At ...i, ,.la The' tleconstruction i Jcavvat! jr to -d a J adonted a mcmf .lal to ( .nirreSs jraylnff tbr ma j snA i'S or; ice. j i ; City p Wn.siiJraT .Serti 30,i8G7. f removal of tbe cotton t xr and .liat all taxe: i n?-?'. -h-Hfotice Is I irehy givct thai ; by paid since the 4A bejsjhindei lib' virtde of Ordinance reeenJfy en-: of y Dally Newspaper: in tho-' J expressed at the late election; there are to w', state, wltlf&HCIr, an4 daily ; e further prosecutions for the violation lu iue pruuuucr. ;-yiTO'qraE filing stbahsiiip xsr " .... ",. N6.J7 K6rlll f ofit Street, 1 SSL .to raise ja special committee to inquire into s .Nortfcarolli -. v ' , .... , .;7,.5 -,..r: T44f - I. -,; ,:.-., , jif Thelatesfc dvieelroininaeBot-tlirow- 43- uunnlv Of PTTRE MEDICXXES, CHEMI TYE BTCTF Fa,TPEBFUlttKKX, BO Ax's, i'l X3Hiol6bv lw.Nol&iV BUtBHES,-FACT; AKJLESftc. etc. WOXESLE" JNI RETAIL DEALERS IN f Tow is our auTino"yuiAKKWfcM4uviTi-i'3 j leavewbarf foot of ChesnutN MrS1 WEDNESDAY, Novesabef 20th - treet a For Freight engagement, apply to A?ent-at jCiionMJn Wttfvnm WW? Writ 'Ym? Nor: IS 5-p ' Ish-kek froW- mtolVJlV I) II s Orieto leu Charleston for Iew, lorK in wiahitiff nrescrintions comnounded atnikht will please call fttmy residence on Se- ' ," , " ut. i statin; .th&tiinf ac rdci vi'y Saturday Morning," Xoy, 46,; 1867' mi .Wios-xcbi headqi rtersrCt ia - . . .. . . .. I nfitftd. no COWS will be permitted to run at , An ordinance was passed, i , 1,1ei m" - county of Jones, created b? the last Crista-ftoS ntTie Btr 1 ' " ' dap 3.7tf V, .-''-' :- tate; .'frais:;.:.. ' V-?U .... . . r.iArtv SPFdRu I I I mm wmm mm Prescriptions accurately and neatly ., . T ' - T UlfO IT lrn - our authorized ArtRt,Wm-?w, y -J aA- AnPTit. lit. T.rrt-nli-Yi lj A rent at CttaW-4 authorixeamgenra : AjMTit atTiisonit-Mrii authorized Affent COIISERVATIlte TlOKETi OSCAR X51;R5LEYf i M GCLOi,:OM7Sf0ATCHWEtL; k RemenibeK that all "who. voie fevr, 'dele- . that the jidlamef printed f pa ihe;iieV'T( christianiiainesrdesignkted by Initials only Trill rnfrnfcf ' In th "Jrruilof eerday .e Bnfthe Satchwell, and lAEreema4sjQoii Berra'ti th anclidatdSr for ;the ConvdntloA , from- thfacdunty, raiT'aMouacei3cnt tne yprit.i5ays,ri maqe, at Jtna rpques a .noxnbfef'iriDf i 6mi$imirgb&tei 1 thon?h xithout the knowledge of ttecen : publicp of their jRao)e;of;te)gei he'trther 1 Will the apprpvitli orialleCOjttxeBlxf'' .the .tunj ' wfeliiii, fihauclr itas; the "cennien ark" fi1ivof3 'cititensf :aVdtteii!et! fiutjsUnce apd character.. It can po lonsfer '! islvpfftftfl ma it hns..: rwn4. fVint- nlnrfnl men. syhile' beinG;,-complained of by the whitea-are hbt'allowdd Wopprtunity'to ; how-JbieirfeeUngs'-tgwfds.t inas- mnci .aff jio'meetiriga are held,, and nd can idies.put Dp -by - them ??The cwlored - saen of New Hanover Jnave now aiioppor- iunity to. Jrot6: for three" gentlemen,; well fcnowti to theor for many years, who have ererheld ooirtujalofl5ce.-and,'wh6 onfrht ..... . ' . w bftl' riP.rhans. na httlpnririnTihni f rv trirt . . .i -i? ii. . a . - mi . v ; is Preseuted. t them i select these nativp a e,negroes . navoj larga inajopty jm a we county, ana 11 tno'came trriranization . . - . . ..... :jandl:ie!'jBain ; absolute subordlnatioil to,, the . leadcxs. tucue, cjuLst-. ui .(irgmiay clectBmifeYtjiegr to there is a yeryiarge nmberif j the bfetter '..p they. woiUd.nmn rBli'4$ doing so meth;theyya'bl'Vd thi idea orsnotj,aid how long t would take to vote both on-the ntcstion of, Convene .-mvw yuc)i.i(i4)(.o .Maj-KSy-rf : if Inn niri iftai' ; -. under existing tnerstthisethoa,em fo ui'ii.Ii J..';.-" . '. fWsfi. t :0te pira Tventthnor Against ". a fTAnvphtlhn ' 'i.l ii .V f j.j fv ;- j . W ft BlinnnOft thaw mill.o nn ao nvraaa at the: ccmnty Jjyth&Candidate we do 'not know that a-cairrass isesira u i ble. We hope haTevervohe. not disfran . convention isjield, mavybfi r spared ie;disgustingbtxmiUtian4d nums Brctacifiiiiotley aaaei&v ww'-i' irki.irciV.v .Tfv'H zauon, ana the enliffhtcnsd itstrhliA , PntJ ; !r menv oi me v asre.:vvve-twnfc the.r ' s viw'iivtri''' jyviuwio auawmeai 01 xue . en tun a good sign to see the TWwe warning "--' '"-,..- 1 v i ....... , i-i7!tfCjt;'lji- already! !sa?en observed hyihe: Goyenicio;jlSa4 tlemen' tavB?yleldedtheir assent, knI i'tis conEdentlV exbecte'd that it citizens to go to the ConventioB, of"'of se lectin tie ticket Jf pdicats: ' and else where, ifthey vote is a solid-tiody lugciucr lur xwiuicai nominees, we 8Up- si "rV'vh i ;-'-f ? 4' J 'ft; ,? pose, of cour,thosa jionjineeai ihe ty should vote as he would-really "like 1 Vbte?ffierlslvo1afI Miu murv iniemgent negroes 01 mefuonn i ty wo?fi1heV?n ( overy opposed :extrteeT!radieali'sm h.,:JL2bVfet:3tl:itr.thV 'v.''' ' ; '.fbi:ir ,,!ftf rt, , . . ogs.;;:.- liz- : iegisiaUon..tUiaa tfLttax. The sale Of he 800 shares, in- the Dis rceniDer.w r i"w K1 1 Tf li efJiAi ifcrt-rAJJr It IS Statea tne entire. Corps ot Civil ed by military authority, and Northern ? l nlLLf . jL i .,v:-vr-1?' 1;''- 1-11 vn i 1 The fteedmcn's hospital m Raleigh, hilder chaTsre or Dr: Uhatiin: has been dis- f -v-rft-iK j,T5i f !fvt' i m - if;i; ' rIw W. Martin is the Conservative can-1 didate in Cateret county 'for ' the Conven- f. ; .ui.-' i f r i ; ; r tion. f! ' ! i 1? n j - J v ' I some notoriety. in this State just -previous r to the war, is the Republican. , candidate I. for the ConVHrition ill Oransre. i - - A CbL. and Lieut "Kendall; post Qtiartemas-1 toriqus services, j-'.! -a . : . :,., . j ,; , i . ; ... . r I ' ''"'ll Xw'U-1- :.'."L;' Y3XT ' t -f I V IjtY ftlT A TTT. JL X" ' X 1 li I. J 1 JVJXVH.X AXj -TO THB lOROTHG STAR. v JSOOX REPORTS. . From Wasbingrtoa. i t 'f - r Washington. Nov. 15. It is confidently stated that the committee on the Kentucky elections will report unfavor ably against all the Kentucky representatives ..? rr -ix, . nwiii. tt i. ,!T:?A;'U ;G. B. Crittenden, who commanded; the Con- federate force' at the battle la which Zollicof- fer war killed, but afterward took, no i part : in ne reoemon, iSvpanaoned. i . 4 . ; ; . Italian adYices sav that. the feelinsrs asrainst I the French amounts" to furore. Precautions j have een en against an outbreak which is hamtnetotfe'' rf i r 1 1 s r t 1 f-apn aravifas CksRvatiTf'ai Williams, jssq.; b,me; len renominated .-.tnr J nK lIe?u j . - , - - . , I U1VO aA3DV? A V taTV U V IU U-MXTUW TVaVk. W V Ff J 1 . W : , . ; y m Swamp Canal, lelotigih to the Gov- hfW I - . .. . . I toi Major Qompton. commandant of the quire thef services of citizens for the necessaryj '' ' '' ' '- - " " 4ost.oi jroidsDoroT. nas been urevetea lit. f v Y w i-' i--':1" Lt"' - w wuaw,u:i'UB? wicicicv Instructions are bein? issued as to the , man- -i' . ? Aoamona jrrencn troops 1 are going: from. J wrs.:,, ; ..v) -i a ; -Toulon to Clvita Vecchia,. ijutazzi has joined : --f f nf and established three camps. ' 'iOaTiDawi is sun conn nea in Florence. : The NewJHampshire Democratic Convention nomihatfi&rl4 Sinclair for Governor. V-l -.yfc U"V ivw. as. corni wmi ae .. Port firm at 2i I suffrage Is carried.. ,,', ' ' 12i. Lard and Gotiee firm. Other! Groceries Coffee .wassold: at 'auctipu in PhiladelpTila quiet. , Spirite Tdrpentme 5254 cents. -Rosin 1 ' i : rklil Knmmaw . . . t i . 1 Vnrt.h Carolina ritus fiT-connrtn. RlU iinA , ..: T t No4ecount's of meteora in ) other ! parts iOixf"H 'i-S&Z'i S'i f lui rone.'have . been received in- Itndnn. . .... ,. i 1 n An rnntion of lifoim Ven vln h4 tA-n poo4,Nov. t5-Noon. eweek 60000 bales, in- Cotton-sales' for the lndinjr 10.000 'export and' 2.000 speculative: mg pillars ;of. fire, ' Ai jiew ctater has been 1 Cotton nasettled sales of 2,700 bales. 'Mld- fprmfed; 'The earth tremblingRedhot stones dling Qrlean lTt'.c.ents.' Receipts 4,037 bales. ejectea, ana iavanovenng' over we-, , swes on exports i.,vou oaies.. sales of the week ine craier.!.,1 wandrupwon 1a unmment.T ,1 oaies. neceipis w,o naies. Jixports 4 ' Bullion in, the Sank or.Iaace,naS increased j bales. Stock 51,827 bales. Suear ;l,000 LO0O frahes: ' ; r ;t ;:t: Centrefuganif cents ; 'yeildw clarined lS.cta.; Li m .i,..,:,. f. j Tii.Wi v4i ... , Molasses unchanged. - ; , I 1 ii'iFo'relffnltorkotaiKrv !-.-,' itziJLz. -Is rt j Jdh V' V,wVU? s 'LoiobOn. i?ov; 15-Noon.i- i ' v.'tr ; Cftarleaton; Slarfeet. J . v- 1 1, : : Market dull; ; With a'4eclinesifd. ' MiddUng : UiU, "v -Upland iai Orleans El toferiin tiand f ' . "'hf A 52,00a balesi teeinding. 17,000 Jlnierksan ..h j c - -itArx ? ii " . .. -. ' a ' 1 Market verv? stron? !a&dlarf bnaineiia aopQafceajl 1r- ipflfiu(,M it -i Iv j. ..ii .. ., . w - -.. - ;o8. o . " , 7 . " " ' 7 , r ' -w Court tc4aylt adiourued "tilHhgSth;: wheii Mr i i in vis' t.jai?tiii liAmmKJi . tomorrow. To-niirnt ns win bunfoapnt.ttha understood tluhiU:notWi?reseSrit naerstood that he wilLnot be tyresent."at Mr Flour 10 ce Tbrttultr Fork dulL Exports -tifka bales. -S'toek 26,227-bWes." 01 SS V W1M Cotton quiet afl cents tot Uphtftdgi Spirits ..v -s -s.y f r''wv :. -;talitt8 ' .Cheap at j. aU:-jf.J5;rft Pw':hi ':-fij?.')!M.;V -it-ifrg ,:AyA?iNAaVNoY?15.-TjNE:ASSOBTME5TorClES?Fi i;1fWtfVw wlr5rVTa4r' v votton; dulIWddlings 15i;i Cents. s Saies jC :N1SH1NG GOODS, at ' -,ii'.. ;'.rt.;t: In w nuuuuiii. ucic'Les il inR Tiiftim rnmnri ijatuimii nith .- Um. ;j w-ji i s .-. -ii. .; ,- t--s ; - .. . . . . t - - . . - - vv oeatrttetiYo PlYiS.ycW M'S? araiwHus oi 'notnmg with norses. v J fl flrtllTh y?tr Clmt stmcvljrfe ncstoW'aii Wally talked of mHyrff thaiiw-e itJSftfltf sSdtiraEsrir Is factory a. larp-e nnnntitv iZZrJ JLJZl ourseuan uaas oes,aDoui; poiitjcsvior-i 1"? AUWt'A b.'?? "i t s Ir? IFVfo ?Ubbbsl ssa Several 1 he 1, ..i , . z.:r,z U '; r,'-u,i.,,I.i;t. i.;a; ir:teilTfthe-d-4ies . r-s --t . - ... .v:....:: - :-. , - . . - ' ........ .. . . . . ....... . - c.'. . - . - - -- . : 4. . t. . v . .... ...... - - e .. j .- . . --. -..r . r. nl Rtove her nnnar works, when she was I aftandonea. -'xb vessel nsa ave te: i water i rpocam WhiMnt R-t. frnmMllBm,Mmtfit :rA ninth inclusive, amount to, tteree million three UHndre(i and slxtv-six. thousand dollars. Rev- L! imrtrriT; 2V WiBet.Bession Gen. , Grant was present dnrins the entire ses-J sion and remained wrth the- President aner adjolirnnient. n 'f: ;,,t .s. . s. m 1 1 onn - ano K"co- u- ""A wno uen roi- l.ard in Baltimore yesterday,' are here. The; f were bailed in.the sum of hree thousand do ! AieTknderifatenhfm win 'address the 'rtti-' the clt fn.3 of N'York bv invtation, on diUon ofitheontaJii CV i.ti ; frJ the con . The Democratic majority in New I York, by i , Jrom .Charleston. J , ;BT Order of Gen. CanUvrJaU Sheriffs are to uslcrhimLof defliquent tal payers, make returns ner of conducting the elections. :. ! Blectlons. f-- From Sllssissippi. i ' Nbw Oklbaks. Nov. 15." ' The RepiMiean says that returns from little more than half the state of Mississippi show .that nine thousand more than a majority of .1411111 uiuc wuvueaiiu mure mwi luajuritj Ul persdnsegl4etcdiiae toted 6a, theConven, tion question and: says the remaining counties will increase the majority, as in some counties the opponents of Conveutioov voted It says that in the part of the State heard from unre constructed voters stayed Vway from the polls. uniy one .conservative delegate is j known to be elected. - Anions those who took tbe tump in favor of Convention Was Hon. A. J. Brown, Ex U. S. Senator, ;ahd Gen. Alcorn, Senator elect. The Vicksburg Republican advocates the dis- franchlsemcnt of thwse. who did not vote. . The Tims denounces Gen; MOwer'a appoint-, mcntof R. King Cutler to the bench of the Second District .Court. Cutler is denounced and ridiculed by the entire press. From Florida. Tallahassee. Nov. 15. The election is passing ttf without disturb- ance.; lho result for two days in Leon. Aiadi of which nlYHrere Dolled bv whites, and : : ! - 'Trr - v :-;.;.K..r' m; 7 jBahimokx; Not. 15.- Cotton dull at'17l18 cents. Flour dull and unchanged. ' Wheat steadv. Corn active at yesterday's Quotations. Oats dull at 5T174 ecnU. r Kye 5i535ct3. . ' Provisions very dull, tLard active aiLLtf&13i centa with sales for ex-. W A .je' : f - -: New ToawNov. 15. Cotton lowers-sales 1.918 bales at 18 cents. Flour Active Stote . $8 50(a$l0 40 :L Southern 10 15$U 2& Wheat hea-v-Jo. fl $ 2 2f . . . ' . ' -3 " " ' ' . JfOW Orleana Market. 12.900 .755 Louisiana 11 Cotton. ttve, 4bBteclmedcent.Sales lP??ales iReceit) W1W bales; MiddUngs i?ii7 cents, i r ; l j i . i AnsnistajttarHet.1 . , Augusta,-GA.,N6v.t5, OO ?1 Kola PoAflmfa Cotton' actlve-r-sales i;i4 bales. K Middling 15i15 a4. inobile Marliet- l Jff !trjAi 4 : " i . 'jyjiBi ,AK.vunw.iii Ax ,Vne5!Bfilaldalefci tne 25th states' that the UUJB- v-.-.i,- r- ivipw. i a u y v a iff a -. ai aw i s - m. - . -CottenJsalea-of lbaleaiMiddingat WlngT l V4A"T t-euuj. neceipi i,oouroates caies ior l. - iJW5TO?W r. , ivuuujii. ami. - mancneaxer "mffvicea ? nnra.vftr.,i i : .:;-.'-.?--i. i a '-r- ft'Tr, iZrv7-7T",TT: "Tirn. r?tr"r"T ' sent23-l-tf ...'f?:?- . a - . . . : i ',.-, The attention ot. ne, business &? Publid isf respectfully Called to i the a larger local eireulaUon.thanJjas.eyej Cached, by 6fof :newspapw;stabllshed irtli M Uernard,' Priritcif r & ;t PUBLISHER, AKD : GENERA! AD NAMETAL .PBIOTING executed in the best .style. My TYPE PRESSES and MATERIAL are almost ENTIRELY NEW. and inv WORK- with my Printing and Publishing House, I have , a COMPLETE BOOK-BINDERY, in- MAqHNE.:. ,d s Call and see specimens. gept23-l-tf t - - new' advertisements. WILhllHGTOUfTHEATRE: 1' LAST APPEARANCE OP . SARGENT, , if1. ; 1 o4 Tickets onlj - - J; '- ;:.;.,;.-; -;;35 nAUilnll UJj B W. P. CXYDE JUST OPENED, A Ladies' and- Misses' Morocco Polish BalsJ Misses Goat Polish Bals., I JSUSSeS 15 UH JrOilSIl XSaiS. . , Cliildrens' Morocco and Goat Pat. Tip I POT TClTJr "p A T Gl I i "V. y7J-i-T-.- rH0.' I AT T TTDCT fiT ACC; nnATkC t v.r,i;.V.y'frMr J.M. WALKER & CO., Exchange Corner, Wilmington, N. C. noYl242-tf . . - V-'-" ';5ii-'-IV COAL! COAL ! Best Quality Bed Ash STO"' STOVE COAL. S r Delivered promptly in any part of the city STEAMER COAL Best quality, in lots to suit. For sale by ... v O. G. PARSLEY & CO. nov2-35-natf . ' , V Candy, Cheese, &c. BOXES CANDY, - ! ' " cheese, - ; ' aniblsi CRACKERS. , 1 1 I l"TFrei esh from Steamer, at ' ' ' - GEO. MYERS. . : novl545-tf V H andl3 Front StreeU a A FEW BARREkS JTJST BECEIVED. ' IT OA . .. ; i JctuxxiUK ana uiiKKKfc. jf or saic uy CANNON. STOKLEY A CO.. - ovl544-tf yj I No. 4 South Water st. I . I VI M:: T I ---Vr 1 ' J ? . t erira BARRELS FBESII STOUf E ,yUU LIME, just ' received, and for " "WOKTII & DANIEL. ' novl543-lw .n :r-? f- -, - i'JOUI?a r- ;.-v.,r.if;, 1 - . . u .' -i. vC-V,''' f xTTTR T. A TP.RT '"WnTrp.T.TV THE LATEST NOVELTY mi - U TTJ Tlm TTX flUUa I. -: . j -... . ' dJ WDi) , AJS U. I .U V X A. IT AX ,1-1 aVsuB?.1ftsJ, maae ut at our Jiianuractorv. now onen. , - r , - ; t l ,' - ; , : ' ' x i : "' 7-: m.7':h -.?f . J:: v! CORNER 3 io OFFKIt TO WHOLES AX: v BttEBS at -NEW YORK PRICES, an extensive iiiui wr -AND- ij-" .i.t. i"' . i-.l ... Domestic Dry ;.'V., - in w.JiABia.F 2,000 pieces Prints, covering all tfci6 rrige Of prices. . ' ;' .. : -Y- Oo pieces Bleached Shirting aftd Sheeting at 8 cents to 25 cents. T - ; j 100 bales Brown Cottons, all the gradC'sj' in eluding a large lot of Fayetteville Manufac-' ture. .'ly'r; :'"'"-"; -v-' ;Vr ''';.; ',;,' Best make of " Cotton Tarn,'" by the bale, at factory, prices. ; . 100 pieces Fredericksburg Cassimeres. 5 bales Charlotte Cassimeres, low grade. " A full Stock Of ; ' ' 'V Selected especially with" a view to meet the demand of : . - .. .. . .. ,. 'I : COUNTRY DEALERS. i iHi ti'. iiiij r ii. fill Ci --iU ' sii-ti) t Thirty years experience in the Dry Goods trade ; a life-time study of the wants of tlie Soutnern people j Dry Goods being our spe ciality, gives us superior advantage In that line oyer pveY those who keep a " Mongril Stock." ' : . : RETAIL BUYERS, Will find with, us,' at all times, a full stock of Fancy, and. Domestic OUR LARGE CITY and COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE compel us to . ' ; Renew Our Stock Weekly. We visit, .ourselves, the i Northern Markets tiifrnthrrr ntirt-imvo TVrlATrt a a: j '-T f. f if Re sidentBuyeri Consequently our;, customers' can always pro- cW.fr6TO'thS-W prices. "We thave introducod a new feature in the Southern Dry GoostradS tnat .??; . Ail I AbMblA of honorable and t i'-j ;. I- '' i ft. daughters as have been ved of the means of support by the late war. Our XrpS bf'lMiStantg, Ladies ' and gentlemen, will be found cour- tous,3olitejartd attentive to all. Buyers visiting Wilmington are invited to give.usa call. , 5 1 WUmington, N C, Nov. 9, 1867, , . 23-tf 'it : 15 ITbds. CLEAR AlTD BIB SIDES. K " : SHOULDERS (Bait, cured.) 30 " rails MILY LARD (choice.) aovlMStt v li and r2 North Water Street. r rpHE FINEST WI3TES, ' ' " . CHOICEST FAMILY SUPPLIES. , ,-.1 : . ' Of every variety GEO. MTERS ; y pxvJ545-tf CIlAS. D. MYERS, Agent. uoods, Staple (Goods Thus opening, a new field proflteblei etoOjmcto, 1000 tmMm$wii Ti'or sale from Store and wnarf. atj lowest oash hrierbvrt ir '' t,-'t ... .!'!, .:.- . . -104 Wall Streei Express. . Steamship LE FOtVEl Ofnmander. .... . . ... ... TTTiEE . ARRIVE 4 ttEfiESBAY, TV 13th, and leave ar wharf, between DoVt and Orange streets, for the above 'nnrt It FRIDAY, aoveinber 15. f Port, 0ir For freight or Passage, apply t6 ' ; '- : -4 "'&c5CTH;:DAre : Agent in Jfew York,.: , ; ..- n6vl4-3fts ;;'J4MfSAND;: BALTIMOBE & -WILMINGiTON '. .trEEKETl 6TEA&lTii EIJfE.- ' T Ervl'.I RST, GLASS S T E Ail SHIP jB"1 TT, S. IIARItlXGTOX, Cotnmader, WIUrLEAVE OtJIt WHARF, 1'OOf Of. Prineess. Street, for KRitimnv.. u SATURDAY, Nov. 16. r 'i npowsra-uiiisor uiaing given boston; W'-w .A v ' -' FOR FREIGHT ENGAGEMENTS, Apply to & . , ATIONSON SHEPPKRiSOv , nov9h37.ts 11 and 12 North AVater St. Hi" -i ' .4. ;.t 'm?. ' i f '' ''..- inKv ' f,.". . .. . Wilmington Regulator, jyfj4 Y : tBE TOVlSn DRY 6OIS A PRICES OFylS37. - -1"'- ' ; -f ' . DOMESTPIG GOODS. 1 'S'"' & COTuTEETE' STOGL . ; . - ' ,-.' ,. Good Calicoes at O l-4cBfs Belr ' : Cv' at 8 and 12 i-S Blcaeucftiliilfliiigs at J-4 cin. " : j.-.i'.'j- '." '' ,;' -: ..i ' " ' ''' . Browii,; Goatt)TESl' A SPLEWDID STOCK, ; '.':' ' AT. PRICES THAT CANNOT : 43- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN .call and examine our extensive stock before purenas- 9&V t-'v. .... . .''"Si'i5 Hi," 'i:'n v." ' B etl FrontTahci Srecond Sts. novl444-tf j V 0 w US D ALE JU.13 DSSOai- JT'T J. !WW :?-;V'V'--V: f''.S; s .'''''- ' Tont ean buy better goods for less money st w 't'ee'th'it any other place f Byjhereyoa 'can "buy Cheapest, is an old saying jansa Front Streetf is the place. i: WegTiatantee'tOTjwyeHrti any- one. whcuwill : examine our. stock and priee3.';i-.v-.i;-,, y.v.---.-.-??t,i.j.r " sKiii .TivGEOiir.'-FItENCn & son, - i ;. i &OYlt4Mf , i . . sNorth J'ront Street. crd" Ccniniion Merchants. a -3 rY'-T, . ' SHOE?