7cdDujyiIorning; Feb 10,;1S68., Leal Crccltlia KJiXlGEU thn that t..tfa X ' r-'f - j But JoUnsoiTegiIU Grant u Dai: Newspaper In being,, wrong, it; make iwldiifcfr A-y: ; erice? ' thev -want . to settle jthe i ll) use- ronxa It ttv. autadrlaed Agent 7 Jiot- cf the lOtrrand JosbthE. ift v V and L XU JtVArtv authorised to receive sad receipt. for subscription to tbs j e-if t - '7 ftt'-orUed AmtjX WlesYiUe An aon Cot C 4 .' r 1 -lliiri- wUMt I ti i of vc , ui 13 t L 6 v (Nil it, be tV. . tn Johnson and Grr.ut jl ? That's r.otljiog to "Avitli Co Uayrlw Both olthmayJcaU each xt her liara if they want to, perhaps th&y loth do lie a littUyOtet Us say, equivocate, ((iqii the Presid&ii 'certainly has tfojfieiqlLLc4Vid&ivenM - side. I tacstpn between , theihi jlty v iay settle it alone; , Of course 'Aatltf; stw11 QQieciim za navtng wiukwrea sotted j iy , ; i?iVier , of. lAemf ,bt hatoilkvevCot are gpectf uljj; feciuested to meet in Rali : jelgh onTneayiito 8tli instant, at ll'.o'cloc!:. A fuil attendance . imnr-rcatfcorv rv rv r - Q ::iiffcan : f EfbfM?l 11 1) VHArRMAN. and "J. .ajCTT A f?W daj ginctj tlie lrn of illr. R. tJjNCaifi; of ; SfrmterDistriciHith f 800 bushels of corn, waa burned - by incendi ED.GoT.lOrr saya there Fa neither law nue 01 Ten mini, tie MWTiot a vestige ot;a fence, not & 6ng!e hog or sheep, and only two poor cqws. i 130 The gin "house of Mr. David N. Snell.wbo resides near .Orangeburg, was flred by incendiaries. Saturday moraine.' L-tand totallv destroyed, toarether with seven wouldn't object, if theywould;onji) S-Aa Jl i 1 v K : - V EPTrWt'gh'l rnaJned Margaret, daughter ot Martin Hahn, of Charleston, .was fatally -bumecL.pa Thursday Hast. I m- IdTtV allacQ ; CUompsouJ I an I old ;and emipeujr.biyjer of Umon District, died oq - Hal mriM i to the .annexed . extract from tlio Washington correspond-! ence of XhfewJTortrlirorld, iflt . the simple Veason thtwe think- it more interesting than anything we . WtelHli'S'tli'i' autlioK hi gamed tonsiaorabld notoriety of late by lirifttrortar of conversations . . nau.irun x'resiaem uonneon anu V " oticr'pTomfiieldt oMcials; all of p; I : ; tirhlcli i;avo ptbveh tb ' be 4 snbstan :Jji-(caTTCci: t'ttecWet feature " L w . ' ' r .. it A wi u w v nsa u tao iacrtnat irgircs, cieariy ; and explicitly, tne!iewa ?of the ex- tremo Radioes, "a"s represented by .'- thei'adinowiedged leader, on the ejecptioa f impeachment, ahd,lso, J) Jiufae "'infeHiA('tiob,i1tonchi "' opiiiion ot Grant. Bnt here is the extract: . - ,., , , , . t i. After. the rush of , members and iwliticians into Mr. Stevens' room , -av me apitoi naa ceasea, ana very , eoon after the defeated "reat'eom- nmcracjrJiad beOT;bo i'Trohivthe Oaoitol to'lni liomei4 the il4ter:94.ild wpatchea. 1)19 had , . also been a witness examined 'ih the pjesenea QtMrSteven8,called upon bunj yiIewW receveil ih ajcham icV'WiicrtriIr: Stevens, he? dying , teaaer 01 a once powertui out now otfallp national iarty, leaned, back in ' ttnyixiKiir af6be,iookin almost , nttejjjfxh53ted. eeftheless his wclcomoaTai'c'ordiiil and the ex- . r pressed Teet .ttoat iMr ? tereus might nbt? v feet .7 himself strong ,t , u enough to pdnvqrie I upon I the sub--4 t ject laview was alleviated, at once I'll Bar this." Droeeeded Mr. pn:?J, IJijtaf ti(fn!aHy for pub ? f iatfcAnd yeit- he5- contirraed, i'I doh't obiect to vobr ' publishing anything I ayrf.f Pll say tin, that thowbole" 1 qnektion of impeach- -rrcrcntlie alfriosin arhnt-sliell.- r- Ai .to- the firspstrt - fF theCjQrant ".rw!aad 'Johnson correspondence (Jolin CO deh3ttbjrapeach: a dozen men. The .jnam point is, was the President gyot&ilty "of :a violation fix .it boI thatiiw0, Blioaldchavol no more taiKt.yvnat xamauerjSwinai the 1 aw of - these ITn i ted ; States as maae.MDyv mo 4 vongreasoifuese United States,, shall be ; obeyed t by th.9 President as well as by all. men beside, s There, was .plenty.- of i fevi. dence, God knows to convict John son jlasj year. ru It all nonsense and folly to argue against theselt-evi-dent? proposition .that there is;more than plenty (ofevidenceoowV . I suppose, Mr Ste vens, that you inay, iayQj bee,t aJittlp.diaappointed at my testimoiiyfc',?; ' V? -t rfi Mnt nil t .This .Aa . eflQjigli.; Jim t9ia;youLaiready.tiiat the question between Johnson and G ran I ha4 Nothing to. do . w it h ni y tdeasof impeachment. Ihey. may fight cthatt but themselves. Grant LtoJx auzena: tor tlio 'pclviicjre o-clcaIug oysters wltn tonsrs, b to tax; toe amount 01 tales of oyster. Dartag tb debate OB-mem- ber called unother "a daniued scoundrel. THE VEU IATEST. BIT TELEGRAPH, may be as guilty ast the ' President of a vioUtipn. ' of i:an' admitted at tempt 'tot yiolata the law,. but Grant isn't on. trial : it's Johnson, cwh'oin we have to consider ; and, while we are not of crimes, misde meanor is'enough.aud that is proven against hira. . i r , . r.jVlWell, were you disappointed in the vote thia morning by the" com mittee Va JNot a bit sir! . I know all,. the .cowards ; in . this Congress. Long, experience, has enabled me to blaqk mark every one of them, damn theml", ; i ' ,4 What.j tlien, ; ia .aLtlastlcTonr opinion on t the question whether Mr. Johnson will ever be impeach ed."; l.ltM .. .. rSir," said Mr. Stevens, i with a bitter smile, "J shall never bring up this question of impeachment again. -1 am not going to dally with that or any other committee, in re gard to it any longer.'' A,t this moment a secretary en tered the chamber, and I bade the great commoner good-bye. t v , Ville said as I .- took- his; hand, "come, sir, at .any time. I shall always be glad . to see and speak with you upon this and1 other sub jects. I shrink from no revelation of my opinions or convictions.H . stir nwinv TfK 1 t -'--. ;: ..i .' . . : UK Mb rise hlo Railroad, was Ubled-,-., S!2fVWt2iforStraIfii:tfrrs,1faf2aATrorN6 " ine teuuDJ.'an Oiuto uumnueu mob i,u;uajr. SPIRITS" - T U KPENTINE Was Sales of 312 icaska at 00 cents. buoyant. . . t.i tA...KMln a fiitMi.i. jt ri.. I w-.vw . . . i r.nluti .....rl w-1 - r wvumt n. "wuBj tmninran siaie vwmmuiee met io-aay. y--- . -ir : i- wusk.x. ,....T7it,ji -meet in this city Are days aftc, tbe adjourn TbflameftHnwkbarBt.- of Alexandarl, Riv of Albemarle. Uye, ofShaacndoah, and Tbotuasf of Henry, are trxken of In connection with th? Governorship. j 3 3 si fs : i . ('miititiiTnN, A C. Vi-tt 1A TeDty more Bcctioqs.!of tne pontitutioo A lon;r discosbion enauedon the Homestead law. which nrouosea the excniution of a I twenty-live hundred dollar luiJieUid from W m A 'AA eaie tur an aeui3,j?r&ejii past or mtare. . Uefiator - Wilson telegraphs front Washing ton;; IVi,. . 1 Congress will not loan $1,000,000 to the obis, sold at $3 30 for Soft, and 2 15 for Hard. ? ' " '" ' i - TAR Was firm. Sales of 47 bbls. at $2 COTTON Advanced 1 cent Sales of 503 bVe4atBfbtMiddDhk;i'i - ; - WHOLESALE PRICES. State to purchase lauds for the poor. - i THE U HEPOItTS. ISTAR. 1 ' W LI . I . TheV Kentucky teglslaiiure elects Guthrie's successor to-day. - v: , ' ' V ; . , Dr. N.' Green,' prominent in telegraph mat ters; lr among the favorite candidates. It Is understood ; that, up to a late hour last eveutuj;, the President hadt received no coin ronnU'atlon, from General ShennAn in regard ttf Wsv nomination as Bvt. General or his as !CTirneiit to the command of the Department of the Atlantic,v :f-tir ' xX - The Senate Military Committee passed a resolution' respectfully returning Sherman's brevet nomination, with disapproval of the proposed grade, :- Arkansas votes five days, commencing tho 15th of March. . From Europe London, Feb. 18. ' lhe Government will submit the Irish Re form bill March fltu. . The Govrumeut will pure has a and take the I management ox tlie Telegraph lines. New York Markets. ' Nkw Yokk. Feb. 18. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat quiet and uu changed . Corn a shade lower. Rye scarce aud firm. . Oats steady. Pork firmer new KJS87K. Lard steady at 14($14f cents. Cotton firmer at 23d23 cents. Freights dull. Spirits Turpcntiuu dull at GQ(afio cents.. Rosin without decided change. Sterling v Gold ML Old bonds 11- Forelps Mnrketa. ! ovdox Feb. 18 Noon. Secnritlcs quiet. - ;. . LrroirooL, Feb. 18 Noon.' Cotton firm. Sales 15,000 bales. London, Feb. 18 P. M Consuls 92. Others unchanged. - r Livaupooi Feb. 18 P. M. Cotton buoyant. Sales 20,000 bales. Up lanas v;c?Vd-; Orleans y(vd. ; Up lands to arrive yjd. Common Kosiu 7s. 6d. Twinklings. joruan attempted -violation ,o,f the ffsoenH4jxpiic- .o.Jl ncrIv huaU .on ithisr snbiect. subject w i Although, he,stajes Jn pneVlce that he did nof reihote StantOnJahd i4 yzt Grf nHa-jvith ttnjrt reference to wthdTcnure-bf-Ofiice act.? but uron . . . l . - :tho culhori.ty granted- him by the I Vi " i !(1 rcacd Wnii rqulrfpg' Gxant V ; t!:cy both-aifree rnll theft let- tcrs. to arrange with him u&hnson r. V jo Kcup Dianion.ont or omce against UbiH Of'il Senate ! ThePiSen- cto r.r.l -confirmed the i Tenure-of-v' 0rte nVtiatrifrhwtMiad the ?k:wjs';m$ k&tt to 1' vejvr; Hjrcn'nixetithat law ;'iiir.n,' itf'Txon v both"th I'resi v. ; . .-u Ajreuerai.;vxani suoscnoe i li'";r--'vital''it;thatGrant"ai least ;vVcr:id -rcl? fjij ltnaKJohiisop.,had .wrr.j enouia.neiD. Jontisdiftd'keD ; . t" u A, truly loll paper in Alabama noml nates Grant aod Rusteed.," Grant before the latter name was added. - . , ' ' ' l3TThe fundamental principle of a "Con vention stay-law" To day in session as, long as the State Treasuries hold ouL v . .. , 1ST Some time ago, the Gorillas cane very near making the reporter of a Raleigh daily an ofiicer of the order of Friends of Temperance, viz : An vwsuie oemxna. , t XSF" The Newbern Republican Is considerate enough to favor its readers, occasionally, with s half-shoet. It Is best to admmlstex bad med. Iclne In small doses- tJ .-in - n ,: TZ7 V Miss Minnie Hauck has charmed Chlcaga"," A hawk no doubt to some of Chica go's susceptible young men f or, possibly, a tninnle rifle U u- , .i . 13" It is said Victor Hngo makes money selling bis-autograph for two dollars'.", We should think he did. . t y :- ' ; ' i - XtST A Hying machine has been invented by an English lawyer." It would sound more professional to drop the. Nortb Carolina In IVatSlielI. f JTbeiKaleigb papers tpealc in the highest terms of -Mr: MacRae's leading. given under - the auspices of tho Young Men's Christian. Asaociatioo, ou Saturday evening. tVy;ff v1 137" The' ITilmincrton Journal weekly) his entered fts iwe!nty-fourtU-vounJle.,) ' KGeu,,9nhty has continued in,7anT .thority, the old Board of Commissioners of XUlefgh.-1 Allright, General 1 ' . i i une oi tue ure companies ot- ltai- eigh is about to disband because the city authorities have' n6t" supplied : them' if ith hose,, "JPenny wise and pound-foolish again xiiV. X tV-.r.;'r'.V' i ,:' ? 'i. trPT HaWi bone meal is manufactured in Raleigh, but we believe it is not classed with!provisi6nsv 1 i " : !;' ? e'pj2!l5lte agrCTs With us in the Opiniob that the proper course 'is to vote down the negrp equality Constitution by. casting majority ot the registered votes against it. tU. k, A , . . . , . i f l"; Theteditor of the Charlotte Curler jl Ltanton out cf oulcb anrwaV: .ndt- v Pi;;tcndin ir ihe- Tennre-oiOffice' ! ".t I Tf .ll..' II a - i . . a I f "ePPii0i;n? eenjewjing.pn turkey at the Chais '- : f A '.w vioito a law-raaae OVJ wXf.i ' , av rur a u- 1 i a. .r. Vfctw? 'Unifier- JCfst'TJ- " " r- ? r ' C- " T IV ' v ,iatingiturkeyir;. v; i.. r ; : rh POST y. T T w m'mm, MW . IT UVIJI . -1 . rcndcMara 'liable Uyi6 im? II,1 ' relied;' what does t ; -jtziAu 1 f-': . r y-u ece, UrJ GtcVcns, , :titil.ii:tcncr.7 1 ucxl BtarSrd H nics m'any of the OUR NIGHT REPORTS. Frsia H'Mltlncton. Wasrimoton, Feb, 18. A City Council delegation will, to-morrow,' personally present President Johnson the offi cial endorsement of that city' of Gen. Stead man's resignation,' dated the 24th 'of January. Pull Cabinet to-day, except Stanton. The Senate Finance Committee reported ad versely on the House bill regulating deposits ot public mouey. ; , ; . ; s ,. , Ihe Reconstruction Committee agreed to report a Resolution allowing Butler, of Ten nessee, to take his seat without taking the iron-clad oath. Brooks moved to extend the same privile to John Young Brown. Rejected, only Broo and Beck voting affirmatively. , The Bill removing political disabilities will not be reported immediately. Stevens favored further Investigation. . Stevens was authorized to report his bill divlding.Texas into four or more States. -. ; The consideration of Bingham's election resolution, offered yesterday, was postponed. The discussion developed the fact that Stevens and other Radical members of the Committee will oppose Sherman's bill admitting Ala bama., Revenue to-day $333,000. ; Thos. C. McCrung succeeds Guthrie in the Senate! " . . . FORTIETH CONGRESS. . U '. SESSION. j I y in' ; fT. t'..., 5 '.-'"... I i ;' s :i ; ; TVashiwotoji, Feb. 18. Hotrss. Butler introduced, a bill amendato ry to NaUonal Banks. 'Referred to the Coin' aiittee on Banking and Currency. 1 1t provides, among other thinjrs, that every stockholder may rote according to 'the num ber, of shares be holds, la the following pro portion: , , , , .. . . r For one share one tote: For every two ad ditional shares one vote more, but no stock holder shall have more than twenty votes. Absent stockholders may vote by proxy,1 but no salaried officer of the bank shall vot tprpxyv,.No oQiqer shalUas, proxy, cast l thin ten votes, and no persou,1 as proxy, inure auau uibj tuwb. Democratic Clubs are beluu; oruauixed iq this and otlier cities in Ueorgta, . 1 l From Atabsms. ,: i ' y L a -v i jMoNyooiaBRTi, Feb. 18. 1 1 uraciai returns iroui 4a counties iiave jueen received at District Headoosnersbut under an Order from Gen. Meade, the publication of them is refused.'! vTke whole. vote of the Statu om the question of ratification, it Is estimated from partial returns, will be.about 72000. The whlU vote is less" than 3,000. Ualf the regis tratfoiOsWw y , v U- Forelcn. ' , . i , a BERU5, Feb. 18. Bismarck "'proposes the establishment, at each, German port, of a Board; of Medical Ex aminers, for (the 'protection, of emigrants to America aud; elsewhere. , . j. .' t . . : , , - t-'u-tt A - ,AwrwMFeh: 18. 'fhe losses sustained by the Ore at the Petro- ieum 1ocks on oaiuraay, win iaiji almost ex clusively on the Duteh and Belgian Insurance Companies. :- .! -; v.-u-zu 1. 1 1 I v ' Xewr Trk Slnrketn. I r js;r tr il NKW.yoBK, Feb 18. Cotton active and fully 1 cent better. Sales 13,000 at 2K24nts.. Flour dull Median! and good grades favor buyers. Wueat tfd- changedji Corn dull and scarcely so lirni Mixed New Orleans tl 2i Tenness&ee 1 1 20 $1 23; Southern White 1 22tl 28; Yellow $1 83. Oats active. Tork firmer -new $.4; old 122 5. Lard firmer at 14(15 cents. Naval Store -unchanged. Freights steady. Gold Irregular closed at 40l2 Money quiet Sterling Governments steady. Virginia slxes-uew il.-.JJoftb Carullua sixes 57. Georgia sevens 82. Cbmrleston Jf arket. i Cotton moderately active and advanced ceuu Bales 1,10U tMiles Middliug at cents. ; Fore leu Blarketa. U i-tu.l . LowWonC Feb.' 1ft-Evening. Consols 9254. , Bunds UK. , .j Liverpool, Feb. 18 Evening. Cotton closed active and high Uplands Kfl l Orleans ua. aleS ZU.UUO bales. Manchester advices favorable. NEW , ABVERTISEM ENTS. NOTICE.- . . ' ' i . . -. . - ' Orrios Mastrr Tkawsf'ic W., C t B.R. R. WiiMiKOTOK, N. C, Feb. 18th, 163. vote as more cast -The bill appropriating fifty thousand dollars to be expended by the Secretary of ' State to relieve and bring home American, citizens abroad arrested and subsequently released, passed by a: vote of 144 to 29. . . - .The President was called on for a report rel ative to the ship cabal around the Ohio Falls, at Louisville.. , - , jf - , A.Bill was Introduced for increasing Revo lutionary and Wa Of 1812 pensions. ; 11 5 It appropriates two millions. t i i i ) Washburne, of Illinois, opposed the bill, con tending that one hundred and 'seventy-two millions would be expended under its opera tions, j The bill passed, i . ,. . The ' House . went Into., -Committee of the Whole on appropriations, and then adjourned. . Senate. Joint Resolution . introduced to print the .Medical and Surgical history of the TT T . 1 - 1 . . i . . . 1 . iuuBB jesoiuuon reaucingxxpenses in tne War Department passed. . . ' , ;v ' 4 : W BUI or the gradual reduction of the army, and the abolishment of useless grades passed. (senator a nomas case yras resumed and dls- ctiS8ed to adjournment -'--1 - t'l'?tft H4BTowCowH.,Feb;'18. - hThejre l?nttehT;distress Bere, .t The aoup jbonses haye bf n .opened,, but jthe. means', thus far,' are' inadequate to full relief. i , 1 ' J THROSf A?T1 AFTER THIN DATE, AI.I. X3 Freights by the Company's Bout will be hiudcd on the Company's wharf onlv. i WM. H. ALL EN, t Master of Transportation. ; feniMiMw r ; V f . ; ? t ARTICLES. PRICES. ' BA GOmO-iiunny,.. . . . . .fl yd BACOXf XoXTH'tSAaOUKA, (' Xiams,. .ft 9 Shoulders,. i..... y ft Hog Jiounrl, fl 1 Westebs Hams,. ft Sides........ ft ShoulderR.: r . :a r..H t ifA'tegElA-ShHrita Turpentine, SooonU Hand............ each New New York, each Nkw VAtv .iiwih BKEH WAX . ft CA'SU-Wilminsfton,...; M. BJ'rMR-iiOTttt Carolina, $Mfc UAiyuij&is perui, n - Tallow, Mft Adamantine........ ft C2i,&ENorthcrn, M ft COFFEE-Ja.xt 1 ft Rio ft !0aayvH,u;r.:fA. ftK 22 ' ' 1 14 15 18 14'X . 24 i Sf r- - 17 -SB-ie 14 renlent and AUmSKSfS??. ootlH FIGt-TOBACCO ; FIJsiESX 'TOBACCO JiAIir J ust received, another supnir A . leuiy e U and fJ St. Domingo, f? ft CORN MEAL. bush OJtfSrGS-Sheeting, 4-4 yd' Yam. i W bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1..W Ubbl Mackerel, No. 2, fnbbl Mackerel,). . . . .W bbl Mullets, ft bbl Drv- Cod,... ft FLOUR Super. Northern,, . t . . bbl Fine, ." h bbl Extra, " Wbbl S 25 3 25 . S 60 8 75 . 3 45 3 50' 83 35 10 00 15 00 "29 38 '' 45 55 60 55 18 30 83 M 20 40 2&j 30 23 I."65 14 J 35 00 O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 9 00 9 Q 10 10 00 u (X 00 ft 9 5 ( 14 50 17 00 S8 0 21 21 1 CO 10V 1 30 00 00 00 00 NsCarUBi9uBer,...bblHl 50 12 50 ! r.. Aim, UU1 W W y l UU FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano,... H 2240 fts Pacific Onano, W 2000 fts Patapsco G uano, ...ty 2000 fts lla turn's Phosphate. . " f SlJste?i6nDerhpSPhate,i V I 00 00 65 00 nr tit - ---- no.r- ma m 12 50 17 00 90 00 92 O0 75 00 0 00 70 00 Q 75 00 00 00 GO 00 S5 00 tWTQ 00 OL UE . ... ......... .n ft GRAIN Coru, Northern,...... busb Corn, Eastern 0o.,.iJ ? bush Oats, jlbush Pens, Cow, ' f bush HIDES Green...- ft Dry, ..V...7.7...... ft 1 Eastern, W 100 fts North River,.. V 100 fts HVUl JJtUN LA RD Northern ft North Carolina, ft LIME. . . , . .H bbl Z,tJ2??A-RiTEiiLast wle, j Wide Boards f? M ft Seantllnir, ? M ft! Flooring, Mft City 8tkam Sawed Ship Stuff, reHawed,.. M ft ltouffh Edjre- Plank,. M ft Went India CarKoe, accord ing to quality, 9 M ft Dressed Flooring, seasoned. Scantling and Boards, com-j mon....' ai n MOLASSES Cum,hhda., V gul juba, bbls., ?R khI Suffar House, bhl94.v. gal Vgal 0 SO ft e oo en 93 1 40 5 11 1 40 fj 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 10 1 50 8 14 1 60 1 50 .... ton 000 00 156 00 13 i, 17 18 r0 00 & 1 ' 10 00 fa 12 00 8 00 10 00 -14 00 18 00' 24 00 25 00 22 00 23 00 Rvmn.bbls., gal t,4U to 20d, ft 1frfti gal AT. ATICTQN. . By S. M. WEST, Auctioneer. On WEDNESDAY MORNING, Feb'y 19th, 1868, at my office, at 10 A. M., will be sola . j . ONE UUGE WOItK HORSE, 7 years old from the' Country. I Terms Cash t c rfeblS-12Wt ADRIAN & VOELEES, j t ----- - - WHOLESALE WILMINGTON, C?, OFFER THE FOLLOWIVO GOODS to City and Couutry Dealers at lowest Market rates t X t . 25 Boxes ORANGES and 5 Boxes LEMONS, 15 Bbls. Red APPLES, ' . 10 BhlsV and 20 U Bbls! SNUFF Railroad j Mills, GallAiAd's, John Dill's, and other i makes, 4 ' ( 5 Casks Western SIDES and SHOULDERS. 100 Bbls. IRISH -POTATOES Prince Alberts, Scily Reds, Jackson Whites and Peach 275 Reams WRAPPING PAPER All sizes. 100 Dozen Mason's BLACKING Small, medi H una and large, u ' ' f T J - 400 Dozen PIATES Blue Edge, White Gran " jite, &c. ' ; ,$ 100 Dozen 'TEAS Common 1 "Painted and White Granite. , 500 Dozen BOWLS Assorted. ' 20O ,u4 CHAMBERS Assorted, r 20 Bag's Durham's SMOKING TOBACCO. .80 Bi-owns Standard COUNTER C ALES , Different sizes. . . -, , . $T 5 Cases'CONDENSED MILK. ' ' lOO Bushels 'fresh ground MEAL. 150 Kegs NAILS 4s to 20s. Bbls-KEROSENE OIL. . ( c.i 230 Milled, d: caps 1 x 500 Dozen Assorted BAR "TUMBLERS. Wilmington, Feb, 19, I860. fl24rtf Pain Killer cures Sore Throat. ' FAVORITE Medicine with all classes. XV. i is Davis' Pain Killer. IF you have Painters Colic, - ? I-.v r?- t-r - Use. the Pah? Killer. XT"0 Medicln Is so popular " UN' f ; ' As" tte Pain Killer. KEEP the Paiit Kiukx always at hand. ' Tlyonavenrcoughror Gold, , L p-q-;--,-- .2 . "UAe tte Fain XUler. I; OOK out and not be oaugut without a V T 1 ET every body, use the Pain Killer , . JLl . j ' ; "ForBpralns and Bruises. tERT sailor oWcarrya boftft 5 REMEMBER, the FainKlJler is for.,. . -Internal and Eternal-.use. tfiiuidDeaieiiiainayOiodioiiies. symp,ir .M-S-Cut OILS Kerosene, .Lard,.... Linseed, yl pal Rosin, , cral PJSTI NUTS- . 1 : . . . ..: bush POTATOES Sweet, f) bush Irish, Northern bbl PORK Siihern City Mess, Wbbl Thin W bbl Prime p bbl Hump,,. . , i i . , . .iP bbl 2C'-Carolina,. W ft Kast India, ft Rough,.. ..... ...... ...3R bush Si LT Alum. : ."... . . bush Liverpool, W Siick American,... . & . V. M,u ... . ......... Porto R ico; : . : .. . .-. A. jUotfee, B. " C. " Crushed,.. SO A Py ort hern, Wilmington, SHINGLES-ContTHct,. . . . Common, STA VESV. O. Bbl., R. O. Hbd TIMBER Shipping, Mill Prime, .Mill Fair, K " Infertor to Orninarv,.". WHISKEY Northern, . . . gal North Carolina,. gal 20 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 15 00 20 00 48 00 g 60 6 55 00 1 50 00 Q 2 00 0 00 500 50 55 45 ITS. 1 00 7 60 00 1 (50 U 2 50 1 25 6 0U 500 SIAZMfr, ' '' 1 !t!3t ecpn4 liand COLLARS 200 pair Second Hand Biuvrv A larire and well selpctrxi - l1"- UAttAi.&a, , TRUNKS, i- T'lll Jan8atfW f .NoSouii ; SOMETHING-EXTR4 !'5 -i TOBACCO !! ot of VIRGINIA CHEWING TOBirm overs oi ine veoa suouia try it. EDWARDS & SMITH, Cheap Cash Store, , . f k v - Star Buiwln. . ,fcbG-113-nactf J No. 3 o. witer fc. Baskets .! ,3askets i XVJKJ MARKET and i,,u;; .H; FANCY BASUtJ Ronnd, Square and Oral. iees.--' .; ; " ' Hind 13 Front strett ,CHAgyD,MYER8,A& At low Casli Price. feb!9-tf QQAiTul CO AH XTTH MATE BEEN BELLIXG Til YV very lxst BED ASH EGG COAL at K I Kr ton deltrcrrd, -since November 1st u2 ye now a large stock on hand, whlcli weoa supply at same figure. tfoc4-C0-netr . . -PETTEWAY A MOOBl MISCELLANEOUS. rS THE TIME r r .1 A -AND-- rVJEOSlC3rMi AT l 30 24 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 21 00 00 60 0 DO 00 7 9l 00 2 25 - 50 2 2' 2 00 12V ' Hr 00 16U 1.V oo" 7 0 7- 3 50" 2 50 20 00 30 00 IQ- 00 2 50 fiO 2 25 2 10 13 15 17U 17 1(J 18U 11 11 4 00 3 00 30 00 40 00 10 00 ft 11 00 8 00 8 50 - 6 50 $ 7 50' 4 00 ev 00 2 00 H 900 5 00 500 RECEIPTS. s ft - . ..... I ' - ' Per Itlver Steamers. Stmr Gov Worth 620 bbls rosin, 32 do crude turpt, ISO casks sots, to Williams & Murchisou, A Johnson & Co, Worth & Danic!,: W J Price, Russell & Ellis, H B Eilcrs. A Al derman. -MM ! S t-l.-D Stmr A P Hurt 5 bales cotton, 73 bbb roshi to Worth & Daniel. EXPORTS. 1 $o-. ; COASTWISE! ' - - New York. -Steamship Tairbanks 498 iales cotton, 237 bbls rosin, lift do spts, 2,450 bush els peanuts, 50 bbls pitch, 150 do tar, 18 bales yarn, 4 boxes mdsc, 12 empty ale bbls, 9 do do do, 19 rolls leather.' , Steamship Rebev ca .Clyde S96 bales. cotton, 200 casks spu; 287 bbls rosin, 6 do wine, 18 bales yarn, 1,170 bushels peanuts, 5 packages mdse. Sch F I Lock wood 2,481 bbls rosin, 207 bushels.peanuts, 5 pkgs mdse. i, M. . ARRIVED. T5 Stmr A PIIurt,Skiuner, Fayetteville, Worth & DauieL f s ,. . " Stif.'Gof JWbrtb; Hurt,Fayetteville,?Worth & Daniel. , ... CLEARED.. Steamship Fairbanks, Hunter, New York1, Worth & Daniel. Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Powell, New York, H M Barry. 8tmr A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayetteville, Worth & Daniel. .. " Schr Florence JLockwoodtl John, New' York; Williams fe. Murehlsbn.i i 77 Wilmington and Manchester r; BAIL HOAD COMIPA3CW - r it M Ugg . 1J 1 $ ir.T Wilmington, NC Teh. 15, 1868. J J'' TTJITIL FURTHER NOTICE, TIf E i s AuuaiaiuiJA AiON TRAIN, on the Wil mington & Mancnoster.IlajlroadV will leave Wilmington on Mondays. Tuesdays, Thurs days and Fridays, at 7:l.v A; M. f-Arri ve at Florencff 6:f&p. M., KingsvUle the followtnx 9:10-A. M. Leave Klnmiville' 2.-0O p.4 M. ; Tues da58'?e4ldTa78, rldaJrl an f atntdays, and arrive in Wilmington fb A- Mondays; Wed nesdays, Tnursdays and ftaturdaysy-atStAOpJ M.r Commencing on Monday, the 17th Inst, - 0wERY lE-Imnorted by Cdol phoWolfe. of New York, expressly XcJc medfeaj and prlvateuse. For sale W T SAURIAN & VLLEllS,1-i, .... . . ? THE RlJOli ' ' ' '' 1 ' . TO GET BARGAINS IN ! - i - ' " " ' EL WINTER GOODS a ill be field ' Greatly Eeduecd Prices, t TO CIX)SE, AND MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING. STOCK. SEEING; IS BELIEVING. ; CAIil AT THE i?.r . 1 tiw f . n" Wilmington Eegulato r, . i is -And' Receive in ' : .; I-' ': - Twico the Value of the Greenbacks deposited. ''VHAIFS' and - CAPS GenW' 'Firnisliins Go.? VERY LOW PH13ES- t, It. S; WAIiDROJT. Sundries ! I IOK notJR, aD trade . , ' " .1 I.. ' : ' ' alf OnalfSbU. and Bags UC .choioe. v., -rfi-.Tf? -v.' : .1 , 71 O finds. BACOT SIDES, :trr. sale at lowest prtceOiTxiic'AsJ '. M tT rf. !U J.' n t" nrla jl." ioacraie currency """"i ' .; sotrafcie i 17 "Southampton Row, LondonrEns Ft OLLERS, r s YV., root, .Jbr Pu !