OH ? .i . . VUv,VVr Vlt 4j mailed, or .delivered to six-'i-''1'" ' , i J . .... BATE . ! At j BK'MSI : , ' till-'5 'U.V- n four iUy-S n live-iliiyi).- 1 one wetiiC,. Conmiet 'Adcrtb xntS take ut prtW ..ill W. JAilii, 'J" r,j y -V .itM4 Will ww- Maettae. 1; 'i Ui Y f . ..... iMh:'i't il. I'i J. A, il. VauBolfkeltn "'Tr-oH, ii-jin-va. U'rencu, vvaiiorj jno. A. v- j , Aaioi Al...Vul&ap, JC. ... L . , ..,;V,J-V. H. Allftfi !.'.- HI' v'4'1. T. AlderiUA.il. hi u. KAIL UO Al via th rf ockMl(lcrV; nimu.u,-.-. j., v,!'.:- 1.-4.: n.r.vr.iAit.-Hlittd Jiy t-y !"",q "i; ! ii iR i ,, or liaiyiirn X. 0. . . . . i ; .v.ii .)i. s.,--'( '' -it i Vii1 (.' J. i'il;ilK.'U. . l ' ' ' r . . . . ... v 1 . .1 ..lL-lv.c i.!L 110 Jv 3) LfcsJ&'v,. ; Wilmington & Mnchester E. R. 1 n ?7- WiLMiiiSTiwaj: CV May 10, 1868.' .' 0V A?I AFTtiSS MAY lOtls P.ISSKX lit it ruAlN'slof tii'li' Roud will run on tat; lOiioWiUg aohodulti : jj y Leave Wiimhi:',t)njtluilv'it ..,,..... 4:15 A. M. Arrive at i'loivncs-'L .. . i . 4 . . '. . I. . 1 5:15 A. M. Arrive at Lvui-Cviiu.. . . . -i. Zi'-iJ 1'; Al. Loav'i ivinusvilitf-.i 10:1 A. M. Amvo ai r'ioruuLv.1 A l. 31. . AiTivo.tt Vi!i!ii!V2r1on....V.'.. 7:;"1. M. Exiit Tr.iia cii.icioUi CjOaiy.uc ftorouee the X:rth Kaler;i itaiiroad tor CJhai 1 Js- t'Mi, .t ,d C'U' r iv aal 1 li inin.iou SiailrO.nl tor C;imw, a i.l at liii'.ff-iwilie with the So Uh Uwiiu.i il:'.ir..i 1 for Aaiu?t:i, 1 1 which poi.it , thiH;ti3 rua inr;ui?li Htlioit chaiirfC. ' AvJOifM - i b AT .) X TiV-Vi. ' ' ' e.!73Viiui a.t.)a.i.tHy l-S-in, cx.)M 7:50 P. M. Lc AVt'.f ' Al l' J'U . l: A. M. 1J.0' . . lav i Kisiisville. - J. Ji Arrive tt "iluii i2toa 5:1 A. M. .Uo )!ii.uo Idiio.i Traiuy caau -ots closely at r tj;kx' .viilnh.' Xorih Ibasiern R;i'.lroad' for CluiiOs on, and at! Kiikj;aviJl'.? wi;h the South taniiaa itaiiro.i I for i'us'iiirt.'i-.s for ifotu Acvoiiiino lut ion Train - . ui.ia should take the YM. MaoRAE, Lren'l Sup't. i :i . q., May 9,18te. J OHANUE OF lOilEDULii; raa-'AiT 'lots ' TriE di i on t.ii, jtJo.jd will . Al an I 8: i.t31., rim it i . 1 T i i ana an-ii-o at :!. f . 'AI. - - T ' Leave WeUo.r at !0: ami arrive at V'tilo J . il. " I . ' 44v u.A-a iu. anvi : )a. M. aiid 7:15 P. 31., j.ato:Jy A. and i; 0 tJi'T.as day train wUlnd't ran on Sjtfndavs 'ivt .lay train conaeeti wii.0 tua Auiiaessi au.i L,y ii iH . AH ai4 4'Ui to ti-A or ih. -4 UOiniDa i -1 1 ..l : ... . .1 Viliiiijujto;!, May 10. . l:)i-tf T .-r I iotf i..inhl ?LiUl ,vvl11 leave WiiiAf.igtori on ".Ttlsday, itiursilay aiid Satuifh yMt? 7 o'clock. A M. Ai-nve at Vadeshok:ol' (Steige),. at li mid t , L Lyave Watesbii-o' (Stage), on Taes- Uuv hand Hilll (tjM-f) Anrtay, tednes4 "ijanu Friday, at7o'kxJk Ai-'M.t .. . . "'"vi- a,t vnminguii:aine'idays, at 3P. M.i pf23-l.tf iWWi i,. a- - 'I 4 J-ou can do ail 8ave .lime, . tooibltd-JPOi! i a,i" avoid beatira tlie-house in t q- . ii. a. ?, ; Ounimer, by u?1!1 a ' ' Herbssns' briGas. Stove. UN 11) (Iverofietie) , f, r VULCAN ; are? ."the U-lst. Take po ; " IS;.. ' I . . j V. 'rJtrvif'iff . j a; Burner,., ijunu' 5 J AiiipS IfN OIL P;;A4 i - M ii ii ni. f iin i j w i it ii m iHTit .. . vt,'iiH,.mcHi... iL'.i-BRt inn; fnvrinrRG 3 4 IT!?I! . ... WilmuitonJfp., Ai:' 9, la;?. : J (XS AX I Al 'iXit i'llKS DAY Next, An- St' . Rt)AVi. of?Brm. nh'vi: -Y-WTzumm VMVLMSWU MMi L ' ' 'HANI)-. t.-'i ? i 1 .:..;, ...;VV r SPICED uTIUPiS; ; , ti i. lu Ualf Barrels ; V ; ;,' r J FRESIt O C. BUTTER Cheap. 1'. ; ' OR ANGES- L EMONS,' : ; ' COCOA NUTS ; - i '-, v " s -' ' J i, ' -V ' 1 PRESERVES MUM AXiAPES ; jiAutua ana SiUbiKU PUFFERS. ' ''' " AtSO ;-- ' ; . r- - : -: - .'-:, :..t. " - " A Jfew and Large; Assortment of I - .Tho Very .Birst Article of V Exi " Fa m S 2 v F Sou r v" Kept -constantly on 'hand and guaranteed to j?i ve satisfaction to thft xnost fastidious, f ,"' The attenliou of Gentlemen is called,to the fact tli at kcop ou hand the best Grades of t Tobacco and Cigars. W. M. & J. 0. STEVENSON, Corn Front and Market sts. :.jci-21&-tf , :. f 1,000 IllWAIIl-!:! rjrlSK ABOTE SUM BE PAII to any ijer-on who viil furnish us with the i . - -: '- . '-' . : n-'ine of anj' Ilouse or Ilonsos. who can sell CLOTz-aiiisra- A- WELL MADE at as I.OUr PRICES as are now being sold Uy iiie unuoi'sigued : (oat.. at $1 00 .. ..........at I 00 ArcstsT.. ..at SO 12 10 15 lO Ildltf!:..... :.l.;.r.. A...... Aat Socks. .at Paper Collars, per lox.......... .at T.iitcii . ' p5eee.....l...at And everj't ning else in proportion. 35YS ' CIL'OTEIING, In Abnjulapc, , at LO.W PltlCES. WHOLE S-tTXTS Made to order ' 4 (AND VTA;RR ANTED TO ,F.IT) IN A . -; i 'ui I.' " Clarendon Cloth in q Ho use. . ; f .;. i. j .. j 1 " GENT3 LOW-QUARTERED . - :a ::.;;;i'1fers?yTies; .HANDSOME and . 4 Dirafcle Goolcis - : , f s- , FOR SUMMER. ..HI ?i iK. IIS'' i',' WW RECEIVE FRESH GOODS EVERT AND- OUE PRICES' -':3EPy;!tOOMPETITIOK'.. Successors to ; , ' 'l .JOHN Mf WA LKER & CO.. . Jr ? r j '.j ji -.. j Z" it. a. M i " : SIOTDEIES. U ..,i'.j.i: -! J 'Kf - Jill ,; A . nr a c a t it. A!-'.;t tji't', i- ?. it') l.i.i.ii' ....... tthds. MQLASSES and'STRUP i Ji. il i.j'.n "bit aaus, daiiuj i Ji.,tj i JaiSJii i til i' , j i?JsfTVf ii-- 1 if! -t'-, rf err Cases' LYE and- POTASU j 'U ,,"nom'koAP ' 1 ' 'K: jpd a general as&Qrtw?nt:of GliCESES,t40r salcfatWilOLESAXB ONLY, by u M..e i: . .-'lit f;.-. a vVV1L,IjA xivo.y i;200 aUESTIONS : AND -AK SWEI13 01Z THB BIBLE " WIS HJfr3i CE3I PJWuTBp TM AT IS l.worfc will be , rcady.for deliy try ( I). m tae'COMrsewT .rne ensuuis uim,n... .lwxv-sabscxlberwW'clo-oitl.ilwV:4:I r "; Trtcif tWnb'scrfterS; .V. - , SiaSXt-l vv 1SlTnftIl FREXCiLFLPEB3,! "1 V-1- ;..-7 . :J sentiemaniU. and in short do all tliafap. .MEN .AND J30& 1 EAKCHKAP, nt. . si . ...mAo ioOi hd muteiinn nv me 1 "'"."""r.'tr.JmVw-wiija' n v. x ' n.. ,T. B.tWh talter-Pronrietor. - LOVE'S BOOK. aTOBJslSk'. t; ,,f.- jiXt mlnglon! k'c, JL f fe, 4thaf fi Uey , offer liUe liAN LKSO MKST aiUviv. or , , , - , ,.. . n I iATS ANI OAP8, a .Voi.'fca;:- ...'t'vi,; Tbey have ever offered, .in, this market. i dm We nave the largest an best ftssortnlent in -. i., : - .3ii ij-T. -rt,. f. "t yjr3! h' ., f atniahtvill nieam call at wvrfcAMewoo on Se'-r xravi. '.i-;.-rfi Trt VyrftifrRl 1 - - imfiirio ' - . - U condretwotr us lor rwaTrpt ' " - - the: Stated including' all the" most de-dranle idlv iTJew3asin,? circulation in the country:, styl . s of the season. We feel assured in sayHts BATES OF ADVERTlSiNG ARE LOWER itag they are not excelled eithar in style or I than! thoee of any .nt-wiupt i in tLe. Hate price by .any in the, market. We hare, a full line. Marseilles and Alen- dale QuiJts, .Linen and Cotton Khie4.in.and Pillow Casings, Piques, Pereals, I4nen Ducks, Ac. &o. June4-215-tf IMPORTED -AND - ' ' .-DOMESTIC ' 1 A Choicei Selection, From $2 00 to 12 00 per Box. 6t JPontet Gaiae t9 9 9 A MOST EXCELLENT CLARET: For sale by '- :-" . - : ; TltOSi C. LEWTS. jnly7-tf ; 8 Market "tract. S.uIhtr':;;:WiQb3ah, JJ .-A, S B X j F A R T H E - X . i IHHOEST CIRCULATION $ , Of any Paper in r And . was Established in . 1 S 5 O Merchants of Wilmington, LOOK TO TOUR INTERESTS l JTS- Advertisements lnssrtod on .LIBERAL ! RATES, ' " '. GILBERT & FJ.OWEttS, ap33-17-tf i i Proprietors. I K HI I ft Pa s i " i lit. tiunnur. ' 'r. ... , A SEMI-WEEKLY ,; ' Independeiit Newspaper ! - ' PUBLISHED AT : : 1 STONE & U2ZELL, . . . . .v.PsopexETOR3. 1 JORDAN STONE;. . i '.U. A :!ii:.vEbiTORi s: . : T'iiis.Iio.ijuxAi WwsiicV-iN'' Avealth v',.ecaion of tiie country., tt grand junction, of 'hB, the rail toa running East, West, North and South,; famishes a,n unsur passed medium to' Advertisers: - ' : - The policy of the paper iW purely indepi.'nd ent. The Editor believes this country belongs" of right to- the- white manand to this end .will devote. his time, and Jais. energy. He will , be fearless, to abuse wrong and ever reiidv to do justice to the defoncbii s of right. Hen'opes, by a strict' pursnauce iof this policy, 'to' aid "in 'placing the Old North S'ate' once again in heE-proier position: and in relieving h;r people of much of the odium and disgrace ; that is now threatening her. ; ; ; f ; . : . ..4ikr,. Adcertixing ,rates :osi ipto q greuwufanees wiUadmLl. . ' ."'V ;s 'ir h ,V,;-.;.V SUBSCRIPTION; RATES.. : ' ",-.k Six Months .. ;;. . '. .Is. ; .f, . . ,v 2 00, :-, . s .Tiiree Months . .. . ; J. . i . .i. I 00 t , ' ;" :."st'one'.&;.U7zell, v iJapi7-174-tr J- V ' 1 : ' proprietors. DailtaiilSmokinfe Tobacco. BAGS DUBlI VM TOBACCO, in VilHTH STATE. H ATilSBUitRT jNvev,' Published Tri-Weeklyand. Weekly iewis nanes. Jiiuior huu Kivprivwr.-.i ftr'PrborietOrs. i ' ' -1-''-' ;f- UjJ' " . , . . .... - r .vnn fe nn . '' j etgWl-tf '.'T ttdl fn ; Wiiiningtmij N. '' ViiiEit AV ArtVEicTis'tlzsJ ciiER AW, s. C:,1 .Published .-Weekly, H.J. Powell,' Prdprietor.?'''iS '-.3;uv .ij.' Jt;1 - ... wj-' . -,i , niAxu WM.iH."BERNAC,DAgcnt, ,.f - ,8ept23i-ltfK r-r.j .;.- iVYAimKtpn N C. ' nr EfETTS-vii-i.E : JJtrltf a : a ?Jt'Jittsville; S. a,;PnblteUed, Weeklyi Stubb & Little, Proprietors. ! ' .r; t,. l . Jt n-i -Wai.-4J liCttiM . sept23-I-tf r j . , -; 4 -. -V, jbaiugtf'n. N. C C' 1 ItEEOHOi lATJilT, t.lkvATS X boro. N. C, PnblwtoWeekiy; W. -F. CaUl- weH, Propriety T.ERARD Agent,"? -'septI'-tr1 "4 1 " Wil - m(no-i. N: C. . ' ' i i, ? . . . -. ..... i .... ptd i For sale VERY LOW, bjr.V. , , ' . G A L LE li Y Corner Jfarket and Second sts lt ..tprvi w BROC- l 'lNTUAJfGENorthW.'i)'ntr'-,H.f ''leaoltfi !TfetS;Vl.t.' c. M.'VANORSDELIij o I I .i . .i I '' hi 1 1 1 . ' I lillVV-LU-liI I ... Al IUI IHllt i W iv i vi i ,,aaueu, or itenverea to suo9cnoers m . . parrs or tovity,. at f2.50 ror.b1x aionUis,.or$l 25for TIiree Months.' f . i. J. il. i.tppit Irassiai' fUiietn . i P of : PURE MEpIClJTEB CHEMIji V, w CAJ t)V: STTJrFij PERt irMER Hit i;SH K3, FANCY A71TTCLES: ct c.; etc'; - x-rescriprions accurately anu neatiy X. 5. Cnrner Front and Marlcct Sts.;;' Pi l -ore open frona j 6 tjA; :M. to 9 p. ! M. Tlie nttenticii of the business u r ; Mnioxic 13 repftotuiiiy caiieu tv tne luct that '"i'jiJIS IfOitrfStii STxlU has, ai ready, a larger loeal circulation than has ever been (reached hy any iiewpapei: estiibUs?hui in Wilmington, It has, aiao, a fair, and ran- S'JRIPTION must soon, give it a circulation that;, will make it. the best .advertising .liu dimn'in North Carolina.. . J j -, . e. ifm. ' ,r i . I , ;- Real Some English ; -Testimoiiials. ? ' . - ! Gresss'3 Satt.qus'.Homs, ' , jj, . . Poplar tttrcet, Lontiou, Eng.and "I take this method of making known, the perfect cure I have 'obtained from the use of yqur tvaluable medicine, tlie PAIN KILLER. I was. urged by a friend to try it, and procured a bottle of Dr. Kernot, Apothecary. - -i' I had been, aflii' ted t hree vears with Neurai gia and violent spasms of-tfie omVtch',' which tors at W estni'inster ilo llospiral iiave up mv cast neo your PA INK ILLE R- in despair. Then 1 tneo your ll. hJl.Lfc.ii- which tave me immediate rollef froin paini and sickness ; nd I ' regained; my fetreftgl h, and am 'now able,- to follow my usual occupa- Lion of sa: tor. One bottle1 care i mo. Yours respectfully,11 ' . ''. , CHARLES POWELL, . ' Sra--I desire' to bear willing testimony to tlie'wbndeifiil ciSeacy of" that Amcfican rem edy call-'d Pain Killer, whicl-I believe lias no eonal in this country. 1 hav been afiiieted witji- heart, disease, and could nnd no i clict till I got the pam lUiier, wiiica soon maae a. cureJ I am quite willing: to .answer, any in quiries about my case. Yonrs4 etc., FANNY SILVERS, -Dadley, (Worcestershire,) England, GnsTLEMES I Cart with confidence Tecom mend your excelK nt medicine, .the Pain Kill er, for. Rheumatism,- Indigestion, and also T6othache,.Iiaving proved its 'efficacy in thV ubyecoinplaiitts Youss, fec, - - zV- ; - i fTr f R2UBEN MITCHELL, ,f r -;, . i- - Bridgeman's Place -Bolton.. Gsj5TCKM3iri have Very great pleasure in 'recommending your medicine, the Paiu Kill er. I was suffering severely a few weeks since with Bronchitis, and could staiceiy swaltow any food, bo infiamed was my throat. 1 whs advised by u fi-ieud to try your Pain Killer, and, after taking a few doss of it, waj completely cured. : Y urs, respectfully, . , 7 . , ; T. 'XLiiiSON, Boiton, Eng. p. p. I have recommended t e medicine to sevt ai of iiijfj?imd aiid." In' every instance, ft has had the dt sirud effect. ' ' ' 1 .-. j2;5-23-lm...; w ., ..t ...... '. l . ; . , . ,EEI;:SUPEEIOE nEES ana Bl-AtK T.rAS. .VX EVERY VARIETY. Our selection of Teas is very large and of S'l') -We i can suit'liie- tsjst.o.f,,. - rs,,., At "-jalyT-tf " 11 aiul 13 Front tret, t; ,LUAS. D.. MYERS,- Agent. Groceries T , ;;Grae eneii l I HAVE JUST Ki;EIVEl) and HAVE iin "Strc a LARGE ST0 CK OF. ; 1 o-"o.o t r i si 3?.vo.-. i . . FOR. SALE C 'H-B-'A' P F O R : G A S- H ' J'.f?l' ''r C1IAS.; H;'F'Rk,N'Cfli ' ' iSjtjlyl2S8-tf mIO South Front Street.. Hoith Oarolina'Land Agenoy tvksK!l.TO.',;jiAVI' iBrdiigtif to .'the' notice of Northci-h and Knropean apixiisi!sr ieir 'liAit xj.o, vyATEU PQW ER &c.,- wit'p.a view'fcaa sale, can actdfess me at Reedsviile, N. O. . . : - References 'made to prtbiic men' generally thronffhoal'the State, -m! i.j v ;. f.,,, -. ... ;ixiai.iuim,auii rro jecwuiij x.cj uv.a wuixu--Mia?itfi V D W COURTS uance of the meral patronage heretofore ie-, jfebiLXKfl u ay ; ,-i .., ? MfytSlr- .towed on that standi y TO THiMllIC T1"A V !G; COJIPtETLT) p 51 Y ' AU BOOK. BlXDiXO, LAW BOOKS.iJtAft. azintJSj Pea iotiCiils, Alusic, &c, iSfccbpund . T l wjkL h. BERNARD'S, ' ; to ju j;Prmtinir Hohst: and Book JJindorv, , je30-tf ,v. .t ,;J;,,.j;.Np3Soutb.'WatejrSt. 'irrwdXRf HKK. I ir von haVean old Book V-fthat has losta baok,or beqa otherwise in j urea, have it re-bo jind n,U. h. . r a .: v,' v prf a t ing Honsty and BooSfcjiindery, No, 3 South Water ..Street A.X' rangements throughout mv- n.vv I'tirj ioiliAPHlG ROOM, attd CHEMICAL Ji PARTMENT, ! am yow. ready to rvceive layj n Friends and 1 atroiis, Aifdtw' execute all or- CT - A new supply of 'FRAMES, large and email, In ?tore So. 10 South 1 ront Street, to '. fncludin a" lull asOi'tmUnt of Carte de, Vis- . 0 VYi'T'T'if' Y? Y) f? T O YT-i ill. .ji.r; inTi. li.v wn ill j.i.n a. a ... i . . . l t i. j . ! VI 1 V D V ' I 'AraV.i."W.i rVh- on1 SffnTfl SStSl. i rrniffE VESA" BKVi TYPEAanPKLVi, "MILLS, Locations for TURPENTJJJt J&9 xiJubf JL.' -LNt. MACIIIN EitY at .V . . , -Klf 1 !?J. to - liJOpfJ :'?',Mr'7,'. ' WM. IIr"P.E2t?rATl0?S" 'rA.,4r;Otri9uarnum1eof-d3LtV FARMS, , And General Book Bindery, Y vJiil5-l-tf ' sotrtii water ' . '-t - .A MEIUCAf:-. NTAXESV1LLE, JSf :.. Published Weekly, Eugene B.. Drake &' Son, Proprietors.'' - ' "-'i-' -i.s ; T VV Jl. 11. HbKiMAliU, ;--Agejj -w. siepr i'M-tf WilminirtonN. VV- TVeekTr at Winston T HylK iLSSr ' ;t5tUl-S3-tf. - . Wilmington, N. C. ui V i li S A l I f 1 i1 f 1 1 ii i ,1 1 1 1 1 ,1 vi m vjsjl-4;- ua x J.VJU -iqrvf i n -.-'it;.v.-r ;vl-:.Mv;5ir r i hAK flx WII.iVl IXiTO . nrt.h! n.4mHn- has, f-lri "connection 1 with parties f of ample capita?, opened a B A N IC INCH O U.SK i thte city, on the East side of FisosT 'STakwr, .---1- ........... MUVti. I XAJ Stocks an43oads on :qommion,f Discount Lxcnauiru ousmess .1.-4 . ;aAmE$G,l3UlR, - ' W ilmington, N. C. le 1-2-21-1 ni. Arrington's Celebrated - 1 TRSIT'K?-: " TfiTitftTT'C Hi li w s r , - n E B I . W4 rpiilH' ?I AX Y APPLICATIOSS FROM L different uafts 'of the; United States in duces ,tije.:suoseri!ver to SrfWffiVffiiSt?;! A ' STOCK OF WmTB OOOps, NE nUSDKEO AM) TWENXr ,vPAIR of Ut ? 7; rr ianaljDKlUlA b. that ON E those BEAUTIFUL and Imported and propogated iby the: late, NICK ' A R, KINGTON, who was tlio largest .importer and breeder' of Jhe Game Fowl dn the. United States. ani w'iiose Cocks foiis lit suceessfuliv iii all the" principal maids North -and South. , TI have a variety of. breeds and colors and. csin suit the mo t fastidious, and fwilL4ake gi-i'at r-ure in making selections, and send to an?- pa rt of the country by K'xpress. :! : 1 nave a cjouiy uiu.tnrde .? at the w roN i'0TEL, whe: they may be seen by pe J TEUMS t For Cocks, twoWears old, f n f ti t:. tney may ue seen dv ter- ; TEUMS : For Cocks, twoWears old. In full feather, $8 OO each ; Stass, of ite month's, fi 00 each ; Hens. 4 OO.ea.ch4 ivc number uii.i .description of Fowls. Please address ' JOHN G. AUK INGTON, jell-2:i tf Hilliardston, Nash Co., N. C. CLEAVELAND IMERAL SPRINGS i QITUATED IN CLEAVEIiAHfl) COUX- rf & Rutherford Rail, oad, will be open tor visitors on the first of June. WATEilS Chalybeate, Red and White Sul- Uhur. .- .: ,.: :,ri, . 'j ; :; . jr . : H -' Chnrcc-s per dav.....' .." 3 00 ' " week....'.,;., ..... 18 00 " " month . 1. 60 00 Children" under 7 years, and- servants, half rales. ... .. t , ' Forfurther particulars ad tres'sthe Propri etors, Shelby, N. C- j : ; ;i apl.vni-lawSm " . V-"'. ' 1 " ;. A "KY CI ... ."RT.,! - LJ3 O W " OU U LllCl 11 'lX U V-tJiV - A Tale of Disappointments and ' ''Distress. " T1VE USPEESSGNED REAIDT for the Press, and will publish, early in September, if h can get five hundred sub scribers in the State of North'Carolina, A Southern Peace and War Novel ; embracinjr . pictures - of rDoinertic.-Lile- in the 8outh and co icetnins the. leading. Metropolitan Sews-Jae-ui'.h, ana other piquant matter ; and comnri.Mng tnese teature.as- taonere liius-. tr .S ion of 'a narrative, the plot of which has .been pronounced, to be. .very intricate in con strwevidn a id intensely interesting and ex cit :ing m development. ' 'n - m '' v . is3. Agents wanted in every County of the ' Stat,'WitU' ivbOttKlibefal ternjs will be made. The book will -be handsomely printed; and. t bound m cfothj and will cover four hundred ana nttv pastes, or more, auoaeciuio.- ;. ... ,,,(,P..J&,lI::.q::' One Cr2y...2 50 -Ten Copies ."..$30 00 I No' doubtful 'subscriptions" wanted. The j money to be paid ., immediately before de livery.' "' : ' Tlie editor: bespeak the? cooperation of his friends. throuEfhout t he btate. , u.v..BE'NJAMl ROBINSON. ! t Fayetfci viile, N. C, JunJ i9wl8iiS. Il a3S-tf :. Agen t at Wilmington : T. D, -'ME ARES, Jr. ;'r C-'phpers copying this advertisement wiu roepivu two copies pt.theAvork.' . Groceries!; HAyi3rctptiinAisEiiii.i:.To.'K iir ocsries, r rovisions, iiifiuors, lOF ":'! " OJf?rt ' 7 31PBT? iy i. ii. f. ;. n n .5.1 10 South Front Street, ! i shall Continue the CROClERY BUSINESS at , . CHAS. H. FUENCH, , r' 3iinV?im&''.V'---flt 213-tf frTAVIXGISPOSED Of - THE. ES- JJL tire Stock of liM I would respectfully recommend him to my former patrons.. i GEO. Z. FRENCH: -4 : f rr -( f p . r T?T1 AT. ..TCSTA-TK. .-AIlM;lV -i m-jHcfyebiaf atesfctien toeing fWtnas ! --.- -J : . ; ' ' ' ' v-; f ' ; - r ' '. - ' ; " - v - -r- AV.-WTCJ'lfM'P.'9rW'WlJT-.Tf.ITBEISIIET IX Daily, Tri-Weekly and, Weekly, - at Ral eigh, 'N.' C, by Win.' EfPelC IToprfetor. , f la-r-'i''vrf'fWM,a. BERNARD, Agcnt 11 8ept53-i-tf: v. . ; ; Wi I tningta, N. Ctv- T 1TK E71ITOBS TATETTETIIXE, JT. LJ A STATION I septsi-ss-tf . - ' r 1 ; wstti paraueis Det'.vet-n tne reo na ana !ocie- -t to uecemoer, io, inclusive me il.ijijx. 'i v of tM; tvfo sections ; -containing Battle do- ; and the .WESTMINSTER froui ApriL IU, to lineal ions, .glances at New York Floating-.! December, JS67, inclusive, and , the LONDON Jon.naiiMn (or Bolnanhmistn), personalities ! QUARTERLY for the yenrH l.5 80y andlW7. I Hty vhramc Ann t i.itGi iv i i l n wt " ru 9r41BlCKS. rJL'i'il' - i1. - . CIJALLIE3 Ail) GREX ADIXES, at . " EDRGIv,S, 1 , ' " ' 'T -.V " J. ' , .-. ladies hosts avt rvcvuxw nnnsirrrt ' full strppLV' or tbu i$&fthnNvG& at " . 'X;' yJlfrpiXlXsXq. ; ; ' I . . .v . . ; GIRLS' AND BOYS' rioSIERYf kt? ' j K . : - HEDIUCK'S. 1 he PCBiiciAByAWw at LARGE STOCK OF DOMESTIc' fSbODSt ; ' '' y-y, nEDlucJ's: CHEAP, BLEACIIED C0TTONri at! U ' . : ; HEDRICK'S. THE CAROLINA 'EMPORIUM- Ofler -Great luducements.to Cash Buyers. . ju.ne2l.230-tr ;. . , The TLoido Qunrt'erly Review (Conscr- J'-!",'-n vatiye). ' 1 '-.''--'' t--" . . Tlte i:dinbrg;l Kevi5ew (Whi). f.; TlVe Westminster' Review liadicn1). Tlie Nortli Bi'iti.l He view (Free Cnrch). .. . '".'.:i .' AND" .' .. Blackwood's Etliiiburgrh 9Iaga2lne (To- THESE PETtlbDrCAl.?4 'aRE ABLY abstained by ttje contlibutriohs of4he best writers. on Science, Religion, and General Lit erature, and stand unrivalled hv the world ot letters They, are indispensable, to the schol ar and th'e"! professional man; aiid1 to- -every . reading, man,, as they furnish a better record of the current literature of t he'-daj. than can be obtainerijfroni any pther source... .; Vi j,fV. 'Term'ffor.ljS.s,fI; . For any ono of the Reviews,.,.! i 00 per ann. For any two. jof; the Reviews,;:'.. 7 00 t For any three of the Jevicws,. .10 00 . ' For 11 four- of the Reviews, . .12 m 1 s" For Blackwood's Magazine,. .. 4 .00 ," ;.... For Blackwood and one KevjiewV 7 00 f " " For Blackvi'ood, and any t two of ; , '- , . , v the neviews", :'.......';r.:.v.. 10 00 ' For Blackwood, and thrtje of tke - Reviews, ....13 00 " " For Blackwood and the, fmiv Re-. . -. views, ...i............?....., 15 00 " A -discount nf l-WENTY'PKliJCEKTill be allowed to.clubs of four or . more persons. -view, will be sent to oxbaddrkk; niiM,-!ourcopiefi oi ti(!K.wooa, oror ono no - ADpnjsss , ipr f vi 00 r Pour copies of -the": four-Re vie andBiack V 1 wood, for 48 00, and 'so , on .r r . , s Subscribers shoild prepay by the qyarterl at' the officii of 'delivery: ' Th Post aok td any . part of.. the United States is -.TWO-CENTSk munber.' 'This 'ratef only applies" to 'Current snbsc: iptions. For biCk-nunibers jthepoatuge is double, v' " ! ' 7 '"" ' ' lrcjninxiis. to New SSnlscriber. Ne' Subscribers -to any two f the above periodicals:for.l8G8 will be entitled txy receive prratis any one of the Four'RviBws fon 1807. NewSulcribel-s to alt.fiveof ;tb4 Periodicals for 18GS may receive gratis, Blackwood or any two : of the "Four Reviews" To 1SK7;Uj .1 - Subscribers maj; obain, back ftunibera aJt the following reduced k-atesi Vi2 :'H v 1 Tlie JNOKTU ;J5KiTi.sii irom . Januarjises, at the rate of $1 60 a yeav-for eif;ir"or any Re- ji2 6 a yearj or the two years toprethec for f 4.00. . ,&S Neither, premiums to Subscribers, nor discount to Clubs nor reducedprices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted mR'EC'S to this ruBLlsfefeRs.':' No.prenuuius can.be given. to Clnbsw, ' The Leonard Scott PnMlKlifngr Co., .'-'. - i ,W0FULTONt,ST. Hi Y. The L. S. PUB. CO.,-also pulilish tke T.f U"-n ' !' (FRrs?.ldcii!.') fv-j'-yi by. HNRY' STEPHENS, of Edinburgh,, and the late J. P. NORTON,;6f Yale College,? vols., royal Octavo, 1,600' pages, and numerous, en gravings;. Price, 7 for Ihb 'two- volumes by vSJ3fa -a? ? v ' H : -: ;f ' r w' - rv ' : ' Nos. 39 & 40 Park Row. AH kinds of Merclxandise purchased. Experienced anctcompotent buyers engaged. Orders filled promptly jand faithfully at the lowest prices, 'and purchases made only from nrst class and reliable, houses. ,, f . , Orders will be filled, payable- on dellrerj' wuen. a sumcient; sum is i-cmittea to cover freight imd commissions, -r uommissioasL" on sums; not . exceeding $100, five per cent. - ; Commissions! 6n snmsrfxceeding. 1100, two and a half per cent. t Addi ', M timi-.:h.;t,i ISAAC DAVEGA, ; - Refcir to TrilS OFFICE. f i ?declfl-tf jf 'r' '-5- i '.;-' WEEKLY! .OTWMrBIt4:-;y i . i - . ..... r - . . ii A. .A ni?ni TCIIT.-T-, 4T WILSONViM.(C.. J. . u :' i' i'Rt-vcJvsrrtti)' iiFi'Ei :, XEi3fCi ,; lCIllLISIIEB'- IX f.ONE OP tf ' 7 -x i-v. ;t f i-j i-' t' ' y the finest Agricultural sections, of the State, and one with, which the- - : Have a large and growinV tl-adethey will STOnsuittnirires1t by' adVeriteingin the For rates and othc. information, apply to Dibble-, Proprietbri ? J,7 ;?r ,; . . n ,: . ; f .,W31,fIJ. BERNARD, Agent, . ;. septf '' Wiimihton N. C. - . BIfJirEAbSrCTBClJEAnS WED. ding XJards,. Aieiting-- Cards,'- &c, . &c printed in,' a .style that cannot surpassed., North or South, at -. -- : ' - ;roctl&5(Vlt;i ; tjui;H:z ip:l:-'J : , 'rotrs tf 1lAiies Kivt i to' Wis ii- to X sprcserve their ..-MUSIC, should ,bye it neatly uwlt wM.lI.'llKBKAUD-S f- Printing.ltouso afd Book Blirdviv at ,H

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