f ' A,'. ft-.. ' -int.: 11 - 7a -c -rh'tikm'' i 't ' AlTCTtIsix:sr Hate Jowr t&an iSrsMrtl Carolina! . V. ''Bawkut'Is twwtbxjrized Agent air Laurin- , .burg.;. rfV.;-.vs-. tfii-i&f l? -. t UWrasWoBTK iaf the, authorize! Agenqf Uua STAiatiFayettevllle. f , vrl i ! " Affenf at- OaSsWiMi. B. V.1 L. Hut Vi. .to is Our authorized Ageu$ at Goldsboro, ' nlrt KllttjTi. Mr. J J. Jotbs la pur fe5autil0rlzed Agent at Milton '.":'.'v'.VAiin lWn"amtrinU8fa D. SotiTH- Kmxi&va awtborJ Agw$ at Kewans- , Viii8.' "'-' ivi ; C .-r Arettlat raraw-Maii). O, Mctbiw is r ,,.ieiw atitnorizeageBii at (naf,w. w AH j & our authorizea Agent at Lumberton. i JSRt a CUton-DK.Ai. MMix $ ova authorized Agent at Clinton JT. C i ' 4 ; ? y Affent at "WIlson-Mr. H. E. Bbh tow Is the ' V authorized Agentpf tie Stab, at Wilson, N. C. l'V'4Ae at Sbo Hcl.-Mr. Alex. Mao U as. Jr.. is our authorized Agent at Shoe Heel, '- Aerent ti Wadesbor-Mr. Wni'j. Cot- , ' isaxos . is -oar auinorizeu Agent a w aae- J''-- A""ent at Sumter. Mr. E. H Shkkwood ' " Is oir authorized Agent at Sumter, S.X3. v H'v J i& f-at it lWrlUaJGoL-. J.. Cox is V 'pur duly authorized Agui at Zilesrille, An- t air Caut Wtt. M3wAKkand Mr. Bamixa'os McMillak are authprized traveling Ageuts r Countr, is an authorized Agent for th Star, nd will receipt tor auDscnptions oriadYer- .tisements; -.r..!:,.. ..s.u:... - ' . ; yT7 Captain 3. It. Boatwbioht and j'osKra E iTK. iv.and M.K. Jtdw are Authorized t 50TICE. V. Mr. JTamed XiMetts baTtojj aocepted the po- Bition of Business Maner of my PrinUug and ruDusning xiouse, luemamg me stajb news v paper, Is foil itithdrlzed to.irausact any husi- uws cpuaeetei herewith. -;r ?,- PItisperhj 7 1S4 perhaps i best. for. our ; -Ultimate? good 'that. 'the' infamous V boies 6alled Reitistructiou Cou-. mentions have, been ordered hy Con j gress jtp xemble; in s Ae:tSouth. They may yrannx over andiOp - - "pru for a time f !bu$ they will 'itXf f&.fy''r. fyie : t civilized f Korlcl ot, the. utterincapacjiy of the " iiegro for self-government, and dis 'igust all ood men with the infamy ';I1a3itve4!and .fastened 'on j tis . thcrushing despotism tnat now Iis6JhisioBce,ft'iee cpuntry. , ?r Tlical -whites ill these Con ventions are, with r few' exceptions, l- 'ht;, Pedseats in any Vy eliberejt lody i in itheiiSQuth. TkBrfB coiieagues' atfai Wore eieroua-aiia V.' fixture of ignorance, hate, and de waviiy. irom wnicn ine mieuiffent ipeoplixf ttheSbuihlcan r etpect no ;3arBy. 1 wait, 'andr5se what Sepwip bliiwilllie Offered v us ....:'', ''5. "-'-t iltJti- I) klUl Ji! K T. t - ' J hbigzsihe tan Hmmigrants' Aidj;So- -kieifp?& county ? ; Concertjed action iji'this important watterjWiJiDQ prqauctiye oi econ i tAirt&W Planters ''rWJshinM'to 'engage1 white' lahbrers ;and bo 4i8tribntogjtKejft -jQi ajoin- - pihalfio so ' t otherg! fetter, anfored, 011 this ' h h question; than; we ares and : we onlv tuakelthese BUptibnsinihe Jiope 5"U , . i ivTS nct titieJaiiSd Is Ve- 3bat4 ;4braifusi SeV January Ai-vf.7Ust coubtanicrior.toa' parlor --r--ia. CAmerica,It' has al- Rtec,:, C:rrcdkay;ae-I.forr; at J TV. " t 1 i. .!. ...a - . .... . , . .i '.. r V-Zl 10 tI13 r! rfr- f"i, f r Iii Kichni nd, tL j Gi maxi ixivy iriaizcd a' 1 Coiscrvutive Chib and -are djoiDg splendid ser fic jttjlie great cause .fii$b$tp su preiicyijiear jregifitering.tlie' IWCPioier Itt the- Icityv and ieep a "'list of all who 'have omitted to take out naturaliza Hionatterk ; These latter are 'visi I ted at their i houses, and, urged to result will he ihat, Jn the next elec tion J the German voteof Bichmond will be 'polled lmostlinanittiously aguiitst Radicalism. I 4 A: "I iff: .' w. w u M. . oojj uiijf uiiii mc attention o of 1 our 1 German fellow- citizeiisr 4 of Wilmirigton5 to these iacis, ana urge on inemme import ance ol similar , action. ' The Ger man element is a strong one here, and it is . important that steps he taken to bring out their full strength n the next election. We know that;thej are, with f us, heart and soul, in feeling ; but organization is the Watchword. ' ' : ; ' - .era - ine-Cut: , A musical dog in New Albany, 111., plays on the 'piano, andhowls." We haye one that plays on the bones, and growls. JT "General Custar neither drinks, swears, nor uses tobacco and he has been suspend ed.'"' He ought to have been suspended when he Was warring against old men, women and children, Ink Virginia. . :. . ' lSr 'Chicken cholera is making great ray ases among the poultry in Tennessee." Not half M ' bad as chicken thieves abouthere. ' jgpr "The wife of a man in Toledo died at nine o'clock, he burled her at three, and mar ried another at six. No cards." No cards ? Didn't he play the deuce f PP" "Brigbam Young advises the Mormons to lay up a seven years supply of wheat and flour, as he expects a" famine.' He must ex pe'et'famlne of wives, or' he wouldn't .keep such a supply of them on hand. ' ; j V - :f3f "Lord Chesterfield asked at the end' of his first day's huntingr Do sane men ever do this sort of thing twice V V No ; not once. men go fishing. - - , v -.V. f-'f Thirjty-aix marriage , certificates were Issued from the Clerk's office at Liberty du ring the month of. November.", And thirty six men bid fareweU to Liberty, shortly after wards." ' North Carolina in a Nut-Shell. Jhe Charlotte Democrat says : "If he reconstruction acts are hot adhered to in good faith bj .those who; passed them, I every decent and sensible man will become disgusted and demand a revisal of the ac- ion already taken under those acts." Prepare for the inevitable disgust, Brother Yatea. ' (l ' 1 - : '" ! - - y 1 A'man named Robinson was killed ,by rjock.Wells, near Rocky Mount, on the lotn. 4 YYeiia was arrested, i i l5 The Conservatives in the Eastern counties are holding meetings, and get ting1 "ready for action." Stir 'cni up. The mechanics of Raleigh were to hold, a meeting last evening to organize a I mw.m ... w Wfv.WVAVV. AAOU V.AU V1U11. 1 Success to the working-men. petition is to be sent from Ral eigh to General Canby, urging a continu ance in office ot the present municipal officers.: No Guy Fawkescs are signing it. . ; ., . " j . 82?! Two, dailies have bee started in Charlotte. .$ The JHews has been revived by Hutson & Meetze. The other is the Bul letin; iff J.E. Britton.V Bully for Charlotte I But, seridusryv has rotir Lunatic Asylum ''broke loosed ? n , 'fT tThe Vance Club, of Goldsboro', will plav a; match game of Base Ball with the Elarnett Club, of Wilmington, at the latter point, jon the 24th mst., j y ("iJ3ill Smith, a negro (none of your "white men painted : black"), Btole an ox from Mr, J. R. Hatc4 1 of Mt Olive, and sold him to the Goldsboro' ; butchers for $30 00. ' Bill has ' hot1 yet been over hauie . .- W ' f .EPT. The Newbern papers keep the fol lowing stari(ling heads :r; "Highway Rob- berypnother Brutal Murder,!' "An othr Horrible Outrage,": and 'erms of Subscjaptionl tBirtl , and Jklariiages'' have;playe4,oujE. . u t nM$ kq j ;j u ' ; , Pork is sellinsr in Asheville at 6i $ cents per totmdnttrIf is said that rnembSew of . the "League" 'get it even cheapethatfthar 'V - BACON SIDES lO CXJUJS SIDES ... jr 1 i 3yaterSt. ti ... V ' . V. U. IAi-Mi f. 73 ; .Si.sU End UiiQ. 5' . -iv JU. -TO- THE MORNING STAR.1 WaOJP REPORTS. Fereicn Markets. i f f : t 'LiTERPOOii; pee. 17v,ening" Cotton Closed firm and rather more activc- Uplands u;s Orleans Td.? Bales 12fiOO hales. ; 4 By Cabani Cable f .,Vv, f "--I f HATA-SAODec. f17. ' ; Advices from Hayti report universal discon tent reigning in the capital, and foreigners were filled with alarm at the aspeet oi affairs. Passengers just arriyed report that a revolu tion had commenced. f I I Sis: millions of Haytien counterfeit! dollars were reported ia circulation thFoUbout the Republic. Some reports accuse President sal nave ox having a hand in their emission. General Leon Moutcz has been ffturderd by his jailer. J r ' - New York Markets- 'yJf New York, Dec IT Noon, Flour a shade firmer. Wheat a triflle better. Corn steady. ! Oats a shade better at te)4 in store 87 alioat.' Pork drooping Mess 30 87k Lard dull. Cotton steady at "15. Freights dulL Spirits Turpentine unchanged. .'Rosin quiet at 3 63 for Strained Common. S Stocks a shade lower. Money 67Ji per cent. Sterling 10610V. '62 coupons 8 advance caused from the fact that foreign bankers are ! short, and compelled; to? buy to fill contracts new issue 7. ; OUR NIGHT REPORTS. The Virginia Convention. j Richmond, Va., Dec, 17. The Committee on Finance, to which was re ferred the resolution instructing the Auditor to suspend payment of any interest on State debt until the Convention was satisfied that there was money enough in the Treasury to pay the wholc reported adversely any action on the subject, having received assurance from the Treasurer that the State would be able to pay all demands as soon as presented. Report adopted, r -1 V A resolution to interfere with lease of a ferry was laid on the table by a decided majority, after speeches: in which ground was taken that the Convention had no right to determine questions of law or grant injunctions. After wards a resolution appointing a cemtnittee to report whether the convention has power of legislation, and to ask General tSchob" eld's opinion, wa Hid on the table. i The following resolutions were referred for incorporating provision 'of the constitution that immitrrants to this State should not be sued in courts- here for debts incurred before immigration and exempting a certain amount of real and personal property of such immi grants from seizure for debt; for changing sys tem or state laws from remedial to preventive. Thereamble of this resolution refers to the press ; for the punishment of attempts to in- f. ai rA a. i A. n ii i . uraiaaie voters at, ioe rauocauon eiecuou ; lor protectine loyal citizens from being: distressed by disloyal tax icollectors for taxes levied years A colored delegate ofiered a resolution pro hibit! ng distinctions by railroads or other pub lic conveyances on account of color. Refer red. .. A resolution to adjourn until after the holi- days and waive claim of pay dnring adjourn ment was laid Over. Adjourned. FORTIETH CONGRESS. SECOXD SESSION. t . .- Washington, Dec. 17. -A resolution promotive of the Sbnatb.- prompt settlement of claims was introduced, tn the course of the debate it was mentioned that accounting officers assumed too much jurisdiction r iu ' - tt'-, u - - - ' : snerman s reported om oi ine mnaing aeDi consideration was postponed until after the holidays." yz 1 i ? , ' A resolution calling on the fresident for in structions to officers, under act '62. tto sup press the rebellion and' punish treason, with the amount of money realized and the names of the victims. Adopted. n Davis toffeted a resolution calling for aggre gate expenditures of the Freedmen's vBureau since 'bo. several Senators objected. Much of the disbursements was for white refugees. Pending the. discussion, the ' morning hour expired! and the repeal of the cotton tax was resumed.. . . ,-.-r'-.--r f Conkling,' 6f New York, proceeded to "- say that a helping hand had been extended to these destitute communities. The direct tax had been suspended in all the insurrectionary States. The tax had been removed from sugar, machinery, and other articles which pertained to the community. He would say now that it would have been much better for these peo- le, if one of the parties of this country, and he visible head of ? the;Governmenthad let Jheiri alone.; If they had stopped' swaggering and talking about representation In Congress and gone to work to build up their, impover ished section they would io-day been much happier, and so would we. If this tax was taken off it would wipe out twenty millions of revenue, and,. they. knew not where to go to replacelt. v ii u ., , I u , ., Mr. C. indicated a disposition to vote for a reduction of the tax, but maintained that the propei course was to postpone the hill until February or March, when the whole subject of revenue, would be up, and gave notice of his intention to make a motion to that effect. Morton &aid cotton should not be entirely exempt from burdens of the Government. The discussion assumed a political turn. The subject was postponed fpr the Execu tive session, and the Senate adjourned. " House. After general business, Stevens in troduced a bill regarding reconstruction. Ob jection Was made, and the bill ' was" potponed. This bill alters the provision requiring a ma jority of registered votes for the new Consti tutions to a majority of the votes cast. The 2d Section provides for the eleetlbn of Representatives at the time of the election on the Constitution, who shall take their seats at the session succeeding the one at which their 0 A. J i Section 3d provides that, untUanew appor tionment, the States shal be represented as fol lows; -a i';V. SonthCarolina-(y.2of whonVshall be elect ed by tiie State at large. J North, Carolina 8. 4. to be elected by the State at large. Georgia 9, 1 Dy the tate.at large. sFlorida".l. Ala bama 8,2 hy the State at large. MisaissiuDi t-o, A DYiue oiai ait.iarge Louisiana 0, -1 by the State at large. Texasa,,! by the State at large. Arkansas-3; v .,- No numberoff Representative ia. given for ine 4 uuiciarVi committee was; directed to continue, jjxamjnatioa, regardingMaryland's xvepuoiican government. rfll TT t . . , v ' ., vt tWA8HiKQT02rDeiE17. ''i4 Jo-it U'iLr nMxs Pepaetmbnt, ) r .BURIEATJ. R.,F AND A. L-l i V Mh, ; ; ; Washington; Dec it ) "Wlth a yW t the reduction of the number of officers and agents of this' Bureau tu places where, their; services can be ,best dispensed with; it is hereby ordered i that,';with the ex f etif 1 of ,,the vSrrlstendent.of Educatiooi frrW tZpto" 8 Xcawitg states will be discharged, viz ; - - T i Jlarybr. Kentucky, West'Va.,;aai Teu The senior oLlcer of the regular ' army io command of troops wUl be there after the A- lh Hons -went into commitUa. and, after rceiving ? Executive communications,, ad ;JournedTJa; jjUSBpUC tianfc Commission r ratlae above naraed. LtatesJ He, will kee hlrascif thoroughly in forma&ctf tLconditloa of the eosntry wi;iJo the limits of his command,5 and will cause small moal)l force available to send t any disturbed district where there shall be evidentt of Education-itt each fitata named iU tepost tathfi Asbistaut, Cmiiopw ted, who will asslsf hfan by every means in bis ower in rosterlBg ana extenuing lap wors o Idncation. AH ofifcers ot the regular army relieved by this order will report; by letter t tha Adjutiint idenem for instructions - (Signed u u tsuwAnv, ' " ;": Hat. Genj CommiloueK'' Approved: --r ' SceWjof Wur. ad interim Offldal'docuraenls show that diplomatic- ne gotiations relative to the Alabama claims have ctosea, uouj parnes aauenng to ineir views. The Susquehanna has arrived. Admiral Pal mer and Burroiighs dead. .The Susquehanna's machinery and boilers were f crippled and her hull strained. ''-M;;..'.-v;' . .kewTork .Marltels";;--' ' : I": :.' : V;- - New York, TJecttT.. Cotton firmer and quiet sales 2,20O. bsritis at lh cents. -Flour firmer State $S 601 75; Southern 10.25$14 50. Wheat firmer.. Corn and active and unchanged, 1 Mess Pork heavy and lower at $20 8(1 Lard. Groceries and Naval Stores quiet- Spirits; TuifpentiBe5152 cenis. xvosm osnaj t.- s x reiguis lower.. Governments closed nrmJ '62 coupons Gold strong at 134. ' j i Charleston Market; Charleston, Dec. 17. Cotton active, and lower grades-advanced J cent. MiddliDg 15 cents." fckiles 1,1U0 bales.. w Foreign, Markets Livekpool, Dec. 17 Noon. - Cotton quiet and steady sales probably 8, 000 bales. - - ' - :; ' j ' Liverpool, Dec. 17 Afternoon. Cotton-more doing.. . ?. Sales reach 10,000 bales. : ' V J . ' ' London, Dec. 17 Evening. Consols 93 9-16 Bond Ji 11-16. . Liverpool, Dec. ET Evening. Cotton closed steady sales 10.000' bales. rnces uncnangea. - f Manchester advices unfavorable. SPECIAIi NOTICES. City Taxes For .186.7, MARSHAL'S OFFICE, ? j Jioy. I8tn, is7. The Tax Li at for 1867, embra cing the subjects qf Real Estate, Polls, Salaries, Fees, Horse and Carriages, is in my hands for collection. I By instructions from ihe proper authority the Coupons of the " Town of Wilmington due on the Is day of January, February, April and July, 1867, respectively ; falso, tlwse of the 1st of January and February, 1M8, will be receiv ed in payment of the tax' due on said list. All parties owing any iff the above named taxes, are hereby notified to attend at this Of fice for payment of the same. f 4 1 KICIIARD J. JONES, novl9-48-lrd 8pecial Deputy Marshal. i, , - , ' ; W. II. tlppitt, Druggist A Chem- 1st. Always oh hand a full and se lect supply of PURE MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc. OS Prescriptions accurately and neatly compounded. ! 1 i N. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. S. Store open from 6 ) A, M. to 9 P. M. Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call atlmy residence on Se cond Street, between Dock and Orange. sept23-l-tf ! j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTED1 LIttUORS, FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES. PERSONS wlsningr less than a Gallon, will have to have their Physician's pre scription approved by by the Commandant of jtost. - or saie Dy ror sale by -v. u. .LIPPITT, decl8-72-7t Druggist and Chemist. USIWE ESTABLISHED . FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CORDIALS. " fciioicEl Brands. 1 r TOPAZ SHERRY. CROWN SHERRY, flAT TMPV QHVPOV 1836,1 .:'!IJ In Glass. HARMONY SHERRY CROWN SHERRY, r )Tti Wrtrt- PALE and BEOW SHERRY, $ ln4 Wooi 1 11: PURE PORT, r. ) V In ;s.j . In Wood & Glass. SCUPPERNONG WINE RENAULT, -f HENNESSEY, . t f, OTtRII TTTTTTV 9r fr ' Wood and PINET db CASTILLION 35RANDIES, j Glass SUTTON'S OLD RYE .fe' BAKER'S OLD RYE, I KENTUCKY BOURBON. f OLD NORTH STATE, arid yJn Wood & Glass. j-uuaiswiuii, ana IRJUH WHISKYj I CURACCOE, MARASCINO, .j KIMlTETi r AND, OTHER CORDIALS, 4 H IMPORTED CHAMPAGNES, v HEIDSICK, J CARTE BLANCHE, H 8 CHARTRES . -ALSO .,Low:Mced,(ChaOTpagnes1: With a full stoclc of Medluui & Low Grades of 1 X- We offer: the above at the yery lowest prices a 't fit- n, c II tad 12 Front Ctreet, : CHA8, D. MYERS, jiGENT. 6 decJ3.72-5t " Penwifioirs 09 hb ess,J ..;:r Ho article eyer .attained to such unboundexf ptaxJtyi-tS2feii Observer. An article of great .merit and vfetue.-A- ei nnati Nonpareils ' 4 T , ;f " ,Weca. beaii testlfflctay P. the eiScaey of the Pain Killer. We have, seen its magic effect in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a good attielennnatf' Dispatch A speedy ctrr4 foifpainfo family Bhould.bo yritMU llleaTranscttpt. There has nothing as yet surpassed the Pain KlUei; which htbQ most valuable family med' icine now in naQrtTmnessee Orffcm. It has real merit: as a means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation, equal to Perry Dayls' Patn..Killer.--JVeM3X3rf Ky- Daily Mews Its-woBderf al power in relieving the most severe pain has never been equalled. Burling- ton Sentinel:' ' It Is one of the few articles that are just what they pretend to bQ.JBrttnsuHck Telegraph, . Our own opinion is, that no family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, Ac, It is the most effectual remedy we know of Kem, B'. John) Canada. J - ; Af tcir-Biany years' trial of Davis Pain Killer we advise that every family should provide ; themselves with so spdy and effectual a PAiif TmE-B..-Aviherst (jV. & Gazette. The Pain Killer of Perry Davis A Son we ean confidently recommend. We have used It for a length of time, and invariably with success, -Canada Baptist. 43- The Pain Kflleis is for sale by Medicine Dealers generally. rft- Ly-j Speelai Notice I i ' .. TO FARMERS, MILLERS & OTHERS. Responsible parties wishing Emery & Son-'s " Star " Cotton Gins and Condensers, can get them from us at FACTORY PRICES, o a cred it of sixty days. Also. Smith's celebrated Smut Machines. Persons can get these Ma chines from us and have thirty days in which to pay for them, and if they fail to give satis-1 faction you can return them at our cost. MS Mill Furnishing Goods generally .. E. H. CHESTERMAN, Mill Furnisher and Engineer, " decI8-72-6m Richmond, Va- BBLS. SCOAB HOUSE SYBVP, J; or sale at lowest figures, by j ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, decl8-72-tf J . 11 and 12 No. Water St. BOYS? BOOTS J"outh& JBoots9 CHILDREN'S BOOTS. A Complete Assortment, WITH AND WITHOUT COPPER TIPS, At the Lowest Prices TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. Come and "Supply s YOUR BOYS WITH BOOTS FOR CHRISTMAS; At EXCHANGE CORNER. deol9-7i.tf' JOHN M. WALKER & CO.; Baltimore White Corn&c. JUST Received per Stmr. FRANCES, 1,000 Bushels PRIME WHITE CORN. 1 ISO Barrels CITY MESS PORK. F. W. KERCHNER, dec!3-72-3t Water South of Dock st. TVotice, TI1E CITY HOTEL MAYING CHANGED HANDS AND name, continues to . accommodate the reling PubUc, and as soon as the House can be refitted, renovated and repaired, full satisfac tion will be guaranteed to its patrons. deol8.7S-3t PROPRIETOR. . QCXAila ! COAL ! Best Quality Red Ash. Well Screened and Free from Dirt, DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Price Reduced to $7 30 per ton. JJAING RECESTLYDRECTIID ONE of Faiibanks' Standard Scales, all Coals sold by us hereafter will be accurately weighed; dec7-68-natf O. G. PARSLEY & CO. ! XTTE HATE BEEN KEEEING THE W very best RED ASH EGG COAL at $7 50 6er ton deliyered. since November 1st, and ave no w a large stock on hand, which we can su at same figure. " , nactj, , t rjfiTTJSWAY MOOItE. ? PRICE OF GOAL EEDTJCED. TTEIiY BEiT ABTTCT.K '' It!1 AATT V COALS, at rates as LOW as the LOW- jaox iveooiiecx, you gee xne Dest uoais, run weight, screened, and free from dirt, prompt lv delivered to .nv nart of the citv. . Leave your jofdera with i , z V - ti ; , . .WORTH & DANIEL. On hand,ED ASH STOVE COAL, GRATIS COAL. BLACKSMITH'S COAL (Broad Top), 8TKAM ; COAI4 (Buck MounUW) J3 G Y P T MINIS. ' '.. , decl-R8-nac2m BeaVef Creek;:Sheetife;;: npiIIRTX-FITE HUNDRED YAHDS. for sale by ,v . ' T ' ' r "; ' v deel4ii-na-tf ROBINSON SMITH & CO.' Journal oopy 4 times. vu u , . A GUI5-AND, FEVER. , THE ONLY, PRE JJL rcntiTe known for Chills and Fever is the use pt vv.owe'.Schiedam Schnapps. 1 For sale rT23 , , s . s .le Agents. rr WOLFE'S SCIIIKDAM. SCHNAPPS are " good tar.coli9 aininthe Ftrmachi k rnr snia nw ADMAN 4 VOUJURSk A.Ir Wti V. VtnSf TT toe ---err --Z- -rr":?'Aii8ll,4 of Princess Street- ftvp-R,-if .Fh0t 'r15 v WHARF TUESDAY, Dec 17. ' "au,luoIe( o Tb rough Bills of Lading given to BOSTON, s 7 mxo LIVERPOOL, 9-FOR FREIGHT ENGAGEMENTS0 '4e Applv to . ATKINSON A SHEPPERsnv ded7ftHs U and 12 North Wa XOO BBM C,TY MSS PORK; ' gQ' , " , FAMILY FLOUR ; XOO F12?E ftna SUPER FLoru BAGS COFFEE ; BBLS SUGAR 40. " G,CE' 0 ty(y MOLASSES ; ' J g BALES GUNNY CLOTH J Q Q BOXES CHEESE ; ' QQy NEW' TOMt SPIRIT CASKS. Iron Ties, Bope, Hails, Sugar Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Soap, Tobacco, &c, &c. For sale at the; LOWEST MARKET PKICLS b'.. . . WrLLlJtSLS X: JHTRCIIISON. aeciv-vi-iw . . DEW OF THE ALPS. UDtPHO WOLFE, Sole Agent for the above cordial, man factured in Geneva, Switzerland, is usertk all the crowned heads of Europe. For sale bV . , A TSTS T A HT M. -TT-.T T m t. , ' Fresh Supplies. BBLSf FLOtlt s IQfT SUGAR various graclesy Boxes CHEESES J . JQQ Bbls. PORK ; - -Half Bbls. FAMILY FLOUR ; 60 SUGAR', A. B. & C. ; rjrg Bbl SYEUP ; CANDY, CANDLES, COFFEE, STARCH LARD, HOOP IRON, BAGGING, BOPE, BACON, NAILS, &cn &o. For sale by HARRISS & HOWELL, decl6-71-5t 1& North Water Street. RAISINS, -CURRANTS, - :-.: . : .-i U1TRUN. PRUNE?, CANDY, , . APPLES, ORANGES and LEMONS just received at . . i-v ' - - ;-:-h geo. myehs'. -c-i.jMj.A's.sai. j-an 13 Front street decl7-71-tf . . CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent: . 11 , , ,,.,. , 1 1 i .ii 1 Sour 1 and Sweet AN BERRIES ! . . . Cranberries! IV2 a I aga Crapes! At W. M. A J. C. STEVENSON'S Corner Front and Market sts. decl7-71-tf T ADEIRA WINE. Imported by Udolplio jjJL. v one, or ew x otk, expressly ior wx cai ana private use. jror sale Dy ADRIAN & V'OLLERS, ' r ' sole Agci "nov23 ents. v Mr e :Crackers: EIRE CRACKERS! 5 v fXi ' Fire Crackers ! l ' At-":": W. M. & J. C. STEVENSON'S, ; u ' Corner Front ahd Market sts. decl7-71-tf '-l ij'yf. WOLFE?S SCHIEDAM SCIINAFP5 have a depot in all the large cities 1 nov22 5 . f : ADRIAN & VOLLEg. .r:r;Ral8lnQf Prunes- At W. M. & Jf C. STEVENSON'S, .1 ! 7 1 ' Corner Front and Market st? deel7-71-tf WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS1 put up In ruart nd pint bottlas. label. - For sale by ,,t7i? x UEIIES. 8ATINKTT.1 nnd kentltckT JEANS. . 4eci4-69to . Pure JWines ; and Liqiirs i V public that we have been -appoints Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, his SpeJnfi In Wilmir, jton 'for- the. sale of his ?flltilf Wines and Liqnors, including the DeLtif Alps and hi celebrated' Schiedam Aro" ted to call and examine our stook. vi, nov-):E2 a ADRIAN 4 VOLL - ; ' ' ' ). -r- ; : 7 TTdo'- pno , r" of New York, expiv inedaoal andprjlyate 1. e.,A For sale wT,c Sij BOV22