.:; I .'f :i "' " . .. ,T .:. ' A.-. i4... jlfl-t - . . ,,'- .. - t W . , ft , - j " . a a . WTT,-Trf star is mailed, or delivered to in all patts of the City; at 83 a ib?Mtti8. 33 for Tliree Months. in ail watts of the City; at 83 a BATES OF AOVEJITISINGIJ -oauareose aayt sf,iV One tau two daya. .1 SS ... 2 00 ...H8 25 SO it it a i tliree days, four days,. five days, one vreekt;...i.. rontract Advertisement taken ,TptH i. -0tiv low rates. t .: ITIUP'" lllili l tftLMlNGTON 4 M ANCUESTEB .B. ROAD " ,.wniiAmB. Giles. T v r:rTrhn uawson, Henry Nmtt, O. G. nruand Trecunerer-Wm. A. falker. . 1 . n a- f t WU'Viiiii t AiLr UOAD. s i : v ! w ?v?H'utchison, Haywood.VV. Gaion.CVC Hei 5?, A. Logan, A. BI Holmesly. . AgetU-W. B. Jicncn. . . WILMINGTON & WEI.DOX BAIL ROAD. arris, of Goldsbord'. ntnepartoftM Ed Kid- gCrt', nd f nonas D. Hogg, or Baleih, Engineer and General Supri7iterident-- t' S.L, Matter of Tramporkilion Wm. Smith, 'sfcretaru ami Treasurer-J . W, TliompSon. Master 0 Machinery M. M. liaukius. j , , iutlitor G. L.- Uaii.v. ! ' ' RAIL ROAD LINES. GENERAL SUPTS OFFICE, WilmiDffton & Manchester B B. Wilmington, N; C, May 10 1868. OX AND AFTER MAY 10th PASSEN GER TRAINS of this Boad will tun on tbe following Schednle : ! EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at . 4:45 A. M. Arrive at Florence... ..'....,...11:15 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville.: i:50 P.M. Leave KiQK3ville ....10:18 Ai M. Arrive at Florence . 1:50 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington... 4. ........... 7:rf P.M. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charles ton, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad tor Cheraw, and at Kingsville with the: South Carolina Railroad for Augusta, to which point the cars run through without change. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. ' ' - Leave Wilmington daily (Sun. ex.)at7:SQ P. M.' Arrive at Florence 2:20 A; M. -Irriveat Kingsyille A. M. Ltrtve Kingsville.'. 3:30 P.M. ATive at Horence.... .....10:20 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington....... 5:12 A. M. Accommodation Train connects clobely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the; South Carolina Railroad for Ausruata. Passengers for Columbia should take the Acsommouatiou Train. YVM. MacBAE, mayl0-194.tf Gen'l Sup't. Hiiniinlon a"'" w m.w a-a .'v Okpic Chief Esoineeh & Gen. Suf't.7 Wilmington-, N. C, May 9, 1868. : j I CHANGE OF SOHEDULt. ?f AND AFTER MAY lOth !THE aje wumington atriiOO A. M. and 8-JO: P.M., 8-llp Wilmington at 4:30 A. M. and U ye Weldon at 10:30 A. M. and 7:43 P. M., and Arrive at Weldon at 5:15 AVM. and . w k wu bitAO AWav, fi a. e day train will not run on Sundays, inepay train connects with the Annainessic na Pay lined. All are quick to the North.. . S.L. FREMONT, - 4iiiiuLun, Jjxav lutn. , timf ln, Charlotte iand HERFORD .BAII. ROAD. I UeneQAL SUPKRINTENDEKTJ8rOi,FB0E, t I Wilminxtoa. N. Ae. ft. is7. 17 An AND AFTER TUESDA Y Wax. An. 'ffifFaSM,1h the Passenger TrAinion this J0l Will leaVfl Wihniriirt-mi. Tnooov fMybday and Saturday, af 7 o'clock, A. M. nitlt rat w"8lro.. St:ige),- atl2'mid i"lSW. Leave WiulrtaWni situffM nn nii. iS1,1?,a7.and Saturday at 2 P.M. I :. ; v fnve at Wilmington-same days,at3 P;M. slWl W- L BVKRJBTT, Pti-M-tf ? . Gen..Sap't. XJISCELLANEOUK Yon Mn At oil '.-wmw fArtlrinrt.' j...T. viv an if vui vwxv.iu& save time, trouble and moneyv. and avoid aeatinsr the house in .... . i er, yuMng'a " " or Gas Stove, for tie UNION fKgeneV: or VULCAN '(Gas) SfOEfe are the host. Take no other. SenlforiGis:iiilari Attaehnjeftts for Larapa or aa "Rn. . vr.. , t G rosene Glue Pots, Oil ' Cans, j goiebe OiCLamp Wick; Axlea No. 3 South viater St. low a J. DeKosset, D. S. Cowui, Geo." J; ffri"lit,S. I). Wallace, ji.u aiu A-vJ., I' rT v.vnBokkolen, Geo. H . , rn-LJolin Kverett, of uompany. ne nUUll Review (Free Cbrfli, i;-!2S'lbuttoaof tbe leat letters.' They sfdis k' vwwium cimn, ami to t every readinff man. aartKv fnrnt. tSU te obtained ftpm any otlwrsonrce. vT- Fftr nntr mA re -s j . ,i ' T 9 IW anv thre Of tho Pmriam in firt For Blackwood's Maarazine. . . I oo ... " - ; (C For For Blackwood and three of th For Blaekwop4 and th four Ke- -i , 'tei'ii..;ij., .15 00" .fa. a 1 niTflll IT W. aV I w "i fi v - u a a m.T m "rriiS" 01 vmore persons. ii tin.- iiiiir rffiTiiRvno' - kio ipwaxv v. -a nu. - Four ofvoiea of the foar Unvinra nia: ood, for448;'so oiu ' V " p ' Subscribers shotdd .prepay by the dwarter at the;ofl3ee of delivery, The PeTAO to anv part of th tfritedStates is TWO CENTS a number. This rate only applies to Current Pbion. . j or D,icj nnmoers the postage Premf nms to Xew Kabncrllkers. Nev. Subsciibei-s to any two of the abn-ra -PA-Hrwi-lnala for 1868 may receive gratis.-Blackwood or any 8ubscribera iniay 6baintack numbers nt tbe Tlie NORTH BRITISH from January, 1863; w it5cmoer, iwiv, mciuaiveuhe KLDlNBIXRuH and the WESTMINSTER from April. 1864, to eTceme,rAi186'? inclusive, and the LONDON QUARTERLY for the years 1863, 1866 abd 1867, at the rate of $1 5p a year for each or anyBe vfew; also BLACKWOOD for 1866 and for 1867, $2 50 a year, or the. two years together fpr $4.00. Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor discount to dubs, nor reduced prices fpr back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted piuec .to. .the publisher. No premiums can be given to Clubs. ? The Leonard Scott Pablishlnsri Co., T o vs 140 PULTON ST., iN. Y. The L. S. pf tB, CO,, also publish the ; . . Farmers' Guide, . by HENRY STEPHENS, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. NOETON, of Yale College vols., royal Octavo, 1,(500. pages, and nutaerias en r ra vings. Price, 7.for the two volume3by maii po.;t-rald, j8. .t nov28-56-tf j,;--- W n. BERN ARD, i . GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENT - No. S South "Water Street, . i . . WILMINGTON, N. C, The subscriber being SOLE AGENT, ;at this point for nearly . ALL, THE LEADING PAPERS OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, IS PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND ; ; - '' FORWARD ADVERTISEMENTS AT THE. XO WEST RATES OF PUBLISHERS. Merchants will save much TIME AND TROUBLE BY MAKING THETR CONTRACTS : THROUGH THIS AttENCY. THE PROPRIETORS ; OF ALL THE i" NEWSPAPERS FOR WHICH I AM AGENT, HAVING OBLIGATED THEMSELVES NOT TO . . f . . ; RECEIVE ANY. ' ' 4 ADVERTISEMENT AT LOWER RATES ' . THAN THOSE FURNISHED ME. THE PUBLIC i MAY RELY ON TRANSACTING THEIR BUSINESS - WITH THIS ' . AGENCY ON AS FAVORABLE TERMS AS WITH THF PROPRIETORS J THEMSELVES. 1 - 49- Copies , of N.e w;spapers for (which I am Agent niay be seen,ai my office. - ; ; ' - ' ' WM. H. BERNARD. v ept23-l-tf " - .vf i"5""' aztnes," Periodicals, Music, 4fcc.,&c.,bonnd in the best style at " 1 ; . . . ' WJI. IL BERNARD'S, Printing House and Book Bindery, Je30-tf ; . . , . No. S SonthWater St. T executed in the best style, at : ...... ' ' WM. H. JBERNARDS Printtng and Pnblishingr House, And General Book Bindery, apM67-tf ' - No. 3 South Waters, g lOC Pttbllshea' Weekly, Gilbert Jtlfew ept23-l?4f,q Wilmlngton-N. C riprietw. . ii. BERNARD, AgeP ' Bept23-I--tf ' Wilmington, N. C. ; Jt nettsviljei S, PjihMsheor.Weeiay, Su T,ttl: Pronrietors. i-?,jS.K , t " - WM. H.. BERNARD Agent,v, rj-'sept23-lf - V Wilmington N. L T ATE EDITORSFATETriIXXE,jr . ERSTl6.Mnrray Street New York. ,T .. ,r Daily, Tri-w eeJoy ana.wBjuyr- sept23-t-tf Wilmingtohv N. C- M NORTII STATE, SAWSJl ft. C, Published Tri-Weekly ant 113 ILanes,ditorandProprfetor nil vat w r j u WM. H. BERKARD, Agt, Blackwood and anv turn f . wmuuone iteviAw. 7 m : the Reviews. . . - tt m periodical? ior ims wiu De entitled to receive erratisany .owKof the FovkBbvicws ibr 17. 9 j jsew suDflcribers to all firanf th 1 11 - - Wlimingron,, x. w O. T E I from Xo cjonvey Passengers' to aad from the. Rax; naaalllBHaMigtaaBBSMHBalBi jTale of Disapjointmeiits and mi BI?5PER,GE HA,?RI:ADJ a Tc J" .whiavlyln lRtf5? oS? V9L 5 hundred sub - - alv 1 I ? A 8Trt!ieirfl Peace and W atNovel embractn North', before, during. with parallels between pv ox w iwo Beetions ; . containing lineations, glances at New York FSoatine. J purnalism (or , Bohemia'hism' personalities concerning the leading Metropolitan News-paper-men, and other, piquant matter; and combrising : these features, W the mere illus tratfonof a narrative, the rIot of which has strnction antMntehseiy interesting and ex-Ta Deen pronouncea to De verv intricate m con- citing in development. "Agents- wanted- in every Cbunty of the State, with whom liberal terms will be made. The book wilfe be handsomely printed, and bound in cloth, and will cover four hundred ranTrflfty'pags,irjr nioreauTJdeitiSo -. f-Onc Copy. :.$2 150 -Tjpr Copies. .20 00 No doubtful subscriptions ' wanted. The money to-b-.paid. immediately bewre de livery. i The-editor hespeaks the co-operatioxi of his friends throughout the. State. f BENJAMIN ROBINSON." Fayetteyille, N. C-, June 25,.i868. " . 2as-tt 'Agent at Wilmington : T.. D. MEARES, Jni papers copying this adVetfeemerit will receive two copies or the work. . By the Air Line To-Day ! ENTSt KID CONGRESS GAITERS ; GENTS LOWJUARTEREIl, j, Jersey Tjes ; HANDSOME and Desirable Goods - V ' - - EOR SUMMER. WE RECEIVE FREJSII- GOODS EVERY 1 -AND DEFY COMPETITI0K WALKER (fc BBADLET, . Successors to- v ',! V. JOHN M. WALKER & CO.. may30-ait-tc . EXCHANGE- CORNER. Q QQQ'BtSHEES CORN ; -Q QQQ SACKS SALT $ j 1 JQQ Hhds. MpLASSES and SYRUP; OA Hhhs. BACON i Boxes CANDLES ; Cases LYE and POTASH ; Boxes (12,000) SOAP, An di a general assortment bf -GROCERIES, for sale at WHOLESALE ONLY, by - . '. WILLARD BROS., j e20-tf 27, 28 and 29 No. Water St. Groceries I Groceries ! ! TT AVIS G PtRCnAISED THE STOCK X of ,v ... . ,- -I. Groceries, PxoionSLiqtiors !GE0; tfilHI- 10 Soiitti Fronts Street, I shall continue the GROCEBY BUSlNESSat that stand, and -respectfully request a contin uance of the liberal patronage heretofore be stowed pn that stand. k UH AS. H, FRENCH, , . -i June 1, 1868. . ....... Watf TTAX INO TJISPOSEI OF THE tfie Stock of; Groceries, -fervisions, Iiiqiior8j &o., in Store 3fo IO Sootb- Front Street, to I would respectfully recommend him toriajr former patrons, GEO. Z. FRENCH. -June 1st, 1868.' - " t213-tf ...... ' "- :' " j ... ' Commissios jMeixxtiant REAL SSTATEGEN No. 10 eponf St-Uptair Will civs sieelal attention to the puTcnas" nd Sfe "T1MBIIEJ PLANTATIONS, saw on 1ind-A number of SMALL. FAR3ISf btabeif .Inlgrauts. tsi UttneSitT UXT" IS COJSTaSMFliATEIrr THATATIIIB fiX. work wUUready for delivery (p.jTln sa1wartU'cIose qnS. inst n I 2 DO ' Snbswribers' names sritt berecetred by the fee. E. MMYERSand at WHiT AKER'S -and LOVE'S BOOKSTORES. - " '- ; ' a 1 Jtefioru duuhs. muuhii 1-. n T.J ... ' rn.a Dock ts,'and othe Blank: Booksj--in; en . - . . , 1 . . 1 . . JI . ; I1. Ml U1CS9 ' Printing House and Book Bindery. r octl5494tv KovS South-Watcx Streets STTHURIES , l t, , r i' ..i t 1 -i 1 t.t j -iin r ' m m ,m -mm. M , , . ! . . , - - - - ... HHMBwnHapaaaBBBaHaaaBBaBBiBV-nWBBBH ' SPEGIAi NOTICES; fWrI. Lippltt, Drnsrtst t: Cbem isV Always on hand a full and se leet Supply of i PURB MEDICINES IjHEilK St ALS, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY SOAPS; X P'OtTPTT ILH ' -a XTW . a -V SM-W -n a ' i " - i : ' Prescriptions accurately and "neatly CraerFrtnt nd frk St. P; SrrStore open, from ft A M, top P. M. Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence onSe cpndStree4,etween Dock and Orange, r ; PS Tlk attention of 4he basiness PnMIn is srHmt.fn1Vr Mtirtfi tn th fact-that THE MORN INO -STAR, has, al ready & larger local circulation than has ever l bcenreaened by any; newspaper established m jf umington.., it nas, aiso, a iair, ana rap idli.increasing, circulation In the country. Its RATES OF ADVERTISING ARE LOWEB thftacthose )f tiny newspaper in the State? SCRIPTION must .soon give it a circulation -;btAwlU-;mftk.itho best advertising mc , dlam in North Carolina. , ; , . . , 'Tt.aVo f Vila TVaaai.fl Af mulHuo' Vnrtum lio t i, AM,infl r.- your valuable medicine, the PAIN KILLER.J I was-nrged bya friend totry tti;and proenred. bottle of Kernoti Apothecary. , a naa Deen amwieu mree vears witn n eurai- gia and violent spasms of the stomach, which caused a constant rejectibnof food. The doc tors at W estminster Hospitil gare up my case ind'espairr Then I tried your p'AlN KJLLER Vliloh gave me immediate relief from pain and sickness ; and I regained . my strength, and am now abh to follow my usual occupa tion of sailor. One bottle cured me. "" .. ;, , Yours" respectfully, S, ' CHARLES POWELL, Sib I desire to bear willing testiniohv '"to the wonderful efflcacx of. that American rem edy caUed Pain Killer,. which I believe has no equal -in this .country, I have been afflicted with" heart disease, and could find no relief 'till I -got the Pain Killer, which soon made a cure. . I am quite willing to. answer any In-J quiries about my ease; Yours, etc., - j 1 ' ' . . FANNY SILVERS,, :. ' Dudley, (Worcestershire,) England. . V Gbittlemew I can with confidence com mend . your excellent nedinnetl PaJjKIll er for Rheumatism, 'In digestion, And also Toothache, having proved ita 'elHcacy in the abve conipiaints. .Yqui Ac.; . ' REUEN.lilTCHELL, .? : ". : Br idgeman's Place, Bolton. Gkktemen -I have very great pleaBuft in recommending your medicine, the Puiu Kill er. I was suffering severely a few weeks Since with Bronchitis and could scarcely Bwallow any food, &0 'inflamed was my throat. I was. advised" by a friend to try yoar Pain Killer, 'ahdj after takln:g'a few doses of it, was completely euredc i Yours, respectfully; v T. WILKINSON, Bolton, Eng. P, s I have recommended the medicine to several of my friends, and, in every instance, it has had the desired effect. je2233-lm .. MISCELLAiNEOUS. OTEtST GTO -OF THE T DRY GOODS CflMPfliGN. A AROX & - RtlEINSTEIK Beci'I is ae to ijrroitsr ttejpitb lic that they offerthe HANDSOMEST STOCK of " . .. : j BOOTS AND SHOES, - ; ! HATS AND CAPS, . "IpANKEE NOTIONS, .f HOSIERY, GLOVES, . . , OIL CLOTHS & MATTINGS, GENTS'' FURNISHING GOODS, . LADIES' anil MISSES BONNETS and HATS, Trimmed and Uhtrfmmed 5 V . 1 f . BONNET RIBBON, FRENCH FLOWERS, RESS TRIMMINGS, &c, Ac, "'j Theyth4vecver.offeren"in'thWmarket. 1 We nave the largest and best assortment In the: State, 'including all the most desirable styles of the season. We feel, assured in say ing? they are not 'eicelled either In style or price by ayy in the market.' ; . -t WtllTJETaOQlis. 'We have full?lfti& MarsCilieSald Alen dale Quilts; Linfen 1 and Cotton Sheetings and PillOw-Casipgs, PiqneSi Pei-cals, Linen Ducjis, 4c, AJi i : ''-'.. 4une4-ai-tf , rjjHE ABOVE SUM WILL BE PAID to any person ivho "will furnish us with the name of any House or Houses, who can sell .. . As WELL MADE at as,: as are pqw being sc44 by tbemiderslgned y 1, Coatfs. ...ti 00 ...at I.OO Pant9... a m a 4 Vesits . . f. rW5.S3fJi. 0 13 .i.at. Socks. ..... . .at 110 Papr Collars, pe bx. ...Tt 15 Elnn ."-"''., Pf ! -'10 And ovrli'&igi elBe In prortioii. lab a. atXCWTRICEf.TTt? ; ; '''.Maarto order-,. i . -CANli AbSStED TFIt)' 5j V',-51 SC , a a . I - LI - l" I J Llw -4 qHR -Wnri7ffinTim T 4-1-, m Mm . W mv w 1 1 .iand Since the War. I , - . . . 0 v- - mi: , lavorahlv WUli t.hnt. ieaiiAt hir tlio "Ta- aotnK. te People and Socle- ifI.JV'Vr-i:iii-.W I1D m MORNINiG STAiR; PUBLISHED"- AT WILMTNGTOJf.tH' C.'- f-S Mailed, l6r delivered to supscVibers in all parts Of thXtymt t8 5 :for Six lf4i1. AI CfeaT rww -mar 1 3 ,Tsbt13taic Job : J Office: Tliigj cStab lishmeht has recently teen enlarged aid added to by pev material, tjpet.&j.T-the: whole nn der thie foremaBship( oqpe of the ,be4tr)ractl cal job pritere in the 'countr.;-,TVe'liprie6r Is prepared to receive : anc( ' prompfity execute orders for all kinds -i of retain f 6r iahdj; work,: cards labels; bill-heads,-posters, rograniTnes, tickets ia fact; any:lescMpUon::of r jb work dope in aj well poiated4qbplicV: j The pa trons l o( the establishment may be assured that full justice will be done to their ordei; bbth as;to workni'anship Material rwe4fvapA--.the pricieNow 4s the' sefisoir thereforel to get yonr jsb work doneVaod get itdoellVvIn thf. line of Jancy pnntlng, In i colors -tsytptofn' judffe for themselves; T&e Democratic Platform. The Democratic Party, in National fJonven tion assembled reposing its, trust in the intel ligence, patriotism and discriminating 'justice of the people, standing upon the consy tntioa as the foundation and 1 limitation ofthei powers of the Government, ;and the' guarantee, of the libertiet of. the icltiiertfk, , and recognifeg; the questions of slavery and secession as. having been settled for 'all time to tonte by the Warj or the voluntary actioti Of the Split hem States' 111 luiisuiiuuuuai cyittcuviuus usscuiutcu,: uuu never to' be rene"wed qr reagitated, do, with the return of peace. demand n ..-1 ; First. Immediate restoration of all the' States' to their. riffnts in tne'lmlGny under the consti tution, and of ciyil government -tbe; Ameri can people. : : -y-1 ' v1"'" :;.:.'fi Second. Am nes ty ; for alU past political Offen ces and the regulation of .the elective franchise in the States bt thelrcitizeris.' i Third. Payment; of - the pubUe! debt of the m n n . . 3 ha urn fiAm f Vi u ' MAnli ' Vii. A i I , excent so much asJisrreanisiter fortbe hapeferfl- ti& W the 'Governmentlr economically i adiaia i L J 1 E 1 1? Jil.J ' . istcreui. veing nuaesuy -ippucu ior sucn pay- iiii-ut; anu wnerc .iue ooiigaiions oi xneuov ei nment do not expreesly state upon their face, or tho la w: under ; which they weri Issuctf'does not provide, that they shall.be paid in coinv they ought;-irf Tight and in justice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States . Fourth.. Equal taxation of every aipecies of prupei tj uucurutug to lus reai vaiue, inciuuing bands and other public securities:" ' Fifth; Ode currency for the.go verm ent and the people,; the luborer and the" bmceholder, the peusioner. and the soldier the producer and the bondholder. ' ' -Sixth, Economy in the administration of the government; .the' reduction of the standing army and1 navy ; the abolition' of the fre'edmen's bureau, and all oolitical ihstrunaentaliiies de signed to secure negro supremacy: simplifica tion of the system and discontinuance1 of in quisitdrial node of esaesuinx and-. collecting internal revenue,' so that the burden of taxa tion may be equalized and lessened; the eredit of ihe government and the ' currency made good ; the repeal -of all enactments for ienroll- iiiic owtiic lunula iuiv ulxiiiiu.i tuivco 111 time of qpeace, andatarlff-foT retenu upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under the internal re venue laws as will afford "inci dental . protection . to aomestl manufactnres', and as will,, without Impairing the - revenue, impose-"th ieast burden iipon and best1 pro mote and encpurage the great' industrial inter-; ests of the cohritry. ' v ! Seventh. Reform erf abuses' in thea4thinis tratioriexpul&ipn of corrupt'irien from;oflS.ce abrogation of "useless bflices ; the. restoration of rightful authority toVati'd the" itidepehdenee of, thfe executive ahd judicial "departments of the Government ; the subordination !of the TnlliLifv to the4 civil.nbweK to the end that the uenrpatipns. of Congress 'and: the despotism of I ine swora may cease;? -1 t - Eighth. Equal; rights . and protoctlon for naturalized and native-born citizens- at home aud. abroad, the assertion of American nsction- alitv which shall- Command s therespect of: foreign powers; and furnish an exarnple and encouragement .to t people istrnggjiog for na tionaHtttegrityconstitutippai liberty ahd in divutoal rights,- and the maintenance qi the rights of naturalized citizons-agolhst the abso lute doctrine: of 4nrnuble'aHegiarte'V"ahd the claims of foreign powerto" "puinisa -the"Ba fef alleged crime, commuted; 'beyon4 tbelr! juris-f diction. ' - e"-;" r : - .' In demandih'gthesetSaeasures arid 1 reforms we arraign the-Radfcat party for its .disregard of right, and the- nnparHeledl'oppressi6n and tyranny whicfi;. hate fiLtarked i career. "' '" ' - After the .moBt spjeinn. and Mnwdnifflon pledge of both Housed of Congress to ipose-', cute tl; war etclhsively; for the: maintenance t)f the Government .and Ahe preBervation of the Union under the Constitution, x it has repeat edly violated-that most -sacred pledge,, under Which alone was rallied that nobl ? volunteer army whidi; carjicAxitr flasr-tovlctoryv . .: -Instead of restoring 'the Union, It has ;sd' far as in its power dissolved. it-and subjected; ten : States in tkne o profound peace to nilltary J nnit'ltAMnh tfdVikknk'iMM lt hni 1T,1HI lied there the H&V-.bt-ttM'-fittl 1 ha abolished the habeas corpwr,;tha:mst sacred writ'ef liberty ; it ha overthrown the freedom of speech and . the . press j It haSi 'substituted arbitrary seizures and- arfest ud military trials and secret tter Chamber inquisitions for the coiistatntlonattribilhals it has' disregard ed in time-of peaces the right ef - thS people to be free frtmr searches and seizures ; i ha, en tered the-post and-tetegraph offices, and ven I the private rooms .,01. individuals, ana jseizea their pfivateap6rB-indTefters without any specific cuargs-or- notice of affidavit, ,as.re ouired by the ortranic law ; ithas ksonvertefl IIOD1 VvU'tf wu I onage to which 50 con&ti.tutipiif l mpnarchy-of Enrone "woiiM tmw 'L&te to ' tesort ; , It 4$ i ahoiiRhii thA4HHitCflf)Dl 6hirflTK?rtant con- i atitutionaj question tor the fnapreme judldaif inounats, sua utcnwii its ginalttrlBdiirftti vesten bv theJonartltUti Chief Justice nas been snmecxeaiisnmo6s atrocfoti catumntciaVHiy-b not prostitute hKTJIgJftifficQ tb'ffie's'uppo'rt tf the faise-ahdparti'sarf charges prefcrYfedagalifct the fTestdent'1'It8-' c'Of raptiOft' ahdtrava nno linw teeapiH"AnVt"3in thd wn "in" 'hl8-'" . w . - '4 1 - a - - W """l". 5 X J-ft- -- A. .... . i wui n.,A k.A"n;n-nn1inta tt hoa inrv. lti(l u V 110 UAUU3 auu uuuvHu'y- i nearly doabledthetrarderX of the debfereated J by the Wan : Jl.as; Sirippeq. ikj t reeiupa ir w bis constitutional power. of appointment even of; his own Cabinet " Under it3: repeated; as sattlt8 the'piilara 'tWOTerpmpa're; roek fair m their basea andabefnid It succeed in No-; vjm'hHrnext and inaugurate its President." we will meetas a subjected andyenquere&people smirt tfiif ruins of ,Uberty anjtithe; scattered fragments of the &nstetim,t vrir;-uj ; And we dadkUareend resblyeihat ever since fee people of the United Saja., jhrew;. off all subjection to tberBritisb: erpwo ; the "privilege and tnat of suffrage ha beiongedr te. .the, sey eral States, and hae.beeh grantedi'VrxUted? ni onntrnlwt Telnsivelv bv. the-po.litical- ! uover of each State respectively. nd.that any 1 attempt by Congress,--pn-. sny pretext; what "I ever, to deprive any State of tins., right or in-, ' I terfere with its exerciels a llagrant uBurpa jtion of power which can Hod no warrant in the 1 Voneututiojii.aBd if sanctioned bvtlie peopw will subvert onr form of Ofyf mnent, and ea onlyjendihanglelc4?rUniJ4od and consoli- ' datQdfGpyernmcnt, in.whuk tbtflscparatc- ex istence of the-States -wili be en li rely absorbed -s and an nnqualified, desptjtisiu be establlshed int place of a Federal Union of co-equal States; v and that; wecgard the . reconstruction acts- : (so-calledj Tfohgre's's,v'as 'such, are usnrpa'' tions and unconstitutional,' ret oltftlonary and roid; that our soldlert and , sailors. who carried the, flag ot burlcountry to., vetory. against tnost gallant ana"dt:cr ruined foe "must ever bo gTOtefuHyTerndtribbred, and all th6 guarantees S'ven4n their favor mnst be faithfully carried t execntioh.. .Ti -riTvd. ir'.t 5. - , ;; Thaf the ptibife lands should, ne distributed as widely as possible among , the people, and should pe. ' disposed" of either 4nder the pre--eption "homestfad.TandS and sold in rca spnabletiiiahtitfci,.and.tQ nn but actual oc cupants, iit the. minimum price rstabllshed by the government.. . When' giants ?f the public , lands may be- allowednecctfssart fJr tie en couragement of important .public Improve ments, the proceeds "of the sale of such land?f and toot "the lands' 'themselves, hbtjld be bv applied. T;;;;;;;;;iro3 .H.i- . That the. President nf the United States, Au drew Johnson,. in excrrlsfng the power of his high oflictfiu refebtlBg-the aggressions of Con gress npo: tlae . cirtistitnUonat rigrhts of the States and; th e people,1 is eri titlea to the 'grsti tudeof the whole Atneri can people, and in be- ' hM of ,the-Daiotatlc rtif ianieir-hixatX Qnr tfianks. for Bis patrkjt !c efforts in 'tliat,, re- : garcLTXJ pon- tbi4 platforni - the. " Democratic party appeal to" every pktri.ot.Mncludlng alt the conservative element aiid all '.who; desire to support the Copstitution arid , restoro the Union, forgetUhg-' all past dffferences : of opin- ion, to unite witn . 'ris th6 present great struggle for theiiberties f the people ; and that to all such, 'td whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend ithe right hand Of fellowship and hail all such co-operat ing with us as friends and brethrert ' mm LA.-- 5 l3 HANSOMEORGADY SfTjST.fN. tf www sivmir nv n. a T.T,mra''(- f :-i " CHAXLIES -ASt GRENADEyES aV f . - - - jr : HEIRIC5K:?iS. LADIES' HOSE AND FRENCH' CORSETS, at : r:;. : thedeiok's. SI.B.GANT DRESS GOODSvaF V V l FULL SUPPLY OF ""DRESS1, TRIMMING - GREAT BARGAINS SOLD t tADlES, at MEN AND BOYS'. WEAR'. CHIEAtY. at ''V v r 1 :IIEDRIGK; GIRLS' AND BOYS' HOSIERY, at ' .- 1 : IlEDRICK'S; THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO TRADE at , : ; ; HEDRICK'S. :. LARGE STOCK OF DOMESTIC GOODS, W v r: ;,;.HE:i)RiOK's,. CHEAP BLEACHED COTtOJ?, a A SUPJCRB- STOCg OF WHITE GOODS, at IIEDRIOK'k ' -. ' . . , 1. ' 1 ;. - i i . v - ' - i ..... THE CAROLINA EMPORIUSt Offer's- Great- Indcements'toCa8lfBffyers. ' " -. .... -r . .... ' .1 -. July t9 f iixiitli'S JE?rotiaiitxxiL -AND iiiram H. Jr.- 1 s ODAr" i BUTTERf OtSTER" and v y d,:v-j::ni "NDOi' ' - A GENERAL SUPL,t:OF:;( . ?uit recetfehy JSHOSTGi EWisi-l v r a Sfaaket Strefef :. uiyle--tj. e rs; Jtrstr ECKitrr ; as EOtt f saee' Buggyr arti and Waffm Hubs; We intend to keep a full assortment of TRIM--JflNOS, CLTP9, r;i.Tvps jpLATES,'Ae.y c. 1 CaBaWseeat -Zr 'A -i ' I, i ? GOv A.-.PECK?Sf lyl4(U.fj ; , lySo'.Ffpnt street.- AyiNG , , COJlFtttED HI AB- l?a4H?nntS'"tflreugnont mr-ii m w rni TOGRAPHin ROOMS and . CHEMICAL DE-' PARTMEiraiai-now KJadTKo rVeeive my "Z,T At- k' AvAnAa Sill a"Vr ij Aihe jvjHnpply ofTJRAM Enlarge, ad small,- itesJFrfflfej Cs toliAlbuflir Ac. lneiuxring ar ipii Assort men t 01. mjup w r IT AVE J'TOT BECEIVEll.smriAVK Lin SfiOTfl Of large Stock sF. c i - ti f- 4 ' vnw ',v.v .-if ulyl-2384f " 10 South Front Street: North: Oardliialiand'lgency ."OABTIES , WHO. TVISII , TO IIATF -JL,- v.rvrrv 4vi""f.-hA At liv Jof ' Northern anil- VnMnaan r!aritoliata ,tP.ir LAiNDS. jUli.d. WATER POWEliViCy with a; view to a sale. can address me at Reedaville, N, C 'i-, - RefeTenceft -made to pnblie ,xncn, generally, thrbthe State.- p. w. 00 rath FAMILY FLOUR Carnal Hake 4-- setlt-lr-tf