TK; ...... v pu- - ,v.-"" VIM. H. Bi. .Tre?. Onici, Dswson I". r tJ. Frort FV '," Oneyear.fn advance. .f..r.... ...$7 M Plxmantbs, la Mvice.. ,... s f I Three months, In aaranoe...,., g u 1 s 00 J 25 i A . , -" "iV' M4lt.lfc . Ml . jwiuwHutjijo 1MS. 1- v I- '- f: ! T " r:rr'- nti Reiiria'r,iaV ad -Tarv ' N ljjrted e balf rates.. imamnUL UWlTtn06.'...... IK vi t; The Momrnro STax trill he deUrfcred in anw I Uftl TTT-, Tn ' f1 f - " , f a mtT" partof the City tit Hitk-i CBtimwwk.. h w v,fi ". k f 1 u - ffT v ,:tv I -lk J i " . J I V , " I ft XI . POT OFTICE EIi.CTOUT. . ..v i , l uu iu4 7aa, p - - t- it., ...fcoo. M. Uoo- W. C. and R. It. rayettevhi t..i v, .aw... ' 60 A. k. Dijlv. l' .aiit.Hr :,, v -,! K,i .-v H-vf ... ,1 Northern Through, and Way Hall, 1J Tl lfj JJaily.TtbundayellVeredatSiOOr.M. I Soatheru, b.u if. M. Oallr. - " w.u. fwi h,., . p, t-Three aijMe a., vmm ffittTuCT piix OlBoe open from 7KW A. M. to iJlO f. II. . ..v - I' Sunday 8.03 to 0:00 A. M. . . 1 1 - KJI1H: 1- Ball.WAr' DiBCtTOBT. T wiUirrcTON f anchestkb.' H.- BOAt) I jjiohn i H. d. J Gi? I W. McCalL J. I Hrtlett, Jatnea Q. Barr. Kioh- ard Bradley, J." KU .:: . .t I Gira tiwptrlntenaen niuuira iaouM. i" Secretary and Trmxvrer Wm. A. vv alter, j J WHJOXGTOW, CIIARIX)TTE A BUTUKU. Xftl RAIIj road. Jne.A.McJonrenilflrt4i'aeaeh. VfaJtanL Wteele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel U. Walk up, K, Jorsou, A. O. Uf.n, A.' B. Bfrlateal herniary 94 Trmrurerl. AJvlVuitiH,' Abter AWkuwAv-.V.Xiil. VA A A 1. H ' LlMUtliUiJ A. WrlghS. V. WallAo, KU Jinrray, Alfro-l n.Taniiokkcen, (Jeo lUnria, f I,aMtJounKyjfOoldbrp It Martin. A. II. Yanuokkoien. ueo. in WUmlnirton. IMrprttfr on t par IKt ptaieMwurxl i . : r ii ' iA i.e.. m..uj ... ' ij. . ' Tartaro. and Tl.oiuan II. Heg, ot lUlelgh, 1 1 N.C. ... - - - K. - Chlsf JCnpinser ami Gruerul AriMrMlm. MaMr uf IVaiCrporfcWiO Win. Afna. . Matter Mtchierk 4IFi- . -J Tpwe).tpyfcll . , Wieri .uh .ua'tii. afci. 1 l li. t",,'"CTV-"':1 snit n't lie Superior Coiart Is: one' dated 1804, aal xnade payable, in goKl, twelve moatiia after iUe latificatfon. of peace be- t ween"' the ' Confed'erate' and " !&sUaftel 8t4tk;iTM and wf.aoppther Pfftoft, 4hplltH 'fce paiawnl beto oee alearjphrase'Verjr nice queatioB." 'Jit- tbe ' penco which was' I decWraif WteW'u4tivOverpower"Va or, j'tW r0. k.Dr' tweentwo u1en5gerent ! pdwbrstn'-e1 presume the note has been due somajlime. But, if. MicttavifeswB cbalbj leas I diraMdaamvBubtuintiie.thcfi&tetrt te..ia I meal point, exist for,, aaiioy , ih ute.,i not doe. y ;v?. ji : . r Howeyei;;uwe' Bre; merely relating the facts, without pretending to know much I ortuo8ufJecf, and wo.will leave uie quea-1 tionlbf the haoVIs 'f 'the lawyers . whose I duties-and ' luelinations' prompt ' them to make deep researches. nf vit .v it., . . lVV&V, '4ll r- M fr "f!'? i -Yesterday the members the Steam Fire Engine CQpffJ to much advantage too eliiciency of their beauti- ful engin, ;th " John T. Rankin.!, With bose'eXtcndiilg to the ' iliitk'nce i( twelve hundiTeet;.thrIUbSjhI thre. Water VlV'lxJt-"Xjr?l u iiuunu Wtff . u i ill siderably,vcrthfc Custom uderawy wvcrtrie uuiom ppuse J ana i afk 1aai ' W4 . f ' za .! A ft A W 1 IT' I W ,1,1 B . . . . . ' , . . - Wver-Jaa monc. better Invest ttiffl - the purchase of the John T,;, Banklp,,,, au.lJnejrerlwaj a cpwpany. coppae.c I better - material man tne 'hi OT,?!??.? I Steam Jird Lc-ioe Com ipaay o. 1; 1 -'' ' ' 1 I " "- ' - ' I : .nun vikW 1-1 AT DtjNSirr.- v erj . manj 01 uio prindpaluncrchanU agreed to' close . WI -Utds, i during tne wann aunsety' and! il .the r maiaiag pbrtnlsrwill s3DtioiinhBf) it will ko into "effect oa 4tU.arsV.iaf. Be t month and remain U'CorcelWOt Hhe W lwln lis V,i' h .t. .i It ia not proposed to close tuewores ao rnJo ii ceri'aU x.LiW LiijeVL ear com $$ti&.lfo tbSfe'YArl ot -thjrttcn MrVt?1 ciwAW? from V lighten the taDon tneir cierKsana isie-1 a measure t-at reacts credit on the em- I ployera, aa.ii'tlicy ariT entiticd'' io'lh.lnkaj are allowed bnlv fourteen ua vs. during the 1 ..,'- . . . . . a yearancU;VmaW ' . U .-.. ... a., -a,.:.. I bu.c, IUU hvim iu l-" I eer.'J the rst Ca.tardaciteacb month ando Iher jt Mbpday6 pfyeach Jerof the Superior Courts making ia 11 Jfonr-'! teen aays, asauove siaieu. , 'r i , , . A Wikaicgton Cliarloita zzdl Jlailrtsrd' iwii.ioaajt'tv'.' -i : y wi' nj?cw t?uajat tHy;pf5ce,6fte Tfe. !'!cat, CU rJlX,Cv 7- afl --and th e tockhol J r3 r f T'.. o' c ol: . j . wilBRSc nil ; ia trys t.ty to-uorrowprii-. Tonb6a.i ... i . ft ii.Aoii.i3 the iiitiih It J AO i i.i3 tne 1A.AAA . ...ft citizens sr"l tmvelir r keeps, a rat lasa Bfiaviiig' 'aaloon ti ZTci. hm$yi?LrttfI:l ,0rJ ,.,1 , VtAtiie,Court.,I loose Bdvertiaijff .Qomt- Ckatmnn proWrtpf :,!.Cb thfCbh0n BW. Ulhkle SheriC. are alioweato piay - anction- U ifAuWWadW totha t 4 , CotTHTTj Timr-Tlfe Joard of 2ooolf Gummlsskmec AttSxeii fUpg 1 J f it--! - ! on thw thltistkif, -dWretfd tbecorotT Uxetlortliobreaeatye&jfagfonowiT Erery male betweflU f re of twenty tax pf5 cent,, 4Tp iljUPWQlrement,fr, Theatrical companies shall pay ti6 for . . - . ." - . each and every night they perforin in of bde'mbnth; and ihen'tM wboW will aQn tinonT ' tlM 'ftrt vrva I ,rr,11 yfi'J.-f'W, Wlni iM.J4 4 i,n, pterpriaeajperaona yjgertayifjai as an inducement to uuy Jheir 'aitictaa,' shall pay a county UXj 20 per day so aamey conuawi in operauoa.T j Bmiard.aaiopnaairjMj iaxof il00 Per annai. .) ; .ijnntw .n ait , -i h. JJ Ten pin alley a, fowling &Tqodl &gi'' telleVbrMtnei? taWiiSciTng pirf poses, shalt,- 'anieaa IntenoW ioir-'iprbraae Uflo only, pay a tax of $50. - ( '; ,. mw"! UD 'mU WQUOTS, POftCSk r lasei ber jlwU rr ahall pay 20 percent n casta YalfU laaaea and aagar cane ; and tai'of 10'pe'r'1 centMthoae,4i8tnfffoni ihrillSZ, V.. j-pv. . , . l,vAj 'nJil vui Stery' merchant, r 'otheV rdualer ', wb " . . , , T irTTT T 4 . i J'f .!.T,r hall 1 pay a tax ot tef t per cent, to tw in nataajca) leaa. taaa 10. n,it, - . no .Itotela,' bifiig.hooaeA (nnl iied f OT UtSii hdaaeaTaaatl pky W l'pef'ceni'p mtoTeaffptaV-'. ' 1' Gas Companies shall pay 4 per gross receipts.' li fil i -tJiH cent on ) Tax on gross receipt .of public ferries, tolatolU)rWgea,rto4a to4 4 p mdu .OanUs Wr&a ifighwla l0 .f Q Afa or STnhan rf Annrt an Mta inn. or broker, shall, in addition to the ada- Jormtiz on capital forested, or, fha '-."tax on the net income, pay f200 if eaiptojlog a capital ot $20jt)00 -or men'fii ieW ti)am 20,OOO'an'd 1 mora ttU'f lQ,6otf taxt bi $100; if $10,000 6 less Vtax"6r$iO."J ' I Every person, Dringlng-tnto the State playing cards 1 either for said or private tiae, -shall pity a tax f t5 5enta m each flQk.'ltTi ti .t .!' hi i Evefy tioVse idr,ma(io,TeV! knall pay a tax Of ft per cdnt on his'sales.' V-4" -CPtnmission merchan ttdstpay;! of J( per cent, on tbeir sales on commission. Every person keeping horses or vehicles Ul UtlC IUBI1 JJ lb IA4 w flu. AiJlUCU arenptirdealfcts -A I Kceii84iclreteiflealera'1n spirituousfl- aor to pay a tax or pel; aauuu j on' malt liquors $30, , - j ' Itinerant dentists, medical practitioners, portrait or mmiatore pamters, dagoerrean arti8ts,.4tcn ahaU pay $20f .unVesa the.can show tney are reaiaents oi tue estate an Uri&V? . , f , ...,,,,, ,,. Every itinerant wiriyWiall sell spirituous iiquowWnesW crirdlkfa.'nothe product his owa fartn.'sh'all pay a tax of $50.' ' Non-residents, driinfncrs or agents of " fv ft t f i 4 r j .ri..'ii aniarnh4UH1lBBi MBSmniSOT IRnirti.nBll . . j i bay aa annual tax. iI $100, .anU . tax oi W?l- . A" A.' W T 9 a A 1 IkIai M I V .T .7 7 .77 "Tr .'.T.T Tii , .TT . . . 7.Z7, .1 (.50. Wage contrBCtj-andj ghaJl be a tax of $lr -on avert other deeo T.yfngCbr cbiBvej.tJ PtoaeBUteaBd,, dmitted to. registraUon,' where the con . . . . - . .... . A iidentwi msHiVifsw uau Mr tnni . . . (Xlii.milA ior j bcoriMBosicAl enmenX, o towf prbilt atTil if,7.T(7'-'. 1 illwrmilcaowipU -av- a::.;--rf t'tir-il.A UiinCHU. iM.S&'iltX&L WeiU,co 1 reedvejatvd otjiaxjons fcrbremioms, per cent,-, MiMiirBl!&MXiiai. foBWhit- I jnt, theatrical troupe has certaip'ly com- I AiLAiatiM jhe Uoap9 WOol4 perlorm in tour city last ..j,,,. wi' !An AKrfhta in tantion tp the ndverthwmeat, and 1 . w ..anl r. r. n atn. rl A .al r44f,a a . r. . cwcuauk auviw. wiKwMn.. n i-wj i "".-i-.r'. V ATyix.'. Xfeaift,T;. -h r.- yiiM .-.i l. - .--mt ,;, ii- wi "'''iT.rr.'.r..'"'! l .W.oc.T7.e.M'W .t,:V . ikTJ I a-:, ,., a, ,.,r ir.A iiu;!". And a:, d ' Pr ni ib. -'ip ilui latna trloriana iebsntv. . . . i -i .... . . . AO -'Ii-.. ouOta.-Ia.' JSfABi- is hundred. -.Ac ti re, boys V a re, Biakln g JTrom 't3:t;?L0C. peih Veekr'for aiout..two irnwai ajfnol scnrlr tVf t 'fo mraw loWingi,n:Hntalft J.IL Neff Brk &J eUV&frS try); Cbarl?i SclIkenVn sheet, the Wilmington Stab, with its pro- -r . m.. mm , . ''-. .... gYeasi ;afe ndia 1t lmm mnes for that citv. refirardless of "race or ' -. r pfaviouVcywrtlwben'th Wahll teres! jafcj, bebawntlrOpodji.&pth-1 4X, utxrwin-snew aaa imprvsasain nre I . m H r.4 w ' 4 i There is'one buUding noVtbat could be h) mftfW Vxlxt thfi hM 'tnh 1 ioi.l 4. I.Mld i ' a. - tlr The above7-wa clip from one of the ablest r-f j ... .. coming useful citizena Jo the community in which they ina reside. i 'We' lkntrnat'$ rnnarkYloucjli' taste than to parch as' it-of a , Southern iuuiwuiui;. 1.H1 1' l .i'Md. jl. .11 VrSTiyrilt , oTECIAL LXJCET I E8TKKDAT. LTTY J DttkWamxSolwJnl imA ft.---iiwa persona, ana nisTnrse was ctraxmnea; , i Elizabeth Bryant , Martha wih were also. transerVedt to the the State t . ; x m .1 6TATB:PO(3CBTtO ,-U il, .W.. P. Canuadv Waa breh1befbr.lhaJ -j. . . , - ' -i CkBrt.iOB.tha-chargo t iaproper 1 treat- ment of a city prisoner' but the1' Solicitor entered af -noi protaui, -nf V botHX--tof $?001wa,.reqnired of the Urshalto , ' i ii(i i ii ... I I ' m'rTrLm 1 AJk mkirrt ' 4 . W r. I "rrr,v5.'rfi itSIi.T7 .liiHIIWl"t .. - ' - J ! - I Henry Baker and nrcrl u,n A;. J A. .0.. II 1.1 lA AVI BU BUI BT. BBUU lUO I .wim SlrU Di,, tV? A'.! M vacancies. .The Forem an was- excused, and Mr. Alex. Oldham appointed in his stead, ,m, , , .,,w4,m Tub CdTjirr Room 4t - City Hall Ulllul .mm f . U n Ul Iti t- iJ SlaV -i I - . .i .- I' .1. ,2 f,j-A4,,-jUi!T , ,( - -. ; - i; '..ii -sM f ,rt i ne -v irgmia," oi rortsmoutu, puiit Dy ! ; ?. ... .. , , these accomplished? mactrnists,' la one of rfdf- HoWetf 3ia!ipyjlrjted' the most efficientppaxatBaea of the kind ' J.lT Alexander" afa E'"B siwnson .bf in the South. It will alsq be encouraging ;8&tesvIlr paektrate ' -1 r 4 ' , " perior quality of theUgiriei maaulacrtredK i1 YIVCV 1.. u.u pVlt a KbrfoikV' -BriwbbVbfttetilton i C6L Harris; Superintendent of voted exclulrely to politics. A Urge space and if pi cot epI Pngton, T?' Te iKo?0 ui'i"' J' -'Ijl.' : i'r LT. aL: ' man SupntondelttkllW.iAL,' Moore" state.' aa'iwell as -dicial oplnroe and uuj an engine tuey cannot exercise oetw 1 Qn w w T?i, :r!nnlrfn: mvebbtbar inlaeollaaeoaa matter ot Kenerak EXOTSED. We are informed that Mi3illHjLelMWh of our customer) of Any atrano of Prto or thViuyg'e'ifie Bpfal'ult yesrai'y" ,fc?2 pte ,mini?itluf -cpmiog lit'.to taka th4?iacea. :v After 5aed in packing vegetables to makeiem excused several members of the grand nwhile theY will be rich and those who carry wlL Pea, JnCBctwbersv iurv. .11,1 Uhe4 U fili'-ihe Wbvfet! Off Wbe.toa W. to lire lor get ttSffla i - ..,Viio...1.,.iB-Iii (i I ; j,: J Ajt.HMMiM4. .Atell.ltlQltA I tntw1 nf hnahAl. nr AW 4 -! i!if -TtTRSDAT. 'ADtil'la.'1 riiVw'iUf.AfeA .5!. ik..Miin.t nere aa agents, and witbont be least expe s . -i' i- fT ?:, ,1i i Tf"Tftj 'jiT.i ,o I 0BgSi U.4.peC0fnB snBWv.f;heBdQltumBl I rience lnthis kind of business, cause lossta -.. ... .iini ,t i-r f ii i. V.i....T-r-TS.'. .'-.,. . . Tr-, a -r.,. .. ", j Weatlter Hiker xld aM iWcidedly from. ) ' " !'sv!FR01f 'BELOW.'' ,'.v-"' " Boudd Outf-Ca'pt'Platt. :it ,tha iifc' i,ij,,.fjvw.Vb-ku.h i . .. i l"") "v-"-v.. , Otlt. i J I l'f '4l I -BoaiNojreported. I mia w.'4A4 ' u-m"i uvni,i. j i!.!, kndit isnat luwamJifith.. she M liJt l. t4 ,B1MP. 'TX I S. , .TATbeLdestrn Uisoensable to ?btA ftl heat bttBHesaad pnatedrM it . sroad I BnoirEia,.,.-v...v.MfiiviJ4iiiitiii ni.Xfiiiu.'; U .Mntr..!:'. iaa i.iih " 13 .etonnvj .'. ii i,.i'. w .......... South Creek, Beanfort aouBty,'. I 'viti" ,1? I?ngq,.Deauiort couny... ....... $a?Hb? c. . . . n - t a ? i.a WlUUmston, 26 St. A4llAciSnsauui4U.wuvuuav,- ' Bieruoro v. .. ...a.. t.r4.'.-ia tf - Edentop, r ...... . . . f VlVlWir vWL. Wlaiti... Woodv rus coaoFf,. r wii . "... . ,., jAkl..,, I 'ii Cloud v.t ru n i 't u UUt u.itt vnril i ew 4weiw.i . .-' - fc 1 - v I. - . ..v am V Af f t t :(i a-., .ajv.ii.r.w-- of M,Kentucky j Xiirell pfluiAiAna J I ,, ,,4v,,.i.; u 'IVi t-. ; '-We hear of bottling; worth- relatiBg i Thomaa Darant. of New OrleBtw r Manrln, I owner nam, and te ensure, bigb prices, ail I ,.. & AltWit a, .UhUitaataf ;4m.IVa yv. 'yrj , -.. :...? .,.,r . .v 1 t: . ti i.i htA. .i'"i " rii m t ...s.s.. . . awtiAiAsi suiAiiin rwea napsTni v vulakhii. suia niik i . ' i above, ,. 'r.'-,-.n f. r Texas j abl; Josbwiiuji aaa;; nrpHTT.FiTis HBar.ktBVua. r r... iA..-tf j. j v ,, :L5V'.2:r:' 'i'r.V; Brown, of Georgia. ;v ta u ' ourpxioe-fo iwaow"4 WJUmUOfl, JlVeTPOOl a?Ul, aa. at-vi i hi n Maun a imtrwHit sua nian-int 1a11mM.rBw.ii a . . ...... - : .-- . . i vvriirn tnw afiMiimc na 111 iijiihwih.' mjmi- m 1 - - t n - . r- . . -. . - i , . , m. ... i, .ii-.i i.-M.. .i-i-. .ma...!.4! -ivi t THnE WHlTit ' ITOC-kolLACB GBJ3XXT ..I hM iim nrti iitiituttn nd iwmiiKd I f want of stock to supply t netnse wtfVeompfmy.iartb.rttp.i MK nuxc enia PmrWtdrii Ndrih I . - . . . 1 raUUKU "-aa " " VV IkAA JLCVAAA I 1 . i U I T I - I I J I 'ifW t ii iff . I 1 -I , I I INU1T, VT BjUV BXSJIMnU jMn ni f Vi A UXliK UasVOJ I 1 , . " ' L. . ! sn-fBnWtmlved at New SSStlaa? v EDWARDS &. HALL, , .! . aenlworwa J,PrCS01TeS,-H;f' "i: ' York on the 11th, having made the trip i 'aBOt oAtV fe Tx.kawlUaloW ; J3:5 frfr mmiM,ik WTUyK-VH ,HdJ ' ' 'C R. OCE RI E 8 rtna-lfoa W I i y"Jr.T' J.--'.. ---,7,'r,,n.5. log for a ship canal acroeathm Isthtwoaof V,- f.c!. 1 i..,u.4 LX4AXlAaMAK.-LD j -(Ikk 4. n!!..!?0 : DarlearBB diBCoW for.BPwrda 'M two, ' at THE c 11 febuwtmr ,a , , ;,f. , tXr y. j,1 , : ,4., for this port onihoOtb insO ,t H'i'im houra, and tha Benata .flnaUy. adjonrned T-nripcfrn n,jr pittpddtito 1D1J.TI114CX3 iXIJAAXwO 1 AOere wa: consiucra uv fVFP aUTCrWidKlAiCIlA. WJ,MClA. li'ai'VIW wuianiii wma IWJ, viuw uua. 4. ViT V TCZ. "Y ' MU -?Vli Ulh4 fqr::' i&2f? Mareblst,Am : rT-,..i li .. ... iitan,, , i snbjectoftoo much Jmportanaa tobeal-l ltM LtJoiyMVn,tt.wt,()t .i,, v ...u..! .. , tM4444Af-44w' the.aBiiAiuidtheB'rtabeihniii r i rnDrt MTII T nniflTIf fP 1 iJfgSSIlSiW ! fef iacted oivj, .-.-a ..,Mw.if U ; III tllURil lILt. rlllUI Hill I ; cxWA3r VSirM . A i.ia(aimTm i-iA-v'.. of 'ttoWAddioffle E i- irtoAil iiexSMaBCxiHx4l j-..-.i-.s ,t v. i -Tvr-r !apn-ta:.t- y:.iHi-A . Markeiv street, .-jf r' :tifl 3i. .-irjn Minaw' 9;!t' - TvfiJ " lJ '" t ar- t ' T"ft 'V Tfl I BBaBBmbBjBas'BBaaaaaBw4- - ; y f ' r v" 1 t P ; ' vyT i a m 1 1 t M f -g . n VV am Vf i" BlaMAABunaMn AfsaitsMf-nejav. . iMeadecx -a-M.v.ut-w .t -- ;- UJ f XV- -s Ofirt BUa, JXlTeKADEBi J' a..'; WewbefH, . . ... , . kv ..ii4V ha. At 4.2 Uu: ax-w m4 YzJer,i i.?i-t . '1T .niU4.ajt . . .... - . . .... mm! a-MraftAllUWMi-twi.(. i yOTysfr- -Ir - JrJ Rhbcmattsm. White fiwelline. feore lyes,' I Tff -"llnTl f I l.nTPn nilSgCrfl t-.. 5.T. '4J?..JTS? ...11 O ehanks wihlng Itbvertise in any 11.; ! -..JiMWimkmmiMWibbon Tjieyanrptic-of tbe skin.D..-1 I .Ir.,iAJ.,. UKoag.oraonij.rA L P. iTarasBBaW-IfeBoor 8W"PSta- Sick Headache, CosUveaeasiOveV Jhwtehev.o. a JJq: 1 PciTlTiail l-GnilJlO. Swtsf eharatefth tia AA131J Q?L"lm00t!ii ' PalniathnxWaviAriOTdencate gaurjt4 I -:a .l.t n, -.UiX "1- XtU.A .f vlU.yt4UUOUUi lowest chargedby Ah .ij. UflK oneiratW-JAJUJi iAsiUU . all Chioalc disease tlvi'i.I WtMHsf JufojAT CAP JUPJim', TpBBf tf ABEITE jiWif iwaonBankBuilolng.FtBaJ x. v mi:. ' Jl'K i WoiiJyreqnlrMstriid'torovmWth o tl-wniUwwlgbta4. n-iw, iiu.,n vtJ Li.JTfnrATerf-i ,T?IAJIK JiCoiZlknTACT,OUrr - . L Areaatsojr--ew Is Tlmf;- ; .picii of its treat merit aT a ifreat BlOodr. t CsbiS3er fl XF ? F".. (H Boorl BwH, W"--. - . I 'rl'Il-f 'r-1 :'waiiS Partner and 4 Renovat9r. Cer'-mtes.tJts .ajladV.-Ko attaatlo paW-to orleraaao. .4-811 win, au . tut, etand -.fJ"" -.fT5w ' 4 'a... T . " r- ,' ' '.t .t . ,a... 'nil ataraul tuitilia " 4 SWIIfl . Sb A.t.l UHl DtX 1"' J'ir S J.aU-wl . a.m 1 r...ill I. a ait 4a.;La t' .... ....-11. .Ion. , Y OKTJt- Oil UAJli- iCP A-aA4ii4a.i,..aAj . " - , - " ' ; "r7 I, i . Ui., i V, M,I: T "V. 1 Al?Yll il S V"- '"- 1 l - 'I -ijil I'BfinS-' Xn&sk . Tw electianin iNewbani-AtAii i . u,.tRt.TiuliiYS P11-" iw" P1 in beltWoT SttTfmothfs !Ctrrch4 at Wllaolwfeieweek. 4 i . a sLaisa w araan aa .a iHiiinaj uu sumb i mi. sainaMimw' in' i .M , , ... uuTcrnur xioiuen s appointees, was com- ! lne ! AJliatnam - laueationar ttoliTttrtlolr eonrenes atPittiboro Scfehfl l lie AcBucmy on toe own instant;' It meets I A . ..... ...... .. .. . . - . . I the Tumpika from Marion to Aaberilie: lf ,an , ar1v hailp nn natptwa.madeby talifirht the caa; in. order t do se their nro- I ceedngajbut, the SmJ says,. a HxrcsKJD to buan. - Candles were brought ,ti4..m -.,.. n . i ivuij . ;.-iu it. a- i ; .MmurJfMie. Tttopotth uWe Tery often meet persons, tQ5d to -North Carolina after trying im, weaternr oa iniortnwaceni stares. They tatrJe back aatisflethaittherB i no! place as good aaihe oU.North fitata, and- aerminea to lire ana ate in inxse. "1 12 J ! 1 1 1 1- . . , I- I r M.u6.i.i. -r ; ua, uw, u ueuwi w w- pwpie, mku i I. T ,. . . -4.,, ,A . . . . .T Bii T aHIT Tl lUA.'W 1 rA M fcjl VimM r tt. rt-VT keeland. While i twpla moving to back to their native State. ; i All tbe fools i- v -' " V li'TT A llTT4TTTiIi1iriTT' - 1l! .fi;' 4i! i'rl. fc t.r -fl-j- it4.i F4 ' M--I). . ttte tnnmniiii. -anwBKini JTrnoit. . l( ',.-!.. v . h TTheblU amendinff tha iudicial system - h('lluiflATinm4.nt hitinff baeniwHed br jiuim nt th. ntnrAmA . - riMtpn it ia. uio. T.T". . , JT, 0...n!i, -T , V . . -V? j the names mentioned for the position aroil n yi 1 ! The crowd at the White House and the . . hg the sb 00 tne( recommemianon or tne Trustees or I tJie people oioixn carouiiaa.iripr wpo, - t. . x .. '-it ! -. . - . ; ' i . - . ...-... , th.n anv una iiiim rn nw Jt n mi niHTra. . li TTvm "ITnp.i aA.Lrwnor .xatAaN. I ': .- lAtt AV lWJ,i.ri. w1.ft-4X sro5 AOTTa unwiuiu. apiub j.W; .aavi .a ,41 y!7,x';r,i'Tr ; ..BAWnuwutiol rxiiim Biroiaivi 4VA.UVB - lW 4.- - -4 tlAAa' taa aVKaa tiaaai t a),-.; ami ' lite , . - .. . i . A2A.A -lil lsiaouuMuiiw ucmot ai. ,wxxa ijo awaa443va. i t r wmt v.ftw axI A -W,ltn' fnt atT,' 7 . ,'" SB lit. " " ' far- .... Mn Sumner gave noticetbat he ii d to cAlltrP'fiieAialaajA intend - uxaii I It is trivi toadontAsthajbasia.ofhiaiSourseinre- i iwa io vu irard to Cuban affairs, the jresoluXion Of- fered ia.Uia.lIause by i Qecerali Baaka ia r,iVWi.lrfrh,x Admiral Hoff." I 41 coiTaB' te .tidrf of their TpeTty: i i f ;t vt 7 Wallace. t - i .Z. u. -wta, L.eJ fJ.iA l-eBrBotafalair hartona rnAnaV ijoNStmrTIOai n asny s5,in. . . .. -! I . T. -aftAaM.. - af " IT . " I j a " ' " 1 m 3 : B T - .. . , ma. S A. . f IU (-( SKI K - f . sn III mm lllHr rWTTM.! m am. IMimaa Baaf ' ha - 4V,M,Ha AT. thl I 1 ... . i. T i n 1 1 .! . : - , : , .1. 1 .-. I . ,. 1.. wu. A. ' KlAv AA.WUW .VA . . J . . . ..nv NEW'' ADVERTISEMENTS.' TO BUY 4 ,ii)ai,KA '- apl4-tf "BIG'S OIT THB TRK.' Liiiie! limo! Hay! Hay! I jKjrt&'lTXKSB STOKE 1IXK. ,a taleaBABTEXrf HAtr 4f . J liftrtiff! fix WiKXBCHKKBJA t- ' aplt 27, and 29 North. Water st. . ' ' IV V auu viu kt WA WbUbUf" rnms v7EM.i:flTitmiini Rimfrovink JL ana , popaiar r eeauy paper- nae fecenuy and , popular Weekly paper- has recently IMUUl BmilTHU IAI llie BIZU fjt LllCiarfcTCSSlj.TT OCJL oeen eniarsrea to tne sice ox, toe largest , w eea- uem In tbe Btar and la oonhdenUy efferet o Interest to all classes of readers, besides tbe news of tbe day. . r... I11aiu1 tAhntlu lmntof uivnuun Weit the beet adverttetnc medium in.tbls part ot. t8:.!!! ;wt,:,1. . ; iMtfi ilEFZhF.W&Htf i-m l "-in r T7 ' 1 timmriins. Mf vSa&o,.;. fJWJSS!tSSSfJfSL SSffiiSe Oawden Prodnee OeneraHy Bnt .mora nlarly Xor early oajumkm TRUCK, VWIOUKO VI . irom a regular 4jonnniwwmii nuuao. . . -i"J,c-Siw wiT TOUUUT. UUI W11UH llauui! ai-u.- J.- I . . . rt. . 'oT&eebxr nrhiaienrieTo7be I bagging covers, mnst always ewMOed.- rlna should be ahisDed 1m olnt or Quart Boxes.. We can furnish a box. Holding ana incmamg sixty quart boxes, for complete -Toma-. toes ana readies saonia bushel Boxes, made of toes and faobea should be shipped in slatted the rouowing aimen- slons and afiape: TwentV'wO inches; long, , ana. nine, tpouea uocp, The Boxes, snouia oe i possible. When uar . Boxes maybe substi- ! hivrral in Hiztv ' I.frlentts, and particnlarly sew beginners, to be 4jaAfnl lowborn they sbip their produoe. 1 The sreat Increase of tbe trade, will beget nanyidmtuen end'othewfhowlUllock unimMtm. mmum wan. ox aurwieuar ( tna I trsAiL and ahna dlaoonrairtt orodnoers. Who wonldoxberwiehareraiiea hanasotrM ntav it is as lmportaAt o knew when te handsome pro IKMft) haa (rlvea reneral. MtiifactVoaj and nroenred for- us a large increase- of bnsbxess. Should you xeei Qisposea .to snip xo mis maritrt, ww are aatlsned ttnav wa aa vrooure- i in BmBi inn Ttt nu hhiim IiMbm I , a t. mnmrtmn-m a. i, muuui vn I . i ' ' J CopartnefpMp illotice. ! 1 $t'.t $.n li (4- i U - a j v i'a i- 1 I I All rynilnni.Al YITTWTBV TROTlTTr;n! I : in JT.4 w... . anrin. nn.Manila thai t)i. IntAraata ahall in - ? T.i .t,, . Ti rr.r .T.W amwAa. BSBAansj XPSB lrruuuiV HbUUirJU 'W X3 IvBUvvii SaAAT l I solleit a ontintianoe er -tbe lflral jpatrorogrV I 1 smith: at the same stand1. No. South Water A I KtMCt. : 1 " ' 4 i- .7 . . ,;rj.,' ....... .,-. ....... ...JHriT:; I wrfftTWSAfl r-ARTai., , .urrKiiBiAmNGS. hTTViUwt tmim ENTELOPES, ST ATX1CENTS, ' NOTE BOOKS. v GENEBALJOB EattJabertinaMi rtiiotto a . I . . 4 '1 4 4 ' W V - ' M S - - I . . V - I -.-( I ; . dll ?&tirTlfrd 0&l1?&4ini . .i - j i aMnr in.i aiartii 1 1 . . . . inc. ju- i a. tamu c a? o j . i. i e i . . - t - n .o. ... A J T . ' " r. . . W I IjIMKUI . UUUJA III' k - ... I M.J 1 NEW AJWER3?ISEMENTrl; SJVAtfASmrSGE, Auctioneer. a i " 'r 1 ai , t i , . l.UKWA jtr ) i iH i ft Si rtrtTBr Tteoirs ant' doliabs nr Hicta 1 H .nover COUNTY BONDS will be offered at Public Auction, at xeliaoa Corner, on. XU4.&VA.X, Apru mi) at ie o'oiook a. m. Tneae Bonds are- Issued tor neo ssary County expenses nnder authority of an act of. the aurynatly, at (be pffloe p the Couniy Tretwo , apis-w-nactB ( cnauman. Superior Gbjhcii Butter. IBEAU CTTEKSS) 1ATEB ItAISIVS Vv goda, Boaton ana ; SpU-e, Pepper, Ulng-er, CloTea, Ficklea j -r.' Ertn C uidCruhfld Barar t. M vith 4rrfinnij aaaortment.of GrooerieaL '. -CAWNON, 8TOKJJCT CO. j apu-tfsodiw . , , ,, ;Mo. t. so. Water st. XrOlT WILI. riSD f l-iBlU vad I-- - . V.t'V li tr n resimariA urnfC'ZrlX'.V s AHiva J .-.'.!;;. !-,i ;.ilt 1'Hix i:..ij;j r"rlil 11 . ... . . ' -AMI J . . . . .rf ". . 29 2?0itI!WrXJvT'toV-U i. Low i 'apU-tfJ tt i t.U' mm hi i.'fi t,.,t l ,( J vS il v ,aA'n '4 at! w Knabtfal dieirs? and other CelebratidTV s-.iii h ! .f'T T t. flf Mtjn t.Jetul 0najwayaqatana icr.rfi ffT-.', i apUMas-tf.'tf t .!fVJ V:L'7.u is'tu Haad and CtQatu Power :rp,niHTlI!G;PnESSES.;u e' tj7fDKBJJIGJtEr ' T1ATIMO AtT ; I 04Bted tal-rt 's'tocic: 8tiendid : assortment. prtoea, Cireat lndaeementa to Cash 4 T ,TJlv. Ctern, mlnrton A weiaon it. noma, n umingwn ana ' lllVO iJOOil bt00f'," Maniheeter B. Eoad, and their Connections ... . ... " - :i . r ' I -.Fox FreiliteT-'rae'-Trents. apply to- , r AIAVAxS be rotrirn A X.AKQK 1 ' -v WORTH a DANlAX AAenta.' ! i-w .r-a: '-i ,4 ' I ,v A mil A m TT BMn.J, PRICKS ' ;VXo) ; ;.l,.,;r.4ii 1, . , , .;-. ,-. . w .. -i't i -i; ,1 I Theaapcosses arereoomnModed tor 0b3ani Job Press" is specially A4aptad tbe wan H; besenmopratXjn4?rh4 Usbing Iloasc. I s r . Vr.' 'Circulars sent bit a! A trnnt rnr ttaa hnuthprn StutAa. , 7irrT T7. "rT1 rT?T--. 1, ,-. numiinon.fl.U JBMi.B AI gBIBWBiB, , -. ' f ; ' 1 f..1 1 ,'""1 !1 1 Fancy Toils' and Effss. T7IG6I OI THE BKA1UIA POOTBA and i BT.mT Hi.xrtfur vowiji :fo anlarWalt - : . T .- r and ipeiinlaSmtssJelyJiy faprW-h V?. iV -also ' Two tribs1 BLACX SPANISH rOWLS, one year, 1 f ' Jfc.- ' fl. 44. ... 1 "?A old. ggs 93 no per. dozen, wia i a . I i -Tt"T V ' " I x, , rt i ..CABOLIN A VABMKK. ,a :- n- a rAMJut, , r inba-iwiT ' wninintoir.;c. : Ives, as this is CaQ and exam- the last drove to this market this we are seluna them for reaaoi All flrood. wonitar broke stock. CaQ tat Utem at eoottiexlaad A BteagaU'a aaaslea. apl-i-4t jr'"t I t" r y'f .. .;i4 , crriricwc.BUTaR.R,ooMTi . . WausctTov, N. C, Feb. 12, 1369. A - ' 1 - ' I I 1 I 11.4 11 1 ' '.' i4. i .af. . -J A . B FECI AX HXETI7IQ avf tho STOCK telieid eld in v.. April 1Mb, MOB, 10 O'CIOOK. A.- M to eonslder certain amond- I ii NNIJa AA4 ,nlMI UAWM IX fi - .......... .i ii.. 'iraa aaa. . Til li,-. -- 4. r i i ' : i '..:.4k4r or itbda. westeks Biota AVX I ?ia. uity Jaess ruitia. j, ltll dM9sntMti Knmn forr i ' kpi.vtfr3JiftaifioxS T7UWE ou WHISKIES, BBaVBIXs, A?- ttbi, cheapo oonmoa Whiskeya) fln ee- :naurU;Hour.nAw,: VT pj! Bsttla. IvOITBV (Vaanlly- avaw a LaM I11?! ?.-; 5!Jiv .i.;4ti:rv' isnaiai .Vrarm iDuMi i aJ iT. . " " iu dwao nuu ...u.iu store ana xransit. .... ... . , ;,i la.. .a. rev gaifrbyii ml -Kit. 7 .,! n rov-sale-bya : -- w ' -mM-ji! vLfr-H j r.WKROTOCR,! .Jlit pl - . watst,,, ,'l4f'.l. r.n ,,:f Superior ' wlW' . . l r OT OF H. CBAJBS (impllsi Cawty), I ioinai copy. ( - -p j ; . - ' ,,. ,7 FEINTING . " tVAWfiA." : JJRrf rttitiff t W 9V, aaaVa vtbe abort- tapU-4tfV? i i Market street. ; I u i-T - ; : p , aT,.ijv..wl ,r T51 A.-liU"'.'4 lV '' 'A.JJ.a E3TABIASriMENX stand witbont? . ' - . . . . ..1 enged la style, auatttje Bvna FM,,""V' STEAMSHIP -UNEa-r xlPiX"' rtli'Carolina TEtE f fKIE TAST ft AILING 8TKAlISHiP X ' W "-7' ?('( ,'irr1,;.,t " -1. PiMf f 'H.-CI A T Tl Tl A- TT .TT n v., -i .'V-' IMTI SCR WIIARF BK V V tween Dock and Osanae sireeta, tbt Ue. above port, on FXiA t Apil leth. ls Une i wiit 1 aonrprlse ; tke foUowtbe teamen 1 , . . . ' Steamers FAIRBANKS. ,."vApt. A. HCMTan. ' f -1). 1. MOKBAS. . REBCCEA CLTDK.,.ir1.V Q. Cviohcstkb, MARY 8AXF0RD..... . ioHir Mooaa. f With. awc svdU0OBl Steamers Aa may a Balling trassv KAW.TOXK-ewsrsr.n i .., WBVimeVA T A2m- 84 TURD A Yj ! t AtAT S Werla Wof'wLn 84;' Tlie attet!6n Of SHTPPERS in called to tbe LOW RATES and GBJSAT rACIUTIKS otTai IfbT bi XAnaw rfo rs?tv.'W ) si,i in t y,..Mnn Ti.i.1 - )us - a r . 4 wa4 . . ki w uminonf unariotte aaa jt. m. o.oaa, ivu . ,t'.zfy. ' li-'i''f' ' ' ;. , phCri cTpliIa y o n a ' Sotitlicrxt V A f'. T-Tall KfonmaTiln T.lnal ;inMi- V ', : ' J-i Lifc-v l.j til t HvV w ,.n it)T ,!. Si. ti) li . f-H I"J. .1' i : s 'i i. : i i t f- ritfrirr - H- '" -lli '1' ? XLi,"" - JT "y-'l'"-. . -- " ' iV PHlirVHiA ' . . t . - ' r ,. 7 . i I ianuary sra, luu. Apru . oru i 1869. ui , . XBAT WXXaTOrOTOirJJW.- Oi V i . 7' Stb'.". "i4 fJ ; ' ' Atb. Tb5w Kth-'41 May '-' i? -M.h. 4 4th. 44 Marob,'.! lth, ji'Jnnej tof 8th,4'i - ! ., 26tb,. ; . ,22nd, 44 l- " aiia. a uummiiiiiu. . - . i CHA8. K. DIXKK8. Freitrht Airent. 18S Walnu I RtMoL PhilaulAlnhla- rimlft-U17.tHnl Mdrimnsurance.effect- :' w all forts- tit' the I: a'jv ,.( " a,-m. v.'Atf-'i:? M.i-'cfi - .! (J fitted OitdtCS, C11UI . TisnT JJ t L.. h .-H':.,-ii ai -j tin .f;?i' .. ..... a Mdfrv -Brothers 1 " MtnrOtnn. IZJL""""' "" I r w- y i -ijlpoe Insurance torn- L 'v ).'. :11 . ix-fifi 1 o!l iu-.,i.i TetsGoldi$ 17,065626 'MM ' J4.,V4?IJmJ V I r Ttlna' 1 1 iiai'H ill il Hi 11 ii -i ri flln'n 11 M.J 1 vuovwif ummuoiij uunHilira AA B44 V4J rgagemanUotihis 03npaay.I..u;w v,.ji..)4.vj .,i !, ..VfMtiiexAtAgentsv-.''J---'u 'Cardinal a imwt .Torr A OTs-tinm a tt ma I i I .ln::)rnill'.i!l1 , I fl 1 J -li .11 Hi''l a - . . ' - -. . - - .... - a . a a uTkTwa I : - M ia'Eir'"-. . . . j j.u-.'.et.if Ji 10 ag'-ul I XT. UTWBT KJJHiV :V ' rM ..m-m 50 srHni , rorsaie Dy - , - - I . r "l. AT r.ff, ITEBCBTirEK. T I , anlUKl . v t. 7. a aaul a Mnrth Waiaap art. ' ,v,.;..AiiT rrJ;! r..n Ur'LJiU.O iB , ,'1. 'Wl jYl ; A BPIBlX.CAfilid (Sieigli.t 4 totn.aiaing's man I 7...nMi .a al uociniTKai i p4MiS-lw) A..1S arival iu the btatav .. .a . ... n,.,J ...I, 1 I i'-i i 1 i t .li 1, "if, m " ami L; i Dolita B"ssilanU. ' -i

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