1 r-iniMir htiiim Morning star jfcocAiirtuutton i.Ar.a tin 'thin tht . Stafc&wltli a fair, aaul 4alljr- -p lucreasln jt clrcnlntlon -;'-Ct: V:tnt2a eaauatrv. :'; , Grant's Speech. .,, . . It ftnnpnra that, f l.a mwwT. ..krl I .v. -..-r ".- ,--' .-. - . .4 - ' " -r-r"-- wjgMcv rcuDnij- rcmarra : --.murta Carolinians Who ; -t...-, ;;-:-rT;;t ., over th The Charlotte Democrat very t . THE VJSI: W 2wT. 'IT. B E IR, JL ?R X, di:r and Proprietor ace jits ran tub' rABL "OLIAH GS WOBTlL ; , .Fays tteville. jr.v; JONiCS, ....... fc. Hilton. D, SOUTiiKRLAND,.. . .Kenans ville. . . 1. Q: MOBRISBT,... ...... Warsaw. J a, y. PETTE WAT . . . . . Lumberton. U AM. LEX, f . . ...... . ..Clinton. : - ; U. JR. BENTON,.... Wilsoa, Atcz. McRAE, Ja.,........Shoe Heel. W; J. COVINGTON,.. I... Wadeboro J. J. COX,.........,...M...LUesTUle. . . K. JU SIIERWOOD,, -s " - - .- . 1 " ' j The SentiniLXrii that G. TVj ft VM'4 ' i& , -1 JAUY ethe ne pky of & AWcsMel VUVAX ; SPIRITa.TUB pondent of tbe Baltimore OaxetU makes I the benefit of hie views on Impeachment, in - 1 . I If 'At . m m m ' 1 this charire. snri tHvi th- ftmViii.- . I "?u epswon ot we oapei, ise Bun- 7nr vctiaxli7 rernirx rrr umnt'i nitngrir. i - 1 - - WM.wanD. Tn1 n.... J 11 n I -- ' vimmw w i tyrant owwif n."UWT r the close of thedsy. Xfiilct ofi 271; casks t 43U ceoiArana 80 casks at 44 cents. ' '"-v.i. jiiBOrJt Was to fair demand at a' slight de- ed s J; am to poblic peakingvIot haV- h I , . . " ' K Mm'trasntlirtonO1 : J:f Idg cultivated that grace (Heayy I), all 11 (' ralnietto. l-eaV. , 5 Washihotok, Maj27r" sicn me I will endeavor to f1ih.ro- th Xtejnaterea FOte Ol Uhn rlpstrm, Ustlon ' of September; were reiristered vester- duties 'devolving on me imbartialW 1 and . .v u , i; k .s, .M-.rr J wonattd.wnerablytote hblst TAB Was fl rm. Sales of 4d hhla -t C3 oa ?oce:ing.j lean only refer you to the rt-1 the blsckmaJoritr In Charleston tn i:m -. The efficacy of the hdbeaieonnu IiTdblev 1 M.ijtt:i.jiu i - ,v; .yi $2.15$2.2 ciri ndfed jlot of tfakied and No. 2; $3.25 or extra ;No.' 3: &00 for Nk-4 i f,wi o sates, ana no inquiry. ; t .a; .Sumter, S. C. , , A; r. CULPrER,....;....Tlnimon8Vllle, 8. C. tor should be an J. T. H.VRRINQTON,....;.rioydsvllle, S. C. Z $avoneti Sriit anawaV innniv o-rAvrtr v ' - I YJvvki win, answer J. W GLASGOW,. ......... Britton'a Neck, 8. C II. XL 3KW BURT, . . i w ..Masmolia. , J... 7, COLE....'..i..Rocklnsutm. ; . .'. : , ' Prcss Wanted; Any one having a good second hand power press for sale, on reasonable terms j cord I have left.! Where did he leave it t Evident. Hiram TTIvadaa 'as TTiLLaAm a (even father acknowledges- that 'Ke municipal electionV ofaapeakfat. Bnt. after aih it i ! not A hild ; eighteen months old . ... ... ' ' ..' ! ' - aosoiateiy essential . . J.ne UOnservatlVes OI. Unarles- lQai ine aouse or Kepresentatives is too high i, .-j.r ..i. " i'-vu to be dturbed' in Its' deliberations by this are eiatea oTer the postponement of the writ.' "' ' ' 'i I' " ' " ' HTlXOIiES ALE PRICES; - i . AKTICLKS. . 4,.i.v-.' ' "jfirr.:,;- -.-: . If ew TrlK markets. G GTJ)rCfOxumr.; ISA WJyX ORTH CAROLINA than that grace7 whiph Gen; Grant has not "cultivated." ' . jT-r-.v.-r-i" hwt fnt f wer., rorK ouu ana lower ; xnew Jttess f3SI Shoal hispurpose betterl " nQ mercury is Vlgoronslj nrg- 50. -lard drooping, at 1819 cents. . Cot-fiZA irJx rirnt : W.'c I elalms of Gen. Hancock for'tbe Presi- !0.0.ll,LrxLcent8 f?r- Upla.n48- ' : dential nomination. '. r A color- ial that a m.'lit rfiot.: W88"lca lD nesion Batnrday, by suck- t rnai1r in1K rpnta lA (f-t 1w.t?b-.. y , 'TT Ing a rag saturated with potaatV , . '. lower. RvTPhllr. "SZ Z -".V orator, unnno wrier ann i - ' . , , . " ; r" owe Dot rhts 50 Hams,........i.tfjr;.te ft Snoulderat..w.M...u.vt ft nog uaaad. . . BldesL; i. . . . ; . ; V ft Shouklers,.......'.,......!a ft Second Hand.. ' .... . .eae' w; NewewjYork,......;eaoh a am? v ormnc feopie. , : oiwe k w a i - 58ir. The Baltimnm' vf-ua i.W uE"r,w' 'r 5 . t--:-t-"! .v jvowuaj. i wicucuCTroio iwenxv miics rrom churipn. j g ujbuat pam io journeymen j vu t-' , mechanics and artisans of that city'at!the he fiemoc 4uc. - opinis;i nrpennne 'aecamnff. . at - ? i- n i sraw.' xkosin quiet, ana. nncuasgea. prrcwiV'- .?v.'V-c2ril ZA Td-n "Stocks active and strong iMoneyA45 perl fim4w7j'i;n aamea TV llliam cent Exchancre 10. 6oJd 1S9Uj: VirHnrd' 1 TT r " T V present time is such as will pnahlp thom 1.4 m. . . . ... ... ... , !ai commute.,, with ,h, editor , ,, to .opport a.TSiCT tneir children, &c, bat -lay aside tome- afc Colnmbla on the second Monday in Juno. of this paper. ),5 Pendleton and Hanco ck. tmng as a contingent land. The follow- ; . . The Vrhvtn TlVl.Voi mg are the rates which nrevail Bricklav. su. t . - rr ' ; , , r j .-. r. "vu"w'; " uimnoia, o. v;., iswunoutone 1 The contest has narrowed down to Pn. crs u Per uaJ nousecarpenters, 2,50 to dollar of debt Dnrlnsr the naat rr it dleton and Hancock. Unless some third 3' accordinSto 8kiI1 au(1 steadiness ; stone wenty-three;;.itudeirts; -with a "prospect of k Dartv should be taksn nn m.Mi. . . - I masons range from 3 75 to -4. the bosses xWr n.ttmbr ??r the coming vear. , The best W . - H4VIV1 V CaCS SB I ' r ' - Compromise. Pendleton and Hanrnclr.ni CW V ?9 which includes .snierinl Rental only $15 a month. - receive almoat th Af f . .v.. r. lending and genWal oversieht : craafitt 1 r ff :t:MUg hoard ""C : - T"U4. . ;inii f nkT. V; Tft fte and.ligbts, do not exceed , -wane invention on tne eecona xoallq r.Trv..? ..ul v w v, ior even f 150 per annum. The Southern At cannox oe aenied thatthe War Demo- : ' caoinet maKers in that I speaking on the subject, remarks that "if the crats are maki cure the nomination this effort, they who are man; bondholders. Pendleton Hancock men effort to present the claims of their favo- f ?' Tne W. brtcWaeni; stone masons ) Piwctora shall meet a jftar henciv once rite in the strongest possible' shape. The P8terers may appear heavy to man v. 1 w czamiDe lnu " oondition.'; gnt masses of the peoplethe 11 De- BUOUi w w - SUttTlngs. ttocracyare enthusiastic for Pendleton '" w?rnrevents them from steady em- . c 0d we see nothing, as yet, to alter our P10 r nore than eight or nine Ex-President . Bachanan . v, 1 tioKDoir, May 27 Noon. Consols. 95J$V. J3onds 71K. ,i . ; Uotton tending downward. Vupia CHrESJS-Nortixcrn, . . . Xi A juagaayrai..;;7..i'...'.;... ft Sales 5,000 bales i,'---.--fub mas at nd,iid. ! , . rvWW? .. .. , -i-, J-ONDoi., May 27-rP. JL;. . SfljiackcreLNo. tjw Kibbll !. . - t-: 4T.:- .: "- Maekerel1o.V..'.-?.vf hbl' . aBM aa r- - . r ' 1 I , T HT n 1 ltfi . , T 'i...tl -NEW .AjWRfSl Oat forltef. J- il . THE Tm? is 811 eras- A aIIGII And other' STrrjsttjQor.r.c, . I And other STYlARtr No OLD 8T0CK on hand. 1 ! oo a a v . IS 80 W T H H 1 J 1 T ' - T IN 125 iw A HAT ? a Man! .11 ,o 'riv'l! Georgrta. ' .Savannah,' , May 2T. Great enthusiasm manifested ? by all cMsses , 1 Oi fl 90 -t OO 000 ?00 00 00 00 & 00 00. oo oo a 09 oo 3 00 0 9 00? ,.8W 9 00. a i5 in FLOUR--1 -yi """:rr -r-rr i-c-r, Super. Northern,.... Wbbl 10 00 10.6O Fine. hlii a no . o M Extra. . '.' :s , iBhM1 n M A M . Ca,1l,u?er-'--'? Dbli i2 00 i? 6o WAl W W y W W 10 00 Q is 00 ' almost iTf.l.V - .f -T THE CITY f3S l 40 W If W 1 a Ctf A Jft?l - - - ' Mullets. . .. :L w hw unernag,.. V bbl h ?rc5?Ai of . ' 0 WAMtl nUADLEY Successors to ' .ii v., , ; tato may23-209 .T vtxr U in . . ; T r Of DeODiher. "on Tt "rTTf ti-' rT! V,rr "MJ3rl DDI " ' T olv1f;hiiMit scheme. --? Peruvian Guano 2240 fts a v MvvMmtuub.uiiiiTL. t.iiir.i.niiiiiiiLnn i nm. i - "if - w i mm r i ' n Tisnr wi i m ng a desperate effort to se- J KeneraiI7 w0. J the piece, but their Synod of South - Carolina, wUl raise for the Pniea House, and large number of public t.j-;,Patapseo Gnaniv. f 1 iSQOO fta of Hancock r and, in "'y earnings may be put down at $2 to 8emf;thtoyear;.Jnst mow beginning, the S?R"?"f " PliMan, are ably seconded by those 3 ' epaJ 3,; machinists, 4 ; WW! tfij lW 14 ' " : - ffiW ioulatin? the wire for moulders, fl; bo ler makers, from 7t3 50 T eacn.memoer .of the Church), and ,ro displayed, and a number roj- ... 7 ipuiaung ine wires lor the I . iwb, huIU ou th4 ortrti, .m. Jt(1 i of serenades will be iflven.to.niu-ht . . . J Corn.vNorthGTn..,''J:.ahv.-K r , to f4; marbleworkers, $4- hod carriers. .wTSl ? Da!,a AI ; ,r ,Z., -"7, - CoBasternCo,;;: taehi .mi . from 2 21 tn 9 Jtn -J: , ' ne, .tnousana dollars , i I acsl..M..,.M..;.bn8h is still far ahead, but the V t0& M to eleva, Uach, ,the . Seminaiy . on. enmfoWhi FORTJETH, nn vrin 17 ice v-v-rV4uh. wem determined to relax no t,on of Gilding -laborers, from $1 50 to l4 be out of debt : - .i - - -7- ; ; 1::::: I more " SECOND F Eastern,. . . W loo fts ftlmUl. Va 1 V A. . tViiWX1:' .? loo fts "Popular Med. vigicine -Extant. ' ft i .,H.i 75 00 H 80 00 70 .00 v 76 00 00 00 & 60 00 OS U W VU W 00 00 The pnln Killer i, Mn:.,. . pllcable and efflcaelons to youngor old THE PAIN KILtER ; Is both an Internal and External 600 .' - fifmMtn fTinjB PAIN KlLLiElt I if UK 1 s 90 is: . 1 85, Will V.I1A'Pulnf.l. . rpHE PAIN KILLER IS opinion that he will be the nominee of the mn-8 duTinS the year. 'All these work-J stm coiulned to hUDedbymiiess. flew York CJonvention. If any other can- s mm regara ten hours as a day work, ; -. ...... i i ... - . i . dictate is chosen, nothiner but an endnr BUU luere 18 no nothing on hand like a I . . . . -""V briber o i . .. . i wjuuiik uimun CTftfcn r v.A ; Washixgton, Mar2T. Sbnatb. -A hifl.Inqorporating the National uoiunucc vuuipany . A resolution acce rent over under the Seward was asked for documents and cor- i aU.j. mm j a.i m i . . m rJK i . a i8i-Norn7"j::::TO a,r..8oaldaandBun.a. v a. r Wide' liTasLast Milt iras... 10 00 V t, . respondence regarding the Alabama Claims. secret lias beerr admirabl v L S88 lnaae a personal. explanaUon reeardinir . . . . ' . .J I bribcrv renorts. - y reports. mentof Pendleton's greenback policy wUl 8tnkC- Inition to the above mav be body in a whisper.- ' - - -, w.b bv Boss to turrks.M..j. u l. . i mentioned tha.wwwl -.u. i-.. ". . f ' v1-'''"---v lv-tr: .w ruccw ; In common with the entire people of the trom '50 f? per day.1 All the rats Mr;Dickens cleared South, we look forward with anxiety and enuraerated win compare favorably with tranSrAUantie readl. , interest to the assembling of the Conrea- tbo8e and Phiiacklphia, ' Darin?ffiltibn i r" 00- 00 stormy, but we ;. . ' " " T IU5. awajn u Dc.1 "can irentlon ? some ' a aay ror tnelx; laxd -Autocrat A painter with a potahd brush In either h divided and suffering country; 3T Nobody writes to Ben Wade' now awiltii7' amI mK'-r, ; , " appro vea rasmon- rnanimonsly Selected c " ms ' come TheJMewiYork iVasavs nanimity of Grant's nomi- L "Pipe smoking on the street is on Shya uauon was one ol tbe most desperate of the Increase." So are poverty and mean e received no fee for defending the Pres. - w - mwmw s& uiauittUC I " (no pun intended) effect, and. for the ad- ClTT StBAV SAimcn-. Ship Stutf, reBawed,. .W M ft , WTes India Cargoes, aocorti . ng to quality,.... ...f? M ft pressed iloorfng, seasoned. ? - -v.. ...uv. -.ii.uoiw .uiuuoiuu was aiscus8ea. to ad-1 uLk-uiMi,iiaaa.. Illl Maoni iA AAA : a ' ! lMimmMf Tk. ji..." t' .T . T ' I .innha KKIK f . ... 24 00 n 06 .ftte People iniUft. Lyersal Satisfaction. rpHB PAIN: KILLER Beware of 25 0o; X iUiiTATtoarsandCoi7WTKairi. ,000, orte00iXlnoldJ JOarntnent. The dUcussioh. was on Ike mi- :'''Cnha,-bbtt..:i OOr details. . No HennhlWn nnimiu o,- ,i v i ..sr.. :r7 1 -rir . vu uuuei ws VUU8UU1UOD. Sugar House, bUda. k . 7 ..... " bhls.. 7. , , r "cwona may do stormy, but we TIUs w awrja M truUtbedcletes will be patriotic enough "J"1? cc PtaUimdre. ; ; to sink all personal preferences in the com- r'.-rJ 'Twiiiklltj': ? " tMAIi riAaiti i a . . - . 1 . , lu restore unity ana prosperity to a now divided and suffering nnt' "vv uvts. j 1 SV1 S?UJt1 "A lca wan fiveimuared reel anu. - f,I,r?tirtr-'Tr V.t,HV 1-i40t 8 of the sideWtti. pr j.. am- 1m a imwjn r.m . j -. j' 1 - 'jVAaj w7a43 QWKRf. Jt.- w nrMh Schenck said theire uitu uuiu do oirered -thft mnt tu verbal. - ' Indian Appropriations were discused to ad journment. . If ROM lSHINGTON. i!5 00 CD 20 00s ai gall 1 50 Kai 1 eo rnHE PAIN Klt-T.Kl? , 1? 59 J2 00 X Is an almost certain cure for moi o i 1 .f?' Bror,,?,'v1. th PAIN KILLER lV " S0 L utr,-i inr-diwVi. ;tA-'' 00 mi r . iiiin,..,.,.,,.,,,...,,,, bbl .1 50 rlfiO A. Is wrapped With full directions for ue. '5 AT aAX-Jt is sow by aU 5? ' 4l &H a.nd Dealers In Fai family Medi- iciaea, B3T When the editor of the Standard aiiionai ana Daloable reiuinn thaf tiiA I is on thA nniif!oi a. , . . Uersev wbAmnn-ia. i' ... . . , f ,. . "... r- .-..Hsjaiij , .v.- iwuvc, u is znxaen with the uuuimg 10 nig res- was afraid to go into the campaign under hare and rannW with the hounds. ' Wenoe for the moderate sum of twelve cents. anybody but Grant ' ra- '.Pannv irmKltt k.. I Honor 8 distance to per- -i i j , V . s fR'egirehaname To be nominated unanimous! v is but k a collarand cunt" Who want. t " m, -r. . W poor indication of success -t the polls. P"" caned .by Fanny Kember "orany , nD- - Wales, at the, Henry Clay was nominated hv otherffian "'T ' Amyl - Washington. May 27. 11. -1 . . " Thereis amao-iaffoi. GTV-na? w" ?ffl" re stm with f5 " vw- J sj nr I . r- Rum ' V" 1 K 1)1,1 ;Rougm;.. .. bishi JVd A .. AM A i. . r ' ' I3!T!"-rW 110 23 iryitl-i"-v.-v :soo s;io w is a con rt 7H1 9H M I " M W J -. - . oo oo oo oar A vxT Aixa rAn nosiv. aria. Sales. Don' 'Vav'&tht It ! Halt the ward. haw i . . -1 IKrtrS7' '.tK JiO i r- w .7 .JT-T" r .wooiievwss befbrJ VhrAX.. b. ' "i a w-."Avr-? mittee to-dav. but refalTT: Q. . : ";i7.Wftl 'iS , of DENTAI; IiatmT a tl i -'S 8nthU moneys i&n -V'-.r .....VJ- IU 11 I L. . :"JH1 IBS lTOfBSB OIL vW iffll' t Mintof DURABILITY, uon, ana we all. remember how badly he A iTort Wayne d.) gander core,, In Tw of actualacts this stament i d Tomxr Iai- 9Wum "tot He a whate. ! ll la ftfafAf . tkrtt . wT a M nuuiinadon K) a uomraittee. Plenty rumors of Cabinet rMi. t - . 1 nothing Miiihi. 1 " "".""""t u.u O WAV Baltlinere' Markets. BALtuiCHta, May 27. ! clared that the Irish pWe were loyal to tiia wes beaten by James K Polk, a cnmn.r. chrl npon a couple of timid vounir ladi. me very like a whate. tivelv obscure man, and one ho never fDmlnto.H A man living In Cnhno V dreamed of reaching the Presidential t'T, . t Jast week applied oil fromWbowoT d chair. It is very evident that the Presi- tobapipe to a bum on the lip of hu urn! dpntu triAm . .. ,. danriitAf .. . . . p OI nM utu wneat very dnlh Maryland 2 70ra2 Oft r-?L- . ue campaign will be a reoetition r"7I; " " . . pica: ,P"hery In the tZTTL evwWcinriMr; White fi-18(3118; Yeiiow f lzTii of that of 1852. fJftn fl.:. M.!wmtte-:- Drake "-) ? -xer. V ; v; 1 , ' 7 W95 cents. 'Rye: . . " " j bu viven voted ror eonvi(?trtn i T.oT.i.i t. x l f ruvisioos sieaavand ntiRbano-P w i a iio jjni . i n. rrf4' i a fiuf a a im x a a v i mMmU oi a. a r . - ... w yyja. Avctisnjr I ' " 6"" oiab asoo. coupons 55 bid ..-Y"uus KUHS. UierA. trhA had to coMlderatioo.- Against Franklin L'lwted, "111 support blra I S ?,Ta,ty''''teMl,ooirnInet7noir8 Pierce, another chance candidate, he car. Mr. Holde .V 1 i ?' 1"'Tenn,(t. - mm rair,.. ......;.. , m :;4?vf 9 :i ItW r-- w"-KNTIXE and COTTON, prhit- 1 "ee V OO J i w wie past style, for sale at the MOliSWa i :? 0w.yn.?n4w1n Hruse ' 1000 0 00 rl 8 59 5 00 0 7D0 .1 40 00 s 00 00' ehanrr.H A.Zl " jp un- vi2j-i,"'xiB'lwuJtn nncnanffed. New Torb Markets. ' - , ..w:.-rtsac..May 27.' ntV.' 'www hales at 80 1 wi! , uuu "n1 llaU- Cent i lower SS"? T?L ;83entt lower! vCoVn :. nr.. oj mil E Marks vrt a.Ta'. I JRECEIPTS i im ,1 ,?lttte.. competition it chsl- a- niTcrBiesmen. Str North Carolina, 207 bbls rosin 5 balea ; ti''."!'1 f :t SS&?la,!tf', tnrpentiier TSff HOOK BI litt, Bro& Co,WJ Price. ' i?;' one of the most skillful S.tr Halcyon.-130 casks spirits. 4A7 hhl J JIS1 trtAllkln.Js of Bfndln, rnsin.- w m . inim . - . M vv.. . A ried butcr State in the Union. the .Confederate , banners as standaM. nt L Vtft'PJ'ot?T,n y recommended S?S nilelar . . . m wa i si tr iiBroiiMfnim - ai . " - - - - -. i - v wwH a. a tasAm - a i i -wr-rr tk i . . " W1 With Grant He is pushed Wasn't , his, newspaper, once a hoL "1 'M" eta?- Bw-eUvS PTrS n hmu, in m moment ot desperation, be- " w w ""u,uui f l" The Raleigh Standard savs: , Th ar should not Jest ; on serious subjects " Jed so, MrHoIden 1 but you ought to have cause he was a successful General, though a very poor one ; and it matters not who the Democrats . ' , MUUl- thnnVt K. -.u- ' " . " uate Will give the hero , ot Vi.lr.h,! . . k wucu you were Gov. - . . ' e - urauam ana others for "rr , .orth Carolina In a ut-Shell. , Whita tli; fjoldsborp: yew, is luxuriating In soda water and aataaW rillapop. . i ') v-ui-f. Wilej; Wjiitle kilied -Henry worse drubbing than he received at bhUob. Salts Eviutiv The New York Times is bitterli oddos. t ed to Radicalism, but it is in high ' . glee oter the nomination of fax, two men who represent thoroublv I on'.iloW thH..Mii o... 7 ani day. Both necroes. , . w kjfcCYeus-uuuerism. B6th longed for the conviction of the President ; ad, as for Grant, he is a mere puppet in the hands of. Congress. 4 A man of his .agrQ intellect, occupy ing his pe culiar position, cduld not be otherwise ' T !Jcket belongs to; the Kangaroo 7a I" I ? ; tDonSh i .notr above mediVity himseTf,ii 'immeurablv the negroes. TriApfhorl , - xwMCTOf-i 117163 imbroglio continues. - One says " it is " and wo uwier bbb "ii am 1 1" ...... night ago, has been materially damaged by the rust In a few of the Western aWn ' immeasurably the zl onthenmte between Charlotte and auwuBciuw superior of Grant ; H ' , vwuK .nas been reopened. likwthepU ; It .is extravagantly asserted - f mw;fcpmbination of "Dadd n-de a motion to. the -wwiug nerairyqei ther fish, flesh ' nor I T " . fowl.. In. troth, it is the moat: mia..KiA A nn m;A; uTOTerpuforth; t - a ay (aa a. w wss a hun uuiinir imiK r a - llieBecondi nnxnber- of the' Hm - a2LTl ' -i i r -- -..-- i wunuoni ana entertaining llt y would likr to Tton it -X inL cu. uranVj ITelected; will eve.t iav : a. ii t iinnneTiAM aft. Cress ... -' - -w " " a"eroianvimnorJii r"" xe oure,-luaa teached nit -t wnen. the two are bmnt - Ricco laTia?. "TiTL M",.fc"Ti- forto test glass, the "water and rT .f cents. ..Iri-SHWH- araeformer 0 a the latter rlaWto th nn ' -77 " 1 1 . wernuienU closed strong n , -7 w U1"wrorora- .Tennessee 70. North OailI"JSS?. nTSS ,na "nd COIXAEs, . m A aoo. SpalrSeeond Hand IKIVTNO ftElIfS, SADDLES. Flhnnv.no .LJl. . Gold 189. .8teHin :r: "ma. 11UW rage Ml Border 8tStBm. Paris. As manvaa thirtw-AiT v. . musli dresses; and moreover the flounces are to he Valenciennes., 4Ta4enclennes' is aW mshionableon silks, to the gne'a disrnay of hus bands andfathersi whohae to foot the bills v Bonnets, however, ara growlay snMnetTTfBOsl sihle. : ,- u.- L. ,r a- British captain was lately coiaHlaled in ADysshand sentenced to be reprimanded for havint? enters of a lieutenant who was under arnUt. erely heating hmi wlth'aewhlp. sir Bob- wbiptry Sanford, Moore, New York, , WraCTuSn Johnson & go Jh5T FStte Alej fflWft 5' . Brig Attavelareid:PhllAfWrAhi. -Vi I i l; : . ! :'. ' t Martin ' ' r Juucr I , . ,ff,"i t;j, ptIi;4 i -Ul ' nSnre aiw wen selected stock of now 81d: A ?ih TBUS IKS. Ac., chsap u i A Frost ft !' I. i.i ii .!T.W. AtJTni .IDA MTf . nmv ui. 1 . 11 ... i. r?i.9; Orea.r.tett.rt.e. SES55 .' - .4 reflfkrketa. t 3tt?Eti5&&& H VanBokkelen. ! ertNapler refused to oonflZ ,r . . . , deJi-i: Joh "l P M. Vanors- that the punishment walalW ouatA. and th Amt.in . ... I w . ;l v?. tWlj, I K, Cape Fear 8t Bt 4 .-. t t " . i vpca au punishment I VI AJ wva ' whatever. ' .J. - .ti : , YY. ,i -,.iS,j u:- Mr. Stephens' Advice to Tonne , .J1"" vWah; Geor ga, has intlyrecefv "uttVWchhe NUlow me-hW hri.u lv-r.: ria ... t r ' "us late i3s!iWW.l of this It-'-. tbingsare in of Swfi" ?a PastaS of. things ahead, vet,! aarf. eATrTHE AT THE ytA Ti rrrrrA a th k l AA IA JJXrTTXlA - i ..V..J... i m ..am ntlTT 1 a fiiutv ni .n.... , Wnrth tv-ji r.r ""j. reschan. i i i. JTr. rrrr.-T ' : tr Ml" nfnJjara Bros. .It 8 WaldroiT LaJI Uri3i12tL"17 'ilJAT COXLABS-8eTeral Mttds; ... . I WAW Sn7f AIUUEJTCB w - H0NES-A mLTJ.' :? Dawann rWHf?l K I N? If t : sz:r:xy"i . c Here?, rTOrfltw rVs r.;. u Qy-vWi..,,,,.., wv, i War" . aiauwod AHbeniwraAM lul j rc"f ih'ir'TT' w ' DOG , , TEACH tBAZOB For sale f ' A5.8o.rront8t,; w A X.aAAPVVAS. Bradley, gfrdseygpttf . Mr mm mm K W iW V B -"T. y t :.rrtfl . Aiiey late thla moan. -J." 1 A". uuurminr -vHtNeff, ;Valker& STAR OFTf -' STAR 6FPTRRrHT Jairj-ewjaotXv,. ll.fiIatX'lw v U.'V V-j' 1 . T 1111 ni. v W1T1 . - . T I Wth VA' - W. . ' a - . .r.UUJMIM X ,-TlMrl 1 . . U LA mmm . 1 k. rnntn ..1 Lit. . . - -""w woo 7 applyiuir at rrir-Juoard. ri V"r: . ae this mean- nf 1 ' r-r.TT" J-TJUiAv: - . m T Tl - JCfc 4an, oereL- -w, . k,,.,.,,,. I-s h-i-m t rneal ln.raiat. Wxeyan- n -t H,r.VtJi''.a.y ?yefe rtrwel I ai?A- - r?rSS ofl -ope.i? inem,.and am resolvecTtn,' iZZr frJELW - jjrWXLS.nD brV ;" V' "Is"?3ai? 8w4 work. v5 .r " . fe-fTraXAsj-ia: ; - i JiWwvIGB , . " ... ; ituo. and 1 . - - - ' aa II. I j j .. TI.N.nrfaau. j . wmo ime. nnniii a I i.V...,.iH L! '-ii ryjavij: ICC Ji".i.V.tt..t '- - wnei tuindanm .i.. "w'- i - u9cia.dcl co flown, with t.i I 7"! , , . , BTprnf i mr. hn. rri i r , . ' mT T flnnh it I vtv,.l -. M..rM...n' PrlntiDg anj itM rilTrna. aw.; nwAnn noOEft IXXUaJSTS, UEDGEBS. DAT BOOKS: anT, jortf every variety of liLANK BOOlfP?

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