ii 4 .. .j, ;:..r f.'iP.9' . on t Id enti tn. day was aizain occuniml rliiin .i;... u?u"f .GenefaLTkmgstreetV nomination . , to Ibe.Collectorsliip c-CJs'ew Orleans " Mr, - 1cwt i..u. uoU -iiia argument" against the appointment insUting that it wa- prewa ture and that a aulBcientfy Iarje Union, '.wmv v.ii. t- t tu-r.-. i ? rf-:r. : : r6cognitioo trtrnWA repilMlcad Adoitnistra tlon. Mr.XairpuatcrbMjtbat the eoiWir- Ml Pl,atJon f Longstrcet ouliin lyiwiae Ht prt ci ,,cnt to sct.antl Vi"ia p.ruvo ad in its " ' '!i:0t P''ie elecuon-in her State of umuhkiu k"" Tuwutw; ination aDDroved. but the loral rjoonlfi.of urn .noriiierH ocaica wonia icei utile less streotVuntocudcnts pat In n t)!ace ot triit VIUMiUlUCUe H VI IMS U11CI SWA TO BlnCO fi rebellion fnde!?. Mr, tewart vsid i boped tfao' noniinatfoil-would pasg.' II 0 He J'.HH41 Vofjeal ofigttweu t ; ous rebel and unOi, even tkougli reclaim ed, to occupy anyf place .vndcr the gv ' ernnicht" This he lieM to bo" bad Hogic, fof tnoioVbAv'ertbe most Worioo' rib- c'SJVfteV after. al!lbuttiBtuiltisiratUuae8 to see conycrted ; and lie Lad, do feara that any rtgret'would be'eXprenaed inanyquar ' ' ter Tor eriftfrHiig'thia')os5tlon'on General LongstrcctC IklrIIrfanPtnlked bittecly I f n rfal nt YT 0 )C.on5r inatidn.V. lit lyould, bife nothing Ulco futor showered on men who' ' ' dRUIierr utmrtst'todCTfrtjtM V'ttfn v, ; ment. , Thtftm MLnaod:. tbetcondreice " wtWWVHke1y-tt rtt? J iflgfttD. M nr. Aiornu spoke in .Longstrvet s favor, and Mr. Nye said tew words' Srf lit Miahr 'Mr. CtirtJetl Wai in tpVdaition. Mr. Thnr- iiutn ucmocrat. SHUi.nesuoa a rote roctlie . , confirmation on tio groand tbat, being in iavor Vif lvmoyitfgfho'diibili(!e8 of every .,,-, ut!icrn ninnr be saw no objection io' the - tiresent appinntmenwben no charges f JncCmpelupjr "T. ilishonestywejeoilnd to exist.. Mrt Kellogg 'made an. eloquent speech rf halfrfn bour in Longstreet'a fa vnr, pointing oat the sertice ,he,hil ren dered tue rVpnbhcaii cause fn NewOrlerfns 31 ?d.sewhere, and qitefrj ma lexers ioshow nowtnorouglily and w.11 he syrntbizW'with the party and the sacTincfei of bid associations j4ic Was pompollcd to make jo. doing sa. i"V gliould f;,you i'-" -ct I.U-," said'.. Z'r- ilello, ? die rbcl elcmeut of -New Orleans will ewilaim, "there is a man who humiliated himself to carry fifvortwith' thei rdicalfld ifw thfey sfiurn him from jbojn whea bo-aeek8 some recoguition at uheir bands., Mr. Bumner Argued strongly against the - con- flnnatioo,- after which the vote was taken, v resqltingia the passage of the nomination ' by a vote of 25 to 10. Washington Cor- i;4tt cui ftel . If artier A Strain .A?.,nl!f .40w ",1( 4et" J. N. y:, April 4.iw - i Last evening, about nine o'clock, .as f t MfytMonlc canre du pf cliurcb, aiie 5 was attacked by 'a young maa named Chas. Merrick, who had been refused permission W cc6mpaay;' hep, borne, lie pjact( a pistol to her breast, but tiis brother, know nis'TDtchtionwia la time Iq jircveut tfie murder t'fiarle riin away, and' up to this time ;., baa not beeil hearti ftoiu... llijtb Jherpar-. Mffair .IiascreatlucU, excite- -c PouaiiKEErsiE, April 4. -Charles lleirick vvhd 'attcmptccHto kill Mary Monk;1 pi '.LVd; Spring, Friday, t as. autreniKTatt; u:lus1 fan- is, now in ' jiL ,It .ap'pvars he "had requested I lier ciMopaHy on .m.-veral .occasions for some ; timii past aiyt was reluk'dVbcjn lie was '. refused on Friday night,' he seized her by tbo hair xf hef bead and threw her down, presented 4 pistol at her breast, and pulled f fhe, trigger. The cap n6t exploding, be recocke4 the weapon and pulled again. ' "Ajfiiiw it, lulled to explotie; and he tas in tWeact.of atteuipting to firs 1 he, weapon the third time, when her ' brother dashed tWputwCaitidtl? He hAd written a letter I 10 tiiu laiiy telling ner tnat u site refused . '. Ilia company agaio bowould 'murder her. The pistol was ondocr n& balTa'ntl car-. 'ttid.' '?Tv-a,vj -' h li, 1 ! LlVXJd. OuTiiurgl'vL ai4d I Jfabout thirty yearr, aa architect b rbtes- wort, win', tor tlieN.pas ten iays, uas jbcen i - JcjoiAriujDgt:.V ilaoo'a HoteL Na-124 Dal- .. i-im.AjijHPMwa.uM ..Taiuruay morn- iir. as auuciir .uat ne nan nressen nim- i :: bclf and apparently ; was' abotif leavini Ilia. ,. 4oni in '.he third story, whea a cbatnber .laitlj; who' was j;ngaged n a. room oppo site', observed JiYju Jail to be . floor. l'he tti-i atbucagavcla0.iiiarult andAn parties aetijnin-.up,. Gibson was f.Krfid , Ui be,J4c"adr.C.roMe CurrId an in, . nLAA.l UL, . nst.mnri-n,U,minutii i ?..i7t,,v,rtrt.r-,t,, ....'ITI f tnc tntier'dLclosin2'thCf fatrthat tbere was Ta , large ex.iavnjkuiofi. Tot' blood " on the the brain, ami other' evidences of hoodIc-- ,L : . . 4 .. ... .- v ... . .7-- . .i-i-t. ine jurjr renueieu veruut oi f-ltXnL- apopcxy AUparirfduied i'by H;.V,tt tr."r catina urinks." ' On his person about tbe , iroonWortciVauirJ ..... j .. TTT. r ... .. rrwg Aiiiw,,i,p yc(aqfJ.'W.a-unairci.iseei-vud buiklcr. and ana iu the city Juvideully VejekiDgeinployiueqU It is .alleged' 'tliat ' recently he- had-iallen lioir' to "an ettate'vtd ued at' 30.000 A( letter ,yai,,:iouhd UaVaaMUg.bia :ppers directed to his siAter, rquerttii her to read the ltt chapter; of Lukr J Jklr.'Jobn.H Weaver, uudertakcr, Fayetto atreet, tooktChaige, of the tiody and prepared it forrvnrdVal lb the bome'ot J llAbftt ije. aset 'J J?xfrhuzrJJctttifyivr (fcrrirtilaifti'ivtt.VJn I " A a.A..J a"n A t -v X . I 111 llll . 4Nkw Yoiut, April 4 ? v. Emin ICA DcVHIAwtre daughter of "fl'sartmiVA; living lif thil ity;tdegrabbed ,.a,..,gvon yceteraay, stating thax f tiMb'-i', ; who was reecmtly arrested; by tbo L - ' ir! ouhiii.iih uiijA, laKen 4io f.navanavja, aia Amtrican t citizen, na asking that ! ineas ures ve taKcn dcntTin mediate WofT, Mlotnig-M-fcitn - to ee,tliat alt -jviirt-rican 4iiensaje'pxiecieav, . a w ri I ii i a lO Save Mi life .Tha Prt-a-A;. r.7 , , I. . . 7.. 7?i .-..r. Iy telegrapIaXimiraf .Wl :?-4rtT)eTngfb.lf'i f, ! f,ut;." liey' , 4 . .are hot hKely to disappear ; on tb. coairary, "-heindications are-thar- Mb-ytl-wrease Ivances. In raria ."la size as the peosotv. they are already worniarger. They, are that Tid! T wiTnot rr t-Tily abSnd.m them 4 i'ior Iajm iuuuL- fcuUaitfldaattd ilieyM ."V r m T- r" ' ' - " - ': v 7HA , April 3, .4 wardrobe, tun All time to come, varyingjin ; J?. F. 8ew?,rd, otsHrooklyn, JS'ew Xork, hare or siae'butnevef entirely t)3-dond. U ,. ..fcicnt at 'Xhut UhIit, . M . H. 'Pa-Tiq 'Tan fib th TrOi.fit 4(71' ia BnrrloujM.if 1 r j ., t k..i.u. 1 : '.' . ' w a... V . . " . ,K;ci ai iin'i.iuni. vLHum-raua-, roaKaiLt . . " tJO"smfln" for . VrmVfciiienCC.-ii4tvriar t Lu..r..L.a flilll1l,mnm nnTUr.;lr. LU.S1 a KnMu. ..... .... . . ' ...t.. 1 . 1 . ( ,y z- . 1 1 1 t - . '-"wtMn-TTm in r i- wt j j tue t'uecis 01 wnicu sue biwuih : 1 Twite- '.WJr Tr-tchcil the ...... . ,;!rvt iUV ICfM l!por. -dFi; .lit. or..vMWT Twltclu ILjrronlhildeIphfa' ' 'r -.-''- April 8.J4 tH(, hurst and. William IX Pkins, Prison Su perintendent, GectrgeTwitebell, Jr., hm t nwda Ike tailoring. eoatessina rf . tbe par ticulars of the rmnxden of . Mrt TTill iTt wjU-Ijc seen bft life 8l4tetaiitliTwitfcIiell tuai Hie condition of the murder wire omeyKha differed ereqt froirrvbe were; gener t ally upposc1 ;' and IfTwftfcheM has iaen a truthful Tretaf16n f thtfre.i; th ir. i m n implicates the tUoffhter'hi? the chief 1 np'rhpfrats? t r.;-vr.,t-,,i - ' 1 I . ' I 1 etlo,my rpum on tba,' nleht of the murd8rJid,n8teiHl-oi f?oing to bed, lay down 01 tb ;iaige which was in tny roin an. I Jell aatcep aiy mifi s in bed at the time. waa aroused 4t : Bfefrepefet- bu cans, ana rmuooo tlieaining room, w hr I -lunii 4 Iter mxioli : exci te3, saying : 44 1 have had a quarrel .w.ith mother and killed her H I U6 not Ttnow whether abe said, tBveml?.or.tMIelp me bide it I'M uui at wst wemrew.tUe body of Mrs. Uill . out ot ho. window, to mate itvlook m if she full outvl went down stairs and wash. ea aay nanus nd face : ati tb ' hydrant; then went to my room, undressed and Went to.tca. t My-wife came up afterwards arid got into bed, where wo staid until Sasali (CanipbeU) rang the-bcU. I tiiink we were ifbQi tu or twenty minute i;l made a aokinn vow to. eternal , God that, night T ...... 1,1 1 ... w . . i nvuiu iievw.-reveai it; out icanuot K;ep it.any, (onger. i I am sorry that X said ' I I K,uy monger..! 1 am sorry tnat .l said I knew nothing of it but I did it witb the TPwWjCniabKVantl tef . save 4iy wile, i I I l,,"0fv,,B myjvurc mai i may ua?e m-. . . Geo.. 8 Twitcwell, f r; ,; In the presence ,ot IierGiO Bringhvrrst and VVm. C Pe.rkin . fr, i Mits.wrrciitxi leaves' the city. This nwrning Mral Cam"ila! E. Twitchell leit tlie' city vundcf circumstances which would af tb;jdi5.t Jhcit'b9untenance of truth to the above arraignment , of hec by hef husband tor'the niurder orMrsi flflL About n wefc; ago" 8h6. visi ted the con. ddnined taah Tn' his telltnt V16 last time. She then; had a irversatioB: with the Itev jmmj.. jjiiuguuiai, ui iuc course 01 wuicu sue nraniiested' the liveliest' concern as to whether her bn&6a"tfdW said nnything td bis spiritual 'adviser ' which would" im plicate her in the; murder. She inquired specialy if TwitcUeU(had rnade any-Biate-ment about the crime. Mr.'Jiringhnrst re sponded that he had. Then the wife in quired if. he bad - made; ponlession, to which she again,; received., an atiirmatve answer. Mr,s..TwilcheIl then inquirel if ner ousoaun had made any statement con cerning herself in connection Witb the mur der, to which she likewise. received an af- firmative rcsponsivTeXsiictMr. Bring lllirst. ".he hxa Inlil tam -.all alun i" " Then," exclaimed Mrs.,Twitchell, " he is a villain-thfl greatesf 'yijjajp on the face of the earth.,, 8he .then directed her in quiries to the day of execution, asking1 if Twitcbell intended to make any statement on the scaffold. ( She ws-assured by Mr." Bririgburjt nhif be iatomied to do" so. This brought' out. the inquiry an 10 wheth er any neNvspaper rejwircrs: would be pres ent, and Whea she ' was told that studi WoUtd be the case, she "exclaimed. "That would be bad." SInCe'the day on which this conversation occurred,Mrs,'iTvitcu U ,lliH not Lecn near th celt ot-h and trtii hiorning she left the ci nnknoln'4,':'7'"., ' .Jrt . .J bV telegraph.' ner hushed city for parts . 1,., Phil.adei.fuia, April 4.' i 'Tha press of tjde city is united in con demning the so-called confession ot Geo. S. TwilcUell, Jr., us a falsehood. anl itbas caused great incrraw iq t.lifgcneral lelief "of the entircdnnoce&ce pf Mrs. Twitchell. U A now thought tliatr there is now do possi ble hope of escape for him. iMtcnt from the WcMSt Indies The Insurrection in Cuba RcpbrteV,iisuseiiienlH, i&el k.f. t,.t- i: . . UAyAKA,.4pnU- A committee arnvedhere last evening from Mataiiza for the purpose ot demand ing the perstn'of an important state pris oner wbo hadbei-n sent bf by the Gover nor of Matanzas., Recording to the com mittee's requtst the prisoner, will le re- ,n.Trd. P.ihe Loritic? ?fl yf"" fof , a-, -- kJ , ; y-- rrr, .7 I trial. ... . I rl "' -V ?t or.lr.ee w Colonel ller is, organizing a batt,lion r free blacks for active service, by per- I , . .. ,., , . T . I . i uj nt' f ;" ;Yoce de fJuba approve, of Htbe or tji i organization af colored regiments and j adds . that the caoredopleavor Spain, it and have at ways repelled the offers of tbe insurgents., i ' i 1 f ' 'r7?4T,pWi tS" r"8 tbe( goyeropient troops while the latter were conveying, prisoners from a 1 ;v a 1 I t i a SatiU Cruz' hhcT Puerto Principe Tbe result is unknown .7 . " . r .if . . ' U8.rcppriert.inat tD-JL W?njaav destroyetl portions of the Sagma la Granlle raiTroadH M M cnM ,t . 1' 1Utt f1?? IJeruaj Ba.u. tnai tne -manaatorie, ; wnicti "5 y Cubans, was suDuhed , with coal. Arms ammunition, etc, off Bahama, and did not enter the barbor of Nafflan at all.' ! . Tbe United States' tealrier Contocook sailed unexnectedlv to dav. x j . lecent ttersfrom San Joan de, Joa Re- medics givelhe particulars of the mas iiacTe'of Stn6ra"ArredandQ and . several of her-cbildren. iler . husband hatiV Joined the insurgents,, She was .enticed within the-Sparysb Une3, with hciv,faniily,-.MQaer -tiiCrtxhU&t'iAv&QizJiiji Uusbaiidi and - . T . - :',9tiVera,I pretended agehtsi of theCupahs, supposed to be Spanish "einiasanesj ba've been endeavoring to enlist yarioiia indivi duals" without authority or sanction, either from the provisional government, in, Cuba or,, its represeniuyea uere. 5 it. appears -:pnt cVnh-mat3on' :from4 the icHiityf Santiago le Cuba," that' the insurrection is8teadilyJJrogTesirig,, Well J tSuIcHI j In Vlrcl iilfv 1: 1 -1': . rV- VrtTif Xf n-xTTiot). Va Arrtl A 6s4?.r . . j. j. -!'TvJ The wife of Wm. P. Phillips, who re- Hides about' foul' miles froa the Back JllYer Wad shot herseB inrbbff b 11m head I witlva .sevejver., tQrclay causing inatint rvieath' l noaA 0Ktor.- arn death. arv fits v,;XCJtIl o'f tin Onlnm EaterJ a -r- rrr -. .1 . --. 1 . I inffrm.i Trilmna m vVashinrt,nn lielinvn of insanitv since -Jlgfti'' bbtwaa I OXJoyrEKrt . ; T.a d td gave efitiVdf recovered. 14 ' U'f; w4 KERcnNKEj I ' ; -111': T JScxtaoontWeatoi 'Patten? Bdkeru y. . .rt t rk lit 1 x two to the Cheap Store i 1 IW WANT, SHOES OK BOOTRH f " Oo td the"Clieap Store t ' rttVOUM , .TDTVlinrno rr a . wa n . -. - BeBmbe, H, Sarkct Street,' UMixTMLest JaXPtiB Bakery 1 "LIFE nTSXTKMiXIE Only . $3r.5a fort h Policy ol MOTOAL BENEYOLENT - ASSOCIATION or Blcbnaond, Ta., i JOHW A. BELVIK. PrVsident-V w 1 MANN 8. QUARLES. Vine PrHrlnt ' JOHN C: rAVIS, becretaryand Treasurer. I-1. STARKE, General Agent, f 1 flow IKSUINO POLICIES - OF Membership on the moat .liberal plan of , I have tboroughly investigatf d the plan an,d workings of this company, and nnhesi- .KLiuKijr rwuuuiHinu 11 10 my menus, and the pnl)JiQ generally, as feasible ami safe. '. For fuU.lJaiiiculara' apply Jtb' the" under signed. ' i u Ixical Agents wanted tlirongliont the Stato. JOHNH.'ANDEB.SON, ' No"! l'N.' Front street, .....,'. '. ..." General Aeent. Wtlmlngton, N. C. March 9,1869. I . nar9-456-& ' ' D;S.:fflIfflALEOTDE, ' fe P-8-fBItjV NORTttCABOI.IKAt ( fit T11 E,?TH OAY.OF APBIL, lMt, a- ski ravib-Bk JM.H.rCla XH- I OoJf. ' m sea ten 'miles West of Wilininirton. X. t.i th x. a. nm euu itb uuuiiu iLiiR inn. nr. r.np nrmi- luuuwmg prupercy, vix : bix nunarea acres of "i-p"ou armiDg ianu, known as the Al "V'S ISnV05:Towl f;rkj as the property Of Dr. F. W. Potter, seized for taxes assessed cloe Mua w- Potter, due the arW -47e.lnt 9 tor, - YalnaWe Rice - Plantation - for Rent rpiiE: ikantation; kvown ah '"rittIP ITT," : ; II t he Cape Fear, ' li. . ." i I, - ' . v . -. in mo county or Druimwick, within 10 miles or the City of Wilmington. The lands, notb Rice and Upland, are in good condition. The Threshing -Machine is in good order. Two crops of Turpentine in fair working con dition can be had with or without the Plan- PETTEWAY MOORE, , Jan417-tf... . , to. C v GEO-Z. FRENCH, COJntlSStON MERCHANT 'axd real " EST A TE A OEJUT, TTILSIllveTOH, s C, IRSCTes -fOHTHLT. FOR FREE 1I8 iri but ion, a Catalogue of I.amU for sale in i- urui nu bouiu Carolina. Send in a descrlo. tlon' and rice of lan.u ao cuarge nmess a i. . aa 1a la AfV. -!:- '. i ;l . ST.: CLOUD HOTEL. pnilEW A.JW CUMHSVIOIII A. Hoodc, located corner of Broadway and d . . .r" . possesses auvantages over another houses for tbe acoommodatlon of its kuotus. ii was Duut expressly for a first class Family Board in ir Hohra th mema Kin io and en euit, heated by steam with hot and cT.r?ter'' and 'furnished -second to none; while the culinary department la in the most experienced bonds, affording guests an une qual table.- i ; . One Of Atwood's Patent' F.levntrtra 1a alan among the "modern improvements" and at the "i guesta at all hours, f The BroadwAT avnil TrnivomlTv Pinm r I xawa tbe door mcnrrmanlniitHi mnnlnMn. Sety,enAyeunetIes" , o w iJutnu. x arjt, wnue tne oxxtli. - ""oiimaYciiuo uuea am dqi a anon diock on either aide, -affording ample facilities for UnfT of the great metropolis. -jf i . - - w .; f ttt6t(re HAMi ; ' ),,! ' Wtongues an6 sounjSs, DESICCATED COpfrtSH ; ENGLISH BRkJvKFAST. TEA , , , ;l OLD JAVA COFFEB , ; FINET ASSORTXENt. ClGAjiai,'" YACHT CLUB AMOKINO .TOBACCO ; CEXTPBX CHEWJNQ TOBACCO ; A el, AC.,' -AT- 1 6Sl6u tli . Front Street. 1 FRED. F. ) ? t ! ) FRENCIL- mar2873-tf ; i-opitcjyjTjtjMG, rr-i r; . t rf . a :'. 7f a 'k r . . ? n.i xfr j t. No? in Hief Course f MaBUfactiire, : - We hope to reoeiva-in a very few days. First' Instalment The , , iiiv4 h. g , ;MIJSOjf apl-tfl f? J r City Clothiers. 80 bags Pa4ansco GUANO. 673bng8 Zell's Amonlated Sutler 'Phosphate. . i or paie dv V" li i- i ; F, W. ERCHNER, aprlW-tf M 2t, 28 and 29 North Water st : 1 'I ' I I" 1 'I 'I Wantftfl? . ; A NO. 1 TVBPENTINE DISTILLER. Apply4tOBoe at the Office Of - apl-476-twy vy i j 5 MOFFITT at CO Poffee-poiFee. 4-a . w A wLI AA ' ' . - i AUTLAND- CIIOtCE ipIG (Care L.f ally selected), and Kentnclrr teqal to 1 . ) liams. -v. c. ajidUotjlden ftad C,-,!, ilea in Suit, at ' - ; . 1 1 - - ' - , JH. KIT. RilCTlt i . 1 l 1.1. .nm m -.r.i... n . .u lyriiT-u. . ... xb auu mvna Tvatar .. k. ... . i . TT-OT E I, . "i v.. "i Pxcellf Housed J. DAVISofIillsf ose,. Charleston, 8. C. --ilJJ0 wasronsjai- j wa ready to convey rtsseugers to and fifora :The::IIcEae H6ti&e. ;7 rf- o? Market mrect,.betw,jrrBt iid- ! ed'i SerS Tranaieut Board cai ba had by te day ot week, aep2-SMyT Mag. W. G. MILL1GAH'. 1 CIIFFQSD HOUSE, t 4, yorably known aa ' thi BROCK'S "EXCH&NGE," : ... ipQCKunri'ORD, rtoprietors). J, that cannot be surpassed In the citv. . . f rpassed in the city, . rites bir oia friends Hecordial tnrt bm- irons to jrtre htm a caiL " Fnrnlshea misbea. OCU4-S31-tfJ ?ropiietot. THE;-WPUtARfERDICT., rnni vebdict.! of tkb' people -JL-nas been announced, and it proclaims trumpet-tonxued that for Cheapness Quality of Goods, and Polite Attention to All Cuatom era, the -.U"... . v . . ,.t. . .. . , . . ...... . , .' U- DRY .GOODS HOUSE 'j WANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL ZCTTHB CITY i The Superiority of his SPRING STOCK.' . is tthe the tbetnief'fif nniflriiiai - m.. XaUies tand who' will question "their taste t) .rCB n,s 1 jA SHAWLS, PRINTS. SFStJPA OKOANDIE8, JACONET Spring AX.PACA8, Ae the very embodiment of toeau ty ant excellence. . There are four points t6 consider in buying vl t "eauty ..Cheapness, Durabil- flu (uege ara CbBDIneu In the Goods sold at ROBINSON 'A le - .! 1 Ooodfuaraatee4' as repreaeated r and -. .v....vjr vuojoii ju wieir aeiecuon. ROBINSON tndMTi. a . - - consider it no trnw JV,. XX ""T I SoTwYi? : J vv asvsii . f KemembePthAt. HahtnaAn crrt ov a oVr - i 36 Market 8lree, Is the place to buy your GqhU. ' ' ' nememwr, iiiis is in ropuiar Place. A. .T.OBINSON. ap3-178.tf ... 86 Market street. DR. LAWRENCE'S ' ; '- CELEBRA'rEI WOMAN'S FJtlENli! A safe and reliable remedy for All'Jteos' Frjcnitarto Females, ' -SUCH" AS 1 . Leuchorrhm, or YhU ; , Pvlapm UtcrL or Z.' .11 . 1 trr . t 4 . j iy f (xc jvomo ; irregular, JUinful, " 1 bin i Mi- Uo-i " DBD1CATKD TO THX , , 17 A I I ES O P A MflRI C A. For whose benefit it was designed, and tvltose uujijimcM lb win promote,- oy too . - discoverer, 1 . f IWBEXCE, M. D., (Cbemlat. The articles of hiik th Wn...t. lu.n Is compounded ai-ei published around each bottle, and it ia hail ivl t Kn ,h it t lne Tonic and Alterative yet discovered. lit is a valuable and- reliable AMnt in an dl rangementsof tbe Female Uepi-odnctiye Or gaiisaruiia Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Spi nal Irritations, o. - ' J. 11. BAKER A CO., A'if' Wholesale Agenb, No. 4 Mam t., 'JL:i' . . No,folk,Van. i-t? - aw wuura u oraers muss DC auuresseu. rfce 1 per Botle.f ml,25-470-ly ....... r,,r .aw,ffc 1 "': '. 1 i i i " THE- FINE I9IP4BTED HTAEION, WARMINSTER. wiU make his first sea. son South for 1HB9," at PVR. Davis, Warrenton and Henderson, North Carolina. Terms (50 for tborougb Mares and v25 for others. v arminsteris streo trv r e wmlnster. an ma lar! in aEnglaaanVtv his flrsc. drfl is Black Bess by llatcateher. and second dam Polydora by PrTam,'., Ac, Ac, see Bruce's Stud Book for 1868. i Tbft Mberaltty- ef his im porter, U. W. Cameron, Esq of New York, in presenting this fine offer to the South, should no appreciates. aiares irorn a aistano be well attended, to and charges cheap. For particulars inquire of i at , lii PETJ-fli ft! DAVIS, ....... Warrenton, N.C i. apl-476-2w -,..1 A Good Advertising 1 Medium .eterniNtjxtli Parplina. The Western Democrat, . , PUBLISHED AT 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. (One of the Old&tt lfycgpaper$ in tin State.) HAS A LARUE AND GENERAL CIR. culation in Western and Southwestern North Carolina: and,. adjoining Districts, of &outn Carolina. , , ...-, si "Advertisements 'artf solicited". TermS, for ien lines oi inis size type, si lor one lnser- t r.n A tn-t. e..gm. .v.nn,V. t" ' "")?w.wh,wv mwmu, aw ,vn L1U3 UJUl.bllB, $19 for six months, 23 for one year. Reasona- oie verm wiu oemaoc lorirreater soace. t ater tn eiid direct to the Editor aodPro poprietor at Charlotte, N. C, (and not through Advertising Agencies.) A copy or the paper containing advertisement will beent toach advertiser. W,J. YATES. Ed.-and Proo., t aeimt-tij .. .... . cnariotte, X, ti - aroceries,) I :ij , u, -11.11 t-mlT i DECLINE WITH THE MAR. KSTS4 as will be seen tv an examina tion of our, .r .M'a4 -Mi:BEEr,;I-, t .' wPIPORK, fPRW(5 ... ( ,SUGAB 17;'!' BACON, Vifi y JELLIES, ' W. M. & i. Cm STEVENSO W ' . ap2-tf V . ' ; I Turpentine Still. , . . . J a I .1 ' : Ii n-tlfl.M..." IT V L U '.' A fiOUT-SBRLS. CAPACIT T, ' jKf . ni i ii. 'i a"l j. qooi ;OiibrJt ,Hs t ina iJ;.'i.. ... ::.W1LLA14D BROS i" mnao-ti .j - . -, .-. u - . . - ( ji a-' rrrt xiGiHrtfiTtar t-in a'awm-v Aurbrt L BLiiSw Peace Warrants. State Warrantav , 44. xnnuiiv suu rnMiisDinr xioase. " . .. . 1 . . .. , T. . - 1 - . j " - . ' n . . . . . 1 l 1 w 1 Juki v.f ncmi nuos xiinfiery, feh7tf PawgonUunk Buildings, Front st. i! ; 3,'AkDEN SECli S-.ERkvSlI SCPPtl aoaaU l ,i XJPPITT' DROQ STORal ' "BOOK - BINDEIiY.', ..i 3 I - -- , ' - - "llll mi m 1 ""'Vf , Baltimore reftrenoea, by permission : Bank ia VTV. c .'tit .1." iv--'Ji' WM. JL IiKKN AltD. Pron'tor. I-.;- t -f; U.-v. .V. t r. : Street, 1 A " i 'c-.'i -.V p coarfccxi.oji , with my puint- IM (? A Wb rtTBLlSHINO BOTJSIt, I have in op mtlon a Complete BOOIBINOIY AND BUtlf It BOOK MAJflTFACIt'OB Y.lnclnd-. ing aFIBSTCI-4SS RUUXCI MACHI3TK . :T! , ' ....... .'.;i. , 'r ' v. J . ( My nnsarpasaed laeiliUea enable me to 'ec- . , . . . ... . . n . . cute , all work in the above lines at LOW BATES, with the utmost dlspi te, and in ,'ir" i t ' the most NVPEBIOR STYLE. 1 am tnonufactnring to order ,1 v..-. ,, f JiVTi.0, , ! l - ' 5 - 1 wr' V.V Kr?A.iJS, . - PAY. BOOKS, 1 . - . ... . .. 1 ' I A GtT PSMC , :,: tBLOTTEUs, ; r'". INDEXES, " V:. f RECORD-BOOKS,. TRIAL DOCKETS" APPEARANCE DOCKETS, MIN17XE . DOCICETS, EXECUTIpNPOKETS, , MARRIAGE REGISTERS, ; . L BOND . BOOKS, ; '., ,. AND ALL QTIIER D i- ! f A .: -ill.'". lf..VD A J ft .U f 4. . 4 j iiat. - USED BY. -CLERKS, y Registers, x MERCIIANTS .'iilc &fj- E3imANKERS, RAIL ROA i) (X)MH ANIESyt i : TNSTTIi A K L'L" Cf )A1PAN1ES, &c.; aV a -A. .;. u .... . L I " M' . ., v -vA V i r . A ALL VARIETIES-' OF - VW ' ,', j.. ::' . . b i ir d T"K 47a.i Gr rRQinLY. ATTEpEDTO. . BOOKS, ' ' "PAMPHLETS, ' " 'MAGAZINES, ; hiiiq:aMdA41, smril NEWSPAPER FILES! MtTSTt &c.;,Ac.','c. 1 ! TT! : 11 i-t'i'j! llountl in the neatest' and most substantial manner, and at Moderate Prices. r7ir3A Tf " r . H n ir , lAJ'RTJLBp "4 ! A vV.f-.i Irt-: sS'i ; IN ANY- rORM pjESlttEnST: tit - ii A-ii ' : . ... l v. :.J'.:' . a ..r.'h.rt- . c ... .. . . . 1 w'ViK ! Kff. ,vi!.tffi! Kvja.iu. F 1 . ait iav . i.i . t I i t Im. r.,1 : IS- w ur at . "w-f wJ ! i; r PrinUng4md Hubiisl.fn House ---.;.. '.-Jl t ! .vri'AI. ' wwieiaaxj HsbII aiadary.' ... A ViT-I'-,- ..wwy, j pt4a--u WYatJNBTkMr Hjc. t . 1 in .1 Lv rj n u r - ' 1 v 1 :A , - . -rn -. m W HOliE S Li E EIWOR .UeiiexfUCoiiiiiussicaillercliant, 04 iviu WAIUJ iBTREBT, 5 And 888: West Pratt BtaSct,' 1 f 1 HinrichfrA flni uul Pannlm.n Ttavu Tinr .uuwvf neuerajuu, ooastoc :, V a.; I. Witz Staunton. Va. : A.- B. IrinW. Pnaiit. HOTTftir nTRTsrnp?cT?m',e- nn !ATTnri H'o t-o X f . A1ti SB '..'.V-i'. Bacon, Lard fe Supplies GeiierAlly No. 124 South ;Eutatf '8 teet,, t t : KxFKiuracKS '-lltopkina, Harden A keatp'canvf by, GUpin &Co., Penmon & Jtn DaaieisMilfc ler A Co., Howard, Cole. A C04 Baltimore: IL- . t,. uimnwuoUfViey uneao8u -vvvifuiun&.vsq, l-ynchburgj'Va. : Payis,. Roper A'.CajPeters- uulr'.i vm. a. isernaro, .w liauuiffton, n..c, mr23-ly . nnt j:-.waitj.!jt A, W G0LP$BpJJOTTGH; f Commissitm . tlbMnt; ' ; x ' 118 S. EUTAW STREET;.' k hi ' t BALTIMORE. MD. HE TRADE SUPTPXilED "JWITH! ,: PLOITR -and GRAIN from first haKda. ..17: Orders aiwi consignments solicited. Ja AJ . LJ . ' 1 . : t THOS. ONl) Commission:.rercliaiits V Wil'ol.EsAtr"OBABS. I5T awna. Furs. Of EAREY TRUCK and FRUIT8. S Consignments reepeetfuUy solicited and promptly accounted for.,; . . - mr23SAFly3 E-' D. NfX6lM. - ' -' WITH" S'Tf.rt.-M. . P ATTERSO N i'O AS H, BOOTS T&irSHOES, No. 273 West BaMbfontoKtrnftl-.. 1 7 No. 273 West Baltimore Street, v (Between Hanovegq;and, Sharp), , Tli os.' N; Patterson, 1 Baltimore. Jno.-H. Bash. . ... J ' i. yJa i . ,Proniit and faithful attention paid to orders. " ' ( :- ' : : "T w t;,: ; FOUT-Z'a CELEBRATED y This preparation. Ion and feYO-mMT f known, will- thoroaghly re-In rigor te , broken down and low spirited hone, by itremrtheninir' and cleaniinr tha .1 Zrt'l?"?. incident to thU ammaJ, guch aa LUNG a WAUtu. a UaMJV Vf aTV VI?a . anrtTTi3 tire a aUUa Ui3a VVVf UTAAO, Al LOSS'OF APPETITE AND V1TA1, .HBBr, se. V Ito -use improve the wind. Increases the nueii(e tfrei simooth and glossy ikiw-and- wansiDrmr u mMeratHa akeletoa into a fine-looking and spirited horse, T keepkn of Cows thli prenara- ' u luToiuauie. ji ii a lure pre rentive asainst'RhiderDest. Hollow Horn,etcr It-has, been 'jroven by.. xipenmeni to increase toe quantity of 'millc-and eream twenty ' per cent, and- make.the hnttpr firm - and sweet. In l&ttentac-eattie. it sires them an appetite, loosen their hide, and makei themthrire Bach-faster.-' - . ti ' In an diseases of Swine, soeh aa Cotff hs, til the Loneff. Liwl ka.. Uua atiMMrta ' ' iOjeral half a paper to a paper in a-barrel ef wilt the abovalsSaiea WH1 bfreracUV cated er entirely preyeotedw If given- in time, -a ieertaia 'prerentire- and cura for the Hog Ch'oien DAVID Er.FOUTZ .TPiffiff "J r ;9-AI.'FIHOB,'d. - For MlelliT, Praff A ists and StorekeeBeri t j the fTnited Sttey, Caaadas and South 'America, mrctSAFlv-cini . A.idlJi- SPRING ISIPQRTkl'JtdN " 1 Millinery and Straw OOoda I ARJISXvROIfGr, (?AaQE& 1 CO., 2 2BMtOlStIeV i ' T$JORTEny had JOBBER'S OF BO v. jl -vix ji;ts ana. tkuvis VET and SASH RIBBONSBONNET CRAPES. ' CUV.. llbLillllll., W P. J SILKS andvS TINS, ILLUSIONS. BLONDS? LACES,T RU f KtJUH FUOWEES ATEAT1IERS.-STRAW BONNETS aml'lIESrTS'trimmed and. untrimmetl, X VJLKWl B and SHAKBR HOODS. - . . Tbe largest Stook of Millinery Goods in this," Country, andt unequalled ,ini choice varietyj1 w mvu -we uuer av prices mat will ueiy compe tition. . , -M -,ORDERS SOLICITED. -a i "mitMBlt-. --.-.-' uJ U". -aJT f IK .4,14 i,-.ti. . ' - .. x . , r ! a-,-!' ! a a am 4.iaaWl. V)"Il.II PrnxADKLraxA, .GotobeirfS, 1863. -TyfTESaRS, -WariR. BAR.Ti.KTT. Jnn. AVA. CO. --The ."Hair Kestoratiye to which .von aa.ii minim ot f.nt inn hoa ail hA ..u Vou fclcttm Tor 1f."Last'year lHeitop"f myTiead became qitabaalr awMyuurng your Restora tive, for-about two montbs. the growth of my -hair waA restored. ' To'ViTrrnintr. . fhA- fTnnt. At the Restorative,' it will-be well to "bear in mind I .4.4 lii.'.V.. . m . .' inn - fVl. UHUUV VlUOlff IlfWtlWJO IBUenr'Or tnnliAiw.taivIi'BAlak m 1.4 UTkMTf r.-rnp d eiii : CARR).TaVjri1 A. CO, I.. r . ' - , i , . . vmm vm'mwv''ml . r. mrsssAFivrr: r Twvr . n , , ; "i ,3jn i ,'! r t-t; "T7ETT: i ;-;v'.-;,'::w UU. i A -.ta TTT1irAT?t,.' Tlrr nmsiaM.jirMiMU. VJT andjDeales In tjwept ana Jrfeh Potatoes Apples, Cmlonft, Uc&tik Pe&3Gtet!n and Dried Tuit. j nts. i.pg9,"ierrapins, rors,-Hides, Fish, and. aU Idnils pf FRUITj andcVEGTABLi:S. . .raruuuu&r .aiLruuuu .i4Ki ho innsA a nr-ft ii kinds of EAiLY VEiiETAJtT.TCS. fjftTT.ir-j- ;i FRUITS, He. ':', , J v r Air'ainda-of feEEl.lCAWKcbntantly ennaaa.v i jvj 4 .'". .mrKS&Fly W. W13L80S? . htrna."T,; w t . 4, J aTTTT o jtxt t.-tr-HS-'i a, ( i : l' pv4 iiuwn, bitoii wmcr oi.ixnuoara, 7. t'ii i' Ci . ij .' . 7 ItL. if 'jfia-'S 2OIAN V large apdweU, assorted stock of GRO uivttiiwy,iY fB.-i wia i.it4uutts, suitable for the Southern and Western trade. We solicit consignments or country iToduce, such as Cot- SSffiSto Onr taellUiee for donsfti to warrant anink ulM .ri,i ton, r eatnersTHi6eiig, -iieeswax, W wax, Wool, Dried, ..rnT". I - mr23SAFly. .a-.T.nia.'ilf uuif f Horse a cattle FeMers . 1 1 - m I - cr r " 1 1 t 1 fr mr23SAFly ,WiIi-?1?yfr OATIiKTT, Va. JENKINS jSl CATLETT, 'GRAIN i AND SENKRAE -COMMISSION .,,iuarch25470.Sf l-ly -. j TJJBPBQESS, 4 W&P. 5 . r fT llTnfJfsanViAi' ?? V! . - PRODUCE COMMISSION itERClTAJn UCS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HIDES, SKINS, GRAIN, COTTON, A.ND i 7S 0 BfiA- C d O , v .W.AWJ?Mt8i1rTJaM"r. i:.fA.ff.tYAlX r c BALTIMORE, HD. TJSFECIAXATTBSrTIO Iff ; FAIR TO Ali tbo receiDt and.. sale of. all Omnn rmit and Vegetables, and our sbfoaars will ha iw. ularly posted as to the state of the Markets. Full , and xnlialt. directions will h them for packing and shipping, all kinds of Truck. InformaftfrwiLalaa fia-nlafi aa tn fit freight, expenses, Ae. xcMn-wre AeerenoM on ttrmumtm ."Ban k o Commerce awkiavWUliamaoa- Oo.Jl)unn, I Todd & CO , xr m Miller,. A Co, Waiter iloora A Co. Me' tv ui umam & non ia ajc irani a. t Cleisli, liivea A Col Jaa fvtrfr. r:n ; I :r JoaMnan A " ' ' ' A jDaniel, Petteway A Moore, A Johnson A Co. National Jnsi jorauiey snnstepner. mar -tovooaam . , , . ( BRITISli EIIIODICATJ. The Indpn Qnarierly' Beir4F .(Consfr- vative). , '' ' , , ,-' j Tbe.Edlnbnivh.PeTiew.CW) 2JJ ZlVTu 1 -r;.To '. L'LL iliJi:2 r i nt-B rjbUluoil'AIJi ABE ABLY A. sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science. Rellaion. and General Lit erature, and stand unrivalled in the world ot letters. ThevaraindianAnaahlA to tiiA ar and. the nrof,s1on.1 reading man, as they furnish a better record of the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any othersource. Term for I H a. For any one of the Review a a nn r..r- ...... For aay two of the Reviews:..-;. 7 00 " " For any three of the Reviews... 10 00 For all four of the Reviews,. ...18 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine,..,.. 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and any two of . the Reviews ioeo For Blackwood and three of the ' Reviews is tin" " " For Blackwood and the foul Re- ' views...... 15 00 " CI aba. A li3conntof TWENTY PERl'irwT win 1.,. allowed to cinns of 1 fotrt' 6f more persons Thus, four conies of Blackwood, or of mvn r view, will be sent to owb address for 12 so Four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood, for 14& w; and soTA. Kmmm m :v Subscribers should prepay' by tbe quarter at the office of delivery " The Poktaob to ntiv part of the United States is TWO cents. number. This rate only applies to. current subsc: iptions. , For back numbers the notiiiro is double. .- Prtmiomi to New Subscribers. New Sabacribers trf aafv n hnvn periodicals for 18U8 will be entitled to receive gratis any owa of the Fotjb Rkvikws for 18(i7. I 'ew Subscribers to .all five of the Periodicals for 1868 may receive gratis, Blackwood or any two of tho "Four Reviews" for 1867. Subscribers may obain back numbers n,t ti. following reduced rates, viz . . : ' The N( NORTH ' BIUTrSH from ffaiinftry, 18G3. -MNBURGH licoember, JS07. inclusive,, and ,the LONDON QUARTERLY for the vearsLSta. I8(ia and i:7 at the rate of si SO a year for eaob or any Re view; also BLACKWOOD for aViT for is7. S2 fiO a year, or the two years together for 4.eo. - Neltirer premiums ' to Subscribers, nor discount ta Clubs, nor radncMd K-rtena fnr haeb- aumbers, can bo allowed, .unless tha money is io premiums can De given to Clubs,., . Tha Ltoasrd JSot Pnbllahtnt; Uo., tuij la t-i i6,-.l4fl VIJLTONlTi N..Y. The L. S. PUB. CO., also bublisataa - i by HENRY STEPHENS, clinburgau, nd the late J. P. NORTON; oYtaleCoflege-Ts ols., royal Octavo, 1,600 pages, and: nnmerdus en- gravings. l rioo, si iox tne, two volumes by mail, i)ot-pai(J4 18. . r,r . i '4,;i ii-il 1.. . THE SanidrtJ liu A Dally, Cafoliiia OMdfver rruiE iiNDERsidNEr''wrf.iv tB. iisn tproviueu suincicnT encouragement oe given tnem) in tho city f "CtiaTlotte, N. C, nuirai ne miuaie or 'a-mryvrsM; agooo, re liable daily netoa-naner. devotad to iou. " Dnnpm.i j r,i . v. o ... . , mm -. . While we commit oar columns to no Partv. we reserve the Driviloire of deallna wtth Poli tics, aawlthmen au things, in a-free, Tninly, and independent spU it. Onr motto wiU be, . Onward and Upward True to tha Line. Our ttmtdrlarofumhi wWl't susUined bv oontributioas from competent writers, among wnomt wo . at rs. xanay .vownmg,, vol. 11. c. Jones, and others. T " " - vfiir iUi uiuud win dq upcriw vv Ol 1 especta- blecommaaieatioaai 44o..'..i r j.. ... The paper will be a neat sheet of twentv columns, printed on good paper and with new j - The cltleens belaTbnburg and adjoining Counties have long felt the need of a good, pvaiCTW luaiiy j7Tyill we,vping prao rtioai printer . shall enoeavor fa . supply, fhein with a paper worthy of their patronage. , ., .We will also issue, as soon as convenient, a weekly paper jtrati script of tbexlaily-.-' Kt name wilT be reeeiv(li Winleee accompa nied by the iubscriptlon prlca, aa we Intend , vtsaMs: DaUyjj one year, tt 00 j ..Tri-weekh', one year, 13 60 1 Week u w eekly, one year, 2 00... , '.'deco-tfj; -AOVA a a- V'a 1'lHlft''t'a- T-4l4-A-ai 4U- r1t AAVV4VUA A A AAA ASXJ A 7. . , :. 7 .aiii. u Oranges aiid Kinoiis. 1 . K'-'Wl1 - r 1 "JPiafVa aU.AMVt hrf-tf1".' .!:"' Hand 13 Front at. oet Copy. '-- 'Tri v4mm j ital.-ri.i 'f ,. .' ra ,i a,' i MicarMAirts and others? YAThlt' tti use Its columns, wiU band their Cards to - -' WM. II. BERNARD, .-'':la)aair t"dttjof tbe " Star." t C,.f end mm Tc V niwi.',. ' f'mililfc - t taslixl lT.-ij.tfboME4ito. tEoxEent mn'nvajl'ri.' KntimSnri AAira For the sale 6f Cottoa Wheat, Corn, Tobacco SrleuL as are. sucb aa.UJL' nnfurntshed, .in. av.bealthy locality and convenient to dusiupbs. -appiy to ., ap2-477-lw At KiAvAAlTa'S.