i r . HB -E VENING ST AR: Thursday Evening, Sept, 26, 1867 ' Local ' Circulation LARGER ' than that '.-V of . any1 Dafty Newspaper ; in " th$ State, with a fair, and daily. 4 , - v 1 increasing:, elrenlation - AdTertising Cafes lower than those 'of any Pally TTtwapaper in North Car- - ouna. - PUBLISHED DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), ,X ir By BXRNAItD.1 i ' ' , np5 Mailed, or delivered to subscribers in all UCjE? parts of the City, at $2 60 for Six Months, or $125 focThre Months. ,r- " TV M I IX . BE BHABDfl ir-H -v FayetteTille Agent. Mb. Wm. A. Robiitson is our authorized agent at. Fayetteville. All orders left with him will receive prompt atten tion. :-? " ' S ; . : Subsceiption Money. -A large number of pur subscribers having expressed a preference, to pay for the Stab for periods .-varying from five --weeks to six months; we have concluded to aban don totir plan-of weekly payments to the carriers, ';?' and employ "an agent to make collections.! ,Sub- - 4 scribers will bear' in . mind, . however, that they " ,1 will not he required to pay for more than one week ' ; at a time thotigh, Snder the new system, ' it is " desirable that they pay for' five or ten weeks in advance, and thus save us the trouble of having ;:; to make too frequent collections. As onr plans are now arranged, the carriers are ; not authorized to receive any money for the Star ; and, to meet with prompt attention, all orders v ; should be sent directly to the officerNo; -3-South - 4 Water street. , , , . ; - ; The Stab Book BiKDEBY.--llns cftmpTete establishment is ndw'in successful dperation, and '. is daily turaingjout the handsomest specimens of . . work.- Mr. T. H. Tillinghast, its manager, is un surpassed as askillful workman, and will guaran ty satisfaction to ". all its patrons. Jlis Blank Books I are m odels of neatness and durability';" and arfe uni7 versally pronounced the equal ofumy. pidftooks ; are re-bound in the best manner ; and, in short, . every variety of Binding and -Ruling is executed neatly cneapiy and promptly. . OUB, WANT. The limited amount of capital in the South is a dnestion that demands the earnest consideration of our people. Without money our immense re - f sources cannot be developed ; and now is the time s to make efforts to secure that which must be the , basis of our future prosperity. i Not having the Capital ourselves, we must in vite it from! abroad. We must lay before the pub lic a full and fair statement of our resources ; our 4 men of learning, especially those who have a .practical knowledgeof our soil climate and pro ductions, must give their attention to this im portant work, and let capitalists abroad know what splendid inducements we can offer them. Earnest and persistent efforts should be made to divert inj this direction a portion of the Im mense surplus capital that now lies buried in the Northern cities.: i While .we are almost without - the money with which to buy the necessaries of v life, the people of the North are revelling in un- xoia weaitnjana luxury; There is an abundance Of money in the country to supply all the wants ,: pf trade and commerce.: buC hnfortunatelv for t- lis, that money is not jequally distributed ; and; ; . r while we arp looking around, us each day for the means with which -to stock our" larder for the 'next,- the more fortunate ueonle of the North are , " busily engaged in developing somernew scheme t for the investment of their surplus capital -: v , We say let them; come here. Now that they p are becommg aatisfied that there is. no disposition , ; : onr tjhe part jof ourpebple' to do them bodily harm j that A Nortjieni gentleman will be treated with ' - courtesy and resp'ectletr; them "come among us f'j f with their stifrplds' means, and 'thus increase their ' r: own prosperity, while they add -to ours. ; - We'do-no want preachers of politics, and fo-.mentr'rodiscotd- not want1 those who J ; are top amiitious' of ; controlling and directing public ; sentimnl s Theseara not ,the meawe want," We antr practical men business, men who will dejrote tneir' tame and energies tp their i. legitimate occupaiioii&Yand not to the promotion vof party strij oner words, we are ready to i welcome Northern men who come among us with the intention o'f attending to theio wn- business, while hey let other' people's alone. .. -They can nd no more inyiting ffeld than is now , , Open to them in the South. We have no money, but wehave what is more enduring inexhaust ible resourc both mineral and" agricultural. TJnjtold wealfe lies slum bering beneath our South ' "em soiij patiently awaiting the Capital and appli ances necess iry to its development. Coaly' iron copper; gold and petroleum exist in their native : : bed beneath the soil ; while our unpacked forests abound in the finest timber that ever fell beneath I.' the strokes cf the woodman's axe.-v " '.. v Arf r. Personal. -Mr. Wm. Little, editor of the Ben r ' nettsville, S. C.,7 Journal, is now in the city on bu . , siness connected with his paper. We recommend t the Journal ks a good advertising medium for those who wfeh to build up a business with the upper Pee Dee section; The low ' through rates i of freight froni this point to Cheraw will make it ' to the interest of ; the Pee Dee planters to Bend j .-their produce" to "this market ; and those, who wish to reap the benefit of this new trade will ad v , vance their, interests by inserting a eard in the Bennettesvillie Journals' . Out :cbtempdrary of ithe Raleigh 'JProqress - 4 will accent oijir thanks for his highly compliment ary notice of pur little Stab. & We trust we may r always merit 'his good wishes. - - ---A-i ". rs i Y-, r, E The Sjra (so-called in;Va.) is considered, s ;o;ih this section, a very Coot bird., So says one of bur German friends. : 1, r s , ! 5Se Proprietor of ;the White Sulphur Springs,: in Virginia, is said to have made f 40,000 this sea- That's wha we call a seizin: of money.' T l-IE'CTTY -TOADTESTISEBS. ' , , . : - '. We respectfully call thfe attention of 4the busi ness public to. the fact that our advertising--rates are lower than those, of any daily other. newspaper in North Carolinar;:J" ''V ' " '7 " y This, added to our very large circulajtionmakes the Stab a most valuable medium of advertising. JOE- Single copies of The. Evening Stab, may be had Of Mr. T. M. Harris, at his news stand, on Front Street,' every afternoon;? ' tf SEXPiSHNES8.If there is an ' uglier blot in human nature than this, we; have ' never seen it It hardens a man's.character, and renders him Of no more use to "the world than: the common hog in the streets. It will causeiiim to despise his parents, and -make ' him . stone-deaf to a cry o suffering, even from their lips. We should guard against this cursed ; deformity. Men are becoming so greedy of gain that it already threat ens to 'overcome every good emotion of their hearts. " For God's sake; let us undo ourselves of it; and we, who are blessed with children; let us make the hearth -stone bright in genial smiles and warm impulses. We should never eat an ap ple before our children without sharing it with them. What is that man worth who is continu ally stretching out Jhis fingers, who locks up his heart as he does his Iron safe who never drops a kind word or opens his hand to, the distressed ? Why, we wouldn't give our little dog's ear? to save his worthless life. "But he is high in Po sition." We care not, he is mean. But he sings Psalms on Sunday.", We care not, the Devil will roast him. i . v i Fall Goods The stores of this city are There is a noticeable feature about the merchant of Wilmington, and we commend it to neighbor ing pities and towns he keeps ! the floor of his store-room as neat as the housewife does her par lor liis clerks are always behind the counter, and never-too wearied, howsoever hard Hhe work, to attend to one's most trifling wants. I The ladies have been thronging the dry goods houses during the prjesent week f We envy the clerk who never bows unless to acknowledge, the presence ; of these Heaven-born creatures, and never labors save in supplying ' their ' severeaV shopping necessities. It strikes us that we would cut rare capers behind a counter in a snow-white shirt and "bran span" clothes. I Millinery, &c.--About the 1st of Octo ber, Mr. A. D. Brown will open a large andt ak tractive stock of Millinery, Gloves, Fancy Goods, &c, in the store on Front street, formerly occu pied by Kahnweiler & Bro. - j s Mr; Brown's well-known experience in this business, is a sufficient -guaranty of his taste; and his great popularity as a gentleman will, no doubt, bring him' a " host of patrons." Success, say we, to the new house. . it; : Tile Jail. There are 30 prisoners at pres ent in the City Jail a mixture of plain and col ored. , - n ;' Certain, the prisoner who partially succeeded in making his escape, on yesterday, is now locked up in his cell and will hardly meditate on any further efforts of that - kind, "But for the bad priming of Mr. Biddle's pistol, he' would now be in a country whose prison house 'worthless men are continually 1 breaking in,!, but have never been known to succeed in'breaking their way out. - tW? The boot-black is a furious insti tu ition. ' He lives on the streets. Crowds of little negroes, from ten to twelve, seem to monopolize this city. If a feilow is so unfortunate as to have a dingy1 shoe or boot, he is at once ibesieged, and beset with such expressions as f'have yer boot blacked?" ' "Have er shine?" j'Make em pat ent leather, sur?" The job is soon done, and the young ape ;receives his dime,- and tumbles -on after another customer. - ' .I - , The City. But two arrests were made since yesterday ; ; one, . a colored man, named Merrick, who frequently indulges' in nocturnal bacchanals, was arrestedJast-niglit; for disorder ly conduct ; and the other, a gentleman of the plain persuasion, who had taken a wee drop too much, and not caring a "ding"' for expressions, was indulging his tremendous sperits on the bireeis. j - , : Fire Extlkguisher. The experimental exhibition of the Portable Fire Extinguisher, an nounced for this afternoon, has been postponed until Saturday afternoon at '5 o'clock, in conse quence of the absence of some of the - Rail Road officials, for whose benefit the experiment was to be given. -'' " - 1 Maj. MJ P. Taylor is the agent here for the sale of this valuable apparatus. t j . : New Advertisements. . A. D. Bbown. Millinery, Gloves, Fancy Goods, ; E. P. Georcse. Fire insurance. Kemp P. Battle. Notice to Sheriffs, Tax Col lectors, &c. . 1 " ,W. Ml Poissok. Meeting of St. John's Lodge this evening at 7i o'clock. ;i i Situation ' Wanted- By a young man, in a Grocery or Dry Goods establishment . . I i . .. - . T: ": . Drawbacks. Our merchants will bear in mind that some important , changes have been made in the forms of Drawbacks. The new regulations go into effect October 1st. The new forms,? printed in the neatest manner, will be for sale at the Star office early next week. All orders promptly attended- to. 1 r J ... -" The fine, steamship P. Clyde, comes out this morning in a new- dress. The painters j have done the work well; and the "Billy" looks as neat "and bright as a new pin. VfissBLSw'ETAINBD-We are r informed that all the "sailing - vessels that have left our wharves5 within several days past, with' the ex ception itthe JRichaeiv Vaitx -for, Boston, which went out at the Inlet, yesterday, afternoon, are detainedRafear Smithville, noi being able to eross tneT mafn-Sarl , The particular "cause of detention wegaia not learn, mougu it is Burmibeu watucuu wind forav4he chief obstacle, '. ' . NEAtiYCoMPLETED. The new brick of fices now building on. North Water Street,' for the occttpaney of-e&srs-. E. Murray & Co., are rapidly .approaching, completion, ; and , will he ready for use within a few days. The building will add' materially 'tO' tne -appearance of our great business thorpughfare, and .is., another evi dence of the enterprisei-hat pervades our people ; House Rent Two dwelling houses' were rented this morning at Auction. ' One, 'a' two storied house, with well of water and kitchen, and situated at corner of Nun and Fourth, now oc- cupied by Mr. Whitfield, brought $305 The other was a small house, occupied by Mr, Small, at Toll Gate and brought $200. Rentpayr able quarterly in cTurrency. , jjgr Call on Mr. Branson, at J. D. Love's Book store. He publishes the North Carolina business Directory embracing the business' men, and other statistics of the entire State, . Mr. Branson is of the firm of Brans6n, Farrar & Co., of Raleigh; and is about completing the Second Edition of this valuable work, North Water. This street is rapidly rnshing ahead. The commodious building .of J no. L. Holmes, in which, three large stores are expected to do business, will soon be finished; Also, the building of Mr. Nutt is about being finished off. - - ' r -: U"-The drainage improvements around the shed of Messrs. Atkinspn& Sbcpperson will n x iii ' : a A e j . it auu greauy iu iuc vpusuiynuii iium uimage vi ait goods placed thereunder. 1 .' EE The steamer Marion cleared for Fay etteville to-day. She was incorrectly cleared on yesterday. j " NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. The Charlotte News suggests, that the feather swindlers who have recently been opera ting in the Western part of the State, have some tar mixed with their feathers.: We ,can furnish the tary if the News will rub it on. tSIn Mecklenburg county, the cotton crop is promising but latei In Chowan, it is a failure. A valuable vein of gold has been discover ed upon the farm of Mr. Alex. LTolliday, of Meck lenburg county. Trust not, Mr. Holliday, in the vein things of this world. 7 t3T The Washington Index advocator the build-. ing of a railroad from Washington to Tftrboro', or Goldsboro'. The Morning Star seconds the mo tion. . '-;' jW The editor of the Goldsboro' Morrdng Star, who was a Confederate mail agent, has been par doned by the President. Having been pardoned twice, he thinks he ought to have the right to vote once. The editor of the Weldon News went to Alexander Robinson's circus, and was"" sold." We conclude, therefore, that the proprietor of this circus is Alexander the Great humbug. . . On Thursday last, the largest freight train that has ever, passed over the North Carolina Railroad, arrived at Goldsboro'. 1 A f (p" The Newbern Journal of Commerce doubts the propriety of holding any Conservative party meeting sat the present time; thinks they can take no" action likely to benefit the South, or add to the success of .their Northern friends. . It sug gests that action be, postponed until after the October elections at the North Y- ( A ' collision occurred, in Salisbury, on Mon day,; between some United States soldiers and a party of negroes, in which the former came out " second best." . j - ; r .SPECIAL NOTICES. W. H. Lippitt, Druggist & Chem ist. Always on hand a full and select supply of PURE I MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSH ES, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc. Prescriptions accurately and neatly com pounded. N. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. S.-rrStore open from -6 A. M. to 9 P. M. Per sons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on Second Street between Dock and Orange; . , sept23-l-tf The attention of the business pub lic is respectfully called to the fact that THE HYENIXG STAB has, already, a larger local circulation than has ever been reached by any newspaper established in Wilmington. It has, also, a fair, and rapidly increasing, circula tion in the country. Its RATES OF ADVER TISING ARE LOWER than those of any new, paper in the State; and its REASONABLE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION must soon give it a circulation that will make it the best adver tising medium in : North Carolina! : ' sept23-l-tf Wm. H. Bernard, Printer A Pub- LISHER, AND GENERAL ADVERTIS- ING AGENT, No. S South f Water Srteet, Wil mington, N. C. . . , AU varieties of PLAIN, FANCY and ORNA MENTAL PRINTING executed in the best style. My TYPE, PRESSES and MATERIAL are almost ENTIRELY NEW, and my WORKMEN are UN SURPASSED. " In connection with my Printing and Publishing House, I have - a COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, including a .first-class KUI ING MACHINE. ! ' " . Call and see specimens. -eept-23-l-tf i . . . ;.j jp. i . ' ....... ; , 5 NEW ; ADVERTISEMENTS. ;: -v . WANTED; ' A SlfUATffOjr IN A CiliOCERY Oil DQT J. Goods Store,' by a YOUNG MAN, Who can S OFFlCEf TOOIi3BrNIrNOU T.ATTnOOkS. JTAG A JL zines, Periodicals, Music-Ac.j, &c, bound in the Dest styie at 4 . - vv JUrr ii.-sjiiXN akls, ; -: , Printing House and Book Bindery. ! cunt rJVr . . it ' ... v Rrl-i .H7So Cf ! 49 Journal copyT- St; Joliii lodge N6.;l, F& A. M. TEGUIaAB tkm this (Thurs MOXTHLY COMMUNICA lay) Evening, at 7 o'clock. - i - . - sept 27-4-lt - f WM. M. POISSON, Sec'y. X). (LATE WITH KAHNWEILER & BRO.,)' "tnt 7"III ' OPENS ON OR ABOUT THE 1ST vtt of October a complete and varied assort- ment of 4 : : MILLINERY, GLOVES, HOSIERY, and " FANCY ARTICLES. Mr. B. has selected the above Stock with erreat care, and,' from his thorough knowledge of the business, feels assured that he can supply the wants of the moat fastidious. Give him a call Deiore purchasing; as he will introduce the Latest and Mjost; Approved Style of aoors5 Exclusively for CASH. . . ' v 4 Next door Stfuth of Kahn weiler's. I -' sept26-f-lw , - . ... - - - 1 . . THE GRE AT. CONNECTICUT . MUTUAL tlEE COMPANY, PROTECT VOUR PROPERTY "JgY INSUBINC IN : THE FOLLOWING xIEST CLASS COMPANIES, Represented by us THE HAMOIID FIRE Ins. Co. Assctt $1,700,000. THE IXTEKTATIOXAIi, Ins. Co. Assets $1,450,000. .'V: THE 1'JKEIVIX IXSUIiANCE Co. AsscUs $1,600,000. ; THE ATIA3TTIC FIRE Ins. Co., Assetts. about $500,000. .Four stronsrer Comnanies can scarcely 1 found, combine.d in! a single agency, South. Their reputation for prudent and able management is FELLY ESTABLISHED by ample experience. ' All honest losseg satisfactorily adjusted and promptly paid:. Exclusive attention given' to the wants of all who desire insurance Life, Fire or Ha. rine. U P. GEORGE, Agent, i No. 4 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. sept27-4-tf CAPITAL ,6,000,000 1 1 To the Sheriffs and Tax Collectors of North-Carolina. ' In; consequence of informatiqn just received, I deem it mv dutv to inform vou that you are bound by law; to pav the State Tax es now due, into the Public Treasury. trior to the 1st day of October; next. Unless payment shall be made? I am imperatively bound .? 4 at the first court which occur after the default, to move for judgment against delinquents for the full amount of taxes due, deducting nothing for com missions or insolvents, but adding one thousand aoiiars lor taxes supposed not to appear, in the lists transmitted by the Clerk." i , i ! The next Superior Court of Wake will begin bri the 30th of September. 1 With every disposition to grant indulgence to Sheriffs and the people, I think it. best to notify ; you, that the law gives me no discretion, and that unless payment be made on or before the 4th of October next, being Friday of the Superior Court of Wake, Judgment will assuredly be moved for, or against all de linquents. r . i : I learn that an opinion prevails in some quar ters that the State Treasury has a large surplus and needs no further replenishment. This is not true. The taxes collected unrip.r .th Tf vp: Hue Act-of 1S66, will be nearly all exhausted by iuc uiusc ui ptcscuii jiscai year i&ept. 3U, lWiv.V The taxes now be in sr collected. ;-will ha t(miA for the year ending September 30, 18G8. Out of this fund must be paidi the expenses of the Stnt Government for the coming voar. of the Aav- lums, of the probables Convention and General Assembly, in full all ordinary and extraordinary appropriations made by law. : i This is the smallest Tax levied since 1848. Tax payers should attend to their duties at once and cheerfully. They will expect relief in vain. The district commander has oeen urged to stop the collection, but has declined i to interfere. Let Sheriffs by energetic collections, and tax payers by prompt payments, save me from the painful duty of enforcing law against delinquents. ; , v ery. xtespecxiuiiy, . A : KEMP P. BATTLE, sept 27-4-lt - , , - Public- Treasurer. AUCTION SALES. CROCKERY and GLASS WARE ; I at AijqTioisr. , - BY S. M. WEST, Auctioneer. ' ON WEDNESDAY,' SEPT. 25th, 1867, at 10 o'clock. A. M:. at mv Htnr rn Snnth side Market Street, will be sold r' T A3THB STOCK in said 'Store, consisting of AKTICLES,- to iclose business. Sale contin - ued from day to day until all is sold." Those in -want will attend, the sale, as this is the only chance to get bargains. sept24-2-3t r, i . - t H. B. PEREIN. , WHARF (FOR REBTT, mHE WIIAllF IV FIlftVT -Ei vm-mww JL bTAa office will be rented on reasonable terms. It is now beinsr thoronsrhlv Apply to : , tiios. ii. Weight, .. septiotf - Or, CHAS. M. STEDMAN - JflISS BETTIE K. JPRICE J ?CTTLI'1L RESUME. THE DUTIES OF V her SCHOOL, at the residence of Mrs. C: K. Price, corner of Fifth and Orange Streets, on Monday, 21st October. ; : - r , sep25-3-lw NO. I PERUVIAN :CUAN0. j yN STORE AND FOR SALE BY ri'lWlliB.'IIMBWjjjll I ' 1 ' I vWHBBa. i NBAV ADVERTISEMENT in 4 '..--'i.v . .".. j .-' BlanEBook ahufacto -AN -PAPER RULING ROOMS WH. H. BERNARD Propria J No.-3..South;Water Strec. WILMINGTON, N,' C., CONNECTION WITH MY PR! JL ING AND PUBLISHING :HOt7SE.: I havn c in J erationr a Complete BOOK -BINDERY BLANK : BOOK M AN1JFACTORT, iacij ing a FIRST CLASS, RULING JIACllnJ BIy unsurpassedi facilities enable me to exect all work in the : above ' lines at LOW RATtl wun me uimost, aispatcn, and in them SUPERIOR STYLE. t . - i V -rl ant manufacturing to order LEDGERS,'.' V' .V ' ' - JOUENALS,' ' ! " DAY BOOKS,,, , j , - j CASH BOOKS, i blotters; INDEXES, ,, ; i ! RECOED BOOKS i TRIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE DOCKETS, minute dockets; EXECUTION DOCKETS. MARRIAGE REGISTERS, j. BOND : BOOKS; AND ALL OTHER LAHKB00KS 1 USED BY clerks;-; ' . . r . REGISTERS, ' J ' ' MERCHANTS, r . v riBANKEE, RAIL ROAD COMPANIES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, & - 1 J ; ...... T ALL varieties OF I PRQ3DPTLY ATTENDED TO. BOOKS, ; - PAMPHLETS; -"XGAziNES, it - : .PERIODICALS; ' i . t NEWSPAPER FILES, :; . ; MUSIC,;&c4 &c 4 ' Bound in the neatest and most substantial matJ vner, and at Moderate Prices. ' i RULED IN ANY FORM DESIRED.; Specialatteiitloii gtrmio UEBlXDtff old; books; gilding .'asd , letteb- ING IIYMN BOQKS;pilAYElir BOOBS. BIBLESNi.:Miif?V vf :-' "V ' v - ."' C "--- --:'' 1 :V i .'." J . i ... .,,.. .,,f.s r;;...... -f.:...;., , ..-t- .,:-. ,:-.,T.t Send your orders to k f v , WM.:H. BERNARD'S Pnntirig & .Publishing House Ana General Book Bindery, : i : - . ... - i :. - . - , . . . . ; I . $ept4-:,. ' WILMINGTON, W. C 7. T 'f t" I jsep23-l-lw WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. ( I ' . - i "mm lin"" ' ' Ti (' i m iiV..