V---- ,". lW""'Ml't''Wl''Wllhr,...., i ,, rfrt,,l,-,-, . - '- , i.' r- ' - ;. . - ' " ' . i r i ; --ru -mjj uj '?? fi,t c?"3-f-- :- . ivir- rM .n i , . v - -- ' - V M-vii - .-- . 1 ' ' r , A 7 ...... HI VOL. 1X0.155 ORNING'STAll. PUBLISHED. DAILY,''.' ' Office, No. 3 South Water St. LTuu STAR is,mailud, -or delivered to bribers in ftUiiirts of the City,5 ut 50 SSxKutlw, -ojr $1 ,3 for Three Mouths. RATES OF AI VERTI8INU : ; ...... n ii.no one day, i, " two (laysT.-MfMtv..f ,1 2. " throe Inys,.. jl J3 ' four days 2 . (i five lii3-i, ... s a " pne wee k, 2 -V) a 4 t -u I tft tit ttkinttk i poitionatuly low lutys- BAIWVAV DIRECTORY. WILMINGTON A 'MANCHESTER it. V.OAD Oenertil AifiefrwieriwIrHe -VVitliAm-'Maclliie. (Veieru Ft tiyM AictU-J oltuX. CuntwulU t'OIlD ItAlL KW.VUV- ' I PwMent Kohert II. CoWun. hin-cter-- J.lVion, A. 1L VanBoVkelen, Matter of 'rmn.tfrutitony. u. "Alien.- r hrrektri ami 'fmtturerl. T. Alderman. Wxxtcr jftvtfi mcW. Gill. 'i'rciytU Affwtt W.'ii: French. WILMINGTON A WELIHJN It AIL ROAD. hinvtir John Duwuon, Ifenry Nuttf - O. U. p.lVsIoV. A. J. Doliosset, D. sJ. Cowim, Ueo. J. r Icluli,W. K. Mlll; Jamos U. Burr, UicU ii.,ii. r. J. KII Orejrj?. h c , MtuehvtrphvnW . Colo, funnel ti. Walknp, K. vi llutchirton, lliiywoMl V. Gvlon,C.t;. lien (Uron, A. G. Lntfnii, X.Al. Holmesly. ! , ...Ji.Lt,.,uit'ia . I. Kvorett. IVctulrtil ii. iriuyei, f . AVrlit.S. D. Wallace, Elf-Murray, A lire I MtrU, A. II. Vaiilfkkelei, Geo. ILirris, of Uihnlnaton; ami John Everett, of GoUUlM)ro. Director on the tmrt of Um State Ed ward Kid- " Wt, "of Wilmington, . GM Jolui Aorrteet, of Tiirhoro', ami Taoiuas It. llogg(jof Italoigh, L'hiif .Eivjituser uwl (Jciuirtd Superidpulent S. I-Fremont. , f ft Mixtrr of TraHAimrlation Wnl. Smith. i-crct(trfjaiut Treasurer J..AV. Thompson. 3Iatef of JlocMiwrftM. M. Ilaukius. i Auditor G. L. Dudiviy. v 11AIL liOAD L1XES. Wilniingtou Wel 11. It. Co. Okkipm GHiEr ,EstiNKKRitrtfSjr. SuTi i Wii.m i x oton, N. C, Marches, iaB8. ; k $ . 1 7 . -. f 31.. 1 : , 11 NOTICE. ON ANI AFTEtt TO-OAY THE PAR SEXOKU TRAIXS willlave Wilmington at i:00 A. M. and 4a 1. M., and arrive here at 7:.'W i. M. and $15 A.M. In con9eiuence of a tllsasrreement between tho llail road Companies North-and Sonth of w, we shall run K XT It A TllAINS, to carrv throu'rh PaiSsnrers on as kooii as thev reach iii niprht or day. v We crmnat be pvt in the wrong, wncn noi aitawi. y ' i fj. : " . c , f 8..L FREMONT, .' ' -,.: ' Koux er auI ruperintomlent. Wilmington, M treh 24th, m. IWtf i GENERAL SUP'TS 0FFI0E, Wilmington & Manchester )E. E. : Company. V - Wilminqtos, X. C, March 24, 189. - e , ON AND AFTER MOXDAT, the 33d inrt., the KXl'KKSs TKAIN on, the Wil mington and Manchester liuilroa'l will leave Wilmington at 7:M V. M. ; arriw ftt'Florenee ut 2r4.' A. M. ; arrive at Kingsville.at i:43 A, M. Leave Khigsville at II -JO A. M.,i"nO,Rrrivt ln AVilniiirgton at. f:5 P. M. Connet at Floi-eiu-o with the N. K. K. II. for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Kail road for Augusta and Columbia. ' ! ( ... VM. MacRAE, innJl-lXMOt ' 1 j tJen'l Sup't. . , ; , 1 Mlhiiiiitoiu Charlotte and RUTIIERF011I RAIlltOAI. GKNKUAI. SllPEUINTKNDKJft'S QWKICfc, ) Wilmington, N. C, Aug. fl; 18G7. J. ; ON ANI AFTER TUESDAY Next, Au gust Llth, the Passenger Train on this l.'oail will leave Wilmington' on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock. A. M. Arrive at Sand Hill same days, at i P. M. Arrive at- Wadeshoro' (Stage), at 12 mid night. Leave Wadesboriy (Stage), on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 2 P. M. lleavo Uockingham J(Stuge), on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4:30 A. M; Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, WediM? day and Friday, at 7 b'cl eek, A. M. . . Arrive atAViluiingtou same . dava, at 3 IVM. W. 1. EVKUETT ept23-l-tf , . Cc. Sup't. MISCELLANEOUS North Carolina Land fAgancy' PIRTIEsSviIO WISH TO If AVE brought to the notice of Northern and European Capitalists their LAND3, MINES, WATER P0VVEU,t &c., wltli a view to a sale, ; can address me at Keedsvlllo, Ni tX ' i " ' Jtctcrences made to public men generally . uii-uugnoui the Stat. t - ; ftbij-l:w-tf l - ' ' IX W. COURTS. v. .i : Buggies ; and Rockaways ueduced' prices. Kit "V1TE II AVE NO W ON ilANiTA VEIlX ' KOCKAWAYS and' . :'tf '.'.; t HARNESS. "liWiwe are offering at greatly reduced Pnces. ..'.; .J 7T i A. A. McKETHAN A SONS. Fayettcvllle, N. C, MaV?h 2, 1868. 146-lm TO THE, PUBLIC. HAVIXO COStPETEP MY All, rangements tluotighout my NEWPH0-. loyKAPHlO ROOMS and CHEMICAL DEi I ARTMENT, 1J am nor ready to receive my 'nends and Patrons, and to xecute all or- in the best Style of the Art. ', A nev supply ofFRAMES, large and raall, Including a run assortment, of Carte deVl Ues Frames,- Coktwtd Tassels,' ATbnm &c,, ially expected. - ' 0- ALLtRY Cornet Mafket ato Second U. 1- N TKANCE-iiorthTrt Cwrner. ' C M. VANOttSDELL, ; , rorS-140-tf i .: ,f -i . ;j Attlstaaa ryprlctor. . Wilmington , Carriage and Wagon1 Manufactory ! ITrorT WATCXV A T C AHT lit Afloi; , RAY oV BUG0T Jhailf ?r MP1 B ad subntantial manner.'or AnyBlack- nelr new establlglimentou Srd, Iwtjen uZ 6 wrrant out rrk aa recommended, and re confident of pleasing thojejwhottayfaj .u,iwltlacall. . J'AYNE A GUYTOIT, SCHEDULE - ' ' . WiLMri(Ti6K,'11' C.,; TJIUIISDAY, -MAjtCTI 26-IIW PRTCFmw, hlts. MISCELLANEOUS.'' -o- rv WHOLESALE ' -' 'i-l AXD M; 'M: :KATZ CO., , 23 MARKET . ST. -jy"E HATE J C S T . QPEJfED ' OUR FIRST STOCK of. SPRING GOODS, consist. ,l n)i ! -;(: p'm'S 'ingqf ?s - .r. ... PRINTS, M. " .,: - ' MUSLINS, " -: ' CIIALLIES, . CAMDIUCS, 7 ; JACONETS, WHITE .GOODS, . EMBROIDEPJKS, - " LACES, Iotioiis ifnd Fancy Goods, Clothing Hats, AND Men's Fnrnis&iag Goods, W To WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer LIBERAL IND UCEMENT8. M. U. KATZ & CO., 23 Martet Street. mr!5.14fftf LOW PRICES. WE PROPOSE TO AGAIN IXAIIOV rate iA) 1 KICKS lor the lenellt of our Cudtointfi'H. r Having always -lead the van, we l Art'attlt nhtn . . 5 . titvt still able. G0Ol CALICOES VKUYtiOODuo...... SUPERIOR do...l.......... VKUT IJEST ENGLISH do. ........10 Cents. ...V.. 12 ,...i...l5 18 UROWN COTTONS, good ....10 ". " Very good....... 12 4-4 " ' M ........14 SUPER. SEA ISLAND do. ........15 BLEACH KD COTTONS 10 to 40 cents for best. 49 Call and examine.'. , niari.Vte HKDRICK RYAN. -i ii i i i Corn; Corn ! ! Q OQQ IWBHEIM DAILY EX- iHJcted. r Will be sold very low from vessel, by WILL Alt I) BROS, mrlfl-tf 27, 2S antl 2i No. Water st. TT O T E X .. . ... u. , C. pnopaiKToa: J. R. DAVIS, of Mills House, Charleston, S. C. Coach, Corriage and Baggage Wagons al ways ready to convey Passengers to and from tho Railroads. . nirl7-H7-tf Just Received. T71XTKA PINE APPLE CIIEESF, ' ','.,.."',' : BREAKFAST BACON, IvXTUA COSHEXsBtTTER,. t J - .. . ! ,,FfiM.,,FArMILY,FLOUR, r t r An1 rin.t vaHotv of Choice For sale by ; ' GE6. ZFpENCH, 10 Sonth-Froht Street.. . im;i42-tf EDWARDS & SMITH, ONTIXUE to SIILL tiieik Sroceries and Provisions REMEMBEE THE PLACE !. . REMEMBER' THE" PLACfe I IlEMEMBER THE, PLACE J EDWARDS A SMITH'S ' - .ir. m ..j t in cheap (jaan Mora HO PIUIB) Star Bui'ldinar. niarl7-147-tf- No & BcclTater bL DiU's and Other Snuffs. i - r ? r V'Ji I PACKAGES, ai i 1 Wit. J. TajiSICLE'S. emi-weekly at eldon, XC, by stone A ptS.7-ftl07 Wilmington, NC (BESCENT, iMABION. ylUhed'Wlfiy; E. MrtMnnwl, Proprie- IU1 . JVM. II BERNARD, Agent, ?r. v Jb - i Wilmington, Nq' aept2S-I-4f I iBobl BINDIN O. XA W lOOII. f XJ alned, Periodicals, Mnsio, Ac, MAO bound JT; 7 WM. H. BERNARD'S," , C 1)1) TAT r GOODS rTTUE'IlttAXOfcE 1 emi-weekly at W A I feb254.tf X 1A11LU1A hmm j y Ho. South Water SU MORNING STAR. PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, fN. C., By WM. II. BERNARD. i g Mailed, or delivered to subscribers In all parti of the Uity." at ii i for Six Months, or 1 i for Three Months. ' 9 Single CODlcsof The Mniivn S-pnmuv bo iid.a in M.V. -t. M. Harris,. ut his news -stand on t ront Street, every morning. CONSERYATIVE STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, THOMAS S. ASHE, OF A'KSON. . FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, EDWARD D. HALL, OF NEW H4S0VEB. 'FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, ROBERT W. BEST, ' . OF GREENE. . ' I.,-,' TOR TKEA3DBER, . , KEMP R BATTLE, V " OF WAKE. . " ' 4 FoVltTIMTOR,11 4 S. W. BURG IN, OF BUNCOMBE. FX) SUPER tNtEimEIfT" OF FCBLIC WORKS, SAMUEL R PATTERSON, j OFCAUDWEIX. .... J FOR StPERrNTESDEKT' OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, 'j REV. BRAXTON -CRAVEN, OF RANDOLPH. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, . SIOX H. UQGliS, OP WAKE. Supreme Court Judges. RICHMOND M. PEARSON, of Yadkin, WILLIAM JL BATTLE, of Orange, EDWIN G. READE, of Person, rMATHIAS E. MANLY, of Craven, A. S. MERRIMON, of Buncombe. The two last, If the number of Judges, as proposed, is increased to live. Superior Court. FIRST DISTRICT, DAVID A. BARNES, '' 'OF HERTFORD. I SECOND DISTR'lCT, EDWARD j: WARIIEN, OF BEAUFORT. THIRD DISTRICT, GEORGE Y. STUONQ, OF WATNE. FOURTH DISTRICT, WILLIAM S. DEVANE, i t, OF 1.EW HA'OyEK. FIFTH DISTRICT, i R. P. BUXTON, ' OF CUMBERLAND. SIXTH DISTRICT, R. B. GILLIAM, OF GRANVILLE. SEVENTH DISTRICT, THOMAS RUFFIN, Jn., OF ALAMANCE. EIGHTH DISTRICT, FRANCIS E. SHOBER, OF ROWAN. NINTH DISTRICT, WILLIAM M. SHIPP, OF LINCOLN. TENTH DISTRICT, ANDERSON MITCHELL, OF IREDELL. 4 ELEVENTH DISTRICT, john l." Bailey, OF BUNCOMBE. TWELFTH DISTRICT, A. T. DAVIDSON, OF MACON. COUNTY NOMINATIOXS. FOR THE SENATE : WILLIAM T. ENKETT, of sew hanover. house of representatives: DUNCAN J. DEVANE, CHARLES W. McCLAMilY, JOHN D. POWERS. county commissioners: WILLI AK A. ' WRIGHT, dugald .McMillan, s. d. wallace, WILUAM S.. IARKINS, J.' B.1 SEAVEY, ' 11 ;t SITERIFF : SAMUEL Ii ..BUNTING. 8UPERIOR COURT. CLERK : ' HORACE A. BAGG. ' : REGISTER OF DEEDS . ROBERT B. WbOD, Jr. TREASURER :' OWEN' FENNEL,! Jr.s . . 8URVETOR : 4QHN C WOOD. , . ' ; Rcfgtotration.' -K i. ' : TJnder the Iecoustriiction Acts it, will, be, the duty ot .the Boards of Registration of ; this ; State, ' com niencing on trie 7th day pf April, to revise their lists for threes days, and receive Ihe names of all thbse (not disfranchised wid navent already regi8ter!"'4:Wercail-; the; -especial attentioriof the Conservative Conn ty;'C6romittees to this VEEY "BI PORTANT MATTER.- .There are . . - f' . 5, XTvf L tnousanus oi wimujeu ji .jliuhu Carolina who have not registered THE STEUGGLE IN GEORGIA. Stlrt-inff Speech front Hon. B. II. Hill. The Conservatives of Georgia are making a desperate straggle to save their State from Radical rule. Hon. B. iL IIill 'addressed a large meeting at Atlanta, a few days ago. We copy the concluding portion of his remarks .-' - 1 Now, then, I say, fellow-citizens, this constitution must be defeated, if .you' have any honor left you. It -must riot be'' ratified '; '"for outside of all other ' questions it sends you dowh to "posterity witha character which lib white man should desire fc bear, and, l am sure, no black man either. It' is for the interest 6t the J black man. ' You must protect him i from thesve,:adv'eiitnrers. It ia for, 4-1. -i. i.i. A i-1 1 me mieiesL 01 uie wnue man. lour honor: your character is in-; volyed in this contest. Let others do as 'thev niay, there is no possi bility upon this earth, in any cou tingehey whatever, Of inducing nie to -iveiiiy support to that consti tutioii, pr'lriy obedience, except as compelled and forced. (Tremen dous applause.) How; then, is this to be prevent- ed ? L for mvself, see no difficulty ! in the way. Ve must f()rget all j former differences we must forget all passion. If I liave used harsh language to-day, it is only to bring before yori, in all its bearings, the instrument called "A Constitution for the Stat of Georgia." I appeal to you by tho horrbrs of the future ; I appeal to your hearts ; I appeal to your consciences ; I beg of you to stop ! I beg of you not to blast, for "the sake of a little temporary office, the hopes of your children, destroy the peace of your families, and the prosperity of your country. Do not rush the black man to exter mination,1 ami the white m'an to pa ralysis and ruin. I admit that heretofore there have been good men who have differed with me. I do not say that differ ence of opinion, honestlv entertain ed, ought not to be tolerated. I am willing to "make this bargain now with, every man who is a true mauj I don't care where he has been whether with the Convention or Loyal League or any where else, let him but come out novy and do what is right. The crisis is short and the issue is sharp and decisive. Are yon to go under negro domination or not 'i I mean uero domination through the bad whites that control them, and deceive them. Are yon willing to make a fundamental law for your State, saying that there is no difference between you and a ne gro? A voice, "Xo!" If you are, : theai seek your company. It you , are not, I care not what has been vour opinion, nor your course leretofore, come up to your conn ry now in its hour, pf extremity come up now, arid say yon are wil ling to vote - with us to defeat the ratification of this Constitution ; and you shall be our brother again, and all sins shall be forgotten for ever. Well, I'll not even call them sinsI'll call them errors mistakes I'll take that back, too, and call thein-no', I wou t call them at all. Laughter. Let us ill unite. Ministers of! the Gospel -hiohest in commission noblest in worK. i xio not an-1 peal to Tou to make political speech es or to enter the arena of politi cal strife ; nay, u&y, but I do ap peal to you to do your duty from y oar'.' sacred ' desk teach i ng 3rour people to aoiior a lie, ana to escnew a liar Teach your people to repu diate scheme to enslave the White people of the country that a few ad vent urers iuay get office. Next to the ministers, I appeal to you, my lady friends. , ; General Franklin said bad things about Geuv Ppue but Gen. Pope certaiu ly told the trhtji Svheu he said the laaiea: ot. weiirgia were a unu agaiust reconstruction (so-called). Clieersjrl wittld scorn- the hus band of my bosoin as unworthy of nie, if, I could or should ? hear him whisper to ' his i prattling boy that he ras ho better than a; .negro.-? Applause. I tell you, you must bring your poweis tq' bear on this matter. .The movement is to de- Vrade : you' and ..your children, to P . . , . . .3 . H mY. bntig you into collision - witu i tne negro, to depreciate your property, toMestroy your interests, your gbv ernmept. your liberty, and yon flinst wake 'up ?; Use your soci al powers, but -not in R"1 spiritf vin dictivent388;i .1 havei not cthe slight ti Vinvlii vft feplin tor. an r mow sen-ueieuOT, uyevcuuo . 'this'rnaCter.bmt'atoncempt m RtnTitlVand rriet decisively. " : i Old.rrien, yon who have spei t mostl your days under a" cjood I govern men t, I appeal to you. Do not vainly fritter away the fast days of your lite to bring your children under such a government as that. Young men, I address yon, and would to God I could speak to every young man in America to-day. Would to God I could have every young man of Georgia and of the Soiitli before nie to-da'.' I would conjure them by the graves of our sons, and the sleeping places ot our comrades, and I would make every youth swear before Heaven and fcarth that the slaves who served their fathers should nver govern tiein Enthusiastic applause. And you, my colored friends, do not' be ashamed ; ot the position which God gave you ; act well your part-7-there.all the honor lies. I do ! j. 1 ' . .1' ' L 'tl V t T- . - not Know wny our. iieaveniv v ainer gave vou a black skin and crave me a white orte. I do not know whv Ile mnde vour ldivsical eonfoniia tion diti'erent to, mine. I do not know, and I cannot tell. It is His inscrutable wisdom. He did it wisely. He did it for your good. Observe, I beseech you, the petition that your Heavenly Father gave you, and spurn as you would the poisonous serient the miserable creature that would whisper into your ear to avert His, law in order to give your deceiver power. Those men who tell you to deceive you that you know and understand all the laws relating to suffrage, and the laws ot government, say what you know to be false. They are tram piers upon the constitution of the country, and they do all this wickedness for k no other purpose than to induce you to give them of fices. Are 3ou willing' to be de ceived ? Are you determined to be deceived 2 Join the men that are willing to protect you in your proper place. Join the men whose in terests are your interests. Take their advice, and all will move along in peace together. But it you will go if you will not listen to reason if yon will listen to the false teachings of your deceivers go on. Believe the falsehood that God made, you not different from ithe white race believe the false hood that,' uneducated ignorant as you are as you know yon are whether rightly or wrongly, you are able to exercise all the responsibili ties of suffrage. Go on ; but mark: what I tell 3'ou, I give you my warning, my duty is discharged, my skirts are clear. You are rush ing on to destruction for yourselves and for your children, and when evil befall you, the only people that will shed a tear over your fate are the Southern men you have aban doned. And those who will rejoice at vour wrong are the creatures that betray and deceive you. They have betrayed race and country. They have been false to truth. They have devised and executed a fraud. Think you they will be true to you ? Nay ! nay ! , My friends, of all classes, and of all conditions, wake up! The hour is on yon. Wake. up! The issue is at hand. 1. care' not for your for mer opinion, or your former action, come up now. This is our country, let lis live in it. This is our coun- try, let us preserve it. This is our country, let us redeem it. The Congressional and Judi cial Districts. At a meeting of the Conservative Slate Executive Committee, held in this city, on Saturday, the following Committees were appointed the Committees in the Judi cial Districts to make all necessary ar rangements as to times and places of hold ing District Conventions for the nomina tion ot Solicitors, and those in the Con gressional Districts' to make all the ar rangements for .Conventions for the nomi nation of . candidates for Congress. The various' Committees are earnestly urged to act promptly.' Judicial Districts. 1st DistricL Messrs.. V N. H. Smith, ol Hertford, M. L. Eure, of Gates, and W. A: Moore, of Chowan District .Georire Howard, of Edire- - 0 . comoe, x. x. oancuuvyauc, yL jjcauiui i, and J. E. MoOre, of Martin. 3rd ' District. 0. S. Wooten, of Yaynn, H. R. Bryan, of Craven, and John Per ry, of Carteret.' r n J . ith District. A. A. McKoy, of Samp son, Thomas S.' Kenan, of Duplin, and J. A.; Engelhard; of Nevr Hanover. 5th District. Archibald McLean, of Cumberland,' Thomas S. Ashe, of Anson, nd W.?Lv Steele; of Iiichmond. 6th District. W. Ransom, of North ampton, Jo J. Davis, of Franklin, Willis H. Jenkins, of Granville- 7th District. J. T. Moreliead, Jr., of Guilford,' Livingston Brown of Caswell, H.; A, London, Jr., of Chatham. 8th District. J. M. Leach, of Davidson, W. 1L Robins, of Rowan, Rafus L. Patter aon, of Fpray the. , - i I OtA District. Plato Durham,1 ot Cleave Tami;j-'IL Watson, oif Mecklenburg,; Jno, R F. Annfield, of -Wilkes, -B. F. Simon - ton,jof Iredell. l llA iiinrf. Marcos Erwin, of Ban- Robt. Pen- 2(h Dhtrict. Cjssuis Qudger, of Ma con, W. L. Ltive,'wf liny wood, L. S. Gash, of Henderson. : . . CiffreiloMtl Districts. Ut District. W. F. Martin, of Pasquo tank, R. B. Peebles, ot Northampton, P. T. llennvof Bertie." 2nd District. Wm. Bisrga,. of Edge combe, W. A, Allen, of, Duplin, and Maj. Jno. Hughes, of Craveii. " M DUrict.-D. C. AUen,fpf . .BrUn9 wick, A.-J, JoneH, of Clani'bii9,' Rory AIc Nair, of Robeson. 4th Distrcct. H. G. Williams, of Nasli, T. D. Snead, of Johnston, W. J. Green, of Warren. t 5th District. Levi M. Scott, of Guil ford. S. S. Jackson, of Rapdolph," Frank C: RobMns, yf Davidson: 1 1 Gth District Robert ,D. Johnston, of Charlotte, S. II. Walkup, of Union, M. L. McCorkle,.of Catawba. . , 7th' District. Thad. 0. Brylon, of Jack m Erwin of McDowell Sentinel 2nd, - - ' - - - son, Jas. II. jvierrimon, ot iJuncombe, A. T0 FARMERS AND DEAL ERS IN FERTILIZERS. No. 1 PERMIAN GTJANO, SOLUBLE PHOSPHO - PERUVIAN, Ammoniated Soluble Pacific, BAKER'S AND JARYIS ISLAND AND BOLIVIAN. (Highest grade Pacific-Phosphate Guanos.) ALSO , . Caribean ; Sea and Carolina Phosphates. Fish Cuanoand (Ground Land Plaster. PAUTICIII. A R ATTENTION is called to the above mentioned 'SOLU BLE HHOSPHO-PEKUVrAN" and Ammonia, ted " SOLUHLE PACIFIC " Guano, whicU, are most valnable eoniponndg, containing a large per centujf e of Bone Thosphatw rendered Soluble (Phosphoric Acid,) Teruvlan Guano, animal matter and other valuable ingredi ents, combining all the principal and most ef ficient fertilizing qualities-requisite to make excellent STANDARD EE UTILIZERS, and. best adupt-eu for all soils a d crops, which am most highly recommended by till who havt used them. For particulars, urnd for pamphlet. For sale by the cargo, or. in quantifies to suit purchasers, by 4J Jt. 8AUDV. M South St., cor. of Wall St., N . Y. Or by E. MURRAY A. CO., mrl.VUf'-tmayl ... A gen Is. Wilmington. CLARENDON CLOTHING HOUSE! SELLING OUT AT COST, SELLING OUT AT COST, - SELLING OUT AT COST, For Change of Business, For Change of Business. For Change of Business, We intend doing strictly a Mcr- chaiit Tailoring and CkCiiIs' Fur- . ...... . ! iiisliing Business. HAAS fc CO., , Opposite Iledriclt cV Rj an. inar22-152-to ; ' l NEW GOODS, -J-JEAIJTIFUE SPRING PRISTS, BLEACHED COTTONS, BROWN and BLEACUED SUEETING3, With a fall stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Just received by Annameaslo Line. mrl5-14fi-tc IlEOUICK & UYAN. ,T0 THE PUBLIC. T " THE UNDERHICSEI), IIAVINO bought out ULOKUK HOSLEU'3 interest iu the I On Front, between Market and Dock street, is prepared to serve, the public. In the ujoat satisfactory manner. I shail treat all iny pa trons with the utmost politeness. . . . None but the most competent Assistants employed. Sncial attention eiven toCuttlnsr ChH1ren' i hair ; and particular .attention la called to the iiirlK-148-tf JAB. II. C A lilt A WAY. ivories. it TIIF. Flit 31 OF JOHN 91. WALKER A CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late Arm' will be tettled by JOHN M. WALKEK, at tbeir old Stand (Exchange Corner.) . - ... - JOIIN M. WAIJCER PROSPER P. SHAW CO. Wilmington, March 2d, 13, ; n ; toirl35-if Co - Partnership - Notice. THE UNDEBSIOJIED II ATE THIS ' day formed Co-partnership wtder the name and style of ' WAtKEli & .BR ADEE Y, For the purpose of continuing the Wholesale and Retail Boot, Shoe ami' liat Business, at the Old Stand of the late firm or joiia W ALKER & co; - -u; LET. WUminffton, N. CM March a, im. rnrSRf TtrrsTenM 8Exn?f ei., PVBi.itiiitn Y Weekly, at Winston, N. C, by Georgo WM. II. BERN ARD, Affcm, I oefn-53-tr. - i-.-i w.ihnipgton N, C. combe, N! Kelsey, of Madison. laml ofTTancey. r-r"-f-' .Mi-i4raj 1ropneioi-B,