r i ? .; i I. i i -4 MORNING STALL Thursday Morning, . Jan 23, lSCS. Local Circulation LAnF.R than that of ajt Dally Newspaper In the . - t State with n fatr and dally . ' l-icreaittff, circulation " f " v- ''ittl the -'cottntry.- "' M2"Adrc r t lsln " Rates 5 lower : than those ofTjftsgr,. "Dally Newspaper ; in North Carolina. , . w.-im:. ch:.- s is ust-a. or id, Editor and Proprietor.' Agent at Eaurlnbnrg:. Mr. Wm. II. Mc- lVvrik Is owr, authorised Agunt at-Laurin- burg Fayetteville Aent. MfV iiiHoa worth Is tho authorized Isaac IIol Ajrcut of the Star at Fayettevliio. 4 ; ... .: . Apent at GoldaboroV-MR. B. V. L. ITct tqw ia our authorized Agent at Goldsboro'. A rent at Milton.-MR. J. J. Jones is, our authorized Agent at Milton, N. C. ' Arent at Kenansville. Mr. J. I. Sottth-r-nr.AND isour authorized Agent at lwenaus Yiiie.'. ; ' '-; ' v Apent at Warsaw. MR. D. O. Mobiskt is our authorized Agent at Warsaw. ... . Ajrentat Clinton. Dr. A. M. Lib is our authorized Agent at Clinton, X. C. , Acrent at Wilson. Mr. U. E. Bkwtok is tho authorized Agent of the Star, at Wilson, N. O. . Agent at Shoe Heel. Mr. Alkx Mac Kae, Jr.. is our authorized Agent at Shoo Heel. W.O.&R.R. Rd. - 1 Agrent at Wadesboro'. Mr. Wm. J. Cov iwotow. is , our authorized Agent at Wades boro'. ' :;. .- Agent at SnhWer. Mr. E. L. Sheuwood is our authorized Agent at Sumter, S. C. . Agent at LilesTille. Col. J. J. Cox is our duly authorized Agent at LilcsYille, An son County, N. C, ,v ; , . , ; Capt. Wm. M. Swakw and Mr. IIamiltott McJNtiLtAic are authorized traveling Agents for the Star. . . ' The Great West. Heretofore ' the Great West has been considered the favored of all regions. Fortunes have been amass ed in that ElODorado ofthe World with lightning speed ; but now the general prostration in business has extended, like the Star of empire," Westward, and complaints of " dull times" come from that great section of oar ' great f?) country. A Mil waukee paper states that the occu pations regarded as fit for gentlemen are overstocked. A regard for his Jiands or his complexiOJii takes away inrueli from a man's money-making jpqwor, and, the luxury of earning an easy genteel' living, must bo paid lor 10:inp ODVlOUS way Ot receiving less fig3. w All Western citie3 are crQwdedwlth clerk9, telegraph ope- ratoVsdieachcra. who can onlv just s manage 'to live on the bare I neoesaarieB of life. , r The wages paid jntijo jmocaianic , arts are actually smaller , tkan in the cities of the At- Jant coast -.' Incompetent or lazy ;Wencannot hope, then, to better .their condition by moving out West. Patient .industry ..and a -cheerful sp(l it vwill;enable ithe, hopeful me-1 p.hanift frt h flfttiftfiAfl wif h frmrl oWrl 1 .lnr.1i?rtb-wrtiU Witinoi fnr t r. a W . ter time, comma:. !' ITaii 'a'hd IScc.': - ' 1 ' : r ThpeevWho imagine that Andrew Johnson: ;has basely - deserted the causfo ql Liberty, or surrendered tony cettainlyjdo. not know the man. They forget' that he - fonght Radi calism galU'ntiy when the people of the Korth were - against him ; amJithey - '.do Chim injustice when they fcuppbse he will play the cow- arlrli'6Wj when the', people of : the Nofilf are with him. ? 1 "Wait and seel .Wa'11 . crnarantv . "' . , ' that' Andy's mind .13 h0W' busv: U ' -i 'It it. x. wiiif.: " t .i and thathe will soon make another ' vAa UU''-Vi;"i'U.Uli;;!j.i -rt, " f i v j A resolution Inviting Colonel Sprague,-com-mVJQ mAnQ political Chess-board mandlng District of Florida, to a seat in the think him tin, 1 ' Stanton. -It is 'stated in" the Washington 'ii, correspondence of, tho ' Xew, York Herald; that Secretary McCulloch ' hasTsslied' an order fdi'the heads of jirpaus an hisrI),epartment, forbid d bg itiferfli , to recognize . .Mr. Stan ton as Secretary oi War, until his status inhat Department;i3 settled v also aid. that" similar fprders hare oeen iisufid m other Executive ,-r -Ik ' r . , lepanmcnts:':6 1 i v. : . ':' h '--A ' i . - ; An Georgia ine newspapers are 'n " mK&GAU' vhuiuk UUUU LlltJ VUUfeLILULlUllill 1 Cq V.'.' lapta, to do something ,forr the dis tressed Ipeople 'of that: State, ? Oho ; paper eay thW over one-half of the I " i Pwbrty' aiifl horaesteada; are in the , AiiMu ,u iuu BmjfiJM,, uuu uiat we: iub iiie.vonvemion, arrest ineprofr ' ; ? v ,-l.itkepool, jan, j r. m. -' , .. ... ws. ..... ...... . . .''..iii!1 n.ii. j... .l - t . jji , .-r ' x ;;wuiujr5 (oi rsursv tjroperijr, it, v.-,l.-w.6aie, and its bAIo only1 Inaksi fami r ; "4 J : v u ir uu I The -Baleigli' Standard ; thinks " Congress Is ready- to receive .the jState at "once, as' soon; as : she' re 8en ts herself in loyal garb. V;Vo ul d not loyal aarbaqe be more appro priate ? Wilmington Star'. , -No. The garb for good men like those who willv restore' the State, and the ' garbage f for J unrepentant tr&it6rs.Stanaard. ' - Kow, Billy, publish5 yonr cele brated " Ode to Calhoun," first thing under your editorial head, and we'll make you a present of a sand-fiddler. r Bnt; : perhaps, Billy has repented Of this, and now classes himself with the repentant " trait ors." North Carolina in a 2Vut-Sliell. Rcv. T. II. Pritchard has accepted the pastoral charge ot the Baptist Church in Raleigh. fclP Mr. Theo. II. 'Hill, lately appoint ed State Librarian, cannot accept the po sition because Gen. Canby decides that he must take the test-oath. Queer fellow . Canby I. . Raleigh was excited yesterday by rumors that Canby had removed all the State officers. They turned out to be un founded ; but 'coming events cast their shadows before." PIT The Circus will hardly go to Raleigh can't compete with tho Gorilla Convention. gT" Misbet & Maxwell, Charlotte mer chants, advertise " boy babies for sale" ; but they fail to inform the public whether they are dead or, alive. ZT" The Charlotte fouricr raises the flag of Gen. Ilancock fifir President, Take it down, friend Britton. The Northern Radicals will call it a u rebel" ticket. The Gorilla organ at Raleigh ad vises the Convention to stifle the little band of Conservatives in that body, mean ing that the gag-law called "previous question" should be systematically adopt ed. Magnanimous The negro equality hobby has been Btrada i in the Gorilla Convention. It ia proposed Jhat a negro and white man sal1 de 8de by side in a ra and sUeP in the sarao btd, if railroad car: convenient. E"The Conservatives of Iredell met yesterday to appoint delegates to tbt State Convention. Keep the ball rolling. Re member, the 5th day of February is the'' day. 3T Three little girls traverse the streets of Newborn, as beggars. r7 A little daughter and a servant girl of Rev. J. M. Cline, a Methddist min ister, were drowsed a few days since in 3Iecklenburr county. Mr. Cline himself narrowly eseapea a similar late, Mr. M. P. Pegram, Cashier of the First National Bank of Charlotte, receives the snug little salary of $3,000. THE VERY IiilTEST. THE MORNING STAR. NOON REPORTS. . Florida Convention. Tallahassee, Jan. 22. In the Convention a resolution prescribinxr the oath of office for members and officers was passed I A resolution was passed to telegraph General Meade Informing him' that the Convention waa ready to receive any , communication he had to make. . , A report of the Committee on Organization relative to the election of clerks and messen gers passed, authorizing the President to ap point sucn numocr ox cacn as mignt be nec essary.''' .-.;;: ; " The Kuies ana Keguiations, -with slight al terations, were adopted. Governor walker and State officers were In vited to seats.. . Commitiees on Finance, Relief and Printing were appointed. An ordinance for the . relief of the ' people. prohiting the sale of any -property on execu tion ana collection or taxes, ana ordeiiug Lie release of all peraona now imprisoned for non payment of taxes. . Passed. . ,." Kow Tork Markets. New Tore, Jan. 22 Noon. Flour and "Wheat steady. Corn a shade firmer. dull. Oats plenty. Mess Pork dun at $21 37K tard 12kis cents. . Cot ton steady at 17 cents. Freights quiet and firm.' Splrtts Turpentine 5454K cts- Rosin I Stocks active. .. Gold, 139. Money easy at 6 per cent. ; Sterling 949. " Bonds, old 10; Virginia's 40 j Tennessee 60K-,.. v : Foreign Marketi. 1 ' . f --Ji v London; Jan. 22 Consola 9293..; .Bonds iteady, -Noon. ;:'..-"- r -v ;!-;"'' Paris, Jan 23-. Rentes higher. Bourse firm. .. - ; Bonds' j -tA.' - . .7 'tiiSii: t, ; . ' ; i ijk. .'l!--..r;LnrtMOLi Jan. 22 Noon:' Cotton dull and casler-Sales 10.000 bales. W Zt - wniwir sicftUY auu ramcr more aoinp. oaies will reach 12,000 hales 'Uplands at 77d. OUR NIGHT KEPOUTS ';'- ''"-"'XT' " v" ;" x' . North Carolina ; Convention. y.'s-j .'iV .Raleigh, Jan J 23. The Convention spent the day iu tixingpr dian, traveling expenses, &c, and resolving to have a lleporter for the Convention fcr diem waa lixed at $8 per day,' for, members,- and fFJ for the President. Traveling expenses, twen ty cents per mile. .The Convention moves at a slow paces and at high prices. I , . ' ; ,' ' .. .' ; rrt ., ' . - 5 'V Florida Convention I T " . TAXLAnissExa, Fla.f Jan S?. Tho Convention assembled at the uaua hour, but no business of importaneo wa trans acted, except the appointment of islanding Committees. V. H. Christy, Secretury, re signed, and S. Cenonant (white) was elected in ais place. , . ,. ' i From Richmond. Ricumond, Jan Grant leaves for Washington to-morrow. Schoticld gave an entertainment to the Pea Oody Trustees to-night -'i w lu Convention, the proposed article to the Bill of Rights, declaring Virginia co-equal with the other States, &c, was defeated. FORTIETH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION. Washington, Jan. 22. IlorsE. The Deficiency bill ws resumed and linally passed. Resolutions from Mississippi, praying the re moval of political disabilities lroui certain citi zens, waa presented. ' . Blain introduced a hill taxing shares in Na tional Banks. s - . .. . The Postottice Committee was directed to enquire into the expediency of abolishing the frauliing privilege. The Co'tumitteu on Education and Labor was directed to enquire into tuc expediency of pro viding a general system of education iu rcbel dorn, educating every cijild between five and twenty. The bill forfeiting lands granted the rebel States lor railroad .purposes was resumed. During the discussion, Cuanier culled Julian a coward. The Speaker ruled the words unpar liamentary. Cnanler retorted : V Certaiuly not, if he is one." Julian retorted that Chatt ier could test his cowardice at any time. Chanler replied, " Very weil, Sir, I'll take an early opportunity." Tue Dill weut over. The death of Thomas E. Noell was announc ed.. Adjourned. Senate. The Reconstruction bill was read over. Doolittle objected to a beeoud reading and it went over under the rules. The Conference Committee's report on the anti-coulruction bill was adopted, it goes to the President. The amendment to the cotton tax bill, ad mitting foreign cotton duty lee, was ru-uui rat ed by the Seuate by a vote of J6 to IU. The Committee will probably agree to dbagrcc, and the bill will tail. The Maryland Union league petitions an ex tension of the Kecoustructiou acts over Mary land. The Seuate adjourned in honor of Mr. Noell. Sleetinfc of the Penbody Faud Trus- teett. Richmond, Jan. 22. At a meeting of the Pcabody Puud Trustees to-day, the lollowing resolution was ottered by Gen. Grant, and adopted : lievolvtd, That in view of the present desti tution prevailing iu the Souther u aud South western Stales,, it is, in the opiuiou ol this Board, expedient that tho Executive Commit tee and the General Agent be authorized, in conformity with the permission granted by .Mr. Jfeabody, tor'expeud 40 per ceuk of the principal ot the fuuu in addition to the accrued in ter cot. aud as large a portion of said uui. ,;ot exceeding $.00,000, be expended during i hi. i-'Trent vear as iu their Judgment can be advautauCouly used in promoting the object of tho trust; ud lliC authority of the Board is hereby given to scn apprupi . Another resolution was auopted, giving the General Agent authority t increaju the sums already promised for Educate.' and make pay ments quarterly or 6emi annually. . Tin hoard then amounted lo meet York the third Thuday of June next. From Washington. Washinoton, Jan. 22. The Secretary of the Navy has bent to Con gress amended estimates, reducing naval ex penses 2J,U0U,UUU. In connection witn urant s reporica opposi tion to the new reconstruction act, it is re garded significant that Washburn, of Illinois, though iu his seat, did not vote either lor or against it. The case reportea Deiow is irom Louisi ana : - Armstrong worked his foundry in New Or leans while Lovcll commanded, making shot and shell for the Confederates. When New Orleans was captured, Armstrong took the oath and continued working his factory, which was afterwards seized and condemned. Arm strong's pardon is dated March. The Arm strong foundry case, pending in ine supreme Court, is very much contested : First. The Attorney uenerai moved to dis miss the appeal, Insisting that the case should be here on a writ of error. In this he was overruled. Second : Armstrong moved to file a plea of Eardon, which the Attorney General resisted, ,eavc was given, after argument, to tile the plea. So that the case will now bo heard on the merits, and will come up next week. The Attorney General represents the United States and lion. Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, appears for Armstrong. The CBse is consider ed a leading one, which must decide the point : First: Whether a seizure and a capture are the 6ame. Whether nroDertv liable to capture and prize embraces land" held by private title. Third : Whether ' property tainted by the guilty consent of the owner is relieved by his pardon auer condemnation auu ociore naie. , - . -m-9-r . . . a 1 i 1 Fonrtn: vvuetner tne ciuzen, Bnu up in a nlaeo occupied bv Confederate arras, can be re sponsible to the United States for the breach Ol municipal law unaer coimuauu i me mili tary force of the Confederates. Fifth : Whether the constitution operates with its traarantv upon him when tho United Statea recover the city. i Baltimore Markets. Baltimore, Jan. 22. Cotton dull at 16X cents. Flour rery dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat steady and Bcarce Sontnni Ked $3 ( t co. vorn firmer prime Yellow tl 15S 1 18. Oats dull at 7375 eents. Rye very du II at 4555 cents. frovisions steaoy-DUiK enouiaere v cenis.--Loose Western Lard 13f cents. . New Tork Markets. m New York. Jan. 23. Cotton firm and less active, with sales of 2,800 bales at 1717 cents. Flour unchang ed. Wheat . unchanged. ' Corn closed dull and declining new Mixed Weetcm tl 31(3) fl 32; white Southern $1 28fl 32. Oats 85mG86 cents. ' Mess Perk heavy and de cliningnew $21 25 ; old $20 25. Lard firm at 12ai3 cents. Groceries firm and steady. Naval Stores quiet and unchanged. Freights nrjn. Government closed strong. 62 Coupons ,101. Sterling dull and unsettled. Gold 139 r South Carolina CnTentlon. ' Mfi- CHARLESTpWf Si C. Jan. 22. The Convention . to-day was - dull. Resolu tions .were 'offered referring to the division of the District of the btater to establish a penal code and reform scnool, and reorganizing; the Sunreme and inferiol Courts.' . Some onDosi- tion was manifested to measures of relief, but the vast majority favor them. The question will probably pe aec)dea to-morrow fi UK!?'; Charleston .'Marlcetf . 1 - Charleston, Jan. 22. . Cotton declined cent,'but closed stiff Sales 500 bales Middling at it eents. . iit .".'. ' '" '""i-Ji ""'. f , ; Foreifirn- aiarkelft. ' 1 -J . Ltvkrpoou. Jiii. 22 Eveninsr! f ; i Cottoti lasiei Kjrfahdft 7dVoi tbot and C OMMEK GIAL. WII'MINGTOIV MARKET. , -! t i STAR OFFICE. Jan. 22.' 8PIRITS5TURPENTINE Was quiet, having declined cent. Sales 32 casks at 48 ceate. , ROSIN Was dull. Nosules- COTTON Declined. Sales of 15 bales or a basis of 14 andjHjj cents for Low' Middling and 14 cents for Middling. CRUDE TURPENTINE 800 barrels sold at , $3 00 for Solt and $1 80 for Hard, a de cline of 510 cents. TAR. Was steady. ' Sales 110 bbls. at$l 00. TIMBER. 3 rafts sold at $5 50 for Inferior, and $6$(i 50 for .Ordinary. SALT. Sales 4,000 bush. Alum at 21 cents. : - . avjiom:ai.i: PRICES. ARTICLK3. PU1CE8. HA OGINO Gunny...... .. yd BACON North Carolisa, Hams.. ..jf B Shoulders, f? ft Hog ltound,.. ...flft Western ; Hams...... ft Sides,.. ..fTft Shoulders, $ ft IIARIlElJNifnritt 'Jktrpentine, Second Hand, each New New York ..each New Citv,. each JJEHS irA .T lb It RICKS . Wimiin-rton,.. . .W M. 24 25 00 & H 15 00 oo a 18 1 10 IS 15 IS 191 2 2.1 3 50 3 25 33 10 00 2 ff 45 50 (ri) IS 20 15 38 $ 21 & 28 21 (rH 1 (55 7 1 30 fli 0 25 3 75 3 50 33 15 00 30 5Ty 55 20 23 20 40 25 30 2;i 1 70 15 1 40 Ii UTTER Sovt Carolina, ? fir 'Northern,.... "ft ft CANDLES Sperm, ....... Tallow,.. Adamantine,. CHEESE Nort hern, COEEEE J a.va, Hio,.... i Jauaj-ra, ft St. louiinRO,. ft CORN MEAL.. bush DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4 yd Yam... W bunch FISH Mackerel, So.l,.! '-bbl 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ($ 00 00 9 50 10 00 9 .10 10 00 (f? 11 00 9 50 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, n-bl)l Muckerel, No. 3, bbl Mullets,....;. 'U11 Drv Cod...... W ft FLOUR Super. .Northern, ?nll Fine, , " ; , M bbl PLxtra, " ! & bbl 12 50 17 00 N. Carolina Snpor, f bbi; 11 50 12 50 ;xtra,...!..f? ow. oo oo (m oo op j-amily, ...ss bbl 12 50 14 00 00 00 90 00 75 00 80 00 70 00 0 75 00 00 00 60 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Uuano,... 2210 fts Pacific Guano, fl 20(X) fts Patapseo (luano,. . .f? 2i00 Baufrh's Phosphute, " " Khoiles' SUm. Manure, " " GLUE Wib GRAIN Corn, Northern 5? bush Corn, Kastern Co., . . . f bush Oats, pbush Pen., Cow,.. bnsb JIIDES-Ajrcvu,... ft 65 00 0 00 20 25 6 00 0 00 95 1 35 11 H 0 50 1 40 1 40 1 10 1 50 8 14 1 75 1 50 Pry a. HA 1 Eastern .$ 100 fts. North River Tfl 100 fts 1 40 HOOP IRON ft ton LA RD Northern, W ft North Carolina, ft LIME .l bbl L UM HER River Last sales. Wide Hoards, M ft Scant linpr, M ft ISO 00 155 00 13 l.V. 00 & 10 1 90 2 00 00 00 ft 10 00 8 00 10 00 14 00 10 00 24 00 3 25 00 22 00 23 00 Flooring, M M ft Citv Stkam Sawkd Ship StnfT, resawel,..'Mft Rouerh Edsp Plank,. ..W M ft West India Cargoes, accord- im; to qnality V M ft 20 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 15 00 20 00 Pressed Flooring, seasoned, M-antung anu liourus, com mon,.......; '..$ M ft jiulaivs&b cnoa, nnus., w gal Cuba, bbls.,... i? ffal 48 00 50 55 Suprar House, hhU.,. . . gn 45 6$ CO 55 & 00 Q 1 75 00 2 00 & 1 00 5 00 & 4714 50 1 00 7 60 00 1 90 00 2 50 1 20 5 50 " " bbls 3 sal S vrup, bbl? ..... ..... W ral NAILS-Cnt, 4i to 20d, Jfl ft oils Kerosene, gat Lard,. ................. . w gal Linseed, ; ipal Rosin, Kal PEANUTS PO TA TO ESS weet, Irish, Northern,. POR K Northern City Mess......... Thin.............. Prime.. ..W busji ..W busb ....bbl 2--; 50 24 00 00 00 23 00 00 (X) 21 00 00 00 00 00 Hump ....... iJICi-Curolina,. it.. 10' Hast India, , Rough,. 00 2 25 GO 0 00 2 00 12U 14 00 J. 00 u 9 & 3 50" 2 50 & 00 2 50 A,.r-Alum, 62' 2 10 2 10 13 15 17V 17 16 18 13 11 Liverpool, Amerit-:,n SUGAR Cubwy... Porto Rico,.... A. Coffee, B. " ..... C. " Crushed, SO A P Northern.. Wilmington w n -SfA'r,-Contraet, jp M Common,.,...' f M STA VESVf. O. Bbl., M 4 00 3 00 20 00 30 00 R. O. IIlKl.. 3 M TIMBER Sh ipping, MM Mill Prime M Mill Fair,....., JIM Inferior to Ordinary,... M WHISKEY Northern,. . gal North Carolina, gal 30 00 40 00 11 00 12 00 8 50 9 00 7 00 8 00 5 00 0 00 2 00 3 00 8 00 5 00 RECEIPTS. Per River Steamers. Stmr Halcyon. 80 bales cotton, 130 bbls rosin, 15 bales sheeting, 5 do yarn, to A John son & Co, A McRimmon & Co, Worth & Dan iel, W II Lutterloh. fltmo flnrr VVrvftK . 1 591 V.Vla OA naelra spts, 25 bbls turpt, 1 hhd tobacco, to Russell & Ellis, A Johnson & Co, Worth & Dauiel, J M Henderson, Williams & Murchlson, Moffitt, Bro fc Co. j Sfmr North Carolina. 312 bbls rosin to Williams & Murchison. Receipts per , Wilmington and Man chester Railroad, Jan. 22. Wallace & Southerland, 256 bbls rosin ; JasJ Shackelford, 3 bales cotton; Jas McCormick, 1 bbl wine; Ii Brock, lbag turkeys; DeRossct& Co, 2 bales cotton. 2 bbls spt ; J J Edwards, 30 bbls turpt; Edwards it Buiitb, 10 bbls wine, 1 keg do; Major J 8 Worth, Raleigh, 1 boxord stores; P W Kerchher, 7 bales cotton; H Ilartz, 1 do; Williams & Murchison, 3 do ; E Murray & Co 24 do; Worth & Daniel, 4 do; Sprunt & Hinson, 1 do; Vick, Mebane & Co, 1 do; W II McRary fc Co, 4 do; A Johnson & Co, 2 coils rope; W P Smith; Baltimore, 2 bales cotton; Knox & Gill, Balto, 2 do; J D Murchi son & Co, N Y, 28 do; -Williams, Taylor & Co, N Y, 3 do; Earl & Co, N Y, (i do ; Blossom & Bro, N Yt 32 do. : Seaboard Inland Air-Line. Time Freight as per Paf cnger Train W&WRR, Jan. 22. Worth & Daniel, 17 bales cotton; Finlayson Bro, V do; Wallace fe Soutberland, 4 do ; So Express, 1 pkge H C Brock, 1 bbl oysters.' M-AJElIISrE. ' JU ARRIVED. ... . Stmr Halcyon, Daily, Fayetteville, A Mc Kimmon & Co. . - -- . r .- - Stmr North Carolina, Green, Fayetteville, Williams & MarcnisOn. ' ' ' ' - Stmr. Gov. Worth, Hurt, Fayetteville, Worth & Daniel, r , . ; -Schr Rising San, Jones, Rockfort, Maine, O G Parsley Co. I V-y-; CLEARED. Stmr Halcyon, Daily, Fayetteville, A McRim ; Stmr North Carolina Green, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. i d ; ; 1 L .. 1 , . ... , , Schr Maine Law, Johnson, Georgetown, Har rlss & Howell, f r-' . -- A GtTE AND "FEVEIl. " TITTiJ OVT.V tt?ts. Jf. entive known for Chills and Fere la the use of Wolf e'a Schiedam Schnapps. For sale by ; . I ADRIAN & yOLLERS, , '. nOY23v fe !. - .j.i';. Sols -'Agents. WQLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are ' a pxeyenlive for chills and fever. For sale by " - f ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS. nOv22 -r: 1. : 'J "f-.".." ' -r;.l r ... "O0RT WlJrE.Impbrted by Udolpho Wolf; XV or. New York, -expressly for: "medical and 1 . bbl ....W bbl . . . . w t)bt .. . .fl bbl ?ft 1 ft . bush . bush ..W taek . sack ft 93 a. Wft lb .ilft NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS Plantingr ilfotatoesij JQQ Blls, P1NII EES, v ' 150 do. PEACH BLOWS, 100 do. JAOKSON WHITK, r 100 do. EATING POTATOES. v jan-23-6t V , F. W. KERCIINEC. Corn,-Hay, Flour, &c. Bash. PRIHE WHITE CORN, :mh) Bales HAT, 100 Bbls FLOUR, 100 Bbbl. PORK. 175 Boxes CHEESE, For sale by t jan23-101-3t p. W. KERCHNER. Coffee, Salt. Swgrar. 100 Wafks PRIME RIO COFFEE, 600 Sacks SALT. ) Bbls. SUGAR, 20 Bales B A GOING-, GUANO, BACON, SY UUP. Ac. Jan25-10U6t F. W. KERCHNER. W. Ill & J. C. STEVENSON, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Corner Market and Front Sts. CHOICE SEI.ECTf OS Of FAMILt tsupplies constantly on handw SUGARS All grades. COFFEE All grades. ' FLOUR All grades, CRACKERS All kinds. BALTIMORE and N. C. BACON'. DRIED BEEF TONGUES, BREAKFAST BACON STRIFS, PIGS FEET TRIPE. ( FULTON MARKET BEEF. BUCKWHEAT, MEAL and HOMINY. JELLIES SAUCES SPICES. 1 APPLES ONIONS POTATOES. SUGAR DRIPS. N. O. MOLASSES. PURE LEAF LARD In Kegs. Food and Willow TV are, And a Complete Line of FAMILY SUPPLIES, at Lowest rates for CASH. IW. M. & J. C. STEVENSON, Corner Front and Market sts. jan23-101-tf Molasses at Auction. EX BRIG PRESTON HOBBS. M. CR0NLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY MORRIS. OX SATURDAY NEXT, 25th Inst., at 1014 o' clock A. M., we will sell at Public Auction, upon our. wharf, foot of Mulberry Street, to close balance of cargo 102 Illids, Prime Sew Crop CARDENAS MOLASSES, In bright new packages. . Just landed ex Brig " Preston Ilobbs." Terms at Kale, and will be offered in lots to suit purchasers. jan-.'i-in.'-oc v. n rAKSLisi & UO. p?rr SETS SECOJTD IIAXD TVAO OvJLf ON JIAKMOSN, 500 secona nana collars, 200 " " BLIND BRIDLES, 100 " " RIDING " 200 pair Second Hand DRIVING REINS, 100 " SADDLES. A larsre and well selected stock of new SAD DLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, Ac., cheap for CASH. J. S. TOP1IAM & CO., jans-ps-nau jno. soutn jf'ront st. COAL! COAL ! WE II ATE , BEEN REELING THE very best RED ASH EGG COAL at 7 50 Eer ton delivered, since November 1st, and ave now a large stock on hand, which we can supply at same figure. PRICE OF COAL reduced: YERY HE ST ARTICLE RED ASH COALN, at rates as LOW as the LOW EST, itecoiiect, you get tue nest Coals, full weight, screened, and free from dirt, prompt ly delivered to any part of the city. Leave your orders with WORTH & DANIEL. COA STK MINE. decl-58-nac2m BOOK BINDER T, BOOK BINDERY, BOOK BINDERY, BOOK BINDERY, BOOK BINDERY, BOOK BINDERY, AT THE AT THE , AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE . AT THE-t-AT THE r, , , AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE ST AH OFFICE, ! . STAR OFFICE, ... STAR OFFICE STAR OFFICE STAR OFFICE: STAR "OFFICE Jal2r83wctf If ' - i v '' J .' C " '. i v ' '' -1 i I. itX ' - X 100,000 Fine EAT1IS Tor Sale LOWfrom wharf, by-;y: L , : GROCERS On hand. RED ASH STOVE COAL. GRATE L, BLACKSMITH'S COAL (Broad Top), 1AM COAL (Buck Mountain). EGYPT LISTER imofilERv- SUPER - PHOSPHATE -v ,. TV ply of this celebrated YYLvrifx Hp PKU-hlOSPHATE OF LlME,hVfSEJ: sell on such terms as mustgive m&ij . ThlsSUPEn-PHOSrHATE Is8UPERl0 any other P15BTILIZER, as it contain, J 0 Chemical Elements necessary to proinot growth of all RQOX CHOPS and all CEnp and is suitable for any soil. As Comp ' with Stable Manure, by a trial, side bv ONE HUNDRED POUNDS of this Fresi, Super-Phosphate of Lime, with TWo tIIo SAND POUNDS of the very best Stable nure, itwiU be found that tbe effticfa soil will be equal the first Crop, and Three Times as Lasting A verification of the analysis of this Fertil iser has been made by an eminent Chcmk this city, and found to bo as represented f R. H. COWAN' & co , No. 82 North Water Mreet Wilmington,. IS. C, Jan. 22. iOO-i winter mmc GOST, rjlIIE BALANCE OF BIY WlXTEn bTOCK will be CLOSED OUT AT COST, coin, mencing on MONDAY, the 27th inst., to aate room for SPRING'GOODS. The Stock consists of -BONNETS, HATS, KIBBONS, FLOWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, KNIT HOODS and SIIAWL8, And Fancy Dry Goods generally. A. D. BROWN', 6 Sc-bth Front Street j;m 2-2-1 (XHTw NORTH CAROLINaT -AND- POLYTECHNIC ACADEMY. THE 9th ANNUAL, SESSION OPENS FEB. 5tb, li8. REGULAR COURSE Lanfjuapres, Matlicnra. tics, Natural Sciences, Engineering, hoiks Lettres, &6.T Ac. SPECIAL COURSE of Engineering, Archi lecture and Drawing. COMMERCIAL COURSE for business life. For Circulars, address Gkn. lt.E. COLSTON, Sup't., janfVSO- w Uillsporo', N. C. nryZSF WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are LU;i- l'ecommended by all tho medical fac ulty.. For sale by nov22 ADRIAN & VOLLERS. SUNDRIES QrOAR CURED HAMS, jH. C. NAMS, SHOULDERS and SIDES, TALLOW, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PIG PORK, TRIPE, PICKLED TONGUES, Ac, W. M. & J. C. STEVENSON'S, Corner Front and Market sts. janl2-02-tc ' FIRE ARMS. Sold by the Trade Generally. A Liberal Discount to Dealers. $200,000 Furnished the IT. S. Gov ernment. ATOyWvolrer....:...J;.44-100in..WIJj5 Navy Revolver 36-100 in. Ca h, ltelf Revolver. Navy Sjze U re, Police Revolver..... Navy Size Ca New Pocket Revolver 3"n- Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. taWwe, Repeating ristol, (Elliot pt.) No. 22 & 2 U- Vest Pocket Pistol. . . .No. 22, 30, 32 and 41 Cart Gun Cane....1?.!?:.... 22 and 32 CalW, Breech Loading Rifle, ( Reals') No. 32 . Revolving BM.it,5ii;12?-?l.wid,,W' n Dion. Newlorlt. Janl9-08-2ni ,wnT.FES5 RfimiDAM SCHNXPPaIe sold by all Grocers and Apoiecorics. For sale by ADRIAN vui.- n)vij "T7ATEIt FINDS ITS EEVFJ, AS the trading- public soon learn tbe place wfcere the LOWEST PRICES prevail. The place to purchase BOOTS and SHOES is &t French's New Shoe Store, QO lffo- Front St.r Wbere all kinds and varieties of Boots and Shoes can be' found at the' lowest v0616 prices for cash. ,. GEO. R. FKENCH & bu. anl-0to X -, .19 NorthFrogj .WOLTE3 SCHIEDAM SCHNArrs irood for al! Kidney and Bladder GEO. A.. 3PECKV --WHOLESiLK ASD KBTAU' DIALER I HARDWAKE, OmEEY, Ftt EDGE TOOLS, Agricultural Implements, v WHITE LXiD; OlLy &Cf Nol 1 5 -Front St Below Maff ' rdial I TEW OP miE ' ALPS. in, to fOT JLJ only, to t tasted to be appreie"rRs. nov23 ' ' ' t ' ADRIAN 'i OLD COGlf AC' BBANDIS.-Impo m TJdolpho Wolfe, of BtwTortaJ L ffT mMliml o-tWI nrltoto nan. YOT Sft'e VJ ADRIAN & VOLLE "fTrOLirja'S SCHIEDAM SCaNAU W good for Rheumatism. For saWf noV2 ' - ADRIAN AjO WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCSNAP : nnt im tn nnort. Vnd. nlnt bOttWf t.hs tirnnHptrir's nariiA on the bOtW c label. . For sale by ,

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