1v 1 .1- ; i : . . - . V r& ' Jf Sf J VOL. INO?;100. AynimNGTOK,, a, vedesday, jast, 22, 1868. MORlSTENCb STAR. PUBLISHED -DAILY, ' Br .WW. H. KERXABD, Office, , No. 3 ?South Waterst. ATAIt is ifiailod, or lolivered ta .uUcrilwjrs in all p irts or tlrn City, at 83 50 for fix Muutlis, or $1 23 for Tlireo Montlia. . RATKM Or ADVERTISING Xne Square ono day-,.'.ii.....'...:.i.i.i,; . two Uuji,. '.. '75 1 25 1U 2 00 2 25 3 50 turte ttay,.;;.. " rourjniytn, .., " '. live days, ( " one week, g- Contract Advertisements taken, at pro .portionutvly low ratos.fc ; ; ...,, IMILUMTT DIRECTORY. WILMINGTON ft MAXCIIESTIS.JK li0AP- Pfctidenl Henry M. Dnine.' ' jkrectora Joun JLaw!on, Uesay Jfutt, O. G. 1'iuf ley, A. J, Dellosset, J). S. O'vwa'n, Geo, . ,W. McU.ill, W, .Mills, James G. Biirr, ltieli-Hi-d Uradley, J. Eli Gregg. Cfenerul Suj'x'rintetident- William MacRae. secretary and Treasurer Win. A. Wulker. VILMIXGT0X,; CHARLOTTE & .KUTILER iORD KAIL ROAD. rsesUlenl Rdlett Hi Co wart. : ' ' Directors $. J. person, A AL YanBokkelen, T..r A fAT"fMVn '1rkU1't W I'funxll Will tall I. Steele, Stephen . cole, Samuel U. Walkup, E. , 'yo Hutchison, Hay iruyd W. (iuion, C. C lJLen .derson, A. G. Logu.ii, A. R. Hohhesly. Superintendent W. I. Everett. ' Master of Traiif-norlation'W. 11. Allen. Secretary and Treasurer I. T. Alderman. MaMer Afec'tame W.Gill. Freight AyerUW. R, French. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. J'rcMdent 11. it, ' Bridgers. Directors on the part bf ths Stockholders AV. A. Wright, S. D. Wallace, Eii Murray, Alfred Martin, A. II. Vanliolvkelen, Geo. llarrisjj -of Wilmington, and John Everett, ol'Uoldsboro'. Directors on thejxtrt of the tftftle-Edwurcl ICid- .der, of Wilmington, N.'C, John Noriieet, of Tarlioro', and TiiOiuas I. ilogg, of Raleigh, N. 0. . i Chief Engineer and General Superintendent S. L- i rcmout;. M'isler of Tranxportatimi'Xm.. Smith. ' ,Str retary and Treasurer J. W. Thompson. . Muster of MocJunerr-ryi. M.. Hankints. Auditor G. L. Dudley. RAIL ROAD LINES. Wilmington- & Weldon K, E. Co., Offick Chief Eng'r and Gkn'l Sut't, ) WaMiftOTos, N. C, Jan. 11, s TimOUGH FREIGHTS :. BY AIR LINE, BETWEEN 1 Baltimore an Wilmington AVOIDING THE DAXGEIiS OF CAPE t-JIATTEJlAS AXD THE N. C. COAST NAVIGATION. All (he Benefits of a laily Steamer Line Guaranteed. THE IXLAXl) AIR LIXE JIA.H 1F termincrt to put their rates .of Inland Transportation 80 low that the dangers of the sea may be avoided and money saved. In addition to the low rates now charged on Dry Goods, the Tallowing articles willb1 trans ported daily by Express Freight Trains and Passenger Steamers on the Bay at the follow ing rates: Cotton, per hale of 100 Its $2 N) per b'le. .'.aeon in casks... 45 per lOOfts. . Pork 1 00 per bK. Flour HO per bbl. Corn 16 per bnsh. Roln and Turpentine. (K) per bbl. p'ts Turpentine and Oil...., 1 00 per bbl. , Special Contracts for large lots of Freight or new articles of trade, as shingles, will be made by the undersigned. ' 'The forcKoing rates as well ns the regular rates on Dry Goods cover all INSURANCE .'RISKS us common carriers-. Through Bills of Lading will be givon each way, which binds the whole line in the matter of lossfs or damages. . " Only forty-eiffht, hours required to per form the transportation, unavoidable acci dents excepted. . S. L. FRE1IONT, Chief Engineer and General Sup't. jan!4-n;Mf . WilRiiisgton & lVcl. R. R. Co. Oyp-rrs Chief KjratifKBR & Gktt. Sup't, Wij.minotox, N. C, Oct. 11, 1867. OX AND AFTER THE 12th OCTOBER, the following Schedule will bo run over this Road : DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excep ted), at 0:00 A. M.; arrive at Weldon, 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon dailv (Sundays excepted)' .at 10:30-A. M.j arrives at Wilmington, 7:30 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS, MAIL AND PASSENGER 'Leave Wilmington at 9:30 P. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon at 6:00 A.M., u ; Leave Weldon at .........6:251, M.,, 44 A nive at Wilmington at 2:20 A. M., " EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily Sundays except- , l), at 4:W A. M., and arrives aCWeldon at 6:00 P. M. Leave Weldon dallv YSundavs excent- , ed),n ai 4:00 A. 31., and arrive at Wilmington at P. M. Trains pass Gold sljoro' at 2:00, 10:30 ritud 10:50 A. M., going wttli ; at 2:50, 10:13 P. M., -a ad 10:50 A. M., going South, connecting with Trains to llalcigh and Newborn, at 10:30 A. M.. and further points at 2:50 P.M. t" Papers on the lino of the Road copy this and omit all other Schedule notices. -H. I FRKMONT, ' octl2-l,o-tf . Chief Eng. & Gen. Sup't. .Wilmington, Charlotte and RUTHERFORD KAIL ROAD, GKRRAL SUP Kilt If TKJf dent's Office, I Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 0, 18o7. J OX AND AFTER TUESDAY Next, An. gust 13th, the Passenger Train on til9 liOiui will lenva Wilmington on Tnesdav. Tlnirsday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock! A. M. Ai rtvc at Riuid 1II11 same days, at a P. M. Arrive at '.WadoKboro' (Stage), at 12. mid '"xht. , Loavo Wadesboro (Stage), oi Tues lay, Thursday and Saturday at t P. M. Reave" Rockinghaiu J(Stage), ' on 'Monday, ednesdayiind Friday, at 4:.'W A. M. .Leave Saiid Hill (Cars) - Monday, 'NVcdncs day and Frld.it-. h,t 1 o'clock. A. M. ' Arrive aTAVllu'linctou same days, at 3 r. M. ingtoji same rtaj's, at 3 i", il. EVERETT, Hept23-l-tf YOUXC LADIES WHO WISH TO prserve their MUSIC,' should have.lt "eatly hound ;atT- "VVM. II. BERNARD'S . . Printing Houso and Book Bindery,. nct0.is.it ' No. 3 SontU Water St." - '- ;' . : f ; JRAFT DOOHS I DRAFT ROOKS, 1 '"V DRAipT ppKSI DRAFT BOpKS! For sale atv ' WM;ir.'BEliNARD'S i P oct9-lHt Printing IIoUso and Kook'.Iiindery, It ",' " ' N o.' 3 S6ut h WAtex Street. (pHERATF ADVERTISER, CHER AW, VS. C, Published Weekly, XL Cr Powell, i.ioprietor. r i , r v ?i AVM. II." BERNARD. .Affonti BERNARD, .Affonti :: - WUmrntftfoa Ni U z-i-.tr DRY Q Q OD MI Jjkjy BR Y. AND olesale and Retail. .M..M.KATZ & CO, S3 MsxrJutt Street, "TTTIEE OPE,4 ZiRGE AND WELL e and Fancy DRY-GOODS; Buited fo? the Present Season. OVr IOSG EXPERIENCE ENABLES 1 US to buv from linnnrtcrs snwl M a mi fa ft- rers DIREC, and can therefore otfer our Goads as low aV they can ho nurchased in XortllPVll livivlrota Tllkiiinn kllinhnn All wo iisk is a TRIAL TO CONVINCE OUR PAT- We call attention to a full lino of CALXCOES, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, SILKS, POPLINS. MERINOS, and all the POPULAR DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. MENS' AXD BOYS' WEAU. BROADCLOTHS, DOESKIN CASSIMERE3, SATINETS.and JEANS i Hair Nets, Options & Fancy Goods. EADY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats & Men's Furnishing Goods; JMILLINEBY. We will oiHin on THURSDAY; October 3d, a full assortment of the latest shaiea BONNETS, HATS. FLOWERS, VELVETY, SILKS, RIBBONS, &c. Tol 'Y1io1okh1 Ilii wrt otTov T.HIKTI. A L TERMS. ' 31. 31. KATZ A CO., L-S-tf 23 Market Street. oe SOL. BEAR & BROS, TyfTHOEESAEE & RETAIL Dealers CLOTHING, Cents' Fnrnisbing Goods, DRY GOODS, Fhncy -Goods,' Blankets, Notions Hats9 BOOTS AND SHOES; iQur facilities, both for purchasing and sell ing a.tthe Iwejt Cash Prices, are not sur passed by ariy house in North Carolina. A prominent feature of our house is our Merchant Tailoring Depart ment, ' Under the snperintendonco pf MR. D. L. DE ILANEY, so well knownto our patrons I as a skillful workman. . We only ask a comparison of our goods and E rices Tvth those of any other establishment the city. HOL. BEAR A BROS, 19 Market Streejt. oct30-32-tf DEMOBEST'S MOXTHLY MAOA : zine. Universally acknowledged the ModSel Parlor Magazine of America ; devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Archi tecture ami Model Cottages, Household Mat ters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Litera ry Gossip (inclndlng speeial .department x;. Fashiohs), Instructions .on Iealth,' Iiuic. Amusements, etc.. by the best authors, and' profusely illustrated uth costly .Engravings (full size), psefui arfd: reliable Patterns, Ein broldieries. and a constant succession of artis tic novelties, with other useful and enter taining literature. NO person of refinement, economical house wife, or lady of tiistcj can afford to do vrith outrtieModl Monthly. Single copies 30 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents ; either mailed free. , Yearly $3, with a valuable pre mium; two copies, 5 50; three copies, fc"5u; five copies, $12, and splendid premiums for clubs at ijs3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. 3r A new Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers each. -Address, W. JENNINGS DEM OR EST, I No. 473 liroadway, J ew York. 3r Deniorest's Monthly and Young Ameri ca, together, $4, with the premiums lor each. deci4-yy-tf ' ; 'A ' K?rr SACItS ' JV ST received per jjai-u.ne I jjai-tine Dnnkeld,1 direct from Xiverpool, for sale low from wlirfidrr VVlLLr Lard bros.. ja,n-6-tf - 27, 28 and 129 No. Water st. j&ood" Opoiiirig-. E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD EOCA- tlonS.for Stores and Tumentina .Stilla fpf rent ; or can be purchased. ;Tafties desiring, would do well to call early 4vifmlngtoii, N. C.'' nrt TT-k a .1 nim ttr a t JAS. T. PETT.WAY. ' : Lumhextc P. S. Farms and Tiirpentinoandft boaced . , t . ?.. li ! i t, I i ' ' ,i- ' n i i 1 I ". ELECTION: IS OYER; :lI WE. MUST AU. SETTLE 19 tTX to oaslncss.- - . V',ri oh Regulator; -FOR, DOMESTIC GOODS Cali cops and Bleached Shirtiugs. G 1-4 Cents and Upwards. FOR A. ,G00P ASSOimiENT OF All Popular Makes and Fabrics, AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Blankets and Flannels. A Full Line at Very Low Prices, HATS AND CAPS Gents' PnrnisMng Goods. Modern Styles and Loving Pricer The Best Paper Collar in the World. Linen Finish, and Cloth Lined Buton Hole. 3- LADIES AND (iENTLKMEN, call ano examine the best assorted Stock of Dry Goods in the States, and we will make it to your ad vantage to buy your Dry Goods at WALDRDN'S. The Cheap Store. The Cheap Store. The Ohea) -Store, 34 Market St., South Side. Bet. Front and Second Stfc. P. S. To Wholesale Buyers, we oiler extrnonlinary.ifidiicements. novil-oO-tf THE TEBIPIjB OF PRICES EEDUGED, PRJCES REDUCED, PRICES REDUCED, TO SUIT THE TIMES, TO SUIT THE TIMES, TO SUIT THE TIMES, At Guthman's Temple of FASJJION, At GutliiLiar s Temple of FASHION, At jGrnthman's Temple of FASHION, 36 Market Street, 36 Market Street, 36 Market street, ' 5IK. GUTHMAIV, . -OF TUErr-rr- TEMPLE j9F FASHION, TTlAIsES PLEA8URIMN ANSOUXCIXG I, to the citizens4 of Wilmington and sur roundins country, that he will now' sell .the balanco of his extensive . --, WINTER STOQK ; ' OF " READp-JHADE CLOTHING . - - . - AND Gents', FurnisMBg Goods At A&oniskirigly. Low Prices, And invites everybody to give him a call. He is determined to sell lower than the lowest in the city. Don'trfbrget to give hini a call, at ; TEMPLE OF FASHION,: " v : V 36 MABKET STREET, .-dec23-79-tf t . ' ; t I C 'W-"Wilmington, 2T . C -J0 BblH. gjIESS PORII, In . Store and for. sale toy.. , ; : . . ; "WILLARD BROS... - jap5-S6-tf '; , .. . 27, 2S and 29-No. Water St. . i XttNTIN RUEING AXD BINDING JL - execiited in the best st-fle, at ;d In tt Prlnti VV1I. H BERXAED'S Wilmingt FASHION!' as and rublrshing Houge, Aflcl Genepil.BOoic UinjClery ,.4; Kol 3 So'uth "Vfater FIRE &' LIFE INSURANCE INSURE AT ONCE -IN THE- EQUITABLE it SOCIETT rjlIIE LARGEST MtlTUCAE HFE IX- surance Company in the World, considering its age. Cash Assets - - - ftOJ 0000 Annual Incoiue - 3,00M Dividend to be paid c Feb. 1st, 1S6S - - 1.000,000 Which may be applied as fallows; First To the permanent increase of the Pol icy. Second To the increase of Policy for one year or a term of years. Third To the permanent reduction of pre miums. Fourth To the reduction of preniiums for one 'or more years. Fifth To the Limitation of the niwnberof years in wiucn premiums urc 10 uu pum. TivflTmlvins the dividends iivJ he 'fifth way, the'Assured wiil receive a Paid-up Policy, in about Jo years, and at tlie expiration ot tnai time, will draw a Cash Dividend for the re niaimlcr of his life on the whole amount of premiums paid in during the 15 years. All Policy Holders participate in the Dividends the first year they insure. The Trofits realized by this Company during its eight vears of business, have been divided annually 'among its Policy Holders, in some one ot Its five different modes of applying its nmfiiu. Mm! have vielded the Assured an av erage Cash Return on every KoIIur of Annual Premium paid, of more tuainu per ount. per annum. Its Policies average larger in amount than those of any other Company, and it is so re ported by the Superintendent of the New 1 ork insurance Department to the Legislature of that State. ; , ... Persons Insuring m tins company eiuoy u i vantasen ot special character, becauseaside from its immense wealth and ramd progress. AliL its Policies are comparatively XL, and therefore is Carrying but very few im paired risks. " ' 7 '' ' 4-Come and insure NOW, and you will participate in the handsome Dividend on the 1st of February, IHiiH. V ; MAtllEW P. TAYLOR, Agent, Ofllce Front Street, 01d Bank Wilmington). tOCGUS & CO., General Agents, Charlotte, N. C. dee31-Sl-lm wot mm -LN TI1E- Conn; Mutual Life ? BECAU. THE O ED KMT COMPANY DO- JL ing business in the South. BECAUSE It has the Larost net sset gf any Compa ny in Aiwerioa. BECAUSE It has issued 9ver Seventy six thousand Policies, and has now insured a larjrer number of jfe'rsoiite than any Company in the United States ; ancT the larger the number, the safer the calculations based upon their average. f T BECAUSE It has always dealt fairly, honorably an promptly, in paying ss,ooo,ooo IX LOSSES, -i -AND NEARLY $4,000,000 IX IVJP,13SBS.. r All Polic-ies non-forfeitable. No extra or Soutnern Residence, - E. P. GEORGE, Agent. deol9r73-tf NORTH CAROLINA AND- POLYTECHNIC ACADEMY. THE 9th ANNUAL SESSION OPENS Jb'EB.'SU), I808, '.; . "REGULAR COURSE languages, Mathema tics. Natural Sciences, Engineering, Belles Let ires, &c.', A-c. " ' SPECIAL COURSE of Engineering, Archi tecture and Drawing. COMMERCIAL COURSE for business lifo. , .For Cireulart, address ; uafl. 1-i. sJiJ!) J. UiN, cup X-, Janfl-SO- Sw ! HillSDoro', N. C. Wood and Willow Ware GREAT VARIETY, '.,. .'packets; -:- v : L BUCKETS, '" " t", '".'1 .. BROOMS, &c, W. M. & J. C. STEVEKSON'S, , :v , It y Corner Front and. Market $ts. .. janl2-92-tf?. ; ' ; : ' . TOOK BINDING. LAW ROOKS. MAO J3 azlnes Periodicals, Music, &c, ;&e.iboaud m': - Printing House and Book Binderyi -sc(?t25-4-U -No.3 Sontli Water St. -: 1 'rirRTN TIN.; EVERY STY EE OF .1 Plain-, t Fancv: and .Ornamental Printiiisr executed taia'tly, pheanly and expeditiowJy at . . - - ,1. Wjyl. II.' BERNARD - T,. i $ -I'JJtKTIKO AW JnjptI8HIK HOUSE, . - V -.sitiJlnd Geiierai Book Bindery, r oct25-2S-ltf ' 'r". " No. 3 South WatjurSt. PUB aYL; lished Weekly, by W. J. McKeiaU, Pi-o Jirieto'r. . Jli BETCNUn'D; LVptr, I I MORNINGS STAR. MiJLISHED AT ' WILAIINGTON, ' Ni C, y WM. if . bernArik ? rvS Mailed, or delivered to subsciibeis in lltvi all parts of the City, ai fi ad for Six Months, or 1 25 for Three Months. ' . ' GORILLA CONVENTION! Called by Act of the Congress of the Northern States to Frame a Radical Constitutioni for the State of '-North Car olina. f. !r - ' fifth day"s PBOCEEDINGS. Saturday, Jan. 13, 18GS. : Convention -cauiQ. to order at 11 o'clock. Prayer bv Kev. Dn Smith of , the w mi 1 t city. ... . . Messrs. lfr, of-Jsrunswick, and Dickey, of Cherokee, appeared, qua! med and took thei r seats. Mr. Heaton, trom the Committee of Sixteen, to whom was . referred the resojijitian of Mr. I?ofol, oi Pas quotank, upon the subject of legis lation by the Convention, olFered tlie iollowmg report : The Committee of Sixteen to whom was referred the resolution of Mr. Pool, of Pasquotank, have had the same under consideration, and report the following, as a sub stitute therefor : liesolvedy That the Convention," being called to frame a Constitutioli and civil government, in accord ance with the Acts of Congress, will proceed in the discharge of that duty as speedily as 'practicable. Mr. Tourgee moved its adoption; and it was carried ! Mr. Grant, of "Wayne, moved that the Convention go into an election of an Engrossing Clerk, and nomi nated J. K. O'llara (negro), for the position. Mr. Heaton, of Craven, moved to elect oy acclamation. Mr. Sweet called attention to Rule 2o. 16, as applicable to such cases. . After quite a lengthy debate up on the proper construction of tlieJ liule, it was determined to let thH vere 5 "endeavoring t0dgttr matter drop until resolutions, regu- hs&ue;v!i; larlv came up. "5if . Bradley ofTered trie following resolution, which lies over under the rule.: , lieolvcdy 'That a Committee of thrxe foe appointed to wait, upon His Excellency, the .Governor .oi" jorth Carolina and inform him of the orr ganitiou .of iGonvenfeion, -and that the Convention is now ready to receive any communication he, may desire to'make. . The resolution otTered ;lv Mr. AshleVj 5n yeseiajy, coming up, he oftbred tieioHowiii substitute : Resolved, 'That the Committee ,ot Sixteen be instructed further con sider, .j report, as soon as practi cable, upon the best method ot car rying into effect the Constitution establishing" a civil government in North CaroKna. Mr. Abbott moved its adoption. Carried. Jilr. JJurnanj s resolutions oi :es terdav (publ ished in the JStar of yesterday), were next reached, when Mr. Durli.amaid .that, .in - order to give the 'other-gentlemen time to consiaer tne resoiunons, ne movea that they be madethe special order for Wednesday next, at '1 2 o Vlock. Mr. King opposed the motion, and moved to lay them on the table. . Mr. iirlm called for the yeas and nays. ' : . : Mr. Abbott said, that as he wish ed to discuss the resolutions, lid would oppose, the , motion to tablei J. H.' Harris, . of -Wake, (negro,) hoped that the gentleman from I7e npir ;(Mr. ' King) would thdraw the motion, as he Wished to -iti;o-duce a substitute. Mr. King at once withdrew. (Harris thereupon introduced a substitute, wKicli was was so irre- levant as to oe ruiea out ,01. .Qruer, and it wt as returned, to him.) Mr. Ashley mqive .t rier the ies61utions to a select fjamm it tee ot three,;-: buVV.v 'V J. ;7: '! ; '"Mr. ing renewed his motion to table.- - . .. : -' Mr. McQitbiins said that the rea sou. why a p96tpouement 'was wish ed, was that'the resolutions miijlit be withdrawn' ' :; o?i Mr. purham 6aid that he didijoi intend to witHdratw tBenaundei any mrcumstau ces. r ;;::?.., $i ft: 1 MrrEllis";wished: their cpune ;meht, as lie desired tihiej fojidisid eration. : - ' "". ifxfyuriSiii. f "The question cu tabling 'being insisted :poTr the :ya anoV a riays verei 'called JdeaiiedandTen suited inthcVrcjectxoij of ,tlie uicP tion: msm f:m i tf -1 . ... t . - f 1- . T .-' UH,r. dx o ooit Eai cv lie ;vouia vote jiUre 4dav'ind fbrrefererice to a Com- the ' itjbttetfo jpM to refer diildpreL'ashewisued to : ; debate tjia questum. to-,(jay. . f V ; 'HrvlJiVHtei to discuss tlie merits of "tlie i-respl nations.-. His ohlVf reas'oV:i6r;iyeing willing to postpone tlie mattor.for a few d'aVs : was rtd" 'affdrct' time! foi cpri; siueratipn. v rn;i-2? f : : Cuffee Mayp, K(uegrp,) ot .Uran; ville. wanted! to expatiate, but'aa ' squelchejl b'Bfi.Ti:fiSident., After a crreat deaUoC talk; ;. amendment tty 'Mr DtirhamsanOr tion, otpTiigtl ' . vopate this jaisposiUon. lie though , j 'the'preienfjBbaJ that there voulbe:ampld;tinjo for discussion len thfentire j tion i came 'npjn'tlie'nstitatl.i I - Mi' Piirlim j est! v anxious to' settle" tlie tliin gr-: to? day, butjrepeated''' tneasorr-i;-y'Jiy lie had tiibved !'a:bncf Trostpo-'n'emen'f The nuesticm upon Mr. iurlikm'a. motiQn was'Uien'tWenip? Mr. AuoottJsaia iiewas jn.iavpr pf tlva Srsjoiaio -: "The fpiestioxeu i Tung's amendment iteyyfa rejected j , Mr Diirliani feaidbatUjiete Hvaa nbtliinK'obMtalrf I tion At-ts were certainly i unjust and negro) that the sentlemah.from Oleaveland was di3cnissjvgi)tbe . entire Tesolu: tions(i) when .the rnlywas under debate "The Chair $u$ained Mr. Durham TesumedK aadf 'gaidj an repiy o iiie: vuuii;ui: fv"1') Mr lutipn mterp ffat; :take.tyV : ho youIa'VOle against suije wiipjoBenc and asked Mi;PurJii,ifrthJe,j res olution meant u restoring, te" State t.9 tlje same constitUoVill Sons as existed before 1 the ;)ar ? ' ' ' ' ' MrV Durhaiiiepliedcil not ; " rtliat hefwoetJ he .eould, assume the responsibility: of revi vin'ac' the ihstitjiitiori 'of , slavery. ' Neither ,4$ pa si ?to y Jiave! the iirijust provisions 'Xf theivjReconr j&tmction r Acts forcqd tppn the, peo- Ple: '-' r - ? ''.) iu; M-'f-''..,i " Attor -somc xime consumed m tur. ther debdte; ;-1?-? V;: Mr; Xinginovfed ' indnite and.'it';W ; oftorcssive.,.,, :Ji;j,LL:u?i .;...C: M7Uere HamsJ ofi WakeX retatiou, he was" intavb ot it. t vote.?:,, cvv. 4 . V., Ay es -Messrs; 'Abbott: rA&hlev, Bciibow," :,Bryan 'J-uarei,;" (negro), Carter, Chandler, iCljor'rV; (negro), ,ChillBo.n, .GolgroveQoridetpnjianl i el ,1) ickey J) iic wbrthjEllisFren ch, of Bladen, French orilockingliam, French,' 'Qi'CjnFulli gart7 '-'Qkrifi4 Harriett, ii George, Graham,. iMinb Harris, ; fcfo fepr . Haves, of liobeson. Haves. 01 Jlal- z ifax, negro) IIeatoTi''Higlisnith, ing; VTpnes, of OatdWen,:iltig, of uoirKiuney, aLeefeegro) ) ;Le, Lpgaiij.-Lpng, Manu.'McDon- j al oore!oV HuVphy, 1; t 'ance NicholsbntPatrickarke, r Fetreje; Feterson, .Piersoil ,(negrd), poJi . tRagland, vKhode8,.lpbbin8,, 3 ifays-T-Aydiottj J Barncsil'Blnnie. Brarjley,, ?nrhamEthrife M'telieatdri'i JEil OHara(nfegto) Itpsiin raatterof;course.but iMcsirsElliF. ;and lIcDcna!d. of vtbaV tbiy Voted' lor?slivoUlx:v; V iter, yxi wiuui, vvmiigexaare, xiuu- neit; Holti Hooa; (negro);-' Jonps, of Washington. ehftonVaVoV ? (ne gro), Merrit iMeDdnald ,ti ofGhat liam", Mqor B&ad, VEetrow, Bieh Sanderlin', ToufT ed, but, the nomination . waswith v'OHararwai'jhett elcctedj-' as a dev'C6nveritioh,' Ju;n ) t iotiof: ll; .tUjo'Mr.:.C? ; -til r ZTcU(J'aV: " ,. 4 i'...' " r, . , ' ...... . .- t . t W ' allr. 1" "'. i - -; , ::rr: liiojnm1 5 1 -----i. .: