:t0 rf" 1- if .Friday, 'J 10tl local Clreulailoi , f any iaiiy -SvBlAt Willi" ; 18G8a LARGER than that rewspaper in the inir, atnu T.i:' - -ilk.'" "4 J. it 1 AdvertlsinsT Rates lower than tfinne of " anrf Dallr Kwspaper in - ' Norm. -CioUnn4!:.l: . ' - '- A' r'n" -Jr '"'ii -i'- Editor famtj Proprietor. . r AGENTS! FOBS Til E 1 Wm. H. McLAtJRIN,..! J. J. J ONE&f H .4 j, d: sout uerland.h U. G. MORRISBYL . . . . . JA8.T. PETTEWAY,;. Dr. A. M. I1KB, .. ...L. Alex. McRAE, jjj,.... Wk. J. C0tlNGT(?N, .. TAB. STIie General Lftlie aftelrWqjqf o: ness of importance,. was transacted. bill'refative to bualitvin!? officer elected lit s State w as;v bo motiobtof f Mr;", Kob- J biosy.takefr lip ..and , referred 1 tb'J select committee of five. y x c. r i. The Senate refused to cotfcur in areso lution trttns tb6ouseropWnto rifit 10,000 copies of the Jovernors Inaugural and other addresses: f Jv! ' '' In the House, , Mr Estes presented a memorial from J. T. Schenck (negro), cqn- Ienburg, wnicn was reterreq to ; tne I J. J. COX, J. T: H AKEINGTOk. JORDAN isTO?f Ej. . . . J. W. GLASGOW'S.... H E. NEW BUR TjL . . . . I ." On the tw il tional Democratic Convention f k ..Fajjrepeville. , . LAuiinburgh. ..Milton. r . . .Kenahsville. 1 i. i -1 .Warsaw.. : . .Luin1?ert6n. ' ..Clinton. ; .Wilson. U...SlioelHeel. L .Wad8boro'. .juuesvuie.' ' .SuimterrS. C. .Titninonsyille, S. C. .FIsvilie; S. C. .Weldon. . Brittms Neck, S. C .MagnoliH. : .Rockineliam. j j .Mnllins' Depot, S.C. Assembly; - S-ap?JWt onday little busl- AiatriKing liiusirauou o iuc, orue mi ; i ne v motnera love tor ner: cniia uas1 receny be n 'exhibited in, Iowa. The circnm atanfcer4 Reported in'ltatieiiig Ahe j parT don by :GKverrillo z wftmanCatha- irine McArdle.T who hart been sentenced f r lour years ago rp tne ; com The Nominee. -second ba Hon. Horatio Sevmbur of N I the their standard-bearer i H ! ; I ;l! struggle. I The; nomination, - - it . Li ill lot the Na- noniinated ew York, as i Presidential visa made unanimous, showing that the great beart ' - -i . J ' i ..- l 'ill ) I; of the great Democrat: ' r. ' I ! -I sponsive to tne deman of the hour. party beats re ts arid exigencies Horatio Seymour is noi stronger to the xai- ' American Deobld His m - m- , - t t s ents, his shining patridli ommanding ism, ana nis un- sullied honor have give as extensive as the migh ids a reputation Mi - q&untry whose Hew York will now rml . ' I 1i ,.; .Till dred thousand j majority for up one nun Ihe Gonstitu tion and the Laws; and influence of Mr. Seymour larity will extend far beyoi of his native Stale. i he tremendous personal popu- the borders Three cheers; Radical-African II say we, forU Horatio Sey- ofl mour and the liberation of the South from jondasre. n The City Election. , It is not the province of journalists to tuke the responsibility of calling public meetings ;j but w rold take the liberty of suggesting to bur. old citizens the pro priety of .publishing acaU for such a meet ing over their Ovn signatures, and to tak such steps as! may take be necessary to contest thej Approaching municipal vigorously election. As the time is short we suggest that one general meeting lie held at the City Hall, at which the voters of each ward may hold a separate meeting arid nominate can didates for Aidiriien. Then let the whole meeting nominate a candidate for Mayor, and candidates for Commissioners of Nav Jgation. ' 1 An Executive Committee should also be appointed, to hol nightly meetings until the day of -election, and take such steps as they may think necessary to ensure suc cessj,.. if r We hoDe bur citizens do not intend to allow this election to gp by default. Do they wish toee opr city government pass into; the hands of strangers and negroes ? Are they ready iolgreet a negro police ? Surely the interest at stake are sufficient to justify the hope that the people of Wil mington will awake from the apathy which now, exists. We call on our ibid arid honored citizens to initiate j a movement torday 1 that will result in a niriiijnaingi Meeting before the 'Cloai. Of thej present week." i We; cannot afford to give up our municipal govern ment to Radicaasm, and let us make an eflort to pretent it - Restoration of Civil Rule. 4, Gen. Canby hasjissued General Orders Ko.. 131, providing for . the restoration of civil rule in North Carolina. The order being very full, )wpitblish-the following ones synopsis oi if irom tne vnarieston When President Johnson proclaims the ratiflcatiori of iheponstituiSoriar? Amend ment,' military4 officers will cease to exer cise any authority pnder the-"i Reconstruct iioincltms of office; of.airper gons'appoihted njer tllosCact'i mil ?iend; srid'jtbe'IhnyYtpltri ished; All H custoxiv M militarv taottioritie inUjt for viplatipn of the iaiitary orders or Recori- trojtion Acta, will be diachargedrahd tbif . prosecuiiona aisraiMg.jrsnrtr2bft i-. finement under uu&eDemtf bunal. w ill. be i held i until their 1 sentences are fulfilled; but! writs r of habekS I corpus , , will be promptly responded to. ; I'orts; ar - eenals, and j other public ; establishments captured or occcjpled by the United States, JwiU.be held jintjl therwis&directecUAu u thenticate'dj copies' jof;alVgeefai- arid spe 5 -cial orders will b'e?furiiishea the State, mittee 6n"Privileges arid Elections, .when appointed. ' h' V"' "f in f ; ;: .: A message was received from the Sen ate, transmitting a resolution asking the House to request the ililitary Comniissioti to furnish the papers in the matter of the election in Caswell county, Mr. Hodnett, whose seat is, the one con tested; made some explanatory remarks, declaring his wishes for a full and fair in vestigation, and was followed -lyt Messrs. DurhanranAro- setting forth tbe ille gality arid irregularity of the proceedings. J. H: Harris (negro), of Wkv moved ty amend by iricbrporating ia ; the resolu tion the words! and the evidenev pertain-r. ing to all other cases - in j contest ed elec tions.1' ,r v ' ' , K-i ' ': , After considerable discussion, Mr. Iki ham moved tolay thefwhole matter on the table, - which' mbtiori'was defeated' and the resolution 43 amended was then adopt ed. . :..'-. , ; In the Senate, on Tuesday, Mr. Welker offered a resolution proyidipg for the ap pointment of a committee of one from each Congressional District, i to take i nto consideration the arrangements, for estab lishing a Penitentiary. f j' Galloway's resolution, relative to the re moval of disabilities of certain persons ift North Carolina,' was taken up and adopted., John A. McDonald, of Chatham, ' was elected enrolling clerk. -;? , ;' T In the Seriate, Mr. White's bill, entitled 4 An act for the relief of Sheriffs and their Sureties,." was taken up.and put upon its third reading. This bill allows until Jan uary, 1869, tor the collection of arrearages oi taxes. :v' t..iy .-'. " Mr. Abbott offered a resolution relative to the tour of Rev. Henry Hardie through this State, and his purpose to publish a volume embodying an account of the re sources of North. Carolina, for the informa tion of the public, especially those at a dis tance who contemplate settling here. The resolution instructs the committee on Ed ucation to confer with Hr. Hardie as to the contents ot the Jjook, looking to its publication, and make such recommenda tions in regard to it as may seem to them proper. It was adopted. An election for JEngrossing Clerk was held, Messrs. R. W. Best and Ts T. Best, and James E. O'Hara. (negro),, being in nomination. Robert ' W. Best received 26 votes, T.T. Best 11, and O'Hara 48 A resolution by Mr. Bowman, that the free schools of the State should be so es tablished and regulated that colored and white children shall not be taught in the same schools, was referred to the commit- tee on Elections, when appointed. A Scourged People. The mortality in Algeria, during the last sixteen months, from the cholera, has been very great, amounting to over one- fifth 6f the people inhabiting the afflicted region. The Moniteur dVAlgerie makes the following statement in reference to the deaths among the Arab population be longing to the military, district, during 1367 and to May 1st, 1868. It says : "The number of natives of the civil and military territories received into'. the asylums since their foundation, in the three provinces, is 101,475. The religious establishments took in 1,672, and there still remains there 1,271. The asylums now only contain a few hun dred men,-women arid children still unable to join their tribes. Tbe deaths annbunc ed up to May 1st in these last named es tablishments were 14,355 : in the religious ' - 1 . . ' . : V . ; houses 401 ; and j in the hospitals 2325, making a total of 18,8814 TJUsJBgurjps, pi those deceased outside can only be given approximately. -In 1867 the cholera car ried off about, 89,000 persons. In -1868, dawn "to May 1, about 111,831. . Add to these figures Jhe amount of 16,981, above mentioned, and the general total is 216,812, Such is the loss occasioned by famine and cholera In a population "of a( million of souls. It 'must not be"4 forgorten that be fore; the famioe thereof re in Algeria 2,500,000 Arabs, out , of whom 1,000,000 were'Kabyle Barberes, who supported the ii4ud4M8iWieQt loss."-The AribsMfthd tciviF terVitoW. SOOOOO in number, have had no victims to deplore ;' ituu tiMiwMM iuc oauuFu, ew,uvu, uiive nau np case of death frprirramine. .The scourge baa therefore fallen almost" exclusively . on the toilljoiro ArKtrf in tne tnllitary te'rri- torv" - ! ' " years ago tp tne ;tate rennentiary her nusband -anti -waa eniencea u oe hanged, bu ber sentence" was commuted, that shewas entirety rinnbcent--aid that her son was the guilty,; person. ; To save him fronitheAgallowsshebad avowed that' she was gui Itv of the c rime. -'f:?f'? Flavoring Extracts- ?obtained, not from the fruit, but from certain chemical products, should be carefully used. Re cently over thirty persons who attend ed a strawberry and ice-cream festival, given in one of the churches at .Saginaw, Mictv were suddenly taken ill, most of them slightlyv but three or four quite seri- ously 5 Tne illness, it wAs thought, " was occasioned by tlie extracts with which the ice cream was flavored. "Til v.- ... -. i the: 10 - Jl 1'.'" .Vorth Carolina in a Nutshell. Sugacandy,; it; is" estimated, is consumed in the United States At the rate of about 250,000 pounds t per ' day, 'or in other words 100,000,000 per year, v Of this amount New York, manufactures : about 26,000 pounds per Uday 4' Philadelphia, -: - A Golclsboro' " perl iceman " 'was whaled With an umbrella, Mondayl . ; . Charlotte is gay over the first cotton bloom'. ', . ' ' ( - Bain needed in tlie Koatioke section. : ' ..'"'.'' ' The Legislature is doing very little of interest. Jud.?e vBattleT law school will be re-opened, at Chapel Hill, oti the 15th. -i- The? Standard ?alls ' Joseph William's speech eloqwent. Kegro firht,8 a!1 Of' daily Oc currence in Newbern.' : - - Mr. T. PjDevernexa young lawyer' of Rateurhgocs to the "fiolden State.1! "Diminutive watermelons sell for twenty-five to flfty cents each in Golds boro' . ' ' ' -r1- esrra man named Lewis, in employ of B. F. Edwards, ran over and killed by freight train, near' Gaston, last Friday. ' Burglaries, robberies, fcc., oc cur niffhtly ia Goldsboro. Nobody seems to enioy the ftfn execpt the Local of the Bough The editor of the Roanrike News " sighs for a col spot."; If he will come to Wilmington we will lodge him in the ice house, . ' , Sam Owens, "Razor-blade from Caswell, has been arrested at Kewbern for swindling his "Slstoreen " by pretending to ten their fortunes - Johnny McDonald has been elected Enrolling Clerk of the Lcirislarure and X)'Hara, free and equal,, is Engrossing UlerK or the Mouse. A. H. Jones, .our Congress man from the Western District, took the "iron clad " with the utmost relish. Why, Mr. Jones ! All the prisoners (negroes) con7 tinea in the jail or BeauTofx conffty escaped on the 4th. the Kadicni sheriff had gone off, leaving tne jail in charge of a negro1 deputy. a w estern itepnnncan, in a letter to the Sentinel, demands the election of General Dockery and A. 11 Jones to the united states senate, lie is " agin " the car pet-baggers. Says the Sentinel 1 It will real iy saaaen tnose or oar citizens, who were proud of the attractions 0 the Capitol Square, to see the havoc made there by the thousands of negroes who were " permitted to trample down the grass and shrubbery In the grounds. on Saturday last. Even the beautiful arbor vitas trees were hacked and hewn to make shel ter for the ' trooly loil." Th Goldshoro News thus re fers to the recent address of Rev. J. H. Dally : We should fail to do the gentleman justice, were we to attempt to give an outline- of the sermon. It is enough to say, that a reputa tion preceded him of being one of the most brilliant pulpit orators In the whole country, and it is the undivided opinion of all -who were lacky enongh to obta in seats, that his abilities were not overestimated. . . From the Old North State we learn that three separate attempts were made t o tire tbe town of Salisbury last Monday nigpt. The first attempt was made upon the liverv stable occupied by Franklin Johnson, not. far from the railroad depot; the second upon the barn of S; R.- Harrison, attempted to' be fired onceoerore; the third upon a-stable upon a lot owned by Mr. Boyden in the Southern part of the city, in every instance the Are wasdlacoy esed in time to; extinguish the flames before any serious damage was done. ., JTOON REPORTS. j Xaiional vpemoeUd;ConTeii-. -'5. ration.. '.'- -'!! : , v-M'J: ):( Niew York, July.tt. ; Thefpllowing 1b itie result of the taUotings tO-C rr': - ''::i.-'.;v::v;;Ki--l j;: 19th Fallot. Pendleton was withdrawn and bhio voted for Packer ; New York adhered to Hendricks ; Tennessee voted for Hancock. Re sult, Hancock 135,lHend ricks 107f, others scattering, California votrng for Field, Missou ri for Blair. ; 4- v ; 20th ballot Ohio gave Hancock 11; Chase lo&t K vote that he had steadily received from California. Result, Hancock 142)4, Hendrickb 12E, .---v V . 21st. .ballot Missouri voted for, Hancock; Tennessee split, giving President Johnson 5; Massachusetts voted for Chase, 4, "when hiss ing was drowned by 'tumultuous applause. ResultHancock 135X, Hendricks 133, English 19, Chase 4. ' ' i - 23nd ballot Ohio declared for Horatio Sey mour; Hendricks gained heavily Seymour pos itively declined a nomination; ' Valla ndigha in insisted that Seymour must- yield to the dem onstration in his behalf. : North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Wisconsin and other States chang ed their votes to Seymour. Seymour, it was ascertained, had received the requisite two-thirds Vote, and 'then delegates, all over the hall arosq to their feet, crying out " Change our votes." State after State thus wheeled, into line the excitement exteuded to the streets and cannon proclaimed the result to anxious crowds far and near. : The nomination was then made unanimous and the Convention proceeded to nomination of candidate for Vice Presideut. ' From Washington. . . . ' Washington, July 9. . Strong movement.in Senate to restore Uie L!i1. ' m. A X J T 1 1. A. U ...511 . l . wuiBKy tax to iwu uuiiais, uut it tvm jjiuua bly' be ineffbctuaL V National DemocratiOonvtMon Gt! MM Km ;; V::' York,-July 9. : I.WIi-JlljXGTON, JVI a irTT va2:45P: MpVallandigham and Kiesnan in- vl2 - - fl ' -T"aKKJJ;t . 'sistedon Seyuioor's nomination, wiHingorun-v 5 ; . t - r ; , : j billing. r:T'.v STAR? OFFICE ' t -Pennsylvania and Massachusetts changed i S?IRIT3 TURPENTINE-Wm. r their votes to Seymour in the-midst of the ;of sGSeaska at ' Qrax; iUk greatest confusion and cheering; ' , f fT at?8l cents and 69 New 1 w .ROSIN-VVas firm. Sale's of 8i9bbk Jl Jot Strayed, f 3 ,00 for No. 2, $3 OO? vNo. i; ind M, m for Window (j i fof I CRUDETURPENTINE-Was Ht 1 . rf ,Mj at o n f TT;. . ... .. r v. "gin ; ifa 60 f Sales of KMi 'ir nni tl.ii tV 'ir x ir ine nan 10 uuw uue scuuq 01 ua- clt em en t.- ,r Each State is anxious to name Seymour, and there is no opposition. ? ' ? Pennsylvania, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Vir ginia, Kentucky and Indiana" have pronouiieed in hit favor, and. Nebraska. Minnesota. Oretron f and all the othe will follow! " ? . . 1:10 P. M.-As -each1' State records her name she is received with tremendous applause. The various chairmen prefaced the State vote with a few remarks. ' r :'.V V.: : -1: The endorsement of the Southern and West ern States ; meets with . the most hearty ap- t plause. r "?""tj7':."" - ;:v..' 'u,u& v3 Ai:12 P. M Mr: Tilden, New To'rk, was the last to speak, and in n short speech lie thanked the Conventioiifor the honor conferred on New York. '.: - v. v ' lt . t . 1 "The nomination was ratified by three cheers. 'Ntt6'P. if.ilt & the Satel:i nave "yoted for Seymour. The most intense excitement pre- ,ails. . ';;!,. rr ; . ' ? .' .( The audience and delegates, are standing cheering and waviug handerkerchiefsj j , , 1:25 P. M. The vote., 317. for Sevmour caused the most enthusiastic applause,, ? The V ice-f resident looks ; very much lite Blair..- ..." ..- ... I ' ' ' : The roll is no w being called.; ,;v V 1:26 P.; M. The Convention Thas . adjourned 1 for one hour to consult on the nomination of a I Vice-President. P. M. The Cobventioh is about to Palmetto leaves, v . . The .Colnmhiads Fourthed it it gay and festive style. r , , . . Dry weather- is" injuring' the crops in and around Cheraw. . - .: 4 ' . . The Mercury f avs the Char lotte' R. R.' is hostile to Charleston. . . One of the Charleston dele gation to the New York Schutzenfesi died: 1 A. IX . 1 1 1 1 out it was oniy a DiacK Dear. . .. Col; Cogswell, relieved from duty ras Mayor of Charleston, succeeds Gen- Scott as assistant commissioner of the Freed- men's Bureau. , s c 2 -. , . The " Alert Base Ball Club, of Charleston went to Savannah and were beaten by the "Forest City' Club. Score. 27 to 16. ' ;-;.i'i.r . . I . v Monday, in Charleston;' a-lit- tle whitegirl, while on her.way to, the baker's to buy a loaf of bread,' was seized by , a negro woman who attempted to take the money from her hands.. The police were called bv the as sailed, but the the Razor-blade escaped. . . Wq iake &h lloflAwine'liiis- patch from the Mercury dated Colnmbia, July 6 : D.T. Corbln was chosen President pro tern of the Senate; and F. J. Moses Jr. Spekker of the House. The colored members ran1 aVan- didateand VVhipper declared in a speeeb that the fesne of color .now publicly announced, would be hereafter consistently acted upon. Much excitement during the discussion add me Tonnf.r;jU98ttT majority was 13. . - . From Richmond. Richmond, July 8. Jeter Phil lips,: tried foT the murder of his f - ' A. .1 . w ue, was couvictea tins morning 01 niurueriu the first degree. ' The nomination of Sfsymour was very unex pected here. The general couclusiou among the people was that Chase would come in at the last hour. . . New Yorlt Markets. New YoRk, July 9 Noon. Flour 1015 cents better. Wheat 1(9:2 cts. better. Corn l(32 cents better. Mess Pork $27 S7kV Lard firmer. Cotton quiet at (5j33 cents. Freights quiet. Turpentine steady at 42X43 cents. Rosin quiet; Strained Com mon SJ 75. Gold 140.' Sixty-two Coupons North Carolina 6's. 74V; Ex Coupon 73. Virginia's, Ex Coupon,.-58; new TeuncsseTs, Ex Coupon, 70; new 69. Foreisru llnrketM. Frankfort. July 9. 2:30 meet. :; ? '.; J-; ...- ,- ; , . . ' . Wade Hampton's speech; was made "amidst the greatest excitement and applause, c Cheer after cheer roiled up when he dcclaredf or Blair. . i t F. P. Blair was nominated on the; first ballot for,; Vice-President amid immense applause. The soldiers are iubiiant. , , . The speeches were made mostly by Confed erate othecrs. i - . ;. . ,:.J-.- When Gen. Kemper, of Virginia endorsed Blair the cheers given, Hampton were increased. Ihe ballot was unanimous for isiair 317. 3:20 P. M.-The closing' "of the Convention ,51'as of the most pleasant nature, officers ming- Img'freely 'and pledging" each .other 1 to' work earnestly for the ticket. . . ' - After Wade Hampton's speech all the Union Generals present congratulated him. ' Gen Forrest,' of ; Tennessee, tast. the vote of his State, making a few remarks, which were received witiij shouts of applause. ( 3:25 P. M. The streets are crowed with peo ple, all pi' ased with tlie nominees. t he best feeling prevails, anu the ticset is consideredSure in November. Shouts for Seymour. A . ' . . . v Unllroad Accident. '.'". . ' J. r , :; Erie, Pa., July 9. Two passenger cars went through a bridge near Union Mills, this afternoon. -A number of persons were' killed or wounded. It is 6us picioned the bridge was tampered with for the purpose of plunder; v J ? Dal ti 111 ore Markets : Baltimore. Jnly 9. Virginia 6's. '67, 43 bid, 45 asked; Coupons 593j asked. j and 1 60 for Hard. jTAReclined 5 cents. Ml at fti-lOL.; WIIOI.12SAI.E FltlCES. ' A&tlCLliS. yd TiA OOINGixmny,'. ..... .a Tt 4 nn 7V" Vn rT u rt ii. r r- . .. Hams,,.....,.. 4 Shoulders,... & t, Hog Round,..,..;..:.. a, .;: Wk(tkbm ..... Hans,..,...;.."'.....;.,.;.) ft - oiues, ....W nouiaer9,v....wi.....w & n a r n n r n I i m ... , ....becona liana,:.. ....... each jsewwew ioik, .each New City,.. v..i. . . each JS tiKa WA X. i . i . i BR ICKfiW iluiinffton, ;i rtn t x ui i.uvru,. i . .-. BUT7'JR-Xoith aronna, ffl ft C4i'OZ,fi-Sperm, . . Tallow,'..... '...-..r Adamantine, .... L CWJE-JaviV; . Rio,.... ,. LaguayTa,...;;.. St. Domingo,.... CORN MEALr- ,m l)USii r- - writ fry tr t , i ' - T . lam,... bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1..& ibbl aiacKcrei, NO. 2,.... Mackerel, No. 8T. . . . Mullets, ............. N. C. Herring,. 1 try oof 1, FLOURS f Super. Northern... Fine, ; " .... Extra, t . .- .... . Nt Carolina Super.... " Extra,... ;i Family.... bbl FERTILIZERS- Peruvian Guano,., .f) 2240 ft r Pacific- Gaano, ..... f 2000 fts . Patupsco Gua.no, . . R 2000 fcs liauU's Phosphate, " " ' Rhodes ' Stan. Manu re, " ' " Jjister' Superphosphate, " GLUE-' v..w..i . ...mi, GRAIN i Coinii Northern,.. v...fl bush v Corn, Eastern Co., . . . f? bush Peas, Cow, 4 HIDEO Green,. lry,v.a . 14 , il Kbbl . bbl W bbl V bbl . . .f) lb M bbl fbbl .febbl :;f bbl HA JrEaslern,V..V.. . North River,..,... L.ARD Northern,... ..... jm ortn Carolina, 5 bush bush A lb .M 100 lbs ..100 fts ...,.iton Wlb ft jbl Bonds easier. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Liverpool, July 9 Noon. Cotton quiet sales 10,000 bales. Liverpool, July 9 P. Cotton easier prices unchanged. Sales 12,000 bales. . - - - '- ! ' ':.. :. ; OUR NIGHT REPORTS. of 1,000 8ACK "LIVERPOOL SALT. For sale by julyl0-25-tf AMERICAN AND HAIJRISS & HOWELL, .U&WN, Water at. ........ South Carolina Legislature. Columbia, July 9. Robert K. Scott was inaugurated. Governor to-day. ; Both Houses of the Legislature were present and oath administered to members by President of the Convention: - lnatigufal ad dress, conservative. -Recommendations refer chiefly to development of resources of State. I A'bill was introduced io Senate reorganising courts, protecting homesteads and valida ting laws ot Provisional government. Wright (col.),. introduced joint resolution to remove disabilities. . . The Place to Buy. rpUE PliACE TO PURCHASE A GOOD BOOT or SliOE for a little money is v.vSO North Front Street. Large . .Stocky splendid: assortment, neat and durable goods, and lowest prices are some of the inducements. , Call and examine. ' GEO. R. julylO-td I FRENCH & SON, V 29 North Front Street. FORTIETH CON GRE SS. FiOHF ! FlOHI ! second session: . '" Washington, July 9. Senate. A resolution inquiring how many states naa aaoptea tne iu Article of amend ment to the Constitution and directinjr Sew ard to report additional adoptions as soon as the notification 01 the fact to the state Dc partment, was passed.- r A bill funding compound interest notes, was postponed. Tne discussion showed that there were thirty millions dollars of these uotes out standing. , , . ; lax, Hill resumed. Amendment restoring: I tax on whiskey to two dollars, was lost by a vote or 14 to zi. y , . f . f Amendment relieving mineral oils from tax. was adopted, ma passed. Keverdy Johnson delivered his valedictory as a member of the Senate and an adjournment was ajrreed to. house. business unimportant and quorum not present most 01 time. Adjourned. FROjk WASmXGTOW. TTTE OFFER, IN LOTS TO SUIT PUR. t V chasers, the following favorite brands of FRESH FLOUR, now in store at lowes marsei rates : 10 Bbls. NORTH CAR Ohm A FAMILY COR YN THAN EXTRA SUPER ; LUMPER Rivee Last sales. w iue lioanu,. m jt ' Scantling,. :. ........ . . W M ft Flooring,.. Mft , KilTX BTKAS SAWED " Ship Stuff, resa wed, . . f M ft Rough Edge Plank,. . r.$?2ff ft West India Cargoes, accord- . mg to quality, ai ft T-v J 1 i . ' - uresseu r icwring, seasoned, Scasitling and Boards, coin- - mon,..,. ..aa M ft juuisA&SjKjS uuoa,nnds., gal vu"v, yi Kai .Sogar House, Vhds ft gal dojs.,....? gal NAILS-Cnt, d to 20d,.. . . . .fi ft UlUS iverosene, gal jara, Linseed,.... Rosin.... im. PEANUT&. PO TA TOE&-$vreet msn, N ortnern, ...... PORK Northern City Mess, ............ . Thm-.u. ..4......... Prime... i.... Rump,....,... ZZJC-Carolina... East India,. Ronprhi'.. ii..... "SALT Alum,. . . ....... Liverpool, ........... American,. , . . .V . . . . VPjB-Cuba,... pprto Kico, A. Coffee,.......'.-. B. " c. t: Crushed,... SOAP Northern,,. ....... Wilmington, . . ; . . . . . . . SIIINGLESr-Vontravt, j STA VESW. b.' Bbi;,V.V.V..j 14. u. una............ TIMBER Shipping, Mill Prime,... Mill Fair,. .... Inferior to Ordinary,. .. WHISKEY Northern,. . . .f iiui lu vdiuiiiia). ...... .tfi 20 17' J 2 40 3 25 3 00 ' 1 10 00 ' 6T 60 18 22 15 88 , 21 s 27 1 45 .15 i '1 85 00 00 a 3 0u 75 if fw WW y 55 a is 40 S4 at 2S ISj IS 1 0000 8 50 . 0 OOtf MO 9 50 :10 00 9 00 i 950 12 50 17 oo 12 (8 13 uo wooco ie;Ha 2? 00 90 00 7f00 80W 70 00 75 03 00 00 GO" (a 5 00 70 W 00 00 05 00 j 20 jg 1 25 ! iS ,0 00 ! 1 a . I 95 j 100 I 70 & 1 :s- 1 20 lao J Si 135 00 140 o 1" ') : 20 21 0 00 j 1 13 in An to rw 8 00 10 00 15 00 .17 0l 24 00 25 00 22 00 23 (K) 1 18 00 g 00 25 00 40 00 15 00 4 52 '42'4 45 .- 00 5 75 tf2 45 00 1 40 00 0j 50 4j 100 B (tO 50 00 1 50 00 ! 2 75 J 3 00 " 1 ,50 ! 0 00 5 00 m 5 50 30 (X) 31 00 28 00 !29 00 27 00 l 28 00 00 00 00 00 1 11 ; u1 ! 00 ' 00 2 50 2 75 - , r 50 & W 2 2 2 25 . 1 90 0 2 JO i 13'. U 14 'e- 15 00 L 17' l(5': 1" 18 n 18' 7i 11 7 &. H ! 4 00 - 0 00 D 50 8 00 00 00 0000 00 00 25 00 00 00 14 00 12 00 . 14 00 10 00 0) n 00 6 00 j 8 00 ' 3 00 :' 00 ;,! f Washington, July 9. The report that Representative Eldridare has been Killed, is false. From Pennsylvania. . ' . . POTTSVILLE, July 9. A strike among the miners has occurred. growing out of reduction of hours of labor and cousequent reduction of wages. A body 01 two nunarea compelling workmen have ceasea operations.! x n , i 5 t Gov. Ureary igfhere threatening to use 1 force if necessary to secure the contented workmen from molestation, 50 69 25 45 109 19 15 10 J80 15 51 US 25 10 20 lfl! 5 FAMILY; UPER ; FAMILY,; FAMILY; FAMILY ; . From Richmond. , Richmond, Jnly 9. A convention In "session at Burkeville. of farmers representing twelve Virginia and sev- passing resolutions expressing willingness to U TJJj for sale cheap ly v rs from any ; section of ; . .... 1 'W. wh KELmuj MAYFLOWER " PRINCE RQYAL ' , GERM ARIA " REINDEER : KERNS : LOCKPORT SUPER ; , LOUDON FINE; I 1 LAKE ONTARIO FINE ; i - H ? HIRAM SMITH EXTR A FAM1LY ; CHALLENGE EXTRA SUPER : ; "HIRitVILLE SUPER ;t " ; ,S KING OF THREE, HEARTS FAM- e ILY ; ; 1 ' i' il ' " ' ONELDA EXTRA fiUPEB t HECKER'S SELF-RAISING FLbUR; PURE, RYE FLOUR Extra quality. SILNER SPRING EXTRA FAMILY. ADRIANS VOXIJERS, r Comer Front and' Dock Street?. ...... v . . WILMING TOK K, a juiyio-Z4d-ti . I v j'.f i. rrWLa H x and TJBS . FOB, WINE OK RECISIPTS. Receipts as Per Manifest y irfiym Train, W. A W. R. Road, Jnly 9. t n..t S..n) Hill 1 Krt-w inHeO Moffitt. B fc Co 14 bbls spts; W H Turlington,4 bblispts: DeRossett fc Co 11 bbls do; R J Mallett 1 box tobaeco; W H Bernard 6 bdls paper; vn u, P & Ck) a bbls rosin, a bbls spts; d 1 Laurinburg, 1 box bacon, 1 keg lard, J V f Unix. Marion, 3 bbls whisky; Suruut B 1 bbls spts, 6 bbls hoop iron, 44 bbls rosin; rin- rosin; Wallace & S 4 bbls turp; Birdsey -bbls rosin, 6 "do spts; J Woodroe 3 coops chic kens; Smith fe B 1 bbl egs;: Williams & erland ll'bbls turp; J O Bowden 15 bbls tan A Alderman 3 bbls tar. J M uenaerbuu r - turp; J B Huggins 3 bags apples. - 1 Receipts per; Wilmington and . Chester Railroad Jnly J El :1 11 1 I II V IV, l ylJ II UU1B IVDIUi ""- . . ', CO 05 DbtS B & Co 13 8 91 bbls rosi ' T ar- T . ' " - rosin. 9 bbls spts: O G- Parsley turpi T C Lewis 40 boxes peaches; ell 6 bushels peaehe& i. .v'.4;f'-.V- tar, 31 do rosin, 13 ao bbl rosin,. , 9 do pts; Edwarda J JSXPORTS o9 bbls c Edw Ho- . . COASTWISE.: BosTON-Schr Glara Bell-1206 Ibbls rosw, 343 casks spts, 43 pb tan a casas spts. 43 ?dis arr -j ; i M New York -St r. Rebecca 'Clydq- J' bbls tar,40 bbls crude turp, 333 bttshe ! P nuts, 10,000 pickets, 23,871 feetiuuij?eri P,B . and 16 pkgs mdse. VERY SUBERI0R: I 44UU ; UbJCago, 14,0U0 f OU-Louis, 10,300: 1 ; Y e Cincinnati, 10,o66f Baltimore, 8,000 ; Bol h I I.I III f illlll 'i " ." ' - - . . .u , i m fit nitEUK and BLACK TEAS,.; ,A ' - . ... ' EVERY. VARIETY. Ir Our selection of Teas Is very large and of superior qualities. . v - . - can suit the taste of - -AXIi TEA DRINKERS, ,r ,11 anais jrrontstreevv r Mias. i. M er, Agent. july7.tf) I sea lanus 10 purcnasers irom anv the United States and recommending the for mation 01 companies in each couhty to dispose j of lands to foreigners. Tbe Conservatives' Vfillfttold a meetintf at tne ineaire, Saturday night, to raUfy the New 1 oris nominations. . ? . , . : ''f -J".--.:--f .Nbw York: July a '.; Cotton dull and a shade ldwer'tfialel of 700 Dales at szft cents. Flour closed dull, buyers rviutu sa auTunce on prices atnoonrr State 6 90$9 65; Obio f7 35$90; Western $6 )12,75; Southern, common to fair ex tra, f 9 00$10 50. Wheat closed dullnoon's advance last? new Georgia amber f 3 55 White Gebrgia $2 65M "Corn jclosed quiet at noon' s advance; mixed Western $1 12$ta4 f Meal rom a snaoe hrmer. Lard, kettle 1718 ets. Groceries doll and nominal. Spirits Turpen tine 4243 cts.' jBosin 3 757O0; rhslghts quiet. .O-" j,-.. Governments firm, Tennessee 6's. JIJ; new mf -JlrfctoWi 58. NorthVCarolfna? Jly8-243-nactfL South Water Street, ; Next to Wbrtb A Daniel's. tZff SETS SECOND lit AND 4 ." i onn s tit ivtv TiwfrtT wc 200 pair Second Hand. DRIVING REINS, - 100 . , . s -M . . 8 ADDLES. , A Tarsre ana well selected stock Of new SAD r DLKS, HARNESS, "TRUNKS, Ac.J ' cheap loi Jan8-88-natf ; V , ' Ko. South Front MtJ - -T71IRST. CLASS RJTI,TJrCP MACHINE JL atj tne morning bTAR Printing and Fnblisriing House. Paper irnled in any form KArCCOUNT. SALES FOR ROSIN, SPIR- jid. li s A u up Ex TJ3f J4 and COTTON, print ed m tne nest style: Tor sale at the MORNING PTAprinMng anaPl?llSfllng Hou.; :may?napti.v ivrij. ' : ARRIVED., . 'I t?- K,t n.U' V York.0 G Pr atriTr. n lirml at mOUtU Ot 1"':.H on gundaywurei sbo remiined till Ut-dl is now leaking aJH.tle ., ,. ; . Schr Qara Bell, Amsbury, Boston, ; Daniel' iife , ;v ' V- ' PEOPt.E4S TICKET, FOR MAYOR s- 1st fob -ArnsaatBH : , TTard-S. D." WALLACE, 1 ';rl-r:ii: 2nd TTard E. MURRA it Mv.;fl;0.r BROCK.' 311-ALFRED if AUTI5f. n5SC'ivA.DBIAN . ' r-V trw-WM. A. WRIWA " . r, TV J t f 1: 1 j; o. 4" ir--