PUBLISHED DAILYi x rawer. One year, in advanee..v.vr.. ........... f7 te Mix lxmlhi. la mItum I M fine inontii, l2 avanceT.."... 74 f TbeMtolrraiaTA? wtttlle1fvered in any pert of the City at Firman Cirri per week. JtsesfcMrwGen. O. Ball. . ' AHrufcw John Dawsoa.Heary Nutt, O. G, Parsley, A. J. DeBoseet, D. S. Cowaj, Geo. J. W MeCnU, J. Is BajrlieaWaaaa esaVBoaajdUiwi. iiiVixA AMraryaiMl TVwwMrwwWm. A. Walker. (JnrafrriffiU a XleM Ayei Jpo. B. I Attn. rw -4ri, IFiImm0m-T. B. Llppitt. WILMINGTON, CHABLOTTE BUTHER- Dirsatsrs 8. J.Person, A. J no. A. McDowell Robert B. 11, Ttiiieii, Steele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel IL Walkup, E. Nye Hutchison, Haywood W. Union, C C Hea- IIRTIOn, A. W. JiDgan, A. mjj . AtortaMiOT'.-W. I. Everett. .. Mammnnf XYtmvrtaUtm W. H-iAUan. i ' Afcwratary and lVvrr I, T. AMcrumn. JWoater AVseAoai W.1 Ulll. l AVsipM Agent W. B. French. WILMINGTON WKMJO.M HAIL, ROAI. A. WrlrtotA U. !, JUl'Marlray, Airre t Martin, A: H. Vehllokklwf. rlarrla, nf Wilminirtoa, and Jotah Bvvrott, of UolUIim'i ' IMrton n IK jwimm &uU Va war4 KM ler. of WtUalMMa,IUU jM4ii XwrfUet, of Tarnoro'. aul TltoaaiM ! Ilunr. of Uatoiwh, N.C. " Chit SHiftmer ftul hlmarl dnftmcitUntU . 4. 1.. rreinMt. ' .lVfjfcrr yynipr(i'a iVv Kiultb. , .Sferatory mrl TVwuniww J. W .'TaMUMOU. ' MnM.rr t MnctUier if'H. M. Ilakliii. IT orriCK MBECTMT. - If otttter it throngh i war mat) fcofAV MlDwUy, Nortbern throog-k taair f P. ' 9oatMrnlalUs...w,VI i c Oayw, WedaeiMftfyr aad VrWTa.K:7la 1 . rayetteTUleiiWawaw,...MfWMA.M,paVT, except 8unday. .M , . . SujithTllle 4a htee-BW..w....H. r XOrtbern Throogli Mali 'B:a A.'ili'b'allk' Vortheni Tkroogh and Way kaiL 7du1r. ll. I I P. W. Three tlmea ' a ' ' rayetterllie, S: 1. Mn dally, except Mrtndiy( , MmimrUle, too r. M. Three tlmea a wee. ' , 1 fMMoe open from 73a A. M. to tKM r,. SuiuUya " IIJHi to A. M. ' : U--a wrtam ! mil Mewea jftktCMt r3t;c?Ba)rMi o'.vk'.aMurii ly te Jifw JMUI Ib amy W left ltf HrfA ttlari! M IkJa Oflaeo. , 'T" ' - AVCx<y2&k&& BAT. Mestra. Cronly if. Morris will sell, at 10 o'clock this moraine, upon the wharf in froat UH thtfofBM of Mfe&A. IfaMss 'A1 Jlo wefl,j85 Spkcial Maoists at k's Cockt.- or, as be modestly calls bimself, Bob Mkmt, a colored cbap whose ideas of free imiBoderate ' 'degree, was brought before: the Squire for' coea mitting' feammaalt aad ' battetjr bnr flen dr?aa Jyja 1 H tta,he two quarreb, L&od ljQb, . whot acts much oja the Ormut principle of saiag Uttltf, fell to blows, using as bis jveapna a large bumrd. The , eidenoe elicited, , at the. trial proved that the alleged assault and battery was an affray, and both were reeogaizexi -la lxnds of $50 for their appearance before the next term of the Special Court. ' Primus Jlcallhirged with snatching a u Wjman ticket from Lem uel Williams, a colored boy, Was released oh ( own ' recognizance in the turn ol $50 for hi appearance before the Superi or Court. Primus was first told that be alarmed him, and ia his forlorn condition he applied to the father of the boy whom he had robbed, and "Uncle Lemn (Senior) ' Id eaV aii'er sty itf, peremptorily refused to gn hh bon4,t( f ltfil I No Coukt "iTirnL Tcesday. Tbeo4gWtoe6pVCoonias changed his mind, or rather has concluded 'day fastead 01 Balurday, and by inserting the words ft no. caaea at ail will be tried by tfatrilUfia (ha iatTa ht-ee Ufa- Iaw anil TtiAOilaa - Ta m waalarHasia a iiunj stuu a wfvMaj .m wa wsyvaeT m issue we alluded to the uspenaioo of ciyii businee. ' mil SatMay1, aid 1 Wbow imJ form the public that the court' will enjoy a holiday, dating 'Jfrtfn Friday and ex- posed holiday, for it. will give relief to a large number of persons who unfortunate" "ja i i t. ti'f 1 AJl U, ly attract the notice of the Court, laid 'UV&rltni' M tixecf f'o ".ubscrtbla xlhe cftyHVeasdry. 1 '" " " - II I I ' t I I) l.tiVf AMUspfr.ligjiwe were treated to many public amusements some time since, the deeire for wieee i aot'itti miniabed, and we prophecy tucceea to tae entortaiaments expotUddaringtha latter part of this month and the1 former portion , of next, , Lent pretexted many from' at teodii tl JeihcrtiSaiitatfai WUiieVl ut m few weefe g wad theae wW were then restrained by religious mativeaj will be gbul to hXt b pppoctjaniij p(. graiifying cunosUy.witbosafiqBg.pfupUjar shocking scrupulosity. Ht 1 gram reeeiyed from1 "MK" O 'Crfeacn,' that the ponfereoce ComwiltieV W'ia RereautJBUI .'luTe decided to aner-' p)MUt 7-jQ of one per cent 00 al aoclf on al t!f M PS fP W lift Pf P I A 11 I A J J " mission mercnauia wjii.uo uixeu 1- 01 one per cent aa aUlaatalvatlainaaibn. 1; f t 1 J i l ea)iaa nronfr ct Van Amriage, auctioneer, yesterday sold tf rntea'iKI MMbfei t tbA 4bSrIg rates : . 'i f Oranges, , . ? "3 401 per box. LemMMi,,',' ""aaaawi an , fcrseabnbad iaany ajanaitisavjai tbia office, ai cents per hundred."' ' frota aliey window,' ." T r. ,' . 7 , - Soqthern, fclj 1. U, bTtr. . " !'., ,, W.tJ.anIB-aP-W. Three tlmea 'a'wtok ,.". A il . ,-.' 1 ll li IJt-f-l". 'Wi V ,.,.T.- Cocr Pk lliK-rTlift deUiU of an amusiair affair that occurred' fa or city t Wednesday erenlntf last, havi been related to ., but a? toque fMioid tb: i ticfaxtM!-1- Jli. l A colored disci oT of Brisrham' Younc had successf ally paid hli oWir! 'io aa in axperiencad cehrejd OauMel, who red pro eated kit praiaasad taye and pjaaisRtHa be Ala baloead bridet V' w '.Vi i 1 tbr colorad Paraoa (raitt'lK!' 'owy,-waaji awddoaty w wasaa aaaataad ia aterwtaaaa. deaoaaead thearaaJ4 La groom as a bigamist, swore ' sua was his wife, aa& farbadAaalaalol with tha bjorroc thadnadfai seatcBce. aaeaasa frigfatsaia f taa fcalf aaarrtad pair dropped thaada, and' the wbxtl"aiiu ab ypMi ternjite4 fid':ttniojiu Ta tlo6at tTks.mwWl fiun U o.uiU at a lose,' siaea tM eo aVauftTfOt Mr In. jatad aad uteaartad wife, aad may possibly yet experience sadness lor - hi course of dfpUcitr " - ..fu. t 1 Jfiuch ' ' th ' aiTtTaln.r jprtic' ""'of the E 14 D BCIA L UOUBT i TEaTKBDAXr Joseph Kiajc (white) was fined $10 and coats for smoking in the ' market' bouse, atit on reconsKlariuaa the Judge auspe&d- d tbeA jodgWatTupoa ',pay ueiiV ' t the - ..5' -. ' ' S. I f.I l riW.V ,vm.. I. -!' m n . , ; Tfm. Patten (white) was for the same aUghVpffaoca nedt $1 fr aod cpf b K ; Jobannah Boonaj. a white woman whose hosUliiUa priaoa at her instigaGon tou'ad'U pretty hard to aaWa support; "J played te liquor h(L- tess without the proper permisaioo, which temerity ' wlu jprotabty cost her a beary tine, when a: deieisioa ia rendered next ' ;,-''H il . . -it(v) (-i., L m Tuesday . n n r.m..; . , .,.( required for his future good behavior.' legefnsiiTttWjtotlMlmt ha'Sppeal fdVcaU Wcoaaaed 4ahJtUaWfay next. - Georg Willis awv La:oohrd: wy?wa arraigned on tba harga of .beiag a little rowdy, bat tha aaatMatkiai was not protod, and the juvenile was released. ii., I'M' t A int r HNI1MI nants,' of this city, who'is now engaged in Knick fanning near Pulut Peter,1 a' few miles above WtOd 29 has sent to Phil adelphia, foa aixrtbfaan4 Aomato, kQts and seventy, flte tbdouid tabbsgt plants, ill of which: e will set out as toon a fhey arrive ' Tbta i eatarprieing, mad wa hope the example, will i ba, folia wad byeaaay oihart; fee ia no basintst can larger prof its be realized thaa.iruai )4ruckn farming. It is but recently that our people were aUaru aoaf iHU j ih'M'&r Sc- tion for this kind of f arpsyig, and tba buai- increases In popularity. , . The public pre now, fully aware what a one oia trncx jaruung is lor.iM enier prUiagandtuisMyeaj that wa give aobmerica4,imefice to the l ' mrT'i .i.-r, 1 .PAsgoTO WiliJihe Mowing iW'e iPVWror-CC Wedneadaj Jast;- Tbe.pebfeW leaf Hral of Passover Weak begfaa ee Friday wigbt next, condaalDg. fof . the, loilowiog ttaiainon the Bight ei'tbe dettrttctioq of tbJtyimrftiteflmifrb&j piecediag' tbe eaedna from tbak-' toontry. fJSefpiddi Will .BTocVthf BM.defxge-4 tkm of thetexapla of aernseien the rnaa over baa haew celebrated by eating naleav-' eoed'bad' d'ajia the eight days aad by abstinence from labor oa the first and last two days and by Utaabsarvaaca af , va-. now uunmuc nice niBamuriui v iw deUferii44,tVoiB;Egypfl.a1ii eluding ;,iI ef aerfptarat' and le gendarr HutrratmJ and familiar conversa-; uoa oa same twiMnwevaaaaaM taecaaai kVf tmrr OM xmosy liisiia-i 11. 1 1 .MUHi ' I Jl I ger. The Mfmengr thus, speaks of our eolarrementV" 1 1 A L " ':i . mm;! U i . tft'rflAf I'tiHo til IHlKfHf I ; 7 - - IBB jvwqxjsxw ffiABrrfai' JpW mm TWilv n to oa ealanred aad awa arr . - . pwl t a. j appearance It hwa bo soperieei the Stat j wane lis origina ami aeeciu aamiaaraaaJu-aUaepteadM amjNeeeoept Me to all aax snnetaT ot aotasraai taat ronagev We with aor aaterprising' neigh bar ail Baccate"-4 ; - - .i-.i c. mmal3lUJLot aioae thenaateroaa abeda is frocrtof ttarea have been retapved r Mt w are glaATio taf tteVndlty'doA Wfieticr.'tV'Vrda Hlaattl V f,. the city. Wb the few remaining sheds shall have' die- 4k.V.Kli"aArV4AtMuRiB t w awaweaatpwv rwaa anaa aa wyyiiei AEEmVti.V' William 1 Avant (cot) was' W6d, 6a WirranX'for disorderly coodoct' 'U saidtaaTEnry bad Btederl offeaalfe laaguAsw tsivxl orad 'reptlsman " who passed through . 1 1 )UHamGion;u,c.,. EiiiDAY. norinirG; n ' (rn memwrg'cr me JADor iium4K jtetteroj evening r1fl1llaklirllrt' hh eetins passed I faXWa'$ : t .witkprppei nngwmt tbaAfnmim vllVvfeld maeh saasV'. ji i '( .mY .' 1 filYH'lED -.A 1.1 -4-t bi MKnitri!W -rA W -T i i.imirVitT7Tr.5t.7M(.i-. filho rw : in x'L-w 'Baaiaaaa- aaawaawad. ' .fr UnahmiagtMrta alia a taa vessels PbeToW: as ikl t.rJhala arrived BifH fata - '''-'wBWX-OF-Pml BX XDtoxdU " , a wrack, ii tnemiTi.nhit were gi bf AvpC CwUar ab4 ihjs jnara-ing-w are enabled to state additional da- UtlgtTlng 'bab of tbeecl where froan4 wlbre.bpan4.(t n. , , , ; . ' Taefjrhj IfaaV, coaiaaBded ' by Cap. JolinsonI tatted from' Portland:'' Ms"ine,"on tha47ta, loaded. wiUniay, ana bound tor Bavanash, Pear gi mo-i -.n r ' The JkVdf experienced bad wenlhef da-. ng.iJBe urst seyeraA pays, aa,on fascist aboat 7 e'eiock ia the avaaiag, ran Hi the vicinity- of Ctpr'Ratferak At 12 I, (ye&3ei was, a cpnjpleje,; wreck. one para acattecad ia oi one in anotberrttTbrbwgkmpt action,' the cabin, which was detached fom itbe vessel, aad floating alternately" towards the shore, and ag&in drifting farther to sea. Here they remained until 12 o'clock pTTTHeHWftofl of IM S2nI' I pMoTof twenty-Ovr ahI "one-batf 'bours, when, dence, tbeTjfrfjejprjjS0 their peril- on h sitastioBMav'tha achAoner fTafji lifrMi.fjil r f i -i t it 7 l7 Wlrr!Kn"D erening XiWday) u.4. JHi")- :uij u i juri The ml?n;Vr rescued from tba .waves of 'tae'atormy ing the rw?,,lff ,tt0 uiH property oniy can oe numoerea wun tne U6L. ,,1 iAi jA,iMI I.i!dlA 'j Those tared a re only tba clotbeabey wear, andtny he part of received. our citizen w ToCa tlieirw! ttiartetiet a4 adnasVet sttatfMt : r CaoL iHunter. bf thaToiriamlaui bas ,wjtk characttrisllenerbpity ' offered to give the trnfortuntlc 0f3(et tad crew a Ww. Xorjj'for this port en the 83d Inst. . xScur. 'IfZaaiU aailed from Provideaee. R tTbdtbJ-jlal inatt' JoTfhK poVCto Cant. nunfef.' tr thV ' X'airftami. dVoo- wateV4 taw-Cawa Fear, .jopo? to itaaUpUWaraVIaaaal to Hilton Bridge" for'a dlvlnglieTIio tecdverJintJiilrOfrtt uct teinet. freBTe-noiee..-.;-:.- the day Aa.reeoveriBg- fiatrfe.Wf tafotik ia tha river eppesita Mrr-jEH - Murray's whaTCaaZevidMeiLH Im" fisbinz suppeertlptwvatiUaaV aBaelF Was lost during the etormweat&KwTew , 3 il QOQ p n p iT&uanrBtf Mbbu wii atf tlbe Stab office an roor o raroBprne roTYbdle m (noma liaveiopea.- winri yfjor busineaa carieatly pnated on them. L sa m aji-rr w mm r u m ar t 1sifHehstltotf4 eat boeiftemeaJnJpvitt1ad it, a geotl :agBtrtieioi 4r areattd.i XeMaorders I at, tjhe JBxab PjafltTlK Hovas, I. f ri i ir-T'i . . r L M4iiu fVl "TT uJITPv. i. r ' or visitation ia the Spring of 1868 futt Klnston. . Lii-t-j-u-ifi Marrh SI lwTO;:::?:.?:::-:. Snow Htn..'; " St. JohaV lift Wtfnty. ...::....!.. " 7 0 11 I ttVbKlty CTCb( Beatfort' eoaaty " Blunt,., Douin crec "WRHaretv Batlvtort jcouqtyi ''' Ftuuro. lie&ui&rt coaaty,-i a. iv.. j r" 8 Ziea Caapaa. aVteafcrt saaey. i IT Waabtartea. ,f A . . . A- - 18 PWuhiBirtu,U. .1 j Kf. . . JUi . A St. Luke's Waahiagtoa county " w '"SS St Derida, .Wsahiartoa eoantx, . 2 30 ui Hvi aaaa a t 4 a 8 11 larDoroocn, a mii aw IS If J. UW.ABTallTItMBITt. P. HaiaeMcaoaA. The Maltitade How we kriVWfAiva. vjtyytBj j fay pi xti u pw7T' c f Tue, W.. a aailAa rrliaep. ' n ' i" j Trif., i O, X rAatsmn eVOetllav 4 frUa tJs wakdUast are juaMbuteraleA sp6aa a 1-4-1 liafesjrYCeirorWeo three tailors and the cook, cOffipris HYb4 frMHlr PW Dooaheriy and crew of -Abe tn Jwtt&ed Itrtles reUa-n armeatJ" mosl sincere' tuankf tor B a. V X C i SjT Wl - -V - 4 lit i vt j .. . 'rr . ,! 11 ill ! 1dt:W; Holdea has risigned th'poti ionof Director of the University , RaH- boa ot Director . of the Unirereity roadM' liW-iii: I'M !, i i.,' I ;1 I ) Ul.-iu ;'! nil ; .. ui. ' ,-1 iiamor rv tiie" lioase will, f not (Vi 'tbe 29tlC adioarn in a week or two,-aad leave tha fleaata ia aessioav - i Meeting of tbo morfrlinTdita W'the Horth Carolina Eastern Central Fair Company, postponed. ttutlLSatiirday ' i-t't A,A If JuDcfibn caait agaiiut Newbera ar gued before Judge 'Thomas in "the early ma. m mi ant, , ij ,, -wThei roof .'.'of iHa eoari-Itoiiae at JTorganton 'took trt from M spaxk, on Thuraoay, lltb? iaat but was- diiacorered aad axtisgvlsbedbeCurt aay inatrrial dam- wiia;dona..i.'. . Three nesroea Kuutrtred with abstracttria: meat from tba . amoka-oasa f Iir.-1L D." Brittran, of ' Morganton, werr ; commiitea io jau, mux were tubae qaemtly released aad tent out of thaeoan- NEW. AD VERTISEMENTa IX. CSOHLY, Anctloneeri . .1 T ' By CMIIT .1 ili .kH-: . UTJkV - -t. . 1 1 " .1- mmB bat rwwrnAwi aa ia X ' A. M., we will aeU upon Wharf, la front it the Offloe of Messrs. Harris A Howell, aJoaw aide Sctar. r. r. Hall, for and on aseout of hom It may eonoern, - S9 nalew Prime JBasterxi Hay. Cppy Book Piimcr, - - By J. D. LOVE. ' mrrt CBErtri. uttu tcnoeL ' X BOOK Is reoalred with faror by the pablle and is selling; quite extensively. Another larjre lot Just received, at - ITo 1 Feruvian OTxano. OKJ 8. B. Cowan. Far aale trans wharf aa landed! wear O. G. PAH9LET A CO. Pine,' ;Eefijii jail ;ccara' TOsBos. THIBTT BAWKKTJt RTE, ItfBBM and rure CORK WHISKEY, In store and for sale at very low prioea, at martVtf . 11 A U Front street. Purs ' DuMiltaM ' Sim tttx caw tew erriB Teem W Friends aad Cnstomera a choice line of perfectly pare sroond and whole gram Spleen efattktBdS.f; -ipy j : COCHIN G1XGKK ; TKSAKO CLOVKS f -""tCK. SHOt pWrKft;' t? CASSIA; : ' MACK ' 1 CATEJtKK PEPPER, Ac, Ac, ' " eVc Tnev are undoabtedtv aooerior to ut mods fifth kiwd before sold. . ., GEO. MTEBS', mar3Hf 11 and IS Front Street. oods and Clotliin ill CeatTAXTLY OX HAII acaaralese inter JLXADr-lfADX CLOTHHrO AND OXNTLJC Jktrjra yVMyumiNO goods, ' All of the verv latest style aad Bnlsh: as man- faetared by out sol i as. -. -r. l.i r . .'i it, - .(.. n4 .i.i;'... ttttt- ,t mi' A '.iSfiE STOCK. OF FELT AND WOOL i.. .,,, . xi ATS AWT CAPS. '" Our stock of , - b, ,,.,, a.., ., zur xyzi fancy goods, notions and BLAKKXTS, . , ,. . ., Wa have: ao hesitation ia saying. Is the larg est, bast selected, and most complete la tba State. We would also partlewlaaly call tha atten tioaof the Pubiie to oar large stock ef., BOOTS AND SHOES, 4 ! i ' . .1.. . . ..... . , .... Over Ave handred cases, all direet from tba Manumcturers, consisting pr BTEN'S" 8EWET AND PEGGED BOOTS, CALF " "AND LEATHEB GATTEBS, BALMO "' ' RAL9,'.0FOED TIES and BROGANS. t n r" . i'v-i hi, . -i.Jfti..( i--; lirl LAPIES1 CALF, MOEOCCO, GOAT and LEA iuti THEB, SEWED aad PEGGED SHOES, , , Aad CLOTH GAITEB8. t . . ... ,; MISSE8V' CHTLDBENnS, INFANTS ANTS ,ii- :BOTS SHOES.;,. u .i, - i- . All of the above we sell at raaaeed. prises, and to WHOLESALE BTJYEBS we offer goods on the most aeeommodattngterms. 1 .,nt i HVU USAJI a USUS. "' T' ' Jant4D5tc) ' Wilmington, N. C. Hand and Qtcam Tower ' pniiifiiiGiiEssEs. rpxcav rxncatiBXxn, T AO A. evptd the Atrtacy? jft fhd Soiitfertf States, itiui"iU.-i u nlii iio.jiJ:lj of Cottrell A Babeoek't celebrated Hand and . J i u 4' l' :jfh)hem:;At;f A r.ACvr,Kaa These presses are reoommewled 'tor ebea ness, speed, strength, dnrabUIty and finish.' Th Improved ' Country Newspaper aad i - ,!- . I ' 1 1 'in ' ' " ' . l.i Job Press " is specially adapted tethewaata af Buutheva FaTOsber.' Oaeaf this elasa be saea 1a operation at my Printing aad Pal .tie Hoase, . ; uman wbi in spyimuwai L, , . vWM. H. BERNARD, -r 'h 'iv VAgent for the Southern BtateaV 1 , , , WilmlngtoaVJr.G ; jan-tia-nactr , .,. ., .- Hi' .' 1 iTOft-Uultitudo A, BE FLOCKING -TO THE AZKJT BOOK- .- mCjl STORE to buy the great uterarv ear: ties ta oe roaaa uera. xnase vrao sw already ceiled will find the choice aeieetioni of popular avTANDABD and CUBJLEBX UI EKATURE, at . J. J1' 11-tf . '. .? BLIUNSBESUKK'S. 53 attrwer wAwrcW preserve taelr jsusuj, saonia nava ia 1C1. wu vz STsvizna.; Prmting House and Book Bindery, febtt-UMf No. t Soath Water St. f.i 31 TV V 11 " 1 -I f. iiMcn 23. ... - . ...r- .- 1 1 1 m'tti XTT WIXX ESTABLISH IK THE CITT OF f y wnmingn,aoont the lsth of April, aa i 11 t 1. I i'-! u.fT"i?;";i T vvwi MiT We will supply ice to the citizens at the greet- ; ' - S. UT ill vW AT ALL alOfJaja, 9-iUn n'l V :ui.r.t ; X-GHT OK DAT, 'nli'V We respeetfaJly aoUett a share of the pabUe patronage. WALKEB ME ABES A CO. - laaarff woftifWFBaaetaa. u: Fancy FoT7b!cd'fe 1 . Wii"" - m.- 1 p ..,-1 -.1 M ti .oF:t.Frn a3 BLACK 8PABTSH FOWXA aWsaB( Bresh anogena&eV' SzpnMa T tAXSO- Two trios BLACK SPAJTISa FOWLS, one year .i'i-.f At- : ',) 1.; f . r,.f.'- ri-t:I f . f old. EggsftM doseav Fowls, ,IS at .per arlo.. Adit sat, n fH ft 1 .1 t.i,; tklOtlifA t AJtMi,' miha-US-lw) ' . ' ' ' ' WTlnungton, Jr. C. -'oico!::':;:;:: afXH. TV BAJPPT K1 W great, work,. FAlB PLAT, fox ta. worthy , IXpTT; lip tTFO. UliXXfj has just arrived at UUISIUHUIIKTB BUUK BTUKJC tit -ti 1 ,'-r ii-HJiMii -nil v Copartncrcliip Ilotic .nr rrtsnt rwxKaiBXcnrKB, xxatxwci tbtjb Al-'i!"V''li in '.ffllld j-liir; in ,t "t..l day formed a Copartnerahip under the Arm name of ii fi 1 r 1 .1 nij H!1 .-M' EDWARD3. 4 ( HAIJL,;. Offer to tba FbMe well Selected Stock of Kf M Wf.i S'K :0 -'in-: ':! OIIO CERIRn. . h T am FAJUtavra bcpplt fub U WalX 1 Hi Bf .'' I itahm in throf thn (mllnu vlth 7"7 WITVT ' il A S TT TT? TrTrS! I a-a ww -A' -A -r ww m m Awk - ' V JJUl . I ,"! -..i', 1 1 i ' ' ' All Consign meats, of COUSTBT PRODUCE will also reeeive oar tea attention : ana as- suiing oarfrieads that their latereata staall la all eases be earafaUy studied wa reapectfaily solicit a eontlnuanot of the liberal bestowed oa -the old Una of ED lmtr tronage WABD8 A SMITH, at the same staad. Key Boath Water uireei, , .1, - wiTJttroTOJV: jr. f ',! -1 J.J. EOWA&Do, , B. F.HALL.. March 1st, law.' tfln-aaely . A. - ADEIAI7 Cs V0LLEE8, TTTalBEXBAIJi BCAbVKBS XW FBO- V V VISIONS, GU.OCEB1ES, LIQUOBS, , WILMINGTON. X ?., Offer for sale : SM Boxes Common SOAPS, leading makes ; 434 Boxen FAMILY SOAP, all leading makes ; 40 Cases BKAKOY PEACHES, different ual- uies t Tubs aad Ttorees Prime, Natural and Ex- Vfm LAaLI X ' ' ' ' 5 Drama CODFISH and HAKE : tit Packages Ground SPICES, MUSTARD uaiauxruwiwai MO Packages and ft Chests fla Imperial and Oolong TEAS ; tt BarreU choice Wbite KSBOSENE OIL 1 tt Half Barrels and U Cases SNUFF, Bail road MII, Gail A Ax, Aa : 9ft Boxes ehoioe Messina ORANGES : fi Bbla Piak Eve POTATOES : - :l OS Bbls Jackson White, Peach Bew aad Bed tft Boxes ehoiee CBBAM CHEESE XO Firkins Choice TABLE BUTTXB I .' fit Bbls of WHISKIES, GIB, RUMS A BRAN- mis. coouaoB to eaoiee t Cases Baa WINES, CORDIALS, COCK TAILS and BITTERS j tot RoMScaletf HERRIhrdf : am Bbto Keflaed SUGABA, Wawato standard Mfaxai- LBOf bbla. rioara. freak, aad of aU grades, f tft hhd. and It boxes Bacon Sides and Shoal- . w. - r T ders. mhtf-tf DR. LiAWLIEKaTE'S '"jri0 "txtAiKAXKb'-;: 1i:'t i TCQJTJAJJ'O, F.MIjn.D! . . ,,iir AaafsasdaaUabAe: 1 AB-feaasaUft bfltalSS, I'f 1 fi-'l aV-1-- HUH , "l'.iltff 'ff Isntchorrhea, or, WkiUx a' IVrfnaasi Vkri,har fWUf 2fMs nam ; Jrngulor, fWVW,( - or Swapnmed Mmmtrvatiom. . ' , 'fc-,ftaittib;'"i , s JUaeasasss, itslWaaM,.HaJhvam,' . . f - naaaUa' WmT." H" For whose benefit it was designed, aad whose aappineas it will promote, by the dlflnnmiMr. . - " - eT.-at. TV PSTSICIAlfS ' The articeewlb4wWn-sretd le eomoewadeA are iibllsaail aaaoad aaeh bottle, aad it is beliaved, la be Aha DMt Uter ine a uuiona iterative yet aisooverea. i if" ti t -n! ! - ! ' r 1 .-i 'i.( It is a valuable na4 reliable agent taallde raageueataof tha Female BepradaaUva Or gans, and la Hysteria, Nervous Headache, 8pV nat uxisauoas, mo. 1 . -f. . . . BL BAKEB CO , wholesale Agents, No. Main at..; . , ' Norfolk. Va.. fSf To whom all orders mast oaaddreesed. rreea ! aaa attle, 1 1 mhxft-47a-ly Laito t.ltl. ABM OF ,!ivjrrri,i ii. . - jf T'- ! 1 ..iimin i;..i.f ! 1 . i ..! i FASHIONABLE SILK II ATS, .4., i. Ta be Said nt SS OtX Also, same style CASStMXRE and the moat elegant stock of SOFT MATS everoffered ia taia asaraea, ; mi .'ljich '--' jau aaa saatsaws, at. wt . ..-. ,.-, !i-f if( - iusl ANDEBSOKWV mhxi-tf ' ' Sign on the Tree. alcrMlccdaWclfeods! rrwntT rT"M A rri I XTTE n"AVElBECifgE4XIB9T JUtTAL- r Aft rLTA w a a u r 1. a- aaa aw-atwiM embraciaa maav verv handnnmg and aeaira AM Styles Of if --.r-i ! 1-i.i-tiAj. li ?;" 11. .-1st 4 -il f T. rf .it '' x; uCootaonrtGhoea r for Gents, ladies. Misses and Children' Wear ,-y-WJ siws wiifi af nrtw-' H t,,-.. 1 , T I ea rMHW raraTxTtl texWcEBtyurvB BeA, Cooking )ooA.lac iSooa. uwianii) Caeamber PieAlea (labar- 1 reieAvby sat New York ate joraaiaM . Xarketst. - . marjati;,' . .f ,t . it COWAN A METTS. WAV :;;mbio:no:,47l; xn.j.kvy 1 1 im mj KJ u. FPU TTTT! TAB TT!R f .J . aawaawaaw aawaaaaawawa swawawaaaaw. w . 41 fvrk-i tifiitOt t' ?4' ' 1: SPRIiiG STYLES!! CALL AT , : ; t A. D DROwrro A IB BEE TatB IIW. BTTLKS j 99 J, I .!. SPRIIIG HATCH Mil fc' i.'.iiii t it 'j irii.'i'ili .. s f Mio smrrrzR bt xipresx. " a Soata Fraat StMea. mbit-att-tf 1 l A ) AttETTBta4 BtEBXTK. 11 ! . i, 4. i Ul 1"4- . Tertau JleBJtwnBJbJe. MEBCHAXTS and athera. wiebJaa. to iu niibu, wiu nana ineir usnu so WE U. BEBKAJUV Editor of the M Star." Or send direet to wihls-tf '' ' EDWARD J. ASTOlf T3KAE. ESTATE! AOEBT, BUNCO ALB K COUNTT, tt. O. Activity aad efficiency ia brlaring a sney ia brlaring tc Uers of Beaf Eatati neat tte adv a North Carolina, and to facilitate advawtai traaaaatlona betweea laeiB 1 also the encouragement of Northern aad Earopeaa jtnurranta to come ana setue in tne nouta. arnt.hiinhlntinf lh AmiiiiT. 1 . " mnzi-tiw-U' . .:'i- . 1 1-. i To Cotiiitry lblishcrs. 1 good article of r : .- :. 4 FOLIO FUST AJVIf FUA.T UAj" J"AI7CMX, i nf tha nniui.1 wlirhtj. I Cash oroers or n or mor reams prompt. i ly mieo. so attention paia to oraers nnao- I oompaaied with the money or a reqaes I send C. O. D.' - . T sc to WU. H. BEBNABD. novla-SSSHwetf J THE Daily Carolina Observer mm VXBEBU6SKB Wiix. iwfJl X lish (provided sofficient encouragement be given them) ia the city or cnariotte, it . v., aboat the middle of January, 1880, a good, re- moieaaiiyaiA-paper,aevoteate i THM NEWS OF THE DAY, JLITXBUTUBJC, SCIENCE, ART, A GRICULTUXX, ttC While we commit oar columns to no Partv. we reserve the privilege of dealing with Poli ties, aa with men ana things, in a tree, maniy, ami iiHiepenuens spirit, uu motto wiu oe, Uawaael Tnae ta taa lasaa. Oar Editorial eolamns will be sastaiaed by contributions worn competent writers, among I w uviu . aaa jnaa sy x bmiuj wwaiiM0 waa aai vi Jones, and others. Oar eolmmns will be opened to aQ respecta ble oommaaication s. The paper will be a neat sheet of twenty columns, pnntea on gooa paper ana wit a new type. r 1 The citizens or Mecklenburg and adjoining Counties have long felt the need of a good. awaeral (daily) am paper, aad we, being pro. Heal printer 1, shall endeavor to supply them witn a paper wormy 01 weir psuvoiH We will also issue, aa soon aa eonv weekly paper 1 transcript of tha daily. I aiuiwm n inritw, uhhwxvwiw niedby the subscription price, as we Intend will oe received. unless aocompa. 1 - . 1 Praotioal Printers. EltlEiri BtONTlTLT BtAOA sine. Universally acknowledged the el Parlor Macnxlne of America t devoted b'oldtS. VhtnaTa 1 1M11 mam runuDiL luirwuioiu an hhuul Masts, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, aaa proraseiy luusuacea wun eosuy m. vlnrs. useful and rre liable Patterns. broideries. aadacaaaaatsaeecartoao artia tie novelties, with other useful . and. enter taining literature. ' h - ' - -No aerson of refine meat, ecoaamieal house. Wife, or lady ef taste, eaa afford ta da with- oas taa atoaei jtontnry. apeeimea eoptes ia itai mailed free. Yearly S3, with a valuable sntiuta 1 two aordas.. aft to 1 three toopies. 17 AT: five oopies, tit, sad splendid premiums for clubs at t3 each, with the first premiums to each subeeriber. asrAaewBartram AFaa ton Sewing Machine for W subscribers ;eaoa. rnMieattpa umes 1 . v-"'L . . JIViNOfinjWilMiAVW 11 Damoresta Monthly andlYonng AmetV- ea. together, tt, with tae pramiams tor eaen. neeis-ao-ti y j. . A (rood Adrertiiting Ilcdima in 7estern Uorth Carolina, l - - ! 1 ' ' :'i .litj Tho Uc3lm lDcnicdrat, PUBLISHED At .tfn! OARLOT TE. N. CI 1 TTAl A LtBilKAXBSnXBAX la eolation ia Western and Sonthwestera North Carolina and adjoining District Of South Caroliaa. 1 Advertisements are solicited. .Terms, tor tea lines of this sine type, 1 for ana laser tion, t5 for one month, alt for three months. via iur su morons, sae lor one year." -avaaaaw pte terms wmi oamaae tor greater mace. . y sena airoct to tne sauor ana nopnetor at Charlotte, N. C- (aad not through Advertlstasr Agencies. 5s.) A copy ef the paper eomtaialag advert vertiseinent ent will be seat to each advertiser, W. J. YATES, Ed. aad PropI septi-tf ll-l tt f. Charlotte, It llaaCocio!; (1; . 1 BY KXTBUBSaV, THAT CBI JTBtB ITBl U XU&XAA AND FKWX UW VUKUAM smoking iriAcx. mtl24-iSt-lw No. Martret st. Com at $1 per Errfol. far sale trom the vessel at tl per Jbwehai ,- ' . 1 i . ;,.i,ri"T . u Tin,' ajtP!f Ul a ITB'TTU By StBiaV Jaucille. . Ibnibiibb PAInW tt A t V died Brooms, .Meaath Broome, Yaraia! wW Yaraiaaed and Painted Bucket, Pnila. German Market Brass Bound- Water Baskets, Cedar Tabs Washing), Scrub Brooms, Klackaig aad B s, and 10 jraJkm Kegs, 4 l aad t gaL Desni- lonns, ana ranor ttatcnes, seiung tow, as " 1 - :i""'i' " ; " T." Market St-' r"i tttm-tf COWAN AMBTT8. BMKtL XAJX1EIXBTB, CTAClTlJtJCaV Hand-Bills, Postars. Waddtna Cards. Vle tuag laroa, asuaesa uuroa JUU-tteeas, m r-ueaas, aeeount Baies, mees current, Kan Road Blanks. Clerk and Sheriffs Blanks, Ointablee' lUaaka. u Ae Wrnted at . ' ,,-,v v WM.HjBx:rnARDS. , 1 ' A VXBICAV.' trTATTJSWXXXK.' Lfn. Pnbllsbed Weeklr. Kaawaa1 B, Xwaaa WM.' BEBNABlf, Jeu'C 2 , , . twadaya. , t m . M u any 1.1.1 lea svadays, its ene weekL.......... S 60 aw Coatraos AdvartkwmanW tsJcaa at MO porUoaaAetylowtea., fFi Mairlaaraa. TVitTia BuHdniM. faneaml and Obttaary notioeawill be Inserted at half rates umb on demand.' -. in . STEAMSHIP-' IiINEa 00- New Tork and North Oarolina STEAMSHIP; LINE. tint ttnii 1-A8T sailing stiamship r 1 FAIEBAHKS, CATT. MtlJITBJt.-''' 'TTJIEX LXAVI etB WBtAJtr. BE. v V weeaDoek and Orange atreeta. for the above port, oa BATUEDAY, March 27th. This Late wilt prise the followiaf. FAtEBAljks. Xtwrnn. WlfcPi CarD15A.irf..'-.:w.D. P. MovAav. EKBCCEA CLYDI.,.. ' M , Q. CaiCHXSTxn. MABYSAXrORD..:.-. " 1 Joaar Moona. ! HI naiiraa' iron aaw xuava every WBDSBSDA T JUID SA TUBDA 7, Attj hUtwsnPlar j4E.B,Jootof.WaU3t. "The attmtloa Of BfrrpPKKi ealMd to tba LOW BATES aad GKEAT FACILITIES offer. ad by this Una. ft .TrteMi fartil4 wia ffTBOVJOH BTLIA OF -LATH TO aivaa to FAYETTE VILLE, V. C- aad aU polats on the WUntinrtea. Chariatte aad B, B. Koad. WU- mlngton weldoa B. Bead, Wlbalngton and jtaaeneeter k. jtaaa, aaa-taeir voaaeeuoaa. W OATH A PAKlEIAgeata. Ageat xa aTew Tork, - r , -r.,u; j - 4AMU UJUIU tat Watt. CoraerefSoata treat. aiarl-aM-tf Wow T Phiisdelphla at nil 6amtiirxi Hail CtetuxiBliip Ilxte. THE FA8T AHT FATOBITK STEAMSHIP 1? I 0 U"E El U UK' ft',' fCapt. WILTBAVKB, ' XTTTXX BCD TUB rOIXOWIBO Yy Schedule between PHILADELPHIA and WILMINGTON, N.C. ' ' ' LEATX PHILADELPHIA." January Srd, 1888. April ' Srd 1869. . 17mi, - . . isvn, February nd, u May . 2nd, " 18th, " 1 16th, March 6th, M June fist, M 19th, 15th, , LEAVE WILMINGTON. N. C. Jannary 10th, 180.. April 10th, 1&69, " M.h. . M . February loth, " May ; 10th, M tfith, w , titb, March 18th, " Jane 8th, " 44 toth, - " ttnd, For Freight or Passage, apply to . - i WOBTH DANIEL, Agents, WSImlnrton. N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, Queea Stree w nan, r niiaueipnia. LAS. E. DILKES, Freight Agent, 198 Wain u Street. Philadelphia: jani407.tJnl Marinelnsurance effect ed to all ports in the United States and Wejl Indies by Barry Brothers, , Wilmington N.C London. Liverpool and Globe Insurance Cotn- '"fany.: ; :. r Gold $ 1 7,005 ,026 - Dkaetora parsoaaJly rcrponsible for all an- : tha Cosapaay. 1 1 - . BARRY BROTHERS, i;'i-.;. General Agents,, ' ,-t-S', .1 WUmiwigton. North Carolina. fTli i I.... iCS"lIdy;,! Potatoca; .il '.! . .4 .' . 1 - -.- . . . ' ' I i . ! Qprn aBtlea BABTKSJI ELAT , , siee hard brick , , ; -. , Be) Bbla IRISH POTATOES Ft. WHITE PINE BOARDS ; , Now landing from Schr. F.F.Hall, for sale low from wharf, by . it-.-. 1 .u j...;MITVIlfJLlitUUlJl. mn t J SAT rcT BtCrTTEB fill M , SPICES (all sorts), aad a much better ar than has aver been offered In this mar ket: ' L . . GBAJn rP.rrr.a(Biack aaa w mse; ; CAYENNE PTrTXB iBACBQLNGEM Ismswai rttTtii - tCflTAMbll flf.'Hi il:: "'i. 1 unnr ennr t i-u 'HSii.rtfir. ''-W'.-iHii.--'". . A w Lr An. ItAVI ... ''The above goods we have ordered, to meet tie nemaaws nr many sssawiwi, a a wmu- la advance over 01m Amr arUoles of the kind, bat as tbev are vajesn and contain aUattbelrorigtaalsueaalh, ittoaeoaesny to Kw tlMm. ,--7 M-.t. v,' COWAJtB BOTTSV mhtstf) 1 Market street. Ucticos1 rraxx tTBaraaiuiLa. wa' batttb A DAT next, wiltsaaame their old business a thai? eld stand mtbe ,4. ,JnlT .-. , 1IARKET WO USKa 1 taW gTeatpleare in serv- Where they will LJt- lag tbeiV old aabUo with the BEST MEATS whioh the eenntry will af- -I i.i ...i.. .ni j n March Nth, ltWS. . N. BTbawKiat WwOfnl sweewaeas te be had of Beef, Motton. Pork aad. Saasages, on Saturday morning, the ttth tsvsmat. MN.,,n-,,.'i,; ?.-.t.-iwH ' ,..i.- Cpcciitnotlco. s . rTtXXB 1 BYTXtttCSXJEXaV TAJABB BUBAM- JL are la informing his friend sand tha pub lic generally, that he is prepared te deevary thing ta tba BARBER'S line. Having a suiU- thUg aient will aaa have-to Sharp Baaorsand wait to be I eieaa Towe are oar xnotta. -77 J . JAS. IL CASXAw AT .daodftttfl - . . . ,o.tSo.Ftoatst. sA 1 fZf Betea eXxi CelNUawjKwjIF, A 1 PrrX I,Tor fetiFaetoryjprieaa. mi wiiii.iaaa si atwjwmauji. l ,i .dull J!! i . ';J