4 i j IVfOTTTXTfT ftT A 13 ThnraaJnljr;9th, 18Q8: Local Circulation, LABGER than that of any Taily NewsnaperJ in the . $tat4, w'th a fair, and daily 5 Increasing circulation v" v in the country! , &a Advertising: Kates " lower than these' of I any Daily . News aper in North Carolina. b ibi" jfe jnt X x: Editor and Proprietor. I 3 mil. : ! u Tris Stab Job Office.- lishment has recently been enlarged and added to by. new material, type, &c. tlicy whole un j der the foremauship of one of the Best practi- eal job printers in the country. The proprietor J , is prepared to receive and promptly execute orders-for all kinds of plain or fajucy worit, - cards, labels, 6ill-b.eads, posters, programmes, I tickets-in fact, any. description of job work 1 done in a well appointed job office. The pa- I trons of the establishment may be assured that J.liy ustice wilt be done to their ! orders, both fas $ workmanship, material used; and the f price. . Now is the season, therefore, to get ! vour ih work .done, and set it done well. In I the line of fancy- printing, in colors, or plain J the work done at the Stab office will compare .) favorably, with that issued by thei largo estab lishments of; New York and Philadelphia. We 1 invite pur friends to an inspection jcanjudge for themselves, and they AGENTS' T0J3, THE STAB. hVM. F. CAMPBELL, Fayettevile. fwai. U. McLAURIN, Laurinbugh. J. J. JONES,. .Milton, j J. D. SOUTHERLAND,,..Kenansyilie. 1. G; MORRISE Y, . . . . . Jas.'T. PETTE WAY, . ., Dr. A.M.LEE, JI. E. BENTON, Alex. McKAE, Jr...... W.J. COVINGTON,.. J. J. COX...... E. L. SHERWOOD,.... A. F.CULPEPER, ..... ...Warsaw. . .Lumberton. ...Clinton, ft ...Wilso. 4 ...Shoe Heel! . . .Wadesbopp,. ...Lilesville; ...Sumter, S C. . .Timmonstille, S. C J. T. HARRINGTON,....,. Floydsvillp, S. C. JORDAN STOXE, ......... Weldon. . J. W . GLASGOW, ....... .;. Britton's Keck, S. C il. v. hiWDUiti, Magnolia.) JQUN W. COLE ; Rockingham. F. H. MlLLINS : Mullins'.Depot 8.C, Tlie General Assembly. In the Senate? on Monday, A. H. Gallo way (negro) presented a resolution relative to the removal of disabilities of certain persons in this State, ties over J I Mr. Bobbins offered a substitute for bis motion,! published yesterday and which " was pending when the Senate aujourned on Saturday, but both the original motion and the' substitute were lost. il j A message was received from the House transmitting sundry papers, to wit : j A.bili providing for the qualification of pflBcers elected under the Reconstruction acts. Read first time. ' f Also the report of the Joint jCommittee on rules for the government of intercourse between the two Housed, which Was adopt ed. '' - ' i . ,' J, .. On motictn of A. ' H. Galloway (negro) his resolution, relative to election frauds in Caswell county, was taken up and adopt- ea. v - The bill reiiealinj? that bart of an act. 4 r : ' which requires the Public Treasurer to give a duplicate bond, came up, and on motion of Mr. Brogden, the rules were sus- pended and the bill passed its several read- WgS.-'-..,. .!: J ' i The resolution of Mr. Robbin's, declar- ing that the fundamental condition in the Omnibus Bill,' which seeks to restrict the 'Jr t. .... "4 . right of the State hereafter tw regulate suffrage, to be without legal force or effect in this State, came up. m Mr. Robbins supported the resolution in a most powerful, eloquent and ipipressive speech. "j - The resolution was defeated by a vote of 32 to 8. i- , . ' . r i In the House, Mr.lVIorrill, of B.-unswick, appeared, was qualified, and toolc his seat. Mr. Estes presented a memorial from Cooper Hutchins, of Duplin, in reference to the payment of taxes, which was refer red to the Committee on Claims, When such jcomtnittee is appointed. f; ' "! Mr. Hodgins offered a resolution that the Commission, who were appmnted by the1 late Convention to codify tli4 laws, be invited to address the House, JnCommit- Itee of the Whole, i upon the subject. " Mr. Abbott offered a joint resolution au thorizing the Gjoyem a Conv L sL-- .fit..' r x i "I ,r r iuissiun ui liirue w examine luiq ine iii- erary Fund, includinsf the University. isaid committee to have Dower to send for persons and papers. , - j.. y , ; ! Mr. Durham said he did notsee the ne I cesaity of such a measure. " ' ".' I . After some debate between Messrs. Ab Ibott and Durham, Mr. -A. consented to I modify his resolution, by authorizing the ! Speaker of the House to'appoint a commit l tee of threeito.make kn examination. The resolution was then adopted." air; BinclalrKpresented' a 'biU entitled " an act to change the method qtjelectihg the '.Tndges. of the seruperfojiCujia. It provided for the election of h Superior Court fudges by the electors of leach ; Ju dicial district, instead of holdin'a-jreneTal 1 1 on moUon: of Mr Abbottthe Wi Was ferred to he Committee on: the Judiciary, when appointed. v . 'r- i, .-. ' Mr. White introduced a bill n Regard to the collection of arrears of taxes from th securities ofecea Rhftriffe TtAr .Sit', - s y : ;, .'".'rw"""tt" v w - lectltn Was put on ulU aenrt r.! ringafad adopted, hen on Motion of:Mr'.ffortIi Carolina lit a j SeymLr, it third 'reading aa postponed . - - J- -: until Tuesday. H A , - Mr. Kinney introduced a bill to amend the charter of the Davidson Copper Mining Company The bill passed its second and third readings, and was ordered to be'en grossed' and transmitted to the Senate. Under the 3 heard of u unfinished- busi ness 'V3Ir;SinclairVresolutrons came up in regard to raising a committee to invest igate the charges against Mr. Jones, re cently elected Judge. - , - The Chair decided that the name of the gentleman, whom the resolution charges with misconduct, should appear. Mr. Sinclair was thn allowed to insert the name, when at the suggestion of Mr. Seymour, it was made , the, special ordei tor Thursday morning next. "Building np the :Parly. The Radical party n this State know full well that t bey occupy no place in the affections of the people. Even the' de luded negroes look on them with distrust and their continuance in power is proble matical in the extreme. They will there fore seek, by every means, however despi cable, to retain control of the public plun der. to the latest possible moment. The secession Governor recently elected states Very plainly, in his inaugural, thai: tlie policy under his new government is to l.e intensely proscriptive. And not only are all the offices to , be filled by " fire-tried Unionists," (is Mr. Iloldenone ?), bnt what is called " loyal militia" is to be organized and armed, probably with Mr. PaiDc's 14, 00U rifles ana seven batteries ot artuicrv. The object of this organization is pl!n even to tne most ignorant negroes, it is simply to inaugurate a reign of terror ia the hope that it may induce the intelligent white men of North Carolina to yield everything to Radicalism without astrug gle. There is ho necessity for an armed mili tia in this State except as a means of fos tering the growth of Radical tyranny. Brownlow's success in Tennessee embold ens the r'ession Governor of this State to repeat hlf experiment. It is all done with the intention of brow beat ins nd msuit-4 ing thoLe who will not bow down to the brazen Holden idol; to control the elec tions; and to keep up by a military des potism the already waning fortunes of the infamous party that now disgraces nearly every office, from Coronerto Governor, in the State of North Carolina. We shr.ll keep an eye on the movements of these revolutionists, and give the peo pie timely warning of , their designs. Organize- Let the Conservatives "and Democrats of North Carolina now go to work vigorous ly and energetically to carry the State for the Demoratic nominiees of the New York Convention. This is no difficult task if approachedv in the proper spirit. We must, of course, secure a few thousand ne gro votes to make success certain, but we can do that and not half try. Certainly we ought to exercise as much, influence oyer the negroes as a-few hundred adven turers exert over the native whites. If Ab bott, Tourgee &.Co., can control twenty-ty-five thousand white votes jn North Car olina, it is disgraceful to us if we cannot control a like number Of negroes. -Let us organize therefore for the cam paign, and let us go to work in' a practi cal way. We must not dri off the ne groes, as was done in the last canvass, by telling them we don't want their votes. However it may have been then, it would be dishonest to sajr that '.we don't want their votes now. We do want them, and we must have them if we expect to carry this State, next November. ; ? The negro is now a voter, and we must influence him to vote with us. Otherwise, he will be Contro1?ed, to our infinite dam age, by the' same vile partisans who have recently ridden into power on his shoul ders. , . .. . Organize a Conservative or Democratic club in every precinct in. the State,- V-d enroll the names of all voters who will join the movement to crush Radicalism. Twinklings. EF" A- charmed circle The ring at Raleigh. T. What . road should travelers in France avoid ? The road to Rouen. " ?4. Women who , make shirts a?:d linen i coats .for i twelve cents . apiece never strike." That's? . , P" Nashville law . requires tops to be cut off all vegetables- offered in- market." This is a good thing fof the doctdrs. 1 1 ft A Northern paper, in copying our VNutsheU'l item, ''Raleigh la to becensased," makes it " Raleigh Is to1beBftured,,t 1 " The cditotcoinrention of New &npsblreis;fd1iie1 & Rye ')Beac,7Rye will beach a good $any of th craft, no doubt 1 &T'9 wpmeu ain't; "see h.rrant opposes female and 'eder; negro suffrage. Grant never liked breastworks. ' f l" l Chase is said to be ortR of tbe pillars of the . Methodist Chureh." Ha. buv m - f- . ' - r"i J .. 1 d. . piuar of .alt, tut -eve that maj W.-WiiSaLlBilW. J Every ed to Grant peace.v, TGrant then, smokes, and: talks moUq '.-,. " nnKii if , m r t 11 'i r v' J3ut-Shell. The " Oohvqrition tax'- gouges Iredell county to the tune of $1075.00. . Charlotte is to have a minstrel trpupe.:;"-.;. v '-v . r f: ' , i Thb addresf oRev. J: H. Dalr Jy recently delivered at Goldnboro, Unsaid to have been a splendid efiort. ' " t ' ( , u i -7- Two white 'men rbbfted r a ne gro of. seventy-five cents, -. at Newbern, last week. All three, no doubt, voted for Meunin- - Three negroes Vraylaid and at tempted to rob. Mr. C. W. .: Hardison, near Newbern, last Saturday. Mr, escaped, by good running. , a The Charlotte Democrat char acterizes Gen. Abbott's opposition to Mr. Sin-' Clair's disability resoluonsas little, unbecom ing and contemptible : rv:r :-' - The Newljern Journal wants us to beat a fig weighing foa rteeu ounces; Rpinl ns the. fl'r Ktriku out the b from " beat. ' nd we'll eat it. j dleton 3, Chase 3 ; 'Connecticut, Hancock 3, mi -. o i 4 i. i . n Pendleton 8; Delaware, Hancock 1, Pendleton The 12th quarterly report Ot2; Florida, Hancock 3; Georgia, Hancock 9; the First National Bank of Charlotte shows i Illinois, Hendricks 16; Indiana,; Pendleton 3, the institution to be in a flourishing condition. We uotice amongst its resources $14,513.15 in specie,' j, , . The Newbern Journal states that, in eighteen mouths, fifteen murders have been committed within seventeen miles ot that city, and not a single one of the murderers has been hanged. ! . -Several hundred negroes as sembled at the depot, in Goidsboro, Saturday, expecting to get a free ride to Raleigh' and a free dinner at Gov. Holdeu's mansion. A ru mor to that effect was general an(f they were ready to. go ; but they were hoaxed" The the reports that reach the Newbern Journal, except from a few localities, are of the most favorable character. But for some unforeseen disaster. North Carolina will be better off in'.November than she has beeu since the close of the war. Palmetto Loaves. ' . . Mr. John Foster, Sr., of Lan caster district, i dead, j ... Fairfield district paid $200, 000 cotton tax in $ mouths. ' . . TIjingrj Radical office-seekers are swarming at Columbia. '.' .r Charleston is excited over tlie approaching municipal election. .fc Capt. John Holland, of the light-slilp, was drowned near "Charleston Sat urday. . It is rumored that the Charles-j ton News IS longing after the State printing, and will, if it gets it, support the negro State government. So the Mercury says. . . . . A recent steamshi b carcro from Charleston for New York 'consisted of 1,193 sacks of wheat, 1,416 boxes of peaches, 1,000 cantelopes, 580 barrels of potatoes and 634 cratea'of vegetables. . . The Mercury savs : " A U. S. soldier who was disgracing his uniform on Saturday afternoon by walking with a negro wench on East Bay, was caught, and deserved ly beaten by three of his comrades, who felt themselves scandalized by his conduct. . . The storehouse of Messrs Del- orme & Dove, on the Cberaw & Darlington Railroad, was totally destroyed by tire on W ednesday night last. Mr. Dove was sleep ing in the tore at the time, and awoke bare ly in time to save nimseiL lne ore was sup posed to have been of accidental origin, the building and stock are an entire loss. THE VERY LATEST. BY TELEGRAPH, THE MORNING STAR. NOON REPORTS. National Democratic Conven tion. j New York, Jnly 8. On the seventh ballot Indiana split minor ity for Hendricks. Mississippi went for rendieton. Tennessee gave four and a half for Pendle ton. . v On the eighth ballot Louisiana went for Pen dleton ; New York for Hendricks. Wildest excitement cheers and losses.'' Result Pendleton 156 ; Hendricks seven ty-five. On the ninth ballot rendieton, lao, Hen dricks 80; Hancock 34W. Balance widely scattered. ' Pennsylvania adheres to Packer. The tenth and eleventh show little change. On the eleventh Chase received 1W. Great applause some hisses. ' Twelfth ballot, rendieton I4o$; Hancock 30; Chase one-half; McClellan one. Cheers. The thirteenth ballot snows little change. beyond the fact that McClellan' s name, don't apoear. .. ; " ; !' : - t ; k ranklin Pierce receives one vote. From Wnifiiinfftoti. Washington, July 8. . Private convention monopolizes the wines deluging the market. . Foreign Markets. ' London, July 8 Noon. Consols 94K95. Bonds 733. ' , Fbankfobt, July & Bonds easier, . J ?M' ;' ' -. .T Liverpool Jnly S Noon. r Cotton buoyant. Sales 12,000 bales. - ' OUR vNIGHT REPORTS From Raleigh. ' ; Raleigh, July 8. ' The prbceedimrs of the General Assembl v nti Monday, Tnesday and to-day were of no gttxie- rai interest si, , ; , Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks have bee elected. The latter. O'Hara. fneffro1, . is on. sidered jbette? qualified fthan jthft EnrpUipg Mr. Bowman, of the House, introdnd a bill providing for public: Schools, and regnir- og separaio iseuooj lor wnit es ana oiacks Ke erred. toEducat!atformmittee. . 4 Cancuslus and electioneerin s tot; IThited States Senatorare constantly kept rxu,- it-si It is rumored that ttia friends- of bott, of New Hampshire, "and, John P00L of Pasquotank, have formed a strong eombina lion to secure the election. This plan, If sue cessrav wonja aeprive the West of 8enator, and would also defeat General . Dof kerey.--Next Tuesday trljl determine th6 matter, if not sooner determined in caucus. :-. - - It is understood that.Gov. Holden and fiUl . t 1 m . - w WAnr rvxAwrl r9 m i M a. o a. " . i:". . uuier removals an rmni -rm mninK"- National Democratic Convention. 1 ' - New' York, July 8. cock; 14th, unchanged. Fifteenth, 'Connecticut, splits,- giving Han cock 8 votes. Nebraska goes for Hendricks; Pennsylvania for Hancock. Result, Pendleton 129, Hancock Hendriek 83. 5 -. '4fitb ballot Arkansas, Georgia andrLouisi ana voted for Hancock. Result, Haueockjll6, Pendleton lQ7,tHendncks 70. 17in Dauov-imnqis .pui oeiweenneuunc and Pendleton. Nebraska votes Hofiman. Re- suit, Hancock 187, Pendleton 70, Hendricks 80. 18th ballot New Jersey cives Hancock 3 ; - . . . .. . . ' ! ISA . X TT J!l Illinois .vows souaiyaor ;jaenancK.., .esuifc, PunrtWiton 56. Hancock 144. lilendricks 87. ! . . a. l .11 m XT 1 1 T" The ballotings to-day show nothing definite HancocI friends were confident of Javorable result w elffbteeng .aUot, t -tbu.:mul t dia- COUraKu "fcueiu vcrjr jjiucii aim iuuj reiuewm; ly yielded to adjournment. The coalition between Hendricks and Pen- The details of the eighteenth and last ballot show this vote: Alabama, Hancock 8: Arkan sas,' Hancock 5; California, Hancock 1, Pen- rllAt.nn 3. ChR 1 ? "finnn'fiM.irrnt-- TTfln-Ofk 'A Hendricks 10; Iowa, Pendleton 8: Kansas, Han cock l, Hendricks 2; Kentucky. Hancock 4., Pendleton 4, Henbricks 2; Louisiana, , Han cock 7; Maine, Hancock 4,' Pendleton , Hendricks Massachusetts, Hancock II, Pen dleton 1; Michigan, Hendricks 8; Minnesota,, Hancock . 7, Hendricks 4; Nebraska, , Hoffman 3; Nevada, Pendleton 3; New. Hampshire, Han cock 3. Pendleton 1, Hendricks X? New Jer sey, Hancock 3, Pendleton 3, Parker 3; New York, Hendricks 33; North Carolina, Hancock 9; Ohio, Pendleton 21; Oregon, Pendleton 3; Pennsylvania, Hancock 26; Rhode Island, Doo little 4; South Carolina, Hancock 6; Tennes see, Johnson 10; Texas, Hancock 6; Vermont, Hendricks 5; Virginia, Hancock 10; West Vir ginia, Hendricks 5; Wisconsin, Doolittle 8.t FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, July 8. Bnt few Democrats in Congress. The Re pablicau members take intense interest in the ballotings in the National Democratic Con ven tion. , ! I On 18th ballot, it is considered that Hancock attained his greatest strength. A Radical committee from Mississippi is coming here to illusjrate frauds in recent elec lion x nere. . The Senate Judiciary Committee, after con sidering Evarts nomination to the Attorney Generalship, reported favJranly.. Ayes, Fre linghuysen, Trumbull, Johnson and Hendricks Nays, Stewart, Edmunds, Conklmg. Devlin, thrown from a carriage with Cagger, is dead. ; Senator Grimes has recovered irom his re cent aitack of paralysis. Gen. McDowell, lately removed from com maud in Mississippi, has arrived., . Greeley is a prominent candidate for Gover nor or .New York. It is stated on excellent authority that Han cock has written a letter positively declining to be considered a candidate for the Vice Prea- idency; - N - FORTIETH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION. Washington, July 8. Senate. The tax bill was considered to ad joarnment without conclusion, and a nirht session ordered. - House. Appropriations considered nearly tne wnoie aay. Bill removing political disabilities from cer tain parties, alter which House adjourned. From Georgia. ; t Atlanta, July 8. - In the State Senate to-day, a memorial was reaa concerning certain members holding seats contrary to spirit of Omnibus bill passed by Congress. A long debate sprung up, the Re publicans urging that law of Congress forbid persons holding scats whose disabilities had .not been removed. , A resolution was presented which made an onslaught on eligibility of Radical members. This brought out Bradley, negro, who said he was astonished that question as to eligibili ty should be made on the-plea of color. He was ready to purge Senate of traitors and fel ons, but reminded that body that the first blow lor ireedom was struck by a neirro. and closed by saying that unless his race had part and parcel in the militia, in less thuu ten years mere would be another revolution that would exceed in magnitude and be more successful than the last one. Tlie Senate then adjourned. In the House, committee to; wait on the Ex ecutive reported that he would communicate with the two Houses as soon as he had a con ference with Gen. Meade. " j The impression prevails that a great effort is about to be made to oust a number of Dem crat ic members from both branches of the Leg islature. " Baltimore Markets. r '" ' ' ' ; Bal,tim6r.: July 8 Cotton very firm, at 31 cents. Flour dull for all grades and declined cent. Wheat dull new Red $2 40$2 60; White $2 40 $2 70. Corn dull White $1 12$1 15. Oats dull aud unchanged. - Rye dull and unchanged. Pork firm at $28 75 $29 00. Virginia Sixes, inscribed old, 47 bid; 49V. asked.- - . .:. Nw York Markets. : .'. J New York. July 8. Cotton less active and droopinsr. ' Sales of 1,200 bales at 8233 cent8i-rf Flour more ac tiveState $6 80$9 50; Ohio $8 65112 75; Western $6 80$12 75;' Southern Common t6 Fair Extra $8 95$10 50 ; Choice $14 75. Wheat and Corn Noon's advance sustained, with moderate demand. Oats 1 cent, better. Mess Pork "$2728 90. ' Lard Kettle 17 11 cents. ! Groceries steady. Naval Stores unchanged. Freights lower. Governments closed firm. '62 coupons 13K. Gold 140. T J -' - Charleston Market. , , : k V:; Charleston, S."C., July 8. Cotton firm. Sales of 126 bales" Middlino- 31 ' Forelsm Markets.' i Liverpool, July S-Evening. quiet and steady sales of ,12,000 Cotton bales. ? PEOPIE'S TICKET. 3EOE MATOB : , r rOR ALDKRICKjr : . , 1st WardS. D. WALLACE. f J. JONES. 0 - '"): Et. C. -BROCK. Srd WdAhfREp MARTIN; . a :- - 4. f A. ADRIAN. 4h TRirdWM. WRIGHT, W. Hv BERNARIXS? July8-243.2w X ; ' -VOX POPULI. VERT SUPERIOR .ttEEir and BLACK TEAS, K'rt 4 - - - - - . .. - - -'t ,..-;- ' EVERT VARIETY. rri. Very larEfe and f , 'GOJV1 M JbiJtf GIAL; WiliMINGTUN-' JUAUK.I2T. y j STAR OFFICE, July. 8. SPIRITSTtTRPENTlNE Was flrmer.s Sales of 530 casks at 38 . cents and 22 New: "fork casks at 39 cents. Closing firm. ' .. ROSIN.- Lower grades were active and 'in crmf pmnnH Rnlpe At O KAf hhla At: S!l QftfTh - - $2 f Strained 2 00$2 05 forNo 2,' $3 50, v v7 ' 3 00I3 50 for No. ,1 j$4 10 for Pale, and f 95 for mixed lota !'A i i?-'':-K ' 1i I CRUDE TURPENTINE Was. steady, with 1 light receipts Sales of 187 bbls. at $2 60 Virgin ; $2 60 for Soft, and $1150 for Hard, TAR-Was steady. i Sales of 126 bbls. - . - , , j 5- ,s - - k ' j v -' j COTTON. Sales of 5 bales at 23 cents dling. - - - . j WHOLESALE PRICES. AUTICLKS. PRICKS. JIA G QINGii unny , . . ; . . .f yd BA CON North Carol in a . Xliiiuy Shonllers,......: i.'.p R Hog Round,. ......... ft -Wkstkrn .1 ! 22 24 20 (f? " 21 17 - Hams....... J..fJ ft Sides.............. Shoulders,.... i..f! ft BARRELS Spirits Turpentine', Second Hun d, ......... L .each " 20 . 22 2 40 3 bo New New York,.... each New Citv, .........;.each 3 25 3 3 00 3 50 33 35 BEES WAX. BRICKS Wilmington,. 31 10 00 ft 15 00 BUTTER North Carolina, ft 3o. ; 60 55 20 23 18 40 24 28 28 1 50 18 1 90 Nort hern,... ...;...... L..f a CANDLES Sperm, L . .f? ft 65 50 IS . . 22 15 38 7 21 ' 27 27 1 45 15 1 85 . Tallow....... -I'.-W Adamantine.... .........? ft CHEESE Northern, . ..... ft CO EE EE Java. ; . . .V liio,. ,.i.!..$?ft , Lauayra,.. ........ ..;!... ft St. Domingo, '....fa ft CORN MEAL. bush D OMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4 yd 1 arn, i . . . ... onncn FISH Mackerel, No. l,.f. l)bl . Mackerel, No. a, . . . .f Xbbl . , Mackerel, No. 3,. !. bbl Mullets,.... .......... ;Af bbl N. 0. Herring,... bbl , DiT Covl, ...J...f ft FLOltR ' j I Super. Nort hern,.... :M bbl Fine, bbl Extra, " ......ft bbl N. Carolina Super,.'. . i.ft bbl " Extra,.., J. bbl " Family,. J.W bbl FERTILIZERS i j P; in v-iun G uano,. . . ft i2240 fts lHcifie Guano, ft 2000 fts Patapsco Guano,. . .f) 2000 fts "Baugh's Phosphate, j " Rhodes' Stan. Manure!," , " r.ltr' Sni"-TTliri"liiit '4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ' 8 00 9 00 8 50 0 00 8 10 9 50 10 00 9 00 9 50 12 50 17 00 12 50 ( 13 00 00 00 00 00 13 50 14 00 00 00- 90 00 75 00 , 80 00 70 00 75 00 00 00 60 00 65 00 70 00 . 00 00 65 00 GLUE- . - - - - A- - j lift 20 25 GRAIN ...,.. Corn, Northern,... . Corn,- Eaatera Co.-, Oats........... Peas, Cow,.. HIDES-Orcen, ....... ..53 bush . bush :.wbnsb . .f bush .;...w ft 1 25 1 35 - 0 00 1 25 95 1 00 1 70 1 75 9- 9TiC Dry,... 12 15 1 20 1 30 IIA 1-Kastern. lf0 lbs North Jiiver, .W 100 to HOOP IRON. i W ton LARD Northern,.. . . . . , U. .ff fc North Carolina, ft 85 135 00 140 00 a. ' 20 20 . 21 0 00 1 65 LIME...., i.W bbl LUMBER Rim Last sales, WMe Boards W M ft Scantling, f, M ft Flooring... ....f?Mft City Stkam Sawed j Ship Stitff, resavvedj.Lf M ft Rough Edge Plank,, if M ft West India Cargoes, accord ing to quajity-. . ,1 M ft. Dressed Flooring, seasoned.! 10 00 12 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 17 00 24 00 25 00 22 00 23 00 ; 18 00 22 00 25 DO , 40 00 Scantling and Boards, com-1 mon, .ft m ft 15 00 20 00 uz.-Aj'wc;uDa,niias., ft gal Cuba, bbls., V. ..f?gal Sugar House, hhds., : 1 . fi gal " bbls.,.. j.f gal Syrup, bbls.. gal NA AJSL-Ottf., 4d to 20d,. . j . -. . $ ft OILS Kerosene, MP gal , Lard,i.' j.J gal Linseed,.-. i.w gal Rosin, . , -....I. f gal 48 60 52U , 55 42U 45 45 ' 47!4 ( 1 00 .5 75 , 6 00 . 45 00 1 40 00 2 75 1 50 5 00 50 00 1 50 00 3 00 PEANUTS.. W bush4 POTA TOES Swoot, bush; 0 00 5 50 lri.sn, JNOitnern, ODn PORK Northern f t City Mess, V. bbl 30 00 31 00 'l nin, Prime 28 00 P 29 00 27 00 28 00 Rump, . bbl 00 00 00 00 2ZC Caroliiia....... lb 11 UK Rough, S'ALT Alum,... Liverpool, American, SUGAR Cuba,.... Porto Rico, A. Coffee,. 2 50 2 75 50 60 2 ( Z Z 1,90 2 10 14 14 ..i 00 15 17' 1UV! 17 16 U IS soa p Northern,.::. . 7 m II v limington,. . 11 S'AVC?Zi-Contract ,. . . . 4 00 2 50 a 0 00 STA VESW'o' Bbl!,7.7.7. 3 00 od oo . oo oo 00 00 25 00 00 00 14 00 12 00 14 00 '10 00 11 00 M 00 8 00 1 40 4 00 3 00 00 K. u. una TIMBER Shipping, uiui mme,, , Mill F:iir,;;. Inferior to Ordinarv.:. WHISKEY STorthern, . . i . ortn uuroima. .' KLCEIITS. ' Per Ittver Steamers. Stnar Marion 132 casks SDts.594 bbls rosin." 14 do tar, Williams & Mnrcbison, C Parmelee, wards & aniitti, Kmith;K StraasaT W Play er, Worth & Daniel. !. i ' Strar, Halcyon 61 casks sptsl 43 bbls -rosin. i paies cotton McKiramon Sa to, A John son iv, jo, worm (S uaniei, Birdsey & Kobin son." ...:;:..; - .-. ',y., ; . - Reeelpfs ms Per Manifest by Freisht Train, V. dyvm R. Iload. JTnly 8. Gen W-McRae 2 bbls tallow: W D S & Co 2 nnas Dacon; u T 11 & Son, Fayettevme, 2 do; W G Hall 2 do: Diamond C. Eavetteville 5 do: R Mitchell, Fayetteville,'? do; Wallace & S fiunanes: Atkinson 1 box; W W Sheppersbn obo; W H Fmlayson & Bro 1 bdl bags.lObbls ro6in; u farmeiee 4ddis rosin. 2 -do sots: W tx juarcnison o ddis rosin; jj K-Robinson 10 bbls roson; Worth fc Darnel 1 box cheese: S, & Bate eergsand: chickens: B Southerland 5 bbls tar; J M -Hendereon r101 bbls tar, 33 do urps o v Dowuea 10 ddis iar,o ao turpi. Receipts per' wilmingrton:;and' Mate- Chester Railroad, July 8. ' Finlayson & Bro 74 bWs rosin. 13 do swts-'O 6P & Co 39 bbls rosin, 18 do spts; M; Bro fc Co 39 bbls rosin; ,R, Smith & Co 280 sacks corn; M& Iluins 60 sacs peas; t)ldhain, D v,o i. uui Dags: inick. M & Uu 75 ! bbls rosin. 55 do spts: 1W K 407 bbls' rcmJ 40 doSDts: E Murray 44 bbls rosin. 11 do sDts: Wallace & S4 bxs peaches,;! do apples, 7 do spts;. T C 10 bxs peaches;. Dibble, W & Co 73 do; Lewis, tiones oz ison ou ao; Warner & Co 40 do; S B rt-rrr ARRIVED. ... i. Str Marlon: PhiUh).? Fa vetteville. Williams & Murchisoir',.v:':;'''i'.Lu ;-J -. ,y' t":-;:.,. StniT. Hale von. Joh nsoni Favetteville. Alex Johnson &Ccc-i r '' u ' -vr u: -..vi'.r.'v -i Schr. Fell j Star, PolaDd, Bagua IXA 3rande, T tr r- -CLEARED, ? Steamship Rebecca; Clyde Chichester.' New Tork, H M Barry, ' a; :.: ; Tvj Stmr Halcyon, Johnson, Fayettevtlle, "Alex Johnson & Co. 'nlLifi? .:. ? t ' , 8tmr Halcyon, Johnson. Fayettetille, Alex. Johnson & Co. ' vr-i.-r't i i f Brie Geo 8 Berrvl Fosnet.t f1nW ' . r tt EXPOItTfi: : f COASTWISE." NEW. TOE K. Srhr.Tnhn TT.,!- . k rosin. i,07B bb!s Schr Rose 2,116 bbls rosin, 766 bush peanuts, 4 pkgs nidse. - taM4 . foreign. ' . . " - . NEW ADVERTISEIpj ; Spirit Casks? QOO CIIOIC1G SELBCTEtt for w v CASKS, for sale by ' july9-2M-lw ALFRED MASTIX at : for V. A. L. CA3S1DBT, H. C CASSIDET ' . Ins. CASSIDEY BROTHERS & ROSS I i PROPRIETORS OF ' ! Wilmington Murine Ilailirav aiwl Ship Yard. WORK IN THEIR LINE n0ti A the most, reasonable terras and lin 7 0,1 peditious rnannor. Have constaiitlvn1,n ex' and are builtllng BOATS, both for iaSfnlan,,i rowing, for sale or hire. lursauigand Sunken, vessel raised, and those driv the beach or bars taken off. u"ven on 1WA july9-244-tf - STILL . FIXTURES". rjlAKKS and TUBS FOR WINE OR WHISKEY STILLS, for sale cheap by , s T. W. WHEELER, 75. South Water Stree jlyS-243-Tiactf Next to Worth 4 Daniel' 8. KTS SECOND HAND WAV. 5!K) Second Hand COLLARS, f 200 " . BLIND RRIDT.ES 2(K) pair Second Hand DRIVING RElW 1(K' ,". " , " ' SADDLES. ' A large and well selected ntnir f . J DLES, HARNESS. TRUNKS. An. ' CASH. , : J. S. TOPIIA M no T"" iaii8-88-nntf ' Kn. 8 Snnth . I No. 8 South lfroiit t. w , . THE CAROLINA FARMER! B1SI,IETlKO THAT THE INTEREST of the Farmers and Planters of thid J.J ( tion demand tlie publication of a peilodipai sto be devoted to the advancement of a rieiL turo in the two Carollnas. we have rWnvmi., "a to establish snch a periodical nnder the titJ of THE C A KOLINA FARMER, and will B inenrst. numoer as soon as a sufficient nm.. ber of subscribers are obtained to pKv rea sonable share of the expense of publication: A The FARMER will be issued monthly t 82 OO per annum, in advance ; will coiitain uui limn luu tv-iiwo large uou-nie-colnnin pages of l-eadirg m itter, bonnd in hanilsonio covers; and in typographical execnt ion will not be surpassed by any Agricultural Alonth ly in the country Being determined to do whatever ener-v will accomplish in making the FARMER voir thy the support of the intelligent Planter and Farmers of North Carolina and ,outh Carolina;. -and .desiring lo introduce it into 1 every eounty in those States, we wish to em ploy active Agents .at... every Post-oiBce, to whotn. the most liberal inducements wiJlbe offered.'' ' : -r Our exchanges in the two Carolinas will confer a favor, which we will be glad to recip rocate, by giving this announcement afew insertions in their advertising columns, witu such editorial- comment as they think the probable value of such a periodical as we pro 95 J pose publishing may justify, Aauress ail coram u teat ions to WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, X. jel8-2i7-nactf C. , jvnscEiJiAJsrEQirs. Receivers Notice. AUCTION SALE. ITVf HY.l.l. AT PUBLIC AUCTION, at the California Steam Mill, in Wilminsr- ..... , ton, N. C, at 10 o'clock A. M , on THURSDAT. July lrtth, All tbe right, title and interest of PENNTPACKEll. BKIHANAN & CO., or Of JOHN M1DDLETON. as Agent of said flra. in tne louowing property : 1 riiAMJNU MAUUJiii J 1 LOT TOOLS ; 1 LOT SAWED DOOR LUMBER ; , 4 or 5 lots" PINE " , 1 lot TIMBER in Mill Pond. ' Terms made khown at sale.. i GEO. Z, FRENCH, Jnly8-243-ttl . Receiver. FOU M1 YORK. DIATGIIIjmE. rjUIE Schr. WILLIE DILL, ENGLISH, MA8TJSR, W II have dispatch as above. ; For Freight engagements, apply to WILLIAMS & MlRCHISON. I july7-ai2-tf ... '.V . . IMPORTED -AND- IOMESTIC A Choice Selection, 1 . I f ! From $3 OO to $12 OO per Box. 6C ontet uanei, A MOST EXCELLENT CLARET. For sale by July7-tf . , THOS. C LEWIS, , , 8 Market ftrcet. GROCERIES. T THE LOWEST MABKET BATES. HOOP IBON 1, 14 and M inch BEST MAKE OF HACKS j i f HACK FILES, TBUNGS-Uk to PA GLUE, TRESS HOOPS, RIVETS ; ! STRAINER WIRE-Nos. 40, 60, 80, 90 1 COFFEE, SUOAR, NAILS, FLOUR ADAMAMTINE CANDLES. MOLASS I- 90AP, Ac., Ac- 1 ' . T.rTorth WaJcrSL jell-g21-tr 1 1 I- ft I . . Si pV BAGS COFFEE; . For sale by . . ; ' ? J HAURISS & HOWELL, , Je30-237-tfl 14 A 16 N. WOiw 1 .r- Binffham "School, ,.-'. . D .;.!,-" "itit- ""' 'V c. voce. ' 4r.ir n s 101 Front street; iJ fjfe r A.fD.ltlTERSf Agent. C - 'AddretMe "iGir4 Je20-229-imf ; Cot, WM 01 . :- " r-;- -m T-i'' .;;. i'....... I . 7,'