THE MORNING STAR. VOL. III—NO. 5. WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAYS SEPTEMBER 27. 1868. WHOLE NO. 317. MORNING STAR. HOTELS. SPECI AL N(JUICES. MORNING STAR. By W^I. II. BERXARD, Office, No. 3 South Water St. Notice. r Taxes to the PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, N. C., By WM. II. BERNARD. for Six Months, or ^1 25 for Three Months. Months. One Square one day, Coach, Corriag vertised arid sold to pay the AI ISCELLANEOUS. sep20-307-2w] S. WOOLFORD, 0^5= W. as. Lippitt, Rru^ii LH—S ist. Always on hand a loot supply of PURE MEDICINE RACEWAY DIRECTORY. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER H. President— William B. Giles. Directors—Jolin Dawson, Henry Nut Parsley, A. 3. DoRosset, D. S. Cowan, W. McCall, W. E. Mills, James G. Bur Secretary and. Treasurer—W in. General Freight Agent—John I. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE & RUTHER- I Erector s- A. II. VanBokkelen, J. Hen- Superintendent -W. I. Everett. Master of Transportation—W. II. Alien. Secretary and Treasurer—1. T. Alderman. Master Mechanic—W. Gill. Freight Agent—W. R. French. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. Jlirectors on the. port of the Stockholders—W Chief Engineer and General Superintendent— Mu-iter of Mach' nerii- KATL RO AD LIN IRS. GENERAL SUP’TS OFFICE. Wilmington & Manchester E. E Company. O N A ND ASETTER MA Y 1012 GER TRAINS of this Road the following Schedule : EXPRESS TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. ’ilmington daily (Sun. ex.)at 7:30 P Aon, and at Kingsville with the South. Passengers for Columbia should take the Accommodation Train. maylO-194-tf] Gen’l Sup’t. W^Rmagton At Wel. 32. It. Co. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N ANSI AFTER MAY 101k T M®®A®AM^ ’ Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Druggists Everywhere, j uly21-251-ly POST OFFICE. STUFFS, PERFUME RY CHEMI- , SOAPS, W Prescriptions accurately and neatly compounded. N. E. Corner Front and Market Sts. P. S—Store open from. 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. cond Street, between Dock and Orange. II. E. BENTON . .Lumberton. . .Clinton. . .Wilson. ...Shoe Heel. .Timmonsville JORDAN STOXE B' ed at this office on! upon their wrirten to be fully authorized to A. D. BROWN. Xo. 6 Sonih Front Street. AV OPEN AT F A Y I* $ T © C K Consisting of the latest styles of MILLINERY, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, Selecting these goods in person, the Public may rely on their style and quality. My stock this season will be Un usually Farge A' Attractive, Prompt notice of the arrival of my Goods will be given in a subsequent advertisement. sepl7-304-tc A. D. BROWN, No. 6 South Front St. A CARB, AYING CONCLUDED* TO €«NTIN Molasses, Flour, Provis ions, Sundries. 5 Hhds. PORTO RICO SYRUP ; 100 Bbls, choice SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP : 100 Bbls. “ REINDEER ” FAMILY' FLOUR; 250 Bbls. FAMILY' FLOUR—choice brands. 200 Bbls. SUPER. FLOUR; 10 Tierces and 120 Tubs LARD—Extra, 45 Bbls. Standard A and C SUGARS ; 100 Boxes STARCH; 100 Bags prime RIO COFFEE ; 20 Firkins Choice TABLE BUTTER; ’ McARTHUn . Egypt. N. Gulf, N. C. .Asheboro’, AN ACT To provide for the Regfisiration of Voters. The General Assembly of North Carolina do en act : SEC. 1. That the Commissioners of counties 1 shall have power (a majority of such Commis sioners who are duly qualified being present), 1 to establish, alter, discontinue, or create such I separate places of elections in their respective Nat- 25 Cases CONDENSED MILK, ‘Eagle Brand,’ the very best brand In market; 35 Bbls. WHISKEYS, GINS, BRANDIES, RUMS of different Grades ; 35 Boxes LAYER RAISINS ; 50 Boxes Choice CREAM CHEESE ; 10 Cases BRANDY" PEACHES ; 10 Cases SWEET OIL—Pints ; 200 Gross MATCHES, paper' and wood boxes Received per It. Road this Ray : 15 Hhds. and 5. Casks BACON SIDES and 50 Bbls, and 50 Bxs. CRACKERS—Assorted. We keep the largest and best assorted stock ine and price our goods ADRIAX & VOMERS, Corner Front and Dock Streets, arn- C. H aving conciaupee* to contia-i ue R'-”’. J?Bf MWJViH^’tVi'C (MGuNfi VlRo'tif oul. U^K & BEGS. PIECE GOODS 'Merchant Tailoring intention ' o make IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC! ! remix i" in.iixv - ^ - . to a full suit, at the shortest, notice, in au'U- tion to our Merchant Tailoring Department, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which will embrace all the latest styles, and the very best quality. Our Ready-Made De- MEN’S BLACK GOODS, AV E ISAVE JUST COMPEETER OVS ite the Public to a close inspection of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, Ail of Ine very latest style and finish, as man- ’Leave Weldon at 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 5:15 A. M. and 3:cu wY Th'e day train will not run on Sundays. The dav train connects with the Annamessic and Bay lines. All are quick to the North. S. L. FREMONT, A LASGE STOCK OF FELT AND WOOL HATS AX© CAPS. Wilmington, May 1.0th, 1868. [191-tf ^sslm HR'?oil.. Charlotte aud RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD. z^i^w ■ w' W ro^T on this and Hill M. Boys Clothing, DR Y [ND FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND BLANKETS, We hive no hesitation in saying, is the larg est, bat selected, and most'complete in the State. Werould also particularly call the atten ¬ BOOTS AX© SHOES, CITY REULS CASH on the 1st of every month, or 60 days with 5-100 added. MAAS ^ CO., Clarendon Clothing House. sep22-308-tf ight. Leave Wadesboro’ (Stage), on Tues- ;iy, Thursday aw] Sat urday at 2 P. M. Reave Rockingham ((Stage), on Monday, 'ednesday and Erie-av, at 4:30 A. M. Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wcdnes- North Carolina. Life Assurance, Annuity and Trust Company. RALEIGH, N. LADIB’ CALF, MOROCCO, GOAT and LEA- 0 ?HER, SEWED and PEGGED SHOES, .nd CLOTH G ALTERS. MISSR, CHILDREN’S, Yol save 1 and a J Su mini Zea or V They ctherJ expedient, giving thirty days notice thereof, by advertisement in some public journal, if there be one in their county, in three public places and at the Court House in their county. SEC. 2. The Seerctaay of State shall, prior to the 10th day of September next, provide for and forward to the Commissioners of counties, suitable registration books for each election precinct as” established for the last previous election, and a suitable number of the blank tion 4, of the Constitution. Sue. 3. In case the Commissioners of coun ties shall not receive, on or before the first (lay of October next, a sufficient number of regis tration books and blank forms of oaths, as pre scribed above, they shall provide themselves with the same at the expense of the State. SEC. 4. The Commissioners of counties, or, in case no Commissioners shall have qualified. of October next, select one Justice of the Peace for each election precinct in their counties,, whoshail act as Registrar of voters for such precinct, lie shall be furnished with a regis tration book and blank form of oath, and shall at times, from the fifteenth day of October next until the day ofthe next Presidential election, by the Registrar, shall have all the legal force and effect of the original registration book. SEC. 2. That the County Commissioners, or, in case no Commissioner shall have qualified, Die Governor shall,- on or before the 20th of October next, appoint six collectors at each precinct who shall, with the Registrar, be I judges of election at the next ensuing Presi dential election; and the said six electors shall take the place of the electors provided for in the fifth section of the said act and shall per" form all the duties which have been conferrod upon them. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the judges provided for in the preceding section to pro vide at least three separate ballot boxes on the day of the election at their precincts for the convenience of voters, and as many more boxes as they may think necessary. Two judges shall preside at each of the three ballot-boxes, and if a majority of the judges think more boxes necessary, they shall appoint two additional judges for each additional box. The Registrar shall assist at all the boxes. SEC. 4. The Registrar of voters shall furnish the original registration book and the two copies hereinafter provided for, to the judges of the election in the precinct for which be is appointed; he shall furnish one copy to the judges of each of the three boxes, ami if there be more boxes, he shall furnish one additional copy for each additional box. SEC. 5. The Registrar shall receive one cent for each name copied from the original regis tration book. —- SEC. 6. Any person who shall, with intent to commit a fraud, vote more than one time, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on con viction, shall be imprisoned not less than six nur more than twelve months, or fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hun dred dollars, at the discretion of the Court ; and any registrar of voters or any clerk or copyist who shall make any entry or copy with intent to commit a fraud shall be liable to the same penalty. SEC. 7. No registered voter shall be chal lenged on the day of election, but those offer ing to register on the day of election may be challenged, and every person applying for re gistration before the i election may be chal lenged at that time in like manner. Sec. 8. All acts inconsistent with the pro visions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 9. The Secretary of State shall furnish a copy of this act to the Commissioners of each county. SEC. 10. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Ratified the 24th clav of August. A. D., 1808. (Signed.) JOS. W. HOLDEN, Speaker of House of Representatives. (Signed,) TOD. R. CALbWELL, President of the Senate. State of North Carolina, 1 Office Secretary of State,- >- Raleigh, Aug. 18, 18(58. ) I Henry J. Henninger, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is‘a true copy of the original act on tile in this office. H. J. HENNINGER, Secretary of State. MISCELLANEOUS. may offer, administering the oath provided by the fourth section of the sixth article of the Constitution, to which oath he shall require ing bis name in the registration book. He registered, to be paid out of the county treas- SEC. 5. The County Commissioners, or, in Ise. no Commissioners shall have qualified for October next, tions for every ensuing State, county and mu nicipal election. The judges of election shall attend at the places for which they are sever ally appointed, on the day of election, and shall be sworn by the Sheriff, or, in bis absence, by some Justice of the Peace or other officer au thorized to administer an oath, to conduct the the Constitution and laws ofthe State ; and in default of acting, shall be guilty of a misde meanor. Such judges, in addition to the pow ers conferred upon them by this act, shall have all the powers and duties heretofore vested in with, and be subject to the same penalties. months next preceding the election, and thir- shall be entitled to registration upon applica- lowed to vote at any election unless his name shall be found upon the registration books of the precinct in which he offers to vote, unless he shall take and subscribe the following oath: that I will support and maintain the Constitu- Constitution and laws of North Carolina not ring this election in any other pre- Such person having taken this oath See. 8. It shall be the duty of the judges of their precinct at the place of holding the elec tion (luring the day of such election, and to last section, before receiving the vote of any STEAMSHIP LINES. New York and North Carolina STEAMSHIP LINE. THE FINE FAST SAILING STEAMSHIP MABY SANFORD, W ILL ARRIVE SA'il URDAY. SEPT. 20. and leave our wharf between Dock and Orange streets, for the above port, on MONDAY’, September 28th. Tils Tune will comprise the following Stunners : FAIRBANKS Capt. A. IIunter. WX. P. CLYDE “ WM. Powell. RE3CCEA CLYDE.... “ O. Chichester. MARY SANFORD “ John Moore. With such additional Steamers as may fee Required to meet the Demands of the Trade. Sailing from NEW YORK every WEDNESDAY AND SA TURD A Y, At IP M., from Pier 15 E. R. foot of Wall St. The attention of SHIPPERS is called to the LOW RATES and GREAT FACILITIES offer ed by this Line. AI! Bosses Promptly Paid. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., and all points on the Wilmington, Charlotte and R. R. Road, Wil mington A Weldon R. Road, Wilmington and Ma ichester R. Road, and their Connections. Fir Freight engagements, applv to WORTH & DANIEL, Agents. Agent in New York, JAMES II^ND, 104 Wall, Corner of South Street. . sept25-315-tf New York. FIRST WST OF THE DRY GOODS CAMPAIGN AARON & RHEIN8TEIN. B EG LEAVE TO INFORM THE PER. lie that they offer the HANDSOMEST STOCK of IV n^ i gBBaiBdDo**^^^^^^^ FOR SALE OR RENT. Real Estate Notice. A T THE REQUEST OF WAXY PAR* .xY ties who have been' unable to prepare de- serf pt fobs of their Land's. I shall postpone is suing inv CATALOGUE OF LANDS FOR SALE till Aug.’. Send in description and price of Lands.” No charge unless a sale is ef fect el. GEO. FRENCH, Real Estate Agent, juiy3-2l0-tf] 10 South Front St. —MISCELLANEOUS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ^TE AKE RENEWING DAILY, AND will open in a few days,- a large, well selected and very complete Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Such as— DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, SHOES, &c., &O. 1 4* rue lowest, Market Prices. IL M. KATZ & CO., 28 Market St, ap!9-l 76-tf JUST ARRIVED —-AND FOR SALE BY W. IO J. C. STEVENSON, 800 LBS. N, CL KAMS— PRIME ORDER, X. Y. CITY CURED MAMS, CANVASSED AND UNCANVASSED, Hourly expected per Steamer “ jairbanks,” FOR SALE VERY LOW. —A LSO risk JPota£^^^|

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