1 V TT F'M O 1ST T N ft -SAR . . I J i I 1 .' ' J FriaayMorninct; 25, 1867. Local CirenlatioCk AROEtt tliun tliat frn of any Dally ; Newspaper in the "y ' increasing Circulation . . 1 A 9 a - A In4 the country. j" jBSr.Adrertlsinff Jttate: lower thwtboe lt;hanicstlian"t&e , Locofflotiye Engineers, lhe : 'o any Da,jr 'sIPaef; n rtn C-ar- dutiesdftnefr calling require not only mere- iae 'olina. 1 r .-.;... hliiilcU-sUlli a Wg'"dfee 'of 'intelligence, i 'tV M BE R BT A R 1 , . ,C EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 1 . ' - ; ' Fayetteville Agent. Mi Wm. A. Robinson ,ia . oup authorized gent at fayetteville. All " orders left witk'him swill, receive prompt atten- tlOn. ' " - ', i r Agent at oldsoroV-MRi U. V.' !L. IIutton is our authortzeel Agent at GoldsboroV ,.f 1 'Ageiit at'lltoniMRjj. Jones is our au thorized Agent at Milton, N. C. ; - Y V ; Ajrent at Clintbn;MK. Ti'J: Lee "is our au ; tborizeCAgentat jCliuton,. C. :, - ; 'V Asent at Kenansville. Mr. J. D. Souther X.AND is our authorized Agent at Kenansville. , t Agent at Warsaw. Mr. D. G. Morisey is our authorized Agent at Warsaw. ' ? -.. - rrawbaclis. We are prepared to receive or "ders for the new Drawback Forms to go into ef fect Oct: 1st. ' ' -.' '."Uz. '" " 1 : ' ' : : i The Stab Book Bindery. This complete establishment is now in successful operation,: anew vis daily, turning out the handsomest specimens ol work. Mr. T. Tillingbast, its manager, is nn ' surpassed as a skillful workman, and will guaranty satisfaction to all its patrons; His Blank Books are models of neatness and durability, and are uni versally pronounced the equal of any. Old books arc re-bound in the best manner; and, in short, every variety, of Binding and Ruling is executed neatly, cheaply and promptly. Subscription Money. A large number of our subscribers having expressed a preference to pay for the Star for periods varying from" five weeks to six months, we have concluded to aban don bur plan of Weekly payments to the carriers, and emplov an agent to make collections. Sub scribers will bear in mind, however, that they will not be required to pay for more than one week at a time, though, under the new system, it is desirable that they pay for five or ten Weeks in advance, and thus save us the trouble of having to make too frequent collections. As our plans are now arranged, the carriers are not authorized to receive any money for the Star ; and, to meet with prompt attention, all orders should be sent directly to the office, No. 3 South Water street. : TO ADVERTISERS. We respectfully call the attention of the busi ness public to the fact that our advertising rates are lower than those of any other daily newspaper in North Carolina. , - This, added to bur very large circulation, makes the Star a most valuable medium of advertising. Single copies jot The Morning Star may be had of Mr. T. M. Harris, at his news stand, on Front Street, every morning. - - NOTICE. Mr. Wm. Calder having accepted a position on the editorial staff of the Morning Star, is authorized to receive orders, or make contracts, for Job Work, Subscription, or Advertising. see city; Agrent at Lumberton.-Col. N. A. McLean is our authorized Agent at Luinberton. Special Magistrate's Court Justice ; ' Conoley Presiding. Lotty Stafford, Frances Walton, white, and Molly Harriss, colored, were ii i i, ,. . i. .i n m i - ' ciiarged with assault and battery upon the person of Grace Southerland, colored. The facts proven . went to show that the assault was entirely un .... provoked and "brutally severe; The three ac . complices were sent to jail in default- of a bond of.SOaehi -. - ,': .-: iV '-f;-: : Molly Harriss, . colored, and Frances Walton, hite tw in the above ,' Case, were arraigned upon the charge of highway robbery. It was prqved that they had forcibly . taken from the person of George Johnson, on J the public high way, the sum of $1 50. This be . ,;. ing an offence not bailable under the laws of the ' : State, .they' were both fully committed, to appear "before the next1 Criminal Court, . to answer the charge of highway robbery. V; j The liearing , of the case of Alfred; Eobmson, colored, charged with the killing of Abram Rob ' inson, was fixed for ' Fridaythe 1st, proximo, jt ; being impossible to ' assemble the witnesses., be f ors that day. , ,i . , ' : ;..-v-'. .'uv, ... ,:A Mayor's Court. Before His Honor, the ' Mayor, appeared John Lynch, the party arrestd yesterday, charged with being drunk on the. : street, and assaulting and resisting officer Slmp i!!?S discharge pf his duty. , The facts appearing in' evidence were' substantially those '..rejppfted in, the columns of this paper yesterday, ' ; and, th,e offence being one of such a flagrant and v violent latare His Honor thought a fine of $100' and imprisonment for twenty days was not too ' - severe.; ' ; - ; ';; : : Edward Coleman, (col.) was fined $10 for being dxunkion the street."! '-''r : Farmer's HousE.-Mr. Hf M. Bishop has 1 ; gotten back to bis bid stand, the Farmer's House, 'which he Is now fitting np fdr he entertainment , 'of the public." ,1 Mr, Bishop was proprietpr.of this . house for some years immediatelj; preceding the i whje'jtiifl' success was all he jcould . wish.. We I ,. . arelnformed thai during th year I860,' he fre oi attently fed amany as Uiree hundredVersons pet day. We wishlhim much success-reveji' to the rethrn of his maximu m prosperity of former daysi iconnterfeit greenback was return- c i Cd-to a person the other day -with the following inscription-. : ' " - ' s. 'J J ; n . -; t : ;; fm&J bitteranjl nauseous pill, ' jHiaThl haykg tojswillow aunterfclt bill,; ; '".A-B 'S5?1?8 Iol5ft terrible curse : tk : avipga, meetinof - .... n.' 'J.' " ' . . .'. . J!. 1 1 .. i .l 4- V. i4 ' ' natti; "The. proceedings are seciet.4but the ad-' dress 01 tne uraaa vjuiei ijiueerias puuusucuV fiIsco"vers the objects of the association to be the mental and physical advancement of this impor taut class of individuals, and their protectipp. is no" more respectable or intelligent class of me- nerve and sleepless vigilance. Wliilc on the road their lives axe literally in; their" hawd, and not only theirs, but those of innumerable' fellow. be ings, to say nothing pf the vast amount , of pfbp-" erty, the 1 safety . of which depends upon their ,,11;.;. ; v '. 'ill,,:, . ( . T - ' " skill. '' We are fflad to welcome any steps to-wards-the advancement of so respectable a.elass,! and trust they will claim the 'high' station they deserve, by the establishment of a rigid " jesprlt du corps" in their , body.: It wouUbba.well if our Southern engineers would establish such ah ass'o ciation. It would doubtless redound to their own benefit and to that of the public at large!, AVood ! Wood j Now is the time for jthe country people who live near the rivers "contigu ous to Wilmington, to turn their 'attention to supplying this market with wood. Nothing sells more readily, or at more renuraerative prices. In fact, parties are generally on the lookout for this commodity; and every flat-boat is "spotted" long before the lazy current brings it to our wharves.' v,..V' : ;: ' There are scores of men both white and black, now lonuginw around our streets, who might be profitably; employed in cutting wood for this market, and we hope, for their own benefit, as well as that of the people of Wilmington, they will grind their axes, and betake themselves to he forests bordering on the Cape Fear, there to, try the experiment of realizing, a handsome sup port from a business j that has been, heretofore very much neglected. We believe that tUe busi ness will pay. : Certainly there is not much to be lost by it. ';.: ' " Mrs. M. E. Bond. The Tarboro' South erner regrets to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Bond "have determined to give Wilmington the bene fit of their extended experience in all things re lating to a ladies wardrobe,') and remarks : "Mrs. Bond has so long and satisfactorily sup plied the numerous Wants of our lady friends, as to become, in a manner, the exponent of their faith, and many a fair one hitherto trusting to her superior skill and taste, looks with a sigh upon the unpromising future. ; j We take great pleasure in commending them to the citizens of Wilmington." We are: satisfied that the fair ladies of Edge combe can very well dispense with any artificial additions r to their charms, and we assure the Southerner that our own ladies will well adorn the exquisite production of Mr. Bond's taste. ftW The Building Association organized in the Court House, on Wednesday night, with Mr. W. IL Bernard in the Chair, and Mr. W. A. Cumming, Secretary. A committee consisting of the Chairman and Messrs. W. A. Cumming, Wm. E. Mayo, D. E. Bunting, J no. F. Divine and W. A. Williams, was appointed to prepare business for a meeting to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 6th.,' We trust this thing may be pushed energetically, and organized thoroughly and efficiently. Such associations have proved both lucrative and use ful 'elsewhere, and there is no reason v.'hy it should fail here. . 1 i'T" WeJdon can boast of a good news paper; but the impression that'paper is trying to create-that the place has any streets," is a hor rid joke. The railroad is the nearest approxima tion to a "street" w-e have ever seen at Weldon ; and wp beg the Neios tp desist from its efforts to transform roads into streets, or the fox-linn tors will quit that range, entirely.. We are credibly informed that ' coons". inhabit ; the iV7rbuiidingv and that the " devil" himself can! t raise collards in Weldon, on account of the rabbits.: ' The Firk. The alarm of fire yesterday morning at l2i olock, was caused by the' burn ing of.the stable of Mr. Henry Burkhimer, on Nun, between Fourth and Fifth streets. fxIn addi tion to the stable, a valuable cow, arockaway and a biiggy were consumed, j The loss is estimated at $000 00. Mr. Burkhimer ..being absent from the. city, we. could not ascejtain whether or not his loss were covered by insurance. , ."' ' P. S. Since above was in type, we. have learned that.Mr. Burkhimer had 'no insurance. ; Held For Postage. Letters for, the" fol lowing parties are held for postage in the Wil jnington post-office. .They will be held for two days Messrs. A. L, Barnes & Co, New York Misses Carley, Wilmington, N. C; Capt. J. N.. Clegg, Haywood, 3fj C; A. H. Hayncs, Oxford; Pa.; J, D. Husing- Baltimore, Md.;l Caleb Litch- field, Heathville, Va.; George Maxerstein New, York ; L. E. Moore, Hartsvtlle S? C.;' Samuel N. Richardson,; Leona, Texas,; ScoS-ille MTg Co.; New York. ' Police Report, 9 P. M.three offices found open on qne Btreet...5 This is really tecom ing quite a nuisance., , j If peopfe cannot lock their doors, they had better employ private watchmen, and not blame the police ? when their torCs are robbed, Every, night the police officers have 1 to walk all over town to inform persons of their own carelessness. Look to i entierhen! In the proper V cormjy, ,we: giye re ceipts of produce per Steamers Hurt and Marlon, arrived last night, " passengers, by tlie Jlnrt were Rev. Mr. Sherwbod.aoeifamily rKerce and wife' Miss Mallett; - Mrs. as. ddelli Baker-Wid Cftpt.0. SrPurdie; ' ! believing to beof much interest to, a iarge class ofour readers. The 4Jms t)X'iheJjJutedBta.tc against Great Britain for the; Alabama losses having created a counter claim for the indemnity o Confederate .bond holdersre, cctpm f onds 1iave k vdrue of about twenty-five Ter cent, .upon their facnd ve, prsumeaiUsupon.thlabasis that it 4s 'pj-opocd; to exchange them for the Railroad Wis KlL al1 ' The "YilmhStn , and tanchester, Railroad orapan'y of North Carolina have put a loan upon the "London Snarketiof 200,000 sterlinar. Secari- tv, 100,000 of their first and.100,000 of -their gectf onq mortgage nonas., aHeoucr loEUiineiu ai seventy-five cents, and "will accept paynicpt either in all cash or fifty cents in cash and twenty-five cents Confederate. States cotton -bonds,-ex-overdue coupons? atrtVeuty.five cents on the dollar. The geeond-mortgage'bonds a rp 'offered at seven-tv-five 'eentsfortYrfive in cash. ; twenty-five in Confederate bonds;: as , above -The President of the Company however, in hf3 circular annpunci ing the ioai makes tne 101 towing statement : The undersigned, in offering the sterUhg bonds of the Wilmington and Manchester Railway : at a price which will pay investors over eight; per cent, on a first-rate security; and in fixing twenty five per cent, for the cotton loan bonds, does not do so without reasons in respect to them which, .while beneficial to the Wilmington and Manches ter Railway, will be equally so to the cotton loan bond holders. . . "ii 1 Hook and Ladder men, we pitied you yesterday morning, with the cold wind whistling around the cornes, and the fire bell ringing jthe fourth ward, i Who would not be a bold fireman when the alternative is to sit on juries ? We have to do both, but then we are a newspaper: man, and even we sometimes escape, as last night,; for instance, when, on looking at our watch we fonnd the paper had gone to press, we quietly went to bed.- ' ' """" r ' ; '':- " A. ldgr: Messrs. Haas & Co., of the Clarendon Clothing House, have contracted to furnish the uniforms of -the new white fire company. .The coat is quite a neat affair, consisting of blue flan nel, faced with red, and reflects credit upon the taste and skill of the makers. - The Building Association Committee will meet, at the office of Messrs. Northrop j & Cumming, this evening at 8 o'clock. . The daughter of the Dahlgren gun is to marry the eon of -the Rodman gun.: She j is described as. a bright young girl of nineteen, with, dark hair and eyes., always laughing the eyes we mean rather tall and slight, and having a true girlish penchant for shoulder-straps. A man named Hallon advertises lt Whiskey and Tobacco Disinclinators," a sure, safe and speedy cure for drunkenness and tobacco Chewing. .We suppose he is raising a hulla-balloo among tobacconists and whiskey dealers. ! nri ( W' Madame Octavia Lev Vert is writing a new book at Niagnra Falls. i ... s ; New Advertisements. Harkiss & Howell. Just, Received.. W. H. Bernard. Printing. ... JfOSTH CAROIilK A IN A NXIT-SHEIjlii Notwithstanding the low price of cotton,! the" Charlotte News says that it continues tocome into that market in considerable quantities. ;i CfT Rev. Dr. Curtis is to lecture in Charlotte on Friday next. , ; ; : ; , .. i Judge Osborne is to address a temperance meeting in Charlotte on Tuesday next. Our temperance friends - should take fresh courage when they see such men as Judge Osborne, bat-' tling in the cause." s " ; The revival in Fayette ville is still in pro gress, under the auspices of Rev. T. W. Guthrie, of the M, E.; Church; - ; . ? i-p't , 1 " "t..Dr.-Benjamin: WUamsf Harnett, has been nominated by the Conservatives to repre sent that county" jn the State Convention. ' W Burglars have been robbing the premises of Mr. J. W. Dey, of Newbernl - - ' i tMr; Richard N. Taylor, an old citizen, has opened a wholesale grocery and commission house in Newbern. , - , ; .;- '.'? s E John M. Langs ton, a colored Radical from Ohio, is addressing the " brethren" in Raleigh. ; A man by the name of Mark Seigne was badly inj urcd i n Newbern, on Tuesday "morning, by falling into an empty cellar, a relict of the great fire in that town. " ' r fcF Fayetteville' has a base ball club. " ''f Sundry parties charged with violating or der No 32, so far as the retailing of liquor is con cern edarc to be tried before a military commis sion in Newbern. ,.: ' .-' : 6" Major John W. Graham and Mrs. Rebecca Anderson, eldest daughter of P. C. Cameron, ! Esq., were - married :at Ilillsboro' onl the 9th instant. ...j . . commerS - Star Office, Oct; 24,1867. . SPIRITS TURPENTINE. There was a'ti active demand throughout the day, and a gain of .t 'cent was made. 117 casks. sold at, 51i cents and 150 1 casks at 53f Its.,.!. V -'t, ? VfriS " " ROSIN.--Sales -vrve light, bat prices sbqw an advance' 6n former'' quotations 33 bbls, ; Com mon sold" at $3, and43 No: 2atf$3 25. J ' V CRUDE TURPENTINE; Receipts 'continued light and :only.l4a bbls. sold at $3 CO fortrgini .ana i-;o0 Hard-,.! f-1, -v TAR M-nf 9, KMs of ex COTTON. The market, was firm and, sales ;of MicidUhg !fif cents for Middling ' . t X s-. PER RIVER STEATTZTTS. T. ! ' iper Stmr A P Hurt. Worfh i; Daniel. 1SB bblV rosm, Lbuggyi 6 boxes Wallace s Southerland, vPer Sfmf "MaribnTWilliams & Murchison, i563 fctoterosin, 53 do spirits Smith fc Strauss, 10 do flour, 21 do tar ; A AldennanT 10 do' turpentine ; Cox, Parmalee & Divine, 25 do roiin, 5 do spirits: Time Freight by : Passenger Train, fi & 'TiPettewy, Lumb'eyton 0 caress dry goods ; L ITrauk, Chraw. I easei m'44'e t Ariiojai Cooley Ki;oyhcrare I oox! oiiori frarifer Jveuey Darliagton, coxes ory goods ibeftd dpj i V; niciiaru uo, Auusia,ri pKjj muse. 'lieceipl s Per Jlanifest by Freiglit Train .-,-.. W. & W. II. K., Oct. 24, 1807. ! ' Worth & bamelrl? sacks flour, 1 bbl fruit; T p Evans, l bdl cloth; W H McRary &; Co,1 2 bbls dried fruit; Williams & Murehison. 5 -kits butter; T Hanslcy, lot photographic -matenal.; COASTWISE. . ' Per Schr Addie'Murchie. 363 bbls spirits tur pentine, 513 bbls robin, 200 do tar, 488 do crude turpeutiue. -- ' . ' . . , " V: ' '. -f pcbign. vT (- r 1 Per Bark Panama. 153 bbs spirits turpentine, 2,76b do" rosin., iti-l :.. , l '"i 'i Vs-V' iMABINE INTELLIGENCE, ; . . ARRIVED. J" -. . V j ' 24. Stmr. Ma rion, Phillips, from Fayetteville, to Williams & Murehison. i -r -; ! Steamer A. P. Hurt; Sklnne'r,- from Fayette ville, to Worth & Daniel. !-; V 4 . 1 ; : .' .clJeahed. 1 ? r : .; 24. Schf Addie Miireher,: Roberts, for BOstOn, by Harriss & Howell. r V i T Bark1 Pauama, (Br) Stanberry, for Liverpool, by OG Parsley & Co." !. -f f y r : -.i- '-1 -i . vi -y-i - -i T ' SPECiAl7"NnCES. MARSHAL'S OFFICE ; . ! October 2Jst,18a7. S t Notice ito 3I6ntilyiTa Payers.-; ' Renew your Licenses "beforo the 25th inst 1 RICH'D J. JONES, oct23-2G-4t Special Deputy Marshal. , MARSHAL'S OFFICE, City Op Wilmisgto, Sept. 30, l$8 Notice i hereby ffiven that by vlr-j tue' of an Ordinance recently enacted,! no COWS will be permitted to run at large in the streets of this city. IE. EAJTSOM, sept 30-7-tf Marshal. W. II. I.ij5itl, ; 5rngjgist & Chem- lit. Alwavs on .hand a full - and selecfc supply of PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSH ES, FAXCY ARTICLED, etc., etc. a 5 Prescriptions accurately and neatly com poundei!. Nl E. Corner Front and iMarjfcet Sts. P. S.-T-Store open f ro'm G A. M. to 9 P. M. Per sons jtvishing preriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on Second Street, between Doc'k and Orainge. . j. ' . sept'23-l-tf-; ? The attention of the business pnb- lic is respectfully caflecl to the fact that TIIE,5IOKNING STAK has, already, a larger local circulation than has ever been reached by any newspaper established hi Wilmington. It has, also, a fair,; and rapidly increasing, circula tion jh the "country.1 its RATES OF ADVER TISING ARE LOWER than those or any; news paper in the State i and its REASONABLE TERMS OF SHBSCRIi.niu3t soon give it a circulation that" Will jma'e'itthe best adver tising medium in North Carolina .v ' -' . sept23-i-tf " " :; ; , " - ; ' v .i. : ;i:-i..'i':-i' TTrii. ili Bernard, Printer & Fub .LlSHElt, AND . Gf)NER Ali3 ADVERTIS ING AGENT, No. 3 South Water Srteejt, Wil mmgton, N . C. -; ;- ; All varieties of PLAIN, FANCY and ORNA MENTAL PRINTING executed, in the, best style. My TYPE PRESSES and MATERIAL aire almost ENTIRELY NEW, and my WORKMEN are UN- StnfpASSED:QliHnneet Printing and PublisMng blouse, P have" a COMPLETE BOOK; BINDERY, including a first-class RUL- ;ingmachin Q-T 3 "'! ; - 1 Call and sec specimens.. I i sept23-l-tf .'y-r' ; ' .-- M'. l" NEW 'ADYJEIITISEMENTS. Just Koceivedv BBLS. FLOUR, ; 33BLS. irULTON MARKET BEEP, 2g BBLS, CITY MEaS PORK, . g HnDS.'c:R; s;DES,n j For sale by ia IIAKSISSI & HOWELL, 4 " 1 oct24-28-exltp2t ! ; iff North Water St. '-"'; - ;VV - 'ft'-'ilfr 77'lT '7' 1 ; P HINTING. EVERY STYLE OF PLAIN J Fancy and Ofnamental Printings executed neatly, cheaply and expeditiousry at ' : - r ! WM. II. BERNARD'S ,f - r PBnrriwo atsTdI PubCissiito Hotrsr, U 2lsr Jr ' -5 '--And General Book Birtdery, -tOeW&GS-p, j u .tti ffrSiSouth-Water'St. ; tiuutuin copy. .. ! f - ..''(.'., r A W1 .OM.TIIOSE ELEGANT Ladies', Jtf isses', Oliildrens' & GeWts'1 Made hih.miuAUty ddJld6tn isrlciIf you want to save money, call at .: .. ...... C w: vhj- i-tLiit uuL iDn ja.yf xyijyjir FRENCH & son; - I are CASH. Wo run no bills. Cheap for cash is .oct 23-26-tf 3w6tth Front jSJreet. ;MISOEr,IiANEOTT!! G'RHAT P AT T fnf-'r-'-- FOR XLXJJJ, v ,r,....f ? h A T T I -Q.Jj1, ANI- WIETEB. 867-8. 1 64412 4f ;: The CHeap. Store ! ! 1 '!?- 34 Mrkci Street, ontb Rtt ... ' . Front and-Second Streets rjlHE BEST FABRICS ALL DESika ble shades and at lowest CASH prices--f rpm jj Cents ftp.) i ; " r. ,.1. 4faM A'ilAin. ' flat ' . dififereht makes and be saiisc; AND-- Modern I - Styles nffatisfac- Time and meration. I U3itallykept space will not 18 allow further entw .will - itply - say that everytlyng irf a' reftliy. FIRST? DRY T GOODS 1I0USE, May be found at this POPULAR ESTABLISH- MENT. Vcv Goods Opened this Ddy. ... i V ti Market Street. 6ct23-2!f-tf aKpdElSIBS,; j FOR : GASH Bi YEKfi. ! 20 TIERCES CAROLINA RICE I 25 BAGS EAST INIUA " , 120 BOXES .CHEE, SEf. ;:;;;: .Ki.. S3 BARRELS APPLES," 1133 " ' i SUGARS ' - S3 BAGS COFFEE, r 160 BARRELS AND BOXES FRESH CRACK-' loo boxes Adamantine candles, i5o soap. , ';-: , 50 BBLS. CITY MESS PORK, . 163 " FLOUR, v; ' i; ' JMr-r ' 33 FLRKINS. LAKDVVira vVr-i i--. A ' 25 and TUBS, BlITTER.t 'Low prices at the Old House of ; - ' GEO. MYERS, ; :; - 11 and 13 Front St. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. , Oct2-l-27-tf io smm FRONT., THE BUSH FOR ... rr'':; i if... -f i. ii- ( - STILL CONTINUES, AT GFO. Z. FRENCHES, oet2lr27-tf,"- . i . - - 1Q South Front Street -DEALER IX- Soutli Front Street, ' A! TDtE' LATEST'iTliES' OF ., JLJL. ?5 or ittaa to .order by a PRACTICAL lpANITFAC"!1 V ItElt"ANl VlEALEB EJ RpSENEOIL, TIN an4SET IRfc ; .a Ifooling Done at Bhort JVotice. A ST i . f o r, ;J.j irba n a 8 a 1 e ' Jo. l$ Front StWilm Oet20-tf" vj.,.,-.. jj; Soline1 Oil, TCTORn SiLE BY THE BARREL, JBT f SUTTON A CHILD; v- . octW-f ' Corner Princess and Front St SECONO-U AN 8 JE jj- EC.T SpIB?1 DRESS GOODS Goods rmiiisuiiiff 'J':,rr; -Hilt 1 1 'D-4.- k -