Sunday, ;March .29tL,l868.H , Local Circulation LARUER than that or nny Daily Newspaper In the . htnteVMrlthaialriandrdally ' ': x increasing, circnlation ! , in the country. jtj- Advertlslngr Bates lower than those of any Dully Newspaper in North Carolina. " Editor and Proprietor. Agent at Goldsboro. Mb. B. V. L. IIct ton is our authorized Agent at Goldsboro'. Agent at Milton. Mr. J. J. Joy an is our authorized Agent at Milton, N. C. Agent at Timmonsville. A. F. CuLrsr kr, of Timmonsville, S. C, is a duly author iied Agent of tho Star. S-ilr. Jamks T. I'KtTEWAY, of Bobeson County, is an uuthorired Agent for tho stab, mid will receipt for subscriptions or adver tisements. " Fayetteville Agent. Mr. Isaac IIol- LiwoswonTu iMhe authorized Agent Stab at Fayettcvllle. Agent at Lanrinbnrg. Mr. Wv. II. Mc- is our authorized Aurent at Luurln- burif. . Captain J. II. Boatwoht and .Tok m E . Pot xV. and M. R. Kd., are authorized 1 receive and receipt for subscriptions to th Stab.. y IF THE INFERNAL FANATICS AND ABOLITIONISTS J2VKR GOT TOWF.R JN THEIR HANDS, THEY WILL OVERRIDE TUB CONSTITUTION, SET THE. SUPREME -COURT. AT DEFIANCE, CHANGE AND MAKE LAWS TO SUIT THEMSELVES, LAY VIOLENT HANDS ON THOSE WHO DIFFER WITH THEM IN THEIR OPINIONS OR DARE QUESTION" Til KIR INFALLIBILITY. AND FINALLY BAXKRUPf THE COUNTRY AND DELUGE IT WITH it Minn " Dnnifil Webster, March 7, 1850. "CWSEKVATIVE STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR. THOMAS S. ASHE, ' . OF ANSON. FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, Xi U YY A ii i) D . H A L L - ' I OF NEW HANOVEtt. FOB COXGBHSS , ' THOMAS C. FULLER, OF CUMBERLAND. Election - - April 21, 22 aiul 23. TiUiii7erioji Convention. The Conservative Convention which as sembled at Lumbcrton, on Friday, nomi- nated Col. Thomas C. Fuller, of Cumber- land, for Congress, anil appointed the following delegates to the National Dem- ocritic Convention: Major Robt. Strauge, of New Hanover, and Col. N. A. McLean, ol Robeson. Alternates, Capt; II. C. Brock, of New Hanover, and Col. Walter L. Steele, of Richmond. The proceedings of the Convention were characterized bv the utmost harmony, its action giving universal satisfaction to the delegates in attendance. What it Costs. Senator Jllendricks, of Indiana, stated in a speech delivered in Congress, a tew days since, that at present the annual ex pense of each soldier in the army was $2,000, and nearly $2,000,000 for each regiment; the total cost being about $100,- 000,000 a year for an army of 50,000 men. He urged that, with proper management, the army expenses could be reduced forty millions a year. But does ' the Senator think that a military despotism can long exist without soldiers ? The indications now are that, in order to accomplish the complete . subjugation of the Northern States, the standing army may be in creased. What care the Revolutionists 5T" Women are steadily gaini ng a foot how much it costs to keep their party in hold in pursuits heretofore 'restricted to power, as long as the tax-gatherers wring the money from a people who seem to b,avelost all spirit of resistance to ty- ranny and oppression V While the North- crn people are talking meekly about the "unconstitutionality" of this or that meas- lire their masters in congress are gradual- ly; but surely, binding them hand and foot. These Northern folks who call them Pelves the Democratic party may as well abandon their small talk about the "en croachments of Congress." for they are almost as thoroughly subjugated as wc re. Tho Constitution no longer exists, and they may as well realize it at once. Newspaper Xibels. p The libel suit of Mrs. Dean (she who married her father's coachman) against Moses 8. Beach, in New York, in which the plaintiff charged that the defendant published a libel in the New York Sun, resulted,-last week, in a' verdict for the defendant. The cause wase tried before a jury, and th'eir verdict appears to have - been given gn the ground that although ; the plaintiff had really published a libel, 'yet it was done without hi9 knowledge: had been copied"as an item of news from another source? hi ii t i?,- s "" 7 ' ; . rv"" 7nrroV a , Pu,Jllcon corrected, and renenteri r.M-fQ morU atone for it; and that this had shown so complete a want of malice and so trreat a desire to make aJ JJ th. ,,k.y. u , ra lb w tne publisher, that it wftrra,i In his fAvor. 7 The feature of inrrtanc 1 ' - :j"iuuBw in tbitf verdict is .the faft that Unpens to the piiblic gaze a new chapter in, the law of libel, firV shows hat it ts possible for a newspaper-"hieh inadvertently prints a libel to sufficiently atone for it without tho intervention of a court of justice. ? Very Consistent The Radicals cry out lustily against the Ku Klux Klans or any other secret organ- irntion that, lms not for its obiect the nro- motion of their interests. It is all well enough to have Union Leagues and Grand Armies of the Republic ; but if the South em whites propose to "fight the devil with fire," they manifest extreme dislike for the weapon used, and cry out with holy hor ror. Let these secret . societies be sup pressed !" This is very becoming in these carpet baggers, who organize Union Leagues all over the country for the purpose of engen rlenng Hate between tne aoutnern wuites and their former slaves. Secret orders are marvelously proper so long . as they fur ther the schemes of, Northern interlopers who come here to victimize our people. But, just tell them that a counter-organi zation has been established, and they call for "more troops" to keep down the "rebel spirit." this shows the ge'iuine Yankee in all his liberality arid consistency. But thev need not be alarmed. No secret or- der in which the Southern whites may en roll themselves will do anything except w"ttt "lc wx6.. tion may remjer necessary. It will only be "a tooth for a tooth." That is all ! Demand for Babies. The New York papers say it is a curious fact that, in that city, the demand for children for adoption is in advance of the supply. The number of foundlings receiv ed by the police was oe hundred and seventy-six in 1867, and this is an increase on the previous year;' yet the authorities of various New York benevolent associa tions assert that they are unable to meet tbe demand for healthy infants for adop- rrtf t-- J TT lion, i ne numner oi persons in wew York without children of their own, who wlsn t0 nave a clnia to nng up, is large and increasing. Girls are preterred to boys, and even crippled children are not refused. The Xcw Hampshire Election. At the recent election in New Hamp shire tbe Republicans, according to the official figures, polled 39,778 votes, and the Democrats 37,290 votes ; a Republican ma- jority of 2,488 in a total poll of T7,W8. At the election of 1867, when the same candi dates for Governor were nominated, the Republicans polled 35,809 votes, and the Democrats 32,663: a Republican majority of 3,146 in a total poll of 68,472. Since the 1867 election, the Democratic vote has increased 4,627, and the Republican ma jority has been reduced 658. The Conservative Press. The conclusion is irresistible that the Conservatiue Press of North Carolina art- wielding a powerful influence in the pend ing struggle. We have never seen more vigor and energy and ability displayed in a canvass than is shown in the columns of our State exchanges. Every editor is do ing his whole duty; and the white men of North Carolina should encourage and sup port them to the full extent of their ability. Election Order. We publish in full, on our first page, the important election order of Gen. Canby. As it will probably be referred to fre quently, we will keep it standing until the election is over. men. On Monday evening the Com mencemcnt of the New York Medical Col lege for Womeu was held, and, in the presence of a large audience, eight ladies received diplomas of graduation, the ad dress in presenting the diplomas being made by a lady, Mrs. D. C. Lozier, who is Dean ofUbe College Faculty, pHir At the readings of Mr. Dickens, at Worcester, Massachusetts, recently, it is said that the first three rows of seats were reserved for deaf persons, an arrangement which developed an amount of deafness in that city which was most astonishing. Twinklings. l-$7 " Sham meerschaums are made of potatoes and prassic acid." What a delightful contemplation for young men who smoke, the genuine at $10 each I tSr" " The music in many of the churches in Boston costs a hundred dollars per Sunday." Substitute an h for the d in " dol lars," aud we'll believe it 1 . C3" " A widow of 22, in Worcester, has Just married her third husband." She's a Ku Klux, and marries a scalla wag. every time just in trpfc htm nnt rt ffiA voir I " What's in the wind r About seventeen ton. of dust in that we htvehere ! U 18,&enerauJ tnongnt, amongst IT CTM' lu" a !D .re8n,e ln 11,6 Ca.p! Fear river lhe of cai uonstUution In Arkansas, B"" Minnesota has caught the hop Z?r: . Peo?le aTold-it fearin ma&e vnem rise earlT I -' -' ' ' " - : tmammm mmm mm North Carolina in a Nut-Sheli. f 4 She wliole Western section is ablaze. , Thanks to many friends for additions to qnr subscription list. i " j :.Three negroes 'escaped from the Goldsl orbr Jail Monday nighC"" wr Sergeant Bate3 reached Char lotte Thursday, and met- with a hearty welcome. ' ! Vance is kindling the heacon fires of Liberty on every mountain-top of the West. Dr. J. T. Lea(;h, of Johnston county, is doing gallant service in the Conservative cause. The oldest citizen of the State has never witnessed such enthusiasm ns now pervades the Conservative ranks. Conservatives of Anson county have nominated Arch. Niven, Esqr., for Senate. Good selection I The Milton Chronicle is worth five hundred votes to the white men of Caswell and adjoining counties. The Miealth of Gen. Jno. A. Gilmer is so feebje that he is rarely able to leave his room.. The Courier thinks there will not be six white votes for the ratification of the Great Bogus, in Warren county. Judge Cilley has appointed Hon. John Kerr Solicitor in place of Cap ting torn settle, resigned. Vance is killing Radicalism in the mountains, ine people are turning out by thousands to hear his eloquent words. Radical nominations in Cas well consist of two negroes, one white de serter from the Confederate army, one blatherskite and one scallawag. Charlotte Republican comes to us with following written on wrapper: "Phase mr exchange." Yes, sar! we'll doit! The Western Vindicatojr.yxxh lished at Rutherfordton. has met with great success, aud is to be enlarged. Bully forShotwelll The Charlotte Times, able, vigorous and sprightly, is again welcomed to our exchange list. Under the control ot Waring, it will soon become " a power in the land." It is too funny to see the Radi cals appealing to the white workingmen of North Carolina to tote their little chil dren into the same schools with little ne- rmos " Tourgee (bearing the Caih- mark) accepts the Radical nomination for Judge of the Seventh District. He has no license to practice law in this State, but that's a auuill matter 1 - The. Charlotte Bulletin com pliments us bv copying, with commenda tory comment, our article addressed to the 4 colored voters of New Hanover," and asks its colored readers to pass it around. Mr. Goodloe retired from the editorial chair of the Raleigh Register be cause he and Mr. Helper could not agree -the former favoring and the latter on posing the ratification of the Bogus Con stitution. THE VERY LATEST. BY TELEGRAPH, THE MORNING STAR. XOOX REPOItTS. From WnMlilngrton. Washington. Mar. '28. Gen Hancock commauds the Atlantic De partment. From Europe London, March 28. The Abyssinian army has commenced the ascent to the highlands, which JLs regarded a difficult undertaking. The sanitary report is favorable. Some of the mountaiu passes are very t for midable. New Tor It Market. New Yokk, March 28 Noou. Flour 510 cents better. Wheat 1(2 cents better. Corn dull and unchanged. Me88 Fork very firm at $24 81. Lard dull at 16($10? cts. Cotton active and decidedly firiiier--sales of 3,000 bales at 25)($27 cents. Freights dull. Spirits Turpeiitiue 04 cents. Rosin Common S3 25a$3 30. Gold 138. Sterling 99X- '63 Cou pons 9. Virgiuia Sixes 45. Teunessee Sixes, ex-coupons, 66 ; new 64. Foreign Market. Liverpool, March 27 Evening. Cotton closed buoyant Uplands 10,(8 10d. ; Orleans 1010d. Salea of 18,000 bale." - t Manchester advices favorable. ' ' London. March 28 Noon. American securities firmer, and a fraction higher. Liverpool. March 28 Noon. Cotton buoyant and excited, with sharp up ward tendency iu prices, and a brUk specula tive demand. Sales 20,000 bales Uplands on spot 10d. ; afloat 1010d. ; Orleans lOXd. London, Mar. 27 P. M. Bonds quiet at 72). Liverpool, March 28 P. M. Cotton closed active aud x sited at a fur ther advance. Sales 20,0vX) bales. Closiutr at lOj&d. for Uplands, and 11 for Orleans. Naval &toiea dull. OUR NIGHT REPORTS. Tlrslnla Convention. - Richmond, March 28. The Convention was eugaged on the Educa tion report. An auicudiuent for separate schools for whitva aud blacks, was laid on the table. " --. - ;. From deorla. Savannah, March 38 The Captian of the Schooner Isaac Baker re ports OTerhaalin the Brig Henry Lawrence, from Georgetown, 8. C, bound to a Northern port, water-logged. Rescued' Captain Chan dler and crew, and brought them to this port. , : ' . Mississippi ConTentlon. : Jackson, March 28. In ConTentlon, the Judiciary report Js still under consideration. Making slow progress. No prospect for adjournment, . . " ; v. fSFX'OXn SESSIO? Washington. Mar. 38. Sbmate. The President was asked woetlier. JT - m . m . M J. r i A!, ft,.! ..ft J,k he-had esUbiUhed a new iliUrv, district Since AURUBi uu uiiunr wuut uttiue. . reiected . . , . , . rye said would fill the &nWtttriesith Government officials. Howe eid that it would be a cood thinff. Morrill, of Maiwe, dUn't believe there was an honest distiller in the Union. . Adjourned to Monday 11 o'clock. Housb. After unimportant proceedings, the Alabama bill was resumed and discussed at srreat length. A motion to table it was defeated by a a vote of 30 to 103. A motion to strike out the second se was carried bv a vote of 74 to 33. Stevens' amendment torniiivcrsal suffrage was rejected without a division. Spauldiug's substitute was adopted 77 It declares the Montgomery Constitution the" fundamental law-of the Proviaronal Gov ernment; the officers recently elected to qual ify and enter upon the discharge of their du ties May 1st. The Governor may convene the' Legislature elected under said Constitution. The r Legislature shall possess ailrtji powers conferred by the Montirumery Constitution. The Legislature may submit the Montgomery Constitution to the qualified electors, with or without amendments. A majority of electors qualified under act of Congress of March 23d, 1867, have adopted a Constitution and the Leg islature has ratified the fourteenth article. Said Constitution may be presented to Con gress for approval. Laws to provide more efficient government in the rebel States shall remain in force in Alabama, except as modi fied by this act, until Alabama is admitted to representation. From Richmond. Richmond, March 28. Five prisoners broke out of the county jail this moruing. The U. S. Grand Jury has foundja new indict ment against JctlVrson Davis. It covers fifty pages, and details all his offences since the opening of the rebellion. From New Orleans. New Orleans, March 28. The Democratic State Central Committee having considered the impending eleetiou ou the proposed new Constitution, and for officers thereunder, that all citizens sympa thizing M'ith the Democratic party who arc en titled to register, are urjred to do so aud vote aguinsst the adoption of the Constitution ; aud recommend that the present incumbents of all State, Congressional, Judicial, Parochial aud Municipal office., so far as they are known to act in harmony with the special purpose of de feating the Constitution, be placed in nomina tion and voted for aa candidates for their re spective offices. The morning papers publish a letter fjom Gen. Hancock to Gov. Pease, arguing the ef ficiency of civil law and the rights of the peo ple. This is in answer to Pease's letter concern ing Hancock's refusal to order military com missions for the trial of citizens iu Texas. Foreign J Madrid, March 28. American newspapers, even those addressed to Minister Hale, who protests', have been sup pressed. London, March 28. Train was recently arretted on Old Street Railroad for debts. The Bankruptcy Court, to which Train applied, rejected his schedule, denouncing it as a farce. ; alarmin" proportion i Coal miners' riots at Charleroi are assuming Charleston Market. Charleston, 'March 28. Cotton active and advanced 1 cent aales 1, 800 bales Middling af2tiQZziii ceuts. New York Markets. New York. March 28. Cotton active and excited, and 4(cbl cent better. Sales 12,000 bales at 2bJ4(2 cents. Closing quiet, with no buyers over 2( cents. Flour dull for all grades. Wheat closed drooping. Corn dull Western Mixed $1 2l5(a; i 'JO. rork o. lard lo(cCIb ccuts.- Spirits Turpentine 64(aG5 cents. Groceries quiet. Ereights more active and a Jshade bet ter. Gold firm at 138 Government sold half a million. Baltimore Markets. Baltimore. March 28. Cotton active, tut firm at 26 cents. Flour active, with better feeling, and not quotably runner, w neat unchanged, torn nrm White H 15 ; Yellow $ 18fO!$20. Oats 85 cents. Rye ou cents, rork quiet, iaru li cents. Mobile Market. Mobile. March 28. Cotton market opened at 25 cents closed hard at 25) cents. Sales 3,300 bales. Receipts OOO UU19. Atiffnsta Market. Augusta, March 21. Cotton market firmer. Sales 480 bales Mid dling held at 2o cents... . Savannah Market. Savannah. March 28. Cotton opened firm and became excited. closing irregular. Sales 1,890 bales at at 30 cents ior wiuanng. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $35 SXJIT ! FINE SUIT OF AM, WOOL CASSI- MEitE, for Spring, made to order for $23, at JAMES MCCORMICK'S, inr29-158-3t . No. 49 Market St. GENERAL SUP'TS OFHCE, Wilmington & Mancnester R. R. Company. "Wilmington, X. C, March 28, 18GS. (X AND AFTER SUNDAY, the 29b J inst., the EXl'KKSS TRAIN on the Wil mington and Manchester liailrosul -w-lll lpav ! 11luf ,to.n L8? MALFLiv, 'PJ1? , ' ' "L" "i!:u,'e ' wr II ,3 V H n 1 II ( W 17 I I IU -Q 1 fc HI C 1 n -T M w umin?i;on ai a::i a. Al. connect at rior encB with the N. E. It. R. for Charleston, anl at ivingsville with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta and Colnm bia. ' - : WM. MacRAE.- mr2-158-10t Gen'ISup't. Lime I Lime I Lime I Laths! Laths ! Laths ! . . . . - JgQQ BUi Fjresh STONE I.I ME ; O - ' E rtra Quality PLANT JUfjyJ ERS' LIME. 100 000 5vmi!E FINE LATUS; V ales EASTERN HAY j JSow landing from Schr. Maria. Half, mad for ale low from wharf foot of Dock etreet. P)r&-lS8w f . W. KERCI1NEB; W I iiM IN GTOPfi M AtKi'l . STAR OFFICE. March 28. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Was firm and Soyjfait Oely 7 casks changed hands at W '.,, . ROSlN-rAdvanc9d-' S"U v,f , . - 80 for Strafn'ed find 4 tX lor Pale. - j CRUDKTUR?KNTINE-.tWas firnj-178bbls. sold At $S,3tforfibff andliW forward. TAR Wus firm. SjiKs of 209 bbls. at $2 05. PITCH. lCO ijbls. eold at $3 00. COTTON Ad'vanced 1 cents. Sales of 64 bales on a basis of 23 cents for Ordinary, 24 tuja t,r Low. Middling ad 24 cents for WlIOI,i:SAI.K PKICES. AUTICtES. rBICKS. BA QCtlXG (innny,,.;... 11 A (MX iS'oRTH UaKOMNA, My ilaiiirf,.. iShouUlcrs,. ..... ir 18 (rj) 20 15 10 ir WlCSTttBlf-r- 20 17 15 Sides, V a lioulders, V i 1 13 kjj BARREIjS Spirits TurmUme, sccoiut II una, eucn New New York, cucli 2 25 3 25 3 2." 3 75 .35 v50 N cw Citv, . . Vf . . . . .each 'liUJSS WAX. . .V, . . .V. .2 . . . .IP B. JUilVJCS-Vi iluiington.i . . ffi M. ' 10 00 M 15 00 BVTTK1Z Nortte Carolina, lb Northern, fl 45 5o 50 55 20 2 23 15 $ 20 38 $ 40 21 P) 25 OA XL) LEX Sperm, f? ft CHKESE Northern, fl ft. COFFEE Java, V Rio lb U 28. 28 i f r i 30 m. ininmfo, f b COJiX MEAL W bush )( 30 1 GO 1 Go DOMESTWH Sheeting, 4-4 12 14 1 G5 1 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 g ' 9 00 9 10 in rii,. bunch FISH .Mackerel, No. bh Jiuckerci, jno. a, uui Mackerel. No. 3 bbl Mullets,.. ' $ bblj Div (JOil, ;...:....:. n FLOCK. iiiper. Northern, nbl Fine, " bbl Extra, " V. bbl 10 00 11 00 ! 00 (V J50 VI 50 til l(Kl N. Carolina Super,.. . . f bbi " " Extra,. bbl 12 50 d 13 00 bbl 00 00 00 00 " :t Ejunilv 'ft bbl 13 00 14 00 00 00 92 50 75 00 (rj m 00 70 00 W 75 00 00 00 (K) (X) t5 00 ttj 70 00 00 00 05 00 20 i$ 25 FEll TILIXERS reruviau tiuano,.. .fl 2240 fts Piieillc Uuano, . . .ft AKX) fiw l'atiipsco tiuano,. . .f 2(XX) Hs auir lhospliate, " Uhotles' Stan. Manure," " Lister' Superphospliate, '' GL.VE f. URAIX Corn, Nortliero,. . . ...ft bnsh 00 1 35 Q 115 (lO. 1 50- 5 11 (1? 1 40 1 40 1 00 1 75 8 1 1 50 1 20 corn, L.ustern co.,...f rmsii Oats, g f? l'ea.Cow,; ...... IIMESG i-eon, . -ly,.. HA i Kastern North Kivor, HOOP IROX LA RD N orthern,. . North Carolina,. LIME ft. lou fl.s 100 It.s 1 35 '1 10 ty ton 000 00 150 00 15 & 17 f, 19 1 90 lib 18 0 00 & ..V bbl LUMBER Kivek Last sales, Wide Hoards,.. "jf? M ft Sc:intliur W M ft 10 00 12 00 8 00 Cry 10 00 14 00 & 18 00 24 00 25 00 22 00 Hi 23 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 15 00 20 00 45 (gi 50 00 50 45 00" 45 tiO & 1 00 m 4 5ft GO 00 00 1 40 ( 1 5U F'.ooviiifX, yt M ft City Stkam Saweiv Shii Stuff, resaweU,..! M ft llouh Ktlge riank,...?M ft Went India Curious, accord ing to quality, lfM ft IiX'fiseU Kloorni', seasoned, Seitutlin-j; jinil Hour Is, com mon, f M ft .l0..4.S,.VA,-Cuba,lilids., jral Cnhti; bbls.,-.; . . i. .f kjiI tnnir itousc, uncis ij,ai " - DDIs.,. Rvrup, bbls XAl'ljSLnt, Ui to 20d,. OIIjS Kvrosime, Lard, Ii)isioilj Hosin, PEAXlTlts I'OTA TOESSwvi.'t,.... Irish, Northern, POREXorthern ty jr-il ....ty ft. ..tyv ..ty gal ..Fgal ..tygl ty bush ty bush 00 00 2 25 (fi- 2 75 1 25 (ft) 1 30 5 00 01 6 00 20 50 28 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 ft) 25 00 00 00 00 00 ii' . 12 00 00 ' 1 50 1 75 50 (rv GO 2 20 2 25 2 (X) (a) 2 10 15 IK 13 .' 15 00 17'- lK'.if! 17" 15' 10C 0f)" 18 7 11 VM 11 3 50 " 4 50 2 60 (r$ 3 00 20 00 30 00 :) 00 (til 40 00 ...ty bbl; City .Mess,. . . . Th in, Prime ltump,.. RIC E Carolina,. East India, lronirh, SALTAUno,.:.. Liverpool,.... , ty bbl ty bbl ty bbl ll....!Wbll ty ft. ..tyt, ty bush ... ty bush . ...ty suck American, sack SUGAR Cuba, V ft. Porto liico fti A. Cotl'ee, . . . $ ft 1J. " Wft. (J. " ifllb! Crushed, Iu SO A P Noit hem, " ft Wilmington,,... $ lt .WZ-VO'wAVV-Contmct, M Cf million. "JR M STA VESV. O. Bbl. ty M It. O. H lid ty M TIM It Ell X h f iipi ng, ty M ..ty M; 10 00 11 00 Mill Prune,. ...t ty 31 Mill fc'ujr, : ty M Inferior to Ordinary,... M WHISKEY Nortbem,". ...ty gal North Carolina ? jal 8 iii) ( 3 00 7 50 T) 8 00 5 00 7 00 2 00 (c$ 8 00 3 00 5 00 Ki:ci:iPTs. Per River Steamers. .Stinr IIalcyn. 427 bbls rosin, Atkinsou & Sheppersou, A Johnsou & Co. Sttnr North Carolina. 44 bbls rosin, 10 bales sheeting, 14 do cotton, Williams & Mur chison; 35 canks epts, 11 batus sheeting, A Johnston & Co ; 24 bbls tar, 4 do turpt, A Al derman ; 7 casks spirits, Smith & Strauss; 9 bbls turpt, W J Price. Receipts as Per Manifest by Freight Train,' W. Ac XV. R. Road. Mar. 29. R H Cowan & Co, 1 bale cotton ; Deltossct fc Co, 1 tin stand ; Chas Panuulee, 20 bales cotton; Fiuhiyson & Hro, 10 do, 212 bbls rosin, 12 do spts; E Murray fc Co, 1 bale cotton; W H Tnrliu'rtoii, 3 bbls spts, 5 do rosin; Willaid Bro, 3 bales hairs; Kussell & Ellis, 20 bales cot ton; Sprunt & ilinsou 0 do; JB Southcrland, 2 boxes crrs; Wallace & S, 47 bbls rosin,, b do spts; A Alderman, 42 bbls turpt; Williams & M, 4 boxes ejors; Edwards & Smith, 2 bbls do; J M Henderson, 20 bbls tar; D 8a,vae, 0 bags potatoes ; W A Carrigan, Society Hill, 1 , bale sheetinsr. ! MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr Halcyon, Daily, Fayetteville, A John son & Co. Stmr North Carolina, Green, Fayetteville, "Williams & Murchisou. Schr Maria Hull, Shepard, Rocklaud, IIarri68 & Howell. CLEARED. , Stmr Halcyon, Daily, Fayetteville, A John son ta Co. Stmr North Carolina, Green, Fayetteville. uuuins tx lureuisou. Schr Florence I Lockwood, St John, Tork, "Williains & MurchiBon, t New BL'nilAAI TOBACCO. A "TtfllL. 'SITPPXY of iAe1 OENI7INE ,v T . j- i; I- s I , always on hand. . ' -NORTHROP & CUMMING, mr22-15i-5m Agents for Maimfact'rs. Iail3 Expected Gr.XKUAL ASSORTMENT of NAILS, From TnniegaV JjoaWorki, i For siile LOW for CASH. i " ra. H.-COWAN CO., Hrr81-J61-) .v No. WNo. Water st. tUTdlaissesI QABGO BItIG JOHN BALCII, mo mently expected from ; "; ' ' ' Cardenas , ire.ct,, mittr-ltt-ep , . TORTH PANIEL. FLOURY 500 BABBrLS ., ,acrFJtiri.NB, "'" " " -"- ' i V A ttf v .imii.y In Store and landing ex Stoanicr i r, ' f r?ialfc at lowest cash- prices, to closu c frirnmeiitji.' bv ' t . - -j ' mnW-tf llandlJXorthj jALI. AND EXA34INE THOSE 5 SUTTfi t AT- mr29 JAMES McCOlt MlCK's, FO PIIir.ILPlixi7 PIIIa.ADET.PUlA Ac NOUT1IRRX Ji , K1EAJIS1IIP COMPANY. THE FINE AN FAVORITE STEj , J. I1LNNETT, Ommnndrr WILL ARRIVE AT OUR WHatbi. March 3st, and will sail for the ulo.; 1 on TIK'USDAY, Ainil 2ml. T1iiouk1i llllls of Lading given to BOSTON, P1IOV1DKNCK, -NEW OltLKAXs, For Freight apply to WORTH DAME! MGB No Passengers taken. u Agent in Philadelpha W. L. JAMES. 1111-29-15.8 314 South Delaware Avrimc BALTIMOEE & -WILMINGTON WKKKLY STEAMSHIP LixK THE Fill ST CLASS STEAMS'Hp -it LUCILLE, TV. S. HARKINtiToN. I'oiiimaiMlpr. 1TTILI. LllAVE OUR WHARF, Ir TV of Princess Street, for Baltimore, on Jiil'itsDAV aftei;iPou, April 2nd. ' l or Freight Engagement (, apply to - - ATlilXSON & SUEl'PEHSdV mi29158-U' - II Hiul 12 North Watorm. Teuwauhs XsMrrii," IN THE " Kl'AU " BUILDI.NG, To. 3 South Water SI reef, A RE CONSTANTLY RECEIVIXO new accc-sions to their already LAKliE STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES, Liquors, Tobacco, &c, Wliloh they sell at PKICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. . Cull Jind sec thorn. EDWARDS A SMITH, Cheap Cah Stoit1, Star It ii 1 1 dins-, nir.'O-158-tf No. 3 So. Wjiti-: SI. New York and North .Carolina STEAMSHIP LINK. THE FINE FAST SAILING STEAMiSIIP IAHY SAMOflD, : nptain MOORK, : ' TITIIiL LEAVE OtR WHARF. I5! twffii Dork nntl Uranyre street. WEDNESDAY, April 1st For Freight rnjrufxcnients. apply to WORTH & DANll! ApeiiH Acnt in New York, JAMES HAND, mrStMS-ts 104 Wall Street. CZ ff f.t record iiaxd waw OUU OX IIAItNKSS. VH SeeAMid Hand COLLARS, 200 " Rf.IXD 1JU1DT.ES 100 HIDING " 200 pair Second Hand DKIVIXti liKINs. . 100 ; ' " ". SADDLES. A l.irjrf aivl well selected stock of new SAJ DLKJV HARNESS, TRUNKS, -&vn cheap C AsM. J. S. TOPJiAM ft CO., jan;-s-n:itf Xo. 8 Soulli Front st. . JJISCELLANEQUS. HALL ' FIRST APPEAIIANCE OF i' S'Z GRAU'S GRAND OPERA IT. Gil A YJ - - - - 3IStr' RESPECTFUL I.Y A N XOITSCES lo Citizens of Wilminjfton that he a m j,n TWO Grand Opera performances. Monday Evening, March 30th, Will be presented , GOUNOD'S Celebrated Opera in Five Acts, ' WITH. AIL ITS, SCKNISRIKS AND P0E' t FUL CAST. ''' A A A. - I Tuesday Evening, March 3isi, Positively the Last, Farewell, h ; GRAND. GALA NIGHT. Will be presented MAfilC Tff-EiIJTE, is tovn ac K General AflmlMsion;.;.,. ...' j .v Referred Scats.i..V....1'.";i.A'""" '5 Third Tier, Colored Gallery.. v. Private .Boxen Nps. , and 4, admitting M ...;.......: g oo Prosceneum Boxes admitting o.. Ticket and Reserved Seats can 1K se red v at the Bookstore of T. ?. ..u arket St., where a Diagram oi HT.n - be seen, and in the cveninc at the nuu. rSSSS&SrJS raoBtTUKT iia'ic rime, arc ' .t;t thfCV Book Store of T. S. Whltakcr, and in w ning at the Hall. Hir.W-157-tf , in

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