1 ; . i -' : - " i :-- ' "- : - " -i : ' i . . ' - - Q fJIL ill i,-. - w - ii - 'ii - - ii ml -J i r --t-- v II II II WB 'T 11 '-, V ; J V. J . 11.1 i ' a a v latlislier Pally, Mi Office, Wp7-3ojutlj!7ater Street. ''' - friTE'STAlEl isstileiaE: weliverecl to stib .ra in all parts of the City, at $3 50 for Six SSSSS S for .Three Months. t two days,. .........,..,,.....,.. I 25 ,j - four day8,iiiii.-.;vivi.i;wii.,; 2.00. V " flye dayfvisriUiJvaa 25 ' . .' :'-J oae weesU'H'"'' ao'i . 2;fiip Contract Ad - tiSately low rates? I II $agag AI . , , . ' , . : . .; ' I : f rr it ATLliV A Y: DIRECTOR - v ; :f:s .TrShtt . Dawfion..' Hfenrt 'ntirJa; G. iirieV A : J. DeRosset, I. S. Cowan, Geo; J, W.. General Sitperinteitdeytf--Vrim&m MacBae. 1 Kpcretaryand Treasurer Wm. Walkers M A General Freight AgerO-John Ii.rCantwell. t WILMINGTON; CH ARLG TTE & KUTHERFOBl) 1 JVerftteni Botert'HX- CowanJ 1 .l . ; i Directors S. J. Person, A. H-VanTkkkeleri, Jno. A McDowell, Robert S. French, Walter I. Steele, . wuhen W.- Cole, Samuel H. Walkup, E. Nye ilutcMsoii , -JJayopa , W, Quion, a:C.Hender- a G. Locfan, A. R. Holmesly. ' , o Transportation-U. Allen s&M-rfnrv and TreasitrerI. T. Alderman. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. perfd-R. R.ridgers." 1 w s Directors on the part of the Stockholderg--W. A. WrMit.S. D. Wallac, Elt Murray, Alfred Martin,5 . A. H. VanBokkelen GeOvUarris, oOVil,mipgton, and John Evfcrettf oft Goldshorof. .1,1 -? ,: Director onihe part of th?Sfat-WawSkV& Kidder, of Wilmington. N. C, J ohn Norfleet, of Tarboro', and Thomas D.' Hogg, of Raleigh, N. C. r Chief Bngineerxin&General Superintendent. L. : Fremont J i h?si&-&,k--X X'ki. .l : 5 Master of Transportation Wm. Smith. , Secretary and Treasurer J.W.Thompson. Master of Machinery M. M. Nankins. t j r " AitdUorz43rr L.-Dudley rTT"T"T "f-rn EAIL RQAD LINES. Wilmingtoji fc Vcldon It. It. Co. r H!"7 0ioChjb EjjrmwJEEK & Gbn. Sup't, ) U WiLitiireTOKi C, Oct. 11, 1867. $ N AX JITTER TJPEI.V 12111, OCTOBER, ' the following Schedule will be run Over this DAY PASSENGER AND MAID TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays "excepted) at (kOO A. M.: arrive at Weld on, 3:00 P. M. Leaye Weldonl daily (Sundays excepted), at 10:30 A. : M.j arrives at Wilmington, J7oi. M. NIGHT KXPRESS, MAID AND PASSENGER :m- lJk .SOfTBAIN -'J4S:34 '5::t"'-".' Leave Wilmington at. ........... .9:30 P. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon ati;..i..ii6iX) A.Mn Leave Weldon at. .6:25 P. M., " Arrive at Wilmington at. ... 2:2A-M- - ; EXPRESS FREIGHT" TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted)! at 4:00 A. M., and arrives at Weldon at 6:00 P. M. M Leave-. Weldon dally (Sundays excepted), at 4:00 A. M., and arrive ats Wilmington at 6:00 P. M. Trains pas Goldsboro' at 2:00, 10:30 and 10:50 A. M., going north ; at 2:5010:15- P.- M. and 100 A. M., going South, connecting with- Trains to Ra leigh and Newbern 1 at 10:30 A.' M.; ' and J further points at 2:50 P. Mi ' ; Paperp on the line of the Road copy this and omit all other Schedule notices. i .. r4; jf S.1D FREMONT, i v" ! octl2-18-if Chief Eng. & Gen. Sup't. 1 Vi 1 mini? ton, Clmrlotte & Rutli- i f EltFOBD. BAIIt BOAD. GEJfCRAI. SUPERINTBNCENT'S OFFICE, ' Wilmington, 2f; C Aug. 9, 1867. ON AND AFTER tTUES AY NEXTr Au gust 13th, the Passenger Train ori this Road -...111 T TIT! wm leavtj vi and Saturda1 Arrive at hand mil same aavs Arrive at WadesboroT tStage), at 12 midnight. Leave Wadesboro? (Stage),xn Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday tf 2 p. JC, j i "t Keave Rockingham (Stage), on Monday, Wed- Wednesday Arrive at Wilmington same days, at 3 P. M. , sept23-l-tf ' . Gen. Sup't. Wilmington & Manchester Bail r ROAD COMPANt - s ' - ?V XGBSlTEKXEySXJFEBINTIINPBITT'S OFFICE, -Wilmington, C.v Get 5, 1867. ON "AND - AFTER OCT. 6th, f PASSEN ger Trains of this Road Will run Qn the fol- " -r -EXPRESS TRAIN. . ,. :" " 2:30 A. M. 8:10 A. M. . a.,eave vv limington. ....)... . . Arrive at Kingsyille.. r.jifi..-.;ll:45 A. H.!?. iave Jiingsvine ;...ii:au A. m.- Arrive at Florence,...., 2:55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington . . . 8:55 P. M. Leave Wllmingiionf;::: : H tvTt: : . . . v. 7:50 P. M. Arrive at Kingsvillej s i . . J0:36-A; MT Leave Kirigsvllle1. ::t. . T. ..... i; . . . 2:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington ................... 5:15 A: M. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Rails Road for Charles ton, and Cheraw & Darlington Rail Road, for Uieraw, and at Kings ville with the South Caro lina Railroad? for Columbia andLAugnsta. Acconiniodatioii .Traiitwill run daily, Sundays, excepted, and cbrinect aiTKihgsville with South Carolina Rail Road for Columbia and Augnsta. ;,r;: .wm."'5iaX oct7-13-tf v . Gen. Supt. T ,V DRAFT BOOKS! DRAFT BOOKS 1 " 1 TV t ; : ' Wt. 'R!iF3SB60KS ! "Tor sale at ;'. : " . --v;v. , - , - - . ,y t , Sft t WM. H. BERNARD'S , octWWt No. 8 South Water Street. "XpEWBERX REPUDMCAJT, WETVBERN, . w. i - - . . . .. .;t A ' WM.-t-BERNARDr ''vi'r'r!jr.l.ii:T r limingxtiu on auesuay, iuuisuay jr, at 7 o'clock,' A. M. - lA i a u . rn a mi .3 . at 3 r. m. . "Jiesaav and ndav. at,4:30 A. M. - Leave Sand Iliti (Cars) Monday, and Fridav. at 7 o'clock. A. M.f iiiiiii HEDBICK,AMESfl; RYAN: "" ! A LIU jTOfeoq- i.. -"ytr ' V -a E HA YE OPENED THE i LARGEST STOCK OF I) Ii Y 0 0 0 J) S h '4 EVER OFFERED IN CAROLINA, To which we respectfully invite the attentkmr of the. Public. , We have adopted the . ?-- -Profit and Earge-Sale System, Which has worked admirably for Ourselves and our customers. We offer J . - 200 Pieces Prints at 9 to 18 cents. . . L 1,000 Pieces Woolen Dress Goods, -at prices i - ' ranging frc 25 cents to $2 50 per ard. """""r"""" :""" """" ' -p;. ,.----- ..-.-.r.r & 50 Bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings ? which will be sold by the yardpiece or - ; l bale, at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. -. 1,000 Pieces' Kentucky Jeans; Satinets," Cassi- -Vi'i iiaium: , . meres, &c, at prices which defycompeti- tion. -ii , , rr... ' We respectfully invite particular attention to pur stock of FREDERICKSBURG CASSIMERES and other Southern productions, which we sell " :r . ;. .;. - f., , -. i . at Manufacturers' Prices. 1 ' j;; Our House has always been proverbial for the superior stock of Hosiery kept. We offer now 2,000 dozen Men's, Women's and j Children's k . , . '.-.-. - . i . t .... .'.-. ' Ilosej also, Men's, Wdm en's and Children's TJn- dergarments, in great variety. . . BLANKETS, "'V " -v V -' BROAD CLOTHS. - Ir ; , our stock of 'yX 'v '"! HOUSEKEEPING GOODS will compare favorably with any retail stock in the countEy. We offer, 300 dozen Towels..Table Cloths, Napkins, Dbilles, Sheeting, ' Pillow Cot- j - v;- j : ' L - .; f f ton, Blankets, Bed Quilts, etc. , , ,r Dress Trimmings, Buttons, etc., is the largest in the South'. The Ladies are especially invited to an examination of this Department of our stock. Gainr wholesale Buyers Are respectfully1 regxiested to give us a call, as our large-retail trade enable us to offer goods, by wholesale, at prices &o low as to defy compe tition. Our Corps of - Acolctanto. Ladies and gentlemen, are attentive and cour teous., jBtryers 11 classeswjtliceiyeJom thm respectfti lattention. ' " ' r , Our bldf riends, and the publie generally, jar invited to givana-a call.lq ' v d fti 4- i-it . . ; ID ; r.:j-j.i V'' .; " tni t in hi L X 1. X 1XJ JI . ' J. Agent, k w4im4Mvhni ? r f.l t. IR-lBSf, Mailed, or delivered to subscrjberf 4n all prts of J;he City, at $2- 50 for.Siac Months, Or 1 2 for ThrAA if riTitiha ' ngr or Malls. v . ce ..WixMuroxoN, Chablottk & Rutherford Rait' road.-w p. M.f Mondays, " Wednesdays and JTidaysa -riz.vJr' &.iz c i i bmithville. p. Mn Three times a week. Ofilce open from 7:80 A.5 M.; toHX P. M. - , , , jEn R. BRINK, P. ML Five davs more are ape4 pjMie weoplc rf 'tills StAtS'rr iregistef as voters. iJTom tne otn to.tne ytn aay ei JNovember, inclusive, the whites will have an opportu nity of adding ' largely to their ' voting strength in this State. Let every one, qua! fied, go tipr and record his natoe, J : THE VIRGINIA EfcECTltfwV wTheelecUo:n;Tjni$;from', Virginia wi carry sadness to the..hearts of many outside her; own. borders. : Thousands of . her sons who are scattered through, every State, from the Susquehanna to the Rib; Grande', will mourn' over the ' disgrace and humiliation to which she has'been brought in the' hour of her sorest:ne1(l;::n;i;'-Tr"fl ; "Virginia I "the grand "old Commonweal th't1 the 4t "Mother of States and Statesmen "of L.-i- -Z Jjyi .i .ir:,:i:- ;!!; i Wasnmgton, and Jencrson, and Clayancl Jjee-r-how, lies prostrate, at the feet of the conqueror, a ricp jewel m the-hands 01 the spoiler. - - ' . ' ' ' , iihe Hunnigut ticj ihaa. been elected in Richmond, after a three-days', contest, in .which Conservative negroes ? were -m ob bed anq , ariven. r; irom tne, ppiisacj wnicnj-put j ii j j - p i-L ..."siii.. j? : ! Tl -. 1 II 1 1 1 1 or tne inxervenuon 01 cnev imuitaiy; t lprcps. would have-been' one continuous carnival pf blood. - " Tbree Radical whites and two ne groes M is the 'result in the capital of Vir ginia. This were ba3. enough ; but the fur ther intelligence reaches ous that . the Hunrii cutt party will have a decisive majority in the coming Convention.; . Y i .'j With what is generally termed National politics we have but little to do ; but when the issue is brought to our very doors, We ar-j ray ourselves on the side of Conservatism, and; against any and all parties that would wrest1 the Government of this State from those tq whom it properly belongs. , ': , 1 j With the people of Ohio, we take our po sition against negro domination. And,' while, as a son of ..yirginia, we grieve overs her terrible fate, we must brush the tear of sadness from pur cheek, and , prepare to do; battle -in the fierce .conflict that will v soon! commence in our own State. - i We tell the white men of North Carolina that they must no longer hesitate. The time has cbme fdr action united and determined action. By means of the secret Leagues es tablished in every 1 county, and town, an d hamlet of Virginia, the party lines have been Unmistakably drawn. In that State, color I r . i. . . , . V. .. r has been made the test; and the two parties! : , . . i I that recently contended ' for " the ' mastery were, a Black Man's Party and a JWhite Man's Party. The vote conclusively estab lishes this point. The negroes and whites voted almost en masse for their respective candidates. In Petersburg the former polled some twpnty-five hundred votes for the Rad ical candidates, and only Jive for the Con serrative candidates. In Richmond, and in short, throughout Virginia, the polls show a similar result. v The same state of affairs exists in North Carolina to-day, though the organization of the blacks may not be so complete. It is folly for the whites to waste their time in microscopic searches after Conservative ne groes." They are not here j-ithd . j you, hope for success in the approaching ? election; you must hot look for, support from the mem bers of the Loyal League,!? - This State must not be surrendered to strangileesJout.:, a struggle. The election in North Carolina can and, must be controlled by her own people.; t They have, a! majority' that cannot be overcome if they will go to the election precinctaT and poll theh fullTstered strragr " In the "meantime, e organize, and bring out . their candidates Conserva tiveTnen, bntinen who will go to the 'Con vention; if elected;' and trphold the honor of their native State. We want nounnicutts ib femslate. fbusu . ;We winlnd missiimarieS Goiho Nobth. Wav Mall 7:30 P. MlDailvV ei pt Sunday. Throuffh Mail 9:30 P. M.. Dailv.i iJ .Going SdtrTH.-8Qj. MDaiiv:tc:: six -! irom umo ta expiam toe aavantafres-oi .016-I giu Buuragts in me douxh, wmie mtj tnous- theijc -charity r at leQL. mot.texteje,dc-fiel& finorth Carolina ; and after they, force,, their favorite dognias ori theif own ipeople at the -point of J ij wucL, xiTCii- uMixr-; cowstaiency may ue seen and jinfriift tiifl iripri". , i r t r In the.election i to ta1& placejon. '(t1je . nine teenth and twentieth of oyenbereye paa b&no.neutrality injaiNorth .Carolinian. .6K0 newspaper can besilent arid nninorecl twhen -,7 Among the patents granted la$t w?ek was. one for improved composition! for sau sages,1 Whereupon the New York Cotufhertml foertiser observes We have ' heard ' of a mixture of dog, red flannel and turnips, as a composition for sausage, but it is not , likely tTxat it-was everlpatented. What the .im provement may be we are at a loss to ima gine." The patentee will probably keep his secret and sell his sausages.- j Direct trade between Europe and the South is springing up. 1 Steam liner are in operation between Liverpool and New Or leans, and North. Germany , and New Orleans. It is also announced that there are now seven ships on their way from Liverpool to Savan nah, with assorted cargoes, and one from Stockholm, bringing a load of iron Cotton will form the bulk ottheif eturn cargo? An Englishman,' who is fond of hunt ing up legal statistics says that England con tains one lawyer to every 1240. inhabitants ; France one to every 1076, and Prussia one to every 15,000. This he regai'ds as one of the secrets of Prussia's prosperity. . W The Vicksburg merchants are report ed to be getting seriously alarmed lest the canal . made during the war,ta assist in the capture of the place, should really, become the channel of the Mississippi, thus making Vicksburg an inland city. i- MARRIED TO SAVE ROOM. Finding, the Hotel Crowded, a Couple uet jaarried in order tnat liotn may Sleep-in the Same lied. i v.! -,u At a late hour in the evening : a party of young gentlemen and two young;, ladies ar rived at a hotel in St. PauL 4 The several in divicluals'tdesired,separate rooms, though all belonged "to the same party, and it did not seem unreasonable that the two ladies should occupy one room, while the two gentlemen occupied another." On account of the crowd ed state of the hotel, it was found impossible to give eafch a separate room, and they were so . informed. ; They; then . retired to the ladies' parlor; and held a council of war on the subject of the manner in which they were to he accommodated. After -a-j short time, one 'of the young gentlemen sought an inter view with the proprietor, of the hotel, and said he thought the matter could be satisfac torily arranged if the proper officials could .F i V , . . , " What officials do you require, my deaf sir ?" was the very polite but peremptory re quest 01 tne nost. , .f ; He replied that, either a - clergyman or a justice of the peace ; would answer. - No soorfer said, than done ! A-justice of the peace was summoned, and, in about .three minutes, the young man and one of the young ladies were made one flesh, according to the statute in such case .made and, provided.-; This little ceremony costing the hotel nothing, and only involving the 'parties in the expense of the fee to the justice and the revenue stamp on the marriage certificate, saved to the hotel one room, which was soon after let to an elderly gentleman from up the country, at the rate. of $3 a day. t f j , " te ' ! ' , Distress on Edlsto Island. The distress and distitution among the negroes on Edisto Island is so great they are leaving the island and crossing to the main land by hundreds in search of employment. We learn that a large ' rice ' planter, a few days ago, employed- thirty' able bodied men at thirty cents ner dav. and" thev find them- seveaf arid reCeive?l One hundred 'additional applications from other- able bodied negroes willing to -work oh the same terms, but iwhom he was unable to emvloYOAarleston " '- Insnltingr As a thin man was recently walking up irom the Greenville depot, he found 'himself pertinaciously followed by a ferocious' look msr ; " dorg.M Not liking thev eye of the mg - aorg." js ot HKing ; me eye beast, the travellerjisked aboy what -that hungry looking fioiihd Jwas following him for ? , " Can't say, certain stranger, Vas.the impudent Teply of the youngster urbut ; I reckon he: takes y oh' for fond" Columbia i - the:issue li such anonea is nbw Rented L1110"". v I j4 v j iqx oecisioiu . itweeaiumo s ,&n?,?rtli: Carolina. we decide .iiifavor of as . unconstitutional: 'ffireM the latter and : unJurr her lnuex;! the breeze. , : : : '' V.:.;;;; tc? . ..WDfiiiT wjcjTTTJHTnnr f easui Jiivtiaaiio-prcjetlv R-' moval olT WnperUitendrnt Clark-Tn-urf ocaee law-Pretident JoZmsoa's - Ith giTfri ou-,that the cmittecForr re-" trenlrment nb w xa"ntm!nfrint6 - the AiTaiw ofIthtprmtfngfbt partment, wilj.k ve,crf t,Mc0ullQch to suspend ;&-rJE .;pla!rlt fromhe" luperinten Jeneyof thluTea1i:i.boV4 iK$rf.; The members of the committee to inquire' ihtc? tSe assassimitrdnf oifftmtdW arrived: to-daf ,Dutf ffitfc$?tfausat They- exject Viftafprto iiuifj.to-' of suspension ofi, Mr. Stahtopwthe President'' is lnconsisieni wiia. niSf ayAovea jpoiicyj Qre-: gard all , the, acts of Congresaas Tegat and valid1 until, MMmfy Supreme Court. In answer . to thisitis un derstood, Mr. ' JohnsX)u ;rne thl3Cdistinc tion between ehis resifeifcality itftH dirty under the tenure of office act and other Acts' of Congress passed over his veto, and which" sons who can take. the 'rinitlwaaidohe act or acts that will makdja casecfoy-liid-judication of the fepremepourtdftriese two pesbris ieTfti rresJjeSt 'a $iC4bi net officer', TejmovVd' , wiwviaVWfflP. laws of . Congress other; officers andxeitizens acts that make ; upT&.casfolrtTOc1sxb3 of the Supreme Court.f -rf In this view of. the subjexjtirijjohnson was the only one who fould take iuch. act! orf as would eventually carry llrcay pefore'the court ; no one pmilCiak tJBiB.&e jii'Jhe matter of the remo vakoffainet ininister" for him. . t He alone has the; pfdwer of reihoval of that officer.- Inthe exeeutiotfof pother acts of Congfessthe. :'fir.5ccaaly leaves, it tor theV . paities- aggrieve(lof"J?hpse' rights are directly affected; by :1m j&sit t6 test the constitutionality of the4awsr ft . ii " - - - . The Worloii it aSt ies. There is "always ,a'aiieyiiqonV siderable portion, otJe"pfitpstf world about the doom of the planet in Which they live; i''.-ThiBy(anticimtefthefcfeidf- the' worldi and wrnlsst afeWpVeaforftf ?the' vastrmajority satisfy th.em irig it. , A writerf iri the J6 view, among btherjv,,) ranks of these antfeipaiors '"of i the endpf the world, and declarjtiiat "some 7 change , is I this;ctianas tp'be ,we 4ajr &W)foym$pyec .A . 1 A : ii " i'-xlJ l-r-li tj 2iLl t xure , - out we see:m iue neavens fioemseives some traces of destructive1 elements,": and some indications ot their power.' rThe frag !mehtsof Ifioktn, ptanets,-rcsct ptvhie Iteoric stones upon pur giobe; the. wheeling" Comets welding theit T6t)s6 tnafenaWiir our bwn satelite,1 the! Appearance W fiew-Mrar jand the 5 diappeararic,fi otnereKfVs as" the solar; furnace;: the vblcahici 'ertiptians, iforeshadow of . that - impendingo coovnlsion to which the system : of;, the w.orjd isjdoqined. Thus placed; onjj iplanetwhpstae uurueu. pass away ; cemeteries. leums of former worlds, let'uI1eaWtbefc!esK sb'n of humility :mdtTi6Hf1f-aiiv already been taught ih theschobi' Bf retela-" tiovLr-Philadelphia Le&qet.-oto thfe the directors that he .wished ta'i resign. He'' was supposed to be a poorman ' Jn thft cjprn- parative sense and'they - asked him if hef could afford to resign!, - ' '" Yes," said the cashier, f ix-I. cbufd not T would notv' - ' r : " How is that?; We thghtfonaoTnbW irig but your salary.' 3 PVrfT- $m .! 44 Gentlemen Tdhtfenyodlid1 frank, 4 I have used the mony of the fcrahfe- used it liberallyi But QtifMittit. Musi nbtflbst, anything.'I saw chancelinacb: ther bestiof; them, and , returned eyery popar., Jiopk. P have enougpdW, and resignHHve the books examined ; ,you .,w4l Jtrnd.veryv. trouble." j They did not raakeTariy 'trouble, and th lucky cashier is" -now' a 'member-of ithe' best7 society. . inewYprki i Fatal Shooting Aflrajr, In Calirprnla.- .(! r vnf fBAHCISCOCt. 10,. . A dispatch states that on thef day,9f Itfee election at Little Lake" Mendocino county, Califorrita a'sntliafay ocOTrreMbc- . tween two familinamMoateli'ahd iost. FrveoP th Ctate fdtrriiterokinetP thd three dangerously iWoundfed ptfe cfthfrFst family was killed and : another f morx-jiy woundedi -Aend habhjexi&ted T)etween .the parties.. i-JnUE?4?-"''"-' iThe Governor of Qblo ha not the .veto Rn thp. THftlnt.nre isi indenehdent of hint. er.- "The Apache Indians have made a1 "raid on e toWn'of WiekenbalArzdnaari&clrr;:.! off all- the stock belonging: jtp the JahabiUnts 54 About 75,0W ToWfrwer -cast la tne recent elec tion to U wjfnj. J PrSJ&A iPS?1' tWn U nearly 15,000.;,; ;v - , 4 4a are me parties oireciiy aneciea, ana are re auired to perform? or refu5erfoi;tet1brm. the soon to take place in the,planetj. trlip writes in rather !affhenedivfeiiialicl savS iWUat ; tnus treaaing,raaxvTOe,;on; tne and dwelling UDbn thfe. mausfr- - An Honest 'pCAsHiEEiNoioirg5j5go cashier of.elbkrMrnnlbarikiBibimecP use your money,-put there is , nothipg ldst, and it's riot wortli r you?Tri&W make iaii AS 1 i 41 iiSS Ja- . w f-g-v mrK- ''j i i.