"..'! - : ." " U?l XL iV( 1 '!'lf'P 'i ' 7U oi ..:! k o o .i r I I !. hi til lri?! UeFtt. AS I ; . v ?! iiyuvrryt. i , 4 wis .ctayi 'A vib bawl r"W; ' I in AM 'irl Ml. -- i '-l ' 'n il ' i . -.- a , Bjnniyni VUI a--NOi92.t;:;';:jr " . , ; ..'j '!!' i ? - I-"'' , ' ' VOL- 5 , 1 ii .1 rUBLlSIIED IAi: ,t, , , or Six ilontus, ux . . rf .'iSATKOI' AUVEIlTISIXtli f j v fpO A GIVE AT VABIETT OF FRES1T 25 throe days,. , i four daysr.......;v.v . H'f 6'dliys, . . . - one weoh.,, -CftntWAiVtertiwittontB -taken t porti' r ,r mInStOX -3IANC1IEST121V H. ROAD P'em ?Ziohn mwBon, nUiury Natt, 0. irieftg," b. S. Cowan, Geo. J. Lil-tr-B.-MiltoV dairies G. Burr, liicb- T T -tbII. Robert 8. 1'reneli, Walter 1. 'MenW. Colto, Samuel U. Walk (in, K. l?KwhCn, Haywood V'. Guton, CCi llen- 11 A ti- A. R. Uoluiesly....w . : : thrson, A. Jfw .!. Everett. W m"rUion-Y. ll. iAllen.v, . - iW'kiftfO V . GUI. , , fitly ( WILMLWTON & )VEL1 DON RAIL ROAD. VV l I , alid Thousl.'fl6 of .Raleigh, s. c. Mt-ro) MtivhinrrftM. M. UaUKins. uAlL KOAD LINEd GENERAL SUP'TS OFFICE, : Wilmington & j-Manchester E. Uompanj.-.!; 14: WiLMiKoTOir, N. C, April, 1868. OS AND AFTKli FIIIAY, the 10th inj the ACC OMMODATION TRAIN -on tlii.t Uotui will k'tive Wilmington on Mondays, Weilnt'MWH and Fiidavs, at $:M A. M. ; arrive at Florence at (:50 1.-M. 5 Kingsville 3:00 A, M.: ixave Kingftville Tuesdays, Thursday 'a'nd snml:iyf, at S:.;o P. M. ; arrive at Florence at 3:15 A. M.. ami Wilmington 4:10 Pi Mi ' Close that ,v'ui'rinrfori -,. m a- A-w.F.r iTM vunl-ikkuluti. Geo. KatJu: 0 Tti a i Vo , and Jolm Kverott, of Gohii6rorp iwvo Trnvarlati0A Win. Smith. ' ,: v t"ruir))ul TrraMcr-J. W. Thompson. - , x2 ion wcr DOsi coiin;ptioli at Wilmington both ways witn,tne W.V. It. K.,at Florence 1 wrth the CJand D. K. It. for Chora w. and at kingsville yith the Colum- . i lia. ai)M(i7-tf wm. Macrae; ; , Gen'l Supt Wilmington A'ci: ft. Ill Co. 7 Officii Cauijf saixslx.B.&, Gk.. ..Sjip!x i n ir.MrnoTos, i. v., Marea a. lisosj A AX I) AFTER TO7AY THE PAS. U SENGKU TRAINS will lave WliAington 519 V M VkW Ki L and arrive?e at '112 ,;.;:.J Inconstjfiucnce of a disazreemcnt between the Rail wind Companies N orth and South of US we' shivll run fcXTR A TRAINS, to carry thronjrh Fasrii-ngers rm a noon as they reach nM-iiiylit or day.- He. cannot be put in Jhe wrong when not at fault. " f ? I 8.L FREMONT,.' 1 Engiueer and Superintendent. Wiltnington. Mareh 2tth, IHU8. ll-tf Yiilmiugton, Ch;lr lotto and UUIIKlUOltl) It AIL KOA Arrive at Wiiuiington same days, atB.E. M joptl-f (.,. ; ;i , . Gen. fup't - ' '' iUvrmtrnl -.71 ' r h a a a Ji " : 1 f, jWw.towo TgjDEPRlCF12 ' ' --C .1 . H ft T ft ii '. Jt-'t ' TRADE PRJCf TsT f CBT:JthE.BE8T EuKTiJh n?;-,n 'mffre9pftot9",.to any other "gusli Dictionary known tome.," . , ; -itflim?n Wet"1s ftlorlbuH it is perfect iwthiSg MThV?X tywfVasmr College, 'Ae wow rrt luo. "cejc oo of information J . n.,.r..." ,n It thatf can he bOlld'hiYI'nr tKri aomn parish, 1 8S Cost. oT19np. WTOKiAL is gern of a Dic- me thing tot rthe million.", ii 50 Bb,s- oolden "sariaup, l;or.sale by -TO I IIARRISs " itowtttL &p2i yRB-tf i i.-f k ....... r .' fn J r . "ey ot m - i Wilmington, N.C.Aug:9,' l8oy.' AND AFTj-t TU1S HAY Net. An- J gnst 13th, tbe Pasener il&in dn- this i.;ui will leave Wilmingtoh l oh Tuesday, lliursdayuud Saturday, at 7 o'clock, X M. , - Arrive at Saivd Hill :iiile Oinis) at i P. M. ' Anivo ut Wadesboi-o'1 (Stagd),' at 12 mld- ni'iit. L(aive Wad exhort)' (tag),iOi Tuos u.y, Ihursday and Saturday ati'J.p. Sti Kuiive ; UoclUngham-i(Stage), ,6n Montfay, WtMliK-sday an.l i-rklay, at JI. - . dJf lVe, S5"" Monday, Wednes- Jay and Fridav. m. 7 n'n r J' 1 IV.OOlinw...,! , ' t ts. X wealthy section of the country, at grana i , ,V,,W rorf .Meanings. not in rtherjic. jction of alltUe railroaVisruiinin- f East, i . AuPf.naou4. rws. West. North and South, furnishes !mqju$u. I-ibrarv u ai,ll Px'PSionM .raanj What The policy of the paper is purely in defend- fj,n 3 bictiQrtVrv t wiinoui tne oest jngllsh ent. The Editoi'beneyes thlstsouiitrr aepngs mmmmm . - - r t fr t ' t ' MISCELLANEOUS,! v. F . JUST RECEIVED-lviZ : Etlinburg Crackers, r Pigs' Feet, Butter " : do. -t.! I'lripaV''. ' " ; .. Lemon do. Salmon, Sugar ' j dov .' . .'lo&BeeS iit . ..(. do. .f. Cream Biscuit, , Soda- i do. .1. . .'. 'l; (.,1 .1 ... Jumbles, ; .. , , Tongues, v i ; . '. ialt'o.' andif i C. ilams,. JelHftft ATI tlnrla ' i Ginger Nuts, , . ' t Novelty Cakes, t -1 .t: ? Assorted ;lo. : - .' .' '. SaucesVll klns; ' . . V Flatofln Et'ractsi' Sugars-Ail grades, "SblCes, ,', ' ; VV Cofire&-rAU kinds, V ' Canned Prnitsr, . , : : ; Teas-All kinds. . . .' ' ' 4R, &c: : '.' jB&x Tlio above Goods. aire Tjripsli. " ' " ..' . " ' l ,1 S 1 .'. n0( hri V T AV' W SITA . ( ., 1 ' ft' 1 .1 . - .. . . IN; -GREAT VARIETY, ?- ;; ;. - ; ; -.rVi:! ' Very lxw for CasTi, by' ys w.;m.& J. q.STEVENSON,1 - : Cori"r 'rprit and Market sis. apio-i68-tf : .. .. I ' . . AGENTSWANTEi) FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTOBY It Causesj JCharactr.; : Conduct 0; , v. . . vi ;an UeiBUltS.' ''; -vBv HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPIIENB. ' J. i?w Sections and all 'Parties. THIS GREAT WORK PRESENTS ' the only complete and impartial analysis pi 4ho Causes of the War yet published and tlves "' those interior lights and shadows of tne Trreai connict oniy Known 10 tnoaenisrn officers who watched the flood-tide of rWrolu- on from its fountain springs, and which crb so accessible to -Mr. Stephens from his position as second oraoeroi the confederacy, m . 1 i . i . 1 . jr.. 1a. a 11. 1 t - .o a public that has ee surfeited with AP- pARANTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS,' we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and aintarj'i ' and an 'intellectual treat of the V highest order. The Great American War has in rrtendMat w XrZY that moderate, candid- and impartial treat- ment which truth ami justice- so urgently de mund. ''. 1 The' Intense desire ovey -where manifested' , to obtain this work, it s OfliLcial-elniracter and ready sale.; combined with aTrtnoreased com, ever published. - . , . j One Agent in Raston, ra., reports 7a suo- scrioers in xnree nays. une in uosion, iuass., duuscriuera m luur da js. , ' One in'Mcmnbis. Tnn., 108 subscribers in five days. t : fu 'descrintion of the "work uL odVance sheefst &e Address N ATIONAL-WbLI Send fori;ircuiars ana seeour terms,ana a wini iriesa uu- fMllINVT ., "I io. , ' . " ap29-184-lw ttt -l . f '' Wilmington; Carnage and t rt Oil UmitH avltltn.Kr. . I'll! 1 1lflAllr1 111 1A I , vvagon lYianuiauiurv, IF YOU WANT :A CART,' WAGOJT, DU AY or BUGGY made or repaired in a ueat and substantial maimer, oranyiBlack-amitliino- done. cilIIoii PAYNE & GUYTON, at their new establishmonton 3rd, between Prin cess and Market streets.- "; '' We warrant our -work- a recommend en, anu are confident of pleasing tnose wno may la vor us with a call. PAYNE & GUYTON mrl7-147-3m -1 ; ' " "Proprietors.; CLEAXELAND MINERAh'SfRINGS CJITtJATEn IX CI.EAVELAN Ii COUN- O tyf N. C.. oil: ttee , line of ; th: Wilunugtpn; Charlotte A Rutlierfprd Railroad, will bcppen for visitors on the first of June. WATERS Chalybeate. Red arid White Sul phur. i t Charges per day.... f 3 00 " week.. IS 00 00 00 I ChUdreund rates. ' '- r further particulars address the" Propria rhelbyrN,Ov hi T.r'o. etors apl.V171-law3m THE ROANOKE NEWS. aJsEM-WEEKXY , Independent, . Newspaper ! iov.' PUBHSIIED. AT, ,v ii Wi E ljDO S ii X. .0.', ' ' T STONE A UZZELL, Propbibtoes. IltS JdVR5TAL : PVDIJSiIBI IN A risrht enti' will' ae vote ms-ume ana nis fiivty He will be tearless to aouse wrong erer L again In her proper position and in igfiying her people of i OI Dluvu uetae uuiuui nuu uxsgxnut: that is now th ..JrTn threatenins her, vert)Mhg'-'rkteg as low as eireUMttances will admit, f J fr r - MONfi A IJZZELK '.Y I JJoiinxAE, ben jiettsville, S. C.Published Weekly, Stubb. jttle. ProprietgrB. C'i'-id B 4 .'W' TSfti 1,I MOOlt.Ht-tlOrtTNO. Bibles, Tes . . . , t: - ii t,-ii.-t I . a , works rebounor. m every styie, ax - , .uu ! "S 1 io " 1 " t tt ' - -i t niiTn vw iw v 1 1.. 1 m m m I OI flgllb l-U i-iio nunc lJio.il,- uiiui mo 1 He hopes, by a strict pursuance of tllsjLlicy.1'-' .V, aw-.P to-aif in plaknngthe Old North --State ff? ffia, 1 - 8ubs5ription?rat,s 1 .i i ortn uaroiuia Jjbiiiu uaguuuy One Year..i...i. . ixA,BTIES WAlp,ill6lt TO- . JIAVF Six Months.. ;..Jri iji'-i I ? x JtT, brought to thcotioe , pf , Korthrttand Three Months 1 Q0 ' rbnftItaliath-eir: 'EAKD9; MINES. i. ; PTIT:' jr"ni..Ll.' 1- J A -r-r SPEGTAIiJKCKlTCES. 1 it tCi Im. lit 1 th CoArtiiershl heretofore r.rexisting,njider tbe firm of HEDRtCK: 1RyA,i3,.tMaiday;dissolYed: y"ua; consent. J. J ilBEDRIQKi is Alone aatboriied to settle thVbusineBs of said firm, and-tb sijgn in',ll4uidatiO!il. "- JNO. T. HSDRICE,- I apl.I76-tf j: H.rRtAN: 1 . - -liiiTiB M.li- WJ II. Jiippl tt, Drnxgist A C He "1st. "Always on Oiand a -full, and ae led. supply pfPURE MEDICINES, CHEMI- JU?!?tUXXi STUB'S, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES e.tcM e . ', . i! AS Prescriptions,: ttccm-ately and., neatly compounded"; ' ; j Li , i2 iu W. E. Corner Front and Market Html .Fiti?c-ore ppe froxn. 5 6 b A. Mi to PJfS.. V rsnV .wishing prescriptions 'compounded at n'gut will please call at my residence on Sfr cond .Street, between Dock and Orange. ' ; - ' sept2-i-ti - ; PAIX Kf tLEIl. . i.-.i It is a balm fo every onnd.- Our;flrst iphysician3 use and r'ec'omf mend iti us-; the Apothecary, ftnds.'.it, pjst among' the medicines 1 called ' for)- And. the "Wholesale Druggist 'considers It a leading ar ticle in, his trade.'' All the "dealers ; itf medl cine speak alike , in its favor,,and. its reputa tion as r.- A 'Jlcclltptnc of Great Virtne, is fully aid. permanently established: It Is thft irrfint, FAMlt.Y .MtimfJINE nWiin air.''"'" . taken- iJ;rn;if nally, t cures DyseDtery,, Cholera Diarrhoea, Cramp- and Pain inStom-. ach, Bowel Complaint; "Painters' Colic, Liver, Comniaint, Dyspepsia, or IndigeUQn,fui4en Colds, Sore Throats, Coughs Ac." ' . TAKEN EXTERNALLY, it cures Boils, Fel ony, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, old Sores and Sprains, Swellings pf the. Joints, .Teoth- aehej PAin lb the Face, Neuralgia and; Rheu matism, Chapped Hands, Fro$t-bitteni Feetj '! !; - 1 -1 i ' '".- i, L PA,I5f is supposed to be the lot of us p"opr mortats" as 'lin.evitabie' as deatn and liable at aiijrituM o uutii u pun. us. xuereipre 11 is important that remedial .agepts should be at hand to be used on emergency, when we are made to feel' the excruciating fcgony of. pain, or the depressing influences'of disease. ; . Such a remedial agent exists in " PKHRf Da' vis' Paj. Killer,' the fame pf which kas ex tended over all the earth. Amid the eternal ices'of the Vdla 'legions,' or beneath the in tolerable and burning suns bf the tronies. its virtues are known arid appreciated. Arid by it suffering humanity has found relief from many of its ills. The effect of the Pain Killer up1 on the patient, when taken Internally in cases qf Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaints, Choi era, Dysentery, and other affections of the system i has 1 won1 for it 7. ' , becnt truly wonderful and.has name among medioal prepara tions that can never be forgotten. ' Its success removing pain,' as an ext'ernal remedy, in iaes, Sores.and Sprains Cuts. Stings of Insects, &c.,;and pther causes f suffering, has secured for it the most prom- Li!'...' 1 ' . , '': . 'nent Psion among meaieines or tneaay, 8Qr Beware of counterfeit's arid wortfdesi im iiation'8. call for Perry Davis'Ves'ctable Pali iuv, iuumMi-, ,- , .,,..f ;, Sold by Druggists arid Grocers. Prices 25c 000., and iTier uottie. apzo-lm rhr3 Win. U. Bernard, Printer 9t PTfRLISIiFR' AT OFNFR L AT) VERTISING AGENT. No. Z South ? Water Srtceti Wilfntnarton; N.u C ; 11 ,T ! TT A TV A V1T t ,1 nil naMjEntal ntiKTiNU executed in tuerest stvle. - My TYPE, PRESSES and MATERIAL are almost ENTIRELY NW, and my WORK- men unsurpassed, in connection with my Printing and Publishing House. I - . - - . . ' ...... ITT lliU AAA 1 A A lllVtl' UU A ' W Al,! AyUiJV A have a COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, in- 3Call and see spimeris.' sept2 3-l-tf - w . . The attention' of the business Public i reapeetfullv called to the. fact that TIIE MORXISiQ STAR . 1ms, aU ready, a larger local circulation than has ever been rPaeiied by any newspaper. est&bUshed In'WUmington. :It has, also, aTirt:.and ;rap- iriiv incrnasinsr. circuianon-in , me counuT. Its RATES OF ADVERTISING ARE LOWER. than those of any newspaper in tne Nate J nnrt its ItEASONABLll.' tTCAtMS OJ?' SUU- SSCRIPTION, must soon give it a circulation that will make it tne pesi . auvvi-jf me dium in North Carolina. . V " ,' , r , sept23-l-tf " " ' " " -I'.. J" ' mam mm ' THE 'HE AXING- POOL. , . Howard . Association-, Reports, fer YOUJfG MEN, OU the; CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and1 the 'ERRORS j'ABU&E8 and DISEASES" which destroy the manly powers,' -d c luxpediments, to sure means of relief., Sent in sealed let,ter.en- veloma, free of diarge. ; Address Dr. J. &KI L LINllOUGUTON, Howard Alatlo. rtuin 1 !i. Pa. . ' ' rfeai-KWm ' TO TTT1? PITROH k A A All . A JAAJIA TTAVIXO COMPLETE" yMH ' . AK- . .H ? tq ti o Am iTit ft t.li rou ffh out mv NEW PHO TOGRAPHIC OtOOMS . and j CHEMICAL DEt PART MENT, I am now reaay to rt-ceiye my PrienOs auu Patrtns, ana to execute au or iiova in ftiP ISftst. stvle of the Art. " ' .' A new supply of FRAMES, large and small, including a full assortment of Carte do Vis itcs. Frames.? Cord aft&Tasiele, Albums, &c., I u a i 1 x.- fTrrP.ft,P.l . ' GA.LLER i corner MarKet ana oeconu sis. ' ENTRANCE Northwest Cornert mr8-ll0-tfj .: Artist and Pf opritQr, a : V I ; r ri t ." ',!: ' , -T . 1 OCOMOTITE BOlEEBi-Nearly new l'.h -H -.:( h. ' Jr..,-1 ENGINE 25-IIorso Power Complete. SAWMitL. ParTthnrs Patent Iron set carriage, wltn 54-men oircu- nmps-r-iieli3,,JMJ.. 7., eaonable terms, For particulars, apply'to"' ' - WILLARD BROS. vfLf"F47 " V".7r ' tofXSS5"l.w: cruets.' nPIMJr i "V a WKJlIfTA V . OTATltSYIIia C. ' PnPlihedaWeekly, Kugene B. Drake A ;Proprietm.k n;EHri AnW Son, "iTt2S-i-tf ii .fo Ji 1 J-iavumington, x. w .1 ir 1 ' 1 i . i 1! r r- - ',1 ' i kttk srMTKn S.C. PUB 1 z . . .. . . -jr r sent - -wiimmgtcm,- v- -.' ' . ' . . i. , . . -L ' ' X 1 : -7 I I VMMMBMMHHHBaBaHaHH1Baa 1 kT PUBLIS5EP AT , WILMINGTON, C. jJS Afaa, orliepod to subscriTiers lV-all parts of tbeCiiy. at.2 56 for" in SL5 --Slnffle coDiesoflAB MoairiHa riKmnv oerhad oi Mr. T. M. Harris, at his nwjstand ii -Front Street; every morninb;,' mull . . ) .-nvv . l ,?.;nrt rorthern throgh A wwy inail 8.-00 F. M.-' Daily excent Snndav. Southern Mail .S tZl.XJJ.&45 " W. C. and R. R. R.. -,....8:00 P. M CI Mon- fdays, Meflnc&daysand Fridavs. r FatbttfefilkiijjAj HVairaaw;..'.'. t .5r A'. M. Hon- , vveanesuai Smithville via Steam.. 2:0u P. M.," three K A I, ftrAfR RJ T.Jf A T..X JPRIO.K Daily, Southern; 4P Pt.Mi-iDaUy'-rDeliyered fat? 7:00 a jn. - - Wc7!nd R.j.a:0Q.P..M. Threw tlnieji aweek Iyettevillc, K) P. M. A '. r , " Oflice open frOu 700A- M. to6-oprM' Sundays ' 8:30 to 0:30 A. Si; M. rost mcp, y limmgton, Aiarcn 1SS8. 'J. - Itbrribie YBlitclicrI ! A'hdfHlfle'butch'e'ry'wiisrecently cpmimhed:-at'Tp It serins, jthat, oie.eyeii in 2 'a .iiibn th ago, a tradesman, ; called iJemarin, quitted hiar.Jiouse pu.businessabout hve leavjng; jjehinddiim his mother,' his eldest Bon, (ged llf tlie cook, and k vorRtk j! o r d oor porte'r. 1 Mde. Jemarin,- the 'second1 sbri. ged 4; a ieuiaie. reiuiroii,-;a iiurseinaiu, who conipdsejj Hie rest of the ;' faiiiily, eii'e'ail .aje'ht'j .but a ckrriacre was to be e,ut to: fetcli thenii during the oqurse pf t) evening. At.ten "M. Je.iiiarin came .hohienc knocked at; the door, but no one answered his summons. . While lie was r wait ing in perplexity the coachman and nurse came, up and told him -that, having Tried' iiV vain to get; into-the hoiise; they had' thought: it: prudent to go in searc,li'6f the pojlqej' sever al of whom accompanied tliem. An. entrance :Was ictfected ibfr the chief lo.bby.: the inner .doorof which (there are generally; two iu Iliissian houses)' Avas found open, and on reachirig tlie'nrist" room', six dead bodies were, discoyeVed ryirig on thei ground those, of the t mother, the wife, the - eldest JQ vtherelation, cook-, andjthekvornik The, .jjoung-r est boy lay on the floor vvith hi head cut open, but breathing. f Jljidaine emarin7 tiipilaxky, anddie 'yoiingeru3ys, vtire still Mressed in their furs, which proves that the cfmie'sras' committed! at' the? very nstanVofWeli-'reeuTii.' Five tnl- ets, all of the same size, and evid ently igcliarged-lroln; la'revol ver, were eracjted om he bodies. In the next room was found an iron ball, tied to a leathern thong cover ed With blood. The house is situat ed in one of the most populous parts of the town,' so that one is lost in conjecture, how. such a wholesale putchety cotlld have' been accom plished!, witiioui' awateiiing ; alarm among. tlie; neighbors or passers-by. I. ',:(t. The Turf, Field, and Farm says : "Dexter was allowed. the most peiv tect.;.res,tt i during. he , .winter, nd now-he ie looking ; better tlian ever looked. His feet' Ijaye spread, and ; there ia diot a particle bi . lame nesj atiut'the ,Ji9rse;;tLast' week he was; taken irom tiie.ista.ble tor the first : .'time' since hte shoes were removed from .him lail .'fall... Mr. David, . 'pphne:1.1 -jOUt iu the JPark uiider sadlk-j'IJ.exteri ( was full of life, and -after the first ner vous co-hniked ibou09L he settled dpwnjragat iy; aiiq.:vvHu greai .speeo,,; xxe tr tracted much attention as the white legs and vhiie face are so widely Known, ..xnpisanas turneu meu heads to -look at the King and trom all 4ips paihe ' :1vbrds Of . admiration. ne s supero couauion 01 ,.ine norse Was eilOUgU WO . CXUlie uiB-.waiurcoi DraisevK. Mr. .Bonner is. . now dri v ing' Dexter on 7 the; road, but hi. June, we understand the: ' marvel will be sent to the'island to be pre pared for his great trial ot beating the hs0inle WrfecbrB." Crossing rNcal' Sfdcli' witU Buf- ft-.i i "J- Air. Robert 'wicklitSl'iof exing i' 1 I. I.( tonrTKVf Jcrossedi his stock with La lnftalo Har iWhfaifid! fa' v.- i I i V 1 l.'ll 1' tine tnreeuaEteJT t;pgnaw.ipuij, ?.. bred his cojyto hiin for several JFmvHea fouph., auarter bloods to he larger than either par-ent--made e4xceUenJ beef, hardy, VoTKkS eh, with great strength ind activity $ and,;thoughshe did not, c0WB,-hhe - found , tnatv their- calves that rub"' with1 the cows-were fatter than those ot the common stock Northern Through 'ail 8:O0.JC II, pally, ex 5ept3IonUay,K; ,!(' -i U A Norihei-u Thr.ouh and "ay Mail, 800 P. M . JampLRW Broixvile 'portto any -pHXenaea0vtamt 1 sir: tMo-i.CI u T.Jl ' vlii. itor of .the Agricultumtdiniedupon the-beef,; -and pronoun &d it superior. to the Qommoo.t; tti): t!t: , Cliincse Murder Trial. A' e6rrespbrident, Writtng!! from Helena 'Citv,5 MontaiiA, gives the following, account of the .trialabf a ' The peaceil dignity of our community was invaded not long sitice by Otie; Chifmman-'shbotrug another witli a pistol"; in true "Mex ican man's" -style; for. which offence eaid. Chinarnau' was duly -indicted, tried, and convicted of murder in thfefeecond degree.; The., trial was invested with considerable interest from the novel manner in which were so irameu s. comprehend.: aurordinarrleafal signification with ; Tij.e mosi impressive penary JKuown to Chinamen.. J will, give you an exact copy, as written out by, the most intelligent, interpreter :. "All the four witnesses coming the court the oath w administered; to-the . ; Eidly ih SenaiewndHmi . tour.witnesses and twp intrpreters, J o JieprmtaOves' of- Veiled all af celestial lineage:-, The-oatha.; jvT'A.- :.-y'Lk' tell ru h hole.truth no thing; butilatH iaU :he vaJi(3 as on the truth, show help the. Crod ; the Constitution, 'Bme1v - suppose don't tell truth, -die: like the chicken, and tell all -truth go home to China and the short time.'? 'The foregoing oath is written out1 in;! full, : and a copy giv'en to each witness. The chickens are prod no ed -in cburt, and each witness, in taking the oatli, Seizes the hatchet and strikes off a k chicken's' head, spribkling' tlleir" written ; bath with the f i-icklmg bloxd,' and then uni ing it up. Two interpreters were employed To jWaTclfeaeJi I other an,d correct "any ' inaccuracies, ihere were- no w.itnesses: bnt. Chinamen, and the stoty they'all. told was most improbable, as it disclosed no jiiq-i tive whatever for; the crime.. .Sing ular as it may seem, e, very China man deserted their countryman, and called tor his death. The 'story of , the criminal Js. naore probable, that they stole his money and tried to kill him with a.ki)ifefaudh,eshot in self defence, No one; would say a word in his belialf. and the jury, much against- their inclination, found a verdict of guilty. 1 It was the general impression that all- the witnesses swore falselyand the? con spiracy was oiieVal to kill "him and succeed to the inheritance. -'i'l, - . ; U . s-i. Tcnncfssec Dsicl. i ,-TheIS'a8hyilh3i1fcefd;--of the 27th, tells: of . a duel. ..with rifles in Over ton county, , 6ome two weeks ago, between two young-' . ex-confed-federite soldier' nam ed Wldron and Jarvia. Their families had been at variance, but a reconcilia tion had' occurred. JSTevertlieless yo ung i Jar vis under the influence of uriiJK, spojse .uisparagingiy ;pi.- iue courage, pf . Caldron. ' The' litter thereupon sent him .a;challenge, and it was agreed they would- -fight with .rifles at 'one i hundred, an d-fifty. paces. T At the first fire Jarvis was wounded through' the fleshy part. of tne leit arm, winie ins ouiiei wuis tieq savagely just apove ms antaj ohist's head. u A're:'SvP'u satisfied. 57 said. . .tlie. wounded man's second to the other's friend. "IFaldroh iwaiits another-shot,"' was the reply.i A savage 'smile? lighted 'iip; the featUf es Of young JarVis as7iis arui was' bouticf Hp' to staunch the blood. but lie sid. not .a y'prd. ; Ihe rifles were loaded again, an pnee inqre at the signal .the. ,two..men. wheeled and fired. The reports were al-1 inost:: simultaneous, m "Waldron ran forward- a -few steps, staggered, reeled-, and fell into the arms of his 'rieh 1 bleed nig" ah d sen seless: He was 4hot-. tjirougfiytlie ; heart. Jar vis went- slowly; home, saddled his horse, and telliufr-his family that he "was going to Mohticello left thei wuuu y . , i ' ' - . i i ; - ' (, ' Tlie. Iron Clad. : ' Having been requested to publish this test oalh, we give it .below. It reads as followp, and ispi'e&cribed bV'the 10th section t oi-ithe- bupplp7 mentary ' Bill,' rpassed: July liHh, 1867 : " " ! ' : ' '. -.. .,"1, of,;- ..courts ol . and btate ot -,ido. solemnlv1 swear - Cor affirm) ..that T have ri ever ' voluntarily borne arms iave.YolutitarUy gimi Qaid,?poun tenance, counsel -or 'encouragement tihtv theretoi that T have neither snnirht. nor accepted, nor, attempted itfo-'pretend-dva tilitv to the .United States; IhUt ii fhavp 'n6trVielded a; vorunfaryi supn -f 9 . or inimjcaTerTnri do fur thecj6wea;(orjrra)jthat,tc the. best of; my .knowledge and ability I will support and defend the Gon 6titution . .of the J IJm ted . .States., against all1 enemies, foreign or do mcstic;. jtbat'Ii .will bear .true faitli an 1 allegiance to the samej; that I. take tliis obligation freely without any mental reservation or purppse of ; evasion';' arJqthat T w ; well i; and," faithfully, discharge:, the. :dutie3rpf . the office on which. 1 - am aoout to; enter: So helpf me God T THE HOWARD. AIuS , Jont re.sTatioB:rosing'yi'a ! to the Constitution of t,he United s -r , j ' . - ........ i . i . states.... ,...; .j. mseinU;. (twfthird-df oth tt;i V v : v w.,.m .. -.1 HoliSe concufring,)' Thatfthe- fol toWih$r article be proposed to the legislatures of the several States as. an amehdriient to- the Constitution Of the United - States which,: when VQl.:f: ' lua 1 the Constitution namely .: ' -.: Article ; ! 'Section 1. Ali i persons born orf naturalized in the United States an d subject ;to the jurisdiction there of are .citizens ot ;the i U nited States and of ;the. State, wherein.: they .re-; side. ;Ko ; State iShall make or en? iVjre any , law which . shall abridge f tlie priyjleges or jinm unities of citi zens, of the Upited States.; nor shall, any' State deprive, any person of life, liberty, or .property, Without due projeess of Iawnor deny to any. person within is jurisdiction the equal protection pf the laws. ' Sfcd. 2.' Representatives shall be apportioned : among the several' States according to their respective' numbers, counting- the whole nurUv ber of persons in each State, ex eluding India us 'not taxed But when the right to vote fit any elec tion for the choice of electors for, President and Vice President of the United States,1 representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial dtlicers of a State, or the members, of the legislature thereof, ls denied to any one of . the male inhabitants of. auch State, being twenty-one; e years pf; age,; and citizens ot the. United .States,w or in ..any , wayj abridged, except for .participation, t in rebellion or .other crime, the. T i basis of representation therein shall) . be reduced in the proportion which' the nn umbe ot ' such male citizens shalt'bear to tlie whole number of male; citizens "tf entj-bue years of. age in such State. Sec. 3;. No, person shall be a sen ator:.pr jreprpsentative in Congress,; or .elector ot. Prejudent and Vice President, or liold any office, civil or uiihtary, uflder the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken- an oath, as a mem ber of Congress, or as an officer ; of the United Statesor as a member of anyitafe legislature, or aa an execntivo or judicial officer of aby Statfe; tb- support. thfeOonstitutiou of tlie United ; States, shall haye engaged in insuvretioja or rebellipn agai u st .tlie same, or gi yen aid or comfort to;. the enemies thereof,--- 1 ut Uongress may, Dy a vote oi tw thirds ot. each house, remove such ' .disability.! , . - . - . . Sq.,4i;The validity, ot the pub iid'debt of. the United: States, auth orized by law, including debts uk currea ior payment oi pensions anu bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, snail not. be i . ouestioned 'TJut neither . the United States nor any Sate shall assume or pay any pent, or .ounga tion -incurred. in id ot insurrection or ' jjebjellibii'mst' ' tUQUnUCd States,. or any rchi'm fr thP XoeA W em'ancrpatidh'df any slaVe rbut ali sneH debts,' obligations' and clairaa shin1 be held illegaland void. 1 " Sk6 5. the 06ngres8 shall have power to entorcej by appropriate le--g i si atioh , t h e ; prov isions - ot - th is ; af--tiele.-'-. :;':. -.-':-nj s.-i i.;.-.: . MlSCELLANJEOXJS, "tTT-EDDIJia CACi: A3SJ; VISITINU W CARDS pi-inted in tho most elegant. Prtniing an.l Publishing House, j.i i-ii; And iienrerul Book mnaery. t o. 9-t0m.r water TliLAMC . HOOK, HAXKPACTOItT. J3 Recortt'lJooks,' Ledgers, Journals, Dock. tsyMd;oUier 4Jlant3yookB,;;ip, en,die va riety, manufactured at " i T--JwMa BJCRNA'Riy , - , Printing Hju4e and Book Bindery octlHWt'-i 5o..38ontn Water Strett.. T"" lAitnonOrciiiKotn'ifntEB.TAR r.boTodgh; JSiSCUSfleUearne 4 Bigga Proprietors !x :.Tt I -jUti t OT M :LiBKR TARD Aeetlf. , , .Wlmlrigton VfC SEJlKWr-EKI'T HHWflt . GOI.lrO I.'. S. C, J. K Wiiitaker, Proprietor. - i. -aj ,TT( i.WWU-H. BERNARD Agnnf, pptSPl4f wilnlgto. K. C. . li ttfV'ut i y t. ( rrni.uiiEn T3 AM5IGII REIf Tllf EI JLX Daily,' trt-Weekly ami Weekly, Rai- d:weeX r York ltad half tareeb cow 4 authprpy, ISJHLvM1" r Sia ui tu ntauloo-mt'ii n at , ryu;$: rrbt 1 f ) yj; till f 4

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