'LOTTERIES, i loni?EIAnfg'xIiroi;iE." ."ft." SHSfcESHS? - li Wyto-'lotli Bay 1 , Of Fefcrjiary, .1808, ' it) 000 AAA ow S5,000 OOO ;PPB0XpiATJ0N PBIZES. A nnrot I raMtlon Prises of "WOO ,t7- J each lor the nine remainiif Units W the rrT'EiO Uax"ofth6"No. Drawing tU .Jt.ri ,1.T $0;004 Prise ar 1,500 I'i Jr?oximtun Prtss or jwik i . fnr thA nlnA TATrmlnlnir uniti of the . - -d AnnroxlBMAtloi -v ach for the nine remaining: units or tne .r - same ten of; the No. Drawing th ' 10,000 Prise ar 91,800 VJ P' AP!TfI1!aIon io j each for the nine remainlnsr units of the . .same ten pf the No. Drawing tbo : ' 1 T 4 , ,r - ' $5,000 Priso sTre $,0O0 IS Jspproinifttion Prisea or 9100 ' v- each for the nine remaining units of the . same ten of the No. Drawlnsr the Vi ' . ' 300 Prises are $1,800 'iiSPfees: amonjiting to $180;000 . "'7hol6 Tickets 012 ; Halves $0; . ftnartcrs 03 ; ElgUtlis 01-50. ALL THE ABOVE PRIZES XrEDRAWN AT -EVERY' DRAWING. a n ir.jcoirf -& i t .1T7 . : ;J Plan :of "these Great 'Lotteries and Elanation of Drawings. IWI -s iwViiW. sVa Jfc W Ol nflfl " AAMAdnAn1. lnz wimtha numbers m the Tiokats, are prln- tea on separate aiips ox paper ana encireieu with raall tubes, and D in a glass wheel ju uia pncea in in aooordance Irith the Scheme. r W kallartr'priMfKl and-' enctrcrettr and placed in another jrlass wheel.. The wheels ' are then revolved, and two boys'ntindfolded, draw, the numbers . and Prizes. .One 4f the . ooys uraws oue pumper rrom uiewneet oi ios., and at the same time the other boy draws out , , one srizQ from the wheel of prizes, p The . nam .. . ber and prize drawn out aie exhibited to t he i audience, and whatever prize ooraes out is reg-, isterea ana piacea to ine creditor mat num- ::. ber an! .this operation ia. jrepeated -until . all tt'TjrUcaarfl drawn out. .-t f The tickets are printed in the following stylet ..They Tars divide! iato Eighth, printed on the i t- face or tne TicKetSF-Eignt-KigDtns Daring tne same number, constitute a Whole Ticket. ET mt Prizes are Payable without ;j -diacptmt, andrtbo. Official Drawing sent to eacn jmrcnafter. ..v , - , .v ; BOYD, WIUSON.A CO. Sbutasers, 2; BiiSklhJL li C ' rlc Ci Atlanta,- Ga. -r fXJTtrtfarrfrT Aim tiitstt WmRTrTitliTn- -THENOETHOAEOLBJIAN V A DAILY Democratic Newcpaper, runusnED AT If niuA.nsAicn5,r? . jno.w.dunham v 1 r-.'i , 7 mi' I o?mrroas. .1 -r ' - r r rilUC NORTTI -'1 .JL'crstkj ..1 iibv ottxm1 tn KMrnflnflTriim. MIHtnrv i-ntA and Reconstrnction upon the basis of Congres sional enactment.'' - - rV Oovrmtnrnt. frxrmcd by the bi bytht blood of While Men, for the :j MexL, and that U should be Cunt. brain. IB r 1 bene- fit of White Men. OontroUedi -Va Whiter lie mlu. Aa tU re la -bat On National OrffanUatlon ' rofritng theso sentiments and committed ""to thwlx'uiamtensnce, the NORTH CAROLI NIAN wlU steadier advocate the abandonment , of all other 'party names and organizations, , and a hearty co-operation with that organiza- tlotv the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PA.RTY. Th NORTH CAROLINIAN will contain the frenhesVNews. br telegraph and otherwise. Full reports of all Legislative AsaembUea wiU - befnrnished.its readers. ..... , -...-. v. ' """ Particular attention will be r ' to State . 1 nws. and each number will eo.tainr a '00m- - rcte epitome of every incident reported in . The WEEKLY NORTH CAROLINIAN is the largest and handsomest 'paper in 'the State and XtaTsfc filled with choice family reading "rarcs or wosucairTios s Daily, one .frear. A.A . AS 1 - . . . - J ' J iyeekiy,onejyear. jveeaiy, one j year. Terms Cash in ad- S3 00 ; StCMonths; Si 00. vsnce. - ,werespeetfully' request our friends la all portions ofthe State to Interest themselyeain Will UdLUMl. . - f, 1 .1. , ; ,r . ' '-BATtsf oADVcrtTisuro LrBtaxLy-, Aa the' t HoYth CaroliDian retains the subscription.list which it- bad as a leml-weekiy at WUson, it offers superior inducements to advertisers. 'All eommnnications on business should be- wo-urii , ' ' .1. easiness juauager. .i ' 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 11 1 i , TiEnORE3rS ITOCNO AMERICA, rjtn a uiass Cylinder W confine livinsr eblects. c - od two-bladed Pearl Pocket Knife, and .0- .1 number Ot otkar . dealmhla ArticbA. Try iVBors and Girls, Specimen copies, five I Jaqci4-69.tr Tr'iS4 u -'tyWthtani)t(toe riaBiitf: f i ' - - WM. H. RERNARD'SV'' " , Prihtltf y an Publishing House, ' ' Ved and' bottled by Udolpho Wolfe, of T V New York, expressly for medical amiprivate . ttA 'rFersaloby ADRIAN $ Y0LLER3, i ? a;noTa : Sole Agents. riTPTTR ' -'rtritw.n.I??-ga2 ,V,e;t.Jf5HyiB03r-. Rqundja the neatest and most snbstantial - and Girl that sees it nays soj all the Press say' ; , ... ,f ... it1:() : Si 1 1 -i n 1)0 w f manner, and at Moderate Prices. not fall to secure a copy. A good Microscope, J. . u OrfivV.'JKafNlXGd DEMQREST,' V TOUNO L VTJIF f TTHO TVlhll . TO Hi'i i i.ur.;:. -X-.srw-thewrifTOio, should .hsva it f i K.r v -neatly Lt inl,ut av-M-H.'bernard'S - I . , r TWtingaiouse ana Book Blnderyr '"'V't Np, South VVatej St.y ; riV' y.cV i.i i JL-lti. ' CEM f - 7 r ; ; . i r. y v N f : v d J tuo i.nu wt BOOKJBINDER BlwfcBook5 Kaniijactory J r V PAPER, RULItGyte. ft--' J WII. II. BERNARD, Prop'tor. t -r No. S South Water Street, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. 5 - 1 t'd'A i. If -CONNECTION TVITII MX PRINT- v.f V-vJ -w - ING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, I have In op- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, Inolnfl- InffclTXlSTCULSS RUIXNO MACHINE. My unsurpassed facilities enable me to exec cute all wprk In Hha above lines at LOW BATES, with the utmost dispatch, and in j I amJDtianafacturing to ordei LEDGERS, JOURNALS, AY .BOOKS, 0AfelTB(A)KS,s i BLOTTERS, INDEXES,. RECORD BOOKS, f TRIAl!i 'DOCKETS, --'- " " APPEARANCE DOCKETS.? - MINUTE DOCKETS, : . ' EXECUTION .DOCKETS, " MARRIAGE REGISTERS, j,. f, '. ' tvt-x T,r.VkTrrl ' ;' : ; and all; other BLANK books -USED BY- CLERKS, 1 REGISTERS, , MERCHANTS, ii 1 t BUOvERS, i RAIL HO AD COMPANIES, r.7 .K 5 1(1 m t ' - i ' -V 1 ALL VARIETIES OF - PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 -rnsvtr? i PlMtliLETS : , ' 1 i ; MAGAZINES, - - . i t u PERIODICALS, : NEWSPAPER FILES, MUSIC.S:c 4&C &c .1 A i'i 1' lit 3 J o-iwiA'ani i'- AKY FORM DESIRED. ' : r - ' ' J r V.V f -r " ' y .' r : . ftend'ydxtr ferders to t. ''in BIND 1 NG ....... ' - ' - - . 1. T r. I. - .yY "i"-". f ' .J THE MORNING STAR ' ? V- & THE3IORNING; STAR rn TUB MORNING START? J' in. M . THRi MORNING"' STAR: i i . v. . 1 THE MORNING STAR.-, Tina ikrrvwVTxri Si- a-- .1 . THE MORNING STAR. t' arirBPE6Pii)5aTpL4.pfen. . THE. YJEOPUC' FAPKR. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. ' i '.TrrW PRnT T r it t THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER, , fVi- AM iir xUOrljxfi'S PAPERj ' 1 ' " - THE PEOPUfi'S PAPKU ONLY L35 FOR 'i '--tu ONLY $1,26 FOR ONLY tl:2S FOR ONLY -$1.25 FOR $ ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY $1.23wFOR. ONLY11.S3 FOK""' ONLY $1.23 FOR OJHLX $1.25 FOR , THREE MONTHS. ' " THREE -MONTHS. , K. THREE. MONTHS. THREP: MONTHS. "THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS, THREE MONTHS. ' THREE MONTHS. . THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS.1 TPi.iPiinAPiiTr! vuwa TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. 'LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. .! MARKET REPORTS.; MARKET REPORTS. , MARKET REPORTS.'' V MAKKET REPORTS. "s MAKKETRKPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. . MARKET REPORTS. . MARKET REPORTS.,,. , MARKET REPORTS. ' A M.VRKET .REPORTS. ' GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEW8. GENERAL NEWS. dec20-74-tf TT7"M. II. BERNARD. general advertising agent, " No.' 3 South Water Street, I WILMINGTON, N. C. Tlie subscriber being SOLE AGENT, at this pome ior neany ALL THE LEADING PAPERS OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, is prepared to. receive and FORWARD ADVERTI5 FORWARD ADVERTISEMENTS AT THE LOWEST RATES OF PUBLISHERS. Merchants wi6 save muoh TIMEAND TROUBLE BY" MAjaNC? THEIR CONTRACTS - . THROUGH THIS A'UENCY. THE PROPRIETORS I I OF ALL THE ! NEWSPAPERS - . i for wmcn I AM AQENT, ; HAYING OBLIGATED THEMSELVES , NOT TO ; , . RECEIVE ANY ADVERTISEMENT AT LOWER RATES i , THAN THOSE 1 FURNISHED ME MAY RELY ON TRANSACTING THEIR BUSINESS WITH 1 . . THIS AGENCY ON AS FAVORABLE , TERMS -- AS "WITH THE PROPRIETORS : -? THEMSELVES. -s Copies of Newspapers for which I am Agent may be seen at my office. WM. IL. BERNARD. sept2S-l-ti AN EASY SHAVE. , ONE OF THE MOST PLEASANT op erations which a roan can undergo, is a clean and 4 comfortable shave. This can al ways be obtained at GEORGE HOSLElt'S es tablishment on South Front Street; East side. I Just one door below F. Mayer's Saloon, where, wunnis competent Assistants, iwng. ghurch- klI( and Case a way. he is prepared to guaran tee satisiaetion to an wno raav tavor him with a call.- HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOONTNG, If AtR DllKSftTXft. AAnArAtrmAd in t na lat oot- 'style of all.' . . . Barbers, who are well skilled in the art of UBEsgisu haiis, ana wno are be oan aasure tnem, "coioreu srentiemen." The. strictest erder -and 'decorum are pre served in his establishment, and no gentle man will 'mid there anything of a disagreea- uie nature.' x -: - . ... .. . - - - novl242-tf GEO. HOSLER. T EMOKEST'S MONTHLY MAG A JLJ aine. Universally acknowledged, the Model Parlor Macrazine of America t devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches Archi tecture and Model Cottages, Household Mat Amusements, etc., by the best authors, ana iimuoiiuviuo, civ.i ujf tiiv ucsu auiiuJ Bj till 14 profusely illustrated with costly Engravings (full size, useful and reliable Patterns. Em- bvoideries, and a constant succession of artis tic novelties,' with; .other .useful and enter taining literature.' ? - ' 1 " r No person of refinement, economical house- Lwifeor.lady of taste, can afford to do with out tne Moaei Monthly, stneie copiear 30 cents: ijacK numuers, as specimens, iu cents 1 eitner maiiwi nee. x earxy fs, witn a vainaoie pre mium ; two copies, . $5 80 ; three copies, $7 50 ft n f rwr.t.t tv. Wf ?r. $ lished Weekly. S. E. McMillan Pi-oniie. ters, uems 01 1 nougnt, Personal and Liter, ry Gossip1 (including special department da. L , I -i BERNARDAgentr C w '4f WUMiinton. y.,cy TA.geneT- EDWARD Ji HALE & SOr XteLtefy Fftycttevfflei North Carolina,) lf -Wholesale'Bpo&seU NO. 1Q MURRAY STREET, NEW Y0RK.t T3UBI.ISII tbe FOIJLOWING IWOIlKSi DEFENCE' OF VIRGINIA,? AKbo THB -SOUTH. ;By Rev. pr.Dabney, author of aLlfe of Gen. (Stonewall) Jackson. ; 1 vol., 12mo., cloth $1 60 DIARY OF A REFUGEE. DURING THE r 'WAR. By a Lady ot Virginia. 1 voL, ' 12mo., Cloth.. 2 00 LIFE OF GEN. PATV CLEBURNE, (In , - T) reparation.) ' HJSTpRrf OF NQRTBt CAROLINA. By, Rev. F. L. Ilawks, D.D, LL. D. 2 VOls. 8 vo. ciotn , ; ; Library sheep . . 5 00 6 00 7 00 Half Calf. . : x . . DJVEREUX'S NO. CAROLINA EQUITY REPORTS.- New edition. Vol. 2. DEVEREUX AND BATTLE'S .EQUITY REPORTS. New edition. 2 vols. DEVEREUX AND, BATTLE'S NORTH 'CAROLINA LAV REPORTS. New edition.' Vols. 1 and 2-. - IREDELL'S NORTH CAROLINA LAW? .REPORTS Vols. (17,8,9,10, 11, 12. IREDELL'S NORTH CAROLINA EQUI- ' 'JUI JtiSUKTS VOIS. 4, O, 0, . . .JThey ai-e prepared to furnish anv of these, or complete sets of North Carolina Reports, as far as extant i Also, Battle's New and Com plete DIGEST of these Reports, brought down to 1806, and superseding all former Digests. S vols. 1 -i-l- SOUTHERN SCHOOL BOOKS. The subscribers are prepared and will be B leased to-supplv thir customers with School ooks of all kinds in use, but are particularly aesirou to extend the use of books prepared for Southern Sohools, by. Southern authors, and therefore free from matter offensive to Southern ! people. Mest . prominent , among these may bo mentioned the ' NORTH CAROLIN A READERS. By Rev. C. H. Wiley, . Superintendent of Common Schools in North Carolina,' and Rev. Dr. Hubbard, Professor in the University of JNortn varoima. THE UNIVERSITY SERIES OF SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT-ROOKS. By Professors Holmes, Venable, Gildersleeve, De Vere, and Le Convnte, of Southern Universities, and Capt. M. F. Maury, one of the most distinguished of living Geographers, OUR OWN SERIES of Spellers, Readers and Writing Books. By Rev Professor .Rich ard Sterling, of Greensboro', N. C. Of the above, the following (wholesale prices annexed) are now, and others soon will be, ready : North Carolina Reader, No. 1 . 30 ft tl ft q 50 73 tt ti ' - 3 Holmes' Southctn Pictorial Primer, per dozen .v , Holmes' Southern Elementary Speller. per dozen, net cah 1 20 Holmes'. Southern Pictorial 1st Reader, each ... 20 Holmes' Southern Pictorial 2d Reader 34 tt u tt " 3d " .... 45 4th " 61 " Mh 1 (VI Venable's First Lesson in Numbers. . . 24 " Meutal Arithmetic, ....... 43 De Vere's Grammar in French. 1 40 Sterling's Southern Primer, paper, per dozen ".. ,,,,,,,,.,...,..,, 00 Sterling's Southern Primer, stitf covers per dozen 1 08 Sterling's Southern Pictorial Primer, per dozen... ....4, 2 00 Sterling's Southern Speller, per dozen, Utt cajri,, 120 Sterling's Southern lnt Reader, each 2." (4 -tt. " ...... no u tt t t tt ti tt t 3d 4th 5th ft tt f.t it tt , , , 90 1 08 Writing Books, per doz.en., 1 80 Bingham's Latin Grammar. By Col. W. Bingham, Principal of the ceUbra ted Binglfam School, Oaks, Alamancd County, N. C. Each 1 20 Bingham's English Grammar. By the same. Eact h :.. Ross' Sonthern Speaker. By Professor Ross, of Louisiana. 1 13 UUPs Alsrebra (Gen. D. 11. Hill, of " Tho Lana we xove 1 w They respoetfuUv invite orders for these or oiner jjcuooi, Aiisceuaneous, ana stanuani uooKAvMationery, c, c, rrom their friends ami the Southern public. They believe that they supply Bookselfcrs, Merchants, Teachers, d others, with--afoods quite as cheaply, for is qui casn, as uiey can 00 oougut in tuis cit ougut tn tuls city. Addivas E. J. HALE ft SON. No, 16 Murray Street. New York Any Book, of their awn or others publi cations, win oe sentry mail, tree or postage, on receipt of Publisher's advertised retail price. j inov-17-47-3ui Go to No. 10 So. Front St. JF YOV WISH TO BUY GROCERIES, WHISKIES, -."j WINES, CORDIALS, Ac., Ac, Cheaper than the Cheapest, Mf Call and examine my stock. GEO. St. FRENCH, 10 South Front Street. Jan56-tf Flour ! Flour I I 260 nAiS N c filoiji1 2QQ Bbls- NORTHERN FLOUR, for salo by . WILLtVRD BROS. 2728 and 29 No.. Water st. jan5-8G-tf JOIIX A. WAGENER) Editor. TTKDER THE ABO VE HEAD THE UN- J uerslgned propose to publish a . GERMAN WEEKLY PAPER, to be the oreran of the German populati Is State, ion and devoted to the interests of th: in Encouraging Immhrration and Industrial Pursuits.,- i - 1 m Literature Afirficultnre. Commerce. ArtK ana xxaae. wiu pe representea in its col umns, anatne news or tne aay will given 1 Gen'l JOHN A. WAGENER has kindlv con sent-ed to undertake the Editorial manage ment forthe present. ..., !.: 1 Subscription $3 for twelve months ; ill 50 ior six uioiixnsyOir aAsortnree montns. ! 43- Advertisements, inserted tm libera: terms j - C. G, ERCKMANN & CO, No; 3 Broad Street, Charieston S. C. J ' sept 27-5-tf v -ti u,.,.-,--.-. j ; , -ff - p WASHINGTON COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, : TIRd'lTliC.' GENi .liLEfi, TPresident; Aided by a joorps of Twenty Instructors, in- ciuamg a jrroiessor or Law. niHE NEXT SESSION WIIX BEGIlf JL on the third Thursday in September, andi uu i.uo iiiuiu arufiua o una . v 5 r j Lexington mav be reachefl hv' atn cr a from' iy stage x: ctnlft. Cati Staunton or Goshen, on the. Vireinia Central Railroad, Trom Lynchburg by Canal, .or b stage from Bonsack's, on the Virginia ani t For f tu-tber partiot-dar?; "-appiy tof th' Cierk Tl E53ETTS VILLE JOITH'V A T. TIT"V Xnettsville S; C4 PnblishedvyiieklyiStUbb J,sept23-l-tf -v u .'-y Wilminarton.-N. G. COMMISSION LIEROHANTa tiOB'TflE- QOwiijrj jzrovTriCU.xxojrj xa.H.HiLt. GENERAL i COMMISSION SHippincy IVTercliaiits, i AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries and Supplies of All Kin3s,? 33 No. "Waiter St. Wilmington, N. C. IR09I1T ANI STRICT PERSONAL j attention given to ithe ale or uhlpment of Cotton, Naval Stores ?and General Produce, or other business entrusted to them.. . ; i . Aprewta for M. Davis & Son's (Liberty Va.,) celebrated brands ot Virginia Chewing To bacco. 1 ' Agents for the North American, Life Insu rance Co., of New York city." novl2-42-6m. r. m. cox. chAs. rXnitKVitE.7 John divike. COX, PAHJIELEE & DIVINE. Wholesale Grocers ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , WILMINGTON, N. a Office In Flanner's Buildine. North Water street, near Wilmington and Weldon Railroad uepot. inovxi-xj-tr C. H. ROBINSON, J,C. SMITH, r. O. ROBINSON ROBINSON, S3IITH & CO,, General Commission Merchants. Wilmington, N. C. novl-34-ly Moimt, Rro. 4& Co., GENEBAI.-COSIXIISSION McrchantK, J . . NORTH WATER STREET, IViliiling-ton, N. C, Will give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores,' General Produce, etc., etc. Also to receiving and forwarding goods. A3", Orders solicited and promptly filled. sept23-l-tf CAMON, STOKLEY CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water-Street. Wil mington, N. C . "strict attention given to tne sale 01 COUNTRY PRODUCE, f . u octs-lo-tf R. BIRDSKY. A. T. ROBINSON, KIRISEY A ROBINSON, ENERAL COMMISSION MER- mington, N. C. , sept24-2-tf. ALEX. JOHNSON, JR. K. T. MC KETHAN. AI.KX. JOHNSON 4fc CO.. GROCERS AM COMMISSION MER CHANTS. No. 8 South Water Stieet. Wil mington, N. C. ' sept23-f-ly P. O. WORTH. - N. O. PANIEL. WORTH fc DANIEL, SIIIPPINO AND COMMISSION MER. CHANTS. octlGWy . BUSINESS CARDS. JAS, T. PBTTKWAY, LUMBERTON, N. C, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS OF all kinds of Merchandise, to which he will give his personal attention, and the benefit of a large Jobbing trade. uruerH souciteu ior nirpentine Mills, im- E roved and unimproved i arms, Turpentine; amis, and goort locations for Turpentine bu siness, beveral Mercantile locations, and lo cations for the distillation of Turpentine, can iw naa low, anci at present tioing a gooa busi ness. Parties with small means can get into a paying business by applying at once. My ex tensive acquaintance aiid business relations with people from Western Carolina and other States, will enable us to supply promptly at all times, at fair priee. Mnles, Saddle and "Buggy Horses, Wugousaud all kinds of Harness. All branches of trade will be looked raftrr pnr elxises, sales, collections, &e. Let your wauts lc known. Lumbeiton, N. C Jan. Tth, m8. 873m W. M. & J. 0. STEVENSON, GROCERS, CORNER OF - Front ami Market Streets, Wilm ington, N - C. A CHOICE SELECTION OF FAMILY GROCERIES Constantly on Hand. nov2l5Wtf ' ' ' v ' "' ' .. ADRIAN. H. VOLT.KRS. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, Cor, Front and Dock $ts., . Wilmington. N. C, "YY-IIOLESALE GROCERS, IN ALE its brandies. . , COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well by calliny on us and examining our Stock. novl(W-tf MANFFACTITRER AND IEAEER IN HARDWARE. GUNS, STOVES, PUMPS, ivukOSENE OIL, TIN and SHEET IRON. Roofing' Done at Short Notice. A glen t for Fairbanks' -S e ales. No. 19 Front St.. Wilmington, N. C. oct2(W4-tf DANIEL A. SEViiTH, DEALER IN A WKIXIS OF. JARLOR IllNlN. ,X ROOM; OFFICE and CHAMBER. FUUNI TURE, MATTR ASSES. FEATHERS, &c, ALSO Sash, Rlinds and Doors. octl8-22-tf t , , WILMINGTON N. O, ' ' ' " ; t . i . 1 I. DA VEGA'S , PURCHASING AGENCY, Nos. 39 &, 40 Park Row. All kinds of Merchandise nurchaafid. Experienced and competent buyers engaged. , Orders filled promptly and faithfully at the lowest prices, and purchases made only from first cla&3 and reliable houses. - Orders will befiiHed.'Tmyable on delivery, when a sufBcieh't sum hi remitted to cover freight and commissions. Commissions on sums not exceeding COO, five per cent. - ' v Coinmisaions on auma. exceeding 100J two and a half percent Address is ISAAC DAVEQA,U : P. O, Box, 17Q8, NW Yorkv , s OFrioi?. - - rdeciuf V Refer to THIS ' FROFESSIOK. S;i A.' ASHE. ii i i: . t ATTO R NEY: AT-'L W, iASjaiiiixjVii j.- OFFICE 4Ni PRINCESS, BETWEEN Front and Second Streets. , m , . OFFICE ON PRINCESS STREET, O P- THE Vnderslgnei u f 1 . , lwoouro the services oJ ritZeP for tUo nejt eii moatht. and XE"'.',' to ft iiui i iie uiacst " BUT TnE . ' LARGEST TOBACCO HOUSE -IN- WltMINGTON. N r Sign jrthnsicio; " ;r - o-12 Market st. dec5-61-3m Hood Skirts. j3L the most fashionable styles eiTel ( A few dozen Etra long.' .t ALSO 1 A lot of very superior French Corsets. For safe cheap. decl4-H9-tf HEDRICK ARYav N. BURNHAM'S 'CELEBRATED French ! r Jonyal Turbine WAT E R W HEEL . THIS WIIEEt, THE GREATEST IV vention of the age; surpasses all othVJ wheels, in power, economy of water steadiness of run ; simple in construction and a masterpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to get out of order, and, from its tosi tion in the flume, is accessible at all times ' It is cheaper than any other Wheel (of tia satae weight and finish) in market, S Send for eireulars.-ft Address all orders to E. II. CHESTKRMAN, Millwright and Engineer, . Richmond, Ya., Will also contract, for the erection of MILLS & FACTORIES, For all kinds of Manufacturing pwrposes,both Wafer' and Steam Power. dec2-79W&S3m. 1 5 ; , BRITISH PERIODICALS. Tlie London Qnarterly Review (Censer. The Edlnbnrph Review (Whig). Tne Westialnster Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Clurcli). -AND Blackwood's .Edinburgh Bfagnxine (To. ry). THESE PERIODICALS ARE ABLY sustained by the contributions of the lwst writers on Science, Religion, and General Lit erature, and stand unrivalled in the" world of letters. They are indispensable to the sclio), ar and the professional man, and to cverv reading man, as they furnish n better rocorii of the current literature.. of the day than can be obtained from any otherscmrce. Terms for 1S6S. For anv one of the Reviews,. . .$ 4 00 per ana, For any two of '.the Reviews, 7 00 " " For any three f tho Reviews,.. 10 00 fc For all' four of the Reviews, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and orte Review, 7 00 H For Blackwood and any two of the Review.,.,., 10 00 For Blaclc wootl and three of the Reviews, ..i;.- 13 00 " For Blackwood and the four Re views, 15 00 " N (I (I ', CInbK. A discount of TWENTY PER CENT, will 1)3 allowed to clubs of four or .more persons. Tlius, four'copies of Blackwood, or of one Ks view, will be sent to one address for $12 ft'. Four copies of the four Reviews and Ulack wood, for 48 00, and so on, : Postage. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postaoe to anv part of the United States is TWO CENTS ;i number. This rate only applies to current sribse: iptions. For bick'numbers the postngo is double.' . . - "4 ' Premium to New Subscribers. 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