I v . ! . ednesday Aiit 19tli, . 1868. ut I th, Carolina Farmer, i. : r CAMPBELL. rayetttevMe, J goUTHBKl.'TriKtta ville.- - -' loVE, jBVM..f.EJlJ6abethtown4 - J y jaBVIS. .,v .Wil. .A.M. It. Road. 1' (l'BrBriJmit 'Depot.' ;:KB a OSTKKN........ Svmterf & C .V , pROl J . V1 u iaJLLINS...........r.MjriIinsPep.,S.C. jordAX r TONE.;.'f.:;.V,Weldon, N. C P c WORLEY ..X2lierHwa..C. - TBO j- BROWN..-.. .Darlington, S. C. - n-K TOOLE. ... Hammond, S. C. ,so.'k. G6bDMvN...;:.r::k:tJiiaVN:c ' vlcoM C. RAT.. .... . ....Cumberland Co. " JOHN W. TABBOX., , .'....Georgetown S. C. H c. MOFFlTT.v.r..,..r .Wblteville N. C. , T s. MEMORY... .....V.. ..Columbus Co. o A. SHTWELL...lU.4Untbfordton.- ,X0. B. P ADDISON" Colvin's Cr'k, N.C. j 1. HARRINGTON ........ FlOyds ville. J. O. I j. A. BKOXSON Barnwell, S. U. c x. BROWN....'i.....DarUagton, 8.C. ; 0 k! W. HO WARp.:,,.LWWhiagt jjyyT BROTHERS - - " HDAILY ROUGH NOTES. .Goldsboro, N.C. j I jlcDOUG ALD. . . . ...Y.". .Bladen Co. j. sfcftER AUL,U:.n.if . Marlon, 8j CV XI, LITTLE,... s. i . . '2 '.' y .Bennetts vUle, S.VC. j D. ARMSTRONG,.'..w.Joyner,dJ N. C. j o. H. NUTTALL,..: ...... '.Concord, N.C. ALBERT LAWSON,........Lumberton, N. C. jOSES H. ALLEN.. ... .I.'. French's C?k,N. C G. C. MCNEILL...1. ..... .'. . . .Catawba Station. Prof.N- B. WEBSTER... I. Dttplln Co. j vs. S. EVANS. . .v. i.i .... .Stmr. A.- P. Hurt. i. v. McIVER v:.....1. iiv.i; Jonesboro', N. C. f i. 31 VG M AM. . MelxineviUe, N. C . Traveling Affent HAMILTON McMlIXAN-Pl a, Fayettevllle. ff. L. GRIER P. XKi Charldtte; j-',- JOHN G. BLAIR P. O., Chester, si C.- - " , A SUGGESTION u The attention of our pulihc speakers should be turned to the I Central and West em counties. , There are np wuite v6tes to be made iu Eastern North Carolina. The white? there are all Tight jiowy- Let our ablest men go into Randolph", Chatham, M wav Montgomery, Forsyth, Wilkes and a score of other counties, and let the peo ple har the truth. There is but one Dis union argument (?) to meet iti; those coun ties, an. 1 that is the infamous and deliber ately uttered falsehood that the election of Seymour and Blair will result in another war. Chief Justice Pearson and his associ ate Disunionists are industriously circula; ting this slander, and it ought to be refu ted. Our opponents hate no argument to urge against the Democratic candidates, and hence thej are driven to 14 all manner of uncieane8s." They have rip conscien tious scruples." .Their ; point is to carry Rorih Carolina for Grant ' and. Colfax, at ho? sacrifice- of priuciple and honor. Jonathan Worth is. the man alove all otiiers to talk i the ptople of lfie"coantre8 we have nauued. We hope he may le pre vailed on to canvass every doubtful coun ty in the Central and Western portion of the State. He has more influence with those people than any other man in the State. There are other public men who might join Gov. Worth ' in thi canvass ; and, then, there are others still who had hetter stay -away-? , , M WE 'TOLD YOU SO." We informed the Tgo6d ' people of Wil mington some time since thatEliasR. Wil son would never be Treaturer of New-Han over county that the " truly loil" had arriv.d at this determination even betore The sequel fully establiheour statements. 'Lias offered hi bond, it was rejected, and 'Lias goes- up the. spout." -r. We do not know who Wilson offered as his securities ; but his bond ,'could not have been worse than four-fitths bt the Other Radical bonds given bv the' elect ' in this State. This is very hard on the old man fully as bad as the forty-acres-and-a mute swindle on the negroes. ya. .. , , , t NOTICE TO AGENTS. All agents of Carolina Farmer are respectfully requested to send in the lists of subscribers obtained jip to the' present time. Also,' to "sen B tnei? I8 r5Pr y the gQth Septeqiber Our first number will be issued in time Jto reach jnearly all our subscribers by the first day qf October: The immediate atceutlon -cof agentSjwill greatly oblige us, THE O IT State ofVhera&ometertXeBrdy At 9 o'clock, A. M.J' " ' degrees.1 ! 88 At 3 P. M., 87 At 6 P. AL, 87 Sidewalks.- If o ur Board of Al Mermen are openlto suggestions from the Ku Klax KUn we would recommend thr adoption of an ordinance requiring every property-hoIdeE to I makjs a ' respectable sidewalk in front ol, his property;, This is the plan in most of the - large cities, and it k the onlyf &Wbiiobj& ,yr6J&iai: think: of Xf the owners of property will make nriceable sidewalks, of4 brick or stonev the city aBthntn3s "will keepi the Greets iu order, 4twW isUdjnw ort of man and beast to say nothing of the iujproveroent in appearance. 1 i We notice a large cargo of ice ha arrived tq Messrs. X E, Lippitt & . T-'The eatfier 'liem-feaY aisaW deir (col.) for driving d-,. L . 7rr, r"T?11rKMAWw reprimanded and .discurirecL The defendaut had w,vM..L. thesideW,kt,r, auu Mas uaooeu n&WM each court. At 1 au 1 enterprUimr UtlmV tiPH j)erleecenian." Guess, a few more this Wt of. r4sta. wou! ftribu;enslaer fortot Water Sfet iedVs rians l 4 7, Wni.,MeltonY(col.) , f orj crating; ! ... . ... ,.. . . . . . . .- . r .1 ' ..- u.V'f .waa amerced in toe sum of f 10V Mohn Cowan (col.), bn' guilty of blockading the aide wai kf.and, request ed to stauil aside by a man and a brother with a star on' his breastUad tised. "cuss words; for all of whfch he wks invited Id spend coupleW weeks in?the city f hotel upon a diet of breaft and water. nvJ: r Johu White, whose name; did not, but conduct '"didv belie vhis color, got "oaa bender," and wai required Ito .unbend to a CAivui vsi t7, ; v 1 . Wnu 8tanleyiLavig ; beenf tnsportecV by liquor, was transported to tne lock-up by one oi the city guardians and required to; pay $5. Ajr uight'a lodging, i which is considerably y more than he - would have been charged at the PurceU House. Wil liam thinks he will go and do otherwise n,et time. ; , Win. Wilev hacj insul teethe dlgnily of one of our new "perleese" by questioning his'authhrity antl denying his ability ?to arrest him, which little piece of fun, as sisted him to the privilege- of either de positing $5, or taking; bwarff ! at expense of the city for 10 days, - Maria Davis, (cojjjwas found asleep in the Market House, and sent to. the Poor House. " - , i George West, colored," was accused1 by his wife of havings yjoLatedj, his - married vow to cherish her until - lifeV end, he having manifested a desire to end her life somewhat in advance of i's natarai' termi nation. Afr. West sfcited. her only desire was to get a di vorcement, and as George had repented and apologised for his harsh treatment of her she hoped His Honor would not punish him severely. Thi3 be ing taken into consideration, a fine of $10 and ten days imprisonment was imposed, the lat er b; ing afterwards remitted by request of his .wife, r George Davis and George Hill, two small sized freed men had been stealing watermelons, and. will be allowed time for repentance ia the cells, whero they can be found at any time during the next six days. - . ... , - . : Horace Murray was fined , $5 for being drunk. , . : ... ... .. .., , ,: Hike Lavaile, who has been keeping a nuisance shop in the vicinity of Fourth between Ann and Nunii :Sts., was up for iepig xlUwderly - boaee -mBA aeiling liqiKVT without license. Fined $20. . ., ; Ezekiel Boston, Otored,' was fined $5 for creating a disturbance. ; Chas. A. Finch, police officer was up for neglect of duty. Repnmancled'arid ex cused. "'' A Littlb More Cider. r-Our thanks, we speak for the whole office, are due Mr. Dick Burnett for an acceptable present in the shape of a demijohn of ex cellent cider. In fact, so good Was it, that our Senior, not being accustomed to ar duous' spirits, labored under the impres sion that it was wine, until undeceived by Ye Local, who had. seen and tasted the 'darned thing"' before. As we . con- c'ude this articleV our devil " is sing- ing, in dulcet tone9, sweet." ' a more cider. TheiUttlesteamer of Capt. Paddison's, the'Mir 'EUdrior, "which jpar ri'ed a. party of gentlemen from here yes terday .to Point. Caswefl to attend the grand barbecue,' which comes off to-day, was gaily and handsomely, dressed Out for tUe occasion with Seymourand Blair flags, banners, &c. c She also i carried i up a ful 1 band of music,- - CoH WaddelL is ;to - be ne of the, speakers, to-day, r we are in formed, v- ' ' The Coiirity'Cdrnmissioiiers have held meetings for the past .two' days, but have transacted. nothing except quali fying Mr H. L3ishop, asl Inspector of tiuibef, ldnilri &c." iThe bond is 3,000, and. is signed as sureties by.,Wmi Lark ins and Tbos.!'H. Jfohtison.s We believe the "Board get paid $2' per day fof 'each -day that they meet, which may account proba bly for their, holding such , frequent ses- 1 fiionsv What's the use of having an-office if you don't make it pay J3r , , A ,. , We are pleased to announce to the many friends wbo-hava been-so anx iously inqniring the whereaboulal Crab Eater' the long-hairedQaiiSlture of a, niani that we found him ljleis dis pensing hiss drugs janoV. nostrums to the J?eedy. oat oftcbfrjty- a., small H 4 IF ' considemtipp.,:;,, pwapiireetj turned from Raleisihwoaldiit nbtbe TTTJ well for our people to holds, meeting to enors gest to the ExeviUiF Comtoittee of the Democratie Club; that they make some arrangements to;thi8-ewtv;;:;t"f. . 4 i:; hl: hnnii drawn udou the wavs bwu iwi kwhp. - f ' . .. ,7V ' h ico, inraisn a J up yesterday f arid ' .w, ' iTi' ' . rv fkfll&f Ik UltVail Aitnnn NiMi didder in r' r!hA?l A "Av llAx : . M: .Tuw'",Bl8 1U ur,eiiy, tuere will .ie a UIJ LUC lIlltLltlClI 171 vft T Uii ifotri I It? a w UVTll UIO erable nuisance, does it follow.that au in- crease in the size of the buiTding will pro- duewethirikthe new men deserve praise for their energydAhi f cenders; auce a corresponding increase of the nui'jjK . .' Tr .L K ineivDH$ii the meeting.,. After some litflehesitat on tsance f If so, we .regret to see the shop on - 4., .u... kuo vuruer woeventn tanri - fAntv t.air, enlarged. One of the new policemen, injthe zealous discharge of his dutv, walk ed aronnd a block in our city thirty nine nmes in xne course or six hours. If he had nteenreivf di 3?r thought ; he? would have kept tpjuntil : now. X. 'Mj Th&? rftioarf ; ??and -Blair Colored Democratic Club is steadily ,1 creasing Jts Hnurnbprs. Thtf.o'rei are rapidly opening their eyes v the in iquities which have5 been - practised upon them. , . f Brunswick , News Appointed. Sam Swain, is Sheriff of Brunswick coun ty, in place of Britt, wno was electedBat whose lond wasiidt satisfactorv. to'the Ctmnty Commissioners, although signed, by Maj. J. C. Manft; SneYiffSchenck, the Jailor, and somebody else of this stripe. J. P. Alexander (c. b.) from Massachus setts,' has-: Tceivejdithe appointment of Mayor, with the following town Commis- sioners : ! . f . Charles' Hudgins, Ja.F H. Dos ier, John T. Leonard, John L. Wescottnd "Capt." John, McDonald, (col.) JlcDonahl is said, by our informant to be the best of the lot. There is some probability that Wescott will refuse' We' a ppoi n t men t. ' Inqukst Ai) inquest was held yesterday over the body ot Mr; Jno. Bre mer, wh6died early in the morning very suddenly, and byj request of the jury a pout mortem examination was made, which elic ited the fact that deceased had died from the effects Of heart disease. A verdict in accordance rendered. with the circumstances was " . .. JTe-w, AdverOsements. 4 E. Remington & Son Pistolics.of the Jiijchst killing description.! 6 EC RBT ARTlMMORANiv HdME9TfiA.D AsSO? CiATiON-See wnat koisays ., . . RuDOLFa-EiBK-NoUce.tp pemherftHow rd Relief Fi(empny. . Rudolph Etdbn To members No. 1 Hook and Ladder CoT r. A. J. Yopp Cape Fear Lodge No. -2. I. O; O. F. ! Gbo. R. French & Son Boots and Shoes at Lowest Prices, j LiHi of Letters Remaining iu"$e, Pyst-oilice, Wilmingtoa, un claimed, August 18,1863." A. --Saruh Adams, Beck Allen,' Edmoad At kinson. ! B. -Ch'as'E Baker, Ballard & Huntington, Mary E Boll, E Bevan, Jerry BlacKmau, Peter Bluuie, L Boudindt, Mabley Brdcey, PhilUp Bradley, C F Brook;. B F Bryan, James Buc-k-liannau, Joel W Burkbardt, Marianua Burr. C. Dr Canady, Z TJampbell, Ai tbur Camp Oell, Sarah ColinsA-R Cook, Eliza Cbaduion. Geo Chavers, Lucy Clark, M Currack. D. Jas Davis a, Miss E M Davis; P W Da visSopbir Deldeld; 2, Damont & Co, Q Dove, Louisa, Drake. L. . E' M'ustesEovley Jos Rj"Eariey aSC'W; B EdiTiondson, Geo Everttt. ' " ' H ' 6 u G. Arthur Gough, A L Green, Henry Green F Green. f .i c '- o H. - Maty AH 'II. H ,B Hammond, Harriet Hargrave,: Jt liafhaway,1 Henrp and How land, James Hewett-i John Uorton, liiyt Bio -(hers. ' J.W Sohnson, I Johnson, Charles JoueB, Emanuel Jones. K. Johu Keitbly, S Kelly. - . L. Jeffrey La tube, J W.Lamb, Samuel Lar-, rinton, RachtH Lark,-J Latta, Jos Lewis, V'G LocTc; Eiiza Lbftin.! c ' ' M. L Madison, R Malcombc, Nancy Martin,' Berline MAyden, O A Martin; CMiviarMerarity, Heqry Middleton, John Moore, Sol Muldrow John McDoufjald, V McGarityi Jahey MeGarU ty, John McMUIauj Win McCray, Nelson Mc Coy, D Mott, M MIMeTiinis. N. Alice Nelson, Thos F Nixon 2. Guy Nix on, Lo"tie Nixon. ! -R. Jas U Reed, G W Roberson, J H Rhodes 2, A T Robertson .i - j.. S. O R Scott, Li Sellers, Emerline Shaffer', d M Simpson, Daniel Skipper, Exeikel Smith; L Smith, Stephen Smith, Ed Spann, Eiick Sler vens, A Staton, John Spateg, John Smith. ; T. C W Thayerj Martha W Toney, .. . :...V.-tB M -VjsrrtOnTlfi'f , ; l V: 'Vii:'' W. Tilldy Weot, Henrv West, Huldy Wil liams, John Wiitiams, Judith Willikms, Lem-r on WiniauisrMaryj -Wilson, Simon Williams. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say " AdvertisecL"' j' ."fExfiiEi.&mitVlsP. MP tronloetglliniiton, CrAugust 1& f ''' gatur;lugTt li5,"1868. 4 15 t e ,fon; U 49 TAB t- hStEEFS IS DEAlThla It awcSnsoaClridrrlh mer Frevt wh& isaid to beanidaiiy com.4 unicatt6nitia4iis1 W wvrtaYhatnidnni f entrance tow -,.TjiHHVfir v " '"T, tilinh articled 'OfrimTOatsunieni attsM. f : - -- "" " ...v --vT S :.fr . ? WM. H. JBLKN AR P'S ', I '. . aUg9-271-tf.- . . i'i' it : n..i.ji.ieri;.anYrtn'i:'A.Pil t. ; apM67-tr y Pi' v.i. KiMs . "-v-f Wl uie Wi, tiie Chairman ot the Board of Commissioners for Cum- berand, who presided Over their last mecN 1 - ? . ' a y " ' - 1 . Si - I "'S lQ - .7 , aigumea .manner, with his head erect and hi ears backed, we will give our readers & synopsis of their pro ceedings. ; We- f egret Hhki the request did not Vechsus la time toreport-fprthe meet- The Board was" called to order hy the 'l..i45. , ' S "' "" rwouKiiBio Know ?caret-lag Frey,; the Clerk; was there, an: !he supposed tliat was all that was necessa- 'ry. But the Chairman said no j there-was 1 something else required ; he was looking tf see if the reporter for ; the TA'wasfi : present ; ana 11 he was-, tuey wouta go on wth, their business. ; : ; ' ! lit seems that at a previous meeting an article which appeared in the Star, on fed nlay, the 9tb inst., had been read and spread upon the minutes,' and on reading ... . - - . . - - . them on Thursday last; ; oneit the mem lers i hiqvM Tha'tW attiie' referred to be exphftged from their proceedings, which Was carried ; but, carpetlmg FreyS yan keeingenuity came'to the assistance of the Chairman in his hour of extremity and they got the report in again in this way s "The following report ot ; 'proceedings as published in the Stab (here comes in the report) was ordered to be expunged from the Minutes.'1 The Chairman stated that the said ar tide had caused him to spend $2.50; that in order to keep up with their proceedings he, had been -obliged to subscribe to the Star for six months. (You only, invested $1.50, Mr. Cheerman.) After some time had elapsed and no bus iness had been brought before the meet ing, one ot the Democratic members asked what they, had been called,, together for,? if there were any bonds to be acted upon ? The Chairman said no; there was uo bond to be acted upon, but there was a Magis trate ( to qualify. Whereupon A. G. Thorn tou came, forward and qualified as one of Ilolden's magistrates what can read. The Democratic member than statetl that he was opposed to the Board's being called toget her every other day unless something of imt' rtance was to be acted upon when the Chairman gently remindetl him that the wages had been raised to $3 per day. and it was now a paying business; butt tiie member insisted that he would rath er remain ; at home on his farm than be running the county into heavy expenses itor nothinjJt..; itwill thus be sen to qual- i fy a magistrate costs the county ' eighteen dollar, besides mileage, which will amount to considerable when the list is gone through with,, taking them one at a time. The meeting was then adjourned, sub ject to the call of the Chairman, who stated that he would convene the Board on Sat urdjry, ther16th int,, at 10 A. M., provided tiie, reporter for the Star would be pres nt at hat time.. Never . mind, Jersey, lou't you distress yourself about us we'll .always manage to be near enough to know what, is going on, and we dont blame you for calling the Board together every other day until you i getenoughxftin,d;u hand to satisfy the little execution that is hanging over yourhead at the present time. Don't get niad'With us now, and faitt have our r -port read at. your next meeting, for if our report is adopted, We expect to sein d in our bilflor seryievs renk-red. - ' -.v, : ; . J . Qukky. If it costs the County of Cumberland twenty, dollars to qualify a Magistrate what can read, how much will it cost to qualify one what can't read? The Chairman of the' Board of Commis sioners will please answer. J -"Mr. W&rren Carver, one of the County, Commissioners recently con verted 'to Democratic faith, -has gone to work like a Trojan and promises to carry bis district by 150 majority for; Seymour ..!.: : ":ft "-"::.. -v .".'. si.-. ! Hnd Blair. . ; DIED. Intbiseity. ton Tuesday, the lsthinst., Ma. JOH N BREMER j aged 33 years, 10 Months 1 and 28 days. He jeaves a widow ahdVtwo children to mourn tWeir nntimely loss. -His death was sudden and unexpected, aod will be grievous ly felt by his be: eaved family and many rela tives and friendw r , . tr r - j , The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock this jnbrningi ! at his late residence on Third, be tween Church aud Castle Sireets? thence to Oakdale Cemete y. r The friends of the fami y are respectfully tavfted to attend. ; ' ' ; IS HIBTBY GI?ES TO ALL M Em bers belonging to the-HOWARD KELEF FIRE ENGINE COMPANY,No. L tA meet at their Engine Honse onWednesdar, the 10th inst. at 5 oksloek P. M., for regular, monthly naraaeana Tnatoi engine. ii. fln for, non-attendanee wlll he rigicUy enforced. By order of the Foreman.j r j ang gst?agtI- ' -' -J :secrtary HI ' f 90 BAL1ES CJOOD WAT, ifJPor 1LLARD BRSiJ E TlJ'I 3Ki& vJfifft1 Sorth rWatertSl BERNARD. Affout, New Yotk .'and Uortk. Oaxolina : STEAMSHIP LINE. thr-itke FASt sailing steamship. " 'a - i vspwinruwjsLii, WILL AKRIVE TUESDAY, AUG. TT isl and leave our wharf between Dock and ' Orange ' streets,' for the : above Tort. on THrjRSpAY", iAosust, auth. T t This Line will comprise the following FAIRBANKS: ,f wu p m.Ynv . . .uaft. A. Honmx.. Wm. Poweijl. J REBCCE A CLY DE . . . . " O. Chichkstsk. J ohu MooaSL 5 MART SANFORD. .... TVith sneh addttloaal Menmers M naajr I be Required to meet the Te or tne Trade. Sailing from Jf EWrYORR every "if '- WEDNESDAY AND "SATUPJkY At 4 P MM from Pier 15 E. K. foot of Wall 8t. Tne attention of SHIPPERS ? Is called to the LOW BATES and GREAT FACILITIES offer ed by tbia Lane. , s ; l , . "MI Xkws Prdfiiplly Paid, r THItOTJOn BILLS OF LADING riven to FAYETTEYILLEN; and all points on the Wilmington, cinanotte ana u. K. itoaa, wxi nifiigton & Weldon R. Road, Wilmington And Manchester R. Road, and their Connections. ror irreignt engagements, apply to WOBTU & DAJNLEJ Agent in If ew York, - , Agent. 104 Wall, Corner of South Street. ''ngjm:r;v-. ?jtvt; t New xYevkvu to any person who will furnish ns with the name of any House or Honsoe who can sell j CLbTHiisrq- As WELL MADE at as LOW. PRICES are now being sold by the undersigned : r Coats. . ...... .. . . . .at'$I 00 Pants.... ...!.... I o Testa.... II'dltTs. Socks... .......ar .ai 80 1 IO 15 10 it Faper Collars, pe box ...at Linen t piece. And every thing else in pvoportien. . BOYS' r CLOTHING, In abundance, .at LOW PRICES. wcaifc suits " Hade to order . . ... AJfl WAKBAJfTED TO FIT) ... . . . -IN A HAAS & CO . Clarendon. Clothing House. augl8-273-tf Coffee Crackers-Rice. BAGS TEIME " BAGS GOOI and OEDINART Do. JQ BAGS LAGrTJATBA COFFEE 54 ;. JQ MATS JAVA COFFEE ; OA Bbls. and -to Boxes LEMON CRACK- ERSr Of Bbls. and SO Boxes SUGAR CRACK- JEBSi gQ Bbls. and SO Boxes SODA CRACKERS Jg; Bbls. GINGER 'CAKES 1 t Boxes GINGER;SCII9 APPS ; .: . . Tiei-ces PRIME 8. Q. RICE A ff Boxes and! i Boxes ADAMANTINE ttUV CANDLES CJQ Boxes PALATINE CANDLES f Boxes TALLOW CANDLES j Jnst? received, and wliich, we offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. . v ADRIAN & : Corner, Front and Dock Street, WILMINGTON-N. C. augl6-271-tf LOOK AT THIS I DAL BB AIDS Former Price $4 OO Now Selling at $3 OO Wormsly at 9S 50 Jf ow2 50. Cantons at 1 ew $1 25, ' aTuII Stock Of BOY'8, STRAW 'HATS, In tike proportion. My Summer Gogds must be sold. ANDEUS05S Hat St re, augll-72-tf No. 0 North FronrsU 1 COTTON TIES. JjN STOB AAD FOB SALE, AT THE owest market price 40 Tons Beard's Celebrated PATENT LOCK B' troKiiiE 'T fare i- These .Ties- bare JTeesobyua for the last two sea tons, and havte iscettd aanparlor En dorsement br Ptantsrs to any er used. ; ' ' ,L S MURRAT CiOt AEBIKGT0N, OFFICE J$ rClTJ '1HQTEL,ZD'FWQB ont JlajotXStxae 1 auk DBobkeu OF BECORD BOOKS, up at snort -notice anu on- tiiauro wib, jowvuva hw . . ; . - - a . . . . - . . :; . . . . . , . . . i . r . . . . - . DRY GOODSr &CL -AT TUEr I ) II I I I! I l " Wilnuonllcgulotd ; A FEW coss CT Tirosn - 'Honant!c:z2anr I, M I ; Iieno 4)rcs3 -Oooda, TO Ji;p21.2c GIT 'C:; CI 121.2c. 15c sf; T 7; I" i :rmwx'xP i BroTra and BleafcliVd - , - t ' ; - i fc C; ti-iidrSheiin 7 thePopvlaITctov est Cash PrioeC AH Summer; Coois Will be Closed Oat et .- ' .'.jiS. -"j" '.Vi;:-f.-.':..'..yi-r'; i.JJf ''-:- 1 ' : ..V r ,..r- .. . , v 1 Greatly Reduced Priced' To make room for ! , PALL AIIDi WINTER? . - -.w .-. j. ,! .' ..it t...V ',. ..t,,, 3 TO 0 U A- AT YOUR OWIT PRICC, (PijdrrWed it be Prime Cost.) IU S; WALDROrtf yVt Ho. 4 Sonth Front a; .a .';...'., tfext to hechwnge Comet1 i 1 t, ' r i 23Market Street WI HATE OFE3Et OTJB STOCK with a ftdler Xfne e Steyto sma fta cy DRY GOODS; eentlirtinff Sf snk8?v;. -:x:x;u. X Grnftr??n: 1 f.--. Mozambianw. t-.v 41 lAWEJ, Bareges, - Tanaartineft. ' IMI WHITE GOOfiS Jaconets, Swisses Cheeks, Mans, Nsnsoeas, Brilliants, Marseilles, Bleashed and Bxowa Shirtuffs. i J; ... : ' E3IBROIDERIE3, ; Edgmflra, rihwrtmfcsC, .v " " SIIiK BIANTIiEfJ Lace. Grenadine, caaaimnr anil Bsreirs f .il'.'.i ' . AUAWL. Diaper, Tcelte Setin,uttcTria nintsGloVesiMitts,Hosiery wt- Readjr-made CIotbilif arul Tiiel ''XX' :j?;king; - OTJB STOCK has been purchased rTCttS THE LATE ADVANCE, and tberefdrs Mes ns TO 8 ELL blew present prices. . Lis amine onr Styles and qualities andyoarU feel it to year interest to-bay. ? !( 5 1, i bW : iaberal ; ffertsA - to,t7X:cli2d. -I- ' jr.. .' . ... vi i-'i.V? r,ULLinERYs0REr; t r. -ST -.. -f Apru 20, a rau iimkw uun aryiei fiats,-' -' '' :"r Sifts. ' " J- -vi'i ? banns . v.-' . . : i lapC3j j. , j ; ' OrrinrztX 'OoTlenaf eT?srtrsc n(i( "ItrV ter Goods stTowex priiP tlsa jtzj- Lcci add of JCew ToUc. v . . j; ,; ; ;?ii.-'; r': 4 - TOST CTSTC3.- 1 i a v . Ar- -t 1 ' S TXSF1XD f - t A . TEX3fCi 8ATTSF1XD) f JO'to fraudulently iiuitist. chants, Ac., hava heea na t L t hereby grlS notice, that malls will be deit ed at this offioe onlr to netsons addressed, upon their written order, and to persons; known at this offlea to be fully anihprized to, Shirtings : -i"? . . . V , .1 . - SPRING i , SUMMER ' ."5'' " V ' - - Jm. -i', V .....il..ia., v- U " 'W' W tiAAal va r tn ail'"..' ..St V .1.' ' 4 r---... im