m, i JSM otblications. r a Pobul v rr. APPLTON & go., ? " Xos 443 nI 45 Itroad way,' ITew Yoirk, : "v ' , f am fcblmhijh ..-lf'-:l'r r -A - CH-E iF -E-DI.T J'O N 7orks lof Charles Dickens, ,-; ? '- v ron .txie million. ; V Clear Type, Handsomely Printed,'and of Con- . i venientSiae, Comprising the following i Volumes at th annex PHm varying in Price according to the num . i . her of Pages : miirr TwInfiYnow readvl .... .172 pages 25 ct American Notes (now ready).. 104 f 15 rnmhv a. Rati fnov readv). . V.S4S, ." 35 u Martin CbuKlewit..t'i....i33l-r Our Mutual Friend. .....330 Phrltma Stories fnowready.160 - SKAT'" 35 U 25 A-Tale of Two Cities. 144 tl Tftirrt Times! 4..-.180 ' t 25 ' ' Nicholas Nickleby (now ready)S40 Bleak Hons?...,..,.. .,.,340 Little Iorri1j.....,..........330 14 Pickwick Papera (now ready. :328 David Copperfleld. .330 Barnaby Budge.... ,:,257 Old Curiosity Shop ;220 Great Expectat'ns (nowTeady)K4 . Sketches and Pictures from. ; i .v. Tt.lvt.td.l'-::-..A....i"-., J, ITO' SO 35 35 85 "35 .i 30 30 25 Oni-fto.fiint of ft4 50 we will mail to any ad dress asi published, post-paid, .the entire works of Charles Pickens, and also a ; t ' 8uitable -for framing. The- Portrait will be ,. mailed at once. ; w .Tti-w Either of 'the above sent rams by mail on receipt of the price. , . .. . , . - Extraordinary Ppportmrfty For the 'JfiUion to Secure o gooctLtihrary. ' ; jCIi U B- RA T E Si one set, 17 1 Three Sets, ni -i a i lumes f 4 50 .....12 50 ..... 19 00 riveoewj -r , Ten Sets, 37 00 Called a our expense. denominate Vthls edition I ; THE POPULAR EDITION," as1' every man, woman, and child is buying it. t For special terms to Canvassers, address the Publishers. . jNEABLY READY,, . ' The, Vaverly NwelSa 25 volumes. Price 25 -Cents each . mrl3-144-lm NEWRANGEMNT bTHE-- CO I 1 -nVBUSUED EVERY THCBSDAY -IN- WA nte E N T ON, . X. : --. ' 1 mt: I. II. BENNETT, - - - Pijprietor. TERMS OP SUBSRIPTION : One copy 1 months ...$2 00 ... 5 00 7 00 Three copies ia montnsr. Four copies 12 months. ................ .-. Five copies 12 months ..... T . .... . . .s,-. Ten copies 12 months. ..... ........ 8 0J 15 00 If not paid! IN ADVANCE the following rates will be charged : If not paid within three months . . . . . . . . . . .$2 50 six 3 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING; The attention ot Business Men is called1 to the reductioniin the BATES OF ADVERTI SING. : . 1 f- . , One dollar per square for the first insertion, and fifty cents for each subsequent insertion ; a square consists of one inch space Or less. One column one year $100; 00 .......... 60 00 six montns ; tliivo ranntha ........... 40 00 ......... 2000 60 00 45 00 " ' one month... Half column one year ....... it sue montns...-. ' three months 25 00 One square one year : 15 00 ! sixmonths... 8 00 "i three months 6 00 Business Cards of one square or less, for one yeaTj.f. 10,00 ' 4 We -as-k every Conservative in the-State ; ' to becom our Agent to extend the circulation .i. of the CotrmBKil The events of 1868 will be ex citing and important. The Courier should be in the hands of the great body of the peo ple. tThe terms are now so low that evry one will be ablei to pay for it. , , i ; 1 t H. BENNETT, r y may21-tf- : i Proprietor. I THE WEEKLY EALEIGE REGISTER : y -".r'Anl Agricultural, . Literary and Political Newspaper. i ' ;' j --PUBLISHED BT -'Vj '. H. II, IIEUPEB A CO., Balelsb, V. C. RATE' OF SUBSCRIPTION : j Single Copy, pe.r ainum . . . .$3 00 1 150 . 2 50 ; 2 75 ,1 Six Months.... Clubs of .Ten,' (per copyi). . , " v Five, ( " !... C L AR ENC EJ-ES L I E, . WOMAN'S LOVE AND FAITH, A thrilling ondnfrecting- Rn!aWce wrttteni by For thetTVeiskly Ealeiglx Eegister. I. IIIIS " CAPITAL It O II AN C E WAS commenced in -the Weekly-Resfister of tne in; insi. mnis Deannrui ana aneciing , story cannot fal to interest its readers. n In 1 t it the author clearly pxirtrays the weakness of '.: httmanjiature, ft.nd proves with siheerity the - - genuine faith and love oi . man's companion- We thall print an extra edition of the paper nrltttf the eominer week. In ' order to siinnlv parties who may wlsh to subscribe, and to all such we say, send in. your orders immediately ACCOMPANIED- B-7 TAB OASI. ' ' xWwant the -Rkchstek to visit eyry city, - town, village and hamlet in the State, and we ask everybody to aid ns in getting it circula- W .rft makinsr . arrntffi-rmmta-. tn maiim or .its corps ox. literary writers some o the best iaient in tne oiaie. . J3- Our contemporaries will confer a favor ' by giving tis liberal notices. - - - The trade supplied at the usual rates. Spe r.; euneu copies senuiree on receipc oi xwo cents r i fox postage. , Address, nnul z fin j, v i ,j-rr ti ..w h.:&elpxb ca?' T'-H may20-2P2-tfJ ;?t4 inn to Raleigh, NC. BE MOKE 8 8KOTIIIT2IAOA sine. . Unlvaraally,, acknowledged the irfT lUnstratea vth costry Engf aflhgs , JroU8ize),xisefttl aiid'reliable Pattex-ns:Em- ' -Droiaenes. ana a eonjitant snooession of Artis- w i;piuw,.wiia vuur usiui juui enter' No person of refmement, .economical house MWAMWUW. " -w4.eori7vOf.tastey.n-afBorcl to do with ,r out the Model Monthly, Sinsrle conies 30 cents t iTi , " A jaB pwimens, ,iu cents ; eiuier 7 80; is for oaH ov;" Tv:r' I "" ""l'iumuw to ar;ii"erJ .1" a new Wheeler 4 Wil- A Wlng Machine for 20 subscribers" each v x 73 Broadway, New York.1 decll-eSMtr i tne premiums lor each. fa w urigmai oxones, roems, sicetcnes, Arcni tecture and Model Cottagei, Household Mat : Gossip (including special department ca Fashions), Instructions on Health, x Music? r 'Amnaamentsi etc,.' bv the bfe'st author i. M.nd flVTr" J copies, i Ji. mm Biuenaia , preminu f wV BOOK SKID Blank Book Manufactory. PAPER RULING ROOMS, WH. B:. BEBNABD, Prop'tor. 1 No. 3 South Water Straet, WILMINGTON, N. C. I' N CONNECTION ' WITH MY JRINT- ING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, I have in op eration a Complete BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, includ ing a FIRST CLASS RULING MACHINE. My unsurpassed facilities enable me to exec- cute all work in the above lines at LOW . , ...... . - , . BATESwith the utaMst dispatehi, and in the most SUPERIOR STYLE. I am manufacturing to order LEDGES,; - JOURNALS, BAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, .. . indexes; record books, trial dockets, APPEARANCE DOCKETS, MINUTE DOCKETS", EXECUTION DOCKETS, , MARRIAGE REGISTERS, BOND B0OK&, ' AND ALL OTHER BLANK BOOKS -USED BY- CLERKS, REGISTERS, MERCHANTS, BANKERS, RAIL ROAD . COMPANIES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, &c. ALL VARIETIES OF PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPER FILES,: MUSIC, kc,, &a.f &c.j . -: i ',. ' '. . ; t Bound in the neatest and motet substantial . manner, and at Moderate Prices. ' " ; RULED . Jf -S; nrAXY FORM DESIRED. j i - JW SpMlAl Attention given to H&BUTIK INO OLI BOOIIS, GILDING AND LET TXrO: HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER bookibxies,;-;! Send your orders to ,WM,'E f BERNARD'S .;: ifrintinff;: 5sUDl51niie; ; HoutS And General Book Bindery in isept3&-i-tf . . . lYIIHNGTQN, N. C. mv r f f 1IY, - 1 BINDING 'MISOEELANEOITS- t THE- :aiApifvnoyfiii3fiofES" GO LDSBORO', ,N. C. J t t fTTHE ItOUGII NOTES IS TlIE ONXI JL Daily FaperpuDiisnea neiween wumin ton, N.CU" and Petersbug, Va., and Raleigh and Newbern, N. C. ; cotains all the latest News, Market Reports,. Local and State News, and General Intelligence. : - : 5 J Has a largo and constantly increasing circulation, and being published at a point having Newspaper, Mail and Railroad facili ties, affords an excellent medium for adver- f'.ifiinflr. . .. . : . . , t- ; . ...... - r."--;-1 - Rates of Advertising as low aa any other! uaiiy in the state. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. . 21 months... ...$6 00 6 months.. .... ..... i i . rf . . 8 oo 3 months...........'.... 1 50 Address, maySO-211-tfJ JULIUS A. BONITZ, : Pub. and Bus. Manager. THE MORNING STAR. THE .MORNING STAR; V THE MORNING STAR. - ; THE MORNING STAR. THE MORNING STAR. THE MORNING STAR, THE MORNING STAR. THE MORNING STAR. THE MORNING STAR. THE MORNING STAR, i THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. -THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: ONLY 1.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY 11.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY &1.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY $1.25 FOR ONLY $155 FOR THREE MONTHS." .THREE MONTHS, THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS. THREE MONTHS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. LOCAL: NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. MARKET REPORTS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GfENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. dec20-74-tf "yTI, H. BERNARD, GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENT No. 3 South Water 8treet, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. The subscriber being SOLE AGENT, at this point for nearly ALL THE LEADING PAPERS OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, IS PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND . FORWARD ADVERTISEMENTS AT THE LOWEST RATES OF PUBLISHERS. Merchants will save much TIME AND TROUBLE BY MAKING THEIR CONTRACTS THROUGH THIS AGENCY. THE PROPRIETORS v .- ,:r" V ' ; OF ALL THE NEWSPAPERS I AM AGENT, ' : ' FOR WHICH HAVING OBLIGATED THEMSELVES NOT TO ! EECEIYE ANY : 4 i ; . ADVERTISEMENT AT LOWER RATES - y,f : THAN THOSE ; FURNISHED ME. THE PUBLIC V - r MAY,, RELY ON ... .. y TRANSACTING their i: '.: . J-. - ' BUSINESS WITH THIS AGENCY ON AS FAVORABLE TERMS AS WITH THF PROPRIETORS : j , ; r j""THEMSELVEJL.:l: " Copies! of Newspaper i for 'which I "am A gent may be seen, at my office. -'!V:.-Wlt H. BERNARD. sept23-l-tf XJOoksasipul Hand-Bills, Posters, Wedding Cards, Vis- ,itm& CardflBusiness CardBUtHeads, Let ter-Heads, Account Sales; Prices Current, Rail Roaa lUanJcs Clerks and-Shertffs' Blanks, .Constables' Blanks, Ac, Ac-printed at 1 K I f , VxM. H.lfERNARD'd f ; ?. ,V: r Printing and Publishing House,' oet29$t X w Ni. 3 SontbWoter Street. iwpiBro ? pntDiNOT! nnrjoiifoiu All kinds of Binding neatly and cheaply executed at ,WM. H. BERNARD'S - ' r Printlris House and Book: B in.de rv RUTIN G4 EVERY STYLF nv : Plain, n Fancy and Ornamentarr; Print in o- cAwureu uoaujr, cujpiy ana expeaitiousiv at ? WM. H. BERNARD'S r , i A a.- i 1 , XI l. 1 " . " . r-BIHTIlTO ASD rTTBUSHIKO HOVSS, .-And General Book Bindery; . ? ap21-1774T No 8 South. Water t, ' PUBjuISHIKGr'nOTTSE. ' PmtingandMUsg- No. 3 Soutli Water Street, WIOIINGTOX, nr. Onclof-the Most Complete Es tablishments Soutli of Baltimore. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS I STE1) AND BOUND. Circulars,- 1 Posters, , ' ! - nand-Bills, Prices Current, Programmes, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Catalogues, ; " " . Letter Heads, BiU Ileads, Rail Road Receipts, Steamboat Receipts, . Bills of Lading, Crew Xists, Manifests, Clerks9 Blanks,, Sheriffs' Blanks,' Constables9 Blanks, Export Bonds, Drawbacks, Ac, Printed in a style that CANNOT BE SUR PASSED, find on REASONABLE TERMS. Printing in Colors ! In tnls department we challenge com petition. We use the finest Inks, and rive particular attention to all branches of Fancy and Colored Printing! Our Wedding and Visiting Cards Are perfect GEMS" OF BEAUTY AND NEAT NESS, as the scores of specimens ia K our office will fully testify. WEDDIN Gf ; ENVELOPES, Of the latest styles, kept constantly i on hand. - ' ' ' ' T--. i ' - Our Business Cards and Circulars For clearness oi impression and genuine taste, cannot be excelled. Call and ,. ; ' " see specimens. Every Department Complete, -INCLUDING Printing Office, ' . ; "i'.x i Booh Bindery, Blank Book Manufactory, -, And .Paper Ruling Rooms! This is the ONLT ESTABLISHMENT IN i NOR T H CAEO LI NA' HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED, r WM. II. BERNARD, ' sept2a-l-tl Proprietor. PUBLISBEDWEEKIsT, 1A -AT- Wadcboro!insori"Couiity. j disaster from -firej we are prepared to ommcKiat Ad vertisera at re-tsonable rates. The ARGUS circulates freely, not only in -An-son.but in ,the adjoining Counties. of this State and Districts of .South Carolina. Busi ness Cards, of one square, (ten lines Brevier) ul J publUlied one year; for $10, and six monthaf or $8 ; or more than one square at these rates. Apply to WM.' H. BERNARD, Kditor Morkistq toTAa.WilntogtoDu : for far ther information, or address thendersigned. '- u : F. BARLEY, : 7... mayS-tf - ' . EiL. A Pnb N. C. Argus. . prietorf--- COMMISSION MERCHANTS: .'H. COWAITt. ;JC WCAJCBJlOWt ' , JAS. 3B. HILL. :Z;BicQfriir;,& Co.,;,.- GENERAL COMMISSION f ys MIPPlifa MEBCHANT8, ,. ' WHOLESALiE i GROCERS. Agents for M. Davis A Son's-' (Liberty: Ya.,) -.f; Celebrate CHEWING TO BACCOV i ; Agents for Lister Bros. SixperpJiosphate of Lime. Agents for Vultxtn Iron Works, 'Richmond, Va. ' ; - ywiLMnrGTOW tf. a, , . ' No. 32 North 'Water Street. , ; Je25-233-tf , ". " i BALDWIN f PELLS; , Co mm i s s i o n M e rch a n ts FOR THE SALE OF - : 4X KINDS1 OF EARL T VEGETABLES HIDES, WOOL f AND ' BEESWAX, " ' 0 CO S. CalTert Street X- - " P' ' ARTICULAR 'ATTEHTIOW PAIDTO thoale of ; Vegetable Matter ot all kinds. One .of ; the firm is on the wharf every morn ing on arrival of steamer from Norfolk, to re ceive and sell our consignments of Truck. , je2ft-234-6m;' j t ; ' i v . '- N0RTHE0P CUMMLNa, Commission Merchants , AND r Proprietors of the Wilmington Steam Saw and Planing Mills, ! mr2a-152-3ml ... WILMINGTON, N. C. ISAAC HOLLmGSWORTH, -AND- Commission Merchant, ' FAYETTEVILLEiN. G, . ' TIME I'XDEKSIfiXEP HAVlNOBEEJf , appointed Auctioneer by the Cvunty Court tukes this method of informing the pub lic that he will give prompt attention to all consignments intrusted to him as Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, and hopes by strict attention to merit a fair share of pat ronage. I t nirll-Iitf C.H.'rOBIWSoV, J. C. SMITH, V, O. ROBINSON ROBISrsblV, SMITH- & CO., General Commission Merchants. ilmingrton, IM- C- novl-34-ly , . Moflitt, Bro. 3fc Co., - GENEKAi. COMMISSION Merchants, NORTH WATER STREET, ( "Wilmington, X. C, Will give prompt, personal attention to the sal e or shipment of I Cotton. Naval . Stores, General Produce, etc., etc. Also to receiving and forwarding goods, i ; y. $ 4 Orders solicited and promptly filled. sept23-l-tf : . CANNON, ST0KLEY CO., " GBOCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, Wil mington, N, C. Strict, attention given to the sale of CiOUJiTKl l'ROOUCE. OCt3-10-tf 8. R. BIRDS EY. ! A. T. ROBINSON. v BIRBSEY : & UOBIXSOX,., GENERAL COMMISSION MER CHANTS. No. 4 South Water Street, Wil mington, N. C. V 0. sept24-2-tl ALEX. JOHNSON, JR. . . K. T. MO KETHAN. ALEX. JOIIXSOX fe CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, Wil inington, N. C. y . septl-l- D. O. WORTH. WORTH ; . N. O. DANIBI. ADAMEE, CI HIPPING AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS. WILMINGTON N. C OCtl6-20Iy BUSINESS CARDS. WEEKS & FREEMAN, Flour aWercIiants, 110 & 112 BROAD ST., (COS. WATEH,) ' ; , N e w York. . . 43- Particular attention paid to Southern Orders. , . , BAKERS MIXTURES, All the standard "brands of FAMILY and BAKERS' FLOUR constantly on hand. ; ! Orders will be faithfully executed and promptly attended to. - tmay29-2I0-6w i CE O. C ROSSC UP, , DEIGNING AND j : EXGMYING ON WOOD, 1 IN ALL IT3 BRANCHES. ? . Engraving for Prating in Colors. Office, S. W.or. 7tn and Cues tnut St., : . Press Bnlldiiiff, Philad., Pa. Yiews of Cities; Buildings; Machinery, Por traits, Seals, Photographs, Maps, Tinted Envelopes, Posters, Monograms, Book .. Illustrations, Ac. Designs for Drug- n -i gists Dry Joois, Liquor, Tobac- , co. Flour, Perfumery, 'and all . . Kindof bnsiness Labels, - . - , &c. Printing Die-Sink- . . ! ' ' ing, Stencil Cutting, : :r: r',:;;''"'' : ' E"- Ibrticidar attention, given to Machinery. ' ' may3-188-3m . : ' JAMES McCOEMICK, i JlJERCIIANT,. TAILOR, ijr-. feb!2.118-ly . , WILMINGTONi N C. A. ADRIAN. Hi VOtLKRS. ADRIAN & VOLLERS,. . ,'Cor. Front and Oock'Sts., , . W i 1 m i n g t o n): N. ;eii -XTTHOLES ALE. GROCERS, IN ALL r t-fi. . -iii' a i ;i Its branches. 'UK if : .h ' COUNTRY MERCHANTS 'nrilIdo weU by i ,nov!9-4-tf .. '". -.v-i. . . .. '. '- " ''" 11 1 1 " .. i i!if ANUFACTITIIER, ANI DEALER IN jML HARDWARE, GUNS, STOVES, PUMpS, KEROSENE OIL, TIN and SHEET IRON. . Rooflng Done at Short Notice J Assent for Fairbanks Scales. :pm So. 19 FroiJt Si, Wilmington, N. C. , DANIEL A. ..SMITH f r ( DEALER isj ' ' - 1 V A IL KINDS OF PARLOR, DININO-i TURE, MATTRASSES, FEATHERS, &C, Sasb. minds nnd noorfl. Bfaler in, .BAGS, Papu-iT' f IRON and1 ALL KINDS 5 Store al the corner of Muteis a nJ 1 1 f Water St., next doorNrnfioiSflMi A Daniel, Wiiminjrton, SfcT "jg-Jj ; S. A, ASHE ATTORNEY AT LaW tVIEMINUTftiv OFFICE ON PRINCESS rV-J Front and Second Streets' BE?W oct i--tf . . CPAS. 31. STED3UX orney at La to. . , f. .WIEMINOTON. N. C rVFFICR Oir PRINCESS iB.wi.-LJ KJ posit the Court House. ',rt Of. octl5-19-6ra MISCELLANEQUK T H E MORN IN C STAR A MILT NEWSPAPER, PUmL ' ed at Wilmington. N. n. iT "iSWSB. tins 7 Latest, Telegraphio , Renorts undrt&ite Reports of the Markets ieie " TERMS,' IN ADVANCE: One Year... Six Months. ......i.. ....... 5 00 2 36 , 9-Advertizing Rates. Tery V Read "the following N O T I CES O F THE PRE s & j tt A good . paper-take ii.,rWarrenton ter. An ablv conducted, racy and live nL-n Salem Press. VHnWspj. per, " A spicy, spirited Conservative sheet r. commend the paper to the public d! hartoTiniPa. . . - X- Ween . "One of the Bprightliest Dailies in tit Ola ; n utmgum wnservcuive. . " A sprightly Dally, and Veil worth the SCrfption price." Greensboro1 Patriot. I sub "If you want a lively, wide-awake r subscribe to the Wilmington 8tar.-CbnS Press.? ' v ' i ' '; .A 'sprightly and able Cons ervativp One of the raciest and most readable Of our exchanges." Raleigh Sentinel. One of the very 6ct newspapers that visit 'sanctum." Marian (8. C.)Slar. our . A livelv, pungent Daily. The edhor'is ort dentiy an energetic and skillful caterer.- warrowow maicawr , uIf you want a briffhti'sparklinff. HveiTnit cheap daily paper, we ' can commend tlie morning cuar 10 our readers 'FlorenceiS. CI A well conducted, independent Consem- live paper ana wen deserving of nubr ronage. Lit is one of the spiciest an most readable paper's in the State. Saliabutv Oii 7VTM.JW .Virtfi, 1 ' A sparkling, lively and clever sheet Jlfo. rton a. u.juresccnt, , .. . " A first-class Daily, and one of the spiciest papers received by us." Ooldsboro' News. " Without mistakejoine of the best Dailies receiv.cdat this office, and may be truly des ignated a 'live newspaper,' containing the news,"both political and commercial, in a ' nutshell. "Lancaster (S. V.) Ledger. " A capital little Daily, and one of our very best State exchanges'-iprtetpft Register. A sparkling little Tmnkler,' worthy of all commendation. Its lightning flashes ot wit, satire and logic are constantly scorchinj tue.tattereti rags oi itaaicaiisni." uotuswrv Rough Notes. . L I "Unquestionably one of the liveliest Dail ies in the State, and a worthy recipient of the large and .increasing patronage it is daily re ceiving. As a aright particular star in me firmament of the South, we recommend its editor, and wish for him and his little 'TwinK- ier ' unoounaea ana uniatnomaDie suwess. Raleigh North Carolinian, : This - bright constellation of the heavens continues to illumine the political horizon, and nobly performs its oflJce of gnidingr for the poor, downtrodden .Southerner. The superior ability of its editorial stafTis a suffi cient guarantee, of Its success , as one or the leading journals of the country." Bennett ville S. C.) Journal. i ; p - ? The liveliest paper we-'know of, full news in a spicy and convenient form, and w an editorial staff who not only understand the art of epitomizing and paragraphing to W; fontfm ivf to Vin alert wiolrl Kfusiblc ami pi quant pens. If you want to invest l 50 in nToaonnt a-nri -nmAtal A manner, SfinQ ann the Star for s(k montha.VKeowee (S. C) Ctof ier. One of the best, and indeed we may ad'l. the 8prightliest Star shines cons pleasure in recommending it to all who are nm poscea in news, poiivius ui Mufv"' Edenton Transcript., . i i . . Remember our. low rates, of script ipn and address all commnniff tions to " ' i - WHt.H. BEBSTABB, - J. Editor and Proprietor, t-r f Wilmington. XX Merchants of Wilmington, ' ' 'advertise isr,,;,; THE SUMTER NEWS , . 4'-.gw ..x-V ix ..'' j THiE f ABOVE NAMED PAPE ! i ..'if- ' ' '' '. ' " , j published weekly in , , .; : . ; 19 ,WWcb !b& immediately on the Wiha09 and Manchester Railroad, and having , :.iKGE"ClRCUUTI0Jr Jn the section in which it is published. ( fered, aa - a desirable advertising mei' Terms liberal. i.L- i; . ' 1 ' ' Address, . , PABB A 0SSe .TEMOBESTS ' TOUSO :'-A?2f U. ;the .best Jnvnile Magazine. J2gJf and Girl that sees it says so all 1". iP so j and Parentiand Children coTiflrmpe, not fail to secure a copy A .'S'J with a Glass Cylinder to confine living j or a gooa two-biaaea pewt fw1r.rticiw a large number of other aesu - J ... 47SJiroadway, ew Trylt, Boysan4Girls. , Specimencog 6nts. mailed free i - ' i1 opnts, mailed fre JQ11AFT BOOKS 1 DfiAFT BOOKS t ; T DBAFT j ..c! " Tor sale at ' 6vaBP's 1 . . i ranting nouw " 'vvter trr octJWl-lt : . NASSouthJ- C? AVE TIME AKD; O chants wishing dSJS1S, yf W tforth Carolina or ny troaWy themselves , much unnecf mmni An n subscriber. . . - J newspaper in the state. picuously in the pom" rornitim . and we take octl83rff WlbmNQVOK iV. CI 'novl54ij:tf 1

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