and Col onel Arkinsou replied to toats, and af ter rvn hour or two passed most agree ably, the party separated. The occasion was a pleasant one, and wa hope that such re-unions with our Western friends will often ocour. Constitutional Amendments. 1st Amendment: That section 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. The section to be stricken out is in regard to lands given to the state by congress and the annr-mrifttinn of fln Mnnlf im appropriation of fines, penalties, &c. The section to be substituted gives all lands aud proceeds of lands, given by the United States to the state, to ed ucational purposes; and all swamp lands, fines, are to be used for purposes of education. 2nd Amendment strikes out section 17, article 3. and substitutes a section providing for th establishment of a bureau of agricn'iure, immigration and statistics, and the protection of sheep husbandry. 3d Amendmeut adds to section 25. of article 1, that secret political so cieties are dangerous to the liberties of a free people and should not be tolerated. 4th. Amende section 10, article 3, by providing that the governor, with the advice of the senate, shall appoint all offices whose appointments are not otherwise provided for. oth. Abrogates aud amends section 15, 16 aud 17, of article 4, and allows ttio general assembly to allot and dis tribute all judioial power among the several counties except that of. the eu prejae court which is fixed by the con stitution itself. Cth. Strikes ont sections 1 aud 2. of article Id, and forbids calling a cou vention without first coi;ultuiK the people at the polls. 7th. Provtdts for submitting the amendments to the constitution to the people, at the polls, Tuesday after the 1st Aionday in November, 18ib. The amendments will pe ratified or rejected together. 8th. Provides for publishing the or dinances for the information of the people. 9th. Requires the judge to reside in the district for which he is elected and forbids his holding court in t,he same county more than once in four yc ars. 10th. Reduces the number of judges from 12 to 9, and authorizes the legis lature to increase or diminish the number. 11th. Provides for the assembling of the legislature in January instead of November. 12th Hits civil rights on tbe head by forbidding white and black chil dren going to the same school, and providing that no discrimination shall be made to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of the members of the General Assembly at $4 a day and 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 days. If the session is prolonged beyond 60 days, members receive no pay. 14th Provides that the term of office for the senators and members of the legislature shall begin at the time of their election. 15th, That section 29, of article 2, is amended to allow the general assembly to change the time of holding elections for the general assembly. 16th Strikes from the constitution section 4. of article 2, which is the old republican gerrymander of the senato rial districts in 1868. 17th Reduces the number of sn- prem ? judges from five to turee, as our fathers had it. 18th Declares that the julicial power shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and tuch others inferior to the supreme court as may be established ;v law. 19th Establishes the supreme court in Raleigh, until otherwise provided by the general assembly. 20th Strikes section , article 2, from the constitution. This section was the old republican gerrymander of the house of representatives, and the people can do without it. 21st lorbnls vacating any office or term of offico dow existing under the constitution. 22r.d Provides for the election of j jiiges ot the supreme court aua supe- or court, by general ticket, or vote of all the people, but hIIows the gen eral assembly to change the mode of electing superior court judges from gee Tid tiekeit to district elections. 2.11 Requires 12 months' residence in the utate, an 1 00 days iu the county , lefore a uin can vote, arnl excludes felons and ex-penitentiary convicts from holding office or voting until re stored to citizenship by due process of law. 24th. Provides for the remo val by the legislature of anv judge of the auper;or court; for men tal or physical disab-lity. it also pro vides for the removal of clerks of the supreme and superior courts by the same reawon. Appeal in caseof re moval is allowed as in other cases or tiuits. 25th Provides that article 7 of the cons'itution be amended by adding thtit the gener d assembly shall hiive power to modify, change or abr gate suy aud all of tiie provisions of the article, and substitute others iu their place, except section 7. 9 and 13. This allows the legishdiire to uppoini mag istrates as under the old constitution. 26th Given jurisdiction to justices of the peace over civil actions founded on contrnct, when the sum does not exceed $200 ; aud allows the justices to call iu a jury of six men in certain cases. 29th Authorizes the employment of ouvicts on public works and high ways. 28th Adds the following new sectiou to article 4 : "In ca-a the general as sembly shall establish other inferior courts, the presiding officers and clerks thereof shall be elected in such a man ner as the general assembly may pie scribe." 29th Forbids mairiag between white and black and il persons of ne gro descent to the third generation. 30th Adds to article 1, section 24 : "vothing herein contained shall justi fy the practice of carrying concealed weapons or prevent the legis'atare from enacting penal statutes agaiust said practice." 31st Abolishes section 31, of article 4; and provides for filling all vacancies in offices provided for by this urcicle, by the governor not otherwise pro vided for. 32d Provides for paying officers and members of the convention. 23d Gives power to the supreme court to try issues and questions of fact as under tha old constitution. All flies are very wise. No one ever knows, as he sits in a dose, how much a fly knows that alights on his nose, till he leaves the blows, when away the fly goes. Some excitement was created about dusk last f veniig by a difficulty in a store between the clerk and a colored man, in which a pistol was drawn, fol owed by an arrest. Jo damage done. Nearly all the visitors at the Fair have left tha city. WILL CURB Scrofulous Ilumur, Veuetisik will eradicate irom the srstem every tint of cro!ut ivud croiulou Humor. It has perma- 'ntlv eured ihu-audi in Bltn nd vir.inicv rh. had been locg and painful utiernr.. Cancer, Cancerous Humor. L. T!ie marvelous eftoct of VcB-ri&a ifi caseo" PC';er inH a-!ce ou, Homor cinllenmi the iu'.oi ruiuvu h 'nuan ot ti;o m.-MVcnl rvciltv nun of whom are preserib n VKGimjiK to tbeir patit-nts. Canker. never faiie. Danker. VEOKTifii has never failed to ctire tia most mflexib'e c se .-f danker. Mercurial Diseases. Tho Vehetinb meeM w'th wonderful rucc.-8 in the cure or this class or di8:iaes. Pain In Hie Bones. Tn this complaint the Vkghtine ia tliq gra' rme.iir, as it rem-jves from ihe. svsteui tac p-o-duciog cue. Salt Rheum. Tetter, SaH h-iicj, seM Head, certil leldtothe great Kit jrtivo tfl'-s-ts of Vkqktise. Erysipelas. Vbgetink h n-jver failed to cure the most inveterate case of Krysi t'e.la. PlmnlPS 911 d nnmnn iT tlm I.-., iw. - - - va iuv ittiCi I Ke.ju bli .iild t'.-tch us tUnt a b'.inebv, ro-U I or pimp.eil iikio di:p,!i-js ei tirely upon an-a? J ternal eause and no .n'wi-rd ai'.plicH.ion ' I ever cure rm ieto-t. V koktinss ii the grc.t blood puritier. Tumors, Ulcers or Old Sores Are caused by an impur tt of the Void Ulansa the Mood tln ronifhiy wltb Vesetikb, abd these o mp'aiti's will disappear. Catarrh. For thisc mplv.it ?h?only substantia' ben- nt -mi In obcuiaed through ili-i bljoi. Ve-jb-use Lithe greji IiIo-tI p i--.ti-r. Constipation. 1 Veoktink do. not art a a catlaa'-tic lo de bi lt-iti the bowel, but .-lame ill the oraar, enabling eac to pt rtorm the functiens devolv ingu.on them. Plies. Veqktink h is restored tho isai ds to heattri who have bean, ioujj and painful fuferers. 3yspepsia- I f Veobtine is taken rutrilar'v. a-cor iini to di-eotions, a certain ard speedycure will follow Faintness at the Stomach. VkSbtib is not a stimu ating bitter whirh criHts a fictitious appetite, but a gentle tonic which agists nature to restore the utomih to a healthy action. Female Weakness. Vkgrttith actv Oirectlv unon the e.ns-s of these complaint-. It invigorates snd s'rergth en th whole srst. m, acts uton the secretive organs and allays inflammation. General Debility. I". this compIVmt the eood eft'et if tbe ehbt!nk are realized imniediatelv after com me.ieing to taVe it ; as dsbilitv denotes de ficiency of th blood, and Vmhtise art direetiy uwin the blood. oct:$-4w Yegetine is Sobl by all IVnargists. ARF&TQ 2 ELEGANT OTlT CHROM0S ( O mniintetl. K'T.". Pull. tor !. Novelties and Chromos or etrerv tiescri: t.n. Natioi-al r r..mo tjo. , cbla..Pa. 4c S25 a day j-i. -"'-.m nai-a .n- Well Aueer and Drills. $IOO a llloititl tsil i I A jell's. AuT book fe. lilj! u r (lo.. St. LMii.. AGENTS WANTED ! Medals and Diplomas Awarded tor HPLWAN SniOTflDf l DIDI TO NEW I IU I UUIrtL UluLuu 1300 Illustrations. Addr tor new cicc-ilars, A.J. HOLM AN Sc. CO..SM AitCH St., r u i 'Hi 3 1 ti! i . r a. 1CIN0 READING. PSYCH0MANCY FASCINATION. If Soul Channina. Mesmerism, and Marriaae lluide. ho-iriir li or eirtier s-x fafie.i-e and gMti f lie love sml f,- l'on of anv i.prfon thsv cli()"e ins'a'if'v. SOU racJ. mail 51 c-ti.s. H;iit 1:19 S. "t1! Ri.. "h . P. 8io fi zMoV'tiXtitz. "a "i pae b 'k 11 i? e. : -Mci mi 1 fini4 of s ft,""", "'"'nrrv r.- i.iTiii nrun pn titi John Hickling & Co., utjIU infjiJ For COUGSsnOLDS.HORSENES3 AM) ALL THK0.iT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, Pi'P 1-1 ONLY IN Bi.UK liOXBi. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. r"'TSe 2'ugNfs cirr-lH-, M; t .1 ef TON !IO .1. V iv jfc .-o . p-iitd . Pi.. pa WIFE N O. ia BY ANN E'JZft YOUNG, Brighams' Rebellious Wife 8?llie on'v eonitlet- -p.-e. o all t!-c Secrets"' Brisham's Harem "'-r written, rt.-rn n.r:u. :-i -tu. A H W fcL'ZA rcr exHis s t tne irf, as no other woman can t"1 secrets, mvsterius ;'i crimes u.-nni v t.ftnu .i i .i v iaray. troui tiie ery b-inT-,;i. --.u-.v Illu-tratii n-inantitv It.ewnV. It is .'i : t'M selling txin t"!l'"tie'i. IO,UUO m.i-e men a-d women civ 'hvh empuvneiit an I mn e foirn sa ti $io -ivy. All live agents um wi-.ihij toe , lut-era-fd :-r - :-.i.s wi i- Urge tent. son! f-M T'.. -sot 1 1-iv but :i-.i..r-ss OUSTIN. OILMAN &. C iiauford, ot.. OlliiafcO, 11,0, OlllCltiitUti, 0 IJ WAITED fir the be-it g Prize Prtc.-- 4gn it! the v oi M It niama 15 .'.e- ts p i.icr. 15 envel!te .g I'lmi pen. p:t h 1 u-r, pe'n-e, nntpnt j-a-tl tpasu , an 1 a of j welev. si..ri p-Tckait ith eUgnt p ize, T -si ;., Jr. Cirenia free. HKIDE i CO., 7fi: lro way, N. V. A NEW DAIL.Y PAPErT IX WHiMIXGTOX. ProsiiBClns oi tfes Eyenini Review' OX OR AP.Ol'T OCTOBEliJ FIIST. THE riid.'rsiir'H'il will Ix-gin f ie pub'ioitimi in the .'ity of Wiliuingtim, of th-- Kvkxim: Review The "Kcview will be puMisL.-d every -v. nii.ur, except SuiutHy Its aim will be to fu nisi: t'le lutes!, the b.t, and tiit ino.-t ro'.iable news, in every nieaiiiiig of the erm. Tin- Kdirorial lej.a: fni..!it will be in nVe ha-uls, and tii l.)':al repots will b furnished by Mr .lames for iiv-e years, past the local eihtor c.f the lijiilv .fourii il. Mr. lib ri.-s A. 1'ii p. a soi of of V '' lou.tiis ! the ..lor sal sn i bimsoira ii-i -fiemti e.f se-ei a.' yeio-s t-Xf.vrie'ee in O'e m-s, will M-iv c !i-ut;ij f,t ti t? iiusi'ie sdei-a;t-mentBO- the ppi-r. UuUMiat att,ei.;i. n w'l b given to ie. mdr ket rt ports Tvith ii vi tv of in: t-ishi g tit- iu I t ansa-.i.'i s o- I'lrihi t-. the .-bis.- of r,-tt: tile horns, ni tu s- Vo- .s will te "..!, ! a careful, llior--il zh'y ri(i"ri nc il r"-iertfi n the whl.' .lie p;i-r w I be ni-w.-y -!;o ip r,d r b - hie, n-.-l .i spot i n uiedi la lb oi Ii bi h tiie po r n in m l the lib ri g i l ,s e. ruay be no -r , Tortus of subscription : 5 j y -m, 5'i '-tne-- mon h and 12 cents a w-e-i. Ado t i;: rtes very low In connect ion with the n.vs ti- irirT:-e t'.r v will establish t.K iseview nook nnii .lo'.i n- tn . Ottice, when: competent and skiliird opera ti J will be cni'iioy 1. an 1 where it is ne'-ilicFJ to s..y we w li tlo our tiest to iu nish ou patious with 'h best work for t'.ie lowest atuoiiut oi money. Josh T. James. ng 1-tf- t has. A- Trice. O ' 4 4-fy rr K 's - wm.l- KtstJ V.'vJi el A'l cia-ses of work in? re'.j to ,l both S'-itps, y- ur.g and o't, rrt.iVe m ii- iu-riev a', w -. k for us, in thei' rwi. bt.-ni iticri d'lTin:; th'r spare mom-tuts, or o, Mn-"-, than at a -tlii- g else. v' o3'e- e7:ip'.y m-it tha. -v.K piv hondscj nel.y tr overy hoti' ' worlr. full t'cri ars. term", et... sen- irr. sent myont a-de-ss at once. Doa't del-iy. So.f is your rtin. Oon'e look for work or bu-i'tess c-lsowh re, an' l vou haa iT'.ted ifl'it we o"r U. SllwnoN Si Co, Pore'and, M ine. miy 25 -V4-i,w Kortage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A MORtGr,3 FPOM Joseph A. Erpe'hard to PL-tt i. Cowsi, dared t.ctobr 1, 1871. a.-d auly registered in Ko-ik i. 'J. page 46, o th Keghter of 1) ecs in the ofPc ? of New H unover Coutitv And of another mortgage frjm Fngelhrd A "annderst.o (.'has. A. Pric., executor of Alfred L Price. da'ed A nl 4. 1S7I, and dui v reister ed in Book I. I. I., pajje 1 '5. acd of a'lofner n-o'tgge Item K.tigeibrd A Saunders to Dn lel ti. i-owle, Mamu-1 W Vick snd Oscar o. Parsley, Jr., datcl .Illy 19, 1ST3, snd duly repisterert in Hmik L I.. L., pago 54, and of another mcr cage irom Engeihar.l ssunrlers to .John Hughes. Oeorge Howard and illiam McRae, dsfd June 19. 1T5. and duly registered in Book L. L. page 56, I will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, at the out House in ihe City of WTmicgt n, on Tuesday, the .-Oth day of November, 115, all the presses, tvpeg. pVr er, roaehinery and material o' every kind and deserii.t o belonging to th office of '-The Paily Journai"ard The Wilmington .lournal" situate in the building on Princ ss street, in the Litv f Wilmingt n, known aa Tbe Journal Bn'lding, togethe r with tbe gocd will of the sill onlca and newspapers, BOBT. BTRA27GE, AttorneT. The Kovel of the Season I CHRISTIAN REIDS A QULSTI0N OF H0X0R "A Queti"Tiof Honor, by Ohvlatiau Reld, U praised by the press aa a work hlgh.y ere-tititbie lumnt-a-i m -ra.ar. xn ai)joiaol ex tracts laretrom ery forabl- oriu-i.aia: I'TVm the Fhiladrlphia Prett. "A new w rk of fiction bv Christian eid U always acceptahl . . : 'A Q eMo i ofHonir, is a story of Southern society, wah a well con structed and WfU-suotJnml plot, aad with a aribd) which will be unanticipated by in..st reaaars-" from the iVcw Haven Remitter "An almu-sbl. -told utarv, full of Incident and plot, that are In -o resie.-.t overstrained, and carrying iatens intere st iwtbe threads or the i.arniuvn are caught up and joined to-gather-" F mm ths LouinilU Carrier- Journal. "Thes.oryl a ctiarmiag oa, and Is fnllv worthy of thd author's reputation: ln.leed,it hamrnriHliod. tha and nobles: ol a:l that she has e written." From the Botton Globe. ' Kxqnlsitelv clear in style and eleatod in tone, autl is worth more than one careful read ing From he Utxca Herald. " The anthr-r has wrought wi'.h care, and with a good ethical and artistic purpose. ard tb-sj are the essential needs in the build.ng lip of an American litirfurn.' From the Bvt'on 6'ar'ho. '-As - ccmrnbation tc 4mKri,'M filj-tioT . QueeUonof Honor,' will more than m Jntain the ai.roaJy enh8 re ntti)iol iu authjr.' from the Bulfalo Courier. The auth-jr of-'Vaeria .ylcner" Is one ot fhe m Mt successful of thcij j '-vo tried to coiistruat novels ;at or th crude material ct American lif." lvol.,nimo. Oloth. Plce. 81.73. Milit-d toauv adlress wltt.iu Uie United States, post-paid, on reeelnt of nrlco. D. APl'LlfcTON & CO., Publ Publisher. & 5B1 Bboadwat, .N. Y. ur?n d iwt IS O rl? 1 O . THE UNlhSlN.D O.FRRS For Sale, one of ih bet Business Locations 'n the OouLtyo' Bmuswick, in. C ioui imu-e rr.m hailot e Hivjr. on ht is known aethe New Hrltaiu Kovl. consist in f of Nine Hundred and Ninety Acres Oi land, on wiiicU a.r turpeutiu Linn piriiy wuiKcii witn (Lie ciiann or rfauug or leading von v-g boxes or Round Timber, with & ijii'xl Distillery and nectsny flx'uree, all in ruiitii -g oiaer. a. Store HOUSO. Iwel lina Home, ami a'l iiromry out a-uses, for su..ceHful rrcnecnf.on of the Turpentine and Mercantile business TERM : oue third Cash. One tird In Months, ami one tbira i- nine iDontbs. rTsneeision given Jan arv 1t. THOMAS LtWIS Ulipilll GOLDSBORO, N. C. M. FETTER. A.M., Prof . Ancient and Mod em Languages. E. W. ADAMrt, A.M., Prof. Mathematics. I lie Third Term ot tills Institu tion will begin on iTlonday. Auff. if, and end oa ..londav, flee; -iO, 1S75. TH LS cboo! is sitaate-1 in the town of Golds bfro (the centre of four Railroads -, and Irom its arcessibiity otters superior a lraa'aRes to parents and gutrdians livl'igin the sur rounding countries or in the Eastern portion of the tate. The location is healthy, and no fears -f .ickn-s ne-d b eniertsined b parent "nding their wns 'o this pTace, is not a single case of aerions ilineis o-enr-re t in the School durit. the pat scholastic vsr. N. rarent. therefore, can .reaonblv be deterred from pstron-Eing this Schorl on the sco'-e - f the unhealfhines of the lecafion. Prof-ssr K. W Adams, who has chrgeof he M"hematieal Deparfr ent, is an lum.ms -f Kandoiph viacon College, and has been a su-c"f ul teacher of y..n-b fir manf Tears. The C4)tirsa of instruction 's sund, thorongb nr.d exten.ivo an-1 seeks M dea op and improve tie ment! powers of 'he pupils by training them to think, and by teaching them fhe right use of the faculties with wnica Mod has cn-dowe-1 them he discipline of th" Hcbool. whils i. ! milo. ti1 parental, enforces th dutr of obediet-ce to eerv r'lle and regu'a-lon. As insn brdina ititi ttnd disord-rl conduct are wholly Incoiu padlil" with scho!allc traiine and mental : rrtr. ss no boy who is md'siosed to itnprov h f : m or Is an ininry to h's fellows, will be r tMincd in the .''hool ilo'al and religieiis iiKtnrtiir "-ecelves adne har of at'ention ai-.d considerat-on tor un l -ss the hurt and om'ciem e 1 instriic-red and '- 't-bt d. m-re r-.-.cuiar !'-a-r will avad t.ii '.iitle i e formation of a corro.-t and uprigh characUr. The four religions bodies being weli re pre sen ted 'n tbia place, cv-rv boar.ier is s'l wed to at'end tht . hurch o-i Sunday which his pa renr may dv.-rig'nf-3. Th s wlh"aiid preference f the parent will be strictly oils'": ed, as noth ing nf sectarian chsracter is ronntenauce 1 in (lie Srho 'I. K 'ys re rrerarea tor alviced cl-vses ia ("olleg- or 'or the arrive business of lf'"e. lie b-ii iling liilhertu known as ibe 'Fe miile. 'o!lete " lias bo.'.n s cured by the Prinei-i-i1. and wi'i hereaftei lie nsei'. a trhool for !i.ys f' sd!y weapons, mtox citing drink", po'an ity and every species ot gambling are, strict iy prohibited. ! rn rerms, per Session of 20 Weeks HALF IN A lV NO BALANCE ON KI"-sr OF OOTOREH. Tuition fur rnnur - department 515 oo HijjU' r KuaP.sh - 20 0 dvio,-ed c!aies, with Al?e bra, etc 2"; w a iT inced clas"a wi-n I atin : o tl " " avd with I Attn Oreek. ; 5 i.e (In man . Fre."-b . aad b-tok-ket ptig, each extra !5 00 F-oird. ineliidlng T-.H and lights 7 "5 00 m.'lder.tal . xp nsen. 2 "U Each tu.lont ill furn'-Bh for hi own use, ;-ir -if blanket. P"ir ot" meet., a ; ar of pd ii. w teases ud hi. towels. X-j jcdiioti-j!' ta in I'u'.tio.i and ibiurd in chs;; ot .!iniissi n or withdraWAl, and only in cats of iTOtracttd Miclnuit. Fcr ".irlher p-i-e-.icuinrs. address M. FETTER. Ff incipal, u!i-'J4-dtwS-.- aOUWBOKtl, N.. 29 MARKET ST? elating sold out ray fntfe stock of old grwls AT AUCTION ! I 'isve Re-epened at my Old Btancl. A fresh and well-selected S'Ock of NC. BOOTS HATS 1 1 1 1 1 iti M 1 1 H lu e-Cps. which I will sell at the liwest OA--.H fKK't.s. IJekw I .ivc vuu a lew item witli prices a-?nexfi : Rtsr t;o I-oes Irom 7c. to He, ner yard. Hiewn i:o?o'i o.-m lic. to 10 . m r yd. ; d .fe-t s i -ni lie. :i.i.l to wards. H-i'iie'if a.-.ii i tt-( ni Fli.iit-e s very Cheap. Tb ..ki iK yr.a f r n.in lon.i and liberal p itn-ri i. It 1 1-1 -t.e .-xf.Ttf.i-tt, t respet- lul v ni.i'-ii r '-n.i'iMtia- tf Lhi same i.. mv Tt- I'usiiiss esp- c' rnll t Yours, 29 MARKET i REFT, W ! tr.. octj'i Diii B st HgiiscIio A M in tiie Worid C. WEST & S3S' ALAODifl SECU RITY GIL. TVnrr.-vnte.l l Jleretijgffr Tut luforscdby thr. Fire lnsufur.ee C.mymirs. :fcvl th-T rotl i-wl'iiM-rtigeae, selected lr..-u- i. ari others. ilnwARn Fic !ns Po: "P li ltim LTIMOStE, ) t i -:t-. J ! -ecc nib' r is, 'rffssrs tf- Wrst fc Son; Genileneti -i.'tii' me i tie vaoou e!s ..tliS 'n his uiiy for i.lutui-i:--.:iii' raipies I ta'te pleastira in reeom I inoniline; ycur " Ala !diu Recurtt-" rs 'ho sale . H-ia DeEC ever ise.i :n our nruv i:o:-i. cu e truly, '.signed! NnKKW SFESS, Pr s't. -S-IT WILL WOT EXPLODE' .1st your St -rk:per f or it. wbok'e iron C: WEST SONs 11J 115 W. Lmb-irl Street, Baltimore. st lerwt f rn JOILN A. UXUAb & L0. General Insurance Apocy (FIRE, MARINE AND L1FK) SiO.dOO.OOO Asieti Uepretml OFFIOF Oommerclal Exchngs Bo;ld)D North Water street. net. North Carolina Boma Insurance Go. THIS Company continues to write P3te!e fair rates, on all elates of insurablb pro arty All lotwes promptly paid. Encourage Home institution' R. H. Battle, Preaident; bmU Oaise , Boorr tary. Amu 15-f rTHE CHILD KEV.s KKirXii, FuMi JL a the Ox:ord orphan i-.u.ia. vTtto a year. iOJS n.AiM5jALEr r. yy. - jletrv, editor, VVeeki v.at 1 on vr,:r Oemocratic in politics. WILSON ADVANCE Tt-rrv C. V'-i mo. editor. Weekly . at 2 a "year, ikruo cratic In politics. ALBEMARLE TIMKS WeiMv. at Vi-..I-s.r.2 per armain I. II. Wiiiuton, c.i: lor. Democratic in polit-3i. THE FKANKI.IN COntl? 'K-I.m "sburs M. C. G. S. ft tker. e.!:trand pon r:e l.7 Weekly,stf2 pei annaiu. D..aoctauc in lue tics. THE CAROLINA HOUSE IOT,I "ii AO -ZINE tiOid?lor. ,! ulius A. I: d itor. Ionthlv, at 3 a ye.tr, oiie of 1 1 tine literary works in tlia South. CHARL. I i E DKMOi-KAT V,"! ia ,T. Yates. e liter and i.rotiriior. w.-.-kK -r t'i to per n: um. WASH IN.; TON" hiUlO- C. li uicer. eti.lnr n -anict..n. YVtekly.at 2 year. Llemocr aiic ii: i,..i. s "VTOKTU CA ROLINA i.i IK x, u! ...v:' J3I N'. O. B. M. Fuimaa, edit, r. On.- w-ii- Sf. democratic in ioii;, ics. MILTONCHRONlOiK -rvji.ii . ':,;. ton, editors and propi ie ms. Pu' ii-l Saturdays, at $2 aye tr. Ucmoent.c inp.dicii . . C1HEENTILTE RKGISTFlt-W. rk'f. . n Thursday at reenvil!e. Pil. c .toitv. : S3 a year. das. T. L von, editor. Ojuioer ioe in politics. THE CENTRAL PROTEST A f - T , 7t . boro, N. O. , published iu ehe iniere -t o ta Methodist I r . test-o.t ui-ch. sj i,j r annum. J. L. Michaux, editor. NEYTBERN JOURNAL OF ".' -M 3 k ' : ' H. D. Pool, Jr., editor. Wc-ek:y, ;:t si year. Democritic in iiolitito. " T3O0KY MOUNT VAIL-.t jwj iiiurp, proiriers; v . l i n r;, vd.t -, Weekly, at a a year. Hem ,-ratic i;t p.. i..i,-s j I 1 REESSBOKO PA I V IO V Gr: ensl or 1 UT K-O. P. F. DuTy mid .lame- W. I ' bright, editor and piopri.toi .,e year j- I six months gl '.'5. Democratic-in paiiti. .;. QHRLBYAUR'jKA- Mcnuffiemsd 1-aM.h,.. - '. KJ toe editors an l proprietors. Pub i -- l i J-atnrdays, at Shelby, N. O. la-ra cr.it ic iu i.ol- i je.i s One year 2. j .eionaays ana luii .s! t at ..i;ii ,!o:i..i a year. J. A". Bonilz, etiitcr and proj-ricios Oemocratia in politics. CHRISTIAN AiiyoCATE -fljs-i cf Metbofist 'Jhnrcli in 'tirMi ooi'i-i ... eigh, N. V. Ksv. J. H. Hchb.t... eUif-r proprietor. Onej-ear $2 2 a . - . n J QHELBY BANNEi'--Shelby, N. ;. pi, kj li'hed every Tharsd.sv ni : i.... u'. ''r!i -m A- Webb, editors. l)e-iuu-cr.i :c m 'o-i i.'-t Subscription $1 50 for one yea:; i tents tot six months. THE DANVILLE TIMES, t his is ocratic Weekly i -.;a-r. e;'V.! . ' bavin - an ex'ensivr. cireulaii t, -. V i gin i a and Ni rth (laraiiua coti'dH-- aii;: vllie. Price, 2 a yer.r; SI itr sit i t, cents for three mouth-.. fj-e;nie-. e ., w relet! upon af.plicat ion,. A.i.:: es V . ;'; editor ai tl proprietor. THE T7!LM!'OTON.IO"!'NAh.i ub-i in Wilmitiifton, N. t' , bv J-.o.l i: t DAUNOKhS. The Ju,:rn.i; ia il.e ., daily in Biorth e :ot! i:e, b'-ii.tr i. '.-twe-ty liftn year. Si issl::in. hiy Oen'i-i rolit ics, and it services are nci'iio- U lh party throughout tiie taie a- of ab'evaice. The doTiri'.-i! is a;'r.;i i-. -i- i me - cial authority, ainl on all the t.tic , day, is ciivened with the late-i ie';.r It in published daily, tor o:i ; r months, $1.(0. The Weyklv is i u i.i.-i $2.00 per vea'. Address. 'ESGLEHAe. O S: SAUN 'tfi.l-s W lirjji' -t. A9HRVJLLE, (N. C) TfiicVi: N. Orgti of the Jt i-.:. rat t itilith Oougrenjional J-istrict Lao-.-, t limited circufatiois li V. fftern .rti;' a than any two pap ';s cotuUhu u. S .. tent ion a' ys piven 1 1 tin- iao-i j.i; mantoi th:; State. ! 1 of tin? in .':!!:,. tt"n in parrtcnlar. Tiie eery r. :iii-i to pa-"ed idynti'dw ol its reef on e. e cor... piib!3cts for diseu'i i.'ti in sis s. "I hi very large and cor..-.:at.t :i !- r;i;i::; ron tge irlias from tho botr.e n- re'j .i:i. bni:tes pet. pic, is tho beet a... s-nseo ot ' itir.en" as advort'.i!g n:t l-m.-i , Hi' ! Th following ere it" editor:-: K )i.t. ;! . V man. Editor; TV ash. M. Ha.-.Iy, A-.sjt-ir.ti- li THE ANPOXIAX, A ror.Pt-rvr'.oyo crane eetly JcmrcaL pi::-li-!:c-.l i- 1 ton. N. C situated in .". p.t,vi;i:; p . ... surrounded by a gocd fi mine c in : ..- : . superior advantages as an iiJvi-i'.'.-ir : ; : Heitig the Granger s Organ of the scut.oti v ii i publishcrl, many sutiscrilit rs to 'he --M soli n'' read no other p-5 per. A-i-e ti.-r. rates liberal, b ibscriptiuii price fjni p. year. AdJress HAWLEY& OAI.li. EditOia, i'oi&ton. . yi. HE ROANOKE NEWSa Serar-.t ; ew-;iper publi-hert at V .'!;. X. '. ! ant.i-:g B'O'hera, and edited ' y ;. .- . . TV. T. Mariniti, will be sen1 cut "fo nf-e i,;,i everv SAI I'KUAY and V K i X ii.S i A V , mr tw-'.v o-onthx tor ?! 00. If paid in advance I lie V.OAX K .-'v." -will be rent, lostacj . re-i a ii, baia ;c ' i ear i or f)N OOLLArt. A good medium tor p. ivertiei-r,-. T men will make, a note of it 1 e-a wih.-'g t-i mi vertise In an Eastern pH"cr. MAN IN'J B HO-.. TVe N B. Papers ges.ersl!y wi I pi-.. -; i o.e i . -notiC. ar.d c wiilieturi' the f--ivor. ROANOKE Nit '.V .-. r'-orua'-y 2iU!i, Is-i.l. T!i- .ld . ; . .-, Jsoitn C'arc.ima. lias a iarge e.i ciV.i i a:ly in the cjunties of Or.i:--e, - ia:.! Priw)n at.d .'a-well. sn i is t i o - -, mediu::i of Ktiert;FiTiir for th : busiiiC.- of those couni ies. I-t ''o:i . r . po;i ies ard Is a good 'nmiiy new- - P fib s-T iptioTis rtuI adv-rti-ti;:-;;-.- a -v cs.ptab1 and the patreii".ej, oi iui p ie ! spctfui'.y solicited. Snhtcypt'on , $2J0 a ye ir, ii adva-i -c. sixmonths $l.(iO J. I. t'AViS: V o Edilnra-jti i'T. re-j- THE MOUN T AlKY WATi i ! i M A V. lisbed by Spriti; s.t B-t:.m. Mt. .'- i tj. A wii!. -j "man's iiap--r, Dcm .er-ic i tics. Snbsci ' 'ii rate?: 12 mo;;'. Is , 1 5 nit-. I t:s, 7r, r;r . ITPi E 1" 'Hl LEAD!'!!, aiiv i; rr: J.. , .iMii bed ever v i .n -.i y. , i, i iSiitt. . 'x-oed. Oranvi'l-. co:i:.'v. 'n. Pers; - wishing to secun- h" ; i e .it ihr- rlc- - -t i-roiioitsof No'-h ' -i .,i ,! J. v well tf - lvettis- its the I e-, i. r. Itis it- " am I tiie (I'l'.is I'vvie' i". .:i Par't i .In- cti.i' ty. i.a us 1 w as pis-::.:-. A '.Mr ess ! hritt, Oxf . t;. Soutliarn Ilhistr Age ! KALiEIGII, N. C. A. .. mllK NI.Y ILLUS'I KA"LO X in t! e South. Eight p-" " : rtniis ' taitet.g raorc rea.'.tng r a r t' cv week'y j u' 1-ned in the u i Ihe fits. nnn.l.er of tie Ml."! :'.' I- X o HbAll.1.1 At-E v.ill i t I .-el' Saturday, 'Jiiiii day o; J.sitc, l- The Pnr-lishPr ir.ter.Js ro i':'.- ;t -i : trtifed record el The t r.iea It w-i'i lo e! . ." wi ic, Poliocal, Histoiieal, Lilerriy. Rcien.itic, which is of curri n. ie.p.-r. -'. K'vette best iitu-tratior.i-tlia'. canbeobfali.sd, O'ij'nal or foreign. The MTIHr.RN ILLUSTRATE! A',?" will be printed on new tytsi-, ami heavy b-jol: p-prr. On iti list of con.ributr.rs u! !.o:-i- e iairJ3 r.f .amt ol the bc-t writ-. -in th-: '' 'en.V. r.Ttl short stoii-'s, pr.,-m' and fk.-t-- e, atirt veil eir.flncttl edit firiar tl-ii i 1'ieTi ts, ..e,- iT.g the lateet person, liter ary, s, : r.'-tic. po I Ittteal religions antl eom.n. ci .1 i.i"'-5:igenct-, j wi'.l tiiT.lsh every wiek an n'.-H't '-t rci 1 .n? mtt-r nnsiTrpassed i y fH:t fc. f t-rs, fiC'i- I leiice sr.d variety- It is iM l -tl to make ti:e ll tHEHN U'lLM'I.AIiil) AO'i j ' ; ns.1 for the Gresi p . eevc-ra! toiiourt w.-l be sr ecialiy lf TOted to nil subject s . e." .i"..i.0 1 j domestic and social 1 fe. i No family shoa'd fo without if. I Subscription price only pei io.' :n.. Post age free. j R. T. FUIiGHUM, F.lHt.r, ilve"--. -.-V . I june ; The Charlotte Observer The on'v morning tlaily p iper pn'.'i h - in the. State wist of Rleih ant "-orrli : 1 4 -minsro.?, offers special iiePiceni-Te s t -tdnvr tisers. Its circulatio , eize and ujel il; . " have been larg-'iv inc-eaed durini' ttf v -r inst past, and it now reaches most, ot th-. Mc: rint. of Western North Caiuluia, Huh or! r- ing an nnsnrm-sed niedium of Miumun tioi betwoentbe Merchnnteof Wiliai ;gt;n ho 1 J the people of wsstern Norla oaiouna. TIBUBOr 8CBSOKIPTI0N : Daily S3 OOrer annura. I Weekly a 10 i j to- Adyartieing yeryltow. . -.. .i- ros i t! I! ' r i llntli-pr a bine mark rc-tit'o will understand that - ' !. o.n will f-xpire in a few t u j .we vezpcettn'Ay rcquest- v vi'nor.t tlolay. A red s.-ir 1' rn:.: r. i. tio-o - y. their PubFcription ii--; iLi-t-.-t-.l.v ix: i c-tl. fnd nnlees wa iu a? i rori! ; i io.rucdiately, we will cois.!!i I.: d t: .ii-continue the paper. U.t ? its. f T -r niiMi: i.i s.-r . ". Jr.ly l, ir.5. 'lHKDULE i - -'.th, lite T,uniy ''.'.i- r ..el : i-ASsi-r-OEH ...!:. VIA.' M'. !.1 A. i'.l" . . . f.i'l A . M' J.PJ P. M .".It P. fri . - 'li A. M . -7. It' . - M ' ' !;- 'ibia, W I'lrngTon :ii5S- CreiH u it nay, ) -'I - M v ;i,r, p m I'!5 I'M ; : P M -. ! ::;.,, f..,r '"! : i- h r'as. :i t:- i.i " rndays, 'i-'i o-ally ex .) re f.m ..... i.4 i n . v f 00 A M.' S..10 p .v.. 4.1 0 A s . 0 P. M n Miih pi ;. !e r V.'!it:.!-.t-- K.U i:id-iys et i;ere.ni on Alon o at. i 2 1 r. !. - 1 i.I'.i'-U'.i 4 H.l t ' - Et -iitht 'triln -oi.:.S:. Ii . ' . M'iiitci dent i.s-tt I .j, j I WLDS?3 HAIL .-..j i iJi-.TSCSIHT, I . .r:::.e 3, TftfS. J . - S. I.s'i A -.1 t .',3 '. i..4. P. M i 5 i.r; : J 1 A vrt ' v. : - C I. M i'.v.-rrrm - eii'l P.'M .l'.'yt A "t, : . : A . :I . . (: ri . . v . . 7 ft. :. M . '.' ::) P. w. A'"- "ti"p ''. a l U7-t U m (.1 il " -.V, 'z !ST3,y , 1 .- .'vUtiiC) . - . , t ..i.i t !.! rn i'.ii! tVahis Dai 7 0 -1 A "d 7 (10 I'M v 3'AM 'eUllA M 11 ii i M .. . i- r,Y V i;:-.oA v ...J:!,.F.iI -'. r-'asjonge. ro;?! , . s i." i M f. i a 1- SJ -. r-i A "1 . .: .'i con- ct An. araJ . I ,.y '. ''(- . . it:d -. . a 3-SUU- .IsT. 't Ot. um ! v 5 m. : .r a ! ( of v,-;,ie.;i v.;;i i,-3 .ita-irat ion. ( ! i r y i - 7V"'- :--fl XTOVrMP 'l.::l 6 . i'!.ii sfc 'I'eJliiS L L. POT K, ai ... sxC. . . :.: - ernoe.lt .". . - ' Yo-v . . . :r i ;;el hia. Co. .'1 O.i'ord." M;i:cose. ls JU s ' . .-. I ! .: I "J lord t-.teti. v.rj V i '-f iii PI ysiciara and r i:ev uiiri Store-. - ' - " ih- j -; o-'! NEV; AsiD rt'SE P,4iDiClniES. Prcscrintions ca. eiul y .'.L'p..ur.tled a bourn. ,;,-..v or !-!.ht. They ho ye b;earefa aUeiitit'ti teiuerui-u-e crt. Their profefsioaa oflice is in tha l)ru4 arore, and they wilt it their carolo. aupor?Uim. cUUC