Office, No. 3ScHithr Wafer St. bribers in allpans of the City, rtt H2 30 1 BATES W AlyEBTiSIXO s 0nc Square one ..,1., V 75 . Mi four days,; live days,... 2 00 one weeK,i Contract Advert iseineiits taken, at jfro- I ; BAIlArAY UlRCTORT. ' yrectorjHohnrl)av6n -Hur3r STntt, -O. G. V irsR'V, A. J. DeRxsset, D. ikrnGJo. J.. A jlclUill,W. 311118, Jme U. J3iu$rt lticli- WJL3I1XGTOX, CHlRLOTTE & rmtdeitf Robert H. CoAvaa. ri f irj... 5" ! Directirr-. J . Person, A- II. YanBrtfckelen, dori;on,-A. u.-JW)Sun. a. 14. ioiniesiy. Si'cHiitm(tentW. V Everett. , ; Muster of Transportation W. II. Allen. Stcretaru and 2 Yea merer Ii T. Alderuian-. Mister MechcmieW. Gill. Fi-ei(j!U Agent W. E. French. lV'?JTMfrrf rf a ;'."' VI Tu AntMisrGtasr WijQo?r bail KOApr prwd'htflil '. Briders. -" ' v ' " J)i rector on the" part of the SlockTioldert'W. A. Vright,S. D. Wallace, Eli Miurav, Alfred lai tin, A. H. VanBkkelen, Geo. llai-ris, of Wilmington, and Jobn Kverett, of Goldsboro'. Directors on the part qf the S'ate Edward Kid f'.ci:, of ; Wilniirigton, Jf . C," Johu. Nox-aeet, ? of Turboro', and Xliomais D. Hog," of KaleigU, C- - ' " - " chief Engineer and General Superintendent . L. Fremont . ' l,gl , Muster of Transportation Wn. Smith- ; " Secreia'tffand Thtrrr-PrWrThoihpsdn. Auditor kji. u. uuiuev. - liATIy llOAl) 'LnraS. : V iluiington c& Wcl.-R. It. Co. V itl ILMIXOTOS, N. C, Oct. 11, OX ASD AFTER TIIK l2th OCXOBKIt. the following bchedulClvHl be run over til is T?0:l fl : PAy;pAmaOTitiA .Leave- Wilmington dailv (Sundays excep te.lkat G:00 A. M.; arrive at AVeldou, 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon daUy(Sunday8.excepted), iit 10:.JO A. M.; arrives atWiliutngtoia, 7:00 P. M. MGIIT EXPBESSU MAAPSENGEIi Leave AVilmington, at. .9:30 P. JL, dailj'. Ar.-4.vo at Weldon at.-T;-.?vi'f tikA.M., " Leave Wcldon at... .. . ; . . .rr.'.-.(:r5 P. M " Arrive atWilmington at. .'. . . .2:20 A. 2t, , - Leave' Wifmingon tlaliv4(uridyaexcept ), at 4:00 A. 31., and arrives at Weldon at :0() I'.M, ,Lcao.Veldpu, cbiiH- Sii4ays-xciit, ed), ftt 4:00 VM.anit anivDVnri?mlngtoh atfl ::0) v. M, Tmiiis pans GoldslWKO'.a- aioo, W0iT am .10:51 A. M., going north ; at 12:5S, 10:15"P. M., :nit! Kh50 A. M., going Sonth, connecting with TrlMis ; to' Raleigh and , Xewbern at 10:30 A. "I., and further points-at 2:50 P. M. Papers on the line of .the. Road copy this and omit all other Schedule notices. ' Ii. PKEMOSt,'1 oetl-2-18-tf Chief Erfgft Gen Sup' t. ' ; V ' ' lViiiijiiB;ioi!, C!i a riot t e sind hi Gexekal SrPKniyTODKXT'.s Office.) i ;,WjIiiniiv tl-, Aug; i, 1S7,S $ . OX A3fD AFTER TUESDAY Xext, Au gust 13th, the Passenger Train on4' this Koad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, 1'hursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock. A. M.' . Arrive at &md- Mill saine days, at 3 P. M- Arriv-nt.v Vii.rl1W St ut . mill. jiilit. Leave Wadesboro' (Stage), on Tue8-i ur, Tnursaay anu saturaay at 'AiM. . JJeave "Rockingham (Stage), On MontTay, Wfinestlay and Friday, at 4:;iQrA-I..& .j- Leax Sand Hill (Cart:) MondayWednes duy and Fridav, at 7 o'clock. A. M - Arrive, at Wilmington same daj-s, at 3 ' ' r- f ' W W 1. I?VI-AlkTT X "2 Gen, Sup't. ; . : BAUiioAi tiaixtAX jr v I' I ', Gextoai.: StrERi2?TEis-aK-sT's Ovri'a.'r , Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 5, 1S7. J .X.AXD AFTER OfT. tli, PASS EX- w ger Train of tJ following Schediile -: ger Train of this Road will run on tlie -.-".! -EXPRESS TRAIN Leave Wilmington U . ........ . A rri ve at Florence. .............. Arrive at Kingsville....... ...... 2:30 4-. M- 8:10 AI M. ........, 11 ;4o A. Ir . . . y f . .11 :30 A. J Arrive at Florence.! Arrive at lnilngtoni . f !- .iA'A 1U ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. I-caye Wilmington 7:5Q-P. Mv Lea ve Kingsville. . . . . . 2:Xrl . k Amve at Wilmington. ... 5:15-A. M. Lxpress Ti-aiQ Teonweetsf eloselyf at Flor once with the .Noftlr Eastern lRJiil Road, for Charleston ahd Clieraw trDarington Rail t 0l'X0T "beraTf nnd at Kihgsville with the mth. -Carolina RailrrSad,1 for Columbia and Augusta. - ' - , - Accommodation Trajnwill ronJ.4aily gnnr days excepted,? and- ortneo1?-ftt KingsilU V! Ti0Wt'1 Caroyn Rail Road.-for Colum 'u.anifc4ngaB C t' H H 01 1 . J H fct7-13-tf - Gen. SupH. KSI 4 y URAFT BOOKS! or ialea'W'' "f-r y-' ' rTt- f CfT Prln't.inir Hoiisa and Book Binderv. 1 octo-lL-it .... . . "vft a annti, Ira Rt.ftftt.'. NJWBERJf REPUBLICAN, Newbern, C-r Published Tri-Weeklyr S! .: ' WM. II. BERNARD. Afreht: . . Hand-Bills, Posters. Wedding Cardfti'JVisJ Clerks and Sheriffs' ' llhmks. - WltU (J11V1 AAA O , AJlOrUJLO Coirttables Blanks," ftoiv e;, printed mteAyt- 7 WM. H. BERNARD'S ; ' Printing and Publishing House.. s oct29-314tA ?. n KaSbtftltfWater Street. 1 T LANK-BOO MANF fa ctoby. .1 J Record, Books, Ledgers, jr0urnals. Pock, t and other Blank Bodkd." in' endless va-' ety, manufactured at , !-,?1ilntinS House ind Book Bindery. , oeJS) jSontWrreei jno. A. -McDowell, Kobert .'.Feoneh, Waltel'JiJ Sfivle, Stephen w. Cole, Samuel If.Walkup, K, vt Hutchison, Haywood W. Guion, C. C. Heu- iig arttsifosusiness vartiSj Jiiiwieaa, Xj&f tcr-Heads, Account Saic4 l'rjees Cttrrent, Bay cpt30-7-ft ... ,1 Wilmington, . C.., THE MOBNINGJ STAR : OTfi MORNING STAR, -AT- I IT .4 VBY WE yy ';Jf.. A.- TIIE CHEAPEST DAILY lOlWSPAPER ( -EST- '- v-f North' or 1 South Carolina ! .7 ' fill f-1 1 CONTAINS Ialcsi Tclegrpiiic Iisputelios, tocaT Xens, Uarltct Reports, ant! General Inielligciice. t :i "1 ' I r ' t. : TERMS OF SUI5SCKIPTIOX: .V I. To City SabsnlhtTS, delirered In Any ff i u fe'A part ofj tbe City, -. r 6 Cents per -Month; a 3tt AILED ;TO StBSjCKIBEBS AT . i ' -I'M 4-.;f-. .? r- $2 50 for 0 Months fUf!U f ft: S Months. i ?':' . .' j5ti'i irtsi' f.S'..1liiil'li' "'-" I -. .. i' - .'f- L. t ,TTnn"nrnTrirTiT,i . Ti a mn n - f : f. "t Lover than tiiose or any Uauy 1 3 I TVe&TfhW$ n1'ittfVt PJEM Address alt wminunicatlons to r ' 4 xmTTlSESBDPMpilko . , .... ..-... - , . i . .1 WTLM.INGTOS 18 C -tf f.;:;:BQaAi)A3Ci TIlt lliood Rnriflvr in tlie rr.: Lawrence's Celebrate? 1 4 Vi Head the Following Uome Certllieates M ' From Physiciftus : " : , "We hereby certify that tiie RomdaUs is pro-, payed by a PA vM who ia an experiemced Pminnareuttsfc and Chemist, and that hia remedy 's an emcietU and valuable one in ticrof- via, fypum&f &c.fn i haTinjr pcrfdimett 9hmS renaj'moie- cure in tnis vicmitv. -"j-"11 i?i"-n K. W;KlNG Jt.'2JL-s- - Wilaon, .Ju C, Fe"bw 8th, nr- .;trn?? Ure Aei'eby : oertfif y that we regard fr. Law renecr Compound Exj;rac Of Koadalis as a JZeliaLle, Ailerativey&c. " " ' i " ;- T " "' : : ...r,,;:rr, ... 4 h'a.1i; lfooRE, Mr? Wilson, X. C- May 10th. 18tj0.; , Mr. J. J.--Lawrence JeearHiri Please sena ne iminwdia', per Express, to Tarboi t wo dos:en more bottles of your Rosadaiis. 1 have - carefully . iixamined, its Fwmvla, have used, it in my ''practice''' in a nuihber Of cases?.1 -M am well pleased with it.- 'I think it. beyond idult the best -AUnrativerJ ever ttseeL -i Jiave tried it in several cases of Scrofula, and Scrofulous affections, &c.J with mvcfi sdtUfac-: tion to myself and patients. -1 have also used it in Secondary and Tei-liarv Svnhilis Tone terrible case of eight yeais standinsrl. in which it .neted with snririsin and satisfactory effect luuKius (lmcK anaiuorouan cure.- xitave. therefore, noiiesitation in reconrmending it to Ph j'Kieiaais and. others, is the ihost reliable jsuteruitve mow no-wn. -. -a,.-; ?r . Respectfully -Yours. &.c., . A.,R, 2s OI5L.ES, M. D. A WontterTul Ciire of Scroftilbiis Svhite SweIlInir;--""f :- 1IQAIE CERTIFICATE. i " I heiby iiei-tifvXiiat-iast -September I . was attacked with White Swelling of the left knee and also? with an enlargement of the glands' of the heck (one j tumor reaehelt a large 8ie)i -The- swelling of the ..knee, was enormous and was Jittendedwith the aupst excruciatiuff nains. I.was so reduced that I was eouflned to ny Tobm Aver tlijteQ pioTahju j My leg was so eompietejyi arawn up mat i could not bend, it at all. , I t ried, various reme dies, and they' failed to give me any relief. I was in this condition wlni 1 commence! tak iug Dr. Lawrence's. RosaWalis.' The swelling in bothjenee tend neck'began to- snlSsidk! be fore l took all of the first bottle, f 3y the time 1 took the second bottle the swelling of the neck entirely disappeared, -and;, that of the knee nearly so. Aft er taking. three bottles I found myself completely well able to'walk as well as ever, &c. I . LATIMER WILLIAMS. Wilson, May 12, 18H7. g J v Itosadnlis will Cure the Worst Cases -Tof Chronic RbeniBatira.r" rfGi&JE CJERTliFldATEij f : '; Z NWilsou.iNa.JVlay (1186X7 . I hereby eertify-that 1 was -enreti. oCloixgi standing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's' RosaoaKs.'? ; JAMES WILLS. Roy adalis Cures. Carbtjncles, BoiD), limples, Ac. Certificate from ctti old and much repeetcd reUiaen of (Jrcene-Cfmtfyr ttow t resident of ' s -: - j Wu'son, A'. C. I hereby certify that during the Summer and Fall of l0ti, I was severely afflicted with Ottrbuncles, -having, as many as 14 Virye -tktr- iamaele and 12 ordinary" Bolls. I suffered so much from them that I couki not get .out of the house half the time for several Months. Being induced to try Dr. Lsiun'enceKs Mja daHx j JT ,i entirely cured bp tjie -use of one bottle of that tjmJy valuable medicine. m V Mm, -Sr. .ilsmiaylVTSGY. ' p,., -,-7,' .'4 , Poilsmcfuthj Ya., Aug. 2S, ; Capt. J. II. Baker Sir: Fof the last seven or eight years, I liavc been severely nfllietod with a "very troublesome fonn Of SALT RHEUM, "fEoinxwhich 1 have he vei' been able to obtain, the' slightest perceptible relief from any?of .the many remedies which I have at various times applied, until I chaneeq.-io try. DK. LAWRENCE'S ROSADALIS. In hss than one month I found myself almost en tirely cured of my troublesome Abruption. Otfier meaelms of inv family huve .used it as aldooTl puMJier, with the nOst'gratifying results. ' ,j -,"5 -" i IVuly I jeun stiy of all tho medicines I" have ever used before, none have been so happily beneficial; in effects' as the Rosadalis, and I wohld most cheerfully recommend it ta the. public.and to all suffering humanity. - .'. Very Respectfully, Yours,.SC.; MRS. E. N. BOGGS,' ., .. . -Opposite. the Crawford Houte, U ! - i Consumptioiij in it, Early Stages.. can - be Cured. If. j '-libit-. , Baltimore, McL, March 4th, 1867. "Dear Dr. I a nc re nee': My daughter having lieen cured of a deeply seated J disease of the Itmgs by yoiir "Rosadalis," 1 feel it my duty to make the fact known to you for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two years with a hard cough, which troubled her day and night; at. last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the cough, told too blainlv that It was Consitvvotinn. be- "yond ctnestion, eating at her vitals. Our Phy sicians .brought no rener. hue was auviseo to'try youi-. Rosadalis, as a tonic which she did imasrine my surprise and gratification- srheuIound her appetite returning, moioly she regained her strength, ner corign ana - nisht - sweats graanaiiy ceasen, ana sne isf now, after takiug nve bottles or your meai cine, apparently as well as ever. ' ) UU19 IIBBI.'TOHUUV, MRS. E. ANN SMITH. Major John W. Dunham, one'of the editors of the ,WiJson North Carolinian, savs in the issue of the 20thOf April, 1807 : ; I believe, from personal f-rjjerience,: that- the Rosadalis is the Jlnest; tonic ever prepared.'? , r , f : ..... . ... , - ? . : K r WilsonVx. 0. Sept. i518t7; Dr. Lawrence Sir : In 18G2,l;my son, now; aged .five years?' was vaccinated --with what proved to be impure matter, which complete lv destroyed his health. He has been afflict ed with an inveterate and extremely trouble some" erupllcpr of the skin, sometimes break ins out"' In soresi- &o"..-f ROSADALIS was pre scribed by my family physician, - Dr. A. D.- jvooro. aiTeE -aasing iv n, lewiweuM my sun became aud reinjLtas'entirelyjweH. " ij . vs . - . Yonrs Truly, - .'' : J:- J. IV DANIEL. Rosadalis will Cure the Worst Cases of i scrofula.' Read the Statement , ? ,. Below, aijd,. Despair .not. , x.' : n liaon CKunxyf oem nt io- : $Dr. J. ,T. Lawrence Dear sir s My young-; est daughter, aered five years, has been drea a e. fully afiicted with Scrofula nearly all her life. I trfed a $cteart many physicians, but ' without relievinx her much-. In fact most of them said tHerQ- asno'hope of .cure. During the last Spiring she was worse than-ever, her body and limtta eingi eoflete A jrtth sores an bjotehes witb face and eyes very much, -swollen.--Whilst in this condition, I was advised by Dr L. A. Smith to try your ROSADALIS. I at once px-octrred three bottles, and: oorameneed giv ing it torber.i JTheftveffqcti wot maffioal. h -Xn es tiian a month, o wy t great astonilblnentiiifts nods entirely jtveil Iaini sir, j.: h.. :- . ' Yours, with respect and gratitude, 'j ;;, :, ,.,..r:u lWIXRNETT. I. Rosadalis is Potent Remedy in all -; .-. ... v..ChrntcMiseases,j Certificate from O. W. Blotmt, Esq., Attorney ii-.-. at Law, Wilson, N. Qr$i-i;i i 1 This is to certify that I was afflicted, with Chronio 'Infiaramatkm of the? Ear. f rom 658 tronblesome .form, as to give, great pain deaf and: the srappu. -until tnis summer, wnen 11 assumea sue a ration" and almost continual flow .of matter kept tlfaotede of .the Qrtr' badly. inanaert. I wasRfttdttftexP t4 rV!,Dr.LawreHees- Rosadi ali and - now think -I ain tfrey jettrecf, svppvrcuion nag eeasea,i ,j. can near is-- vn w ever, and there is not'thatl Itching: sensation in the ear ; which before ; iw'nch nhove t j My general health has alr been greatly improver bilioui sytatoms,' &c.j At this i season of the ear. I can eonftdentljt reeommend the Rosa dalis as an jsjcirAord unary blood ptrtyrerfS;qr I ?-:.- 1 r'v.t "GEO. W.VBLQpT; Wilson, Sept. 13th, 1867. t ......... . aj.wv. -w. ... . k This is to certify that i was cured or unronic X-irer CbmplaiiU by Dr, Itrceno.e;aSdals- xl 0 S jAlD s Hfffir havina iMw iof a long time,-and tryirlgiyarioTta 5 medicines without benefit.' . - $9P?a!'g ! cured through the use of rthesTtbsJtd-alLanf it ;vn b foHad t lieaf ty rerr liouse in my neiborAioo, aad they all praWit a artsat reeneConnty, Apnat 117, ii; K Itosadalis euret all SJkln Vlseases. Dr Mn Bear Mr'&frtsr the i tin j m' ' ti-A3 recently), 1 sntfered. with an duVettobte erwjx ! nun of sue? ttfa-nmwi litn joy ipnytneianH Tarrtr f tried sveva.l of the bent physic uins in Eri- rowj ana tuia counjtry-hft veyisitetl several, celebrated, sprtngs wehf thohands Wf 4oi lars an! feuM mr.tAM4-'4 t '- TwAtnhri- 18. lielnff in Chart eetonc a. nlt jv I WJt respired tt. jtryi tj without any hope, though, of ftrtrn?rH ahT Jgeft. I procured, a little pf Messrs. King & Cas aidy, and comtfteneea taking It. i FWdingi to my sur pi-fee that t waar improving,' I bawght faur otlier bottles hot befurecOWmiteingion the i last twp f found I w& &mpteteli weii-. the dweusahaylnLg entirely dimpnepre. .... v s Enclosed find "0e Uundrefl Dollar. t Vihlcft please aeeerrtnsLs tcrtpn rpt my $ttnstefci- nj'uoTou normaKe your invaiuaDiel!s-:' dalis widely known : ;f .-h'-JR i -U lour .sincere Friend, . . Sni1 wlirilliilnri.;v. ji : D. BARNES & CO.- 21arlRot, w Yorl GAKK, UOYK.IN & CO., 29 Hanover St, Bal- Timore, 5BfiWARE OP iTOlTJfTKFEITSIft See that J,- LAWRENCE & fed,4 tfhlown on the Bottlfe anfi stamped on the Cork ' All letters of. inquiry, &c.i promptly answered.? Adcress, t ft U-?: T int. j. jr. iAvrREjrE, Por sale in1 Wilmington bv .! : . -.V -'. 1 r V. VILLISJ " ' , -- sept2f-2-eow3m DAY & WRIGHT. - - WflSHINGTOHsCOLLEGE,J 1 1 PEU. B. E. LEE.Presiafent,M'. Aided by a corps, qf 'w:etyjXnCTctQC."fti - ' eluding a Professor of Law. V - . - ,- ' r-hK '", :'"'' THE SfEXV Sr:SIO!V TTlO RtGry i on the third Tlmrsday fav Sewtemler, and end ort the third Tlrarsday in Jvmc. i t . f. '.Lexington may be reached: lay? stage r'Ewmi Staunton Or Goshen, on the Virginia Central Railroad, from Lynchburs bvCahal. or liv ! stage from Bonsack's. on the ' Virginia anil Tennessee Railroad?' ' - " :i A ; For f ntther partiwilars, appl y to tho Clerk ui i uu i acuity ipr ataiognos. f f; :.W."v' " - . ' 1 : , : . rr- Advertise! rsA'dvertise! ! 'I ... . . i r-. - , i i THE . i r CHEMW. ABYEftTISER ; POWELL & VORLEY. The .tenrnAjhr. BtsiEss fmen tf Wilmington ai-e. informed that the. Advertiser enjoys, a larare-'cireuiatioa in tlie Easterwpart of South .Ci&oliMand the tower parr ot jo.rt.n caionua.ana ofreBS tscman m. equaled medium through which to reach coun try merchants an 4 aealers. tbe adver tising terms are so low as to she an induce ment. -'" '- ' ' --ii- ' Annlvlw WM. H. BERNARDi Are. Wil- j-mingtonj ortothe Publishers, - ' . 4 POWLL S&.WOR1ICY; :'f nov9-i0-tf ; ' j, ; : r ilCherawS. C. DRAWBACKS. E HAVE 5rOW,"-CO-tfiTE, THE Foi-ms for '"Drawback linder Iutemal Revenue Aet.-- These fc'oouiprtse n4nMltf ferent forms, all, prepared according to the For sale at the office of the MORNING STAR . oct22-3tex - - . j' - - - ' . i i a - - s i . , 1 , , b - Jv- - - .. l . . " ' :r- nilEKAn' AIVERTISEa CIIEHATT, V, c, l'uuiisnea, -vyeeiay.-Ai.-A'oweii Pi-niiviofni- ' ' ' ' i ' - ? 'WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, sept23-l-tf i j . Wilmington, N. C. X AiEicir pRor.RESH, JLI; en uaiiy ana weekly, at Raleigh, N. C-, by ixuinrie e urr, rrnprietors. - 1 r - - ' , WM. II. BERNARD, Agent, sept23J-tf - Wilmington, N. C. ORAXGEBURO NEWS, OR A?f E -burg, Si C. "Published JWeklVi';8atttix6l Dibble. Pronrietor. . ' . i -V1 -i ; 1 -' WM. H. BERNARD. Asrent. jji-j-i-u .Wilmington, N. C. ri I'.l FASlMHtO PATRIOT, QREEJfS- .VX-boro, N. C, Published Weekly, W. F. Cald well, Proprietor. , ':' ' .; , . . WM. H. BERNARD, AgeK 9ept23-l-tf ' ' Wilmington, N. a SEMI-WEEKEY JSEWS, t GOLRS ro', JS.. C., J. B. Whitaker,. Proprietor sbo IL BERNARIV Agt, Wilmington, 2SV C. ;"septr23-l-tf AILY TIOR.MXG STAR, OOLDSBO O C., PublisheU Weekly, Gfilbert JflOjPt ers, Proprietors. . t j- WiL IL. BERNARD, Agent, , -sept23rl-tf . , '- : VVlImifigtSn, N. C. CMTF.B JfEHS,. SUMTER, S. PIIB- lished Weekly, Darr 4$ Osten; proprietOJ WM. IL BERNARD, Agent, ept23-l-tf f- AVilmington, N. C TkA"'T EWS A S D WEEKIY CA- taba WatJeiuttan... Charlotte, N. C. Jones WM'H. BERXARDr Agent, - septS4.-tf . " ' '-WilmtngtoBjCL- ,t! iic.i'ii.. . .Mij. 1 1 TTESTER3T SEXTI3SEI,. PUBLISHED -VV Weekly, at 'WlnstoalJijiby George Mfliatnes,,-' - XT T5L' H. BERNARD, Agent, .'-I'M ij'.j'.oii -Tt'T" ARION .STAR. MARION. S, C PUB "iL lished Weeklyi VwiMoKerall, Pro ;"''-"Wm. It: 'BERNARD, Agent, 4f ' " ' u Wilmingfem' f STiC sept23-l -"TTTM-t H BERXAR D'S .TTtXXTWF O PUBLISHING HOUSE, TjLANK BOOK MANTJ J Sdtttft 'Water 4teet, y.ifx;a yjxctz3a-iti rNRESCElfTiJ !3AICIOX, . iiCPUB- 4rTNEir.xiiirBrT f A a- C., Ponilshea weekiy-i 'Wilmington, N. MBl NORTIX feS'ATS SAIASBURRY, i C Published Tri.Weeklynd Weekly. Lewis Hanes, IikiItorandProjjnetr;sSi--- i ; , i v 8 WiL HBERNARD, Agent, vv t sept2i-l-tf - Wilmington, N.-C. ' A 3XERICAN. STATE3TILEE--H. C r x2-Publisned 'V7eekly1vliase3ie. Ii- Craka 4 on, ntjpnetors. ' a. -.- -.. v SAJr JmEUM jEDlItKMAMCAJJJ.S . Laivrence. Wjton 'JY. CL: i s,, f f J. II. BAKER; 14 Roano-ke JLvei JTorfolk. . -" " -n iiai or ,t mill IIKI'JH. X iVt XY J -v, WM, lL, BERNARD, Agent, sept2!5-l-ff f L rrfT? r Wilmhgton, N. C I " " ,T at. -U- lJJ-ltrl AKlr, -Ageni, x t.Mo jrHaj-w tept23-i-tc ;.i,;:wiimiugtxa;3ia JpTrAs shot and instantly Jci I! rUny a : - n ;'."... i " " .'. .. ' -r-r i ' sept23-i-tr yilxningto7 lv C -r-r mmtm ii "" " - PUBLISHED Mailed, or delivered jtQ subscribers to I .FROM acht Ah IinooKiiigr lKroreM,lon and t in IMS onwe Immense T3kroijfsr-- 51. JNhMMn. : oil nurfa rtf Pifw a JCA M oi I IhsT Tor Three' awnfhst f- tlS W ashxngton, Ni'403iKfv.iiir uiisjima1)h; ' . - iionse renuereu nc tatnuw-LsutiiuwH Ao-m&ritxa nrocessioni '4 : Ir; : . - . f :: . .1 -r !riou3 arDvyllaff in tbeiiieajmntarid (airiag lbitnarii antli otUer. nrewOrks. . There . were tlrree uuiius ui music, a lutMmi tiLK)ut lour leei, long and nearly as Lincoln: which was puruaset at an ac- ion sa ft. ' ;- ' - J . j 1 i.-.i- -When the uroeessiutt arrived at the Extv nutive Mansion there was a presidential I ' eunK rThe flense ilnass 6it spectators rcr TJeatedlv called ior and etieoced theresL-J dent. Music was Dldved meanwhile and rfiitvorks exhibited. A ctunmittee;4 cBh- Tstinffoi': Cbh .--James AiiTMt.H0jt. .P iL. Albaeh ,anq UoL James O J3eime, es corted the President to the iront of ih peated cheers. ,.,!-.v- .-f-r, .t-j i j rjfi. f lx by the Fellow-citizen9 Itis not mv intention td; niake: dn'tkddre;ss:1orf hnt irhnl ir 'triTtnrlrWnn nvtr'thflAVj nr this deQntifjca probating what vour feUow-citizens have declared in the recent elections In tne Various States of the Union. -; They will appreciate your respoD8&u waaj they have done-iind. send back-jtli, greeting that the Union of tlietatM Kust be marn- tained according to tlje qrginai desigu of pur lathers. 1 conicss that 1 am gratined, but not summeck elections.' -I4ave contidence in the people. They may some times be misled by -aWTnTspirit in the , but which I have passedand maiTydf -them, God knows, nave been dark enough l whpn onr . nnnRtitution-xi'fis. irLtli utmost I when 6uV4frl?it!MinFgre as- sailed by a formidable force, and our great rppublie seemed to be, totterijsig to,its tall. unu'wuen a. mil wow vji vew? aiiy aiorts aloue to preseiv tboaeinstitdtioaasin their integrity, and to! sayJthef Veibii"frbm I1 was still hopeful I had an abiding '(fonfidence in the people :aridtWasAassured tliat tbey inf tlJeir niightv-wwuki .;xmie to the rescued f Tliey have come nd tiiank God lyJhAYe;jpnxet and , Oiat our rep-ufo-J lie maViTett be saved, D waAbut the other day that? I-officially declared, that.-tlio remedy -for the present nnhappyifcoiiiditioiri oi toe country must come irom ine peopie theinselyes. .A'hey; 'nA-'ii-f'J1' is' find how it is to be applied.' At ihe "present time they cannot accordSig to the torms ot tue constitution, repeal obnoxious laws. ' They cannot' move or. control tbi$ military despotism. . The remedy is, never theless, in their hands,- and is a sure one if hot controlled by' fraud oydraWfed by arbi trary power, or fibm -apatli y on their part, too long delayed; ? But with abiding con fidence in their patriotism wisdom, ,and dntegrity.I am still hopeful that in the end the rod of despotisnfawill W broken,tthe armed heel of power lifted from the n cks of the people, and thd principles ot a vio lated canstitntioMf esery ed; . The people ba e spoken in a maimer not to be misnnderstboHvTnk God,iiby , have spoken, for- it is npon their :intelh- gence and their integrity, that I )iave al ways relied; affd'riii 1yiffl1ifinaiitf;;; tion of the country, which was iih perilled has recently becat beSotS, tbensfofc oonsid eratioH, and it has'hadcw: life and vigor inroarted to it from is ; otieiaal toiknv 1 the peoT)ler. It coihes JjacktOitis witk re-j n.ewea -strengtn; .an.a , pwer. .pi rnow; be transjated aighj ai .tiajen writr tcn ini letters of living" ikmi)tmbol 4 of i li berty and Unions justices naagnanimjlf , ,ty and fraternity. Good-night, f , The Presidentrwa fsheerttl anrTng: the deliveTyf the speech 4tntll on its con clusion?' andif retired ; frora t; the stand amid repeated cheers and; instrumental music. Tf thft'knrtearance of Hi railroad depots can be taken as an evidence of the amount' of Cotton-tft'the-CirVfrwe should ?saytlit there is. much more ofthestapfe' here than Kp fthinninor of the Dort is able to take away. t-ftreTOlf wfS?$EuT CSwlini iiailroad ami tne onneastern: itaijroaa, looklikitwogM:trd lilies "of drayiOTipl iJPWngHAUaj transporting the ba4ea4d epressesiluid) wnarves,r vrutneswTf Mprcirv.v . negro bikn hi9 moig ha be aischarg ea lromriiaeryice iox caccsv! xr "hundxedn dollars jeewttd vhas jbeen.-i n5red f llleferring to bldB4aadek,deir tion that he wtrnt? ac;r-otv trbm negro Isjufia- Efra'f e,T fUeNetr IY ork Timet says Jael see Rb L.k..- b.wii vww. ...... navins at the result ii4erecct 4Myy.hJiiMidnbting tuouths of tlieir prophets, out never per-1 right. PirhM S&mihi ' nSVfmff-Hanm: tafetr ta the tJior. ,ri ? ; - s . - , first Christian marriage, in wnoiiaBwaiccriiiK i o 1 'Tb first tof!.!i JadsTA Biilin-i32S ir2t ilia l . . cue uu huuiuoisis iu al. ;a. as iub . " TJij?.1 V .tea O'c jt- and erbtfQ T The Rev.ThonSaa tlxker the wi f ; Safty-uo Years. His church, jrasboti - where taenT-w,Ute-i' 'rra iana, aica in iofi. a pncpai oraaci, :j t. ' of his iamilT went o,WetlM?rscekk wherar - .-I "the familv name still itourilios.' . Gone and WliallCVi 'the" Irt2"icw.- SWiT in, renn'& nrsl uwty Truninaluiij- in 1682. Elihtt .EctftrfiP: - - n . fr-i t . mi-, ii r " Gecv UfieJnicdCbjUed,pfe ' arrived In thts conntrt iri 174:0; iJC. r ia'i?is3rttr' wixiwvporson wCTo exe- 4V- exrcritnen"12aFrai&t' ' n .Ieter "ndolpii,6rst..iesident of tno . n Bee andl Badger4 fiholtaanl ilZid jiz. 1 T m rniiaaeipuuia pi ye iow ievtT ' v PrtafelweseAf mJridglXa1'' j intrddufeedihe iaediftatikii. "p- ' into tne:Unir8tas jm7?o;vp; tu that -4i4xi-de,v t onto ILnny .'orl cont tr u;rKiT. nrnicr" trrr. . some1 lonely place to t&Ke tueir-tiianccs 'ot;; ";"" living oer'dying -tinss tacthod ,-iojD pro J ventingBBjttpof ilias arf liUr-t'lr.iit " George AYasnington pied jjlsiTp uged. f, son? was : a duel Thomas July18' in -T78V,fie woii-oi jvxaryiana,ewa9 tn Bw1s4arf esl onaJ charge trayU ; ut iboititie jsujtea vuamiitoa iiaf-fr Jefierson -and John ACIams uied- , ; ';'ThetWagto4 . says Jj iL'Mbfpls E4.f)(tot; of -pt i? per in Tcas. to"mYrniftgrcak;df afejthrv, a War Department, aiwl .iad ah..' interview.'. V;. ith Gen.-QrantiDuring.1, ttia'converWi tion!3tr:KM31d(thfXje t'XJC UCUU1 ilU AiJ OWVWWU IMA'i V vv VV,V .JT i. Be wou'd be elflcted.. Gen vranx., in,.me-7i : diately turned the- cdnf rsatkt to ahotlaerA '.' ' sribjectfa'M 'Jtorpliirgainfxbrgtfgutu tne snrjaecxfo jEa r-reHjeny, , ana..aia.--f cft dejL jto want to rynj yon for, y dent, and I want to know, what F tan sayVV,., . when I iturrf Wiife Geiiraht replied' '! ' u Say nothmg;iiK?avt;miU4a - A Black WorliingTnen-s: ruvtltloTfii- ; The Ke' Orleans Creiee vnctlccr! ' . if a,u WorkmcCrventiion to meet irr fev . xsew Mrieans on inejiowi o vnext montn,- and cdntain delegafes firenjr; LoQiiana.' , i r, AJabaiuaMissifi The' Crescent says " The membus if tLi W association are u rcspwawGtiorea KQ5i4ti A, raised in. thie ShadolnnmeaA'daimswtfi ' "Oil inteltiDce,d:-inoimation,VXt- iavt- their earnest desire ijfrjiVjffcdpw fbtj.'nbh'f it. ientidri of .tueirr -brethren Ifronvthfe 'raid?' reasonable,sefnlVtodt"ptable.;cu A wet ago we arguea"tuat toaeris would bWtabmnffotheDenio'ratarJ loner leader settmsr mail's 'bpibions aiildicatell. hf'hu"-ClAZ andv hislEttecaTirilt proves fatift?ri!y that he entirely agrees with Miv, Johnso as to the status of the Southern Btatesiandr . .. . . JT . - . s. - . -.. V -t. i - - leaves luu iuxcicum w uianu MiiM xie is hosteid the 'reconstiiictiottUajrc of i.t Fmtal StaltiBS ADir In Torfrtllr. ''AU3der"'CSri'was !found 1ronVlflVt3 niL alwntTS b'eloclk, tying .cl:ad in th b gutter, iiritirhjagnlar.rreiii cu UsLzy JVamer was fopnddir- r car ;with,a a; a bloody .his Jiapd. . He . was. y-rv 1 . drufik. bumatfed that he' killed Carter'in7. J selWeien(iCarter a'Unifed CMiL madnW WAtittrpedVjn -"je, TUnjoa- rmy thronghontthe .war.; He b-asbeen-w vxanuuea uy. iiiayur ajuuiu.w. pm eui oa MM- u lat. 'T- to runfor rcside&t'againstXpi,nrrntv X esterday s , catonat unimioenccr comes, out in a loner &&ei'tettnxH6n& T:Att-Tai !Tli. mA-olirl T! -'pnlAr trt.flav Urge . theeoii-jjf CT'lajdif s t pl&ce-toj- 1 -(hiiidii,'jRnd' taya','tbat .prpmiceat, Z joaei' agree tb' ereS t gran d ' l. -ipTet to-1 di . f Altcniai: r cc -zty i .yrtW: .S1