. . - . tank . 0- - i in- I. ' V MORNING STAR ClviKV.ixsi; This miftcraXwhcii, uoVier the name of C arolina In Mh Michael Oauble, of Sal Tms Flu Tbadb yru.ii vr, ' . - - x Pt miki-aI obinum . . . " .j! ri,n,la ill VSQi :COIDUMtwi UUI joovwiig j NOTICE. v . . 4 .Lis.JU'.- ;'i:ap-f theexvorta dilesdayiiguat 19th, 1868,-. ..P j '-tU itryJbrncul: ubwy. fell dead-ih the. street on Fuday, " TiTTinT) A T3tl rtmu.nl witu moderate ; acuvj I relief fire kngin company . HI f TJiajJiWV-ai. York. and by Septml wu., hereby meet at their Ep turaruroieSrit 'i stated, hrfa leen di- Cause-hemorrhage of the lunga. Crtveredin mytuei;oujujrv Richmond Enqulr dictngthc atten tion of the public tathe deposits as one of the unfailing sources of weiitth, if prop erly worked, kayitrerniaiyjted is 'situa ted in what is called the' Govs, on Cove creCabrn'cb.f the r fjB?b itnn river, abour mles prthof Wythe Tille, and 14 mileseasf of iSaltville,thr present terroiiius of4he branch Of the Vir !ginU and Tennessee Railroad iThe routt ,rom thence to' the Cove is up th Vallfi ,f tbe-Holston, a most favorable line "for i raiiroad-theigrades would be about fif teen feet to the, mile descenamg wjiu export tonnage. t ; , : j i- f The quality ot tuis piaster is supci m Vfth:Tilation? the -,T XAwv- r . , . iWesamates the number of delegates in. thtf late Oonventiott af. between 1,600 and 2,000,, . !f . . t t A, special meeting ,x the Stockholders of the Chatham R. R. ,Co.? will be beld in Raleigh on the 4tb of September.- y-y - y ' ' . - A nuhdred boxes, of peache rom the neighborhood. . of Greensboro" .)a9sed through panvtHe per -Express a vvw dava since, besides a car load by tht freight. ' Acall'iTor'tfOrantand.Col- a ,tlfintion meetine, to leheld 1HA Utftv r w' vjt:. :tHE morning star; NOON REPORTS. Destructive Fire. ; Phila.dki.phia, "Aag. 18. n.h1Hn A Rabb. provision .u uuuuunu, , , burned this doming,- Including two hundred and clieaper production, ana uu KiTnd pounds shoulders and seven hundred 10, as the Financial Chronx-nka-ies lard, hams and , emoted heef Also, , . js but another purase lor a prut- rulhXBrotherB.wholosU e w "J :-"- r . th:3 city we- House, this morning, at s o'clock precisely" to be tully developed; an4 in.ima ' attend the funeral of ourbrotner member irtmnf wakeninff iite. ; A sue-. 5OHN bkemkr: - ' emDw. Ta tlie OCicers antOiembers of the UOQU ana JLadder Com. GENTLEMEN r-Youare respectfnllv W ted to participate ana attend the funeral f our brother Fireman, JOHN BREMEE, thU morning, at o-cjock. - . - Secretary H. B. F. E. Comp'y No i angl9-37-lt r::. i. orove the most . . -i : .a: nt Hip. CDUntrV. The cheapening Of food removes the great est impediment;t; the reduction ot wages, and a reduction the price of flournga u.-Af rt.her arttctes of iood. (Ill II lilIC Ullbvu - . An abundant harvest lavors an increased -FOR.PItESIDENT, H0MTI0 'SEYMOUR, , , , ui -fitti. nf Sntember. is now known on thu Contmeot Such - ;Blito4 That M ba bad., fair opportunity, of testing .of c0Uree'-.98obr u xrx.ro c-iQ (5t fhP r relative WMl t. - , ts. CtY, fjtQF ITEtf YOEIC 1 Vt with the Nova Scotia, fix their relative valaeat fiftv;to one hundred per cent, in iavor OI lue t intiiuac?" v a certain asaiuage a. i. Certain Bureau agents have ?ttil0l WBeaides theses Messrs. Claghorn had a lot of cotton burned. "'" Fro 111 Wnanlnffton. Washihoton, .Aug. 18. Yesterday's romor that the French and Prns BlaVLSafions had received war-like advices, K pronounced m proper quarters too abbttrd -.Bewttit France had loaned large .- iS Titrfi and Italy for railroad purposes and the return of this money accounuior tne bearyccumulation of bulifon in the Bank of r-n5ei-.i-'- lAft M,U moraine for White IteUt Aubvi nu - - : , . a . Sulpbur Springs. ' On the same train and in r"ai nomminv with Roseeranr. were Gens. Ewell, Iiigslreet and Hun ton: B. Is to return . - .v iiinii ivp uirr r j ti, icnr wlicn the cur- accusioraeu uunug w fl FBiNK P. BLAIR, itable and active ! expansion - ; iQ i-iira of constant mna- tion, and price of merchandise were go ing up from day to day,," no, longer to te expected. But we may expe. t a uea tb ier, safer and less! spasmodic fall trade ihan we have had for some years past. delphia Star. :; v CO MM KliC JLArJ WI L.MIN GTON M A The War Pai the influence ofG tion, "let us uaVepeace the Disunion- few diminutive seams of clay,) for the ists are prepannglEbr fplliae'Jand blood- 'depth of five hunUred and eighty-two feet, shed In the recent debate, in the Alaba- and operati maSW ot?B3 BcSv'eorveto;of?the ing the botl Vi f tW Vircri nii' fa 'eo'ual to one and a i 1 1 iWft RWotia- In ouan- niv.1 orders from a Major WhiUmore, tity it is enormous-it underlies hundreds at Raleigh, to report to him the names 01 of acres in a compact body., . . j such negroes as l ave the Leagues and A well, or shaft, ten feet in diameter, nnite with the DemocraU and Conserya- u air t nn noint Within four This is done for the purpose of m- uaa uu 4 . friirM lOWer. UrU I ceun feet from the surface, plaster was reached, timidating the colored people ana ingm- t Bhade tirmer. ftr at? mrcricEV Aue. 18. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Was steady. Sales of 323 casks at 41 cents ana ai wu - V nstsks. I - ' " . T?nftTN-Was active. Bales of . 1654 bbls. at rar Patrty. Vri :-Vf-jfl,' of ftMfitVftfMatna rtntiniiwri fwith the eXCeDtlon oi pmnir them haCK into xue ajcsu UuUH IUQ mulKWMH vi v i nnu ,vu v--- , I D . Iretl and eighty-two xeet, . . ?. puMishes spended without reach- f rri ,n. iiee i4 one of the company at the White Sulphur. ; .'-y : ' new Yrlc Markets. 1SNoon. mn..Kain cents lower. Wheat 13 cents M nn tcr Atrainedl 15 for No. 2, 4 00 for .ivui 3" . r.l, l, .,,, t 5 . . i . Ae crt lower. Corn 1 cent oeuer. , ? nofci 50 for o. l. ana tae nrmer. whuu suud . r- , - A"r Tnmnnt iia firm at 45fd)40 frr Krtra faie. 1. nrmer at w ecu v. -- . - . n is i?,9ft Rosin quiet ; . uommon uu owwusu CRUDE TyKrl!iiN iAi'---i'Ci,utl "v ..na an? Rtill droODing. Sales Df MH oD 2 fi5 and 400 bbls at $2 60 for Soft. i nenu. Henry L. Keith, of Kaieign, very dalK ,Money y a card In the Sentinel, in which at 45 per cent. Gold 14&H-.0d bonds n mi i Ttf,-K rsirnlinn's. old 78 : new 71i. bill dep vote named " The obiect of'ffie tnen Wnd were sus taining the government in this matter was to gup;awa3Tr,w.arm;, unspuuvi. r hfltfttPa that he voted the ttepuouuan .r:-- 54. ue-53. bottom of the vein or deposit, so . ftW thftt be wa8 Vo- Coupons 645i; new 63. tli'&Cl, y- .' I ssioners or poiice- gh, or any other mself thoroughly disgusted with the concern, and m con clusion says, "with respect to all former Tennessee TAR Was firm. .1 t A.na. t I rivinc.the people 01 toe ngui iu continuous wa iucijui-v rtntr for neirro Commi ;.,.'. jZ -. 1 . . . - . 1 in 1 c yor'Presidential electors, a scalawag in-the plaster continuing 01 a unuorin au- of the dt of Ralei Coon said : ; - ; penor quality tiirouguout. . He professes hi -- 1 Got Something at Last. 11 n .loe urown secepsuiu iw u'""" 1 t.,; - v - ... . -r CtlSrlPiJh iM FortIulaski Joe Brown -Andersonville associations ot the Republican party, x 000 treedmen of Alabama would give the y . npp statft. of bid you good bye." uaWftn VhJlv4u of ar letore hhw ' . " : was over with. He would stand by the 'Georgia, has received ihe reward of his Republictftr party lfi Alabama, in the war, perfifiy at last. Through the intluence 01 uuu i ivmv j - a Bullock; the carpet-bagger, he has receiv- . j .1' .xr;rct ,f niiinf Justine Now eu iuc - nriceoi new corn in Xll - ;.. .italro nf vr I " ..... r- Ipalmctto Ijeavea. It is estimated that fifty cents price wl new corn in Corn prospects bfil Foreign Market. London, Aug. 18 Noon. Consols, W. Bonds, 71). , Fbankfobt, Aug. 18 Noon, Bonds 74K- Liverpool, Aug.,18 JSoon Cotton firm. 15000 bales. t London, Aug-18 P. M. American securities are generally easier. .. Livebfool, Aug. 18 P. M. Cotton continues firm. Sales of 180 bbls at $3 25. ,, ; BjECEIPTS. , Per Hirer Steamers. a. wrhi3i& bbls rosin. 717 casKs . -f:..1uoti Bro.. Worm S J-nuict X UUUOVI1 w " " j " 01 " " J"!"?' um. 9ft halft sheet U t- h - - ' IIIIIR UDI W W ing a bales yarn, 1 Worth & Daniel, A Johnson The actual sales are statea at Kt,o. .!-n;rjuvi, ,v . ,t vhU tnm. 140 str Marion r uuio i, bbli spts, 216 bbli rosin Mitchell & Huggina Edwards & Smith1, Robinson, Smith & Co C ParVnPi. A Aliicruiau, F W Kerchuer, Wil- - - i . i liama & M. - Peir Bailronde. Cape Pear. Lodge . No 2, I. O-O. F- BRETHREN x Ton are hereby jot. fled to meet at the Lodge Room tbl tend the funeral of our deceased brother JOHN UREMER. Punctual attendance U rei quested. ; augl8-279-lt Secretarr. BOOTS A SHOES, -AT- QUB PRICES af WW,; OUR STOCK large 'and' complete, qebe Styles and Tariety of our .BOOTS and i' SUOKS "unexcelled, and their durability nniTersally praised. Terma, CASH. We cannot make any bills. GEO. It. FRENCH A SON, . ansl9-tc 2 Nortb Front Street. OCR XIGIIT REPORTS From Rlelimond. Richmond. Aug. 18. Gen. 8toueman has issued an order directing Per Manifest FIRE ARMS. Sold by the Trade Generally. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. 200,000 Furnished the U. S. jHoYerHineiit. RMT, N AVT, HEI.T, POLICE Mft eket KevoJvers; Kepeaimg iuiu l'Ot'ket X 'ISlVliO n Kixunvnuoo, U01U5 Metallic Cartridge. Breech-loading and.Ke volrine Bll'LES. V g E. REMINGTON. SONS, , angl-y7-9w . lnor, N. T- Freiiclit Train.6 W. Si' W. Road, An?. 18. Tiyrf following xardLf published 'in: the Montgomery papers, shows what was said bv " that same old Coon "in a private converlatiooV -' ' : sf Sksate.Ciiambeb, Aug. 11, 'C8. f Ha vine ilen? denied the' privilege of Steff th. Go,er.Xofflcein themorn- way of spelling Judg) wa . Di- . e T.liaruKir mill- I i a. A n.mo..iMianl It' o .Jp;int mfl.n. mgoi iuc iiwi p uu 1 J r -VTuvu-oll fll iirfcrt a well in I . j . .v.L,i rn h m nf the to till 1 wiiminfftAn snd llan lish said remarks to tne oest oi my cu.- T . fashionalle now for Chief Justices ? --!. JI Ji7v CWnl - "" -JzZzVZZIa? b "T i : . I . . - ,. UharieSton. on oaiuruHV-uigut, nuns iu ptymeni mww uj n. , . ; omJ a - he would to Write Grnot letter 'And it ,s l.sh.on- o( int'oxicatioD, wa. downed. , fc. who., amoootd.. br the road, . .bout , -x. ... v., I. " - . .. - .1 nnninn. I . , , , . r i ... WKB BUUUIOU not leave heruntiiome measure aoie, ioo, u iucw.uv.oia v ;. A Mr. Uhampiain oi .v-'uaries adoptldTfoi the protection of those whom .gtg They are an dreadfully alarmed lest ton'as rbl.ed of some three hundred he; ,calla ldyjniep tha moj tbe Ku Klux Klans, under Seymour and dollars a tew nighte ago; but the thief PIMr.T"ffi.fn H n . hL,!r will commence another-war. This was afterwards arrested ana a pori.ua ux ne wouia jygiue uuuxs i I , . . - -the money recovered. - . . & "SffifSS ?oh5m S'doV -wS SECURE A HOME IX THE SWSoA" a golden; STATE. . o.' m -win. i ttr Wallace & S do . , , . . I w arik "TT s-i f A TvTm neougnt to iono.,u bU Barnwell District. Chief Justice, ana write a leuer u uvm liailt of Grant and Colfax. It would astonish(?) Tlje 8tore of j J)t Stock- the people of Georgia just as we were as- Q Oranceburc C. H., was, with its con- . . t.. t.-o fir,. rMW ino-hta a face. Dioucmw r "::v.;" r T UMiisneatf; to ieam luat-uu k.u..ncuWlu..u,w,v " j. .. the Auditor or tne oiaw io "io 1 . '.r P;.;i;p ft do Dts:-Sprunt rne.worK m an inui-uuwj. i roads indebted to tne otaie, me uuw Uo, w - nrt .o- hhi- fur- K . i i LXlrdlht. to be nald in current funds or n & H25 do tar, ;B SoutherUnd 43 bbla.ur, u . s- - i Tirrtni iiri iiviiik iihiiic v ' - i t t . -i - rn unionist and, consqneutiy, a wrant man. . . j. v,v " V . " V. . gute bouds at par, the amount oi oww , ,ODU8UU " " wr !. t a - " f 1 1 f A 1 1 n4-a . noil 111 I - . m 41.1.4. "f th. trtrd I I i oi Hiiizanein jjiaxwcn, ic received not io exceeavww iuuu - Receipts per n cheater Railroad, Aug:. IS. T G Lewis 16 boxes peaches; Clark & Jones 7 boxes do; Q Blair 1 do do; avJ8 iTf lou oil vu m " "i Co 1 bnnile " Westward the Star of Empire , takes its Way." FROM WAS1IINOTOX. Washington. Aug. 18 chickens; Marshall, Harrington 11 bag rags; Robinson, Smith fc THE IMMIGRANT Homestead Association, OF CALIFORNIA, I' NGOBPORATED .US DER Til E I-A1TR ot the State November 30th, a7, for tLe purpose of providing - , Homes for ito Members, onrT thA rftv 'of Selina Washes. .' fv T v. - w - -' Imaywell for the reader to know that Mr. Jonea is not aDemocratr He is a full-blooded Republican, though not of the Coon famUy, ts"l This feltyoonis aepesentative man ' TkianniriTinartri tte is for war.: but jrl.' -VIA? - jr j , .- if W comehe will forget to; stand by the Repicaf party:' arousing the bad passions-cf his deluded negro follow ers he wilUfcsuddeniyj seized with a ferlh$ro fever, nd will start, carpet-bag in hand, by the early train. . ? .., -f 1t4 'IstfnToiiists,' seeing certain defeat i.if f(iiiii--thft face.--are bent- on .. ;nwCratinv a war of races in Linr timv leave ,for , their Northern "P'"w .- fwzf f r3Xir 'sr tiAmPv r Tf remains to oe seen is aclever stratagem scalawags, an.d: adopt it at once. him incorporate in tory of his old ex linn; hp spi zed Port ... .. m j nk i h HUhanded. Grant referred tne or- ,nofoa th " Anderson vi le pens " . . I lie ffOOQ Citizens iwum- i v, rfm. it wiLh the w"6 . . c- u. .i ;af,iiaer io ueu. xs.uiij, " : s.- where oar de.rcarpet-hagger.saj the Fea- d?"i5?' 5" did' , iot eral soldiers were starved to de.tb, .nd all JX7lHm BdtaSi SL" STS53? reUrn to the Pre,.- I luc ou ao v rj i ... . thnrti Trip m n I.- as a matter of fun, too. - drums." These outrages on the peace dent ms enaorsCiucs Georgia feels proud of her Chief Jus- and quiet of the city have become sucn a . . . . ... I ..s n filiirA nf the authorities ticel She ought to leel proua oj mm i rT. fc-Ti hr..,r9rall bags, 24 bbls rosin, 3 boxes grapes; Mom . .kiin ' rSnnrrasatooal Committee PlirflAV & Co 29 bbls tiirp, 48 do spts, ;w A i - AAAVhI havebeen Veddln? out twenty-five thousand ;08in; p""A L Wla v,1 1?rS". liapiiai. OM. - - p,,, nV5.00r,l cuu "i ..i, h VYi,M-t f W. s. r...i hhl tnm: Williams M5j ; - i ah t. cliri.iMl .. AH Btieiiiui was UJ ... All ; Vll let cendiaries to burn the Methodist Church P0" I ba'n tnousand W; Atkinson Abbepg BI.bl.jJ5 Divided into 300.000 tfurr And by alt means, let at Orangeburg on; Thursday night las flcUon : ' . ' . ' payaMe in ; his letter a laituiui nis- The attempt was rrustratra uy a coiorea The riotous proceedings 01 me oauer 90 bol8 rosin; -jv.ercuucr w W-rTxrXv - . T. , . i I . .mtri . mnmatiiiintti con I i itr Rrn 1 ltd le hairs: D Liiiecas o crii tt 0s - riTTT?T?Ti,PJIlY Pnlflski. and how He r ' in th DlstrieL The rresioent uau uruvrvu ? nAVf .MiAatm of tock issued to subscribers im l r r - mndifltelv unon receipt of the money. K0 PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MOM THAN. FIVE SHARES. A hi rcular containing" a fuil descripUon of is l erj Isn't Joe Brown the hero of Pulaski gggT" A circular has leen issued by Gen eral Buchanan, informing the planters of th South his military .district, who have received supplies from the Freed men's Bureau, that hether they must fulfil the letter of their bonds .TTKSMrio-t -1 -P tto crops to the factor, them agate ttf lire I - Their in New 0-'rig- . previous Sded ,icimi Sfe&' isieepj ad ever, order. Any sgen, bf tteWu, he sa, DisuiTon rascal who iffiKe the ncgroeato assisting or attertpt.ngo ass.st a planter rtorahd bloodied JttVtatireSp'ted in toevade hisbiigatio,,, in this matter, or his flight when-he least expect it Man, LwUo, suspecting tmw a pur. ... of iem are 'already known. to take the matter in hand, the papers call n th ritizens to hold a meeting toqe- vise measures for stopping such a barba rous practice. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Correspondence Baltimore Garette. Commlulner Rollins A rain-A Radl eal Trap Wr Rumora In Diplomatic arM i rAMtlna Finances 9To V1 rVlCS Mr. Watta. Minister to Austria, awaiting instructions. Lone Cabinet to-day full attendance, ex cept Welles. Revenue to day, $379,000. - Letters from Kansas report repeated out rages by Indians beating men and outraging women in a shocking manner. . Farragut comes home In October. 4 - . 4 It is seriously siaica uiv uw;iu ,.y Laa wv.-v- - ------ - the property to w aisirwuwu uioru Will. .IM MtSJlH W CU j ARRIVED. - ' Steamship Lucille, Harrington, Baltimore, 4 tL-i-rn Az Shentverson. . I i.i.- .m h wnt tn unv Stmr A. If HartaKmner.raycurCYmu, npollj eceipt of stamps to cover returu Stmnr Marion, PhUlips, FayettevUle, Williams a0rmation aa to price of Land in any porw Mnrrhison. f . tion cf the State, or upon any other ublect or Korwoknart.F.jett.vnte.WorU. gFSSSS t&DanieL ceint of stamps Tor postage. - ' - rAil letters should be attdresseaj ; CLEARED. Str Marion, Philips, FayettevUle, Williams! & Morcbison. : f . , .. a TH.irt Skinner. Fa vetteville. Worth tt: io f-r nrinitjitlon with General Lee I .rv.Ai i 4 tl iium . . . n I Ou liMllvl. .. ... rrr.. . e regardiug Mexican relations ana our ovum- gt w orthL Hurt, Faytttevuie, vy onu . a. W . m wo ott 1 a flair I f western Border lnieresw. v7r 1 I Daniel. Bosecrana desires io consaib wu. .... .ji Myi nfKaili an. rceard to the views, purposes uu i rni vrnee a. tion of the Southern Democrats as preumina- j:. P clvdeWllliams & M, B ETAR Y 1M A11GK ANT 9M?5T?rp In auglft-289-2ml ASSOCIATION,, Post Office Box 88, -San Francisco, California And thev ting to evade them, does not take all pro Sehed.; The,Unow fu perkeasursin his powefo present the . niuVn& 'ftnt.nrn 4vhkea-flnlf wish same, will be dismissed. - tnAA resignation of t..UM4WWWhJ'J H W Jade B. M. B.atchfbrd, of the h .w M . rap rh' I. f oH vinr KlMtfCninZ lUlCHUtt U- I i ci uw...."r - -y- n tt. U Ii inston Bloters-anenipwB COUntry. woiningis pwimwj VIT f "v, ' V 'n t. Volltrs E Willis. C Parme- . j . A.. Pmonnni iroea to Vuffmia to see 1 Johnson R yo, v ontrs, a """i T rsn a Deputy VAllCCtOr ' u i i,uis n- . The Collector for New Orleans has not yet been named. WINE FRESS.T , 1 HAY Ott COTTON PRESS, 4 Por Sal9 Cheap, by, ( , " ' 3.. 4 ' tw. WHEELER, aug8-170actfj , Cor. Myrtle and Water Sts. Canvass. Washington, August 16, 1868. It is the confidently expressed opinion here that tne pre Commis8ioner -Rol- From Havana. S' i 4 i uiuva, j. vvw ...-rf;r. -'.,...-. Tt . . 'P. A war vessel A W PJpff . Hntton (X (JUiiU. nainss ------ Kiuo.a .v-ii------ . with Ualnave's wife and V7ILSON Collegiate, Seminary. Brock, my,i.M SJelLiK mFoni Yovm ladies. fta.lna.va intends coming nere. a war ems. A n wen, duiwu uu " , . , w llllOVVt w . tilB - A. V " ' ' ' , . . . " , - - - . j:.tn.ii.u oa rnr snhmis- rr -..j o... r.:;r nitr-fr th Rftnth-I IWiU1'tt -1' it .-!:- I caotured. ' v.. w" ry r. " President Jonnson. loejiuuj souup.- aian and threatened the British mwr. - rian to carpet-bag TuTe 1jhus far clearly ern District of New York, recently decided ted that the resignation would be accep- The British man-of-war favorite is pre melyhoM who lire that a minof wha had enlisted in the army ted by the President, and an PP" o?,SoTa State of -1 , rarYirTtiC " . -i a. I "v Salnave had imprisoned the Pros- Munson fc Co, W H LiupHt, D A Smith, M at Kits dcuo, sprunx oz ninsou, usu . Al Barry, Worth & DanieL could toot ue aiscnargeu r. M h mAnt. and an oonortunuy to seize lVila3SeTBMtK(thi escape eighteen, and ihA annliofttion of his r v. "EVoMitlvp Government rif, there is atrb parents. Thelawot the United; Suites President suspected nothing of Jhekino, ueaj & , x . . . 1 . , . .. aud he came within an ace of leing en- .geoplerja.x permit minors pver eighteen to be enlist- tbem Th(J tiinelv opinion of is tb oolu tne. tomio,- ywnmuu .irui"f "Ti5ed ana nave proviueu mai Attorney tenerai xivans av sponsible for every dfop oi Diooa sue recruit as to his age shall be conclusive w. . 1 tents. The city autnoriues oi Temwusuan, .r..r.arltff their functions. Passengers arriving irou vuw, uu. -to be neutral in politics, are imprisoned. , Col. Jimmca and uen. Aiaiorreareexpwvou at Vera Cruz with reinforcements. Office of Commissioners of Nav igation and Pilotage for Cap' Pear Biver. August 17th, 1888. Th fellowins Resolntin was VACTTtTV X ' kev. William hooper, ll. d., J. IVBERNXERE HOOPBB, THOMAS C. HOOPER, ( With competent Assistants in the several pe ; .. v! apartments.. THI5 4TH SESSIOSr COMMESCES o Monday, September Uth, law . .flraoter, The School is notsecianinitscharaci : The officers are connected with different nominations, and. the . pupils attend aJ Churc preferred ttelrparento. . The rates or itouuii,; - daC, thfou. eir evil counsel to 6agem3y beegmfhVte " "ifir whit9liliadi theSaloijtej towards those Northern, men who. are ex- ' The Financial Chronicle argUesj a blunder which might'have led to mucli trouble, .rf- nor adopted by the Board at a Meeting cpiderab acta. Tints wjr . v - , , - . wtiole bills in advance. wnlar That th tnarantine and Health riw-nioru. eontaininsr vnorepafj,,iu" AlCOUtlbVn -w -jlMm j TV Forelm. . . i.JI J JS1 4!, I PV. T.rTirlrn TTrralrt. has a lonff arUCie OD IUO 1 neeuiauuuB. . i. ' It; ,s currenuyrepuriru ... ip.wu,rv ..f:"; r s7rviCesrof Thad'deus Stevens, ises. also the Health Ordinance," adopted . . i . . . . !... i i iite ana nasi services vi iuquusw . iODO . aiau vu that the money market will be easy during circles that tne r renew juiuisier uu ic- rpjjyi tnink8 tUat many wiser and abler Jal 2nd 1867i are toereby declared to be in full i. n0.,5nr, oo,.n nf tratfp and'tbat the ceivea .nwu.wu Americans man mr, owsyeusuaye -rr .the ensuing season ot wj..!!1 S " between France and Prussia is threaten- to tbe cause of the country? but;thatthe r A' I....: tttrnn nr fmir m . ' :j 4. I.' . In kii... -ill 1Anr faol that thflV COUld rrrrKt mlna 7 same aa soon aa practicable to the Merchants r Ann. ia I - i -it -n.i v.i. M ; DOKMn. img. . i ana JrUOls, nnu oouiy su uuirroiucu viwu. It is officially announcedv that tne govern- peaotion. 'iioutefhusmess' of the iast'turee 'or four years will now;be followed- and compen- pressed serious apprehensions on the same ing. lively' movement : in almost sulject. I eated bv a j i... rm onnaa n'lin im trnnii- I f Ail'H,i'-ri viltnf that is tbut feeblv I s?t .',;tW eL.rinrterl. will cide yes ?Szoreued JW"wjbd'A4r 5"i? 4 be abDoihted Comiflander-iti-Chiet? of the -tabbed' J'Ji Brigham, late Deputy Collector at ment ofwlUerland will summarily :ichniPd Virginia, who attempted , sui- proposal of France looking to an alii reject any ance with angl8-278-St B. J. LAWTON, Clerk. ue terd ay .because the Department re- that power. poinarftift mm. is siiii iiviuir. -uo - ' , w i.;maotf olvpn timi nrl than 1 New Trb Marketa "We Offer a- V 12,000 "S? BU8HEL8 PRIME WHTE negroes in ' r f54Ha'eviSnTltntrtfi5,w9 admifaof but onaTayonal.espjanation, u tne negroes, were oaTy'tjrganizrng because they are fond . otplaytng At ldierr, they would not lurk. 1 wja'out-pf-th6-waj porters ; ahd-keep their eVr?ricti ecet:Th Vonldl parade opwly ind !n public ', - and now "hat they "f.- vYco faV'give up' their' natural love -jof show -k AjrtfttxerciseCvhexe ttjwtk no.speci "Klrr-ar VrtWIT A n(mst IR :.' i-v ' -j-. it.L- .kM' f Ann 'ha.m nf hifthrAot rrnm ear. to ear.-' . . I . . - v.-a ipin forces in luaia lor -iup uciut ,jwb, i,u uu. , . ,. . motion nrm, ous- price uuhy-j . W-vVvT iAtwi?T j ttrICSTT GftOTJND rinrJn which-deriod-thesarary will amount uv': - ZZZ. lStrTJ, "Xi: ZYZaZ XJVJ FIX)UB ; to $575,000; - --v 'uthoriled by the Leki been oflfered Jonly J25,000 on sixty days1 Mature. ' i?e has eliteadPrim W 1 &n xtrjL gCaf.nfltriiTir; head timeandthe bonds. tOve-Msnte-dated so i;i,:-:K?:ys:.;-:- H iri WVl nSuf 'aa"t6 mature prior to thePresideatiiilete VlrrinU Slwa: oW .crfbed;- bid; 47 quanertSajtbsti Tff ouBaUof the State aake O, sxes new,T2?bid. r; . place, i BergeajilGilb Baot Wis- S?'SfehJ mmmc Aug.18 BBLS. NEW, WESTER ME3 HHDS. BACON SIDE3 J i cousin, made an address; in: whicu-iie said lu, anined: "Cotton firme1ef bales at We every:posaible inducement had eeaoner- -,7;; Ton. Flour ed himby,the Radicals to Jeave the State ?&7na& bave been arrested ,for discharging siK - T ' " . f. 1VV. Mi-red Western Corn. $1 SOta Provisions renerall? steady. Lard - v - in there. He will tiow ' make the Easteru State?, and speak tor nnrl RiftipYiHesftid he hadS been : offered a tour ot muoo v. -r " "1 ' . rrrftATtrnVi ta: Rosin. 12 Seymour way to tne uapum to Trulaebiff. , the remains oi i rnau. oieveus. - '.i: : z 1 IO X 000 8ACK qrounix sAL? 5 12 0O0 I'BS'DISI':?'8' SLTJE j j . .. -P. .j. . i. mnva 0rV11 lnnw . . f Jf -1 AViVi? ivw I . Ofij NEW YORK SPIRIT BBLS. -JQ Q BBLS. SYRUP. ? --ALSO t tors but themsel ves, it ' redsonal --AAM,v--'Tnf4u.--nnVkni h. Tknlt ot the ; iresiueutiui viwyaw, uuu -, -THIRST . CLASS RfJIJNG MACIIWIB ,ly:er-rr: "jrr r, ... - - , there will be a session ot, Congress in ep. i jrt at . theMORNINa AJLtiWppgr aiid SUGAR, . COFFEE, ' " f . CRACKERS, - r, , -candy, - cs. r - . ' ' CANDLES, ' "-SOAP. Ac- AT LOW -JPB1CEW. . Vrr fMr-OXllATH. inffirmatlon. address ' ' Massas aug!8-878-2w rrruiPKB. Wilson, Choice Table-Butter. -j P FIBKIKS AN mi , 2Q BOXES EXTRA" CREAM ASP I A BOXES ENGLISH DAIRY CBBBSP 20 -rnXTRA FAMILY' PLOUR, . Barrels and nan i,vr' braD Warranted the very best 5 -vwilffD, T71RESHX1RACKIKS rr1 150 Barrels and Boxes. . , iU 'Barrels-GenulAe Brands. ' A 8S0RTED C&NPYi "Low for Cash, at - "fresh GEO. MYERS, auglS78-tf - CHAS 11 d IS Front st, . CHAS. - MYFEVt a s War safe ket. iA. of Second and Chesnut streetfj ; U oVnr-ijan have by p rov? P. "It. . r't J ifor,thiaUvitjeblit lM

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