I ; i S 1 kj ... 1 iiur i ii; J a : nr MOBSWGr 11 R. 'h't TcJncicUy Homing, Jan 15,- I8GS. ' i,ocl Circulation JLA.Cai tlMu-Uu p f.rny Dai'y Kevrapaper In the l " ncra"4,s-i iBijrnlatlon r , j ixr Te?lI-tay'ats't'Wr' than ' C these 4X iiay'JDlly Newspaper ' in ,.,7r : Carolina, ' V7 CLvE.' B 23 OR UST .A. :R ZD ; jNf iA'-.CJliA- and Proprietor.' rV- ' Atrent a fcanrtntwirR. Mr. Wm. II. Mc- : t T. r r.tar is our authorized Agent at.Laurln . L rj. . ? ? ' . -;r.-v.'i .; 1 H'ayetteirille Agrent. Mr. Isaac Hol-r- . tiitjaawoRTH Is the authorized Agent of the Star at Farettevllle. , i "Arrcnt at 3ol:oro M. B. V. L. IItjt . a i s " authorized Agent at GoldsboroV A-'--t at tltitfm Ma. J J. Johks is our -;' ...ruad Ascent at Milton. N. C. f tit RtNansTilli--Mn. J. D. South- . jT.Ixti3 out authorized, Agent at Kenans-1 i . ' cntat VTarsaw. M. D. G. Mobiszy is cv r uthorlze4 AffcntaV Warsaw. . " t InmlMrtaiiw-not. N". A. MaLkan t- ,ia oar authorized Agon at Lurnberton. -s-sfl' Tenia! Cllnton.-1-Da.'A. M. Lbb la our tut .torized Ascnt at Clinton, N. C. ' -cat at Wilson Mr'. H. XL Bmcon is the -11? ' 5 i feTxt-orlzeti i Ascent oi the Star, at Wilson, N. C. . , - -tut iCt Shoo neel. Mr. Alkx. Mao j.. i . v v. fc i r j oxir authorized Agent at Shoo Heel, 's .-ftttatTTnilftabomN Mr. Wm. J. Cov ' ' !'' jhOTu b our,; authorized Agent at Wadei- , ,r:bero. ... ' Arent at 8nmtr. Mr. K. I. Shkbwood U our authorized Agent at Sumter; 8. C. ' ' Arnt aft 141esvllle.--Col. J. J. Cox is ; t eur daly authorized Agent at Ulesville, An- ton. County N. C. v 4 'i w Jt Capt; Wn. M. 8w aww and Mr. Hamiltox t McMilxav are. authorized traveling Agents for the Stab, -j -, - : v . car MrrjAitBS T. PrrTzwAt, of Roheson Coantv, is an authorized Aent for thu Star, "' and will receipt for subscriptions or adYer . ; tisemcnts. I- . - " Jtir Captain J.H.BoATWBiOHTand JosbfhE. "" IokteR, W. and M. K. Rd., : are authorized to I . receive and, receipt for subscriptions to the . 1 Stab."".'.''', . ' 4 v i- ' -. ' . ;. Ilcclianica' Association. - !'Aii advertisement in this issue of tlio StAit; eltlling a meeting of the Mliuiaiw:jWdBndTrotective' As ; ,u,eockitionexfc Monday evening, re- f r. iramds ns at the "fact that f this ad I 'j t - - Yiii rable organization has but fifty xiicmb'qryiheri 'it . tnieht.'have " two 7, lup'dpdj and. should certainly have h,,-tiot les than one hundred. f The present is a most trying time td'the worlcinoorien. Bomeof them , jiaVe 'teen discharged by their em- iLpyer:;; the wages 01 others have becai-reduqed ; aud in many sec--tidni of ithei conntry their condition lS'sacn as 10 can iortu iuu t;urut;&t JOTtX of all who estimate these 3 ' weirtkyj menk at; their real value. lierlin Wilmington,' many of them -who have no regular employment ; and, unless Ahey' meet together, talk ' 'together and -.work- together, em ' barrassmenta of no ordinary charac- ;xer await tnem m tneiuiure. ; The Mechanics' Aid and Protec- 4ire Association,;being an incorpo tl fated body? and enjoying, already, a yiorpus existence, forms the ,n u . viieus, around which the workingmen ;of Wilmington should gather. Let ; t 1 it include in! its membership every worthy and industries mechanic in f , rt-,ihe city,; Let them work together o'-i j .vencxgetically $nd harmoniously ; f :T for, " In ' niiipn 'there is strength." ' . Prejudices t ana ; cherished convic tlona musbp sacrificed on the altar jf.Kif.atem-necessity:' The worklng 1 'Jinetir mustr- dfioperate. On what V , plan, they will. of course decide for ; .Vthemselves. But they should, at ht Hfflcjwt-,' co-operate in the formation of "',i',,'lhatplafi. v " "; ' The workingmen have hut little .jjCapiiLj' ' .They.are : dependent on jttieir dnily labor for support ; and n fetvheh this dependence is withdrawn they must look the issue boldly in . the face, and, by united effort, over 'come it 1 ' When the 4 anvil chorus " is hush- fed irt the workshop, and a death , ' Uko ;tfllnesC" pervades the once l .busy scenes of honest toil ; when the cquare ana compass lay iaie in me ! ' 'h tJyl'-chcst, and the ring of the trowel '':h e6. longer Heard on', every thor- , , ongniare it tens a taie 01 saaness y woojid.thV hearthstone , of the , f , iiiprft eloguent than words, ot with- a'j I . . j;rcd hopca of, jartished and bleed- 'J- ing hearts ; of a country's greatness ; !f " 4ost and ruined; . . ?r v 4 f ft IU1 the ..worltingman, amid all f''i'- KB xslbarrassmenti and trials, has i J.?J- hth and holy duty to perform to ' ; ; ; ; I . -famft.And himself Ke ver give r rf" JR 'w despair.i vAs the obstacles - vit : thic-ca; let thejsnirit of . tfue man hoodoo higher and higher- until it :'y. prises superior, to them all. - J3how Vw i'i T! 'clf.a man," by, triumphing 'qver ciiiur-'ltics; and as the first step to- - - -. .... Wfl-Tci tiie accom-Dlishmcnt of vour jn;M?c:c, enroll your name1 on -the 'tio of tlio. Association already ,1 - viiaca lor your ucnu That "was f bright? ? vVwh6 pro C:c4 in theXJorilla Convention ot Georgia to issue State notes, by au thority of. the Convention, for the purppse to pay - of raising funds with which the bar-keepers, landlords audi wash Iuthe first place, tiie Gorillas can't raise money enough to pay for printing or en gfayingj the, notes.. But, admitting this difficulty overcome : Would anybody receive such notes' at a discount of ninety -nine per cent:? Imagine a Gorilla walking into a bar-room and paying for t drinks with one of these - beautiful shin plasters,, Why not r collect a few wagon loads of Mr. Hemminger's " Cm federic,' deal it out to the Georgia Gorillas, and let them go forth in all the ( pomp and circumstance " of newily-acquired wealth ? This currencp compared with the Goril la shinlasters, would be equal to Mexican dollars bright from the mint, illow strange that this idea never entered the brain of the luminous Gorilla who proposes to manufacture money for the use of his brothers !' Feeling a deep in terest in the Georgia Gorillas, we will eh irge them nothing for this suggestion. , v " Pray for the delegates ! " The Reason. The removal of Gov. Jenkins and Treasurer Jones, of Georgia, by Gen. Meade wa3 caused by the per sistent reiusal of these omcers to 1 1 pay, -from the State Treasury, the per diem and mileage of the mem- t bers of the Georgia Gorilla Conven tion. Tfce removal turned on the proper of the construction of that portion Reconstruction Bill which provides for the payment of dele gates ; Gov. Jenkins insisting that the Bill required that the amount should be raised by means of a special tax, and Gen. Meade think ing, probably, that it was discre tionary with him haw it should be paid. Fine-Cut. 4 The Surratt trial cost the Govern ment $30,000." This is one of the blessings of a free government. EST" '? Some of the Radical Senators rebel against Sumner's attempt to have Stanton rein stated."! It was a mighty small rebellion. t3T" f The Massachusetts State prisons pay an annual prottt of $21,000." We thought their institutions were paying, from the num ber of persons going into them. JSgn f The New York Journal qf Commerce is reported to have cleared $150,000 last year." Metts is flnrerin " on our profits now. We think wo can beat that. 57" f Maderia made five hundred and fifty thousand gallons of wine last year." Exactly But most of the Maderia wine is made in New York. 2gf f' General Grant is becoming a power." A 7lor'power t 1ST The Gorilla Convention will please not forget our claims for the position of Public Printer : 137 gome of our valued cotemporaries con tinue to chew our Fine Cut at our expense. fST" f The police court of Mobile iaenliven ,--' edjustinowby the jealousy which a pretty fruit girl has created in the family of a staid citlzenJ" Fruit and a woman is what burs ted up the Garden of Eden. There is only one candidate for office In the Gorilla Convention. His name is Le gion. North Carolina in u Nut-Shell. EST1 About thirty young gentlemen have been admitted to practice in the va rious county courts of the State, by the Supreme Court now in session at Ral eigh. igfettote ;demftfldr Raleigh; The I Smthiet'iifiiTi of several who wish to purchase heavily. ESP1"? Another of the murderers of Col Nethercutt has been arrested by the Sher iff of Craven. iaif Tiie loiiowmg are the prices o: articles in the Newbern Market: Cotton in bales, 10 cents ; Cotton seed 2f cents Potatoes wholesale, 70 cents ; ! retail, 80 cents. Corn, by weight, $1 0." Apples, by wholesale,1 $1 50. - Turkeys, ' per: pair, $2,00. Chickens, grown, per pair, 60 centa; v tfi The houses of four . gentlemen, al neighbors, residing in Wake county, were robbed on last Friday night; ; r f; Alfred,1 Mltcnell, known by the name of M Boots," announces himself as n candidate for assistant . 'doorkeeper : of the .Convention. 7 .? . 1 ",. . ,. ' t'Ar ioilng lady In Itafeich 1 narrowlv escaped death by the ignition of the fluid in a lamp which another person' was fill Ing, who dashed the lamp in the fire-place, when portion of the Cuid ,11 Uon jjtha drtssurthe yoking ldy and enveloped t Iicr in flacaes. , Tbi- fife was smothcrpd before doing her rauch damage. ' ,f THE VEIIY XATEST. i -rj-TT rp ljVr TTrT A XTT J3 X ,. X .iVI, 4 VJTXV JrVXTXX 9 , . - TO ,. , 1 THE MORNING STAR. JfOQK REPORTS. Arrived. Nrw Yorb Jan, 11. Sanford arrived. From California. ! San Frakcisco, Jan. 14. The steamer China sailed for Yokohama rwith a half n million dollars in treasure, , '' J The British Hrk Oliver Curtis has been wrecked. xj . 4- " i " General Fred Steele, late commandant of the District of Columbia, lias died .of appo- plexy. - The heaviest rail of snow last uiht since the year 1840. . From WHwhlnRton. Washington, Jan. 14 Certified copies of the Senate's action re garding Stanton's suspension have been fur nished, the JtTcsiaent, Virant ana tstauton. Grant and Stanton had a conference late last night, aud met again this morning at the War Office, ; Grant left the office afterwards and Stanton remained. Stanton received calls from various officers of the department, but up to noon had not formally commenced business. Up to noou the President had taken no action n the premises. Snow railing heavily. New York Market. New Yokk, Jan. 14 Noon. Flour and Wheat drooping. Corn 1 cent ower. Kve oniet. uats a soaoe Dcucr. Pork dull. Lard quiet. Whiskey .nominal. Cotton firm at 16(Z$17 cenis. Freights firm Spirits Turpentine 63 cents. Rosin steady Common Strained 3 00; Strained 5s lf. - Gold 11 . Bonds old 10 ; new 6. Foreifirn. . London, Jan. 14. The Stouiteur says that Naples is tranquil. , General Napier has arrived in Abyssiula. ; Papers found on a prisoner named Lemon expose Fenian plans in Ireland. The steamer Chicago went ashore in. n thick fog near Cork. The passengers, crew and spe cie were saved. A French commander in Italy asks Napoleon o allow the French troops to return to Home on account of crowded barracks at Civita and v ueroo. 11118 causes aisirusu The Quecotown, of the City of London, has arrived. Foreign Markets London, Jan. 14 Noon. Consols 92K92. Bonds 7171. , Pakis, Jan. 10. Rentes flat. Bourse heavy. Liverpool, Jan. 14 Noon. Cotton quiet andu nchanired Sales 10,000 bales. Breadstuff firm. Others unaltered. OUR MGHT REPORTS. Meeting: of tiie North Carolina Con Tension. Raleigh, Jan. 14. The 8tate Convention met agreeably to Gen. CanbyV order to-day, in Commons Hall. Eighty-five delegates answered to their names. A temporary organization was effected by call ing R. W. King, of Lenoir, to the Chair, J. P. Andrews, of Raleigh, acting as Secretary. From Washington. Washington, Jan. 14. Stanton iesued an order this afternoon in forming the employees In the War office that he had again taken possession of the portfolio of the W ar office. Stanton drew nearly $3,000 from the pay of ficer, being his salary during his suspension. Ke venue to-dav o.ouu. Pone has been assigned to the command of the Department of the Lakes, with Headquar ters at Detroit. , . . It is understood that the President in no way recognizes Stanton. It is coufidenUy stated that charges or in-' subordination hang over Grant Nothing defi nite is known, but the feeling is quite feverish. FORTIETH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION. : . ; , ; Washington, Jan. 14. Sen at. A petition was presented for an appropriation to charter a vessel and buy pro visions for the suffering poor in Sweden ; also a resolution for gradually reducing the army ; a bill removing political disabilities from Gov. fatton ; a Dill amending the act lor the safety of traveler by stea:n vessels ; .a bill reducing the number of Major and Brigadier Generals ; and a bill restoring lands confiscated by States lately in rebellion. , - The Davis amendment to the Constitution providing a tribunal to determine Constitu tional questions was discussed, when auti con traction wa3 resumed aud discussed to ad journment. 1 '-. Mouse. The Committee on Ways and Means reported the cotton tax bill as amended by the Senate with a resolution of non-concurrence. Adopted. ' . The Secretary was called on for the expense of furnishing the National Banks with circu lation mediums. A bill was reported by the Appropriation Committee forpayment of claims on account Of seizures, and damages to vessels, care, wag ons, or for lands occupied for fortifications in the South during the war. Laid over. The Reconstruction Committee's bill was resumed and discussed. The Speaker read a communication from Grant,. covering the following from Meade : "Unless the pending bill in Congress direct ing the military to fill the offices in their de partments rescinds the test oath-; in the pro vision to1 select qualified voters, I am informed that its execution in this department will be entirely impracticable. ; Adjourned. ' ' m . : ; ' South Carolina Convention. - . Charleston, 8. C, Jan. 14. The Reconstruction Convention, composed of 53 whites and 63 colored, met in pursuance to Gen. Canby's order, at noon to-day. Ninety-two delegates, (constituting a quorum, pres ent. T. J. Robertson, of Columbia, was chos en temporary Chairman. The (day was con sumed ID examination of credentials of dele gates. A permanent organization will proba bly be effected - to-m orrow. . The choice for Sermanent President lies between Collector A. . McKay, of Charleston, and B. F, White more, a Massachusetts man, hailing from Dar lington District. ; Theproceedings to-day were quiet and orderly, ' , 1 lX '': Senator Elected. . ' ' CoXiTTmbds, Ohio, Jan. 14. Thurman has been elected Federal Senator. Bank Suspension. , . '- ? - Memphis', Ixkx., Jan. 14. P lne commercial itauk of thUc city has sua- ,pendcd, , ', - tL From Europe. r- ; . -it'r' Londow. Jan. 14. The Telegraphers at Belfast, recently arrest-' tu ior x cuiup cuiupiicawiuus, nave ucen ais charged.!,. u -- , A . Savannah Market. k:-V Savannah, Jan. 14 Cotton Opened actlvVbut closed steady at JX cent dfirelina. , rv - ; - .' ' " l' : - V : ; '' - ' Atlanta, Jan. 14. , s The army oflcers detailed by Gen; Meade as dovernof aocl Treap urer of Georgia, ?. left this morning- for MUleutfeville. ' l,r- ; ; f It is reliablystated that there sreno funds In the State Treasury, all having been removed. In view of th4t.probabilitj of such a seizure as the present, an order dated the 10th, appears from Gov. Jenkins: enspendin the collection of alf Stat taxes up to the 1st Of May' next. The. old law authorized such a suspension, and the Convention, by a resolution adopted in of Alt Stat taxes u? to 6 1st of May' next December last, requeited him to use his power for that purpose. The effect of this suspension will be to forbid any collection of tiie tax Im posed by Convention tor ' tlia payment of its expenses. In the Convention to-dav resolutions were introduced to draw $00,000 from the State Treasury for per diem and to recommend Con gress to donate the public lands to the negroes and thus give tbem an opportunity, to demon strate any capacity for self-government they may have. A resolution commendatory of Hancock .wasinaehniteiv yostponed-by a vote of 123 to 13. The article on franchise was reported. It gUres negroes the right to hold office and dis franchises up to the first of January; 1809, all disfranchised by the fourteenth amendment and au unable to register under the recon struction acts. I r 1 ! Vlrffinia Convention. " 5 Ricumonp, Va., Jan. 14. An article was adopted to the Constitution declaring that Virginia shall forever remain in the u nion, and pledging her to resist au efforts to break it upvr An article was-adopted that slavery In the State is forever abolished. A resolution from the Republican side invit ing General Butler to address the Convention was adopted. Another from the Conservative inviting General Wise was offered. Atthls point a Re- gablican moved to reconsider the vote invitmg utler, and pending discussion and amid mo tions to adjourn, Butler entered the door, and shortly after the Conservative members left the hull in a body, with one or two Republi cans who had opposed the invitation. Butler, in his spewh, said there should be as lew changes in the constitution as possible, as few disfranchisements, and as few test oaths. With reference to disfranchisements he thought it should apply to controlling officers of corporations, railroads, &c. The Legislature to have power to remove these disabilities up on proof of loyalty. The tax for education should be laid on persons, and other taxes should be borne by property and persons alike. He Urged the Convention to be diligent and get through their business early. w Suffrage could not be taken from a man after it has been granted, but the Legislature might here after, as an incentive to education, confer it only upon those who can read and write. I The Convention voted thanks to Butler, aud adjourned. j It has been snowing all day. New Tork Manrkets. New York. Jan. 14. I Cotton a shade easier sales 3,000 bales at iu?i ceii is. flour more active, jaut prices un changed. Wheat dull and heavy. Corn Southern white $1 25$1 35. Other Grains unchanged. Mess 1 Pork drooplnir old, $21 10; new, $22 10. Lard firmer at 13 13 cts. Groceries quiet and steady. Spirits Turpcu tine 5354 cents., Rosin steady. Freights firmer. i i Money unchanged. Sterling 9H$. Gold more active at'141141. '03 Coupons 9. North Carolina Sixes 51. j Baltimore Markets. '' Baltimokk, Jan. 14. i Cotton dull and nominal. Flour some de mand for shipment. Wheat scarce prime to choice Southern $2 7oS2 85. Corn quiet wuite declined s cents; yellow steady. Uats dull. Rye nothing doing. Bacon active shoulders 11 ccuts ; bulk shoulders 99 cU. (Charleston Market. Charleston, Jan. 14. ! Cotton active and advanced 14 cent Mid dling 1616l cents. Sales 1,100 bales. Re ceipts 1,530 bales. boreiarn Markets. j London, Jan. 14 P. M. j Consols 9202K. Bonds 71. j" '.' S -: Liverpool. Jan. 14 P. M. Flour 37s. and Od. Corn 45s. and 3d. Lard 50s. and 3d. , SPECIAL NOTICES. PAIN KILLER. ' oriMONs or thk pkess. No article ever attained to such unbounded popularity. -Outem Observer. An article of great merit and virtue. CSn- cinnati Nonpareil. . : We can bear testimony to the eificacy of the Pain Killer. We have seen its magic effects in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a good article. Cincinnati Dispatch. j A speedy cure for pain no family should be .t . 1. A . 1 . r 1 1 en ' ! There has nothing as yet surpassed the Pain Killer, which is the most valuable family uied icine now! in us e Tennessee Organ. ' It has real merit : as a means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to PerryJDavls' Pain Kfller. Newport (Ky.) Daily Newt. I Its wonderful power In relieving the most severe pain has never been equalled. Burling ton Sentinel. It Is one of the few articles that arejust what hey pretend to be. Brunswick Telegraph. Our own opinion is, that no family shouldbe without a bottle of it for a single hour. In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, &c., it is the most effectual remedy we know of. News, St John, Canada. i After many years' trial of Davis Pain Killer we advise that' eVery family should "provide themselves with so, speedy and effectual pain killer. Amherst (iV. S.), Gazette. The Pain Killer ot Perry Davis & Son we can confidently recommend. We have used it for a length of time, and invariably with success Canada Baptist. J3- The Pain Killer Is for sale by Medicine Dealers generally.- v . decl8-7i-lm ' ' ' W. II. Xippitt, Druggist A Chem ist. Always on hand, a full and se lect supply of PURE MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, etc, etc. -83r prescriptions accurately and neatly compbundea.i:.jj't,,.,rn'..;'" I a N. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. 8. Store open' from 6 A, M. to 9 P. M Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on Se cond Street, between Dock and Orange. sep't23-l-tf V: - . . ' - Special Notice 1 :: . -. ' ,TQ FARIERS,vMII,LrEES & OTHERS '. Responsible parties wishing Emery & Son's " Star " Cotton Gins and Condensers, ean get them from us at FACTORY PRICES, on a cred it of sixty, aays. ?AJao Smiths celebrated Smut Maehine. Persons can I get these Ma' chines from us and. have thirty days in which to pay for.them, and if they fail to give satis iacuon you can return mem at our cost. v . vtar Mill Furnishing Goods generally. -t ; i E. U. OHESTERMAN : .; Mill Furnisher and Engineer, decJfT-WfrOa iricliuToaO, Ys Guanol-Guano'I I 75 ." jPATAPSCO GUANO, Jii8t landing harf. from Schooner "Lilly" at my jr. w .hjkcujmi!:u. janlW4-lm IN A MEETTSiO OF TUB MECHANICS' 'AID AND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, will be held on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. As business oT importance is to bo transacted it is earnestly requested that all the mem bers attend. - J. C. HUGHES, , jonl5-04-lt R. Secretary.' THE BEGISTEB ' IV BAirttltUPTCY will be at the Court room of the U. S. Dis trict Court, in Wilinineton. on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21t and S-2nd inst., between 9 and 12 A. M. and 2 ami 6 P. M.r for tire pur pose of receiving the applications of debtors m fxew Hanover county, wuo wlsn to taKe tne benefit of the Bankrupt Act, and otherwise to discharge his official duties as a Register in lianKi-uptcy, uania-iHrtot , i : i ; ?rf SETS SECOXDi IIAND WAG. ON HARNESS, V K.AA CA,1 H,l 'ATT TC 20Q " ; " BLIND BRIDLES, 100 . " " RIDING " 200 pair Second Hand DRIVING REINS, 100 . . " SADDLES. A larcre and. well selected stock of new SAD DLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS; Ac, cheap for CASH J. S. TQPHAM & CO., JanH-fi8-natf No. 8 Sonth Front st. PRICE OF COAL TTEBYBEal ABTICLE KE1 ASH Y C OAI.H, at rates as LOW as the LOW EST. Recollect, you get the best Coals, full weight, screened, and free from dirt, prompt ry delivered to any part of the city. Aeave your omen wun , WORTH & DANIEL. On hand, RED ASH STOVE COAL, GRATE COAL, BLACKSMITH'S COAL (Broad Top), ST K AM COAL (Buck Mountain), EGYPT MINE. . j decl-5&-nac2m NEW CEOP MOLASSES. 200"" , j-CHOICE SEW CROP 150 BBLS.j CARDENAS MOLASSEf?, to arrive per Brig JOHN BAL.CII, from Cardenas direct, for sale by WORTH & DANIEL, jan4-'iirnac " ' ; GARDEN SEED. THE Finest and I .n rarest Assortment of GARDEN SEED ever offered in the city. .... ....... t or sale wnoiesate ana retail, oy W. H. LiPPlTT, decl8-72-naclm Druggist and Chemist. CO.AJD! COAL ! "fTTE HAVE BEEN REI.UNG THE YY verv best RE1 AS II KGG COAL, at 7 60 er ton oeiiverea, since -Aoveumer isi, ami nave now a -large stock on hand, which we can supply at sumo, figure. uec4-)-iiactT 1 iv.i x r. vv a x a muuuu. BOOK BUvDEKTj BOOK BINDERY. BOOK BINDERY, BOOK BINDERY', BOOK BINDERY', BOOK BINDERY,' AT THE AT THE AT TIIE AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE AT TIIE AT THE STAR OFFICE, STAR OFFICE, STAR OFFICE, STAR OFFICE, ; -STAR OFFICE, STAR OFFICE, STAR OFFICE. Jan2-83-nactf For Sale. Statu of North CaroLisa, ) court of Eqitity, New Hakovkk County, ) aU Aerm m T)T A nr.CREF OF TIIE COTJKT OF J3 EOfJITY made at the atove-nained term. 1 will expose for sale at public auction on Sat nrnay tne n aay or r eomary, a. it., iw8, ax 10 o'clock A. M., at the Market House, the resi dence of the late JOSHUA G. WRIGHT, now occupied by ' General Ransom, and used as a Female, Seminary, situated on the corner of Market and Sixth streets. . Tiie house contains IS rooms, with all the modern improvements, and is one of the most nesiraDie resiaenccs in tne city or vv iimincton, Terms of sale, one thousand dollars cash, the balance on H. 12. 18 and 24 months time, with 1 interest rom the date, of sale, the purchaser giving oonds witn two upproved sureties. yTOBDERlCKD.lfOISON, jan9-M9-Im-in" ' . Clerk and Master. T OLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are IV irood for Gout. . For sale hv nov2i ADRIAN & VOLLERS. ' JAS. T. PETTEWAY, LXrMBEBTON,N;C., ; CIOEICITS CONSIGNMENTS OF nl CJ kinds of Merchandise, to which he will give his personal attention, and the benefit of a large jODDing iraae. . .., ,. ... Orders solicited for Turpentine Stills, im proved and unimproved Farms, Turpentine Lands, and good locations for Turpentine bu siness. Several Mercantile location, and lo cations ior tne-istuiatKn or Turpentine ean be had low, ana at present, doing a good busi ness. Parties with smalt means can get into a paying business by applying at once. My ex tensive acquaintance and business relations with people from Western Carolina and other States, will enable us to supply promptly at all times, at fair ptloes, Mules, Saddle and Bu, Horses, Wagons and all kinds of Harness branches of trade will ; be looked rafter pur chases, sales, collections, &c. Let your wants .LumbertOn.NiC.V Jan7th, 1868. - (873m "YLD SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES.-ira poinea ana . ootxiea t?y udoipho Wolfe, o j ior meaicat and private use. For sale Dy norS3 . ...... 11 AiUUAA VOLLERS. " -ST-syST." pet' Barque Dnnkeld dir? from:Llverpo6l7 . ' WILLARD Blibs., - jzj-f-Vt - , 7, 23Aud it) 2Toc "atcr st. f -. -. 1 1 ' z, 1 jo express ; .-Steamship THE F13JE AND FAST SAILING SXE 'ft: XlPM AftnVE MONDAY , f w wm,iuiu leave onr whAvt CI """lu atiA Orange streets, fw tho SSW WEDNESDAY, January 15. Ve "Cl 0 . . , .HV nppiy f0 Agent in Now YorkjWRTl1 IEl ........ , . JNnl3-0M9-'-; JAMES IUXD. BALTIMOEE & WIMINGT wrv -my lrm, m. . - . tt - . t - - " a. ai it t. JAMES -i. GARY HALLj Commander, ' of Princess Street. for S.Fl fptrvcniv .11... ' """iiuorp 1 X ICUA 1 , Villi, X9. 1 I BOSTON,1 BI1U - ading Iven t - UVERPOOL, ) MGf FOR FREIGHT ENGAGEMENTS' e ATKINSON A' SHEPPERSov -fl3-ts Handl2Nortn Janli MISCEIiLANEOUS, A Steamer at Last! PBIL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES, Ex Fairbanks. ' Just hi Store at At GEO. MYEna 11 and 13 Front sti-Vot CHAS. D. MYERS, aS janl4-tf JQ BARRELS SWEET ORAXGE8, JQ BOXES CHOICE LEMONS, cry low for Cash, at j GEO. MYERS'. . .. 11 and 13 Front Htreet Wilmington & Weldon E. E, Co,, ( offick Chief Eito'r aud Gks'l Scp't i THROUGH FREIGHTS -BY -1- 1 XJ BETWEEN- Baltiiiiore and Wilmindoii irormxG the dangers of cm HATTERAS AND THE N. C. COAST NAVIGATION. All llic Benefits of a Dailil Sicauicr Une GuaraiHood. : r THE INIANI AIRXINE HAS M termined to put their rates of Into! Transportation so low that the dangers oftlr sea may le avoided and money saved. In addition to the low rates now charged Dry Goods, the following aiticles will be trim- lorteci uauy oy express creigut iwwi Passenger Steamers on the Bay at tbe follow ing raten : .Porp- 00 per urn. Flour . ..... f0 per M. Corn ........................... 16 per bush. KOidn and Turpentine 60 per uw. Sn'ts Turpentine and Oil.:... I 00 per 1bl Special Contracts for large lota of Freight w new articles of trade, as slungles, will be mail bv the undersicmod. - jue lore going rates as-weii as iuerepui vates on Dry Goods cover -all INSURA.W . . . ...I RISKS as common carsiors. Thromrh Bills of Lad In jr will le piven ear way, which binds the whole line in the maim of losses or damages. Only fortv-elgbt hours roqmrcn pf form ; the transportation, unavoidable if dents excepted.,. : a. t. vtixisivm, Chief Engineer and General Supt. jan!4-03-3t YySr WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS UK-fc recommended by all the medical to uity. 1 or saie py . . ; nc noyffl AlWlAJi vou.ji. SUNDRIES. DUO Alt CURED IIA3IS, N. C. NAMS, SHOULDERS and SIPES, TALLOW, FULTON MARKET BEEF , 1 PIG PORK, TRIPE, PICKLED TONGUES, 4 W. M. A J. C. STEVENSON'S, 4 Corner Front and Market ft jan!2-02-tc ... . - VOT.irtt - HTHt KDAM SC'IIA An ' ' ' , , his should be in the hands of every hon k : ; ADRIAN 4V0LLEBS. eUII OUR FATHERS WHO PlEl eighty years ago arise from the tomb m hold the Railroad Bridge, now being strutted across the Cape Fear, tbey surprised but their astonishment ww greater when they . visited rRE CB -16HOE STORE, anid learned - the exceed low prices at wljtch they aeU so goodani sirable SHOES. Come and see and brin? cash. JanKVW-tc GEOR. FRENCH 80S. . v": 19 North Fro TTEW OF THE ALPS. This eor ihi XJ only to be tasted to be apprcci."-ER& "53 fri ; , Vaprian TTT"HAT DO YOU DRINK t ' Itftft .W: Schiedam Schnapps- Jt arrangement of the bowels in tne" I .mates: xVoBMSfotoy-y inilSK v nor-U J 7 I ADRIAN &Jtt g0 BAttrtrul and HAXF A drayagc and will send for it when n tors'. 1 V r i. GEORGE TK . JanU-B-te r 1-k . . 11 an 5' wolfe's' schiedam; Sf??irt J ,havo been before the Araerica ,elast eishteeu y-vO fofthe T I f AIR urn v nov