w ' :.,'.:' - ;i ' . ; : . ' . ,. ' ...... mimi Ti fill i " ' . I I II III! 4 ,"jr".7.: L 2. J..;.. J. " J Writer pyVVV ?"b6- ssSpSStne- fcaVoltna Firmer. , 1 - J, i . t. n:nj" See'' .....I..,' " N '4 " j 4 AMPBiLL..L..i...Fayettterllle;!, . j " o(luTHKBIiAND.5....ivenansviuB.;f . uumueror negroes in our midst Ap ,-r? tt, L '".L. A.. .Ellzabethtawn. uoaXofemDlovmentmfinaP .'Uk'.fU ''I,.I0VE, Js., ; mlJNG.. -1 ...,..WW. RRoad.i' nielina, eiUie,r,,by"steallnglfrpm their-more for-.-v-w-iLi M- K-Boad- tunate cotonaniohsJaawfiTT 'fVnn4hM t J. JABVI8. .Bargaw. Depot; j oV S.o. rrTJ ;H.MULLIXS . ' . .,il,'T) radicaliticxet: The following U.4 ticket,- as nowiDaae;i tft be presenieuj iu mc "r!"?!?" i nil. ll L J. i, i i i i! iu ton 4 KAYO . fi4 rmz. . . . WILLIAM lTELLOG(Js(coio. SecohdpVard. ED. nl BRINK, JAMES tVlLSON. .: Third Ward,,, a " - V Pi RliDE, Sr., (col)' SILAS N. i MARTIN. GEO. Z. FRENCH, H. CiIaDBOURN. JAS. We bear that the Radicals concede the ri-4it of evcrj) maii to vote who bas reacb- ed the ae of; tweatfl-one years, and who m3 resided in the call it,k tbt; requisite length J i . i i . i of time. We on? tiie wiiue men oi itliiir duty. With the Wilmington to ao ht of all to vote, ibe whites .certainly have a majority intlifc Third and Fourth Wards, and prolnaM a majority in Jl.e Seci.'iid. B FlAsT GUN. TIL We learn it hat te colored voters of Nash county are makjing extensive prepar ations for a ir amm-oci Democratic bai he ' cue, to be given at t&e store of Col W. D. Harrison, on the 10t of August. Among other distinguished speakers, the inimita ble Vance is expectefi to be present. This is the best movement we have yet noticed towards thepdeleat of Radicalism in .November Nor vill it be confined to Nash count)' il the democrats and Conser- '11' vatives do nut igrilori the plainest teach ings of com irion sent: The tide bas set in, and all the manifestos of the "Heroes i j of America " : w i 1 1 tail to stem 1 1. North Carolina will cast let electoral vote against and the colored'-voters Grant and Co lfax will contiibu e laygily to the result. , Our trieiid s in i&b must !ookouttbow f lovallinilitia." One of their tver, for thb duties wiil be to . - ... break up colored Demo- cratic meetings. GRAMMAR Am THE CLASSICS The disciple o .1- indley Murray whocd- its that comic pa )er, the Union Republi- can, at Charlotte,! still continues to cater to the literary tiiste loffhis readers. He 'now I A savs our "t wirikliiigs - is getting 8uie- what monotonous sfnd needs brightening i i 3 p." and spjells ihiile" with a y. Of course it is useless o attempt penetrating ... . ? . . such a "hvcIe'V I113. We tlieretore leave him in the lafids of the proprietors f the u Old North State Washing Ma- chine," renewing J. our promise to '..recom mend their invention in the highest terms ifitnrove Rnllal Itfl thft tak tti' rlpnninir the 1 helhs-lettrea scholar who calls us a f- midnisht assassinator." a . . " Appreciative reader, if. you are not a suhberiber to Piiw Judy or ?he Toma hawk, lose po timen ordering a copy of the Union Republican: One issue" is worth the subscription price. v ' GOV! VANCE. We learu from the . Dan vi He, Ya. Times that Gov. Vance jvvill deliver the adiress Inimigratir: annual, fair of ciety, in Octo n and Labor at the second the er irder Agricultural So- hexC "" This," of itself, wiU bring togetherone of the largest . as seml)lages ever seen in "Danville. , p Gov. Vance" for iversatility of talent, lias no eriaal the State, and we doubt not his va' dress will be, likl everything else ema- .tiagfroui his brilliant mind, the theme of universal praise j ,.: KCEXDIAlilASM IN SALISBURY. have already published several ac- -"Unt8 reCentltf nfl innnnrlU f.-l41 j ?4VVUVJIal J ui ta x ii ( u1j : and we gve to-day the particulars 5 three several attempts to.flre the town, lnne nigt. Rape. - murder ' and ; arson few I0 ro riot tUugt the d? butf den! jant says, jMM i&ye je and peace ave, with a reMeaic old -v. mat we an know how to tfppeciate r--un,u8 louugut oi losing sucn a gear tille ; m tf- Memo ofbte lI6 Carina Parmer will be well sus Hr r farmers of Columbus county. ttt Ty is weU Inown asono of the our r!061111 Practical agriculturistslof ..2.VIullins'Pep.,S.C. , Vw ""-J ,U,,J improve, are anoraea J. tftem ;;;oharl?tte.? V -ffoothijc the fastenings of the houses, and ' 1 ; itVItfbn.'N. C." I tllus It ia that so little rtffi.n1tV?.. 1 JUs WIT 3 ?.U7?e ofriirfes com mlUed io our midst i eeni3 lO U3IO lfitlH AHtffnnol T-J! . . ! ma?ks a ort' time ago relative to the stHcthe fndldate for Vitfe President on the ticket. enforcement of a Vagrant -del. ' " v w w 47u uciiah iiw ni in ir: bV llVinarttniTd thZ"&&tezi Vau lle ;th,oiillg aio- aDont irom house from appear- lorejng an entrance. J , ' I Hbivcvef, in 'a good many hi the robberies we hayalately. recorded - we are led to th unn. elusion that boose servants have something to ; MV.wwy.hi of itself should be a wafun o b.ous efceeper84ofbe,Tery careful .fil(ecrvan ' Too frequent- rlVB l?!.6 at wlina vacancy occurs, -w tSTcpTOiniBaong"V pu fn 'the place, w,rf!.lt?J Pf6?9 ajaeter, if so be it be Or shessesaea smeijiaUficatipn. ' , . Our citizens should be very -careful to have tlieif IP08! .stores, &c;, properly closed for thef-night,- and mithing - bat a personal su- pervision will answer here,v We presume a large ' number of houses In bur city 1 could J do most easily entered, with a very slight knowledge of the habits of the s inmates to guide the thief. . : " We would ad vise our people to be careful, to be watchful, and. when they discover a burglar to be quick and sure " V.' S . Special " Magistk ate s Court. Authony Dickerson,. of : sable hue, preferred a charge of assault and battery against Sandy Stuart and Alex. Stuart, : which His -Worship dwided ta be, rnalicipus, and accordingly dis missed the defendants, requiring the.proseca tt pay the cobtSv . , . , . j i Another charge of a "similar character was also preferred against Charles Baker and Alce- nia Dosher. It seems the' two negrpes; Baker and Diekerson, got into a dilliculty about the woman Dosher, which ended in a free fight. They were all bound over in the sum of $35 each. . , , . Mayoks' ;Couki- AYilliam Rob inson, a" barefooted, dirty and ragged specimen of a Radical voter, ;was brought up, charged with taking up quarters in a sleeping-carat the depot of the "ViIndngton, Charlotte and Ruth erford railroad. v He stated that he had been an employee of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford railroad, and being on his way to'G'jldsboro', had been pointed to this car as one attached to the next train going out. His finances not being in a plethoric condition, he. was excused. .. . ; Personal. We are 'pleasod to learn that Mr. James Horner, the Principal of t .c Oxford High School, for boys, is iu the city on a visit in the interests of his school. Mr'. Horner has conducted for a number of years a t classical and mathematical school pf'Ebe highest order, with great credit to himself, an benefit to his schollas; Wemostcheerfullv recommend him and his school, to the atten tion of parents. , . . . . . J i Those who are partial to (he fine arts, stfould not omit a visit to Van orsdelPs Photographic Gallery. VYe have re cently examined specimens of his photograph ic work which cquaf any of the : vaunted pic tures taken at the North; Wo do not mean to say that he simply copiea with tidelityfaces of ttie originals, but that he is a real artist with very superior taste, which is specially mani fest in his arrangement of lights and shades in the photos he produces. Those who may be disposed to igndre home effort and genius, will be checked iu their folly if they pay Van orsdell a visit. " Let us learh, as to art, indus try and enterprise, ia small and great things, to foster local endeavors. if -"The Cdiriparatively high fig u res, of our thermometer does ..not arise from the unusual warmth of our ofliee, but from the variations of the various Instruments used. We have now,' however; one of Fahrenheit's, and by a comparison of that with our Other can arrive at about a correct estimate. ' The barber shop of the Messrs. Doyle continues to be a model Of neat ness, and the razprs are skillfully: handled. Ned, the bppt black, Is a darkey pf pplishing habits, and is equally ready to shine your boots or assist you in a bath.' . . . .. . The nomination of Mr. Sey mour, of-New Tork; for i the Presidency, was well received here yesterday. We do not know that we heard a single expression of non-concurrence with the choice. 1 m m - . " Our esteemed friend and co- tempdfary, Jordan Stone, Esq., of the Roanoke Newsy has accepted the agency for the 'Carolina Farmer at VVeldon. The farmers of his section are requested to'leaye their Orders with him., j LosT.rTtbfi.iteni iiieadefc:s5ay- ettevi Jle Mail' ' which appeared in bur Fay etteville "Voiumn"iyesterdfay was intended for our Clfy " tPliimri1, but got into rUie wrong playe in making np the form. , r i v " ---Thermometer yesterday"at 9 o'locki:A,;M wasJjBa degrees 12 AC, 84 de- 8d? degrees. .Who-13' the owner .p.f .jJthe ld flat which drifts past-1 pnr office; pnee jbr wi?a:day:flllejai Couldn't, it twice, be put'to better use. iV-f i&f?v" James Grteti Sent but thiibpIarwas,frighte ingttroto commit any iifpJdaUpnsjt s j pal election will take place pn the 20th pf this mouth. & : m i j& - .li i 'ti' i . :-- ::S - -an T3 JN e6t la ble notes. r d bound in books of 100 each, J fpr sale j at ths office f theV3Jow"l aiii. ; Call - up nd j tumor, tn jNaUonal Democratic Convention l- ms that bdl. KranflS P Klnirhoa Kaon nnmino4o1 oa -lno earlier day or night b fixed on, we pre- sup4h uomiqations-will be ratified- on the Occasion of the return of the delegales to the Convention from this section. They can. then iye(an account. pf their ratewardship r and were evidently inuoculated yesterday in New- Torki, '"X 'WiPi': r 5r 'f va.f . : ' ,.- J A moonlight excursion : to SmithyUle will come, off - atv aearly;4j.-if a. suitable steamer can'be-hl&r pose is to leave here at 5 o'clopk jn the after noon and return home asearly as -miduight. We predict that, if the affair is well managed, large numbors of ladies and gentlemen wilfgo down the fiver. : 1 , New Advertisements. George R. Fkesch fe Soji's The Plaee to Buy. . . AdriAe &' VoLLEES-Flbur of alcnost 4very Harris j fc HqweliIOPO cks American and Liverpool Salt. T. : - ;v' iuiUi'ni'K'- ;, The Star Job Office. TJiip e3taU? iisumeni nas recently oecn eniargeaana aaaea to by new material, type; Wc. the whole un der the foremanship of one of the best practi cal job printers in the' country. The proprietoY is prepared to receive and promptly cx.ecute Orders fdr'alr kinds of plain or fancy work, cards, labels, bill-headsf posters, prdgranitiies, tickets in fact, any description of job work done in a weir appointed 'pb offices The pa trons of the establishment may be assured that full justice 'will be-tlouef to th6ir orders, both as to workmanship, material used, and the price. Now is the season, therefore, to get your jb work done, and get it done well. Iu the line of fancy printing, in colors or plain the work done at the Stab ofliee wllUeompare favorably with that issued by the large estab: li3hmentS bf New' Y'ork and Philadelphia. We invite our frjends to an inspection, and they can judge for themselves. Binding. -The JIornixg Star Book Biolery is complete in all its ap pointments, and is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding-executed neatly, cheapl' and expeditiously. - -Coal at a Discocnt. You can do your cooking just as" quickly and with much less trouble by using a Keroseue or Gas Stove. See advertisement iu another column. Ruling Machine. A Fi rst-class liuung Machine at the j MpRKi tar j Printing and Publishins House. Paper ruled in any form, desiredv 'and i&t- 4ow MARRIED. a Bv Rev IT. T: Bowrtoif." on' the 7th Julv, at Laiiiiuburg, HOWARD PEYDON to Miss JKN XET A. McLAURIX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Col. J. C. McLanrln. Journal aud N. C. Presbyterian please copy. DIED. In this citv, on the morning of the 9th inst., THOMAS JACKSON, only son of S. J. and C. N. Jones, aged fifteen months. ' " Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.' .0 ' ' .The friends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to . attend the funeral, at their residence, corner of 6th and Queen streets, at 9 o'clock, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Poitsmoutb papers will please copy. JSUSCELLANEOUS. Receiver's Notice AUCTION SALE, -! STT V-i . I WILL SEMi AT PUBLIC AUCTION, at the California Steam Mill, in Wilming ton, N. C, at 10 o'clock A. M , on THURSDAY Julv lSth, All the right, title and interest of PEXNYP ACKER, BUCHANAN & CO., or of JOHN MIDDLETON, as Agent of said firm, in the following property : . 1 PLANING MACHINE ; 1 LOT TOOLS ; 1 LOT SAWED DOOR LUMBER ; . ! 1 LOT " CYPRESS " ! 4 or 5 lots" PINE " 1 lot TIMBER in Mill Pond, -y . f ij f; Terms mnde khown at saleJj i & s u. GEO. Z. FRENCH, I ' july&-243-td Receiver. FOR NEWlXOUM. $ ISP AT OR MNE. T HE Sclir. AVILLIi: DILL, ENGLISH, Mastee, W .11 have dispatch as above. For Freight engagements, apply to I f fl WILLIAMS iniRCHISON. 'iuly7-242-tf ' " "r' " u ' r " ' ' I ' 1 M " ' F, A Ii. : CASSIDKY, K. O- fiOS3. CASSIDEY BROTHERI & JQSS, : PROPRIETORS OF - Wilmington 3IIsrinc , Railway . . s,iiYarH. ' ' XtTfySitS "TH IflR V.I N E DONE ON , Yy f the nK)ft reasonable terms and in an ex peditious manner.' Have constantly on harfd, and are building BOATS, bothi Ufpr, sailing And rowing, for sale or hire. ' Sunken vessels raised,' and those drirert on the beach or bars taken off. .,JnJy244-f tlCW- .'- . V . Spirit CHOICE SELECTED SPIRIT july9-244-Jw ! ALFRED MARTIN. X71A IIi nTERM' .pPEJTS- .llEYirid. Address.VJp 'u:f;1 r4e20-229-lmJ f.$ Coi. LBIXGHAM.? rTiHE f tW D E It S I O S E B ATI50 yL tiualifled ;.at March I Term,' 1SC8 of Now Hanover County Court as '.Administrator pf, Moses Davis; deceased notice is hereby given. j to all persons Indebted to the estate to come forward ' ana pay tne same promptly, anu ait in buof OicirxecdveryT- should trf held ltfUUr City at'an early 11 w"f JpV1)dtlrTfiidittlSlegrams CASKS, persons naylng claims against snia esae.ro notified ta present them wltiiin the tiiue pre- ITew York-yand4 North .Carolina BIKE, f THE FINETTAST SAtLlNQ-STEAMSHIP k -itH flvHs-f-Captain M OOREiO ' ml 1 ARRIVE, .TITERBA'X?3Ji'T ' v V ' and leave our wharf between .Dock and: Orange streets, for the aboVa port, son FRIDAY, ; July lotin - . ' - W it. . . .;. ' ', r1 .?;-":' f ; , ' This - Line will comprise - the1 'following Steamers: ;r '.,'.; ? -,-. FAIRBANKS ...Capt. Ai -H cktb r. ; WM. P. CLYDE.;...:. " Wm. Poweix. It REBCCEA' CLYDE .... O. Chichester. MARY SANFORD. . . . . " John Moore. With sncli additional Steamers as may foe Required to meet the Deinahds - of he;Trdel.; ? ii . Sailing fron-EW!jY6RK CTeryj r !' VTEDNESBA Ty'AND SATURnA r, At 4 P M. from Pier 15 E. l. foot of Wail St. The attention of SIIIPPEttS'ls calleil to the LOW RATES and: U RE AT FACILITIES olfer & by this Line. , . '- f All J idasses Promptly Paid. a ! THROUGH BILLS ' O F LADING given to FAVJKTTEVlLLKi N-j-C, and all points on the Wilmington, Charlotte and li. II. Road, Wil miugtPn & Weldpn R. Rpad, Wilmington and Manchester .RU Roa0, and their Connections. , Eor Freiglit ensragementH, apply to , - ? - WORTH & DANIEL, Agents. . Agent in New York, s- , - ? , - JAMES HAKD ? i 104 Wall, Corner of South Street. ,- july7-242-tf ', , , Sew York. GROCERIES '&-;;;; 1 : 'xin".;tojee:. 1 2Q Kits No. 1 HACKEBEL; 20 Bbls. UERRIXGS j i ; . . , 20 Btl3i CIDER TIXEaARV; Just received and for sale by v. : ; ' i HAR JtISS & HOWELLi No. 14 anil 16 North Water Struct. vje23-24-tf , , . i AT:; GLO W PEIGES ! LAK-FI?II LINES, " HOOKS and LEADS. ELEGANT RAZORS, j " ' . .. IN CASES. FINE POCKET KNIVES, : &c, &c &c. GEO. A. PECK, ; 15 So. Frorit street. for sale by julyl-23S-tf n Q appripo VJl UUOl IDD I UIUbUilCD I I I HATE JUST RECEIVED and HATE in Store a ,1 LARGE STOCK OF FOR SALE CHEAP,, C ASH . ciias. h. French Julyl-233-tf . " , ,t 10 Sputh Front Street. OTHY CHOICE o BAJfGECOUSTY TABLE BUTTER. . Selected with great care,' ' ' Expressly Tot Family Use. , Extra Greain; Clieese. FROM T HE SAME DAIRY, At july7,tf , , GKO. MYERS', . ' 11 and 13 Front strreet, ' ...- CIIAS. L. MYERS, Ag't, Y T 1,000 SACHS SALT, IN PBIMK order, for sale low from wharf, by WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. july7-242-tf' i I OF ALL i KINDS. XJUg JS JEQ53T mT iAS, 1 1 LEV T VARIETY. ' A THE CHEAPEST, BEST AND XL MOST STYLISH in the City, at R 1 ANDERSON'S Hat Store, Sign on the Tree, i ;. f '.' No. 11 North Front St. jnlyT-tf - f- GROCERIES; - r-. 'V ' . AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES: - Mll'ii - HOOF IRON1, IK and 1 inch ; BEST MAKE OF HACKS; u - f :; . HACK FILES, BUNGS to 2 Inch ; ? ;' GLUE, TRESS HOOPS, RIVETS, J U ! STRAINER WIRE-ps. 40, 60, 80, 90 & 100. COFFEE, SUGAR, NAILS, FLOUR; ADAMAMTINE TJANDLES, MOLASSES, 1 SOAP, &c, &c. ,i Wv Jell-22l-tf t . -, .North Water St.? tSVv't.-.'J; FroiaS, t)0 tof 31 operll 55 r- AOI0ST EXCELLENT1 CLARET, f W'- 1 .IS.C.LEm : 'rihfvif 'StiftTI- ar aoetofPtot- gcovrp i ' v Jmii?um)i '- - ri ,..Hrrrff 5A Tint f ffffh- JV1. M. KATZ & UU., 23 .Market Street. ' ,' STOCK With a fuller Line of Stable and Fan STpCwith aulerXinef taplis andf Fan cy DRY GOODS, consisting of ' . . ;- V 'si Grenadines, ? ! t t ! Mozambique, j ; 'litiii t 1 - ltd iAlpacasp V4- s' - . ,1 ' Lawus, Bareges. . ! '' :i ' ; Prints. " ' ' ' .i. Ginghams. Jaconets, Swisses, Checks, Mulls, NansookiJ Brilliants, f Marseilles , Bleached ; an,d. Brown Shirtinga. - '--1-: - - ' '-' i -vr? EJrlBROmERIES, Wai.-ts. : '. SILK JrANTLES, "A ' ' Lace, Grenadine, Cassimer and Barege - f Diaper, Towelings, ShcetingsJ Buttons; Trinv- mmgs, uipye Aiitts,psiery, ? itR ; pantsujfks, ; .;. j ! - Readj'-made Cloothing and Furn isliing Goods. ! OUR STOCK has been purchased BEFORE. THE LATE ADVANCE, , and therefore ena bles us 'TO SELL bHow present prices. .Ex amine our Styles and qualities and you will feel it to your interest to buy. i f . X , liberal Terms to c WUoIesale Buyers.' M. M. KAT2 CO., 23 Marled Street. miLLINERYrOPEninGlj "TT TE WIEt E iA4VS MONDAY, April 20, a full Slock; of Latest Styles I lata,', Bonnets i .(':': -.i J;.;. blowers, ,.: . i , , Ilib.bons.' Silks, : ' : 5 i;- ; Satins,; ; '. : -C'j-K . , Crapes, , . . . ; i . Frosted Illusions, ; ; -i',,t ; I I ' I I Oyriaments. J Our long experience enables us to sell bet ter Goods at lower prices than any house out side ot sew lorfc , . !M. M. -KATZ & CO., 1 23" Market St; ap!9-17G-tf ,' fce jr. 2- Wilmington Regulator, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Plain and Beaded Parasols, Sun Umbrelfas, - ! - : " . . C A a Reduction, of 25 Per Cent, on former prices. A fine article of , WHITE-SHAWL .BAREGE,; At a reasonable pricey FINE MUSLINS, i.u ili-'Vii :x jaconets, Marseilles 0('1 ! ( (White and Colored), And other Summer fairies at prjteeto please the most fastidious. -1 Clnghatns I I ; Calicoes, AlfGrades, at Satisfactory Prices; :'..'. .1! t;; Bleached AND Brown Shirtings A Good Assortment at Lowest Cash: Pricey fc,-K Corsets - and .Hoop SK rt,rT w y Hosiery and GIOTes, !'-;:' ' - --:- ' Best Assortment n th State, at pnoea tha : 'At tbe Old Stand of KaHmretler - jro., next toTEXfcEange ConnePr Jfo'4 S2S2?S&fe ets, and other -Blank, Books, inv endless fletyjmBwnws; O t- T CT . CLW.ju.jn, 4 O U Printing n Pf ilJT. f OCtl5-19-lt No. 3 South Water Street. f-IRESCENT, SIARIO HfCfliCSaP WHITE X3 Record Book. Lsofpmwdsy-JDock-v na nort at inta s.;3.innd L a j 1 4 v. ori wosiriv m. k:. MP.nnia.n. rrnnna. V ? "-. - tXTkW TT'. T7Pf?ViTn t A trifn, 1 11. THE-GIIEAP L48 J(5' 0i T rt H :;1 V'.v 1 ? v v ' f .ds.si'f 71., . ... . m mr'prY$;$iriW : :-) Ui' -. -?f-:n 't ii..'.-foAV"!7!1lr BEFOREilHElBUBLlCf ND WITH AS .LARGE AD- HASD' some a Stock of... ....-.-ihu'j y-'Jj; ' : As ever. Unparalleled . in Aocpmmddattpns we joffer to otrr 'friends and nations As com plet-e an assortment ' of everyliaracter" of DRY G OODS as is to bq found in-the City5.- j..-.. ' ; i . -. : ' n '- ' j '- . ...4. Wo have BLACK SLLKS; MUSLINS and;CAL ICOS ; perfect loVes-of lATS, HOSIERY, .- .1 ..-.liilHHt'fs'- GLO.YES, PERFUMES, etC.etc.T. t'V FOR THE GE JJTLEME k, We prpvide HATS,, BOOTS, CO ATS, AN TS;. H"ANDKERCHIEF3, SOCKS ; anrf.' ih' Bhort,. - tvfi every article needed in the Toilet. With un--usual facilities for selling: gopd articles at Ipw eea,rtroji again Isplicit the attention and ,THE: . i SB- UJf PUBLIC ALLY, -. tf T !; -.V1 . r We offer UMBRELLAS j PARASOLS, all ktods- r illl'K li l N 1C JN 'COTTON J5f READY-MADE .C LO THING, SHAWLS, BLEACHED and BROWJf SHIRTINGS,: COR- SETS, HOOP SKfhVTS, and, without desCend-- ing into further particuiarities",- We, Havfi'Perjnthing ! Call and see us. to-day, to-morrow and every ; . ' ' , ' - ,. ' f " ' I . clay. :We promise you.' polite attention, Ipw priees.aiuLFINE XXODS:i.;;5 49- Rest St in the City, to trade at snits ! all, rich- and- ioor, biarb Slid ' T low. , july4-241-tf , E1HLL ClOSE'Ott THE BAL-- !ance -of' our ;;r;5't:?!'.1. r w i ,r v.-. .-r x rr -"" -- 'mr CAMCO at 51?2ptoi; i2rattd15 Cents tne nest.- : Vr .t RXE ACIIED MtJSElX I lnd 1 C)fa.i- AND' EVERYTHING ELSE -JN pR0FOR TION.r a-: . 49- We rfespectfulfy solicit the patronage Pf Vustomcvs in. vau c,y uwi ecrumrjj. f - '.- Je28-236-lnv 't . ' ' w 1 MaVket Street. . , FOB SAJJE ?OB BEN , . Real , E state Nbtfce ! 1 - T THE REQUEST'Olf MANV PAR ties who have been unable to prepare.de scriptiorts Of their Lands, I shall postpone is suing , mvrCATALOGUE' OF LANDS) FOK SALE- till'-Anff. .v 8end in descrintion and prlpe of Xands, ,No charge un'ss a sale is ef fectedv a-Ho.;v . -? i . .-.n .-f- -'i '14 ! Real jtate Agent, 10 South Front St. uly3-240-tfJ . r 1- - J.fi 1 ; - - milEBOrSEon 8VCOXD, RET. WEEN JL Ann and Nunn streets, one doox South of Dv Fergus, k ;,Will De. Tented .very, low, For terms, apply to the undersigned. vMv , ... . - j .V . ..,i,:rB, W.CHAD WICK, - i j ; jnlyll-w l4 -At the Custom House, j ljJfj-ij;...V:rfr I THE) DESIRABLE RRICIt DtriLD : ma rm Dock Stroet next East Of the lee I House reeently opeupieds a ltestanrant byj tne nnetersignea. ' nne s ore Deiow am pieu-i Jft.2U-4f)-2 vivj.r.r JAS.'ILiMlTCHElA, i i .. IU'. ' I 'I ,!"''J '" . !'.' 'I! !'.? Yrc W w'- .TTica tK G0QBS lillliii . .' . . . .vi.-r?-. 0-.: wiiilitfi fi a j'U -j . ,'.-'-.-. :;'-far J:' : r 7 I-" PRICES f'A o FEtT PUE AS ANT BO ft FOB"; jrV rent, furnished -or' ttnfornished,wtb or t ? without iDOardi, rati thai. GREGORY. HOUSEr! , Oomer of Front and Red Cro8S'strtft..t . ... . C5 f toednpotfCampbelTetw f Blpcfe25b,iai;ier Turner's. planl, Sizaof ;llpt $3 feet on Campbell street running Nprthj 1 to W. & W. Railroad - feet. Bi erder . v f . tulvl4itsl EDWAItU DAVIS, Adiu TTEDDINO CAUDS A W VISITIXI J C ABDS prtnted . in ; the most eleSan . . . . 'ifi4.u H T.iKl tali 1 ti r 1 mm :. , Frmtine.ana l-uoiifiuus nouv, And General Book BlnaerVL So. 3 Soath '.Water &i i--. - fc hAniVTlTSISTrrA TOR'S IJAriEjl - raay artids from his jperi".. .t2SWX,iii;ii if r WilmingtPn N; C, aplS-175-tf .- . i !! -. . ' -'? ''"' -t '