- ' -.1 v. i J ;-i' ' T . i -. " - J II : . ..L : llti.lL J : n -AND- PAEEniRUliinG ROOMS, 7ECi ECIVEIlKAm, JProprietor, 63 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. TTN CONNECTION WITH MY PHINT- INQ AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, I have in op eration a Complete BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK .BOOK MANUFACTORY, Includ inga FIRST CLASS RULING MACHINE. , My unsurpassed facilities enable me to execute all work in the above lines at LOW RATES, with the utmost dispatch, and in the most ' ! v--.. - -j.. ; . SUPERIOR STYLE. I am manufacturing to order .ledgers; r JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, GASH BOOKS, r-Z- : BLOTTERS, '- T INDEXES, ." . RECORD BOOKS, TRIAL DOCKETS, APPEARANCE DOCKETS, ' MINUTE DOCKETS, j EXECUTION DOCKETS, MARRIAGE REGISTERS, BOJSTD BOOKS, AND ALL OTHER BOOKS . . USED BY ; CLERKS, --"'V REGISTERS, MERCHANTS, ' iCBK sooitManuiaciory t : ' BANKERS, RAIL ROAD COMPANIES . . INSURANCE COMPANIES, &c. ALL VARTETIES OP PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ... 2 ... BOOKS, 1PAMPHLETS, ; : MAGAZINES, S - PERIODICALS, , NEWSPAPER FILES 5tl-i -' MUSIC, &c, &c, &c, Bound in the neatest and most substantial man- '" " ner, and at Moderate Prices. v;:v-:;.;.--":;- f i ....... . : - s j ' ? t .. ., " r. ' '-'; J ; r , V. " , , I' t 5 '. i i- . .1 ! ' . ., , ... , .1 - . ' - -1 , PAPER RULED 1 : i , i JIl. -ANY FORM DESIRED. Special attention given to RE-BINDING 3;.bbioiiEBro : Axiir letteb;- IHG BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, BlBLC3f r -fe?: X Send your orders td WM. H. BERNARD'S ; 1 " & Publishing. House, ; , ft , Wholesale and Retail; M.M.KATZ&CD.. - S3 Market Street, it. ; ILL OPEN A LARGE AND WELL SE- LECTED STOCK OF . Staple and Fancy BRY GOODS, " Suited for the Present; Season. OUR LONO EXPERIENCE ENABLES us to buy from Importers and Manufactu rers DIRECT, and can therefore offer our Goods as low as they caii i be purchased in Northern markets. This is no humbug. All we ask is a TRIAL, TO CONVINCE OUR PATRONS. " We call attention to a full line of CALICOES, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, . j SILKS, POPLINS, MERINOS, and all the ; 1 POPULAR DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. MENS' AND! BOYS' WEAR. BROADCLOTHS, 4 ! N DOESKIN CASSIMERES, r j ! SATINETS and JEANS, Hair Nets, Notions and Fancy Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, ' ; Hats A Mens9 Furnisliing Goods. (MILLINERY. We will open on THURSDAY, October 3d, a full assortment of the latest shapes BONNETS, HATS, " FLOWERS, VELVETS, ! SILKS, RIBBONS, &c. To Wholesale Bayers we offer LIBERAL TERMS. :,--.;v -.:i:r: ' .; - M. KATZ & CO., I octl-8-tf 1 J 83 Market Street. Smoking Tobacco Works. THE ROANOKE COMPANY, OF DANVILLE, CHARTERED EXPRESSLY TO MA3U facture SMOKING TOBACCO from the larg est assortment of Virginia Leaf of any factory in the South, and invite the trade to their list of prices. , -.-.j ::J- " BILL ARP " i: - and "HERE'S YER MULE " Are, gotten up of superior leaf expressly for the Southern markets. I i Danville, Va. : ; oct3-10-2m Office Wii,. Ch. and Ruth. R. R. Co, ) Wilmington, N. C, Octith, 1867. J mm THE ANNUAL MEETING of the STOCK holders of the above Company will be held at Lincolnton, on WEDNESDAY, the 23d instant, v ! I. T. ALDERMAN, Secretary. - Wadesboro' Argus, i Lincolnton Courier and Charlotte Democrat copy once a week till day of meeting, and send bill. oct5-12-tm . i ' CHER AW ADVERTISER CHER AW, S. C, Published Weekly, II. C, Powell, Propri etor. i - sept23-l-tf WTVL H. BERNARD, Agent, 1 Wilmington, N. C. RALEIGH PROGRESS, ' PUBLISHED Daily and Weekly, at Raleigh N. C:, by Guth rie & Orr, Proprietors , f j WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, sept23-l-tf V Wilmington, N.C. ORANGEBURG NEWS, ORANGEBURG, S. C, Published Weekly, Samuel Dibble, Pro prietor. ' . - .. vl WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, ' sept23-l-tf i - . -Wilmington, N. C. GREENSBORO PATRIOT, GREENSBO ro, N. C, Published Weekly, W. F. CaldweU; Proprietor. , , t.. -7 tW:.-l Propriety . V v.- -'-'' .f sept23-l-tf WM. H. BERNARD, Agent. Wilmington, N. C. QEMI. WEEKLY NEWS, i GOLDSBORO', ' i v iWM. H. BERNARD, Agent, , sept23-l-tf Wilmington N. C. DAILY MORNING STAR, GOLDSBO ro', N. C, W.: WhitakeT, Proprietor.; . , . .:. U - WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, sept23-l-tf. -4 Wilmington, N. C. SUMTER WATCHMAN, SUMTER,' S. C, Published WeeklyGilbert & Flowers, Pro prietors. ' ;i " - - ' --'- r ;.y ; . ;" WM. Hi BERNARD, Agent, sept23-l-tf Wilmington, N. C. DUfflTER NEWS, SUMTER," S. C, PUB- KJ iishea weekly, Darr & Osteen, Proprietors. ; j i WM. II. JJJfiKWAlti), Agent, sept231-tf irt i : ' Wilmington, N.;C. i. ESCENT, MARION, S. C, PUBLISH . t j , r - ; WM. H. BERNARD. A sent. vtt Wilmington, N:- C! r ! f :. - t ' i ? j J Jl .f -i. iVTR ALEXi 5R.S3HTII!: liM Vlliis day iVl rithflrawn from our firm. The business will hereon tinneAby ihe subscrttei-sr under the name and style of ROBINSON. SMITH & CCvas before. Office next aoor oouin oi our iormer Store. . ;:.W.JBL.BQBINgp B T'SJZ. ':y-' J. C. SMITH,- "J 7" . - Z - U F. G. ROBINSON. c. h KOBiirsoir, -J. o. smith, p. o. bobijtsom-. :ROBINiNlllIHl IHTli III , i .- GENERAL SHIPPING, T1 ' AND V";:;v -Ji Commission rj erchants, IORTH WATER STREET, OPPOSITE , ROCK-SPRING, ; ---I'.I1; W I LM I N GTO N, N. C. Baggingf Rope, Iron Ties, Spirit . . Casks, -Glue. '. 1 oct4-ll-3m ' j Moflitt, iBro.- & Co.,t ;j : ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS JC NORTH WATER STREET, . . , -.. Wilmington, N. C, Will give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc., etc. Also to receiving and lor- warding goods. 4Gg- Orders solicited and promptly filled. sept23-l-tf CANNON, J3T0KLEY & CO., j GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, Wil mington, N.C. Strict attention given to the sale of COUN TRY PRODUCE. : oct3-io-tf 7 S. K. BIKDSBY. A. T. ROBINSON. BIBDSEY ROBINSON, H GENERAL COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, Wil mington, N. C."'.' A Sept24-2-tf. ALEX. J0HNS0X, JE. E. T. MC KETHAN. ALEX. JOHXSOX & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, Wil mington, N. C. sept23-l-ly : D. G. WORTH. 3Sr;'" G. DANIEL WORTH & DAMEL, ' SHIPPING ' A N D COMMISSION MER CHANTS, - . . WILMINGTON, N. C octl6-2)ly I PROGESSIOjSTAL. S. A. ASHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. OFFICE ON PRINCESS, BETWEEN Jb ront ana isecona istreets. oct 1-8-tf . CHAS. M. STEDMAN, Attorney at Law, ! , WILMINGTON,N; C, ?.f J OFFICE ON PRINCESS STREET, Op posite the Court House. i octl5-l(Wm I N. F. BTJRNHAM'S CELEBRATED French Jonval Turbine 'iiv WAER - WHEEL. '; millS WHEEL. THE GREATEST IN JL vention of the age, surpasses all other wheels in power, economy of water, and steadi ness of run ; simple in construction, and a mas terpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to get out bfibrdfer. and, from its positionlu the flume, is kcclssibfe' at all times. 1 I It is cheaper than any other Wheel (of the same weight and finish)-' m market. -Send for circulars.Tf& ' e Person ordering these WHEELS can have them put up by most competent workmen at a small cost. s Address all orders to - - " f a i , E. II. CIIESTERMAN, Millwright and Engineer, . Richmond, Va., ijt- ' x Sole Agent for Va. and N. C. Will also contract for the erection of MILLS and FACTORIES, - ......... I ... For all kinds of Manufacturing purposes, both df :Water and Steam Power. sept24-3-6m. - , FIRST N ATIONAL BaNK OF WILMINGTON, NC. '" ' UNITED STATES DEPOSITOEY -AK3D- , FIN AN C I A L A GENT. Directors, Wm. H. McRary, S. D. Wallace: vaa.u. iuauuuuxut;, ah -ill. ill ray. --. EDWIN E. BURRUSS, President, i rr.oriA. K. WALKER, Cashier, ' WM. LARKINS, Teller, H. M. BOWDEN, Bookkeeper; r 1 4 v - S. D. WALLACE, Jr., Clerk. fTTHIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE , transaction or business." ; GOLD . AND SILVER COIN,r GOVERNMENT BONDS and SECURITIES. NOTES OF SOLVENT and other STATE BANKS, purchased fend sold. ! 1 1 EXCHANGE -ONf NORTHERN AND SOUTH- jjiitiN uiTiJi;s always on nana and for sale. l COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns. " i DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and Careful attention1 given lo tne accounts oi business men. sept23-l-2m !;: : :'.:"'"" . ." :"': : : ..v-;--- XINDING I -RINDING ! I BINDING ! ! I jlj k-ii Jonas oi iimamg neatly and cheaply ex ecutedat - wm. tt rirwarWs'. , 4 5 v Printing Hoiise ahd Book Bindery,! uii-ii-iii - - - onoHin nf aier sireet. TTOrSG LADIES WHO Wffi xm : 'nrg tt jo1 'JLt serve their JMUSIC, should .have it neatly bound, at r r . Wk. H. BERNARD'S ' -' -Printing: House and TtonV TtinriArv I1il:i it .n t$9i 3.plth Water St. ' ,Vi. ill"!! J '.-iVM'-ww in the L ? t,Br.':-.Lawrence? Celebrated Read j the Followirtgr vHome ; Certificates i i ; From Physicians: vf? , v- We hereby certifv that the Hosadalis Is urenar- ea Dy a rnygicvan, wno isr an tsarpmmcea rnarmar. ecieni'and valuable one in Scrofula, Syphilis, &c., it having performed some remarkable cures in this vicinity: ? "WA. DUGGAN, M. D : .mv... .,, e. BARNES, M. D. ""-"' R. W. KING, M. D. Wilson, N. C, Feb. 8th, 1866. , . Weliereby;.certifv that we regard Dr. Law rence's Compound Extract of Rosadalis as a Heli able Alterative, etc. " w : A. D. MOORE, M. D. L. A. STITH, M. D. Wilson, N. C, May 10th, 1866. . Edgecombe County, JW. C, jltay 2, 1867. ... Dr. J. J. Lawrence, Dear Sir: Please send me immediately, per Express, to Tarboro', two doz en more bottles ot your Kosaaaiis. l have care-, fully examined its Farmula, and have used it m ,jny practice in .a- number- of casesi I -am well pieasea witn it. a tninc it, oeyona aouoi, me oesi xAlferative lever usedk I have tried itln'several. cases of Scrofula, and Scrofulous affections. &c., with much satisfaction to myself and patients. I have also used it in Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis one terrible rpase of, eight years standing, in which it acted with surprising and satisfactory .effect making a quick and thorough cure. T have, therefore, no hesitation.in recommending it to Physicians and, others, as the most reliable Alterative now known-i Respectfully Yours, &c, " ' A. B. NOBLES, M. D. A Wonder ftal Cure of . Serofalons White 5 Swelling' V HOME CERTIFICATE. I hereby certifv that last September I was at tacked with White Swelling of the left" knee and also with an enlargement of the glands of the neck (one tumor reached a large size). The swelling of the knee was enormous, and m as at tended with the most excruciating pains.' I was . so reduced that I was confined to my room over three months.' My leg was so completely drawn up that I could not bend it at all. I tried various remedies, and they failed to give me any relief. I was in this condition when I commenced tak ing Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. The swelling in both knee and neck began to subside before I took all of the first bottle. By. the time fl took the second bottle the swelling of the neck entire ly disappeared, 'and that of the knee nearly so. After taking three bottles . I found myself com pletely well able to walk as well as ever, fce. : f LATIMER WILLIAMS. Wilson, May 12, 1867. .,, k M Rosadalis will Cure the Worst Cases of ; Chronic Rheumatism. II O ME C ER TIFIC ATE. I Wilson, IN. C, May 6, 1867. I. hereby certify that I was cured of long stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. j JAMES WILLS. Rosadalis Cures Carbuncles, Boils, Pirn i pies, fcc.:? :; . - ,,;t. Certificate from an old and mil ch respected citizen of Greene County, now a resident of Wilson, JV. V. I hereby certify "that during the Summer and Fall of 1866, 1 was severely dlicted with Carbun cles, having as many as 14 large Carbuncles and 12 ordinary Boils. ' 1 suffered so much from them tlitt.t. T ftnnlfl unt, 'cat nnt, rff tbfi liona half tbii. time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawrence' s Hosadmis, l was entirely cured by the use of one bottle oi that, truly valuable! medi cine. W. A. DARDEN, Sr. Wilson, May 11, 1887. i Portsmouth, Va., Aug. 28, 18.67 Cant. J. 11. i5aker sir :- t or tne last seven or eight years, I have been severely afflicted with a very troublesome form of SALT ItHEUM, from which I have never- been able to obtain the slightest perceptible relief from any of the many remedies which I have at various times ap plied, until l cnanceci to try im,, JjAYvkkncjvs ROSADALIS. In less than one month I found myself almost entirely cured of my troublesome eruption. v - - ' . '-. Other memebrs of my family have used it as a Diooa purmer, witn tne most gratitvmg results. Truly I can say of all the: medicines I; have ever used before, none have been so happily bene ficial in effects as the Rosadalis, and I would most cheerfully recommend it to. the public and to all sunermg numamty ' f Very Respectfully, Yours, &c, , - MRS. E. N. BOGGS, , Opposite the Crawford House Consumption in its Early Stages, can he ..-.-j:..-. tared. Baltimore, Md., March 4th, 1867. Dear Dr. Lawrence ,: My daughter having; been cured of a deeply seated disease of the lungs by your "Rosadalis," I feel it my duty to make the fact known to you for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two; years with a hard cough, which troubled her day and night; at last the emaciated form; glassy eve,' night sweats, to gether with the cough, told too- plainly that it wasfpnsvmption, beyond. Question, 5eatino at her vifftleOur Physicians' brought nd "relief. She was advised to try, your , Rosadalis as a tonic which she did imagine my surprise and grat ification when I found her I appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cough and night-sweats gradually ceased, and she is now, after taking five bottles of your medicine, appa rently.aSjWell as, ever. - "3 iV-t rl Yours Respectfullv, i ' MRS. E. ANN SMITH:!. Major John W. Dunham, one of the editors of tne wnson Jxortn caroimian, says m the issue of the 20th of April, 1867 : "I believe, from person al experience, that the Rosadalis is therie tonic ever prepared.? ,. j i . vl . Wilson, N. C, Sept. 15, 1867. '. Dr. Lawrence Sir : In 1862. my son, now aged five years; was vaccinated with what proved to be impure matter, which completely destroyed his health. He has been afflicted with an invete rate and extremely troublesome eruption of the skin, sometimes "breaking out in sores. &c, ROSADALIS was prescribed by my family . phy jsieian, ur. u. ixooi-e. ii.iier lasing at a lew weeks my son became and remains entirely well. . t- ' Yours Truly, i ; J. B. DANIEL. l&osaaalis will Cure the Worst Cases of it caa tne statement Below, and Despair not.. Wilson County; Sept. 16, 1867. Dr. J. J, LawrenceDeaLi' . Sir My youngest daughter, aged five years, has been dreadfully afflced with Scrofula nearly all her iife, I tried a greatroaiiy physicians, but without .relieving AAJl 1UUVU ill no nope of cure. Durinsr the last Snrino- sii urbc worse than, everher body and limbs being cov ered, with sores and blotches-with face and 'eyed very much swollen t Whilst in thia .condition; I was advised by Dr. L. A. Smith to try your ROSA DALIS. ;I at once procuredthree,-bottles, and commenced giving it to her. phe effectjeoas mag teal. Inless than a month, to my great astonish ment, she was entirely well. I am, sir, 5 ' n I Yours, with respect and -gratitude, 1 'f 1 ;frt A m yr.i : - WWTiBURNETT. f: . Rosadalis is a Potent f Remedy In all ' Cnronic Diseases. -- Certificate from G. W. Blounit Esq.. Attornev at This is to certify that I was afflicted with Chrohi ic Inflammation of the Ear,1 from 858 until this Summer, when it assumed such a troublesome tiallyideaf, -and the suppuration and almost cori tinual flow of matter.-.kept the outside of the jear badly .inflamed, z I wasi induced totrvDf Lawrence's Bosadalis, and nows think,. I amrn- Hrwjr cjfrea.f:xrte suppuraim fha ceased; I can hear as well as ever, and there is not that .itehine sensation in the ear which i before Z so much ant noyed me. .r'-T 'p-z J'iftfWflfe teen; greuny improved ana 1 nave been enttrlv frri -fm-m tvat i .-P . v . t r liovliix II 1 1 lOnS HVmtriTria "ottiia aaoon Jl.. can confidently recommend the Rosadalis as an esv traordinarv blood nurifiur?A'i r x j y 7 j U vPR'iT- BLOUNT. wflsdh, sept: asth;;iaJ7L Hie Best iBlood -v.,..: ;r., ; - -; -; -( --.j: . - WZZr ?'?1!-- - I" cured A ' Liver Comvlaint r b v Tt- 1 t "r of Cor alona? time:- A.nd to1t,,A ueu and C without Tenefl- v--y- "us mMh I know of several others, in. thia .through the? use of th eTSSffl found in nearly everv hon in ,;7L?(1- it and. they all pxaiseit as a ereLT , Rosadalis cures all Skin hi4i SALT i RHEUM CURED !-Rf.m a -S.-l ",,CURE!! ' ABU . r J' MojftREAL, Canada, Anrii jv Xr. Lawrence: Wilson, ?., ' pnUtl, lS,; which I sufferedrrlbly Hhe V ,i best physicians in Eurppe and thi of til thousands of dollai-s-andai7f to act$t December 1866, being in Charleston s r k lomuyagenueman at tne botel. timt l,4 been cured ofa bad tetter bv a th;" he u "Rosadalis" I resolved to try it, S nM hone: thoueli. of its dftln n,0 ull,m I v. . tiiat i was improving; I bought four otWV. ties; but before commencing on the lflt7 H that I was irhproving; I bought four ot?i?, xvuuu a nao wiKjjictciy xctt me aisease iii 1 einijeiy uusappearea. i r i . , a ; .. ccnoieseai nna rune juunarea Dollar t please accept as a token of my gratitn W fin trnn nnt. imnlro Ani' noiSi.i. li itmnlrA widely nowri. 1 Your Sincere Friend, Sold Wholesale by v. u. JiAKJfiS & CO., 21 Park Row,-NewYn,i. , k.CARR, BOYKIN & CO.s Hanover St S', . ' s more. t -aiti. E. WILLIS, 47 Market St.; Wilmington v r J. H. BAKER, 14 Roanoke Ave., NoSk,'; DvSfeA i di I CA ah n.ii. "r' -w jk- fills I e acv mat u. i T lin.a VJU., Is blovtt the Bottle and stamped on the Cork 1 AS9 All lp.ttte-rn of innnirv . ' i j uivuim iv , : - r DR. J. J, LAWRENCE ' f ' ' - - Wilson, V For sale m Wilmington by . " ' .;! e. 'Willis, 1 - w. h. lippitt. sept24-2-eow3m sf ' DAY & WRIGHT - OLOTI IING DRY GOOW. ' The Cheapest fiLargea ...House': in .the State! i i AAV W Ori'EKIJfG superioi "y-"-" "f v " jkiv) uun uu ililllil a LARGE .AND WELL SELECTED: STOCK OF (rants' ';:T?nrmQftind nnnrl? VAVMIU . . , A. AAA AAAOAAAAA W ' VAUUUOi D Fancy Goods. Blankets, f IN GREAT jVARlERY. OUR STOCK OF BOOTS MD SHOES ; i k Is the largest this market affords, which we have just received," direct fibm the Manufacturers, t' l v. .. and offer at a 8mallr Advance' on Cost. We respectfully solicit a call. It will be to the " l advantage of tall . &.:.City. Entailers To examine our stock before purchasing .e where, i , r. i-, ..-' -5 s..-.:. We call special attention to our Merchant-Tailoring -1 DEPARTMENT, Under charge of MR. pIDEtAJfjT, and K 7r5t1Rfflffi torlye tiaU)n$(' all who desire Cgoc-flttmgrment: - SOL. BEAK A BROS, sept25-3-lm " 18 Market Street. ?0 T ICE. v t. if-aS tbe Interest of E, A. Keith, the St& of ' KEITH, & ,KERqHNER is this day dissolM The business will be continued at the old stand by FWi Kechneri with whom all debts doe the late firm must be settled. . -,. ii .,r.;.,t.)i.i..fi- .. T a "KEITH ti.;ff KERCHNEB. p The imdersigrited having pOTclhased Mf . Kea interest, would respectfully asfc a continuance of the libvrol Ta.n.wn late firm of Keith A ITerchn urai o neitn & Kerchner, and is now prepare to make liberal advances on Cotton, Naval Siorej. &C , consigned to him or to his friends in JSa1?1" more and NewlYcEk(?A i,: j i "juv"jrur:, j?iour, aiti uuano, a7 Bagging; Rope, Cotton Ties, &c, always on hand Also, agent for the celebrated Patapsco Gnano. " sent2S-UTti t h STaiiii j'nrIH-vT?r,Tll',K. .- xr -r, DU Trf-Weekly and. Weekly, at EalelgD- fiUli' Wlti iUJ&RNARDjhAgent - sept23-jUtf ; y t WilminglonTNi e?,??VTlVE WASIIIJfGTON, JTJ ' Pnblished Weelrl. li'Jt Ko-t0i-a-fl1te. PT0" prietor. , t , " , ........ v - H- BERNARD, -Agent, sept23-l-tf .rUmlngVoa,X.C. CLOTIlftU. Country