; . ! . I . . '"; ' . . '. s ;.-:....-.-, - . ..- : . ;. " . 1 " ft 'V - , , - ' - - ... . k' . ... ' ' '- n - - igrg ... j,,, - ... - . - ' .. . C . J 3 1 r n -1 ' " rir " - - " - ' ' - "r ' --' -T--:-'- - - J- - -- - - - f .. y r- PBmTlNa &vPTTBLISHlNar COMlSnSSIONIERCHANTS. GLQTHINGhBOOTS-SSOES: Daily (Snndays excepted) rfil No. 3 South Water Street miTV ;t AR is tnalled, or delivered to sub- BATESO ADVERTISING: onesaufeK::;;;;:;:::::v;;:::::- . . , three dajB,..!.......:.-.,.: J four dayri, 1 - F5rt . ,j. . , . . ... ...... j. in live aay a. - one -vveelj;,..i ........ -. . .i., . . . . i f. 1 75 2 00 rontract Advertisements taken at propor- ,tely low rates, 'j j ;l : .f BAItWAYi DIKECTOKY. iviLMIGTON MANCHESTER KAm ROAD. j. Deltosset, 1. S. Cowan, Geo. J. V. W. E.MtUsj axer a,urr9s llicbard Siley, J- Eli Grqgg. . 1 &Zwad TreqsvrerWra. Walker.; A .Srlmeight enohn L. Cantwell. ; J tmriXGTOX, CIIARIiOTTE & RUTHERFORD "1L3U ' RAIL ROAD. , f ' President Robert H. CoVari.-" ;; . . v i s- .T. Person,-At H. VanBokkelenV Jno. a McDowell, Robert IS. FrenchWalter L. Steele ct'pnhen Wi Oole, SamnelfHnWalknpj.E. Nyef. "7a: 6.4Ldgah,Ai-; Winesly. (. inimdent w . 1. Everett Qer of Trar?d07i-"W;gar Allen; rr F i Kreretarv and arecumrer-l. T. Alderman.- 1 cnW R5. FrenehV. -WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL JiOADt 'president R. R. Bridgers. t, : Vv Directors vn the part of the Stociiolaers-W. A. Wriiit,S. D. Wallace,iEU Miirray, Alfred Martin, A if. VanBokkelen," Geo. Harris, Of Wilmington, aiidJolin Everett, of iGoldsboro'. I Directors on the part of the State -Edward Kidder, of Wilmington; N. C; Jdlm Norflest. of Tarboro', and Thomas DrHoggof Raleigh N. CV ' Chief Engineer and General Superintendent's. L. Fremont. rTu '-a 'L, Master of lransporuxiimr m. Djmwi -V "f 'T Sccretarjana Treasurer. v , -i '..-'Master of Maj&inerjfiXL. M.-IIan nompsonrf . s kins. -i;..X 4.uditor 1j. xuciiey. .. KAIL 110 AD LINES. if Wiliiiiiigton WIdQU tR. R. Co. it Ofpicr Chief Ejioieer & Gkjt. Sur'T, ) : WiLMiKGTq, N. C, Sept. 1, 1807. J REGUIARSCIIEDIJXE 1 fjiJ ON AND AFTEB JUIY 5tli, TIIE FQll. Towinsr Schedule will be runl bv the Paasen- " gun Trains over tms jKan Koaai . ., , '' v DAT TR AIN8, , i ? i f.v J'; Hll leave; Wilmington, every morning (except morning (except Sundays), at 10:40 A. M.; arrjvi ing at Wilmington at 8 o'clock, P. M., and at NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS,. - Will leave Wilmington at 9:30 Pr -M., daily, and yreldon at 6:25 P. M., dailv ; arriving at Wilming ton at i!:$iu A. m., ana tat vv eicion at ,& .A. M.'T Tn-ir ty-tnree nours.to JNew. loric.' -' Trains joass. Golnsboro' ,.at l:o7 A. M., gX)ing North, aind at 3:05 P. M. coins South. i . . , A.M., andJ0:35 M.', and 10:11 P. Passengers to "'and from the Nortli Car'olina 1 Rail lioad,. going, tojor from the North, make close connectipns at Goldsboro' tith Day Trains. Passengers going East or West from GoidsborO', pliould take the Day Trains from places South of Goldsboro'. Both trains connectat Wilming ton with trains oe Wilmington! &. Manchester Hail lload, and at Weldon with trains via Rich mond and PortsmoiithYa.,The Xa.J Trains con nect with the -Old Bay Line. Tho iVtoM Trains with Annamessic Line.' wr T" v' t lve to ten car loads of -"2Tmc-" Freight will -be rn-riea onoy 27raXin fourteen; hours, between lllli-..... !..-. .1 1 ' - i ..t V "wtccu x ui LBixiuutiU tutu ,vU"-tipii' , Via VirOltHS won)'. - r y - All . naners -tmblishinsr Schedules?! -nlease vuuiige ;or tms one. , -. - ; , H.;-L. : FREMONT, sept231-tf Chief Eng T Wilmington & Manchester i Rail -1 .Wilmington, N:C., July .3, 1867. -.r ni ON AND AFTER, JULX. 6th, PASSEN ger Trains o4hJ9 Road will run on the fol- lowing Schedule : I4a - ' Leave 'WIlTnln-vfrttt Arrive at -IQngsVtiteLi AhlVfi Ht. Anmffo.v,, -' ...4 ..... .11:54 A. M. .... 7:25 P. M. uiave.Augdsta..' ". j, . . i . .v o ,".vL k " 3:55. A.'.M. ' Arrive atingsWiet..r' .tmAm" ACCOMMODATIONlTKAIN. JaveWilmington .,..-.. . L - .8:00 P-JL i Arrive ot-irwm:"" rt? .B risr ,-filiT s Arrive at Wllmtaiidrf.'r. .'. 1 . : . ;. 5:15 A: M. Express Train connects closely at Florence n unine JNortn eastern Kau oaa ior cnaries On, and Cheraw & Darlingtoii Rail Road, for Wieraw, and runs thtoiigh to Augusta, Ga., with- out change. Accommodation Train connects.' at Kiricrsville." -vith kSouth Carolina Rajl'. Road, forjAugustar -71, and for Columbia on Mondays, Wednfes tiays and Saturdays. ! ' . ' I '"- 8ept23-f-tf 1 i.C iJL HU I U Geni BuiH ' 1 1 . 1. i . Wilmington Cliarlotfe, &-Rutli- -erf6r AiE ROAbfr General SurEKiNTEBENT's Officb, WilmingtonrNC , Aug. 9, J ( N AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT; claTSS S'5?i?) ..W Tuesday, Thurso rrt dve Rockingham (Stage), On Monday, Wed iSf7 Fridav, at 4:)A. k, . ". '-' : v i ai vvSand Sill (Crs) Monday, nWedneday: Wnday, at 7 'o'clock; A .' f .'7-iv W!-I. lEVEKETT.-i t,,. J t"E?PE3fTi PRESS, CONCORD,v N. n uunsneaweekly. U ; ' (';xUi-r. . sptW'i 'ij WM BERNARD, Aerilf , sept23-l-tf - Wilmington, N. C. ROAD COMPANY. r .... , ,.f KUSl ldt.h. t.rw PaaPT,i' Ti-siin on. t.hlA. KOart J",1 ieave Wilmington on Tuesday,. Thursday an4 Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. Mlj ; V , , Amve at gand HiH same days, at 3P, M,' t - 'f BERMRB' ,and PublisBine' tt 1, " - 1 ' j -'f.-.v - - ' VAic Ul Llie 1J.OSC complete JJiS- ;j: ftii iiu WAiiii u r-. -is ;;;'?'f--vir tablishments Soutlrof v : iMft ...Baltimore. . -, , -AJ-rKsil - n i t Ml fr I . . ....... .5. . ......... . . . BOOKS" ,:;HMrm.ETS;,( x'iilAlX EJJ AND . IIOUND. , . Circulars, a d t:Mt Posters,' f : " v Iland-Biils, I " ' . Prices Current, :: Programmes, Rusincss Cards, Tisitins Cars, Wedding Cards, ' f. ':'' .Catalogues, - it-. letter Ilcails .'. -i ,!- 'tt'i- Bill Heads, 1 ban ;-is'i..' : Rail Road Receipts, Steamboat Receipts, itt'-i.t 1 : Xtini rests, - Jf - - " - li 1st f r- Clferlts' Blanks, . r "".vV'tit.Kriif.-'.Si'iitJ. 51 4K'i f SlieMflRianlcs, 7- I :::u 7 ' COnStablCS'r BjLankS, i ;(. si ar. h hi sl h:!; 5 ; ; ? "h w-.i- VL j " j i-r W fVAporiviiOBU)r-.j .? T f rriTinna JNo. o boutfl1 Vvater Street , ,( w ana 12'yorth :yAte : street: ;, , i iVIlilHCrTOTj W. C. will receive our best attention. -Vv'e will r Mi. -vi-j Acrsf them put up bymost competent workmen at a Drawbacks, c, slISi!fJ;1Tnr,ai.o;ft , r,r . . ; ,. ,p. , j . ; Address all orders to - -'"-i t:4.- - ;.!'.. -i '.-, j'-'-. 4 i. .'Tl .'; :V-J. s. ' - v " - . Richmond 'Va '' iEPnd-on, .REASONABLE ERMS. ; ,r,' ' Sole-Agent for Va. and N."'c. : j . a v -v, r i.t v. . gs Will olah Mntmnt, for t.liA rAff.iATi of1-- i. i - i . a . i 4 1 f --! j . . i': ,- ' ..s j.','--'u.,?.t i-V-A'Vi.'tUi'. JJ- V 'KK,! N rlWlT- TiN V'iUUijUJt& ' JM tfcls-department challenge compe- " ' t tition. We nse the finest Ihks arid J fv..- g-ive pariiciuar anennon 10 rwli-branches" of f FANCY M !' 00L0E PRINTING. l-.-' ".-' - i - J. P &- !X&-JX A"lttKn i-. ; w4'. 4wW itiLjhw4 .w - '..-.-'" j , .'M.t Si i i ' Vf i .;i:Tl. "I jA " wr '" f1-1 : ':ji' Our Wedding and Visiting'Cards :Ve Pfect GEM-OF BEAUTY AND NEAT- NESS, a the scores of specimens in our: I -i offlcd will fully testify. .1 4'if ivU ' -'r'P Klf1 V'-'l l:T Vj. u ' " .:' irr 'f , v f Jin--.; . a ''." . . . l . ., . j . , . , , . .-: ., fSfSt -itl-'K'.'!-!,'" l Z Jt' ' .. ,0,1a jl.i;'';. ; t-to,.t V. V. t l Our BuBiness Cards and Circulars? . Kyi' 1 - H Lttot aIpmttipbsi or iTYinrRssinn and crenmne taste. 1 v-v "' V . . . : . t 1 i . in;cxuding Prlnfingr Offlce i v "VI. Blank Rook jmanniaciory , 1 1 And . Paper Ruling. Rooxnsw " j Thi thONLYc EST ABJMJENTi I J?. ?RFH-4BB sci)t-21-tf j ; Proprietor. cannot be celled:. iCall and .see specimens. QU3ITER NEWS,, SUITER, S. e.PBRr v- rrar j i r,; i.P r-v O'Hshed Weekly,- Darr & Osteefa; Proprietors. ilin 9Mthtfn ; WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, m .J-. ni. - - . . ti X Septaw-tf Wilmington, 1J. C. ATKINSON & ;SHEPPERS0N, -f iGeneral Coniiuis.sion 4 -AND- Wholesale Grocery Merchants; 'l AGENTS ' grant liberal cash advances on Consignments-to We olfer to the trade a 'full supply of GROCE RODTJNDA GUANO, alwaysjbn hand - : 1 ; Agents for Rtipdes Standard JMantlfeM Vtt1 eryrs xeiewraiea star cotton utncon.- ceaeato oe tne oest in use. bold with or with out Condensers. ' ... x v '.MS GOodS for sMmfiTiTrTi-oiir TTAT.TTMORT: STEAMERS, forwarded Free of jCommissioni lit sepfi-i-ti WUl jive prompt pergonal attention ; to ttoealet or shipment of .Cotton, Naval, Stores,, General Produce, etc: ,u etc.'-tAlso- to; receiving arid" 'for warding goods. ,1 .K-hn'i ' 4 Orders solicited and promptly filled. ' "'"' Sept23-l-tf ' . ; - - fi -ft S. It. B1RD.3EKV ' A. T. K03f:;S0N. BIRDSEY RORIIVSOIV; 4 JT CffAXTS, No. 4' South Water Street, Wil mington, N. Cl ' ; : " sept24-5tf. ALEX. JOHNS OK, JR. 'l E. T. MC KSTHAN. l ;ai,ex. joirspiv & co; ; n ROERS AND COMMISSION MEIt- VX CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street Wil mington, N. C. , , . -. ,. : v,. , sept21-ly NORTHROP fe CtJMHING, COMMISSION MEliCErANTS; PBOPBI. A PLANING MILLS, Wilmington, N, C. f j" -Sole agents for the celebrated "DURHAM nSCELLANEOUS. N. F. BUENHAM'S ---t(..rr CELEBRATED' 'r; --.:i r. n,'' "''- ... - :. - -.'..'- X X VXJLVXX U VJJ. V CVX .' ' JL XJLjL tJJ rSTS' WTT?i?T.l-rt! "in?ATrx':.-'Tr V ' W " - b & . . S m ?JL vention of the age, surpasses all other 1 ness of run ; -simple in construction, and aTnas f?f . I terpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to set out of order, and, fitm its positiotf iirthe Sime: r It is cheaper than an V otber ' WHeef .'(of tbe same weight and nnish) in market v 1 . && Send for eirculars.-Ffi ' - - ; . , IS II. f TI'SN 1 1 1 LI . II. ! 2-1 II I lllli.M-- ... - jC- Person ordering these "WHEELS carf have' iForall kinds of Mariufaeturirlg imtposes,both of .Water and SteairiPower. scpt2i-3-Gm. 1STEWSPAPER AGENGY: mARBonoUGii southerner: tar X borough, JS:-' Gharlesy Hearne & Biggs; m$m inmmmm ; 8ept2a4Ttf jU '.rf. Wllmington,S CJ Tlt7"A iE SB O BO' AROtTS, WARESRORO. lYV N. C.,i Published i Weekly,, ErankiDarley, - KPvonrtp.fhp. i ....... i, .. ' . . J WM. Hj-BERNARD. Agent, V sept2fi-tf - y-iimingtontc. , Jj PhilllL v ) -V . OTI, H. .BERND Agent, - 1 .sopt28-iffqyjg-u, "VTORTH CAROLINA PH ;Eayetteville,N.'iC.; Publishgd' Weekly W. McL. McKay, Proprietor, 8ept2a--.-- ? iV ilmlngtqn, .Cf IVT ARION STARMARION PUB- - sepF-i-rti i , .iAV vmingtQn,.ji. j iESCEXT, MARION,,S.tCU PiaSMSH- V- ed Weekly, W. C MQMman,'Pioprietor. WM. II, BERNARD, Agent, t sept23-l-tf t-y yilmiisgtoii, . N. C. g? Mm1 ; "vn. s f wm; j.ujl,kjn aku," Agent, .c4-o t ? ? M , wnmcTtnn xr r1 . rDtjtAtr-i-Li j - . . .. i i.I. i. J - v" r-i GHERAW ADVERTISER, CHERAW, S. C.r Published Weekly, H: C. Powell,1-Proprf- J.etor;:? V;U 1 ) U J J:.. ti t ,o J ;Js xo "ru. sept23-l-tf .. ' - Wilmington,N Cl PRINTIKCJ t EVERViTYJLEOP PX.AIJff, Fancj and Ornamental Printing executed pRisTrNG AKD Publishing Hoitse, ,J . And General Book Bindery, " sept30-7-lt. p. -t -;,c.n. J-py-S Soujh W-ytert. t Journal c6py. " ' . ' :. ' i . . v ; . - . mT12 IlOANOIcE NEWS. PUBIISHE ) fiP SV :f J M?!aG " septO-7-ft ; , .. .. Wmingtcai, . . i j fv-cLi. Published TrirWeekly; and Weekly. lewis uanes, n;aixor ana proprietor. WM. H BERNARD. lAsrentw- sept24-l-tf . , Wilmington, N. C. ; EIRSTvrSTOCK OF- 1 f 'it it. i - Ht -: : " T iVr f-jL IXTTTE ABKi NOW OFFERING :rTO THE . TV Public the greatest inducements to pur chase onr 3 LARGE A ND r WBfJ, VT,irftfT?ri STOCK OF y:t ; Olothin iHats, Shirts,; ?'AM,- iff fact, ill fcfasses of 4 GENTS' FlIRISItOfG OOODS. Havirfg sectfred' ibfe services of a 1 -J fA -k''tei .ilS" ??-' S.J:IVtfiif I L 1 a. HP -(lilt 7TJ 4h TTP . are prepared ,to MAKE, SUITS TO ORDER, that we will wariunt to surpass tbose; ,made by niiy utAiet xn-ua-;iiii lifts Diiief 5C4 sf r ?,? Our; Wholesale J0epartuieitt to Alan '-rrrriTt 2k'4-X J n-v -vrrA n-nT 4m a -mCa1 TYT warrant all goods as represented. With prices l,) Mill l. Mil. - - -1 -. s'ept23-l-tf ' ji-'V'-:. 1 ';-tv.T;.;Ti';r;A r-.l IMSGELLAiSTEOUSjn ana1 Provisions; F THE CHEAPEST PIiACE IS NORTH CAROLINA to buy l : . ; ' .. , GROCERIES rlROVISlONS FOR Is iit";G3EO.-Z. . FKENCIIfI; . "if .. Wo lO South front t.J. sept23-l-tf 1. Wilmi ngton,.N. p. FIR ST OKA Ba NK, j OF i WILMINGTON, N. C UNITED STATEBj DEPOSITORY : FIJTAJfCl AyiJf A:0 E:n't: i - DiKTORs-4Wm;?IIrRIcRaTy, S.! IV Wallace, Jas.ti. iiiaaDQtnrne $p&py..H;,tj? s. IL lM BOWDEN, Bookkeeper. L . 4 J;8P1X WALLACE; ktJlerlfer - p v' t THIS BANK IS NOW -OPEJT FOR THE transaction of business. - . . ; GOLD AND SILVER COIN, GOVERNMENT BONDS and SECURITIES; NOTES OP SOLVENT EXCHANGE ON NOlJTlIERN AND SOUTlf, ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. 4 COLLECTIONS madweutall accessible po in the United States, with nromnt returns. nts : DEPOSITS ?RECEIVED. and, careful attention given to the aceduirts of business men.; , ; J . . sept23rl-2m jf- . - .. ...V v-'f . T7 . ; ':w..;Ki3 r c h jte rueating pjir- JU i cltaaed the interest of E. AV Keith, tlid firm of JCEITH & IfERGHNER is this day dissolved. Ehe business will be continued at the old stand y F.v Wj Kerchnerj-ivith whom all 'debts due the late firm must be settled.. j. j f ' Sept. 12;i807. &r P. W: KERCliNER.i - Tlie uneilgn"eaij& "anterest. would respectfully ask a -continuanco iTrtanterestj ox ; the liberal ' patronage extended to tne r late firm of Keith & Kerchnr, and is now prepared to make libei-al advances On Cotton Naval Stores. &c, consigned to him or to his friends in Balti- f Corn. BaconJPork, Floui SaltGuaho, Cotton Also, agent for the celebrated Patapsco Guano.! sept2-l-lm ; j J7? KERCHNEE. i; rr (LATE . WITH KAHNWEIIRBRa) rvY7-II.IOPEN OR ABOFTTHE 1ST meat oif , u r- isn; ir'TfT' :. i i - , -. t ,...!' i v - ! ' . ft I MIIJINEJlTr4i .tiH .'Af-tf' .Jtilhl v -v,; j r GLOVES, .1 V4. Mn Bi haa selected the above Stock with gr ea care, and, from his thorough. knowledge of the business, feels' assured that1 lik can supply tne" wants ? of -tho i most lfastidiou,Giv,o,niHi . a call before purchasing, as be will introduce the -y Latest and Most Approved Stylo Df 3insiWiTT for nXsir. " :rK; i,55 J 1 AH- TVKX.Ii UUU1 OUUIU UX iUWUIICUCl O . r ALEIOH PROGRESS.-; PFlltlSHED Xti Daily and Weekly, at Baleigh, N. C.. by Guth rie & Orr. PronrietOTS.. ' ' ' h. -v ' .'- j'rf 44fv :iiiWMoHit3ERNARD,-Ageiiti5lw, r septltft;;j T : itWUmjngtoKC. - - A JtIEICAN, STATESVII.I-E, ,KO. CA., J! Published 'Weekly,' Eugene B. Drake W Son,' set)t23-l-tf l J Wilmington V xncoitton d o v n i eb , mkcoin. Jjton; N.' C4 Published Tri-Weekly, Edward II. ! t j W,ai. JUL. JBKKAJ! AenXJ sept2-I-tf i? ' ; -: Wilmington,. & ATMRtGH 'STANDARD.' TRlirlirD XV, Tri-Weekly and Weekly at HeighN, C' bv Wrw: Hoiaen sonf'ropnewrE. - -. 5 ' septSfrltf j.m-- r 't Wilmington, 3L :Cj t Ti. AILY IVEWN AND AVE E KEY CATJtW Xtba Watchman, Charlotte,; N. .C-, JTones & ;f 1 i WM. IL BERNARD, Agents sept23-l-tf i ; Wilmington, N. C , , , EDWIN E. BURRUSS, President, , , ; 4.' A. K. WALKER, Cashier, s Avoid Party Excitement We wbuldihat every;matTrnl the 'Sotit conlcT' that cause? the- home of thelaboTer i6 5 fejJiefef.c,k The eleep of thelahoringmn VefifwfpfiM' aspirahTf of ppfiticai,pTxmnoa .On goid hard das work is better "thab evcff harranues to the opatfd'to 4aTfi:y JP we,. boundi to' have ponticfif ihstmction and to feel soitfe interest in representation BuVfsr aU;pn8etepce it dosn require a thosimd, on?. jStateTsm'eii fln one; small burg to enifghtcftine jujccuimj iBULoiaDUY aa yeiy,m there 1b a ihueh potitieii jftMtgoi "tauclh laolse of mass i-ii r ';. . -, --.'- ?. .' V '- - . - -- ' the. Tweedeees ' can be foa-kd isNew ; York "eit Ad fo wlrtft puf- posc fcail' ietafpowder; aud With iafiated cheeks .beats-the aiirtmdei: erieg :t (oi: 4gxpdV .aiaHy' :: for us for we goVahe isu makingT an asW of himself y Be g&naotr say j neither does, he care to say:rnie thrttt'Ishfe i orfy sfmiofeeay nimseii laiK, anaxne rooiisir PPpie ciappe,-ciawri 4. and open- wide their throataas dogs would do under they toptingof anoldtiii bxl: i sTe"pp4rs vottb.'Siy ac-;r countable for this idling away of our peoples time If they IV ferent poUtital isSncsVhy, aojidjbulet iVbe done in a quiet, v respectful mannernOeated words, no little -digs into-ch- others private character; Discuss in such a way thai the;"wdrl ing manwhen he retuib'to Way Jead- . his paper with nVunp ' f eelinhat o!a paYty' ofB'Ubmp'otedof cut thfoaind' feaf -bttruers Wid the; 'otLr niade up of hard-B wearers and wicked abusers for between the two; he is; convinced' that, sure ienough the country isast going iotheTE)evii ; and these im-; pressions soon 6hape;hisAcourse? away - from hi workshop towards the rendezvous e Da idtemecp He'getmiaced tip withMr-AiUWayB-ReadyV of the " lights;' ' who spouts, at ." called .meet-1 Ings'indTrf-Rj npP low's tiineand money, in the bell and red flagT: calling, znmethigfl anr "npnncing barbaeue at such C poin' lau. disjtrib- -uting pamphlets on the " Safety and Salvation of ; ( the Couutryl" ' We wish all such ranters would ' spra7a know' ', no more of them. . . , , ., , . God is at the helm. Let; bumle-headed. raga- mumns or discorci andrstnie tremble in- acinio wi edgment o this truth, and let the. chosen- people' of Histword cry out from the.waich-tower, trust ing in the Lord and believing ;ntt .nowiSn' Josed Hl liog.C ? ; f When I: werra-boyj and ;niy; legsnot longer thanJohaWtworth a f durncd wurthless, mdhg-y,. flea-bitteny.grAy oid I naturally took a distaste to,hini, md had asprt . ; of hankerin arterhurthhsJfeeMM, anU Jcunlf I fartin oy him ctery. tmie"; ddV.bapk wer turned; Thi"s'orte? kept 'irbig kllers kfore1 his'eyes ' , and a orfal yerfrcdyto p6ur ou th faiimoshu 1 he seed inemakeviiSo he'lirnt to iwaller thing as he run, and llerB kept hi ' laigft well' onder hiniseiforiieneveTknow 0w ebonne mighfc i want to use em in totin hisinfarnaL careab yoch' th j sioppeuepjwhQunait, buijyrslet his head, fly open, tu gin a hbMjfqoni inxftm jndictj,;! hm thai runnin am the greatest invenshun- on yearth, 'he'u ne ef I hadn't relied on these ere laigs T r D'ye see em ? Don' t they, mind ;y ot ov a : pair or Ihe size ov a ducks aig, and filled ftwithpbwderV ana cotkedlt fep wrOtto iec " spunk,; ?-roUe4 s it trp?iii a thin ctili of meaif ot a;nre,"ftnd tlu an4.ptinAn.Ung away.fttr(d?bilfc; eaml a WmyaijshederQ ind.h;htacXa?W i. fore legs wer fifty feet up the romain runnin . laigs, a gwin the wy his . nose happened be at pinUh; eMhy roneek.rocli e to . road, for he, looked upon itr&a a calamity itf after him, 6uraday vieu m -ywSIt , pumpusses made rauivide v mile inter quarters r nioshuns and hU hiiieaeaetraddil ov a fence jB iew- the dorg hiskeliV' e aUdorg,' I iwrer. eed Wtti agtik Well, dadj dnrnlhic onsanctified doul flang ftve or sir Imndrejl. nudez) mynu1rt with v the-arii-Oe! m Jbtttttvtaaknd give me the re-4; mainder tiie next day wlttfaaggto wh th borroWeofira fellerw . I hil6iiAifiodTry.; foriinetodi i hollered tew mfe :tw4um alieiqwH' lin inter f ustrate runnin, which I emejntely did, thanks tu thes ere nam Btrttgs, andthe last lick mil laiioTU. , Death is only : J-ilrieTiihe? side ? as viewed from the heavenly eide, it is birth. - . . X - i I t I. ' !- -'I ; ; ':. : i ' - . ! ' v-';

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