' ff y A; - y: i.-. i -11.0 BN IN G,ST All: i."SatBTady irorning Oct. 26, 1867. ". 4t&oy VDaJUiSewspa'por in the State, with afalr, ana dally a tacreaalnS1, .clrcrilnltlon' ? j ?-mk fctfctf country " -s? .e ;a C3 Advertising Ilates lovev than those . J.: - T7 H. B E R BfAUD, r gpiToa Aim yaoFBtKTOK. y : - t!jrtUtlil Agent.--JR. Wm:A. Robinson is oir authdrixed agent at Fayette vllle. All 3 orders lefife. wW lmlll reeeiY prpjtnpt atteu if Affent at OoldsboroV Mb. B. V. X. Huttow ' is our authorised Agent at Goldsboro', . Apent at Milton. Mb. J. J. Jonks is our au thorized Agent at Milton, N. C. t ' . " Aeent at Clinton. Mb. T. J. Lex is our au ' thorized Agent at Clinton, K. C. r r Agnt at Kenans vllle. Mr. J. D. 3outheb ' I a.kd is Our authorized Agent at Kenans ville. r , Acrent at tVarsawMB.D. G. Mobiskt is our ' authorized Agent at Warsaw. . Aerent at Inmberton. Col, N. A. McLean is ' tur authorized Agent at Xumberton. 1 : i ' Drawbaclss. We are prepared to receive or ders Cor tlx new Drawback Forms to go into ef-A feet Oct 1st. , ' Thb 8tak Book Bindery.- This comolete ; eit&biishment is now in successful operation, and "is daily turningout the handsomest specimens of 'x, work. Mr. T.TH, Tillinghast, its manager, is un ' surpassed as a skillful workman, and will guaranty ' 1 1 satisfaction to all its patrons. His Blank Books . are models of neatness and durability, and are uni .TefsaJly pronounced the, equal of any. Old books ' are re-bound in the best manner ; and, in short, 1 "-' every variety of Binding and Ruling i3 executed neatlycheaply and promptly. ', r. . ' ' ; j e (SxB3CBiption Money.- A large number of j our subscribers having expressed a preference to . pay for the Star for periods' varying from five weeks to six months, we have concluded to aban ' don onf plan of weekly payments to the carriers, fcnd employ an qgent to make collections. 8ub , f scribers will(bear in mind, however, that they , 'j will hot be feqmfedio pay for more than one1 week 'at a time," tVoughV.under , the hew system, it s . - desirable'that tby pay for 'five or ten weeks in : advance, and thus ave us the trouble of having j. (fniloj.fiiientcpUections; ; v fJA&. our plans are now. arranged, the carriers are 'not authorized to receive any money for the Stak ; ! 'and, to meet with 'prompt attention, all orders - should be sent directly to the ofiice, No. 3 South . Wate. street; 5. - - ; ;. , . ; J-S-5J ADTEIITISEIIS. . , We respectfully call the attention of the busi ness -public to the fact that! our advertising rates tare lower than those of any other daily newspaper la North Carolina. '..'.. WhHt added to oar very large circulation, makes the Stak a most valuable medium of advertising. ft -.Single copies of Tax Moauma Stab may be had Of 1ft. T. M. Harris, at his news stand, on Front tfee'tNrery morning. ' t ' r NOTICE. Ilr. Wm. 'Calcler' haviosr accented a Dosition on th6 edftoriai satf of the Mokning Stak, is authorized tolreceive orders or make contracts, ) fiob;Warfc, Subscription; or Advertising. HE CITY. -fiLiUL , . ' ' 'A StaveHJss BAKREi---There was on exhi . bition in 1Sie Chamber of Commerce, yesterday xnoming, one of Mayo's Patent Staveless Barrels, manu&ctUTed by the Manhattan Barrel Company ' f New York. It istaade of strips of white pine ' Yeneering laid transversely across each other, ' 'jan'glkbd'oltner -firmty until the thickness of an ; inch is; obtained. The head is mortised in, ' and secured-' by an Oak hoop .on. the outside, . the whole painted, ; and a bung hole with an iron : , ,iicrew bung, made in the head instead of in the ..jBidCr It presents more the appearance of a large" tobaceo drum than of a barrel, . The inventor claims that- it does . not. leak a. drop, and that f 1 Crest advantage is j obtained in .stowing a, vessel. ' 'The Are ttot offered for sale in this . market,' but ! t we .underltandf they cost about five dollars in r'"3TewTork. ::--r:' a - -r - -; !-' , '.: T , EDiTiQN. On Tuesday, we ordered, Ijer mall, from Baltimore, a lot of paper for our ffJob'I)eparment,,with instructions to ship . it by 1 the "Seaboard ' Inland Air Line." Yesterday ' 43iprning,' tlie paper in three very large cases, was - -delivered at oar office being just ten-minutes be- . JUad the. invoice, which was sent by mail. We '1 -1 have patronized this line frequently since its or- ganlzatiOn ; and, with a single exception, our goods have come through with 'the utmost expe " dltiOnv f Noyf and then we hear merchants; com-; .' jlain: of some Uttle detection of goods ; but this I , i(n'ust be expeeted.bccasionally, whether th e goods " fce sent by Express, Steamship of Railroad. r !! ;;tTi;J,.:ra.iU zf??T' ...jv.r -, - r z 3te Bock.; SRlNG.r-Workmen are en- gagedin altering the steps; leading down to the " KOck.JSjrtcgituTmn them towards the west iSoft&rtl&i teand twish'dow oin- the m Tbe, Rock prixiU a1 ttmenored';landmafk id Wil ;tjplnton, ad ,wet- should dislike Ttb see it go to vfSje watw but tfiere j .tfip iZ&ieziy tradition that whoeevdrinks Jt .t'knsSWP?. hlWtntf So -JJitlje tejitpibyfaUi means. fS tteriJESSTa.---Thefnaw ferms-of Manifests, to accorapanynOiwtacir forms for foreign ex 'i6tlare 'noweadvandfor -ale at tha IStab ffpfac'eseOftps arelindisjenable to Ahose 1 1 r .ftaklya foreign ahipnitnjbsibe J old' fois ijxot being recognized at the Custom House: ' eteamships Fairbanks and Sebcea" 'djUf Vew still at anchor yesterday inside the bar, being un- to jnrocaed tosea in consequence of heavy A JSad - Seqoel.-t-A city paper "recently contained a pretty story of an industrious, hon est man who, ' with "untiring and; persevering exertions,'? cut six cords of - wood, floated it aaWtliBv and went on hlsiwa Rejoicing tct Aeoithe hearts' of bis dependeut family Here'we JoSt?igbt oil 1 hinjjj but accident Jias rown- in , uvay .,te;j Quel of his stpry. i i - r . ST it- ; Strolling into" a neigboring store., he .invests his money in Various domestic comforts; which the kind m erchant encloses in an empty cheese box. He bethinks him tere is nothing more the good Wife wants; and not one; child has been forgotten; and then,;ah fataj stepV? takes a. drink,,; Z,et us drop the mantle of 'JjaritjHoyeij the. scenes that followed. Suflice it that when next discov-; covered he has ; lain his aching liead ahd faltering limbs under th'eshelter' tof a steamship shed, and, cheese box by his sider is calmly sleeping. 5 Awak ing from ; his .slumbers, he bethinks him of i his home, and.seizing a neighboring, cheese ; box, he staggers on his way. But a watchful eye has seen him, and a heavy hand is laid upon that poor man's shoulder, by' a bold; Knight of the'' Stare The cheese-box is uncovered, whenlo ! what do : we see? Not sundry little bundles, but a veritable cheese. What use his protestations ? What need for further proof? Before good Justice Conoley i3 dragged this luckless youth. - With tears slow; trickling down his ,; sadly , sunken cheeks, he ( tells his - plaintive story, and swears 'tis but the truth. Convinced that he has been more unfortunate than erring, the good' Judge dismisses him with costs,' and the5 poor fellow! wends his way towards Bladen," minus -his wood, his money and his self-esteem. Let us hope, the lesson may not be lost upon bim, i and that his next honest effort may be crowned with better luck. s .. , . The Rambler, not a second edition of Dr. Johnson, by the way, has rumbled along up the wharf kicking up old musty bygones, and the sound of his steps ' gro ws j fainter ' and fainter. Anxiously, patiently, aye, tremblingly, have we waited for him in our sanctum, prepared with all our documents, historical arid critical, to give him all the points.- But, cruel,; cruel iate He has passed us by without'a wdrd.t Higj ipviug embraces jhave been bestowed upon more worthy objects., Surely he has forgotten how, day after day, we have advertised in his columns. He might at least have said as much for us as he has i for an Insurance Agent, that there are only a few better in the city. We could so have tempered the effulgent light of our Star that he should not have been blinded. But who has not experienced, 44 How, sharper than a serpent's tooth," is fell in-, gratitude ? . ;.;;...,.. ..Jj'j 'v$ .' CAPTURE; OF AN ESCAPED j CONVICT. Constables Sellers and Hewlett having "been put upon the track of Joe Barnes and Patrick Artis, whose eseape from the work-house Is reported elsewhere, succeded in coming up witli Barnes yesterday morning. The culprit took to his beels and the officers gave hot chasel The race was even for some time : when both nartles were I almost 'exhausted a ieinorcemeht'ODoftunelv appeared in the shape of Sheriff- Bunting on horse-back; who immediately charged: erimasse and literally rode down the enemy. s Barnes was then secured and put in safe-keeping. '! Artiss .'was still at large up to our latest intelligence, but our vigilant and efficient constables will - doubtless capture him ere long. ; ! The flags on the shipping in port were at half-mast yesterday in s respect to the memory of Jonas Smith, Esq., of NewYork, who died recently at the advanced age of three score years and ten. Mr. Smith was a large ship Owner, and was engaged extensively' for many years in the coasting trade.' We believe one of his earliest ventures ; was the establishment of a line of schooners .between this , place, and New York, which was. soon followed by other lines to New bern and I Charleston,- and the 44 JonasI Smith " ' packets soon became great favorites with the shipping public, their popularity being undimin ished up to the close of the war. We suppose Mr. Smith must have left a large fortune He has at any rate left what is better than1 gold,a good name in the commercial world. ; ' ' ' I ' Escape from the ' Work-House. On Thursday last, Joe Barnes, (col, ) confined in the county work-house for larceny, . under , sentence of two years imprisonment, Tand v;Patrick Artis, confined for the same offence one. year, succeed ed in making their escape from their keepers. The stockade being incomplete, extra jvigilaftce is required to. prevent the escape of the prisoners,, and a gnardis. constantly kept over tjiem, but it seems that an accident intervened to aid the ras cals. After cutting with an axe the chains which attached balls, to their ankles, they made a; rush through toegate.;r:TJie guard attempted to shoot tiiein, but his weapon missed fire, and the villains made good their escape. ' :''S ,(:: ;..' ; &T In passing th Bough the store of Messrs. M. M; Katz & Co., a few days . since, we were especially, pleased , with 7some .handsome ladiesT cloaks which attracted our attention. : The style, material and workmanship, to our. nnprac ticed eye appeared unusually "good, and the ad miration expressed by some ladies, who, were present, satisfied us that we were Jdt. Tessrsv Katz & Co. are f liberal In their JdeaUnga, with all, and deserve toJbe ranked, amongst the first mer xhants of our city, r ; r a h u i t-p -fi Fol AYETvrLmThree aimers, the R,.M Orrell, A F. Hurt, and Marian, cleared for FayettetillaatJ F( M.? yesterUiy,';creaUnif HQUite a bustle and atir at their respectitewharFes, L ;TAR.r-Has advanced cents. 69 bla sold at We are informed that a jise'of .two .feet in' the1$2:WaHd 7& ..t'if!::? river has gladdened the hearts of the steamboat men and added largely ; to their downward lio&BERY CXbursdayJpignt, the car-; riaffe-house of Dn "W. G.' Thomas was broken re-n-fdd iTddOctt b dppe . catSnl taken thereirom. : ii nas -Biuce ueea uibcuvereu, thatnht'ffilevMiwerST addition to '.'.the harness, Axelebrated -black-game rooster bMohto '.toAYspibfcUhgbll this citywaVcarrlefr fiberSeilars'wasuitritfe and2 stfeeeeded yesterday ' iij recoTerlng the" nar-! ness, but it is feared the' game 3idose'ri has i died afi" itiglbfious detith, ahdrgQne ttie way of all chicken flesnailU iA i ' If - . v-. : i ; i . . . j - 77 ''i'i- EiANbiKOWfl ..'r?at;toeo; A PeckV; in order to keep pacf r witiJb'growing business, ha3 made some changes and iinprdve- lueubs.in svure oi ,a,ucBuaufcr viiarauLcrt xie has now, better facUIties suc cessful I pVosectiQnLpf hi? .bu3iness, and t has re cently returned'from the North with a large and choice assortment $i Hardware and other goods in. hi3 line'' ? "is.f.-f- 'z'i,-r:; M:' ;v .; JfewAUvertlsoments, ry Munson & Co, City Clothing Stores ' f Hobacb. M. ' BABRT.-r-Steamship Empire for New YorE ' 'Vl 't' " A. D. Bkqwn. lilUnerj 'aneyf Goodsf. &c W. H. Bernabd4--To - Magistrates . and Con stables. s. fj ;ta. :t & sM"f . 3 1? t. ; NORTH: CAltOMNA vl3f A NpT-S licix. IPT General.Colstdb has posponed(hfs 1 lee ture before the Library Association of Goldsboro' until, December d.-y A; .br;,-;. -iU"j.. ; u Andrew rSkinner charged with the .murder of his wife, and fqrjrhom Governor: Worth offered a reward of $200, was arrested in Edenton, and is now in the custody of the Sheriff of Wayne. The revival in the Winston M.E., Church still coritinue9. "There bave" been fifty conver- sions. f . .' - . r, - . ... 7. f , If. ' Guilford Superior Court is in session this week,5 His Honor Judge Mitchell presiding : tJ The Rev. J. L. Stewart, of Sampson coun ty, unites the-practiee:ifs law7 with the preaching of the gospelb j'h'Hnii-; ', JST etition for the Jcrlon .of Wm! JTolar, Thos Powers-and David r Watkins, lately tried before a Military. Commission in Raleigh", Is cir culating in that : city, and had been numerously signed oni; Thursday. We, tlearnr' that the , same petition will be virpulaicd in VVilmington, and in fact, throughout the State. tis : K'f : .".? inti. imi t&- 44 We see that our old ing, of Massachusetts,' fec. ; The italics are ours; M : C- I EB. W. Justice; Ai M.j has ' been elected President of Board of Trustees of Wake Forrest College. , ' ',,'. .;' , 6" Wiley Jones, formerly 8hferifff. Bun combe county, died ; recently in Cook county, m H xexas. . . - . !,. ''IV'-i'.- 'till -' i ; - -a ; - ESTT Arnold B.. Williams, of rGoldsbpro; a col ored man, was ordained as a, minister of the Bap-, tist Church on the s i. - 1U5L. ," Thc Rev. Dr. Williams, of Greenville, S. C", has been '"called to Ihe pastorate of the.'Baptist Church in Raidgh which t!)rv:' SkJnner recently resi&fned ' 'hI -i'. wss. a? .nil.-.Uiiv ty-ti. . " . ;''".! . Y : - The Executive Mansion in Raleigh is being thoroughly repaired and fenced. ! A mucH heeded improvement. ,-.jf "'- 'i v. ir'j':Kfu?.-':'.:. " P"The Wadesboro, Arpus has received a pota to which weighed- over four and a half pounds, the plantings of which were procuredin Wilmington last spring. ,4; : . ,n .. f Phillip Smith audi his twcrdaughters, late of Anson connty, have fallen- victims tq the , yel lowfeverinTexas. f -; . ''i ; The .Wnmingtonr.phartolte ford Railroad, received new and very substantial hacks last' week and' put them on the Iiiiebe - fwn- W'i, fLA ;i norivti,: tweeh'Wadesboro and Sand' Hill Derjoti4 the present Western ' terminus of the' Eastern divi sion. ".: .-'r '.. .: ! "i " J-.h!l ' " I-- U r -1 j" Elder G WVi Grifiin of Madison N. C. , has accepted a call to - the Baptist church in Leba non, . Tennessee. ( ,,..!r, lry-i- ;. 4.,. ,,;:;;fi; ... iSST" Dr. Hart, of Newbernf who is connected with the Hospital pf theFxeedmen's Brurean, has received intelligence of the death of a near rela tive," who bequeathed him $,066!' J ; JggT-.C. S.. Moring, ,of .Rowan," a candidate for the Convention, has lVithdrawn" his name from theeanvass; !;l "ffr-riV ':!'-fi f.y. ;': r r r The Dembcrticg-ain in t)hio is" official v shown to be3Q,787 iW.&w iif,w o-U -roi x'v f -A public meeting 'bf tbo$Of sympatoizing, ; with Garibaldi ;will be held at the Cooper Institute Kfcwl Yorkonatnrday evening; - -' ' r - ; Hon j Tn mas! A? iHeudTicki.t at present . in lb el united states einaie,.i84 to ,be-the Democratac candidate tor Governor of indiana:' -r -- ? I .r- 1 r'rf C0M3OJR01A3-,; U 41.! i: -fcirr, K;i!ai!mtASX)wiCEOct:'25i 1867. " SPIRIT TURPENTINEtls W demand wr alight stock offeriag. tcAn mkj anceipf if cent was iJ.MLCgnts Coimlry, and 52i cents for NewTork packages . ? i . ROSIN Was firrandacfiye with sal bblsTal l$3"b6r-Command' for Nov CRDDET TURPENTINEArrires slowly i and only 3 bbls, soldat f&WfforVtyfandfS 50 lor Hard, ; ',-- ' .1-. :.'..t-.. v COTTON. The market -was quit. 13 bales old at 151 cents for Ordinary, 18 for Low llld dlisg and 17 ior Middling. Caleb Cush- PER RIVER STEAMERS, I Jplr Bfrnr Orreli: 417 bbls rosin, 16 bates sheet ing, 8 do yarn, 14 do cotton, 13 bbls fruit, to A L Jteeelpt Per t Manifest by Frlerlkt ,Traln Hatcht E4es &o, NY, ll ftbpspiritsj 35do ; W & HrlfriMon 122 blsfinfrits5l4S o rositf : A m Brucl M o, crje! HtJt BarroWbblf fOsin ; rmiaysirBroT o-baies'ddttohriS bag peat, 3 bbls rosin, SO do spirits ; Cox, Parmelee & Di-; vine, 1 bale cotton ; A T Bruce & Co, care Vick", Mebane. & Co, 75 bbls rosin ; W S G Andrews, 85 bbls rosin ; jWorth-AJXaaiel, 40 bdls truss hoops, 2 bbls glue; Rev H W Skinner, 3 boxes books; A A Q M, 2 bbls plaster, 9 do lime ; Northrop & & Co, 6 bales cotton; Sprunt & Hinson, 2 bales cotton ; J L Davis, 77 bbls rosin, 8 do potatoes ; Arch'd Alderman, 45 bbls tar, 8 do turpt; L New berry, 1 bbl potatoes; L Barnes, 1 bbl potatoes; C C Newberrv, 1 bbl potatoes; L Robbins, 1 bbl potatoes ; omun sc tfates, 6 DDIs peas, l box eggs; Jndersonasojblstart B Southerland, 7 bi J; 1 l 4 I i I J I 5 ! I Tim rrelgrlitTy Tasseug:er Train, W. A ' W. Railroad, Oct. 85, 1867. W H Lippitt, 1 bbl pil ; D W Bernard, 3 boxes paper ; Aaron & Hhetnsteiri, 1 box indse ; W & jW RR, 7 hods; H Weill & Co, Fayetteville, 5 cases boots and shoes ; J E Wingate, Florence, 2 mbl seed'; BatU'i& "Bf Csahdenr Uo ve ";TF V iReardon, Sumter, 7 cases, 2 hHds ; D O 'Neil, Charleston,, 1 case mdse ; J H Russell, Charles ton, 5 pkges WeUs' &IBrtf, Cheraw, 4 cases ;mdse, 1 roll oil cloth; C A Brock, Cheraw, 5 boxes, 7 kegs, 1 ba 2 bbl; Arnold & Cooley, jWadesboro', 1 case dry goods; W J Farr, Au gusta; 1 box ; Cliarles & Co, Darlington, 1 lease dr goods Packer Kelly, Darlington, 2 pkges mdsei; -v . V ;-ik:,.' 1 . i'Jl- VI. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. r i Per Schr E C Gates. 1,262 bbls rosin, 390 do LIARINE INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED. 25. Stimv A.;P.'Hurt, Skinne?.rfor Favetteville. yjy 'JL t xsauivi. j 25. StmrMarionPJiiUips., for Fayetteville, byUlianiSv&jattrsbnT liiori-hfJifB i Steamshin W. P. Clvde. Powell. New York." Worth & Daniel. ;r-lij;a r-'-ii: , t-'r-rf ' 1 Shr. E. C. Gates, Freeman, New York, James Anderson & Co. v .-;-'.....' ;&; 4 I Stmr. R. M, Orrell, OrreU, for FayettevilleV by A McRimmonA iinri ;.:.-.y- ? -, s ' ' ARRIVED. ?20. StmK R. M. ' Orrell:' OrreU. from Favette- ViUe, toA. McRimmo.Ojffr;, ., , : . SPECIAL NOTICES, . MARSH AL'S OFFICE, ..... . , Wilmikotoit, -2ST. C, J ,; ' 'J ' ' October 21st, 1867. J BTotlce to Monthly Tax Payers. ,Renew your licenses: before the , 25th inst. ! RICH'D J. JONES, -; oct23-26-4t' ' - ' -M Speeial Denutr Marshal. MARSHAL'S OFFlbE. City of Wilmington, Sept. 30, 1867. police Is hereby given that by vir tue of an Ordinance recently enacted, no- COWS will 1 be? prmitiedvo run at'large in ' ' . R.RANSOM, sept 30-7-tf .. ; ! -: - - j ; . : Marshal. WCXfpltpDresfst Chem ists Iwkys-'onh'aSid -ar-full and select supply of PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ;DYE STUFFS',- PERFUMER Yi 'SOAPS', BRtJSH- .ESFANCY ARTICLESretc., etc.,, r.... "Prescriptions accurately and neatly com- pounded.'" f , 4;; ,- K. E. Corner ftpnt and Market St. P. S. Store open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. Per sons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence 91 Second Street, between Dock and Orange. $ ! sept23-l-tf ttt. : The attention of tho bnsiness pnb-- lie is respectfully called to the fact that THE MOg5&& X$?)as aeady, a larger local circulation tnan has ever been reached by f T f X'l vfjrrpr y f. afcc-faiiy and rapidly Inoreasing, circuit -inyr newspaper, established inWilmington. 1 tion in. the country,; Its RATES OF ADVER TISING ARE LOWEr than. 'those of any news paper in the State ; and its REASONABLE ttERMSrim ! a circulation that tisihg medium in North Carolina. 'slit2-t-ff?lf? d.J.i;ff;i-ii,!rro'ir.5.f- tVm. IT. Bernard,' Printer dk Pnb- . 1 TSITEP , A JTi'-(Iir.VIST? AT.! A,TV:WPTTq. ING AGENT, No. 3 South Water Srteet, Wil mington, n. c.'bi-s&rU h ,tpf-Mit$ ' Ail varieties of PLAIN, FANCY- and ORNA MENTAL PRlTJGxecutod in the best style,': My TYPE, PRESSES and MATERIAL are almost ENTTjELj ITEW) SfidORKWTEN are UN SURPASSED. In connection with'my Printing' and; Publishing . jlouse have i.a ; COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, including a first-class RUL4 " E Doll nn.4n.. sept23-l-tf r, . - - " ' , 'W3ST-. 4 DEALER IN ; f " .--V Hillinery, nrodsi iHosiery 1 moves, &c, j .ncuu JFo. C South Front Street, X IX TIIE LATEST aTIESOFT ! ' dnnctoriiqnpc,, iOaandvor "nxadp ?t6 order ty a- PRACTICAL MILLINER on the prexalsea;' n j j j el mO BAOISTRAfllWrowsT a nw WJb Peace WarHnts,3tatOvW,arraats, CiiOLWar f rants, Search Warrants &Ci&cirorsaie"l ..-I . Printing; and Publishing House. Aad General Book Bindery, ctt84Mt - , . , JTo. 8 South Water st. uumming, o DDIs ana a bags flour; Rnssell & Effisi 10 bale's! ttW; mnacd'dlBodtherlirid, 1 baW beftton; Iftfe I td ftt! 8 dbl tar? E Murray EXPRESS STE AIIBmp 1. -r-v f- . . . . . ?A.TAI3r PllICE, i U leave.her Wharf, foot of Chesnut sti.!!?1,1' on - For Freight, engagement, apply to ll . HORACE M I F Agent in New Torfci i : 1 JAMES HANDV 1, -oct26--ts - r-Yr- 104 Wail Streei - -VTo Ot STOCK-All NETTEST STTl JJi and the VERY LOWEST, PRICES. 8 By every Steamer -direct from our . New w Manufactory --x . j w.:10r DRESS and . BUSINESS . SUITS lower in an: than ever. An elegant stock of v VGentsT k Furnisliing Goods, Etc.'. BEAVER, PETERSHAM rAND ALHAMBBi OVER COATS, cheap at the 44Clty Clotluii ,'. oct2otf : vr-:, .! MUASON A CO : L11SCELLANEOUS. G R EAT IHDUGEWNTS FlIiL, FOR FALL " : ' ' ..." " ' ' ' WINTEE.J I 867-8; TEE, The Cheap Store ! k J The (JHcap Store!! V 31 Market Stiet, South Id, between Front and Second Streets, DRESS GOODS. HE BEST FABltlCS, ALXl OESIRA ..V .'! t.f'ff. .1, . .... :tf ? ' r. bie ahades and at lowest CASH prices (from 23 Cents up.) ' .. . 1 ' .r.tf :iX:TH?; I- i As cheap as - the cheapest. Call, examine the different makes and be satisfied. AltD- Gents 'FuiTushinr Goods. Modern SteiliSatisfiic- tor Jriceis. ' 3 ft. Time , and space Will ;n6t ; A ... s8 A -Si ow further enu- meraoni 1 wiil, sinrpiy 5 say1 ihat cverytliing ukei ; . , 1 dry goods; May be found at this POPULAR ESTABLISH- MENT. . " " Jfew 2ooigf Opened this Day. !! S TtrAUliQ. , - ;. Si Market Street. OCt23-28-tf MAWinPACrrtTKEK AKl O1BA1VEB0 HARDWARE GUNS, STOVES. PUJffSi KEJROSENEOIL, TIN, and SHEET. IRON. ' I . Roofing Done at ISIlort Jfotice. A g en f,to r. 'JjBki $ n U I ! B ' '. No. 19 Eront Bti Wilmington, N. C. , w tzu-za-tx ...... fTWXt AIJ&BT'XallAXSBflI!.:,'- ' - i SUTTOK A ' CHILD, DetU-litxi dornef princess and Front Sts. V " - t . Xi50 BB 1 4 H iffil FU BEEF, rr 21 " 1t tit W U t uFor aaieyv , .XArtrr XXOtTEIXr-bct2d-exltirVli f w 13 ITorih Water St V- that has lost o, back, or been otherwise i juredjhave ttra4s;id at - ' flI.ltI5ER3rAnD,3 oct3t-it ro.a South Vater fitreet-f .1 aaMw -w- mwhw HOUSE f 11 I