THE MORNING; STAR: Thursday Uorhibg, Oof. 17, 1867: Local Circulation! LARGER than that of anjr f Daily, jfewspaper: in : this State, with a fair, and daily -increasing circulation v , kin itle - country " jKg Advertising Kates lower than those of any Daily Newspaper. in North Car olina. TH08. C . EVA 2 S , f'1"0 Fayettevllle" Agents Mr. Wm. A. Robinsott is our authorized agent at FayetteviUe, All orders left with him will receive prompt atten tion. - . -.-.' ; Asyent at Gollshoro Mn. B. V. L. Huttojt is our authorized Agent at Gold&boroV Agent at Milton JMr. J. J. Jojtes is our au thorized Agent at Milton, N. C. 4 Agent at CiintonMit. T. J. Lee is our au thorized Agent at Clinton, if, C. V Agent at Kenansvill. Mr. J. D. Souther land is our authorized Agent at Kenansville. , 1 Agent at Warsaw. Mr. D. G.Morisey is our authorized Agent at jWarsaw. Drawbacks.-Wc are prepared $o receive or ders for the new Drawback Forms to go into ef fect Oct. 1st. , The Star Book Bindehy. This complete ting its counsels, have the red blood to man establishment is nowTin successful operation, and tie your cheeks and cry " shame On your is daily turning out the handsomest specimens of i: AiV ZLZS SR5;SX satisfaction to all its patrons. His Blank Books are models of neatnese and durability, and areuni- llSTJrf t.p.fl S V Sl J (Ul KIJ VI JL iLlVli IV W M.a.u v -neatly, cheaply and promptly. . ' ' 77 . . T TTT1.I TTimT(T lVT-WTT-r A1fVa Till m I T I .t , i --..n crar ru nsRni ers nnvinir exuresseu a uikici uiicc pay for the Star fori periods varying from five -t. j. weeks to six months we have concluded to aoan- uuu uur uiau ui weekly uayuiuuis tu taiiicio, and cmnlov ail ajrent! to make collections. Sub- scribers will bear in I mind, however, that they will not be requirea tq pay lor more man one v eeK at a time, though, under the new system, it is desirable that tliev uav lor nve or ten weeKs m advance, and thus safe us, the trouble of having to maice too irequent couecuons. As our plans are now arranged, the carriers are not authorized to receive any money for the Star ; and, to meet with prompt attention, all orders should be sent directly io the office, No. 3 South Water street. TO ADVERTISERS. We respectfully ca 1 the attention qf the busi ness public to the fat that our advertising rates are lower than those of any other daily newspaper in North Carolina. t This, added to our very large circulation, makes the Stab a most valuable medium of advertising. Single copies jof The Evening Star may be had of Mr. T. M. Harris, at his news stand, on Front Street, every feftemoon. tf THE GIiTY. .AUCTION SAXES THIS DAY. S. M. West will scEll, in front of his Auction "' h m f I -4 f 1 1 T 'l rt"J Rooms, this morning ax, iu o ciock, J3ooi,s, ianoes, Clothing, Furniture j &c. ; Recruits for the Work House; Twen ty-nine offenders, sentenced fpr terms of thirty days and more imprisonment in the County Work Hotise, were $tarted en route for that place thi3 wening. They were sentenced before the late Criminal Court: and their names and of fences are as follows : . v Jos. Barnes, Chas. Butler, John Hargrove, Pompy Hayes, Pat Artis, (two convictions) Jno. H. Hill, -Ephraim Poisson, Robt. Shaw, Lizzie Spicer, Jere Forbes. Alex. Flowers, Samuel Mal- loy, Lewis Newman, Jack Murphy, Marcellus Payne, (two convictions) Aaron Hill, Jnb. Davis, (two convictions) Geo. Paine, Jas. Chadbourn, Samuel President, Doubliri Jew, colored, Carlton Malpass. Michael Luralle, white, larceny; Ed ward Celrtairt, white (three convictions) David, Martin, Levy Hubbard, colored, assault and bat tery; G Steagall, black as a coal, and Catherine Frazier,;for fornication and adultry ; Geo. Sheir, white, forgery. This man is apt to have a life time berth out there, as there is, also, a, fine of $500 imposed on him. ' , , This addition will swell the force already there to forty. They are worked with a ball and chain .attached to their leg, and only one hand free ;t it is necessary thus to hamper them in order to prevent their escape ; after awhile, as soon as the stockade is finished on which thev are now at. work, their labor will be done with more ease to themselves and more profit to the county. 1ST The Temple of Fashion is the place to buy Cheap Clothing. - 31 Superior Court for this County com- mences in this city on Monday next, Judge War ren presiding. A good deal of the business usu ally transacted within the jurisdiction of this Court, has been removed to that of the Criminal, and in consequence thereof, we shall do doubt have a dry. session. . . , SSF Have you seen those recherche Hats, at the Temple of Fashion ? - t Harmony CntcLE. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the First Grand Ball of the 44 Harmony Circle," to be given at the City HalL on Tuesday evening, Oct. 22nd. The committee consists of Messrs, Samuel Voor- . saugeri 'Henry Bear, W. Goodman and F. Rhein stein. Gentlemen from the country, in search of . Clothing, should call at the Temple of Fashion, t ElTVrhe steamships Fairbanks and Ke- becca. Clyde both reached New York on Saturn day last, the former making, the trip, in 60, and the latter in 70 hours. Good running. ' .The Effect. Ve are informed that a gentlemen from the country, who" has heen suf fering from rheumatism, called on the King of Pain,j1a few days since; and offered K. of P. a fab ulous sum if he could guaranty a cure. .The King said he could do it, but the patient thought it best to try the medicine. He accordingljj.bought a bottle, and sent it to the manager of his plan tation, with instructions to use it indiscriminate ly on all the "crippled niggers" on ,the place. The first subject treated was an old negro fellow afflicted with rheumatism, who was well; rubbed down with the mixture.. The effect was "bully !" The old chap commenced capering like a two year old filley, and after dancing off a considera ble distance from tlie point Where the medicine was applied, became entangled in a pile of logs, and Iroke both Ms legs. The above is given as an .actual occurrence; but we have not yet learned whether or not a second application of K. of P. has repaired them legs. ' - I ' A large and elegant stock of Gents' Fur nishing Goods, at the Temple of Fashion. t Never Tell a Lie. Young man, .there is &Jsomet7dng within you that despises a lie. Did you never, as the oM saying is, '-whip the devil round the bush,' Vand feel that something plead ing within younbt to do it? j Did you never, in WOrds ? Young man!, that was the voice of yourGod that made yoa. Supppse now, the neXt time you feel ashamed to speak the truth, you will resolve 0 jiee(i the murmurings of this hidden Monitor 'Ithlo yon, and to do its biddmg; though aU Heil should hnrl its satire uDoa vou. and the "scorn- . A. V I ing of the scornful' ' rise before you in the high- way. Try it and see if, at that instant, you are J ' not ahanmer man than vou ever were before. i j. Try it in all your words and deeds in this life ; P.Vprv immilsfi of vnur nature bv it. and . , run m,to success up, and bogs and fens intervene still: follow, neyer doubting, and Honor will WCave for your , i , . a " 1V-""" xx drops, and whose beauty never dies. .3" Samuel Voiorsanger i holds forth at the Temple of Fashion, S6 Market street. t ? 't t - .'. A Colored Wedding : at St. Paul's, Tuesday night witnessed the consummation of an .-engagement bet ween Mr. Edward Green and Mrs. Maria HilL both colored. The Rev. v Mr. Watson officiated at the St, Paul's Episcopal church, and made the happy pair one. It was quite an affair, and witnessed by several ef the white friends and acquaintances of the bride and groom, who issued regular cards of invitation to such as they desired present at the ceremony. Mr. VanBokkelen, the former owner of Ed- ward, gave the. use of his fine " turn out" for the occasion, besides having prepared for them a most magnificent ?upper, which would have done credit to the tables "set" in the days; of vore. Who are the colored man's friends ? ; ".WeVe.f jinecl" the army and no mis- take, in editin a "mornin." A fellow has all night long to "si up" with a paste tub, and go home by himself in the morning. O, its a peace ful and solitary "pursoot." Jeemes, put up the pill advertisement, arid throw the sheepsfoot at that abominable devil" he has tied himseM. up in a knot there, and is snoring worse than a camp meeting. f l ' I . W New. Goods, and good news, at the Tem ple of Fashion; 30 Market street. : i . t . . A thousand blue-eyed girls,' with coral lips and golden hair, are engaged in gathering hops in Maine. Who wouldn't be a hop ? -Roanoke News. ' i L 5:lv You had better grow where you are, neighbor. Some gay " old grl" may pick" you off one of these days, and make you as festive as a June bug. Dew Tell. They have got to, issuing birth cards in Paris. A little fellow pops into the world like a stopper from a beer bottle and. in forms the i circle" that he is " all a settin" and ma is " doin" splendid. This is the latest agony, and one that poor folks can -; put on" to a heavy extent. " Weuns" can cut a swell, slmre. Narrow Escape. Two negro men; while attempting to crpss the river in a small boat, at a point just below the city, this" forenoon, nar rowly escaped drowning, by the capsizing of the boat. Fortunately a "flat," which was floating iazny along in the vicmitycame up in time to rescue "the men from their perilous position. The City. One man arrested very drunk ; inauticulately intoxicated, which means, without the power to tell his name. ' He was' a heavy " lift," and was borne to the Refrigerator in the arms of four stout policemen. ' ! Our Country Circulation. The circu lation of the Stab in the country districts is growing rapidly.! Nearly every mail makes addi tions to our list ; and we have the assurances of many of our friends that they will soon send us large numbers of names from their respective neighborhoods. . j Sale of Salt. A lot of 238 sacks Liver pool salt, was sold at auction this forenoon, " on account of whoni it may 'concern," I by Messrs. Cronly & Morris!, at prices ranging from $1 55 to $1 90 per sack. I' " ; New Advertisements. I ' j - - Geo. Z. Fbench. Cheap Groceries. . Cannon, Stobxey & Co. Pork, Butter, Lard, Coffee, &c, &c. . :.j .'-l j". .' S. M. West. Auction. . -mill a i.iMinir ieateL . Hjtom Hif ii ii ' r " f'mMW I i isp- Winter is approaching. Buy a splendid Overcoat at'a low price, ; from the . Temple of Fashion, S6 Market street. ' ; " ' ' -.t V' NORTH CAROLINA ! IN A NUT-SnELL. fT A Conservative meeting was held in Char lotte on Tuesday to appoint delegates to' the Con servative State Convention. The meeting was addressed by Judge Osborne. jgfjDur worthy Raleigh are cobplaining of the low price of cotton, the high price of beef, and the scarcity of the "indispensa ble wherewith." The Sentinel says the latter is scarcer than at any previous time since the win ter of 18C5. 5T- Rev. Mr. Wood, of the North Carolina Conference, is lecturing: in Ilaleigh on the man ners and customs of the Chinese. 2 The Ral. Sentinel estimates that the result of registration in this State will be a majority of between 27,000 and 30,000 for the whites ; seventy-five counties exhibit a white majority of 24, 854. Tliere are fourteeriounties to- hear from, officially. Of the eighty-nine counties in the State, there will be 'majorities in only seventeen for the blacks. ff- General R. E. Colston will lecture before the Goldsboro' Library Association on the 2oth instant. ; : . President John D. Whitford, of the At lantic and North Carolina Railroad, announces a nibeng of the Directory on the 7th of next month. I The lion. Abraham W. , Venable, of this State, is expected tb deliver the Annual Ad dress on Agriculture before the Agricultural So ciety at Danville, Va., on the 6th of November, 1807. ! There is great depression in the business circles of Memphis, owing to the low price of cotton. It is feared that the crop will not- meet the ad vances made by the merchants to planters. ; In Canada silver is so plenty that traders are refusing it in the payment of debts above legal tender, and the people write complaints to the papers about the "silver nuisance." I Mr. Greeley regards the signing of the Jeff. Davis bail bond as one of the nobles acts of his -life, aud' confidently trdsts that most of those who now condemn him. therefor, will'- live to honor him for that act more than for any other. I j Shars wood's majority in Pennsylvania,! for Judge of the Supreme Court, is 794. COmiERCIVL. Star Office, Oct. 16, 1SG7. i SPIRITS .TURPENTINE. Sales of 255 bbls. (Country) at 53 J cents!, and 5 bbls. (New York) at 54 cents per gallon. I ROSIN. Sales of 60 bbls. No. 1, at $4 ; and 20 bbls. No. 2, at $3 30 per bbl. COTTON Sales of 50 bales Middling as fol ows ; 15 bales at 18 cents, 9 bales at 17 cents ; 4 jales at 16i cents ; and; 22 bales at 16 cents per lb. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of lyO bbls. at 3 80 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and $2 GO for Hard. (Dry Virgin subject to deduction of one- fifth.) ':'!.' TAR. 100 bbls. sold at 2 G5 bbl. RECEIPTS. ! PER RIVER STEAMERS. ! Per Steamer North Carolina. 263 bbls rosin, 50 bbls" spirits turpentine, to Williams & Mur chison. i ; Time Freight by Passpnger Train, Y. Jk ; W. Kaiiroatl, 16, 1807. I Sol Bear & Bro, 1 ease stioes : A David, & Co, 1 box : Aarou & Rheinstein, 2 boxes dry goods, roils carpets ; dacoo iyou, cases snoes ; a x Peck, 2 boxes ; 11 Hartz, 1 do dry goods ; S3 Bell, Conway boro', ly cases: t W eill cc Bro, fcayette- yille, 5 do; R R Campbell, Manchester, 1 case maze; t W Ihornton J t ayettevule, 1 do; V Rich ards & Bro, Augusta, 1 bale, 2 cases ; C C Drake, Augusta, 2 cases dry goods ; M Hyains, Augusta, 2 do ; J VV Rundall, Ausohville, 1 bdl springs ; Wells & Bro, Cheraw, 4 cases, 3 bbls whiskey; Crawford, Cheraw, 1 bbl molasses; J B Lavelle, Society Hill, 1 box hardware. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. 16. S tin r North Carolina, Green, from Fay etteville, to Williams & Murehison. . British Brig Clio, Wilson, from Charleston, to Harriss & HowelL ! CLEARED. - 10. Stmr North Carolina, for Fayetteville, by Williams & Murehison. Stmr. R. M. Orrel, Orrell, for Fayetteville, by A. McRimmon fc Co. I Steamship Empire, Price, for New York, by H M Barry. . ,- r ' ' EXPORTS. : COASTWISE. " Per Steamship Empire. 79 bales cotton, 848 bbls spirits turpentine, 452-bbls rosin' 571 bbls crude turpentine, 165 bbls tar, 21 bbls fruit, 3 do mdze. , ' " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GROCERIES. MY STOCK OF GROCERIES IS THE largest and most complete in the State. I am still seUing at REDUCED PRICES. Additions made to my stock by every steamer. Call and examine my stock, and compare prices before making your purchases. , GEOJ' 2. FIEXCIT, No. 10 South Front St;, octl7-21-tf ; 'Wilmington, N. C. JUST RECEIVED. PORK, BUTTER, LABD, BEEF, SUGAR and COFFEE all grades, IRISH POTATOES, ONIONS, CHEESE, i . WILLOW WARE, TUBS, BASKETS, . CROCKERY, FLOUR. Together with a general assortment of Grocer ies. For sale cheap, by J CANNON, STOKXEY & CO., oct!7-21-tf No. 4 South Water St. ' 1 r i . !' '' ' 1 j ! ' '. ' ! ' ' -I " !''. . . ; . ' " . i . . . t ' ' ! ' .'. . - i .'1 ' SPECIAL -NOTICES. MARSHAL'S OFFICE" I fi Citt ov WitMiNGTOJr Sept. 30, 1867. $ Notice is herehy glen that by Tir- tue of an Ordinance recently enacted, no COWS will be permitted to run at large in the streets of this city. , ' 'V ; j . . ,' : 1 !.." I . K.RANSOM, T sept 3-7-tf ' '. Marshhl. W. II. tippitt, Irngsrist & Chem ist. Always on hand a full and select supply of 1'ITRE MEIICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSH ES, FAXCY.' ARTICLES, etc., etc;." . j , M3f Prescriptions accurately and neatly com pounded; '. ,'L;,v.Jr' ' . j N. E.f cpriier Front ami Marlit Sis. P. S. Store owen from & A. M. to 9 P. M. Per sons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on SecondStreet, between Dock and Orange. ' " M i sept23-l-tf : ; " - - " ' : The attention of the business pnh- ; lie is respectfully called to the fact that THE EVENING STAB has, already, a larger local circulation than has ever been reached by any newspaper established in Wilmington. It has, also, a fair, and rapidly increasing,1 circula tion in the country. Its RATES OF ADVER TISING ARE LOWER than those of any news paper in the State ; and its REASONABLE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION must soon give it a circulation that .will make it the best adver tising medium in North Carolina. sept23-l-tf TVin. II. fBerifirtrd, Printer A Puh LTSIIER, AND GENERAL ADVERTIS ING 4GENT, Nd. 3 .South Water Srttfvv"dl mirigton, N. C. I K All varieties of PLAIN, FANCY and ORNA MENTAL PRINTING executed in the best-style. My TYPE,! PRESSES and MATERIAL are almost ENTIRELY NEW, and my WORKMEN are UN SURPASSED. In connection with my Printing and Publishing House, I have a COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, including a first-lass kuLr ING MACHINE. ' , : (. ' ;- j J; Call and see specimens. I J sept23-l-tf . ; ' f - i , , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTt AT i AUCTION. BY S. M. WEST, Auctioneer. OX THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17th, 18u7, at 10 A. 31., at my olliee, will be 8oid I-'.!-- :- I:'-'. :-';v- I Boots, Shoes, Gaps and Hats, l i -A lot:of ; . ' ( READY-MADE CLOTHING, Lot of Furniture Crock . ery, &c-,i , -J mA AND OTHER ARTICLES. ( octl7-21-lt PRINTING, RULING ANI BINIING executed in the best style, at j I WM. li. JJEKNAKD'Sf Printing and Publishing House, i And General Book Bindery, octl7-21-lt No. 3 South Watef st.v T,....... 1 S.IT-. 15 '1 City Clotliing Stored LEADING HOUSE IN (THE CITY. SUPERIOR CLOTHING (Our. Own Slan nfneture), new styles best make and low. prices,', nas piiicea our House ! prominent for goods in our line. ! , Cl Jl. O X T 3T Received by every steamer from our Man ufap tory, Harding, Baldwin & -Co., New York. ; A large' stock of ITJRN1SIIIXG GOODS, fresh importation, at hand. 1 i : n . . i ... u D. G. WOETII. i Tf O. QUIPPING AND COMMISSION JO CHANTS, -, j WILMINGTON, N. C. , octlG-20-ly JiagaiUff anCl KODe oo O i V WJ' weight. ." i . lOO Coils Hemp and Jute Rope. x or saie low uy r i 1 ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, octlS-20-tf 11 and 12 North Water St. Sugar and Syrup. Bbls. C Coffee Sgir, . ;.: r . 20 Bbls. B Coffee Sugar, 1 40 Bbls. Brown Sugar, I 50 Bbls. Baltimore Syrup, i I i For sale low bv . - j i i I it nn ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, octl5-20-tf j li and 12' N;orth Water at. JOSEPH MEIER) Agent, HAVING RE3IOYED H$ MERCHANT , T TAILORING and Ready-made Clothing es- tauiiannieni irom OUCJv STRJiJfl.T to . ! STo. 22 ilarltet Street, f Offera to the public a large and .well-selected stock; of Clothing and Piece Goods, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, &c, &c. j j , . All orders for CUSTOM WORK promptly at tended to by first-class Tailors, on tlie premises! Clothing cleaned and repaired at. .ia WfDD' Branch House of J. MEIER & BRO, Phila- del ph . octl6-20-lw TO THE MDIES. "A. Xi. U R n -wr-wr i ' ' - jk;;-! -".. j . fvo. 6 SO UTH FRONT STREET, ! May ,be ifound all the latest styles of i Bonnets, Hats, Hosiery, &lovesFan ii ! cy Articles, &c.,1 &c. j - Additions made to my stock weekly. I MKin4. ' A. D. BROWN, octI5-te-tf - - No. 6 South Front St. AIIT NEWS AND WEEKLY CATAW"- 'ha i Watchman, Charlotte, IN. C, Jones & Johnston, Proprietors. -- uea VV M. II. BERNARD, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. sept22W-tf DANIEL. $J 5 y-MER- DRYT OQODSiniLllsrEKY. AND M. M. KATZ & CO, 2 Market Street, -T-IXX OPEN A LARGE AND WELX SE LECTED STOCK OF . ( . ; ' ; . Staple and Fancy , Suited for the Present Seadn. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE ENABLES us to buy from Importers and Manufactu re'rs DIRECT, and can therefore oner our Goods as low as they- can' be purchased in Northern markets. This is no humbug. All we ask is a TRIAL TO CONVINCE OUR PATRONS. We call attention to a full line of CALICOES, BLEACHED AND . UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS ;: t . ; . -" : -a -.. . , r AND SHEETINGS, ; . SILKS, POPLINS. MERINOS, and all the ' . 'p ' '. POPULAR DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, j , j BLANKETS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR. BROADCLOTHS, DOESKIN CASSIMERES, i . SATINETS and JEANS, Hair Nets, Notions and Fancy Goods, READY MACE CLOTHING, , Kals & Mens' Furnisliing Goods. MILLINERY. . We will open on THURSDAY, October 3d, a full assortment of the latest shapes- BONNETS, HATS, -.'-. , FLOWERS, VELVETS, '. i . SILKS, RIBBONS, &c. To Wholesale Buyers we offer LIBERAL TERMS. . ... . ., M. M. KATZ ct CO., 23 Market Street. octl-8-tf Sundries. FyQ BBLS. SUGAR, various grades. ". SODA CRACKERS, (fresh:) 2Q " LEMON CRACKERS, (fresh.) PyQ KEGS LARD, put up expressly for family .Q SACKS COFFEE, i g IHIDS. SHOULDERS. 2 BBLS. GOLDEN SYRUP. " " '-' .!-' . ' -"'!;--; ':V.;-' -.. . QQ eraLES IIAY North River and East- Sop IrM Glue, Bagging, Rope, Starch, &c. .'For sale bv i harrisr . hiiwk ,r, OCtl()-20-3t Flour and Bacon. 1 ZCi BARRELS BALTIMORE FjLOUR JLtJxJ all grades. 25 Hhds. and Tierce s. Baltimore Sides and . Shoulders. In store aud landing ex steamer Frances, for sale at lowest cash prices, by - . ' . - A Tin VC f XT B. J.TTTiTir.r.T.r" OCtl6-20-tf 11 and 12 North Water st. Groceries. OU K STOCK IS AT ' ALL TIMES COM plete with the purest and best we can nro- cure, selected exnresslv for TAlirrc ttrts. SUPERIOR TABLE BUTTER, .. t- ' BEST BRANDS FLOUR,' f CHOICE TABLE SYklJP, ;Tir , . - . ' , , ' &c.', : ,j Ac. Ac. e claim to have always on hand as choice a stock of .. . . , : FINE GROCERIES As can be found in the South, at GEORGE MYERS', , " - and 13 Front Street, oct!5-19-tf CHA8. D. MYERs, Agent. ClieeSe ! ; " . 0116686 ! I - j-lOO UOXiES State and Englisli Dairy, JjlOK SALE BY ; - v - .,v , WILLIAMS & MTJRCHISON. 1 WmMK XOO BBJLS- A3ri BAGS, FAMILY and . - -.EXTRA SUPER. , ;.'' ' . :. ,' For sale by vi I- - j WILLIAMS & MTOCIUSOK . octlMO-lw lIIIEiSiOOIlS "Wholesale" arid Retail. Family

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