" - r . 1 4 v Is: i f i-'!. f '4.." . A T H E M O RN I NG ST A ll. Tuesday Morning, Oct. 15, 1867 Local Circulation I. AIT Eli than that of any aily Newspaper in the State (with a lair, and daily i- increasing, circulation . in the country. 4fc3f-Advertising Rates lower than those of any Daily Newspaper iri.. North Car olina. . Editors. TMOS. C. EVANS, Fayetteville Asyenf. Mb. Wsr. A. Romxspw is our authorized agent at Fayetteville. All orders left. with hiui will receive prompt atten tion. ..: ' . ' Agent at doltish or. "Mr. B. Y. L. Hutton is our authorised Agent at Goldsboro'. : Agent at Milton. Mr. J. J. J one3 19 our au thorized Ageijt at Milton, X. C. Agent nt Clinton. Mr T. J. Lee is pur au- ..-.' 4 Ji1... .114 n XT " I tnorizeu uuouu, j. Agent at Kcnasisvillc. Mr. J. T). Sot-TnER- iasd is our aiitlionzed Agent at Kenausviuc, . Arent at Warsaw-MR. D. G. Mqrisey is our authorized Aaent at Warsaw Drawbac!ik.-rWe arc prepared to receive or- ders for the fect Oct. 1st. w Drawback Forms to go into ef- The Star establishment yBooii Bindery. Tins cam) let e is now in successful operation, and is daily turnin r out the handsomer-t specimens 01 "II. Tilliiiifiiayt, its manager, U un- work. Mr. 1. ' surpassed asa a jlcillful workman, and wiii guaranty satisfaction -to all its patrons. His iJiank books are models of neatness and durability, and arc uni versally pronounced the equal of any. Old books are rewound in the best manner ; and, in short, every variety of Binding and Uuling is executed neatly, cheaply and promptly.- y Sur.scRirTx Money. A larpfe number of our subscribers- having expressed a preference to pay for the Star for "periods varying' - from live weeks to six nonths, we have concluded to aban don our plan of weekly payments to the carriers, and employ an agent to make collections. Sub scribers will b.sar' in mind, : however, that they will not be required to pay for more, than pn week at a time, thoi.gh, under the new system, it is desirable that, they pay for live or 'ten Weeks in advance, ;,nd thus save us the trouble of having to make too fruquent collections. . As our plans are now arranged, the carriers arc not authorized to receive any money for the Star ;' and, to meet with prompt attention, all orders should be sent directly to the office, -No.. 3 South Water street. ', 1 TO AirVERTISE-H?. 1 . We respectfully 'call the attention of the busi ness public to ;the fact that our advertising rates are lower thant those of any other daily newspaper in North Caro This, added 6 our very large circulation, makes the Stak a-mofet valuable medium of advertising. Single copies, of Thb 'Eveu'iko Star niay be had of Mr. fT. 51. Harris, at his news stand, 011 Front Street, very afternoon. ; tf THE C IT Y. Criminal Court. October 14 tlL Mr. Waddeil, gounsclfor Par ker, made a motion for a new trial, based on the following exceptions to His Honor's charge in this highly interesting case, viz: ' 1st. That the Judge charged that if the jury . found the prisoner guilty at all, it would neces sarily be of murder, as there was no evidence in troduced to niake the homicide manslaughter; while the Counsel said there wa3 evidence of scufning'on the bank, as well as other evidence of1 Childress having made some defence, from which the jury might infer a possible case of homicide,'arising on a sudden occasion, j 2d. The Counsel had asked His Honor to charge that the evide ace necessary for conviction in a case of purely circumstantial evidence, should be equally conclusive as that of a single respectable witness is positive testimony; and His Honor said he would adopt that rule, but it only meant that the jury should be convinced beyond a rea sonable doubt , j 1 3d. That the Counsel had asked His' Honor to charge if any hypothesis could be made consistent with the evidence, and not inconsistent with the prisoner's innocence, in that case the jury should bring in a verlict of not guilty ; and the Counsel urged that two' such hypotheses could be. made, one being, thai the prisoner was not present at all at the homicide; and the other, that 'if present; he was not aiding and; abetting the murderers, and that His Honor did not so charge the jury. His Honor overruled the motion,, and then asked the 'prisoner at the bar if he had jany thing to say, why sqntence of death should not be pro nounced, upon him ; at which the prisoner arose, and with a calm, collected air, spoke a3 follows : "I am innocent of the charge of murder; my hands are not stained with the blood of my fellow-man, though I have been found guilty by a juryj If I haid been one of the jury, under the circumstances, I might have arrived at a similar verdict, and yet, I declare my innocence. The ' whole tenor of public opinion has, for years, been against me. I have had no fault to find with the, jury or yourself; the laws ought to be obeyed, and e rer since I have been a man I have tried to obey 1 hem ; you are only to administer them ; the jury has convicted me of this horrible crime, and I qan only say, if I had been allowed, at the time of my arrest, an examination before a magistrate, which I have never had, I could have shown Tjrhere I was on the evening this crime is said to have been committed ; I. could Lave proven ain alibi." - He did not appear to he much cscted ; spoke "Well and with! distinctness. At one timet indeed, whiie reasserting his en tire innocence of 'the murder, and his actual ig norance of the intention of Runcunan, or auy ;; one else, to tie the life of Childress, we saw a solitary tear atuering.in4 his strained eyes ; and then," repeating, " I am innocent of the , crime,'? . he stepped back, to his seat withinthe prisoner' OOWC His fiaoor. tken aaid. in an. imnruAaive maimer, you have fbeen found guilty of the mur der of Wra. Childress," by a jury of your country men of your own selectionW-thei j udgment, I fully concur in. ' The way of the murderer is hard; lie may; for a time, escape punishment; but the judgment of the law will eventually over take him. Take your own case, a murder was committed here years ago your accomplices have gone to their graves the High Sheriff, who ferj retted out the evil doers, has likewise departed this life, and you had sought exemption from death by seeking a residence in another commu nity. An accident led to your discovery, and the command of the Almighty, that the blood of the murderer shall !pay for the death of the victim, is about to be obeyed. 1 During the few weeks of life still left you, ,let me warn you to turn your thoughts to that Book of Books, where forgiveness is promised to even the vilest of sinners. The sentence of the law is, that you be taken to the: jail, and on Friday, the 3th day of November next, the Sheriff shall take; you to the. ordinary place of execution, and there you shall be hanged by the neck till you be dead,; and may the Lord have niercy on your soul. I Mr. Waddell then asked that an appeal be grant-; ed from the decision of His Hondr, which was granted by the Court. f The 'rest of the day was consumed in trying unimportant cases. 1 " ! : ''; ' ; ' ' " S' - ! i ' Cr.nrixAL Court Saturday Eyknino, Oct. 12th. The Jnry found Rirl;e'r guilty ctf the; murder of Wm i Childress.1 He heard their decis-; ion with perfect composure. Tne Court coiitin ued in seesion until late Saturday night. We; were present about 8 o'clock P. 'M.j, when a- case;! was before the Court, in rwhlcli ai: man namedi! i3ony. and a pony named , werp conspicuous-i! iy uemg menuonea. , it seemea tuat Jiony Had;; utx-uu uiu puny anu sevenu "inueis irom -an-; ferent g.ntiemk in this county, for which olfenceij he was doing penance in jail. lie had sworn that a man named Howard was his' accomplice in! - - : ,, :ii.: .-" 1 ,:, ;: , ,i.. . 4.,. ... - 1:.. Ji stealing the mules, and Howard was then being tried for larceny. Coh Strange and Hon. Geo. j Davis appeared for the defeuee, arid Judge1 Per-j The Tournament at the new, town of. son for the prosecution. Howard jproved an cx- ij Selma, will take place on the Gth instead of the ceilent character, even by some ;of Bony's ownji 8th of November, as before advertised. 4 witnesses. Col. Strange made a short speech fori, Our respected and' dearly beloved uame- the defence, in-which i:ny was 'Mono up All the lawyers seemed in a hearlv ood humor, 'J. 7 fV and the Court wide awake; with the exception of jj one or two -irentlemeri of tiie iurvilwho anneared i as it tney wouJdgive their "sheers .in this year s crop just to swi'P a few words with the "old lady." " . j:.'.; ;-; ;i" ;!;-';. IIo ! For the Ciucus. We have receiv ed no tifi cation from Adlim Forepaugh, Proprie tor of For.ej)uugh's Mammoth Menagerie and Circus, that he intends visiting our city sometim this Fall, with his well-known Zoological and Equestrian Exhibition. : His Meanhgerie is said to be the best land largest j ever organized upon this continent; His admission fee t is moderate, even liberal as com pared ..with that of other com panies of less repute, only being .fifty cents for adults, and for children under ten - years twenty five cents. We are pleased to anticipate the coming of this-entertainment; o ur people arerin tine trim for welcoming the occasion, having dragged through the hot summer months without an amusement of ; any kind to break the monotony of a busy evtry-day life.: The Circus conuected ; with this; jMenagerie is said to be superior to any now extdnt. W -We are not jn a. writing! humor this day. Our head swims and we are wrong side- out. Our pen can't caper for a fantastic public Fact is, we are all poor erect ures ;. ! and we real ize it more, and more, every day that we hang on the clothes line. In the j words Pf Chadbaud : Why do we realize it? Be'cause we are now down at the heel no money no friends the devil to pay-i-and nothing to pay with. We think proper to state, that Daniel aiht a " keering " for the lions, j Let the majestic kings of the de sert r-o-r-e let um s-u-o-r-t. Let the wild "bosses" p-r-a-n-c-e. Let the gew-r-i-l-ers vip. Still in the solitude of our dreary imagination we will-wrap our blanket around usj and there is none to make us afraid. The sky Of our "yewth" is dark. We are floating like a chip. VVe give our "awful iix" to the winds, arid may we yet land aboard the old ship of Zion aiid anchor into port, this side up, with k'eer. I ". Z . iQl . - '' - ! : - : K ' Providence permitting, we wish to meet our up-country friends at the Agricultural Fair, in Dauville, Va., on the 5th of next month. We wish to take a baby: to that Fair riot a wax one but a sure enough, live bady and we will thus stake it ; .' ' 1st. It can beat creation in squalling and mak ing a noise. : 2d. It can beat any "rooster" in crowing for day-break. ' - . ' ':' . 3d. It can' beat any "jack-leg " fin playing the deuce generally. ; ' This baby will be on exhibition for one day only, after which, the. friends of its beloved pa-r-i-e-n-t are expected to walk around to the Cap tain's office, and subscribe to the Star. i f. i Resignation of Rev. Wat. M. Young. This gentleman, who is the worthy Pastor of the 1st Baptist Church of this city, has resigned his charge at this piace, to accept a call at Pittsburg, Pa. His Church is lo,th to part with him, having, J for three years, acknowledged, him as their head, Mr. Young is from Scotland, having come to this country when he was 20 years of age. His elocu tion is strong and impressive his manner pleas ing, and his mind clear, logical arid .'richly stored wita th fiiiost gems of liWfatarfe 1 very brown sty.e and leit. for his fneuds, it he j most emphatically toi understand that the erec- Ihuhs & Mnrcliiso: Vick;3rehane & Co, 'Russcl! had any, to weep over. Howard was acquitted. tk)n of the colton factory at that iiourishing vil-1 SSi'A sfSin' Stxit ' : "A Bid We are obiiced to inineliost ot the "Parker House," -for an : invitation, to dinner on last Sunday. Circumstances forbade our ac cepting; . We may make a raid at any time, and when we do we' will pounce upon his fat table with all the vim of a" "coming" appetite. We generally eat till we are full, and then nil a little fullci; if possible. 'rf tl.- t r ' 1 ! T The City; "VVe visited the guard house and scratched under the steps for an item. . We found three men drunk, : but too far gone to an swer to their names.1 This is poor game, but the best we can "bag" for the present, tinue so serene. ; - Things con- New Advertisements. gpiUKSox & CoL All the Rage. : Munson & Co. Vry Desirable; Chas. M. Stedma!s. Attorney at Law. Atkinson & Sheppersok. Steamship Frances. W. H. BEKNARD.Blank Book Manufactory. Williams & Mubchison. N. C. Flour. Williams & Mukchison. Cheese ! Cheese ! A. I. Brown. To the Ladies. Chas. D. Myers, Agent. Fine Family Gro ceries. : -;. Chas.-D. Myers; Agent. The Finest Teas. Geo. R. French & Son. Have you Heard the News, NOHTII CASOLISA LV A" NUT-SKEIX. lf Robinson's circus is in Charlotte. gr The ..streets of Charlotte were crowded with "cotton wagous on Saturday last. Tne editor of the Charlotte tews , was sho on Friday, i solid mas ; mass of gold; valued at . ir . . u i an Union county. m taken from a mine ; Wc are ,ad 16 Preelvo that SOma of OUr friends in the up-country villages are beginning appreciate the hnU'ude of this, the cummer - eial metropolis' of North Carolina. ; The Char eial metropolis of North Carolina. ; lotte .'News calls it a ''great city. i-e- js a foregone con'elusion pro0eedhigs of the meeting.1 ..v. imu ?Uo held to consider the are constrained to is in earnest. So believe be it ! that our neighbor PT A reward of is offered by Gov. Worth for the apprehension and deliver; j of Andrew Skinner, colored, charged With wife: murder, to the Sheriff of Wayne county. Washington, N. C, (little Washington, as t is familiarly called,) wants a Railroad, connect ing at Goldsboro', or some other favorable point. ; The Index is urging the matter with ;an earnest- ! ness worthy of success. i jf"3 The Conservative meeting in Raleigh on Saturday the Pi'ogrczs . says through' some mis management -Avas not quite-up to public expec itations, but still respectable in numbers and in-' llueuce. Gov. Bragg addressed the meeting.. An inquestwasi held in Richmond county a few days since over the body of a negro girl, about eleven years of. age, on which were found marks of the most cruel treatment by starvation, burning and beating, said to have been inHicicd by her own father, and which resulted in her death. " : ! , !J3F Lincoln county has appointed twenty delegates to the Conservative Convention to be held in Raleigh soon, h 1 The Republicans of Craven have nomina ted Col. David Heatdn, Capt W. H. Stewart, whites and CD. sPiersbn, colored, as candidates for the State Constitutional Convention. ! gT" The Lincolnton: Courier mentions the re ceipt of a stalk of cotton coutaining one hundred and ten bolls. 1 t j . 27-Forsyth Superior Court was in session last week, on which Occasion, the .Press says, .." the' riovel scene of a negro in the jury box ; was wit nessed here for the first time." ! The Greensboro' Patriot says, that some Federal soldiers cut the Confederate buttons off all who came under their notice, at Asheboro', Randolph County, while Court was in session there recently. 1 j Stand from under ! The Raleigh ; Standard says.that "Andrew Johnson Camps," secret treas onable societies, are reported - to be forming' in lis State. ' ' . rgT A fire in Raleigh destroyed the resi dence and out-houses' of Mr. N. S. Harp, on Wednesday last. Sad Misfortune to a Young- tady. A young lady ot Crinanaqigua, . Y., went to a dentist to have some teeth extracted. and in the operation he cracked her jaw, Imt she being under1 the influence of chloro form, was insensible tQ her misfortune. The dentist did; not discover it, but attempted to extract another tooth, pulling out a piece of the jaw bone of sufficient size to contain two teeth; By this time ' she began to recoyer from the effects of the opiates, and they yere again ad ministered, and a physician and surgeon being immediately summoned. her jaw was set! . About six weeks after, the youug lady (being obliged to breakfast, dine and sup on gruel) wa3 informed by her-physician in attendance that .she might loosen the bandasre and commence to use her iaw which beinr done: she found 'that her iaw wjere set ; and after vain efforts to operate them she gave1 up in despair, feeling that they were locked forever..? At the latest 'ac-' ' r . . , - -J- ' count3 VsUe vas ; stiil jana,ble(i to .opep mouth, aad was fed tkraugli a silver tub her tube. ' in n i' :i . j. r .i.i .1., ? i-.. t lu- ? v 'umiui. tzi:. ill lM -1 .11 1 i I . ; ! ktti:iil i ti . I . IT! I IIW : . . . . - y i g(lEBCIAL 3 Jti- p 1? 3?SfB fefes, ct.,14, imS(oo&i r SPIRITS :i-TURPENTlHE.ales of 19 bbls. at 5oi cents, per gallon. " ROSrN.Sales of $6bbls. Pale at $4.:75; m. hbls Sraind Common at $3 SO, and MS. bbls.i No. 2 and Strained Common atr$3 3Tt per bbl. ;; aso 5pne iotTt hbls. o2l and trainea ' Com- ,uo'h!at$3 35$3:3Ji. -Vlf': w 'X?. V!-v-r- .'- 'v " ' ! CRUDE 'TfJR PENTINEI Sate 290 -bbisVir-firirt and Yellow Dip at $2 G5 per bbl.. . - - . t II AY. Sales 42 balcst Northern, at 80 cents per 100 lbs RECEIPTS. , .. PER RIVER STEAMERS. . ! Per Steamer MaFioh- (591 bblsl rosin, 50 bbl si spirits, 19 bbls. Flour, to Wiiliams fe Murchisoii; A. Johnson j& Co., Smith & Strauss;! Receipts per W. & 31. R. R, Oct. 12. Lt E J Stevens. 7 stove's. 2 bundles Dine. 1 bum die elbows, 1 do wire 5 K Northrop & Cumming; 10 bbis rosin, 2 bbls spnrits turpentine ; E M.ur-f ray & Co, 5 bbls rosin ; Russell '6c Ellis, -12- bbls ruoin ; O G Parsley & Co, 43 bbls spirits ; ! Wal lace & Soutlierland, 8.3 bbls rosin, 15 bbls spirits; DeRpsset & 'Go, 10 bbls rosin, 8 do spirits ; C M & C0, 48 bbs rosiu ; Herbert V& Haston, . 1 . bbl vyaxj; Pettejvay & Moore, 1- bbls rosin, 5 bbls spirits, 2.3 ao; crude ' turpcntm3 ; G Z French, 1 pulley ; J J Edwards, 30 hb.s crude ; turpentine, 3 bdls bedcli ig ; R Norlieet, b xv ton gin?; Kohn Co, 1 boxr nidse ; Kirk land, Avjij &"Co. 20 b Is i rosin; prown & Cuyler, o bbls rosais ' , 1 ilAHiNE. INTELLIGENCE. 11 Schr. Jas. A. Parsons, Slover,' fi-om Gal . ISteamshTuI -Empire, Price, from New York, to IT. M; Barry ; .. ';""-.-.' " btearasiiip; iiiames, Jfennmgton, irom Incw ! Yv V.iey & Co. ; ' . Steamer A. P. Hurt, S.dnner,-from Fayette vliiA to Worth & Daniel. h ;14j Stmri Marion, Phillips, from Fayetteville .0 Vyiliiams & Murehispa, i ; ' ? U ; - -; , 1 to j . CLEARED. ; i Marion, Phillips, ff or Fayetteville, & MurcJrison. . - - i . . 14! Stjnr bv Williams Br. Brig uronoco,; Davidson, for Liverpool, by I )biusoj5, Smith S Co,,iwitu 1,945; bask spirits j turpentine oni;siie?K. : .--' ' s : jPer-Steamhfp Emriw.AVlfian-&YoIlWr W 'and: 31 R ii Agent, A Alai-tin, J ami; ii .Sampsoii, a Joiiii.soii . oc col. Waiiace & Judging from tie j R i' Barry, AV and VV ii R, s Bear & Bvo, Rytten 1 ' . j bl'ig liros, D A Smith, Atkinson t !Shei)persou, Tlienken & 1 ia u ma 1 i ir J 11 N c ff, iJ Uartz; -Fette- Wity& Mooi-fcj' Jno' C Tieyer, Cannon, ' St okley & Cb, D J Newihaiii J S Topha-n,.I 31 Barry, Smith Bate, HuainA & Co, JL'Vdlioi-s, J li Buicker, E Wescott, 1) & J Wronski, ii h JJreiiier, Geo 3ly ej s, iJ3I liui-ilwiek; L G Esaos,. W.Uanfl R-R R, N aUbji-M,; W H Lippiu, J B and W II Wii liUnis. Fintavson & Bra. Col II F Frank. John iAt wsoii, Newman:. & Cbttberg, W-j Atkinson, C ielgen, Brt mer & Bro, N JAcoui, A H Ael, A B Sheperson K Willis,- ;tVV Iverohner, Frederick & Rdwell, C 31 VauOrsdCll, 31 M Kutz. Joim Bawsoii, L G Estes, N UoUberg, J.G GBbevt, son & Co, Wjii Jpiuei, ,D Litgim, Viek.Lehane; 'Co, George; Myers, Munson oo uo,' J. 11 Netf, A! NEW ! ADVERTISEMENTS. Ml tile Rage T5IE MARIE I1I1E II AT ' i IHEBONNEU, r - c k-: i .'Txii CLI3IAX And fifty other styles (more oi- less); .at the ' xxi Hi inAJSinuji.! : "CITY CLOT;iEU STJUE." oetl5-19tf 1 . . JHUZiHOS ' fc; CO Desirable. AT OCtl5-l-tf MCNSOX Ac ,C'S Nl G. FLOUR. CBLS. AXD BAGS, FAMILY and EXTRA SUPER. j , s . j i ' . I- - . " . ; For sale by . ' . ' I WILMAMS S: MURCIIISON. --OctI5-19-lw ' - - i ' . -- -i ' ''a'" ' j ! i Cheese ! ! State a!i(lEnglisli:I)air); 7 JJ)r SALE BY !., i- ! f I WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. I octio-ijvtf ' -' .. . r- ! Fine Family Groceries. : Y7UR: STOCK IS AT ALITMES COJt Vi. piete with tue pdi-est and best we can pro cure, selected expressly for TABLE USE. -SUPERIOR TABLE BUTTEH, . ; . BEST BRANDS FLOUR, - - . CHOICE TABLE SYRUP, ' .''!'' :: " ' &c;. i ' An., f x- We claim to liave alwavs on hand stock Of - , , j FINE GROCERIES t As can be found in the South, at ' - f i-r"..-:-f ' '!'"?," GEORGE MYERS', , -'' ;! "U"-!vi 11 and i Front Street, . octlo-19-tf CHAS. D. MYERs, Agent. ; ' rpUE FIJfEST TEAS IMPORTED- f , GREEN, BLACK and 3IIXED, i . i . GENUINE JAVA, : I t 'i-V, LUGUAYRA?-amrRIfXXFFEE Expressly for Family use, at GEO. MYERS' : QCtl5-19-tf ; i 11 and 13 Front sU-.- JFohnstan t 1 ' ' .. : . i . - n H. BERNARD,' Agent, Wikhlnanl 2H Ci Per Steanislup Thames. Jamas' AntlTTrson, At kiiison &-.Siiepp'r.soii, Adi ian & roIlers, Birdsey & RobinsonJ S Bear & Bros, Cannon & Siokiev, ii.uj.cg ins iv C9, Aiirea uowe, r u- ituymson, uus- sctifc EBisj !.' A .Hmith, Tien ken! BauimVn Worth' & i;iniel, Wallace & 8oiiLherJand, r,B, GZ , F V lUiclmer; Ityttenbevir Bros; A John .hi .a on, v kjt rar.sioy st op, v m I'atven, u A l'ock, EjPosehau, .Mouth. Ex. Co, Jl B Short, Sutton & Child, Jas Wilson, Williams & 3Iarehison, V B, W it C, 11 Iltirtz, A3Iartin, A Sprunt,Wr & 31 R li, vv .v K i. : .. . . ' -'-'- f i ".'i " r.i - ULTfXEWS AXPHTEEKEY CATAW- ba ; Watchman. Charlotte. XJ - "!. Proprietors . - - -;?T . sxaaw of north -caroSsa5 : - t Executive Dkpastme ' ) : - ; Raieioh. October 4 is,Vr ( By direction of His ExcelUni JONATHAN WORTH, Governor' il roim Ktthtt njirfB in said State, lianng nlade KiJplicatidu to be : atert a f otly ddrp'oral und cr the name of " CH-A-lCS,vAlD AlfDRQTECTlYE ASSOpiATlOS f the purpbse-'" of Affording io each other, and ? thfi fft'TfiiHert rif 'each'-relief i - ..-f,r iroabio and employment, and to establish schoni . educate their children and-having, in ali spects, complied with the statute in such ca made and prqvicTed; Kate this day been crtit V and attested by the Great Seal of the State cos' niTioNKiS -that the . said, Corporation shall'exit ' only for. the time of thirty years from the datc thereof a copy of which has been duly record ed in the office of . the Secretary of State of said State. s; ? WM. H. BAGLEY, : ' ' octS-ll-lW.. ,;'' ; ; V. ' 1 ;' Private Secretary, , I ; MARSHAL'S OFFICE City, op W ilmixoTos, Sejit. 30, 1867. t . r , : - -t. . . . "itna I rtry Notice is hereby given that by viN ifcjp .. tue of anv Ordinance ; recently enacted acted, no COWS will "be permitted to run at lar 1 the streets of this city. , ';';' -v .;'---: R.RANSOM,,, H, sept 3(K-tf ' .-'-,"-';.;,;' . -'. . Manha: it i .- -- .-. . , - ' ' ' . ... W. II. Xippitt, Druggist fc Cheni. iat. Always on hand a full antl supply of PURE 3IEDICIXES, CHEMICALS" DYE STUFFS, PERFU3IERY, SOAPS, BttUSH. ES, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc. Prescriptions accurately 'and neatly coin. ' X. Tj. Corner Front and Market Sts. x. r. siore open irom o jv. jl to H 1 .31. Pcf. soais wishing prescriptions compounded at nipht will please call at my residence pn Second Street between Dock anjci Orange. ; ' sept'2:j-l-tf . "i -' '" The attention of the business pub. lie is respectfully called to the fact that .TliE EVIIXG ; STAB Jias, aready, a larger local circulation than has ever been reached by any. n'ewispapor established in Wilmington, it has, alsor a fair, and rapidly increasing, circula tion in "the country.' Its" RATES- OF ADVER- TISING ARE LOWER than- those of any news paper iiv "the State j and its .REASOXAliLE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION must soon give it a circulation that "will make it the best adver tising medirim in North Carolina. VseptI-tf, Win; JJ.) Bernard, Printer A Pnb- LISHER,; AND. GENERAL , ADVERTI9- ING- AGENT, No. 3 Sonth, Water f Srteet, Wil mingtonj N- C. , ,s All varieties of PLAIN," FANCY- and 0KXA MENTAL PRINTING executed in the'best stilo. My TYPE, Pfe ESSES audi MATERIAL-are almost ENTIRELY NEW',; and my WO RKMEN are UN- S 1 j I f HA SS Kit.. In fminpftirMi with . Ti7nt'ni and Publishing- House, I- have; a ! COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, including a first-class RUli ING MACHINE. ; : ' Call and see speciiilens, ' - sept&M-tf :.i-;o-v 4 : ,uT " . '. . "new'aotem . r ,. ' , , r ,, - ' . ' ' B AhTL MOKE & WILMINGTON WEEKLY STEAMSHIR L.INE. THE FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP W. S. lIAItitlXtiTON, Commailer, Tf'TT'ii.T. T P A ' nrn - urn i nv l iiflT -. VV cf Princess Street; for Baltimore, on &AT- urtiAx, ucx iy. -: : : Through Bills of Lading given to BOSTON, - , - ' ' :- XIYERPOOT.. ; W run' t H EIGHT ENGAGEMENTS, . ,. Apply to ;' . .- " . ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, octU-19-ts. ; f f li and 13 North AVater t, Have Ton Ueard the iNcws ' rTlIIE GREAT KEDUCTIOXrlJKr PRICES, v. f'f.- No. 29 North Front Street, Where all.kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, made of the best material, are being sold, twenty-five per cent. eheaperthah'-by. any, house ?in; the city.- xne jnaee ior casn Duyers to save money is ai FRENCH'S NEW. STOKE, - , 29 NorthFront Street. An exammation wiii satisfy anyone. r GEO. R. HiKiMlMI fe SON. , oct 15-19-tf : : . 29 North I'ront Street. ;l:T0-;!0IiA)m'; T A. p. B n o w N ' s , ; .' .. KO. 6 SO UTII FROXT STREET, May be found all the latest styles of Boniietgf Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Fan cy Articles, &c?, &c. Additions made to my stock weekly. ' ' 'J - A. D.JiROWN, , octI5-19-tf ' ; - No. 6 south Front St Or he y at Law, WIIJtIIATC,TON;, . OFFICE OjH PRINCESS STREET, Of J ,posi te the Court Houses , rf 'i BLAXli BOOK MANUFACTORY. Bf ord iioofe, Leugers Journals, Dockets, " otnr Blank Books, in- endless v ariety, ruur factured.at - WMr. H. BERNAiiD'S 5 Printing House and Book Bhidery, octLMWt' r- &Offi South Waiorttreeu dournul copy. - ' st .. a uuuy yurjui-uiU);uuuv ? me name aioresaic1 h LETTERS; PATENT; signed by. His Excelle- '4 i -J f 5V. ;.'?" .-. Mr(-.. II Hi I M I.