1 IP- ft f T "J 4 Tie Y J- Friday Kgrnip ffby. "22, ' 1867. Local fclreulatloiJ LARGER than that f an DalirJrwlmPer in tu State,ritK a lr;nl daily; yv? increasing circulation . j ; .-; ; intfe country. ' ' j- Advertising? Rate lower than those of any Dally Newspaper In Korth Carolina. - -,r-r. - ,, , - -. 1 . ' jB JSX iST Ji. IEo ZD, Editor aftd Propr ietor.fi v Aeent At Xanrinbur8T.Mr. rWM.H..' Mc . Lauki" is ;our authorised Agent at Laurin- . burg. '.v,. ,r ::,.., i'w-: . '"" VAvetteville '" Agent. Mr. Isaac . Hol mkgswori3i4s the authorized 'Agent of the Stab ataye,ttevillo, . , , -,. Aeent at OoldsooroMB. P.. V. L. Hut ton is our-authorised Agent at Goldsboro'. Ase'nt at Milton. Mr. Jf. J. Joses is our authorized Agent at Milton, vspt f ; ; : a Miiii t UnartsVille. Mb. L D. South- ERLAKiaour authorized Agent at Kenans ville. . . . t at "Warsaw. Mr. D. G. Morisey is our authorized Agent at! Warsaw s- ,. Agent at tnmbert on. CoL N J: A. McLs Ak is oue authored Agent at Luniberton. -, j Aent at Clinton. Dr. A. M. IiEs i3 our authorized Agent at Clinton, N. C. 7; C s 1, Agent at Wilson Mr. H, E. Bextok Is the authorized Agent of the Stab, at Wilson, N. Ci Aeent at 'Shoe lXeeliJlr." AtExi. Mac R ae! Jr.v i our authorized Aget at Shoe neel, W. 0..&K.K,Bd. .. . . .v , , . :. SOVTU CABOIKTA EJiECTIOX.-; The returns from South Carolina possess a melancholy interest.,- They.simply show that the whites, crushed in . spirits, and powerless in numbers, have remained away I from, the polls, while the ncgroeswitn, the discipline of tried political veterans, have polled almost .their entii e strength, and ? voted of course, " for a Conyention,1 nd for, negro delegates, or ior tnose not so honest as themsalvcs The South Carolina Convention will be another edition b? that jnbw assenibled in the State-iof Alabama.; .Radical and pros1-' criDtive inrcharacter, its members will not be scrupulous in their legislation, and will . ... . do nothing that will - not add' to the hu- miliation and degradation ot the unfbr- tunate whites whose destinies they will control. All Ihat is "Contemptible in in tellect and vicious in morals will De ai rayed against the wealth, the virtue, and the mind 01 ooutn Carolina, aoo ignor- anto see that their lease of power must 1 be jshort, the degraded wretches, drunk with the .excitement of sudden elevation to power, will make the capital of the State thev misreuresent a errand theatre oi poll- tical debauchery and'prostitution. But, thank God, i the time will. come when the actors, in 'this iniquitous work will be hurled trom power. . rncy may oppress they ; may t degrade they may tighten the vokc on the powerless white men of South Carolina for a time' ; but when -the recoil ' does conic (as it surely wij.l), it will deal its death-strokes right and. lef t. .. The. tyrants who now lord it over a defenceless people will find that to " reap the whirlwind " of crushed hopes and bleeding; hearts is something more fearful than they now imagine. Those who 'give no : quarter in the' moment of victory can expect none in the hour of de feat. ? A just God, in -the inscrutable dis pensations of His providence, may seem to abandon the cause of "the oppressed in the hour of their deepest agony, ' but let ,tbrem cling the more firmly to His pronii ,8es, and all will yet be well. j TruthT crushed to earth " will rise agahi, ine eternal years or uod are hers ; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, JWe have not heard of any dis- . - , .. . 1 cnarges oi negroes oecause tney oteu tne t ' .e .-' v ... ' . . Radical ticket ; ..but we hardly think 'any of our people can be bullied into retaining in their -employraeDt ' any man, .white or uldck, 'whom .they may wish to discharge, r2 x ":'Z'--.-V ' ' , . 1 x ia oiimaiea dj a newspaper or inis.ciiy that something terrible is.to b$ done 'with all who may discbarge negroes for the reason above given. The name of Capt. Allan iiuthenorcl, bub. Assistant Uommis-1 sioner, &c.,i is'-? mentioned? in connection with 'the' bombastic threat feferredi to ; and, if the Government has not taken the action intimated, .we think he will do Mmself,ras the-representalive of J the Gov ernment, injustice inmot contradicting the tatement. J':'-3X .s " -, , ,, fciT, At the election in. Charleston, on Tuesday ho . a! vote Jwas cas against C6nvehtion.Ur The total yoteti for Conven tion9 was ,441,- of which but thirteen werewKith. The registered white tote of the city is 84flt:lJi3lt0eieen ' that there areotnanyi wite Radicals in Charleston, city that hw "within its Jim- ' -ltS ' & IftlVfl nhtfi hA'vAf Vni4ti am 'Ui m T ' : I. v v1 1UI U1U IX lUElJ. This sore on tbbody. politic will "come to a head," ere long, nnder the 'influence oilrtljem poniryativ : "camnt&XiiAX u V;ift' ' ; ;,vOrrupilOJl'Ltia. tormino rftnirlftr.s nnrl until the lancet of reform can be used, we must bear the.pain. dr The New! York! ifcraW -has -dis- coverea M;.p.eproes7 are . not J eligible to . Congress ;- They did noSenie citizens, until ine issuing or the emancipation pro- ; xtamation ineptember, 1862No ojiea .C eligible ttxa itt: qu - of : -: sr.vMii Prtt-a; m v v, rr.C; o.JaA.il; xxaa uccu a uiucu uiue years, Thei negroesjhavebnly, beercitizen;fiye nine years, ... mkJ - Jitizena five -7ear8, arid the IZcraU inUr& tha,tiidii8 can go to Congress before 1839.;; vuwicu uurgiar is preachins Ben- Fwonai sermons at Wilton in England. The fallowing partial Teturns have been received!- - " . '- ' - - BRUNSWICK jCOUNTY. ; tforthwest.-rLegQ (Radical), 273 ; Cur tis (Consexvatiye); or, Confention, 275; againstf Convention, 73. ' i v . CRAVEN" COUNTY. Six precincts, including Newbern, give, for Convention, 2,534 ;! against, 291. WAKE COUNTY. y ;Ko reliable figures received; but Radi cal ticket -undoubtedly elected. . ..t BLADEN COUNTY. We learn from a gentleman, direct from Bidden, that the county has undoubtedly gone Radical. 3 . - - -; CUMBERLAND COUNTY. " Partial returns indicate the election oi the Radicar candidates. At Fayetteville, the vote was nearly tto to ono in favor of the Radicals. ' :i feSf In consequence of an almost entire failure of our State exchanges to reach ua last nigh we can' vgjive. but few election returns this morning. Inhere is no doubt, however, that the- State has given a large majority for Convention t and iri all proba bility elected a majority of Radical dele gates. A carpet which Mr. A: T. T Stewart his new bought in Paris for a parlor in mansion cost .$7,000. FinerCut. " George "Wilkiqs Kendall, of the New Orleans Picayune, left an estate worth half a million of dollars." Tkis is one of the few in stances of a man commencing business with a picayvme &ni amassing ja fortune, gp The Pre'sidenj; has pardoned Major Gen. Geo. B. Crittenden, late of the rebel army." The people of the South will never pardon him for his disgraceful conduct at Fishing Creek. He's 'not so very lateol the . "rebel" army, either! ' JSpr "Forney thinks his name, as caudidate for Vice President, would materially strength en the Grant ticket, in Pennsylvania," This 13 enough to make every Dead ,Duck com- mence quacking. ra- c a uhoto-rabher. named Gregory' doing business at Cleveland, Ohio, was reccnt- ly found in his room! with his throat cut." The community, will mot mind his loss. He was only a negative character, THE VERY LATEST. BT TELEGRAPH, THE M0RllNO; STAR: NOON REPORTS. : From Washington. i Iwasuinqtok, Nov. 21 Gen. Grecrorv has been mustered out. Only .Howard remains 01 tne volunteer Generals. Attorney General Chandler knows no reason why Davis' trial cannot proceed. 1 he f resident has Grant s reports. Chase considers the United States bonds payable in specie. i It is stated that Stevens will suonort Sew ard's West India purchases. Wade repudiates tne remarks attributed to him in Grant's disparagement. Pope's registration expenses to Oct. 1st, was $175,000. I Congress assembled at noon. . .Railroad Accident. I Cincinnati, Nov. 21. A Freight train ran into the Express train due hero at six this mornlm?, on the Hamilton and Dayton Road, at Lockland. The. rear cars we're from Toledo the last being the Toledo c bomnor mir in which wpti frnr lucuc I mr ladies. One I srr- 1 -. r" " man was burned to death. Nearly the Whole tram was burned. 1 ? Cable Summary. m?SnS0NfS'; complications, by an early withdrawal of the Roman expedition, i Asks monev for the Abvs- Fenianism, suppressed in Ireland, has taken the form of organized violence and murder in England,-where it inust be suppressed by a fulfilment of the law. Tlio aArrtae.na firnm ltntli TTnnepa in flit. Queen, echo the Queen's speech. England refuses a Conference unless a dis- t.lnct Tlsin ia first !nroT)OSKrf. NTiiirlv nll'thw members who 'spoke condemn Napoelon's Roman expedition . Two thousand extra po liceman, alargenum- ber of troops? are at , Mai anchester to preserve peace pending the jexecutions. Mississippi Convention. . " . L: Memphis', Nov. 21. The. success of Convention in Mississippi is aouDtiui. f : Xea Shipment, Ac. " " v . . .: j San Frascisgo, Nov. 21. Tea shipments byhe Great Republic amount to ten million ..pounds, An excess 'over last year..: - ., . . . t , - Mrs. Jiurdell, of New York murder notoriety. is plaintiff in a divorce suit. i;fr -;'s' - ' New Torfa MarketN. ? New York, Nov. 21 Noon. Flour 5 to 10- cents lower. Wheat 1 to 2 pp.ntu fnwpr ' f!nfn Hnll Aato .1 n 1 lower. Pork. $2087. Lard heavy. Cotton VT? val ?gilSS?? .Money active at 7per cent f terlinff, long time, 9i ; short 9 Stocks heavv. Gold 1394 i aiu(u wijmi'.u.o- :: y r ' c ; r v - - ;. ; s Liverpool, Nov. 202 P. M. Cotton sales 10,000 . bales. Uulanda 8d - Orleans Sid. - : . ... : - . r REPOttT. V, i-f- Nortb Carolina Elections. . The election returns show 619 maioritv fnr the Radicals in the cifyTand from the measre that the tsatOrity will tweli it to SOOCwwc i-rK.fH t IrSu L50Q votes. asi H, Harris, negro. , leads the tUdieal' ticket; ? f.- r---.r; Uv-j,-: JUA 2-i ---. ta slowly but all indicate , that, the i ua uvm oiuer .puna oi ma otato are nservauve ucKet by a handsome iiiaioritv. ' di:11 CftnQi V : - ao,aa many intMces.:4r . Alabama Conventivu. - ; .i : .V- . r ' XT i f 4 The foil wing is the article on the elective franchise as finally adopted by tho Reconstruc tion Committee as .jx part of, the, constitu. tiou.. V" s 1 , - f" r SeC 1." Every male person.;bornsIn the Unlted fttates, every-male person who has been naturalized or has legally declared his inten tion to become a citizen of the United States, twenty-one years of ape and.-upwards, , who shall have resided in this Stato six months, preceding the election, and three months in the county in which he offers to vote, except as to hereafter provided,! shall be dclared on election, provided that no soldier, sailor or marine in the military or naval service of the dence by reason of being. stationed on duty in . 1 . : ci i. - . 1 "rl I united States snait nereaner require a rusi this State, Sec. 2. It shall be thc duty of the General Assinbly to provide, from time to time, for the registering of all electors, but the follow ing persons shall not be; permitted to register, vote or hold office: v 1st. Those who, during the late rebellion, .inflicted, or caused lo be inflicted, any cruel or unusual punishment upon any soldier,sailor or marine, employee or cuzen o ine uuueu States, or who in any other way violated the rules of civilized warfare. . 2nd. Those who are,' or may be. disfranchis ed "by the proposed Constitutional Amendment known as the 14th article, and the act of Con gress passed March 2nd, 186(v except such per sons as have aided the plan of reconstruction proposed by Congress and accepted the politi cal equality of all men! before the law; Pro vided, the Gcneral Assehibly shall have power to remove the disabilitibs incurred under this last clause. ' . ,' ', 3rd. That those who! shall have been .c6n victed of, treasoeihbezzlement of public funds, malfeasance in office, crime punishable by law with iaiX)risonment in the penitentiary, or bribery. f ! 4th. No Idiot or hfsane person shall be per mitted to register or vote in this State. Sec. 3. All persons before registering must take and subscribe the following oath r I do solemuly swear,' or affirm, that I will snnnort and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitu tion and laws of the State of Alabama ; that I am not excluded from j registering by any of the clauses in Sec. 2 ootids article; that 1 will never countenance or aid in the secession of this State from the United States ; that 1 ac cept the civil and political equality of all men, and agree not to attempt to deprive any -person or persons, on accouut of race, color or previous condition, of any politicai or civil right, privilege or immunity enjoyed by any other class of men, and furthermore, that I will not in any way injure, or countenance in others any attempt to iujure, any person or persons on account of past or present support of the Government of the United States, the laws of the United States, or the principle of the polit ical equality of all men, or of afhMation with any political party, j ' Resolutions were adopted expressing entire satisfaction1 with the .nilitary administration of Maj. Gen. Jno. Pope, and tendering him the thanks of the people or Alabama lor the hrm and impartial coarse which he has pursued. Three votes' were against these resolutions. Several branches of the Constitution were con sidered and adopted involving unimportant changes in the old Constitution, except the creation of office of Lieutenant Governor. The Convention will probobly complete its work this yeek. j From Washington. Washington, Nov. 21. Mr. Davis leaves Canada to-day, and goes from New York to Richmond by steamer, ar riving on the 24th. j Iu the Senate several petitions were present ed, including one from the negroes in the Dis trict eomxlainhig of discharge pn account of voting, praying relief. ' 1 he Secretary was ordered to communicate documents and reports bearing on the repeal of the cotton tax. Sumner introduced a bill striking the word white from the District laws and ordinances. Edmuhds'introducj'd a resolution that debt, unle?s expressly otherwise stated, is payable in coin.) ; Senate adjourned to Monday. House. The credentials of Butler, of Ten nessee, were referred to the Election Commit tee. Pending a, report Butler was excluded. A similar proposition regarding Stokes and Mullen was defeated AH the delegation, ex cept Butler, were sn-om in. Robinson, of New York, introduced a reso lution impeaching Minister Adams for neglect of duty in failing to; protect innocent Ameri cans charged with Fenianism in England. . Adjourned to Monday. Blaine, of Maine, renewed his resolution in House of enquiry regarding the- repeal of the cotton tax. Adoptt d. , . It i3 generally believed the cotton tax will be repealed. Hon. David A. Wells, Commis sioner of Revenue, ; has prepared a report favoring repeal of the cotton tax. Wilson announced in the House that the Judiciary Committee will be ready on Monday to report on impeachment. South Carolina Election, &.c. i Charleston, Nov. 21. Returns from 8 Court Houses show 8,745 black votes and 11 white. This will be about the proportion throughout the State. -, Not one vote is known to, have been cast against Convention. A negro registrar who, in August last, vio lently arrested a white Citizen and encouraged negroes to violence, lias been sentenced by Military Commission to imprisonment for six months at hard labor. j New York Markets. New York, Nov. 21. Cotton lower sales 3,000 bales at 171(5)18 cts. Flour dull State $8 25$10; Southern $9 90 ($14 25. Wheat dull Amber State $2 05. Corn dull at $1 37. Mess P6rk 20 75. Lard 121(tMSi cents. Groceries quiet and firm. Spirits Turpentine 53i54i cents. Rosin $3 35 $8 50. freights , quiet. Baltimore Markets. . - ' ; Baltimore,' Nov. 21. Cotton dull at 17 i cents. Flour stead v. Wheat advanced 5 cents choice red at 60 cts ; prime; 55 cents. ! Corn firm. Oats steady. Rye dull. Provisions declining. NEW ADYERTISEjVIENTS. ON CONSIGNMENT. ' fJIIIlRTY BOXES EXTRA FAMILY S O 3P , In Jots to suit, by j . - novaa-6i-na-tr . kuuiuson, SMITH & CO. TO NEW YORK, THE A 1 S(hr. CHARLES IE SIS, II ALLECK, Mas tub, will have dispatch as above. For freight engagements, apply to nov22-51-5t WORTH & DANIEL. Have You Examined Our s? r -or- i I- . .. . HATE THC'vLARGRRT STftfK In the State, and are- rp111ti a. fttPi- class Goods -for less money than any other House " in the ; city. Our Goods are made of the best material, in iihe. best manner, and our prices -extremely, low. -Parties, in want of a BOOT, or a SHOE can' save, money by coming to -wi: w .;.,r . NoSOrbirtli i?TOiit Street, I pmietpnsPkyy 51 f T v French & ;soN,l rioT2214fi?;'t-:29orthFronttree 4 t 7 r"-, W.-. A" IS FA7IIL Y SEWI5G ootx :miTm(AW-& AjVOLLERS. '8QifQirA!? or exchanged tor nev ne ' (M : We star office: i tnlo? Sr1 aii ae i tJTWaite SPECIAL" NOTICES. City Taxes For 1867, MARSHAL'S OFFICE. ) : (ft Jl OV. JSUlt l&HJ , Thd 'Tax list for 1867, embra- 'cing thesubjects of Bml-EdatejPoLls, Safeties, Fees, Horses and VarrUige is in my hands for collection. . . ; r By instructions from ihe jsroper authority the Coupons of the " Town of ; Wilmington," due on the 1st day of January, February, April and Jvly, 1867, respectively ; also, those bt the 1st of January and February, 1S6S, will be receiv ed.in payment of te taxduj? on.dJist . ' . - . All parties owing any of the above named taxes, are hereby notified to attend at this Of fice for payment of the same. ;i 1 ''- RICHARD D. JONES, novl9-48-lm Special Deputy Marshal. m TV. IX. Lippitt, Dru&gist & Chem ist. Always on hand a full and se lect supply of PURE MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc Prescriptions accurately and , neatly : N. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. S. Store open from 6. A. M. to 9 P. M Persons wishing preseriptions . compounded at night will please call at my residence oh Se cond Street, between Dock and Orange. sept23-l-tf ... ' ' .';: '-;--: The attention of . the baslness Public is respectfully-.balled to the j fact that THE MORNING STAR has, al ready, a larger local circulation than has ever been reached by any newspaper established in Wilmington. It has, also, a fair, and rap idly increasing, circulation in i the country. Its RATES OF ADVERTISING ARE LOWER j Vmv rxf -nvw ,nrc-vm-iA tvV -flirt Gf.ito . LAAClAX LUvSv CLJAJT JIL DyCLIX. A1A . v AAJ ULUtC y and its REASONABLE TERMS OF SUB SCRIPTION must soon give ita circulation that will make it the best advertising me dium in North Carolina. ? i sept23-l-tf " : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. By Stinr. Mary Sanford. Fire First Lot Call and - LOOK WHITAKER'S BOOK STORE. nov2Wtt-lt it- Sack Salt. ; . i 1fff SACKS SALT,! FIT EE AN1 in excellent order, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by v! ' JAMES ANDERSON & CO. IIOV 22-51-lW ... ,. ' ";' '; XT10B SALE WHOLESALE BY ALL ! Grocers in New Orleans, Charleston, Mo- ime, oavannan ana New ioi-k. l ; DEWOF THE ALPS Received the first premium at the Paisr Ex position. ' ; DEW'OF THEJALPS. The manufacturers of the above cordial not only received the first premium at the Paris Exposition, but were decorated by the Em peror. - ':- 1 DEW OF THE ALPS. For sale by all the Druggists,1 Grocers, and Fruit Mores in tne united Mates. , For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, nov22 ; Sole Agents. ULt'JS'S SCHIEDAM KUHNAPPtS are ood for Dyspepsia. For sale bv nov22 ADRIAN & VOLLERS. VXTU L. F E S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are YV good for Gout. For sale by nov22 ADRIAN & VOLLER3. -T7"OLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCllNArFS are f V good for Rheumatism For sale by jiov22 ADRIAN; VOLLERS, iLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ai-e eood for all urinary complaints'. iJjorsaleby ADRIAN ;& VOLLERS. :nov22 r. . ::'.;- WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are good for all Kidney and Bladder com plaints, a or saie uy r nov22 ADRIAN & TOLLERS. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are mod for colic and pain in the stomach. ! i or sale by auician & VO-LLEIIS. j nOV22 ' . ..--'- , ' .'- j -' r.,,.: ... .1 -, ; WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS corrects the change in water. For sale by '7 ':- ADRIAN' & YOLLERS. nov22 - .:''"' : '.'' !;.y'-' ' : 'r WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS is the purest liquor manufactured in.the worii. jsot saie oy . -; ! - , nov22 ADRIAN & VOLLERS. rv--rs WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are recommended by all the medical fac ulty. or saie uy . uov22. ,. i rr ADRIAN- & VOLLERS; ; ' " i. , i ' ' ..i ' -- I-, i -' "'-;- " ': WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are sold by .all Gr ocers and Abothecaries. jt or saie Dy 5 . AuiiiAJt & v uxEits. nov22 "-"" ; ., . . - , . '- - - WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS have been "before the American public ior me iitst mgumcn years, j; or saie uy novaa ; ; iviJKiAJN & y ULJ-ErS. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are imitatecLand counterfeited 4 and cur- enasers win navexo use caution in purchasing- t or saie Dy aukian & vul.l.ji.rs. WOLFE'S'SCHlEDAM SCHNAPPS are a Preventive for fchllls and favinT For sale by y .. ADRIAN & VOLLERS.' , 110 vxz : 4 r,;:: , ; JTZ- ' .?v' WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS should be In the hands of everv bouse. novia -;!-.v7 .ADRIAN & VOLLERS. ..- " ' - . ' '" ' J ' p WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are pu up in quart ana pint tjottlasrwith tbe proprietor's Tuime, on the bottle, corlcand uteLjVMr;---v i WOLFE'S SCHltyOAM SCHNAPP&ai-e j JU&t used all -over the w&. bTthe'physi clans JutheJTPraotiet Fdisttle by -?:fv' ii by ADRIAN & VOLLER. Toys, Works, i :.'-.' : i . ' :- " - - :' Motions, NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS' " for rail A:fcr hi At ' f ! PHItAlEMIIIA & SOUTHERN MAIL ' " , STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE FINE AND FAVOPJTE, STEAMSHIP JT. BENNETT, Commander, WIEE ARRIVE f AT? OUE WHARF; foot of Orange Street, On FRIDAY,' November 22d, and will sail for the above port on WEDNESDAY, November the 26th. Through Bills of Lading given to BOSTON,. ..' PROVIDENCE, NEW ORLEANS, : LIVERPOOL. For Freight apply to v , WORTH & DANIEL. No Passengers taken. Agent in Philadeipha W. L. JAMES, nov22-51-ts' 314 South Delaware Avenue. . . - - . . , . - GOAIj'I CDAL! - RATE COAE, STOVE- OOAIv. Best quality Red Ash Well screened arid free from 'fritt. STEAMER COAL Best quality, inlotsto suit. For sn 1 nov2-3' For sale, at loivest market prices, by J5-natf i O. G. PARSLEY & CO. F T C HAVING SECURED THE ASSIST anoe of one of Asthoxy's Assist ants, of Broadway, New rork, you can sit tor vour Photograph 'in the forenoon and get them in tbe same" evening, as sure as the sun shines, at HANSLEY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, corner of Market and .Second Streets, Wil mington, N. C. j nov22-51-3t ELE0TI0R IS OVER, WE MUST All SETTEE BOWN to business. t 1 5 ' 1 V A I m -ZA- -1- Wilmington Regulator, -FOR- D OM IE STIG G O OB Calicoes and Bleached Shirtings' 6 1-4 Cents , and Upwards. FOIl A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ixs.n:s GOODS All Popiilar Makes aiid Faliries, AT LOWEST CASH PSICEs. Blankets and Flannels. A Full Line at Very Low Prices, HATS AND CAPS -AND- Goods. Modern - Styles .- and? LovingPriees. ; ; ' i The Best Paper Collar in the World. Linen Finish, and Cloth Lined Buton Holes. JK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,! call avid examine the best assorted Stock of Dry Goods in the Mates, and we will make it to your ad vantage to buy your Dry Goods at ' i WALDRON'S. 1 The Cheap Store. ! The Cheap Storel r The Cheap Store. 34 Market St4 South Side, Bet. Front and Second Sts. P. S. To Wholesale Buyers, we offer extraordinary tnancements. nov2i-oo-tr - . EXCHANGE-CORNER. By Stair. Mary Sanford, G I oy e K id Bu tton jpo lish Gents' Fine Calf Stitched Rubber .Bottom. Sewed J . M. WALKER & CO. nov21-50-tf ym Scbtcll andrlrish At ! :ml0GEO. mv-krsv O iitfiEO. MYERS'. nov21-05-tf 11 and 13 Front Street kn ItimrkTa AAf h ifrt n,- - . XdllmOT& VY 11116 -i; Lom. 'J'11' t 5 J V V WHITE CORX, landing (UUVCCu 0010 ca, wuan, ov - ,o .ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, tWlf Vrn4 12 North Water k. 1 r 's 1. ra J If: - r ' y , u jwueu. y eeiay. i,. a; battex- , " ju. 11. isr.KAKD, Agent, sepf2S-l-tf WUmingVon, N. C. I STEA1S1SHIP. LIKES" BALTIMORE . & WILMINOTOK WEEKLY STEAMSHIP EIXE THE FIRST CL' AS ST E A MS H 1 P I. r 1 'Vm : i JAMES A. . GARY, 1- ' IIALI i Commander, . , ITflMi EE AVE OUR WHArK, FOOT YV of Princess Street, for Baltimore 7 ' SATURDAY, Nov, 23.1 , . ' Through Bilhvyof Lading given to BOSTON, , :i 4 i? LIVERPOOL,. FOR .FREIGHT jENGAGEMENTSC ,-C' 'Apply to. 1 r.... . ,' ATKINSON A SHEPPERSON nov20-4S-ts . 11 and 12 North Water st. Xo 7 Xorili; Front Street, 4 T ' j : WILMINGTON: ST. c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN D I! Y G 0 0 H S '1 QFFEIt TO WHOLESALE BUYERS at NEW YORK PRICES, an extensive STOCK OF IT ORE IGIST -AND- Domestic Dry Goods, - IN WHICH MAY BE FOUND 2,000 pieces Prints, covering all the range of prices. " . 2,0000 piecs bleached Shirting and Sheeting, xt 8 cents to 23 cents. 100 bales Brown Cottons, . all the grades, in cluding a large lot of Fayetteville Manufac ture. ' I -''.:.:; : I-"..:;:? ii--.. Best make of Cotton-Yarn, by the bale, at .factory prices. - :-.-- . 100 pieces Fredericksbiirg'Cassimeres." 5 bales Charlotte Cassiniex-es, low grade. Afnll stock of . . Selected especially with a view to meet the 1 demand of :v.. . ; , . . COUNTRY DEALERS. Thirty years experience in the Diy Good trae ; a life-time study of the wants of the Southern ixeople j.u Dry Goods being, our spe ciality gives ""us superior advantage in that line? oyer . over those who, keep & " Mongrel Stock." ' : . . -0- ETML Will find with us, at all times, a full stock of ana 1DEinz: C3-OOiDS, OCR LARGE CITY and COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE compel us to Relief Our Stock Weekly. We visit, ; ourselves, the Northern1 Markets monthly, and have employed a -' - ' Resident Buyer, Consequently our - customers can always pro- 4:-; i''""'" ' -'; ' cure fromtts "the latest novelties, at the lowest prices.-.2:7 ' We- have introduce'a' ttew feature in tho Southern Dry Goods trade, that of ' .IjADY Thusppcning" a new.lleld of honorable and profitable ' employment . to - such of our fair datighters as have been deprived of the mean of support the'lat kkf? 0iiBiGprp Ladies .and, gentlemen, will bd found cour teous, polite and atteatire to ail,T:; give us a can j r- i WUmingtoiu N) C Sox. 9 lrr;; - " ' 23-tf EUR Staple Goods, BUYERS, v-v " .- " - -- ' ' ' - - '' - ; .a' rri7"EiiiNjo CAi: r. -i a ni 'isitis TT CARDS printed in the most elegant Style at ntkfatiXilstlU BERNARD'S . .r 7iaPrintlag and Publishii House, x i And General Book Bindery, ndv2C-l9-tf No. S South Water bt.