EMiv5 X.4 33, ,KC j tcrfittir Uri TT It Mo. Lxixa 1) cu accrued Agent At Xeurln- MMrl rtyc'UTlllJ ' Aj&tlf r.. AIeA AO Jllofc tire jrr-T3 is Ce authorized. Agent of the yh CTASi i .yretuviilev. - , t r Cl" it J.TLT 5AfirivT an d Yoskth B, ?iiV'lY3.'...ta(lli;liriMLt'-i autuorixed to recite sad, receipt for subscriptions to the rVtilmffleCoL j JCox U f ur tu;: orl4 Agea a JUleevWo, Aa- Vif- .Lr-U fc C4rlMm. B. V. I. Iter rex la our authorised A sent at Goldaboro. : . 1 et'CUUthif jC. 'J Jcaraa la our E; .-iisdArwtat JIUton, W. C.v ,,v ; V -llsWvtllevllJL X. i. South -r- ?vi3taottr authorised 'Agent at Kenans , tLJS. .y: I v : V.r'' tw. -.. - I r T7aurcw J? . Jh O. Uokusy Is - ..voxiioa Areat at Warsaw. i - - Cltettt Tm. A. IX. La is onr ,. tkorlel Act Clin Urn. .CT -i Vc Ttt2-ia-:fr. O.B. Btnrro,! tha cx.-;;s4 AivatoCths Am, at rUsoaM. C. , ; rt -is e$ Cm cul. urTAtri. Mao ? f p N !f aorUad Aantat Shoe Ileal . . C. ; A-l 1 - .r..c-l r4i: c .f.V ;Setr5f',ier- . Mr. TTm.J. Oor- i j it oar a-u.ari.iaa Area a JYaaea- . Vf trr.C LJtxrjtwooav rli(rrU.MvleaatBaaUr( ft. c. 1" rr pS, TTk, IT. 6waw and Mr. Hajciltos T" t ara a..hor1smi trarellay Ayents fI,l.,JLJiVij ? : ' . ' t ; : ; fngAT Of BoTMSOQ t 4 Cc " : an ant', ortxc 4 A-ent for tb Stab, ac i .J rsoeljpt Xcr rutMeroUQas or adrcr- The gCTUemcn composing the VZ: z'TXt0it6iti re tpcitfaUrcqcted to meet in Kal cih oa Fridajtlie 28th instant, at 11 o'clock., , A ;fulLatteadanco i nJ34". Bj crdcr of the 3L - '1 Chairman. Ccttea. -. ;A coTTOpondent of theKew York tlerald eajs ; 44 The recent rise in - "the price of. cotton has . already crc-sced.. medical effect' InT the Athbi tppljrccaus .that, the cor rcrpctor: fondly' tir UistVlwT planters of the South ttLI ledy by the recent advance , 1 ccttea, to cnltirate a large .crop cizrin present year. We warn onr planters onco more agaiii8t this fatal error. The entire energies of th? cotton dealers, and man'ufac o( the North hare been for costs i time enaged,; in efforts to tirislit3 t!:o prpd action of an inv mense cotton crop . this year. f ln .f:cvery-b'rkiich of industry at the ITcrtli b deeply interested' in , this isorcdcat' Onr cotton is a con- co to theso people. ; The New ;Ztr TOhes to keep his mills tho dealer wishes to make X-.rrcCi the roods, and theim- rcrtcTi imhes it- to substitute for Z?U :s; r:ia hh Kmittahccs to LliXix'cpsia creditors! V- i. v -t s Octtca ;b f noloL .We exchange c-r cc;tca Tntu tne;,riorthern , mer cbiidt ; fortlts;iciprn, his .pork' and r tli Cczi. c Jtu our policy t!3 ccm, porb and flonr . bureelTes, tr. 2 1 :V tie Ke nIahder,bny his cctlra ia IiTcrppoL He 'has wil-1 u.. end dcHbcrslely destroyed bnr cr-c.ty brinaking the cultivation li tulles' a source of profit, and now ui try seething else. V. The4 tax Isxc t r:joTcu as a matter of justice to to Czi b&& lSaller of in? tcr:: 1 1 1 crthi rhUwas i trie flrHi'Lrj -tSrrirdaT the caconie1 trtzicttkSjrmnX(m ; anl now (E-i rSrciidJyrstcwro trying ta ctli fiiliifurl tier ' jby y rnnningepvthe ? pricaQto 2rcsVth&t mnst, be astonishinc: to thc:3 who eold peir, cotton ja few Eu hero;; ' ythe! troubles The pretest prices will not be maintam edircr If ci pbatcra are silly enough tojlf ktht? pricf will CO dteni And. then; inall , prob ainily, xnoiher tax-bilHdll bepag ea?l -rO; p) aca tny rcli ance ra tlp.-r' c'f 'tho prclent 7Con- prr t a tec!; tt' cecrci in rcfer. to- ;tl3 jAli5aiaa' clccticai in Ti :r tltefir iJsoro i a ;rc$nlt cd by their .ib.act end ,in Ctt;;t,,i!cc4:rdcsci;i7it!ii:tcir ce- itif 'i'.i-i Ivi btir sod is specially aaflD ted to their growtnX but corniiieldpeas ana black-oye fpeas; aAVJlcrtv belfexe (you yhjaiave jMtuch by the cultivation of cotton that peas are now worth11 three dollars and fifty cents per. bushel in the Philadelphia market ! It is soV Now J where can we find a soil better adapted to the cultivation of the Ja than, that of North. Carolina ? No crop is more easily cultivated, and none now promises a more' profitable re turn tof : the producer. Z 3 ust t 'think of it peas worth nearly three times as much as'corn 1'-' ; WflI the Southern planter .never learn wisaom i Are uio lessons oi experience" alwayV to be barren of results1 f Eooknt toyour inteiesti farm ers B of North Caroliua Let cotton, alono 4 Hake something that wUl payyon for your .labori" Let the peoploof tho North see that you are nojcompellettQ . make cotton at arroiqou3 lots, ancLOetvthe. wail go up from every -hamlet inNew E&gland i- ? W e have destroyed the goose that laid the 'golden veV Twlnlallnss 1 4 137" The 'Arkansas 'delcf'ites "hsre Toted themselTes ten dIy papers each. They go in for the news at least." Test ood manj ol them wm ro into the noom. tsr A Cincinnati lady has serrea husband llTing. Her address is the city IL" And that of the hnabandu, the lnnatie aaylum. ; BT" An IllinoU infant swallowed a steel watch chain the other day.' He onght to be watched." ; What's the use of watching a child that's chained ff . EJ- The Boston ibaf says Grant has shown that- the paw ia not dlhUcr than tht sword." ItustasbtfwlthG s,AJntoaehiJidrMs sUr actors died last year.'! . Kooe of oax.kin. . rX57." Stanton is reported "as promising to fix Grant's fiint for him." Better fix up his charaeter. VV. !'f;!4 v tT ' They haTa bad a pig chase on an Al bany skating pond." ity " thing on Ice 1 " 137 44 A man was arrested in Nashrille for passing a $20 Conftsderate note.', Perfectly good six months after the ratiflcaUon of a treaty of, peace," Ac ZT? Man found sitting W a .stump In Wlsconstn fro run to death." Stamp speaker waiting for Radical audience? - E7 " D Challla Is lecturing in New York on the Gorilla." Let him go to Baleigh and Ins tract oar dear delegates as to their gene slogy. 137 44 Tbi Irrepressible ; George FrancU Train continues to crests a sensation." . All butthe'seaai . .. . GluiTiiica. - It to reported that Brick Pomeroy win remote his paper to CtnctnnatC t; Qneen Vktorta U rf ported to be an In- 4efatigabl knitter; and, therefore, att the English ladles are learning to elsxs their bus bonds' Stockings and their own. . A little girl happening to hear her mo ther speaking of going into half mourning, said yu Why arc we going into half mourning, mamma; are avy of our relations half dead?" The Albany Knickerbocker Is discussing the rations rewards editors receirs ia differ ent countries It says : In ; Franca they im prison editors ; in this country they elect them to the Legislature and Congress. - . u The process of conducting dltorce suits has reached perfeeUoa In the West' - They regularly time them there. One baa been granted la. Terra Haute, Ind.j in a minute from the time the trial began the best time yet made. " "- ' t- ; . t f ff f , Ja' England, the jtirtea are particularly opposed to raUways. J A case is lately report ed in which an Xngllshi jury has awarded $5,600 damages tof a, gentteman whos,nerres were shocked, but who ..recelTed no bodily wound by a railway accident. They say orer the rtrer, say. the Co tumbus that tha freedmeii are perfectly astounded at the defeat of the bogus Co'ustlta tlon In AUbams.. They can't , understand how a thing can' be rejected when ererybody who roted, voted for it . l; .' ''. ! : - It U ' estimated that on the 1st of May, after paying all the gold certificates and inter est on' the ten-forty bonds doe March 1,' And Axe-twenty bonds : due .'May 1, there will be about $73,000,000 in gold remaining in the Treasury;- i. i -i . V 'vt - As sn eridence of what white muscle and: bustry can accomplish i In' the South, when Impelled by a spirit of perseTerance, the CuUibejt (0.y Appeal aUtea that JAx; .Jackson Ba.i(t,V Bicvkrt county, sisisted by his son, a lad of . twelre years, raised and. gathered, tha - a '. 1 a. a . mm ' past season, cigut Mies ox .couon, aTcraging WQ pousos each, loo bushels of corn, 00 bush- 1 els of pfiUtoas, and about 35 bushels of whea t ia the bargain u , ; . o n it; ! i j . - s ' t . ft1., i "V ; . t ; a. tiq aas peea poainateq py tia Prssitet for .tit United Dtatca-llaiy E7 Th Jn calls the keeping of cat- r, ' . -M i : r . r. . . . tt .t.?,: iTirr".' . ceTerai leaouur eoiorea aeiesrstes haTa conai iae wiiminsrton ana weidott Railroad nr 1 i r " On?. tx rrr:- t'l Congrwsc ,:SWy. SSthti- cldpiatauiel 0 periodicalii: lti sterling in its IUdJcal to, rad-wc srechprised to fceVths 'Coyr- ur recomaendiog it to its Southern resd-J 'fcJf&'-I i ; .---i ' "'J i - . 1 BY TEIJEGKAlHi A THE MORNING STAR. " i. ' l .1 IIPON REPOllTS. t ' . . Tbiktoh, N. J., Feb. 21. 1 The House concurred in the resolution with drawing assent to the 14th article. ' : Sarvad Tharn Tllcbt Ballx for Ifcat MiR)Dii, Coaw., Tebl 2L Stephen Ires, proprietor of the - Meriden House, expelled Fred Douglass from the public table, end whipped the Editor of the Meriden Record for bis comments. I ; ' Ive is held to answer on clrll and. criminal charges.1 ' :'4' If aw Torn Karkata. Flour 53iaccnts lower. Vheat quiet and steady. ConiKleat lower: Bye oruieti Oats dull and drooping. Pork firmer New i Mess 124 13K- - Lard rery firm ati4W15jiV Whis key noinraa!.'fc Barley qblet Peas nominal. Oottoii quletat at24 ccnU for Middling Up hvnda. FraighU dull : 8plrlts Turpentine ex cited at 65U9 cents. - Rosin firmer at $3 25 $3 SO for Common. - , - t . j. 8tocks open dull Bonds 11 for old. and "K8X.ror new. Goldl40. Money 5 per ceob juxcuango vg?iu y rareljna JXaurketsv L LxTuroou Feb. 20 Ercnln?. Cotton adrancvd $d. Uplands, to arrive, 10id.; Ortesns lOd. , i "' ' V Lokdos, Feb. 21. Consols .93. ' Bonds 72. Paris, Feb. 21. ' Rentes easier. Bourse dull. Bullion in-the Bank of France has Increased twenty-three million francs. ' ' 5 ! 8 LrrsBFOOL. Feb. 21 Noon. Cotton actire ind firm prices same. " Sales 20,000 bales. Sales for the week 154,000 bales ; for speculation 25,000; export 41,000.' 8tock in port 207,000, including 143,000 American. B reads tulLt generally firm. Losdoh, Feb. 21 P. M. Consols 93X93X. , , . ; LirxarooL, Feb. 21 P. M. i UJ WAnriroroii:Feb. 2L., -BxitATS.ArolonRd persons! explanation occurred, involving HarTey!, dispatch advie tng South Carolina of Sumter's reinforcement. It was asserted that no such dUpatch was sent. It was also asserted that the dispatch' was in spired by Seward and approved by the Cabinet Cameron became warm, saying tiiatif Mr. Sew ard intimated that Harvey's dispatches .had Cameron's or the Cabinet's approval, Seward ssid what was untrue, ... y:ri; :dl ii r A Memorial from Kentucky negroes was presented, alleging that they bad no rights and asked relietj. 4 v -1 1 ;L, "Beconstruction was resumed, ind, after Ex ecutive session, the Senate adjourned. H0U8B. Wood moved to, adjourn . to, Mon. day In honor of 1 Washington's birth-day, but Washburn, of Illinois,' desired a session for debate. - ! i The bill extending Smith & Wesson's fire arms patents, passed. ' " .-' J A communication was presented from Post master General Randall, demanding 'a" public investigation of charges made by McClnug, of swindling in Awarding Southern mail con tracts. J 1 Tha House- went into Committee on the Naval Appropriations, iurojviug eighteen mil Uori dollars. ' fc 1 J i 4 ' ' i I Speaker Colfax presented the following: ' ' WAR DEPARTMENT, 1 . 1 1 : " WasHisoTOH Citt, GenJ Thomas has Just delivered to me a copy of the enclosed order which jv ou will please commuuicatu to tho House of Representatives. your obedient servant, , , n EDWIN M; STANTON, r Secretary of War. Referred to the Reconstruction Committee. This Order is published elsewhere Ad journed. . ... . i j -.1 ' 1 ' iAlr An Ami snl wv ! a am m a AanM rive easier. Total cotton afloat. 223,000 bales ; 01 wuicn iiu.vaai are American. i -rst FrtBa.Xtlelimnd.j 1 - .: ... RlCOMOWS, Feb. SI Gen. Schofleld to-day removei the City Re corder and eleven Magistrate of the Hustings Court, for having permitted - Tobacco Iuiet tors to qualify without taking the required oath of office... i . .: . ' ' " John Dooley, a prominent merchant, died last nlht. . , "Tlorld Conrntlon. Taixahasskx, Fla,, Feb. 21. The Convention to-day adopted several articles of the Constitution. .. DaatnaettT Fi A Soldier Bwrnt to i t : . t Taiaaiiassxx, . Feb. 21. ; i At 4 o'clock this morning, KJrkscy,& John son were burnt out The fire broke out in a vacant store, next North of the Statu Bank building, which sustained some injury. Kirk sey & Jobnson Insured for $30,000 on stock and $4,000 on bulldlng.io the Home, of New York, Gulf State; andHome, of New Haven, Insurance Companies' ' -A soldier, named Piatt, was ranght by a fal ling wall and burnt to death. 8everal others I were injured. Doubtless incendiary. OUR XIOUT RETORTS. rrsm WashlBftsa, j ' I'f r I Washisotox, Feb. 21. Major; Donalson and Minor Merriwether, agents of the Mississippi Levee board,! are here. They urge a Congressional sppropria tlon for the levees of the Yazoo basin, extend ing from Memphis to Vicksburg, On the East bank. j An advisory meeting held last Qigbt at Sen ator Fowler's rooms was attended by the Ten nessee delegation and many members from sections not Immediately interested. The ue cessityof Congressional sld seems conceded, otherwise vast prod active tracts will be flooded. , ;Majoe .Donalson and Air. Merri wether are hopeful of securing the appropria tion asked by the Mississippi Levee Board. The members of the National Democratic Committee, appointed at Chicago, meet at 12 o'clock ' to morrow; with closed doors. Among the matters to be considered in private session are powers of Committeemen from ihe Southern Statea. The President made the following nomina tions: j Gen. G. B MeClellan to be Minister to St. James, James A. Hubbell, of Ohio, Minister to Ecuador, and Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas to be Lieut. Gen'l and Gen'l by Brevet, EXECUTIVE MANSION, 1 JWassijgtos, -D. O, Feb. 21, 186S. Six: By virtue of the power and i au thority vested in me as President by the Con stitution snd laws of the United States, you are hereby removed from office as Secretary of the Department of War, and your functions ss snch will terminate. upon the receipt of this communication. You will transfer to Brevet-Maj.-Gen. Lorenzo Thomas,' Adjutant General of the Army, who has this day been authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad Interim, all records, books, papers and other puDiic property now in your custody and ' :' : ' Foreign." ' Dubliv, Feb. 2L Train's first lecture was thinly attended. No signs rioting, though the authorities took measures to preserve the peace. The journals say the speculation lecture i was a financial failure. i , . . , David Murphy, recently arrived from the Uuited States, was arrested at Cork on tha charge of Fenian complicity. charge. i&espectruiiy lours. ANDREW JOHNSON, To Hon. Edwin M.8tanton. ' Washington, D. C. PmidenL The Supreme Court has Dostuoned sll Ques tions Involving the constitutionality of the Legal Tender act until next term. 'i The Republican Senators held a caucus this morning on the Alabama dilemma, but ad journed without action: ! Immediately after reading Stanton's eomm u nlcatlon to-day,' Covode moved artioles im peaching the PresidenL T . - - Brooks objected. J ' I h The 8peaker decided that it was a privileged question ; but the thstter waa finally referred to the Reconstruction Committee.- j 8tantun: has not vacated the War Office. ! , The Senate is still, at 8 o'clock, in Executive session. ' ; r c. ,;: :-.'- ' Gen.' Thomas has officially accepted the War Office, ad Interior and will apply to- the Court to expei DuuHon. .a., "v - . ; TforOs Cstfoltius Costventiois. The Convention Is atlll enraged in th&Tdis. tltttslotf "of suftrage. The speeches' are gener ally, proaenpuvo ana wvor - uie aisiranchtsc ment of whites. - There are some exceptions aniong the Radical delegates. No vote, nor any other 1 business was transacted of imporV ance.-;. - . . u Various Railroad propositions, involving an increase' of tha State's liabilities amounting to over five million dollars, have been laid before the ' Convention. None of them have been seted upon, exoept the one endorsing a million of bonds: for the: Wilmington,' Chsrlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company," 4 . j , virsiius tsavenuon. . Richmond. Va.. Feb. 21 ' In Convention, the day was spent in discus sing suffrage. .On the Conservative . aide, v it waa asserted that the' white men of Uje State wduld never submit to negro rule,, and t the men Who fought under Lee would sooner come ont and lie in tho graves with those who , had gone before them, t ' ' ? t The name of Lee elicited applause from the white spectators, which was checked by the Chain? y -i ?s n-ici; -v?nr The Speaker said the whites wished the blacks well, and would be willing to -be taxed heavily to colonize them on the best lands the Government owned. , Two blacky .delegates repUednrging the right of the negro to auSfcagV and his capacity yo us it lorswa. cTbO ConrenUon adjOsrnea- fSl Afdsy ; ftv11 ' ' 'X 'observsvthaSSd ?--N-V f-. -? , .r?, -p 1 J' L ' "" '1L ''Jfc ;CHABLKST05, 8,,a,eb,2Ll" 1 0.440 VVUTP44b4WU bUlUUUlQU W-UMT LIU. CLCDHUB (several leaoing eoiorea aeiegates have gone ' -M From ' Cbsvrleston. Cbaxlesto, 8. C. Feb. 21. The new Military Mayor, Gen. Burns, cuter- ea upon nis auues to-day. Oaltimore JSarheta. f ' " Baltimokk. Feb. 2L Cotton held at 2&25)f cenU. Flonr dull, and nothing doing. Wheat steady and un changed. Corn dull, and declined 2 cent prime white and yellow $1 17($$1 13. Oat 80(q)82 cents. Rye unchanged. ProvUUHi very Ami. 'Bacon rib sides 1414X ceuts. Lard loQISjtf cent. . f , r New xTork Slavrkesa. "7 f v ' f ' Ntw York. Feb. 21. Cotton decidedly leas active sales" 3,000 bales at 24 centa. Flour $3 V3$10 25. Wheal rather better, and ' mortf ' doing for exporu Corn 13 centa lower. - Mess Fork- firm at $24 12)$34 25. Lard firm at 14(3 15 W CU. 8pirits Turpentine 6869 cents. FreighU quiet, and rather easier. Gold active and excited, closing at 141. Sterling firmer at ia Charleston XXavrkei. ! CHARLXSTOIf, Feb. 21. Cotton dttll declined Kl cent. Sales 400 bales, Middling 23 cents. t , : . St. Ioaia Sarkei. ' '- , 8t. Locis, Feb. 2L Flour low grades la moderate supply: Su perfine $7 25$8 87K. Corn firm at 28 centa. Provisions excited and higher. Mesa Pork $24 ; crcar sides 13W13 cents ; should ers 10f centa Lard quiet. NEW ADVERTI8EMENT& mam Mm. MANAGER - - - J. P. SUTTON. Monday nnd Tuesday, Febra roary 24111 and S5th, 1868. Mom rAT sYZiriiro Tin PF.nron. mance will commenee with the beautl f ol Comic Drama of FA.RISHST 1790. To be foUowed by the Celebrated 5C , j FBOM f THE WOTS," . To conclude with the laughable, side-splitting Burletta, entitled . - j ! j j,. ..... ? V, J - Stage-Stmok : Chambermaid. PRICES OF ADMISSION t Dress Circle and; Parquette.. . , . 75 Reserved Seats l 00 Private Boxes i... ...,..,,, 6 00 Gallery,,,..,...,, .,..,...,,,...,..,.. 15 i Doors open" at 7 " o'clock t performance to commence at 8 o'clock. , ; Box office open Monday, at lo'A. M., for tha aaje of Private Boxes and Reserved Seats. lit;' Stone Lune. rf f n ASXUi, Ex Sehr. narlsv JJall, For.aale from wharf by febz2-lt7-it ' K-W.TTCHjn-It., 4X4 wt AJiimoox auu jouueriuteiiii ; ent57.S.H7rB.S..C!o. ,, PHOPC3AX3 FOIl . 43AXl3TI?fO'-,TlTE Northern and Southern Mail tn m.. mm ine vv limini to the V -i jr. trVH , ,STAB OFnCE.TeD.J20. SFXRtTS TtTRPENTlNE--Advanced 5 cents - i . .m. 1 m - ' , MOT 'r ' ' . and buoyaat.'r Sales or i casaa at oo cents. ROSIN Advanced.. "8alea? of WW bbls at $3 45 for Strained ; $2 $3 ( for No. 2; S3 zra for No. l and $4 25 forPalT ' CRUDE TUBPENTINE. Salesof 315 bbls.- at $3 75 for Soft, and $2 60 for ' Hard, An. md- vance of5cents:f : - .:, l.mu . TAR Was firm. 233 bbls. sold at $3 35. COTTON Wm weakv 31 bales sold on a basis of 22. cents for Middling, and 130 bales st 21 cents."!, -rnoi.EsALE rnicEs. ARTICLES. raicas. I I Ii I BA O OmO-Aiunny. . . '.V. . . TP J-d BACOX Hour a CfABotiaAi Hams,... W t. Shoulders,.. Hog Round, 1 WESTaaa llama. V 81le.. ...... S Slionlders, V BA RRELAbpiriU Turpentine. . SecmiU Han(tf.r.......'.4each New New York, each .New City,l..i. each BEESWAX Hi2CAT-Wilmington,....f M. B UTTER North Carolina, ft .Northern... ...w ft CANDJJBverxiL...,..t.V ft Tallow.: Adamantine. .......... ,..1 CHEESE Northern, V ft COFFEE Java ft Rio.. . . Lamiavrft..4..............v ft St .Domingo,.. . .... . . ft CO By MEAL. bush iiOAf iSSTC-S-Sheeting, 4-4 Vyd Yarn.;;.....;...:..:. bnnch FiSff-Mackerel, No. 1,. bbl Mackerel, xo. s, a;ddi Mackerel, No. 3,.......? bbl Mullets, t..,..,...f bbl( Dry Cod,... ." fft FLOVR- I 8uper. Northern,. .V bbl Fine, " bbl . Extra, ' '..Ubbl N. Carolina Super, ' bbl Extra, 1 bbl " :.: " Family, .i.ftbbl FEBTmILIZEmRS Pern viae Guancv. . 2240 9m Pacific Uuano, V 2000 fts Patapsoo G uano,. . y tooo fts Baugh's Phosphate, Rhodes Stan. Manure," ' Lister Superphosphute, wl.vz... ......... URAIX Corn, Northern, Corn, Eastern Co.r. Oats " Peas, Cow....... HIDES Green, Dry, II A Y Eastern... . . . ... . 100 fts North River 100 fts HOOP IRON-. ......... W ton LARD Northern. .IRft North Caroana,. ft LIME flbbl ALapuxAsraaa ab amw s raivo. i Wide Boards, M ft 8cantltmr,.....::......WMft Flooring .Mft! fJITT STEAM SAWED Ship Stuff. rewiwed...1ff Mft Reuffh Edffe Plank,. M ft west India Cargoes, accord In it to quality.. VIM ft Dressed Flooring, seasoqed, Scantling and Boards, com- mon, m rt MOLASSES-Vnbau hhda-. iral Cuba, bbls.,.. gl Snar House, h lids.,. . . w gul Dnis Weal r Srrup, bbls-'. .......... ral rfA cmr, 4a to sua, OX-S Kerosene, Lard... Linseed, ttw1n, PEANUTS V POTATOES Sweetf.ip bush Irish, Northern, ... bbl PORK Northern CityMe, f?bbl! xnin, .'...f duii Prime 4 bbh Knmp, W bbl JCje-CiiroUna...... w ft East India,.... $ n. ltmyrn,.. f onsn SALT Alum, W bosh Liverpool,. sack Amftrloan, . sack srOyit-CuiMi, y I'orto kioo, a V a ft a ft M M Mj 21 24 i a 14 ..If a, 14 SO is 17 so 16 ,14 126 0 25 5 50 ft , 3 75 3 25 ft SJS0 S3 a S3 10 00 15 00 . 25 0 80 :4- 45 ii 65 f 50 v 55 18 20 . , . 20 w - 23 15 $ 20 ss a 40 21 8 2" 28 Q SO , 21 o 23 1 60 0 1 65i 1OH0 14. 1 30 & 1 SS! 00 00 6 00 00 00 00 & 00 00 00 00 ft 00 00 8 00 0 9 00 9 a io 10 00 Q 11 00 Trjttt,i-iu. oira' wis.: ' L VY tween Dock and OrsWi,At. l WW HJlll indY . vcw?r. For JTreiarht encrartmio.. 7 r worth raAsTSi15 Agent in New York,- A Ttnu Hif.r. as . 'i Lovers of the weedhonldtfriL .w-r.! 'Icowasds 8Mrrnf Cheap Cash St, feblSactf' A Vagfe PTO SECOND MAlurH .y.v;ow eecona xiana CULLAES 4 200 liLlNbBair.. A wall 1 aa a W bush f) bush W bush fibnsb ft 9 00 12 50 11 60 00 00 12 50 8 5 0 17 00 re so. 00 00 17 00 00 00 G 92 00 75 00 & 80 00 '70 00 0 75 00 00 00 & 60 00 65 00 00 CO 20 70 00 AS 00 I- 25 0 30 1 40 0 00 & 1 40 95!d 1 10 1 40 O 1 50- 6 a ,T s 11 0 14 1 40 if 160 1 40 & 1 50 !00OO0 0150 00' 13 n .., js 17 0 18' 0 00 0 1 90 r f gal Val bush 10 09 0 14 00 VA "V A 8 00 14 00 24 00 22 00 20 00 25 00 10 00 18 00 rs oo 23 00 25 00 40 00 15 00 0 20 00 4X0 SO 00 0 55 42H0 45 450 474 60 0 1 00 60 7 55 0 60 00 0 00 1 50 0 1 60 00 0 00 2 00 0 2 60 0 00 f 1 25 500 0 600 t 60 00 00 24 00 23 00 A. Coffee.. ...... B. C. Crushed... SO A P Northern, Wilmington,..; SHINQLES Contract,.. Common, STA VESVf. O. Bbl., . . . . i? r uv.ii TIMBER Shhvimc,.. M Mill Prime w M Mill Fair,... AM Inferior to OrUnary,...l M iriiXirJn Northern, . r. . .ta gal V 00 00 0 21 00 00 00 0 00 00 North Carolina.. gal! 9 0 10l4 00 0 00 2 25 0 2 50 60 0 , 60 2 2d 0 2 25 2 00 0 2 10 12U0 13 14 0 15 00 0 17' i6:0 17 150 16 oo s4 7 0 11 T 11 S5O0 4 00' 2 50 0 3 00 20 00 0 30 00 30 00 0 40 00 10 00 0 11 00 8 00 0 8 50 6 50 0 7 50 4 00 0 A 00 2 00 0 8 00 3 00 0 500 1ZECEIPTS. Beeelpsa per . VTllminarteai . sMttf . Haa. cbester Bavtlread, Feb. 21. ' W P 8raith, Bsitimore, 2 bales cotton; 0 K Gaither & Co, Bait, 13 bales cotton; Atkinson & Shcpperson 5 bale cotton; Vlck, Mebane -de Co 6 tales cotton, 12 bbls rosin; F W Kerch ner 83 bales cotton; A & 8 Whitoover 3 bales cotton; Worth & Daniel 9 bales cotton; Wil liams A Mnrchlson 1 bale cotton; DeRossct & Co 31 bbls rosin, 3 da spts; Robinson, Smith A Co 144 bags corn, 4 bales cotton; W H Lut terioh 1 bale rags, 2 do cotton; Sprunt & Hln soo l bdl bnes22 bbU rosin;, WaUaee 4 South, erland 93 bbls rosin; Edwards & Smith 24Jbbls tufpt, 51 do rosin, 12 do spts; Brown A Cur ler S5 bales cotton; J D-Murrhison & Co 15 bales cotton; Sberidan 8hook 20 bales cotton; Hopkins, Dwight & Trowbridge 17 bales cot ton. - - EXPORTS, ( COAsWlSK. . j .-, Naw ' Touk. Steamship W pfcClyde.445 bbls rosin, 18do tav5d do shooka, 451 bales cot ton,, 2Q do ysrn, 12 do eheeting,-4 pkgs mdse, 5 bbls wax, 141 bushels rice, 1,568 do peanuts. 1 - , . : Bosxoir. Schr Sulcote. 201 easka spirits, 1,407 bbls rosiu, 731 bushels peanuts. ARRIVED. Stmr A P Hurt, Skinner. PsyettevllleT Worth DanieL - CLEARED. Hfilp W P Clyde, Powell, New York, 8choterexten? BoitiiCfsley i DMUeL Sf Sltfnll?r TCttevme, Wojth , ItAIX XtOAIs CO-JFANT. r Gaa kanrrorvs Omct J - wumingtOn, N. a, Feiv 15, lacsJ? Tiiiil, FXTRTTIEIt NOTICE. TTXTB jamgon Manchester JUilroad, will leave Wilmington on. Mondaya. Tuwwdars, Thurs days and Fridays, at 7:15 A. If. AWveat Florence 6:65 P. U2 Kintin tzAiZjZ 9d0 A. M, Leave, KlnesviUe. 2.-00 P. M. Tnes-dars.- Wednesdava. Vridav. 'hjZ.ZT "dTSn Wilmington, tm Mondays, .Wedl - wil sumoay, tne utu Inst.: l IP LI ARY SAW FORD You-Seen .Them? as a ww Ba.cn THOSE BEAlTj. ful SHOES, made of Gold and Silver iom-, drena wear.-1 -; ' . V . . Have you eeen onr mernifloent assorh. of PLAIN and FANCY sSoiCS, foS& wear. . Have you seen ror 17LEGANT STorr n GOODS for Ladles and MIhai..' .-oV ' If you have not, come at once andionv., ' them. The lowest prices for Cash t ii Nerth Vroat Street. ' w feb22-17-te North Fronts POL ! COAL! W'K 1IATK BEEN KELLISG THf very best KED ASH EGG COAL at ?! E or ton deliverod, since November 1L Z are now a large stock on hand, whirl,.."!1 ipply at same figure. - , doc4-0-nactf PETTIC WAY A MOORir Sn REMOVAL jrjAS nEMOTEX TO lTo.'4 South Front St, ( Known a ifA? Kahiweiler Store.) Althoegh the ngere S has been dropped, WALDKOJf proposes to make himself heard and felt, - and to make New 4 Seath Frset Street, . THE Q-RBAT And be hopes to make it as POPULAB ss vu The Great s 4, on Market Street. . tADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ! -'.; .?t . . ' -t " Be patient, and 8.VVE YOUE GREENBACK! ,.-..... r.. -. ,t .......' . . . ' for the ' T ' : -OF 4, WbJon will lake plaeeon or about At which time and plaee UIlHEiub OF BARGAINS Will bo given on all classes and grade Goojla,,.. ; r. .. . . . , . , Time ana space forbia further cowu"- i .. ..'.MISCELLANEOUa Pure Wines:and'"Liquois: trrrn cko tavh rrrQaja T JlV public that we hare been aNtL Wines andTLlquora. Including heeww! Alps and his celebrated Schiedam Arom? Schnapps... The publio are respectfully TV ea xo eaii ana examine onr stock. i .aoT-eaicm .'n , j?ry jlPBIAN A YOLLg CONFEnKIlATE MONST 311TllhlM.IONDdXI-AIt JKJRiw 3 . federate Currency Wanted, (or wbcp aonable prices will be patdby- m k- DOi. ,,lebpigwVrV7U'?-tt pTT JTOLFE'S SCHIEDAM &WAT&J!2 ' PJ '"iold by aH tSrocerW ari.l WJj?

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