v V. , . . 4t wmn4 . i m . ' sua tr.fr pA eol I rf I .Saturdayy .JaUtlu .a ttn,iBQ. -j Is .TOtofj a Wllecf tVjhe folrWnf Ww rates :etf subscription, tb advance being render ed necessary by the increased expense at tendant on puteftlSTsenieBt : 1 1 One Yeat - f 7 00 iSfirfLkL - 5 ar oq - One MonltfJ" ri - - 73 -if "Breakers "ahead. :1 - t . Tn otrf issue bf Sunday last appeared, an "-editorial! headed " The Bondholder land $,t; .. ' !;( io..Aj f Kit f"- Yk&peei4J?ayoKato,:wVM, titOuxaMnot cateYaVrfMgJ'fftlift It very careful reflectfoK lf e assumed the ground ..ha IhVncTaeDlna! dtbf pros- J. enl AdministralQjx ere unmistakably to ",',VardiTa rmdmpifoWot ''apct jpaymwti f 'jej.tt th'e'PreBi(lerit and KiiVSemtahr of t 'Af ''!25i-L V--Cr-.vt:--. ,A miCa8ury1 w?r, vr., wi , um-- .trous policy, and that it must, necessarily ,&'tn t.H.f.:-, i . J prevail. We suggested, in conclusion, the importance of preparing; as best we could. SiaeaberartictoapTBftrtd ate find an n t (editorial in the Noi York rrijM,4 which J fl .1 so fully accords with our expressed vicwi that ire xnaWan eitract, not for the pur- pose of fXrr r -thecing our claims to sagac ity: but in the earnest hope that our peo, tr T'T t1 yT 0 r r ' phoritt consider well thi warnings Ofsueh high financial aothortty M 'the Tribune. " Business is likely ' to be dull anct hazard out for the next three or four year A to a jority seem bent in our view, madly bent on gradual approaches to , resumption, instead of taking the plunge' at once and being done with it. We have made aeon-, aiderable approach toward specie pay ments since Grant's election became mor - ally' certain; and we are quite likely to go further on that road directly, - This in wives lower prices slower sales, .dull trade- .importless, trade Jess, spend less, make ' iess,"in the three years next ensuing, than in , ; V5e, thre fauX ii and fespetlae houses willfaU, ; clerk's, " and' other,, employees will (trjUni k. s ; be thrown out of business; mechanics may JHaH ''lmfeotthan1'c$ad; changes ' vuwelame to alL'Mt bearing especially hard on our densely peopled cities, llappy they wo shaQ.be able, if thrown out of busi ness in the cities, to rally on their own nomble homes P. A j :Jit V1 beolirod th'at we give unusual prominence to this article., , But ;we feel that the importance of the question dis- , cussed demands all the earnestness we can bestow on it During the past four years r , our people have been .slow to realize the approach of danger. Many, "of them are now engaged in reckess speculation, ap parently utterly oblivious of the fact that' the tendency ot prices is downward; that Ai Jhaltoys has conitffocjin .txercjidroCthe utmost prudenca .in business; and that only those who take' warning hi jtlme can hope to escape the faxj , of (the fcfinancia earthquake so near at hand.. ,, We hope out cotcmporaries of the South' ern press will consider this question "and give their readers the benefit of their conn- sel. It is one of vital importance; to the people of the SotW, and Bhould receive . t v ' .v i u the earnest and thoughtful attention 'of ' ' those whose duty it is to guard ! failhjallf the nublic Interpjita ' i l 't- ,r3- 1 ru-! U i,. ( jmi ' Ci ! The Snow Sheds' of the. CentralPa- cific Railroad extend f6i ac!6pntin,hous dis eanceof twenty-two toiles,' with breadth of sixteen feet, ancl s "hight of sixteen i . . feet, ac iBeluding th'pish' af the roof. un 'The sideVare inclosandliheTslieaa! re- ; :! 'seaable. 4,hpng lannelt'ghtgjhedes thmn crh . t h a i n fo raft noa Ku 4- i ' The building is braced together in. a sub stantial manner,rtd trbolted to the roeka wherever thelroad' abferbaches . -- feared, the roof ii extehded iothd Vail of ' rocks,sb tbiheltalUjagrhaaies shall - depod.pn eptfeeij side, .dpwn, the .T?ftfi-, -Where sldelirigs;', hay been laid, f tejjhedj is widerthan sixteen feetcn Vljhe ehtirelnuiding covers an, i area roi mre .zrxx&xmmwwmi ortf-thr. I .tyfCfvei.9tmtm ?nnfi'feetj of. lumber hare pppn nacd in building thfese shedDDXJO u ljuaaqd - f j-j-: here is some trntn m the idUow t.'iagi Wby don't rceaaii'jnerchantaj ad- V L' vertia? itJaeaiw they 'jiett do heyjVill .1 'lt7r: we reiiiai ? tlniJtffS9?a ill (',rwf vrvi .iawi!a: f . ' JJbbartmeht or Agriculture tojjf ebruap, - - '-: -' t On ou Um. :.."';."" v From a recent circular sent us by ol, Wo. Fi Beasley, te-Agent iortb "Griat Southern Process! for tt anutac gars and syrups fro arm t abrg we clio the annf ied hJaraeraph sneaks volumes in favor of the process he represents. 1 411 shomaresa tins extract kly,QbklccfljiiBl?rtVpromises much f mmf sarjt Tba tiw frfr plaaemg ifcaSt'Mrt&iUtliitlieBOtkk) . AfJil id the 15lhtf May, in tbia Staty-therefore sufli- H6W8eafrfTHaW thf cHtinl9rXo!. Beasley'a proeess and,Jf satisfied, take ad vantaged it this season,, ... . tit.. Col. Beaaley'jj headquarters . are at (Green8bofp'fyad, he yyi pomply furnish . . , a r"J r .ry, -rv- 5T.a ih liir exirsci to wnir.n wp invne rllpei- i tion: Office v th& L6uisv'illk Democbat, ) ' Tuesday Evening, Mafcn 2, 1869: ( uution as an article from which molasses, syifpliw spgatco&ld ' pi made! (aid not meMpkft'tieDerkl icouragemetaA from aha focV that .tha aysiem ot manu&orare was crude and imperfect, and much ot the 'dross and" unpalatable "substance in the cane' impregnated the juice1. Now that sorghum lias com iutp rur general cul tivation, and scientific as well as practical inimls have experimented 'and examined the process adopted by the farmeraover in Indiana and Illinois, they have, obvia ted all defects, and with the' improved machinery," at very little' extra 'cost- o trouble, they have succeeded Jn making pure sugar and molasses, and syrup .un surpassed by the best refineries in" the J The LouistiUe Sorgo , Company is now Tmanufacturinff' 'sugar and Syrup of the. the 8Yruiy geiRnff freelv as fast as In'adci, at''t90jCQnts"er gallon. Sample of the sugar ,.they,, manufacture, which lias been past twice through the' CS.tr.fugal .mil!. ifaUgjTSTjJSspect. in grain, color, pnghtnessand sweetness, to the best refined AMi sugar' ever made. tIt. is ascried Jthat this q,uajjtx Pi sugar 0M fjv uiuy uicburcva tut javcu cuiiM per pouncL which is iu?t onAhir.dflva pres-t, cut rteyptai!infQt the" lnipprtcdiirti- clewa urice.wluch makes it too much of a luxury to be freely indulged in, excepting by the rich. , . i I a.'acre of'groum) .itrw uiwcrted. can readily produce a'product of 900 pounds ,ot sugar, from the sorghiiniicane grown on it, or 150 gallons of syrup, - which, at 11 pounds to the gallon, equals 1,650 pounds. At one-third the present rates, of sugar and molasses a crop of sorghum would be more profitable to the farmer than corn or other grain, and at far less labor. ' - JRisir qu'uRCii ' estabUsiint. The commissioners appointed' to'examine into the valdd of tbe property belonging to the Irish t Established Church,' reported that an income of f 3,000,000 - per annum was uctiyuu iium tuia source. - unc oi iiic commissioners who signed the report, has,, since it was presented, made' another tati mate, and fixed the annual income' at $3,- 195,225, derived as follows : From land, $1,039,180 ; from perpetuities and leases, $672,230; from tithe rent, $1,837,315; making altogether from these sources a to talbf $$548;725.iTbV revenues "derived from cathedrals is placed at $96,500, and from the investments held by the Eccl- siastical Commissioners, $550,000. " ' .'SOUTHERN-RECUPERA TION. Late English journals mention the fact that heavy orders have just been received from the I Soufhfirn Rbifes for iron ralla.: to re pair the railroads destroyed or , damaged aunng me war. l ne Dusiness mieresu of South Wales are likely to be largely Ibehefittedbythe'derhahd: If ftVtf New UAMrsirrRE? The full retnrns of the recent elections', held in Ncw Hamp- suire, are. tfiven, by the papers of that State, as follows : "Entire vote for Gov ernor, C7,860 Stearns, .Republican, has 85,775, nd Bedet, Democrat;1 82,057, and there are 30 .scattering, steams' major ity, 3716.,,, For Congress, Ela's majority ia tha First District is iJOOj Steven, it tht Second District, 1600 ; and Behton's, in the Third District, GOtf. The Senate stands ten Repubfieans to fwbD1Aiocrat9V The House consists of 193 Republicans and 139 ojemucrais, iw;puuiicau pajonij, o. J UiTKirowH HEras. The following ar ticle we copy from the Weekly Examiner, published at Waco Texas, thinking it might interest and " perhaps Jbe of - advan tsge to some ot oar readers : V H. Ukkxown Heies. Alexander McCul- lochv Oeneral Land Agent, Waco, Texas, una in uis psscsiyu mnu c truncal es amounting in the aggregate to thirty thou sand acres ot laod,telon2ior to tbe heirs of the men who fell with Fannin at Goliad. 3 - Jit.. m a . a vr - - " a cwhui xrsvn ai uir Aiaaio.i wn- jac- Culloch is desirous of communicating with lueae paixies, dui Knows not wno or wnero they are." in tW "Leo" wrttci'fotho" Charleston Courier front Washington, that ! bur rela tions with England are critical; more than that, they are are. threatening, u England has gone , far inM concession he will be met.wjth no corresponding forbearance on this Bide. The British are ' a proud people? KThey-will make war upon any p'6fnt' oTnraUdnal Honor. We1 are '"forcings r HfT-Tba aesulti of A a i carofalr starch through New York city for. a house, show ed thai!nWnire paceincluded be tween Madison avenue and Sixth fcvenue irom Fourteenth . street up to Fiftieth strftp thClleRwaeuSes of which the rent was a low as - $3000, tud-these were malUntVuovl8irable. ' ' rnt" Tnvi ' -- ''mm U. i. t " A potato carried the pocket cures an who b ITitfetU&I JffFKiPF?ce Jr- one of New Hantferr representativea la" the- Legial JWrtThs f f vreA toawi th f attend Xts ire I cently passedj)y that model organization.. A. . i . . J . . 1. 1 V 111 - n mr f 'fgjT Grant mak'anotbverlaV Cl oi HrcrpQmce repeal. South affoHU everything that appears in terlng?ptt-I wnlftt rwnuce rarefy werTrrwra iau to Jut tl DU:rv8 its aira read i. t ." i :. : ; f,l If- Which i ! IjJL" t-JL 1:.. Jk ' ar2uV . "r. :. sin.U 'rnaUtorf 1 i IT n'tk tL.Urtf.iftn. ta tidi. TSurantLd it K proach President- Grant witV a box of trheserr-rrr MA'efrTi apprecitt , Bal rxsa qhestionj ttill ' creates much i discussion uhroughout the. State: i;-;:'lln-tiia, . m. e XL 1 T71 .. .Tiro "rKftK. mini .iiLiflj eh'nfeat6WljHc.nnd the petftnaancl f f thfS?CMig! aye much- praised. . ( ; ' tttaj&faBUAi eamitipiiloithe sudenta ojCharleston. olege ook jjjace last Wednesday, and the scholarship" jlii- . . :L young negro voy .one. pam , Mlddleton,' snatched a pocket bok; last Wednesday, from the hands fit a' lady in Charleston. -"Tbe act w a bold, and 'the yguug ruuuer wiif suuef or w;iicriiy. ;Last Wednesday ,a wlut6"1n- fant was discovered i-branch . oa the north side of Shepherd street, in Charles- ton'asd tnverdii.f 5 sOpronera inrr was that' the child ha'dleen murdered. A delegation ot JLngustA tire- ton yesterday, for the. parposa of escort ing home their steam fire-engine, which ia on board of a steamer at Chuarleston. , , .V3y.il v-iKf a rre r tt'.jj Vi.- .. .: 5,-vaa"".'- '' ' r. .ai JLHNCAi S88IO iBoS-'OOi. . . j , r SENATE k NIGHT 8E88ION.- . ' TuEsDAY-March 23, 4869. ; XTbSnaWfet Si iWMSll ' . TJjq revenue bill jcame if if unfinished business. J ' After many amendments had beed con sidered and rejected or adopted, the bill was refused a passage on third reading by,, yeas Jo.n.yB aa.v , v ait. uook movea , a reconsideration oi the vote just taken. j,: tv - : The motion to reconsider prevailed.. Mr. Moore, of Cartaret, moved the pre- vious question. The motion of Alr.AIoore, of Larteretr preTaileOriqia Yd iue oiu passeu inii.areauing r On motion the Benate'adjourneU. ?tt . !.,.- .ww tnt SENATE. . ipi'i i . . ' 1 , Wednesday,' March 54, 1869, Pursuant .to adjournment, the Senate was called to-order at-10 o'clock. . Mr. Jones, of Colunodn frQ11 the com mittee on Agriculture and alining, report ed tavofably onJbfrfcthroteCtion or Mr. Brogden, from the committee on Financcy reported favorably on bill to con tinue in force- an act authorizing the town ot Fayetteville to issue bonds. ' Mr. Bellamy gave notice of a bill to or der the late Sheriff of Edgecombe county to collect arrears pf taxes. , After some riiscussI6n the rules were suspender! to take up. certain railroad bills; 1 1 T ll I . . T " - . Tt - '1 J Company, passed its several readings. Bill to incorporatevtbcFayetteville and iNew ltiver railroad company. Mr. Scott ofFered a ' substitute, whkh was adopted. ; ' t . ; an (r v : The bill passed second reading. Bill to enable the Chatham Railroad company to complete its read ?.i : r The bill passed second reading. 1 1 Mr, Sweet rose, to' a . question, of privP, lege, lie understood that -the- promising son of our Treasurer had,'" i :day before yes- ceruayiaia wa lor jiia will i jidu geon on the -stair-case which he -usually dflscendftd.l " ITa hannennd trf Accent' the invitation o? a friend and' went out a dif- lerent entrance, lhis man was a coward and a bally. Such conduct was an inva- sion oi me pnvueges oi .. tuo senate. , us bad beeo through eleven larg and bloody battles and had been opposed to ' brave men and never flinched. lie should resist any invasion : of his rights with "all the means God, nature and art' had. put into his hands. ' IIcdefiedMhe coward and buJlv to touch jb, hair bn bis head. V" Bill relative to Tennessee River Valley Railroad passed second reading;' ' . A message Was received from the House refusing to concur in Senate amendments pto the revenue wn. io - fT ; On'motioa of Mr,,StcphenX the, Senate refused to recede and proposed a commit tee of conferenpe, to" consist ''of fire from eacn uousa . r After which the Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.,. f ra yt r-v'T rrj a T tlOUSE OP REPHEENTATIVEa WEiWEsiiXTrTrfarch 4,9. it ". , ...... ' ii The House met at 10 oxlock. Mr.' Stilletr frnm the Judiciary Commit tee, reported favorably bill" tolifiaket the jicttWffotagaskeoV liaftJiiar with face painted, a felony. Mr. Hinnant, fromthc Committee on En rolled bills, reported the ' folldwing . bills correctly enrolled,, and. they were there upon signed by the .Speaker: Act to ai thorize tho construction of a railroad through the couptiea of Granville, Person. ' CSsweH,' Ilockinguam; stokea anrt Hurry and an act to continue In force and amend an ct to'authorlze he-county of Chmber- iudu buu iue iown or r ajenevvue xo issue bonds for their indebtedness, ratified 2nd March. 1867. BILLS IKTUODUCED. 1 Mr. ' Foster- Bill :td 'incorporate the in ortn Carolina Planters Insurance ; and Loan OnmnssT. "- . ! ThTJniverstyapproprTatlon bill was ,made a, special order for Friday next at 10 o'clock. " '" " J '.' Bill toi.legaljze interest! jipon open ap- counts, came up as unnnished business. Mr. Justice of Rutherford, moved to lay .''tableAAgied'to.'X-VIl Vs Bill to make the act of going masked, isgruised; or With face painted, a felony, w.v p vi waiKUiucut. .h: .... 4 The prtyions nestion waot-ordred cao,1nais7 ;,. , n Mr. Maloe aaoved to amead bv insert- Uig After the word houses' IntM'thirrl line, -first section, the words and every person wbo'Shall join anv or&ranization ol a secret character in which pretehd&i oaths arc administered." V ' 4Mxi LVroarr?c4lletl,th txewienn': DT,: M.Tou's awendmeni to tr&ea sec- ; " . - ..4f.l"t--,-,j.., tiirpassea second .. readingyeaa- refeBira uiu wmi vaeDamenu lor concur- 1 ments were non-concurred in. Tlio liouie a7rTourned7 ...... j . , .. . . , . .. . i .i , a ktiA' W.' . .JJ ' 'New Yoar.-ATurtisli,!ttHl'iac&.; f Alt w w ell 'ja mtteatton rOUND. EXTKACT EUCHU.. Thaoomponen! Sarts are BUCSHU; le I,a ji COBEBS, JT-IPER-BERKlES. i-.si, a ,ut:-i MoDKor PJLKFAB.ITIOM. Bacho. In vacuo. Juniper Berries, by distiUatlon, ta form a line Slit. Cube t8 extracted by dlsplacemeijtj by qnor obtained from Jnulper Berries, ooa-. tauainv -very little sugar, a small proportion of spirit, ana more palatable than any now in use. rue active properties are ay tins mode extracted. ,'w...K,jtn..W' -M'. Buebu, as prepared by Pruggista Kenerally, Is of a dark color. It Is a plan t that emits its fragrance ; the action of a flame destroys this (Its active principle), ' leaving a dark and glu tinous decoction. - Mine is the color of ingre dients. Tlie Buchti- ny- preparation pre dominates ; the smallest quantity ot the other ingTedients are aidU, to prevent fermenta tion i upon inspection, it will be fonnd not to be a Tincture, as made in Pharmacopoea, nor nor is It a Syrup and therefore can be used in cases where feve or Inflatntnatlon exists. In this.ju hate tie Knowledge ot Uie ngretli enta aOilJUiA mode of preparation.'. Hopinir that Ttm ww4 lavor it with atrial. and that npon inspectien.it will meet with year approbation " i a r . w ltn a xeeuns oi c anaence. , Jiim, vei y respecfully, V ihi- ,f Jl , i . ; '. U HELAIBOLD, , i .Chemist and Drnsraist f 16 Tears' Experi ' ftnee in Phfladelmiia, t nd now located at his Dra? and Chemiial WarebOMC,-694 Broadwav. N"w York. Froai the largtist Mannfiicturiig C3iemists In " IUD Ut If! J In aeanamted wit a Mr. H.T; Ifclmbold : he occupied tbe Drng Store opposite my resi dence, and. was successful in conducting: the business where others had not been equally so before him. 1 have been favorablv imorcss- Hl with his aharacter and entcrprtsor -. WILLIAM WEIGH TMAlf, ,; ; tuxinR Chemists.' Uintb and Brown 8ts., PhUadclphia. . . ... IIblmbold's Fttrm ' Exteac"t BtTChtt. for weakness arising from indiscretion. The ex hausted sowers of Mature which are acoom- ,Pnieiby bo manyalarmlngByraptoms,aijin VhichVilL be found, Ind isposiiion to Eiar. uon, xs or Memory, aKeiiness, uorror or Disease, pr Forebodings of Evil in fact. Uni versal Isuitudi', Prostration, and iuabilit y to enter into the enjoyments of society. - x no uonsutution. once anectea wit u ursranic Weakness, - requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BDCHU invariablv in&HJ If no treatment is-auhmlttcd to. Coiir lampuon or insanity ensues. . . . , ., . hklmbold's x L.vro i,xTBAOT xiucHU, in anec- tions peculiar to Females, is - vnequaUed by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or lie tentlon, Painfulness, or Suppression of Cus tomary evacuations, uiceraiea or bcnirrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints inci dent to the 6exi whether arislna from habits Ot dissipation, imprudence in, or, the decline or change of life. - e Helmbold's Flpio Extract -Bitch w aid Ix- movid Bosk Wash will radically cxterml nate from tb systona diseases arising from habits of dissiDatlon. at little exnense. little or no ehamre In diet, no inconvenience or ex posure ; completely superseaing Uiosu un- nTaoannt and danffAmnd r.imml If. a PiinaivA and Mercury, In all these diseases. ' ft f- ' .-USB HELMBOLD'S J LUID JkXTBAOT UCCHC in all diseases of these organs, whether existing in male or lemaie, irom wnatever cause origi nating, and no matter of bo longstanding, V. 4 1 . .1 u... A.l ..(..... lb 19 UIWHUIIi Ul W9V7 KUU UUVlt T .UIIUICUWID in action, end more strengthening than any of (he preparations oi nark or iron. - 1 ' Those ButTerinr from broken down or deli cate constitutions, proenro the remedy at oncn. The reader must be aware that, however slight may tue attack ot cue anove uiseases, it is certain to affect the bodily heal tli and mantat power.-' 1 ' All the anove niseases require tneaiaora Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCI1U is the creat Diuretics . I v sola oy uruggisis eyerywiiere. -rice i.ta Tcr bottle, or six botoes rot as.si. Delivered to any addross. Describe symptoms in all communications. - Address II. T; HET.MBOLD, Druprand Chem icnl warehouse, a4 Broaaway, v. JB None are trenaine anlcss done up in a steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-slmile ef my cnemicai w arenouse, ann wiarnew H. T. HELMBOLD fb5M32-2m-4F 1. CONSUIPTION, GO UOm AND BRONCHITIS CURED. Allen's Lung Balsam ! . S.KTTEB fBOUDB. S. B. BOBOM, DBUGGIST. fySII Imm had creat saeeesa in IfcS v BUOXCHITIS, curing himself with Alien's uing uaisam. , BiLTViLLKj-fa., Feb 23d, 1867.' Gentlemenr-L hera-artve you and the world my optoVaa'rcgarhtJLha arendertul virtnea of Allen's Lnng Balsam, in case of Bronchitis, Conglia, koj 'I . have' posted, jt to my entire satisfactioft ia Bronchial Affections, and pro- nounoe'lt without a rival. It cured me when all other remedies failed. To all those de siring a good Lnng remedy,! ean recommend it as betas far superior to any of the many remedies offered for - sale. Aialr trial will convince any one of tbe truth of this state uient With cheerful satisfaction, I remain, Yours, truly, S. tt. BOROM, Drnggist. HAST CASKS OF 'BROHCHTTIS CT7BBD, AND DB. ." nAtiars Abvica how Td rsa it Da. Natuavibl Harris of Middlebnry, Ver mont, writes k second letter, Dee. 18, 1866, re ferring to the value 'of ' 4-Hen's Lung Balsam. He writes, referring to his former ' letter, which will be fonnd' published iii our book, that.it was'onlyto subserve thi interests of humanity ; li having erred me of my malady in such a thorough manner that I felt an irre pressible desire that others who were afflicted with any of the incipient "Stages of Consump tion might avail themselves of Its benefits I sa w by th e If ew York papers, that a friend at Lotiisvillc.'Ky.'rwas" dangerously ill With Bronchitis',' limmedlately wrote him what the Balsam had done for me, and advised Sim to 'make d' trial of It. t am very sure, iri conld be With him" to direct him bow to take the Balsam, heoouid be speedily cnredJ Tf I dd not tIfdryobr patience,1 1 woum! 'direet as to adfttlnlstering tbe BaIsa"ra.TAIt thtose to whom It does not produce sickness at the stomach. the Balsam maybe taken often or and In much larger pert ions,' it being perfectly harmless I aTge qaaA'tities taken intethe stomach is sure to cure CONSTIPATION EVERY TIME 4t does not act as a cathartic, does not disturb the patient tool his diet or business. 'All per sobs of sedMrt ary habits should ueter be with out this Balsam., i A -large portion of the fe male populatjoa of ouroountry are constantly snncrmg rrein constipation 'ot um ooweis caused by their Sedentary mode of Jiving, all of which this Balsam- will regulate," f I have the honor to be, yery respectfully, YonrobedieatBeTvaatj'fif-;,..,, ; 4 f NATHANIEL BARRISS, M. D. , ,. Sold by ail Dealers in Family Medicine i,inarMa-la..;- - .... r; t ... . if. ut ST. CLOUD HOTEL. rn II IS -Jt E W AKD tOHMODIOUN 1 House, located corner of Broadwav ana 42d Street, New i York, possesses advantages over au ui uer npuses ior tne accommodation ot its guests. It was built expressly for a first class . Family Boarding House Che rooms betas; large uul en. .suit, heated by 8tean with hot aud " "V1 muvb A UA H CTVyVVAAVA UOUS 4 while the culinary department Is la the most experienoed Jaandaf affording guests an r une qual table. 1 , 5 One-of Atwood's Patent Elevators ia also among the "modem-Improvements" and at thei "t-rvioe or guests at ail hours. The Broadway and University Place Cars ODi either- side.- affordinsr.nrrae faciHtfaR fn? I ll enHTWnainlimtln m i ll ll nil lhan.nn nM. li ri l . " oi jvmiwemen ana iiusiness n oi the great metropolis.1" ' - '' - HOLLEY. mr23-6m i Proprietors. '. i- ': F A' H I Ii Y - E D.t I N E . . .a v j n . t-1 - ' v.vvit ii. h mil. Ul - " versal consent allowed to have won for ltoelf, a reputation unsurpassed in the his fary f inedieaT prepfioftITt8"iftstantane- m,ec bathe enttra eTaAitionj an eiFrlncJ tio of pln, in ail ts. various forms4ncidentai io the human1 family, and the" unsollclftjd writ ten as 'verbit testimony tf tVe aaae'fd itr favor, have beeii, and are, its owv best aflverw For eyidenoa m favor of the JPqxn Killer for Ministers' fedre1 Troai'orltrWchltls.'reticltho following : " - '' nOwl -.tf ?rt La i t Gbhtb. The Pnim Killer has been a constaat cpupantft oujf "Jbuae fbf oyejK twoyears, and a portion qf the Mme it has been the onlvmdi- J cine Vmder tmr rooK nardly' ever do' 1 l&ve 4 My children complain of being sick, withoot : having the; asic.l fhe same.aetcaceoPain For several years before I betjame acquaint ed with the Pain KJUaayl had suffered a great d$atxroni ah affetetfon fn rdy throa "thought Dysomephysicians to be Bronchiti,Tiy others to be what is called Ministers' Sore Throat. At one lme t was so severe i hat I was obliged to give "up preaching."" Within a few months after I had become acquainted with tbe Pain Killer, 1 bail 'another attack7 from that dis tressing ; complaint.' I tried- my jyw-found medicine, and, to my astonishment and de iightltproilnced a wOBderfuily sootldng ef- icev. a a soon time 4 was wnoiiy reueveu. Slaoa that lime " 1 ave bad a Aumoer of at tacks of the sane nature, and th4 Paw Killer has always AlTordet. relie About one year since, uiy wffe became subject 'to scvefe'suf ferlng f ront Bbenmatlsm birr resort, as usu al, was to the Pain Killer, which would always. relieve her. I have not time to say more, as I could with a hearty good will, and" -always .have done, In praise of the Pain Killer. , ,f. this hastily-writ, ten letter, in commendation of Perry Davis Valuable medicine, wfif be 6f anyer-ice, you are at liberty to do with it as you please; - ..,' iwi i yours, , I . . ED AR CAPY, Owatomw Ailinn., ''mi&aryqt trf'AttMme' MtAon Society. A3- Sold by all brnggfeta, ; y : mari-lm Notice. rTVni.COPARTJIEKBXII .HEBETO- JL fore exiting between the .nnlersigned, ander tie etvie of ATKINSON A HilKPrKK- SON, is dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of John Wilder Atkinson.; n AJfrea is. saepperson assumes all tbe liabil ities of the late firm, and it is requested that mono in ue Die a y us wn make prompt pay1 menttohim." ' r . . .i 8 i- JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, ALFUKD B. FHEPPERj-ON, , Wilmington, N. March 17th, 1863.x A.' B,,SiiEPPERSO CO (successors to Atkinson s. snepperson,) ..; . VvibBNKBAL - ' CO 31 MISSION . MERCHANTS, -SLXD- A 6ENT& BALTIMORE AND WIL- ( MINQTOnfEAMSUIP LINE, ' li mna ia "Worth' Water St.", . WILMINUTON, Ji,C.0 . Tender their services to their friends and the nubile for tbe rmrchase' and sale, on com mission, of NAV AXr STORES. OTTON . and , LLBEKALfcADVANCES will be made unon eonsiirxtments for sale in Wilminstton. or -bv their eonespondenta in the Northern and Eu ropean markets. All business entrusted fcn them shall have Prompt personal attention. f t 1 The UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in com- mending to the tMttrons of ATKINSON 4 Nt;ri',rciu tneir successors, Messrs. A. ii SHE PPERSON 4 CO. . - .JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. . Wilmingtoa. N. C March IStb, le'.i. 164-Ot Dissoliitioit ijof (toartiiersliiij. mHE FIBX OF R. H. COWAIf A CO, a is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. . Messrs Cameron Jb Hill will close- U to be sl- ness or tne nrm. JNOWCAM ' JAMES H HILL ' Tho undersigned have formed a Copartner ship under the nameef!. i - : CAMERON & HILL And will continue the GcAeral CcnnmlHsion and Shipping Business, at' the old stand, No 'JNO VT CA WERON, ... f.- ... JAMES U.UIU. Wilmington, N C, March , I8B9 marMOMm-- i , Uplasses and Syxnip. CK0l CUBA MO OUU LAS8E.S ; 15G ",f SX1fti For aale by ; . mar5-tf " WILI.ARD BROS. A ".it t ai .' rniiE First remlanxval meet 1 Ibk of this Association will be held ; in Okldsboro' o FRIDAY, the cat or APRIL vbxt. about twelve o'clock M. Imnortant bu siness will be transacted Mv the way of pro moting Immigration and improving the ma teria condition ef North Carolina. Appro priate addresses may oe expected from prom- aent gentlemen s entlemen specially invited to enter meetings The tneetm g will bo doubt tain tne be large. are, and the occasion interesting. The iVilminarton and Weldoo railroad will issue j i hwci, vtrV wrh rciRmny, uiuw uiu over the read expressly teethe meeting. If - - --- -.- - .... . . . A tne otuer roaas oi tue stave ao not as well, iney wiu no oonot ODserve tne usual custom or passing ior aasc nee those who may at tend. Come one. come all. and enlist in sym pathy and action In this great movement for improving the agricultural and all other sub' stantiai interests oi tne state. By order of ths President, '-- -- JORDAN 8TONE, Secretary VmhiatdJ -M i k.J; InMMigratidwAss'n i'jiiiiLr(kw;ram 1V l V T1LAKT CANES -JANI HAKB YOIIB XT own8UUAR8 and SYRUPS ' by Weller . Uatebee patented process agar thus made will cost about t cents per pound, and Syrap about 80 cents per gallon tr gaAiow.' 1 uistncc, - ixmnty ana inaiviauai iu gnis ior saie. . sena ior vir- culars with full particulars. Agents wanted. vs ' .WM..JT. BKASL,ai 4 861 Agent for North Carolina WM..F. BEASLEY. a ; (reenaboro,Nv C. fehO-i-W-Upl s TT Hie; Ilezotirie VJlchxre t TA TE& PHOTOGRAPtt 0ALLXR?, 1 t 4aWA -.r.. .... , Flour! Flour slrij . jS -JiJkii fA i,m M?t 1,: 'fj P'rVBB'L:t Fl.Ot'fe, "V v f " ' tjtJXJ'W ,-V- -'l ' . '.,: hr.9 titA.,tu -WILRD-BWOS.. ... fcbSlHtf V i rrtirE.atTBsciUBKKv H4Bvm9roHin JL . of his entire interest iu the firm .of, Mq fitt 3c McLaurin to the senior partner. 1 ' i a ne dus I name and i uiuuica wiu ui3 cvnunneu nauer ins Stylo oi " ! 1' r a Tf - MOFFITT A CO. iutvri-duu. 4 NC .ii Oi. iOLINA E DOBPC SATBO iT BCIAJV ACT OF THE OBf-i '! BBA" .tASSBMBM-l r. ?H4 FOR THleCATlON OF . ;' Hcriixrnl Jc;:iffltu ; r , .UFQUsAlefl laO .v , fAnds, Houses, Mines. Jaer !t h eJtTAiao Cto 1 'To- 4 - . - M,.-- . ' 1 ri batte,! 'taawnwrpvM m1! wn.ii , Mul aii Sanit. . . . it vxrtiTinVKn ' AORICUiTURAR' IMPLE i... ..w . . - . nrtllT ..k I iMENTSi FEBTILIZJfiWAiJUAjf . Al.AM ayABeilisMl - , .j t Ui. r lrsirma for sale, will inuw " . . . i. t find it to their mtereai w flmiuwB'.i VeWlsirig? toopt whn a office Raleln. N. C Qjo. LittjK, preat. , Ry W, Baar, See, reas. Hon. B.WrB.TH.-i .nCPkfo-.At,4e i . Geo.W.Swepson, .BJ Kingsianci. . J Agents and Directors in New York and Bodori : M A.. J. Bleecker. Son A Co. LITE INSURANCE Only , FMfy $5,000. -j.i.- iy: TflK-i-A. M TMlH ' n -f .;. HnTDAL,EEMOLElif .PPIION, Of Blchnaona, , , a k JOHN A. BELVIN. .President, j ( xr a on ARL.ES. Vice President, JOHN Ci DAVIS, teBCBetaryal.Tra9urer. L. D. STARKE, General Axent, wnw lsriKO 'lOT,ICrES OF Membership; on Uia most Jhewl( 3lan ot J 1. .la .. ." I 4,114? 4444J . . I I have thoroughly investigated the plan and workings of this company, and unheeU i ntinfflv recommefrtm to my friends, and the pdbliegenerauHaAfeasibld and. sale ' . o', Xull,parJ!icnlarsjapplv. tp. tho pnfter signed. , , J , f 'Local Agents Wanted thronghont the SUte. (msTwiiiis,? .1 I. .T M 4it I Recoiid hf.. 2f doors Norfh of City llotet i- fe' i.tlt t tTTTJlfTTrOTVIJVl JW; frtM ' tl 1 b C10FFIHS OFAI.L KINDS SIAIEao4 i Trimraexl in the neatest and latest stvlea. . Furniture neatly repaired and v anils box I. i Prompt attention given to nil kinds of Car-nentersWork.-- - t !' ;t-viki . , Can be found at his shop, on Aecond street, fit nil hours of the dav or night.' AH ordors from the countryi by mail or tela-, firTanh. will meet with prompt attention; ; Terms cash on deliverj'i if not otherwise, .1 . 1. . 1. A T.. t..n. ... . feb2-M4-tf . - . , , Caution. 4 n ' i' E DESIRE TO WAR THE SEAL era In. and consumers of sua if ire ne rail v. that sinee the war, certain tobacco manufao- turers, being unable-te find a market fortnielr snu lis, felt themselyel obliged to counterfeit the general appearance of our packages, and imitate our Trade Marks, fto that n-close in spection la necessary to detect the apnriene article from the genuine, androthers going so far as to assert that LoriTIard'S Snu ft Is no longer mid e.'- ii.r- it: 11 : , In .making this publication we-desire ta warn the public against the impositions prac ticed npon them ; as they are the losers there by. It wtu be found wpea. oraariaon teat Lorillard's Snufl Is " far ahead " of all other, being made of the best Stock, after an original and secret proeess Jcnowa only toowrnelves. besides possessing, great agre, . strength ana pungency, and. is warranted: net to contain any dangerous' or ' deleterftms "substances, which cannot be aaid of tbe in anv worthless articcs put oale bv others. 1 Tbe best is the cheapest in tho end.- A dreujar Will always be mailed on application. In ordering vlease specify if Salt Snnff (High Toast),, or fresh uuu. iuA4in umntviii .o 41311 :'. P.lwORILLARp, New York, "TT IS COMPOSED OF TICK CEf.T.BBAi Combined with other valuable! fertilizing m leriui, Bcienujucaiiy ireaieu, malting a, , , j COMPLETE MANURE- It produces a vigorous jjrrowti to-the vegeta- xion anu permanently enricnes tne sou. t ;v--l -"ii '. : i , For sale.- In Wilmington, NJ C, by ALEX JOHNSON A CO., at a0 per ion.,' . ' .'r Orthe rAl.TA YELA OrAKO CO:,l feb26-M7-yi; f . 67 Brpndway, N5 Y. . -i tr iiT vt n rpn n n it nir'. ABE OFFERING , AT WMOLESAIJi and Retail, at lowest nr lees : - -' ' 1 . TONGUES Pickled and Dried SALMON .i.. HAUKJi;ttl!.L,A0.1jHAMUU8 and CUCUMt BER8 j JELLIES, JAMS. SAUCER AO., and a complete suppiy oi i auil.; KUVuits, Remember, City Bote! Balldinir, " W.lff JwJ, rw56TBTXN80N. wopw,.u ,,.4 . ;,; UlACK-SPAWtHMOBMl CRKV&COEUES, ot ' .. 4-i TTr-1MT-T y-N Tf i! -c Till'- 4 V DUrii-lUUlV UAMl I . i 1 Price -for Trie-AlA fer BiahtMi an4 3pansh .1 nd tee for 4!V?-CoewrsP 1 o IM"i .'l-l:) jL-(r .HissolutidEL- " ! . .i. r-.4j T- Wi TT I t 4 THE FIRM OF, ROBIN.SON, RMITll CO.,-waa dissolved by mwroeleenbent, I ouiue uiuayoi euruary, xsotA ri ae D sines a of the Firm wllT be' settled by C. H. ROBIN ON, who alone i authorised to sign ieliqui dation. C. H. ROBINSON, a. Aii smithj.!! ' F. G. ROBIN SOX f -WrlnilngtOrt, NiC.iFea.a, ISb-iti'-.n .frwl ' THE SITBSCRmER VcrfJld- rNtr1h- in form his Friends and Customers that he cam do ronmi at tho umce of WILLARD BROS--where all! bnsinoRS mste4l to. hiip! will re ceive nis personal attention, j , ' -. . it. C H ROBINSON. Co-Partneiliip i Hotice. ryi'MB ifobEitsioSniD 1 iftAVE Tisi JU day formed , a oo.partnei-Bhi0 -nnder tha Printing and Publishing Honae. 1 n1 1 TJ-u-kW V(nlnTT .f Hi-t hi No,U fFronMtrnet, , fyry tne Sf,,,,,. wlliingtm;VN.ti:VahXi' I Ifii11 Fitutmree "PC' , ii ' r,'..; 19Kai4BeesnaiapWy adjasteWdml mhi. Bin i inm.i - - r QiV .... . -f firm of BARKY BROTHERS, aiid will continue the Commission' Bvsmessvhesetara -earrled . on nnder the name of Horace M. Barry. ' H ' 7 : HORAChTm: BARrtY. ij flmk;d.g!s? VjRik'rix; kcuN'ti a1 ' biNDinu Jl fexecatedinthe beststylej at-- - j i , it . u.' WM. H. BEllNAltP'S r-tj-K.Y . . r 'prtfttin-1 publishing Honae. f , ------ -roiraf " ;e"i, cavnA&kT''' ' fit f ii TT1 jfi'iVt,'-. Wortlrfcaroliiia In it 'J ; jrntcn-Pecr 1 868 'JliA! a c.kT:v Cttogtsrs'i AaxteAJ....,...v..... aQq ()00 JtttietYtit novr Llahl fttrtaea,' Kso.ooo :u1? -v- l-v .J-.l A-l . t'Uale I '. V-w4r . . a 111.1 . ,.ia44r a ,!, t JAMES ILFOOTE, President. i4MtSE.FXtXtleVpebideMi " : SEATON'GAliEKSeeretarv. - A ... 'J , 'M KxrKil .!i-i:i .. V. E. PtlAHi 1 l Iv Jin W H K N( ' K , i,' i'J- H.'pSiVlS.-' . , J, U. FOOTE, , H Jf H. DAVIS, "1 W. FFXtru''J , A. Wl LAWRENCI ' W. It. MJLLEB,' f W. T. JONES, i.n General Age for Wettern. AorA Carolina . i ' Gmerul Agent for Eastern North Carolina .- . 1 -k' TH08; THOMPSON.'-'- Offlce;irsV aWohtjh of Raleigh Natl (Hill '...?..' . - -oTS fpni,lTOWECOJIipajnr CHARTER. X tff byHhLtegtsTatnre of Nortlf Carolhi:i, niure l'i tf.a FtTj X 4ii44m ny dnd'deesiVbneinees en the Matdal and John Stock Dlans. -vt4w-- . vtlre eharaeter of'thoso'Vho control the nt fairs of the Company is a sufficient guamm,... that it 'la "What It professes to-be, a IIOM k jfiMTJUKjriu&jb, onermg mpie anu lilici:ll proteetioa against. ksa by fire. , do., , on i in most easy and. liberal terms to Insurers. ..The TWKNTX THOUSAND DOLLARS in ST. C. Bonds, required by the Charter to be de posited 'with ' the Public .-'Treasurer, have promptly been so deposited and the Treasu rer's receipt thercfrtr obtained... , ' ' i "Policies aTe issue! foi" a term, not to exceed Ave years.-.' v.-;-..;"." ' ; '"; Vrf tlhrt rhnnuAiV' OnVrf - trrvtttpr in.i...... mental to Insurers. - r v " Vaw Io th.tltlia fVll- Oil wVlofoi! anirlnl. ink-HOME INSTITUTION to oome forwuv.i and enconrage tnis company ricelvinji, rney WTli recixo Doneni liune one mice- nt value aaaproteoueit e-uieir proper. ut t owf. EEMOVAt: ...Iti-'J f.'l i . ' . . OF.'ffJ T(two(wkeks dry GOGTS at the'4 WHmfnglon Regulator" will - iIUU AIim.EKS' OF COST, ( I jf . l td mai room for ' SPRtNQ' AKri 1 StJMMER GOODS, And to save the expense of removal. H .. ! l-- ,-:m i i ."Mt .4, i E. 8. WALDRON. bavins rented the Sloio. IVOg 7 f rlli Front, Siree., Formeriy-oocapie4' by t..Jl J. IIKDUK K, will, oh or about the 10th day of April next, opewataidNo.T North Frdni street, a fnvh and complete stock of ' l.- - , ... .4 . , - 1 ( .! i JSpriug and. Summer Dry ;6W., Alt bf which will ;be sold at SATISFACTOUY (PRICES., Call and see Waldron in his new field. ,' , .K;:H,t,'r,.;:,.r.!f:.tv, , For Rent-. , That SPACIOUS 8TORE,No.l7MarkclM., at present oocupied bv-R.-8. Waxdhon. Ap ply tb U. St. WALDRON, or , . : hTACY VamAMRINGE, Aud i . S. WALDR.OX, 'talillMSMr' i i-- " Froprietor. . Sic Semper.!! t tt)Owifr'wiTir inir; prices i ,i;.u. ,4u; -si.-..ii BQQTIAIiD'.'SrlOE.STORE, , J WHO ARE NOW SELLING s .?: , fr. , J.4 '' .m.4 -4.' - f -.Wyfini 'IHHraT 4i i'ia.' "Ti fVERT' LOWPRICES. mar12-4S9-tf ... iVtTB' EXTENSIVE' ANDEI.I. AS- 'sorttf stocl! of FAttt'kNl AViNTER f are'beini kM, titdUkfrLESfi OF WbWh iw: rF aJlyAijepeiyViir, pomprisin- s CALICOES, yh6frk&Tld'B'ff'& GOOIiS lels'-!firwOJreYtffU1ftVrV4I'4' ''Uvan yierye of Mie opportunity and o- We would calltUa attention of WholesnKe BWyers to oaiino olir siockDelore purchas- f ingr lawh4iii t J ? t ' , ?! ''inUlditjUtfb tW boW,!wri'ar till wooiv inlariTj hs(gnmentiM,trt.iqUORS and NO. II Market si. QILKS LK1TCH, - . , - " ; " ' JOHK W. COLK A TTORNE Y& -'ANDl 4SOVKBELLORS . KocVingliara, f. C I ftOMPT ATTENTION IVF.N TO ailbnaiweseintnaseewte-.tbem. r. maiS-iao-lm ' .. i v tr "I . 4 r.i d-- j - - - Ip..fevian.ieuaho. -J A UJl E E, II 1 1,1. COTTON ''Fbr Uleby-5"! kK aii'i l sn.- i , ;-.. MOFFtTT A CO. I l4BABErf AT;ifWESrt CITY il. PiJoes, at . ' ; ..,,,., f 1 ae marSi-tf -.-. -. .- u anu wr' o. AUU XOAAA bA XJWJa, AAIAVOI V . . !; i?M t , r "'J

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