'it i . I! i; ry MORNKTGCBTAB. PUBLISHED AT .WIIJGTOJWrtt C., fK5fVBy per wr,J ftp K t Delivered to subscribers y or tie city jjfct 19 oenta,per; i V a . ' AW A. TETiEGRAPH. tk..wj7iilipri.iMe,hi,j - .airSoiARos ' THE MORNING STAB. NOON bepobts ; ; IIavaica, March 20. The GoTernorJof Trinidad Villa Clara aid Col. Menduma, who commands the forces near Romedios, are accuses oi aisioysuy. Four companies of the mobilized volunteers have gone oyer to the enemy. - - General Letonas advance guard had been de- leatea py we reoeis near weDioegw. , . - r Several expeditions from the Lnltcd States, well equipped, are known to hate recent! j landed. : " " -'r-. Cuban accounts of expeditions to raise toe eeige of Puerto Principe are unfavorable to the Spaniards. ,,. ; Xew York '. , ,. ' . . , - Nw Yokk, March 26. A packed Cuban meeting was held here to- An U.m U.ll lmMIiw Iharlaa ' A. Dana read resolutions expressing sympathy with the Cuban -patriots and urrtng the government to recognise them as belligerents. -Aaopta en thusiastically. . Frera Washlaa-te. The4Ionee Is enracred on private bill. The Senate la doing nothing. " Sew Trk"fsuraita.' New Toax, Murch 26 Noon Hour 10Q15 cenU bctwT Wheat 2($3 cenU better. Corn steady.' Pork dull new Mess $31 62X31 75. Bteam Lard duU 18 cents. Cotton on let at 28(329 eents. Bpts. Tur pentine steady at 60 cents. Bosin f 3 40. Freights qnlet. ' No session of the Stock Exchange, open Board and gold room, this being Good Fri dsy. Gold on the street 131 , OUtt NIGHT IlEPORTS. . Frna Oeorrla Savanxh, March 26. Judge Bchlay rendered a decision this morn ing la quo warranto In the case of Clements vs. White, that negroes were melligible to of fice In the State of Georgia. A decision by the Board of Arbitration to day in the case of Mitchell & Jones vs. the city of Brunswick, involving over a million of dollars was decided in favor of the defend ants. FROM WASHINGTON. ,-v Washisqtom, March 28. ' ! COSGES88IONAL. ' ' ' ' ' The House committee on foreign affairs re ' ported a resolution declaring sympathy with the people1 of Cuba in their efforts to secure independence and establish a republican gov ernment: also repeats a former resolution authorizing the President to recognise Cuba, which was recommitted and ordered to be printed. ' The tenure-of-ofiice bill was resumed, and : after a long and demoralizing debate a motion to concur in the Senate amendments was de feated by a vote of TO to 90. The bill goes , back to the Senate as a simple repeal. The House then adjourned until Monday. In the Senate an effort to taker up the Mem phis and El Passo railroad bill failed. A bill enforcing the Convention of July 7, 1768, with Mexico, was passed. The currency bill was discussed without ac tion. After which the Senate adjourned nntil Monday. There was a full Cabinet meeting to-day. . The President made several nominations, but none affecting the South. ' . Orders were issued reducing the force at ar senals. Admiral Hoff report all quiet in the vicinity of Havana. 1CI8CXXLAKSOU9. The Senate has confirmed all the recent nom inations except that of Longstreet and Emem ocer, of Louisiana, and Plumb as Consul for Havsna. . Frwna Tewaesaee. . Gexxttvuxx, March 2G Evening. Johnson is much better and out of dsn- Mr. ger. Frwav Hew OrIesas. . ..., . Hmw Oblxaxb, March 26. Auditor Wicklifl, who was arrested and de tained but a few minutes yesterday and re leased on bond, has published a notlhcation to the public against transacting an v kind of bus iness with, the Auditor's office until he regains possession, stating that the office has been Il legally seized and held by Gov. Warmoutb, virtually suspending the financial department of the Government. Upon presenting himself at the Auditor's office yesterday with his ap pointment from Gov. Warmouth, Mr. De las size wis refused possession by Mr. Wicklifl; when the latter was elected by the Superinten dent of Police. Legal opinions are that Gov. Warmouth had no authority to eject Wickllff from office, as by the 8tate Constitution this can only be done by impeachment or Indict ment and conviction, and that there was no legal vacancy for Warmouth to AIL Conse quently no action in regard to a new appointee is legal or binding. Frwsa Klsari. , .... ,. 8t,Jxum, March 28. The Indian news from the West Is threaten ing. The Indians are growing discontented. f relgm. : . . Paus, March 26V There have been three large meetings, and three persona arrested for seditious speeches. 'Z1 BstttlSBwVS) ask)t. " ' , , , - ; , . 4 , f Biwaou, March 26V Cotton quiet Tlcrar active-ow grades higher. Wheat firm. Corn dull Whits 80 82c. Oats and Bye steady. Provisions un changed. Whisky has a better feeling at 94c. I Irl Kev TorHnarketa. i . ..: ... .... -. JSw Jobs, March 26.' Cotton quietsales 6t 860 balei it'28K32fc.' ! Flour flrm flnperflne State t5 75f6 10 ; com moa to lair exUaSoutbern $0 65(317 10. Wheat an advance checks transaction.. Corn closed drooping new mixed WeUrn86(a387c. Pork heavy -and tower new Mess 31 66$3l 75. Lard quiet Whisky 5c. Rice dull Carolina SciHt. SpirtU Turpentine 60c51c. Rosin o sale.' Freights dull . t( t ,-! stt - ; . ,j .,, , , : revela-m -Market. ' ' LrvMPooi; March 26-Evening. . TIiam will Iw'iin inarlriitA tn411 Tn. 1 T . ' - . .. . , ' i i i, Tho .c G"D7 r ok Priiiicr. ScKSf5 T T 11 TlVti '! ' Tjn t7alFlTI XITTIJB ICUOei, BOOK is received, with favor by thepuUkj and is selling quite egctenslvely. Another Wfts BOOK STORE. WILMINGTON MAltlCET. SPmls'lTntPENTINB No eal4 Wetsl asked, and 45 cents offered. , . ROSiySales of 82 bbU. at f 1,75 foriLow Strained, and 300 bbls. on private teitns--snp-posed to be $1 801 85 for 8trainedf and No. - CRUDE TURPENTINE. 15 bbls. Virgin the first of the seasonarrived and' were taken at $5 ,00 per bUL; -j.Y. rtiVfUJ' TAR Advanced 10 cents, ana suo ddis were sold at 2 8a i , i , . r COTTON. Sales of 53 bales at 25, 2636 cents for mixed grade,t.i . , , ' -Whoussaub riucEs. W ABTICLKS. FBICXS. HA OOINO Gunny, . ., . . . ,f yd BA CON Nohth Cakoluta, , S3 , 23 Hams, , .........fl Shoulders,.,, Hog Koond,, ghoulders,., ........r W BSTKBV Hamsv... .V Sldes.....&. . w Should ers,... ........... x Second Hand...,......each1 ' New New York,. ..... . .eaoh New City, .each BEESWAX V BRICKS-' Wilmington... ,.f M. BUTTER otXh Carolina, 9 Northern. V CANDLES-Sperm,. Tallow, , V ' Adamantine..... ..: f CJJ3e&B-Northern. FaCv. 1. Dalrv ... CfOiPFJZJS-Java,...,.... Rio,: Laguayra, , j St. Domlnro- V CORN MJSAL-. bush OOnWjV TIES D0Jf827CSSheetlng, 4-4 Vyd Yarn,..i f ouncn riSJI Mackerel, No. 1,. V XA h W , t Mackerel, No. ,. 00 oo 10 00 00 00 8 14l 7 60 10 00 0 DO ($ 0 00 ' 6 00 M 6 60 Q 7 00 7 60 Q 8 00 8 00 Q M 50 11 00 6 11 60 MuUets, V Jbl ' Try Codt...4..f Fine......;.... "IH Hnner. Northern bbl Extra Do. bbl Kamllv u bbl N. CiLrnllna 8uoer bbll r.xira,.....f ddii 0 OS ti 00 00 00 12 Familv W bbl li 00 60 FER TILIAJtMCh Peruvian wnaiKV..f( wwmi tu w ? iw w Pacific Uuano, aooo t 6ft 00 73 00 Patapsooisuano,... two u wwn7tw BaugU'S Phosphate, " " I 00 00 CO 00 Rhodea1 Stan. Manure," " 65 00 e 70 00 Lister' Snperphoaphate, W oolaton 'a Am uton iat'U Bone PliOHph.of Lime. 70 00 80 00 7 00 ($ 85 00 30 00 70 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 ti 60 00 00 00 66 00 SO 00 f? 70 00 00 00 4) 70 00 no oo o so es 00 00 00 00 00 Q 40 OO 00 00 e 45 00 00 00 0 67 00 00 00 ti 67 00 00 00 ti 70 00 00 00 6 70 00 60 00 e 00 00 20 tJ 23 W ilcox, Gibbs A Co Ma- mpu la tea uuano, Phoenix tituuio, .. So. Carolina Bono Phos phate, ' Alkaline Super Phospu., Amtno'd Super Phosph., Ammonia'd Alkaline Su per Phosphate Chesapeake Phosphate, Croasodale's Superphos- , phase.... .k . Alt Vela Phosphate. . . . Ground Bone Bone Meal " Flour Complete Manure Wbann's Phosphate .... , Wando " Beryer A Bntz's ' Phos- puate. GLUE.... GRAIN .9 Corn, In Store, Corn, Cargo Corn, New Oats, Peas, Cow, ffZDfiS-Green,.... Dry, 105 Q 0 oo ti eoo w ti 1 05 ti o e 17 e 0 oo ti 90 ti 1 10 1 10 i oo 1 10 'v a HA Y Eastern, 10U 1 40 1 00 North River, ...ft 100 a I HOOP IRON V ton LARD Northern. 9 North Carolina,... ...... . t LIMB. flbM L U AfBKRRrrmm Last Bale, Wide Boards. M It 13a 00 6140 no 17 XI 10 ft 21 0 00 1 75 1 i 00 i? 13 09 10 00 1 2 00 IS 00 9 17 00 S3 00 25 00 a 00 Q 22 00 .- .. ,. .. ,. f is m e? as oo 00 0 35 00 15 00 f 30 00 00(3 ..u 57?4 eo iVsjti s 00 50 60 ti 1 OS Scantling,., f) M ft Flooring.-..... fMtt! Citt Stkax Sawkd ' Ship Stuff, resawed...?! M ft i , West India Cargoes, at-eord-4 - . -tngtoqnauty,......YiMn Dreitsed Flowing, seasoned. Scantling and Boraa. com-i mm, ft M ft MOLASSES-CalM hhds gal Cuba, bbte... V gal Sugar Uouae, tahds-. ..9 gal s " bbte.,....f gal Syrup, bbls- ....ft fea.1 j a uua cnt,4u to axi. . 0X Kerosene,.. Lard,... Linseed,.. ....... ..i... Koxin. 7a oo 29 1400 1 SO oo e oo .1(10 tw .4000 4 50 4 33 50 81 eo 32 00 S3 00 30 SO 31 00 32 SO 33 00 10V PEANUTS.. 9 1-ijTA TUKS8 weet, V boshj jrun. onnern,. doi TORKNorOternrr- CityMess ft bbl Thin. bbl Prime fbbl Rump,.;.. ............. .11 bbl RJCKCilir ina, ft Eastlndhv..... wa 00 Kougn,.. . .m,.. . ROPE.. SALT Alma ..... Liverpool....... . Ameilcan....... .SVGA R Cnba . . . .flbushl 1 00 50 ti 2 00 Q 175 13Vil 00 00 00 .00 1 50 10 60 : io 1 w f-14 9 bush ,9 sack 9 sack . . . .y s '.1:00 A. Coffee. B. - C. Crushed, 9 17 19 13 00 BOA x-Northenv. l ,7 Wilmington... W l BHINGLES-Cootnely. . ' Common,... ... BTA VES-W. O. BbL,.... M M 4 SO 00 3 00 8 SO M M M M 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 U 09 13 50 so ie 50 7 00 8 00 5 00 00 . 1 75 i 4 00 3 00 HO mt " iiiirinn XLV Shipping, win dx. ill ill . I inivi .............. Mill Fair Inferior to Ordinary. M M WIIISXXrXorthernr...9 gal North Carolina. 9 gal KKCEIPIH. PER RIVER STEAMERS. f Steamer Hurt 56 bbls. tar, 86 do rosin, 71 casks spts, 6 bales cotton, S bbls eggs, Came ron A 11111, A Johnson A Co, Worth & Daniel, A Alderman, Williams fc Murchison. -t; V CXPOBTH. V? COASTWISE,. Nxw Yokk Schr Lonisa Frayser 103T bbls rosin. 25 casks spts. 4175 bushels rough rice. -J-usv,-. I rOREiG J?.1 1 4 " ' " Kon'xaDiJ Danish brig Lola 1316 bbls. rosin. . ,. .... ... ' . '. , ARRIVED. 25 Stmrl A P Hurt. Skinner. Favetteville. Worth ADsnUU -. 26 chr Greenland, Parks, Galveston, E K4Udr;.fc Sons.,,- iU,,-, : t ,si jls CLEARED. v guar APUnrt, Skinner, PayettevlUe, Worth Schr Louisa Frsvser. Steelman. New York, norm et imami. Tlanlh hrlir Ttla ln1arann Vnttovilam Iforth A DanieL ; . - ' - " ; ' i . EDWARD J. f ASTO JT, - f XV t , .A8HEVILLE,v , . "", , AHIAlli AUAJ1A. BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. ' .ivity nd nioieucy In bringing to gether the Buyers and SeUers of Keaf Estate 1 T Caroi.ln' atKl to lacilitate advanta- .; t3 0 as 18 Q 20 , , a. SO & S! 16501 iH 1W S 00 S 36 Q 37 10 00 13 00 80 35 47 g M 60 0 - 15 0 90 W 370 40 19 Q , 4 2fi 88 25 O 88 00 1 to 8 12a 16 o oo 0 too 00 00 S 11 00 561s 66B V bosh II bosh flbnxh ....91 Sj e'"" "uwuunii netween them; also the n rin V w w a m m encouragement of Northern and European l,.SPB.IITO HATR Emis-rants to come and settle In theSoutlif " tt bib iu uiyecw gi uu Agency. Ml J KsK7f jrAJKiitX FLOUR and V 1 VtTT ' V ITTTT km, . CRACKERS, ail kinds- a , i - , ,iBy Bbl., Box or Retail J W lt J- C- STEVENSON. l AC471TRATEXT and day. STORE. AV IBB Btsr. JTor jjlebtt UUfl sale at LIP PITT' 8 DRUG STORE. PEBFUHE YOUS Cents, at BREATH far 88 feb23-444-tfJ LIPPITT'S DRUG 8TO AxT9roiinlTAB.Mr w j. j. jnvKii. if ttton. J.D.8O0THFaiJAND,-...KenwiViuo. . D. G. MOKRISET,.... ...Warsaw. --! J xs. T. PKTTKWAT,.i...Xnm.brto,h A DX.A.M. LEB,.. .....viiniwn. , A H. K. BENTON,.. Wilsoij. Awx. McRAE, Jm.t. Shoe Heel. Wm. J. COvXNGTON,....Wade8bpro. J. J. COX LlleBTiUe. 3 K. Ij. 8H K R WOOD, . garter, -C- a J. T. HARRINGTON,.... ..rwyosviuw, o. . t 3 ORDAN 8TO N B w o r. J. W. GLA8GOW .t.BmwB-.iw.-.v H,E.NEWBURY,rrrMjolia JOHN Wi COIiE. . - 4 f?? TjStl a Q. MoARTHUB A DAFIS.....Egypt, K. U , J. DAVIS CO 9nii3 W r WM. M. STEVENSON A8heboro', N. C Dr. J. W. McGEE... . . .. . ...Magnolia, N. C. . .dir.Mti br Ibsi csliJrapaeri ? v -w wnnTKH ' i ....W.. C tB.B. Rd. J. W. PLUMMER..., ........ " J.D.SOUTHERLAND KenAnsville. m n r t. . . .JLiiz&betiitown. V V; n? "........W. W, B. Road. W.J. JARVIS .....W1L A M.Ot.Road. W C MURPHY..... ...Burgaw Depot. DARR OSTEEN ,rk... Sumter. S. C. prtf.t()R8 " NEW8"..Oranrebure, 8. C. t Ti 'RITCIIANAN....' Lanrlnburg, N. C. W.U. TOLAK WM. H. COBB JORDAN STONE. le, N. C Weldon, N. C. uneraw, n. u. THUS. J. BROWN... ...Darlington, 8. C. ...Hanmoml. S. C. ...Mt.UUa,N. C. . ..Cumberland Co. ...Georgetown, 8. C. W. N. TOOiilS JN'O. K. GOODMAN MALCOM C. RAT.......; JOHN W. TARBOX H. C. MOFFITT. w line vine, n. j. T. S. MEMORY Columbus Co. R. A. SHOTWELL Rutherfordton. JNO.R. PADDI60N.a...frColvin,8 Cr-, N.C. J. T. HAUltlMUTO.N ioyasviue,.i;.s E. A. BRONSON.. Barnwell, 8. C. C. A. BROWN Darlinarton. 8. C. O. K. W. HOWARD..... Washington, N. C HOYT BROTHERS.. a " "DAILY ROUGH NOTKS..Gold8boro,N.C J. L mcuouualu,,... ...... Biaaent. W. J. McKEEALL..i.i..i.i'.Mrion. 8. W " W. LITTLE ,..Bennettrrllle,S.C. J.l. ARMSTRONG,.!... . iIynrs, N. C. J. O. H. NUTTALL. Concord, N. C. ALBERT LAWSON Lnmberton, N. C. JONES H. ALLKN. FreB0h'8Ck,K.C. fi. C. McNEILL Catawba Station. Pkos. N. B. WEBSTER Duplin Co, JAS. KVANSJr Stmr. 'A.P.nurt, A. A. McIYKR.. ..;;. k.Jonesboro,N.C - WM. BINGHAM...... Mebanevllle, N.C. D. G. MOKI9E1... '...Warsaw, n.u. I V. LILES Lilesville, N. C. B. F. GRADY, Jr Clinton, N. C. W. P. HOLLAND LUlington, N. C. S. W. REID White Hall, N. C. McARTHUR A DAVIS Egypt, N. C. J. DAVIS Jk CO Gulf, N. C. W. N. TI LLLNG1IA8T Favetteville. N. C. A. T. COLE Rocklnprham, N.C HENRY COVINGTON Bennett's Store " Wm. M. STEVENSON Asheboro', N. C. MARSHALL CAMERON. ...Hillsboro'. , J. W. SMITH Nichols Dep..S.C. THOS. C. DUNN Llttls Rlrer, 8. C. WM. II. COBB Dudley, N. C. WM. H. II. COBB Greenville, N. C. F. S. UOLMKS Charleston. 8.C. W. U. HOWERTON... Salisbury, N.C. S. R. JOHNSTON .Charlotte, N. C. Til AD. J. PROMISE. .wWilaoa, N. C A. V. HUGGINS JaeksonvUle. AV. F. LEWIS Tarboro'. A. F. CULPEPER ...TlramonsvHle. W 8 FOWLKES Richmond Co. A. J. McQUEKN... Shoe Heel, N. C. Dr J W McGEE .......Magnolia, N C. Travellas; AceaU. HAMILTON McMXLULN P. O., rayettevUle. C. T. ALEXANDER, Jr. P. O. Charlotte. JOHN G. BLAIR P. Om Chester, 8. C. EZUM LEWIS P, OWeldon, N. C. h o H 'fc ' H H r 9 a o M e 5 a i "3 fS o o o u 3j ca .a O e ad lis g o R u n: ill S 1 w H ao X) o K M H a, O e I .8 2 o e g3 5 i O o a 5 Dry Goods and Clothing EMPORIUM. YTTTS KEEP lOXaVrAXTLY OX IIA1D a complete assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, All of the very latest style and finish, as man- uractureu uy ourselves. A ARGE STOCK OF FELT AND WOOL HATS AND CAPS. Oarstoekof y , v - DUY AND FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND BLANKETS, Wo. have no hesitation in saying, is the larg- et, best selected, ana most eompiete in the SUM!. We would also partieniarly call the attrrv- lion of the Publ tetoc oar large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Over ne hundred eases, all Manufacturers, consisting of direct from the M EN'S SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS, CALF AND LEATHER GAITERS, BALMO KALS, OXFORD TIES and BROGANS. LA DIES' CALF, MOROCCO, GOAT and LEA THER, SEWED and PEGGED 8HOES, And CLOTH GAITERS. MISSES', CHILDREN'S, INFANTS' AND BOYS' SHOES. All of the above we sell at reduced prices, and to WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer goods on i tie most accommoaaiir.tr terms. SOL. BEAR A BROS., 18 Market street. janS-40Mc Wilmington, N. C. FOE THE LADIES ! SPRING STYLES!! vi Wat i - CALL AT A.D. OROVN'S N ItEE TUB HW NTTLEN OF fin. I Ml . JU iit4 iMIH tl , ) 1 H " A .A Jh BBQIfXtum : -.1 i-,Seth Front Street. mha4-400-tf ByCttlrLticillo. TTARSIMTF.il nasi PAIMTED IIAnTka. V i died Brooms,' Hearth Brooms, .Varnished ana iraintea naeaecs, jwass Atoona water Palls. German Market Baskets, .Cedar Tubs (Washing), ecruD Brooms; Blacking and Brnsh ea sand 19 jraUon Kegs, , 1 and, t gaL Demi johns, and Parlof Matches, selling low, at 7, Market St. martl-tf COWAN A METTS. fT '"-rhP'"?? V NOBTII v r THfTJOUENAIv Published Dally and Weekly, at X ununKMB, j. v, jr; ENGELHARD PRICE, Editors and Prop's. Bubteription : ' DAILY. One year......... . 110 00 DIJk IIWHII . h .. . Fl 4 1 wr Vf , aw. ! 3 00 t OO Aurw uiwiuio ............... WSSKLT. One year .' , sixmontns THE POST, Published Semi-Weekly, at WllnaiavrtM, H. J. C. MANN .Editor. ..MM ... S 00 .. 1 25 Subscription : One -rear Six months Three months THE MORNING STAR, Published Daily, at Wllnilactsa, N. C, WM.H. BERNARD, ... Editor and Proprietor. Term of Bubteription, ttrlcUp to tutvomee : Ono year. ..... .. .'. . S7 1 0 Six months Three months... One month 3 60 i 00 75 TIIE CAROLINA FARMER, DITOTID TO THI AOKICtrLTinSAb IHTEKBSTS OT Til TWO CAIOLUIS, Published Monthly, at . ; , M Wilnalns;t)ai, lir". C, WM. H. BERNARD,. .. Editor and Proprietor. ROBT. K. BRYAN,.. ..Associate Editor. Subtcriolion. te advance : One year ...1 00 Bixmontns 1 ra THE SENTINEL, Published Daily, Semi- Weekly and Weekly, at JOSIAU TURNER, Jx,.. .............. .Editor. Jiaiet of Subscription ;' ' ... DAILT. One year..., 10 00 too six montns , SKL.Y., S 00 One year .... sixmontns One year.... S 00 3 00 six monins . ' STANDARD, ' Published Daily and Weekly, at RaJelgli, m. J. B. NKATHERY A CO- Proprietors. Subscription, in advanee .- , a daut. V One year .....aio 00 Six months.. ................... 6 60 Three1 months. 3 00 WKBKLT. One year X 60 Six months 1 AO CAROLINA TIMES, , Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, at ' : t CXMrltt, S. CL,' - - - R. P. WARING, Editor and Proprietor. , druoumoi: Dailj av, per year... .Weekly -70 . 4 00 Tri-V THE WEEKLY NEWS, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. THE NEW BERN TIMES, Published Daily, at Stiscrn, S.C GEO. W. NASON, Js,. . . . .Publisher. . Editor. . U. SIAKIie.. Terms of Subscription : Six Dollars per year, in advanee. CAROLINA OBSERVER Publisbed Dally and Tri-Weekly, at Ckisvritt, K. tX . SMITH, WATSON & CO Proprietors. suBeomrmox : i'v, per year Tri-Weekly, per year..... 46 00 ..... t SO GOLDSBORO' MESSENGER, Published Daily and Weekly, at JULIUS A BON1TZ, .......Editor, Ac. , . r Terms of Subscription : One year ............ . . . . Six months. .as oo . 40s x-. - stmoAT One year jj 00 Six months l 00 THE ROANOKE NEWS, Published Semi-Weekly, at JORDAN 8TONE, Editor. AMV.4. BURTON............. Ass. Editor. Rates of Subscription : Four DoUars per year, In advance. N. C. PRESBYTERIAN, Published Weekly, at rayettevUle, H, C Rnv. JOHN M. SHERWOOD. Ed'r and Fret . srsscarrnos i Three Dollars per year, In ad vance. TIIE RECORDER, Publlsned Weekly, at Illllabors), X. C.,. T. C. EVANS, Editor and Proprietor. SCBSCRIPTIOS : . Two Dollars per year, in advanee. THE INTELLIGENCER, Published Weekly, at WaaavlHa;tsk, K . C. . JOHN 8. LONG, Editor. . scBscKirriox ; Three Dollars per year. EPISCOPAL METHODIST, , Published Weekly, at RalelgrlA, H. C, .Rev. J.B. BOBBITT,. ............ ...... .Editor. SUSSCX1PTIOK : Two Dollars per year, In advance. WESTERN VINDICATOR, J Published Weekly, at , ; ' KntnerferdtesH W. L. P. ERWTN, ..; Editor. suBScarraoirt Two DoUars per year, in advance. THE OLLORTH STATE, 5 ? Publlshod Weekly, at Sallshary, K. C, LEWIS HANE8, Editor and Proprietor. ; Terms of Bubscriptton : i t i Three Dollars per year, In advanee. THE LIVING PRESENT, Published Weekly, at Wsrrcntsa, Sa C, WALTER A. MONTGOMERY, ! lA.tMa J. M. WADDILLv Editors. s . . i 'Terms of Subscription : i - , Three Dollars per year, in advance. WESTERN DEMOCRAT, . i Published Weekly a , ' CksrlstU, ST. C, WM. . YATES Editor and Proprietor. Terms of Subscription : ' Three Dollars per year, in ad vanoe. r 1 1 . GOLD3BOROT NEWS, ' t ' Published Weekly, at , . , - :-!: OeldsbereS'XtCti i 3., B. WHIT AKERv . . . . Editor and Proprietor. ,". ' Ibi'SM qf SubseripMem : Three, Dollkrt per year. li.jiU.'ll.' JOURNAL. OF sCOMMERQEy 8. D-. POOL A SONS,. . ..Editors A Proprietors. scBscarrnos : Eight Do.lars per year, in advance. IJIVAPErriTJICTORYf 1ir. ' .1 tat. k ?aVIwH a M. 7. McSWEES. . .Editor aad PnbUsier? iiuw xmuars per j imi; r. ptfbtiieTrwfckiy,"ar- 4 ltlltoja, . tX." rr C N. B. EYaXS-W- .to.wl Proprtetor. r , . -n luiaomunTi i -ii' . . ' Three Dollars per year. im advmev , . the news, ; -; -VTlfubiished Weeikly,:aiT'' , Aabcville H.fW ' , . ROBERT M. 8TOKES..V;;..rti.j f "iflriAr OEORfiB W. SITES,-:. S W ' . ';sTnsaoscrTiot -' 1 Three Pollars pef yeaf, in advanee. THEFLAINDEALElr- " Published Weekly, ai ' ' rWilse, N. C, .8. McDAKIBL...... IditOjr ad proprietor. Mai tf uberiptim ; , , , Two Dollars per year, in advance, . THE AMERICAN, Published Weekly; it BtS)tslll,i aic, .. i E. B. DRAKE A SONS, Editors and Props. Bate$ qf Subtcription Three Dollars per year,' In advaneeV ' ' WESTERN SENTINEL, Published Weekly at ' ' Z "4 Wlatsa Hi' C, r GEO.M. MATHIS, ..v...ff f Editor. Ratei of 8ubcrtptioH : Two DoUars per year. In advance. ' THE ARGUS, Published Weekly, at Wsdikr',H.C, D. McNEILL,.. . ... I. Editor. Rate of Subscription : ' ' Three Dollars per year, in advance. TILE' PATRIOT, Published Weekly, at Qrctsikfi e),4 2f.C, . JAMES W. ALBRIGHT A BRQ-, . . Proprietors. Rates Subscription : Two Dollars per year,, in advance. THE TOPIC. 7 Published Weekly, at wm wmm mm w m - , . A. B. CHAPIX, Editor and Proprietor. Rate ef Subscription: One Dollar per year, In advance. 7 INDEPENDENT PRESS, . Published Weekly, at Morsjamtem, H. C, J. 0. 1L XDTTAXL. ...Editor and Proprietor. jeosef o0ripfton; , Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, in ad- vance. THE LIVE GIRAFFE, Published Weekly, at Bs4la;ta. V. BARNCM WHITAKER, Proprietors. Terms of Subscription: . ' Two Dollars per year, In advance. THE SOUTHERNER, Published Weekly, at TsnrWv, X. C, CHARLES jt BIGGS, JProprietore. r Rates of Subscription Three DoUars per year, in advance. THE INDEX, Published Semi-Weekly, at Hen4rsa, ti. C, H ARRISS A NEWBY, .Proprietors. suBscairTiox: Four DoUars per year, In advanee. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS, Published Weekly, at . Salens, H.C, . BLUM, Editor and Proprietor. v atrBScmrrTtojn , Two DoUars per year, in advance. I l y SOUTH CAROLINA. THE NEWS, Published Tri-Weekly, at WZNNSBOB0, DEPORTES, WILLIAMS CO. .. Editors. 1 smscHrrnoa : -Fonr Dollars per year, In advanee. TOE WATCHMAN, Published Weekly, at SUMTER, S. a, GILBERT FLOWERS, Proprietors. scBscnrrTKw: Three Dollars per year, in advance. the; NEWS, . Published Daily, at CHARLESTON, S. C, RIORDAN, DAWSON ft CO.,... Editors. , SUBB0B1PTIO2I :.-'. One year... as 00 Six months 8 00 HORRY -SENTINEL, Published Weekly, at tfONWAYBORO, S. C, SIDNEY JE. MosflU.AN, ..Fditor ft Frop'r , ..r VBSCarrnov : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE COURIER, Published Dally and Tri-Weekly, at CHARLESTON. 8. C, A. S.-WILLINGTON ft CO.,... Eds. and Prop's. 1 - strsscaimoB : 00 ... 4 00 Tri-Weekly One year.. ...... THE JOURNAL, . Published Weekly, at BARNWELL ' C. , H 8. JOHN 8. SHUCK,. ...... . .Proprietor. ' STTBSCBlrnOH ! Two Dollars per year, In advance. the news; Published Weekly, at ORANGEBURG AV C ANDREWS AH HALL, Proprietors. Two Dollars peryear, in advanee THE DEMOCRAT, . . published Weekly, at CHERAW,8; C W. I T. PRINCE, ......, Editor. snnscanmow : , Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE INTELLIGENCER Published Weekly, at " . ' ANDERSON, S. C, HOYT A CO .Proprietor. StrBSCKTPTlOS : . Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. THE SOUTHERNER, 7 4 ' ' . Pnollshed Weekly, at - ' ' . ; DARLINGTON V. H., 8. C, 1. M. BROWN, i .-. .Edltxtn Miss.E..B. CHEE&BOROUUH, LitTy dltr ess. r r.-. , arBSCMrTK)V,T ,,,, f - r, - JPy Dollars per year, in advance, j - i TTTT? TnTTPXr AT .y (-,. "7-- " V A. A WJ - A Published Weekly, at WILLIAM LITTLE,. J.... Editor A Proptietpr. scascnrrrioii :. Two DoUars per year, in advance. NEWSPAPER JDIRTCTOBY. r "fTHB REPCRTER, 1 - m -ftiit; CHEST IB rCi 4.-.-j ED. C. McLCRJS and J5 0, A. BRADLEY, Ja Editors and Publishera Three Dollars pier year. In advance. ' . Published Weekly, at t. it. GRTST, ! '. i .' - ''. '. Pnbl ishe. ,. txmacKtrrtomi ; 4".. ''"I Three Dollars and Fifty Cents peryer to ad : . r ,,eev,Y -- SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE- ( I -",' ' Published Weekly, at J . ' 6 B E E N Y 1 L E , 8 . C V ' d. F. TOWNES, . ...... .....J:....'.....'.Editor. J. C. BAILEY,. . . . Proprietor and Ass. woitor. ''' 8TTB8C1UPTI0: ' : ' . j Two Dollars per year, rn adrahee. . . i: 4prHE SENTINEL ,j v Published Weekly, at , BARNWELL C. H.t 8 C,,. ', E. A. BRONSON, PuWlsner. , apBsoBmiox t , Two Dollars per year, In advance. TIIE TIMES, Is published Weekly, at GEORGETOWN,, 8, C JNO. W. TARBOX.. .Editor Proprietor Proprletoi Irance. strBSciirrTiox : Three Dollars per year, in adi the mountaineer; i Published Weekly, at h' GREENVILLE, 8. C.,! G. K. ELFORD .Editor and Proprietor. F. J. BOSTICK,. Publisher. BCBSmiFTIOST : One Dollar and Fifty Cents per ye; KEOWEE COURIER. Published Weekly, at WALHALLA, 8. C. W.C. KEITH... Editor. .Bdl WHITNER SYMMES, Associate Editor. SUBSCxOTKnT t ' ' Two DoUars per year, in advance,. THE HERALD, t Published Weekly, at LACBUXS YILLE, 8. C, ' . T. B. CREWS, J. W. SIMPSON,.. ...Publishers. suBSCBimox : ! - Three DoUars per year in advance.; THE PHCENIXr . Published JaUy and Tri-Weekly, at , , COLUMBIA, S. C, . ltly JULtAl? A. SELBT,.".'. .Editor and Proprietor. scBscKionoN : Daily, six months . Tri-Weekly, six m ..ti 00 .. 2 50 ..,1 59 Tri-Weekly, six months Weekly (Thi Uliahik) six months. THE CRESCENT, Published Weekly, at ' MARION, 8. O, i S. E. McMILLAN, ......Editor and Proprietor. StTBSCMPTIOH t ' f Two Dollars per year, In advance THE HERALD, i Published Weekly, at ; NEWBERRY C IL, S. C, ; THOS. F. B. II. GRENEKER,. Editors. suBSORirnoH : f Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, I Published Weekly, at I SUMTER, S. C, f DARR ft OSTEEN,... .........Proprietors. SCBSCROTIOS 1 . Three Dollars per year, in advance TIIE DEMOCRAT, k Published Weekly, at ? DARLINGTON, 8. C, j -E. P. LUCAS, ....Editor and Proprietor? SrBSOBXPTKNT S Two Dollars and a Half per year, in advance. THE STAR, Published Weekly, at , . . MARION, S. O, W. J. McKERALL, Editor and Proprietor. suBScairnox : . Two Dollars per year, in advance. 3 THE LEDGER, Published Weekly, at LANCASTER, S. C, D. J. CARTER, Editor and Proprietor. bubsckxptios : I Two Dollars and a Half per year, COMMISSION MERC: jonv w. OAnaeir, JA UVHILU CAMERON & HILL. -SUCCESSORS TO , i GENERAL, COMMISSION -AN I SHIPPING MERCHANTSA AttKXTS FOB M. OATIS t HOTTH (Liberty, Vs..) Celebrated CHEWING TOBACCO. - Arents for lister Brothers SUPERPHOS PHATE OF LIME and BONE MANUREi Agents for VULCAN IRON WORKS, Rich mond, Va. Agents for Croasa ale's SUPER PHOSPHATE. No. 32 North Water St., marS3-tf Wilmington, N. C. S. H. DENMARK. . j Produce Commission Merchant No. 6 South Water St.- j14 .'- Wilaaina-tenw H, 43. - ' ' "YTT1LI. GrVK FBOKFT PEKSONAI. YY attention to consignments of all kinds of Farm Produce. - (octlS-OO-Sat MOFFITT &, CO., rhLsita, fy ENERAL COMMISSIOJC Merefaai VJT NORTH WATER STREET: . WllnmlsnrtM, H, Will give prompt personal attention to the sado or shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores, General Produce, etc., etc. Also to reeelvlng and forwarding goods. A i s7m Orders solicited and promptly filled sept21M-4f .: - -.. tt . .,?i i ROCXRS AHD C09TMISSIOM KKR- V7 CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, Wil-' mington, N. C . j JHf Strict attention " given to the sale of OCU-lMX PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY A T LA W, "vftice on rRmrcESA, retween Front and Second Streets: i oct.l-S-tf ',. . . From Blizzard Biyi direct;;!,. II VOHfiTJKaV AN s SMOKED HALIBUT Xo. 1 BAY MACKEREL ;, - - - .. , :.- , SMOKED HERRINQ ; . ;, DESSICATKD CODFISH' ALEW1VES, Ac!v'i,' -r ' Ho. 10 So aitT Front Slret. i-1 . FRED. F. FRENCH. maris 4S44f G ARDEM NEED 14 FRESH BCTM. mar9-tf LIPPITT'S DRUG HANTS. hi in miin n.imm - " h.IU 1 -;.rf!A:n..iri,n 4 -v a; T,;s.i,irvtiwj jyjL HAHDWARE. Ol'KS, MX)VfcH, PUMPS, HooHnz Done ai CLLort Tioitce, st'f fsr Fslrsak; 8sl, XA. IS Front 8t WUmlngton, N. C , ,'. . . A. I 0ASSUIXTr J 1 I SOHTBT O. CASStDKT. CASSIPEY-CROTIIERS . f ti ' , -r .';f ,t - WILMINGTON MAJtiNXJtAILXtA Y, 8HIP " vmlQtiTS, CAJtPEIfTXRS, CAULKERS 1 A BB PBIPABBD TO XXECUTK IK work In their line upon the most favora bleterms. ' Tho largest -vessels coming to thht port hav been frequently taken out with aia.. TOTrasioobWs..'.;i!, , t ., dcuswm ... ;.i i --i. . . . .1 : x. VoLLxas. ADnlArfOLLERS; r.' Front and Dock Sfsw, - WlZJffJtf GTOJTy N; 67., TROLUaU eK;r-jtl in all IwDranohes.;";-' J'.'' "'.Jtl L'"'..,' COTJNTBY MEIUJHANTS jWUJ do well by calling on as and examining our Stock.!., novl-48-tf 1 ' -' OENERAi; BITPTS OFFICE, Wilrningrtcnaiidllaiiclicster R till! I j-' - Jl - ft t r . , ' WrLMiirOTO, N. O, Myl0,19(J8. OW AID AlTliBWAT lOtli PASSES. QKK TRAINS of this Road will run on the following Bcnednto t i , r i, EXPRESS TRAlXi ,i v . . Leave WUnilngton daUy at .......... 4:45 A. M. Arrive at Florence. 11:15 A. M. Arrive at KlngsviUe.... -.... ...... t-M P. M. Leave KJnpsville.... ................ ..10:18 A. M. Arrive at Florence................ .. 1.-50 P. W. Arrve-tWUmlngto..:.'....'....,.'. 7S P. M. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charles ton, and Cheraw and Darlington Rallroud tor Cneraw, and - at Kingsvlllo with the- South Carolina Railroad for Augusta, to which point the cars run through without change. " 'ACCOMMODATTOlf TU ATS. La ve W ilmtn rXo n dally ( S n e x. )at 7-W P. Arrivaat r iorence..VH,,w.M zp&. m Wl- , I11T ' lAJlft A M M M M. Arrive at Kin Seville . . . . .. . . .10:01' -A An-ive at Florence. fMod.. 100 P. Arrive at WUmineton.. ........ s:13 A. IWI.TII ... p. . ........ 9tm P, Acootnasodation- Train eonneets closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and at KingsvUle with the South Carolina Railroad for Augusta; ; ' Passengers for Colombia should' take' thn Accommodation Train. ; , , JfM. MacRAE. mavlO-104-tfl , ' , , Gen'l Sup't. Wilmington, Charlotte and '' BVTUEKFORD SA1X KO Al. ' GKntBAI. StrrStS3STKSlMIST OSTWOn, t Wilmington, N. C Aug. 9, 18K7. OH AMD AFTER TfJESDAT Next, An. jrnst 13th, the Passenger Train ou this Road will leave Wilmlnirton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 o'cloek, A. M. Arrive at Sand Hill same days, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage), at 13 mid night. Leave Wadesboro? (Stage), on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 2 P. M. Reave Rockingham ((Stage), on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4:30 A. M. ' Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednes day and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at Wilmington same (lays, at A P. M . . . . . W. L EVERETT, sept23-l-tf Gen.Sup'l . Wilmington A Wei: It. It. f. Oprira Cniur Ekoiitbrr ft Guir. Ser'T, . . WlI.MISTOK, N. Cn KOV. 2H. 1868. Chaiige bEclifeaiile: OM ANI AFTEB HOT. S9tll TIIK PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will leave Wilmington at 6:0 A. M. and 8:3R P. M., and arrive at Wilmington at 60 A. M. and 713 I M 'Leave Weldon at 10:13 A.M. and 8KWP. M., and arrive at Weldon at . 60 A, M. .and t-M Pa lvt aThe day train WUi' not run on Sundav. The day train connects with the Annamessii and Ray lines. AU are quick to the North. - w 8. It. FREMONT, ; Engineer and Superintendent. WHWtTMrttTB. Not. 8th. 1S88. :i flftt-ff R OS A PALIS Puriflea the Blood. - Fer, ale ay DrsHnrist Everywhere. July21-J544y tr Tlid mrion (0. C.) Star, Oflera 'FACIUTXEft 1HTIItTRtift8ED by any 'paper in Sonth Carolina to the Merebants of WUmington and other locali ties, of extending their business to the Pee Dee section. : . B U8INB8 8 ' CAltDS -t. , J 4 A D V. E R T I 8 E 1FE N T 8 INSERTED ON LIBERAL TERMS, which may be learn ed try applyin g to 4 - -j uv-w..AiojusuAiaiuirbAr oet23-tf DEKOBKRT'B HOHTHET MASA. tine. Universally, acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America t devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, House hold Matters Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special depart meet est Fashions), Instructions on Health, Maste, Amusements, etc. by the best irathors, and nrofuserv illustrated with mmUv Kno-ni- vings, nseful and reliable Patterns, Em- Drotaenee. ana a constant suoeeaston of artis tio novelties, with other useful and enter, taining literature. . A; r , , - No person of refinement, economical house wife, or lady of taste, can afford to do- with out the Model Monthly Specimen copies 15 eents; mailed free. Yearlv ix with a valuable premium t two eoplesy tU three wopies, 7 fft five copies, 414, and splendid premiums for clubs at 44 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. Mm-A new Bartram A Fan ton Sewing Machine for SO snbserfbeas each. PnbUcatlon.pfflpe .. 1 No. 83d BYoadwayNew York. Mm- Densorest'svMoavthly and! Young Ameri ca, together, 44, with the premiums for each. K Croorl"AdvertisAng:iIediujn in 7estern Zlorth Caxolixia. i Thd Tcstcrn Dcnjocrat, ' 1 ' u'a n ' ' 7-1 ' PUBLISHED 'Af ' (0nV Old Nmarpajxri in ths State.) TTAR A T.ARfi1iriWn nVVVBl I. riR. XX eulation In Western and -Southwestern North Carolina. and , adjoining, Districts of South Carolina. ! ' Advertisements are solicited. Terms, for tea lines of this size type, 1 for one inser tion, 3 for one month, 110 for three montlif, tl5for six months, tes for one year. Reasouii ble terms vill be made fos greater space. , Send direct to, the Editor and .Proprietor at Charlotte, N. C, (and not through Advertisln g Agoneies.) jl copy or uie paper oomsuuns advertisement will be sent to each advertiser. W.J YATES, Ed. and Prop., . aepf4-tq ' ' Xniarlotte, N, C. BI It E.llEArIRCULAR8, WED ding. Cards, Visiting Cards, Ac, Ac printed in 'a style that cannot be surpassed' Vm. H.' BERNARD'S, ' YutUisanarvDuaaniK uo, Aetlfr-nVlt . TTJAlRTa, IIRAFORRAX AT Ymvuto LADIES who wish j preserve their MUSIC, shouUT have it neaUy bound, at WM. H.BERNAIU),S Printing House and Book Bindery, feb27-131-tf No. 8 South Water St. mm ' i "' i i STORE. S

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