1.' ., : -'K-- f.i V-- 1''- ' 1 ' 1 ' ! .'-i. J-.i ' I ' - ' " ' -r y j 'V - ii i 1 1 d IAIS OFFICER i L ThemeteT: ic diar ivtliis r.ornioawasiVerV sfei? CTT Oi T1I.M1 qtos. Pent, 30. 18671 rtie : her eby cn Aiiat fc -;. - ... ' ; . . -. ' r s 'fcoeal.C." eolation JLAnaEIt t-vin all SEE JKRiy?3 Druiiant, las mg seTami no :rs4 H Jfrtuoof anOrdinance j; recently en ? I of any" Daily Newspaper in tlxe 4 acted, no COW&JwlU. b& jperniuU44tO run .1. 1 yv.Staew 11 w.n..i.ppft, &9iem-' 1 S4'-'w Lr Jsti; IwayaJtsEiuliand, se- - -A a, r ii- ..... ... i -i. -." 1 .... '."yiAKiS 'if &x cr L.Coi1taruactivar JtatdecttdHeeutf-t Sates t n.i?0U hales mlddllDar at 10 8-4toi 17 cents. Ke-J.iF5 .A-ftt ""vti r v.jr- ill'" " i i T " - -.! M M. v - r 't n 13 iiW Is our authorized Ageut kt Goldbjoo'' i-r sautuorUfed Aget at.HIiUa; If. 0.- fA-fe, I ; our authorized Ageut at VarsaSr. Aenf at iutatcrtc :im.:A?IJL' Is or authorized Agent at LumbertOJlJ ; i i n r ' "A'-ert at-Clintfes! -DaiiA'! Jfi? labiTia iouri J; authorized Ageutat CfiutoiCy ' iffont nt yflsn.?Jr. II. E. "BRTfTniff is the authorized Ageut of the tajs; afWilsoji, N.Xi 1 R as. Jr.is onr anthomea Agctttoeueer,: ijemesaJberv Uiatallv wh,t-70te for - dele thaV,buj one eaf fj44i4: . . 1 t mm . J . J A J 1. tnat tne iuu.name3 c:xsiiaiaaiea:iau55 Qe pnntedl the ' ticKeti'I Tctwithf iuwo-, o ww-y-w. .Yv.r, . stood.' and that the very trratlfvincr resutf of thXrt 'ectioa4ir tibiemjattrihtt' ted to tauscs trhich tad Uttie jort nothing to-do Zyftfo t iUf i!abnipllseni think it is nndeniablq that the tru6 , cao?e of the.cfcaoge iator be - found ia-4;he d& ranffenieaf 'of thejja11ihnfi3et1ed; condition f Sffairt?tht heavjtaiei j&d J thei0Jvmesaj4 Btatet, , W4; ddbenetfe tliat irjrniisthj iaie! josial 'Acceptation otler6f citb do thKhe rnttei cutttei . by tb.e;: ra btlieorth had jxot dnterferedtwitU tlwir peenniarj' intent' 'dMlifi' ":en,frBsBa ; They ha7i partwr matter, bWt tbey baro di66overed'tb4t -the dominant, party are jaingf the!- powers of the Government fttr5thA,admncejnent of the genersl welfafe bait for jjarty piir poses at the expense1 Hs&blit ood: Thet, see . that ' ten ; of .tnei, nstr prolific States of the former Union are lim, fair way become, imdex'Radiea) riaie' a bar ren ira8te irS , negrppyernedj ffogjThey this iklgproWfiiisrnl ?re vulson of sentiment,' dmoat -unparalleled, cried pxx against it apdwill surely alter ,t 1. " i- J ";-74 F.w.v4A.v.,9v4 li the legislaUoii of .he cpuutiyto rnefit.thqix views? and about -whicju therCf .seems to ,be ,mis- appreueusion, anu it is tuis ; ine remark the jjeppj' feel forVthg etparty. On the contraiyerwmrthtiasada tof Democxatid UcSets) thei!ierertraly greauyMaeceiveo iWhten yeeojjtiJttctionLs, accompiishfecf, 'tfiertfflWtrely' n6w arrangement ,of jgaHesttnaeV names froiosSSSSw couber-aie?ffe: -.i,V-t ' : i ' srthMi . ft ..014ft iCitythkinoiifi cians are-preparing for the chariei'eleiio6 1 xn DecembeThT crats ?bave renorn4Ra1oan, r ........ . Tr ,TWkTor3H&un cautions the Virginia CteMic Slnntfi tt tvi rtTiu- that thaTeafttionf in Trarw condition bnld havebee'r,4tt)lated -' General Schofleid. sited f the President -to-- witrr cairn seremiY.. not xa&av muiierence. u sm -. r f . v 1.1 s -J't k i t r ,. it ..1 . rr ' 1 . r ia ; it: s . - a 19 nnrtprstnnrr . t.h KrstifTit ha There is anoth er thracr !ed ttal j e vicf erft: able restirrection:of tlteremocratic party is not WWafoSilcii: NorAerMejiria ifr&&A4 WemcnL The assailants ! came :heithis -it u "i "iZtTllr. - i'vt.nT morning from Richmond-tckftutain satisfaction because they Could, not endorse the .action from Pollard for abetter recentfy.pubUshed ..-Tt- rrww..'H,vwr,i'"ff'nf Y.w,v.i Wfte: on bollard's history Or the war. and had 1 r rf II W VUU UUVAVU U UA UVf JLSXS 1- QVUTn I 1 M T 1(111 . ( 1. made by. those -who did vote,' and, they, f hiroV. v rW iIT" tl I,- Tif . f a v ,7 1 l,r , ? v 'r. ; i;.- 7, 4 . Alabama Conireniioiu;. . L - , r voted the, Jeasfcjpbnojta P-f-'f. "' : oHToinjrri the Qotfktfrl'itity ZV'Ji fcOTcTforfe'RadfcKl majority-of the' Re- nktrtifiklA ldiJ?J-JLlteZTlifc i&&aitltbfl Cltmtienttoiuiilekllasi; tfight,"de TPeMI WWWPWrfrm ided to- Mad . sseeial inessenrer, toushinir pubHcan)&timaei " Wft i-jvaaicais oietnniversaitri,i. rt ttjii' r oflr,- r ; : v'.r-. 7-rtTr. of justice whicb. ii crnc:f3dndperseca ted in tien u .a ; u trt " t. .tuinn. tiiuji.r)cun ity i ere, reform xnui 'meteors-jeu ' E7-iCss.tr j f to -t' T-'.r. clock.' "--' t'.i'( .r...i .u..., ing eU'diffoa4'-. :o; l&e-'lrdsnSritrp' ft?avanaJher3 in a lawsuit, A " - Cu2aa' 'cap' turea mxz, t. . - tr:-- --.--,rv the'd:r-!t'i - -av;V ';. ., fa o.i r ' . . . r . j !.-"... r .t - r TOTmit'wasnlttMiTf tn aa- advanced to 1 30$1. 85 for AIcCuUUJ-Qacsvtihiikatiitiut er8rxlu4ivrlto Indiain afiair$. rtf.f. i Ii . Ife thajssjsfcahcrstary of MeCuifotfr wilt" rebammeAcl a ne yonlo'll dated are,perenti!l)a.t' ' him; J.i -.t i I been urged 1 ii There were. osUr Ave of.thef Judiciary -Com roitteipresejir efeterday J Ti'e busmess was confined todne--wittt(trtefrirc1lfiUH RpViViHi' "Ucaj fmTeri3mttotlinrVland.rtnjt T U .vTh moved U: ,5 ftmt - kitsi :.aur.ci,iw.i ProuWateof theMkiblri'lUnivety" repotto that lie. eouhted iiftecn handiied'toc-' .ongoig wt tjtsonds W. j v Cottottdulr and fteciining Sale efetiihated at tvw Megiiuiooutiona unaltered'' .?.?; jO ( " V ; -ew York Markets. , , , ' ; f . r . New Tpn& ov. . 149 on-. I Floitf ld -to 2acenls:better:n. Wheat trmer but ouiet. Soro! aetiVAl ' Rve tiuiet' and firm. Oate Kteady:at 78 cents.t;:PorW dull at $130 75 $20 &k ; JLard, 118 cents.; Cqtton quiet at I8i Dents. . . Freights , steady. , ; Spirits; .Turpen-i tine' at 6354 cents. "Rosin -dail Common Gold 140k Sterlmewionc: time 9 : short 9. BondH-oid ,J8 ; new t ,1 Ten-forties Seren-thirties. 51. ? , Money easy . at 7 eut Tennessee , 63. Stocks active and ( business laTge;0:,'ff7V",tT''':'"', , , ' OUU 'Hlfiflt REPORTS, .i n; mtmrr m . recom- ndhded Hon. Edwin Cooper,' of Tennessee, as Chanderncoesgor. Hi at..i- u, ; f Sehofleld and Grant had a long discussion, millions. ; W. P. Kellotrt. f ' NeV Orleans is here. ! . Kevenue receipts toaayt two nunarea ana tnirty thousand douara,s . VvT? . .t J It is estimated at the Observatory that 2000 meteors fell in twenty minutes about 4 o'clock. The radiebt poiatw&i well defined teing 4a the riffht.' Ascension 10 hours and 1 minute : declentkm 20 d'esrrecs and 31 minutes. V TKe Judiciary committee Ms engaged in the Maryland investigation to-day. ' i ;-J J,. f f:Thecase oTr the yonng negpb Ionian 'who was awarded by a jury : one: cent damages for assault , by a whitei,. map was investigated, and the loValtV of 'the'gentrmehts afid exrreBion.s of tle individuals enquired iijto. ' , , ' , JSothrn has heen- elicited hearing 4t the days. bly Gem Graat, wltl be recalled. I ' : bootingr Aflair -in rCaltimore-An At ' tempi to 11U TE. A. Pollard the ' Ii - .n.if ').ri UlBtovtan.'y-C '-v-n. .w. ? . -,nc :.a(ViU':i-:i : EALTrMORIs. J 0V. 14. 1 At about 13 M. today.- as E. . A; Pollard;' the nistorian of iLee and is Lieutenants, was pasf . Bimr in , iron i 01 me aiauov House, ne was sd pfoached bV'.a son and nepbeir 'of Hehrv A X Wise.- named John and Douglass, each of wiiom flrcd ;at Pollard, i drua of the i balls ' :passtng ,previo'iiy,inecjareneir imtention to shoot bim oarght. -Bother a id custody to a wait an 16 go dri heJqtiesfldii'6f 'dtefmfthUmgtKeVels; IoetpoiiJ. fartUeiafetiiW''5 oyW whe aeoa '4rnui Mi)naay ue?a;.lP atn ymxx! j woper GomrQlttee to iMuhrer into the .exoodir? ;e,ney of requiring orwe.r. owners' to.;pay 'the 1iack Wige for tJrseMc'ffbhV W$m jrf tfi&EtPxum&uo& frt)ciaiauon to Msiyvotii, ; An ornance.vas.lntrodnced (and referred; ana ivier;qian xs. rv., "wnren was conruciea.pY theCc4fedFatbyrttiaenV1a'iJ 6f;tHe'1-6-bellionjfhfewrweeedaiDf thai satitie tto-r ifitt tb abolish State poli-tax. 1 ' chs: i totmgBfnmzenatnigbt tuwtVWW wafAWrfwrnwra i'ng ?' rsWe.'J' i a' discount of 17" a nn I v ta l i il ll v ia ui l i . i nn v iru in o armmr drrtnio i laira rrra w b rna fi ftrw m -l -v ' WMHUb- -W. UWll a. J COA LI I If tIMII'.IH.IM. " I " eyerdypiinf o aa j atmpsti entirely ao4t 3$ninla AdlsbWch .PkrU'say that tnTSrenpb! tax tori f jgTamln-'forcj'h j y6se& 'bar Wti re, mainly it M said, .bearmg on expauae. treoH structing.Virginia, which .already exceeds five que6tiou, wnetner AjLaryjaua has- a, 'liepubiicaa Government. . : r. . - i . ., v, . ; The ' Im geaebment Investigation . v?ill be re eumed'in a few1 daryi Col, fiillyer,' ahd possU itnrou!;u1fjaa.r(igntarm or roiiard, he paving bis, Ivife; pn,tbe left band at, the tim,e. ? Pollard account Of1 his wound, and the', ball' struck the. toa to ascenajn pn,aAeaaingep!Uucan8 bow far Congress will, perm it the Convention rn ! fjrH )fTrNKWOiAs4roT44.I,,., Gen. mpeocJiarriYal is . armonaly looked for bvdar'best citiiehi: r'trl&if are 'hbr.ef nl that i"rwrjifv'" ivwuT5uuhfcrfrarftWf. yft, i? lonvantion will be carried by a large triai r. as the wh itesnrrerrmTTiWGtir mRnatyh. esTfom TaUahaal3dBfpthRrJe6Uiiiagflg on iVJv1! AwvvtvA ,agwns wonyenxion., continjiing the quarantmefriIajEBpta--Roads. ....... . . . . iQurcrr.;i,rij,inc"0'3dd:'l t finrnWi.. -4w. u j ... i . u. 1 3 j 1 , -f - ' S.- . ,,i !t;iji tvif- r$Sst -r-r"! ilia it i 'i -5 - ew Xorji. Markets. olinbiir.. at'L-25ai-yS6-st new:Sl'21l' 2apv .Oats steady.' Mess Pork 'heavy1' at 30 80. tr. wwj?isr Ten; forties jaindSajf eh? thirties 5: Tennessee-fi3ii'i!rttr- ,; -:.').; j'i cWtt9adectiAedrriddi ITivts. Reoeibta . 4.442 -bales, i Ei oorts ;2064 balesl' active at ' Augusta: Gaj Roy; 14. - The Cotton market-is easier sales 407 bales Receipts 1,090 bales. liddUng' 15i15 3-4j rfv AbontSOO fjreedmen, passed, through here em rov.to Charleston,: to take passage on the ship Golouda for Liberia, ' 1 v -u (u' , ,tanwali-Malie.-.- - . v:'j-V-I!-'" , " V SavanaiJNov. 14. J CottJrf;feliadjaecimed; Jicentj: middling 161 cents. .Sales 9,(150 bales. Receipts 2,680 bales i. fbr theiW(iel"abalei Exports 13, 996 bales.. vStocJfe 5,13 bajLe&i w.vi X x ' v x j N r-' Mobile .ket. hf' ' ' r'-r j JOBrLBjfAtA Noy. it ' The Cotton market closed quiet. Middling 1616i cents. Sales J.,100 bales. ? Receipts 1, 60tf bales. f-i.-.Xl'fh ;1 Flour flat And!nnsiittledSuperJiae $675$7 50. Corn heavjaew 8090 cents : old 90 nentst -"-Mfesi fPork J2l asaV i iTtn.ni- shoulders 184? nts ; clearl sides ? 15 8-416 Ctkbl e S am mary. The In&dnrjZT&ies says thatCthe Mencbera note is Italy's. uJUtnatuin. Pestagei'from (the Bhited States' to: Behzium has been fixed atU5 ceiits. ; - In France Prima rd is .minister of :. State for the interior, and Mange is the Minister of Fi nances. r : : tst --v"- UiiiT.JiiiU. - " The Pope,; in receiving the French staff, said it was a kappiaess ia havlugAhe French ' about him Hut mnaim a n.. '"A a K Lmt Wm f A .nii..tt T Veril. e -thanked: them and Fnmcis Napoleon J fori deliverance, t .fie, ciciced., that Italy had pine and devastation. The valor of the Papals had defended the Papal j soil. The French Lcame to crown the splendid defence.; . After,r- iernng v catnoue sympatny, negaye m& army, Napoleon and Franfce'hi's'blessing. . i Maguire, the Manchester convict, has been pardoned. ' , i uecrease or bullion in thatrank of Jiingiand 94,000. -fy f jvrrs q m) tr""' r Marheta. Cotton easier Uplands 8i ; Orleans 8 3-4. Provisions and produee uaehanged. -v-y-tVPaWf Kpifc 4-r.BfeBtog.t'f Consols 11-18. . iionds 70i, - i . ; . ' VitAisiCFOiRTl Hoar. 1 :.f; CUPPINGS. r, -:: Tlie election for , Mayoj in Hext York city will take place three "Weelja fiom'.fes--' ''The Supreme Court has decided to let the iPhiladeljigsefii iorse ScaTg5 on !Sundafj '.-Tt-jkl?'Ji it : 3r- 'SafataAa is'iie of a farnl in Cubaw. ikrt-nn M :A The, tobacco factoriea of DanFille,; Va., haye all been closed for the season. 4 'llrirnitpulit is ejorid, jha returned; rpmdropp. .7f ',:) s ; t " ! Erie, Pa,, is said. .'jto ? have r. fort y-seven miles of streets.'-.-'-fi' ''"'"';?" ' ;'?-;...: f .! .Thji 0en)9is.Hf .Sti:Ijoaiaiasre sncceed-H eu in outaining tne repeal oi tie 1 aunaay ; Jjqpor lajv in;that ci g j ' ; ' J j ;Qver 7,000 : new buildings have been re$te(Jifl COiiago.a?ftfiih .ayear;!!; a; cost of from $8,000,000 to' $9,000,000. ' ; A'moTentj$sJbV'ir f6i rflarge, meet- toathyf :0ahaldi.lloracereeleyf tt ui. vuiicii jaivaiiu jrjLovur;: fiuutunu, 1 cvki-.i. hwtAAahi;-tfAfii-.'ifvi .u-o l . k f In ili;rl,raar6aVeiagl,b fy. xvir. j. nomasirmK rn & vv ruwiwuiUAiN to, yiSS ;. ANIE S.EVtlRITT; airofcity .Sr(WixMiwoeir--MA?rcHKSTEB: R. R; Co., ... ' . . . U .11 , ' IM HI II . " 1-.' ; .f!Ei5ivimTOXCr, I2th NOVL 18B7J rSMSSHSESS a.TKlft III'".!. - ?riiiT. , tLai - Olina having aet apart Tharadavrth 8th prayer; the,tolderof hff WUmixigtoa and' Manchester Railroad Company will . Iiold taan tnnfl a 1 jtftetr annual neettagi JnvWilniin i-i.iMi,uuuto duuiuiucu. 1' i rti jWVjW4?1 iioisoml ; l oecreiary. Maria;;ibjlirtatrJiRdrnWi jixunoao ujurwgTOnfeoataeTaeF ana utn ,. j- .i.u i.n :t- vtTbnNby. 14v , J Cotton lower sale? . 1400 aies1 44"l$iI8f t6?.' fllduF.olulefi'Sta'te 50S1Q50; ,South- emiiv.'wwi mu. v neat.; iuwet sArn - Tied bV alflrtrft tft(i.r" - -n-r-.s vnrwi TrrwwTJflmfWMC : ' : ! u - p ii:, .t'viflAXffa Jt .10? ' ' 'Tf''t '-''V :;: "TVflW"" , tt.3A ((T.'iyr-- r.: i-'-.i:. .. . 34,-. i-J,-. "... T w s . 1 . .......... . - ' i. . . k 1 VMM CIUUl 7, .C .O.lr.!Tr:rT 4.-.-.. . ,T . ir'r.. -i Trv-imnT t 3 TTrtiTllieSW aeciiJtolv Jiid. aiatly p. s. Store opera Tram 6 A. M. to 9 P. M Persons: wishing prescriptions 4omPounded at uitU;pleae,ca aJnryjcesidejicsQ jmsSa- eOnd Street, oryon jpoelp, aaio AJp ange. : Bepiza-4-u . .. .. ... .. , -i 4 1. ,Tb; attentian of . tti , lisf ness a Public is respectfully called ;tp; tbe! fact that raiEIOKNIJfW TXlfihasV;-!-, readj?', a large? low eucalation than pas ever been reached by'any newspaper ;tablished ixi Wilmington.' It .has,: aleoaa?,-; aiid.rapf idlylnereapng "circulation int.theveountry Its 'RATES OFADtyKBTISlKGARl) LOWER tlian those of any nw apape : la I t&e tState ';. and 'lis " RE ASO Ji ABUB 'flaSRMS -OF SUB-' $CRlPTION jnuet -soon give: it a ciiulatiOirj that .Mil make it the "best advertising ,me- 'idium -ifortl Carolina. , i I I ' i , If SQj)t2S-l-tf i tv:-w f !--(,yi.j),tw'...'-'!,..' rvrs Wm. Ht BemnrU, iPrtrite' '- lili ; PUBLISHER, ANP ; GE2f ERAIy AI), VEftr4:iiJS ti AU1SJN r, ,t no... 3 ; Jsiontn I w ater Srtee(WiliningtonvN: C 1 . I' - J All Varieties of ;PIFAan OR NAMENT AX PRiNTlitG execuied ln the best style. " My TYPE PRESSES and MAPERIAL arealmost ENT1REXY ,XEW,.and my WORK MEN' are UNSURPASSED. In Connection With iny Printing and Publishing: Tfouse, ' I have a COMPLETE JiOOK BINDERY, in cluding; a flrsWdass.RULING,MAiI!HlNE;y JlZif Call and see specimens'.' ' - Ii rmllB :tTlU'tXG vON Til JElCOtt JL wr'f Second and'.Red Cross Strefets,;Jii, buitanieJor a garriaou or carpenter i&nop, . . ?Apply to ' JlIATTJIEW p; TATOR . ; ?noyl5-t:;:.:;;' - .'4 ..Agent. Finest ;v. THE BEST LIQUORS,; CHOICEST FAMILY- SrPPtTES, 4? fc fi - Of evcry'vliricty, w G6.3lTEkS', If , ' " V ,: irandl3Fpn4st.1 ;i ovl.Vt5-tf :- CnA. D. MYERS, Agent.V Candy, CheeMc. rr boxes cakdv: H 6lIEESE, ' ; - 100 and Bbls. CRACKERS. Fresh from Steamer, at ' v ' 1 1 ,noV15-45-tf 4 11 nd 13 Front Street; Mullet ;an(l Mullet" 1R& A XEW BASREkS XTJSX KECElVEl. ' -' -ALSO- -hi -mi if l'UKKFLOUE, BACON, and sonte very nice BUTTER and CIIEESE. For sale bj r1 1 . CANNON. STOKLEY- CO.ff i .ovlS-jtt-tf, 4 f...; No. iSota.-fVaterstf BARRELS .FRESH l!sT03f E mtJJJ LIME, iust received: and, for Ham in lots to suit purchasers, by ' - k i- novl545-lTV' Journal and Post copjr- it t If ExpressStesMpLin0 tr 5 TQEFIIivE .SAJXINXi BTEALSHlP j , CT if F vleave wharf- foot of, XJbesnut. Street on rigentmJf fw6rk,5?RiWp Y-r' --ai.E.o novl505-tS " 104 Wi fall Street... , i.Ui-5 in. : S 'Ji",-V- " Mb ' fTYRATE- 1CO'Aty trt't-vii .vto??- i: -i : A'.-"-- ,ti'4 imxl "vri x('fi-i-U r t .tv t .' "i- j, If" ;.r-f-. .... 'V'-.-iil. '. . il fi n nw tiLV,i;f;J i t r sale , from Store ani rnarf. at. - to wpU fQQn tT'iniia "h-rr " wS - -n . . i noyl243-tf , .11 and.1? North Water treet themselrA ji-n, unnece?orT troible bv C9"ironth BUbscribiv .. at: . t 3 vc-? a. . a ,j- 1 . t 5 t a1 T . - - . ...... ,.- . . ... . . .t l . - 1 p;V fl J1 J T,A "?ii,l1w Save? Tiiri- AJT iTKQU3T.LV Mer chants lsirij; to advertise; in any oaner tn North Catolir- crui'i nirc.::a.r ''.3" WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 1 ITER TO WHOLESALE BUYERS at INEW; YORK PRICES, an extensiv STOCK OF It -AND- Domestic Dry Goods, IN VlllVU. MA 1 lii JbUUJXU , ,2,000 pieces Prints, covering all-tlie range of :prcs. . -4 picces Bleached Shirting and Sheeting at 8 qents to 25 cents. : bales Brown Cottons, all the grades, in cluding a large lot of Payette ville Manufac- tue; ; . Tr:im:iit. hut rt -i- j - j . - ! Best make of Cotton Yarn, by the bale, at factory prices, ; '-' 100 ieet's: Fredericksburg X2assiinrea. 5 biflee Charlotte Ca-ssiniei:es.low gi-ade. ' Staple Selected especially with a view to meet the demand of j COIJHTJRY, iDEALERS;t Thir y years experience iri the "ry JSoods a life-time study of the wants of the trade ; Soatheni people ; prj.Gootts being pnr spe cialityj gives us superior .advantage in that line otcr ovtr those who keep a "JMbngrel LSiock." RETAIL BUYERS, '"VVill find with ua, at all tiniei?, a full stock of v ; ' -. i OUR LARGE CITY and COUNTJtY RETAIL TRADE compel us to 4- "Renew Our Stock "Weekly. inonthly, andTiave employed a -:""'. j-' ' esicleirfc Buyer. tt: u?my ,onr CTisrQmers.can always e 1 fcrtre from ps tke latest novelties, at the lowest prices. ' "We. havd Introduced a dnced a new feajture in the ,! o iJ . Southern Dry Goods trade, that of profltat dauahtersa!s have been denrii nf ti-io tyiocc T::inioH.oTiiii.iH' f A'li ' ir Ul AbolbldlllS, I ' Ladies and ? Srentlemen. will be frtnnd ntr- teouattAaaummttvA.;; Buyers vlsitinsr -Wilminffton ftre Int.ofl r . W . ' wjm. w glyb us a call r -. " f j. , h ff? wilinlngtOn, N. C, Nov. 9, 1867. 2-tf i 3rE OF THE MOST PLEASANT OP AjRerationfe which a man can nndcrero. is n.. .ieifu ttnu wmionaoie snave. xnis can al- just one aorn-TJeiowT. Ulaver's Saloon. wher jwrfji;his conipetent Assistants, King, Chcsch- EIX dnd CaSrawat. he is nrenareil tn ana ran- teeatisfactlon to ah who may favor him with a ekllJ HAIR CUTTING. SHAMPOONING IT A Tl nTOVi .u J ar m a 7 Bervea ' in bis establiRh-mpnt- and nn mmri aa trill find there AnvthJiwrjDf Istpm. hid mature. I ,: au4W JF 7. nayi2-12-tf I , ? GEO. HOSLER. 1 .....r.ti , ; i ' i .: :t fit bent: XV?three story brick DWELLING. n I il r ront Street near Dock, containing nine rooms, besides Dining-room, twotory brick Jiitchen, we of water on premises, Stables,f&o. bosses?' ..rrivn7-Cc 1 - nr- jv mr . uu ua. l ... ...... ............. jr Mi urj utaxa VI - ' i ? " SOL. BEAR A BROS., mm Goods ":'-r : Cbrps ' w J - - S8ttlf t order and decordm are pre- ImS iJSvf n "'S.f?f J I. 1 f n i 5 ' t. iT For FrelarigTO?lsage appr mi l v aV7-38-ts 1 if . . j :' "W MB I jfliB!'' A'wroiii..?"- ? . i T 1 x f.--,a - L3 Ti'f )IAlL,; Cpnimander,' ' "t -i-f . ... . : i .li-,... . . i Through Bills of Ladinsr riven tn ; ;".;',v.tRPPpj.. ,.v,.. F- FOR JS-JJEIS iNCUGEMENTS5;' C' - Ajjply to i v., ' ATKINSON & SBLEPPERSON nov9-37-ts .W 2oirttter4t. . uiv(3t, Fr i-jaj? wfcT-. WnTIljirgtQll D03IESTIC GOODS. ;: ',--s: w-jui :M;o:y -M'if;?, i .-' W.i4: ifmw.' 1 ':-X-'MX- Browitv- Goods jat IV OWEST - rt, I- f ... Hk3 i'. . . ": .- k.. 41 ". E SPLENDID 5T0CK, , AT PRICES THAT CANNOT , & LADIES ' AI;GEEXENr call and t examine nr xtensivestock before-purcha-s ' ing elsewTierew .v'-f-'o iu :i-hir ;r'-'..' nTT'-'i?' :rj"'''-' ,4;-"f--v'"n'',;i :CIieap:Stora: t .T3f,' 34 IrlarketStSouth Side;! ,4 ; h ' .tay." V; :.'., f 4 Dtronta onftnrt Starve novl .,, y T''-vi '.;. . "WlNlEINB.'AXJjkik TA- ,v-rivrT-'f,ITrrt,f ' You,canbuy better sfoods for less moneyat ' SQ.No'I'iVitiat any otherBlace r inthe'cftV- - ' I Bnv wlier frrtin' nWiTO,WhaanB. -Ia nn old a"7' ?ne;,hb I TtFinQD ----- "S! .- " i ' j .1 - 1 -.. ' t nvr t-rr m . iait ' -JWt' fO'J 'JVX 11. tl f 'iLiii ' ' '' f ' ( . THELATEST IJOVELTY. rr- . " - 7 'X Miivsmc j. r.rt S. 7 t.avw;i ..vvi,- -, -r . TTANDSOME -ETTSI WifilSiaiB'iTVTri. last -1 1 1 nkT'Co :Tarioas' V J dualities. Sttwwiif.- . t s: I Mni:., Woi$y Co.'S. . ,. ., I ,JZ-XH!hilii ' tC:' 1,00 Gary -TTjTIEI, LEAVE OUR jntABFJlttf- r-, L-r l w . . aw .Amr m m Resiil 4-AM3,U4U5il OIL The."HfSoPaEk,;jIh! TUSSTjkjfW mrr-r :rtv 'uri -irr ' V. 4 . - i :...ifex.L' i , ATKi- 'V V-' ' '.V - v 0V i ii r, Vl.-

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