.... ,..-'.. . . 1 '"y.1,". r'"t5q,Wlw . . ... . ' -.. , ..' : - - - a.A!.k..-? J i -I j i. -..!,r .. .. - - jl & . . :, - VOL. I-rSO. 04; - - -V -I I H :.'r-TCr.Jl.:l VV .' &YKVVi j N T 'Tf Xt"; - J' i-m A J .21 -- -- - - ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' -i " U ..... : .. .,-,, ; . i .. . ' , .. t . ,. ! I r . . . . . . . . . ! : " 1 .. iiij i ., 1.1 1 . 111 - -: . T t.-L , 1 ..r ... .- !...,, W ram mEitxAiiD Office; "3 South Watr 'S: TltKf T Alt Ix MAtlcfirl, of Ifclivorod to u))scrUw in alt in rtr the City, nt H2 GO fornix MMithM, brflft 31 fbr Thrce'Miiths. ' RATES OF A WVEUTISI3TO x Y On Square one i;iy,'. .'t.'. " . two djysi,'..,;. 75 .! ! 25 1 M .-2 00 . 2 25 , 2 50 tnro tuiys, -. " ' 4'uue,1aiyH, . . . . .a ' . tlvo ilivyx,... v.- Contract Advtrti.aent tnkbrt at pro-" nAfiJw,Y 1IIRECTORY. WIUIIXUTOX MAISCIIESTKIt K. ROAD. IHrcctor .Joinv J.uronr Henry Nutt,' Si-crctaru and FrHmH'eVn.'Xr Walker. WILMINGTON". CIIAULQTTK & liUTIIEIt - ( t FOR l) H.t.- 14UAD. PrAcritrii--Holwrt tfmnii,? ''X:Tt ' IirfictHr J.l'erson, A.-JI.,aiTU)kKclen. .7 no. A. McDowell, Robert Svfc'reuoli, Wulter L. .sjiH'le.sttq) W. C'ole, SuTuuflll. Walkupii. Nj;o Hutchison, Haywood W. Uuloii,C.'C. llen-tU'i-jtnn, A. G. l,oj?an,5A. U. Holme-sly. . SupfritUnitlriitW. I. Kverrtt. Jlatfrr of Ti dnxportailotirW' II Allvn. frrntori on-'t TiitixurerrX. T..Allerman. . ! JOtxttr JfTwwc W4UUI. ! . Weight Agent W, It. Frcnoli. . ... WILJriNUTONCWELDoSCitAli,"liOADi V iVr)W-lt:' It.'lJrhtrMj ' ' ; V jiirri'torx on thr jftrt of th RtorMwlder W". . W!ht,S. D. Wallace,, Elt Murray,- Aliiel Martin, A: II. YanJJokkelen, Uc. JIarvis, of Wilmington, ahdJohu Everett, of (Jolilshoro'. Wrcrfor on th iiri of the State--Ethranl Khl lt;r, of Wilininirton, . C, John Norjleet. of Tart)oro ami Thomas 1. Hojt, of -Kalejtf h, Chiff Engineer ami Ueneral Supcrlnicntlrnt s.L. Fremont. 1 Muxti-rttf Trtnpnrtttt!on Wm, Smith. "1 , frvreftirfancl Trermm-vr J. W. Thompson. Mitxlw of Machinal' ji--yi. M. llanklns. AmMorAii It. Dmllejv'f ; ' . - " - t RAIL ltOAD LINK l)'iliiiTitoii HxidI Maii Chester It.Hi;!'KOAl COMPANY. GKXRRAL S LtP K RtST BjrDKJTT'ft OVFH'Kr OS AND AFTEK OCrr. 20tl;PASSEX ?er Trahis of this Koatl will ruu on . the following Schedule r",K w ' ;; fv i$xir?& teain. ' 'Ttw-WllThii4pftmAt..-r.'i!i.;.t.'V.1 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Flore&o.-T..... 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kinwville.. ..-..... 11:45 A. M'. Leave KinjrsvUle.....v......4,..j I1:.J0 A. M. Arrive at Florence..; A.. 2:55P.M. Arrivo at Wilmington;... t.. ...... 8:55 P. M. Express Train iconects closely at Flor enw with the North Eastern Rail Road, for Jharleston., anil Chemw & -Ijirliii;ton Rail RVnrt, foT Cher.ir, nv at Kings villc with thr .south Caroliua Railroad, for. Columbia, and Augusta. . ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. ' ' Leave AVilminct(m. . ; ;5:00 P, M ArriveaUvjhgsVitle....... 0:10 A.,M Leave K J n stv il 1 e . . , ... i ....... I ... & i 8:00 V, , M Arrive at WjbningV)U- 10:10 A. M AcconnhoddtioTl Traiii wtjl tun Tri-Weckly, arriving ami leading on Tuesdays, Tlmrsdays and Saturdays. ; . 1 i ' WM. MacR AE, oct7-l-tf ; i i Gen. Sup't. Wilmington ; Wei. Ii. It. Co'. OifiOK CaiKr KxofxF.fiu t Gk. Fcr'r, ) Wir.MiitToN, N. C.,pct. ,I1,1G7. J OX AND AFTER Till; 1211 OCTOBER,' the. following. Schedule will .bexuiv over tlultoad: ; . : . .. . ' : DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN, 'i Iave Wilmington .dailv (Sundays except tel), at'CrOO A. M,;.arriveat Weldo", &00 P. M: '..Leave Weldon Uail (SitiuLiys. except il), ut 10:.J0 A. M.; arrjyes at-Wilmington, 7:) P. 31, .NIGHT" EXPRESS, -MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Wilmiuston at ,.,...0:30 P. M., dail-. .vrrivo at- weldon at ...:00 A. M., Ia'a ve Weldon at .ri5 1. "31., Arrive at Wilmington at. .....2:20 A. 31., EXPRESS FREIGHT TUALNV ; 'Leave Wilmington da Ilyw(Sundays, 'except ed), at 4:00 A. 31., and arrives at Weldon at 0:00 PI .M. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays except ed), at 4m A. 31.; and arrive at Wilmington at r:00 V. M. Trains' pass Goldsboro' at 2:00, 10:."J0 und 10:V) A. M., going north ; at 2:50 10:15 P. 31., .hihI 10:50 A. 31., going South, connecting witli Tiaiim to Itah'ighind Newb'ern at 10::J0 A. 31., and further points at 2:50 P. 31. . 1 Papers on the line of the Road copy thiJrand omit all other Schedule notices."' ' M. L. FRE3IONT, . , octl'2-is-tf Chief Eng. & Gen. Sup't. VHisihitoii, Charlotte nml RlTIIERFORIl RAIL ROAD. "lrt!; .' 4 GKxrnAt'RtTrktitriTKNDKST's Okkioe, Wilmington, N. CVAug. f OX AXI AlTKn TUEHDA Y.Next, Au gust 13th, the Pasbenger Tralu'ioii this Rad will leave 'Wilmington on Tuesda, Thursday and Satnnlar,-'at 7 o'cTockj'A. 31., " Arrive at Sand Hill name days, at'3 P. M.: ' Arrive at Wadesloro (Stage), at 12 mid night. . Lc'ave ;AViUlej!(loro (Stuge), on Tucs lay, Thursdav ami (Saturday at 2 P. 3JT. i lieave lioakingham J(Stage) ion ..Moudayi ednesday and Frjday, at 4:) A. 31. ' Leave Hand nill'Crtr) Monday; -Wodiics-tUy and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. 31. ' ' Arrive at Wiluiingtormame ; dayr at 3 P. 31. riluiingtou W. I. EVERETT, ii-'i' -ii.fit i -ir-xt-l lien 8jft. cpt23-l-tf ur Wood and'Willow:Ware: T?T Ci REAT VARIETY,1 BASKETS, -Ti-r-r re? f w; m; j. c. steVenson'S, c; ;'y Corned Ft-out 'and JJIa'et. sts Jaul2-j2-tf" 4 "'f I'' NOKTH CAROLINA ; "' . " rTT tTmA.'HKg r ' " " V;rr. f if f9r: M POLYTECHfllnOEIaYi TUIE 0th AXNAL SESSIOOPE-XS1 "u. win, loun, rjrslt'y, a. .j. ienoseir ,us. Uiowan, vjoo. .1. . McCull, V.' E. MIUh, Jhukss U. liurr, ltich- (irneral Siwftnfvtuit.iU William MacRaW 2 ttEOIILAB COUnSELanguageB, MathCTim Jai""t ? V 7! S kx nlni f ploitr , : V 'Natural Sciences,. Jiagtarfe ;Uencs -C- ? 4 JLJL-fU)A?fnt i litres, &c.,&c.,., .JJiV- rfr. t ; ' . sPKClAi.fiftTTusii! .nt. KnrrineerinArchi - ':.'"; . V vUmx,1-.,-. . riw. xaiiTTfTZTi-x FTJitJlt; ,v - --v-nire anu rawing. ; . . -i - . - ' I I - , . ... r. . .,. Ci ' ' " ' S " ' . . ' ' I "Tn'.-J.lf, .1 '! T X 1 1 j v n ruT t TvymCTrrr. ; . . i . ; . ' . . , , r -i w a u . t m m . j- - t jl . : . - ' t . i - 1 1 " r- - 1 - . 1 iv il lif,J. Mil. "' ' 1 . .uf.rt: ' I I f f v j 1 1. AND - ' S. and Retail. .M.M.KATZ&(;n.. : 2., l i -: i " - ....--.. - - a : 23 larUct , Street, rIT lUfWi; AJSn. WELL Suited for the Present Season. i OIJR lAiU EXPERIENCE EJTAREES Iw to fmy from Importers ami Manufaet rer DIRECT,' uml ean theietbi-e otter our ootU hs low tiny can w purchased in Northern markets. Thisinno hnmbugr. All wo ask is a TRIAL TO CONVINCE OUR PAT RONS. ' - ; . We will attention, to a full line of -v . f. CALICOES, BLEACH lh) AND - UN BLEACH KD SHIRTINGS -". 1 - ' ' -'" '. . "andsiieetincs, ; .l siuvS; poplinSv 4' MERINOS, .and all the Pol POPULAR DRESS GOODS. WHITE COODS, EMHROIDERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, IIOStEltfn( GLOVES. BROADCLOTHS, ' ' : ' ' DOESKIN CASSIMERES, 1 SATINETS and JEAN8 -Hair Nets, Notions & Fancy Goods, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats & Men's Furnishing Goods. MILLINERY. . , Mre will open On TIIITRNDAY, October 3I, a full assortment of the latest shapes . -. i i , BONNETS, HATS, "- ' x S ' : r" flowers; vELynTfi, SILKS, RiURONS, &e. To TViioICMale Bayers we offer LIBER AL TERMS: : .71. 31. KATZ fc CO., oetl-S-tf .23 Slarket Street. CLARENDON SELLING OUT AT COST, SELLING OUT AT COST, SELLING OCT; AT COST, - ' For Change of Business, For Change of Business, . . . For Chanore of Business. : Wc intend doing strictly a Mer eliant Tailoring and Gents9 Fur n lulling llusiness. ..QPP.08? Hcdriek : J?3 an. ..JanS-sg-lw .V- i " No. Front St . ' I' ( if. r ". f il -; ' i ; '.-'': i O " IX BnLS., HALT JIRLS. u f .. . AND BAGS. At J-: " si.tr.-M? JS J. tJ. $TWENSON'S, l'"Jr Ut f'' 'l 'ti f-; 'It; ' X j 4 ( ! Lfii. Corner ' Front and 3Iarket"s(s. .'fanlt-02-tf -r EOTARDSfe-SMITH, GONT1XVE TO SriX yilEIR : , , - groceries arid Provisions ATTIIE" "; - KE31EMUJ!"K TIJ l-AtACJi; 1 i REMEMBER THE PLAGE U ,T J .? ';"-fItCf' i? " j-'r1 cneap "wusn jstove, .-' -Mai iu uuinjr, .. - Bbia. MESS pOBtt,: lit Store :aiid lor sale py v . - t .... , - ----- "r willa uri li li os.tt ' Wholesale flT.n tCome:.the.iPricesH The, .Crash in Dry ; Goods has . and all Goods 'are Way Down ! ! , B MS S G O O D S RYTTENBERG:BROS': v 43 MAEKBT. STREET.- SMAl.E PROFITS AJfP QUICK SALES , itoujcuotto,.giviuir'thc publiathe henetit All the bst DeLaines down to 25 Ccnta : .. 1 rencu jieruios, tin colors, erne iouar ; Almicas, Empress Cloth, Reps., all colors : All Wool Shawls, 1 75 anl npwanls. - - The 3est Kid Glove3 in the ; City, Our .Own.Importation, $1 Mx,; Corsets 85 Cents ; best sl and $1 23 y - . J KverythiiiK new in Cloak, Dress Trimm ings and Buttons;1, ' Great variety of Linens, Embroideries and White Goods; Good all Linen Towels for $2 25 per dozen ; Hosiery cheaper than ever. Clothing. Hats, Caps, Roof a and Slioe, Cas-5iiine"f es, Satinet., Tweed.s, Jeans, CoUouutie j. for Jlvii anil Uo3-ls, Wear, ... ; at lrJees ivliieli will As- AHtonisli ICvery 7 IJ ii y er. . The largest and finest assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods.- . 1 ' The IV'st Paper Collars in the City for 25 Cents per Box. ' DON'T PAY TITE rT5 ritTCES, when you can get the same for 50 per cent, less at RYTTENBERG BROS', where you have the largest' and cheapest stock to select from. , 1 We invite the particnlari ' attention of Wholesale buyers to our welllelected stock, and thet-rrtraordlnarj" inducement and liberal terms we oiler. 1 P. "S. All Goods warranted as represented or money refunded, oct2o-2t;;Hi - . ' i . SOL: BEAR & BROS., RETAIL Dealers Gents' Furnishing Goods, DRY GOODS, Fancy GoodsV Notions, -. . . ., ;Hats, BOOTS AND SHOES; : Onr facilities, both for purchasing and sell ing at the Lowest C'aslv lrloe, uie not sur passed 1y uny house in North Carolina. . . A pi-oiuinont feature of our house is our Merchant Tailoring Depart ment. Under the superintendence of MR. D. L. DE LANE Y, so well known to' Onr patrons - - .: ' . a a skillful workman. - . We only ask a comparison of our gods and prices wfth thoseof any other establishment In the city. . SOL. REAR & BROW, oct30-32-tf I M arUet Street. -IN THE- Conn. Mutual ? vi; :.t., BECAUSE'" :vi' ' . : I T 'lSTIIE OLOEST COMPANY Do ing business in the woutli. . ! : It has thelarRfist .iJtet assets of any Compa ny in America. . '.f , , . . . ,: BECAUSE t". It has issued over fMventy-sIx thousand Policies, and has now lusured a larger number- of- penMiir than any Company ija .-the XTnltet Rtntes T aiwJ the larger the number, the safer the'caleulatlous based upon tlielr average.' v ! ' '';x:::-iBECAUSE.;t:f::iir It has1 always dealt; fairly ' liOhorahly au. promptly, in paying ' 't i m i f' :. . i 'i'J. - V ' se,obo,ooo .v. 'i a tt-i (M't m losses 'A .-I.trov -i-AND NEARLY- $,ooopoo ,.. AST All Policies non-forfeltable. Xo i i A ..M.t -ji f -t-ifi liU ;.'t1'.5.?r - 1.!l'--f-f ?3I' h ' Ascnt.; FlourJiflpux;:! U U . k cviiMtrRbl. stot- k has oee Greatest Bargains of 'the Season. IT" : . . -. ii.jr.s. .orq old residents. of Broadhead, CJoaks of jhe LatestStvica, and fbrall ai ; Mfdf-1ii)r'' r'r.hnltv Tim Flannels, all colon Ami jcradea, prices low-j a"MV-iJJS" iespClaoilHVi Hie "Hoop Skirtin'Kreat Variety, all size;- daTjwJrtf!4 7iMijflriii 'TiiT loro-o GootV 10-4 Wlilte" Biauket? 1 ami lower; : U Tn 'V'S l "JS??1. fflffj ia.1 a r c CL0THIM, MORNING STi ' S 9 ' Mailcft, or ilelivereit to suhscTHHrs iii -ffr all parts, of tbe Gityy ut 50 for Six Months, or $1 25 for Three" Months. ... ,;Froxu he La Crosse Democrat. . . A ilont Strange. Chapter, n A coiTaspoiideiit. writes us Ifrom AViitcrloo, Ioy.a, asking if we lbipw oi foiie EcWr Burnhami and crfrJliis .history. ; : ; ' We do. And as it is a strange. truej;t)ne," kown to liundrU.we: Jev".11 111 TUe isemoerai as lt i tuat fe limy ' Correct : -some errors those wlio spoak-ofJiim liave talletf jihto; Ejglit years' fiHice' when we (were engaged las city editor o tvMil waii kee Imiier, there Jived in 'tins" State Til 1 Powoll ra.s lnnrr! wl f 0 m Miss Ellen Burnliam, of Broaxlheadj Wisconsin, after a ciiirtsliio 6f some Limaer.oi pupnanu-waa very tmclive.r :ldwell; Ihed'with her as ?l husband" two vears sTie'bcing all IJiat tuaeapoa w. e m au re.peet,, i presenting liuu with but one child, j At he .expiration oi two years, when about twenty-one years of age, Mrs.l PtAveirs- voice clianged, slip grew liglit whiskers, and gradually changed hef scn, developinir into a man, m an respects, as n .nature, anxious lor a irenlc, liact turnea a portion 'of lierself wronjjsitle put. Tlie husband and wife separated when the wifebecaine a man, and AIr. Ellen Powell toJc the name of Edgar Burnham, donned male at tire, Aouht and ''obtained 'emphy ment as" a clerk in Chicago, andjiy ed a single yoiniff man for. one year. I)iiriii; ?t)ii6j time he fell in love with a niece of Senator 3Xorj:an, of New YorkVbut did not niarrv her, j. - --'f -rs;.i-r.;f ? . - ' j - j l ! l ior veasonsnoi;, .peninenii to this ;ir ticle. But about the end of the year he did marry a young lady of Jroadliead, is., a Mt& Gerta hv erett, who was a music pupil .-.of his when he was Miss Ellen Bumhani, ()vei;Ahreeyoiirot pieviims to this marriage. This second marriage was.aboiit two years ago. Soon al ter this ! marriage " Edgar '' Burn ham and wife removed to AVraterlo6,. Iowa, where they now reside or did not long since. ' -The former, girl is now a man, tlie..tbnner,:vife is now-" a husband, the fonner mother ia now a father, the former you ng; lady; 'teacher of a young lady is now that young lady's husband ! - Truth is indeed stranger thahvHctioii1, aiid'.the"al)0.ve simple statement of facts.borders so upon the marvellous we could not believe it did we not personally know near ly all the parties. - Ariy one can be convinced, by writing to the parties in either ot the places we have nahVedj -of the full and entire truth of this most wonderful .transformation j --'. which puzzlcs.not only the medical but the eutirer Bcientific Jworld,and which facts" now appear for the . first time in print, though the particulars have long been khoii to us and to many other newspaper men and promi nent citizens in this State, and to nearly all the citizens of Broad head, where the parties so long resided. A' Tcry " Venerable Man. 99 There is1 now livingjn acabin standing on ;al Uarrowraller in a poorquarter of Detroit, amaii who has celeln:atejl;his;Qiiej tldrteenthbirthdaviiOld. Father BoVinsoh''1 yas .6rp"Hrtnuta'' tion of Colonel i Du Ohielleef East-; enV Maryland, in 1753. - The Col. served in' thereWutionary army ; Robinson1 accompanied hinijis body feer van t 1 osi h g a iprpfingeJin d' 1 f'e ceihg a sabre cut on the head. He w-is pTesenjt of Corn wallisra -lie . alscr hacL the . luck tejbe.iujhebattle 6f,KbwO)-leans kept;; hisxJ ,Me'6rj;ffanA;-t6ltt his stories; of, the afS'to;niai)yJof the rich f ladies of DetroirUobinson was mariurnitjed ; nearly Jnirty years himself says.,-41 The clock is almost run dwii. Xcsrp Testlmpnyjii Itdntudt y f aiTLoDiayiLLE, Jan llv A 'legislative caucus in this State groes,' wouldbq.entertained, and. i . t . ' i . . ... ''.. .: i. tnatnOi alteration in reierencou the1 exist in-law; relatmgT tosuegro au suitor naineu Jc OweUy ik;W con n ec ted jyjtl 1 a Cli icjgo peT? 0 wq i ! hKrlvodi.tiiwn3 f asfe ing. for political privileges-10i;ner t Suicide :.of . avYobiig tadvr i VJP.fde.o llisCathrine (jib iasniafiillt4inilmpare tliw t6nsUy harigiiig heWeJ,' atelier late "state pt hiindheA ;lie .gdea to residence, JSo1. loTVest Twentietli -gleeD oret8MT extworRirt with street; It appearsvtiiat the deceasT ed, was. a tiati veof ;thistcityv ?aWit twenty-three' years of agje, and 1 i ved ' T '-Uf, iL-i. iitr''' 1. ' : I -numbers 'The family1 MiiditV i-e- ... . I spectahle'and quite wealthy. TheM deceased was a very welded ncatd an d acc-orn plrsl i ed yo u i lady t of prepos'sessiiiijr iippearajriCe and tine Ltalerits; 1 ' rofoine' hioKths'ftast'sIie had become an- eivthifciiast on1' mat tens of rejgion:;t( iichliia eiteot. that from her. eccentric ideas Mid actions it was . . mipposed'lier "'liiihS had become dCrangtI. ' A pliyicianl was ;."dalled;m JinU conti rnied I ; the , fears T of 'f her ao-ed 9th.ejy,aJ veiled that iJicf.-uiove- niQiits oi the when she r retired to rest? -fihe at peared to be.; in- her, usual, health and spiritsand abqut seven o'clock' on Thursday iriorhing'she was found hanging by her neck to the banis ters of the . staircase, opposite her bedroom. She had , been ... dead for some hours, and it is supposed that while laboring under1 'unusual ex- -- "4vv,uUl bioie.t.t. ci ntr room, and securinsr a cloth- about her throat fastened the other e,nd to the banisters, and, their swung "herself over the banisters. H The ' irriet Of her aged mother at the dreadful death of her ; only child, may be readily imagined , :, A National Demoem tic Organi zation in llie. Sonlli: A number pf the Mississippi pa- . ' ' ' - - T - : if, .v. per&. are strongly in iavor oi ine organization of at national dehib eratic party in that -State and throughout the proscribed States. It is proposed by .the yicksbuig 1 imeSy J ackson Clarion, and other Conservative papers to form demo cratic organizations composed of all the elements of opposition to Tladr calism, where thev have been desT troyed or suspended in the proscrib ed States. Arkansas has alrearly moved in' thai' direction, and will t ;hold her liftrst;, regular democratic: JS tate con ven t ion si nee th e . cl osc. , of the war in Little Hock on the 27th inst. . ; : : :.. . . ..; . '. Burnt to Iea ill. A rdnrpr1 irv nninpd r'itliotMn ,a iervaqt of Mr. F.r 3Ioise, Avas accidental lyburued' to ,. death, ;oh Saturday at his residence in Bull strceti near ritt. , She was employ ed as a, child's nurse, and had just placed the' infant. on- his-beo; and moved to the fire, when her apron caught and -was soon in a blaze. Her screams soon brought jIr. De- Leon from a lower room, atid he; succeeded in throwing his coat a'u'd a blanket Npon her and thus smoth-; ering the f names, but' she hadnitJ haled the fire and. notwithstanding every resource that medical assist ance could supply was triod,:death soon ensued. Cnasi ffews.z. ' ' Personal. , We learn . that James; Qordon Bennett, Jr. Esq, quondam the man agi ng ed itor , ot, th e New V York Herald, and the -son of ; the gentle man who owns that; .establishment, proposes to commence planting on one of the Islands in the vicinity of this citvpincbhjiinction with. three or four Other capitalists,' this year. Mr. Ben nett or .any; ojher Northern gen tl em an wlpo ' bpru cs J here to aid in the: 'rliateriaT'Te&hstructibn of bur Stated will-bosr heartily pwelcomed'Cz; ''" , A German , Settlement near Co-'f tt tA - -,lumbiai .st v(P A colony of Germans, numbering about one hundred, have' settled rouJ the Aliadleton place in luciuanu District,-' bet ween "Wateree,:Iliver and Colonel's Creek,;i -nnd -nbout t wenty-four in iles , from - Col umbia.. (They: have gone to work with a vim ---breaking up the, gronndere-itihg substantial dwellings,lbesidesyariij ous.oujhouses, etc n -1,1)6 settlement or, village We learn, -is to be called Germantou.Tr'i?,( Aw4;. TIic lslit-lIonr Bill. J y Thefoll5Wing is therV eight-h.Qijrll shallarisft laboreJwbrkra6ni;Srid;?me nnw pmn nvoH nr jwlin- may hf bereemnldo of iGojOTm ot acts, inconsistent;. ith this , act be and- the ''ame ''arehei'ebvi, re- lAafilorf u -....,itt; ...-. . ',.......;;. "iQiits otf the t y yiu lady sltquld : be closel v afclied,' a riu' in at she shon 1 d libt'blefralorieT "Oh Wediiesdav billlia'ssed'by ihe blouse of Iteprfcr sentati ves last week-: ' .;; ;ioi xr -5r?W rticSSTiat eiglft - hours. It 4leeD;oriret8im extmornir',t Its state someoth?r..' lias feni'frt itri dioa rs goinj; tlirouirb- tliejnroor liVfact and " p. TwT-r7-7T,,,.' , . hifnseifTT'carefrir examiiu.t ion'; of the groundsMM ipfliidt -krioyrn truth V res.t; $o WfrV&jfotiM? aCquaintect .witJk'thfti 4focii,iuedithc:iiclvc3r but are tnrGC'Ayiltindasrcxit t diner I II. t' C ILl L XL.' . 1 1 . 1 uie uinerencr 'oeiween'iooKini' casej listleamldaatisnedih tlie , one-ear-UWieldidfiiol ?appear to nimsen imnioie, at leasvpej yrju noc have earned rry airiiflo :his bwi i respeci ;c jrt theHo have. the-prondx6ncjonia''df hav-; ingjly'lun wiserf knd thereJofeaTnorQ.cxalteu nature JorU lsrouaham, ' J ; Ai.lAn; A ifc etiolate cn. ; Old Billy. Taylorrwipsey good tpries a.ud witty Baving vwiil Kong be remeihberdd by his -I acfiuaintan- ceS used WrelatV tlie'following ; V " i i v nen 1 was young ana rjust aa ipiUed; o t4l)iE ,4arI ;waf.anpointedl " by, . the, con rt ,i o .defend! a in an!-' tfho' i . jf-i;2i' jit:-JJ.l j; :. his' mother; 1 ' Deterthifted tfiihako out the matter as ttiiddte od reputa- . t i on.for. myself aat ;.tlij3 - ess , ould adniit of, I.took the., accused vasidu told him it, was . necessary tor -mW'hiiite the whole truth iu ;rearditd-hargo againsbiliinwi 4ier iasuxiagiliini that what bermigy 'niecbuld not bp, used'-Against.himi lput the plaih'questii??';:' 4" : , "rDid vouilPyt:m6ther- f fe-Yesr utisl tlieieplyirti jsr ; v What, dil ,ym ft! itifor ?l ! ... P'.-Mit 1Mfy-M-fr. Lt?. ; . The Ke-w; a-orfe? of ..Batur- ed hy; tho m sheets oi th is eitv,r whef b-tliey liad been aban ljet every maTrifas s r ; i cveiMnff reasonmg'y !t somef went uocirme iii qt?5ic;r. j Jrutlu ; wlili wmew'xliiiQ; end : f"tisfyingp v able tcr kjfci&1trft& belieyri theui, mSimmv ' they : ana time spent m sen -improve- doned by i tllejxj joiiiLhcri. aOtt one niglit J ,ast. jvvels ree)rwpeit . like man iter p icked upj' 4,e"r casea , v i haye oc'cJjred'With.'iinn flfj: qnehcy . since Ui ooi'lrxiibr be, gan'.; rSnclv 6eanireeix proof f of. the.extreuiehanesSiOfldi times among the, y.ery. poor and should stimijlato u eitazensr; ratper to search' Out tind1alleviate cales of . distress: thanfto;;inUnTe,af8gvcre language ,againsi. .thq yretchedi suf fercrg;;::;'''44 :A i i .. -;"A' lady-wird hnWpMdyen rtaiflr with !Tifr'ii1p; tvrnt.ftf-fA. ft"? frunfl for the . best rreiuedy, jt The frien d had i nst received- a ri ote from an other laofy inriuiringrthlByky to - sion thedadyr tho itiquijred rabout the pickles received the rejney for t aneascs, anCihorjids. mbth ,eiof the sick chndrpri' witli horror . reafihe' mllowffi SHlithem h thTeloifour "tiines iUhot''Vvinegar, arid sprinkle Ithern;, with! salt,f And in ' -IXer;;few hcy;iwill cured. s lirday signed Mr. ScherielJs'Svhiskey f x fbiirmnffifcls'rnjr'r gram from "NewXorkitri?ithi4 city " I Key decreasea jsatnraay nly?nve cents 'per&allcnd'tliatvvvhiskey fcoAira w iiguraT onouoiia? -and .twenty ice:lagaUi.;i- certincate ip.PHcn j .01 , tax. Wa8fdnqton fflier an'tic JJdllimore mi lr"'f'' ' lasb two couple obtaified inarriage icenses uartic hundfeduduiuc.tyr&uryOsrsiThey . were all black.Atorntfr. ( Ya.) - Gazette talO..,.;, b ' ;i MofcImtlGILaTS.4rMl tViaof cotch ?Jmritigrant3.f crnyed .hereyeste'rday;; .be ;seen. "atthe office 01-the 5gr;aticdiSoet.' Ttr- preachers iu'a pulpit-, made 11 om p:f LS r 4 A man in . Lexington, v' -V nasf iiusf.imn'icdihis, 'iweltli.'v 1 1 . Ilor- ribloT' -"Jijijc,injAi4 COCiiSr; ior pusmuba , Vr Circulars, address- ' '.' - 1ln " ' UtV, U, li. COLSTON. Sup'tt t, ' i" ' ' ' ' ' I ' I J an5-8C-tf , 2T, 28 aiwi 2a No. Water sfc j J an3-85-tf ' 27, 28 and 29 No. Water st 1 ,4

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