T"V' r - T T(- i , . rrvr. . . . t. t j n a vn wTri U acrlaere ta all pa- or I j (11 at FIFTEEN CTV. . i ,, . v vk,".Ayable bI . i: -.aT . "" r .Tera m Willi elilii. A-laa-ai at lbt tiIv Tun r " J t The attention - - subscriber in : tho ? fcoaotfy'is called t J tti f 6lTofngJ ne W iratea of subscription? th advance being render ed neceasejxbj t .. 3ncrt:ased expense at tendant or ""rr cJ.. .....iu.t. - - m -advancr : 1 Atttto Three llaotaKK-uu1 a oo Hid .uivrr ,",""A.befetrfbre4'citr' subscribers will be furnished at Fifteen Cents per week. .,i;..i mt 1 1 i in m 1 EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION. tllt,.At omewhat' ktrM ,to ft, efi'ttotftekr.)on )h-Mii(.4aj thM!fcno- 4.4r ibrati)rtua3 i fctUfctgwU-JVest ; and tut fifPf W?sS$iftnigranta Lave just .h; wa those, ieaviBj,u arp ??CTMt?P? .tr? fr0fcUJ"T flrtiihxionihatiadfiriosrbem '1A alVhqIectnf thus ftr tld; thjBy.KaTe -V6td 'foViMh-wtt; eifj.uUiio froni tbe home of their faewV.!,'-" , .VfcryWeii I If these w'andarem can do i'iwitfWtu3 nm 9fTir40lrfaiKi)at tliem,uEUHi1v4Xftjl4a4VMtUaem tore- tftWJ.rrl tried "the rolling stone" ' experiment be- fore themr A few have found the change profitable. BuVa lare'majority have either left thetrwt'grisgust, or have only rematoca nhere because 4hey could TidTraiMmon enghfpi$ tlCSrek- .: J ?? r.M.Ynf-. .'r if m an hear that thfise emigrants assert tnat It ps nit -oh ;,y(rttear,a t ' cd'B0tfthrt4ri: emiffrated to Brazilf Con- ngrated r,i -j x & duras and other, peaceful, iappy spoi OlS. But they have generally i returned, and, withihose who never left, propose to fight 1 s .,A-' i:r ;r - ,i I years.ii' In the meantime, however, the dis- gust has aeiie onW'ReiubWcans, and ' , x. w many of them ate leafing the State. , "We "never hear any talk among real Southern men about going to Kamschat-, ka c!AlaakiL' or .'even', InclianV Theyl , .are.' coocladed that they ,stiU have, an" . o:.i 1' , , i m HTOw-khlch ''dt to-give that interest to-those ' Who will I scek-ldgccufeil. N6tnTBg-wi)in(rpRa8e VS wi'y t thousand Conservative North Carolinians State government Iroto Radical hands. What we want, and what we are going .tohateiiallngratlanvVthe dissati ueoDle DeoDle who will remain here and I v aid in the cultivation of our landa and ColobjA KtA&kd, C6a.paay,f4ill be paid in A'txi-V .7xA x. the Columbia office on and after thq -ifla davIpnicnVif pt rflooidei.Ck)akIl1f. , froided that tL LnlJer f thd era aadgrambleri are, a'curai ti 'any com-J " WiiiCj-.WAjVappHnJoMeiT they spread their conUgioBanMhilt their, they spread their contagionnMhrt theirJ.,Vf. J neignDora, trying - to maite every one else VY e tnink we can saiely promise a 11 hoos- i and immigrants for everv emisrrant- The immense advantages wepfiier caanotjfail to attract very general attention and to soon fill our State with a hardy, industri- ous and enternrisinW nonulation. ' pus and enterprising population CAROLINA. .!;" if i . - i . i We are pleased to see the spirit of energy and progress that now characterizes tbe gno0e oQhe PfififW jf oouiu Carolina. au agrieuiiurai conven month, and State" agriChltural society if to be organized at an ''earl? tiay. i yH' The press of our sitter iStoitthw ' - ...... , , ; tMltiLlfaki&ii'hl ihe -oednt. r , ganizatioA and a'determination to adopt! 'fiyatem- of agriculture' withl their altered cndtWihifJielhilrd for T'r 'r1 .Ta , SWo4ieWfertoeT ier. be sold-' by. the, sheriff nm IcsFfrn nf firminir that nnso nn.o ..1 1 ...... 'j? " -T, r" would winrlwteeaSi i44ilWfUina..eWrce and unreliable, we must cultivate leas laji oeuer. i nwouguiti- wo iu. use oi labor-saUfla. y W ill do much to. r wrcKMOWyim Sbatryrabttitltrtbat now check our progress in: tha great work ofrecuRflraUen., t tf ' We h?pei1atS?Qth CaroliUnds will resolve to do their work thoroughly. There is no reason, to our' mind, why every u JlPM.cWUTtt!:t6annbtta''jIou iuAde tO.ptodace two bales of fivehnn - dred pounds each." We expectWiiee the ilAV W hPTI thrpAdwilna nos awn ...ill . i. considered a relfffiaB Si to .'I IMJ-nArtUUlL-Zllin. : tf auops a new system. W.UJjaJSrlSJiliiVver acres, moro manure ntbfUrpaltiali6n, f - th at 4 r r5 nil 1 u - t, malting an erl- iia)4hat f .ilt in aucceasndroQUoaUconcerae I- .J? olinaEdisodr ek.'.tA.Vu.V.'mcd we onag ur-Iaaui Jsp ttf heu maximum pro. . preuUwIw'V-' . , , j wings are fifteen feet ta length, and -will Txq ;'p'f cisVf South CarolinaNviUi.U 5re8ent W surface 'ofrilne . hun- dnction we trill be independent, pud. dictate terms to even the haughty and - powerful North. i ESTThe New w T'-iZi (ToWtaa evened a branch officejnj rook jnVjhe is without doubt the most enterprising fiewgpaper'ift'tha world, "J" Trri-nkliii '8. of all (thiS&dimJ) baiuJys.w jaw rt-t-?not ivett when1 sWgoed 10 tha tfca- pT'" Parisian jadies walk very' mueh oatthairtouaitiiiaeesop-'.VtThis is onoextrsomi J,hejr, .wpaopa be on the other. - v . : 'ij,Ai"; i .'iMf.iaaA'lowa laay4Uoue hundred ancLape years to dipver that, she i02ioKr. ool wai . t . : i T a . wan f a ffrw concert" ana jjtick ""''y , know?fUPW is45l.at has no wno nans for a clerkshfiJ.'wrt find1 a" splendid of, operations i the countf ' JTA, j J think, that nine-tenths of our people eat t J '5'. . i B oi our peupie caw wVi'txiiXtaaicaU; 3 va.ww -u. 0.vof . now betrothed to the third,v ArantrMgbt totgivcihaa woman; afleq;a an ppre-n ciation-Gf her .devotion to his polity: 'ln thefjiitribution of official .fcwGran always naiwgealOsuush things" rightHQpde'itjife'ndsWbf hiivela- 'fiVW'-ttia keeps P)eJ',in, famh 1- " ' . )v..i-t.l..t ! i r aui vt--- v Palmetto LeaVeS. " '' ,001 jpK CfhtoiltTlOD, f . . Supreme bourt of tlrB estate convened yesterday. i WRrf!rnfa-lateda4rithe tnn . . ... ; .-.! it'il Veportfed tHa 'Postmaster General . Creswell has . . appointed D. Ilayne, the colored representative from Barmvell cobntl.'lSostiitaBtir Wthe town ofAlkc"- ;t!Vr7 U T lerw,; named Joseph Jackson, was drowned in the river Bear Charleston, last Sunday moraing. He was enffaffedin'chiuWnov and "fell over- board. t . (.... . r.. .,.r -V' .7XJoni?'res4 'V. hiu IV appropriated $46,000 for the i purchase of tlw ibuiWing in Charleston, known as the Club House, will new bo used for the holding of the TJJ S. Ckrarts.' , t .Tlmraday niorning, laat, thfljio-' torious liiifwVYyr panions'-kWodeft'-'-MMisi e colored com scaping from a Tcry narrow escape' Jrom drowrffcig on FridTcveag1asirotiir Sear Creek and trnaraoteexl debt 'of the Greenville and A4)U wiU fund all rntcVcst apqrued up to T'U iWS, in guaranteed: .bonds bfithe company. rt ' General Newa. Ik ''i-'"i a (Lr i ' tn. u PIm (faviurnaK in Ira. IiacvtR. frrww -." i mi" ' i - 'l t .1 1 " r'1"' J" a.!n ?) -.i) .i. . i. k ; The.bG&UU df JMrCXander HJ fitepbeni is. improving "Straddle dresses" is the name of ! .ft V the female velecipedistcoatama.n ", . i Nevr Tork ha had a wedding be CUJU W IK LUC AUHLJUUI riUlUTL'SS.. '.f , . H ;h ,! , Gen.- !Tliomaai vrecehtlj 4tad a ff. re" -JCcttofflt WiiCMIarried H.ire-,efi4elUC0mf4ilfi ew 'fT?'. - ,c T.n,3- f T " ' T Jl?61?! ooJaaSA,lgiiah , ; Thoelei df aidltelekraph across tbelPps amsaidtoMaaoeefaelight to the btlfaloes, Which tise tbWai acractly lnS posts. The BufialomHHwho iade th $200 pair ofpota for tbe.PresideqU- no swings a sign, "liootmaker to his Excel lency V. . Urant." A6SoTifiQrIl f& 'Indiana recency, JtnocKAJ9iiWipE ,dowji rana kicked her to death because iW jt anbved Soth mm ior spiuing nis coatfec.fij tame I ' ' !.' 1-J , I ...... ln : Boston, . SOmW Jlieetec- tl7 charged with -being "coAupt." hniei"atfc fcaid tb-aiiivitia m nno robbery for dne per, cent HpfAho, plunder. ,ATr6yefterJ,as:reoentys1fed up afe Btaniford Conn, wMcb OBteined 123 pears ; and one at ,New. Haven which had 293, varying in Bfze from . that of a buck- aot't9 a mustard seed. The fashionable female lib'la very Vpale,' aooordihg td the latest Parisian A liarrisbure mechanic lra,8 in- cc;:ut. , Qwi'-l c'Ix.0' hiU quile gv-ac out of fash ju. an J the expression of the elo- ar Drouth i Jmt owearipearHnd sconrr SENATE. SI ITT'1 levy Bill to amend the-act incorporating thi ..' : , r ..r i Rill rharterinff the Scotland NeckTlnd Wldon RaUmliand, ri6teambqat.'.Oomt- pany passed its era. wadiji, tfhv ' House bill In favor of IlobertB. Wobd, KUU J-o W- . WV. I ' nasaed.its -several jradinss4 );t ) J.-nl,;! A message was receiveu irontivq - !.J iL-tt J transmitting for cqpcurrcnce. the follows .trid )!( ii 1 I'hmj.rKu I 1 ,ug, 4 - " - .4 niiilj to Biak valid rU iaarnttnt9nwt tachmcnt cases since the adoption-jofi Hie Cotle, of, Civil-.Procedure Referred to tonfttcepH thc'uxMcXlify) 'ul to the county of" JoWrst6rf.,, TJ4ferted1Jto ' otothMudiciary, ..LIT j , .Oa motion oi Mr. eVamy, bin xtend- ing me corporate uiuiia . .w, Tarboro' was takeh' up ana parsed n ot passed" its several readiBffs.'tini; r . jit' - The miehay.aa jammed ibe b6iatefa- UOVSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - since the adoption of the Code of Civil Procednre.-Passed itai isetferali ireadings under a suspension ot the rules,.-t (iiH i l u i- A motion to recoasides ..ine ..rota jusi taken.was biid on tbe table,! !. i.tti ,.t Mr.i Janris: fA bil to iiineorpxuatant he, Merchants' Bank- qfWilnungUiul Jieler-, red tQ committee on Corporations. i ' Bill to incorporate the N. ' Cl Planters' Mutual insurance and Loan eompatfypasSj ed second and third readings. ' ' ' A t . 1 Bill' to incorporate theVWilmmgtdn Cd- , operative Lahd arkl BnildirigAisoclarionj as amended; passed second and third read-. Bill to incorporate-: ' the Pine "Forest Cemeterv comuufir iu the citv of Wil-.. mmgfaasglecgJrd read- , ings. , . . i . t r . .1 c it " i ?T . lgui Vompany in juc cy .o liiiiinir- ion, passed second and mini reaaings. . ' ' ' Bill t6 authorize the l;cdmmissioner3 of New llano vcr, .county , to ,' loyy, a . special' tax not to exceed' $30,000,Jpas$ed second readln." ,y' ',,:1tul" -"'1" ; Bill tor incorporate the Harnett ' Hose Cbmpahf itl the city bf Wilmington, pnas; cd second" and third readings. ' ':' Billtd incorporate the Wilmington' Sea SIf!e"Ra'ilroad ! Company , passed second and third readings." 1 ' " - ' BiR to" i ncorporate the Norfolk and Currituck liailroad Company'. passeSd ' , se-. cond and third' readings. 'VT! ? " ' '" . ' Resolution to favpr' of Moore and Crvsh-. well passed second rcadirig.' 11 f ' ! , j Bill Tor the relief rUj Wallace, shenn of Duplin county, passed second and third readings. . . - , , , , t ' " Mr.' Nicholson iatrottoced n bill Jo.j?x-' tend the '.time .if transferring existing euita, as required by (teclien ' 400 .'bf, 'Abo Code of Civil procedure,- Referred to the wuuivioi i vvuimtbifv'f 4 Bill to charterthe Bank-of ureensboro ' ,-i ;Mr Moore of . Chowan, .,baid , tho ,:bul, prtposcd to lncorperate : only . : rthfv: yer- ona ithf power to elioose ihjwotlqtijcrs, who, of cours-, would Iuiosu. t ueiBfelves It contained no protection at U for, note holders of the proposed rank,eThereva; a.awof the Lmted States, , under.! winch banking privileges could be obtained, and he could see no good reason for granting the charter asked fr.' lie "hoped the bill Would be referred tb itome eommittee.- . , ! Aili i. ii t i.;ii i - .i . ; . iinrv ru iu rviei iiic uiii w Tmyvuiiniiiiicw on'CorporatioM. Agreed te.;r,'li,"-", The" same refcrreiK5e"wa mnde- - of : the, bifl to charter the1 Bank f -Cnmbertahd. " On m6tion of Mr. Pou the Housi fbok a recess. ...(; j j yT;,-ii .1 ; . Women's' Jledlciil' Colloce, ! (.f.The anniYcrsary .exerciser, of tlih -Wp- J r.i iorK oa iiiuriUHT evening .tasi. j. nere . . " fill. ' ' " " '. B was a full attendance of the JaoBHy and students, some . tnirtcen id , numtn; . ae r bodv of the ball, was' crowded ;Wth 4ft '.-' .. ij-bi- mi reuuvcB anu uiemis oi iiue youugr iunies. The prooeedings'were opened, wjthprayerj 'afrer which Dr. Emily Black well ileliv'eret a b.ci.(;u vi i lie olecranons, oi uic uiuraiarv cenhected wlfhi the tolfegev During the past thirteen years, tucre has been a total of 20,000 cassfe&&&iin the infirmary tho atady jpf pathology ani,Vhe ...prabtke Ofnvedieine: "Addresses were wnbsequoutljj 'delivered, by" jbr.' 'Wynko'oviidgo, rk iftfiu,; iurj ueorge Mtfiuiann; vurna.inti others f: ""1 - Extensive Robbery in Phila . m . , Philadelphia-Anril 4. ! . " Tlie St Joiia'a Safety Fuiidi iRiiaaingf anecerpar.u :lnn dAat!nut street tras Yobbed- to-day. : The"J wtftchl M;,:- ami fotmdthe aaft broken. Hjpen-'-andt raetnnrecoiiMnts:80Tr.TOo to si.ooo j)o . carried bff;. jOJ the. stolen fund over ;$u0f' ooo were m araiiabie fuiMsignfWMbaeks,' .TWRaTTOTIP.P RTfiTTPTi practice or Dentistry tn Wilmington returns his since r a- thanks to ttaek itizer tci ine iiDerai patronage jajiaj kfinOilx eTifcodi and takes nieasnre in Introauclnff aiidrdcom. 1ratirii9&Trablyaithe public bis successor r 1A pVactio,4)r: ft.-i. Bveritt, who is thorouch. iff Protl!P anu xperiencd,4jv nt de- ecnte with sldir the difflealfc'oiJeVatiotisftnd wUh uyeraal.6a?i8?ac1tlon fc W&Jirj TON, resnectfnlly tenders Ms ftervlecs la the practice of OPEBAT1VJ3 AND MECHAJv 1VA.L. UETlATBX (Vor.thA citizens of Wit mington ana brrobb(Hfa'ciantiy. j o Kverv one ration will be nerformed In Office amM!tLji ottfpyry Dr. Art rington, corner Market ana Second streets; -- Ltl DHL rtmwr . ' aprut "r- I1UXTEB, QOOD O COOK4Ai, LU'ii, fure L.t Lard Anguaa xairy, aciorT anu aiaie ineese, at 1R3 I L IteXTujCwSk KIIillLAR8, WEI iff ViMlBj V A ami cards, visiti ards North or Boatk, al l . lli.. liMlvktfa ad Publishing House, i pettA-ao.it ...... ., ... , , -,4$ i-i-t-i postponea onuuieJUu-iw5iuu, . - , ; : tpm ff W WOT itr several renumxa. 'SPECLVL NOTICES. y r ""j p"; pm- y It ItuBiilm fr wnr wowd.- "LienV ruusif tlie rpotlie'cary fiacTs it fret MHMteaii bniit aetak)4 U a leMLTic a- HloibenUtriKloJ- AlPtti ieA&tia medicine Lap unn4u fcvoniftil tta Je'ah ach, BoVef C6ifafnt;l WnityrV 6bii tWer 'CkpiAra8p4rfel trr1riaefcftin. sodden CoWb, Sore TbrcAtr&nilWt?, bne MleJ . HikKKlKirBByaiuri tttehotfa; FeV p-Hlsea1ts,,rAsljScal0a,oSoFiap ' sprain eweuni pi .iue ipinu, ooLacuo, ' p&ln 1A ftt.6 Fa6e, Ken'ridia knO. baeuinatfsin, 'Chapett BODdSy rtrtittH FetftJ e.i .rvs an 7 TAlST 'Ik snpposbd to be tliii 16t of S poor J saftTtaM aS'lafevltahle'rdeatfa and kiabMat portant tuo remeUial. jigentA. nouia Da ax ' hand: to be tt&A' m1: emergency, wtatn ' w'e Are made to feci tho excruciating agony of pain, ilibadpatngvenoee of disease.') ' t jviafir,jpi JPukb,h thfame-pf-wkic asit- ,ewor.ft Vrth,ii4Wfl tB SPl .k-ot-tlie jKHMieglonSyiBf , twaflth WfUn- i ffWian59ifng suns o tropica, itjs Jk,ocriag;huniaUx has, fopnA rejlfif fm'i WStm" "f. iuflrau junior joaae,of ppugto, jppio, JJorel Complaints, Chol .trafiWTt ftS ther Affections of .the ):tenu Ji been, truly wonderfuL'nd, has I .w,oii, ipr , f nam amosg poeiff eal prep wu- W?ftrM never pefprgottCUx Its sooccas ,ii.einqv:higipjiini aa an extermal remedy In-r acaurna, Urnises, , Sor8 -anil -Sprains, junta. Stings of Xnseets. ic and otuer causes uuu lain iiu wuicr- ... . . ...ill. r iT.iTi i:ti u it it'tiiHruii I ll jjfl : 1 $5it.-Jf- xjii'i i kHj. tii; "; ttHMfll tifili'i.i --.wJl AiiJl v.ll 'J !':; ' n-j(lf Artrt . i,i Mini,) , ' rA4w a lt yHtB U'to' TOy ." PREPARATION- OF"CQM- -POUSIi ICXTKACT EDCUUi- The oompoaen pttTtrHi BtTCItUv' Loss LaijC. BBBa i IT- NIPEUBP.UE1E8.&!. .j Aiqoaov faKPABATtow. Bncnn, lnracno.j-' nnrpr ncrnes, ty disuiiation, to rem a ine int .Cube ha extracted by displacements Iy liquor obtained, from Juniper. Merries," eoa- ... lM4 ' II. ..... . . . ..II . . . of spirit, al mors palatable tnaaanv or to use.. The active properties are by tbia mode extracted". ' v' ' -''r , Knchn, as prepared by Dragglst genendly, la of a dark color. It is a plant tliat euiiu its frazranoe : tbe action of a flaine ilestrova tlii (its act1V8 nrincinlel.- leavin-r a dark anl rla- ainioaa dooetkin.- ; AUact tatboolor of insure - lAn.o TKn T I. I., . : nominates; the smallest i uanti ty o th - other iiijrreaienis are ouiteu, ui arevent xarroeota tion 1 upon inspect ion, it will lie found not to be a Tincture, as made in PharmacorxBa. tior Hnorls it a Syrtin and therefore aa be used In. cases wneru xever or lanammatlon exists. In, tniH, you nave tne know. edge of the ingredi ents ami the mode of preparation. liopinfr ikt.yna will faror Jt with atrial. and that upon in-pection it Will meet with your aDDroi liatlon, ' - - TV nt ,. With Skfunltas AfOtafitleMn 1 1 ii.-I lam. vei v iwwrrnll v. r H. r.HKLMlUltn. Chemist nnd DrnjrarlstOfWr Tears Emerl 1 i, , etco la PhHadfctonia. 1 mi now located at j hla Drnjr nnd PicmliulVV,arehoiuc.,aV rrrom Mv-iargeaa lianniaetacing Vbemiata In fHttn '-t t . ..the World J- ,. . , ,-. ; ' Iarn aennaintwl with Mr.' II. f . Hclmbold s! he occupied the Drag 6orer oppoaita my real-, dance, and was auecsMral in eontioctiug be' business where others bad not bceu equally; n' uciure mm. 1 iraTc mwn raTirramy lmpress- u .-n mm citamr-i r r anr, cniornriMO. - 1 ... .r-.T t v . . r ....... ... m . . Tlmi or Powers A "Welghtroan,- Mnnnfao- t v tw rtn it chemists TCiut 1 and Brow a sts., , rhilaulelnhia. . . - 1 . . ITklmsolo's Firm ' ExTa act "TJuce v, for Weakness arisfnr from iiMli.se reloiu Timv. Itausted. powers of tii ature wbiob are aeem- j vsease, or rorebodintrs of vil i in fact. Uni versai I Assltuile' Froatration, and inability to enter tn to tlie enjoysieuts of aoelexy -t '. 'i The Constitution, onoq affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and lnrigornte th systei UKLUBOLD-S KXTRACT BVCHU inyariably does. If nq treatment ia submitted to. Con sumption or lnanlty ensues. ' - - . . t - Hlkbo'l,8 FLpin RxTSAer Bvohv, fa affoo- UOBS tnv 0 tentlOB tmacy Evacuations.-; Ulcerated mr Sehlrras Stat of tue uterus, and all complaints inci dent to the sex. whether -aristae- from habits Kt 4)aBtriatknr'linpnidne.iner':tbeesIiae Helxbold'b Kiino Extract Bucntf lkt Ik. proved Kosc Wash will radicaUv extermi nate from tbaaystoro diseases arislmr f mm 1 . 1 1 . i . 1 . . . . w . . . . . uauiui ui mwipuuu,ii,ii(uo expense, iiiua or no change in det, no tnoenyenienee or ex posure completely 1 sapersexUnc tUinau. un nleasant and . dansrerona rmed ie rimtlv' and iieroury.ia all these diseases.1 '" .--wr rr...i. . . w ... - "uw uniiwH.D'iir ldiv axtsict.isioiv in all diseases f these: organs, whether viatlmr ia male or female, from whatever cause originating-, ami Tto matter of ho long standing. Is 1 pleasanada !tast and odon "immedhw e " in action, end more strengthening than any of Lhh-HreraratlonaOf rtarko Imti. 1 ur. ... .y ; prep l .Those- stftfer lag from broken down or deli- jeate. contutilona,, srocjre, ho. remcd at "'Thw teaflei1 must awlt-o that, liowrver, siiKOE may pe toe auacif 01 cneooore uiseases, it la certain, to. affect 'the bodily health and mortal Bowers. -'"'ni'O 'Hi AihiabOYd diseases reqnire the aid of a Uiuratio., tir.iMBUi,V'3 pjajUAlUT fiVCHV is the ereat Diuretic -" .. . .cist . . ; Sold T)y Dragglsts everywhere, i Prie 1.25 . oer botua. or tx. Dottles for aftJK). : neUvared to ' any adilrof. Describo Symptoma in' all commtmiofttrens. -.t?..ti ...,. ,,uu 1 t . AcMrwa u. T. HJJlJUlJ?v prugantl.Chem--Jfccal, Warehouse, 60 Broadway, N. Y. ' .. . i ' "ap None are gehuine unless .dona- iit. kn ti 'Btaetertgraved wrapper, witlk fso-eijnUe jet ,mh?mieaWareUo8e and .gnod vf- f IfOHWUVIU ;T.W irtl! J i iii fi. ii.i. !.r .u ' ..r . T ''fftcMli'.SiEiiMW.!! rPHE. ATTiE jfTIOW OF DEaEeau an Ai SPOUTSMEN is inviteJ.ib M.I- In. mAvail weapon, iiow beobming. .extremely, pouukir whereyw it tolchOwn:',"1 ' "" T. j ' ""'"I ,-SjrJa ilifc.lli.fi ,i ti.l .VI ' Gen.-WadeUamptonsaysof lt lMM. 1 I regard the Winebstelrasthe nrost'oiraoi tive fire-arm-1 bave- everseen. its aeenntcY is remarkable, while. 4ts range. aad penetra- omnlon. it is the best breech aA .tt. IE t jo sizes are-made r A rifle, wefg!rmlAine, in magasiaeu'.Pnoe W3.&0c An tOai'Mne' weighing seven and a half noundai ana Airnr ing thirteen shots in magazine, f Pxioe fciO.-l Cartridges (ft per hundred. Calibre of , both acuia ia ine same as soil's Army Pistol. -100 Sent by Express, C. O. D . on. reeefpe tit I20 vcw. uv iujum uinnu xerms ca-aaaiefs roTDe8CripH.Te .Circulars, ka., dMreaa,-i 1 WINCHESTElWlEPKATINd'AtiaS fctt, i I XAOaMRtik- tfiPB Irfor -i nilT ' Ki.rjKS yl r- IpOTMkayaiidGfj; r I TF.!)L,a, "a1t'ojoiii wuisiues-4 r nwwi IVllU.la?i 1) HiiaWB.IR if .ap4-tfl. a.ii.ra t 2Iarkt atteet I I'll n I '1 trevNtiuunirar iriui r.-isii:iTo I r- . v.. iiommi fH 1 yT v - " rttlAfir llmm and n.tr iim feb27-iai-tf No, S South Wate8fci T A Slediclne of G'rhrVlMn'f rrtnfMnieiairtaWfsWed' -It la 1 Mir, 1 5" r : THE yreHtest 'InU uceuieii4j""cver" offered to yrMrtl M e mMwws ate s s ' peit ooDvoliosrs; clothing tboTS W.-feWt9n flCiHiKt t. iWjw .nvil I 'd'ite'et1 r il rl TTf hv.H ftlJ4iBeQf atttesr,Geat,"anfl itlssee' ij6sijIir aixl tiLOYof very tle- wsriptlOnf SevT ork price eesi Ul-t ( 41 V t,.-v 1' ve-ffer an per ior indaceraents. to Whol. aio jsnvera. aaawotiia soiiert a mil mm rn Dry Goods and ClptMug Wo trt !. . . iiifftai- .? i vifi' ttf.tf J I'. ba v.lt.t l I fin 4-toita J hVV Hi.t ti tt ititru .( ill it i'- j ; .VII otthe verylatest swis alnt trnish; aantHn- fcictnre hyuxsoes, ,vjs t)J i,,, ; ATjBO i..ll I' ' i - A RUE STOCK 5fFEL.T AND T AND. JVOOLi iiH-.iiif W siF St, -V" 1 '4 U. 3 We have no hesitaVftmi in saytnr, is'ne la re est, beat setected, and niost cpmpJeWin tle OIUW3. j I - hi We would ' also pamculaHy rail ;tbe- at en- tion ot na JlTPwip to arga fitocpjq BOOTS AM tOAi, tn Oveflr hnudred ses,: all. ireefr frwin tho MEN'S SEWED Afe PEGEDlKOOTSDALy ' 1 ALA OXDED, TIES tfnd fettOG ANS. LADIES' CALF, MOUOCCO, GOAT atjH JLEA- r ; TIIFB, SEWED and PJfiGMP? SiOES, : a ' " iir v wr ir a Tati inrJi i MKSE8 CHILDREN'S,.; INFAJI TS 'i ANf Jill of the above we sell at reduced Dtices.' and to WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer goods) An tlaa asMat: oAiAmmrulflt intr tarma . j I.: .fSOL-llKlK A llttOS.' .s-.M . ,, . . . 10 Aiaraet sixeei. JamS-404-te ,r " . . "V AO AIM M b tA Wl-a . " Ti airni. t ELASTIC SPONGE, Without a Rival fo- Xti xu py caii o rri y, i 1ii rabt lily IXAIjU UPHOLSTERY! '-tii' i-i .-it; "n 1 .v'. rtv. klakoa ; the . Cx.kakebt, LwstST . and .Most BED, PILLOW, OCSHIOACVi i i Of anflfrfown Material. Il -'t'i il T.I t" ,1M;l-;H 4Mi ; ' rr NEVEB DECAYS ; IS ALWAYS Clean : la proof against lnseec Lift, a its peculiar FIURE, which , cannot b bcokeni by any pressure; renders its ' ' , ELAISTICTrV INDSTitUCTlBLE. J Has been THOROUGHLY TESTED in every form for over three yon a, and Is WOw exten sively used andemlaiaoil bv Railroads, Steam-' era; Hotels, Churches, Halls, Tli-atiww, Up holsterers and private-Indivhlaala. in most ef ' the principal citUMjOf yie Cpontry. K. t a jrasTUAia aiutireas tne Dnrcnascr never escaping1 the nsa of adalteratiou and Inseet presence) weighs say 40 a M toooca.ls. and cosw to to w ) a KtOiMUK Mattress, lull slzi-. having all tha advantage and free from all tha UiMidvaataaoB af bvbra wiateay 30 aa.' and oosts 30.i H?i ir J h Ujj A' paif of llllaws, made of best Teathers, weluba, say six pounds and costs $10 made of Sposok, and of the same bulk, weighs for pounds and coats a7. In other word s, one 1. f the Elastic Spoxok ia equal to one and one half of feathers, or one ami one-third of hahy and far more agreeable. r or saie py . . . D:A.' SMITH. 1. PROSPECTUS 'iliiir T,iErl Eecoiistructed.Pxiriiier, iUOST HLY WaOAZNK,.V DETOTSli TO THX FAJi TkF Ga J$ PUBLISHED AT TARBOBO',! N. f-rf " 1 rth 'UTl '' ' S v- . 1.1 " -i ' BELIETINQ THAT A 1. 1. OTHER , nmfnmlnnfi . are mainlv. denendant for success upon tne advancement anu aeveki opntent o fciOl oar AartaalturaL resources : and that this resnlt can be . best aoconm at this result can be . best aocomplished by, the fllBsemminatioB nf useful and practical Information am one oar Fannin tbe subscribers have determined Tto'eonrtaeoee at an early day thaynbllcatloa, at Tarboro', N. C , of a Firit Clan Agricultvrql Journal, to THE HECON&X&UCTED FARMER. 'ipoilsbd nnd practicai writers from every' section of tlie Country will be among Its reg-. utapcotrtbtorf iallcialeloC10n8 WHI be' Kinade from all the leading periouicals or Jae my, "beatngnpon the different aubiecte to , wuien its pages, are aeyotea, ana no pains er expense wllf be spared to reuderdt in every, oCt WflrMH WJIBWIJU llBJIS,rS!i:( Ifl 2VU Reoonatructed farmer will contain 82, pages or vuaanio veaamg . matter, ana wui se publi8lied in the very best style of the art, Iho, -Publishers being determined that it shall not. in this respect, beaurpussed bjr any other sim5 ilar Journal In the country. 1 t. PricSof subecripiion: Si.00 per annunaL paya ble upon receiptor the First namDer: j Liberal' Dedtictivtis Made t&' CtttLtt ThtftAteebf adeVtiBnifwIlf lie' nnnsuaUy ww, Luerouy phmmhum uuwquaieu aavansa festd all classes and conditions of business. -- Tho public Keaerally and farm era esneclal. ly, are earnestly requested to ooipe forwardi m aia 01 tne proposea punnoation.' 'Address Lti iro i,jjrava . aauii . Hu.bvao taut. A VJJA lVUi BW av T T i a -m-k..m 11.. 7 GranaDeninfir - FiiENvi 'MiZLmii:iir. I WIIX OPE1V TITK 1ST APUI vu.ts.sa an out .and tnaae at tne abbrtest no- pwie are"respctrunyfarKed to ea41 and 'SSS? RVer ItasSwIilA? CHINES. --. ALRs. EAAvLUMSOKKpl ; ' ;,.." .T- , ,1, No. 40 Front st4 il . L ; Coffofi Kt lAf i C4.A LD OOVERHMENT JAVA. I.Afi auavro anu ma uonnmi umaiMwc.vni-- above b ba,tw.TTl andpoundr .". " .apt-tf ., , ,j 7,Market-tw4-.U 1 , 1. ,-r,r ' uA. ITirEBOE BT P OII,-, Wrraaid , U k illLrlhe "BEST. 'For Ati leb23 444-tq LIPPITT'S DRUG 8TOICE. 1 .OTTSu T! 11 ATTVA wall. UXVi.kVJ'AjAXV A'j 4 T T ATTT1 ITtT iiioearoATin T4iciAL act of the osMt ; ' . : kkal assimblt. : -V i I up raved Farms, Tluaber saalllbcrat L4Ads,irue, -"XI kB7rWati1w f lri jntf'-1l.fcai,!.nA f LIP. PROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPtE- lp U IK1 Jlll-iy!,-, MiK I: I a art ' ... - - "1flyT - Thoso having Lands or Farms for sale, will find it to their interest to communicate' with No charge for advertising, except when a ;aaBajmad'fiitftr .- atii tm jphk.L 1 dii XATVLCrPvese. MWAasi ac, A Tveas. Hon. w; Beai, 1 V nji ij; .;CoA e LittUV,ft j Veo. W. Swepson, ,Ji. Kingsland. , iM i'w( ..-giini .4v. if r. Agent and Director! in New York and, Boston ; " A. J.Blrecker, SonACp."' "I iMa4aamanar i WJV.r ., r , era i, ani ummunof snuff generally,' 41n sjnewthe war, certain tobacco mannfae brer, beirijrtitiable to and market fee their snuffs, felt themselTei obliged to counterfeit the seneraratinearsneeof ouriMkekaeeSlara imitate are. Trail a Mark a no that a cIoha tn. spection is necessary to aetect tne spurious kartieK) from the genuine and other going so j far as to assert that' LoriUard's Snuff is ito 4ogsmwia."v...vt1. Antt n-i-t ' In making this publication we desire to warn th public agaiRst tbe4mpo4cionB psae tid upon them ; as they are the losers there by.- "It will b-foind-uj)on Comparison that LorlllanVs Snufi is u, far ahead." of all other, being made trf the beot stock. after art original .and secret process knpwn only, to ourselves, besides possessing' great' age, strength ami !auigeocy, and: iswarraatd mt4 to 00a tain any dangerous or deleterious substances, w hlcb canaot 1eald of (tbasmaay worthless artlccs nut on sale bv others. Tbe best is the cheapest In the -end tA eireular wiB always be mailed on application In order i no- nleaae ' Specify If alt snuff yHiglr Toast), or Fresh .uwuMtti, jic iun..-M MI: FOR 'THE LtrTIWW r.'tv rt 450 Itoxe Ta Mnv?J.W(;f 1 vncBT'R' ausiiiiiT am..i,r ia g lzina.1 Univeraallv acknowleds-ml tb i ' Model Parlor Magazine tof America fdevtod to urigmai atoriosf iwnu, bkerones, llouse-4, hold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal andT Literary tiossipr lindudlng - peeial Mleoart-'r Literary Gossip- (including peeial 1 depart ment Fashionl), Instructions on Health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely illustrated, with costly Engra vings, useful and ' reliable Patterns, Kia JvoMersesy and aaa staat sueeesson; of art is tie novelties, with other useful and ienter taining.iiterature,. I n4 :-. r t .( Wt No person. of teiinement, economical house twite or tody of taste, can afford- to-dot with out the Kodel Monthly. Specimen copies 15 cents: mailed free. Yearfy. With a valuable 1 preuiinm ; two copies-A5 50 ; three, copies, 7 W; flvo Copies, all, and splendid premiums for elubsati&eacUfWith the first, premiums to each subscriber. - asf-Anew Bart ram A Kan ton Sewing Machine rr &) aubaejriberaHvaeh. Publication Office : : kr-tifHvf i So. S38 Broad wnyN7ow York. . ar ijemoresvs Aiontniy aniiii oting Ameil- 4. a,t' li-. iTVi ni.T,- t, wi ft tiic ppewii unis lr ac.li. e,l-a-tr , , : 1 ,..ti ,.1 Alta Vela 'Phospliate J iJ rr 18 COMPOSED 9F T1IE C'ELJBBA ted Onkno from ' ';.Tifiy Combined with otUervaluab'o fertilizing ma-, tetnl'aeilie&ily'tted, uaikfii a' 'cuyivir ' i-jf'iii! aili it 1-'i u vttt 1 It produces a vigorous growth to the vegeta tiou and permanently enviciiwi4ie soll.l- d Far sale 'in-M'ilmrigW,. C' lry ALEX . JOHNSON ACOtit tSO perlaiW l! 1 , . Or the. ALTA YELA.GUAXO CO- . febarMf-iyj ' '-" 57 Broaway, N N. Y. Ten Days Longer. 4 1 rYUEai WAYS E03HC)EaiII.aBElCiIY. i . en the citizens to whlte-waslt thetrnnka nf tlie Trees in front of their"rei4eice V and 1 ir not done at the expiration of that time, the eit y wlrt haVe tbe labor performed at the expense of the citizens,. The white-wash must ex ttend seven foci from the ground. ' " 'J ' By qiderOXWie Boatdo AJdermeai , . - av.p.canaDay,1 : i ' ftlii7-47-10t (ii ,.:.,u v.'olW UtyAfarahajl. !1 flissQiutipn,:,; , rruiE fibx: of robixsovmhitb A. mi fOM Was diaolved by mutual consent. on the 1st day of February, a he business of the Firm wilUeiaed by t. H. liOBIS SON, who alone is authorized to n1rn Itrttwui datiow.Tntt U I -r-a H. ROBINAON. SON, who alone is authorized to-sign itr tt H. ROBIN J. ,C SMITH . F. ,&'KOBrMSOf Witmtn7ton. N. i: . Felt o isko 1 Ui '.. jj 2 t sa7 v Mii ' ,iiu auli twt t- M & 4kAl tm u) tn-it tn it ii jijui i jinii.M iisvKiutu woma ,respectrauy ia fbrm his Frteftds aml-VtiBtomers that he'ewn ers Tnat ne oun Ixr, round Where all ' at the Offloeol WILLARD BROS., business entrustca to mm will re- oeive.Ws personai Attention, i-'.J, - ! T f . C. HT itOBlNSOS. ieowHkcr7 i' . n iti jy -fgor 1 in j iCprteJip , Notice. THE IINDEBSIGKEPv HATE TJIIN day formed -a 'co-part norship tinder the Artnof BARRYBBOTUERSk sudwiU eoattaue KRS. and willaoatiaiie' tne commission lousiness, oeretore carrleil a mn w ins mas oi n onee a.' -Jtarnri 1 i it u( f ; Wilmington. .C. Jan. 1st. l9jtf 4- To Tiirpentine Distillers THE StTRSCBIBER, CORHI ALA.Y , returning thanks to their friends in the country who werilaaa rear enrasred in the xurpeniine jansinesa, ror tneiKcoaunneueoa. ndenceand support, destre at the eommenoe- tnent ot another, senson. to. renew .their assur ances Of unMrimr efforts In their endeavors bv ,' economy in txpenses asd charges gad prompt ' attention to their orders, aa well as tho ut nraetcare in-the aalaof tkueiraasigBiaents to promote their Interests.1 Account sales, and remittances guaranteed to be r amort ' 4 apl-17-m) v . , SPRUaT HlSON. -fipecial"ITciti'ce,!t? f ! Tn E stTBSCRIBEa rial E"piIIr.' uro In tnformrnirlria IViends and the nun.' lie generally, -that he la prepared U dq bvery- -thing In the BARBER'S line. Having a suffl- uienv asHistanoev con vomers win ntt nave to wait to be aocommodatcil. Sharp Razors ami loan Towels arc earjiiotto. jiu m m , . ,. . ' JAS. II. CARRAWAY, . w '"BeeSMsatfT-'Wi'r N.aS0Fpotit. MAYOR'S OFFICE.' ' -f1tts 4 tl. V'Tim- .ITAI-MiaHTOir, tl'la.1 : ' a - j i a;-v a a iv . r AA , " - M&rcn mat. 'fiMAW Wopon Alt WiLIC-bk ai: Hall BuUding until April 6. ISJ. for tho nuild. )ng or 300 barrel cisterns at the following lo- I0WA1 11 Oornerllrunswick and Fourth Streets. ,ltlanU.'lonrijftJ'jr.iitr! -tw.il Chhfmut and Thiiil i o oil m cms and t ai i 1 Chasnnt. and Klo-litJi Hutj m(U ann and"8ixtt? .'i",f ? f 4tWrioj3,.s will ir?a full BnaiieaftrAis! j ; p5K77-5t . ... i,,, mh Oty Uevk I Piano.! foriilalea t. k Ai1f EATi.I'IS&.rjeiAif O W.M in tirst-rate order. Samu11 tt4 ila l ml J 4 1 I4mnitl.l 1 k ,-" 1 1 -A. 4 . ' , . . mn AiKaaa w. ' marO-tfl . rf n LlPlTTfS DXUQ 8TOBE. J T. , YIOJiS,iifc6al,S, I4QUOR8 fj,J - 4 . h : -irWUUyQmJt ,jp T, UH,la ''-.. iai .! Tialwi v-- . .Ti M5 'ft (irYknnd fciUtifo ? a. . a V 1 lUAaV. AM I : V I' a IJIV iW Packages and Cheat sn'a VU'J.t . -.- - union . , 55 Barrel T 1 . . 1 1 -lm .. V S5 Half parrels and 13 CweVlvuFF 'ii I Mills, Gail A AxM - - road S5 Boxes choice Messina ri'n a 1 "2S SKS-?ln y rpTATOEsl 400 A.waudlted 65 ttoxes hole' CRM AM CHF.CSR 80 Firkins choloe TABLE BUTTER. ' S.Sf WHISKIES, Gl iJgV WYN. 4 ' . , DIES, common to choicer ' M0 Cases nno WINES, .CQI&IaLS TAIMandPlTTEks, 'r1'" U -f crushed: crosnea ; - 1 1 -J Jags Rio, Laguayra, and ava I bflours?freshrayofnflH ju 11 COFFEKs, 1.900 bbl?. F1oiififw'hlrBjrWiMM M 9 bhds, and 1 boxes Babvldaftanl ShA..i. rsrrrj .1 1,J.: 1;' -.. ,.w. A at thj be sold, v -, 4,-'-.-.e (, -"V.i--v-.Ui.-. RPIiTWa AVn KTTM-M'i'T? WArtflo And to save ta expense af-reanovuL 1 . B. a. WALDEON, havlagorent jd. Uie. oio, ' 4 o 7LNortI Frwni 8lrMf Formerly occupied toy Ostr JU J HEIRI)CK, willyon ov about tha lerlv day afi April next, pen at said Not 7 North Front at roet a fresh and complete stock of ' ' k. iHiii 7' ;.. , -' .? t'.- ,s. . . . j All of which will be sold at sVsHlSF A'flTni? v PRICES.., Call and aee WaidwUM ..his '. nw field. .... ... -s r ;. . jm maafc. L. , That SPACIOUS STORE; No: 17 Market t.. -f mV preeaa yawupiedJ by Attfc WASDaojt, Ap- Jfrnrnxtt . ,mn 1 mbl9-4A5J f " 3r4 iii 8c IT ALDROV. " Sic Semp6r:Tyraiinis " 1 f ' n.i aMWi DOWN 4 WITH : THK, 1ftICE8 ! Imi i rt":tiii;Hj;jJi ' J- i!..l",i -. 1 , Happily Illualrafl cMi ;-:. :i ...'-at-iiVj 1 i .. ' " WALKER cfc D LEY'S 1. .j ;"( -.j. 1 1 ., i -.. .( !. ! lit-, - 1, boqta!id,shoe;store. . WHO ARE NOW, SELLING , X HE! It , F 1 S TO Q K VERY 'LOW, PRPQK8. ... .. .. , ... N . W.y.Y.O nil .. TTIMTOaa TOvtJDK CITT OF NEW y YORK are informed that they will find JDirine. Service very SqtKbiyt, invito jik' Chapel of tbe University. Washington Square, lAl iuv$ a. H. Brot 7i r.Hiiut ewoMing si-r-vice in summer is at 8 o'clock. Waverly Place, immediately north af tl' New Tork Hotel, out of Broadway, runs a-cs( to Wnshlngton Sonard. on the east side f which is rtw Uni. I versity.j The entraneo fo the church is the I mabi door bf " thd Trntversirv 'CWrvcrsU v L piaco cars run from tbe door of tlis Fiftlv Av enue uotei. to tno floor or me cnurcn. -rrom itbe St. Nicholas and AJotropolitaui take tho cars corner of Broad wav and itroome. lenvi- f at Wavarly r loco, and e west one btook. At the Astor Houae take university Place cirH, leave at Waverly Place, and go- west one block.i Strangers wHL and cordial wek-ome, and polite attention; 4.', r,0 .The Pastor is Rev. D. DEEMS, wh devotes himself tO the spiritual lutrosia of ti angers. 11 any oe sick, let litem address aim a.note h of trs of the Stranger,' procure medical, legal, 'and spiritual help for strangers in perplexitv, distress; 'or 'sickness. Address; '"glrtes s 01 the, Stranger," care Rev.Dr. DEEMS. N, Y, U you are coining 16 Ne York toon, bit thi out tand pa 'Me u in war nunnorcLndu Qook , febl9-441-tf f rpiTK Vr&aii evuJ rr. ucvai ro. i pa. -as mis dsy dissolved Dy mutual consent. lit- Umm fi..Ik. : A. Dill l klJ. k.. : i nenn nr t tut firm i - s f ," -j ,T HCtJWAN'.,' ' 4NO WjCAMEROH. . , , , JAMES II 11 ILL ill ' :i. .!! iilW ; Ail. .11 . ,V.il .-(! I r ,,rbe anderalgned lta vo.formf d a jpfiPavH-ei-ship under the name or ' ,;,-.rV,-.t tCAMJC160Jfa.mLL . And will contlriTto' TUe General ComniisKiou and Shipping Business, at the old .stand, No fe North Wafer street - - ' j ! r ' ill In Mij a-lAJM. JAMKS H Hir .T. m i - i m a. YrE rFaBW A KPI.ENTTT AMSOlftT. yYtc4H9?8; GOLD and SILYER'illgttflfe' t tA)f.a0 Whe p iitiiri'V! il )'l iV k -. t.-- J-j 4KQ. Jti rBEMCH A MON,i tiapen. .!.,; vWw yTHnt wieet. K6,.:yiatf..Guano. Yarn. 1c !.:! . For bale by - jniiat-wiirai t ,,r-'ri'iMieTOHv'ni c:,';iuaMh a, i59. nrtire tB.mtnrn nArt nrnponEi Xi.aOf.hls entire interest W the firm .of Mof "iitt McLaat-tri to tha sentor partner. " I a I . -. M ...jaUV Af ilaJk LJ K 1 N miahobinesA wm-lft aOatinbi wider tho name and stvle of . 1 .- . la .1 .iI.ii.'iiI.iim . . a- ur.ar7.-a0d. ' .. '. '.:.' . r . VAlil.a lit illUllMl I't iHTH,lH.T-)-r -AT- WXTE$lfaoOGtiAf f , M A R K K.T 8 T B f K,T . ;At Loyoiiooii btore. -y kyfGobbs RWkK'Eb? Itfcojft"! ,. ai. l-iV-i 1 ffcf-. it TjI' r . ... w. V . .. a r nika.l - . . ' . ."k V DkAXtn WW ak - a.y. 1 .. ..M. .a. " l i, . . . . ....... f li.l .'.A - .4 . 1 . . 0 Boxes fecaled HERBINatJ. 1", 'V."' 250 Bbls fieflneaUlM.B hi-owto stand'ard

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