Sunday Horning, lDeo. J2?rJl 7.: Local Circulation LAIICSIII lao Iia er any Daily ; Newspaper in State, witU a fain an t lly ' lncreasinj, circulation r , ta tae conntry.; : . f-V . '- tlatea lower..' than 7 Keirspaper in P1'.v :t 'and Proprietor. Agent at taurinbur. Mr. WjC h!! Mo Lavktv is our authorized Agent at JLaurin- V.;, rz-i'V ' iY7ri4Tf'.le Afirent. Mr; Jsjlio ,Hol ? T ins t. - ru is the authorized Agent of the .Stajs at I'ayetteviUe.'- ; ; , ' : ' . Agent ate-: sboron Mk B. V. L. S-vis a T0 la our auUoiized Agent at GoldsfcoroV th . Afreftt rmron. Micr. J. Jokes Is ouri 1 authorized. Asent at Milton, n; c. :. , , :xLAiqy ia our authorized Agent at Kenaas- ajnUtraraw-Mft.i.GvMoBi8iIri3 ut -via our au-cized Agent at Lumbrton.. , . . ; ; Aeni nt Clintons-Da; J&. IT.- Lkk is our authorized Agentat citnton, .,c (. Ajpftnt atlTIlsom Mr. It. E'. Kbwtow fs the- authorized Agent of tfce SrAja?i at Wilson, Nt.C. sittMoSiE siJer worth one-twentieth part of ,(!W.O,&li.B.Rii. ' ' tj - value-' hefbfe' 'the- war Mr S;!iiS "S Sprague tolo;e Senate that he not r' Agerf at isitrnteri Mk e..lj ssERwoon only apprehended we had lost the 'is our authorized Agent at 6umterr S. C '.r ' rr . ' A:it"at tiieTiiie.-oi. j. J. cor is great cotton interest forever, but our iuly authorized Agent at UlesyiUe An- , . , j . 4 oa country, c. . , that he even- feared the competition of India cottott erixiii 'rrioiiioi" kets- These are not the statements Countrx is an-authorize Agent for th Stab, nf a pnn otpqi nn al H pel ai m pr hn t ! of and will receipt tor subscriptions. or adrer ol a vongrebbioiiai uecidiuier, uui ux ;iSS2i8E. a practical - wLo.rarely asks :r.ptuM tte attention of the Senate. Truths Stab- . " -" " like these ought to- rouse the indus-r ? L ' ni -UKQ'P1 rFtoBt.;;t:;'irt;-Ji trial classes of the country, arid U John Popeha5..again established bring them ta decide whether! this of cotton, commerce and manufacturers on, a legitimate 'trnsceai miliary genius. basis, is not a higher price than JftiQ States Treasurer a of Georgia they are able to pay for the perpet l: Jirefused'to yfih&'per'diem uation of Kadical power; V: ' Cxi Blacli--aridTan " Consti- - . uKo y ft The finances of Tennessee t 'V v . ' '-rn . t . are said to he in a had wav. The orucra " more xroops zo jiuneuge- . yille'yis i We e enire State liability, actual and jsiboernot ta p contingent, at $32,562,323 58. The ' unless elgned by the Governor -and who& taxable Property of the State JonWW- b'etter look out;: for is estimated at $240,357,631. The ' when:ope; establishes his hind- entire State revenue next year, it is quirtera in'.tlie saddle, women and thought, cannot exceed that of last chiidren, and small detachments ar, when it was $1,837,277 05. like Jones are in imminent danger The Nashville -Banner says that of losing their jewelry, baggage, the taxes on privileges are already and small wares generally; . so excessive that they are driving :But;isn'tit amusing to see the capital and business from the State, desperate financial condition of the and th&t if they are raised less rev Georgia Black-and-Tans 1 Having enue will be obtain ei If addi J always :n : tionJaxes are impose(jliinust t; their oldmitere be put'on lands, " which cannot Christmas these" poor fellows.were run away." Altogether the finan i - fondlanticipating a good time cial aspect in Tennessee is , any : genetall thing but cheerful. 9? ey,PFe 011 PoPe t0 8tart ; on a- b umming - expedition to Mil- V; ledgeville,Jioping he mav be ' able o ;ujf vucu ? o uxxii uxo o uucs Tney represOnt 011,7253 acrei as un out of the covetedgreenbacks. No der cotton in the central provinces, Tans,in thd plenitude of his. sor- row at not being. able ;to draw his per diem, should rise , m .the Corn Shucking g Convention ; and ask W hor naxr don no ham V " ""TJu" r, Wft aTcaif. Tiriflu . .nton'o'ct ' onviotir V jix -2 -icmi 3 ii J n- - f -fV . h - it r oi xnegranaesi; strategic movements Rhnlr nrnv aiTrccetnT fhv RTortb-. ' a rtt-ir ,:' i w-n with o-lor and ossibl ' ' a ' h' E 7? a ,p06Si y, ,pay irn 2t per cent, on the amount he may r -.-rV,; i .-. v fractbryJ6nesvv loot out Jones f-The odds are amst you . and-" unless you can neDossum ; JIack-and-Tans 4 ,: : 1 "Wi-fTEZZ Therejis? t 1 ie part oi, toreim., capitalists to use 'leir'moneyi On. this side ; the water. Juite -largel'ampUntOf Exchange acensiomea ixo i carry in ms i nina- ! T i Mi v t --r i? known on that hard coast, the life qtrarters inrthe saddle :,y and, if it V : .u . A nrv-s - m 1 rr Kandsome; Bum;V; for his individual nve hundred shocks of earthquake ocketf yourferf oand' nxnst had been felt t . that; island, and ive.: already ;peen :fdrawni against I .w. 1- ,v -: - y 't ',v' "4;' 'vH &r;v(p Mr: M. D. Jones, an ex-postmaster , urope:'.n- crecutlf ana xig runaer7 v Ths fall in exchange: pial:es eyi 2 ?that fto!shipmerits of gold v ,'m2 'rnitude will be made in Jan : ry, and the opinion, expressed Jn nan'cial circles that calj loans in ood mat vfuMeriJrge' irp i thelreoat letters X :' : 1f.dV '".J l ;o;.' Senator .Sprre,, o-Rliode-J&-fandV wlio ils a .large v manufacturer asf "Well; asa large "cotton planter, deli vered a speech on the 20th inst., before the adjournment of Congress for, the holidays, on the repeat of tho cotton tax, in - which he -made the startling statement that the British manufacturers are now ahle: '.by their sMlIecr laoor and toachine- ry, to projJuce from , the short -and i dry staple of India cotton 'a product equal to that irom the American stapleV -3Ie said1 that at this day RpvTtian cotton was nsed in seven ,Z.i J.f .. , ' . " ,. , eighths oi the articles m which, bea Island cotton was tormerly employ- edr and that he believed1 in two years - tbiV latter articTe yould only fa produced as a rare plant in. some v 1 ' v ' rnr li i gentleman s garden. JLhe planta. ' . . , tlOnSr Ot, tlie BOUtn. lie Old not COn J' VT. The Indian cotton culture is the subiect of a late report of the Cotton Commissioners of India. and 1,801,780 in Bombay. In the former there is much the same acre- age as last year, or six and a half per ceut. of the cultivated land. In Bombay it is less, the area in I860- hr r : -i " -t n o naying peen, i,g,iai acres. I . - ' . T ? ' . heroism 01 .those mi the life-boat I service, as displayed in the recent . tt i l j t storm was one of the- worst ever I 7 went out fire? times in; one niffht, a save tne crews of three ves- seg round .the coast1 we have ' ' the same seen es 01V courage and . . iT The w Tork .TWJw saJs Hs St. ..Thomas .'correspondent secretary beward's last purcbase'is Sreat a Bhakes -is; clearly mista , . ' . ; JFine-Cut. U l "Mnsh ndMilk Sociables are popular Tin Iowa, has been sentenced to ten1 'year' :im- prisonment for having' tampered with ' money We caH that 6teairng";"doWijfhere. Dickens has refused f 2,00tf ffbni Harti fdrd.W H4rtfofd fwouldnHf do . DickehB that way. wtf,t 4 , J i! V ' EST Chesapeake furnishes ; 3,800,00b"oys ters yearly.?? -Are these the things that city editors call r delicious-bivalves" r : . ,-.... . '..-,''.. - . : , .-. . -... . . tgT Henry Keed is "edltorf- the Cincin nati; JSMircf, SamuetKeed of the Gazette, and Enos Reed of the National 'Vhlon alT of tCh cinnatL" - wherefore we cp,cI?v3.tiAt th Cincinnatians are a Jlscdwj people T s . JEST" It is rumored tba the. JMeteors"' Base Ball Club, of JSTewbcrn,. iV; to clial lenge tbe Harnett, Club.tApf i!WlImiiigtonr soon. fl" A masquerade allr for ,'the. first time im tb biatTy of tbe.placer caxne off I iu Newbera . on Christmas - night. : It is said tabave been a grand affair f 4- grand Tournament and CbronaM L.tion Ball came off at Snovr Hill, -Jreene county on the 24th' lost; -A r,.-' . : Tbe two fairs beld iirNewbern tbe past -week, by the ladies of the Presbyte rian and Baptist cburcbea, netted each $300. t ri a. : v ! ; "5 : - ! . The . Japs"- played to a Crowded house in Tucker Hall, Raleigh, on Friday night.. , . . , ir.-: i The Daily Advertiser; by Mills & Hughes makes its appearance in Raleigh on the 1st proximov -"T , " -: E! A'meetmg of the Radical of Ral eigh was to he held.yesterday evening, for the purpose of nomliating; Chase for the Presidency. - r"r - Y- '" - $3Tm- Bisboiy Atkinson is- tdvflrtrsed to occupy therpulpit of (Sxace chuTchPeter burg,: to-day, . -. ; l' x: , . . THE VERY LATEST. BY; TELEGRAPH, TEE MORNING STIR. iroox, reports; : From Wasbingrton. Washington, Dec. 28. The Screw Pile Light House, at Deep Water Shoals,. James River,, will be lighted on the 15th of January,, visible nine miles. ; ; Chief Justice Slough, of Nevr Mexico, was killed in a rencontre with Cfcpt. Rynerson. Boyce, Miller & Co.'s Distilleries, at Cincin nati, were burned. Loss $500,000; Receiving Teller ShawmuL of the Bank of Judge Busteed, of Alabama, - Shot by - ! me jjikurici Aiioruey. ",-,-r ; ; ; '- ; Mopita, Ala., Dec. 28.'- District Attorney L. V. B. Martin met Judge Busteed, of the U. S. District Court, his morn-? ing iu front of the Custom House, and said ; " J uage, wui you allow that indictment against me to take its course." tiusteea replied : " Sir, the law must take its course." ' t , Martin then drew a revolver and fired three shots. Busteed fell, "with a ball below the breast-bone and another in the right leg. Mar tin had been indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury for Revenue frauds and extortion. He is now in Jail. ' " Judge Busteed's wounds are not considered mortal. . ..s, ' . . ., . New York Market. New Yokk, Dec. 28 Noon. Flour 510 cents lower. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn Ml cent .kMrgrrTRve dull. Oats heavy. Mess Pork dull At $20 90. Lard ouiet. ' Cotton a shade ficmet aXV5t cents. Spirits Turpentine in moderate demand at 50 cents. Kosiu steady IN o. 1 3 5UGS$4 oa Stocks heavy. Money 6 per cent. - Sterling iu. uoia iKJif. Bonos, old, o& . Tennes see b, new, d7. Foreign Markets.' . - LrvBRPOOL, Dec 27 Evening, Cotton closed without improvement. Up lands 7$; Orleans 7d. Sales 10,000 bales. isaies ior tne weeK 4i,ow Dales. Manchester advices unfavorable. OUR NIGHT REPORTS. Removal of Gens. Ord and Pope Headquarters of the Abmt,' eks of the abmt,' - 1 General's Office,- v ungton, Dec. 28, 1867. ) , AiMUTANr Washington, General Orders, ) " ." '..';. No. 704. v J .. By direction of the (President of the TJnlted States, the following orders are made 4 j First, lirevet Mai. Uen.- Hi. U. O. Jra will turn over the command of the Fourth Military District to urvt. maj. wen. A uV, uuiam, ana proceed to San Franciseo, Cal.f to. take . com-, mand of the Department jpf Calif pnlavJt v 4 Second. - on being relieved by orvt. Mai. Gen.; Ord,;Brvt. Maj Geni lrvin McDowell will pro ceed to VicksbarjtMiss.y aed-relievefGeneral Gillam in the command.of the jrourth military Division. . Third. Brevet Maior General. John Pobe is hereby; relieved of. the command of the -Third Military district, and will report witnout' de lay at the Headquarters of the army for fur ther orders, turning Qverhia command' to the next senior officer until the arrival -of hia suc cessor. - . : :r ' :' :T i; '-u: m: Fourth. Major General Georse G. Meade is assigned to the command of 'the Third Milita ry District, and will assume it without delay. The Department of the East will be com manded by the senior officer now on duty in it until a commander is , named by the Presi dent.: .' ;,' Fifth.-Officers assigned in the foregoing or ders to the command of military districts will exercise therein any and all powers conferred by acts of Congress upon District , Command ers; and also any and all powers pertaining to military department commanders. - . - . -1 Sixth. Brvt.'Maj. Gen Wager Swayne, Colonel of the 40th New ii ork lnfantryj is hereby re lieved from duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned,. Lands, and will proceed to NashvUle, Tenn ..mmwmi eom- innd of hio regiment..- --fe. --r By command of Gen. Grant, T i . VE.D.TOWNSEND,A.'AJ. ; From Wasninston. ' " ,' ' "Washington, Dec 28. ' The Boston Traveller publishes a Rio letter, "of November 24th, stating that the English mail steamer Santum went downwith four; hundred passengers C aboard.' r vFourteen ;-e& caned. : . . ' " nan a minion or one ana two aonar . notes have been shipped to the Assistant Treasurer at New Orleans ; also fifty thousand iu frac tional currency, , , !, i - No important changes in National Bank statistics. ; ' ' ''.' '- '': t Southern destitution" ia attracting great at tention - Gen. Howard is reported as fovoring governmental relief, though he thinks the sn& fefing.exa.ggeratedvfi "JU. rA..nJ TT O u X ! 1 Tl.Ti! .. "" 1 for the State Legislatures; ;A majority of the wnites are iNorinern men ana connected with the Freedmen'ji Bureau. ... t" s- .A'r ' ro was shot, dead yesterday on the; plantation of Mr. .Meriwether." near thisxiitv. 3i by another negro, for declaring himself oppos- J ed to the Union Learue. . , . . r - I NAMENTAL PRINTING executed in thebest . W -very besREP ASH EGG COAL at ft7 60 f WUI81fIER' , , . , . f -1 . t ; I'i'om Alabama ;T ; StyleJfyTYPR, PRESSES and MATERIAL- Per ton delivered, sinee November 1st,' and 1 '-v ' wtt-p ,4 Ztx?' T. " r 'cMotgomWt, Dec.28,:; are almost ENTIRELY NEWandmy WORK- JSSiSS11 rf-i U.-i.-.-i: 5-. . . -The County Republican i Nominating Con- .MEN are . UNSURPASSED In , connection dec-nactf PETTEW AY A m'oore - - - .CORDIALS, Acr, vention to-day nominated eight negroes and -with'my Printing" and' Publishing Housr rttV ia ,SAV ' irt sixteen whites ; four, whites -and ;two colored GetuBT"ncock,. in special urusre ,.-ieffai-r W thA nnial acta of ii. 1 BUelDr, apnointe j Mower, and renvored Saturn -bv den Han- BPrnnrt artieltt of the CoinsUtaUott.1 after two-d-sys discussion " -. All nAmanM ! W1 T.firni B' r c?7m fTl ljlj IHGK' I previons cwqw" " , V 7k sfTo I JUY liUO oouiu . 7 r- . ... 1 - I , ' " and priTile,? aBd .be; jSubjectto - tiie; same The Convention adjourned tilI..Moniay Rftth, at 14 A: M.' " '-' '"." , o Todar was tbe 26thrdarof therBessfon of the i ConTenttonr an lias progressed as- far as the second article of the ;oasut.uuon. . t. From nrppe. '" ' , IiONDON, Dec. 28. fvMen with blackened faces stormed Martello blacfcenettiacesstormea Marteup Cork, took arms and ammunition Castle, near and escaped. Baltimore Markets. , Baltimokb. Dec. 28. Cotton dull Ordinary 14K cehts ; Mid- allng 14" cents. Reorfpts for the week -end- rirnr.nftn?ed. i;orn auu rrime vvnitei and fellow $121. Oats nominal , at 7576 1 centsj Rye 70 cents. Provisions yery quiet. x ew ifk janrKeut ' , New York, Dec. 28. Cotton a shade firmer Sales 1,900 bales at 15 cents. . Flour dull-State $8 S0$10 55. Wheat rather more active,' but prices unchang- j r.. Xfo . Woetarn i 1 IA1 Sftl.7. Yellow tl?87..' Pofk S20f 90. Lard dull.- Spirits Turpentine 4950 cents. Groceries quiet and steady. Freights quiet and unchang LDS- ed i' " --7 "f ' - ' '' - ' Gold 133X. ; Sterling 1010. ' J Mobile Market. i Mobile. Dec. 28. Cotton market closed quiet and firm. Aiid- dling ISiff eents. Sales 1,000 bales.' : Receiptsl l,83abalea. , - ; H . ' I Savannah Market.iS- 5 Cotton firm with good enquiry,. but -holders too high for buyers. Bales ,1,05 baiesL'-.: Mid dling 14 cents.4 Receipts 3,005 bales . Cnarleston Market. ft? .- .'' ' . . " Charleston, Dec. 28. Cotton firmer, with sales of 500 bales Mid- nling at 1415 cents. Receipts 1,790 bales. SPECIAL NOTICES. - . PAIN KILLER. OPIWIOSS OF THE PRTESS.l ; No article ever attained to such unbounded populaty.-SW Observer; i An article of great merit and! virtue. Cin- cinnatl' Nonpareil. " We can bear testimony, to the5efl9cacy0f the Pain Killer. We have seen its magic effects in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a. gooa strticie. Cincinnati DispaUsh, T' ":' . , A speedy cure for pain no family-should without It. Montreal Transcript. ' i .There has nothing as yet surpassed the Pafn Killer, which is the most valuable family med - icine now in use-Tfenaesee Organ. rw - It has real merit : as a means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Newport . CKy.) Daily New. - ..." ,jt Its wonderful power in relieving the most severe paflTBei never been equaUeLBurit7H7- ton Sentinel. S J c - r It is tne ofthef ew articles that are jnj& what ' ' V K 3T ' fit they pretend to be. Brunswick Telegrvph. Our own opinion is, that no family should be without a bottle . of. it for. a single hour; ' In fiesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, Ac, it is the. most effectual remedy we know of. News, St. John, Canada. ' " ' t'i s V' " ; . f f After many years trial of 'bavis'TPaln Killer we advise that every family should provide themselves - with,. so speedy, and -effectual a Th Pflin T?nw of PtsTT Dftta A Amivn ft ftonflrlentlv rtnotnmmd. We' have nsed It for v . w " a length of time, and invariably with success, j Canada JSaptist. f .3 . ii'l ; a The Pain Killer is for sale bv Medicine Dealers J . . - - decl8-! 'i - Special Notice 1 TA T?AtTiri?DC HfTT T T7T3CJ P. riTTTT?DC Resisiblepitrtteswhin ,StarM Cotton Gins and CondeMeTSVftCaget wiTi'iiT.'Af.t'a."'1t'Xe., ehines from us and have thirtv davs ia wnich to pay for them, and if tliev faU to eive satis faction you can return them at oureost,---" - " Mill Furnishing Goods genrariytU( . . JS. U. UHKSTHiRMAN, ; Mffl Furnisher and Engjneer dec28-79-W&S5m W.1T. Llppitt, Drngsfst A CTiern- 1st. Always on hand a, full and! se lect supply of PUKE MEDICINES', CHEMI CALS, WE 8TTJFF8, PEEFUMEBY, SOAPS, JI!" ' "" . ? v. ' rrescrjpwona,aniieiy,an1a.neauyl compounded. -:;v Jvi tX"." j JT. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. S. Store open from 6 A. M. to 9 PM Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at nfarlit will TileaseeallatmvreaidenRfi on Rv "- " ." . sept23-l-tf . . . . . ,.,; TIm wiiiiw'of tht bnslncss jady,8 been reached by any newspaper established iu Wilmington, lit haiss also-a fair,' and rap idly increasing, circulation in the country Its KATES. OF ADVERTISING ARE LOWER than those of any newspaper in the State and its REASONAULK TERMS OF SUB- SCEIPTION must soon give it a circulation that will make it' the best advertising" ma' diutn in North Carolina. 'r1, . sept23-l-tf' - ' ' .... ... . .. -l. , . . .... nr. . i. .- Wm. H. Bernard, Printed A, ajuu : trEIsERAL AD- AH Varieties of PLAIN, FANCY and OR elndiztg a firstlas RULING uAXnUNE. - flE3- Call and see specimens. - - . f ' 1 i fiT Bills Of Lading for kale aT tnV. f aceoftheiioBKii.-aSTAR.v v,1, 4- s - - ing- yesterday ,xu Dares. j;iour coining uo- v III (. ' , . i i i ing,.lheatsparce, but nq activity, and nom- , r v , : ; ji InnfWrnirfiainp-ed . (lorn dull Prime White tf SV Boxes CJTEESETJ . I -si T ..lf fact that THE MORNING STAR has, al- weight, screened, and free from dirt, prompt- ine StocteK GEO; E. FKENCH .SOS.., readyiargerlcalciroulatioixthanhasever tJ tne . . i-U ;; " deeW;; - Korth yron. NEW: -ADVERTISEMENT irrmTriTT' -7 , . j- , i--i-r- rg On ti fcelt JT A H IT K tt T , FAETJIKPfr wiUbetorCASXr,'-. Tt1 ..i- arRlnWmp.1,t rnr tim hm, n S - fS ' negotiable acceptaiicwm,inTarialy,peir3re '4 '-' i-V No. 16 North-Water Street. dec2940-2t ' : ' . Sundries,!, I PCri BBLS. MOLASSES,' , fV.jf 1? FLOUir:aIIrade I 111 I ..:' 6 pr Lau isois. ana lsags ut.yf 4xju;.rxv .-4UJ': - choice , . i ; - v ; . . v ' . tM . Ol - R ' aecw-yu-w 11 and 12 No. Water Sfc pfiQrtlOO KOffllQ Q NDPWlt -"wuiuu, t VVVJ-WU ' . TTF YOU WA3IT t J-VJUh .1 iuu 4H"'M into your private pursey eneourage. yourJUuw- bdBtobythett Yk:-. k t of MUNSON & CO: TTie ainduirt thus saved . . ' .. . c , T ; S1- ; : I "t1' t.f'aA' Market street. ... t .".; 35 a FOR SAIiE. 4 ...,.frM:!x -ili. E 9t 'J?r!l DAILY AND WEEKLY T HE OLDEST and MOST RELIABLE MTI0KAL DEMOCRATIC If is -IS THE- CATTT'IT - A TT A ATT'Tn CP A T'TT'O feUUii A1LAJN 110 blAlJ,. It is now entering its tenth volume, haviinr been established in 1858 and. "existed for ten years followiug. Its character and reputation as a vehicle of l news is conceded by all, and its advertising patronagcis second to no journal in the State. . . . . ." .. . iL . 1 . . The Office, Newspaper, Presses and. Printing Material will be sold cheap for cash. ' i ! '"-'' For terms and other particulars, apply to . ft."C. BADGER, - Haleieh. N. C. Or, J. JULIUS GUTHBIE. Jk . dec29-90-tf Portsmouth, Va. BALTIM0EE & . WILMINGTON WEEKLY STE A3ISIIII LINE. THE FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP IFZRAGEJS W. S. HARRINGTON, Commadef, nTttt UATE OUR WHARF. FOOT I VV - of Princess Street, ; for Baltimore, on Ink mrTTir A v T . - BaiuJl :i V" f Through Bills of Lading given to I -'. .) ' I ; ..'. c.,&c. rSM fbwiiiht. i.' i -i & f in m newt's 1 Annlv to dec-S0-ts 11 and 12 North Water St. : ' ' . J50S t,3 .IJllSlJlty itCu. iiSIl, . -.'.... .tiixtu.iii.l i',4 I . Tim mt v"rrrrty 1 ; vs ; - J PHce RednCCMltb &7 5 Overtoil.. A . . -,.mn w JtX , ..... ' of Fairbanks' Standard Scales. aU Coals sold -I " . BACON- SHOULDERS, v TP.TvTPT.T! (VP PA RTTTO- . ,. T T GARDEN SEED, rTTIIE Finest and largest Assortment i jl of GARDEN SEED ever offered in the eitv. j iiv w ity. Foi or sale wholesale and retail, by ; ; decI8-73-naclm druggist ana unenust. I "T3 T TCH 7 TH i C A T AT XXsJ. V. JlJ ; ViJJ ' V, V A I i KEDUOED, -TTTCHTr 'BBtf. ABTICLE BED ASH Y OAL, arte a LOW as the LOW- Leave your orders with On hand, RED ASH STOVE COAI4 GRATE j Jj6lV6r OrCClC - Oll66tlIlff; f '. -" ' . "-. . ' ''-f: a"; O . - ttiliiRTl'-Fi'E ' iKUNnnr.n VAittis. i. :-7;t . I n 1 A t decM-efl-na-tf ROBINSON, SMITS CO. i vournai copy 4 times.. J X V ; '"'t' :t' crUclIlIIUUr milS; ClC. it J - rtn" - ..- i -1 &r iale'by' r;- :T. . . - r jp-w j-t rW 'ffrVvhr H.u i" wAij, BiALAOiaiin'o WAb (juroaa "i'opi, J Tv-. -...., MINE" x " V' III . , 'v ' , ..I decl-ac2m h,- T ' V'lr, ' : .... .m . i . . . i t.jx oawa fr .. . ,ii ijjtui. : STEAMSHIPjn- t J STEABSHIP C3nirr t -r it T - - - CAHI? J BEXJSlTJfl', Commander . "IOTP? KlATsbmirf TT loot . oi urange Btreetf on -TUksniV on FlilDAY, January t iv. fn Through Bills ef Lading siren to PROVIDENCE, . For FrefgBt applj to , i, .. " "TT . 43- 3fo Prissenar era tali en. J,:EL- Agent in l'xiiiaaeipua-r k w. Tec28-79-tff 514 South Delaware Ayemie ... - - - - - - f Erep;:csBp;;Line. t 1. it FAIRBANKS,' Vy ' 28th, aleaVe our, wliarf,, between D and 0are street for tJVf , Above' port, on WEDNESDAY, 'January "Ly ',' u TVv ViA4fyVi tfvw Pri abA A Vi1. 4. a : ' - ' For Freight or Passage apply to ft. -. TsnfnsTir Tt t vtbt . Affent in New ToxkW '11 S1 ii vv- dec28-79-tsl HX ,tfa3IB HlfTX: 4 ' r, - , .. PRICES KEDUCEDy V ; X) ' ' " -' ' Lr XULLJ U OJZilJ, f t ' . rl..i ' rpr CI 1 TTT rPTTt? TTaf"l?C i W: v.; 1V .O sj XX -XXXXU ' XXillXiO, 3.. ...1 . ...... ' TO SUIT THE TBIES, At Guthman's. Temple of Outhmatfs Temple of Kt Gutlimaii's Temple of O . IWUr KC L O LTCC L. " .- 'u 36Xlcrket;0trcet til', i . i i i ylii'. -f . - TAkES PLEASTJREIir AJflfOCSCWW tothedtizens of iWilininatoiiiand sur rounding country, tnat ; he, ill now seu. me balance of hisfeitensive, t ;;1C :. I ;W;i3STER 'STGjCK ! ; J;MWf?J riiH-tf ' -of- y:. ' " .a.iv- I iT-fiTTtSr. ' r TFTTlT.SiVl Tlfr i .. l-m- -. -w - 1 . .'fc., ti-i-i - ,i h isdetermined txselllbwer than theJowest in. thecityi ,lc'tfoget to.gtTeninacau,i. 21 f ATiTTET RTREET-" 1 5 dt57tf -4.: '' ? W2nmgton, r The JPlace to Buy. tf tov wish a crooi) ooop y ior a small jpricey,; go, to zar ?onn ff- J n All kinds vano! ,Turleffes .Wb0QT ,o SHOES, ai Kfw nricea Ca at NEW STOKE- ! ; Tim es" asscntfirxenfc t BOOTS' and SHOE and the 'Towet price, fr CmD, lsa ivA-, Wi.KMiniwkndxain: - OliUdl ? dec5-7-tf v'.-- :W,andNo. Waterst ?0ft IHE JDiqWDAYS. - ';f f A r ? -.jt 'Nisf CADDIES, At ."J" X. ' " r dec!9-73rtf gt.o. z. rr.rxcn'V 1 1J C'utl lront Qtree tftctt b" Ne,, - !"!' :' ' ;a,?t; n. ttat), asps.. . V . : . ". : . .. ... -..- :..- ,-. 5t- ir..2 .i:vo