v y fT.nt 17 , T V ' .'M i . i ; , , .. ., .,-,,.,,., .. ------ : v VOL. I-NQ. 198, ; - MAY 15, 1868: 4. aNING; STAR nffiee " NoV 31 South Water St. 0ftl 7fV STAB la: mailed or deUvered.to TinallPHrtsof the City, ft f CO 'gagSStK' for ThrCG MontllSi " BATES OF ADVEBTI8ISQ I n,.e Sauare one day,... " " two days,.... ,S " three day i S T u four days, 41 Ave days,, one week, 4 . ' 00 Isenients taken at pro ,... oriioaatHr.i. oiiLWAYDIBEtlOUl. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER R. ROAD S;rIohnlawHOV1e Henry Nutt, O. G. D. S. Cowan, Geo. J. Janies G. Burr, Rich- iMwicy, a. Y,c ,Tr'.rInie -id Braiuey, -j S?W n Lt. Cantweu. . W1LMIKGTON A1L 1U)AJK - ., , ftf'rSK VanBokkclen, ye.nuw-jrj) - - K Holmesly. av&-W. I. Everett. SrwteW. U. Allen. fadet Meclutnie W. Gill. WILMINGTON & W KL.DON- RAIL ROAD n; , m oil lite IKln rt A Vrijfht,8. D: allivce, Eli Murra V '.I J H ViLnltnVltKleil. Geo. I av. Aiii-eci Harris, of Wi imfigton, and John Everett, of Goldsboro'. Doctors on the part of the Stale Edwanl KiiL din- of Wilmington, u., Jonn moiucci;, i & As and 'rjiomaunogg, of Raleigh, 'chi' Engineer and General Superintendent-- S L. J) teraoiH. ; . . Vaster of Transportation W m. Smith. Measure J. W. Tlionipson. ltfii!r.o Mochinei'H M. M. lluukins. jHdor G. L. Dudiuv. " IIOAD LTNEST. GENEEAL SUP'TS OFFICE, Wilmington & Manchester E. E. Company. WiLKiwoTos, N. C, May 10, 1808. rvf A?l A FT Kit MAY 10th PASSEX- ll.GKtt TRAINS of this Road will run on the following Scliednle : E5PUES3 TRAIN. Leave Wilmlnsrton daily at 4:45 A. M. Arrive at Florence.... 11:15 A. M. Arrive at Klnjc-ville 2:50 P. M. l.avf KtnirsvlllL-....: 10:18 A. M. Arrive at Florence 1.-J4 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:45 P.M. KTnrpss Train connects closely at Florence vith the North Eastern Railroad for Charleg. ton, and Cheraw ami Darlington Railroad for Cheraw, and at Klngsville with the 3outh Carolina Kailroad for Augusta, to which point the cars run turougn witnout cnange. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington dallj-.ftt..... 8:30 P. M. Arrive at r'lorenee 3:20 A. M. Arrive at K.inKviHe lO-.OC A. M.' Leave Klugsvillo 8:30 P. M. Arive at Horencc..... ....10..T0 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 5:12 A.M. Accommodation Ti-aln connects closelv at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South turoana uaiiroad tor Columoia and Augusta. WM. MacRAE. inajiO-194-tf tien'l Sup't. " r - . J-- Vi ihiihtKioii & Wei. XI. R. Co. Ofitics Chikp Enqineke A Gen. Sup't, Wn.MijQToir, N. C, May 9, 1868. t CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. J 0 AND AFTER MAT 10th THE , PASSF.NGER TRAIN S on this Road will i W ilmington at:00 A. M. and 8:30 P. M., ami arrive at Wilmington at 4:30 A. M. and Leave Weldon at 10:110 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. anii arrive at Weldon at 5:15 A.M. ami 3:00 1 . M. mt-The day train will not run on Sundays. i no uay tram connects wit h the Annamesslo uu iay ane. All are quick to the North. S.L. FREMONT, . . Engineer and Superintendent. Wilmington. May 10th, 188. 194-tf uiimmgioii, Cliirlotte and SUTIIERFORA RAIL BOAD. ;Gknkral Superistkdent's OFricE, ) Wilmington, N. C. Autr. 9. 18K7. ' I ON AND AFTER TUESDAY Jtfemt, An- gust 13th, the Passenger Train on this Kpad will leave : Wilmington Vvvur ";s,r mme aay8, at 3 p. m. JiKUt. Leave Wacboiostage),on I lurlaX nl Saturday1 at lp?M at 12 mld- Tues- W-X c,A"WKingnam (Stuge), on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at &d ( A. M. JAUUUay aay and Friday, at 7 o'clock. A. M ' r " v " ""Soii same uay, at 3 P. M. jrrilr ... M,'.Tl' . . "WptSJ-l-tf Gen. Sup't. MISCELLANEOUS. . tr a. T v PICTIQNABX 110 pp. 0ciAV. ' '60 IN6BAVINCB .TRA0EPRICI. CET THE BEST. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other lie- A . .nonaries. en tly.t0 eTery Iptelliprent family.stu t,,,,l' teacher and nmfao.ini.ni iri.4 DlctffiarVCt nplete witnout the best English a!asLSSassPISS A mr othcr "Thnv.w ' Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, -it itf Wbbsteu ls.f?lorious--it is perfect Hothi ,n2e,s defies competition ifleaves tion i Anere 18 Probably more real ed tLxnX.?H ln.lt than can be bouarht for the same yld; 1here Is prcibably more real ed- "yln y language. Every ofth..B.uoaia naveaconvat the exnense nve "tW " .iVwom(l lmProvemany pulpits COst. "Thn r.'' 'nruauit Advocate. y -V. YChrUtian Advocate. - ,t;iv fWToaiAi.: Is a gem of a Dio , iamgiorine munon." Puhiui American Edvanllcmnl. nffmihln. Mass 7 G a MERRIAM, Springfield, Pl-l63-tf0ia b 0X1 Booksellers, 10 MISCELLANEOUS: ; A.ttention jte;lxyitea -BY- VJ.:M.&j:c.STEVEiSON, O A GBEAT AltlETTT OF" FBESII JUST RECEIVED VIZ : Edlnbnrg Crackers . Pigs Feet, Butter do.- 'Tripe, Salmon, ' ruled Beef; Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, Lemon do. Sugar dov Cream Biscuit, Soda do - ' Jumbles, B&liol and N. C. Hams4 Sauces All kinds ' ' Flavoring Extracts. . Spices, Canned Fruits, Ac, Ac. GingerNnts s . . . NoveltyCakes, -Assorted Go.1' Sugars All grades, Coffee All kindsj Teas All kinds. The above Goods are Fresh. Wood and Willow Ware, IN -GREAT VARIETY, Yery Xow. for Cash, by W. M. & J. 0. STEVENSON Corner Front and Market sts. aplo-168-tf AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, . It Causes, Character. Conduct and Results. By HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. A Book for all , Sections and all Parties. Till GREAT WORK PRESENTS the onlv complete and impartial analvsis of the Causes of the War yet published, and fcives those Interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only Known to those high officers who watched the flood-tide of revolu tion from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. to a puonc tuat nas Deen surretten witn Ar PARANTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an intellectual treat of the highest oruer. ine ureal American war nas AT LAST found a historian worthy of its im- Ixrtance, and at whose hands it wll receive hat moderate, candid and impartial treat ment which truth and justice so urgently de mand. " ... - TU krtense desfre1 every wijere manifested to obtain this work, itsOmicial character and ready sals combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscription book ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 sub scribers in three days. One in Boston, Mass., 103- subscribers in four days. 1 One in Memphis, Tenn., 106 subscribers in five days. Send for Circulars and see onr terms, and a full description of the work, with Press no tices of advance sheets, Ac. Address NATIONAL puiil.ishio vaj.. 2tt South Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. ap20-l84-lw Wilmington Carriage and WagolanlLtactory. WAST 'A CART. WAGON, DEAYor BUGGY made or renaired in a neat and substantial manner, or any Black- smithing done, call on PAYNE A GUYTON, at their new establishment on 3rd, between prin cess and Market streets. We warrant our work as recommended, and are confident of pleasing those who may fa vor us with a can. ... x'A. an auui iua, mr!7-147lm Proprietors. NOTICE, To All Parties Concerned. Office Wilshwotok Rajlwat Bridob Co., ) Wilmington,. N.CMay Snd, ltB. i PUBLIC NOTICE IS 11 K II KB I UIV. en, that the Northeast branch of Cane Fear River, near Hilton Ferry.w as also the Northwest, branoh. near " Meal's' Bluff." villi for several months be partially obstructed by operations necessary lor tne construction oi Bridges across above named rivers and points, for this Company. Passage wavs will at all times be loft open. Great caution should be used by all those navigating above named rivers in approach- ing ana passing aoovo numeu uumw. R. R.fiRlDGKR8,Pre8idt. may3-188-litt . Wil. Railway Bridge Co. ; I.DA VEGA'S PURCHASING AGENCY, Nos. 39 & 4a Park Row- All kinda of Merchandise, purchased. Experiencetl and competent buyers engaged. Orders filled promptly and faithfully at the.) lowest prices, and urc liases made only irom first class arta TcUaole houses. - Onten will -be filled, navable on delivery, whenk a'avrfHcient sum is remitted to cover freight and commissions. Uom missions on sums not exceeding fxuu, . 17 . . v five ncr cent. v commissions on sums exceeamg iw, wo and a nau percent;. Aaaress f ? ISAAC DAVEGA, . P. O. Box, 1708, New York. Refer to TniS OFFICE. rdecl9-tf it DURHAM" TOBACCO. A FULL -S17PPI.T of the GENUINE alwavs on hand. . . " Auuxiiuur t;uja.M.iJMjr, mr22-l52-3m Agents for Manufact'rs. Bbls. OOLDEJ BiBUr, . n ot saie Dy v, t v . ' ,-r, .;. HARRISS HOWELL, -' ap2M8fl-tfI ' No. 14 and 16 No. Water St. For Charter. rTlIIE Br.- Bark OVNHLDt CAPTAIN Ji. : Now undergoing repairs, will re- celve Charter for Xiverpooiy or' othei ; British Ports. ; 'Apply to. ap24180-tfj . t WILLARD BROS. - Vbbls; JOHN. DILL'S snui;f, l5 :Haif Barrels Rail itoad Mllls'Snuirr 5, Barrels GaU A Asa's Snuff. J lO Cases " M t "10s. " ' Foruaieat - ADRIAN Jf.VQLLERS'i my 7-8Mf tiPECIAimOTICES: To Delmqueht Tax Payers. To.tlwM vht un in rreora to 'tne.fojr Taxes, who do not settle the f8am on or before Saturday next may expect the same to be collected on Monday, the 17th Instant; by distresa.- NO EXCTEPTIONS. j; ' ' BAJI'L R. BtTlf TING, " , mayl4-197t , r f.vA!;i,! Shft The oprtnerliip ' heretofore existing under the Arm of HEDRICK A RYAN. Hl this ' day dlssblred by mutual consent. J. J. &EDRICK is alone authorized to settle the business of sa)d firm, and to sign in liquidation. " JNO. J. HEDRICK, apl9-I76-tf - J. H. RYAN. Vf. II. Lippltt, Tmxsi at Chem 1st. Always on hand a, :fulf and se lect supply of, PURE MEDlCIlfESy CiliCMI- CALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, FACY ARTICLE e$c etc. MTrecorlptioita emto)y and aeatly eompounder , "7 N. E. Corner Front iind StarJet Sta, P. S. Store open frbm' 6 ' A". M. to 9 P. M. Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on Se cond Street, between Dock and Orange. sept'23-l-tf . PAIN. KILLER. It Is a balm for every wound. Our first physicians use and recom mend its use ; the Apothecary finds It first among the medicines called for, and the "Wholesale Druggist considers it a leading ar ticle in his trade. All the dealers in medi cine speak alike in its favor, and its reputa tion as A Medicine or Great, Virtue,' is fully and permanently established. It is the great FAMILY MEDICINE of the age. TAKEN INTERN, ALLY, it cures Dysentery, Cholera Diarrlicea, Cramp and Pain in Stom ach, Bowel Complaint, Painters'-Colic, "Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Sudden Colds, Sore Throats, Coughs, Ac. . TAKEN, EXTERNALLY, it cures Boils, Fel ons, Bruises, Cuts, Bums, Scaldsl old Sores and Sprains, Swellings of the Joints, Tooth ache, Pain " in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheu matism, Chapped Hands, Frost-bitten Feet, Ac. PAIN is supposed to e the lot of us poor 4nprtals as inevitable as death, and liable at any time to come upon us. Therefore it is important that remedial agents should be at hand to be used on emergency ; when we are made to feel the excruciating agony of pain, or the depressing influences of disease. Such a remedial agent exists in " Perry Da vis' Paiv Killer," the fame of which has ex tended over all the earth. Amid -the. eternal ices of the polar regions, or beneath the in tolerable and burning suns of the tropics, its virtues are known and appreciated. And by it suffering humanity has found relief from many of Its ills. The effect of the Pain Killer upon the patient, when taken internally in cases of Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaints, Chol era, Dyseutery, and other affections of the system, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name amojng medical prepara tions that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of Burns, Bruises, Sores and Sprains Cuts. Stings of Insects, Ac, and other causes f suffering, has secured for It the most prom inent position among medicines of the day. Jt&- Beware of counterfeits. and worthless im itations. Call for Perry Davis Vegetable Pain Killer, and take no other. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. Prices 25c. 50c., and' fl per Tbottle. ap25-lra THE HEALING POOL. Howard - Association Reports, for YOtjNG MEN, on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ERRORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter en velopes, free of eharsre. Address. Dr. J. SKIL UN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila delphia, Pa. iie-ZJ-rss-sm SPIRIT BARRELS ! pIIE WILMINOTOHr MANUFACTCB iG COMPANY Invite attention to their stock of . Pak. . AND Pine Barrels, Constantly on band and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at VERY LOW PRICES. may9 1931m TO THE PUBLIC TTAVIXO ilOMPI.KTED .MY Alt- 1 n ranffemenf s throughout my ' NEW PHO TOGRAPHIC ROOMS and CHEMICAL DE PARTMENT. I am now reaav to receive my Friends and Patrons, and to execute all or rfnrs in the best Stvle of the Art. : . including a. full assortment of Carte de Vis- ites, Fi-ames, cord and Tassels, Aioums, c duilv ftTcneeted. GALLERY Corner Market and Second sts,J ENTRANCE Northwest Corner. C. M. VANORSDELL, mr8-140-tf Artist and Proprietor. JtOCOMOTIVE BOILER Nearly new J ENGINE 25-Horse Power Complete. -i saw MTT.T. PArkhurst's Patent .Iron I frame. 28 feet carriage, with 04-inch Circu lar Saw Pumps jsens, c. For sale on reasonableAems. For particulars, apply to ' nnn WILLARD BROS. ap!2-170-tf WinesC6rdials. : CASES CLARET ST. JULIE N . -,.'.'-'. f BASKETS CHAMPAGNE. :' naaM Rhrrvj Port.' Madeira. Ac. .: r.aaca rnrUiA.u. Blftdrberrv Brandy Rasoberrv SvrUD. Sirups for Rar- "' keepers. ' Dozen Sham Bar Tumblers. Dozen large Lemonade Tumblers. rV; jay 27-89-tr V ' f ApfilAk &' VoLtRS1. NortK Xjainaljliid Agency .-n. m. nvmrc ' WnA , WfNU TO HAW r brought tot the notice; of Northern and European Capitalists thek LANDS, MINES, WATER POWERS, &c., wltn a view to a sate -References made to pubUo men generally tnrougQou ine owiwj, ... w rrn febsl-13(Hf Pt TV. CW3TS 71 1 1 w y-v 15 MOVING STATl. PUBIJSHjaJAT;WlLAfINGXQN, -HI ar, nryS Mailed, or delivered to subscribers in UL all parts of thi City,' at $2 50 for Six Months, or 25 for Threei Months. ; ' ' ' POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. ' ' . MAILS CLOSE. Northern through A way mail fcO&AiH. .Daily except Sunday. Northern through tnafl 7:30 P. M. " Southern Mail .,. 8KX). W. C and K. R. R., - 8:00 P M. Mom aays, Wednesdays and Fridays. .. Fayette ville via Warsaw, 8:00. P. M.Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridavs.1 Siuitnvllle via Steam,i.:.i.... 2:00 1; M., three . ; times a week. . . mails' arrive at Orr'idB. Northern Through Mail .fcO0 A.' M.' Dailv; Jiortnern Through and Way Mail, 8:45 P. M. iauy, except Sunday. Southern, 8:1 P. M. Daily. W. C. and R., 3:00 P. M. Three times a ' tveek Fayetteville, 8:45 P. M. - " Smithville, 1:30 P. M. " " " Othce open from A. M. to 7:00 P. M. " Sundays -, 8:J0 to :30 A M. . ED. R. BRINK, P; M. ' Post Office, Wltaiinsrtbn.'May 10th, 18o, A Sundiiy Hull ITgli in fipaln. The reaincident ot Easter Sun day in feeyiile, Spain, "this year was a bullrficrht.'at which tlie JDuke and Duchess ot Montpensier, with all their family, were present. A cor respondent says : "Before we left we saw six splen did bulls despatched, and they kill ed no less than eighteen horses, be sides seriously injuring three picado res, one of whom, I -'fear, will hard-, ly recover. One bull alone killed six hordes, and on one occasion lif ted both horse and rider at least three feet from the ground, tossing them one over the other a dread ful sight; - Indeed the treatment of the horses -is the most cruel and-I hope I may be forgiven for saying it: the only disagreeable part of the affair, for all the rest is an exhibition of skill and courage which it is im possible not to admire. But it is astonishing how soon one gets ac customed to blood. When I saw the hrst horse gored androlled over on to his rider it really made me feel quite ill, and when a second was sacrified in the same way 1 thought I must leave my seat ; but the third produced very little effect upon me at all, and I looked at the rest as calmly as ray neighbors, who only recognized such incidents by ries of Bravo toro,' and shouts for music in his honor. Cuchares, the chief espada, loug considered the fir&t in. illl Spain, as now old, and was visited with much disapproval "or what 'were considered some clumsy thrusts; but Lagartijo was a marvel ot nerve and daring. He would draw' the bull after him with his cloak, after he had been charg ed two or three timea and had nimbly leapt aside, would sudden ly stand motionless a yard before his nose, while the bull would look at him with a puzzled expression, as though doubting whether he should make another rush or no. On one occasion, Lao-artiio saved the life of a picadore, who was ly ing helpless, on the ground, by kick ing the bull in the face, and when he came to kill the same animal, he drove his sword a- thin, straight weaDon. a yard long into the brute s back, up to the A. W , ' very hilt, with one clean thrust." Outrage in . JLexiiiglon, va.-A i! Student ftuot. The particulars of an outrageous affair at Lexington reached here yesterday, which, as far as we have been aoie.to ascertain, are as 101 lows : On Friday night a young son of Judge . Brockenbrough, aged about niueteen years, was escorting his mother home from church., The residence i some little distance out ot town, and is reached s by a narrow plank footway. About mid way between the town and the house they encountered a negro man and two women. , Some words occurred as to which should give way. .Fk nally the women discovering the la dy to be Mrs.' Brockenbrough Baid politely .tliat they did hot know that it was ner, and got out of the way for her, to pass. The man, however, was obstinate and insulting. Young Mr. Brockenbrough said, as they passed on, that he would see him again, v After accompanying his mother home he returned towards the town and meeting a negro asked him if he .was the man who had in sulted hiim,..The negro, repliecj that he- was, andrat the same time drew his pistol and fired. The ball took effect in the breast of Mr. Brock enbrough, and at first it was feared the wound' would prove fatal, bat at last accounts it. was believed, by the surgeon that no vital points had. been touched, una tnat he wouia recover. Grreat. .excitement .was caused by the affair, and some , de monstrations looking towards sum marv- vengeance were commenced by the students, but were arrested byj the interposition of cooler heaidSj and the negro rwfewmitted ito jail. -This villainous affair! is ? the natural consequence of the teacU- ings'of trie'Kadicals, scallavag and 'ft'eblJa 10th,' carpet baggers ;who infest the ISonth 1867. J.-4 ' 4' JHw and r contaminate it by. their loath UI, t of , ?oiinty of some" presence. ' We hope that the ; v apd State : of " ,' do sternest rigors of the law will be solemnly swear5 (or affinn)1 that I visited upon, this assassin i as a just reiriDuiion. to mm ana as a warn ing to others.- Lynch .1 Yirginian A Newl j-Marr led Suddenly Ii Torees Herself. There happened here recently. between a newly-married 1 1 couple from Kentucky, a rather startling episode, told briefly : as follows . A young ' gentleman from the county of Mad ison , Ken tn cky , wooed 4 an d won the heart of :a most estimable and handsome young lady of Fay ette county. , Atter several inontlis7 .courtship, ceremonyas; -duly lu,!.r fF? took the afternoon tram for this ty fI wi1 snport and defend the Oon-' to spends the honeymoon. TheiMt- S . . .tt: : 6- uuuis, uu- rosy wings, uew swniiy WnJv v " TgM himselt upon the Dnze he had won. ! , , . ue nau won, i uiv x i ' tLi i i Lr- i - x ..c.t ,'ianu aiies auui iu uiissiui. iifuoraiice oi ureaK- -l'--m - a ixi ir u . ers ahead," arrived at the Merchants ' TT t i 1 ...... 1 , i Hotel, where a suite of rooms to her chamber, and the groom, a spirited young fellow, thought he would have a run with the boys and see the elephants a little" while be fore retiring to the arms of Morp heus, and his fair bride. The result of this' little raid around town can better be, imagined than explained ; and we are surprised to say, instead of tho "groom, who is a' zealous "Good Templar," returning "right side np,,vhe was to use a. mild ex pression, jolly tight, and his newly made wife refused to admit him, and persisently vowed that she would return home on the morrow ; and, ringing the bell, alarmed the clerk, who provided an extra bridal chamber lor one, and the groom was soon sleeping profoundly. On the morrow, after having passed the night in profound slum ber, all unconscious of . having any wifej he was astonished to learn thatr she hud . deserted - h i mi - But such was the fact. She had retiirn ed to her parents, in Fayette county, where she still . remains, refusing, thus far, to become reconciled to the man who could desert her on their first day of wedded life for the society of male tnends. Cincinnati Commercial. Pedestrian sm. Edward Payson Veston, the liv ing wonder of this pedestrian age, has' jut been 'backed by Mr. Good win for $25,000 a side, Messrs. Win. E. Fredericks, S. G. Brock, Wm. B, Perkins, F. G Carroll and G. M Ball supporting Father -Time, to walk 5,000 miles in 100 consecutive days. A purse of $25,000 will also ber presented to AVeston on accom plishing this monster feat. By the articles of the agreement he will not be permitted to walk on Sunday, thus leaving him only 86 days to walk, making an average of 58 miles per diem.; He will also have to walk 100 miles in 23 hours five times, once in each thousand, or forfeit $2,000 for each time he fails. He will also walk fifty miles in ten consecutive hours, once in each thousand miles, making five times in all. In both of-these events he will be allowed, two trials. Mr. Weston purposes . starting on or about the 18th of August, from Ban gor, Maine, to St.- Paril, Minnesota, and back to Buffalo JtfV Y. Dur ing his walk he will Je accompanied by six sworn judges. ! The first de- Z t. f MtK AA V.. m'1n rns mil nn pusit ui JjUyv D1UC WOO J)Ul on Friday night. Tne tfegroes asx Voters. It is doubtful whether a Stato now in the Union would not to-day, repudiate colored suffrage by an overwhelming majority were the question submitted. There is, there: tore, good reason why tne states so uni versally resist the Republican plans of reconstruction. If the! comparatively few colored citizens ot Connecticut are unhtto vote, so must be the thousands and thous ands in the Carolinas;' If Michi gap and Minnesota," Ohio and Peti sylvauia, cannot control i.the action of their handful. of these unfortun ate people at the ballot-box, and so iriiistr exclude them altogethertwhat can-iAiaoama ana iirKansas, ju.i? sissippi and Louisiana, do with them swarming .at the polls in myriads J Parker Pillsbury; '" ' " ; !The Iron' Clad ' Having been' requeited to publish this test .. oath, ,we give it below. It reads- as 'followsv 5 and is prescribed by the-lOth i section' of thei Supple ueeu W WUDW; oonpie, . faithfnl discharge 'tho dntie8 f tlieir amval m the-Qneen .City and en t go' y p-n Qod ..P enjoying supper, the bride retired ( rmm ' " - have m never ; voluntarily, borne arms against tlie TTiiited Statse , since I have been a citizen thereof ; that I have voluntarily given no aid, coun tenance, counsel of encouragement to persons erigageby in armed Iioq tility thereto; . that . I . have .ueither sought, nor accepted, nor attempted to exercise the iunctions ot atiy office whatever' tinder ' 'any , author ity or pretended " authority" in lioa tility to the United. States; that I have notiyielded a' ybluntary sup- porx co any. .pretenaea govermeit, within: tha JJuited. . States,, hostile orvinimirjarcma: flew Bwittly ! int all Enemies,: foreign or do )n??ratulated . .T . .n i P mestici that 1 wiU' bear true .faitli j ii x . . -r j mesuc; inat ;i wiu, oear tjuq iaiui 'ltlj--ii.: t. -,i. t cmvj. tuiciittvuu wuio oa(uc;, titai:x ai. 4.1 n- j "i take this obligation freely,-without ,ann) 'JL?nm n 'J'nn any mental.reservation or purpose ot I will well and . . a j - . cvitMuu: uiu mat THE HOWARD AMENDMENT. joint resolution' proposing an amenrlment to the Constitution t)f the United ! - ,"' 1 ' Statesy'- ' ;. ; ' ; ; , Resolved by, the Senate and House ! of Representatives of ' the ' United assembled, (two-thirds of both Bouses concurring,) Tliat the fol lowing '''article be! proposed to the 1 legislatures of tho several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United. States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said leg islatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namely : . ; , j Article 14. , ,, .. Section 1. All persons ' born , or naturalized in the IJnited States, and subject to the jurisdiction there of, aire citizens of the United States and of the . State wherein they re side. Ko State shall make or en force any law which shall abridge the privileges : or ' immunities of citi zens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or 'property without due process of law, nor aeny to any person within its jurisdiction' the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several Statea;according to their respective numbers, counting the whole num ber persons in .each State, ex cluding -Indians: . ; not taxed. , But when thp rights tp, vote at. any elec-i tion, for, he choice' of electors for President and Vice-President of tho United States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of. a Stale, or the members of the legislature thereof is denied to' any; one of the male inhabitants of 'such ; State,' being twenty-one years of ' ae, and citizens ot the United 1 States, or in 'any ,! way abridged , except for participation, in rebellion or other crime, the-, basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion whicK tho number of such male citizens: shall: bear to the whole , numbepof male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. , Sec. 3. JNq person shall be a sen ator or( representative in Congress,, or elector ox 1 resiaent ana Vice- President, or hold an v office, civil or military, under the United States,, or under any State, who haying, previously taken an oath, as a mem ber of Congress, or1 a an ofiicer of ine unu.eu otaies, or as u uiemoer of ;any: State leislatnro, pr 'ar aiii executive 'or judicial' oflScer of any of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against tne earner or. given aia or comfort: to the enemies! thereof, But Congress may, by a vote ot two thirds ot each house, remoye such disability.; ... ' jc-rroi , f rr .t1 : Seo. 4. Thevaliditv. pf , tie pub lic debt of the United States, uth-, orized by . law,,.inclnding 4ebt& in curred for payment of pensiona and bounties for sery icesl in suppressing insuf rcclioh"ur, rebellion K snail not be, jiiestjoned.'4 But f 'neither'' tho United States 'hof 1 any' State shjall assome or' pay any'debt'of obliga tion incurred in aid of insurrection Or '; rebellion 'again" the'- United ates', or any claim for: the io8s,Jor States' emancipation of any slave : but-'all such1 debtBj' obligations ? and claims shall be held illegal -and Toid.! f 1 Sko. 5. The - Congress shall1 have pOwer to enforce, by appropriate le gislation, the provisions oi this ar ticle. ' '

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